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Mi n i s t e r o f F o r e i g n A f f a i r s o f A lg e r i a v i s i t s R o ma n i a


ROMANIAN DIPLOMATIC BULLETIN A u g u s t - D e c e m b e r

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Romanian delegation AT United Arab Emiratesnational 2 ROMANIAN-ALGERIAN DIALOGUE. Pages 8-9

Prof.dr.Anton Caragea at Kazakhstan See Independence here

KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATED IN ROMANIA. Pages 3-7 Dialogue between Prof.dr.Anton Caragea and H.E. Ambassador of UAE– Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani pages 12-13

Diplomatic Headlines : Romanian delegation visit in Trinidad and Tobago. Page 10.

See here

Visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria in Romania. Pages 8-9. I N ST IT UT E OF I N T ERN AT IO N AL RELAT I O N S AN D ECO N OM I C COO P ERAT I ON O F RO M ANI A G E NE RA L MANA GE R : N I C O LAE N I C OLAE Tel: 021.315.77.30 Fax: 021.315.77.30

Romanian delegation attends United Arab Emirates National Day Celebration. Page 2. Kazakhstan 20 years of independence celebrated in Ro-

Newsletter No.2-2011 Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation

mania. Page 3-7. Dialogue between H.E. Prof.dr.Anton Caragea and H.E. Ambassador Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani .Pages 12-13.



″The visit of the

romanian media delegation in United Arab Emirates is yet another demonstration of the ever deepening ties between Romania and United Arab Emirates in fields of culture, media, economy and political dialogue.″

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Romanian delegation AT United Arab Emirates national day Between 25 November -4 December 2011 a romanian media delegation chaired by professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation, attended the 40-th National Day Celebration of United Arab Emirates in Abu Dhabi, at the invitation of United Arab Emirates National Media Council . Prof.dr. Anton Caragea and Minister of Tourism and Chairman of Organizing Committee for UAE 40-th National Day Celebration: H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoon The presence of a Romanian delegation at United Arab Emirates National Day became a regular event in the last years and a proof of the deepening ties between Romania and United Arab Emirates. The romanian delegation held meetings with: H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan – UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Omar Abdullah, Department of Economic Development of UAE, Central Bank Governor – H.E. Sultan Nasser Al Suwaidi , H.E. Saqr Ghobash, Minister of Labor, H.H. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoon – Chairman of the UAE 40-th National Day Committee , Dr. Sultan Al Jabber CEO- Masdar City , H.E. Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak , General Secretary of Abu Dhabi Environment Agency. Also romanian media delegation attended the open speech and meeting with people of Dubai of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – Vice-President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai and was invited at launch by H.H. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan – Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research at his palace. Beside the dense official meetings program, the Romanian delegation enjoyed a sophisticated cultural program destined to offer a glimpse of United Arab Emirates extraordinary achievements in the latest 40 year of independence. The highlights of the cultural program included a participation at an Omani Classic Music Concert, hosted at Emirates Palace by H.H. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan , a visit to Burj Khalifa –the world tallest building from Dubai , a safari experience of dune traveling , a visit at Zayed University where Prof.dr. Anton Caragea held a dialogue with the students, professors and academic core of the university and a visit at the splendid Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. The visit of the romanian media delegation in United Arab Emirates is yet another demonstration of the ever deepening ties between Romania and United Arab Emirates in fields of culture, media, economy and political dialogue. It is a rare occasion and a friendship declaration when Romanian delegation attend National Day Celebration of another country and this is a supplementary demonstration of the brotherly spirit that unites Romanian and United Arab Emirates( UAE). Finally the Romanian presence on 2 December-the National Day of Emirates is an evidence of Romanian people support for the UAE outstanding achievements and positive model offered to the world, stated prof.dr. Anton Caragea , Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation at the return in Romania.


