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New vision
New vision for homes, community and work space revealed for Vassall Centre, Fishponds
One of Bristol's oldest charities has this week revealed its early ideas to transform the Vassall Centre in Fishponds into a vibrant new neighbourhood centre for multigenerational living and working. Bristol Charities purchased the site in spring this year and has been working with Bristol architects AWW to develop ideas to deliver much-needed, affordable, high-quality homes for older people and families, along with accessible, contemporary workspace for businesses and charities and a range of new community facilities. Bristol Charities, which provides opportunities and support for people and communities to improve lives through grants, housing and charitable projects in Bristol and South Wales, is asking local residents, neighbours and current tenants of the Vassall Centre to review the outline proposals when they are published later this month and share their views and ideas.
The Vassall Centre was built in 1945 as a base for American soldiers and currently offers affordable, accessible workspace and conference facilities for businesses, charities and not-for-profit organisations. The buildings are now at the end of their practical lifespan and offer very low levels of energy efficiency and sustainability. The proposed new centre will be made up of three areas, offering contemporary homes for older people at one end of the site, affordable homes for families at the other, and workspace, community facilities and shared, public outside space in the middle. Its modern, high-quality design will significantly improve the visual appeal of the centre and include landscaped, outdoor space for the use of tenants and residents whilst also reducing barriers and increasing public access through the site. Biodiversity will also be significantly increased including new trees, planting and space for wildlife. Potential community facilities include a nursery, café, and a landscaped courtyard, with a view to encouraging interaction between older people and children and staff in the nursery. Bristol Charities is committed to the site for the long-term and plans to own and manage the housing for older people, community facilities and workspace. Brighter Places, a highly experienced charitable housing association based in Bristol, has been selected to develop and manage the affordable housing. Bristol Charites will also continue to offer accessible workspace for charities and businesses. It is proposed that construction will take place in two phases, so that tenants can continue to operate from the site whilst work is underway.

The newly built, upgraded workspace will be of much higher quality than the current offices, highly sustainable and built to last. Anne Anketell, chief executive officer at Bristol Charities says: "We are really excited to be able to share our outline ideas for the Vassall Centre with people already working here and our local neighbours. We are hoping to deliver much-needed new housing for older people and families and build a really connected and supported community for everyone living and working here. The views of local residents and tenants are hugely important to us so we're asking people to join us for brief consultation events either in person or online, or simply to visit our website to view the details and share their views and ideas."
Richard Gore, chair of trustees at Bristol Charities added:
"We believe these proposed new facilities will breathe new life into the site, opening it up to people living in the area, making much better use of the space and increasing public and community facilities, green space and biodiversity. We are looking forward to hearing the views and ideas of our neighbours and tenants in order to create a high quality, sustainable and attractive new centre that is built to last." Anna Klimczak, chief executive officer at Brighter Places added: "We are delighted to be working with Bristol Charities as a trusted partner to develop and manage high-quality, affordable homes for this transformative multi-generational redevelopment. Brighter Places' strength is in collaborative partnerships and providing sustainable living now and for the future. We look forward to working with partners involved in the Vassall Centre, and to listening and responding to the community needs to deliver high-quality, energy efficient homes with low environmental impact." Commenting on the proposals, Tom Renhard, Bristol City Council cabinet member for housing delivery and homes, said: "I welcome these proposals to deliver a really forward-thinking, mixed use, intergenerational scheme on this site and am excited to hear more about the proposals as Bristol Charities shares its early ideas with residents and neighbours, and those based at the Vassall Centre.
"It's great to see such a strong focus on integrating supported homes for older people with affordable housing for families. I would encourage members of the local community to take part and share their views and ideas through the consultation events later this month - in person or online."
Local residents and tenants are being invited to hear more about the ideas and share their views through a range of engagement meetings including an on-site meeting and Q&A session, an online meeting and Q&A session or a brief online survey, which will be available later this month via Bristol Charities' website, and in print on request and at the centre. The exhibition outlining the proposals will also remain open to the public to view and share comments on site in the Vassall Centre reception area throughout this first consultation period from Monday 22 November to Friday 10 December 2021. Bristol Charities is a UK registered charity providing a range of affordable sheltered, retirement and extra care housing facilities for older people with sites including Barstaple Almshouse in Brentry, John Foster's Almshouse in Henbury , Haberfield House in Stockwood and William Jones's Almshouse in Monmouth.

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