Albert Sidney Raleigh - The Lakshmi Avatar; Lakshmi; The Gopis, 1929

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Th Lak hmi Avatar Lak s hmi The Copis



(;lvl'n to llis

l'c r~o un l P11 1lil~

by 1)11, A.



Hi\ U :((; II

T'S •Jt.JK Sl tCP 110


i>OO & V" 6278 Hoi ywo<>ol 1111"1 Hullywood, C.1iol, W0 'II ~ 6!-t·A UJ!J


Cbicago, lllinoi•, U. S. A.

r<opyriMht, 1929 by Thr II• '11n U« l'uhl,,l:f,," c ...w,•.auy

THE LAKSHM I AVATAR A t tlot• tinor <tf t'H'IJ Av:llltrll uf \'i•hnu lhcrc hos lwt·n nn lh tdltl"ll t>f l,.ok•lttnl whv lo M l)o·COIIH' tloo• wifl' of llu· \'i~l ll o ll Avn tar, the rcMJJ II fow thi~ hr·iug thnl, 111 tho 1\u'luie Spiril , l.nksl ooni lqos p o·t•ci~f·ly lht• Nll ll l(' o·<·lntlt>l1 1\l Vlslollll ll oool tl o1· W on11l oo IlioN In the \\Inn, nnrl is Jn fM I o•,. loolt'tl In hi111 10 ~ ll11• wil't.! iN lu ll oC· lou shnud . Slit• is lu rur l hi• "1ft•. u uol, roo· t hi~ oca,on, llw J\volao'n <If \'ishnn t'll ll ~ down nn Avotnro of l..tok•lum in ordo•r lhal 'h" mny l!t· his wife In i11rnrut~lion ''' ~lw 1, In lhc l'ur~ Splri lun l S tn lt•. lnf\SiilliCli ~~~ ll oc J(,)~ul k V islooiH nnil llw l<u~o n k Lul<slom o lii'C rdutcd ns lou~l o n11d uu<l wl l'l', iL wi ll rolln·w tl otol, whon I he Avnlnm lnltt•s p l oo~<·. ll o<• lw<• ;\ vo ol u•·ns will n lso be rclnl t• ol In lh l• snn or wooy, 111HI, llw r·c roc·r. who•n llwy hu w• fllund lh l! lc· nhllliu ~t pi ne~ In huma n fm m, when lllc Vi•huu 1\ vul11ro 11111 incurnal~•l in 11 mon. toll!l lhr l.ak•hnoi i\\'(lltlrll in n womtllo,llll' lwo A,·olon! nl11o \\'IIIII~ rt•lntrd I SI


lll l:liJnn d nntl wi l'r.

I n th e Sevcnll1 i\vti lfl l'll

w~ la(avc ll ais IH'in d plc in ua:111 il'cstn ti•m.

In III C n (1111(1, I he J\ VII Iill' M Vish 1111, Ill Ill Si tu, Ilac Avalos· of I .uftshm l. 'Jn IIto· l•;iglilh Avn la r·o we have l\dsh 11n, Lho 1-\ vntu•· of V i~lm 11. I)Cn10 II$ 0 r

UIIU Hh:tdn. lhl) Avaltll' or Lni<Sllllli, "" l a i ~ wil'c. ll is true. in I he N inth Avnlnnt, th c•·c is nol hlnlf or li ds r.:laa r·uc lc•· m:111ifcsl<'tl, but II i s lo lw h orne, in uaind lhul C:out ro nu1 wus lh ~ Hud clhca or W iq. dorn a·: ll)wr lhu11 C<i111 Jifls<lou: lh or r i'DI'r. we SII OUi d IIOl lOOk f'Hl' l hc IIH111ircslntion of thu love iustiru;t ~o •mu:h ns in !lit' A vo l th'tl lor(o•·u mcnl io ucd. A~ K nl lti is lu lH: lhc T<'11tl1 Avu l nr·, 11 ud rd the RA IIH' t i n 1 ~ ll1r Buddha of <.:on •J)l1H~I.m , I I wi ll IJ<' Sl'l' ll lh ul tl 1c IOVI' iiiSi incl I~ 111 lw int'"''" '" <' i11 its highest uspecl : tluo l is to sny. ill(' l 'ur(' l nlpN'SOnnl Lo v{· ur l ho So ul. for li ds r CI111011 111111 ro1· Sllll l(' othe rs wh k h wi ll be stut rd l:d er ooa, it i~ <'ss•·llli rol t hnt Luk~l , uol should incM'II!I lr '" Ill lu this wny become his spousl', M she i s t he Aponso of the Slq)rcn •r Vi<~Ju1u. l ftHlCt't we tu·n ln f':\ Jll'C I nn Avrdnt· o t L nkslmli nt this limr, wl 10 wi ll I)(· tl 1c Spil'ilulll W i fe nf Kn lld. l.t w ill be wel l rr)l' us ttl tlii~ lil1w 10 11·y I() nsccrl nira 111c ~~o.act r'o"lutl<)l1 lot•l.wocn Visl 1nu a ni l Lukslauai. II is lo l>o hol' llc in ouiutl llllll bo lli lli'C

l(vsm lc Powu i\S nntl ln no ~(' 1\~0 nr I he

i ndivlduul i Lic~.




i n fuel, th e Lwo Poles of th e U11ivcrsn.l S11i•·it, ll ac l::rcctl'ico l und l l> c Mngnc·tic ~ i <lrs or lhr Spi •·lt. ~() to SIJI'IIk.



T he Firs t l'ul'llshn itl the Qu lo~ccnl stnlc or th e S t>ll·il, liJo l l'c •wofu l, Mo ti oul css stu ll.l ll'l'lil cd ll lt' O cc(t ll <'>f Mille. T hiN Spirit, lulWCVc l', l~nt· I'I(Y an(l Subslrii iC<'. 'l'l1c gllo1·gy i~ Oy1111111 ic, w hCI'o·ns ll 1 ~ Su iJslnuco I$ pun·ly

is twofv ld

S tutic, 111ul hc nrc ltt\N wilhi 11 i l u o l'<,wc·•· of ru o l io u. hut ll i()V<•s us il i ~ n ~tccl up011 by llu; l)ynnu1lo; l•;nt'I'I(Y· 'I'll!' l:;II('J'fl,y is Visl111t1, IIW Mt1sculiuc tH' E lr·cl dcn I ,.J,Ie, w hca·<·n ~ th u Su hs lnucc is Lu k~houi , Ll 1c l'c u1iuinc or 1\lolo(owt ic sitfQ of lh c Fi 1·~l l'tii'II Sioa. 'l'hc L:~ ksl 111d suh~lnn cc I111R niJsol ulcJy no poWP I' of 111 0ti on with in itself. bu t is ubsoJHtely d e pv nd ~nl 11pon lhc Oy uumic Eu<•ogy o f Vlsi111U, ftll<l "'"st u l nll li 111~s l'rS jiOIHI lO 1111' ln q >ui~C wl liCh C(ll11CS ft'Oll l 111111 Euc•·IU'· Sl10 uo ust. i 11 u wo 1·d, l>c r•l>so lul.cly oh cd i cul to C' '<' I'Y i111p ul sc t'o1 niu~ fo'OHI him nml u1Jsol 111 rly s ul11 n ls• ive lo cvt·o·y <lyJiniHi c (lc l ivily w l1id 1 i~ mu 11if1·~1cd in ltim . Sl1f· nels c:-. nclly :111 sl 1 ~ Is c•duol 11p0 11 loy lli111. l.n ksi 11WI, Ihe n, Is li lt· ll"l :o loi(cs ltllion t,f Vishnu in :1 c1:1'lnin sc usc. She f;(iVCti tx pn;:s~iun l o ld$ IH •) V(:111C' u l s , fo1·, opn1•1 t't'c •m 1! (•1· ~nlllhh• n tc, iL wo ulcl he· imp oss ii, Je fm· l 11.~ 1\nl) I'~Y lo 111ovc nl a ll. ~to liv!' w iii iOU f AMm•ll li ilg lo Ill' lllO\'NI is nu lhi n ltn biD; l11cr·r·fnt•c, the V isl111t1 o n ~ 1·gy cn n nnly ncl ns it ll l(lVCs Ihe· St ull ~ Ln i<Nhud Suhs iOIICC. One Co ll)d uot ll\IIJsist IIJ)fl I') fo'Hil l I he othC I'. \ VItCil th e l.nkshm i Su iiSIIIIICt 11 iOVCs 1111(1(•1' ilw ii iiJ IIII sc o f I he Vbl11111 Su bS~IHH'C, il IJC<'olll C~. unrlc1· l1111 l nclh>c illl JIIIIsl'. Ihe nctivl' oulllowing, o•·

rG I

I)) numk fun·c. whkh l'lllthlr~ \ i-hn u to l.occom~ monift·~tt•<J In the below; tlwrcfort•, it bt•conac' tlw 'louifcsllng 1-:nN'Il.)' •·u•uuutluu from the Unn•nuift•<ll'd Vbltnu t•:1wrll.)'. It is in I hi< wuy lhtll Lnk• ln ui hecom ~q t111• Ent• •·uy tlf Visl"'"· 11 (1 IH li lt' lflllllf!llirr•l l•:n1 •·uy w h kl 1 cncrgi <OS 1111' l111 111 1 111 ifC~I J.nltHhu li ~ ~~ IJ~tiiii CC. w hkh , 1111cl1'1' llw nctivc " '' Dy n111Hi<' lnqHII S1· or lhnt Hllt'I'IIY· hccw, t•s, 111 lnl'll, II "· IIHiulfc,l lnu l•:uN'IIY of that llumnnift·st l•:nl'lllY 'llti < is In rru lity tlu• true unci tJI'OIII'I' l't•lutiuu between hu,h:mcl nnd wif,·, ou.l w1-. uulw·r~ally occcp led in tht• ti11tt· of lite •\ncirn t '\1)·~11-t thuugh in tlw t•ou rst• 11f titnt· it lw < bt•t•n h"t 8i!lht of. u ntl in R<1tlll' n•spe.:ts it is mu<l 1or·h n•u t{' tl•a • It ltos, for ll1 e r~n.•r>l l tlnil. ll w 1111111 IUJ lnttlf<• r is 1t1 ~ N llh(l(Jilll l' ll l nr it·itu ul E 11 <11'1{.Vo II I ttl h on e•• il would IH' W I'.)' h ud l'tll' ll w " ' IIII I II 11 It' silt~ n•e,.c ly ('\ llt't•flqt•tl I t i q I'IICrSy l 11 IIC'I' lll't•, I IIIWl'\'1'1', I he ifh•nl u•n•·•·iu~o~•· ;, unc in \\l1ich ' '"'\\if<' IUt'l·ely give• t'\prc·h'inn to tltc• tllu-K·ulhw C'tll't'I{Y o f h ~r hu,lmncl, nncl lw. (I I the Mlnw tinw. i~ one '" ho gives to lwrblatic Mth,tnncc• nlltlw t'll<'rgy which he• I~ rnpahlc• tof expre~'inl-(. ll ~~ lloc· l'~>j)O II~~ nr Ill(' l.nk,luu l Stth'lllllll'(' to 1111' Vi<l 11111 l·:urt'/tY, thl't'l'h.Y h l•c·o n li llj.l h i• tlt nttifc·stlnu t'IIOrll)'. wlokh ••nnhl•·• llw ut;111 i· l'cslnllnn ur tlw ~·C('IJIICI Put' l tHi tu ,, , '""'" l•it·c, I'Q I' tlw • 1'11111111 11101 l l l'tlhlllll Jq 1111 1 li te• Lnk<ln11 l Stt l"ltlll t't· lllllVillj:t rr n l1 ltw lull )•. wltc•ren• S hivn i• hnt tltt• ~n one !'uh,tnncc• nwvinll Cc•n trifugrolly,




\ ' l,h ttu uf li te Tritttut li is tlw bu lnnct• IWtt 11\o l iO:tt~. Itt lite: Iij.(lil 11f ll ils il wi ll IJI' ~~('11 lhul lht• lWC) ttsvcc ls Ill'(' jli'('Rt• n lt•d '" the St'cnnd l'uru,hn the b<illl!' n\ in th e Fi nn Pun,.h:t, for it i~ Ioiii I g , ,.t'IC)' uclitt!l upon S ub :< l(ttlCt\ ; thn t lhc l!:~M"H'<' M n il lh in!js. l.:llc~l tt tti 1• lhtl Mnttifrs llttg g ti\•I'IIY tltt• Su JH'<'UW Vi~h nu, hul the Suhslunce of ll1<· See <IIHI \'i~hn11, nnd i• t lw ltighcsl st't"c or Sltivn nnd 1\ruhn tll 11~ wC\11, 'fi t(' ' l ltl s·ol Pu t•u•l trt is lhc· t•<•s u ll ll tOSO •>Jlpo•iug force• itt tltt· Svcond l'uru~hro , cu n~i n11 (Ill inllnily dhlind \•ibrltlory t h) lhm. ('lt<'h of whic· h ltt•t'<liHCSII W hi rl w h it•l• gntl11· t·s hllll'lhcr :• " "" ''"' t' ,;1' :)p il'lt 11 nl i\ lun t" null tltttA Ot'llt •" i zc~ n Jto•·ttt , " hit-h i ~ tl w uri(li tt 111 li te ~loH t ntl . '!'he \' ihrn tcory \\'hirl ;, tht· l.i ft• Si dt•. null llw Form which it tH·~nni>o•; tltt• l'ttrnt ~t<lt•. of the Monad . 1 '1to viiH'tt ltH')' •·hy ll om is 1111' Vi~l111 11 Et~e t·gy. while li te Sp idl nnl /\lou t ~ u t·•· u 1'"''1 l it e Lablu111 SuiJ,lnnt·t•, nntl thu ; it ;, at•ll•rl upon by tlw \'blu111 Erwrl(y. ~o n• to orgonit«' out or lt~ S n b• ttln c;: a FtH' tll: " ' " ' 1 h tt• ilt(· Mo und I~ burn. V INh 1111 j:tlv<·~ 11 II · ~ 1.i f<• Sl d<•, li to l Is l.o ~Oy. hi' i• the l.if<• (;iva 11r F tl llll' l', whereM IAok<hmi ~;i ,t·~ it tlu• Jo'l)rtll Sidt'. thn t i• lo say s ite i~ Ill!· ~tolllt• r· or Fn t'llt, or Mnlht•t·. 'l'lw s um lo lnl o l all tl oos•· Vib t•ttl Ot'y 1\ltylltttt M11 tt d lh!'ir t'(•s ulton( for tttS t'llll <tiln l!'~ lh11 ' l'ltl t•tl l'lll' ll qh (l , or hhwnr.l, nnd. tlwrcforc. il Is lo b1• st'4'11 lhn l the Thit·d Purus hn is llr<' Child of Vi•luur ontl 11 11 \1