″Kazakhstan had

succeeded an impressive transformation. This seasoned and sophisticated nation building example will be under scrutiny by the Romanian intellectual elite on 15 November 2011 International Academic Conference: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. PEACE AND CONSTRUCTION.″

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KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATED BY ROMANIA In the short time span of only two decades Kazakhstan had succeeded an impressive transformation into a country that is today the main energy supplier from Central Asia, a renamed military and politic stability supplier for the area and a country with outstanding diplomatic results as the leader of Organization for security and Cooperation in Europe in 2010 and of Islamic conference Organization in 2011. This seasoned and sophisticated nation building example will be under scrutiny by the Romanian intellectual elite on 15 November 2011 International Academic Conference: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. PEACE AND CONSTRUCTION. The Conference hosted and organized by the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania and Kazakhstan Diplomatic Mission in Romania will benefit from the presence of President Ion Iliescu , who 20 years ago signed the diplomatic recognition of Kazakhstan and President Emil Constantinescu who developed Romania- Kazakhstan relationship. Among the prestigious key note speakers we can count: Mr. Catalin Nechifor – VicePresident of Romania-Kazakhstan Parliamentary Friendship Group, Dr. Petru Lificiu, VicePresident of National Energy Agency (ANRE), Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania and Professor Mircea Constantinescu – Director of European Diplomatic Academy of European Council on International Relations etc. The International Academic Conference will also receive special congratulatory message from Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan H.E. Yerzhan Kazykhanov , message delivered by H.E Kairat Aman , Head of Kazakhstan Diplomatic Mission in Romania , other messages will be presented by the Vice-Rector of Romanian Economic Science Academy – Professor Dr. Viorel Lefter and by European Council on International Relations. The International Academic Conference KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE will highlight important moments in the development of Kazakhstan such as: The introduction in exploitation of new gas and oil fields and export of energy towards important areas as: Caucasus, Caspian Sea and Europe that transformed in a few years Kazakhstan in a major source of energy for the emerging economies of Asia and Europe. The courageous decision to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of former Soviet Union army left in the country and to relinquish the production and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, closing down the important Semipalatinsk nuclear research and test site. The declaration of acknowledging the independence and territorial integrity of Kazakhstan , signed by Russia , China , United States of America under the United Nations supervi-


″The International

Academic Conference: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. PEACE AND CONSTRUCTION was the most important conference dedicated to Kazakhstan Independence celebration in European Union and was an example of the interest generated by Kazakhstan on world stage and of brotherly relations between Romania and Kazakhstan.″

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KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF FULFILLED PROMISES—INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE On 15 November 2011 Bucharest, capital of Romania, hosted the International Academic Conference: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. PEACE AND CONSTRUCTION. The Conference was hosted and organized by the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania and Kazakhstan Diplomatic Mission in Romania and had enjoyed the presence of President of Romania Mr. Ion Iliescu and President of Romania Mr. Emil Constantinescu , representatives of Romanian Parliament, Romanian Government and European academics etc. The conference was opened by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania who presented the speech: KAZAKHSTAN - 20 YEARS OF FULFILLED PROMISES, outlining the transformation of Kazakhstan from an energy dependent country into a world energy supplier, a powerful state, with consolidated democracy, market economy, social development and exporter of stability in Central Asia region. The speech of Professor Anton Caragea was fallowed by welcoming remarks of H.E. Kairat Aman , Charge d`Affairs of Kazakhstan Mission, who presented the astonishing accomplishments of Kazakhstan in reaching economic development , social and cultural enlightenment of his population and constructing a powerful democracy based on people consensus . Professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania (1996-2000), presented a report entitled: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. 20 YEARS OF DEMOCRATIC CONSTRUCTION emphasizing the democratic credential of Kazakhstan , the success of holding free and fair elections, constructing a powerful civil society at the highest democratic standards. Mr. Ion Iliescu, President of Romania (1990-1996; 2000-2004) had presented a report titled: KAZAKHSTAN AND WORLD ECONOMY GLOBALIZATION. The report is pressing on the impressive successes of Kazakhstan in the last 20 years: reconstructing Silk Road in transport and energy supplies lines, in promoting regional economic cooperation and in developing social and cultural status of people of Kazakhstan. President Nursultan Nazarbaev has constructing a powerful and successful Kazakhstan, that everybody could be proud, concluded President Ion Iliescu. The other speeches where held by Catalin Nechifor , member of Romanian Parliament and VicePresident of Romania –Kazakhstan Friendship Parliamentary Group and by Dr. Mircea Constantinescu- Director of European Diplomatic Academy of European Council on International Relations. The two key note speeches had reflected the astonishing successes of Kazakhstan latest 20 years of independence : democracy, development , high standard of living , security and promoting international cooperation via international organization presided by Kazakhstan such as: Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (2010) and Organization of Islamic Conference (2011). The impressive academic manifestation had enjoyed a large presence of Diplomatic Corp accredited in Romania, mass media organizations and over 500 academics from Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation , Romanian Academy of Sciences , European Council on International Relations , Romanian Academy of Economic Science, European Diplomatic Academy etc. The International Academic Conference: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. PEACE AND CONSTRUCTION was the most important conference dedicated to Kazakhstan Independence celebration in European Union and was an example of the interest generated by Kazakhstan on world stage and of brotherly relations between Romania and Kazakhstan..


