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Bristol Balloon Fiesta
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The owners have taken the decision to change their plans of holding Bristol International Balloon Fiesta at Ashton Court Estate in 2021, instead they are planning ‘Fiesta Fortnight’ with flypasts and ballooning spectaculars for the city this August.
Due to the continued uncertainty regarding organising large scale events within HM Government’s roadmap out of Covid-19 lockdown, they said it will not be possible to stage the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta at Ashton Court Estate this year.
They understand this will be a disappointment to the visitors, as well as the various businesses and organisations across the city and region that benefit from the significant economic impact of the event taking place. It really is not a decision that they have taken lightly. They have considered a number of alternatives to deliver the fiesta using the various measures currently being trialled by public events, however, these significantly change the ethos and accessibility which is at the heart of the fiesta. Without any certainty that we will be able to stage the event with no limits on capacity in August, it means a huge financial gamble of a seven-figure sum.
However, they said: “We are determined to continue to put a show on for the city and we will deliver a number of launches across the city and region during the first two weeks of August”. These events will be designed for members of the public to enjoy at a distance, from the safety of their own homes and communities.
They will announce further details over the coming weeks, however, if you would like to to nominate the locations you would like to see balloons launch from by visiting this link – https://forms.office.com/r/nUp8QzfPVP