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September 2017
Community news Recipes Competitions Local trades Events Kids corner
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September edition
Senior Editor Mike Davies Proof Reader Lis Davies Tel: 0117 3258029 Mob: 07500 017236 Email: info@directlocalonline.com www.directlocalonline.com
Community News
6. Austerity 8. Local libraries times 10. High or low rise? You decide Health and lifestyle
12. Robert leat fitness tips 15. Sliming World times and days Recipes of the month
16. Chocolate cake and Eton Mess Business to Business
18. Chip and pin not chip and pain 19. Mobile phones in business 20. Direct Local business offer Direct Motor
22. Cleaning your inside windscreen 23. Run flats tyres Movies & Entertainment
WANT EXTRA CASH! Distributors needed for delivering our magazines in your area MUST be fit and wiling to work in all weathers good rates of pay contact us on 07500 017236 Email: info@directlocalonline.com
28. Movie previews 29. Word search competition 32. Up coming events 33. Kids corner The Directory
36. Website design 40. Floor Blimey-Budgie trouble 42. Oh the debate, Paint or wallpaper Disclaimer The opinions expressed in Direct Local do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publisher or their agents. Whilst every reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included within this publication, the publisher takes no responsibility for errors or omissions in Direct Local. The content of Direct Local is not to be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Please pass to a friend, recycle or compost after reading. All adverts designed by Direct Local are the property of Direct Local please contact us if you wish to reprint them in other publications as a small release fee Is applied. Use of adverts designed by us will need written permission first.
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THE WORD ON THE STREET Austerity? When did we lose the notion that taxes were a safety net for our people? By Eileen Means Once upon a time, not so long ago and still in living memory, there was the belief that the people elected their Government to run the country well and to care for the people in that country. In return, people paid taxes so that their needs could be met, especially when they grew old as we all will or became ill or disabled. The basic belief was that this is what a civilised society should do, a safety net to cover the bad times as well as to train and educate people to do the tasks the country needed.
Not perfect, granted, but let’s compare it with where we are now since the Government adopted two key beliefs; private is better and “austerity”. Our taxes go to private companies like “Learn Direct” owned by Lloyds Bank that has just been scathingly criticised by OFSTED and had its contracts pulled- at last- for non-delivery. We, the people, are being fed the belief that education is not affordable, yet you have the Student loans system which is repeatedly criticised for its complexity, bureaucracy and is heavily subsidised by the taxpayers – how does that system make any sense? NHS resources are been diverted into PFI payments, another crazy idea that diverts funding away from the patients and is bankrupting our hospitals; other funding is wasted on the huge number of quangos set up to monitor and advise at high rates of pay for these bureaucrats whilst pay scales for Doctors, nurses, physio and occupational therapists etc are capped, causing high vacancy levels. Council housing was sold off at large discounts and not replaced, so there are long waiting lists and a huge Housing Benefit bill. And worst of all, our country now has children and adults going to bed hungry as they do not have enough to live on. All of the signs of a civilised country are falling apart; when will we get a competent Government that will put the needs of its citizens first and spend our taxes wisely?
People were on the whole, not terribly rich nor pitifully poor, but by and large got by in the middle ranks; they were content that should anything unpleasant/untoward happen, they could cope as the state would help. Education was free up to University level, health care from cradle to grave was provided, retired and disabled people had a basic income to live on and for those who couldn’t afford to buy their own homes, there was the safety net of Council Housing. All backed up by adequate emergency services of police, fire and ambulance services.
