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Bristol 1904
Bristol 1904 Open Arts Exhibition 2021
Bristol 1904 are excited to announce their Annual 110th Paintings Exhibition, open to the public free of charge, with the chance to buy members' work. Traditionally held in May, but due to earlier COVID restrictions the Exhibition will now be held from 23rd - 30th October.This time around, Bristol 1904 will not only celebrate decades of creativity, but also the rebirth of their Society. Founded in 1904 as Bristol Savages with artistic roots running deep into Bristol’s creative history, the Society has rebranded with a new name and new activities that more accurately portray current interests. This still includes the classic painting, music, magic, poetry, storytelling and fellowship.
The event will be held in their iconic hall, built in the style of an old Tythe Barn, adjacent to The Red Lodge on Park Row, Bristol (BS1 5LJ). All pandemic regulations will be followed in their spacious hall, accompanied by live music. Not only used for exhibitions, the facility is used by all members, each in individual clubs provided by Bristol 1904, open daily at 10AM until 4.45PM.
Bristol 1904 elaborated, “Our major artistic event, open to the public and always well attended, is the Annual Paintings Exhibition of the best of our artists’ work.” They added, “We are proud to have progressed from an all-male society to an open, diverse, inclusive and as always a very welcoming one. We encourage new membership, whether you have artistic or musical talents, or none of these! Guests of members are very welcome.”
Check out our website: www.bristol1904arts. org or email on admin@bristol1904arts.org for further information.