″Today, 20 years after,

Kazakhstan is part of all important world and European energetic projects and the dream of President Nursultan Nazarbaev was fulfilled.″says prof.dr.Anton Caragea –IRICE Director

″We can only hearty

and once again congratulate Kazakhstan and the Kazakh people on the anniversary of 20 years if independence, for the great achievements in all areas of activity, to congratulate them for the important and active role as chairman of O.S.C.E., wishing at the same time a successful activity in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ″ says prof.dr.Mircea Constantinescu

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Kazakhstan : a model of nation building by prof.dr.Anton Caragea When on 16 December 1991, President Nursultan Nazarbaev had proclaimed the Law on State Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan, few could suspect that a road of 20 years of successes on national building was opened. The beginning`s where difficult. The economic establishment of Soviet Union was build on interdependence principle , accordingly to it, no country members of Soviet Union could host on his territory the industrial and economic factories necessary for an independent life. Despite being confronted with such insurmountable difficulties, the national building had started rapidly , Kazakhstan had commence building economic relations with former Soviet Union states and also had open his economy to foreign investments and economic cooperation with all the countries in the world. Introducing in exploitation new oil and gas fields and exporting energy products towards other areas as Caucasus, Caspian Sea and by Black Sea towards Europe had transformed in only a few years, Kazakhstan in the main energy supplier for emerging Asian economy and for European economies. Today, 20 years after, Kazakhstan is part of all important world and European energetic projects and the dream of President Nursultan Nazarbaev was fulfilled.

Kazakhstan:20 YEaR`S OF INDEPENDENCE. 20 YEARS OF PROGRESS BY prof.dr.mircea constantinescu In February 2010, the European Diplomatic Academy organized the conference ”Kazakhstan – The Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe”, conference honoured by the presence and participation of their Excellencies, president Ion Iliescu and president Emil Constantinescu. This conference underlined (marked) an important step of the evolution of friendship and collaboration relationship between Romania and Kazakhstan. It was also a Romania’s token of appreciation, trust and support for Kazakhstan in its new quality of chairmanship of O.S.C.E(…..)we can only hearty and once again congratulate Kazakhstan and the Kazakh people on the anniversary of 20 years if independence, for the great achievements in all areas of activity, to congratulate them for the important and active role as chairman of O.S.C.E., wishing at the same time a successful activity in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.


