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Out and About
Out and about this week in Brislington with Jos and Andrew
Callington Road Nature Reserve Open Day:
Thank you to the organisers and everyone who came along to the Callington Road Nature Reserve Open Day. It was a beautiful day with plenty of activities including bramble bashing, litter picking, oiling the owl, a nature trail and bug identification. We also repainted a couple of the rusty, old signs. Unfortunately, we couldn’t do the pond dipping activity because the wooden platform had been vandalised during the week. However, we didn’t let the actions of a selfish few detract from an otherwise great day in the sunshine.
Arnos Court Park community picnic:
Another community event is taking place this Saturday, 11 September, when the Friends of Arnos Court Park will be holding an end of summer community picnic, weather permitting, starting at 11am. It’ll be a chance to meet up with other local people and find out more about the plans for our local park. We’ll bring along our litter pickers as well in case anyone fancies a clean-up! Please bring your own food and drink and something to sit on.
.Lane clearance
We’ve organised with some local residents to tidy up the back alleyway between Bloomfield Road and Savoy Road this Friday 10 September. Unfortunately, an elderly resident recently tripped on some bind weed, fell and hurt her head. Luckily, she has made a full recovery but we’d like to make sure it doesn’t happen again. If you want to join us, we are meeting at 6pm at the entrance to the lane between 61 and 63 Savoy Road. Please bring your own shears or loopers.
A4 corridor consultation:
If you haven’t already, please consider participating in the consultation on the A4 Corridor Project, which closes this week, 10 September. This is your chance to have your say on an important project that will shape our area for decades to come. The survey includes sections on general travel behaviour, bus use, Park and Ride, cycling and walking and local shopping habits. You can skip questions that are not relevant to you and there is also space to add your own comments. As well as the survey, there is an interactive mapping tool where you make comments relating to specific locations. You can also see what other people have suggested and ‘like’ comments you agree with. The survey can be found on the Travel West website: https:// travelwest.info/projects/improvements-on-a4bristol-to-bath

Time is running out to make comments on the application for the temporary installation of shipping containers along part of the route of the former Brislington Railway Line, to be used as pop-up office spaces and workshops for local artists and craftspeople. This scheme includes paying for a footpath and cycle route from Sainsbury’s to Tesco, the missing link in the Sustran’s National Walking & Cycle Network, Route 3. There are currently 48 public comments on the planning portal, the overwhelming majority of which are fully supportive. We would encourage everyone to read the proposals and make comments: https://pa.bristol.gov.uk/online-applications/ applicationDetails.do?keyVal=QV9J2MDNLYO00&activeTab=summary&fbclid=IwAR0Ldm_KcNrLq8hhI_VFPg0xcJ3h-Ah97_RGFp541HATX4kqyD1mc9nVP9E
Full Council:
Both of your Brislington West councillors have submitted motions, questions and statements and will be making speeches at this week’s Full Council meeting. We’ll be asking about a new skatepark for Brislington, roll-out of EV charging infrastructure, the Voi scooter hire scheme and a new front garden tree scheme and more. All the details are available here: https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=259&MId=8806&Ver=4
And here: https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/ ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=142&MId=8798

By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429
Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.andrew.varney@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 183381