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Your garden
Your Garden In May
Your garden in May
Spring is well under way now. The spring bulbs are fading and the herbaceous border is growing in leaps and bounds. The May days are longer and warmer and the risk of frost should have gone by now. The idea of getting out in the garden during the fine weather and ‘ticking things off the list’ becomes much more appealing. Spring flowering bulbs and plants will need clearing in preparation for summer bedding, and its promise of colour to come. But don’t get overwhelmed by those seemingly endless list of gardening jobs – here are our three most important…
Plant summer bedding
May is the month to get your summer bedding started in borders and containers. If planting borders lift out old plants run a fork through the soil and add a good fertilizer before replanting summer plants.
Try to fill pots and containers in the position they are going to stay – they can become heavy when filled! Water retaining crystals will help to reduce the amount of watering and keep the compost moist during warmer periods. Don’t forget to feed with fertiliser during flowering period.
Prune evergreen hedges and spring flowering shrubs
There’s no better time to give evergreen hedges a trim to get them looking neat and tidy. Smaller hedges can be tackled with a pair of shears, but you may need a hedge trimmer for larger bushes. Prune any shrubs that flowered in spring as soon as they have finished flowering. Broom, forsythia and ribes all need pruning now.
Remove around a third of the oldest flowering stems – this will make the plant look better and encourage new growth to create a good display next year. Be sure to check large shrubs and hedges for nesting birds before you start chopping!
Looking good this month...Geranium
Why should you plant them?
Plant out young veg
Marrow, courgette and sweetcorn are all ready to be sown in the greenhouse. The likes of brussel sprouts, kale, peas and swede should be okay covered outside. If you have already grown tomatoes, move them outside to harden them off. Keep them outside during the day and bring them back inside at night for two weeks to acclimatize them. Geraniums make popular bedding plants – either in the garden or in pots and hanging baskets. They thrive outdoors in the summer but are also great for using a houseplant. They look good planted in a group in a flowerbed all by themselves or mixed in with other annuals – the perfect plant for any spot that calls for a splash of colour throughout the season.
If you have potatoes that are starting to emerge, pull a few inches of earth around the plant with a rake to give the plant more soil to grow.
Enjoy your garden! How should you plant them?
Geraniums need to be grown in well draining soil or if planting in pots a good quality free draining compost. They should be located in a bright spot in the garden that gets plenty of sunshine. Soil should be allowed to dry between watering to avoid root rot.
Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18
With things going on at present, you may be feeling quite down. Remember you are not the only one feeling this way. This could be a good time to reflect and try new hobbies, maybe read a book you have never picked up. When communicating with others, they may be feeling similar so bring your sensitive side with you. Use some of this time for yourself, and remember not to be too hard on yourself or others. Keywords new things and sensitivity
Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20
Through the challenges we have at the moment, you may be finding it hard to keep calm and in balance. Maybe take time to give yourself a breather, and try and see things in another light. It may be an idea to start thinking of new ideas and projects to begin at this time, that you could continue when things begin to ease. Keywords. Re-view and re-new
Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19
We are all facing obstacles at the moment, and staying in touch with your loved ones and friends is important, but remember there are many ways now through ordinary phones and modern technologies. Remember to use your intuition at this time, as it seems to be very important to follow your inner guidance. Keywords intuition and communication Someone new may need your help and support, but you may have a few things of your own to deal with right now, if so try and just be flexible and sensitive in regard to speaking to this person. This could be a good time to have a reflect on those practical things as well as some of those inner turmoils we sometimes have, and see what things would help to sort them out, to ring back your balance. Keywords for stop sensitivity and balance
Taurus Apr 20 - May 20
Gemini May 21 - June 20
Although it may seem a struggle at times, there will be some new changes for you, and a sudden realisation will dawn on you. This realisation maybe something you need to explain to someone and this should clear the air if there were some difficulties. Remember also to be kind to yourself, and stay calm, Maybe read that book you’ve been putting off, I try a new recipe, find something new. Keywords. Realisation and communication
Cancer June 21 - July 22 There could be some new ideas for projects, and this could be a new interest a project or something totally new. Communication is something very valuable in general, but even more so now. Stay in touch with people who are important to you, and also give yourself that time, to read the book you have been putting off, or something you have not finished. Do you line keywords communication, and projects
Leo July 23 - Aug 22
We are in trying times at present, and things can sometimes seem bigger than they actually are. Keep lines of communication open with your friends and family, there are many ways And technologies as well as good old fashioned phones. Maybe take some time to sort a few things out in your home environment, or at least have a think of new ideas and things you can change, refresh, or find new interests. Keywords. Communication and changes
Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22
We are well into spring, if you haven’t already done some clearing it could be a good time now to do so. If you have a tendency to overdo things, or take too much on, remember to slow down at times and give yourself a breather and try and bring some calming balance back into your life. Keywords clearing, balance, and new things.
Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22
Trying to keep balance in your life at the moment isn’t easy, with all these strange challenges.Relationships are important to you even more now,It is just important to find other ways to stay in touch with people. Try and find new interests, and try to keep calmness and balance in your life. Keywords communication and balance Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21
If you have things you need to change, it may be a good idea to do so round now. Although actually socialising together with people is not viable at the moment, through different technology it is possible to still have some sort of social life. If all else fails the good old telephone is as good as anything. Relationships mean very much to you more so at the moment but stay in touch with people in the safest ways possible. Keywords. Relationships and communication.
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
There may be things you really don’t want to deal with but it is best if you do it especially at this time. If you can do some clearing, in which ever areas you feel needed most, it would then be an idea to step back metaphorically speaking, and review situations, and things you are thinking of changing. Keywords deal with things and overview
Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19
It seems as though balance in fairness are important to you at this time. There does seem to be quite a few things in the way and as well it’s all the challenges we are all facing there may be some personal ones for you. Keep the lines of communication open and try to find ways to change things in your life to make things easier. Keywords balance and changes
Forecasted by Marie Hayward
Disclaimer This zodiac is for entertainment purposes only please do not take the predictions seriously Marie take no responsibility for your actions