″ we must emphasize

the democratic credential of Kazakhstan , the success of holding free and fair elections, constructing a powerful civil society at the highest democratic .″says Emil ConstantinescuPresident of Romania (1996-2000) ″President Nursultan

Nazarbaev has constructing a powerful and successful Kazakhstan, that everybody could be proud ″ says Ion Iliescu– President of Romania ( 1990-1996; 200-2004) ″Kazakhstan has

reached economic development , social and cultural enlightenment of his population and constructing a powerful democracy based on people consensus″ say`s Kairat AmanKazakhstan Charge d`Affairs

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Kazakhstan: 20 yEARS OF INDEPENDENCE.20 YEARS OF DEMOCRATIC CONSTRUCTION by president EMIL CONSTANTINESCU Professor Dr. Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania (1996-2000), presented a report entitled: KAZAKHSTAN 20 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE. 20 YEARS OF DEMOCRATIC CONSTRUCTION emphasizing the democratic credential of Kazakhstan , the success of holding free and fair elections, constructing a powerful civil society at the highest democratic standards.

Kazakhstan AND WORLD ECONOMY GLOBALIZATION by president ION ILIESCU Mr. Ion Iliescu, President of Romania (19901996; 2000-2004) had presented a report titled: KAZAKHSTAN AND WORLD ECONOMY GLOBALIZATION. The report is pressing on the impressive successes of Kazakhstan in the last 20 years: reconstructing Silk Road in transport and energy supplies lines, in promoting regional economic cooperation and in developing social and cultural status of people of Kazakhstan. President Nursultan Nazarbaev has constructing a powerful and successful Kazakhstan, that everybody could be proud, concluded President Ion Iliescu.

Kazakhstan:20 YEaR`S OF INDEPENDENCE. BY KAIRAT AMAN– KAZAKHSTAN CHARGE D`AFFAIRS H.E. Kairat Aman , Charge d`Affairs of Kazakhstan Mission, presented the astonishing accomplishments of Kazakhstan in reaching economic development , social and cultural enlightenment of his population and constructing a powerful democracy based on people consensus .outlining the transformation of Kazakhstan from an energy dependent country into a world energy supplier, a powerful state, with consolidated democracy, market economy, social development and exporter of stability in Central Asia region.


″We overcame the crisis,

which shook the world, and bravely stepped onto a straight path of development. I have never had more happiness than to serve the interests of my country and welfare of my motherland. We still have a lot of work. Our most important value in this path is our cohesive sure that large-hearted people of my country who value unity will become a strong and prosperous nation. I wish you all a great success in your noble work towards wellbeing in the interests of the country! ″saysH.E. President Nursultan Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan

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Address of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev State-of-the nation address of Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev - SELECTIONSThis year is especially valuable for us. We have approached the 20th anniversary of our independence. We have conquered significant tops along this way, which led dependent people to independent days of present time. As you remember, in 1997, in my first address to the people of Kazakhstan, I said: “By 2030, our next generations will live in a country which would not be left in the wayside of global events”. At that time, there were many people who were doubtful about these words. However, we have achieved this desired goal not in 33, but in twelve years! The Summit, recently held in Astana, convened the heads of the 56 states and governments and is an outstanding evidence of this. And even before this major and glorious achievement, we have reached many goals. We have become one of the three states in the world, which convened its compatriots, “scattered as millet” in different times of history. In these years, more than 800,000 compatriots came back from foreign states and the number of population increased by one and a half million. We have built a beautiful and prosperous Astana in the wide steppe of SaryArka. We have established the capital, which became the symbol of our dynamic development, on the banks of Yessil River. Only the nation which lives in harmony and understanding will reach the fruitful future. Today, Kazakhstan’s international reserves are about 60 billion USD..Prosperity requires cooperation, and unity is the token of wealth. In the years of independence, more than 120 billion USD in foreign investment were attracted in the economy of our country. We also export more than 200 kinds of products to 126 countries of the world. Today, one third of the national wealth is created by small and medium-sized businesses. The agricultural sector is also developing. In 2010, the GDP increased by 7 percent, industrial production – by 10 percent, while the growth in manufacturing industries reached 19 percent. An average monthly salary increased from 53,000 in 2007 to 80,000 tenge (KZT) in 2010. In terms of the national wellbeing, last year Kazakhstan made 26 steps forward and took the 50th place among 110 countries. Overall, an average monthly salary increased by 5.5 times and the average pension increased fourfold. We overcame the crisis, which shook the world, and bravely stepped onto a straight path of development. I have never had more happiness than to serve the interests of my country and welfare of my motherland. We still have a lot of work. Our most important value in this path is our cohesive unity. I am sure that large-hearted people of my country who value unity will become a strong and prosperous nation. There is a wise folk saying: “If the country has a blessing there will be wellbeing and its direction will be right”. In this address, we summed up the results of the work, which had been done during a glorious stage and outlined a direction for the future. I wish you all a great success in your noble work towards wellbeing in the interests of the country! Let our noble activities, which brought us to these glorious days, be blessed, dear compatriots!


