Direct Driller Magazine Issue 15

Page 24



JOHN PAWSEY I am currently bathing in post-harvest bliss. I haven’t actually been through our results in detail yet but I am aware of the general highs and lows. With twelve months of observation of what has looked good and what could have looked better, I am hatching a plan for harvest 2022. September is my favourite month of the year; I get to have another go. The slate has been wiped and I have a new piece of white chalk.

So, the last twelve months? Harvest 2021 gave us our first crop of oilseed rape on the farm since we converted our last piece of land to organic in 2007, and apart from annoying a group of organic oilseed rape growing Scottish farmers, claiming that I had grown the first crop of organic rape in the UK ever, it went far better than expected. Not so for my pioneering claim which suffered national protestation on social media, forcing me to limit my assertion to, “I have grown the first ever crop of organic oilseed rape in the village of Shimpling, Suffolk”. I felt it best to name the county as there is a Shimpling in Norfolk where the residents share a single eyebrow and everyone is terribly closely related and you really don’t want to piss them off. To say that the whole crop was a success would be a lie as there were areas of pigeon damage on a former World War 2 runway where topsoil is non-existent and other areas where the companion crop of Berseem clover forgot that it was supposed to be frost intolerant and climbed out of the top of the crop. Fenugreek was also in the mix but didn’t really make much of an appearance. In the bits of the field that we did have a decent crop it yielded around two tonnes to the hectare which has given me the courage to have another go. Last year’s crop was planted in midAugust and had no inputs whereas our recent planting has had 7t/ha of dried digestate from British Sugar and has companions of Kora Buckwheat and Tabor Berseem clover.


Ideally, I would like to cold press the crop on the farm and become a millionaire by Christmas 2022. We had proper success with combining cover cropping with a non-inversion tillage trial. I took a sixteen hectare field and drilled a cover crop (brassicas and clovers) on one half and let the other regenerate with the diversity of weeds that we have managed to collect over the last twenty years with no herbicides, channelling the Newman Turner approach that,“The weed is your friend”. The Newman side really went for it and produced a staggeringly impressive range of the thistle and dock family as well as a brilliant display of charlock. All was on show for my neighbours from the major A road that dissects the farm. To hide my blushes, the natural regeneration and cover crop were grazed by sheep over the winter and then lightly cultivated in a frost in early February and then sown with spring oats at the end of that month. During the subsequent months the line between the two trials became increasingly impressive. Firstly, the apparent increased vigour from the cover crop side and the subsequent extra tonne in yield at harvest, but equally as magnificent the flocks of “Small brown jobs” on the Newman Turner side, feasting on the thistle seeds and the inevitable disappointing results in the combine tank. I’m not sure if you know this but historically young thistle shoots, stripped of their spines, were added to salads and the flower heads were used like artichokes? Yet another product, along with the organic oilseed rape oil, that could be sold in the virtual Shimpling Park farm shop furthering my ascent up the ladder of a well-known broadsheet’s rich list. That opportunity aside, buoyed by the evident weed suppression and fertility building, both factors contributing equally to the yield increase, we are repeating the trial on a much larger scale this year, fuelling our journey to divert our attention from the plough as a weed management tool.


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Articles inside

Farmer Focus - Chris Hollingsworth

page 96

Where to Buy

pages 94-95

What do you Read?

pages 97-100

The Plant Microbiome

pages 92-93

Practical Soil Biology

pages 90-91

Does Grazing effect Crop Yields

pages 88-89

Miscanthus Finance

page 87

What can you Control

page 80

The Unlevel Playing Field of Grain

pages 78-79

Farmer Focus - David White

pages 72-73

6 Steps to Successful Research

pages 62-67

Help Preserve Ancient Meadows

pages 68-71

Industrial Hemp

pages 58-61

Proposing a Solution

pages 54-57

Impressive Yields from new Varieties

pages 52-53

Groundswell 2021

pages 32-39

Getting Paid for Carbon

pages 26-29

What we can't see

pages 18-23

Solid Science into Biological Farming

pages 13-17

Farmer Focus - John Pawsey

pages 24-25

Agroforestry: Learning from four Pioneers

pages 9-12

Featured Farmer - Ed Reynolds

pages 6-7

Farmer Focus - Clive Bailye

pages 30-31

Blackgrass Control

page 8
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