6. Community News
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COUNCILLORS SURGERY By Jos Clark, Liberal Democrat
High rise or low rise? Who decides? Plans for a new housing scheme on the Bath Road, Totterdown (the old ESSO garage site) has drawn some concerns from local people. It is being proposed by the developers the Hadley Property Group to build a 16 storey tower block housing 159 flats on the Bath Road site with only 40 car parking spaces (as they want those living there to use other modes of travel). Some residents are concerned about the lack of parking, whilst others point to the beautiful painted houses on the hills of Totterdown, being obscured by this proposed new building. Those painted Totterdown house often remind me of the hill villages you see abroad hill upon a hill with the Church and other buildings clinging to the hillside for safety and security. Unlike some Cities both here and overseas that have lots of skyscrapers reaching through the clouds like New York or in London for example, Bristol has tended to shy away from high rise development. But with land at a premium and more iconic tall designs being built around the world then the pressure will be on us in Bristol to accept more tower blocks. So who decides and what safeguards are there in the system to protect and enhance our beautiful City, now and for the future; sadly not us. The process is that a developer puts a scheme forward to the City Council's planning department and an officer will assess their plan against the Council's planning policy (called a local plan).
If the Committee reject the developers plan then they have a right to appeal to a Planning Inspector, guess what if the local community do not like the decision there is no appeals process. Why do Governments who love you at election time find ways to exclude you the rest of the time? The Government Planning inspector then hears the developers appeal at a planning inquiry and makes a decision, these inspectors, unlike local Councillors have no connection with our area and are not accountable to the voters or the Council for their decisions. At a recent Bristol planning inquiry MacDonalds wanted to build a drive in restaurant in Fishponds, the local community campaigned against it, the Council refused it, but they got it on a appeal from an unelected planning inspector. I firmly believe that if you have elected local Councillors making decision they tend to do what they feel is right for the City, but if you don't like their decisions then you have the ultimate sanction - the ballot box. If the Government feel that having local democracy involved in the planning process is inconvenient to them getting the decisions they want, then just abolish Council planning departments and committees and run it all from London. Alternatively remove the planning inspector from the process altogether and let the people and their elected representatives decide instead - now there's a thought!
The plan is then submitted to a local planning committee where a group of Councillors unconnected with the general area or applicant make a decision.
Council services online: www.bristol.gov.uk/service Have your say on consultations and view our webcasts: www.bristol.gov.uk/consult 10. Community News
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Fitness Tips From Robert Leat Fitness How To Get Started With Exercise 1. Figure Out Your Why
5. Go To Classes
Recently I was chatting with someone on linkedin and they told me that they would love to exercise but they have no clue where or how to get started. I am going to share with you 8 steps to getting started with exercise.
Go along to an exercise class either at the gym or elsewhere. This is a great way to get started with exercise if you are new to it, it's also a good way to meet new people.
The first step to getting started with exercise is to figure out why you want to start exercising.
2. Set SMART GOALS Once you have figured out your why It's important to set some goals. You should always set fitness goals using the SMART process. This means that goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and time bound. e.g I'd like to lose 2lbs a week.
6. Outdoor and Home Workouts If you don't have a gym nearby or simply don't have the money to join a gym, I recommend doing workouts either at home or outdoors. Keep things simple and do a basic body weight circuit.
7. Start With Simple Changes Implement simple changes such as walking more, cycling to work or taking up running. These are very basic but effective Iways to get started with exercise.
8. Get Help From A Coach If you are still unsure how to get started with exercise then I suggest you speak to a coach such as a personal trainer, S and C coach or a Nutritionist. If you need help getting started please get in touch robert@rleat-fitness.com Tel: 07526638553
3. Join A Gym Now you have your goals it's time to take action. Join your nearest gym. I would only suggest joining a gym if it is convenient and affordable for you to do so.
4. Book A Gym Induction Now that you've signed up to the gym I would highly recommend booking a gym induction. In the gym induction a member of the gym staff will show you around the gym and show you some basic exercises you can do.
