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Your garden
If you’re a keen gardener February is a month filled with anticipation. The first signs of life are beginning to emerge as plants shake off their winter dormancy and wildlife begins to wake. Light levels are increasing, temperatures are rising and splashes of colour are beginning to creep back into the garden. Spring is on its way and there is plenty of preparation to do.
Prune plants
Prune late flowering shrubs such as fuchsia, hydrangea, buddleja and ceanothus. Using sharp secateurs, cut just above an outward pointing bud. Aim to remove about a third of the height of the shrub and try to maintain an even shape. Check other shrubs and remove any dead, diseased or damaged branches to keep the plant healthy. Try to avoid pruning early flowering shrubs until after they have flowered.
Give the lawn a light mow
If the weather is warm you may need to start mowing. Set the cutting height on your mower to its maximum and only mow when it’s dry. Re-cutting lawn edges will also give an instant lift to the appearance of the garden.
Plant shrubs and trees
February is the ideal time to plant new shrubs and trees while they are still in their dormant state. Make sure the ground is not frozen or water logged before planting. Stakes and rabbit guards should be put in place at the time of planting to prevent damage to the root ball or bark. It’s also a good idea to check ties and stakes on existing plants and replace, tighten or slacken where necessary.

Plant of the month: Camellias
Why should you plant them?
Welcome in the spring with Camellias-these hardy shrubs have glossy evergreen leaves and display flowers that brighten up your winter. An early riser in terms of plants waking up from the winter snooze. Camellias burst into flower in February just as the rest of the garden is starting to blink its eyes at the sunshine.
How should you plant them?
Camellias are easy to grow and flower relliably-the most important thing is choosing the right spot. Although a hardy shrub their flower buds are susceptible to frost once they start to develop so plant in a sheltered spot and wrap with fleece when frost is forecast. Camellias like to grow in acidic soil so need planting with ericaceous compost. feed with ericaceous plant food to keep the leaves glossy and green and water well once the flower buds appear-although the flowers wont break until February. The buds will begin to develop in autumn.

Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18
Although things aren’t moving very much for you at the moment, this will change. New ideas, new interests, are very much on their way for you. You are very strong and independent person, and sometimes find people difficult, try and be aware of being sensitive to other’s needs, and occasionally A little more flexible and possibly tolerant with others. Keywords. New things on wait, sensitivity and flexibility.
Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 20

Our current situation is very challenging, and it is very likely you are feeling stuck and lightly stressed, so try and make some time for yourself as well as looking after everyone else. Look for opportunities to find laughter, this is a great stress reliever, and brings positive energy to those around you too. Keywords look after you as well as others.
Aries Mar 21 - April 19
This could be a good time to learn something new, or revisit something you learn’t a while ago. Your intuition would be good work with at this time, so as you don’t miss out on any useful information, knowledge, or finding opportunities for new things. Keywords. Intuition and opportunities
Taurus Apr 20 - May 20
If you are feeling a bit held up and stuck, be aware that things will begin to change for you. Patience could be your best friend at the moment, and look out for ways to work with achieving your goals, and working with change. It may be a good time to do a reflective overview of your ideas and goals. Keywords. Overview and changes
Gemini May 21 - June 20
If you are feeling a bit fed up and things are repetitive, remember nothing stays the same. Try and find the positives about being at home. Find a new hobby or maybe fixing things that have been forgotten. Look after yourself, and maybe try some new things maybe new foods, or new TV programmes, et cetera. Keywords. Be positive, and look after yourself
Cancer June 21 - July 22
If you’re finding it hard going at present, due to current circumstances, Give yourself some time to look for new interests, hobbies, or sorting out things that have been put on hold. You are not alone in this situation, try and make the most of Being indoors, and being able to sort or change things in your home environment, or get on with new interests or resume old ones. Keywords. Look for opportunities, and new ideas.
Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22
If you feel your inspirations have left you, it won’t be for long. Try not to over think things, and you may find you have one of those light bulb moments, which will give you a new zest for things and help relieve some obstacles. When conversing with people, try to keep aware of their feelings as well as you are having your own opinions. Keywords. Inspiration and communication.
Virgo Aug 23 - Sept 22

If things seem to be getting to you of late, remember you have a character that is strong and resilient in many circumstances. You are very good at overcoming adversity. So take a step back, and give yourself some you time, and begin to look after yourself more. Keywords. Overcoming difficulties and you time
Libra Sept 23 - Oct 22
We are all in challenging times at the moment, but some things seem to be weighing heavily. Remember nothing stays the same, and things will soon change, so make the most of being able to put your attention on sorting things through. Keywords. Clearing and renewing.
Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21
Your home environment and friends and family are highlighted at this time, and it does feel very much like the obstacles can be a bit more difficult than usual, try and find ways to stay in touch with your friends and family. In regards to things for your home environment, as with most things follow your intuition. Also try to be aware of the needs of others at this time. Keywords communication and intuition.
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
You may have felt very stuck, both physically and emotionally. Try and go with the flow and be aware that nothing stays the same, and things will soon begin to move. There may be a few things that will change for you, this may have been on your mind for a while, and the time this year may be the right time to bring changes to fruition. Keywords. Obstacles, Patience and changes.
Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19
Have you been putting off sorting some things out? If so now could be a good time to start to clear stuff this will help things to start shifting in more ways than one.You may find also by doing some sorting and clearing, that it clears your mind too. keywords: Listen and sensitivity