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Ecriture d’Ouvrages

«Maroc-Corée, Frères de Sang » est le titre de l’ouvrage commun édité par l’Ambassade de Corée et la Fondation Diplomatique, présentant un volet oublié de notre histoire partagée: la participation de soldats marocains, partis combattre à la Guerre de Corée, au sein de la première force d’interposition des Nations Unies. Au cours des recherches, dans les archives militaires, dans les registres de naissance et de mariage, dans les comptes-rendus des batailles et des certificats de décès, au détour des cimetières militaires, les auteurs ont retrouvé les traces et le parcours tragique de 21 soldats marocains.

“Morocco-Korea, Blood Brothers” is the title of the joint work published by the Korean Embassy and the Diplomatic Foundation, presenting a forgotten part of our shared history: the participation of Moroccan soldiers, who left to fight in the War of Korea, as part of the first United Nations interposition force. During research, in military archives, in birth and marriage registers, in reports of battles and death certificates, at the bend of military cemeteries, the authors found the traces and the tragic journey of 21 Moroccan soldiers.

Nadia Bouaida

Présidente de la Commission des Affaires étrangères, de la défense nationale, des affaires islamiques et des MRE à la Chambre des Représentants

President of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Islamic Affairs and MRE at the House of Representatives been able to seize various opportunities to salute this active brotherhood and proclaim the sincere and solid solidarity that binds Morocco to these different African states. Aiming to achieve this strategic objective, Morocco is continuing its efforts to strengthen its bilateral relations with all southern partners, in order to contribute to the long-awaited take-off of this part of the planet. At the end of this meeting organized in the presence of many foreign Ambassadors accredited to Morocco, it therefore seems more than appropriate today to amply hope that these links will be further consolidated.

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