IJI• I WC~tt tl lO~Il






I 'll

Lnksh111i, ll('gollc n hy ll11• Spi o•iluo l Energy uud boru of the Spirituu l Sub~HuoC<'. At the SuffH' llnu· it 1- to be luH·n~ in mind thnt the two l><'\1'~ tu·c prcMC•nt iu tht• ' t lnrd t>uru,h:o, f(lr YiNltnn ('" '"tituti'S ll o(• ur~ Side. tloe l' ll l'rjly. llf od l.ul<sluu l tlol' Fu11u Sidt•, the s uiJ· ~IUOIC(l. Not o nly is tl ol.~ If'll l' · ~lo wnm, but '" ' " · i 11 <·uc·h Jllu nutl, tlwo·c· Is th l' Vishnu l •:n<·r~y. ro u~!i t u t l ug lil t• Li fo Sid1·. nutl ll •c l ,n l,,sllfoo l Su hs i iiii C~ . to u,tltutlnll till' Funu Si de. 'I lois ~luouHI is the At111a !11 I'<H'lo nut•, hcnc(· it is tH lw ~~·.-.n thut w~ IHlH' In ull tloinus the con· tinunn<'<· of thi'l t"of<old run·o•, t•:nt•rgy :oud Snhst:uwo•. A" n mnltt o• or fol'l. tho• lll:l\C' ttlini ty iu 1111111 i~ only tloe pr!•pmuft•rnni'C of Vi,fwu 111 h itH, an d the Fl'm ininity iu W t lfiHtfl on ly ll1e fll'(' fiO II Ih' l'li ll('l) or Lu l<~llfl o i In '" '''• (\ 11(1 so. in u ll lifo•, \Vl' lull'<' notf1luf{ hoot lilt• tuu uifes lo liuu of ViNitnll fo:<ll 'l'f{y 111111 l. u ltNiuu l Su lostnnte. 'l'lu· l,u l. 6lon oi S u b~lru 1 to· lwl"l:l ill (' ~l n 11 i l'o'll i 11 !( Eu<'I'SIY o f floc Sup r<'IIIC Visl onu. II wl ll fo ll ow thnt lt is not flO"-<ibl!• fc•r '"' t\vnlrll' of Vishnu to l'Oillplrl <'ly lll(onir<''l hiln,t•tr in Ihi' world !1(1''<' l h1·on~;h trw h~lt) or 1111 A'nl r1r or Luk,hmi. Stw w1ll hl' jn11 11~ e'sl.'nlito l to Ill<' lll(lllifc,to tion hn1• n< h rhe f(ll"nic l .n f.-flllli In th1• m :.nif~>sta· ti11n 11r flu· S ll fll'l' me Vi~l rn n . 1\1 fi r• l it is difl'i· c•n ll In l't'llliZr' lh ls, l1nl '"" II III SI IJen r in mind !1111 1 Vl• h11 11 is 1'111'0 1-:"t'l'll,Y. ll ~<• •·o frll·r· he """ o nly r lf,·rl th~ f.ifc Sirl<' oof il l(' lJ , IH·rs<· 11 1111 o r 111('11 , (l f I'U ll f'S<' , hr· wi ll inUn eii CI' their tho ught ,



n:r"un, 111111 u ll ""' ,,..,;, i1 11·q ul' II1Pi1· lil't• pr111· cl ph••, hut tn 11111l.t• u t'lllll frh•i!• 1111111if~~l"linu til' llu• SuprNIIt• ll'"'lhh•. IIH' Sull'ttltlc·c•, llw Furm ~idt•, tllll'>t ho• 111 kd tlflllll thul ;, tn Sll). Ill<' II "ll"i". 111111 ll oi• " '' "'Y ll u·vu l(h ' " " "''''''" ,,, l.n"~llllll, ,... ,,. ,. lluuugt r llutt ur Vi .. huu or t"Utll "'"· it i"' cUll)- h) I t•U..,OII ur tlw ful'l lhnl tlw \'"1""' Eno'lllY "nl'lillfliiJIUil thr l.rrk• l1111i Suh~trtii Ct' 11 11 11 it is <'lili lilt•d In llltold II•~ Spir il uul Su l,.lum·t· ;, the ' " ' " ' 1d uul NO n< In prm iclc :o 'ui l:tblt· Fur m f<H i111• '''I~~'~'"'"" uf lilt' 'cw Lift· "ltio·h ll w \ " 111111 1-:urljl)' lot" l111p ln n lt•d withl 11 hi111. ' I I " ' 1(1'1'11 1 tH'nhh•u• 11 1 thr• lluH' ..r 1111 .\'"""'" ;, ll1l• l hr \'l•luHO Ent•r~ty HIU'I lu· p•·rh•t II) '''lin'"'''' in llw lift' Siolo• uf lhr• \hun, nuol 111 tlw ''" ' ~~' 1i11w llw l.ult.•lm li S ll l•~l rll ll't' 1111" 1 u u olol ll il' fln nu Sltlt• ,,r llw Aln111 In n wny "" Ito o·\prr..s tho• "''" t.ifo• S11l•• '" t'<rmtrlo-kh a' lht· l.nk,hmi



SuhKII tiH'<'





\'f.., hn u

1,111'1'/:Y· If tiiCI Vi, hll ll l~lll'l'j.l)' 11l'ls d lr't•t·lly IIJllill the• Snh,t11ncl' uf tlw \hun , il t•nn unl loring to ho .11· 11)1011 it 1111) \'I' I'\ j.!l'o•rtl do•~trH• of nurlchnj! lm·o·o• iu fuel 1m wo•u lt•l' lh. tlr lh11 l of ll~t• lllo'tll' 11111<' t' II•'I'/1Y ul' ll1p J\ 111 111 lu•nt·t• il 11111y lw IJII•IJitull\t'I,Y I'IJIIU I Ill \'1'h1111. hill iJ \\ill ho• un ly quuntitulht•l, I'IJII;I I "' lllflt ur tlu• 1\111111 In 111'11<'1' to twi ll~ ll•t l'll ll flll'~c· ltl ht•lll' """" llu· Su lhiiiiH't' Crt' 1111' t\lltHI "" ~~~ lcr 111olol il lu u pmpr•t 111~11111'1', il ;, ,. ·" nlial lhu l th,• \'i,Jonu Ent'l"j.l\ ~hn ultl ""' thmul(h 1111' llll'tliuul nf the I0I

l.nk slnni Sul" lnn,·,•, u n<l in thi~ wny llac I'CAi~l· IIIICC' cof the J."cmn will Ill' I)WI'\'01111', lien~ i~ th(' ~1'1'111 JII'OiJ it•llt : 0WII Ij.l Itt lht• )llll stiCily nf Il l(' Lil'l' Sirho, it Is not •li ll k ul l ho Kl:u·t llw Em·rl{y in tlw •·i,;ht "uy, but 1111' w•·uh•o· •·•!lhlity of thl' Foo·m, 1minl{ to th~ w••ater· h'tutdty of lh~ S11hshuw•· wllit•h i 1 i~ ''"" IJlftll('cl , ,.ol'••s•·s lu t~t'I-IIHuld I•• IJH· nt•w viiHu I io·n. nnd &o. I'<H' wont uf :o not·cliun• nf IIHinifc••lation. it ;, nrutrrol· it.c•(l 11 1111 in 11 Hh OI' I I lon e tiC'st'l'llll• In ' ' pllllll' nln•o• l th e N111n1· :ls ll ~o• nlcl :o(• ll vity IH•Col'(; ll ll' Iiili(' c•l th .. IH'W ionpulw wu• ilnJo;u•l•••l I<) 1t. \V Ittd is ncrdt•tl ;, n IIHJidi:lf1 f<ll'\'1' x11llldcnt lo l1·nnsfm·11 t lilt' <Jf ll u· A I 111ft in R11 d 1 n wny ~~~ to •·uu-.e it tu '"'"'''In ncco ul wit h tlw new c•nrt'I(Y· and thl, cmo In• •·calit.c••l unly II JI'<•nj411 IIH' ll!' liun " I" ' " it or till! l~nltsiiiHi Suh:IIIIIICI', lor to Jllus ctnllltllly o l l ·:ncr~ 1'1111 only net utum Suh•tonl'c tlu·oufth the m ('diunt or n pin~ I Ju ou l i ty 11f Suhst 1ut1'C. II th c rcron• folltlw3, 111111 lnfl~lll ff \'1 1 M a ll life is tiro Sillnal lnneous at·tinn 11f En,•rll)• llllll Sub~t:11rrr·, tlH' n ·foo·c the Vi~h 1111 Jo:rwrf!) und Ih t• I .u k<luul Su b~l n nee Ill u~l net Hill tU II IIni'HuNiy 11 11!111 ll1r di "''''(' 1\ tmn• r, onll'r to IJ~ rth•i• in u ny l:':lll ~ ffll'llllnl{ ac til11r. And "'"rt h M ht•t·n ~uill \\itlr n•fcr<'IH'C' tn Atnrn• Is in ti re 'I"'"' dt•~otn·•· 11 11JlliCil h h• to 1hr Pu f'UShn i tsrlf. ' t hi' unitc•tl "''lion uf lh<' \'i•lonu 1-'no'l'f.I.Y nntl




the I .n l<~hml S11bstonc•t• bt•inlo(

c·~>t' lllrnl

tu tht•

Sr>h l t:: ol llh·ll r , r 111~ A im " '· it follow~ th nt I 10 I

li t<> Hll-l n tpo>dn nltltinl.liS th e bringi ng to locu t: of 1hose 1wo l'J·I noi tiles U(lO " o II li to i\ I 111L•~. i\S wd l ( IS Il l ~ 'l'llird l' tll'liSilfl lise I r. nncl nil t hings t\r(• nl' ' ' 9Juc Oil I)' ns ll tcy C<l llol ll CC 111110 lhnt ~n< l. l r Ill) A"" lttrfl of th e Vishnu GIH'rftY is the ouly wny lhnl it con l' Xt·•·cisc its l t'll ll ~fol'llilug lnllnOIICC. il ll lli llt'(l lly follow~ thnl On J\VIItfll'll of II 1C t. .. k~ h mi Su iJ$ItHtCC is the tJ n ly woy lu wlticlt iL cnn l'l>C I'dsc lis moldi lljl influenN: ll(tlln ll tL' l7 cw11t Slclt• of l11ill{:l'· Thlwdot'i'. II i~ only ruuBOtlllbk 1'111' 11~ lo C;\ (ll't' l Ull 1\ Vlltlll'il of l ,ttl(~hnli, til tho SU iltC Unw lltttl ll~t· ru Is •InC· Ill' Vishnu. 'l lnwc vcr, if"'' ' betH' J11 111l nd Ill " rclnt io n wltich ll •t• two IJCtll' to coch ott'" ''• it wi ll '"' l'ltis l'Onl<l no t poss ib ly l>~ ot hc rwi&c. 'rhc L.nlcsl•l11i Su bsln llcc; js p••d'cclly Nluti<:; tl•c•·cfo:rl'. it 1•1nsl til ,,JI i llltC S pel'l'cctly I'CSpoutl 111 tl•c 61igl11l'SI olyu tu\tk i11tpul ~0 01' ll w Vi~l 1 11 11 En~~·~y. It lltUs l mnkc thP. ROIII C uto''~nwniM llu11, llw Vl~h1111 Encqzy •loc8. ft u(l l t~ ncc it wil l do whntl'vC•· ll •c Visl11111 E11cr,zy docs. In the light ol' this il wi ll IJe ~ee u thnl ir li te Visl11111 E11~rgy rkRcrnds i11 1111 1\vnlnm. tl •c l~u kslu nl Substnoco

'"<'" u,,,

\ VJI I havt· In likl·wise, hcncJ~ we w i ll IH1VC uu

Ava(!l f'(l or Visllllll ''"'' nlSll unc of l.ttkslom.l, rcprrscutlng llw l.wo t<speds ol' ll •c 011c S(l.idlln the Avntn ··"· the s"'"il tls tl•cy ,, .c tH'Cscnted i11 nJI cxistrnl'l' . 1\y ren&OII or 1li e sexu al nlllnity which rx isls t)(•lwcr·•l tl •r V i •J h~>u ~:n e •·gy ond the r, uk sllllli Sullsln ncl•, t he AVII ( lll' ll8, b Ciii S ll •osc two c•&pec ts i11 llw d\'sccn l, will CO II Iiu11c l II I

to III'('St'l I(' ll tt' u• lltt')


SUIItt' 111 r

ufl1nl ly fUt' l'ftt' lt t)llil'l' ~!) In llw ll t!ll lift•• lctl

It<' l tv,•

UI'U\'('f ...

Jr '' " llllt' thut nn ,\\ulun• of \'"hnu " u •wl.JI .. Ill llllini l•·•t in ll tP ""rltl 1111itl It '"' ~ im•ttt llftll'tl i11 II hntly . lht'OIIj41t wh id t 11 ll lltY nl.tnif,·• 1 '" ''U il"'<-'in ll ,u<.''"• at ., hut luult•u l lu II''IUII\1' thut lh~ '' "''"' '" ul l.abhrni aho rnu•t iucn1 1111lt' inn ltud). l111 qugh \\llldl 1t may IIH1nih1HI iu (•o n ·wlouMI I ('s~. IH'rctt'l '


t.'ntl t.'S' IU'<'S'i

il\clf in the " urlcl . ll(•IWI, lht'll' lllll•t h t .Ill \\'Uiool' or l.ok-111111 It' 1\I'JI " ' 1111 1\votn1 ur \ 'i,lllt ll ()f 1'(1111 M', hntlt ll wsc t\\'ul u r 11s 1Huy l;l ldl p llll't' i u tlw aa mt•

pt'I'MJil, ' " tltn l Itt• wil l "''""""' li t<• ,\ ,utnr ol' hoth ot -.till~ tttttt•, "nid t•ully th e t l'n!<iou "h) ( •'-Halumu h ud uu !'\pidtu nl \\'ife Itt• lnt•nrnult•d hnl lt \'l•lllt tt 111111 L~tk,ltr111 : 1>11 I ilw • id t• of 11 11• Uu<ltllt wns "' •tll'tllli!IY '"''n ifc·•ftotllll lt inc, tl l t~ ,.,.. ,,tc tult d 11 clc·t· Hicol lllii'CIIIittt• 11 Ill', tlltllllt h, tnntllltl( tlw fu\'1 thnt Itt• \\ n' the A1 11 lu r· ct l I .nksltlltt, h ut. on tht• otiU'r ltn rul, llu•y n~ 11 r11 k• lt~t·ru IIHit• It• tiiiTt• ,·~ rtl l'l'lljllt•, \ l•lu tu 111 11 lltnll, 111 111 l.11k• lun l In u





l'ltt• \' u turn' 11 Olrttltc .,, II II' r<'Mrll " iII h~ II tal Il l<· ollttlll\'rtl tlto•y int•ttr til liP ll lt'Y wil l t•nu~t· ll u• ' " " '" ''' I•> h r n111nlllo • ll l<t•w iKt•, ' I It t• • ~ nl rntpul'l of th is \\Ill bt• lint the l\\ tr ll<'l"•lllls in nhunt tlw \ \Ul-trn' un..· iununHh• \\ill rull in , ,,,.,•• 1\ ill In ru,· l ltt·t'lllll(' IIIII II ttl<·•· nncl , Ill thr I 12 I

