The Central Spiritual Sun and
The Virgin of the World
l .t·••<~n• l>h••n tu II " p, ....,., ...,, l'upll• lly nn. A. s 11/\l.t·:u:u
Chic.oao. lllinolo, U. S. A.
Ct, l\.~ dNh,, 11).2')
' I lit' IIi 1mrllr l 'uhll•hfug (;(11111~•,11)'
THE CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN 'I hi • 1~ ~yuoboli.ted hy u u lul(•r·h,.·~·l tl'iungl~ " ltlr light, horlt.onlul llrrc8 runnlu11 thro ugh lht• middle. lhnl is. inuu;,tliu tt·ly brtwccn the two rnitldh• t>oint~ bO a1 h1 I'Ul tlw •h pointed »lnr in lr:rll. The n. there Is u clr·c lc au rrounrliug this: thnt i~ to ~II)' • the p<Jiut~ uf the ~ix-poi r\l ~d s tnr• l·~ l t'ud •l igh tly il~yorHI ll tP fl r·st c ircle ; " "' " · lwytil lll llri•. lh c r·c IH 11 st•cuu rl l'l r·~ ll·. r11rfl, lwyo nd tho:~''"' ' " '' ci t·olc, llglrl i~ r·u •liukd . ·n , ~ co uroptlun is ll ro t of a w h il'l iul( l'i r•clc or !HII'e ll rl' lu whh•lt I~ rt•trrr·scn lcd l ire ~1\ pn iutt•cl s lnr lllf• ilrh'rllrct•rl tri:ongk. ' l ltt•n, ,.,lt•ruling bl'yond tlus ,·lrl'lc nf lire. or rntht r thl' Ur·•t circle. tht:rt• lltJW~ nu t n " ' COlle! II Ailll' a /IHH' uf l>:x le nd lnu lo th is ou tmost cir·dc• frorH "hlch Is rcllectcll 11 bn rul ll"ht. That is th r cuncepli on of tlrl)
r.c·nh·nl Spil'itun l Sun. I n lll'l it' r• tl) II IHk r".•l tll ll l lhi~. WO lll US l ll rsl f( l ll ll l' l' hl'ii'Oy HI tl tc i lll <•r•illl'~(l lr•ill llj.(l(•, IJCCUIISI.t Ill(' lrrl t• rlnrcd ll'i tu tglc I ~ ti re vt r·y lnu crruo~l pn1t uf thi~ sy mbo l. n~ II wt•rc• n il the oth('r~ t aJ
UI'U n tJJ'l'SS[I) IIS or Its li Ci i vi ly. •r t•c: iii i<JI'i ll llecl triangle is u t•·lnnfliU <h:sccnrlluH duwmvord, 011 d nuother n sc~nd ins tiJ>Wlll'd, the two meeting l•olf wuy: 'l'l•nt is. th o poiH t of 011\l tl'i onj!lc ~XI(' tllls b('VOild the lttJrit() ll li 11 c of li t(! OlhCI' so ~~~ to 111 alto 11 pc•·rcct six- t>olntccl slnt-. Now. Ill eR() tdungles ur~ lh£• l{l'cnl th e lt·ia uglPS: Thr t rluu ~l c of Urc· dc•sce udlng tlowuwn rd. ltcnco, III VIl lutiull, unci li lw wisc th o ll'illll glc or Urc !l ~t'l' ttdl ul( IIJIWill'll, whl <•l1 Is (•VIduli rut St1iri lun l l ii VII lll l itl ll IIIHI f'VflllltiOII. 1\lll WI' ll iii SL ben t• 111 '" iu d till•1 1111 ul' ti d• •·o lulcs 1.11 th o Ccn t•·u l t->pl1il1111 1 :111 11, n ul In ti ll' tlHlllffe$1 UulvNsc. 1101' I'V< II i11 lfuo H'Jjl<JII of ln(IJI'idlltli $p lrlitl f1 ] life. I ht •• I~ nil 111 lh ~ Ct•nll·u l St)i rlluu l Sun. l 1111111 •1f l l • i·~c ilifl uglcs nrc to be l'ou11cl Ll lc•·c. Now, rt•ml' llnbur th ot "UJI" untl "tlown" nro not lo be und ,.rs lnocl l u t1 1e se n ~c of phyRic(d gco lll~ II'Y· l'tw tl1r l'll is no such th i ng ns ~Jill Ct'. 'l'he•·cro•·c, .. ,. J) II CSs'' lllltl ti t)w nncss" tlo tt(Jl lnd lcn lc ll lc,..SII rcn, " nl ; m l hr1· dot·s the u pwn rtl tcnrlcncy naenn II 1C l'isin g In vliJrolion. w lrllc t il e d•lwnw~t rd il' nd cu£;y l'cill tcs lo ll •c f tdl ing iu vllJI'IIIiuu, Tlw two tcn tl(•llcicR tll'<•, tliCI'CfOr•l, tl1t\ l wo folfll)l'in<;l tJ ir, the dJ IJ fllltl ll ow of w l1iCh nwrks the p•·og1·,.sslon ..r n il ncllvl tlcs. T ilro downwa rd l r inn!(IC Is thnt l('! nd cncy in til e spid tnr.t force cn1hodlcd in the Ccnt1·n l :)plrilun l Snn to descend downwo i'Cl in vlbrntion, 011tl ItS i t tl111s descends downwonl In 'dlH'It lion. hrro n1iug lowor. lhQI'Q I ~ u te ndon<')'
tu on unite•.t unotlu:o· r,.,..,, of udh lty. 1\nd M this rle~c~nding viiJr,otiun continues to rcnch lower nud lower, it 1timulnt<•s n f1orm of activity which h• ntf~ IO Clf'8tllli,<(l lower fon11~ uf St>i o·itual lire und n('tlo)n. In ot ho•r wow•l~. it is tlo e 13o·u hmn prl urip l<l c, l tloc T o·i nouo·ll ll oul ol<·scc nu!ng in vlhrntino1 which olloool l i'eHI ~ 11 ~ 11 t'f' ll ll'illC I(tl fo ro:~. ce nl l'ifuwul wi th o·ofro·•• oo (;r; In ll oe ~cu to r or lh~ Soon , htol o·o nl l'l pe too l with r<• ft•rt•nct• lu its tnwco· ltctlvHic·~ its clrrulll l<•u•n<•t•, At the sn no c lime thco·e I, ..:oinl! 0 11 unulher fllr<·o• ot·cn)lying the wnnot• f(rumul the "'"" '' t<•rrltory. if we might n1c tho '''flrc~sion lt'rrih>ry with reference to llw C:l'ulntl Spil'i tunl ~1111 tltlll thi1 OCCllt>le5. N~v••rllll'll'-"• tlo ere i• tlol1 cou~to ut iul c11>lny of ll o<• two forco·M. No;w, in lli is foo·•·•· 11 f l'Volvl nA ~o oo l li fe ns It ,.;," '" tlor· poiu l o.x lcn ol~ u towuo•;l, loc· ucQ II i8 the I l'illlliJ IL' . llo c• rt<dloo Ilou lw l wc•o• 11 J >O~llivc rond fi('S(ntl vc f tOI~s uni lill(! ut IIH• point. 'l'hus il I• til(• ..yonbol or the two pole~ opposl lc to this n('tlvily, hrncc mnscullu<• und ft•mlninc unitiug in ouc. ' I h r h•i~tnglt• whic:h hH'IIK upwnrd rc prcben l3 lht• Shh•n princiJllc, so tn SJH•nk the )lrincit>l~ of tl ~~ lo'll!'tion. Now. the,!' two fot'C<'S. 1 suy. t\rr iu lrt'llCilvc. 'lJu~ IIO I'i~o)fltnl line lw twecn the IWtl, wl oidt CUIq II tC ~llt·jltil II f!·cl Alrl o• iII to l WO, lltn r l't" ll oH li ne of' ('!fl olllht•ltouc l)o llveen Ih e two fvc·•:c·s. T lo us wr I111Vf' ll ot• fl(• r·fecl bn la ucc hCIWl'l'tl lllt•m. Yet it lb 11 01 ll Mtul~ or ~I'I}Oflllr15 I
tu·-.. 'lht• rc •• uo ltur1l 11ntl fnbl liu c btl\\rcn lht '""· llu·) :arc inll' rl .tcrd . fh ry ur" mlcr· Ill' If 'I', lflHI H' l lltl'lt' t• Ilot~ lith'\\ h ich &h O\H lht> pui nl Cif l;nlnn<:!' III'IWt'('ll llw uvwurd nnd the <IIJwnwnr.l f o t'l'<'" /, r .. llf'h\C•t•n 111111 winch is r~•luliv(• ly nH11£•rlo l un ll llon l whlt· l• I ~ rt•ln· llvc•ly Httld l unl. IIN tl!' ll lhCr, litis IM Iht• Ct•nl n d S j!lf'ilunl S n11 wt• til l' lulld nu nhoul. 1111<1 nolhl nu l•r•l tlr. No,~ . IIi(• fu~ t liuol llll'rt' 1111• t ilrlft~lt·~ f!h~~ 111 ~Ut llt· th in!: 111 l11kc inln c'fll"""'rnliun m':, tht• trl nnjllt· 11 lhr rt ull nf '"" t>nlr' \\luch nrt' IHI"hH• nnd "''II~'""· ur mn..-u luiC' uud ft·u1 ini m•, o ncl tlor point I• llw cnnjuncllon h eh\t'NI lht•~l' lwo tlrinriph·~. hrnN• llot' mnrrrngr. 110 lo • t)(•nk thl' ronjuu•·l lnn or the two. 'rth•rt•r, ..-c, wt· nn· to u rltlr •·sltlllll lllfll wi1N1 WI' ~ul,jrcl il •c·st• llMJI~C I N Ill n ll nr tln n ly~IH lin •y 11 1'1' t•Hc·h o) I IO' nr tin •lli dlll't•o·l' ll lln lo·t l ltdn ll oto lll f"l('ll l lu ~ fl ll il r••mluln(', Nuw, In lht• l lltl!lt·n Wh<IIHn '"' h ll\1' !111• t·u ltu' ur Shi"'· w hldt r<'lort•..rnl• lh1· ri,lnft tri :on111t·. tlw tli··~>hollf>n uf nil r., .. ., urul uf llfl• hl\\1'1 "'11<'1'1 rl•inl( Ujl\\nrtl iuln llol' con;•. Sloh•n hn• hi• 'tlll\111'1 r·uil•••l h\· tlifTrrr•nl nutur' lu Mllll~ or lht• mytio; lh o• rtllh'~ ll llolll ~~ lhul or J{<tli, whio'lo o'r jlrt''I' II IM ll o!' (loohlo-~· M Wn11l<on Dt•.• lo•no• tlon. i\1 ll w NIIIIH' ll llt<' llw Mo li iM' l'rln l'i plo• i t', ~u lHJI II ncr nt• lilll( in 11•1~ liNI'I'tltlillll Wl1)' Ihi• IIHI'O'il!IJilg M' lf'll' 1!11• rJ•Jng In \1\irulinu "' tloul 11 '"'''""'''\ 1111 rrly int(Hl•
•lli le lur ouy nccrctlou 1111) t·t•u truhtnliOn ol •Uh,tunct• to el>i>l. II i• 111 thl• .. u~ U1o1 Kalo ae thr lllolhrr und n t tlw •·tnlt' tnnr tloc Godde•a of \\'uutou Oestrucllnn. Slt1· j, the ) loth rr twcnu•u• 8hll is Mth,tnurr. S he b Destruc· tl o u 111'~11 11\C thi• ~uli~ln llrt• I~ •u lntr nsiflcd 111 li Mndluu lhnt orgu uir ll fr, ur• ''""' ' the life or Kp il'lhw l nuc leus. c•n 1111UI ll vf', Sltivu is tiV\11' II IUVlllfl llfl WU t'd l11 till' ,q lt llll' WU)', IIIHI th e fwu I CCI Cit II flnnl jlOlnl \\ ltt• l't' nil Ill' I(\ i I) l tlli'l Cl'tl~~. ""''''" '''t'l')lhi11g lt.1s 111 t'll ol h,ullo•cl. Thl'lt' Is nu uudt·u• Nn eentt-r uf llt'll\tly c!ln t)()>."hl) ,.,.,l~t " ' ""'' inl<'ll'<' r.lnh' nf \llll.tlton. Nvw. uti thr other hn1HI, '" lt:l\ t• llw dc...:eud lull tri.1n111t· reprc'K'nhull 1\rnlttotll und l!ru h 11111111 , ., tllll' or the two 11~111'1' 1• ur llnthntn: lh nt IM Ill Nil)', lh t• lllllSC IIIIIII' lllltl lt' lll ittill(' CII CI'II)' nntl ritth nltl llt'!' Jikr·wlwo• tlt'IIO't'I HI ill thc·lo· ltClivi ly twill tl11• poin t is l't'll ~ l lf• tl "''' uni() n wl~t• n llwy ll'llf'it fl NllliC of <'IJNIO II i/lllifltt where llt (•ir l~n<h llt',V 111 tlt·>~c•nd ttft ' 1'1111 \ .lltthll gu fnrlht•r bc•r.tll"' c·ngenderlng 11 •Itt It• nf octh·lly "hirh nu ltlltllt'r 1~ or thto c:o· ~t•lntual Sun. but Y<hid1 hn• hctumr intll\ itlnultto·tl And lit ttl thc• intlh itlunl i~ !111• tthtto"l pninl of tilt' dHwnwtll'll h innglr, whitt• !Itt• pulnt where o il cr ulr'lillt.ttl ion b<·Ct>t ll~d ltlljtll"ll•l<• u nd iu lilt! IIIOftl Jn flnit r~i null th'i;l'!'t' 11\lll'kd the point Of 11tt• npwrll'fl Irin uglc. i\ till now II iR th e onlt1f!O• nl •t l<l uclivity of th r••· hln pt•l ucip lcs thnl ftrO ·<t•rH'' tltt' baJt11t ~t' \1 h io•lt Ill' ll•rtn Vishnu, 111