″The visit,

perfect realized by the efforts of Algerian Embassy staff in Romania, headed by the dedicated ambassador Habib Chawki Hamraoui, was an outstanding success in perfecting romanianalgerian dialogue and in reshaping the traditional friendship between Romania and Algeria.″

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THE VISIT OF MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ALGERIA – MOURAD MEDELCI IN ROMANIA Between 22-23 November 2011 was taking place the visit in Romania of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria H.E. Mourad Medelci.. The visit, perfect realized by the efforts of Algerian Embassy staff in Romania, headed by the dedicated ambassador Habib Chawki Hamraoui, was an outstanding success in perfecting romanian-algerian dialogue and in reshaping the traditional friendship between Romania and Algeria. The dens program of the visit included a productive dialogue with Romanian prime-minister Emil Boc , a meeting with Romanian minister of Foreign Affairs –Theodor Bachonski ,a dialogue with professor dr. Anton Caragea and the board of director`s of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania ,attending the inauguration of the new premises of Algerian Embassy in Romania , the opening of Romania-Algeria Economic and Business Forum, attending a working launch with Mr. Emil Constantinescu , President of Romania ( 1996-2000) and prof.dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania. At the Economic and Business Forum Romania-Algeria, the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania had sent a 25 members strong economic delegation, headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and representing investors and important economic firms from Romania with a combined economic powered over 400 millions euro`s.The Romania-Algeria Economic and Business Forum was unanimously considered as an impressive success because is the first major economic forum between Romania and North Africa region held in the last 10 years and also the first successful romanian-arab economic forum held in the last decade. Was also generally praised the invitation launched at the Romania-Algeria Economic and Business Forum by H.E. Mourad Medelci – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria: “We wish

to resume our bilateral relations, in a constructive spirit, and ground them on development and cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, civilian and military cooperation, cultural cooperation. (…) The financial situations of our country allow us to fund, from our country’s budget, a five-year program (2010-2014) worth 280 billion dollars. This context is favorable and I would like to stress that in the framework of this programme, Romanian firms have already proved their competence in fields like constructions, hydraulic infrastructure and education. Therefore there is real potential for development and cooperation between the two states,” said the head of the Algerian diplomacy. After the Romania-Algeria Economic and Business Forum a dialogue was held between Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria- H.E. Mourad Medelci and Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania. On the time of the discussion an honest assessment of the situation from Middle East and North Africa region was made and also a discussion about the ripple effects in the region had taken place. H.E. Minister Mourad Medelci had declared that the analyses of prof.dr.Anton Caragea over the events in the region ( continuation on next page )


″The visit,

perfect realized by the efforts of Algerian Embassy staff in Romania, headed by the dedicated ambassador Habib Chawki Hamraoui, was an outstanding success in perfecting romanianalgerian dialogue and in reshaping the traditional friendship between Romania and Algeria.″

