AFGHANISTAN His Ex. Mohammad Hassan Soroosh Yousufzai Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 240 Argyle St. Ottawa, Ont. K2P 1B9 613-563-4223 FAX 613-563-4962 contact@afghanemb-canada.net www.afghanemb-canada.net
AZERBAIJAN Mr. Fouad Aliyev Chargé d’affaires Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan 275 Slater St., Suite 1203 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5H9 613-288-0497 FAX 613-230-8089 azerbaijan@azembassy.ca www.azembassy.ca
ALBANIA His Ex. Ermal Muça Embassy of the Republic of Albania 130 Albert St., Suite 302 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5G4 613-236-4114 FAX 613-236-0804 embassy.ottawa@mfa.gov.al
BAHAMAS His Ex. Alfred Kenneth Russell Bahamas High Commission 99 Bank St., Suite 415 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6B9 613-232-1724 FAX 613-232-0097 Ottawa-mission@bahighco.com
ALGERIA His Ex. Larbi El Hadj Ali Embassy of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria 500 Wilbrod St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N2 613-789-8505 FAX 613-789-1406 info@embassyalgeria.ca ambalgcan@rogers.com www.ambalgott.com
BANGLADESH His Ex. Khalilur Rahman High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 350 Sparks St., Suite 1100 Ottawa, Ont., K1R 7S8 613-236-0138 FAX 613-567-3213 Mission-ottawa@mofa.gov.bd www.bdhc.org
ARGENTINA Her Ex. Josefina Martinez Gramuglia Embassy of the Argentine Republic 81 Metcalfe St. 7th floor Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6K7 613-236-2351 FAX 613-235-2659 ecana@mrecic.gov.ar www.ecana.mrecic.gob.ar ARMENIA Her Ex. Anahit Harutyunyan Embassy of the Republic of Armenia 7 Delaware Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K2P 0Z2 613-234-3710 FAX 613-234-3444 armcanadaembassy@mfa.am www.armembassycanada.ca AUSTRALIA Her Ex. Natasha Smith Australian High Commission 50 O’Connor St., Suite 710 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2 613-236-0841 FAX 786-7621 www.canada.embassy.gov.au AUSTRIA Her Ex. Sylvia Meier-Kajbic Embassy of the Republic of Austria 445 Wilbrod St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6M7 613-789-1444 FAX 613-789-3431 ottawa-ob@bmeia.gv.at www.austro.org
BARBADOS His Ex. Gline Arley Clarke High Commission for Barbados 55 Metcalfe St., Suite 470 Ottawa, Ont., K1P 6L5 613-236-9517 FAX 613-230-4362 ottawa@foreign.gov.bb www.bahamas.com BELARUS Mr. Evgeny Russak Chargé d’affaires Embassy of the Republic of Belarus 130 Albert St., Suite 600 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5G4 613-233-9994 FAX 613-233-8500 canada@mfa.gov.by/ca consul@mfa.gov.by BELGIUM His Ex. Patrick Van Gheel Embassy of Belgium 360 Albert St., Suite 820 Ottawa, Ont. K1R 7X7 613-236-7267 FAX 613-236-7882 ottawa@diplobel.fed.be www.diplomatie.be/ottawa BENIN Embassy of the Republic of Benin 470 Somerset St. W. Ottawa, Ont. K1R 5J8 613-233-4429 FAX 613-233-8952 Amba.benin@yahoo.ca
BOLIVIA Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia 130 Albert St., Suite 416 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 5G4 613-236-5730 FAX 613-236-8237 bolivia@boliviaembassy.ca www.emboliviacanada.com
CHAD His Ex. Mahamat Ali Adoum Embassy of the Republic of Chad 350 Sparks St., Suite 802 Ottawa, Ont. K1R 7S8 613-680-3322 / 613-421-1189 FAX 613-695-6622 info@chadembassy.ca www.chadembassy.ca
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA His Ex. Marko Milisav Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina 17 Blackburn Ave., Ottawa, Ont., K1N 8A2 613-236-0028 FAX 613-236-1139 Email: info@bhembassy.ca www.ambasadabih.ca
CHILE His Ex. Raúl Eduardo Fernández Embassy of the Republic of Chile 50 O’Connor St., Suite 1413 Ottawa, Ont. K1P 6L2 613-235-9940 FAX 613-235-1176 icaceres@minrel.gob.cl www.chile.ca
BRAZIL His Ex. Pedro Henrique Lopes Borio Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil 450 Wilbrod St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6M8 613-237-1090 FAX 613-237-6144 brasemb.ottawa@itamaraty.gov.br
CHINA His Ex. Peiwu Cong Embassy of the People’s Republic of China 515 St. Patrick St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5H3 613-789-3434 FAX 613-789-1911 Chinesembassy.ca@gmail.com ca.china-embassy.org
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM His Ex. PG Kamal Bashah PG Ahmad High Commission for Brunei Darussalam 395 Laurier Ave. E. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6R4 613-234-5656 FAX 613-234-4397 bhco@bellnet.ca
COLOMBIA His Ex. Jorge Londono Embassy of the Republic of Colombia 360 Albert St., Suite 1002 Ottawa, Ont. K1R 7X7 613-230-3760 FAX 613-230-4416 ecanada@cancilleria.gov.co
BULGARIA Her Ex. Svetlana StoychevaEtropolski Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria 325 Stewart St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6K5 613-789-3215 FAX 613-789-3524 embgottawa@hotmail.com
CONGO His Ex. Roger Julien Menga Embassy of the Republic of the Congo info@ambacongo-us.org CONGO (D.R.) Embassy of the DRC 18 Range Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 8J3 613-230-6582 FAX 613-230-1945 ambardcongocan@rogers.com
BURKINA FASO His Ex. Athanase Boudo Embassy of Burkina Faso 48 Range Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 8J4 613-238-4796 FAX 613-238-3812 burkina.faso@sympatico.ca www.ambaburkina-canada.org
COSTA RICA His Ex. Mauricio Ortiz Ortiz Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica 350 Sparks St., Suite 701 Ottawa, ON, K1R 7S8 613-562-2855 FAX 613-562-2582 embcr-ca@rree.go.cr www.costaricaembassy.com
CAMEROON High Commission for the Republic of Cameroon 170 Clemow Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1S 2B4 613-236-1522 FAX 613-236-3885 cameroon@rogers.com/ camerouin@gmail.com www.hc-cameroon-ottawa.org
CÔTE D’IVOIRE His Ex. Bafetigue Ouattara Embassy of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire 9 Marlborough Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 8E6 613-236-9919 FAX 613-563-8287 ambci.info@rogers.com www.ambaci-ottawa.org
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