SOFT THINGS a collection of soft elements after covid-19
yijing xin
... ... WHY DO WE NEED ‘SOFT’ ?
Human beings living in the modern world are unbalanced individuals and bear non-identical stresses. Although the breach varies from person to person, objects of soft nature will always be around us and fill in the gaps to soothe our emotions back into balance. From another perspective, not only did we know little about our true selves, the understanding of our innermost feelings is very limited. Hopefully, during this journey of mindfulness, you will be able to capture the substances that have never been noticed or perceived before to stabilize your emotional space and suture the aperture.
During the lockdown, we had very limited physical experience with the outside world. We were confined to our houses, unable to leave our homes, to travel and experience the healing touch of Nature on our mental health.
LAWN Walking with bare feet on the soft earth, cuddling the land with arms and legs wide open and embracing the scent of the grasslands.
Whizzing freely in the wilderness to chase the naughty cheeks of the breeze.
Soft sands joined seawater to prepare a ball for the tiny feet.
The relaxation and pleasure of the senses need to be borne in mind. After the Digital Revolution, we slowly got used to the world presented by electronic devices. The loss of strangeness has also led to a loss of our physical experience. Immersive AR technology has gradually become more and more common, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Leaving the screen brings more of a sense of emptiness.
Body-engagement reduces distance and the separate self/body dissolves through touch. The full significance of touch as an encounter and a merging together of bodies is found in the embrace. Yet the growth of the self (the separate, the different) requires the element of non-distance attained in the unity of the embrace. The Embrace: On the Element of Non-Distance in Human Relations, Z. D. Gurevitch, 1990
EMBRACE Different hugging positions convey different significance.
Hugging with different people also has the different tactile sensations.
is both a physical concept and a human “dimension”.
Physical distance is a projection of psychological distance.
Only when hugging can the other’s body partially merge and unite with one’s own body.
In the age of social media, we focus too much, or maybe everything, on visual appearances that each of us has to “look” like we are all right to the outside world.
BODY Embracing the diversity of body types and understanding different aesthetic states.
CLOUD we focus more on the phenomenon of things and tend to ignore the noumenon.
It looks like a sticky marshmallow, but in reality, it is fog and moisture.
The gap that lies between semblance and reality is the fabrication of social media. The lack of discrimination fails us from telling the truth and untruth. Hopefully, we can all live out our true selves.
In the age of pandemic where everyone is at risk, everyone wants to be hidden away in a soft yet hard ‘shell’. lockdown forces us to withdraw our attention from the troubled outside world, to re-examine ourselves and empty ourselves.
FABRIC Like the cocoon a butterfly weaves for itself, it finds warmth for the lonely heart to rely on.
Like burrowing animals, the city is a cruel wilderness and the room is our lair.
the behaviours we think of as comforting in our daily lives are in fact playing in the function of both ‘healing’ and ‘harmful’.
HAIR The moment when the fingertips brush through the silky hair is filled with ambiguity.
Hair loss trouble is always a curse that cannot be escaped.
FOOD When the body consumes carbohydrates, the brain secretes dopamine, a hormone that makes people feel happy.
However, if too much food is consumed, it can cause adverse reactions and also increase the risk of getting hundreds of diseases.
More and more problems will appear due to the ever-more disrupted society, so are there things that can bring us real positive emotions ? Perhaps we will be more satisfied and calm. If we try to immerse ourselves in life and notice the tiny stuff that we always neglect.
The senses are the bridge that connects us to the world, and they can roam infinitely.
SUN Solar energy is the purest, fastest and lightest energy in the universe.
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power of the sun comes from the nance with the sun’s electrons, ts in the body’s ability to absorb he solar electrons.
PETS Pets fulfil a basic human need for touch. When you are feeling stressed or anxious, petting, cuddling or otherwise touching a favourite animal can quickly calm you.
Stroking pets will help to restore the calmness of the blood pressure. The companionship of a pet can also relieve feelings of loneliness.
VOICE Our ears are sensitive and fragile. as the soft sound swirls round and round in the cochlea, you can feel the breath and the growth.
The sound swirls and sinks in the cochlea as it sorts out the memories that are floating around.
FRAGRANCE Olfactory memories are often the most impressive, a scent can immediately pull you back into the emotions of that exact moment.
The scent can trigger the body’s “rest and digest” response, promoting relaxation.
It’s not personal. it’s also a group Sensory consciousness.