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THE VISIT OF MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ALGERIA – MOURAD MEDELCI IN ROMANIA ..( continuation from previous page ) .are read, analyzed and highly appreciated in Alger and are given all the importance. After the discussion, a launch honoring Romania-Algeria friendship, in the company of H.E. President of Romania Emil Constantinescu (1996-2000) and the architect of this successful visit, Algerian Ambassador Habib Chawki Hamraoui was held. Over 100 guests from cultural , academic and economy fields where present at the launch together with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria- H.E. Mourad Medelci and Professor dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Ambassador of Algeria in Romania – Habib Chawki Hamraoui The extraordinary achievements in bilateral relation Romania-Algeria obtained by the visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria- H.E. Mourad Medelci are a testimony of the efficacy of hard work realized by tireless Ambassador of Algeria : Habib Chawki Hamraoui had declared for press at the end of the working launch professor dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Ambassador of Algeria in Romania – Habib Chawki Hamraoui


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″The visit has

concluded with an official meeting of Romanian delegation with Prime Minister Kamla Parshad Bissessar, the main political figure of the island. Prime minister stressed the importance of the first high level talks between Romania and Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and important agreements reached by the parties and praised Romania visionary decision of supporting Trinidad and Tobago international candidature″

Between 15 and 23 October 2011 a six member delegation from Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation (IRICE) headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, director of IRICE had paid an official visit in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.The Romanian delegation was invited to attend the World Travel Award Ceremony held in Port of Spain, where Trinidad and Tobago received the title of Best Destination for 2012. Romania had being instrumental in awarding this title and the right to organize this International Tourism Festival and Prime Minister Kamla Pershad Bissessar had publicly expressed appreciation for professor Anton Caragea vote, as Romanian representative, in favor of Trinidad and Tobago.The Romanian delegation held talks on developing relations on tourism, industry and culture with Republic of Trinidad and Tobago with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Tourism – Rupert Griffith, Minister of Trade and Industry, Minister of Energy, President of Parliament of Tobago-Hon. Orville London and Minister of Science and Technology–Senator Fazal Karim etc.The agreements reached varied from: the announcement of visa requirements being lifted for all type of passports and all type of travel for Romanian citizens for a stay of 90 days, agreements for jointly established post university courses on diplomacy and tourism and agreements on tourism cooperation and on mutual investment protection.On the side line of the official meetings professor Anton Caragea meet General Manager Russell George of Hyatt Hotel Chains discussing ways for fostering tourism investment of Hyatt in Romania.The Romanian delegation had also an impressive cultural program including touring the islands of Trinidad and Tobago , fort George , Mount George , Rain Forest Reserve, Maracas Beach etc. and participating in Divali Festival official opening etc. The visit has concluded with an official meeting of Romanian delegation with Prime Minister Kamla Parshad Bissessar, the main political figure of the island. Prime minister stressed the importance of the first high level talks between Romania and Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and important agreements reached by the parties and praised Romania visionary decision of supporting Trinidad and Tobago international candidature.In his response Professor Dr. Anton Caragea highlighted the impressive development of Trinidad and Tobago in tourism industry, economic sustainable development and energy market regulation. Trinidad and Tobago is a safe country, democratically advanced and an interesting market for investments and Romania is glad to have a strong partner on the other side of the Atlantic . The visit was an important diplomatic success in Romania desire to foster relations with the nations of South America region and was the first high level visit in the latest 10 years in a South American country.