13. 12. Health health & Lifestyle
13. health & Lifestyle
14. Health Health & Lifestyle 19.
St Peters Church Hall School Room, Church Road, Bishopsworth BS13 8JR 5.30pm and 7.30pm Tina: 07841 974 661
Hengrove Community Centre Fortfield Road Hengrove, BS14 9NX 9:30am Sarah: 07879 443 888
Bridge Farm Primary School East Dundry Road, Whitchurch, BS14 0LL 5:30pm and 7:30pm Sarah: 07879 443 888
15. Health & Lifestyle
Milk Chocolate Fudge Cake Ingredients 175g (6 oz) Butter
Fudge Icing:
175g (6 oz) caster sugar
55g (2 oz) Stork with Butter
175g (6 oz) self-raising flour, sieved together with 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs, medium 3 tablespoons cocoa, blended with 3 tablespoons hot water and cooled
2-3 dessertspoons milk 200g (7 oz) icing sugar, sieved 2 tablespoons cocoa powder Chocolate cake decorations to finish
Eton Mess Ingredients 500 grams strawberries 2 teaspoons caster sugar (or vanilla sugar)
55g (2 oz) white chocolate chips
2 teaspoons pomegranate juice
4 small meringue nests (from a packet)
1. To make cake, place all the cake ingredients apart form the chocolate chips in a mixing bowl and beat with a wooden spoon until well mixed (2 -3 minutes).
500 millilitres whipping cream
2. Place the mixture in two 20cm (8 inch) cake tins, previously bottom lined with greaseproof paper and brushed with oil. Sprinkle with chocolate chips. 3. Bake on the middle shelf of a preheated moderate oven 180° C, 160° C fan oven, Gas mark 4 for 25-30 minutes. Turn out and cool on a wire tray. 4. Icing: place all icing ingredients together in a bowl and beat together until smooth. 5. Sandwich cakes together with some of the icing and spread remaining icing over the cake with a palette knife. Decorate with your choice of chocolate decorations.
1. Hull and chop the strawberries and put into a bowl. Add the sugar and pomegranate juice and leave to macerate while you whip the cream. 2. Whip the cream in a large bowl until thick but still soft. 3. Roughly crumble in 4 meringues nests - you will need chunks for texture, as well as a little fine dust. 4. Take out a ladleful, or about 100g / ½ cup, of the chopped strawberries, and fold the meringued cream and rest of the fruit mixture together. 5. Arrange on four serving plates or glasses, or in a mound, and top each one with some of the remaining macerated strawberries.
16. Recipes of the month
17. Business To Business
Card Payments: Chip & Pin not Chip & Pain For many traders and retailers, offering card payments is viewed as a necessary evil, however armed with some knowledge and understanding of what the options and requirements are of having a “chip & pin” machine then you should be able to offer your customers a cost effective and reliable solution.
Why should I accept card payments ? In 2015, for the first time in, well, history in the UK, more customers paid by card than cash. We are becoming an increasingly cashless society; fewer people carry cash on them preferring the convenience and speed of contactless card payments (in the first 6 months of this year there has been an increase of 162% vs LY in the number of contactless payments alone) as well as, when required, the security of inputting their pin numbers into a recognised chip and pin terminal. Some retailers (barbers and fish and chip shops seem to be prevalent amongst them) prefer to only accept cash payments however as well as meeting the aforementioned customer needs there are also sound financial reasons why every retailer should do so e.g. many banks (still) charge their business customers up to 2% for the privilege of handing cash into their (own) accounts. Therefore as long as merchants’ card rates are less than this fee then they will actually be saving money by accepting card payments. And in this day and age, even with a current low bank savings rate, it still provides a safer and more cost effective alternative to stuffing it under the mattress !
PCI stands for Payment Card Industry which is essentially the Mastercard and Visa of this world i.e. the card provider who partner with the merchant banks to enable their cards to be used to accept payments through the banks’ terminals. They also usually charge the banks an authorisation fee (typically about 3p per transaction) as well as a monthly “PCI Fee” to ensure the terminal remains updated and continues to offer secure transactions. On top of this they also require every merchant to complete an annual DSS (Data Security Standards) Compliance report proving that consumer card details are securely processed. Some card providers do offer a Compliance report service to their merchants so it is often worth asking about this when considering payment solutions.
