M me
al r, itJA d of being th rul r tu longer G()IDe th ruled, And i cllr t by them.. You must bear in mind that tbef wi tt& tld\·antage f \. •ry OJ portunib to nmc d Bnitt't control as th€!y resent the at beh rc cont II 1· they nn some on t do : wnnt dun • tit • imply wan to run thingtJ nd i th ir wn u I th : tired ot ·in -. r • b
er ·•
hiGh U±J• .ll8in'JIC)'n-.. ·~ earth. U it WU - ~ Tlle further ii\Jifj:-.r:,til~•ea apo~~; t1aat u • popib1d to .·!ft-r8rtala etroet. upon this lllilo;l~iiti•.ua into ootmaaUo:n1 ttm~li'Y 1Jllt'IIIOI&Y with the Etherio Prfr.acip1o in a lfftq 1IWI or woman, to eaue that oomlltion or that vfhra em, that OODdition of tbD umia to be ti1UI.derred to it, the Etherlc Doubt of the living penon, ftlld tbll.l to tabldh that condition in hia own Elberio Principle, aDd by rradual11 bringbag down t a lower •tat of vibratiGnt to produM the am effc!cl upon biB gr
aieal body. Tlu~roforo, to kind di Ml
rroduae death or litCt OT to prtlducc any or or to g(!t wntrol of a penon nU Uaoso praaU • a mad ~d tly po .•bfi 1W pcrl'ecl.ly nNticmt, t • tUng control of lho E.ill . • Principle a.tld 11 tin on tlmt through Uli Mumia 1llllB tnmste.rring it to Ua F~tht-'ria JlrintiJ 1 within tht! body of th n;on, or, :rath r · tiJD.
u te
f n·or in on 8 attitud ownnl them; and Lastly: A great deal of ono 's time pnt • in t of w o r 8 b i p oontempl.ali~~ m it Uon, prayer eto.. By this at ltudo ot oommunion and at. lb m tim rudy obedience to w atm•er promptings r iv from them, one will be able to enter into oommunicatio th them, but this is onl • for tl1 one ho firmly · li · In them. By wor.shipph ~ tb ods nnd e~mmunin i h UMm in tho ordinAry wny: in tlut «OD.r;Be of tinw on will eatabUsh a bond of nUachrnent with thorn, will estubli h an amuity between himse rand hie lJaiTtm IJO stTJlln,g Unt hillaociety will be songll 1 nnd in lime lho 11atrou will P· pear to him direct. Hi Oeniu will at lna ho ' • iblc to hila The gUm~c tbr ugh ecirtRBY, of tls f the gods, we.ro whnt tho nn • n Th ur "st.s 110 Ion The • ri.fi ·ru-e mnd unto 1 t. cntL and if one aaw a glimpse r th ~ gods th y w r highly ganling it as tb gr tc t O\·iden o the re
Gtmlua. It is quite J•ossihln for ono who l>tl'b'•es in I he gGil'~ and II d voted to them to nt l Hl enter • to thls Thtmrgi Ita bo.re h can d w lb m 't O him and porform dent by th ir a istan It oould l horn in mml t~o hnL no u uWOU$
to rc&labli h tlteir wor; hip upon Ute
wiD coCSpcrat
e t c full
rtJ , nml
en of .thoir 1 O\\ r
thole who will do so wlto wilt ac os their prie t ond Who 'Wille tabU8h it in a prOJlf1r. mnnn •r: lmt ]tis prop~r JIUUUler llle1Lt1.11 Uutt lb 5-• hnJl bo r :.co~JlfiyJ!'od go a nnrl .ahalJ be womtip~ at1 sncl.I, ml Ute) mtas be \\Cor hiJ ped in &acorda.ru.·~ with t'b<!jr r.i10~ . r. Ont' mu t do tl o work that thoy want don . Now if no J ·HJ n t
107 aid oDiyw rahip Oeniu, aDd her enlu 1IDCloub IT cme of the ~ Her eatire )'Stem of my • Udao Ia not Chriltian in any eeue ot tho word; It ia Mt Orimatal; it il rully polytheiltic aDd U., eonsequently, the open door to Theurn. Had abe been a wDnder worker had .the ~ed the positive Ioree to do magical ork, lh would really ha been a Theurgisl lnatead of this. however. 8he wu a seeress, and abe wu realJy the aeereA of thi! gods. Her 8}"8lmn is brought out an Tlal! P rf«< Wo* and in lolA d ccitl the " •illeh really the religi n .f the g m what ha l1een .tatoo the student will path neeeuary tA> tra\Oc I if' he would be a Tb W'gi will al10 prold.bly realize that Th~urgr is the mo prou and the mo t infamou of aU tM types of l.agic. houp requirin th • hi he t racwr of 11, th gl'l pi ty, y tit l Ut wor or all forms· and ! It the wo hip of the g 10 ar :m~ wlr r apin th AlJtJtority of .J bO\'Ilh. It is 000 ue.ntJy a piag o\·er to tlt "'·or: hip or tb en~ 4)! J •11 'ab and A bold, bar fn~ d Jinne of t} Jint COIIWlAlldnu•nt t)( the Deealogu( : "Th u lu.•lt hs.ve no ut.lr r gcH]s hetore me•., lt il the wonhip or other godR Uum Jchl.J\"fth nu J II. hence, tor lb Chri tinn. tll totnl nb.llndonm •ut of fh nhlp of Ood and th going oft' f r the wo l•ip r • Th T for it a nt>O\' \'errthin e to . .-ad by tho IIDln who hn on~ tAro for bi souJ•s J. n. It is tn:>.aJUln against tb God tit flf.'&\' u, th ac tan of falM god~ ond muHt bring upon ll1 on wlw prulice11 it swift desbuctioo, although to orw who wUI follow thia lite, JH>WerH closely rosemhli.ft8' tho mirnnJea performed by tliE Dol)· OhQ.<tl or quif pos:l\ib!~.
Di'IIM YaJio l that bran~h of Magic whi i 1 T· formed through the agency of the llJ)irit ot God. Tbe priDc:i invoJ ed are prot mueh the eam aa in nil tho oth•r of magie th dift' bein in U t that l emplo h praeti f Dirin .Magi w do not mnk ol ElUDentahl or Thought Foi'ID8 in tb ns in hich w clo in ll 11ta1 Magie, nol' of umi.a. or any of th other ace maployoo ln tb*) various branab . of M ·c. 'h 8pirit of God iltlul r employ , I nt lh 1a gov mba~ ueralmag~ applieable to th p U of Dhin