Haircuts That Will Completely Take Over 2021 What haircuts will you be asking for in 2021? After an apocalyptic 2020 — from COVID-19 and political unrest to record unemployment and unprecedented natural disasters — we're all hoping that 2021 offers a much-needed respite from the chaos. And after spending countless months stressing out over it all in quarantine, 2021 promises some interesting new beauty looks, too — some better than others. "It will be very interesting to see how haircut trends evolve in 2021,"
1. Bobs are a classic haircut that have been around for ages. And while we've seen various iterations of the bob over the years, the latest bob will be a haircut you're asking for in 2021. It's been popular throughout 2020, and stylists don't see it going anywhere any time soon.
Whether you’re going for a never-leave-thehouse shaggy chic kind of cut, or you’re in serious need of a new ‘do after months and months without your go-to stylist we have put together some of the latests trends for women in 2021.
2. Pixies are another classic style that were adorable back then and are still adorable now, so you’ll definitely be asking for this haircut in 2021. We are expecting to see a lot of bold style statements like the pixiethis year. The shorter the better, too. “Believe it or not, the buzz cut is making a huge appearance,