Self Cure Your Allergies Would you like to be able to cure your own allergies? Would you like to be able to throw away those prescriptions and treatments? Would you like to stop the itchy noses and headaches? And would you like for once to get a good night’s sleep? Most of us are led to believe that once you are a sufferer from an allergy, then you are a sufferer for life. Well that is in fact not entirely true.
W hat is an Allergy? The topic of allergies has become routine in our lives, and certainly most everyone has an idea of what an allergy is. Allergies are so common a subject in fact, it seems acceptable to discuss your allergies at a cocktail party with strangers. An allergy is an abnormal reaction by a person's immune system against a normally harmless substance. A person without allergies would have no reaction to this substance, but when a person who is allergic encounters the trigger, the body reacts by releasing chemicals which cause allergy symptoms. Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. There are many different types of allergens, but three of the most common are pollen, dust mites and nuts. Allergic reactions can cause a range of symptoms. Some can be quite mild, and some are more serious. An allergy develops when an allergen triggers the immune system, the body's natural defence against germs and viruses. The immune system wrongly recognises the allergen to be a threat, and releases chemicals called antibodies to destroy it. It is the release of antibodies that causes the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Where the allergic reaction takes place depends on how you came into contact with the allergen. Contact may be with your skin, or with the lining of your lungs, mouth, throat, stomach or intestine. Put an end to your suffering and please see the link below: