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Free letting event
Free lettings event for landlords
Landlords and owners of empty homes in North Somerset are invited to a free event next month to find out more about the help and incentives North Somerset Council can offer to those who provide private rented housing, helping vulnerable households in the area the find a home.
The event takes place on Tuesday 9 November from 8.30am until 1.30pm at The Stable Games Room in Weston-super-Mare.
The council's lettings team will be there to promote the free letting service they offer for landlords and provide information on the incentives that are on offer in exchange for good quality, affordable accommodation. Also at the event will be representatives from the National Landlords Code of Excellence (NLCE) who will have information about landlord accreditation, Citizens Advice, West Country Savings and Loans, The Centre for Sustainable Energy, the council’s housing standards team and the Department for work and Pensions with information about Universal Credit.
Cllr Mike Bell, Deputy Leader of North Somerset Council and executive member with responsibility for housing, said:“Everyone has the right to live in a safe, good quality home and we’re committed to tackling inequality across North Somerset. “If you’re a landlord, or planning to be in the future, you can help by getting in touch with our lettings team and coming along to this free event for an informal chat about the free lettings service we offer and the many benefits for landlords. We’re always looking for good quality, affordable properties across North Somerset to help people who need a home.
“Our lettings team offer a completely free service to help landlords find tenants, including health and safety assessments and advice on tenancy issues. There are also grants and loans available to help make a property ready to rent out.” For more information contact the lettings team on 01934 426 483 or email lettingsteam@n-somerset.gov.uk
You can also find out more about the help and support provided by the lettings team at www.n-somerset.gov.uk/landlordincentivescheme.
5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Were From Bristol
The North American Accent Blankets
There is suggestion that Bristol’s accent directly influenced that of North America. We’re not saying that they’re the same but put them side by side and you can certainly hear a link. This is likely to be because (many, many years ago) the very first Pilgrims set off for America from Bristol’s port and after that trade was strong between the two places for a long, long time. It’s no surprise that the two accents are linked.

Now we admit that we can’t be 100% certain on this one but legend does have it that it was a wool merchant from Bristol that actually invented the blanket. His name, Edward Blanket, gives us a clue that he may have been the inventor and we’re pretty sure that he’d be super proud today knowing that the humble blanket is used on every corner of the earth.

It’s true, a native Bristolian called Joseph Fry was the very first person to create the chocolate bar as we know it. Chocolate had been around for a while before hand but it was in the guise of a drink. It was Fry that turned this idea into an actual bar and so the world can thank Bristol (especially Mr Fry!) for the gift of chocolate. The first Methodist preacher was a Bristolian. In 1739 John Wesley took the first steps to a new strain of religion called Methodism. He preached a sermon from Hanham Mount to local miners and similar style sermons were soon incredibly popular. In the same year the very first Methodist chapel was built, also in Bristol.

This popular drink is also from Bristol. It was originally invented at the National Fruit and Cider Institute and is now sold globally. Bristol

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