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Tips for helping dogs adjust
Tips for helping dogs adjust as we return to work
As more dog owners return to their offices and workplaces, all the Busters, Daisey’s and Poppies out there are wondering where their humans have gone. We spoke to specialists on dog behavior to learn how we can help our four-legged companions through this period of adjustment. After a year of lapping up quality time with their teleworking humans, our pups may find this shift back to the “old” normal to be pretty jarring. Especially if the dog in question is a COVID puppy and has never known a life when humans weren’t home all day.
Dog-behavior specialists seem to agree that when it comes to helping dogs navigate this change, a slow and steady transition is key. It will be important for people to start to set aside scheduled alone time for their dogs now so it is not such a dramatic change in schedule when people go back to work,
1. Excessive vocalization.
2. Regression in housetraining. 3. Destructive chewing, especially if it’s focused on exits, such as your door or windows.
4. Refusal to eat.
5. Excessive drooling. 6. Self-injury, such as cutting his paws to dig through a crate or door.
Starting with five to 10-minute absences and building up to one to two-hour absences is a good plan.
Keep in mind that certain dog breeds are more prone to separation anxiety due to their genetics. Herding and guarding breeds, for instance, have been specifically bred to make them watchful of any potential changes in their surroundings, so they may get especially upset when one of the most important members of their flock — aka you — is no longer there. Shepherds, border collies, Rottweilers, boxers — those are all dogs that have been selected over centuries to notice changes in their environment.
At the same time, it’s important to respect their individual personalities, as what calms one dog won’t necessarily soothe another. A lapse in housetraining or uncharacteristic behavior is no reason to punish them, and may simply be evidence that you’ve made the transition more quickly than they can tolerate. A dog’s separation anxiety is like a panic attack in humans. In this state, a dog is driven by pure fear, with no more power to think logically than a small child who has been separated from his parents.
6 classic signs of separation anxiety may include:
Independence training can help. Plan to take mini-breaks from your pet so he or she gets used to sometimes being alone. If possible, review Rover’s reactions remotely by using a nanny cam or GoPro. Or you can place your laptop at dog level, start a Zoom call, duck into the garage and use your phone to observe how he’s doing, This will give you important information on how well you absence is being tolerated as you build more absences into their days, the dog should gradually learn to accept that sometimes you won’t be there, but you always will return home.
Re-establish “B.C.” schedule. If you aren’t returning to work for several weeks, now is the time to re-introduce your “Before-COVID” routine. This could mean adjusting wake-up times, bedtimes and feeding times to approximate the schedule you’ll use when working off site. It also might mean doing the things you normally do when preparing to leave the house — brushing teeth, putting on your coat, jingling keys — and then not leaving. In doing this, you’re normalizing these rituals and sounds so your dog doesn’t automatically equate them with being left.
Make sure your pup is getting a good walk and playtime before you leave for work or when you come home. A long, retractable leash that allows the dog to zigzag, sniff and explore. This arrangement encourages dogs to “scent” and investigate their surroundings much like dogs do when roaming free, which is more stimulating to them. To crate or not to crate? Many dogs view their crate as a sanctuary. And yes, crates can keep dogs safe and out of mischief. Even so, not every dog has positive associations with a crate. Remember to always make the crate a place of treats and peaceful retreat vs. punishment.
If a dog is harming himself in efforts to get out of a crate, don’t force the issue. Consult with your local vet immediately. Tapping into your dog’s love of “scenting” releases pheromones and keeps their brains and bodies busy, just like when they’re hunting in the wild. There are fun ways to replicate “hunting” in your home:

• Pour his morning kibble into a clean, plastic bottle drilled with multiple holes so kibble can drop through. Your pooch will have to roll and bat the bottle to get breakfast.
• Make mealtime more stimulating by pouring his kibble into different cups or a tin, then "hiding" some of the filled cups with balls or toys. • Place small piles of kibble around the house, so they have to sniff and hunt for dinner. You can up the ante a bit by placing small, lightweight boxes over the food piles.
• Buy or make your own “snuffle mat”: a rug made of longer scraps of fabric under which you can hide their treats. Or you can fold up a towel, tucking in treats with each fold, for the pooch to explore and discover.
If your pooch loves activity and has never met a mutt he didn’t like, consider enrolling him or her in doggie day care. However, large-scale day care isn’t for all dogs. Most dogs are dog-selective, meaning they don’t love every dog they meet, In those cases, consider a well-vetted, smaller-scale dog day care, where the operator watches a handful of dogs at a time. Connect with neighbors. If you’re lucky enough to have a trusted, dog-loving neighbor who works at home or has a dog who is great pals with your pet, consider asking them if they would mind giving Curly a noontime walk or play session to break up his day. Sweeten the deal with gift cards to a favorite shop or by volunteering to walk their dog whenever they’re away.
Bring out the boredom busters: A dog is less likely to get in trouble if they have to problem-solve for a reward. The Kong, that ubiquitous rubber dog toy that can be filled with treats that you can find in most super markets. It’s easy to fill and it’s easy for the dog to win the game so they don’t get frustrated. Make your arrivals and departures calm and low-key, The more focus and energy focused on arrival and departures the more obvious it is when the owner goes. Seek professional help. If nothing seems to help your pup’s anxiety, consult your vet.