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War Memorial clean-up
Love Your Park Community Fund:
We are absolutely delighted the Friends of Arnos Court Park have been awarded funding in the very first Love Your Park Community Fund. The Friends will be using the award to create two, new, wildflower beds for the park and the creation of a community orchard.
Dismantling the SPRING sign:
It had survived four summers and three winters but was starting to show its age so on Thursday, we took down the wooden SPRING sign that has adorned the Sandy Park Bridge since 2017. SPRING (Sandy Park Road Improvement Neighbourhood Group) members can be very proud of their achievements since we set up the group together with local residents in early 2017. We held several community events including SPRINGFEST and SPRING into Christmas three years running. We won funding for environmental improvements including the beautiful, wooden planters and we helped to promote Sandy Park Road as a popular, local shopping destination. Well done SPRING.
War Memorial clean-up:
Once again, we have tidied up the Brislington War Memorial on Bath Road in advance of Remembrance Sunday next month. We swept the whole area clean, did some weeding and collected three bags of litter! Next week, we will dress the monument with hundreds of knitted poppies. Please remember to support the work of the Royal British Legion and get your poppy.
Daffodil planting:
Last year, we planted around 100 daffodils along the overgrown, grassy verge between Sand Hill and Sandy Park Road. We hope they brought some much needed colour and cheer to that corner of Brislington. Last Saturday we planted a hundred more, and did a quick litter pick, so hopefully next year’s display will be even better.
Housing survey:
People in Bristol are being asked for their views to help shape the 30-year plan for providing and maintaining council homes in Bristol. Views are being sought through a survey and through the opportunity for people to select their priorities for investing in council homes by creating a suggested budget. Bristol City Council owns and manages over 28,500 homes. The rents and service charges collected are used to provide services to the tenants and leaseholders living in these homes.

They are also used to repair, maintain, and improve the homes, communal areas, blocks and estates. They can also be used to build new homes to meet housing needs. The survey will be open until Friday 3 December: www.bristolhousingconversation.co.uk Supported bus services survey: The West of England Combined Authority provides support to several bus services. These services operate under contract to the authority and as part of a review WECA want to gain the thoughts of existing passengers and potential new passengers. How can supported bus services be improved, what w ould encourage you to use bus services more often and what should they look like in the future? The survey closes on 28 November: https://consultation.westofengland-ca.gov.uk/ infrastructure/west-of-england-supported-busservices-survey/ Hundreds of Brislington West residents have signed up to receive our monthly newsletter via email. You can register using this link: http://www.bristollibdems.org/efocus. By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429 & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.andrew. varney@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 183381