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Call for smoking to be banned
Call for smoking to be banned outdoors at pubs in Britain
In a recent study, one in five ex-smokers have stated that a ban on smoking on pub premises and that includes pub gardens and outdoor seating would help them quit the habit for good. The Quitting Smoking for Mental Health study asked a thousand current and ex-smokers across the United Kingdom what measures could be the Best help for smoking cessation, they responded with: • A smoking ban in all public places, including hospitals, parks and bus stops’ - 26%
• A ban on smoking on pub premises, including pub gardens and outdoor seating’ - 20%
• A workplace ban on smoking on the premises and cigarette breaks’ - 19% The study, which was conducted by a company called Vape Club also found that 43.9% of ex-smokers stated that their mental health has improved since quitting smoking and the pandemic has driven an ‘astonishing’ quit rate among young smokers, according to smoking cessation charity, ASH. However, with the pubs reopening today many have stressed their concerns about relapsing back into the habit.
Steve Guff, an ex-smoker from Brighton, said: “It’s quite a tricky one I’d imagine as some outside pub spaces aren’t big enough to separate the garden but I think separate areas would be a good idea. 40 Try and remember how far you’ve come - If you quit smoking for three months then what is making you want to start when in a local pub? Remember how smoking made you feel, for me it was stomach pains and chesty and remember why you’re so much better without it”.
ASH have called for ‘pop up’ pavement licences to be made smokefree; helping smokers to ‘quit and stay quit’, providing family-friendly spaces, and preventing harm caused by second-hand smoke.
A local pub owner in Bristol, said: “We see an increase in smoking when people drink alcohol. We are fortunate to have an extensive external space, with tables that are very well spaced and table service for safety with the pandemic. While we see no need to implement a no smoking policy as it would reduce trade, I can understand urban venues with limited outside access would have an issue.
I can imagine that a blanket ban would make it easier for an ex-smoker, simply because they no longer have to tell themselves not to smoke. “You cant smoke” is much easier that “you can but best you don’t smoke”, especially after a few pints!”
There is also evidence that previous smoking restrictions have done a lot to encourage people to quit smoking.
Research from Cancer Research UK found that around 1.9 million people in Britain have stopped smoking since doing so was banned in pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants.

The director and founding member of the UK Vaping Industry Association, said: “It’s clear that local authorities and businesses can be really effective agents of change when it comes to encouraging smoking cessation.

With the right tools in place, simple measures to promote smoking cessation can make a huge difference to someone’s overall wellbeing, both mentally and physically – as well as reducing the ongoing strain that both smoking and smoking cessation services place on the NHS.”
10 Carlton Court Westbury On Trym Bristol BS9 3DF barberontrym@yahoo.co.uk 0117 3305520
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Another round-up of local news from your hardworking Lib Dem team:
Late night speeding and noise on Wick
Jubilee Pool Update:
We attended the first meeting of the Friends of Jubilee Pool last Thursday in the beautiful setting of Redcatch Community Garden. The current operators, Parkwood, are contracted to run the pool until March, 2022. After that the pool’s future is uncertain. The Friends are looking into the possibility of taking over the ownership of the building through a Community Asset Transfer and then finding a operator to continue running the pool. In order to do that they need to become a constituted group. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch here: https://www.facebook.com/friendsofjubileepool/
Great Bristol Spring Clean:
Thank you to the local residents who joined us for a tidy up around Water Lane and Brislington Brook near Tesco on Saturday. LWe collected two very large bags of rubbish and also trimmed back the overhanging undergrowth causing an obstacle on the pavement on Water Lane. Afterwards, we popped into Tesco and spoke to senior staff about this and other local issues. We had a very positive meeting and Tesco have promised to maintain the shrubbery in future. Apparently, there was some confusion over the ownership of the verges but it has now been established that it is Tesco’s responsibility. We also reported the damaged bus stop in the car park and Tesco have already ordered replacement perspex panels. We also spoke about EV charging points in the car park, and this is going to be prioritized so hopefully, we’ll see their installation soon. Well done Tesco. We met up with several residents recently to discuss the ongoing issues around speeding and noise on Wick Road. We spoke about the option of physical traffic calming such as speed bumps, zebra crossings and raised platforms at the junction with Wick Crescent. We also talked about setting up a permanent speed camera, mobile speed cameras and organising community speedwatch patrols. We also discussed the need to give police data by keeping a noise diary and reporting incidents to 101. Obviously any kind of physical traffic calming and enforcement measures would be extremely expensive and time consuming to put in place and we doubt very much the council would agree to it.
However, getting data to the police is much easier and we would encourage as many people as possible to do so. The more data the police have, the more likely they are to take action. We have also been in touch with the beat officers for this area to encourage them to establish a physical presence in the community via a monthly drop-in surgery, perhaps in the library or on Sandy Park Road, to give people reassurance that the police are around and open to talking to members of the public. We had a meeting with beat officers in Stockwood recently about the issue of motorbike scrambling on Stockwood Open Space and the police there are planning to set up a monthly surgery so there is no reason why this can’t happen in Brislington too.