th~ Pr·csPr'V('r', 'f'lnr~. hy ti ro irr tcr•plny of tbcso two princip lu~. we lruvc tlr(l pur·fccl hulonco. This ll'l:ongl<:- lhul Js, the doublu tl'ianglc with il~ lnt c r·plny of notivity- c nge iiCh:rs IHII'O splr111 1!11 lln:- llr•c in IIIC hi gh<:,, I Sc iiSl' ul' ll r · word; 111) 1 ll flll)(l, b ul JlU I'(J Or•.:- thc O~SCIICI) or fh•c, liS it wc r·c lo l1'11t llr'(', we roolf.!hl tc r·m Jt. 'I'his vur•cly fn.lcul lir'c: Is r·:odiolc•d fr·om llri~ tl'inuglclhnl i~. Uris ioolc r·uctivily coogendcr'R tho whole essence or lhi8 COJI CL'!rlcd Ur·(', wl rlch l.s the VCJ'Y \'sscncu VlsJrnu. I lowevt·r-. this is enclosed wllloin the 4>X.lrc uws of lh('o lr·ionj:!lcs hccnusc it docs no t ''1! l('ruJ q uilt: o ut to th~ poluts uf lhc trln ngl<•s. ll lcJ'~ fo r·(', VJ qlrnu, lire Preserver, lh(J ~plrlll r nl lire , is co ntn lncd within li re intornclivl ty llrG81J IWO tl'inn~uhll' fOJ'CCS. Thus we hnw 111~ 'l'r•imnrli. Then, fro111 this cir·o;lo-llru cir•c lc he re mn lc lhlng th o utmoal ox h·cm~ o f' th i~ llr'(' llrc' I'C is now throw oo ou t ccnl l'ifngally f r·on1 lh ls l·ir·d c ll Clii'I'N>l, os we ml{llrl cu ll it, of st>i rltuu l llr,""'' llm·l Is lo sny, this cil'clc oJ pur:c . ll tl il'il uol llr:o l1onocs for·t lr, nnd lhc n.. m.~ nows in cvm·y dl r·cctiott, Urc llnnoc btJi ul( llro uct ivc, spirllu:o l pl'i nci pk. T i re ll'iUnf!ICs r'C.Ili'CSCH\ llrl> trJlWtu·d onc.l c·lownwru·d flow of ro·rcc h'llnsplrlng wHirit1 tlr c first spit'lh111l CS$C, o•· whnt lire Vishnu school culls Vishnu. the Pr·csc,·ver. llo(l First Punrsh u. pure splritun.l c11<:r gy 11ntl s11bstun cc. The nc o r th e tl'iru•l(l cs .T'c rn·cscnts t ire r11 odillcutionsof thul pdnui p l~. hcnc<'. llull wlrid> ls within lhe tri-
1 61
n uglc~. Ihe modu~ M lhe ir uc tivily, is th e JHII'l\, s pirituu l energy. T he ll'iuugl c~ nre lh<· m tHies or lis 11 c ljyily, nntl the flo·e w hich flows fo t·lh frolll I he n ~;llvily or Ihe I dongles. nnd is c u closod wit h in lhe fit·sL uit·cJc, is \ll~hnu, the l't·cscrvc o-. o•· the SJWCi nlizcfl ocllvily tJtnn l fe&l'ing wi thin tho radius. so to Sl.l Calc, of this ci n:ulttt' nc tivlly: lot· nee. wi th in Uu; l'inl:( of uc tivily ur Otc Ll'i (tnglcs. Tbe 11 rune which lh ls po·o duccs, whid1 is sym boli,·nl this 11rc. hcco •ucs ocllve nud numes forth. Tl to rc~ull or ll oc vilol'folion is tho fire. !Is poo•iiculno· noudc of uc tivily us it nnmts fot'lh is lhc .IH' XI llspccl or li on Ccnlrttl Sril'llunl Sun, rd: .. il Is llu1L iutr u sc SJlll'i lu ul ocli vily. llonl plroying or Ihe s p.ll'ilu: d force• • whlclo Ihe llinrlu~ <·o il lshwuru, on· tl oP 'l'hlr il Pu r·ush o. This Jlumc ex tends 0111 uud nrokcs th e second c irc le. Th e sccoud clr·clc nlllJ'ks th e houncinry Qr th is HSIJCCt, wl ti ch is th e J)OI'$O Uid God. T ltu l ls th o ll tunlns mnrk w lJJch vei ls the i oopr r·~on:o l God. Pc r·son is fr·ou1 pe>r·~ono, m coniug o nta sk. cu r ino[,Cl'SOti· ution, nnd RO lhc impcr~onul (.;o.l i~ lHH lite musk of nnmc tha i ,.e lls li re lmpc r::>o ntil wilhiu. Now. the sec:oncl ci t·clo ls Liurl wl oic h l i mi t.~ llrc oclivlly o f th l$ numillf~ mn~s. Beyo nd this cl o·clc il is j rnpussiiJicl for cvcu l h ~ fshwnr:o f oo·cc to e• lcud. Th e n"littliu({ li glol whi ch sh·en tn8 from this ci rcle o f tl uma is the spi rltu nl ncltvlly w loc n il hos bccumo ind ividuul. T h nl is to "'!Y· It is lh c I'I(C ion or nil ltJtl.i vi <huol ~J)irll wJI me of lht> m onncl, w hiclo is l111 I Ihe lir:lhl ~l rcomin g
fr·om li to.: flu ru r uf l sl t~vu r·u. T JnJ s we cno .rcnUzu
IJy tlli s symbo l the ider1til y or nil spk i tuol things. T.hci'C ls. fl r·sl o r nil. the " t>h'i l.uul tldll t lplu \! II Ct'SY Ull <i suh slrllo cc ; lhCII, IOO, Li t •t'C ftt;C li tO lwo m o d~s o l' nctivlly, w hich we tn l!llt l ICt'ltt contd l'ngnl :md ccnlripctn l, o l' li tis snttuJ o('JICt'Q)' and ~t th,,I O IICC. Au d Lltcl'<; is the S p lt·il w rl F ir(·, which is ll t<• n todus of llu•lt· nctlvily und w hich is crwr·gizc <l IJy il. 'l'hn 1 is lite l>n l:) 11 t;Cd, cqnnl· i~t'd shtl c ol' ncli vily of l l ti~ Jir·st SJJil'iluo l c tt c t·gy UtHI SIIIJSlii ii CC t'C III'C8(Ji o1Cd hy lit·o ; ll te n ll tCt'(l is lit e n<' livily of ll tr· SP ill c 11rinelpll' "Y" ' Iwlizcd hy lit <: lhll ttittg l'oJ'Ih t)f lh c n ••,. ll ao lctldoncy lu hr~"'"'' iucli vitlunl: """ ll tcu llt e r·c is, Ju~l (If nil , ll tC' rr·sttll of th is, lh•• ligltl w hicl• is pt·o· ' '' "'''' ' l,y llh· , ,,,,., ll t<l ligll l li re 11 t1 nao. 111 o lh<••· wonls. lhc i ndi vidu al SJ>i r1 1 u~d life, co u:J istlug ur ttll !lao tH<llllad~. w hicl• o r'C nlso litis RA il t0 Stl it•illl ll l 1'110rgy (liifl 8ttlJSitll tC(> Ulld Ct' o rlill't•t'<'nl r(u'tll , n cl l fl',• t'(' lll 1110 dc ol' nctlv ily, hut 1101 tw o tttOtll·S. ht nl hr r won l~, Vi sl tllll , lite S u!li'CttlO; lhHidlllt; Sl•i,·o : Vl ~liiiU, lhc l't-~ scrvcr·; J ~l •wa t·n , nn rl lhl• i ~tdi vi!lno l s p ll'ils rare not so lll ony rl iiTcr•onl ll tliiJIS, l.ltt l, l'll lhet·, s o tnt\lly m ode~ ol' ('~ p t·rs•ion Il l' o11c t lti n f>(. ltlld ll tls nbso l11ldy is li t(· key lo 1111· li('Ct'Ct ol' Adwo ilf! . Th ll8 w~ h:\Vc· ill litis ""' Nynahol or li te r.e ult·Al S rJit·irunl !'iuu, and o il ~pil'ilu o l life is in H. ns " pnrl of i t. Likewise, ttll li te iud ivlrluaJ spi a'l$ of nil lltings rtt·e Jiftt'l 11nd pur cc l of lhfll :'; trn ,
r 101
pu•·t vi' il. 'J'Iwrci'Ql'<·, we cO il ~cc how np pl'VIll'iolt•ly iL is Lho L Daflmu. ll•o 'fhibcloll wo•·d n sc tl fol' lhtll C<:lllf'lll Spll'i lu ol Su n, \liCrJI IS 0 11 0 or IIH·cc u,r"gs: 11 111oy n • ~u •1 ll1c Sv id l IH 111:111, i. t' .. the Cc111rul S 1Jh•llu:~L Sun will1i11 mnn, lhis sllmc i:iun in "'"" in di•·cct iocnnutliou; 0 1' it llHty _!II CUII 1\ g •'C IIl ild!l (I IC - U f 1'Ctl SO IJ IOJlC i 11 Wlllllll II IC: kJii rillllll !'i1111 Is closot•ndcd ; 01' il m ny JII CU n lhc: r.c nll'll l S ll il'ilual Suu ltsc·H. And yo• l they ii i'OIII I ll1<! Sil liW wltc n we I<IOit Ill Ihe n1n lll'l' p r•operly. We huvo• nnoll•c•· ~y m lm l \v h id1 I~ dcnulll· iii iiLCd lwo i11 o11u. I I ;., ro pcrrc.:t Grcelt C•·i!ss. co rnposc· d 111' n l1oriT..,nl ol 1111d 1111 uprJghl line. T hi ij CJ.'u" is the sy n•IFII o r cncrgy-l'r'llcl ifyillg s niJSlii ii <'C • nn ol till' <TO$S is ll •tll of ln• li • of loren ll1 p cn c h'aling nn d fr·11 c lify ing th e tJ·uth uf wnloo·. 1'1 ~ lll'inclplll vu luc lo 11 8 Is in t ho :f~cl ol' tl oe ntHHe which ih givtn l to i l. 11Two iu Ou(•": lflHI is to suy. tl tc IW<J truth~ lt<'t'C n•·o 11 0 l on;:e•· lw<> IIIJI ' '
h'IIIIIS, IJ11t J)II C 11'11111. 'fht•,Y :11'(' il l t'~O lWO pr'ill• cipies beco JU c one JH'i n(;ipic, setH"'"'lc n11 d yt•l liltlHIicnl. T locsc two pl'incl11 1~s mfly b e co u(rn~I NI 11~ ~ llo ' l'tW 1111(1 suiJ~ I :IIICC·, u o· lli c dy uumic
''"'! :Hutlc. 1he octivc untl I)O&siv~. lilC! n i!ISCuli nl}
Ulltl fc111i nino, lhr clcoh·i.:r.d tlnfl rn og11Ciic. g11cl• one or lh <:stl pa irs o r CI I)])Osi lcs wi l•l IJO found •tuito app llc ob lu to lhc ~y n 1bnl. T he ldcu cx p•·csscd ·in lhc "Two !11 Que'' is lh n'l i11 Nn lnre ll11ly OI'C 1101 HCjl fH'II lC. I 11 o thl.ll' wo~t.Js, tlCilvity nnrl pas•iv ity o r e no l SC IJIII'nl o nud d istinc t l n J
activity is In pnssivity nud passi vity is In nc:llv· ily. Jn whichQV(l l' SllltC WO draw U)l0 11 1) 1' deal with, we llnJ thr t·e li te· otlwr sln(c itl lnt ency. In olht•a· W<H·ds, wa ruil(ht stnt e llir Jlrohl('m lu li tis wny: I low prt~siv11 will '"lYl h lug ltn.n• to ge t lw l'ot·•· it' v~ t·y pu~sivily cngcnrl ct'M ncll vily, ' nn<l ltow ocll ve wi ll "ny thi11g hu,·n to f!" l b c l'o r·c ll > vc t·y ncti vi ty r·ngo• t t~lc r·~ pnssivily 'l They o re not Q~~ " 11ying two dHl'cn•nt llcld~; li my :11·e two ~l :tl rs wlli clr nrc :rlwuys r''""'' logo lilcll', ond 0 11 () CI1{1C11 dt•r'' I hl' UlhN·. LikcwiN~ . I I i ~ cly nrllll iC aud s lrtl lc c<>ndi t ion : no mn llc·r whcr u we go tlll(l w laa l Wf' <lcnl w ith , we Ontl tl aut II Is 11 CHSi: or "Two ill One" -n ~vc· r St'Jltll'(i lC. t'ot• tho Sl:lliC w iHifl it h rcoml's ~tdTlcil'n lly • l.!llie Is dynnnric, nnd tl tc dyn:1rnir , whc1i it IJ~CO IIl CS &ttlllcicn tly •ly nurn ic, b ~com~6 gtllllc. .li e nee, tLc t·c. ig no sut11 tlll ug 116 the obso ln lc·l,v sialic no r th e nJJsO· lutoly tly unr nlc. '.l'ltc two nrc thc•·c. just the Nfii i iC,
untl su lh c C' f(1 C.II'ic a nd mn gnelic, nncl
u II I he woy llu·o111(h. The mtweu linu nntl fomlnlt tC u r·c i!lmiJua·. Tl tcy ni'P not ~epn r·nt e anti diMiuct, but >'lll U uJwuys is ltllon t in th o o the r·. In o!l tOJ' won ls, lht• fcmlni n ~ pl'incl tJIC, wh<•n il t'(•n,·h~s n ccrtnl n s tole, w ill cngend~ r· the m M~11 l i11 c ~o iiHd ..,qui li b r·itllll will b e n :s ltH'CU, 11ntl wlrt•n the 1nnscnllno princip le hns gone J'o t· l'nQUg h it wil l, by I'C(ISOJI or liN VCI')' tri 1'18CII lini ly, on~endN• fern ini nity NO Ihot cquilibriwn wil l be r·~s l o t'l'tl, T lrls not on ly is ll'lte of th e 1\oi!micnllt is lr'llt· of ll• c lnoll vi(funl. [ llll
A ll liFe i s nnd ,.vgynous. T hc r(l is u JHasculiuc lllti ii i'C in. 11 SIIIIC ur lutency iu CYC I'Y WOiliOII. Ukcwisc. ! l•crc is n fconi niuo nultii'Cl in o ~W le of l atrucy iu £·vo,·y 1o un , Na tuo•(l now •· lllOiccs the two •~lllii'O lc. The o uc lllwuys is l:tloo1t In ll1<' oll t<'•'. nnd 1he re til'<' iuNlnno·t•s. ~,.J ,co•r·. ns 11 I'I'S II Ii or Oll c'~ d uVt!IOplll OIII , if 11 1111111, the rem • iu i1w " " ' "''" bcglus lu <lcvclu p in lai111 . If n wonann. the Ul l lt'!Ct d i tH· nulurc bt'HillS to tlevclc-J p i u l1e t·. So t1 1e hnlnltcc! is 1'011 11 (1. Now, [ wi ll IP II yo11 som ell tln£( J•to rc. The. l't•tuininc lltl lu l'e •lever· df'vc lop ·d nu dl'cmiuotc IHUIJ, I t .;, only 1\ lllllll or ti iC IIIOSI f)OII'l'l'f ul n,n,culi ulty, n 11111 11 s lro ng, do111inoul , w ho ~;n n p<1ssibly nwo l<c u his own I'CIIIiuln c ullltu·c. Univctsn l lnw is th ~ Sll lll c wlt~o·~vc r· w e· rlutl il. Now, wl1n1 ld uol of n '' ""' is il w ho wi ll Oll l10nl to a WO iu nn 'I Is II Uti cfl'cmlnn lo mnn 'I /1 m a ll Wl' t•k, lnddnij il1 IIIII Sl' Ufi iH' vldlily , Ot' is il II ~ l mng. tillln lnnll l, lltH s l<· r·ru l, ,.;,·lie, llln •cu lln o IHU U '!