I understand no-one will be able to place a surcharge on card payments from next year ? That’s right. From Jan’2018 it will be illegal for a trader or retailer to surcharge (typically anything up to 50p!) their customers for paying by card. The only reason that retailers should need to do this is if their card payment provider is charging them very high card rates. However the Government wish to stop the consumer having to pick up the bill for a merchant’s card charges. Talk to your card provider about how to minimise your card charges and increase your customer service.
Isn’t it a lot of hassle ? Setting up an account to offer card payment solutions is very easy and once this has been achieved the only regular requirement is to complete an annual PCI DSS Compliance report. What’s one of those ?
Offering card payments should be an essential and yet hassle free and cost effective part of every retailer and traders offer to their customers. Armed with the above knowledge and understanding hopefully they should be able to do so.
18. Business to Business
Mobile Phones in Business How often do you hear “What did we do before mobile phones?” And of course, the smart phones of today are massively powerful computers, communication devices, cameras, entertainment centres and business tools. Productivity has risen year on year principally because people can work on the move. Be that taking and receiving calls, replying to emails, or continuing drafting notes and documents held in the cloud. One thing that has not changed, however, is the perception of the mobile phone number. In the UK all mobile phone numbers from the major networks start 07. So, if the only number used by a sole trader or other business is 07…. Several hidden messages – none of them helpful are conveyed: 1. Mobile – mobile means NOT permanent or moving around or no fixed abode. To many this implies flighty or here today gone tomorrow
3. Just started – so far you haven’t organised your phone number because you’re a new start. Many people are nervous giving business to recently established businesses. Will they survive? Are they insured? Will their guarantee mean anything? Will they be around to fix it if there is a problem? By not having a landline phone number on your business card, van wrap, or sales literature you are already disadvantaging yourself against your competitors. For as little as £5* per month this problem can be overcome. It maybe you don’t think it is important. It maybe you think to have a landline number is expensive. It maybe it’s never occurred to you. Techvolution offer very straight talking business advice to new start businesses and can organise a suitable landline number and sort out that part of your business image and communication requirements. Note: Prices exclude VAT
2. Small – only small companies or “little businesses” don’t have a proper landline number. Do you want to be seen as a “little” business – it doesn’t inspire confidence
19. Business to Business
20. Business to Business
21. Direct Motors
Best Way to Clean the Inside of Car Windscreen
Next, wipe the wet cloth over the interior surface of the window to thoroughly wash it. For hard-to-reach corners, use a coat hanger or straight-edge (such as a ruler) to help push the cloth into them.
Cleaning the inside of a car windscreen is important, particularly cleaning the inside of car windshield which could improve visibility. However, because of the angle of the windscreen and the position of the dashboard, it can be a challenge to clean it thoroughly. Fortunately, the best way to clean windscreen interiors is very inexpensive.
Finally, wipe the windscreen dry with the other cloth. Newspaper may be used instead of microfiber cloths. While newspapers don't leave streaks on interior windscreen, they could leave ink residue on your hands.
Fill a bowl or pot with warm water. Add a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing liquid and a few drops of water vinegar. Mix thoroughly.
Other cleaning solutions include commercial window cleaners, such as Windex, or rubbing alcohol.
Get two microfiber cloths—one to wash, one to dry. Microfiber cloths can be purchased at most supermarkets, auto supply stores and home centers. They are machine washable and reusable.
Some interior windscreen may develop a thin film, caused by emissions from plastic dashboards. These cleaning methods will remove the residue.
First, dip one microfiber cloth in the cleaning solution and then wring it out.
Be sure to clean the dashboard and the exterior windscreen at the same time for best results.
22. Direct Motors
23. Direct Motors
Run flat tyres? Advantages and disadvantages One of the most important advantages of these tyres is that the driver can drive it for sometime even if the tyre is punctured. So, if the tyre gets punctured at the middle of the road, you don’t need to stand helplessly. But, there are also some disadvantages. Let’s get some idea about the pros and cons of these new types of tyres.
Disadvantages of Run Flat Tyres 1. Costs It is true that these advanced tyres are quite costly. Replacing this will cost you 30%-40% more than conventional tyres. Even there are many run flat tyres which cannot be repaired and you have to replace those in pairs.
