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October 2017
ŠMarvel 2017
Competition, Kids Corner, Word On The Street, Councillors Surgery and more..
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October edition
Senior Editor Mike Davies Proof Reader Lis Davies Tel: 0117 3258029 Mob: 07500 017236 Email: info@directlocalonline.com www.directlocalonline.com
Community News
6.What a load of rubbish 8. Library times 10.Councillors surgery Health and lifestyle
12. 4 steps to avoid binge eating Recipes of the month
16. Chocolate brownies Business to Business
17. Inheritance tax 18. Floods and other disasters 19. Give you business a make over Direct Motor
22. Toyota C-HR—Makes it personal 24. Warranty tips Movies & Entertainment
WANT EXTRA CASH FOR XMAS? Distributors needed for delivering our magazines in your area MUST be fit and wiling to work in all weathers good rates of pay contact us on 07500 017236 Email: info@directlocalonline.com
28. Pro Wrestling Chaos next event 29. Kids corner 32. The Preview 33. Competition time (word search)
nline O p Jum iew the and v l version digita
The Directory
37. Need an electrician ? 44. A beautiful wooden floor Disclaimer The opinions expressed in Direct Local do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publisher or their agents. Whilst every reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included within this publication, the publisher takes no responsibility for errors or omissions in Direct Local. The content of Direct Local is not to be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Please pass to a friend, recycle or compost after reading. All adverts designed by Direct Local are the property of Direct Local please contact us if you wish to reprint them in other publications as a small release fee Is applied. Use of adverts designed by us will need written permission first.
4. Content Page
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THE WORD ON THE STREET What a load of rubbish! By Eileen Means In case you haven’t heard already, Bristol City Council in their infinite wisdom have introduced new identity criteria before any resident of our city will be permitted to make use of the two Household Recycling Centres at Avonmouth and St Philips. Be Prepared! You need to have one of the following with you in your car/van;
Photo ID AND proof of residence Photo ID And a Council Tax Bill Photo ID And a Utility Bill Photo Travelcard And Council Tax or Utility Bill Student ID
Just as 1+1 makes 2 and 2+2 makes 4, Fly-tipping will increase. The Recycling Centres resemble the queues at Harrods sale at weekends when people and cars are queuing up to use them. Predictably, there will be an increase in fly-tipping in nearby streets whereby people who have queued up to dump their household and garden waste find that they are not allowed to do so because they do not have the correct documentation. One of Mayor Marvin Rees’s key policies is the Clean Streets campaign; the streets of Bristol will be measurably cleaner by 2020. Will this really happen if making it more difficult to behave responsibly by taking waste to the “tip” is fraught with difficulties? And are there really that many people in our neighbouring authorities who would travel to Bristol to dump an old mattress if they had the opportunity?
Like we all, all of the time, keep our Council tax or utility bills in our glove compartment of our car. Plus in 2017 many of us pay these bills by Direct Debit, so do not have paper bills. And just think how helpful it will be to any car thief who steals your vehicle, they can steal your identity too!! Now, we all appreciate that Bristol City Council is experiencing severe cuts due to this Conservative Central Government’s austerity policy, but this need for complex resident proof of identity, more than is necessary to get into this Country, is likely to cost more than it saves.
It will be interesting to see if Bristol’s Recycling targets continue to be met or whether they fall now that residents of this city need to prove that they really, truly live within the city boundaries. Watch this space!
6. Community News
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COUNCILLORS SURGERY By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat Our Mayor recently asked Bristolians to join him in a march against austerity and Council cuts, yet failed to mention that due to his incompetence the Council sent millions of unspent grants back to the Government, what is equally as bad is that the money was to help for low income families fight fuel poverty. Marvin and his colleagues pay lip service to those in poverty, but really they are just a useful tool in their ideological arguments with the Government.
There is no question that local Government has borne the brunt of Government cuts due to the banking financial crisis we faced as a Country in 2008, but these local cuts are being exacerbated by a Mayor who is completely out of his depth. I raised my concerns over the financial crisis at full Council, but he flatly refused to even answer my questions.
The previous Council committee and Cabinet system were not perfect but they allowed Councillors to learn how the Council operated and moved up through the Council gaining experience along the way. We were told that the with the Mayoral system that one person would be in charge and the buck would stop with them, sadly for Bristol we have run out of bucks!
