The Porting of the Ways
• Pd vat<' l.,C$SO H ~ivc 11 tu J lls l 'c•·~ouol
Pup ils
U!J Dl\. A. S.
Clticngo, lllinoie, U. S. 1\.•
t llll\f'H~II t , ( I)~
·r ht
t It ,,,til\" Pul•li\hnt-: Con11Mn~
THE TWO PATH S, OR TH E PARTING OF T H E WAYS I'or o 1.i 111c i Lis 1•ossihl e fo•· our lo lo·cud ho ll a
Po ll as: illfl l is lo S"Y· fv •· a co llsifl•· r,IJI<- ''"'l)ll • u r liiii C, W~· Sc.;(O II Ut nkiod i' l lt•t'llfl l i ng hc l \V('l'll l11l'
l wo
c;~ t rcn • o~.
I I is so lii(Hn llaol nuy i ll<livlduul
4h;votNl nil his r nCl'f)iv;; In f1ny parli c uto ,· dt'11Cy.
Lf' n ~
\VC) >nay sny ll~to l l lt(l SLOI')' of !)on
Qubo lc '" '" Sn 11 cl •u l' 11uzu is CX tll'Cil.Sc·cllhro llgi •On lll ll Hro. Don Quixolc is ll >c o.~ l re m e Jdcrll is L: he is Ihe one who nlwnys is inspil·c·tl by lhQ idcnl, w iJIICI San chu l 'nnza is cx ln'n • ~ ly pracllcn l . and
so we nil >Hanif csl th ese twn Lendr·nrfc,, the pmclicn l Ulltl I he l.lco l. nn ol i I is tl oubl ru l if
n singl(l lnd i viduu l in nil l if e who 111nnl-
7'/te Two Polloi, tlr f<'•ts nuy ouc tcutknry to the totn l e.:<cht:~ion of ~vc o·y ll aiu !( !'lse. It ""'Y IJc At:ot cd, n lso, th nt we o·epo·cscut ~e l· llshn !'X~ IHHIIIIISCIOshU('S~ in II ooolX!'cl Sl<\1.0. Vco•y row ill'Ot>l<· th co·c nrc who nrt· a bso lute ly unsl)lf· ish. nud. fortunately, th<•rc ewe very few who nrc
nb~ol u tcly
Now. uutlcn>lnnd. In thr 1\vo Pnths we do not tlrn l with the ruorc g •·oss forHo
or sclllshncs.s.
with llout whicla ius plo·es ouc to srck only the nlloi t•rlu l ('u ds. No, n o ; uo 1 the ctmh·n•·y. by sr lfl,luwss "''' menn thn t wh h:h lns ph-cs ouo to srt•k hi• own highes t ndvnnlngcs s pirilmd ly, n<h•11ntog1'' wi thou t n·fcrencc to how this course or tlroccduo•c mny nfTect humonity: without ref<' o'l'ncc to the dulles which h r owes to Cod . II is splt-ilun l s<'lfhhu css iu Ihe ve ry h ighest con· l'r l)lio )ll Of the WO I'I] Ihil l W(' JIIN\ 11 whe n W(l s p Nok or sclllshncss. \V1• h nvc tl •c couccpllon
.,r our M·cl<inll lv oJcw· lop hiln~ct r us the cud of hi• <'lllil·e lire, :1s the on<• thinj! needfu l. Vrl'!'us
1'/w l'orliii!J o{ /he Wtryf
cJt,•o tiou to the I'Utc Stlit'tl, '"' hu'''' on~ ocrkin!( llhcr•u tlou fot• him~;' ff mlhl'l' thun •ll·vntlng ltls life [tl fl l(\ 'lfi'V iC(' of I UillHIItil.V, 1111<1 tft l.'l ltU III UII S(' I'Vic-t• IIII lS[ 1101 he C'(JiifO IIIId c•of w iJf1 lito t<lc•a of indlvlcl urd service.