\ Vl' IJ , lltr
np pcnls tn
111 11
$H I 11t'
(JIUI I ity i ll t1 llHI II tllfH
o u lsidr> r,r him OiliJru ls
wuiiHII I
l h 1.l W(IIUI •H w i thi 11
him. T hnt
11UN 1t t 1IC
\'l' I'Y Jun dnonl, 111a.•w ul in1· wi ll nppt·nl lo u womnn nnyw htli'C. N<Jw, l hc rrs ult is ll u11 I hw I 1101'~ II Ill SCil ll nC II lllU11 IJ<•CQI11CS. If tv IIC[II'CI' h Cl Is AJIIH'Ollt'hi ng lhc time w h e n lh c l'c ulin iuc lllolLII'r w il hln hl 111 will he u w nk(•nc c.l. TIHIR, ns II l'('SIIII 0 1' his VC t'Y lllll ~Ctd ini ly , f1<• will llc'C()Il lC l'(' millin(•, so lh ut tlw t•qu lllhrilln l will IJ<· fnuucJ. II WII iW IIt' tf
i1y t'CiiMIII of Il l(' d~tu:ucl c l'istl cs lltn l
1 an l
J,rkC\1 i~\1, Ill the l'lhC tlf II \lUll Hill, Ihe lliMCl ft·ruinluc she IJccvrirt' llw mnrc clvsdy sh~ nJIJll<ltulws the latent nul,~ulinll) "ilhin lwr· s~lf. C:onw<rucully, wht•n bill' Ions rt'nchcd r1 •ull1l'it• ul ~tutu of <levt·lo rlult'n l, tl11tt mosculi ue nnlurt• wil l IJo t\WniH' II0d so tlud she w1ll l'l'A (IO II I I, tt ll d C!JUil lbf'il llll Wll l lJC1 found . \ "/(\ find tl oir~ il lwl ll'l1 1e•l in ~vt• o·y<lny lil'c, lime 1111d linoe ngnln; we flucl WC/II Il' ll whv lon vu bco •11 Sl!uru i.-h•t•, whu lwvt• ht•(·ll ,.,,N·IIcul wives for· o nurnlwr of yr:u-s. fluolly rc~olvc to tnkc the o·~lu• i11l11 tlu.•rr own IHIIHk J,ikt•'' f,c. we find lll!'rl """ hu1e IJccu tluruluaut, 1""1 ('1ful light,.,.~ nil ll~t•ir lives wht> nt luHI ntooudon thut rulll'~l' ur life from choke "''em ~·u·fdtcd wil h it ht'l'IJIII(' whnt to ft•w yt•tu·~ twfor!' l11cy W<JIIIfl htt vQ t'OIISI IICI'Od lli'ti ll l'lly ('l l'<•rllill lli (!, 1L ill t~lnq t ly tl1(' law of hulou(:t'. .II Lq sl1nply lhr "Two i11 011c." Oru' tll wroy~ Is lul 111 In 1111• olht•r•, either· in in dil'l<lull l ur llllii'C I'S(ol lfr(• 1uhl
~'' J)(•I"it•ut•(',
IJ wrc•rt.)r(.\
('\h'(•OW Ill" fiUUC ftii'I'IHIUfth, il CCJtllllCruel.1 lhe otlwr :.o '"to fln,J CfiUi lihriuno hrolnuce- c\cry,.. h(\•·c' wt• turn . The rwxt syn1hol i• n ~~~"~ 1lloido wns llhCd n I(I'!'U I dc1 ol hy th1• Hto.i•·•·• u•iu ns. 111 this ('f'Oll.•. II H· IW(o Ul'lllA, or l1oriw111111M wl1kh rnnrk th e 11'11111 ul' wul(' o• Ol'tli unl'i ly, ll l't' 111 '1'\l I'I'IWCSC IIIOd, 0111' ll ltolt• nnd one l't·111u lc l't' j l l'l'S~ulluu the two poh•~ of l l oi~ [l l'llll'i Jl l!• IIIII K(' II IIIli ly nne) ft•IH• iulni ty 1111 whotever plnn1• il ouny he. We hnve I 14 I
th e upri,;l1t murk, bt•ijtnui ng nl lhc .lbo i (Qill tf\l't ll, woleo·, li1·c. un d ~pi rit. No w. "::\ tlh-ilus" Jn ~om c o l' ll1c lctt<.:l•ll i!!S, t•Arlicul!•dy Lhrtl of I he K ubullu, J~ Llo u l olghc~l pr·inci plc. ll1ot is, Air. We l ulV~ l wo cltl$~ ill cnll ons. lt1 l l•c J{ ubol lo it ru ns, B (orl u. Wa le•\ Fire, tuod Ail·. l ~i nl bei ng U•0 low l!sl prln ~ipl <•, acnH'(Iing to Lhe [(uballn, bccunsl' i l is lll c syn1lu1J ul' Spi o·i l o1· energy; while ltcconl ing to Lh<; Egl' fl llnn rliv ision 11nrl If,.. A llnutNtn, we ha ve t1 1c ro u1· r lclllCnls o·longN I ns Eoo·llo. W ntc1·, Aio'. nud 11i rc, ll w two l owco·, cno·th 111111 wale•·. l't' IJI'C'l'll li ng ll •u hu m1nu nnd ll •u 6nbll c 81n).cs <:>f nutur·c, ploy6i..:a l nlltl ns to·nl, while t hu u ir nnrl lll'e o·cvrcsun l lloc Cod~ nnd 1he subllc: nspoct~ or energy. lli;;., ~·J.1no ~ ond ll ntldl •i. Ot' Lllc ~ lind nnd Soul pl anes. This CI'ONS J'C IH'CSC II Is nil• (IS br lug llbtWC th e IIIJliC und ft' ruulc liuc. This uir"t IJ 1ru, is uiJovc: Li ard 1~. il is bcfo rll Lho 1tii1'CI'C nlio lion of 0111"1 '1:\Y in l·o ll 1c 1Hnscull 11 c nll (l f c.lnin iw! poJcs. 'J'I 1CSC l\'\10 •uMlos, uu(lll1'c rc n l.itltlld , r·cp,.csoul Uo·c highc·r• ns pr·cl . 'l'lll'tlll{lh th is line of tlcmnr·cnl1 oJ1 , llpriugi11g II111S f •·o oH lite s•·ptH'O i iou of lll nscul ini ly urill t't~ u1 i ni uil.y nnd IIIC'k co nj nucl ion, flow~t li ds fh·c, ll o('n wut c•·. then ll i l'. 1 il·c is use d iu li tis ~··ns" nN lloi ng ctpli vn leul to 111ind ~I ll nilS. A i•· i s wJont lh r ~~A'YJJt ians o•· Atln ntcn ns wo uld usc, hul li ds is ICobrtllisll c, nnd, Lhcrcroo:o, ml)lce• fo•· the cqui vnlcnl of Mind (the C llll ld cunR tl ~ll II. in the s Mn r;, woy ) . 'l'hu J\ g uoslics spcnk of
l15 1
''Fico·y ~liud.'' This so ul 11111110 is (I$Slllll ~tl to IJc ul1ovc lhil di ll'c•·cutiution hcJtwcc n n1ogculiueo ufl fco nin111C. 'J'hus we.: luw~. flr$1, "!lory uolod": th<ln, I he "wat~ry hcno•l," oo· us lnll region: and, lowe o·, ll oc C11 o:ll •, OJ' r•l •yslou l. A11 tl OJ I tho othoo· ~i .le o r this cross (so" ' ~ti "lCS it is usccl as 11 scpu.o·u t<• co·oo~~. l ou I so11wt inoes il Is ou I he o ther side) w e lmvc· 11 cross lloOtl c i11 the fo 1'1H o r thr Lo l.i11 cross, will• t• ruSt~ nl lncl"·d lo 11. l1ig l1l in tho crnl(• o· und ft'OIII IN IIind ll li ~. oo· •~IIIler h c lwr c" ll1c updghl n nd clown wnrd b en m n11tl lh e CJ'Oss-l u l hC fO Ul' COI'Illli'S 1 SO IO spc:nklhNC ir1sue •·oy~ ol' Iight. oo· s ll'Ctllns of tire. II is this rOSll CI'OS~ w hi ch l iM {(i Vert lhl! nulli C l'losic nocln11~ lo ll1is 0.1'dcr . A n d ll1u \.o·ux Roscnco·us is si mp ly lhc l'osy Cms~. T l1e co·oss, you I< now, lws two n oca nlugs. J11o·s t of 1111. ll i~ !(C II ('I'fl llo n Lili'OIIHII l11C N111j unC• lio n vf I he) Olllstu linc nn<l ftonlnine. Aga in , II is co·ueiflxion, tiiiU o;s cruciOxlun it o11cnns n p'I'Ocess nf l'~B'CII\!I'Uiion Li li'Ot1 gl1 Jh(l destru ction OF lhal wloic h hnd rl •·~ t b<·cn gr·nco·ntcd. 1"bc l':\os0 is 1\ Rymbol of life, nose bcinl:l the coi Ol ' or tl'l'anu, the' life pl'inci plc. 'fl it o·o~c. ~ymbo l izing life. is allnch ~d lo lhc c· o·osR, tl ou8 1 cnch i11 ~ thn l it iR llu·o ugh llw conjnnctiuu or 111c mnsc111in<' nnd fcm inln(\ prin cip l ~s of CII CI'!!Y n uu SllhSlrlll C(i il1111 lire is 1Jon 1. 'l'hn l is to sny1 lco~rnlcnl oo· h odi\rlduol li l'l' iR ll i C c h ild spl'ingiu g forlh OS I) ri!~II IL ol' ll1c co nj nnclio n of tl oc n u1sculine nr1d rconhl in c pl'inrlples. ( 10 l
T hen, '"'' l n1 ve II 1P l'n1' li 1C'1' c•,ncc pllo n of tlw erut'i lixifln : 11iz .. lllfol l l ~rougl o Iill' rlcslrucllttn of Ihnl wloir•h liM ))c~n ~e ll t·rt• lcd , Ilois Jl fl' whk h lo fi S u eC II {(<lllCI'Oietl, lhougJ o in lll!l lltl l Ul'll l WilY hy tfH' lliiiSI'td in o 1111() fr n oi ni iiC l ll'i iWi t t l t•~ bt•l nj.l iII lCI'U~I iV(' - 1hIs (J o·<Jhuii'Y , I 11 tl II r:o I Ji l't•, gcnc r• utPtf in Ihis wny. w hen i I is c1'11Ci lkd, when IL is ld iJ~d by 1'[':06(1 11 trf tl oc I'(•V(' I'8" I of Ilot• JI I'OCCSS, th(l sh u lli " !{ ufl' nl' th is f}I'Occss or gc nc r·rot io 11. tloc in lPI'At!li vily or lht• lii U:JCt illll" (II III ft'lH ill illC pri ucip lr .in Ihe lltlltu•u l wuy. when ll ois c~nscs. is not 11II<J\H d lr1 net n ny ftll'tiJco·, h cco 11ws u Lh i11g of the pn~t. slo11 IIi "II ll ois n iT, ~~~·Pili ng it. we opt•n Il l\' wu,v IJ.,Y whklo " hi!ll •c•• n p oo·otlon mny t o•unspi r·c· hy wltkh till' r11u •cu llnr :o11•l fc 111· i11i11 c lll'i n ci]Jlc~ uhovr, lu u s p il'itunl rrgion u o l ,, r th e nnltll'lil , whc••e we I11HI nn llol11g to do w ill • thl! !lCIH't'u lin ro tlf li tis no rllll'H t he ing Ihcse dc~ tl s p o·i oog,;. 11 f JliiiSI:ul i ll lly•Ct•r) dn iully rnuy Ire b o'Oll ~h l lo h~n o· ll lJOll 11·;, 'l'l lll~ W1' nn• rr!lenel'llir'c l hy lh is ill lt•rttcllvi ly whi(;ll r~;$11 11 $ by rCft8< 111 of Ili e in Icructivity of lloc n ouui ft•s lcd mnt:t· u lini ly n11cl ft'n oi nl11ily h>tvinr: cctoscrl. Th iR c:n!{<·JHic:rs " d iviu!' o r· u ~t) i l'i l u ll f life. II I~ hy tl oe rose llr r· Host· nf lh c Co·os~ w hich m Crll l~ th e crncill xl.,n o f ti re· nr~r tof intl ivitlunl lifv rHI •I 1111' ck vr•IClllll l(• ut nl' llo ~ m •c• uf llll l't'ly spi l'i l un f li f•· ns n rc·sull of li tis. Now we lr:ovc' lhc• s1oi l'ilunl Or·o· n owlng fo o·tl o Cro uo lhc ero~s tl o:rl is lo i<ttv, l'o·o m Ili e co n· jurwtion of""' m nst•td inc u lld .fe on ill ill .;, \Vh~n I L7 I
Jl oi~ Jukl'S plooo wll l1i11 us- w hen llu' mnsculinc 111HI fc mi11'il1 c p'l'inciJ) IPs wit hin us 1u•c pc ~fcclly conjoi 1111d, wh en 1l1c gncrcd act lnltcs plncu so ll11'il the 111USculill ll nntl I'C1ni11i n~ c• lt ltl cnts lli'C sci f-<:ontuin ' d, tho ono hnp,·cgnuling Ji ll' olho•· will lin the soul - wl1cn th is l111s tmnsph·cd. lhc 11n lLU'Ill nvonuu- IJ ,c 011 ll ct l w~ consed; i t hns b ee n klllcd. nnd these furccs la nve tnmcd inwa r·i1 nnd hnvc t•cnehcd lhoL poi nt whc••c the flrc l.s ld nd ll)fl, II CI\l l$ ~CIJCnll cd i)y l'l'l1S0 11 of lhis. Th e hcn.l or the sc.x force, loclng tu rned .i11war•l hi th o J)() int i11 Jh(l illlllOS I depths uf IIIC 50111, c n w ·ndCI'S " l1CII l Wl lich ,:ti vr~ l) irth to tl Ur·c, t1 111l lhnl Js the 111 C(I IIi111! of IIIC no~ I Cntcinn 01'(:.
II Is k indled wi ll •ln.