Advantages of Run Flat Tyres 1. Safety This is one of the vital benefits of run flat tyres. You can avoid accidents for sudden blow-out or loss of pressure in tyres. As you can drive your car and handle it normally after the tyre gets punctured, you can avoid any hazards in the middle of the road during heavy traffic. 2.Time Consuming You have to reach for an important business meeting and the tyre got punctured in the middle of the way. Do you have run a flat tyre? You can reach your destination within time. Delaying in repairing won’t cause serious harm. You can send your car for servicing after reaching your destination. 3. Provides Extra Space in Boot Extra luggage or overloading your car hampers its performance. To enjoy smooth and comfortable driving, you just need these types of tyres. As you can drive the car if they got punctured, you don’t need to carry spare and the toolbox. This will reduce much load on your car and you can achieve more mileage. 4. Better Stability These types of tyres can support the vehicle without air. So, if a sudden blow-out happens, it can still keep the steering and handling quite normal.
2. Uncomfortable Driving Yes, installing these tyres can hamper your smooth driving. It happens due to the thick sidewalls which make the tyres absorb lesser shock this happens due to a stiffer ride while driving. In the case of smooth driving the conventional tyres are obviously better choice 3. Less Tread Life You know that these types of tyres are not for harsh driving. But, to compensate this, the manufacturers use a soft tread compound on run flats. This compound makes the tread weary sooner. 4. Not Easy Available As these car tyres are not easily available, you will find that run flats tyres are les likely to be in stock in most tyre shops thus you will need to order them which can impede on your day.
24. Direct Motors
25. Direct Motors
26. Direct Motors
27. Direct Motors
IN CINEMAS Preview by Aaron Potter
VICTORIA & ABDUL While September might see the Summer coming to a close, this month’s cinema spectacles are only just heating up further, with super spies, royalty, and questionable adrenaline junkies gracing the silver screen. First up to the plate is Victoria and Abdul, an ambitious historical biopic which tells the true story of Queen Victoria’s relationship and her Indian servant Abdul Karim, based on Shrabani Basu’s book of the same name. This will mark the second time Dame Judie Dench has stepped into the prestigious role (following 1997’s Mrs Brown), so you know you’ll be in safe hands when it releases on the 15th.
Fast forward 5 days later when we’ll once again have the chance to return to the world of gadgets, gizmos, and all-round ass kickery in Kingsman: The Golden Circle. Witty Brit Matthew Vaughn returns to oversee the action as director, in a story that sees Kingsman secret agent “Eggsy” travel stateside in order to take down another global threat. Lastly, thriller and science fiction fans will want to check out Flatliners, a contemporary update of the edgy 80s classic that follows a group of teens who get their kicks from indulging in near-death experiences. Direct Local Magazine and Cineworld Bristol are giving fans the chance to continue all this excitement and win a prize, simply check out the next page crossword. There’s sure to be something for everyone, so sit back, relax, and head down to your local Cineworld with popcorn in one hand and ice blast in the other.