hulh itluul<~. IJut
It 1'1 nu t lh t• s••rvicc or .,r tl11• 1\ut·c Spirit, thut
"'' ""''" 111 l.lkt· into con~i<lt•rulion; hut, for n
t im~. tUH' I• nhlc to huth c•ntl•: thnt i~ to suy, Itt• 11n<i~ himsdf t•ont•t•rnc••l for· hi< uwn
tf••,•c•lufllllf lll , louki n!( out fo t• N uutbcr One In lfl (' f ti!(f t C'~l Hilfl'i iii Ai M•lll)ll Of til(' ft' I'IH ; C(IIISei'V• 11111 ti t ~ ••nci nf h i<~ 0" " lll undnntinu llnd 11 iso!( fnr hun tnnity, f<•rliuf! lowtlf'd th e rnn• st•iril n gn•ot outflow or l.o''' l)h inc nnd thu• wutl.iul( fur it 111 the ~ruur tunc thnt he '" con-.•r"i"ll hi' own be\l inh·n·~ts; nnd :t mnn II lilY flll \'l'I'.V fnr• nfong til(' flllt h h('ft>rc Jw I'Cttfi ~C~ thul lfii'SII two IIICn lot ullit udt•s '"'(' hwons istcnt. ll r 11111y lrnv(' gOll l'll V(' I'Y itll(f l llil w iti iP ~tlJI
fll' fit•\'i ll!l lftlll ill rHflowlng his OWII uthnllct• m(•ut, in con~<'''' iuu hi~ <tWtl •piriLun i
Thr Two l'atht. or
illumlnnliou n• th<' t-nd nf life. hr
i~ ~til l
slslr nlly fulnllinG Ids cluly IH lht• mer Npif'il. In rut'l , IIIC'I'(I III'C vt'l'y fc•w llt' I'St) ll ~ liJIOII IIH' (' 111'111 Il l lilt• J)I'CS(•Il t linll' Wht l 111'0 llhlt• tO I"P(I f1 1.t' lht• n h~o lut c '""clllshn<·" "hith 111ust nutnirr~ l In nil lift•. l'erhops IIH't't' Ill(' ntJI two hundrt•tl JlCI',(>Il1 1111
in thr worlcltotlay "lw nrc nlllc to rol'lll
lut"ll<•ctuul ronc<•pt ur llw nl"ulu tr """clll~h \\hi<·h Ill<' Path of flruunt·lntion cn toil~.
11ul ther·e come~ n t iiHt· In llw lire or cve •·y
osp i runt (HI' t1uul Cn1111 1l'i llfil lun whc·n ho comes Ill I hr t'ttt•ling 011 I h(l \Vny~, Wi ll' II ht• IIIUSI <lccl d(' hrl\\t'<'ll hi • own irulivitlunl Ill' I ft•cl ion, wlmt -
it mny he. nntl ili<int <•rt••h·cl •<•rvic-c to the• rnt•t• SJ!Io·it. You tnu ~t dn it So01wr 01' lott•r, you <·ouw to the l'nrtinl( uf lht• \\'oys. to llw
plnrt• wh"I'C you must r·rd~<· you1·s~lf nhtl\'t' thi<: y0 11 111Ut>l fll'l out or li11• intlivid un l ~lllr:
wl l('l'~
out of
ll 1i~
lll usio" whkh you llftvc cod lcd h igh, nnfl ~t(lll\1 fo 1· lh(' ndvonccnlt'llt , ftw Jl,,. glorillcutlon. of llw l!l'~ol .pil·it of lhr univn~<' in olltt•r
1'llfl l'arlin{l of 1/lc WttJJ.• wo •·d~.
where lwncvo lcncc i n th e
h igh~sl
or th e wo •·tl tuu~t toko the usccndnncy over nil so ll'·$tcking. Sdr-cs lccw is nil •·ight unlll the IIII UJ C<llll<'> wh1111 it mus t ho lnitl Ml dc: unlil tl1nt li111c whe n it is I<> h e tl il·cctcd ltl\Vflec l ll1e 11nly sr lf. lhnt J'(o~"• ic St1i l'it which is th e se lf of , u Ihe ~el ves. You ct>ulo to tlw PtH'Iinll of il u: \Vuy;;, YOUIIIII~I decide ti 1C lll OOLCIIlOUS CJUCslion,
W ill y\lll l()l)k Hl Jlfo 1'.1'0111 IIH' [II)Jnt of view of how it :liTI•cts yo u inclividunlly, Ol' wi II yo u tu1'11 in ll1 1\
l:(nl ll<ic ll I' ()I' l'\l i1 8Ci<ll1 ~
17\JIIIIIICil\t ion
o.slc, II ow ca 11 I co n sc•t' VIJ the 11ncc ::; pi r ll 'I