We rwss
inilintinnR. ·rhc iu iliulinn by Fi•·c i11 1'1 0l fl•·o o utsi do or Oil(·, but ll1e 11rc ll •o t is within you. Wl leu tl liN On· hus hl'Cil ld nrll r d by (C(ISO II or li d~ CI'OS$. Ih._, t<111j1111Clion CJr the lWO Jl l'incl f>IC8, H bccorm·s lhc cunsundng 11t'~ or Rid er l tngl!n•·tl lh c fire il lftl I'OI1S1101 t.:A thn t whi ch i~ ,;w nct·:ll cd In lin; na ht rn l o rder, bur:ni ng H II J!. II is complr lely consum ed. T l•o humn11 tiro is coosum<• d in the 11umcR or lhul lire\ on d us n l'Cs ult 11 now Hrc SJJI'i iii!S into i)Cilll-!, r-ek(cnemtcd. Antl !lul l is lhu "llli'J)l i~rn o£ Fi l'c'' spok en o( in the lliblc- tJ ,nl, llntl nothing cis<:. 11 is U1o llro lhnl iA <•~tldntll cd , thnl bums up lhc oltl 'llfcnlltl thus "r•cgr, c•·n llon" ls by Oro. Thu~ ll•osc who nrc SIIVC<I in thi~ sensa tl l'<l nl nll limes ~11\'4'11 tiS IJy J1r(l. 'fiJ is is lhe Or•() lhOI SJ"'i ii SS ~J 0 l
1\ll•tl t l!O· t'C. II Js SJI]t'i ltw l. II CO IISIIIII(lS litO 11nlurul, th o hu111u11 , o ntl lh c impure. l'tu·ily spri 11 gs r·IJ , ho•·n oul of lh is 11 ro. 'l'lt is is nlso
1,(1'11 C ~n l ccJ
liS :1 r·e~u l! of li te ' ',J' iCt)' 't.lltH.J,''
1Jccnu $C II Is o n ly tln·ough l< ~t ow l clll{c ll tul tl •ls s to lu is ""'tfc possible . So the " Fier y Mind' ' o •· 1ho "Fit' I')' S<)lt l" in lhc b cgi nnlug Is lb l~ t~J l-con ~~~ ·uitlg ll i'C' lht· n ose I~ ire the l~lt·c o f 111c Rosy Cmss. 'l'l tul is ll•v 11 •·c of li i'c uutl \I I' fiC 1101'tt liOII, li te fin• or I'('{;IN1QI'tlliOIIIItHl divine Jil'u tltlll {li ves Cli. Jl <'{'tiSiO II LO all tl ti nl!~· 1II t'l'l' t'Y t•cf igiOII whic h liltS ll ri l tlllliSJi C CIC· n1 0n l we ll 1111 tl •o li•·o rvr. r kopl humiu~ 0 11 l.lto A ltnt·. ur u iJvv<: II, tl8 ' ' sytu bol o f thi" s pidluol 11ec·. I his consuntlng llt·c IIII'OII;tlt which Lhu ROlli is IO he I'C'/{('IICI'H ic d . Ill li tO :tcwi~l t 'J'nhc t'IIUcfC H i s t'CJJt't:sc ttl t·d by lite $1 tcldnA tl ut1 bu rned ov<'r li te M~ t'llY Sen I bclwco'n I h e i.ltrruhim. On l.l t'' al lOt' of lite JliiJ:SC<~S. o r IIHJ ' l' o ii C('S. 011< 1 CVCl' ol' li te t•c llt(iOII S whore ll t'C i~ 11 pm•t or lite l'ih111l, w<· I111 Ve li te fl •·c t'vcr IJurulnG on li te Allnt• lhu fl t'l) whicl1 11 evc•· iN rtll uwctJ lo
Stl t11tl tl)'
f(O ot tl , The Vcslu l Vi t'Qillll h od lo IIC~ p lltC llro btll'tli llg, and if [[ WCII l 0111 ll tr• OII C t'<'SJ)Ot\tl iiJ)C w nR Jl ' ' "i~ h ed l'y d•·nth. Among l hc At~wl"icnn Indians, th e ~ucr~<l llt•u ll t'lil'r (fOCs 0 111 . And tul tOII!I ro ll l odit"' ll'ibcN lite t•'C•uici11c llt'<' must h e 111ndc fl ll cw hy r~t l oli lnl{ sticku lrJg~ lhcr lo JYI'OUIICC il. Tho cn mp Ore. lhc counc il 11nl- Cvcry whot·Q we llnd used i11 llt i~ wny os li te rrymbol
[tO ]
uf tlw r•'!ICfll'rttting SJlrril 1\rul ugnin "~ Ontl 11 tllllllllfl lludtllorsl~ ftrltl ollwr rt•lojlions Ly lh~ l'illl <llt•A ll11 ol Ill'<' lwpl IJL11 11 lngnn lh e 1\li nr. W•' lln•l II •yJO th•rliYt•ol l11 ilte Cn lholle nlld orli iCI• ''"' tin•t•k o•htu,·lt~~ hv tho• ''""~t·r us<'tl In • Ill<'"''';,.,... ll nll rt•lutr.. let tluo '!flint• lhing llw ph) .~.- ... 11n• ~~~ the ~ynrhul ur tlont cnn,uutln(l lltt • \\hldr i• 111 rt·(lt'll(•ruh· lht• ~11 111. Anll whnl I• llml Cn ll."llllin~tiiH• '/ It •• tl~<· ~lllll'l'lllrr.llun ur llu• (\\() prilld)oh·:<. ur.t·~·ulirw nnol frutinonco, on<· "'n~rnlrnkd lnhr tht olh<'r ~anti hunr·d inward unhl tlwy gcnrrulr thul lu·nl hy wlf Cnt\I'I'Jllrnliw• Ly lhe inh·n~ily <o( tlud ttcllf,ll until C< ll illt<'ll>t' heul l• <'111(~11 dt'lt•tl hy t'N1 ~1 111 <o( ll tr inlo' l'llt'IJviJy or Vf iii'Oifllll 1111 tll ll11' llnuu• NJH lu gs r,,.•llo, Tlu•rcfo o·p, jnsl n• ""'" n• thr '"" t>l'indp lc'l 111'1' l<ll'ltetl lnwnl'll flntl lot'hl tht'l't' lhlljl I'II!JIIflh, Ill<' fiN• \\ill ~11rlng ft11lh I hnl I; lht• rent rt'''"'m (!( lht' nlplic lrupul'hrnc<' "' rr•hh.ury. II i• In Ihis wny lhnl tht• llnplism Fir(' '" llilu lnt·tl 'IIIII~ II i~ IIIII I "lrulnt'r inh•rf~n·& with 1111' •·•mn•ulrnliiln of !111• hvrfold .,.., fltl'<'l•• ,dllrln II• nh,olul~ cc11r jllnt linn lf·ncl' In ullrn IIIli llw kindling of lhl' lln• which n l1111r Is '" ht· 'tllllflhl and fnuntl Stol \lrlltl n i8 hv Firf• II•~ "''"·lh. Tho'~' who nrr Ii iii ~ llO I' II. tH'C0 1111' cld lofr•l'l l or lhc !J o·t, J ill~·
Ml'~'ln~ il of• tii"''Y Nnhtt•f·.
I» l
THE VIRCIN Of THE WORLD '' Ill" 11111 tltu~ ~pol.t•n . !:od. my Mn•ll•r,
mingkcl tugtth t r tl1r n"'t uf the ~uugemnl ~h·n~t•nl.._ turlh anti "'nh'r. uud v rououncinl( t·t·rtom tKJ\\t'rfu l nud my'lj~ \\urd~ ,lllll' tl tlilh· rt•nl rrum till' lln.t li t• hto·nllwd ullo lilt' lfttlliol prllfOJIIII~III IIIC>litHI Ullol lift•, n •ndtt't•tl 11 thoc~t·r ll lotl lllllrt' tlln,lic, 111111 f Ut'IHl' (l tl( ft Jivh111 lll'i llfl' ur 1111111(1 11 ~h tl('l', 'l'h nt whkh l't'lllll ftwd I It• I{IIV<' l<r IItt• I Mii l'~t Kulll~ fulllo l! IIJIIj.l lht• 11'/l lotll 11f t he !l'•tl" ill till' tll'lj~hlttH'I II HHl •If lf tl' tt f lll'~. whu 111'1' cull~d ttl(' .uco'l'd Co• nil. " \Vu rk ," ~nid li t•, "my ch ihln· tJ, ofY~prlnjj u l 111) uultll't': lnl.t' tlw r•·~ld ut• <•f '"'' 1"'1.. ""'' lt·l t·••rh 1111<' ur ymt 111.11<1' bt•tnfl' Ill hi•' I "oll gtw ' ou mcuh•l•." Hr nto•miJer. tilt' f:otl ~t• or h r!'l' Is I'Juh, the' llt~ hrkn tor. iu Jill' IIJJir•ltunl lll'llbC. Thol i~ 111 suy, whul lht• J\ f["'''li~M cu ll lht• (;ren t i\ l'd li floc l (If tl 1P Unlvt•t'N<': whul llw C\ltiCh(·~ cttll Mllnllou fl oc MiHI•Iy. 111111 wlutl l111• 11i1tol u• 1'11 11 li te 'l'l tll'll P 11 ruslm , It I• tllul 111111 tltli 11 11 O\('l'~ l 11f llll' l 1uh 1' 11111 1 $plrl l, ntttl It i• ill' who I 21 I
l ie i~ lito "~ru~tu •·" o f l si ~. J'or !110 '' ''"so n II ~til , os hus l)cc u
docs lllis wu,·Jc of constr·uclion.
s in le d l, c rore, Isis is lf•c rc m ini n c sos: Jll'i uciplc, tho l{os m ku l lllotl•(ll'llood pl'i ncl plc, opc•·nli ng w illli n lho l{o:lu•os. lhat is, below Ll •c s piritual p lnnc. And uow li tis lh]uid p•·o LOJllUSIJ t ( t·athc•· tho tusl or tltis whiclt wu~ Iori urtt••· th e formnliou or souls ) ''CJII'esc n ts l ho prlu ciplo or ACi f•CO ttSCtO U~nC8S, IOijCIIHJI' wi lh fl tll Ot hCl' CIQntcuts •l rl cr the SCI>fll'lll iou or thn l wlliclt wcul lu mn l<c up li te so ul•. \Vc nr·c ll tnl em·ll t nud WIII Ot' WCI'C on ix~d wi lit il.
Jn Li t('
l~fl.Yil l itl n ~l ysk t•ks 11 1~
.Jcm ~ niJ!,
cnrlh, wntc r. nil-, nud lin: • .rc prrsr n l l llc phyllicn l. M h·ul, ll'l(Jnlnl, n ttcl 13uddldc clcJHcnls-in oth c•· words. physic~ ! u wii CI', th e ns Lrnl light, .Mauns, nnd th o 1t1ue1· Alws h n o•· Huddhi. 'l' ltc rn<:l !l1a l on ly Er, ·lh a nd \V,\te •· Wl't'C iuL•·ooluccd hc1'f' illtllcn lc14 that the lti ghe•· t• lculc niR, Alt· oral J.'lrc , 0 1' Mn nfl s n ud ll t.tddlti, IHttl locc·n c<ms unH' d i n Ihe producliOH or Soul~. T ltuN, ll t!ll which w11~ now uRcd wns p hys icnl lllll llt>t· n ncl nstm l li!jl•t. o•· En1·1l1 tll td Wrti.OI'. 11 i~ wr ll f o•· us l aea·c to co n,i<l ~ t· t11e enslcsl Clflssi llcnllon. W e lcn r tt in tho) sl udy or Ol·iculn l 'l'lt cosop hy ll w l ll1c hurnon ill d ivltlc d lntn seven pl'in cl ptcs, whil e onaong ll10 (: reeks o nd mo~l o r lite \\'c~ l c1·n Nnllons we lind on ly th rN·, vi: .. 13ody. Sott l. ond Sp irit. Ncvcrllic lcss, it' Js lhe StllllC con ccp lio n, lJc<:ausc we l1nve three kinds o r So ttl 8 In th<• 0 a·cl'lt CIJJIG('fll . T lte t'C is lbc
r 22 1
IJody; tllcn
lhc.t·e is tJ,c Ovc•·soul, wJdc h
th e some os tau; As ttol Uody, 01: what I'Ot'ttcclsus dcnond nnl cLI IJ, e Sidcrot\1 lludy; ti1C11 lhc•·c is the l11tellcctun l Soul, (H' Miod, Manns, ou1l the S vll'it11ul Sou l, 01· Uud• lh i. ')'hus tile So ul occu · t) i C~ I h e i II ICI'II ICd i:ll'.)" JlO~ilion bdWCU II J3o<Jy nnrl Spiri t tl$ w ell. intc l l<:ctnol nnd ij JJil·i tun l. l a()~(l
'J'I ICI'Ci'Or'(', W C!
""d llii; Hody
i nclude~
f1 V(l l) l1111C8 Of being, th e "'"B"clic body, or· whl\1 j~ cnlk!d the AsU·id und tl 1c vit nl tH:incipk is ulwnys CO IIIH! CI<•c'l with II a~.: Overson!; co nsequen tly il ls not " , till'co·cncc in Pl'incip lc, b ulm <'rcly n dilfcron cc i11 cl ussirtcn tiun. An •l L someli111cs Lh ink. if we used th e sa n1c clnss ifl ca· ti on, if we nil nndcr~lood cucl1 oll •cl''s sy!llbols, Ll1Cl'C
wo uld
IJ~hvcc 11 nny I w o pcrsous, no
1'00 111 fo1· U d CCCtl ( IU'i!U•
mnllc r Laow (livrr·sc tlu,il· op inions 1uigl 1l' t;c. The grM I dlsLi ucti o" bclwc~ u rl i vc•·8c schools o f Plai losop hy ond ·r rwotoro• is n dis Li11c tio n in tr•·mino logy nnd uol >1 disli 11c lion i11 p r·incip lc. ll cn t•i Bergson lulks t1buu l " C1·cn li vc J!:vol ulinn"; so nae wac cls\1 tu lks uhou 1 "God." T ht•y '""" n 11, · so 1110 I hing. Now, on li d s substance the Eurth unci \'lah.ll' - were l)l'OilOU II CCd ''CCL'ltai ll ]II'>WCL'f UI nn(l lllyS· lie wol'lls." All creation is by "Word ." The "Wo•·d" is o v ib l't1 1ion ol' soun•ls. A "so und" ls U1 C! ex P '''~4sio'll of b r·colh. J 11 one oJ' I lac Shokc-
spctwrn" ploys we hnvr Fnlstnll' g ivin.: us 11 VC'I'.)" i utr llrctn ul ll llfl very schol nrl y d isquisi tion "" [ 231
ti d~
suiJjccl, wht•n lot• is o·eaMoni ng " 'itl o loinl $(·11'
as to wl ty Ito r.hou ltl not 1\g ltl, Fulstnl't w:o s 11 ruwr11·d. b11 t Ill ~ ve•·y c 11ito utc o l' Com naon Sous~. Th~t·e is uo o u ~ ttuitc so tJldloso iJioi cn l ns lhc c·o,wu·d who is h•yint~ to cxpJui11 loiR ~ow u•·d icc. 1\ncl Ful stnl1' nd u d ltl ll atol It wuulol IJc lif'I'OiC it WOU ld be• 1111 net of \'lllm• (Ill loiS l)lll'l to go mtl uucl l1 ~hl nud •·islt hi ~ li l'c iu tiH• lJolllt•.