lrll\' S\'IINC u l' l ll o " 'tH'ol, ~llnl ~ lull's, whk h I~ the JIJu r riug.: . 0 1 C<' lii'S<', 1111, lvw will be pu rc· ly •t•i rlluol, li "' ''C llt'lng nolllill!l •·11 rnnl In il, fo •· il II,!. on ulllnlly ol Ill(• Sp irit Hll d of the budy, bel li !( i11 fn!' l tl•e •·cs11ll •Jf lh" 1111 iun between I hr· hv<• inc·n •·nnlll •g i\ vntn••os. Tl •r• • •~fl • n< 1hP l ,ow~ •· l' l'i nc i 1'1<·• r111d body nl~•> ht•,·on•e ll lhlll('d In ll •e tH• !ivili,· s or the Spi l'il 11 11 11 or llw i\ VIIllll'll, llwy wi l l nl lnsl ,.,.~JHIIIil, so lh1\l lh <· •·c wlll lit• l lw sn n •<' rec l ln~t ,,., i ll uwn lwn<••l lly ~C'> Ulll luv<• kiWI'l' n l•u•hu11 d :Hi d wll'.-. wil l• li•<· liXCt'Jillun llml lht• t'l' will lll'Vt' r be n11y fc•cl· iniJ ,,r ,.,. •·nul 11~~~ t't·. llt1" ''"''''· l ltc••·•· wi II IJt• 11 11·



~~~l'f<•C I I IIU!(II L' I it" illlt' l't'illlllgt• li(•I\V~t'll lht•


11 .1~ 1vuy 11111 1 llw n•n l Wol l'lt is lu lJ\' don~ ro·· ll •e ~tl i••ilunli>. in;.: of tho Un IWl'>l() or lht• &OII b ( t l Ul(l ll , 'l'lw lov(' bel W''(' ll I IW nl wil l

l'o•· II lAin

", (!

'"' inl t•nst•, lllll ll!(h or CIJ I( I''r ll•r I .r•ksllllli Amlnl' will llll\'1' n11ly I h t• lll <J'>I /1 dori Il l( I .ov(l l'or· lhr Vi:\hU tl A'tfllt'''- whil(' IH' wi ll hov<\ n si milar Jove

rcw lit' I', Hllh.. uu• ·· or C(llii'Se. [I I(• II)Yr 111'1wcrn lht•u• wi l l tl •'<'hrt''''' lll'l' iH" JWI'I'<·••IIy ~In t i <• •·t'lu· l ion 111 hin1 . lw lw i t~l( Lhu Dyt iiH!I i<' Sid... Sht• wi ll . i11 rn cl, '"' n•lnh•tl It) ll w •\'' ll lll t' 111' Visl111 11 ('};a(• lll' :til l,ni<H.IIIIIi is t'l' ilf lN I IO \'i~ h 1t u lh t• ::; " 1w,.;"'' ~~ ··•·u tlty ' ·"''"h"' i ' " 11tilllll l1 ri) I'U I tl iiC I IH· ~~ Vi~huu in lnllll{ll l fOI'I U , 'rhc•1'<" i~ Ill) hnn mn iudh•idunli ly iu (lilhl\1' OIH' of lhr r11. lwl <'od • twl'l\·<'lly •tH•IIil'c•l" l h· •

rt),. "'"·


t\ vnt n •·n thnl Is incai'IHll<· in lhe1u, n nd l ll11 s Wt'

llli\'1' lhr


L'nifl n or Vishn u nnd La lcsh n•i I Wl

ro o 11 il'cs1 ~ tl on ti re cm·l h. And it is ll,·ouglr I Iris 1\'lllll<JIIHhi iJ llrnl l hc lllliVCI'SC i~ IO he ~p i f'itun l· izrtl fl ll cl so uls no·c to be born ;rgnin. Thc r'o'lnl ioll lJC IWl'c n th u J\Vtr llll' uf (." kshnri nu(i ll rHI of Vi shn u is VC I'Y Si luilor· lo 11101 hl'lwe~ u hi ru :ru d lliC Gopi$, I he flifl',•r·cucc llci11 g o11o of tl unnti ty ,.,,thcr lhtw or ttuulity. The C.clcst ifrl GvJii, it is 10 !Je borne i11 111ind. is ono on I he J!l" nc ol' Visl11111 l hnt Is to sny, shr, is n P to rn-Ni I'Vfl II CC a II II, Ihc rcfoo·c, i. or lire $ 11 m e ootnrll 118 Vlshu u. hut she is fnl' less in drgr cc, lh ougl1 cquo l i 11 ld ud. rt wns even ~ toted tloo l >oll tlr tho (;opi~ thnl ~ve r· l rovc li vl'd e>n coo·ll• comhincrl , IJ r' even nil lite A IIII HS tho I eve r hove c~islcd in the hlslot•y ot' lh c world. wer<l nlik1· llll:lblc IO 111('1\SII I'C fi ll)' tnOr(l I ll ll ll fl dr'OI/ of wn lcr· in llrP occnn io1 <:o rnpnl'ison l.o Vishnu. A I lir e SfllllC liJilC il. I$ IO be IJO I' II () iu uri ncl lhnl , wl rc11 l11· i ii CIII'nO irs i n nn Avnl:ll', he l'ul ly n1:rn ifr•st~ llims(llf, lh<•n· fv rc nn Av1111u· i s lire fJiltllll i lnl ivc us we ll os ll •a ffll trl i l :rllvc m .. ni rcs· hlli.o n or the Supo·cn1c Vishn 11. lu lire snmc w tty "" Avoln o· ol' L ol<slr mi is the quuntitnl ise m nu iro·slaliOII rof Lnksl ruri , liCilCC bol h qu ol i lnl i valy nnd qurrnlilnl ivr ly llro C<llltll M llul A vn tlll' 111 Vi:<l111 11, he ht• ing l ire 1\nc r·l(y, or· Mnsc11linc ::ii <IC. and she ll ~t· !\nh.• lfi iiCP. or· Jlo•m inhHJ Si rl~. ::;Ir e iN l11· Hfllnl) ll rc11 n< rr (;opi, only si r ~ is 111111111 iln· ll vd y lire cqufl l ol'th ~ J\ vu llll'<lf Visl rnu. 1'h0 qltcsllo n lhcn pr'eNfllts l lsc lf, w hy shoul d th ere be t wo scpA.r·o lo Avn tors m ll11:r tl rnn one.




Tlds l<>V<: l'~>lnl i1111 iWIWtt• n Ill!' two is f fJIInd It• lie o f ffrt•n lcr 11 1i i ily w hen il con1cR to ntting upon ol lac•·s Ilinn th e douhlc scxc•l•·dalion. 01' cOII <SC, lii C lnl lr a· will give lhc Avn lar himsr ll' ,:•·cnlc •· imowlcdijc, :tnd wi ll ho o l' B•'cfllta· sr r vicc when 11 IL'aciaer is wn ntcd, but w lacn ono i~ wnn lc ol l o o•·igi n rde a SJJ(•cl:t l type or l •unonnily, i t i~ f OIIIHl !hut ll •c Splt·itu nl s~ •. tl olo u o nsh ip .lletwcc n tl 1o 1wu A" " la a•s, i ~ wr th e ga·~n les t vn tur. 11 i.< lr·n•• l'o 1· I he A!HII C 1·cnsnn 111111 il wM fouud IJC'~I in llw llt•gi nn lnlj uf I he l•u•1w " •·ucc I hrll· tl 1ey s h oultl be :scJ)IH'llli'Ci in lo two SCX('R ns n

men us or

in~tll·in.gJH' t'JJCh l :iliou. iJOI'I Il' i11 •uind Jh at

Now, i l n lttHI lw

Li m rclu-

l ion bel\\'('('" 11,.-. two 1\ valnrs Is pa·ccisciy the sr11nC ns ih(l l•cn h11shnnd nnd wlfc, w i.lh li ais cxccpl ion: lhat i n the fo••mo•• cnsc I he l ovCl it~ l''"'<'ly Sp il'it11 ol, Lh td iJ i• A<lnl'irtfl Love iuad ll<l lhi ll(lll i~C. tH1 •1 lltrd lh0t'C is llCI lt'O CC M )lhyR• l cn i dc~it·~. 11nd, n l' cnur~(·, no lilOII f{hl of CO il lll nti on. Ancl ngnln, whil() ll•ei l' a·c i :~ t io u i~ ol' :1 scxurd (' h!•a·octcr·, where ll•e•·c is o cc a·lu ha .~ex a·rln.l ioriNhi l• i l I~ in lhe Avn l n rn ~ nnd II(Jl helo w II Jcm. nn<i I h e cloi ltl rcn lhtll :li'C iwgo ttc n r11·c in li ac Spl r i 111 " I i\ Ill lit$ of li" i ng tiH' ll o ntl wome n, so ihnl instead <1 1' p hysirn l dai icir cn boin{{ bol'll ll~ 11 I'{!SUfl , lhOS\' 111('11 til l (1 WOJ'H CII n 1'0 S(J j 1'1 lnnlly born ugoin, It iR ln ll ais wny lh n I n Spia·i lunl T y p e o( lHttnnul ly is IJol'll. 't'h u ~ ll Is in a kind or psychi cal wny Lltnl' th e chi ldrcn o a·~ b a·o ~t ghl f orlh in lht\ ~(HI]R of Jl t()S(l who n1'0 IIO W Hvi nf!.

116 .I

AI tlw liuw when a Ill'\\ lloriul I) llt' is 1<1 lw Jlmthu·o•d, 11r "hen tlwr~ ;, lu he 11 j(rt•at onnnl It'''" loon 11f I ht' Spi ,.,, 111 '""" i olu:ol uu·arn:..t ion, it ;, nt't'l'"'ll') thnt then• ~houltl b(' on Avntnr of \"1~hnu "" tJu· 1;'"'•11H.· •, tutti n•n· hf L.o ~:o,luul u:-~ II II· ~l u i ht•t'. II iN l lll'l ht"O' IO l>t· IHtiiiP ill 111l ud tl o!l l, w h ~ 11 Wo• 1111\'1' 1'\'llt' lll'cl tl oP f'ltlllt' o l ll uclcl lo, iL i~ of tlh' fllo•llh·•l iiiiiJOI'IHIIl'l' lhu l tlH'II' 'liiU III!IIJI• I he twu '''"'' lllt·~·ntt•ol. 'I I"· lludclhic Plunc .Bi ,~s fu1lh I\\U d"li'H'I ,,.,,..,.,,, 11ir, lnl u iht• ll un•lllt·u"'"· lht• lnlllllion ho fc·onilllll(' un,lthc llt•u,uu """''nlnw. II " fur lhi• n·n~on lhul


\\()ltlt·n ur<' euun: antuali\t' lhuu uu•u, and nu·n

nuoll' t•n liunul thnn wollll'll. t'lll l ('t'

ll ud

S<UH (•

II " t·oom ignu·

per:rr;,omc plm•t• oue nhov•· ti t\'

n iiH"o·, l11hdlluu hrut> tlw ·' '"'"' l'!'laliftn to lll•m<on lh11l 1\·•·cq Jiiou ohJt'N 111 'l lotJII!(hl; lo\ fue l, il I• tlw flN't'<'lillun t•f 'l'o•~t ll o l11 t'UIIh'Hdisllnclion 111 tl11• pt'l'l'l'JJIIou nf pht•ut•nwuu. 1lowevcr. lL is to 1!1' o·t•n lir.t•d lhnl 1111 uillon •t•t·~ t•nch lrnlh M'flllruiC'Iy nnd di•lim·ll) nntl 111'\('r ~onnccl~ it "1lh nnotlwr. or with t·•llll'r Clllo•t• or dYecl. Ihi~ h1•ln!( lhl' wnrk of lhr lit•'"""· An Avntnr of tlw lluddh will incmnnlo• tlw tlt'UM>II Side in ils ft•dit!n, thouuto in mnny in'l'"'ccs he woll hnvt• 1~.- Inl 11 il ion i11 po'OIHH'Ii1111 to th e Hcuso n. 'I Ill· Avntnr •>f l.ubl oiH i "Ill of t•on r·Nr l'l'fWC81'111 tho Jr,., ,i 11 In c Sidt• ;of 1111• S 11io•i 11 und nto ll1i; tlt•SI'I'IItl~ 111 1111' Bmlrlhlr· Ot•il"'''· it wi ll giv<' lht• lnhrlllun In tl ~t• ~"""' wnv lhnl tlw Ro•n,n tl


I 10 I

i~ mouif1·• tr~lln tho' lltuldh:o. llo"I'Vl'r, it i& the Spil'ltu ul ltotuition thnt i~ th~ ull-importnut ro .:utty iu laer, ·for t o~n· it is lnfnllilJic foa· nil Spiri tnn l ' l'l a l aa~s. though or l' tii ii'SC it ~11 11 r cquin·• the Ana ly tic uaad Syn thrlic ncnsou of the Mnlt• side to n·.tucc the S11il'ituu l lntualions to ~uh•tnnli:ol truth . II is. Uocr~foa•t•, to be st•cn th ai tl ae l{l'!'ntcst fu nt• lion of I he Lnkshmi A ''"lnr i~ lh tl l llf the h' llt' lw lp 11>cl'l l'or· th e ViHI11111

Av:lliH'. nn~l Nhe i~ ut~~ much bO lo him os i~ ll 1 ~

humnn wift• tQ h t•r lltt,hnnd. II iN nt•t't',~(ory th nt hulkr shnultl h:ovt• blll'l t " !:i tlOII S<' 111 illl' t•e r·s''" \I f ll~t• lll't''l'llt Avrri Hr o f l.n ltsh111 l tl arrl sh e ru if.(ht lwlp hlan 111 Ilac lr<'!'flll l• pli,lunrnl ol lire work whi('h '" " ht'<' " ptan·tl in IJi' lurrrok L..t It ht• <"lt•arl) home in min d lhut ull llr:tl htts ho't' ll btoh•tl i11 II'J::Ut'd hl till' a·clnt in11slaip h<• l\\t' l'll I lao• J\vnlrrr•,q tJ I \'ish" " Ull tl La l:~l 11n l i• llllPikuhh• lro its ouo~t lit ca·rrl ·' l' IIKt' In 1\nlk l 11 11cl the ""''' ''"' t\\rrl ar 111' l.nk,l1111 l. 'I hey ,.,.,. S1oiritu.ot I h"bnntl IIIHI \\'ifo'. 'I his tloc~ nol 1111'1111 tlanl lht•y nrt• joiowd iu lht' lt•gn l >t•ns,•, hut rn ll wr tl an I ll a<·y nrc Iht· IIW<I pr r·fo:<' l :rfllnllit·~. 1111<1, ll ~t•o·<·I'Hn· . Iht• lwo (l• ll••• nf nnt• Avn lar, mun ift~ l i n 1~ ' '''ua lly in clill'c•o·c nl hrullt••. It i~ throu11h lh i• llo•uH•uly nwrl'inf.(t' lhal lhr world ;, to lw ~pio·ilunlit.t'fl un ci lh11t 'o" l' Ar(' to hc ho r•n uuo i 11 . Jo:v,· r·y Trrn••linl Gopi, u~ 11 result of lwo· ol cvollonn l low ,,.,. Vl~hnu, 1 11 11 ~ 1 Ill' bt·gnll rn by him nnd bon a or li ar Avol r11· uf tnk <hani, nud Ihut "Ill mean thul <Itt• i• lo ht• I 17 I