To save our services and to plan for a better future we need in the short term someone to take control who understands finance and the way the Council works, but in the longer term we need to get rid of this mayoral system which is wreaking havoc on our local services, finances and democracy itself.
As the current Chair of the Council’s audit committee I would have expected my questions to be answered on behalf of the people of Bristol, but that is the weakness of this Mayoral system that gives complete executive power to one individual, who then resents being questioned. Sadly, Bristol has really suffered through having this system the previous incumbent thought he was too important to be held to account by either the Council or the people and this current one hides his lack of vision and experience through using American business language he picked up whilst studying there.
Council services online: www.bristol.gov.uk/service Have your say on consultations and view our webcasts: www.bristol.gov.uk/consult 10. Community News
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Fitness Tips From Robert Leat Fitness
4 Steps To Avoiding Binge Eating 1. Consume mostly whole foods Try to consume mostly whole foods in your diet. This is foods that are minimally processed and contain no additives or artificial substances. Examples of whole foods include: Grains, Nuts, Fruit and Vegetables. Whole foods tend to be very nutrient dense and can help to make you feel fuller.
Always make sure you eat something for breakfast! A number of studies have found that people who skip breakfast are more likely to binge eat later in the day. Skipping breakfast also leaves you feeling low on energy. Eat for satiety... In other words when you feel full stop eating. Don't feel like you have finish the whole plate of food... particularly when eating out. This helps to avoid overeating.
3. Eat smaller more regular meals
2. Stop eating when you fell satisfied NOT stuffed Consume food which is high in fibre such as fruit and vegetables. High fibre foods are very good at satisfying your appetite as they fill your stomach.
If you find you have a tendency to snack between meals try spacing your meals out into smaller more regular meals. This is only practical though if you have the time to eat more regularly. 4. Swap snacks for more healthier alternatives Have healthy snack choices to hand for when you feel peckish. Instead of reaching for a bar of milk chocolate try having a couple of squares of high % dark chocolate instead. Dark chocolate has numerous health benefits. Another healthy snack idea would be having a handful of nuts (e.g. almonds) nuts are high in protein as well as containing healthy fats. Hopefully after reading 6 tips to avoid binge eating you now have a better idea of how to avoid binge eating. If you have any questions please comment below or contact me. Robert Leat Fitness Emali: robert@rleat-fitness.com
Web: rleat-fitness.com 13. 12. Health health & Lifestyle
13. health & Lifestyle
St Peters Church Hall School Room, Church Road, Bishopsworth BS13 8JR 5.30pm and 7.30pm Tina: 07841 974 661
Hengrove Community Centre Fortfield Road Hengrove, BS14 9NX 9:30am Sarah: 07879 443 888
Bridge Farm Primary School East Dundry Road, Whitchurch, BS14 0LL 5:30pm and 7:30pm Sarah: 07879 443 888
14. Health Health & Lifestyle 19.
15. Health & Lifestyle
Chilli chocolate brownies By Tray Jefferis
Please welcome our newest writer to Direct Local Tracy Jefferis a local new up and coming baker. Every month Tracy will provide you with a her own twist on old favourites and exciting new recipes we hope you enjoy baking them and more importantly eating them.. This is one of Tracy's favourite Brownie recipes, using Cayenne pepper adds depth and warmth, perfect to enjoy on autumn walks or enjoyed around a bonfire with a comforting hot chocolate. By all means if you don't like chilli then just remove it.
Ingredients 225g granulated sugar 215g Unsalted butter 80g Cocoa powder 100g Self raising flour 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp Cayenne pepper
Method 1 - Grease and line a 20x23cm cake tin, Then Pre heat the oven to 180°c (Gas mark 4) 2 - Melt the butter in a heatproof bowl, Then whisk in the cocoa powder and cayenne pepper, place to one side for 10 minutes. 3 - whisk in the eggs, flour and salt till you have a smooth batter. 4 - Pour into your prepared tin and bake in the middle of your oven for 20 - 22 minutes. To check your cake is done insert a toothpick into the centre of the cake, the tooth pick should come out clean and the cake should bounce back when lightly pressed. Allow to cool in the tin and then cut into slices, I get a good 12 slices out of this recipe..