Wl tnl is :a cnwtu•of 'l A wo ru . \:V t1ul iAn won t? 1\ IIHJtliflCJuliou M ~utuuf. Whut ix snuud '/ B•·c•nlh. T h c •·cForc, w it)' shou lcl .lal'lc l' nl stnn· lose lti8 lire '""'·e ly fo r u l>l'enlll? Anof ~~~ it is tl o:ll ull words ttr() llac oul!(•·owtl a of ntotllO cnli o tts or th e l)I'Cll ilo. l!ltl rl'III C II IU~ r ill lhO Jo:ftyptiill1
Mysi•Jrlcs hrc:1lh i~ the dynnmic MfJrgy. tho dynrunic pr-in ci ple, ,i 11 ~ 1 ns wutCI'. wh en used mysllcnlly. is lhc s lntlo• pd11cipl c. t lc u cc. "IJrculh.u l u ltt'l1 1ny$1icn lly. ut~nun ll1 c (ly n1unic, s pil'l lull l pl'inci t>lt•. 01' "nt•rgy. And ntocfi ti ctol ion or the IH·Culh, tl l(·u. is n uootl ilknll rw ro r· lho S (>P<:ill~ piWJlOSPS or thi~ tly ntii Uic S(lil•illltol cucrgy. li nts mo n ifCNiinjlllS solun ol. A nd ro vl ll nal io n , ~I SJICCillli7.(' d ll l'l'll ll!l('IIH' Ill o l' l hO~•' SCI UIIdS these •notll Or·ot ions or t ht· ln·o·n tl • co nstJ tu tcs li te: "\Vonl." Rncl t wo•··f spokNl is, lllf'n•[orc, n \\IOI'(J or J!OW('r 0 myslit.aJ W •JI'ff h11 Villif C O't'fO• t i v~ p otoucy. i. ,.., poteuuy to ~•·c ote II HII whlclt c(u·o·espontls to IIll' wn t·d : l'tll' n ootlo u Is C' ltlo(o' ll · clc·r~d hy ti ro Wlll'd . ~l o tiou, lJ~i n~ gvv.·t'll<'tl by IHIIllh('l'. Uf',:{tlld zt.• s H rut~t'(• w hleh IHu uirC'ttiS EIS ror·m ; I I (' II N ". ('l'Cnlinn,; Ill'(_• hu t Wt) l'dA t)l'~anizcd
I 21 I
us l'ot'll l, i\ uti cvu•·y fnt' lll is but Ihe vchit'lc of CO IISCIOUNIICSS Iil t'llllgil wllk l1 IIIll word IIIII I c·n:-toulr-c il is ub lo lo IUO idfc.·, L iu co nsci<HJSr lcqs. Th ese WO I'cls wc 1'e d lfl'c l'c HI ft'"'" the 111-st. b0c'""'l' the 11•·~1 words w(•r·c sp olcr u fo•· ll1c OI'A:H liZHiinn o f ~o u l ·1, whil•· llw:;co wunls Wl' I'C NIJOk\'" I'Ht' lhr Ol'ijllllizulicJ" or B11d ic• u s in g he •·e llw i\st l'llt nil :. tJIII' t IJf tlw btllly hN·:~us~ llc•r"'lf'S ~i u • ply •·c,·ugHi>.t• d IJotly n ud S~oul; i. •· .. li t(• Sou l llll'lll d \•tl w llut iu T lll.:tlsop lty Is t•·l'lllc.d 1\!11111, llucldl •i. Mn11us, w h ile ll •c llod.v i111'1 11cks nil li lllt is ltc luw il . " Ill' IJI'Cfl ll trd inlu t hl' liq11id Jli'O IOJ)iUNIII ll lf) lil1ll Hll d Tlull is lp S:l,Y. his I'II('I'I(Y, the ll llltill'l'stntitou ,,r his h1'eut l1. Ids dyut1111i1· <:llet•gy, iiii iJUJ'II'If IIIOli'lll IO lhC liqU itl l) l'llt <> ll lfiSIII, ll ll d nUl 4lf 1i1•1lio 11 j,(I'I'W lil'0. l .i ft• l'l'fiii,V h e ll) ll A$ lo tiH• H:tl l'td pluu~·. Hy li d.-. w,· ll l t"U u l' l'lll •:•. tl u• sprc· in li >-•·ol li t\· of II ~<· A< l•·1d lkglo11. t>hys icj , , s nn tl p ll ilnsn tli ii' I'S t(!'IWI'Illly I111Vt' llludt• tlw l'u lrd 111 i~l u l(t• of II~SI' I' I illjl i1111t Iii'!' is 11 j)l ly~ir:d p lleii<H II Qllll ll, Tht,·•·cr,,,.,•. li lt' so 11 1·cc .. r 1iff' l~tts "'''' " sou,:tld in tin• p l •y~kn l h<Hiy. •H•d. of CO III'St·. Ill !$ 11 () 1 IJt'<' ll 1'0 11 li d, l)e(I Jh II L'I'~SsurJ Jy l'CSt il t8
l' l'tUll l h t.· J)C1'11l11HI•III S~ parut ·j ,)Jl
Of lh(l USit'llJ
" "'' p l1yskul. br~:lltsc• tht• fts tl'fl l, l •clnu ll1c
\'('hick or life. w ltcll II •'•' tJOt'l' ft'Oill th(• l•IJdy, SC ( >t1 1'11 1 0~
life fl'fllll it. "Rcntlr·•·cd it tlo lckc1' nntl 111orr (l lll $llc nnd fln'llll'<l it living ht•ingN lt111111111 s llll tlc." 'l'hry wc· I'C• livillll ll rnvcvCI', llwy wc l'c sou ll ess
l 2111
nud utintlh•l>S, oud the de~ccn l or lncornnlion of the· Soul into the Uody I~ thl' tlrst dnwn of lire. 'l'h<••·efore. n~tru l bodily bfe physico! oud Mtrul lirl.' hod mnd<: il"c·lf munifr>~t. We hovtl th is SIIIIIC doctrine tnusht In the !:\tOOZIIS Of L)zj11n i11 u tiCO tJlc who u•·o miudlcss. a r ncc or lldll f!S cl<wold of 111i11d, hnvi1114 only the pl•ys· ico l nntl uStl'lll pdnci(l.lcK. llc>WU\'CI', ILl s WI'OIIII tu uN~nn•~ thnt they cuutlniiC<I In tl tis s tole fo•· uny npp•·cdo blc length of time. fo•· they we re Jlrodul'ed. nol to contlnu r in thnt mindless s tol e, but rothcr to p•·ovide rccrptoclcs fo•· the ~lind r•ruJ>er for the Soul:. in fuel. We have in the Quirl oc tendoing. nnd nho iu llw tcnchlng of o 1111111hcr or tl•e um·i<>nt l11diun •·nccs the 'l'oltecs nl11u the doctr·inc ll1uttwo nli•'"'P '~ were mucic '" c•·c•n lt• fH'!l plc b~rcll'f' u •·cnlly lou111 u11 race wn~ Jli'Od ii ('('CI, The Oo•s l WCIS t1 lcl 11 cl oJ' cfny 1111111, II ml11 t• o·n l ~ ··cn turc wh•l wn ~ 111111 I>IP to stunfl llw rnln. 'llo~y IIH' Ii c<l Wll(•ll lhCJ l'(ll ll r,,fl Ull fhCIII, The ur" t a lletliJ)t rc'l tll <·•l in vrwtnlJie crrntnn••. who were ~lifl' nnd rlijid unci could 1111t ~~~t nrou11cl ' '<'ry well. 'l'hc·y d i~<ti JlJlCilrccl from lh!' Ntrtlo, ond lhc third allcntpl JH~>duccd 11 I'IIC<' of onlmol llll·n. wil lonul lhc c lement of Sotul, howc•vc•r. Uut In time Ihe Sou l iucarnolcd l ot 11 11tllnbor of lhcsf' pr •·sous. ll owevct·. it is S IIIICCI lhlll lfo e i\JH'S llr'(l the ~~~RCC II dtolllS Ol" Ll o ~ folltS ll tul dirl IIIli ge t nny so nls. C11 ul, thel·Cfoii'C, llw o11ly rlln'crf' ncc lw lwt·c·n 11'1' Ape nnd the lllnn i8 li m I th e one is dc~C!' tHi t•ol f•·nm lhe ones t2tl
who l'ccci vcd no $O uls. w hile lh u olh r rs 11rc tl~scc ntlud !'rout llmsu w ho IIUJdc I he CQ nncclluu 0. 1(. n nd I{O I 11 Sou l . You lllOy l nlw iL fo 1· whu l I Ii~ wo t•lh. I wusn 'i II ICI'C, nnd S<l I CtlllllO I St>y.
"'l'l>ttl wh id1 I'UII ttti ncd he gave Lo 1l1c lofllt.!st lnhu()lllng ll16 rcgicon of th e gods iu the ncigl1bor·hood t> r lh.c sl nl's w ho Wtli'O crtl lc·d l ho· Sncl'(•<l Oc nJi." 'J'hcsc so u ls a•·e ussu11tCd to bo t<ouls or a higher order thuu the ~01 1IS
h111110 11 SOl II, I tOWCYC I', we 11Hl>l I'CHic l ubot· 1hut lids ic su iJsl nncc ll1ls IJI'OI<J (Jill~lll wn~ g iv <' ll lhc' lll r11r l11c W() l'k () F
O l' di llll i'Y
pl'ovltl i ug lhvm with bodies. lce u.:c. l hcsc !'> ltcrc•l Ocn ii ltlld IJod iPs, hut o r :1 lin(:t' on lcx lllfl'll th ose or Ihe I1111111Ht. T hey fl o nbllcs~ co l·•·cspond son1C· wl1 aL to l11c U n~M ol' t lte I I indus nnclLhe Angels 0
r .)til tu ism .
"Wo•·k," suid ho, ·•my r hll<Lr·f; ll, Oll'sp,.ing of' nt y llll llll'(•; lll lc<l the ruslt"lllc 111' '"Y l n ~l<, 111111 lc·l ~~~~· It or you li tOIt<' brl ugs i11 Iti s imogo. I wi ll ~ive you lltodd s." \lvc ti iU6 1 bctll' in nt ln cl tl 1nt r 1u l1 ou l y c•·NII ~o l
tho· ""'"" n nnd th o~!l obo,•c,
so , accord i ug It o I he Jlel'ln CLic
l unc l•ing. nil Ct'<'fl · l11tnHt 11 "''c II I(J
lu r~.~ of l•ighc•· o r·<lcr· llllut lh c
lli'O!iii CLS of II H:S~ Sllj!CriClt' b~ in ~. li te Sr1CI'(:(I
Ge ni i. Al so, ll i~ cvidenl lhn l Mnn w nR the first c r'Citlion . fi C~o r·c'lillfl 10 th is lt•ncl ling. W e lint! l l1al i l <lrlc·s not Sff" '" ''' up llllogc lh el' wl lh th e nccoun l nf ll1 e I.Jcgiuni111f or life os givc u !11 tho .T<·wish on d Cl,.isl i11n IILc mhu·('. lfo•· ono lhin~.t. wo 'II(IVC '"' nlluslo11 hc•·c to nny O r·~l Htttn . [ 2? J
111f' co·rulion &ltwy h ('o·~ olc•u ls wi th \I n n in grnernl nell with the co·.,utwn uf u lllfon, bul lh•• t•rt•ution or Ill~ II. II prf';i< II[\ lhl' oclt•a or (l rue.·. II ;, not '"Y function to uuolo·o·tuk1• to reconcile Ill\' h\ ll Nhii'ICS, '" f WIIK Ill) I lll't'~l'nl Il l Ihe ('l'CII lio11 1111d olo n ol lt ii <Jw wldcl i i~CO I'I'C~I . llowt•Vtr·, ll lis i11 nlld u ub lt•il iy " ''' lcuddug: lhul IIH• 1' 1'1'11 IIolii \VIIS I hu l ool' 10 l'lo('l' , 1111<1 ll tfl l lht: loultlll l l l'll l't' woo~ 1111' lloNI J'll•Uit•il ll iHi \VII~ llw lt"v.-81 t•r<·oo litoto .. rro•c lt•d hy l'l ul• : ll tnl Ihi· Sm: at..• tl C.t•nii \H"I"C' (' l't•aturc~ uf llu: lcl\\ C I' orth·n~ of lire•. This i,. lhc ll t•o'nll'lk h-oodoing, unJ ony fiiiWIII)Illwrl' ill lo Sl!l l!' In )OU \\hntlhi• lli1hl~n \\'i~ol1mo lrtll'hes. ~ly prh rtlr tllolnion doubllc>' wou loln 'l llol crcsl you nuylldng Ill,<' n~ much no; lht' opi 11 iun or Isis. Ytl •o ollln1Jt lt•s• luok upon lot•r ~~~ I h<• llt' llc r :nollwo·ily upo11 11•1' ~uhjccl thou 111yst•l f, " '" ' so I wi ll Ri noply l(ivu yo u whot Rll<' h11d ''' s11y. No nou ll e •· hnw im tHll'lllnl n lllllll 11111y he {und rtn lly I d h not srt• ho w th e wo rld rnuhl gfl ulong w ithout my ln~t ruc tion ~) yl't, Wht•n It Ctllnr~ 10 thl' I'OIIIJlUrllKIII o f \)V\'Il 1\S importnnt i\ 111 [111 0~ lll)'g(•lf 111111 the l~o lhcr or c:od~ nnd ~lf·n. th~o·t· is. or courst•, no <JliCslion in rr•jllll'd to which Cllpr·csscd lloc purornounl inllu r rl<'t'. 'l'l• ~~o lrole r crcutltOn s wt'rt' lo IH• in the i:n nflc or thtl Gcnll. II Is to he 1: ~811111 Cd, lhcrefno·c. ll olll 1111111 wo~ t·:·co trd In ll1 1• ' "'"!:C of l'lcJ1. Jly this I wo111(1 nQt hnvc yo n uuolcrs lnnd Ihot l'tnh i8 n (ICnllc•nHin or my size suy sl~ f~er. morl' o r
I :Ill I
h· '~• n nd "r ogh ing 1wrhu1" 1.111 II<IUild& murr or lr ... or toll) thing of Ihut k 11111 I d•l no I )'1111 111 lllldt·l"'tuncl th,ol ~hn '"" ~rt·nt~d m thr Jlh) "rn l ""All~ o f l'tnh, hut, ruthr r. thnl rH;rn'x lltollll<' I• In th(' rmngo• ur l'ltth i\nol lil.t'wi~t· Ito(' nnh11u l 11a11~o n·. Tho• ullhtHd l nldli!(t' ll~r· "Jl llruuc hl·~ 11~u rc ~ lo 111111 .. r tlw ~m· o•NI Cenl i. " I h•··~·with li t• luuk IIH• ~uolinc onrl orduhwd tilt' " 'o rltl i11 o•tmfru IIIII\' with 'il11l 11111\l'llll'nt•. Jllncinjl tlu· uru11rnl ,;ll.,, nfh'r thn"' of human rnnu A11d nftrr Lr:l\11111 j(l\1'11 fcrrlh the .:r ttl ll\1" r...... lllltl ll<'llt'rto tho• h rnoth for lhl' v.holt• t .lllfll' being• )t·t 111 1111111'. lh• wlthcl1t "· JIIHmhinJ: lo 1111i1t• l•1 n••ry 'i"hlo• "rul. u n uwisihlr ho·,•nt lo uno I o re J)roohu·ll"• 111 ""' 'Ill<•, so thnl l 'lldl l l!lllljll lli !!l ll Cll!!<•lltlt•l' I I ~ Hlr nli nr wit h
Oll l
ll t't'\'S'I It y
l ' 1'1111 h •
l'U II II1 1111 d l_y
11 0' W
(•IIIII h•H.''
