North Somerset Direct Local Magazine April 2021

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April Horoscopes

Leo July 23 - Aug 22 This month you may need to use some of your qualities of wisdom and endurance. There may be something that needs to be Aquarius JAn 20 - Feb 18 sorted that is stopping you from achieving Try not to get yourself tied in knots. your goals or plans. This needs to be sortEverybody seems to want you to help them ed out so you can move forward, and begin with something, or to be involved in something. to relax and enjoy yourself again Give yourself a bit of space to find the common Keywords clear communication and balance you need. It’s time to take stock of clearing things. a few things, and re-shuffle both your home environment, and activities. Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22 Keywords. Sensitivity, intuition and There may be something that needs your balance. attention. Possibly to do with paperwork. Once this has been dealt with then you Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20 can take some time out, and know that you Time for you to try and take control of the have done the best you can and begin to situation that is holding you back. Avoid unwind and relax. arguments or negative situations if you can. Remember nothing is impossible. There may be some meeting or gathering that Keywords learning changes and you may find useful. Avoid conflict if possible. realisation. Keywords. You time, family. Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22 It seems to be a month for change for a Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 lot of people, and your birth month is no It seems that those born in the month of March, different. Don’t take everything as your reare about to venture into either new hobbies, sponsibility, remember sometimes sharing interests or study. Remember to keep balance a burden or a project can make it much in your life and not to over do things. Research more enjoyable for everybody. Your energy and collecting information seems to be things levels and your well-being will begin to pick that will be taking up your time. up show automaticly this month, so look Keywords clearing and inspiration forward to some positive and wonderful energy. Taurus Apr 20 - May 20 Keywords. Clearing and sorting. Looks like time for some changes. Has your motivation gone, and your energy Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21 levels down? Take a look at a few tweaks and Time to take a look at your life, or at a situchanges you can make to help bring some ation that needs some attention. vitality and enthusiasm back into your life. Remember friends, family or your own Don’t let things drag you down and don’t get higher self can be there to help you in any yourself caught into complicated situations. situation. Don’t listen to any gossip, as you This is your time of year, so it’s now time to need to focus on sorting things out to bring take a look and sort some good and healthy The calm and clarity that would help you to treats for yourself. Have a lovely birthday. sort these things out Keywords. Changes and energy Keywords balance and revelation Gemini May 21 - June 20 If you have been thinking of taking up a new hobby, interest or maybe studying, now is the time to really consider doing this. A lot of things are going for you the hardest decision may be what it is you would like to learn. Try listening to your own intuition. Keywords. Reviewing and clearing Cancer June 21 - July 22 This seems to be a month for sorting a few things out, the only problem is it looks like social things could be quite important to you certainly this month Try not to take too much on at present, and seek some quiet time, to allow yourself to gain some clarity. Keywords. You time, clearing and opportunities

Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21 Try to find some balance in your life. It seems very much at times you don’t know whether you’re coming or going. It seems that you could be feeling literally a bit stuck in more ways than one. Try to take some time for yourself, and if you can, try and give yourself some you time. Keywords. Clearing and communication Capricorn Dec 22 0 Jan 19 Relationships seem to be the major influence for you this month. Particularly romances close friendships, just be aware that someone around who may need some emotional support.There may be a situation that will need you to take a good look at the situation. And then a decision maybe needed, to help someone. Keywords. Relationships, romance

Want to find out more about what’s in store for you this month! Contact Marie on: 07949 800354 8

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North Somerset Direct Local Magazine April 2021 by Direct Local Bristol - Issuu