4 minute read

Top tips for achieving your 2022 goals

A new year often brings with bit thoughts of a fresh start, this is especially true in the health of business where after the indulgence of Christmas new health goal are particularly popular. However many New Year’s resolutions don’t make it to February. So if you’ve already started your goals or are planning on starting something soon, here are just two ideas that may help you achieve them in 2022.

Be realistic with you goal in short term. Drastic changes in diet can occasionally bring a sudden improvement but if this isn’t a healthy and maintainable method of losing weight - the impact of the change can very quickly plateau leading to a sharp return to old habits. Dropping lots of weight immediately in the first few weeks of the year may sound great, but even if you achieve this, you would then be highly likely to regain this weight and more within a short space of time. The most efficient way of losing weight is with steady and consistent progress through a routine of diet and exercise that you can do permanently. If you find yourself with goals that are too demanding in short term, give yourself a more realistic time frame and never be afraid to adjust your goals once you’ve set them. 42 It is always better to have something to aim for than heading off without plan.


Keep an accurate track of your results. So much emphasis is put on what the scales say, but I find this way of measuring a person’s progress to be completely flawed and highly disheartening. What are we actually trying to measure? Fat! So why do we weigh the bones, the hair, the skin, the muscles and the fluids all together and make determining decisions on health based from the outcome?

For men the best indicators of how you’re doing is to measure around the stomach, for women it’s around the thighs and buttocks, but of course you can do both and various other areas for even greater accuracy. Identify the area of greatest circumference (where most of the fat is being stored) and measure the same are at the same time of day once every two weeks. This will give a far more accurate view of your progress and how the changes in your diet are impacting your health.

Good luck and happy new year!


MAN v FAT is coming to South Gloucestershire with our exciting MAN v FAT Challenge programme. Working in partnership with South Gloucestershire Council, we’ve got funded places available for men in the county!

MAN v FAT Challenge is a flexible, supporting male weight loss programme, where you can participate at a time and at a place that suits you!

Weekly challenges are set based on the core areas of nutrition, exercise and building healthy habits. You’ll receive weight loss support, routine and accountability from your teammates and an experienced coach as well as weekly progress reports showing how you’re doing and regular newsletters to inspire you.

We’re ready to welcome you on board now! Take a look at the website www.manvfat.com/south-gloucestershire for more details! CHALLENGE

Hengrove Community Centre

Fortfield Road BS14 9NX Tuesday 9.30am

Sarah: 07879 443888


Vicky: 07710 626746 Bridgefarm Primary School

East Dundry Road BS14 0LL Wednesday 5.30pm and 7pm

Sarah: 07879 443888

No need to book, just pop along

Christ Church Hall Petherton Road Hengrove BS14 9BP Saturday 9:30am

Keesa: 07399 597267

Here are this weeks puzzles designed to test your mental skills during your lunch break or after tea.

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