W.- hn\1' n• lhc- n r' l Nlllfli• lhc• t••lnbli, hnwnl uf lht• /.udl.oc nnrl llw o11hnnllun uf thl' world in roufururlt~ "ilh 'il.r l mu\~nu·nl• In ulhrr "unl.., th1· 'alto I mo,•·nH·nl • ..,.,. to he Iuke n llnt TIH'n· " n C<'f't,llll rll) lhllll!' 11111\I'IIICIII or th~ vltnl '''"'fires the I 111\1'1',1' Ml flot·thiul! olmllor In ll11• I') lhng•u·e un tlt><'tllllt' ur lht• Mu~ic of tht• Splwn•• . 'l'hi~ •·h y th11o lo· "11!'' ' ' " 11' 111 uf the vi lu l f'~"t'III'I'H, till s sy no(l hOIIY to l li 111 1111 iVC I'SC, :H11l' tiuh•d lh C l:tlll ~l ruction Of I hi• phyHk nl ttlli Vri'S(•, whlrh """ mrrde !o(l n~ tu uiv•• r x1lr<'~•ion nntl con••:iun•nl'"' to thul vl tul I" u ll·iple. Ih ut 'ilnl
sy tnphony . 'J'hus tl•c tlivCt'Sil S ltll'S ond .Pion Cis, l bo S(l icll itcs, lho gnr·lh, etc., ut'o but so mnny n•usic!ll in slnnn cn l~. H yuu please, th rough which th c vllol f twm mnkcsllsclf ntnnifcst. T he Zodioc is, ~o ro,. ns ll •o section of li te ••r dvc•·sc 'viii• which wo on' conve,·su nl is CCl'llu d, ih<l cit·clc of Lll'c, so lo spo~k. th e cit·clc rou ucJ whlcla il n1 01•cs, dctcnninint: Ihe nnturc o·r Jts nctlvi l ics. Now lhc nniu·•nl slgn~ ore plnce.t orlt:o· tJ1osc or ltUJ111tn rorm. We mus t t'Cilli ze Uw l li•e Zodinc is o·co lly bused upon Totcmiijnl. Thn l is to sny, llH> anim~tl ~igns tho OH cienl suc•·ctl ttnimol~ nru ptnccd 111 lite; si(.(ns of wh ich ll tcy ore lhc '('o lunos. r mcnn .l.>y 1his thnl lite U o11 ls octuolly lhc Tolcm of lit e SJg" oi' Leo. Th e Co·nh is lho to lcm of Cnnro r·; th e 13u ll is 1llc: tolCII I or 1'rtt t ru~: th e "'-' " ' of Al'ics: the Jo'ish <.>f Pisces: the C:on I ol' t..:rt pricortt, d e. WhoncvcJ' nn onimnl nppcno·s rlNUrc symbol of o sign, il r ctu-cscnts Ihu to tem of tl tnl sl!;l' '· Also. we hnvc the human slgus, such ns Aqunrius ond c~miui, Vi•·go nnd Sngi ttori us, lhot r'CfH'C$cnt li te l1ighc•· concev · lion. Th ese r11·o in J'Calily Lllc Jti guc:1 t Slijns, nil stntc.totCols uf ;1slrotogc·r s lrl th e conlt·•u·y nolwilh 8ttondiug. '!'he s igns having li te h ttllltt li sy mbo l• ~tr'f' in rc nllly tho sou l ~igns. l lcucc. we mny say thnt Ihe four· gr·cnt spirilltu l sign• Ol'll C.cmlni, Vi•llO. Sngitluriua, nnd AtlliOr'iu s, whi le the other signs or<l of on nninHol urtlurc, ftll, with Ihe cxcepOon of L ibrn, wh ich ls tho bu loucc IJclwrcll
tho lwo,
rcprcscnl ing th e nn1Jlcnl30 l
lion between tho two. Now, th e pluclug of U1o ou iJH!ll sigm mctHJ~ th e spidtuoJ lzi ng, lh 6 indl· vitluAiiziJl!:lo of those sign:<. It i~ essen tin! thnt J sl•ould ~n tar:~:~~ a Hill e hm·e nnrl Bi vc you (Ill un•lco·~t 11nding M the csute d o u1cuning of 1116 Sigus IJf the Zod iac. Tn the Kttbn li n the singlc lcll()o·~ o•· simple lcllct·s co ri'CllflOnd to the twelve sisn~ of the Zodioc. Any lcu t·ncd f\ohbi who undc t'sla nd~ the 1Cnbn ll 11 wJil tell you- if yo u " " '' get him tu tell you tho tl'tllh ohuul it, which i~ so mcwhut d(>ublfulthul the tw cnly· lwo lc llef'S of th e H cbt•cw
Alphobct coJ•Iuln nlllho wisdom of the Uu'ivcJ·sc, t'll'l'scn l, pn,;t, nu •l to com e. Aod he will sto le the c~ o.ct tru th when l•c stoles it. '!'he whole my$ tco-y not on ly or U1c Universe b ut or the liiHnAHifesl ns well , the wh61o u,yslcl·y of tho gcucs is of ll l'c nruJ l'onn, St,>i•·itu nl nnd mul~l'i.ol, i~ rc·flcctc4 in lh ~sc twenty-two chnmclc•·s, nnrl In the nncicnt l feo·mclic oo· IJ•Mlition(ll symbols thn t nc:co1npnny then1. 13y this I mean lh e Oll, fo•· Aleph; il•o ltnu~o l'o•· J1el h ; ll•e Ca mel fur Guncl: th ., Door for l )ulelh ; tho \:Vindow fo•· Jl c: lh c Nnil ro,· Vnu, vic. Now a lso )n Lho 'l'oo·o t, w hich is j)J'OJ1Ct'ly .E:gyplion symbo lism, the cntiJ·c 't lid,lcn \oVistloru of J1jgy pl ts co ncen l.ed in the Rlyp l•s of tho l\htjor oud Mino1· Arcuno, o•· J3ook of Fot c. Lh c glyphs used to tell fort une.~ with . It's nil Lhca•c, every word or it. I know of n yo•HII! mnn who hnd never a•cnd u book nor tnkcu nny ln$1l'ncl ion t 3ll
who l111~ mu~II'J'Cd the ll idd~n Wl~clotu ~imply by study of th~ T11rot ond uothlug ct,c. Now llw Tnrot thot 1:;. tho: Mujor ArcuM corre$rond$ to the lwcuty•lwo c•hol'll(II'I'S In the llcbrcw Alph tthl.'t. lloul i~. tho· Fool Is tht• Juggler. etc:. 1'1•t• o·c \\ C hnve the o l<l ''''ClWII conoi n!( o n down . Now, ll oc twel ve s in f!lc l o tte.·~ I'OI'PI!51)onol to ll w hwiVl' ~lgns of 1111' %o oliu~. Air In ll1 c Kubullnh io the lowest of o ll the t•rincitllC$ ~ymbol iJ.iH{l tiH• S tlll'i l. u nd we ur.· to ld thot these lellc•r& t'l'ro tr<J cvery th injl; thut C:od ~Imply crcoted the Cni,•cn!c by ~t>cokinll the h•llt•rs. Thot's oil. You lind It <ruitc (l l:tinly •lut~ol 1\ntl it is ub<ulult•ly true. Cod dul <'l't•ntc tht• I 'nlv.,rse ~l 111ply hy pronouncing these ll'lt rr~. 1' 11o t's roll tl111t wns clone. Bu~. I'CIIIl' lll •
bt·a·, !lois io noyslicu ll y ~ pru ldn({. FM tl ocy W CI'Il (' I'Ciol i VI' jl l' i ucl p II'S C('I'IOI II SJl i o •l I II rol
Cl' o•ttoln
t'•'ll' ll l'\'H, •pll'it uo liz~<J ro oms IIIII twe lve grent spll'itnnl tu·i ndJIICN lliHI tlH·•<' ~plrltun l tll'incl plt·s <-or• r•pond tu the twclvo ~lngl<- l ~t tcro:: !hut i~ to ~ny. the Mluntl of the"' lt•th•l''l, when c·nr· rcetly tinund~d. oct '" tnystlc worth! to olio- Into nctlv•ty 111~ l"'inciplc• ~··H•nolly cnrrt'>POndiotlt
hi l ht• <n.
Tlw•r• twelve svl rltwol pro ndp l t·~ l' lllc!C nclc••ed tl oc IWt•l w H''~u t conNlc ll n t lun~. whlt· la con~t o l lll· t lnn ~ 111·r ~ nNt>n lcd, tH' r·n•null nr4. un onounnli on f•·um thr· spiril un l d i vi ne prl nrl t•l ~ w l•lrlo Cll!lt'll• derc·tl IIH'I II, which C'lllliiHIIin H hpc•o mc·s, n~ It wcr•'. lhl' ~nu l n f tlw c·on•lcolluthm . The con~t<·l· I» 1
loti ons. in turn, r·:rdint c " " nuru th nt pcr·rrr ccriC8 Ute Univcr·sc. And this urrr·u, tl ol g r•ny, ~o to spealc, coming i'or·Lh l'r·r>nr tl trrC COJLslcUollou, glvcij to us the principln or Ctl ch sign or U1c Zodiac. 'l'lrus. wh o11 the 13:t~t•ll r i ~ i11 o t:c r·tnin gcornctl'icu l noglcwl tl r .r·cfe.r·cnce lo the Surr. Li te Sun Cu$1S upon it th rrl l'liy wltich loll$ com11 fr'Olll the Consi cllnti on. ThClr·cl'or·c. il is qultu true thllt the twdvt· sh rglc l<"t tur·s hcrvc cr·r·utc·tl th(; twelve si.gns of the Zodloc. IJcc:ruso 1h() SJ•Ir'i t nnl l'orcu which is cr elrlctl by l'cusou or thol sound, untl which is, Lhc r·c forc. th e le tte r·- llwl Is lo soy . thnl lc llcr is llrCl koynotc of th(rl fore<!. This fOI'UO h as 111'f.ltllllZl!rJ Ihe Ctll rSir•ll o ~lou, tntd on <·nruroutiou fr•orn it is en~oul etl by I hot coustcl.l nllon sn th ot I Iris spiri t, ll tcreu rtr· r·, i~ the ovcr·sotrl M i'lre co rr stcllalioro. just us it;t e111anntion is the COJlStc llu tio n's soul. Thnt'R wher e wr rcn lly gel lire doc I rlnc of the Genii sove r·uinK th o Cil lO • stcHr11lorr s. Then this for·cc rnn rr lt'csts lt6clf flu r ing t lr~ ti me wl rcn we rn·c inn uonced by n ccr tnln sign or the Zodlnc. And the To lclll or the Sign Is tl rnl nn irro ol whose nnln1'C crwrcsponds to th ol t~l'irociplc which n1r_r rdfCSl$ thr·o u~l r lire co n~ le llalio n nud thus llw sign or th e 7.odinc. T lds is whrol is rnen nl b y li re S(tcr·cd oni rn(I IS, or 1he nnirunl signs. "Anrl nflcr h,wl ug filvcn fvrth li re rll'()nllv!l force~ nnd gcnr:ru tive l,rerrth ro:r· Lhr• wl rolc rnrrgc or bein gs yc' l to co nrc.' ' \V~: IHtW! hcr•c the crcnlivc forcc·s. i. 1•., the• rnoLtl dl rrg f orccn C09 I
cu lc u ltd c d to t:nj:l(' llllcl' fvron , 0 11 rl a lSO l hC SCil • Uvc bo·ccolll oo· vi r l li ly w Iolch w~,~:s to be u nll cd wllh in lh~n · (ll)d lhus give to Ihem (J oe pow er $ or rCJ>roductio n. Ami this no I only ol' lll osc t11'i nciplos hul of ll ooS<l being~ ycl to com e. !11 QlhQJ' worcls. lll o fo rces wl' o'c sol in noolion wh ich in l illie WO II Icl cuj.(cntlor l hc crco tr~"·cs not yet dcvclo t)Cd upon lloc coo·lh. 'l'h1• rot·ccs of crco.livc cv(l lul ion, i11 o l hc r wo l'tls, \Vt: o·c now se t in
molif.m. l 'hcu, "H•:o wilht.l a·ew" i. (",, c.~enscd to moniCI!S I his Cl'~llliVC !)0\VCL'S "[II'Oill isi ng to un il l} lo 'I'Co·y visi iJl tl WOJ'It '' " ln vls il,lll .bt'Qn lll nnd n rcpo•orl ll (' li'•c pdnci t>le. so lh11l cnrh boiog noi gbt Cnl!c ndco· i ls ainoll oo· w i l lo ou t ucccs~ity to c reole co nl lnunlly new cul l l ics." T his si onp ly mcnns l.hnl lh c forces were now in m otio n whicl1. os ~oo 11 os u b1:lng w us c.og~ndcrcd, would ('lldow ll wi ll o lho powe r o·cprod uc lio n nfiQo· 118 lci nd.
"A nd w hnl di d lh e souls do,
~'lo lh(!l''l" Auo.l l ~i.s
nnswct·cd : "Th<;y look ll oc ming led nwt..:rln ls, 0 my So11, ll oru s, 11nd hcgr111 lo r<•ll rcl ll oc<·ecl ol, '" 'd I!> u(iorc llois co noilill to li o" , l lt r wo o·k ul' lite 17n.thco·. N ext llooy sO lll!hl lo d i~covco· or whul it wus co mposed , wloich. i udce d. il w us nol onsy lo Ond. 'fhr n, rcori11 g ll ont this sc nl'<:h onll!h l cxcil<l ll oc nngeo· or ll or. f7:olhc·o·, ll ocy SC I lficmsc lvcs to Cll l'l'Y 0 111 I lls c.o rtiiHtt lld S. TllC'rel'o•·"· tnlciug ll oc uppco· podiou of lloc tl•·otoplnsm. lhnl w loi cl o wn s llf:hlcst. Ihey (•ren led or 'II I 8•• I
tlo~ rocc or l11rds. 'lh<· •·onoJoOuml hn,•iug nc ow become more conoJoo cl nncl '"'urning u tlcn~<'r con~htcn<·), th!•y fornwd or it the IJ IIIIdroopcfl~; whil~ or lllt' lhJCkc~l port, wloiclo no>Cdl.'d n moi • l whi!'lt' roo· it8 Slltl· oOI'I, tl oev ooondc Jbh<·~. 'l'he rcmoindcr. Jtinl! co iJ null lo cnvy, wns t•mp loycd by Uoe sorools in lhe ~ rcn t iooo of o'tiJOIIIt'R."