bo r'" or Lnksl11 11 i li cr·scl l', nrul thus bl'con to o L>n r·n -1'\lr·vnne<l. W h en si re ~,tr·o ws up lo l:)pir·ituol wonHr11hood, she w ill llrcll become o Cc lestiu l G011i, ond be br·onght to Kul ld, nnd ll orou gh hinr 10 Vi~ h 1111 . h11 t l hCl Avntn r· 'Lnlcshrni ever lll>idcs by lire s ide of l{o l ld ns his pcr·rccl Spous<'. or Pqun l l 'llllk wi ll ol rinoscl r. T he J·c lrrti on is ve ry sirui l tll' to l hol of 0 11 ""stern Ki ng to his Concubl ucs un lhiJ Qll C htrnd and lo his Qncc11 0 11 li re ollrcr:. wi lh th u cxcc)>IIOII, howevct', llwl hr llris cusc II is p~l"fcclly Spiri lnul nil the wny Jhrongh. Tl rc L oksiHl ri Avu lor's wo r·k is o.r CCL' rol i lllportnncc to llrnt or th e KuJki A'•o tor, ol' which II is Ihe conrpiCIIIcnl. Jl Is LJccn usc of the nssislUIICe or the Moll oet· Side tloot I lois A\'ntn r·n is lo be ll au l or l'nr·c, llll JJCt'SO nt~ l Love, n ncl l.ho l Mnilr·cyu is to be th e li uddhu of Co nopasslon J'O ihCI' llr:ll1 or \Vi~dOI II , Kul k i .i s I he Spi r·iJual ) lt'nd. ouol his c.;1 r~o r·t lir e Avu l ar· of Ln kshmi is lire SJ)irilun l llcn r·l, uud llrey tu•c On(l. In I he Unionuf lir e 1Jcr11·t :o11d lh(· l l eofl i nn complete Avn lnra of lire Fi rsl l'ru·u:;lH\ we hn vc 1110 JII'Oonise of dcl ivcrun cc l'or· u ll t l ~tr L l ives und h r:crr.ll ocs.


( 18)

LAKSHMI L oi{Silllli Js ti ro wi re of Vishnu, th e prcstli'Vcr·,

on(!, gcnt• r·nlly spcoking, the wives or li re so LI• r-epr·cscnl tho .:;umc J>l'i , ciple l hnt ll• e g<HI docs, on ly ll•c god r'C JJJ'C~C IILS II ns o "" ivcr·sul , ko~n • ic pr:ln ci l'lc,

trnn ulllil'cslcd, while Il l(• GO<IciCRS llw ~:1111C pl'i11Ci pic• liS it lllflllirt" IS in Lhr.- Wt>dd. T il(• !lOll is llw tlllivc•·sn l p•·incip lc. lh c F(tJddt•ss lhe llf·ind tJit' In i l:1 pnl'l iculo t• "pplicn 1ion ; so, ft'Q" ' 11 11 ~ ~In ntlpoi nt, Vi$hnu 1'1:.Jll'C~Cill.q

w ill I'CJH'CS() II l I li e I(I'Cffl , WO I'killg, ko~nt iC J'Or CC

th e w ill. the bolnncc- cq11llibri um os o lwsmi c J)J'incl plc univc •·stdly OJ•Piicnblo in l hc unmonil·cs lcd J'cgiou wh i le Lo ksluni wi H I'C Pl'Cscu t li tis pri ff ciplc In i ls pltl'lkulnr· npplico lion os il in the conc•·~tc po~ition i11 the~ U11ivcrsc. 1t i s t hns lhnl pt'inciplc w ltieh porpcl• lnlcs Cll Ch objec t, wltich Jl i'CSOI'VC$ i ls i ffi Cgl'ily. W CI'C it nol l'o ~ lhis worlt iug Lnl<•hmi, Ihe in •livi.dunl objec t wo ul t.l disi ul r{(t'Ai e • .J u• l nN th e Hn ivcrso would cJi~i 11 lcgrrd.c wc•·c it 110l for· Visl11111. wo rk~


l '10 J

Also, in nnollwr ,,,. ,.,;(', li te tHngnclic principle iK syn1lwllz<•d l>y Lok~h111 i. wloil.., ll 11· f•h!CII'iru l princi JJIC i' repn•!l<'n led hy \ 'isl1nu. l~n k~l 11ni n l ~o rcpl't'~<·nt• lh1• IHCS<'I vntt\'C fon·r of I he fl' lll illi ii P Nitl(' of nnh ii'C, lf H• JII.'CSI'I' Vlltfvc fori'(\ of lon·. l f• lldl' t'll l'~~. f•t c .. whllt• Visl11111 •·rprcsrnls th<· Jlrc1<'rvativc 111lluenrr nf lhc ,,o,J ih<' forr<·~. r<'OS()II, i llf(•llccl,


ill, ('It',

'l'lw "'"''Y is luld lh n. l ViNlltlll found<Sllll il : lh n l tlwy we re nol nlway• 1111 ih•tl . hul he fl!lll ll l her and tht·y b<•t';IIIIC nnih'tl . 'I hi• ,. , idrully indicaU·• thnt !lot• ptll' lku l"r JH'CS<' rvt·t·, L nk>ltnll. ~~" J)I'O II II I' I lf l(' lllliVl'I'Slll i) l'l'S('I'V(' I', Vi,hnll. 111111 lh b i8 •·cnlly lt·uc. hN·u11<C i f i, rh o unl 'f't'•n l Jll'l''l'rvntho· prinC:IJth• llt;l t i• <tJtCrull\1'


obj~e l thnt <'Oilslilnlcs lh<· 111 fthul fl"''ticulr..·. AI th e lime l.n~slu11i \\ tis f01111d slo e wM lying. nnkt•d, in u ro<c of nn<' huruh·etl right I!C'ItofS. ()( COU I'SI', it IIIII)' IJC 0 lifllf• tlinlcul l lu CO II I'eiVI' hOW II 1'0:1\l Cllll ftf h:lVl' 1111 () JtCIIfll lj lurgc enough to conlnln o wunoan; II<'Hrlhele_.,

i11 lh<· flltr'ticulnr IH'<'SI' I'VII II,•r for·cr

L:o kshrni ""'" f unnel lying in 11 m't'. ' l ite I'OM' 18 lh c t•o lo •· or l't'lll1(0 , lh r life prinl'i pl~. " "" W (' Jouw• flo (' I'Os(' liS

l hc


or tl tC J\u~ll lft•

Lif!•. l.n k1111lti i~. thcrt•fo~e. the •ymbol or lh(' ktJ•mic lifr forct•, OJ;crnti\C in the iudi,·idunl, IIIHJ fit(' tJrr Of' ('lot• h i nd h•Jol uu f iN d l' JlCI\I fl' lll upo n I lor '' ''(•scncr or l1w lwsonic lire fo rce wi lhlu if. This rro lly is the key tc> th~ Ho~icrucio n •yrnbo l of the Ru•c o n tl1r C1·o<.~. nnd we ~h n ll

r 201



tho t th r o'O><' ht•n• synoholir.cs Prono,

ond tl ml in l'o·n nu, in the Ull lve o·stol lifo fo o·cc. l.okshmi is foullll; thut Jq, iu Jhc vilnlily, IIH• rcsi~tuncc wothlu nny ohjt•cl, tlot· lif<• of thnt nbjccl i< fount! to bl' re•ldo·nl. The n·~ull is. of w t• l'tlll kt•c p up th t• l i f~ withi n nn ohj <•c t, if W(' CU ll JH' I'JH' h lll iC thul li fe, WI' II I'C ohJ!' I<J Jl i'CSCI'V(\ it. J.if!' IR fl('rr u-.ecl in tlw 'e11:.<> of 1'1'111111 n s u forct• of nnlurr. ~ow, in Jll'llJIOrtion o• we c·an lll (lillltti ll the JII'(''('IIC<' Of this i'l'llllfl ill IIH• Astl'lol Body, "''' ooo't' o l1k to t w •·t •~ lll nh• 1h nl li ft• Jhu ~ the l'li.tir uiltc of Jht· nldl!'onist•. whiclo would prrpclun tt• lifr in<lt·Ouilcly in so far M this Knpply of Prnuu iu Jhc body Cloll l•i' krpl u p, the lire cn11 he poo·p.,h oulr d. Thl~ Is ll ol' J'o unl ui n of Yt1ul h for wloil'h tlw ()Jtl ~pnnish cnvulit•r,. seorchl'tl so Io ns; II Cl'rlululy wil l pC•JWhml<' lift nntl rcstcu·c lhc bloom of youth if il Is CII1J)Ioyrd. II is usun lly CO IICt•lft•lf thai if 011{' W4 1'(• hJ I'N'tli Vt~ IHHQ,IH~ I il' 11't'tllJ U (' Ill S l't..'#-(' IIII I' Iy from n locnkr. tulliuglll('m j uRI tl~ •·t•s;ulnl'ly ns he would nouri~hnl\'111. (' \ Cry tloy, h<-ing lllllfl· nclizl'd with vltn l mn~nt'li ~ no, h e nc•vr1· wou ltl gel nny o lde •·. We bcl lcv\' it 18 CJui lO IIt'ltcliMhlc for " l"''''o" lo 10 br n lhtw,nntl yrn •·s old without hi< hnir lurninf! g rny if he• IJ<• Jr~n lrcl wilh n su 01cien t qunulily or vitro l nHif{IH'Ii1m. of Pron11, tinily. ll <1 ~l • np ly wou ld l•t• Iivlng 011 lhnl, 111111 in lhiM Wll)' lltC JlCo·pcJomJiOII of ll ot' indi vi clunl woulll be po••lblr. In the co•e of t.nk$hml. it is lhl' life prin1


L 31 I

ciplc. i11 it s spirllu:ol uspect us .livt•, which is Lho soumo of the t>•·csc•· vt\lion of l hc i ntl h •idu ol ty pe. When ove•· ll•c life fo•·cc Il les o•tL in the i udi·

vidunl. whcncvc t· it bcco111cs we:•ken ·d so ll t!•l it Is unnlllc 1•1 pc•·fu•·m iLs work, 1110 in div i<lunl dic·s. ll• r Jndivitlunl form cll$l ntcgr•(tlc~. Wh at is rii Cll lll by th e ouc lumdr'I!Jl eight petals or tl •c o·oor? The ono J11111dreil eight pctnls nrc n.n index to tl •c Cllfll'tiCicr· (){' l.nk$lul1 i. '1'1><l lincht rosnry hM cxttctly <l ll u hun ck cd r•l!lhl bend,, nnd 1110 usc ol' lhc roso r)' by 1he 1'1 i11dn~ i s n p1H'l ot tl•c W(H'shi p of L oksluni. In oil the s·cli gious or l ite wodd contnln in g o mystico l cJr·m('n l th c•·c w ill he round the wot·l!hip of sornu fc nli11 i11C principle. It " "'Y be o IilLI•• l •ol'(l to flucJ, )jut it iS ll t('I'C , fl lltl lh ~ I'O w ill b(' found, n l~o. tl• c uso or l't. c o'l)$fll')'. H is n sr .t IJy lhe l) uddh ist~. by Ihe rH11 d us . r,y ll• c Mo l t11 1111HC<Io ll~. hy the Chri sli fl na; i n l'fi CI, yo u Cl•ll ll 'l l Ond 11 (lrCfl I t•c ligion !11111 d OC$ IIOl IJ'(l IIH' I'()S(Iry, flntl tl •c fllllj ol'i ly of lltCJn·• h nve n t'<'H" ''" ' o·i Inttl l'or il ; 1111<1 li to rosn ry nl wllys i~ the sy1111Jol oP l h ~ J'c·•l>i nin c c lc nterll ; ,, ro· l i ~iCJ I I. 'l'l1o ,ll ltw y of t ilt· m cs•crl Virgin hns its plo\'c in ull ll tt• religions o r lite wo l')d . You w ill Ond it 111 lluddhis ts, the Mol ,nmm cdn ns 9 u.d ll il• llind us (lll il<' n~ Hwch ns nn 101111 tl n' Cntholit,s. Hnt Jcl us .~c~ wl •n1 is n>~" "' hy til<' <~uc l•lut· clt·ccl cigl il pclnh KuiJtii iAi irrdly, ll tr "11nc lu aull1rcd" is tlw f.ctlrr Qo tlh, nnd tl 1c "cll(l ll" is thc lc i i<H' C.h r ll1. Now. lclussccwh(ll 11 1111 r11co ns.


(22 I

The "Ghe th" mcu n ' co•ntlo,i te; tho t it is com· JlO~cd o f the othe r e le ments, un o, liS we h o ve shown pre viously, the Jlri'~CI'\ c•r i~ the unio n of the d estruc ti ve ond con, h·uc li' e fo rces o r n a turt' In u hnl'lnon lous m nnncr. lt is tho uniting o r all tht el~lllCII I8. Titus we l11wc• tlw b r iuging toB•·tl u·r of the d ivc •·sc i' ltl iiHIIl tH, the lt cod, tl •c It d<l~s not. s ny stn •·tin(.l p oint of somc llti "~· wl •nt It l ~. hut it is tl• c h cn<l f r·om wl •ic h o thr t· things Jli'Occc•l tl•c ntH'' • th•• h iglw~t otto intll i'nt, th e culml notiun uf t'\<'t'ythin~:. th t• ti Jipcnrn nce of hcnvc n. the work of the h en vl'nly ~o lm, the c xnlled, uJIIiftrd conditio n. the oplritunl eye. the pt·incc o r the c\O IIcd sta te, the· lll'lncc o r hcnvNt , ond thn t wh ich is lirtcd up. Th t' " C: ht•lh" thuq ~ i vcs th<' ~c u c l'nl c!Jcu·nc trr. nntl th • " Chlllh'' m cn11 s JJnlnnl'<l, nH•·m:tio n nnd l'tll'llllllon, life, lCI'I'OI', tli'OIIIi~C. lllld tl lri'n l. W e ltn vc. the n. !Itt• LJH IIII tCinll fo•·r c lkst, ond lhnl SIII IC Is Vishnu. l'~jlrCSt'lllin!l the Low o r lln ln llC<', ngroin n tt rnction n nd re flul ~i on, lh e two ro rct's wor king in h:ll'lno ny, n nd t hi~. o r course. Is Rth·nello u ond rcJ)u l ~ion 1h ruu11h the rnnnlrrstr d, tl~t· p nrtk ul:u· world, j n~t o~ Vishnu would rt'iJl'<'8<'ul il thro ul(h th e unive rsal. Ufc. W e ha ve ju• t Hhnwn tl tul th e ~osc l.q the sy,•hol of Ufc; il is II •~ Rilll'i tun l lirc fol'cr. 'l'aro r . l)ccnuoc thcs•· tll'inclt•lc·s ttwnkcu lt't't'ur In the o ne n(lttlu~t who m they ore dir-cc lr d.

r 2:11

/1romi1r ull{/ Tllreot.

This fore{', thill preinflucntc of lilt' lif(• force gi\'CS 0 jlrOiliW' of jJCqJCIUUiion of lirl' to the• One who ;, fnithroi1, 1.!111 it thrc-nh·n• with 1frstructi on the o ne wfou nnt:~gunizcs it. 'l'hus. Lnk81nni is not on ly the fJI'CSCI"VI'I'. but sh~ Is llo ,• tlcstroy~r of nny wh11 IIIII)' .• land in the wuy ur th e• Jll'(•s,· o·vutl\'o wol'fc. S loe wil l destroy CJIII)' In o rdro· ll lfl l 11 w<·nl!'l' wol'lc n1ny br pn''<'r\'t'd, but sti ll tloi ~ con~t·r\'ing instinct Is ~o sh'OnH thul lloe forcr will ofc·stroy cvcrythinl! whid1 ~lllrld8 in Ill!' wny of lh<' grcotcr cunwr\'lnl! force in the 11110\'I'I'AI.'. i\gnin, If "(' lot.c the ~y rnhoh or th() lcltcl'tl, "Cf~t• l l o" i• the forte thot is. tht• <'IH:Iosurc. the gn•·•len: i1 o o so·nR(I it i8 llw luli'C nl, ll1c pfucc or tl11• WCJIIH'I l, "Qvp lo" i• 11,. huck oil' the: s ku ll. whil'l• nrc:~ ns tl o ~ \'llro I t'l' oo k o• nnd 1110 sen t O·f the fn ooo ily, hc·ncc the mukmul ror·cc. Thcr·efor·c. onr hrnoth td eight menus the· 8<'01 of m:ll(;rnily. cndoNinll nil th e universe within h e r nmos, ns by n frncr. now. the m~onlng of the num ber of tht• pl'tnl1, thi~ i~ the octh lty which the fife forl·r tnkcMIn her COM'. S hr lwcu rncs, tf ons. lhr ('Oil SOrt or hnu: thn t is, llo c unive•·snf life OllN'Utcsln this rcspcct In pnrllcul o11·. nn d il o o n lt' l' IO CU iltlu ct her sco·"kr. ht••· wor·shi t> I hut lH, lloc wo r·shi t) or th e eonKrr "ntlvc roree in its polrliculnr op plicntion tlo(' ro•nry wns formed will• II ~ ouc hundrtd •t~"i"l!


