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CCTV installed on Downend High Street
New CCTV cameras have been installed on Downend High Street following a £54,000 investment by South Gloucestershire Council and Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council to provide reassurance to residents, shoppers and the wider community.
Installation of three, high-definition cameras was completed following a request made by the Parish Council and strong public support in the subsequent consultation, with 97% of respondents in favour of CCTV on the High Street.
The Parish Council contributed £35,000, with South Gloucestershire Council funding the remainder and taking responsibility for the ongoing maintenance and monitoring costs. The wide-angle, tilt and pan cameras will support the Police in maintaining public safety by helping with the prevention and detection of crime and will be operated from a central control room located in Bristol.
South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources, Cllr Ben Burton said: “Downend High Street is a fantastic place to spend time and we are delighted to have worked with the Parish Council to install these cameras to make sure it remains a safe and pleasant place to visit, shop, or run a business. “CCTV cameras are commonplace in our towns and cities, providing reassurance to people going about their day-to-day activities and the presence of these cameras will help to keep Downend High Street safe by deterring anti-social-behaviour and crime for the benefit of everyone. This is a great example of us working in partnership with the Parish Council to deliver this project and follows the overwhelming community support highlighted in the public consultation.” Chairman of Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council, Cllr Janet Biggin said: “Following on from a few incidents here in Downend, we felt that to have CCTV cameras would assist the Police in their work. So, we have been working with South Gloucestershire Council over the past two years, successfully installing three CCTV cameras along the High Street. You will see one outside Sainsburys, one in front of Michael Nicholas Estate Agents and one in front of what was Lloyds Bank.
“We were able to procure the cost from Community Infrastructure Levy monies, which has paid for the cameras and infrastructure, with South Gloucestershire Council paying for the day to day running and maintenance costs.”
The consultation output report can be viewed at https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/ consult.ti/Downend_CCTV

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