Big Tidy comes to Brislington West:
Great news! After many requests, The Big Tidy team are finally coming to Brislington West this June. They will be focusing on locations with high footfall and those hidden, local paths which don’t always get the care they deserve. The project will be reclaiming footpaths, deep cleaning streets and removing graffiti across the area. We have already been in touch to recommend locations we feel would benefit from some extra TLC, such as Sand Hill, Whitby Road, the lane from Callington Road to Kenneth Road and Repton Road Car Park, but please let us know any other problem areas and we will pass your suggestions on to the Big Tidy team.
Shop local:
Over the last five years, we have been working hard to promote our local shops and businesses including setting up the SPRING group for Sandy Park Road and the BRIZ group for Brislington Village, winning funding for environmental improvements on Sandy Park Road to make it a more attractive shopping destination, running several community events such as SPRINGFest and SPRING Into Christmas and making promotional videos with local shopkeepers and business owners to encourage people to shop local. So we are delighted that a new city-wide campaign has been launched called ‘Where’s it to?’, which aims to highlight Bristol’s high streets and rebuild and strengthen the city’s reputation as a visitor, shopping and leisure destination. The opening phase of the 12week campaign will focus on the city centre and 14 high streets including Brislington Hill. You can find out more about the campaign here: https://www.wheresittobristol.com
EU Settlement Scheme:
We recently wrote about the fast approaching deadline for EU citizens to apply for settled status. This will ensure our EU friends and neighbours can continue to live, work, study and get access to free healthcare and benefits in the UK. It’s likely that thousands have yet to apply and so there is a danger they will lose their rights. Therefore, we are pleased that Bristol has joined other cities such as Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Glasgow, Sheffield and Nottingham to write to Home Secretary Priti Patel urging her to extend the 30 June deadline. Despite efforts from the council, advice centres and other organisations, there’s concern that older EU nationals living in Bristol may not be aware that they need to apply. There’s also concern that parents who have applied for themselves may not realise they need to apply on behalf of their children as well.

More information, help and advice here: http://www.bristol.gov.uk/EUSettlement
Housing Forums:
Housing Forums for council tenants are taking place online in June. These meetings are open to all council tenants and leaseholders across the city. The Forums provide an opportunity for council tenants and leaseholders to have a say on how the housing service is run and make suggestions about improvements. At the Summer Forums, you can find out more about the role of the Housing Officer. The Forum meeting dates are 14 June, 5:45pm-8:00pm and 16 June, 1:30pm4:00pm. If you would like to attend a forum, you can book a place online at: https://www. bristol.gov.uk/housing/local-housing-forums By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.jos.clark@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 370429 & Andrew Varney, Liberal Democrat Councillor (Brislington West) Email: cllr.andrew. varney@bristol.gov.uk Mobile: 07584 183381