nncJ t•l~tltt heads, out· for coclt tJclal of tl •e t•osc. Th us tit~ ;·osru·y i~ II •~ no~c ur Lu lc~ltml. cncl• IJcnt.l I'I'JH'Cscnli ug n pctn l, nnd when th e llindu tells his he i~ thinking of Molh~r Lnk~hml und concc utrotiug hl8 nttcutlou 11pou the pcllll• ul' lit•• •·usc. 1'l 1 11 ~ l•r is tdt ruc·ting tl tl' !Jt'Ntl life fn rc<'. W t• find the rosnry used by Buddhl~t~ to ret>· resen t, not Lnk~lunl, hut s..ugltu. "hich l• here lrtltCII (18 IJcing the fcmillln r. Now, of COUt'S(•, the Sn ngl111 is, lit•••·nlly. tilt· MSCllthly of the Ouddhl st~. but. nhovc ull this, It IIICil nS the spirit

which ~011Siilulc1 II h 'UC ntuhlh isl. Now. this spirit of SoHI(hu IJ~com co cn•bodlcd In the indivltlun iiJ ll tld ltist, nnd. hc·condug caniJotliccl in him, Itt IJcconws n mcmbc•· or the p(n·ll,·ulu•· or mnnift•sh•d Sunghn: th<:n·forc. we hove the Snuglto hcnl'inl( n clO'I.! nno lo~er to the Chrlslion co nc;t'JJtillu or th r lloty Spll'lt. Wl •r 11 one Ito ~ bccontt• n llnd•lltl st, llti ~ !{osmic Snughu be· romrA t•n•hodi~d iu him in lh t• M lfl(' ~~ uoe tlonl the lloly Spirit I• sut>t>O~ed tu ill' rml)(ldiNI in tho Cltrlslillll,l ll' b0Ct)l11 inu fi ll ed with Ihe ltoly Ghost. Th us he Is HIIC ol' t hose who t•n t·•·y lh u s pirllunl Snni!IW . r11ul lw bt•t•omr~ 11 uwmbt•r of the ,.i,iblr Songhn In the so me "OY lhot thr CltristiOII brconors (I lll ('llthcr or lh(' Church. whie l• nl st) i • th o lul •e•·•wcll! ul' the ll olv Gl•osl. Tltu>! wt• cn n SN• lht• 80111 (' COII CCfJiiOI; lhol is t>rCSCnl in the ld t•n of l. nk11111li J)I'(''K' IIICd in lhnl or the Mystic Snuf!hU ~~~ il Jj(•('()lll('S t ill· 12~


bodlt•d in th e public.




thnt SJlirit "hich Is embodietl In oil n nture. s h own in the porticuJ1or, 110 t tho universal. We ho ve , therefore·. th e fc rn lnine clcrnent in 11ud· dhi~t i~: wor·shi ;>. pc rpc trrrrtNI in I he· r•c,sary. Agnln, we llu d llw Mohrlllt nrcclnns u~lng the· r•crs nry, rr l thOu~Jlt r11os t pOO tl l ~ rr l'l) nrrwJ iling to belicvl' lht' l'll is ally l'crni rr i1H1 l'it• nr!'nt irr Moholll · m c dnlliMrr. Mohummrdn11iN111 IIJIJII'Url to be lir e nr o•t roua.culinc of nil l'l' lllllons. but $UCh in rcnll ty I• not the cosc. 1 he ~lohnmmcdon• eo rly ndoJltN I the llou1·is or th<' Arnb<. or those SJl irltrr nl bC'ing• who w e r·c suptlo:wd to dwt'll in the r mhruce o r th e foithfrrl, •O wr ho ve the partie· rr lrrr• upp iil'nlion IJf the s pil'iturr l fe minine in the vrrl'iou s ll r1u r·ls whic lr wrrs h t• ld by rr ll tiro orlhfl· dolt Mo lw rn mc<ln rr s. 1\u t tl or s unN lrrrVI.l {lO ll() fnl' llr r r· uud th ey lo r•v!l rnn d e All oh, w ho i~ no t simply'' urn)(> ;!Od. ns ll rc r·c Is o ft•nrilline nspctl or Allnh, which is s pokr n u r us "Thc lk lovcd ." Do not undcrHtnnd by thi 1 thut th<'y rucnn there i~ n god nnd n goddc:.~. but they recognize 1\ f<'miniru• n•p<'cl, nu d to tloi~ fl'IHinlnc :r'pcct thry ullnch ihl' principnl inrt>oo·tnurr. T h ey lovc 1\l lnh lh r·lltrllh the fl·mlnl ur sidc. o ud n C\'CI' RiJ\'"'' o f A ll nh. bu t nlwnys nl' "'I'IHl lk lovcd.'' T lu·y Sjlt'll lt Ill' IH)'Stir nl C~ tlc r• l,• u rrs II~ bllll(t llt i S, nud ~prnlt thoir ccsl n(·I,·H nA lwl nf( iu lcnd· cn lio u. 'l'hry ,pcnk or lhc Spl r·lt ns wine. (irr d o f t111• lesson ~ o r tn1th whic·h tlo ry learn nq the "Cut>" or "Cholicc," 1\lld their ft'llow mystics


f20 I

nrc spultcn of ItS tl td t· th•i nking cOll t,L.tCt ui ons: un d "'l' ho l.l~ lo vcd '' is, lei lllclll, tl •ci•· co()Hl pnnhm o•· lllH'!UIIUtll' h1 lh csc dl'in l<i ug hnn q ucls. W e l'Ctl ll of llllli •· IJecoml llg lll tox icu lccl wi th wl11c, nt od J,clng ill the 1 11'111 ~ Of 'l'h e Jk iOvod, l; i$Sl ng he•· llpl!-of lhc joys whi ch lhcy hm• • •·ccdvctl Jn h !.:t' ]li'CS~ IICC; llb<Jill l'(lCci Villfl f udJitldc ll sw(·t~ls. dl'in ld ug fo 1·b idd c u wine Hnd ull of li ds 111Cu nA ~tn t rs of ~pl l'il.un l ex ltil nratlon, wl" '" th ey wc•·c Clljoyjng sl.l lllCthlll{! whicl1, o•·d inod ly. W fiS lJ(•yl) ll tllllt• I' CHClt l>f men, <II II I SO W(• AP() li tiS C01li'C plion CI'Ol)llill{l Ou l hCI'C. lu tll h OI' wn rd~. il •c BoJovc(l Is the Sill liC M lhc Vi•·gi n Soph ln 01'11011{( SOI11 B of ti t() (.;h ri~Lin n Myst [()II: It Is II1 U fOlllinili C clonu.:nl. Wlkrtvc •· tl ti8 fcmlnio · clllmcn t (ot>JH)tU·s wu ll utl tl1o usc of tl •c rosn•·y. T l•u l;:gy ptl ons used II lro lhc sco·vlcc or )sis. T he Chd sli n ns ndo t>tcd il qu ite ~a l'ly for l hc sum" l'COSOil. i ll lh c S('J'VlcC or Ihe Divine Fcllli i U II ~. 'l' ho <'OSa r·y w11s nol nl flr:sl lhc sy mbol ol' lh c WMS hip M 1\1111')', hut of th e woes!hip of lhC Oiv.irw 1~0111 i11 i11r in tho SO II IC woy ns tlac wo c·ship oJ' Lnl<slonti. wltil'l• is ih<.' Vh·gi11 So pl1i n. ln Jim L', howcvc •·. tlds illru g••cw li t), whiult wns tou ro lcJgflt•s l.o tlllt l ol' the l l u r l tl hi~ts. iu whit·lr the l) ivi nc ·r,•nti ninc, IIJt! Vll·gin ~0p l 1 i n. lwcnn1c nssocinlcd wi th the C: hn r cl1; euch Jn cll lbcr bring SUJlJ •llsNI to bo o ne ul' he•· chi lth·~ 11 nnd lu cmbo,ly Io cr chot•nclc •·· ~o thai lh·c \.hur·cl• becnntr :1SSO!'irot r d wllto lhr lliCn of ti t() r)iv inc l'c m ln i II C, lllCil h CC<lll1 l' thoH, llnll W (> lind nil I 27 l

thr011!(h th D hib lc the C l wl!·ch StJ(Ike n of r•s tliu 13•·id e of Cl11'ist. l l c,.e th r Di vino l1cllliuiiiD lias brcun<c c ruiH,.Jicd, lids prin ciplu iM uow c• u1bod iool iu ll•c iucli vid u:1 l n c lr:O <' ('tHICCtJliOu or ll• r Clll·islinu Vf' I'SiOII ur L nltshmi fl ~ g i vCII in Bmldllis•u. ol tl •ough. uf t <> II I'RC. of n highc•· urd c•r. T l•is cr!locr ptiru• g•·ew up,'""' il wo s thiN th ul Llw l'o)sn ry wros llr·st <.' ru ployctl to •·e twe~c n l uuiOIIII Clol'i sl lo u Mysti..,, 'I lo is WIIS 1111u.;l1 Ctll'llur th :.on the Chu l'cl l of l\or 11 C, I I Is im possl lolo lo s:Jy j ust wh r n the Cl<l'lsl in ns br~ot:on to usc il •r rosu <'Y: l ou~ lwfot•e I he xCt>:ll':lllun o I~ ll •c l, n II n nnd <i<'CI'k clllll'cl •cs. hnwcv•t t·. hccou s,• Ihoy bolh

usc it. W hc·r·r· di<l the li ltuoy o l' tho Vi l't.(in cou~t• in ? 'l'lw lllnuy of i hc Vl r·gln is ol •lcr lhnn II IC) WO I'· ~hi p flf II••· Vi r·siu Mary. .ll w11s tH·igi n ro lly :1. Jil oH1y u~r.r i11 IH'Ilisc of the V iq1,i11 So tJhiA 11s th e Olv inll l~t•no in i n;•. nut! <l l' tl oc Cl1111'ch il $ lhe ~ ~~ •IJod i u1 ~ 11l of tlw l)i v in e 11cno in ine. l ind. lit·st ol' nil. ll•c co uccplion cJf ll•c Di ~ln c; Fhmini nc : tl ~en we llnd ll oc CIIII J'Ch ns ll •u


CllliJOd in •on l of ih is IH'inc ii) IC, nnd in lh c vol'ious i u <l ivicf ll n l ~ cC•II Ccliv<dy couslllut iug Lil<' '" '·r·thly c mho d i nwnt of th e Bl'id c. 111 " <'C t' IOi11 .~e nsr ll •ll Vh·~i u So tJh it1 is ihc l) j vill i! M<llhCI' l)f nil ti iOSl' Wi ll) C\1111(.1 r()l'lll IIIlO the llif(iiCI' Iifc , IJu l, ill llSillll l.'h liS lh is lUIS bNlCI II IC inctu·nak d. us it wc r't', in ll1e Vtll'ious btings. 'vho hrcvc o;Otli C i11 l0 l11c, role.!, Lill')' \'ollc<'l iV(·Iy (:On· s li Iulc tho l)i vi no Moth<••· l11 c n I'IIOl~ i11 In .nul " I 20 1

fn r'll r, Thu, we lr:rvc tht• Mu ll wr ni)OVC lllttl li re Moll rcr· on Clll'll r. It is io this St•usc li rttl Cll l'holic• spcrolc of li re Church us lrciu~ot ti re ll oly MoLirur. Ti re Clr lll'cli 1\'!18 the fl r• l cm tw dirur nl ,,r ll r<' Virgin Svph in, norl has n very close nnn logy ltr tl r<: t'fll'll rly Su ulo(hn , IJ S th o (' ll riJo rlill i(rnt or ll r" h cove uly Sunlil rrr, nntl to lhc COIItt•ptlon or L rrkshrni cmhorl lclf ihr01 rl:(liont li re wo l'id . lu Lime~

hrrwc vc1', 1he Vjr·t:in Mn 1·y Wl\fl tnken ns t1 10

:~.yn r iJOI

lo rc prt·NC nl II1C Vir•ijin S11phin. She, bclug 11 111 1 Vir·gi11 wh(r lwd gil•<·u 1Jlrll1 hr" clrild w itl lonl cou lur t with rr mu le. wu $. th cr·cl"or·c. adopt er! to •y ruhf1 li1.c th e Vit·~tl n Snp llirr. wlro !Jcnrs iun ii iH(·r·uiJir l'l riltlr'cn chll rh•t' li ur wls· rlorn (Hrd who is not u<llll uminn tcd willr ln1ntc ri1dily. ;\'lnr·y th us w n N uM·d as lht~ ~y1 n hol to ·r·cpr·us<•ut tir e Vi r·~;in :)(>Jih lo '" " ' rdso to rc p~c· s ent lhc Clnrrclr us the r nrbodlmc ut. Thr! C lnu"Cir is now the gr•rwml rrilhoclimr•ut, wl rlfc Mr11'Y hecornrs lir e id cul, rep r·esc nlln!i II1C itl<•:r l C!nrhr,(ll mcnl of ll1is. Now, wh en ~l n r·y wA s lh·st wor shi prr ·d. the JJtn uy .lll'sl in lr•crducl'tl. ever ybody lm c·w lh:r l, w il('ll Mr11'y \VII S SjJ()k!•n 1)1', th t• Vir•!jin :iOJ) Irirr W l i B II IC>rrll Or•sl :11rd ll ro Chu r·clr 11 l'lcr·wur·d•. It was tl 1us 11 li tu11y, u~C4.1 , 110 1 iu tl 1c ~c•·vit·e of )•lnl'y rr s n woman, l..rr l " ' '' <I i u li re se r•vico of pr1ri~e lo the fcnrinlnc trspcel ot' God. ll1e " li e" c· ~ t rr·cssing itse lf l LS lht• Vh·gln SotJhlo , ond or I' 201