16. Recipes of the month
Inheritance Tax – no longer a tax for just the wealthy Do not be blasé about Inheritance Tax and the cost it can have on your estate. With rising house prices in Bristol this is no longer a “rich persons” tax anymore. According to Zoopla, the average price for property in Bristol stood at £314,274 in August 2017. The nil rate band for inheritance tax currently stands at £325,000 pounds per person. Any assessable assets (this includes your house) over this amount are potentially liable to a 40% tax charge to HMRC on your death. So if you have other assets like ISA’s, shares, unit trusts or buy to let property you could easily be liable to a potential inheritance tax bill without realising it. So, what strategies can you put in place to avoid a potential inheritance tax bill? If you are married or in a civil partnership you can use your partner’s £325,000 allowance as well. This is passed on to you when they pass away so in practice, the IHT allowance can be doubled to £650,000. In other words, if a father passes wealth to a mother, who subsequently also dies, she can pass on up to £650,000 without having to pay IHT.
From April 2017, the government has introduced a new Transferable Main Residence Allowance, to help people pass on property to their descendants without IHT. Initially this will be set at £100,000, rising to £175,000 by 2020/21. When added to the IHT threshold of £325,000, it will allow each individual to pass on £425,000 with no tax payable or £850,000 per couple. By 2021, the tax-free limit will be £500,000 each, or £1m for married or civil partners. Gifting assets to other people is another potential way of avoiding inheritance tax if done properly. Under the existing rules, you can pass on money, property or possessions without paying any tax, as long as you survive for seven years after giving it to the recipient. There are also other potential strategies to avoid inheritance tax like using certain types of trusts, investing in companies which qualify for business property relief and taking out Life insurance in trust. If you are considering using any of these strategies, it is strongly recommended to speak to a financial advisor first. With some decent forward financial planning earlier on in your life stages a lot of potential inheritance tax can be avoided. To receive a complimentary guide covering wealth management, retirement planning or Inheritance Tax planning, contact Ben Hirst of Future Wealth Management on 07849 910762 or email
17. Business To Business
As we see the devastation that has affected Texas the impact on property and people is easy to see. What is less obvious is the business and related infrastructure damage that has occurred.
If you have not considered VOIP (telephone via the internet), Office 365 and the One-Drive system, call answering and message taking services – one of the benefits not often mentioned is “disaster recovery” is effectively included because of how it is designed and implemented.
This includes phone lines not working, computers damaged, data lost and trading effectively having to cease. And bear in mind companies that have a catastrophic data loss stand a 75% chance of going out of business within two years. Cloud services in this situation can be a godsend. Cloud services effectively mean that your data and the “machinery” that makes it work are held in an outsourced location. Often these buildings are extremely secure with multiple failsafe capabilities and backed up in multiple additional locations. Whereas we may not have the Texas level of flooding we can have power failure, fires, utility companies cutting through cables, theft, hard drive failures and many other events which can render our business inactive.
If you would like more information on how to protect your business whilst at the same time improving your business communications contact Techvolution for straight talking advice and assistance.
18. Business to Business
Give Your Small Business A Makeover With These 7 Tips Each independent and small business venture, even the ones performing well, can profit by a cash makeover every once in a while. Here are the top tips that may take time to deliver, yet they are genuinely easy, and will help you make effective changes in your small business finances. 1.Change Your Accounts Receivable Procedure A vital component to guaranteeing sufficient income is invoicing and getting payments on time. In case you invoice your clients on a free and irregular calendar, you will get paid for a free and irregular schedule. Make a standard charging approach and policy that incorporates clear terms for payments, and describes the procedure you will take to gather unpaid amount, then follow through. 2. Just Remove Out-Dated Or Zero Usage Inventory Obsolete or Unused inventory doesn't just consume up room, it additionally squanders cash. Lead an inventory investigation a couple times each year to check what you have put away that you don't see utilising or selling in the following 10 to 12 months. The majority of your stock/inventory that is in good working shape can be sold at lower rates, or even sent back to the seller, giving your business brisk bottom line rejuvenation.
