Bristol Magazine 23rd - 30th September 2021

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Eat and Drink Like James Bond

While he's busy chasing villains and saving the world, James Bond is a thoroughly British chap. He loves his food and drink. Food of any description doesn't figure very highly in the Bond movies, there is quite a bit more detail about dining in Ian Fleming's 007 book series. In fact, entire paragraphs are devoted to describing Bond's meals. He has eclectic tastes and is often eating in far-flung places but closer to home, he savors his favorite foods. If you want to eat like James Bond than look at these British foods, from breakfast to dinner to cocktails.


A James Bond Breakfast In From Russia With Love, Fleming writes, “Breakfast was Bond’s favorite meal of the day.” At breakfast, Mr. Bond loves eggs, preferably scrambled, with bacon or s ausages. He enjoys marmalade or strawberry jam on his toast, but this quintessential Brit prefers strong, black coffee to tea. Throughout the 007 series, there are several references to Bond eating eggs, both at breakfast as well as for a late-night snack.

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Bristol Magazine 23rd - 30th September 2021 by Direct Local Bristol - Issuu