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New E10 Fuel

The Department for Transport has launched a consultation on its proposal for the UK’s larger forecourts to begin selling E10 petrol, a cleaner fuel, in order to meet climate change targets.

However, research has shown that as many as 635,309 petrol cars currently on the road will be incompatible with it. E10 petrol contains 10% bioethanol, a type of renewable fuel, to reduce carbon when burned – that’s twice the amount of the 5% maximum currently found in the petrol at your local pumps. It’s currently available across most of Europe, as well as the US and Australia, and the vast majority of vehicles in use today are approved to be fuelled with it. However, older models are at risk of incompatibility.


Ten most popular cars to be affected by E10 fuel

A study by the RAC Foundation has compiled a top 10 list of the most popular models set to be affected. Of the 635,309 models incompatible with E10 petrol, 150,000 will have been manufactured from the year 2000 onwards.

The most popular cars are as follows:

What will happen if your car is incompatible with new, cleaner fuels?

Fortunately for affected owners,The Department for Transport is proposing that the larger stations that will be stocking E10 will also have to maintain a complement of the older E5 grade petrol so that owners of older vehicles aren’t left behind.

The director of the RAC Foundation, said online : ‘As and when E10 appears on the forecourts, drivers need to know whether their cars can use it without being damaged. ‘This analysis shows that even in a couple of years’ time, there will still be hundreds of thousands of cars on our roads that are incompatible with the new fuel. ‘While some of the cars incompatible with E10 fuel will be historic models, many will be old but serviceable everyday runarounds that people on a tight travel budget rely on to get about.

‘The good news is both that the vast majority of cars on our roads are able to run on E10 and the Transport Secretary, has recognised the need to protect the users of those older vehicles which are not E10 compatible.

It will be interesting to see whether the current consultation generates support for the government’s proposed way forward.

A Department for Transport spokesperson said online: ‘This government is ambitiously seeking to reduce the UK’s reliance on imported fossils fuels and cut carbon emissions from transport. But drivers of older vehicles should not be hit hard in the pocket as a result.








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August Horoscopes

Aquarius Jan 20-Feb 18

You may need to do a little bit of reflecting and thinking about what you would like to clear within your own space. This could be on the physical level, although it feels very much like it could be more on the emotional. Clearing and releasing things can make way for new things and ideas, and opportunities to come your way. Maybe reflect on things that you may not realise that you have learnt, or maybe on things that you would like to change. Keywords. Clearing, reflecting, and opportunities

Taurus Apr 20 - May 20

Maybe you’re someone who collects things and it may have come to a point where it may be wise to go through collectibles and rearrange them or even maybe give some away. It may not just be items that you hang onto, so maybe do a little clearing and shifting on the physical as well as within yourself. Clearing things always makes space for new ideas on new things, and sometimes brings new opportunities. Keywords. Clearing, reorganising, and changes

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Looks as though there could be some opportunities due to come your way. A lot of things have been held up, and a few ideas have had to of been on hold. Things are beginning to shift for you now so be on the lookout for new opportunities, and a renewed feeling of renewal. Keywords. renewal and opportunities.

Cancer June 21 - July 22

Friends and activities are highlighted at this time, along with new people and or new ideas. This could well bring you some interesting changes, and may bring you some opportunities that you don’t expect. Keywords. New things or ideas

Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

It seems as though it could be a good time to slow down, take a deep breath and step back, and do an overview of things you are involved with. It maybe time for a few changes, so give yourself time to do this an d work with your intuition. Friends and family are highlighted for you at this time. Gatherings of different kinds also seem to be quite prominent, remember to use your energy wisely, as you can have a tendency to take on too much. Keywords. Overview and use your energy wisely

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 19

Seems to be a few obstacles and hold-ups for you at the moment, try not to stress over them but try and re-organise stuff so that things are easier to deal with. Once you have done this, you may find other things fall into place a lot easier, and other plans come to fruition. Changes can sometimes seem a little daunting, but try and be open to them, as they can be really wonderful and bring good opportunities. Keywords, overcome obstacles and embracing change

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