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The Franklinbutt Foundation
The FranklinButt Foundation - Giving to Local Projects in Bristol
Patchway based foundation, The FranklinButt Foundation are pleased to be supporting two local charities at this tough time during the pandemic. The foundation is delighted to be able to donate to £500 to Mamas Bristol to support their meal box campaign that helps local families who are struggling during the pandemic https://mealboxes.mamasbristolcic. com
They have also donated £500 to Coniston Cafe at Coniston Community Centre in Patchway, where all profits from the cafe go into their charity work. https://conistoncommunitycentre.org.uk/brooks-cafe/
Created by Simon Strachan and Dean Horseman, the FranklinButt Foundation's mission is to provide disadvantaged youngsters with empowering opportunities, where they feel safe, valued and inspired to achieve their full potential.
Simon and Dean set up the foundation after the tragic loss of close friends Jason Franklin and Darren Butt,
“At the end of 2019 and the early part of 2020 our community and close-knit friend circle lost 2 very big characters that has left a big hole in their families lives both having children and partners and a considerable emotional hole in our friendship groups as they were both much respected and everyone enjoyed their company and loved by all. 38 We were all hurting from this double tragedy, and then we got hit with Covid lock down in March 2020.
During lock down we it became apparent to me that both sets of friends and family wanted to raise money and keep their legacies alive to try and help our community.
So I decided to start the FranklinButt Foundation and created a Just Giving page to kick it off.”
Supporters of the Foundation are now coming up with their own personal ways to raise money which will help support more community efforts.
FranklinButt Foundation supporter Grant Rees is running a double marathon on April 25th to raise money for the FranklinButt Foundation. This challenge will include running to all of the football grounds that the successful Patchway Reserves played at during the double winning season of 2005.
You can support Grant and his epic double marathon here https://www.gofundme.com/f/ franklinbutt-2-legends-2-marathons
Mother’s Day is an important event every year, but particularly this year, as many of us will have spent almost a year away from ours by now. That’s a year of missed coffee dates, missed home-cooked meals, missed hugs and — for a large chunk of us — missed childcare opportunities.
And so, in 2021, it feels more important than ever to show our mums just how much we love and appreciate them.
This year, Mothering Sunday falls on March 14 (put it in your diary now) and this year we’re determined to head into the day calm and confident in our gift choice, rather than worried that the last-minute gift we picked out some favourites.
Buying presents for your parents can be intimidating, but our advice? Go with your gut. Though it feels a bit cliché to get your mum a candle, book, perfume or a pair of slippers, chances are, she’ll love it (who wouldn’t?). Don’t feel you have to think really out of the box or go extra whacky in order to show you’ve thought about it — clichés are clichés for a reason! — however, if you do want to get something a little bit out-of-the-ordinary this year, we’ve accommodated for that as well.
Perhaps you have more than one ‘mum’ to buy for, and want to treat your step-parent, grandmother or career, in which case we’ve got gift suggestions that are affordable enough to be bought in bulk.
Or perhaps she is shielding or self-isolating and so a letterbox Mother’s Day present is the best way to get her well-deserved goods to her.
If you’re really stuck, just go for something you’ve bought yourself and liked. And if all else fails, you can’t go wrong with flowers from Beaus Bouquets

We are Bristol: Shea Butter Yankee candle shade & tray sets. starts from £24.99 Olive Oil Hand Cream 100g £10

Bristol Blue Glass £42
Moon Pig £10 M&S Tea in Mayfair Hamper £50