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As firms reopen and employees return to the office and once again use shared devices, employers and employees are faced with how to perform these necessary functions while limiting interaction with the control surfaces of frequently used devices. Fortunately, there are mobile device applications that can provide a touchless way to carry out those tasks. As we provide an agnostic solutions, we will address your needs and recommend a brand which is best suited for your office.

Today’s shared printers and copiers are endpoints on an organization’s network. Using a Wi-Fi connection and the appropriate app on a worker’s smartphone or tablet, any document stored on the mobile device or in a cloud storage service can be sent to a network printing device just as if it was sent from a networked PC. In today’s security-conscious world, though, it’s common for IT departments to control network device access by requiring employees to authenticate themselves before releasing a print or scanning a document. Historically, this involved entering a passcode or PIN, which meant the worker still needed to touch the device’s control panel.