″Professor Dr. Anton

Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania had expressed his gratitude for the impressive welcoming organized for Romanian delegation and appreciated that Tajikistan had succeeded in overcome the economic crisis, to build impressive energy projects such Rogun hydropower plant and to be a supplier of security and stability in the region and an example in the region.″

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ROMANIAN DELEGATION VISIT TAJIKISTAN Between 24-30 August 2011 a delegation of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania, headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea was invited for an official working visit by the Government of Republic of Tajikistan. The visit had being concentrated on developing the bilateral RomaniaTajikistan relation and it was the first ever invitation addressed by Tajikistan authorities in the last 20 years for a Romanian delegation , a moment that was considered as historical in developing the relation between the two countries. In the framework of dialogue where included subjects such as : tourism and transport cooperation, supporting hydro-energy sector development in Tajikistan with instructors, specialists and Romanian material , taking in consideration the extensive Romanian experience in the field . Other discussion where held on topics like: opening in Romania of a branch of National Bank of Tajikistan , tajik investments in tourism sectors in Romania , import of alumina from TALCO factory –the biggest alumina factory in Tajikistan . Romanian delegation headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania was received in official audience by H.E. President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan. The president of Tajikistan had mentioned that his country is in a moment of economic development, social development and democratic construction, that makes Tajikistan to be interested in economic and political cooperation with other countries and Romania is a privileged partner in Europe. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania had expressed his gratitude for the impressive welcoming organized for Romanian delegation and appreciated that Tajikistan had succeeded in overcome the economic crisis, to build impressive energy projects such Rogun hydropower plant and to be a supplier of security and stability in the region and an example in the region. In the framework of discussion held at Ministry of Foreign affairs of Tajikistan with Minister Hamrokhon Zarifi the parties had agreed of a calendar of concrete cultural and academic exchanges program for 2011-2012 and set up the details for a Bilateral Economic Forum and a Tajikistan-Romania Chamber of Commerce. The delegation headed by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea also sustained detailed and fruitful discussion and finalized agreements with Minister of Energy and Industry Mr. Sherali Gul , Minister of Investments , Minister of Tourism and Sport Mr. M . Nematov and Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Mr. Farukh Hamraliev. In the visit program, a consistent cultural interlude was provided to Romanian delegation, including visits to Hissar Fortress (UNESCO Heritage site- XI century), cities of Tursunzade, Kulyab, and Monuments dedicated to Great poet Mir Said Homodoni and Hulbur Fortress. Concluding the visit, in a press conference, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , Director of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania had appreciated that Tajikistan is offering to the world an example of an economy in full development , with impressive hydro power projects like Rogun that will benefit the all Central Asia region and beyond, with plans to exploits ore and precious stones mining fields that will make Tajikistan an attractive economy in full development , key elements that are underlined by a democratic and stabile political climate. The future of Tajikistan is bright, if it continuing on the same path of President Emomali Rahmon vision of prosperity and development and of respects toward culture and civilization, had concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea .


″United Arab

Emirates in there unification action, now 40 year old, have registered achievements that transformed the state and society in order to enter into XXI century with the capacity to face challenges and opportunities ″says H.E. Ambassador Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani

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United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social development in the last 40 years declares H.E. Ambassador Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D, MA, FINS

United Arab Emirates are celebrating on 2 December the National Day and the 40 year anniversary. How is your Excellency explaining the amazing development of United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) in such a short period of time, United Arab Emirates are enjoying today one of the world highest and sophisticated life standards of living and also enjoy a powerful economy and democratic society. How it was all possible in such a short time? United Arab Emirates in there unification action, now 40 year old, have registered achievements that transformed the state and society in order to enter into XXI century with the capacity to face challenges and opportunities of this century and in the same time they wanted to offer a permanent stimulus for their citizens to have more capacity and achievements and to ensure to future generation a decent life and stability. Off course, the United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social development and we have being able to build a powerful institutional life, with an important degree of openness in society. All this had characterized the development process and the spirit of tolerance , that prevail in every sector of society in U.A.E. Also we have important ingredients: as a strong spiritual life that enrich the bases of our experience and put our country in a special place , not only in regional level, but also at world level. Indeed United Arab Emirates are undergoing from a long period of time a process of new development that transformed us in a center for international trade and finance. Also we are living a new parliamentary experience in the true meaning of the word , that completely correspond to national standard . On the other hand the success obtained at national level would not be possible without the wisdom of our foreign policy that facilitates reaching these goals. Transforming Emirates into an economic center of the world would not be possible to explain only by one decision , but as a result of long term plans and efforts. These efforts were not merely economic construction but included infrastructure, quality service, social development, including also human capital development by training and a legislative and judicial environment in accordance with our economic and social global development. From here results that United Arab Emirates positioning on world economy map is not temporary or based on an economic conjecture , but is the result of a continuous effort. In this development process where involved many economic and financial institution that build on solid foundation that overcome the economic crisis that is confronting today the world economy