Cineworld Rating VICTORIA & ABDUL
28. Movies & Entertainment
Competition Time
Queen Abdul Victoria Palace India
England Historical Servant Relationship Majestic
Welcome to our monthly word search. Cineworld Bristol are giving away 2 tickets to any movie you like. All you need to do is complete the word search above and either scan and email it to us with your details at:
info@directlocalonline.com. Or cut out the word search add your name and address Telephone or email and send it to us at:
Crown Golden Jubilee Friendship Clerk Draw will take place on the 20th September with the traditional names in a hat and one lucky winner will get 2 tickets to Cineworld Bristol Hengrove Tickets will be sent by post to your address People must be 16 years or over to enter the Competition. Unless parents consent in writing August’s Winner! Mr Ros Taylor
Direct Local Magazines 7 Hopewell Gardens Shirehampton Bristol BS11 0JS
29. Competition
30. Movies & Entertainment
Action Indoor Sports Centre, Bamfield, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0XA 31. Up Coming Events
UP COMING EVENTS Friday Twilights at Bristol Zoo Event Date: 1st Sep Description: Ever wanted to hear the howl of gibbons or the roar of lions as the sun sets? This summer you can, with Bristol Zoo’s Friday Twilights, held on 30 June, 14 July, 4 August, 18 August and 1 September. Venue: Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Clifton Bristol Smiley Spaces Comedy Night Event Date: 1st Sep Description: A Brilliant Comedy Night starting on the 1st Sept at "The Space" in Keynsham. Venue: 5 Temple St, Keynsham, Bristol Saltcellar Folk Club Event Date: 2nd Sep Description: Double Bill: Jim Reynolds and Hilary Pavey + Jan Vaisey and Ian harvey Venue: Totterdown Baptist Church, Wells Rd, Bristol Walk/Run for Parkinson’s Ashton Court Event Date: 3rd Sep Description: There’s a choice of walking and running routes to suit everyone, so bring your family and friends along for a fun-filled day in one of the country’s most beautiful estates. Venue: Ashton Court Estate Long Ashton Bristol Carribean Street Food Evening Event Date: 6th Sep Description: Come along to our exclusive Summer workshop, cooking delicious Caribbean food. Venue: Little Kitchen Cookery School Stand Up For The Weekend with PAUL McCAF FREY & CO Event Date: 9th Sep Description: Paul McCaffrey has quickly established himself as one of the most exciting acts around. Critically acclaimed annually at the Edinburgh Festival, he is one of the most anticipated headliners this season. Venue: The Hen and Chicken 210 North Street Bedminster Bristol Bristol Rum Festival Event Date: 9th Sep – 10th Sep Description: Love Rum? Love cocktails? This is the event for you... Venue: Paintworks Bath Road, Bristol
ANDY PARSONS: (Tour Extension) Event Date: 12th Sep Description: Worried about your job? Worried about your family? Worried about yourself? Worried about the health service? Education? Climate change? World War 3? Worried about worrying? Sod it! Come and have a laugh about it. It’s one of the things we do best. Venue: Tobacco Factory Raleigh Road Southville Bristol Bristol Open Mic UK Singing Competition Event Date: 16th Sep Description: Singing Competition auditions dates for Bristol Open Mic UK Singing Competition 2017 have been announced! Venue: Tobacco Factory, Raleigh Road, Southville, Bristol Great Bristol Half Marathon Event Date: 17th Sep Description: Lace up your trainers and join #TeamGrandAppeal for the Simplyhealth Great Bristol Half Marathon on 17th September 2017! Venue: Bristol Harbourside Speed Dating in Bristol Event Date: 20th Sep Description: Speed Dating in Bristol Venue: 12 Denmark Street Celebrating Age Festival Event Date: 23rd Sep Description: The Celebrating Age Festival shows the community what assets older people can be, shows younger people that growing older offers opportunities to take a full part in the community, and invites older people to join in the many activities that Bristol offers. Venue: City Hall, College Green, Bristol Chinese Cookery Evening Event Date: 29th Sep Description: Spend an evening making and then eating some of the tastiest Chinese food! Venue: Little Kitchen Cookery School Neon Night Trail Event Date: 30th Sep Description: Dress in your brightest colours and run 5km or 10km around a beautifully lit woodland trail at Leigh Woods, Bristol, on 30th September to raise money for survivors of modern slavery. Venue: Leigh Woods, Coronation Avenue, Bristol
32. Movies & Entertainment
33. Kids Corner
34. The Directory
35. The Directory
Creating a strong online presence is necessary for every business. In the twenty-first century, if you want to generate more profit in your business, then you need to create a strong online presence. So, there is increasing popularity for website design services. Websites are not developed just on a whim and have definite purpose. With the help of a great website designer you can reach out to more clients and make your business grow.