tl•i ~ n~ 111unifc,ll'd in tin· indh iclnnl •ny!ilic nnd In the Chu •·ch u~ u who It•, nnd nwnifr• h•d in lh~ ht•n rl of llw dc ,·o tce himo,,·lf. Mtii'Y n•crcly wns n byn•hol u~ed to r epresent lhi~ lll'inci plc. The rn~'"'Y "'"~ IIS<·d in llor•l M·n let•. Tl• e ro~nry, 11s •• ~<· cl liy f'.h1 i~t i11 11 ~'ly61k~. tl •t't't'fMo', •l• Nolls Ll• c ~nl n <· lh ln!(. p•·nrl icnlly . ~~ ~ ll '"''' ~ when 11s~ tl loy ull •l ll u• r• ret igi"11' i l is IISl'd lo uid in co nn·lll ru l i nl( ll 11• nlinrl ll i>CI II l hi • l>l vin(' Fc nrinlnl' 11t.pecl. In lin••· they J o~l ~lghl of 1111• mcn ni111l of lht• 11'rvir<' nnd it lwc:u11r the wor~ohi1> of M III'Y lu•!'M•If; thu~ 'Lury wth r~n~uwnot cd in to a godtl<''' thr ,.,oct JlOrnlld uf lh<· worship o f Lnk•lonoi 118 il i~ now. Probrobl) not n thou~<Hid llintl11~ In nil In diu. "Or'o•hlpp<'''' of l.n k>hmi. know thnl II i• IIH'rrly I hi' l'n',<~'l'lllllluc l ' rinr i!lll· Jn llw ~l u nift'sl<•d Wo1'11l 1l1nl llwy ll l't' ~r rvl1111: tlnll II 1.• ~l n 1p l y th r p•·ilwlpl,• In li n• lllfll lif('stc cl lll dVP I'st·. ~1 1 l' huo.: IH•tO IIit•. In 111 <' 111 , n pc•·~orw t ho lht• S:l llle w :o y r:ll li ll) lie• 110 IOII!(rr rcnlitt' tlo:ol in the o·itun l, In lht· litnny of tho• blc•"t'cl Vir~:in, they on• n •u ll )• prnl~l njl, llrtt 1111' \' il•11i n Sophln nnd tht•n lht• Chur<"h. T lw &ymlm l '"" token the plroc·t• o f th r spirit ') mhnli1.rtl .


.Nnw osis .,f


lofl vc• lhr

l' ~ plnnalin to

ll•o Vi l'gin M£11')'. II

nf IhO npcolhC•

I~ IHll

th e Vi rgi n

M a r·y hr1·~r lf, bu l ll or !11'<'111 fll'i11eipl<' whil-1 •

s lw I~ u~r•l to sy mbolit.r thnl is rrp l'<'s<' nl cd. And in lh(• n•su mt•lio n nf llw Vlrftin, it ditJ not I !10 I

or·iglnn lly r·c tn·cscnl Mn1'Y nl !d I. IL is not the llSSllllllllio n nf lhc WOII IUII 01' h Cl' Spi l'it OJ' (l ilY • 111i ug of lhc ld n• l : il is si mply l hc sym bol us~·l lo I'<'JII'Cscnl the eiQ' ':olion o f li te l)ivi uc Sop ltiu 01111 llw c·levnl ion of nil the Sn in ls-oF €ti l ii iO$il w ho ll tlVC Clllliocl icd l•c•·· ll rci t· clllvnti()n, lhcircx:1ltn l ion lo l h(• h envo:nly olnlc. 'fl•o OS>Uinplion or the \lh·gin Mn ry ·~ ··~u lly tho 11 8:<U II1Jilion or nil iliOSC WI IO CIHbody I h e VJ··gin SIJp·hia. Not I lint they slud I be ctll'l'lccl I o hen vcn ali \'C, but i L <' levu l. ion to the ht i\Vcn l.y si(ttc. This, 111' <'I'HII'SC. l1 f1S I> ·en ntisuntlc•·•tood. the ~r11n c ns <' VI:I'Y th i Ill{ ClNC.


The W01'$1ti l) or l. nltshnd, l hcr·cfu i'C. gives liS tl 1c key to oil I hose things. Now, we so itl thai cx p ll\l ll ~d lh c 1\oslcru cinn nosl.l or th e CI'OSs.

Tho •·osr


this "ilul (H'inci plc, th e p r Ct'<-'l'votivc,

v itn l pdncipo l or na lu rc. Thi $ is pu l on lho Cross. 1·11c Cross is lh c symbol ol' c m ci lbdon, or dcs lr uellnn: lltld tho flr•sc 011 lhc CI'O>~ 111Cfi i1S, lhcr·ri'OI'c, lho crucilh i<Jn or lh e ll ll l tll'll l life. I he huma n life. rl1 · t• r·udO-.; Ion ol' (I ll in on lcr· l li ol I h e divi ne I if~ may SJ)I'ill!! I'OI'Ih : l11>1 1 I h e J'O$!l 01' Lh1· St>il·il 111 " y l>l osso ru whc11 l hc I'OM> hn s Lc~ n cmci (k ol; i u olllc•· wo r·(ls, Ute n aluml hutll tllt l ife is tlC8lr·oycd, os iL wer e; I he Jnuuon ccoscs ll tal th e J')ivi no may spl'in11 PMI It. T hi s is I he gr·cul LJ:u t1 1 t·cprcsc iii Cd hy lh~ n ose on I h e Cross. The o t·dinni'Y inlC'I'JWCin l ioH lh:l l II r CJ)· r cscn ls ll 1c uni l i ug of the spil'i lun l ond 11hysicn l


[3 1l

u~ "

pml\'~1 nl(nil" l ""'!• llc·i sm Is n h'ltlllh' iy untrue. II rl'pr~'enh lht· hight•,l n<;e;t:lkbm en the Gc·rut l.c·~SO CI of Sro t•c·lllc~. 11 , how• tl w l, "'"'II we sncrlRt·•· lh1• "'' ' '" '"'· li ce lncn sti'll dl'lclul i< cnndr tiCI\<ihh•, nne! tic~ k1·~· In tlus I• ~tiven in li •<' 111y1l c or Ln~sl c ml. \Vf' ' ''" '' lw o·c• IIW Jlfi'>I'I'VIllivc life (UI'N• l'l' iii'('SCillilll( iiW nnllcral lift•.

Whnl i< ill(' cllll'tl'('ll C(' h!'i WC1'11 I ht• II <(• 11f i1 11 • in llw Orit•nl nnd in C:hri,tlnn :\lplid-.n 'I Siluply litis: L:ck~h mi n•tH'tM'III< lht· prt• st• •·vccl h•tl fu c·cc, w l••·••cncl lic e C lc l'lstin " 1\osu c·y 'ycnhcolil.('' lhr ,,,.,.,,.r,·uti\\' fore(' ur lht• J)ivicw l'cm illi iiP,il ce \'irAill Sophin, i11 fii'J!""iliull to tier ro~ury


uol uru1 nMI •t1\· l.

l lll t l .

11l ll' lld tt

1'(1 1lSon,

Ihe 1'1'0<111 u Hacht•cltn tlw c·o,u c·y, '~ mboJIJ.i IIIli ht• Ct'll('ilhion or IIW nnluntl ~C) iiHoi tiel' lfllll'>C('fl•

•IC• IIIIll, tl~t• lli,·it w, cuny c nnnifl'~l. Tlw nnlu l'll l pr<·"'r'•('r l(h'l'< woy to lh<· oil.,.hw; 111ll ~ "(: llnd lhnl whkh wrc1 ~ylllholizt·cl hy lhr lllcsM·cl Virgin - clfiiiiCiy , lhl' Vic·Ai 11 ~U t >l o io, lnki " Fl ti ll' t>ln tr or Lnk\hmi, thr nntnru l molhcc· or nni"crs1• in this :cstwc·t. lh~ unturnl rccnininc pn·srrver n nd 11co c·c· "" Ihis ~111Jj ecl t•cun ccll h~ ,,,;.r. 'l'ht•c·~ is n much dt•t•per myslcry dbt:lust•d by lht• sym ht)li~lll or lie(' I'OS(II')' flntl tfc(' 6)'1111JOiiC Jitnny o r llc P V ic·gi11 thnn ~o l'o c· lues been s u itl, hu l il ti Ot·~ nnl bt•longto n conrS<' or iu<lncclion in Mylhlll OilY· Sulli<'~ ii to ~uy thnt the myth or l.nkshnci


lcuthcs ti el· vt•ry RlllliC llc in(ol in I'L' lu t i!'ll lo lien I» I

o~;oltttul no~;.leo·i··~

llo,ol tlw lihon) ol th,· \'io·gin \\ ht•n {'( • I I"('Cih unde r"ituud. l nadll'' Ill ~o•g,;od to the l>hinc ~j)•looio·'· Lul.,luui,.n Incl. " tht• llh•"t'd \ ' irt;in nf tho• uutuo·n l \l~st,•o·tt·•· llillllliiJlh , Itt• i• 1101 In lot• ~IIIIJlH'I'IIIo hl• !I \'i o·t:i" iu HIH' -it•Ufott', hl'in~-t ll w wlft• ttl \'iKhuu : t1t.' \ ~.,... ~1:u \',

lh t• l t•K:-~.

In uuot hl' l' ~l' I HW, hh P iM, t11ul \\C' l1 uvc

ltt•t't• lltt• ltt•y In tloc· wo~tsl oip ol' lht• ft•u oiuitH• pPitu•i pl<• \\ht•l'(•\(' 1'



()('t" III'M i l l

\\\• fl utl in tho·

~ly t h

Hl f lhr



l.;~ k•luni


Kl') In tho• prulill'lll of llw Our lluouh "'I Eijthl Po I ttl lln'l'.

l 3:11

THE COPtS One ol the grentc•t \ty~ t cl'ie~ co nn~ctcd with tllu Ol'iNllu l INII'Iriug is I lull or ti re c;u pl~. Th ere "''' '"' wortl(• n w lro lu tl rt· tilli C IJ f J(r·i• l1111r wr r·r \'CI'Y liiU<' It tl('\OICd lo ltir 11 w r t'('. in fac t, lti • lo' ,.,.,, 'I ht• 'crv '"""'' i• uo;etl iu tht• Pur·orro' "ilh r·cft·u·uct•

io the

l01 cr ~ of 1\ri>huo. Thl~

h ul ng u I •IYtll<wy, is lu- ht•ttVt•-t

j ust w lrol Is

n r ~o r ll

ll .li

In try Hli(l


lly lht• ICI'II r, l.itcl'lllly." (;opi I• u ~ll llonnid. 1111\\C\'CI', \\ !' II IU't lltul ou t jU>l whnt i• 1111'11111 by tlw krill Milkmaid. ftrr we Oil' <lru lin~ in the ~lystrdcs. 'Ill~ Gos nr C<>ws nr<• tl rr• Mind~. ~l n uM, or: ~lrn· l ui n odl<•s. 'I'll<'.)' fri'l l lljlo'l ll ti re /1J'IISS tl rnl Is, lh(' objt•<• ls o f '~' '"'' 11111l lh i• i~ t•>.u<'l ly whn tthe 1uind d1w~. ftlr nil of ilR ur>t>n•hrn,iotn nl'<' tin"' n fruno the ·••·nM''I, h<"ing the n•,u ll of "''"~ 11 1111 • iulu ilit>n.• . II wi ll he ~t·cn lh ol lhr Cows ft•<•tli ll/1 0 11 tl 11• c;o•usM i~ hut nnoll rct• lcn n for the i\ll111l~ dt'lm in11 tlorir lnh• ll l•t· tuol l'a h· ulum from tht• obj!'el' of 1 ht' Milk fr·om I 3b I


t :ows \\'[IS lh t1 IJtlll ll hi , WhicJ I ~I'L'W ll jl ()Ill Un<l. heyo nd l ilt' Mint!. T ilt• ;11i II<IHIIi<IS W1• 1·r those w h o •ll ltlcod lhr Cow~ fot• the Mille Ualll is. dt'('W r(l l'll l lludd h i 1'1'0 111 "' ' ' Mnuns, 111111 thu s ptu·lonlt tol tht• il •t•rt•tnt•u l uf II • ~ Cuw o•· ~ I i nd. In olht••· Wut•ds, lln•y WC'I't• lh ,· All uM, w hld1 dr(;w 1<, ll >t n> st• l vt•s ull tlw rt·s ults of ll ~t• •·cnliwtlun in tlw Mnn nN and ll ndilh l. T hvrv (tH(· , W (• see lhu l 11 11• t:O IJis tllen·ly wrrc Aln tus w lto \ve r·t In l ovt~ with K r·isltn u, J\ r•L"lhll tl wos tl w lhC


1\vt~llll' ur

V ishl l ll, nn d, tl •l' l'f'fUI"<'. I~(.' IH'('S~ Ill~

VIs hn u n il the ti me ; tht•l'<' ro •·"· the ( ;opiN, wl til ~ in ltl\' t' wil l1 lti111, \\'0 1'1' in t'••nl i ly lu '' " ''' w il lt Vi, hnu, till' Sup •'~' '"''· ' I ht· t• n lit'c Ms•k••y Is 11 111 1 uf tl •t• lovt• of 1111· I utlivi d uul Atmu l'n l' \'isl11111, IIH• l n iVt' I'SII I SJill'lt , us ht••· tk luwd, " "" this is l h~ Puth Ill' llh11 k li iu 11 nlll slll•ll , T in• 11hult tll is l ilt' l.oi\ ct• of \'i,lll l ll , nn d i I Is ti ll' 111\' 1' wllid l lwl n~s l•r •· lo l' nil•n. ~l'h r C:opi uauy br n PJ·pc Soul, or· Nl rfl 1uny bt• one l't•r·y fn•· br luw tllis plnrw : ll ul i11 C\'l' ''Y cnso i l is lu••· inh'll!\(' IOVf\ I'<H' Vishn u. l ht· Stl pl'(' llW !' tl ir i l l w hll•)i li rtK 11(•1' liP to ti iP 1HJ111l ur Un i(J II w ill • l li111. T ht• P:Hir 'l l' 11hnl< li I< " ' '' Pn ll t t'l r Love il lld Dcvnth111 lo \ ' i, llli tl ~~ ~ tho.' lk l<ll'!'!l. hf'II('C tht• n •lu tio11 ol' Suhj1•rt nnd Oh.i <'l'l ;, <'l<•nrly '""'" " t ni •ll'tiiJ!• ilv,·t•n lh t• twn: lnrl tl rl• ;, m1ly b t'I'IIIISt' u t lh l' sinE(<' It run lw In I ll! o il <l' l' way. 11111 il m u• l be bot'" '' in llti ud thul llhu ltli is u Pn ll t,

ran J

un1l a l'ulh h•a1h ""'ll'\\ho•ro•. ltt•too'l', lhb r('(u IIIlO\ uf SuhJt'l'l uuol OhJt't'l " nul lh'l'llHIIlcnt it ;, hul lltt• nn ·"" nnlu llw ntt'lj:llli! uf llw Sui. l''t'l und OhJI'C l onto IIIII' Fn1, " lwn tlw '"" """ " ""'' unh> ,,,, ,.,.:-,, ,."" "'· ~he " ' " lw ""'l'fl<' '' iu t11 Vishnu·, So• ll', tlllol l~t•nt'<' ll ocy w oll i11• IIIII', Nht• (uWlll!l llo 1'1{11 11(11111 r i'Ulll l tl tll , 'l'h<•t'•'t \1 1'1', ll he tu IH• M'(' l' I hut I IlL' t..uvc Hn •l ll• ••olloo to " loki • ctnhlilult·'< ll11• l'ntl t of Hl •nldl. th1 l .•o"' "hit-h l111· flh,1k l11 " "' f1>1' ltt·l' n,•lo\1'11, o' llh• lll!':oll' ul hrllljlillll h1 •t· tlllll lhnt 'Into- cof I nnon "olio I lim \\ ho·1o· ho• \\ 11l lu ,.,.1111' ht•r So•II ll11• itknlit· ol "olh lin lllonkll". uuol, 111 fm•l, 1111' lt·'l tti> ••I tlu· (,.,,.,, li l t' fur lht• ""'•I' o l lt'11dlilli! lht• 1'\,u'l toHiton• " ' 1\hnl.ll; lto•llt'l', 11 1l lh111 ;, ~l nll'ol l 11 lt'ft'l't' ttl't' In llluo kl l io II JI J!Iit•uh k to II H• Nu hj t•c· l o l I lit• ( :opiR, tuul ull l hHl t1111 \' !if• t'11rdL'fl w ll h I t• I'(IIC'IH'(' lu l h<• (~opirt " tlllli• l n u ud In It'll !'It Nllllll' '"I" tl uf lh,• llllukti


\l tll'jlll

't h1• 'tl>l) ;, tul1l nf htl,hn.o that ul oHH' tinu· ht• tU'tff"H·tl ,i,lN'I1 lhHU"' l tHI \\ 1\t'.., ul UIH' Wf•cl

