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July horoscopes
Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18
You may come across a situation or conversation that seems someone is being dealt a rough deal. Try not to get involved in any conflicts, you may find this difficult as your natural way is to try and bring balance and harmony. Work with your intuition in any tricky, or delicate situation. Keywords intuition, balance and harmony
Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20
You may need to follow your intuition and keep your sensible side very much at the fore. You may be trying to juggle work with some social life, although at present we all know that can be tricky. Try not to allow things to make you feel stressed, try to keep calmness and peace within you as much as possible. Remember balance is a very good thing if you can bring that into your everyday situations. Keywords calm, wisdom and balance
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19
You could be feeling a bit fed up, and stuck. Things do seem as though they will begin to move soon, and your social life looks as though it will be picking up. Family and friends are very important to you now, and along with this your home surroundings, which may mean a few small changes or a lick of of paint to your home. Keywords Home, family and friends
Taurus Apr 20 - May 20
Relationships and your home environment seem highlighted at this time. There may be some situation that will make you feel you need to address the balance, as somebody or something seems to be being treated unfairly. Clear communication, on both sides seem very important now. Try to bring Clarity and calmness into any tricky situation. Keywords relationships and clear communication
Gemini May 21 - June 20
If you have a problem or something bothering you, don’t keep it locked up within yourself, maybe discuss it with someone close, maybe spend some time in quiet meditation, or contemplation. You may be feeling a bit stuck and things seem quite hard going at present. Nothing stays the same and you may find over the next few weeks things begin to slowly become a bit easier and you begin to feel more positive. Keywords meditation or contemplation
Cancer June 21 - July 22
You could find that you have one of those wonderful lightbulb moments, when something that has been bothering you, or eluding you, suddenly makes sense. Along with this it may bring some new things or new ideas. It does look as though as much as possible at this strange time, your social life begins to improve. Everyone else’s safety
Leo July 23 - Aug 22
There may seem to be a few tricky situations or hold-ups, but they seem to be temporary, and may show you something That could enlighten you. This may open doors for you and bring you new opportunities, which could lead to some positive changes. Keywords opportunities and changes

Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22
If you are feeling a little unclear in your thinking, cut yourself some slack. We are all having to deal with a strange situation Be sensitive to your own needs as well as those of others, and you may find you still have inner strength that will help you through. This in turn may help you to help others. Keywords Sensitivity and inner strength
Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22 Communication seems to be a little challenging at the moment, in some areas. Stay calm and focused, and don’t let things get on top of you. Once these issues have been sorted, you may find Some positive and new opportunities. Keywords communication and opportunities
Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21
You could be feeling that things are being held up, and there seems to be a few obstacles in small areas of your life, that becoming are a little irritating. As much as you can try to find some you time, and use it to bring calm and balance back. Keywords obstacles, find balance
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
This could be a good time to do an overview of some areas of your life. It may be changing things at home, changing routine, or something else. Clearing things both emotionally and practically may be useful too. These kind of changes can bring new things and ideas into your life. Keywords overview and new things
Capricorn Dec 22 0 Jan 19
There could be changes coming your way, seems to be likely with relationships. Maybe it’s these challenging times, that was showing you who your true friends are. Also this time could be useful to try and find balance in many areas of your life. Keywords changes, and balance



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Postcards from lockdown – highlighting children and young people.
It’s been difficult enough for the average adult to cope with the personal repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic and lock down – but what has it been like for children and young adults?
There must have been high and lows, and for many it will have been difficult. Those who are younger and have access to safe outdoor space may have enjoyed playing out in summer weather but others will have spent a lot of time indoors.
A report by the Childhood Trust published recently highlighted the effects to children’s mental health. They found worries about the virus, children missing their friends, school and concerns about their parents who may have lost jobs and be struggling to pay rent or buy food. Young people have had their futures thrown into uncertainly, exams cancelled, the university experience radically changed and career or job prospects uncertain. Sea Mills 100 and Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle Together have joined forces for a project to focus on the experiences of children and young people and highlight them to others. Mary Milton of Sea Mills 100 says “We have been unable to open our museum during lockdown so we wanted to find a way of supporting our local community by using our window displays in creative way. We are inviting children and young people to send us a ‘postcard from lockdown’. We want to hear what they are doing and how they feel about what is happening right now.”

The postcards will be displayed in the Sea Mills Museum – (AKA the old phone box in Sea Mills Square) and on notice boards around Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle as well as online. Research shows that children and young people benefit from finding ways to express their individual experiences. Dr. Georgina Taylor, clinical manager of The Bridge Foundation Psychotherapy Service in Bristol says: "When children can express their thoughts and feelings to others, in words or pictures, it can help them to process their experiences and to feel that these are valued and heard by others. It can also help them to feel more connected to other people”.

All children and young people are invited to participate, regardless of where they live. The postcards will be kept together as an archive so will
also become part of the record of this time. Templates are available to download from www.seamills100.co.uk/postcard but you don’t need to use them. Just send a postcard sized piece of writing or artwork to Sea Mills 100, 28 St Edyth’s Road, Sea Mills, Bristol BS9 2ES. Alternatively, you can email it to info@seamills100.co.uk or post to twitter or Instagram tagging @seamills100 using the hashtag #LockdownPostcard

Sea Mills 100 is a heritage project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Bristol City Council celebrating 100 years of Sea Mills