Your prospective customer gets continuous update about your products and services through the 24/7 chat or mail options. You can save on the manpower by investing on a good website. The website will reach out to thousands of prospective clients all over the UK and would cost almost nothing compare to the costs incurred for advertisements on television, radio or newspapers. The reputable web designing companies also offer SEO or search engine optimization services at affordable rates. You can find the top notch companies offering services for mobile apps solutions as well. Through proper SEO techniques, it is ensured that the website will have higher page rank in the search engines.
If your business is related to education, you can perform admission, tutoring, and other related things online. If you have a trade that involves selling of products, you can do so online as well. It is not possible for a businessman to get all the customers in a locality coming physically to his shop. But, with the help of a website you can get more customers. But, only having a website will not create this magic. You need to do other marketing tools like community magazines leaflet drops etc.
Having a website is not enough. You need to make sure that whenever a prospective client types about a product related to your business, the name of your website appears among the top ten. This can be done through SEO and SMO techniques. So, you should find a company and get them to build an appealing website for your business. However, do not expect to see magical results within a short period of time. The techniques need to be implemented with patience. So, you will surely see an upward graph in the sales chart within months.
It is better to have the website developed by a professional. He would know the technical aspects and the pros and cons of various stages of development. A good website conforms to the standards as specified by Bing or Google, so that they appear in the top list in search engines. To get maximum benefits from the websites, you need to take help of a reputable and affordable website design company .
36. The Directory
37. The Directory
38. The Directory
39. The Directory
Paint cleaned off the Carpet and budgie trouble in Portishead. I have a friend and customer in Portishead. His name is Terry. Terry has a budgie called Cyril and a dad called Frank (who likes DIY and to paint his house). Cyril (the budgie) lives in a cage in Terry’s bedroom in Franks house. Terry went away for a weeks holiday with friends and so as the house was quiet and as his dad Frank had the chance he decided to to re-paper and paint the lounge. Frank set to work. The papering went like a dream and after a very busy afternoon Frank decided to start work on the skirtings and doors he’d previously sanded. Paint on the carpet. It took Frank two days to paint the lounge but at the end Frank was chuffed to bits with his work and the lounge looked great. Apart from the paint allover the carpet at the back of the dining room where he’d had a bit of a mis-hap with the dusting sheet. No worries there Frank knew that Floor Blimey! Would get that up in no time, so he gave us a ring. And so Adrian went to Franks house, cleaned the carpet thoroughly and the paint came out really well thanks to the brilliant Texatherm system. As Frank had left him to it he locked up behind himself and returned the house keys to Frank at his workplace. Everyone was happy. Unfortunately as Frank was on the phone at the time Adrian didn’t get to remind him that his carpet would be dry in 30 minutes and as Frank only worked around the corner he decided to pop home and put on the de -humidifier to dry out the carpet during the afternoon whilst he worked. So happy with carpet clean he booked a sofa clean too. The next day Frank rang to say he was so thrilled with his carpet clean he’d like his sofa cleaned as well- could we pop out and do that tomorrow? As luck would have it Adrian had a cancellation so he was able to say yes. The job was booked and Adrian turned up the next morning and got to work on the sofa. As you can imagine cleaning a sofa involves a lot of time at ground level and shuffling around on the floor. So Adrian was happily working and shuffling away when suddenly he felt a gentle crunch beneath his knees. He looked to see what he’d knelt on and in his words “couldn’t believe in all his days what the hell he saw”. It was poor old Cyril – and Cyril was crisp.
You’ll remember Cyril is Terrys budgie. The budgie that Terry had asked Frank to look after whilst he was away on holiday. Oh dear. It seems the day he’d finished decorating Frank had decided he’d like some company and brought Cyril’s cage down from the bedroom and had let him out to fly around the lounge as he sometimes does. Unfortunately, with his head full of thought’s about paint and wallpaper Frank forgot to capture Cyril and put him back in his cage after and back into the bedroom. And god knows how, but whilst being in the room and cleaning the carpets, Adrian hadn’t noticed him either. Which meant, when Frank had switched on the de-humidifier that afternoon and shut the lounge door he’d shut poor old Cyril in there as well. – Words cannot explain. So now poor old Adrian had to brush up his remains and hand them over to a shocked Frank who then had to work out how he was going to explain himself to poor old Terry when he got back. And lets not gloss over this- the whole thing was really upsetting for everyone involved. After all no-one like to see an animal hurt.