What is today situation on United Arab Emirates and what are the future development plans for United Arab Emirates? There is no question that U.A.E. have great achievements in the last time but we are continuing the efforts for future development. From this reason the state is working constant in developing process ( continuation on next page)..


″United Arab

Emirates are an important actor on world economy stage and is world renamed for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership.for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership. On this occasion I invite our Romanian friends to visit United Arab Emirates and to observe the realizations achieved in this 40 year old road ″ says H.E. Ambassador Yacoub Yousef Al Hosani

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United Arab Emirates came a long way in economic and social development in the last 40 years declares H.E. Ambassador Yacub Yousif Al Hosani in dialogue with Professor Anton Caragea Ph.D, MA, FINS , so that we could face any regional or international fluctuation or event`s . Today we are at the beginning of a new stage that will aloud our citizens to obtained all the necessary information’s and to have more power to integrate all the citizens in all the institution of the state ( cultural, mass media , economic, education ) in order to better contribute to our nation building . In this anniversary moment of 40 years from our National Foundation Day our hopes regarding our sate are limitless and our government aspiration for his citizens are also without limitation and we are aspiring for a bright future. We shell enter a new era that reflects ambitious visions and careful planning for future generations under the wise leadership of His Highness President of State and his Vice-President that are fallowing on the footsteps of SHEIKH ZAYED bin SULTAN AL NAHAYAN , the founder and father of United Arab Emirates, Allah grant peace to his soul.

Your Excellency how you will describe the Romanian- Emirates relationship? Our bilateral relations are old and full of diplomatic interactions on different levels. The diplomatic relations begin at 1.08.1989. Also the relations are substantiated by reciprocal high level visits in the last years that contributed to developing friendship and cooperation between our countries. United Arab Emirates are having a high development experience and a high appreciation on world economic organizations and this is making bilateral relations easier. Also because Romania is among European countries interested in regional relations in general and in relations with United Arab Emirates, in special this is important in developing relations in all fields, and in 2008 the total commercial exchange reached 522 million dollars. Doubling this amount in the last five years is by itself a clear indicator on the dynamic that characterized our bilateral relations.

Your Excellency what are your future plans in developing relations between Romania and United Arab Emirates on politic, economic and cultural level? United Arab Emirates by His Highness SHEIKH KHALIFA bin ZAYED AL NAHAYAN directives are programming to develop relations of friendship and mutual beneficial cooperation with Romania and is a shared desire to extend our cooperation prospective on the benefit of our two countries and we will concentrate on ways to consolidate our bilateral relations and ways to increase our exchanges in various fields of activity on the firm intention of satisfying reciprocal interest for the future. The most important is the Mix Ministerial Commission that contributes to development in bilateral cooperation in a practical and coherent way. I hope in the nearest future we will increase our cooperation in mutual benefit to serve our goals and ambition on economic development with a focus on tourism and investments.

What is your Excellency message for Romanian readers on the occasion of United Arab Emirates National Day? United Arab Emirates are an important actor on world economy stage and is world renamed for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership.for international tourism as a much appreciated destination as a results of our wise leadership. On this occasion I invite our Romanian friends to visit United Arab Emirates and to observe the realizations achieved in this 40 year old road.


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