5. Credit Card Processing Fees Should Be Negotiated Credit Card organisations are infamous for wearing down business income. Search for best rates before you finalise to particular handling expenses. If you’re getting the services of a supplier, then you can negotiate your rates by giving them details on what their rivals are charging. 6. Know Your Cash Flow Cash flow is the procedure of cash moving in and out your company. At any rate, you ought to know at the end of the day what you’re owed and what you need to pay in the coming days. With this sort of knowledge and awareness about your business funds can help you get ready for and rapidly adjust to unforeseen circumstances that may cost money spending you never anticipated. 7. Get A Payroll Software Managing your payroll can be a tiring and timeconsuming task. Remember, time is money for small and growing businesses. So, you need to invest in payroll software that can manage your payroll operations , while you focus on the core business operations of your company.
3. Practice Environmental Awareness – Go Green Making your small business more environmentally friendly shouldn't be just a PR (Public Relations) strategy or something you consider once a year, but it should additionally be an approach to enhance your funds over the long haul. What's more, it's easy to do. Switch off the gadgets while shutting down the office every evening, utilise energy efficient lighting, reuse and recycle items to cut expenses. 4. Purchase Used or Go For Lease Purchasing new hardware is awesome in case you're getting flushed with money. However, most of the small business venture proprietors aren't getting the same treatment. You can choose to lease what you require rather than purchasing and utilising the all-important money. Leasing additionally provides you a chance to redesign your hardware at a low amount, and it frees up working cash you require in the everyday operations of your company.
19. Business to Business
20. Direct Motors
21. Direct Motors
Toyota C-HR: Make It Personal Toyota introduces largest range of accessories yet for its new crossover The new Toyota C-HR may have the sharpest looks of any crossover on the market, but for proud owners that need only be the start of the story. With more accessories available than for any other Toyota passenger car, C-HR offers countless opportunities to ramp up style, practicality and technology, from multi-coloured exterior accents to ski racks and integrated iPad entertainment systems. The choice extends to 20 accessory packs available to order for new cars and more than 200 individual items that can be fitted by Toyota centres, creating thousands of potential permutations. What’s more, adding on key extras need not be a budget-busting move. The pricing structure for the C-HR range gives customers plenty of scope for upgrading the entry-level Icon model to suit their personal preferences, without pushing the cost into higher grade model territory. The cost of any accessory upgrades up to 10 per cent of the car’s on-the-road price can be spread using Toyota Financial Services. Making the right choice is important, particularly when specifying accessory packs that will be fitted to new vehicles at the factory. The new car configurator service on Toyota’s customer website lets people build their ideal C-HR by selecting exactly the options they want; each choice they make is shown on the vehicle image, so they can visualise the results. Currently all factory options are included, together with many of the most popular individual accessories fitted by Toyota centres. Accessory packs and centre-fit items are grouped into four categories: Style, Protection, Technology and Lifestyle. Style takes in items such as different coloured accents and trims on the bodywork,17 and 18inch alloy wheels in a range of finishes, front side and rear underruns and side steps or bars. As well as single items, customers can choose from Sport and SUV packs which conveniently bundle themed accessories together. Protection options include parking sensors, boot liner, rubber mats, mud flaps and a bumper protector. Technology features focus on infotainment, with rear-seat iPad or DVD systems and an upgrade to the Toyota Touch 2 multimedia system to provide navigation functions, inclusive of three years’ free map updates. Contact your nearest branch for more details or visit www.motorlinebristolnorth.toyota.co.uk
Lifestyle accessories focus on added practicality and versatility, including tow bar systems, roof boxes
22. Direct Motors
23. Direct Motors
When buying a used car warranty, it is very important to choose a reliable warranty provider and learn more about the car warranty coverage. Planning to buy a used or pre-owned car? It can be a daunting task to choose the right car and also select a good car warranty plan. Here are a few useful tips that can be some help to you: In the world of used-cars, the safest bet is to get a certified pre-owned car with a warranty provided by the manufacturer. But if you have to buy a used car warranty, you need to ensure that the company providing the warranty is reliable.
It is not recommended to buy a warranty plan that is based on the performance of a product. Always buy from a warranty provider that will be paying directly for the repairs, when needed. Don’t opt for a company that says it will reimburse you later. This type of warranty is often transferable which means, when you buy a vehicle with an extended vehicle warranty, you can transfer the remaining car warranty coverage by paying a certain transfer fee. This fee varies by state. You should get the refund policy in writing and in case the warranty is not transferred to somebody else and you sell the car, you will be entitled to a refund for the warranty’s unused portion. Tips to Consider Before Buying a Warranty Plan Here are some of the questions you need to ask yourself before spending money on an extended warranty plan:
It is best to choose a company that has been into business for many years. However, it helps to shortlist few car warranty companies, compare their rates and then make a final decision. Don’t make the mistake of buying a plan based on a sales pitch on the phone. It is better to visit their office and talk face-to-face before making a final choice.