Budgie friendly and dry in 30 minutes. Naturally Frank thought about getting another budgie the same colour and hopefully Terry would be none the wiser, but after a lot of thought decided the chances of it being identical in every way were slim and that Terry had the right to know the awful truth. This unfortunately for us was where the story ended but we do understand that although upset, Terry accepted that it had all been a terrible accident and he has forgiven Frank. Frank has also vowed from now on to never use a dehumidifier again and to always use Floor blimey! For carpet cleans as they are, in most cases dry in 30 minutes- and therefore budgie friendly.
40. The Directory
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Oh the debate – “Should I use wallpaper or paint on my walls? Every one has their own personal preference. Some strongly side with wallpaper; others staunchly stand-up for paint and painting. Each has advantages. Paint Paint is one of the most common forms of decorating walls. It is simple and comes in a wide spectrum of colours. Every shade you can think of is possible. The variety is truly astounding with shades within shades and subtly different hues. Perhaps, this can become a problem: too much choice. Even among the whites, there are various shades: pearl, off-white, cream, eggshell, chalk, Queen Anne’s lace. One book listed some fifty different shades of white for a would-be decorator to choose from. In addition to the shades or hues, painters are allowed a selection of types. This applies beyond interior and exterior paint and extends to glossy, matte and flat and anything in between. Glossy captures the light and reflects it, enhancing the color; matte is dull, neutral, letting the color speak for itself. All these characteristics of paint must be factored in. You need to decide the purpose of painting a room, the colours required to best present your theme or intention and whether painting is a practical means of accomplishing your decorating task. When considering painting a room, do not forget the tools needed. Rollers, trays and brushes are the very basic means of getting a room done. Step ladders and/or scaffolding (in rooms with high ceilings) are also part of the necessary equipment. Preparatory work requires sponges, putty knives (to fill in holes), scrapers and sanding blocks (to smooth down the putty-filled holes). You can sanely do anything without a drop cloth or two or three. The cost of these items can add up, but, except for some expensive brushes for fine work, you can always purchase the rest at dollar stores.
Wallpaper Wallpapering used to be a very messy and frustrating job. Sheets of easily torn paper had to be pasted and then held up to the wall. If the paste was applied too thickly, there were lumps under the surface; apply the paste to lightly and the paper would slide off the wall. Today, much has changed and it is all for the better. Wallpaper, now referred to as wall coverings is made of a variety of different substances. It is vinyl, fabric, grass cloth and foil as well as paper. The new paper does not tear or rend as easily as it did in the past. A plastic coating ensures it is both durable and easy to clean. As with paint, there is a myriad of different choices. You can decide what to pick based on suitability, both to the location and you and your family’s preferences. Like paint, the quality will vary according to price and manufacturer. Unlike with painting, however, wallpapering is really not a solitary chore. You do need that extra pair of hands and eyes, the latter to inform you whether you are hanging the piece straight. Wall preparations for papering are similar to painting. Flaws must be removed. The walls must be sanded and all holes filled. If the wall is already covered, strip it. And do not forget in either papering or painting to remove or protect the wall plates. In the end, whether you choose to paint or paper depends on a number of factors – including preference. In today’s retail world, there are a multitude of stores offering advice related to each of these and handling a wide-range of products. Before you decide, examine the work to be done and consider what will be the best suited method. And do not ignore the possibility of combining the two methods. Painting and wallpapering are not exclusive methods of decorating but can be very complementary.
The cost of paint can vary. Sales and end-of-lines can reduce costs and, for a small area, you might be able to pick up paint at disposal sites. Besides price, paint is easy to apply, durable and not difficult to clean.
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