cltuJ,t, Hllll ,tranJ,.~t· I H ~-·~ · llwr•• an· lho'i \\hu thiul< lh ut '" " uoplt•ry ;, lu (I(' hlt•mll) uouh·r •lon1 l 1111111loul 1111~" lltrt l'i ) u <'1"1' nf unliuoi lt•ol pu lyJIIII II) oil tltr ' '""""' ''''""'· Tlw lo'nl h o l li to• llllollt•r. loowt'"''''· IR lh"l I I ' " nil " ;\lys lc1·y :l tttl l't•lul t'N In lit(• l niou w I I h Lilt' ( ;up i~. II will Itt· hor·nr• In mintl lhnl ull 1tw C.opl~ "~'~''' """'''"· I ~ lhi ~ It> Ito• ttlldl·o•llltll l n• tPoc hlotJilhut llll'llhltH' lilt pt ...... "" lhl· l'nlh cor Love·'' I :rr I

No. lllis i:; not Ilac cu~e; baal ul Ilac su m.: Ih ue lbcrc is u vca·y deep nH:uHing in lids cxcluslo •• 0 f Ihe lll(IRCII I iII () lcl"lll. 'rJ I 0I'() iS fl R(O a·y Wl l·i cll 111 0kus tl 1u m nll c-t· q uite clt·ur. OJII'C UHlrC wns o Wl/1111111 who w11s n ll lan k ln, who w<•ul lo c·nll u pon :r G1'CI1l Sn i nl, hul when l1is dls~i plc JJI·o ughl lri 111 wore! of II i(' cn ll of lhc wo1uon , he, nS$11111ing llurl ~lw wm. nol 11 RC I'i<H i$ woa·shi pr>c•· ol' K•·ishu u, tl<•clf nc•l l.n s<'C l1c1·, ou lhc g•·o ul td I hul lit' WH$ II() ( jiO I'Ill i I le d lv Sl'l) II WO II HII I, \oVh cn il l<' wonl wrtR bro11 ghl lo llc:r. ~he said; " 18 lw. then. n mu lr'l II' RO I here is 110 sn l val io 11 ro1· hi1u. hr slronltl k now I hrt·t· ia ll aa l One ~'ln lr, '"'d 1hot i• my 13clove•l Gnvintlo. A. II o l.l~<·•·~ nrc W!•III OII ." 'W hc•aa thry ht'6ughl l llis WMII Ill the !'lninl, lr r nl once r'f"'"" " " d1·rl l•c·a· lo be n dIll i llt•tl l11 IJis (li'OSl' 11\'C. 1'1'11 I izi llfl I h:r l , IIC Wll~ 11 tlevol<'rl woa·shit ll'l' l' of t<a·islJIIu. 11 nrl, besides. u nllM•lond lh<1 Myslory. J{I'Jslll lll llt·r•c is lhc sorr1e us Vi~h"" · l 1<' nro II is In LH· se<·n 1hu L is lh•' on ly rllnlc, uud roll Ids llh uklM hc(OII IC wo111en in ll 1 ~i r r·clalion I<• II ill) '-'" soon n11 th ey enter I he P nl h. Let 11s set· j11s l wl1'" Js ltll'nn l hy lhc lllt9kln hcco rni11j.( 11 wo mnn .i rr r·c lolion In Visl tnu . )~ i r·<t, wo JUn~t l'r·rd izo llil' r>.IH ' I r1·l ntio 11 l1~ 1 wcc u li ar 1 11n~culinc nn<l 1111• f•· 11rin i11 <· In u ll ll>iiiJ!R. \ \11' h:1vc llll•rrughnul n il nntr rr·c ll1 1' 'l'wo 'l'ru lhR. of Wnlc 1· nnd lkcnlh. or Mn ll f'r unrl S tl ll'it. l u the high er


Ill'!' Su l>~l ali('C un d sl n 1u ll n ll('tl!l ~ i 11 il acil·


'l'l l<''<' lwn 111'1·

( 30 l

l ~ll!' l'lfY·

(Wlivi ly ,


one l" •i tof! ublc fnt· n nuHm·nt to exi-t S nbbtuucc is por fcclly stot ir, " hilc I~"""H.I' l~ P'' ' r,·ctly tly nnmlc. Stolit• Snh•laiH't' i ~ the Ft•minito e bitlt• of the J,o~n•o•. nnd D)toruuic Em••RY i• tlw 'l n,culim· Hidt. Ou lh c S ltidluol l'lntH' we hr•1r \'10hnu us 1h11 Mnsculitw, l)yun m l.: l•:nc l'jly ,Jtfr, und Ln~shmi ros lhr lrt· t nlnito~, Slnlk Niolc·. 'I ht• point lo lw ho•·nr in mind i ~ Ih i.: T lw Mu><:uli nt• i•ul nil tinll'S J))uruuiu li tol'lfO , which m •>'l Ill' , ,·litoij upon son • ~ l hi lltJ, whilt• lho l'cm iui n<· i.s S lulic Suh~ I U III'I', \\l1k l• i~ nlthOI Itlcly pu~ht• ntotil il i ~ u<·kd upon fo·ouo \\ ilhuu t. In ~0 (llr t•"'l t'ithcr ll I HHU or \\HI H Ull •h•JH\f(\ fi'Oil) ll ti• • lnl!·, l h~y ht'COIIIC unsl'~e•l , ro,. Sln llcs ru·r lhc Vt ' I Y ...~-~ or Frtll in ill ily. (11 1\1 t)y n n rn ic~ ll t'C lh(' l '<'ry I'UI' of Al nseullnily. Now, this ito rcnlily iMthe bu'i~ of lhc hdit• f of th1• uudcn" lhott lll' 1\1,)111(111 II IUS I bCSIIhjt•t• tlt> lll!' l llllll. 1 11l• wr••l,,ll,, lwl ug l1 11· Sl11 1ic $lrl tl ,,r nn 111 r1•, utust bo nct.>tl IIIHHl hcCIIII'•I' lhol i~ Iter vc••y nn lurt', whc~'<'u, lhr muu, ln~arnnling Ihe Dy unmic side or na ltll't', IIIllS! 11~1. ror thu t j, his IIUIUr('. In OlhCt' Wtll'dS, Utt•y lllfltlc Ill!' ill lc•ll tpl ltl h ovr ll1r rowily li te; vrry <'' ll ''l'~siou ul' lhr .Myglt•l'lt•s. The wife u 1u~t be ~ubj(·cl lo lwr hn>bnnd for til<' rcuson lhn t Lnk• htni i• sn hj ccl lo Vishnu, ond ~o In n il the tllriiH'~ (>r lht• l(nsmo~. lu nsmuc h ns IIW S lulic ORII('I' t I ~ IHII't•ly Femi 11 hH', it will follow tl111 l 111 ont• hrt'<l llll'S F~m i niuc I•<' will hr nlllre> oncl nH1rc Stnlic, nnd,lhc ••t•fnrc. thr

Hpn •·t I,.,,,., th e othl' t',

[ 3~ 1

ill ct·~rt si ng

M lhu S tu lic I!O II til lio •• In Oll l' will l ht•llt JII\H'I! 1111u II! Ur'P lltw tiu iuc, f o•· lhnl is lh<' t'$8P o l F c min il •ily. AH of lito Jlh , k lo s. lllro ugh thei r lo ve rcw lh c Ue l ov~ d. or·c r endHt•tl IJt•r·frc lly S lnlic l11 o·elt•· lion lo ll ia u, frH' tlaut is wl)(d i ~ n1un nl hy n oll net ion I h ey nrc n•ovcd so lely IJy ll ll·i ,. lnvc I\) I' hl 111, nud n (ll ft'OIII wllldu l he lllst• l vc~: ll •11l ls to ~" Y· ''Y r lh t·i·· th<•y t11·c· ,.... ,dll•·('cl Stn li c so· IIH11 thry u•ove uud(' r· ll•e lm pu loc !If li b d ymoutic· ncl lvily, ll 1118 bd ii!J pc•·f,•clly l'l'~PO II~lvt• lo 1 • 1~ 11HJI•Ii11 g inl111 t·nc·t•. 'l'lo,• r••sttl l uf lh i• I~ ll tn l llJi•k l'(•ln liUll lu ll it u Is i11o ll11•



,.,."N('" ..

C l l('l ll lctt l 1'1\'IIN\.', c~xu c l ly w lud lhc l"ld ntl orn or Lok slunl is to l •iln , nnd I he l'i: lulh:w o( l hc tcmi •ti ne siJc of 111c l(osn •os lo 1he lll nst·u llnc si dr. w hn 1 I lw •·c ln l iou o f th e wo111n n Is to th e 11111111 .

Tbu• H i~ o pcd'('~l Sf'll r·e lo iio nshit • In th~ l( ,)slll ll'll l s~usc of II • ~ "'"''cl. 1'11 th is wa y ll '" Ill l)r set• ll thu l ~ v(• l'y Bh uk lu i.• il1 lh r Rll ll lt' t>Osi lioll wilh •·c· lnli llll to V i~h 11 11 lltltl lh t• fC.IIil ll ill (' 18 IO the II IU~(' III ill(', llllfl hPn c' <' t hn l a•elnli•ln will 1!1' •h•t•ngllwtwcl lht• lOn fiC J' il ('O II Iiii U('S, wilh OIII l!' r i'I'(' IH '(' IO lhC ~~·· of Ihe i11 d ivl d 11u l. llfon • li ds II will l>c sec " thai il is [Jc r·fcctly lt'II C tl oul Vishuu is lho u u ly n w lu. o nd lha t o il .ll h ~tl< hlS ore wu•11 c n, h en ce ll ~t• GnpiR ot•c l dc n ticn l with tl oc Bhul<lns. whethe r l hcy b~.: tlll'n nt· wonac u .

fu Lll is wny we will


aiiJC IO KI'C WI ICI'I' t•v<•t·y () Ill' (of tl te 1\IM! C'~ Of li r·i.• h nn nn rl lilt' C:o pl" l•t•• il• p lucc wi th





cucc tv Vishn u ond his Bhnktns in oil ngcs of the worlu, llnwc vcr , JhN'C m·c two cJtLssc~ of Co ll is, whnt we ruiQll t cn ll li t() Tc •·•··c stl'inl nud tl tCl Cclttili rll Cotlis. Wloun '"' t\.tn111 lJceo mcs dll· vo ted to Vishnu "~ the Uclovecl , nllfl co nl l uucs lo IO\'C unu nt!Ot'O l1im fCII' ~Oil l (l lcugth Of lime, 6hc i ~ Jn·uugh l lo Ni r vuun, 01111 ~untiuuts lo be th e t ovr r·, until " ' los t s lo e is born ou l'fll't\·'vann, uucl in lhil$ wuy she J•ce-O IIIC.S II itt ch iJd, ontl th is is 1111' m cu ni ng iu the •nyths of w ive~ bei ng b o .... os ll •c child•'cn o f the ir· l • u~bnnd s. i\s ~oon ns lloc r.o pl l1lls •·cnehc tl i'lu·o-Ni •·vonn she is ))() ''" ns n louby iu th e s t•il'i luu l scn~c nml is tl1c cldld oJ' Visluou nud t nlt•luui. Tl •c doi l(l !,!rOw$ to •utllu •·ily. Nnw it is to bu llo•'uCl in 111 ind lhlll at the tillll) tloc fltll'n -Nil'vo uic loi •·llo lnkc·s p l n~c. it iR w ltly in tl•c Spil'll o•· i\tmn, l•cn()C the ..:rowth of IIIC iul'nul consists iu lh~ dPSCt'llt of lhc Pnt'(I-Nil'vunu int o the lowe•· princi ples. <PHI, in Jli'OJIOt'lio u ns it (Jcs.:cnds, the child np;H·onchcs 1111lO mnl urity. W locn th e dcsec nl hns •·car.hcd th e sex Jlr·i nC' iJ) Ic nn d hns CI)I11 JIIC1Ciy lt'll ll SfOI'IHCd the Sl'lt ~ 11>\l'!(y inio tl1C Sl'id l, SO lltlll tl1c SClo. Cllt' l'fly iH IIOW J) lii'Cty s pil'i lunl IJ• ul i;, to duy. Pn1'11-N i•·vn nl lhrtl the o•·uu us do not net iu o tll •ys i<'n l hut on ly in o spil·ilu (l l way. ll• r cloi lcl , lwin g 11 u lousr •· lo umun in lh " scx urtl scn~c. but louving lht! sox cnti •·dy on Ihe J'nm-Ni1•v:mic P l ~> n c . h11 s roru;hcd Iocr P!II'O•Ni•·vuni() o•· Spi ritunl l'ulof'l' ly. I 41 I

Wht•ll l111• dc~C(' III h111 !JOII(' Ml fu r US 10 lnke <·omp l<·k r·t>n to·ol Cl l lhc r l •y~ku l Body, so the llumtlll hos lwen romph: lc ly ~rudicn l cd ontl the Porn "\lrv:wn lw' gained cn tio·e eonii'OI or nil the I 'rmdpl•·•. thc•u hu~ lht• f.hi ld rl'nc:hcd l•<•r mujo o·lly, f<lo· ~l o o I~ 11 ow fnllwow n. A l I hi,; li oloc the llnughtcrof Vl,llnu i ~ luhru to llino nnd hccouwa II" wife. 'llu• is "hut i& nl('tont by II is nonrrinll"" "ir h so nuony \\onu•n: they "~n· ull lois chi l do·~n who hnd t·onoc loJ onnlul'ity '"" ' were oww onr,.lc• h i~ Spil'il unl vVII'c~. 'l'l l i~ uiM• IR ll •c nwuning or Ihe M) ll •• "hi'l'C Ihe gods mnro·y lhl'ir own choldrcn. 'Vlo co1 nne huM pcrrcclly rcn lir.<·d Porn· Nl rv(I JIIO, hr Is itlc·nl il:nl wil lo ViMllll ll, fr1 o· ll ot·o·c i ~ now no scp:l rnh• '"If. ViNltnu i$ his Srlf. lhcrerol'(' lht•rc c:111 hc no •uch lo"c for Ilion 113 the Cop o hrtd, for ll11• o•cJnlinn or Subjt·<'t nnd Ohj<:cl iu now nl '"' t•nd, hcn<·c• ll uJrc .Is hut one ldghc1' fm111 of lvvr , nnd tl onl jq In love hi101 , 11 01 M thr ll<'hl\t•ll, hut~~ ~ llu· Self. In I hi' wuy does lhr Chlltl lweome thr \\'ifc. r~~r she srl'q in the one who wM lo('r fnll orr, wh il t• 8h r wn• con1 · J1l\'liniJ ll ~t• l'tll'fi· N it·vtlllll , h(·r Jll'l':lcnl lo11 ~bnu(l, for be h lH'I' Self; ll u•rcfon•. Nhe lovrB 111m ns lwr Sl'lf. In tloc foon11•r s lolt• M the Gopi, h rr 1\nllllivrut•.. . nnd lw o• Conjug(l lily were d irected to ltim; llo<'n, uA slo(• ht•t:u nw hls dl ild, ro ll hco· /11 1M Lovr. lo co· Vt•ow o·ulion. 01<· .. rH'c lu rnrd lo llim . Now nlllwr St·lf &term i• turned to I lim, for sh!' S<'l'• him IIH hf'o· Self. nnd. tlwrcfor<'. a ll [~ll