It is very important to have a contract in hand. Read everything carefully and review all the details before you make a decision. Also, the ‘today only’ price pitches are not to be taken seriously. Always avoid falling under such traps. Every used car warranty plan will have an insurer or underwriter. Find out who that is and check details about it on the internet. It is important to know your deductibles when buying a used car warranty plan. This deductible is only charged once per repair visit.
First question you need to ask is- do you plan on keeping the new or used vehicle for a long time? This is one of the most common questions buyers are asked and therefore, it is worth your consideration as well. If you are one of those people who get tired by a car in less than three years, then paying money for an extended warranty doesn’t make sense. As mentioned-above , you need to know who stands behind the warranty because there are many dealerships that offer third party warranties from companies that have varying track records. Make sure that the warranty you choose is backed by the automaker and not just the dealership.
Hope this helps in the search for your perfect car warranty.
24. Direct Motors
25. Direct Motors
26. Direct Motors
27. Movies and entertainment
28. Movies & Entertainment
KIDS CORNER 29. Kids corner
UP COMING EVENTS Animal Blessings Event Date: 2nd Oct Description: New for 2017 - on the evening of Monday 2 October come and have your pet blessed at St Mary Redcliffe Church. Venue: St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol The Moscow Sate Circus at Durdham Downs Event Date: 4th Oct Description: The world’s most famous circus will bring it’s latest & greats production GOSTINITSA a show that promises to have all the spectacle and nerve-tingling, edge of your seat thrills for the whole family. Venue: Durdham Downs, Stoke Road ROBIN INCE: PRAGMATIC INSANITY (UK Tour) Event Date: 5th Oct Description: Robin Ince’s first new stand up show in three years is a clash of the two cultures, a joyous romp through his favourite artists and strangest scientific ideas. From the work of Stanley Spencer to Niels Bohr, it is 90 minutes fizzing with ideas about creativity in science and art, as well as asking why we believe we see what we see and why we believe what we believe. Venue: Tobacco Factory Raleigh Road Southville Bristol CRAIG CAMPBELL: EASY TIGER (World Tour) Event Date: 6th Oct Description: Phil Jerrod began his stand-up career underneath an Angus Steakhouse in 2012. Since then he has failed his PhD, walked out of his job in publishing and been entertaining audiences up and down the country with his elegant rants on the often unfathomable problems of modern life. Venue: The Hen and Chicken 210 North Street Bedminster Bristol Oktoberfest Bristol 2017 - Passenger Shed - Brunel’s Old Station Event Date: 6th Oct – 7th Oct Description: The world famous Oktoberfest is coming back to Bristol. For two nights and one afternoon only, the Passenger Shed at Brunel’s Old Station will be transformed into a Bavarian Wundeland, offering a taste of authentic German culture, tongue in cheek German stereotyping and general all round debauchery. Venue: The Passenger Shed at Brunel’s Old Station Station Approach, Bristol
The Weir at The Old Vic Event Date: 10th Oct – 14th Oct Description: In a small Irish town, the locals exchange stories round the crackling fire of Brendan’s pub to while away the hours one stormy night. As the beer and whisky flows, the arrival of a young stranger, haunted by a secret from her past, turns the tales of folklore into something more unsettling. One story, however, is more chilling and more real than any of them could have ever imagined. Venue: Bristol Old Vic, King Street Bristol Rum Festival Bath Event Date: 14th Oct Description: Time to party with the widest selection of rums in the uk. Venue: Bath Pavillion North Parade Road, Bath, Somerset Great British Cake-off Event Date: 15th Oct Description: In celebration of the Great British Bake-off, we have our very own workshop to honour it, The Great British cake-off... Venue: Little Kitchen Cookery School The Turn of the Screw by Red Rope Theatre - Arnos Vale Event Date: 18th Oct – 29th Oct Description: From the company who brought you their sell out hit ‘Dracula’ in 2015 comes ‘The Turn of the Screw’, a brand new adaptation of Henry James’ 1898 gothic horror. Venue: Arnos Vale Cemetery Bath Road Pizza & Prosecco Festival Bristol Event Date: 21st Oct Description: The Pizza & Prosecco Festival is coming Bristol!! Venue: The Passenger Shed at Brunel’s Old Station Station Approach, Bristol The Haunted Helicopter Event Date: 22nd Oct Description: Spooky, family fun returns to the Helicopter Museum! Venue: Locking Moor Rd, Weston-super-Mare Spooky Half Term Trains - Avon Valley Railway Event Date: 28th Oct – 29th Oct Description: FREE train rides for children in fancy dress plus a spooky trail around the station. Venue: Avon Valley Steam Railway Bitton Railway Station Bath Road Bitton
