Professional Photography

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Professional Photography Your passion as a business Niko Caignie h7p://

Being a professional photographer …is more than being able to make great photos it’s running a day to day business like every other self employed acCvity. is compeCCon, every day…

Being a professional photographer 1.  Skills: Being able to make the exact photo(s) the customer requires 2.  Network: Create valuable contacts 3.  Service: think, deliver fast & efficient to your client 4.  Tools: Get yourself organized

Skills Â

Skills •  Step out of the lucky snapshot:

Taking nice occasional snapshots is great but try to make the exact image you or the client had in mind, right out of your camera.

•  Post producCon

is giving your photos a final finishing touch not rescuing for example a poorly lighted photo by B&W conversion or something…

•  Focus

Every photographer has one or two items he prefers or is be7er at. Focus on that and disCnct yourself from your compeCtors.

Network Â

Network Search & Create valuable contacts in the area you’re focusing on •  Search Facebook – Twi7er – Linkedin – specialized websites for people in the supply chain of your field of experCse. •  Read subject related magazines, websites, … find interesCng people in there. Try to contact them to show your porWolio •  Always, Always carry your business cards… Always •  Be professional in your communicaCon •  Send regular updates of your work to the acquired contacts. (See tools)

Network Do Projects •  •  •  •

Do long term projects with a regular consistent updates. Same style, theme, subject or approach Short or Long term Alone or With others


Spo7ed By Locals

Help portrait


Network Don’t do freebies If they say: You can use it for your porWolio If they tell you that there might be future opportuniCes If you don’t feel like it!

Network Do Freebies •  •  •  •  •

Do freebies if it’s for one of your projects Do Freebies if you can do it in your own style Do Freebies for people with interesCng network Do freebies for people you care about Do freebies only when you want

Network Fellow photographers are an important network, but not the only one •  Don’t be the photographer’s photographer •  Avoid becoming a gear photographer, having gear is important, not the goal •  Share & split assignments/work among other photographers The karma thing does work: give & take •  Don’t be shy to pass an assignment to a more experienced photographer •  Don’t be to proud to assist another photographer

Network Talk about, your work, vision, goals, projects and a Cny bit about gear. •  Blog •  Facebook •  Twi7er •  …

Servicing Â


Servicing disCncts you from other photographers

Servicing Be Fast •  Send your esCmates asap, mostly your clients are on short noCce projects. Help them out! •  Deliver asap, don’t make a customer wait or ask for the results. •  Be Flexible •  Once delivered and approved by the client send your bill

Servicing Think – Research – Inform -­‐ Find •  Think with your customer, look for piWalls in a project/ producCon and discuss them •  Inform about what the customer wants, not what you think it is. Get a clear briefing so you can make a spot on esCmate. •  Get help from your peers if necessary (network) •  Find soluCons for possible problems (Cming, locaCon, …) •  Think ahead!!

Servicing Communicate Communicate before during and aber a project on Cmings – expectaCons – responsibiliCes.


Tools •  to enhance, opCmize and simplify your work •  to generate a logic and efficient workflow •  @Home and on locaCon (cloud based) •  Tools that serve your clients as well yourself in efficiency.  It’s not about what tools you use, but how you use them…

Tools: Lightroom

Lightroom •  Organize •  Look up •  Archive •  Edit •  Post process


Freshbooks •  Online •  Very Secure •  Easy to use •  Track your customers acCons •  Online payment integraCon •  AutomaCc reminders!! •  Accesible from everywhere

Campaign  Monitor Â

Campaign Monitor •  Easy Use •  Standard or Custom designs •  Track your mailings on open/clicks/… •  Looks professional •  Cheap


Dropbox •  Very easy sharing of big files •  Integrated on PC •  MulCple sync between workstaCons •  Files always with you •  Clients can forward files to other members •  Both open and closed folders

Evernote Â

Evernote •  Easy Use •  Accessible from everywhere… •  Central briefing point •  Mail/twi7er integraCon •  Copy paste briefings…

The End


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