reviewing books
How to Write Book Reviews Have well-written reviews
If you think reviewing someone else's creative work is a breeze, then think again. It is much the opposite! Albeit enjoyable, writing a book review is a serious responsibility. Readers depend on reviews to decide a novel that is right for them, and authors depend on book reviews to promote their place in the literary field, as well as to sell books. A story including a lot of four and five star book reviews can draw far more awareness than one without reviews or receiving bad ones. Good book reviews will be the cornerstone in the author's standing and a ticket to better and more exposure. Often book reviews encourage readers to purchase a story much more than compensated advertising can as reviews lean to be freely given and devoid of prejudice, and, as a result, incorporate far further power. A correctly written review can be received the same as a well-written story. Bear in mind, providing you are commenting on someone's creation, comments which can cover the book's editing, it will assist to offer a book review from a clear and exact style, liberated from grammatical mistakes. Above all, the book review should represent worth to the reader; after all he or she is in the market for a new and worthwhile read and will often look somewhere else providing the book reviews fall short of objectives. A couple of factors to take into consideration when writing your review: a.A review does two items; it describes and appraises the book. It's not a full description of the novel. b.It will be better to review a genre you could connect with and will enjoy reading rather than rather alien to you. Beginning with "this is just not certainly my type of thing, but..." is pretty negative, and struggling with something you're uncomfortable with, isn't worth the endeavor. The rules of reviewing - Are there any guidelines! There isn't a right or incorrect way to write a review. Book reviews are a personal opinion. Each is the opinion of that particular reviewer, and as such written from an limited position. There are, however, a few typical elements which I encourage, and you may wish to seriously consider, before you start writing.
Read the book from beginning to end (sounds silly but a brief scan through won't cut the mustard -you need to find the real feel of the book). If the book you have chosen to book review ends up not to be as absorbing and appealing as you thought it should, think yourself committed, and see it through to the end anyway. Find a good grasp of its content. Take notes if necessary - it will save time wading through a another time for the details. On the other hand, providing a specific spot is attractive, or there's something you would enjoy quoting, denote the spot. Think about the plot. Did you enjoy the plot? Did the manuscript have a plot! Did the it go the manner you thought it should go, and if so, was the plot executed correctly and did it all make sense? What is too quick or too long, fast paced or dragged out? What is it decisive? Give thought to the characters. Were they well-developed? Would you describe them as weak or powerful? Were they likeable? Did you have a favourite character? Were the characters germane to the story? (Not as weird as it sounds. Some characters have a habit of creeping into stories and have no bearing to the story) From whose point of ? Did you enjoy the novel? Did you loathe the story? Was the novel appropriately edited? Was the story suitable to its intended audience? Is the book trying to convey a message? would you read more from this author? Assuming you have done all of the above, it's time to write it all down. This is the creative part; the bit where you could actually share your own writing proficiency. Do not of course get too creative, the reader is looking for a reasonably frank assessment, other than one or two interesting observations can add to the review. Writing the Book Review} These things aren't set in rock; these are simply suggestions. Introduce the novel title, the author, the genre and where the novel can be bought. Tell the reader the cost of the book in its various publications. (I.e. eBook, Hardback, Paperback). Write a short foreword, one sentence will do, to hook the reader. Put together your review thoughtful and engaging. And keep in mind, someone else's ccreditability is on the line. It isn't necessary to provide a long, comprehensive summation. The author will have already done this at the point of sale. Describe the contents in brief, with no giving away the ending, plus, as a general rule of thumb, do not go past the midpoint of the story with your description.
And, number one rule - by no means give away the ending. If the story is part of a series, it will be worthwhile to reference this too, even if you haven't read any others. Tell the reader what you think of the fashion of writing, the plot and the characters. Tell the reader how much or how little you liked the story and why. Incorporate any other points you feel are important and would help the reader to decide whether or not he or she could like to read this story. Furnish a brief review of your final thoughts. Include your vision of the age scope/sort of reader you feel it would be best suited to. Rate the story. This is typically, but not usually, on a one to five star basis. What if I don't like the novel? Providing your thoughts are unfavourable - be straightforward and say so. But do so in a professional manner. Try not to offend, and never ‘get personal'. You are empowered, so state your opinions clearly and fairly, and try and ‘be nice' as the phrase goes. This isn't a stand to offer insults. Remember the author will, almost certainly, have put in everything he or she has into writing this book - it will be probably their ‘baby' and they want everyone else to feel the same route about the novel as they do. Years of creative work may well be behind the publication and it is worth appreciating this fact. Besides, we authors are a distinctive species and can usually tend to favor towards the sensitive. Try not to be completely negative, but don't forget you also have a responsibility to your readers. Take into account: Always be honest, impartial, and agreeable. By giving an author a book review, you are giving the author a gift. Your review could make someone very happy, but it could also destory their day, so select your words carefully. And who knows; once you start to post a few reviews, you can even get some in return. Some final words before you click that ‘Publish' button: Edit like crazy!! Check your spelling (use spellcheck, but bear in mind it is not infallible) and check your grammar. Leave for a while before searching through again. Make sure that you're completely happy with it, and then hit that publish button. Fini! Congratulations! You've now added ‘book reviews' to your ever growing list of abilities - one more string to your proverbial bow! At this point you can proudly reveal with your contacts, fans as well as followers at Personally, I have always found book reviewing a greatly pleasing experience and one I recommend highly, and I sincerely hope you too will enjoy it just as much as I do. Have fun with it, I wish you a lot of luck writing book reviews! A children's author, blogger and novel reviewer (mainly, but not exclusively) of children's books. I can be found in the following places: marketing my books