We lotovc II h~ t·c 81(11Ctl lhul lhio plastic sui>· •lrrnet•, lhls proloplason, \\ !o kl o wn~ now lcrt, wns In tht' lmtods or tloe ..ouls who wt·rc dclcsn lctl to the t·ompiNion or the crcoliw \\Ork. And n• n r<••ull tlwy c:~~nminc d II, to·kol to understood its <·ompo•ltion, but nbnntlnooO'd lhii nnd s••l lhtuns<.' l\'('1 10 nccompli•h " '" work which \\llq dkct•tr•d or lhom. Now. li re IIJIJ!C I' porliOo) or li te III'OI•Itolnsm- i. c.. llour hnvinl! ll or l1ighc•l r·rrl c nl' vllm il oo·y aclivlly, ll ou toh·y Jll'inciplc, lhool In wloi ch tl oc clcooo<•tol rolo· wus ooo<Jro pre<hllllilllllll wus eonployetl 111 th<' cr<>td ion of hir-d11. And hccnu>c of lht• llllt'III'\S, the ai•·y <1unlity. the rcluli"~ .ooblilily or thi~ MoiJ:.hJn\'t' \\hich "''Ill to form llocno, tlo!' blrtl~ noturnlly " (.'fl' n<lnpl~d to life in lhl' oio·, nntln ll th e nature of th e hirob 'ou t ~ ns wdl n• botlics was the 1'~81111 Of lloi ~ CICI11(.'1l[ wJoirh W()ll i to COII lJlOS<.' 11 11' 111 . 'l'lw11 lloo ne~t l o i ~tht•• l <'kn rerol W<' oo l Ill !'G IIlJI!I." ' llo r <Jltlo do•"t"''ls, ll oroo lho• lllwt:'r In coo11 pCJ••• II or llsiii'K. 'tl"'"• ht•tn ro~'' ol' tloc co ld 11c~1. l loc a lmost ullc•· lnck ur lhc Ito·,• princitllc, llw rt••i<hllooll W('nl l<l fur111 llo(• r·c• plil~s. til:> I
Nuw, this COIIlJ!III'Cd wil h wlwl WC lcrH·nc d in the l"'cv i ou~ Jcs$<111 ;,. r<:!(urcl to th e co ns llluun t c iCIIlCt l l of' soul$. In Mhr •· wonl•. the nn h ••·c nud chnructcr· of evl~•·yll ti ng is nut du e to its l oci< or uu t •·ot he•· to li to essence w lticl t goes lo composo it. Th e sixty cliJl'c r·ent gnl des of souls " ''" nol yo ung •I nti olcl, bul rnt hc•· 1n·c f(H'mctl of si ~ty tlin'e~c"t 1fr:1d cs or soul rnn lc••in I. Th ~rc· f ore, they A1'C J'u uoln ut~nHLIIy aud uSSCII l iu lly whnl tl tCy lH'C, In other WMdS, llli;I'C fii'C llrty· e ight dHJcr cnt lll'lldCS of so uls, ROIII C of U h igltCI' nn; l flucr m ulcrinl- u flue•· lti u tl of cloy, so to spcult lhon som o oth er grn dr~, nud ye t l(>WCI' thnt o li1Ct'8, •·nul-li ng l'r oiH lhc lvwcsl. w laJt,h is oniy sl iglatly nl oovt l ht· h i~;h cRI •tu rtrl r·tl tlcfl, nntl ascc ndin!j uvwut•cl lo tho l r igl~t'sl, w l•ich n•·c olmras l ullin In tho tl'otls. Now, thrsc •ildy d iffcruul s•·o(i ~g of svu l ~ 1u·e I'Ciolivc ly MIJ)C I'ior nnd lnfol'ir)J' bc:causc ol' Uw l't>lnth•<.· lht0nes~ or· gr·ossncs• of I he cssc uct• w laich goe• lo COIH[)OS<: them . f\ ud l lwn l hc oni mnls urc Nl ighlly l ower LiHIIr these. n11d l ht• tlllfc•·cnr.<: IJclwccn hil'u!l. qn :•driiJHltl~. llsbc,;, nnd a•e ttlllcs. us w ell ns betw ee n l lacrn n11d Ll •c lll tlllfrll, l s hccnusr of the quulily of lltc css~ncc w ltich f(MR to CO IIIJlOSc
lh clll. ll is nlso
ren ~o n(ilolc, ull h(ll!!(l) thu book docs not sny so II CVt'l'l hcles" the annlO!(y wpultl work o11t- tl r" 1 1ho cl i iT,· r·,·nl rnrnil icR ur unlmnls, the rlill'~rcnt ld nrl!l, would be cl n<· lo rl i ll'crencc~ i 11 the con$lilut iran of ll ae l'i!'n oc n l~< which f.!O lo
l 30 l
I'OJnposo thNII . So 111~ nrc n,..,,. oud some 1110ro S~OSS. i\ tso li iC d i VCI'SC gt'll e l'n , sprcics nnd "'ll'ir\1io ns w h ich w e co llie Ju co nlnCI wilh nrc duo lo vnl'i,lh>n M, cun·(·•·<·n liull<tt~s in th e c~~cn<:c. ti lt: 811 11~1 rn luln of Ill CJ1· ~I) Ilis j liSt 118 Wt: RCil lhn l l hc d ill'c rr nl •·acin l typ1•a l lf'(! JWI only du e lo l'limn lic condi tio ns. etc .. Jm t 111 · spccinlizcd
or ll •e soul Nullslr·n ta. Auel. lhc•·e l'o•·c. ll•c IIICI'(;i llg, tho i oiCU 011 ll~e• Cl'thl icn tiOII or l'll Ci nJ ly pcs. i s conl n u-y to nntu•·o: f or, ~~~ l{ lpli n~ ~oys, "TI •c J:::nst is l~nsl. nuil l li c \o\1\'St Is Wcsl , nnd ncvct· Ih e twuin sl•All m er I.'' An d 80 it Is. ftH'IliS
"l1CJJ•Ihwi lh , () my Son. [}I'OlHI or lhoir work, lhcy were 110 1 .. r,·nid ln l rtl ll~folt'\'I'S Ihe Oivi no Luw, II li d In S[!il c ur ll lr I)I'Ohlhil iou. lhcy J't•crd cd l'•·on• fhcir "l'll"l" lcd l itHi ls. Not wi iiJng to •·~.:n1nln Ionge•· i 11 Lhe sn mc nb•>ut', ll ll:y mo ved CCfltiCic$~ly. und J'CJ10$il ~crnwcl to Ihem \ Icu i h.'' The wol'l< of these Cc11ii, these c·rctl l ivc sou l~. Ito~ glvcu then• w:l111t (Htt· boy fl'i~11 ds cnll "o CII SC or SWC ilc cl li e;ud," T IIC t'CSUII Wll8 II IC)' tool< II)Ctllil()l ves loo SC I:i()IISiy IIIII I W('l'(' ill iCH8 •ly native. 'l' ht'y cl c~i• ···tl 11(1 re pose: ll 11::ir t:o'CHII vc: ncLivi ly 1111d lo he !ll l wnys Cll111loyc d. 1'1•cy w er e not ·~"I isficd lo (::11·r·y out ll1cl WoJI'It II '" L Pl"h hn d ostil~tncd lo them : they must con l i ll nC l o prod11 Cc. (A nd, by tl •c wny , thry IHwc n'l go llcn
or j I yet.)
'' 13ul, 0 my So n [thus ll crm cs i nro me] the ir conduc:t ('Ott ld nul t'S<'npe ll l(l cyo I 97 I
of Ill (• Lo1·cl (:ud of 11 11 lldn~~: l it• toducl 1·cl lo puni~h 1110111, 111111 If! lli'I' IJ III'(' ror 1111'111 ll(ll'd bond<. The llulcr nod M1I'IPr of llw UniYt'rM• rr•ulvNI llwn for lhc• Jl<'llllllrC uf lhe Mul~. In tnuulol th e huaUIIII orp.llni'ln, nnd lHIVIIIE( cn lkcl 1110 IO l lif11, ~n id II C I'III ('R, IJ C ~pnkt• in Ihi~ wi~o·: M•ulof tny •oul. ho ly lhouuhl <•f 111y lltoujllil, huw lo11111 ftholl <'Orlhly No lure •·•·uuai n 11atl! I low lconJ.l ~hnll the c·•~·ulion uln•t~ely c·nnlinue iruu·thc• IIIHI wit iHJLII prni,r'/ lkiup. h!lhcr
I" '"'""''d
bCfCJ I't'
I ll() II( I
Il l!' 1-(tii iS of ll t'IIVW II,'"
l3CC!Ill~' Of !Ill' ~o>u J, UOtJcrtnkJuijltl Clll'ry 011 1 unnuthudtl'd crc:alh I' nch hN'ltUSI' llti ,, Ihe wl1ol<' truh'I'I'SI' "n~ sn tl. Acllvlty cuu ltl awl go ll ll u~ .il shon hl hd·ous~·. only hy li lt' S(IU I~ I'<'SI}OIHIJng 10 ti l t' eli vine ofl'lulu• CUll lhr JWO(JCr urthit) liar l!nhrr-c go ttn\\urd. 'l'lwrcforc. tare \\C told thnl (:u.t ,.,.,.,hc•cl to cn·utc• btm<l~ nnd roo'!'!' ll1{'m nn to ll1r " '· l ~ro 111 ll 1l~ it i• o·vid('n l lhul up lr1 lhi~ liii iC ll1 r· l1 nounn hod uol hccu ln the ploy~it·nl ror111 IIi' hody hocl bern n•lrol: he hntlnol <h•w·n.:ralc•l into lht! J>hysietl l, nntl ll l'rll i('N, whll'lt is lco~o11icu l ' l' n ll l1, W<IS involct•tl. 'l'l~r1 1 l• In Rny, tl11 • tii'Cilllvt• ll 1·incl 1ll ~. mnd~ up ol' ltP•n•knl iHh•llil(•'ll!'l', wuot n means nr ft:ollwring lng,•llu·r 1111' 1!•1111. or k•••·>nicnl powc .... , lion , rlfc•cJlnl( II ,oJutlnn o£ tlo!• V!''lt(•tl IH'ohkm, wlli t'h wn~ •JI •ilc rlinlclill. "'l'ln111 l:od ~pn k\', IJUO ih l h• rtue•. nnd oil ohC)t>!l IIi• dt·t•o·t••• 'l.o(lk 11111111 llu• t•urth.' IH' ~aid In lhO'tn, 'tontl "''''" nil lhinJ:I~ IJt•nrrllh.'"
t ?8 I
'l'l1is "''''"'·~ l11 e CO II~;C II II'O iio n o l lhc Cl'~ulivc vow;•rs ri'JH'<'S(' nh•cl here by lhe l(ocls liJHlll lhc eu•·th lhl' dindlou of lh1 · ~r ocll\11~ clo'"'w"rd II ('lO ll IJI (' ('ll l ll l, HO lhut it liN'IIIIl() I h <) ·' "<' II () lh c r·cn fle 1· lh1·lr tw l lvlll<:~.
"!)ll'llighl\\uy lhcy lilllkCtl, o ntl lllltl('!'· s tood lh c will 11f l h o l.m·•l. And "'"''" llc, Sfll)lc (• lo lh\'111 o l' til(' l'l'\'0 l iOII or Man , usk· In~: or cad1 ''hut h•• t·uu lcl hc~lo" up<m I he Tll\'1' n honl lu ll\' hnrn, l1 11• Sun 111''1 rpcli\<d: 'I will ilhJIIlllll' Jll:tll kiiHl.' 'l l11·11 lhc ~100 11 f)I'OIItiKCd Clllijll llt•lliii\'IIJ ill II CI' IU I'II, ndd i1111 lltal uh',·udv ~lw hull c• t•11l~d 1•'1 •u r, Sjlc"''''· Sh•1•p unll 1<.111111" """'""~~'<'•' lhn l lw had IJCjtiJIIt·n JuNi k•• on d Nt•t''''"ity. l'.t•otl\ ~n id , ' I n \ll'lll'l' lo ' IHII t' ll1c rn l til'<' l'llCC 1 1~ 1·· pr luo l W (ll':i, I hflVP f.W 11 t. rll lf\cl l~orl u ue . llriJlC lllld 1'1• WI'.' All'' ill'<'ltlrt'll hhll 'lt'll' :oh·Nulv fnlllt'r of C:onllil'l. l mtlrhnlu~ Z1•ul, oncl l~mulolluu: i\tJiuo<lik tli<l nul wni l to he• ''" 111-d u/~e"1 : 'A~ fno· "'''· 0 ~ J uqtr •·,' sl 1 ~ ~nlcl. ' I wi l lw"hlw tqln u lll!ll1klncl Dt·~il'l', \\ ith \'OIUJ>IUOU~ .loy 1111d 1-'lllgh lc•r, lh!\1 lht• JWnnll y lo "hirh our si, h•r Soul, nrc drotin c·d 111ny nnl wc:il)h o n 11ten1 too hno•tl ly.' Tht·~(· WO I'•I~ 1\pht•tlflil r. ()lilY So li, W<' l't) wd t lliHCd j!lud ly. "And 1.'' ~n id 1\('riiH'~. "will t•utlow lnnllnll nuhorc• with \\'i•d om,
'l'<· n•tH'I'£1111'1', l'c·rsnu•ioot IIIHI Tonth : nur wi ll 1 ~en'(' IO 1\lly n1y.•lt' lf w ilh IIIVCilll OII. T w ill c vor lll'<lt<'cl till· m o d ul lire of ~ncl 1 '"'' " u~ uri' hnrn llllth•r mv • IW"· ~h·inl(lhnl lo 1111' the Crvnlor aotd l 'nl h t•r hu1nllrihulr tl iulh(l ZoditH', ~i~:os of l{nowle tlg~ nn;lllllc•l· llw·ll('t' :
>ll lf)V(• n il , W I ICil
I :1'1 I
lhl' fl'l ()V0111PII I
w hich dntws lll crclu, II 1C :-.l:ll':'l:, j:; in hn r .. m ony w itJ , lhc pl•ysico l fo rce~ of each ." By I his w o m·c lo uudcr sl nu d l hn l LI1CI GretH Cod ~ wc 1·c cc.,·to i u puwf'I'S ccl'tai u vll'H'O ior·y f OI'C\':i wl d ch HCI upon mnn. T hcnJ is n ror·ce in man co •·rc~ ponding lo the fo•·cc of e ach of lh c scvc•·o l diviuili cs. and w hen Lh is fo rce in IU UU is ~~ \\tfdtC II C'd IJy lhC COI'I'C'Sp0 1Hi i ll fJ ro i'CC in I he I(OSIHOR, lh cn ils v ib•·n lo•·y acl ivily w ith i n t ile IHHu awukcus consciQuM'I{·ss, ru ouir ·sts u
slo Lc uf consciousness co •·•·cspuud i ug un1lo Hs ~oul, nnd I his consciou:; ncss is Lhc ot ll'ib11t c which wo Jind cruarllc r·olctl undc1· tl scpa i'Otc 11cau . T hcr t· for c, M" n d ocs no ll1ing. 'When ;l'lu11 lo lks nhot l1 or·;siuuling a thi ng, he shows h intself lo be a foo l. Mo " o•·ifllllu lr• nQtl oi ll{!· ll'lan is th e positive inst rnm cut Uu·ou gh w hi ch th e diverse Gutls, u r· J{osn dcal Powe r~:;. gi ' C:\ JJI'(',c:.:: ion I(J lhr rusc l vcs nnd 1hus uwn ktl'n COf·.. l'r< po nd infl s h d cs of tO IISCiO USIICRS. A11d lio ns il. is lh nl " II 1hc'c di verse for·ccs !(i vc lo 1111111 lo is d i ve rse f:l C111tics. Fol' tl •c fn cull k s or IH OII nrc bul ll •c· ind i vid uu lizrtl ex pr essions ol' li re ulll'ibul cs M 11o c gods opc•·n li ng w il l li n llim . i\ nd so, likew ise. I h e Zod iucu l Signs •·e ll eel cc rl" in of lh csc tl i reel. ]den lions or·c b nl I he ox pr.·cssions of th e twe lve diverse rnod ili cu1ions of lh c sr i rl lnnl alll'ibu lcs, ond, l hcr cl'ou:c, one bo t·n u r•d cr· r. CC:l'Luiu sign will spccicdi z.c these al.lrilJUICs bcco usc o f ll •c l'o•·cc w llich wil l b e JJI·o ughl 10 bcro r· upon l1is inl c n•u l bc i n~::. 1
r ·•o 1
JlcJ'UH.::s, Lei ug Kosm i ccd 'l'n1th , Ot' Re:.-l .son, jn its II'UC sense. w hen jt m nni fcs ls i u l\·l ou,
mo n il'csls as n.euson. T h e humo" r cosQn is, ll •c•.·cro r·c, bu t Ill· hn m nn co mplemen t of th e 1l'c •·nh.: Lic a t· l<os .-u icu l
B(•ll SO II.
