3 minute read
Local Champions
Out and About in Brislington West with Jos and Andrew
Local Champions Restore Neglected War Memorial
The Liberal Democrats are often called the ‘Party of Local Government’. Indeed, across the West of England there are more Liberal Democrat councillors than anyone else. Voters clearly recognise Liberal Democrats as hardworking, community representatives, and appreciate the fact that they aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty.
A great example of Liberal Democrats in action is the work by the Brislington Liberal Democrats to restore the long-neglected local war memorial. As people hurtle along the busy A4 Bath Road in and out of town, they would be forgiven for failing to notice the Brislington War Memorial. Situated next to the Lodekka Public House and opposite the entrance to Kensington Park Road, it is a simple yet beautiful monument to The Fallen. Set in a semi-circle of iron railings, there is a stone cross bearing a sword of sacrifice above a wreath, both in relief. The inscription upon the cross reads:
1914-1918 IN PROUD AND GRATEFUL MEMORY OF THOSE FROM THE PARISH OF BRISLINGTON WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE GREAT WARS. 1939-1945 However, the monument had been looking rather forlorn in recent years and was in desperate need of some care and attention. Liberal Democrat local councillor for Brislington West, Jos Clark, said, ‘Lots of weeds were growing through cracks in the pavement, the metal railings surrounding the monument were badly corroded, a large amount of litter had become trapped in the undergrowth behind the railings and there were several overhanging branches rubbing against the top of the cross, which could have potentially caused damage’. Local resident and Liberal Democrat candidate for Brislington West, Andrew Varney, agreed adding, ‘Every year, Jamie Park, the landlord of the adjacent Lodekka pub, did an annual tidy-up prior to Remembrance Sunday. This year, we wanted to give him a helping hand to ensure our Brislington War Memorial was looking its very best’.
Following enquires, it turned out the monument belonged to Bristol City Council, so once all the necessary permissions were in place, Jos and Andrew set to work, organising volunteers and arranging work parties.

Over the course of several Saturdays, the whole site was cleaned from top to bottom, including scrubbing the cross clean of decades of grime from the passing traffic, power-washing the paved area surrounding the cross, picking up the litter, doing some weeding, cutting back the undergrowth and overhanging branches, and rubbing down and repainting the railings. Jamie said, ‘I’m really grateful for Jos and Andrew getting involved and helping to transform our local war memorial. It’s now a fitting tribute to our fallen heroes’.

In the week leading up to Remembrance Sunday, Jos and Andrew, together with Liberal Democrat councillor for Brislington East, Tony Andrew said, ‘Due to the current situation, the Carey, decorated the newly-painted railings council decided not to hold an event at the with hundreds of knitted poppies donated Bristol Cenotaph this year, so it was great that from local residents and churches in the Bris- we were able to hold our own small gathering lington area. It has really brightened up the here in Brislington so local people could pay area and makes an impressive sight. their respects’.
On Remembrance Sunday itself, Jos, Tony and Andrew were given permission to organise a small, socially-distanced Service of Remembrance. Two ministers from local churches officiated, members of the armed forces attended and there was even a bugler to play the Last Post. By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West), Tony Carey, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington East) & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor Candidate (Brislington West)