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5 things your driving never taught you
5 things your driving instructor never taught you
It’s easy to think that as soon as you pass your test learning to drive ends, but in reality, drivers learn every day.
There are some things your instructor just doesn’t teach you – whether it’s how to be a courteous driver or how to avoid inadvertently breaking the law.
To help you out, here’s our five things every motorist might not know, but should, especially if you’re learning to drive or are a new driver.
1. How to deal with “queue-jumpers” as lanes merge
Some motorists — such as users of this roundabout in Wales — have been left annoyed and confused by the sight of drivers passing them on the right-hand lane only to then zip-merge at the last minute.
But according to the law, those so-called “queue-jumpers” are in the right, with zip-merging used more commonly than you might think to help ease congestion at traffic pinch points. In the event of two lanes merging, motorists are supposed to use both lanes up until the point of lane closure, at which point they are supposed to take it in turns to merge into one lane, just like a zipper. Drivers merging ahead of time are actually causing further tailbacks by choosing to merge as soon as possible.
2. Paying with your phone at a drive-thru
It might not be the healthiest option but hitting the local drive-thru is a great way of grabbing a quick bite to eat behind the wheel — just make sure you don’t take away a hefty fine while doing so. If you pay with your smartphone at the till you’ll technically be in breach of the laws surrounding using your hand-held devices while driving, which means you could be served up an automatic £200 fine and six penalty points. If your engine is running, your phone should be nowhere near your hands. This is still the case if the engine stops automatically to save fuel (called ‘start-stop’ technology).
3. Splashing pedestrians
If you’ve ever been splashed by a passing car speeding through puddles you’ll appreciate just how annoying it is to be left on the roadside soaked to the skin.
Well now you can take comfort in the knowledge that offending motorists can actually be prosecuted for drenching people on the pavement. Splashing pedestrians is deemed to be driving “without reasonable consideration for other persons” under the Road Traffic Act 1998 and offenders will likely be hit by a £100 fixed penalty notice and three points if they’re caught by police.
4. Playing loud music
Listening to your favourite ABBA hits at blaring volumes might sound like a good idea at the time, but not only is it poor form, it could also be dangerous if it stops any road users from hearing approaching cars or emergency vehicles.
If a police officer deems you to be distracted by your music, you could also be charged with driving without due care and attention. Wearing headphones isn’t an advisable solution, either. Whilst it isn’t specifically illegal to wear headphones behind the wheel, they could stop you from hearing emergency vehicle sirens, level crossing warnings, other road users and pedestrians approaching your vehicle.
5. Hogging the middle lane
It might seem like just an annoying driving habit, but drivers hogging the middle lane on the motorway are actually in breach of the Highway Code and, since new laws were introduced in 2013, face a fine and penalty points if caught.
Middle lane hogging is classified as a careless driving offence as it makes overtaking on the motorway harder and can see cars dangerously funnelled into the outside lane (lane 3) to pass.
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Click any of the areas on the map to go staight to the police speed camera website page.