ht>o' Sd f-1.••' l' is tlio·r~ll·cl 111 Ilion us her Self. ·1 hi• is "hal i t menus lo he tlw (.('!e~tio.l Gopi, or S11irituul Wife of \'i~hnu th~ Srlf. In reality, io not lhi~ the ll•uc rdolionshit• hr twrt•n huohnud nncl wift•ln l h~ tounwu WOI'Icl? We• no•t• told lhn t they 1111 1~1 hl' (ll l l' fl l'~h. 11101 wh1·11 n 1111111 lorolcs Ids wift· Ill> is 111 o·,·uli ly lml i11 g hl o ll~l' l f, nntl It is WL' II lcnow11 ll o(ll nl '"'c lime II WIIH lo dd ln th e P.njjl i ~l o C<ll1 11olou l.uw lhu l. ul mnrl'iOW ll oc ,•t• r·y i•lcnli ly of II III wife wos lll('rlw•l inlll lh ut of hc1· hn~hancl, so lh(ll the OIOII'i(•d WUI11111l hu<i llO (•~1\INIC(' in liiW, C~iSI• iug cuo ly in the hu,luuul. h thi< uol the clcll l' lndil'a tlou or n hdi~:r thnl the 111011 nud wife hove hut CHIC sdf, tl ont th<• ~•·If llf lh!' womou i• conq> lclt• ly loJql in Ihoi ur tl o<' l ou~hund, uud thot to mnrl'i c•ol wou' '"' co n I"' vo 11 0 Hl'I)Urnt•• self, bu t ll ont ti l(' lnwhn 11 d b loco· sr lr'l II i ~ plnln, llw rc• fo r·r. lhnl in lhi~ Unio11 wi lh \'1 •1" '" nH the Se lf, \\t' htl\ t' 11 llt'l'fCc l nllll'rinfl•' in all Ll •ut the nome ino)llil'•. \ ncl lll'ncc ll w Ct•lt·,liu l (;011i ~ rore o• lil · ('1'1111) IJI\' \\ i't'~ or \'bhnu 111 W/1~ I~\'(' the wire or Atlrun, 11nd II lh01111111d lilllt'• lllllrC truly hi1 '' iH·~ 1h1111 i• nny wouuuo 111 thi• limt• tlo~ wi re or lll·r hu;lmoul. 1\ l lloi $ juncluo c llw lllll'Riinn 111uy be IIBkt'd, I low ('ll ll Vis h11 11 loro.V<' "' lllllll)' wlv,•s wl o c ret~s 11 """ ' cu 11 only ha ve Oll e'l 'J'hl' rtn(lOII is ll oi~: \ VItN t t)ttl t'CHt hrR Put·a ..~ i t'V(tll fl, IH• (H' site it~ qun li tulh•t• ly Lhc cq un l oo· \'l~hnu. but l ie is so rur ho•yom rl ht•r, •tnton l ilrllh•<•ly, lhnl ir oil the 1

1 431

souls in t he wol'ld, n11 fi till tl •nl ltovo cv~·· li vc•l in the !JIISI WC L'C ttl Ill!' SII IUO lintO t O l'r:t li~C l'at·a-Ni t•vana. they wo uld not he ttS u d••o p i n l ite sen to hi m ; tl •cr cfun:, IJ(: COJt iJC tl tc hu~buu d o'C ull nnd si i iiiJI: n•Htll\:clcd lli tnsc lf. J lc i~ the i;OIJ1t)IC1 cn cs~ or IILC Encr·gy Side or ll tr UniVIJt'6td Spirit, j ust us .r .a ksl1mi ls t he comp luiCJJCSS of iho Su hs ltm cc Side or the Spil'!l, wl1crcns lh<J Cclcstln l i:npls uru hn t sn lllfl ny fu,.ms n f ll ta l S11il·ilun l :S nbslu ntt'. fln<l tll'C n il fl 1~'"'1 111' Lnkshrni. T l•uy w i ll nt•t dclt·ncl f t'llm L olcsln11i l'ot• lhc I'CIISO n l hul tl tr•v lli'C bil l f OI'IIts of hCl'lllld n r·e no t iu t1ny $W IHH~ ;li t~ li uel l'ron1 h~1·.


fl is IIIJSUIUIO (i t• l'<)llOil ll lld )()\'() f f ll' h r t• dvc.s nnl in uny :-;.., 11su iutol'f..:rc wilh hitl luve fo1· th•• Celestial Clo p is. ro,. thuy tH'r· 1he snmc ll ··lnl!. On lh c otltco· lu:tnd. th e mnn un ci wife in th e hu n on n sc·nsc or 1It(! wot·d tii'C equu l both qun nfi lu th•f•ly n11 d qttt11iltttive ly, hcncfl onon!l!Jill11.)' i~ I'Ot'C,

OI!ROI11 h'1)' O~SO ill iO I ftl l' li te f>J'Ol'l' l' (•J< jJI'CS'l iOil Of this t'(•lnli on h~ lll' l'<' ll lllllll ll lld W0 1111H1. Kl'ishnn, bei ng the Avut no· of Vishn u. wns in l'l'nl ity Vj $hnu t'X Il t·c~sc< l i n f'l)l'lll , l i e hatl 110 SOIHII'at c nnd dioti11r l exi.• kllce. he wa~ n(l l n 1111111 i tt fil l)' ~CIISc MIll\) Wei r d. li e wns V isllllll th e SnJli'Omc, only l tc Wt•8 itt !loi'ln, (tnd ll•c oth cl' nspccl wos Fonn l c:~R. 'l'lu· only d is l i 11 cl ion b CI WCCI1 thi ngs l•t 0 10 !> viiH·ntlon. un •l :JS he wn s the A v•H tll' or Vishnu, ltc vihmll'<l ex11 c11y li t(• sn mr ns 1h<: 1\usn ti t· Vishn u. nnrl .i u• t OS t:Oil ti) IClt•ly ns I It' tl id. T hcr•cfoo·r , 11 ~


r 44 J I

li te l(OSIIIiC Visl11111 i ll CVC I')' ~C II SC of tbc wonl. J:lccau~c he wn ~ in ovC'~Y se nse u l'


lhc word Vjsl•nu, II •N cl'o•·c. ""Y Jove for Vj shu u wou ld b <.1 love for !I iiii, '""' iu l ite ~n11ol) wny, '" 'Y )'CI'NI, II i d IO\'C roo· lolm would he love l'o•· Vi8l1uu, whell1t·r t!tr l o 11Ct ' f:t~ c•u /l•(tt fill IIJ(tS 1/11• 1-il!al(lr or nul . For th is •·•·nson i t wHI he ~<'Cil l111 il nil ll t:.o l I Il l S IICC II soid wi I l l a·()l'crl'll CC) lfJ l l11· rcl r1tio11sloip bc~'wcn Vi~hnu u nd Ihe (iop is relates in ll•e su n•c wny, t111 tl in lloo snnoc dcgr<'c. to the i\ vulor 011d Lho Go pis ••s w e ll. l.ovc: fo•· ){l'ishna nR " lll:lll wo11ltl IJri ug Lhc Jovl'l' int o tl •c su 11t e l'cl,lion to Vlsi11H1, foJ' the •·caso n ll•ul. th ey W \'1'1' itlcn l i~:o l nnol $0 woulcJ love l'or Vi~l1 11 1 1 co usc (Inc lo lov'' Kr iHIIIHI, Hi nee they wcm the sn n•e. J 1 is in Ih i~ wny tl ull th e 1\1'1~111 1 [1 Avui(ll'll Wll$ :d tiHit l i111u Of So IIlilCh ~c,.vicc lo I he l l lllllill l l'n111i ly. ll o• wn... i 11dcccJ 111111 in lc 11 It o, Iho hriolgo wh kh wv11ld Icod th c111 in tu Un ion wltl , Vi sh1111, nnd i l wus l'or lids pu rpose 1110rc thu11 ro,· n11yildug r· lsc tha t Vishnu lncurnntcd in hi111. 'fho stii UC wol'l< \ vldch was nI thrd lime IH' J'· ro•·n•cd hy I(,·Jsl1na i~ ' " ll •iR uf{c .br i11S pc•·ro~rnctl by ){rd ld tlool is lo ROy, l{:llltl hns 'Ids CO IJi:l Ihe so me n~ Krisl111 0 I1Atl hi~. 1-nvc ror Ku lid is love ro•· \lishn11, 011tlwill Irati to l l11 ion , :11111 so ~very o n e w l1n •'l'nlly lovt'!s Visi11H1 wi ll b <l l'o •·cctl to love l(u lld i11 tl c<1 S:l ll t<' wr,y. ·r'his r:t· lutiu" 11r I .ov•·•· lo l(nl lci ('On~tilutrs o11c a lover or ViNhii U, u 11d vier• lJC I'SCt. l ~G l

'I h~rc • ~. ho"~'co·, Ollt' tl"''""'lion hclwecn the two AHIInrs: Kn~hnu wM the l.oh•s of the llrnrl. rwd. therefore, pu o·('l) t:mollonal Love for him would knd lu lniun. lit• might be lnH•llu•unHIIl, will o pure nfTt·~liou, nnd il would Ill' ll iC JII'OIJI'r for·m of IOVt', IIIHI \\ l'iiltl lend tO un ln u will o Vl•l•uu; but l\11 lld Is llw 1,u1.11s nf llw Soul. Ill' Budtlhi, llt'IICf' '"I lln'tdlon. nil J)OI'• SOII I.J 01' hlllll1111 1(1\'l' is IIIII or tJiar(' wil ll him. No lclvt• wlo kh St)l'info!• I' rom tl•c I rclll'l wiU be ncrrptnblt· to him. II •• u11ly llw StHII Love tlonl i1, lh ;• l'n o'l'. Adorinfl L<J\1' uf lludtlhi thul will ullrud hin1. Th" i• lht• ont• l'<orm of Love whid1 will drnw 1111) Olll' to hitu , 1111d thus to Vl•hnu. 'l lo··reforc, thr oul) "ny lo ln\'C him Is t O V\'lh.'l'lll\,•, f('Vt'rt~IH'(\ udiJH\ tO lO\'C hin1 II IOI"C:

"" 11 l(cul 1111111 ns 11 1111111, nnd ICJ cl n Ihis tlwy II III NI, I'I'U i f~t· Wl ttl ltc 1•. HI', If II II I CO iloCi<J II S llf ll on l, lil c·y wi ll l11ovc 10 [(!V(' hl o11 will • t ile Slot iH' ldnd 11f IO\c lhfll Jlwy WOII Id hnVC) rur hi111 if

th<•y tfid lcnow who h <' \\(,., Tht• nllilutlc mu• l h<' tloul of IO\C to him ro• llll' llt•l•l''NI. IIIHI if th<'y Rll' not awnrc tlo~ot llt• i• tlu· li~loH•rl, lh\'y mu,l lnH• him with thnl L0\1' \\llich i~ only prup•·r f<ll' lh~ flo'lt"'l'll. F•·tull lhi• II will h e Rt't'll thnl the J}rin cipu l d l$tluction IJclwc~n II H' two 1\ vn tn:·s is Ll •is: \)1111 u•IHhl lov • Ti.o·isiii Ht i11 IRJW I'II no•c of hiR ldt' ll llty. lotlfl ,til l rcuch lln ic111, bnl. lu love Hollti in ilw Jli'OJlN' lownncr. on!' IIIUNI h<· nwore of hi s id<•n tily, or· nt l~u•t he mu ~ t f<'rl il. But while

r•o 1

l l ls JliOl'C di iJicu lt to luvc Ktdld lhnu l(l'i6hnu , love t'o1· l.l or l'ot'IHor· wi lJ l ake on e In to a more close ru1 d a UWI'C rapid Uni on lhnn wo ul d Jovc for Hoc ln l l()l'. For, while tl 1c Ce lestial COlli!!' were unitll(l\VII 01· u t Jc·usl p1·ncll~nlly un lcnow u In the 1\l'ishno Avottl!', lhoy wil l IJc the com111011 type i11 tl 1c tlruc ol' tl 1c Kulld Avaloro. o lhc nvi$c ll 1c two A vu ltu'$ lll'tl th u so nw ~o ru1· ns the P:o llr


Lov~ i~ CO it.;(! I'Jl Ccl.

'lh c J uct ll o(l l cl lh vr 111 t1n o•: womnn is nllll'l'i~tl iu the h ii iHU IO sc 11s~ of tJ1c wo n I is 110 IJo ,. lo ollhc1· h cC'ouoi ug rt GOJJI, l'or lh c ·r eason Jhn l nil l.hci r love fo•· 111c Avnllll' ns Llae l lcl<>verl Is on the Sph•i11rn l L'lnnc, it IJciuo: tJ 1c Spil•iL lh tU iR in love wi ll o !lim, whcrcns the lovt.: ftiJ' lh<> llllm nn husi)IJII<I CH' wire II NIIIllly is l u Li re JJCI'sonolity. W lu·n the Gtl J)t h os com e to u irlh, ll will h e Ace u 111(11 .~he will be 011 ll1C S Jl irilunl P lonc , 01111 wh~:o sho hos cou1u to uu11u l'lty or; rnm..:Nlrvc1no, sl 1c will IJO inCI1)1fi1J ic of 1111)' huu l[ll l lov<>. 1111d, IIIC'r ef •JI'I', I hr· love whkl1 ~ ~~ u h ns for ll oe Self wi ll nol h1 1CI' f('I'C w(Li o tl 1c r cl olion l111sband 0 1.· wi fe on tl 1c I1U11H1ll pltHIC for lh c •·cuson Lh11t sl 1c "'i ll no Jougcr be IHilHOil, nncl, lJICrcfo·•·c, i$ incupuhl c of :'111y liiHIIIIlr I<Jvc, cvcH lhouj!l l sh •· wt1~ J10 t iu love w i ll • lhc Se lf. fn Ih is W:\y il \vii i l>e seen ll ull I h ere l~ no co liNe:\ for jon lousy on tl1e p:11·t of ll 11; hu11111n l•uBbu nd or wife. 'l'hr ll oing thtol i11 '''' "llt y S<'JI<tl'llics I h em Is th e lfbrrulion of lh o. Sr)u l, no l lh c rclolion t(l lh c Bclovo<l which J<o"tls up lo this, or: lh " rc ln-


r 4? r

tiou to the St•lf, whi cl1 fo li o" ~ it. This t'Cialitooo, of course, will tot roll lioow• lw pcrfrclly Jlurc untl pco·frctly spiritunl, rcloll ug '" it does to tlo\' Mouifcstioog God. ond not to ronyt hing of n IIUIIHOII l'looorocter. Tl1l~ l't•lntio oo of Ll o~ Gu toi~ lo i11c Avo lru·, nud h CII('(' to ""' Beloved. i ~ 1)10() ur tl iC pri oo cipul lll NOIIN ill llot' hnoodS 01' li ot) 1) 1'1 1~(·111 1\ vnlfll'll foo· lhr l)l' l'fec llo oo of lil (l l'll rt• nood IIH' llln•o•nlion ur huonoooo lly, nnd toro rtic ul oo·ly fm· tloc fol'lnrt l ion uf tlw New 1\c•ccs. II is of Jlw hlf!lo<•s l ioolJJOt'luncc thul \\C n•nli1.C nil thol il implit•s. All that is stnll'tl in th<• Purnno~ with n•frr('nrc to Krishno will he upplirnhk to Kul l..l. Nuhj<·rt to Ill!' C\CCI>t inoo~ nhm•t• iud icu l\·d. 'l'hl' (;O JIIS ltt'C, in a Sc iiSI', i\vulnrs (I( Lnkshml o oo n tlonoo ll ~cu l e; tftul is. li t(· Cl'i€•N ii:ol C. omi~ " l't•; u lll ltlll ~l l , ol' cvuo'lll', lloi H thot•s 11 01 app ly IO lilr 'I'(' I'I'(•Sirbl c:opis. wio (IOO I'l' ~ti ll htlltiA II , II is th 1'U to~h his Gop is lhnt l<tol kl i~ to he c ow.llktl tu ()\'t·o lho'ow llw fll'~~l'll l o o·d~o· of tl1 in(:• nud to u~hrr in the nrw o o·d;:oo·. 1\nd lhi' is why th;:oy urt• to piny .. uch ron int (lOo'lllotl port in the work nf the lll't'>t•n t i\\'ntom. Their t•c•lnlio n to on i\ \'ltlnr or ~~ /i<)llll'lhlnl( like lhnt het\V\'1'11 tit(· miuor wivrs or '"' Oric otlal Ocspot ltnrl hi• ln 11' Qu<·coo .


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