30. Movies & Entertainment
31. Up Coming Events
THE PREVIEW By Aaron Potter A chill might be setting in this October, but
things are only continuing to heat up at your local Cineworld thanks to the abundance of new releases. From spine-tingling crime thrillers, block-based animated features, to colourful Superhero fun, the weather outside is frightful, but these movies are so delightful! Kicking us off on the 13th October is the latest entry in the wildly successful Lego series. This time providing some cinematic sheen to the world of Ninjago, it’ll be swords, dragons, and ninja words a plenty when an evil overlord threatens the land. The cast includes the likes of Jackie Chan, Dave Franco and Olivia Munn, so you know they’ll be a force to be reckoned with. Releasing the very same day is chilling investigative drama The Snowman, headed up by the always reliable Michael Fassbender. This time taking on the role of Detective Harry Cole, when an elusive serial killer makes his presence known, the race is on to catch him in time. And finally, on 24th October is the intergalactic road trip movie you never knew you needed in the third sequel to Marvel’s Thor franchise: Ragnarok. Taking place four years after The Dark World, this time Thor is forced to bump fists with fellow avenger Hulk, before setting his sights Cate Blanchett’s deathly goddess Hera. And if you simply don’t want to let the action end this October simply fill out the next page crossword for a chance to win some movie tickets. Or fly over to our Facebook page @directocal to enter more movie merchandise competitions thanks to Cineworld Bristol.
There’s plenty to see and experience before the scares set in on Halloween, so be sure not to miss it all. ©Marvel 2017
32. Movies & Entertainment
Welcome to our monthly word search. Cineworld Bristol are giving away 2 tickets to any movie you like. All you need to do is complete the word search above and either scan and email it to us with your details at:
Draw will take place on the 20th October with the traditional names in a hat and one lucky winner will get 2 tickets to Cineworld Bristol Hengrove Tickets will be sent by post to your address People must be 16 years or over to enter the Competition. Unless parents consent in writing
Or cut out the word search add your name and address Telephone or email and send it to us at: Direct Local Magazines 7 Hopewell Gardens Shirehampton Bristol BS11 0JS
33. Competition page
34. Movies & Entertainment
35. Movies & Entertainment
36. The Directory
Introducing - Your Local Electrician Have you found it difficult to find someone to come and do a small job for you? Someone that turns up when they say, does what they say and treats your property with the respect it deserves AND charges a reasonable fee?
Hi, my name is Steve Palmer. I own and run JPS Electrical Services, a small electrical business that I set up to serve people just like you. I’m fully qualified, Part P Approved and boast insurances above the minimum requirement.
0117 905 7034 steve@jpselectricalservices.co.uk
All of the work that I undertake is covered by a SIX YEAR warranty in addition to my very own 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Yes! I am that confident in the work that I carry out and the services that I provide that should you not be 100% happy with the work then you don’t pay a penny! As an exclusive offer to Direct Local readers I am providing a FREE visual Electrical Safety inspection with ANY SMALL JOB booked in this month. All you need to do is call now on the number below and book your slot in my diary.
I understand how frustrating it is to make arrangements that tie you to your property only to be let down at the last minute, leaving it too late to make alternative arrangements and resulting in a complete waste of your day and possibly even a loss of income. I provide you with a prompt response AND assure you that I’ll turn up as arranged.
Be sure to get in fast because it’s not uncommon for me to be booking 6-8 weeks in advance. You’ll need to quote: DIRECT LOCAL 01 to qualify for this offer. If you have any Electrical questions or concerns that you wish to discuss I’d be more than happy to speak with you.
