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Wishy.org.uk allows people to grant wishes for charities. The new not for profit company founded by Bristol based business friendsLiam Summersand Daniel Pidcock was launched successfully this week. The idea for Wishy came about when co-founders Liam and Daniel were looking to donate to charity at Christmas. They discussed how they wanted to know how their donation could help someone, it felt impersonal to just donate money and they were interested in making it a gift especially for the time of year. Through these discussions they came up with the idea for Wishy and using their 20 years of web-based skill and experience they made their idea a reality.
Charities can list ‘wishes’ for one-off needs or products or services they need regularly. For example, an animal shelter might have a one-off wish for money for a veterinary bill to be paid, or an ongoing wish for pet food. The public can grant these wishes by donating money on Wishy. Wishes are small enough that one donor fulfils the entire wish rather than adding to a larger pot and 100% of the donation goes directly to the charity.
Liam has always supported local charities. “Every year my family put together backpacks and food parcels for the homeless and hand deliver them to people on the streets. During lockdown we discussed how we could help during these difficult times and how more than ever people and charities were struggling.” “I discussed with Daniel my idea for granting exact wishes to people who need it, when they need it, and how too often when donating money to charities you wonder how much impact your donation has.” “I wanted to create a new way of giving that allowed people to decide how their money was used and see the direct impact of their generosity.” “Wishy has social values at its core. Both Daniel and I are enormously proud of what we have built and believe it will connect people to the causes they care about. It has been an inspiring time so far and we have only just started. We are committed to helping great causes and reaching more people in a different and more personal way.” Daniel feels that the ability to grant a wish in its entirety is the key.
“ Whether that is a couple of quid for an outfit for a baby that has died during birth or covering the cost of a whole day of a Mobile Cancer Care Unit: You know that you have been the person solely responsible for making that happen and the world a brighter place.” “We call these micro-grants: Small wishes that an individual can completely take care of no-matter their budget or personal circumstances. It’s incredibly gratifying to do.” “We’re excited to launch Wishy alongside 15 fantastic local charities and see what the public perception is. We hope to roll it out nationally over the next year.” For more information visit: http://wishy.org.uk/

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There is more to house painting than just slapping up a coat of paint. The job can be messy, amateurish if the homeowner is in a rush or impeccable and of professional quality if he or she will follow a few tricks of the trade.

This is not a task to hurry through or it will have to be done over again sooner rather than later. Without proper attention, the new coat can flake off in big disappointing peels. Unsuccessful painting can mean that the entire task will have to be done over again or that it will look like a sloppy eyesore for years to come. Here are some tips for the best results:
Tools of the trade: Pros take great pride in their tools and for good reason. Having high quality paintbrushes, ladders, stirring stick and rollers will allow a superior result more easily. Inferior quality paintbrushes may seem like a bargain at the cash register but once the painting begins, it may become a different story. Shedding brush-hairs left in the path of the shoddy paintbrush will be a pain to pick out of the newly applied layer.
Those crummy brushes will shed more than a dog in the middle of summer. Without a retractable ladder, a homeowner will have a hard time reaching various spots. after the can has set for a while. And rollers, like paintbrushes, must be of high quality for proper absorption and distribution. Reviewed by food critic Peter Abraham
Hauling out a kitchen chair to climb up on will result in slops and streaks on the unsuspecting furniture. Stir sticks are a must or the colors won’t be mixed properly Preparation: If the surface is dirty and peeling, it must be cleaned and sanded before a new coat of latex or enamel is applied. Paints don’t stick to dirt and instead of a quick cover-up job, there may be layers of wet muck that fall off before a painter knows it. Flakes peeling underneath will cause a new layer to peel away as well. Prep isn’t something to skimp on if a topnotch result is desired. Taping around windows and woodwork is also crucial in order to keep them neat and spot-free. Color choice: Choosing the color will take a bit of time. It’s not as easy as it may seem. There are zillions of shades of a hue as simple as white. Taking swatches and samples home from the store will be an important step. Looking at tones next to existing furnishings, lighting and woodwork will help with selection. Once a hue has been settled upon, painting a sample area and living with it for a few days will be a good idea. This will allow a homeowner to see what it looks like at various times of the day and in certain lighting.
When a homeowner decides to do some house painting, he or she must take the time to do it right. Proper tools , preparation and color choice will be steps on the path to enhanced curb appeal. The interior and exterior of a house can be greatly improved upon with a product as seemingly simple as a can of paint.