'rllu $~ when uH111
is r easoning. his r cuson is but ncti ng undc•· the sti mulus of the ll cnnclic Ocason th e K osm ica l 11cOtiOil. " l l c who )s ;' 'fnslrr- of 1110 wod(l •·rjoicc·d
ot hcol'in!( ll~<•se Ll oings, nnd c.lcc•·ccd Ll oe p r oduCtiOn of I he 1>11111 (11 1 I'IIC('. J\s f OI' IIIC so id llc•·nocti l >JO u!(hl w l111t u oolc •·i:o l ouglot to be cmploy~d in tl .c wo •·k, and in vok ed th e Lord. li e comu1ondcd tl oc Suuls 1.0 gi ve up .th e r esidue o f the p•·o toplnstic snllston.ce, wl uch h:ovi nl( tokcu . J fo u nd cnlh·cly do'JCd up. 'l'h cr<'l'o •·c, I used o g•·co l excess of \ Vulcr whct'Cwilh to r enew ll1c comhlua l iun of the substaucc, jn such wise tln:J l Utu
p•·od ucl noil(hl i)(' •·csolva l) lc. yi ellli ng a nd feeble, ond Ll out l'orcc sh oul d not be oddcd ther ei n to .l nt clligrncc .. ·w hcn I h:1 d :•c.l dcvcd my w ork 1L w ns bco uhlul. a nd I r c to•ccd i n seeing it. And f rom belo w r cnlled upon th e Lord to bd1old w lou t I lno d done. l ie ~" "' it u nd " t}PI'Ovcd. St•·niglo I woy l ie ol·,lol ncd tl oat l loc Souls sh ould he incoqJO I'(I.I Cd : nnd I hey
on lc:11'n i 1111 wh ul 1ion.''
se ized w i I Ia
h Ot'I'O'I'
""o"ld he their con tlcllona-
T he p •·u1011lnsti c su llsl nncc, hn ving b ee n use d up to such un ex tent by 1he c•·c:1 1ion of th e oll• cr fo•·ms of li fe. w fiS d•·icd and l •os b eco m e
Jnclu.~ l ic:.
1111d ll is ncccSSlli'Y l'o•· <.:t·cnl i vc In tel· Jigcncc- •·ctH'cScut r tl l •c•·c hy l l c••"i<'~ o~ T ltO lll - to i nlt'Oolii \'C the wnlcry tlrin citl lo lulo il11nti l H hll~ been lllndo lhJ1t iol, tl lM Li.:. nud l'ecblo. losi ng to " wen 1 •· xk 11 L lis tl<lWtt• of •·csistllnt:c. Then we 11ntl I hnl Fo rce " r1s 11 o L allowed lo cntc•· uulil lnlll lligcucc h od pc rmcu t~d. 'l'lds mco ns ll llll tSI become int e lligen t bcfol'C ll bccowcs p l ty~iclll, o th erwise 'vVill would p t'C• dou1luul1· u v,. ,. Jntclliwnco. Wl tCil llll lliJd bc~n 1 11:ul() t'(•a .ly ll •c SII IJs l" " cc l11us p•·cp:Lt'Cd\. rcn li v~ lnl clli!4cncc· l llt'n tlloddc<l i l ln lo PQrm. The h JIIIl:lll rooi'Jil hci lll:l lllllli'O\'Cd . the S(llll~ wc•·c •·e•tuit'PCI lo t•nlt' >' tlw111. tn i11co o·na tc. And fl l ll1i• l l i'OI I tl~itlon I lull the Su uls slu>lll(l lnco r nu lll in l l o~Sl' p l;yr~ico l 1'<11'111$ lli<'Y ( li te ~oul~) "we •·u sdzccl with h <H'r'O ,.•" 'L'h,, y tl i d not Ii lte Ill() irkn, nntl so lh<·y w•· •·c •li8lllllY"d nl lt'>tr'uinQ or lh~ co ndCIIIIIII IiOII In lil'r· in l il t• p ltys icu l I:O I'IIJ, 'l'llltA w1• flnu llentw$ o;i\'l " g tlw Nun•c kachl.ns wh ich lhc urwicnl ~l yste l'i e~ /lC II CI'U IIy snvc: thoLi tt iiWIIr Iii'<•, physlcn I lil'tl, Is n cu r·sc. o con soq uc ucc ol lhl' Sr>tds f u iliiiiJ to livc up to thcil' JH'O I><' '' 111 i~siv11. l u tl lh e ,• wol'ds, ll•c So11l8 lH•d nb ll >t·d llw i•· t>Owco·s, 1 1~nco lhc·y W(•t•n to he r•uclrrscrl tn hnrl lc$ or nt·~l · 1111 which lhuy llliiSI CO IICrnlrulO lhCi t• SJ>il' ih lfll fOI'Ct'S 1111111 lhoy havo so lvc ol lh c w ol d<·tl l o r lll'ill!(i " S lh nsc bodit•s lnl<'> cntil·c subju gntl ou to ll ll'i •· ow n spl l'ltuo I ill lclllgen(,·, 1'l1tll is the nti sslou: thnl i~ li to tusk sc• l l'•w Mn n lht• snbj ugnlion o r hJs I
hotly, the rcndc•·i ng of i t ns " s uilulllc voh lcl;• ro•· "'"'l "'cs~ i u~:~ his ~Jl ll'itunl in lclli!Jcncr·. And 1'11(1 11 IR, III!' I'CI'Ol'C. .. III'Obtll loncr 1111111 I"' l lf1 8 l~n ''ne d lllUilcsso n- co• n t l l i~ lcd li ds tusk . W ell, \Vc SOC h OW IHnny Of Iit(• Ill lll'C CVC n l ryin g l(l do ir. M:u1 turns Ids nttrnli<Jn lc• l hc Unlvcrsn :.H'0 11 111d him. Jlc doesn' t ree l uny lh inr: like ns n11nrh inlcrcs lcd iu spi l'l tunllzi " g his body (IS ''" docs In gclli" FI thu mulcr.iul Ll •l"/;18- i n n Htklng IL Ctll ni'Ol'lllhiC in Il l~ j>hysit :; I SCII~C::. \Vc w i ll lluvc lo put 11 11 wi ll • (lhy~icn l li fe fOI' so noc lillie lo CWII C• nl. lcns l until w~ huvu .I Norncrl II IC 1;:880 11 (lr n iOSICI'ill,:( III N II ,
'"l'l1 c:sc '"urd$,'" suhl lsi~. \'.s ll'u clt •nc. llcnrk('n , "'Y Son I lOt'" "· l'or I lcnch tiJcc n utyRte ,·y. Q,,.. nucc< lo,· l{n " ' ~ l •h cs l 1nd ll ulsn ~'•'OIII•·•u rs, wlto ins•· ••ihc~ lloc t•cci lul of o II II dugs; I in ' '' ''" 1'\•t·t'ivctl i I fl'OHl II1C i\ 11 d ent I(IJ IIICphl:s "'' " ''' Ito n<.hnillcd '" ~ lo llu) inltiotif" l or th e IIluck Vt•i l; fiud u ,o ul lilw wise. 0 IHfi i'Yt·lou~ an u illu.q tl'iou s clli lc. rcc"ivc il f r 0111 ' " " ·" ~rh ts seems to IJc a very pccu liot sto le of lll in S'-'· Now Isis, rem(•mht'l', is l ho \l ir11in or I he
World- tho G1·cnt Mo the r 11f the UnivOt·s~ nnd shr •·cc~i vcll ll1is i n»l,·u ction when she w11a given lh~ Rluck Vei l. Shr wu~ '" ' lolliat c tH'C<u·dinfl to l h i~. Sl1r wus 11nc ol' the llrsl lllc ml,ot·s of tl1r IIC• I'Il11Jiic l.:li'OIIoc,·hooil und s h .: rccdvctl the tsl11 ck Vd l ut he•· i11i l io l iou. Theu l(lllli<'JllH'~ jill \';; ht·r Jl tb lll)'Si t•ry 111HI ~J1 c j;liV<:S I <13 J
it iu luru In lltoruo. Nmv ll oru~. '" I previously h uvc ~lull-d. is the g~ncra lh~ ,•h·•lity luunifcst· ing in tht• Jlh)'hicul unin•tM', ju't nq O~iris is thu t s:uuc• princi t>l~ mon ifc••t ing in tht· Aupcmoturnl k llMIHIS, whi lt· Isis is llll• op[IO~I ll' or fe min ine ('Oll llh~rtlilrl , ll1 ~ fr uc lll ) 1111{ (Wi ucipkl, Now Kn nlt' t>hes n·c<· ivc·tl lhc my s lt'I"Y fro 111 II CI'IIIl"N. wllfl is Ku~ 1 n k nl luh•ll iJ4!•uco. Tl• orefol'l', l(u u lt'lih<'S, in ihi < n· t••Jrl, c·nu o n ly 1'1'111'~'1'111 ll oc pl'l u1 nl ~~'<'llt't• whit· l• goc~ lo C0111ptl'!' lltt• I{<ISttl!o~. IIi • iulllulluu lliCUil~ lhl: npplka lion uf lhci<' princ1plc~ uf this In te l ligt·nec lllltJu the l'"'l"t' (• t'lllll po~iug thr Ko•mos. • o w. Ibis. bt"llll( tht• frut•lifying. fcm· in int• l'lll'l'l(y the prfn.-iph• of lllllthcrh<!Od wl th iu llot• l{osnws would ht• l n llu <· • ~<·t·d by th iN cs~t·nt·t·. 'l'luol is tu sny. ' " '' Wllt old !{ivo.: cxp•·••nulou to it lu Ihe mntt•rin l ·'<'lib<', ll~t· •·e rorc, Ill' I' l11lt In llo11 h e •· " luk i ug nl' ll ~t· 1\lnl'l: Vei l" w uu l<l "'''" " Ihe i111 p r·es•lo u of ll • c~t:' lloiu gs upo n h e r·. Now. \\ hul ~~ lilt Vt•ll or l~iN 'I INiq, J'('lllr lll• bcr, wn~ lhi~ fcmininl' l(t:'rlt'r<llht· or fruclifyiug prlnciplo•. when ~lw 111" l{•'llt' l'llk<lrnnller \\ h••ll thi , g~ncnrth·(• lll'i11d11h• hn~ cvolverl Ollt ur thr• ~~~b~IIIIICil ill \\hid I II ftrcw til t' u•utt•riu l whid r uocs lo fo1·m lhl' l'niv('l'~or. llo (l p rl nd !Jit• of l{us lll icu l IIIIIIIWr h C)OU, lhi8 w hld • is n ftii'Cc is now t'I •IIC<'u iN I lov ll1c ncllvi· lie~ of o11 nll r r·, 1111<1 lids n1nfool'inl vt•lli ug 11111 ltcr oxcf11rliull from uur cu n,dousn<·~~ tl •r lllfl llwri ug fort'l' whi<"11 CIII!C ildCt'<'d it i~ lhr 1\lnck Vl'il.
t 4< I
Wlot·n lhi~ loa tl Lr·:H"Jilt<•tl she '"' ' t'lldwinc•l. I hul is lo •.ny. Ihe """'II<'<' bock n( lwr lond i111· JIH'\M'< J UJIUII lhc fll'll"rUII\<' prindJllt• lhrt l b . !Itt• ~J UtJH'r JlrineipJc IJI(' SIO III(' lllii'Ji ijlCUCC \\ llh•lt hff rl ht*(.•u. in ltll"n. a••<·<·h t·d f1 Clflt l lc•t'IIWI'I.
1\u"llio·ul lll k lli!(o'llf l', Now. MIH• ln iliu((•, lh~t·u~, li;•illf.( rh,· nu1scu li11 ~. f~P IIt' t'rli iVl' vlrllily ..,, II ' " Jlhys kal p lnnc. II (' IICC liti s roo 111, IJ;:i11!( IIIIJII H•t'Cfl l1y lgis, l;ci lljl Cllf:i! tl· dpr·c• tl hy ll~t• tH'Iivl ly ur ht• t• ~ln ih~r rur~t·. bt•conars tl~t• <•mbu dillll'lll 111111 ('\ Jli'I'S~ion o( Oil llu·~~· ll'ndt•tH'i('l< M'l in n1o1inn '" ro·cor.l<·d he r('. And ilwt i~ the ~cnAe in w hlr h ll11ru' wo~ lo rccclvu il. In :o word. nil llol1111h In Nnlnrc gh•c t'~ lll'<'bslun lo Lhcsc JlrinriJ•I<·~. nn<l lhc phy~iCil l U11ivrrM" iiK<·l r c·~IH\'SS<'~ ll u·m. 'I'IH· t·d~l i'C, we llnd lh<'I·C l ~t lliu l cl ll erntc6 M lilt· (;,•rn l ln itlutot\ u•u l! llt'll ht· itli li11 irN llw lir~l <lfKci plo •, whu, ill tnr11, inl liutt•., INis. ll~t• (; o'('ll.l
Mutl tr r-. who. Inter. j nitiut~h" I J,, ,•u..;.
Complete List of
Raleigh Books and Lessons T he Ccntr(ll S1•lrlu.utl Sun nnd } ' l'he Virfliu o f tht \ Vorld
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'I he l~nlcshn•l Av:.tQr,} l,.lkllhtni, •••• . • . • , • , • , •••••.• , • . • . 'l'ho Gopi11 'I he I :1\Y' of Korfun • , • , , • , , , • , , , • , , , , , •• , • , , •• ,
l.OO 1.00
The rrwo Pn th~, or the Pnrt in~ of tha \Vny~.. • . \Vouw u ••nd Su)•('r-\-,.,1,lm:an , •.•••.•.••••• , • , •.• , Shc,,h(rd or M('l u , •• , • . •.••.•••••••••••••.•.•.•• Stn•un• (I( ()1.jn ('l'htCif(encda),. ,, .. ,, , •..•. , , •
J.OO 2.00 2.r.o s.oo
Jlhlto1101lhha l lt rmrtlCCl , , • , , , , , , . , •• , , , , , , , , ••• , IO.OCI Stlc:utlf•tn ll c•rn('tic:a .••••••.• , ••••••••••• , •.•. 10,01) l lf' l' lllC i iC A f l ••.•••.•.•••••••••••.•.•••••• • •.•• 10.00 l'hiiO'IOl)hy o( Alchtmy.,,,.,, ,, , ••• , , , • , , , • , , • , 10.00
SdtnC"<" (I( r\khc•ny,, •• , , , , •.• , •.•• ,, ••• , • , • , •• SiH"tl•lnlivfl Arl of J\ IC'ht"my • . • . •.•.• . •.•.• . •.•• J l ~f liiN i c. Science or M.oi iOII nnd Nu•nber.' ••.•. l ltrmttlc Funrln w tfl ~·• IK Rcvenlcd • , • , • , , , ••••• l lrruu:t lr f,_lnM~iiHI~ Il UI IJu \'t llt•ll, .. , , • ,, , , , , , , ~ I <• Rlc
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Lauon a, N i~cly T)'JH!d ~~o n d Oounth
Occnll C':tontc"lry ......................... .Pitrtno C:r~t l C il Coul'n (tx-pkdnJJ 1111." lHoin). M"LOilhyaicol l l<n lio"t (firol M etiiphy.,lcnl ll ... nll•lFC (ttC01HI It'll) ,.,.,., ••
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'J'h ... Secret Scnnon on t1•c h(OUtll, or T he \ V(ly or Rtblr th . •.•.• , ••....•.• .•. •. 10.00
Ill., U. S. A.