Call Now on 0117 905 7034
37. The Directory
38. The Directory
39. The Directory
A beautiful wooden floor, can be sanded and varnished from old floorboards We love wooden floors here at Floor Blimey! (is there anyone that actually doesn’t?) They really are beautiful and more and more places have them these days, both at home and at business. You only have to look at the leisure industry right now. Go out for a meal somewhere in Bristol- or even clothes shopping and the chances are the place you visit will have a sanded wooden floor. They simply are the thing to have.
Beautiful wood floors easy to care for and a guaranteed finish. Once the desired finish has been achieved the floor is then yours to enjoy. Aftercare will involve regular sweeping to remove grit and stones that can damage the surface and touch cleaning with damp cloths as and when needed. Mopping should be kept to a minimum and then only using a neutral floor cleaner. The good news is that all Floor Blimey! finishes come with a manufacturers 2 year guarantee so you can relax knowing that should the worst happen, your floor is covered.
You may have suitable wooden floorboards already. What many people don’t realize though is that a real wooden floor doesn’t have to cost lots. Yes you can buy them, but that really is your most expensive option. Wooden floorboards were installed in most builds prior to the 1960’s so if you live in a property built before this time the chances are it has floorboards. Take a look. Despite having floorboards many ignore them for use as they believe them to be draughty or uneven. However a fully trained floor sanding expert will have a restoration process able to deal with these problems for you by filling gaps and holes from radiator pipes etc and sanding the floor up to 5 times until completely smooth and level. They can also remove nails and screws or make necessary repairs including new boards here and there if needed. The best possible result in oil or lacquer. Once the desired sanding of the floor is achieved a suitable finish can be applied. Oils will give you a beautiful matt finish that penetrate deep into the wood to protect it and a lacquer will give a tough topical finish with a matt to a semi-gloss look.
So there you have it. Not only are wooden floors cost effective to achieve they are easy to maintain too. We have a saying here at Floor Blimey! that we can transform any old floor into a beautiful field of gold. Because nature really does have it all already and the floor you’ve always wanted is literally at your feet
All woods have different attributes and it’s always best to work with them. Pine floors for example have bigger darker knots than oak and going with this and choosing a finish to compliment rather than cover it will ensure you get the best look nature intended for your floor. Simply choosing a medium, dark or light stain as you do in a diy shop is not the answer. Sometimes a floor is absolutely the right colour once sanded and in this case may look absolutely stunning from using a clear laquer with no tint at all. Such is the unique nature of wood.
40. The Directory
41. The Directory
42. The Directory
43. The Directory
We are a modern thinking, well-established firm of solicitors with a long and successful history that can be traced back to the mid-19th Century. We're not a corporate law firm and because of that we can offer you an affordable, high quality, personal service. We understand that when you need a solicitor it is likely to be during a difficult time. We aim to take the stress out of the process by offering constructive advice and answering all your questions. If you need help with a legal matter or simply want to talk to someone about your options, please contact us to see how we can help. We will talk to you at the outset about: Who will deal with your affairs How we will handle your case The cost of our legal services Our open and friendly service will take the drama out of any legal crisis by getting to the crux of a problem, determining your objectives and explaining the law in clear and simple terms; without the jargon. We will explain the process every step of the way and inform you of the likely costs and timescales so you always know where you stand. We have the expertise to answer most of your queries within the firm, but if we can't, we will refer you within our wide network of trusted contacts. At the outset, you will be given the name of the person dealing with your work and their assistants, our terms of business and the procedures for dealing with any complaint. We are not a large corporate firm and we believe that our charges are more affordable than many of our competitors, our service more personal and our style more approachable. We hope you will agree! The majority of our new clients come to us by recommendation. We pride ourselves on our good communication and approachability; the standard of service we have always set ourselves is now formulated in the following charter. We think that being a great solicitor is more than giving great advice, it's about providing great service and support, and as such we promise to:
reply to your letters and telephone calls promptly send you copies of all important correspondence provide regular progress reports see you promptly for appointments keep any funds, deeds, Wills or documents you entrust to us safe and secure return any monies to you at the end of your matter or when they are due
44. The Directory
45. The Directory
46. The Directory
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