'1'1"" Js tho ,:c•·cat los.'o " whi ch yo u 1111d I a nd r·v<••·y o ne <'lsc n•us l lcn •·•l. 'l'ho l'tldhll( or the '¥nys "'l'll ns th11t th•·o n~o:houl yOlll' li fe, llll'ough· out c11.d lcss :lt:c~. you will sct•lc S<•lf· tlllvn nllCmOnt Ol' ClSC llllVtl llCCIIlCill of
ll lfl ..n ee ·• tliri l , Olld it
~~ So difllcu ll fOI' q llHOSt CV\'l'YOIIC lo l'CO iiY.c
whn l tl 1iN m cnns l1ccnuso ol' til e suhllc sopl1is11·y wilh w l1id • 111w1nnity l• ns g1M i0 c d r•Hd ltlcnlizcd its selflslln~s.•. Who sttiiHI~ lodny os the •·ccog·
Two PalM, or
nitcd pldlosophcr ? flc•·bcfl S ponccr. And whul is ll crlicl'l SJl~ncc •·'s philosophy hul 11 10 gl<.wiiiM.Iion or ~c l flshncss'l llnp JJill (l89 is li t() Cnd or lil'c nccc.,·ding to Spence•·· thcn; for·c, nil ll•ings 1\ I'C l:ijjltl. which COil SC I'VI) lit e hnppillCSS Of y 0 111'8Clf Ql' 01' $0111() ()lt(l e lse, And. by lh() SIOII IC r CIISOnlng, rw lhc l l'i~hrnn n wou ltl sny. oll thing~ ore wrong which inl.r·rl'cr·o wi ll • your intli vi tluol hoprincss. m· Lhut uf nny one else. SpenOCJ' J.tOCs so for ns l o say thnl il i~ l ncr·cflib lc lhatrmy th ing cun be Wl'\l n g tl mt clues not mako nrtu•ldncl misornbl c, ,.,,. ll anl ony lhlnf( co n lw ri ghl l hnl
docs not mukc it ho t' I'Y· l'l1<: concc plion of rcmuncinlion 1$, lo him, absu n l exec pi os II naoy be condu cive 10 tl •o ltHiividuu l hoppi ncss or $0111() one. 1111d SU we ll t'C lol() l'ltll l U1C t'N) l CIH I
of ethi cs Is lite wcul csl l tu pp'hH·.!i~ ICt Lhc· s rcn ti·M oumbcr. Pou r·, blind crcn l nt·csl They frail to •·oo lizc Lhl.ll'() ;,, no such lh lng os hnpplncss npa·rl from mise r•y; il i~ 1.111 il tus i<)l1 or lhc ~c ns~s. Pl cnsut·c nn~l pniu, joy and scu·t·ow, hupplnoss
1'/te Parti"fl of the Ways
ond misery ore m erely so n10ny ospccts o r Ute Lnw o r Opposites, nnd If you wcr·e uotmiscroblc you would uot I.Jo h(ljJpy; If you were uot sorrow· ful. you would not hnv<· joy: und were it nut fo•· IJilln , tht• rc wo uld be nu J~l cnAurc: und our
poor. iguornnt cbi.ldrcn foil to rcnlitc thnt pain is the grl'nt tcnebcr. II is thro ug h lla in tho t w e ore lifted up. No o ne ever r l3cs u bo vc hims elf ou tside of ogo uy, sorrow, misery. It is o ver o ur broltcn lwnrts thnt w<· •·lsc nbo vc cmotionnl rccl1ugo. i\JIOtll cosis is cwt· by wuy of IJto Cross. The mon who 8111'11lise~ to rcuch ltbcrttUon, to rlsc ubo ve himse lf biiVC thro uuh puln,
Is dt'ccived, blinded. Only tlmlllgh misery, only through thnt pnin wh ich rnt·k~ I'' cry nerve of thc tKitll, which tcnrs our very e nt ity to pieces. con we risl'. Auy philosophy fo unded UJJOII pi CflRIII'C Instead ur llHin 118 thtl IIICrtiiS of t'islnfl ncccssnrlly must so into th e 11~ 11 wl ric h it ltus dull fo r· ilsl'lf. lf we wo ultJ l'i~r we 111nst socrinec
ou rse lvrs.
'rite 'l'wo P(t/1•~. or
The ~1'~11 1~81 IWSsiiJic indlcll ncnt wh ich Cion
be lu•<Ju gh t n gnin~l 111" s illy, Insa ne, idiolic ngc iu whic h we live is lhll 1'11 Cl !lout )I hM con iC lu tho conclusi< oH th n l the low of sucrlllcc !.• Ull uctcssn ry . We wil l do nwny with oil th ose
lldugs; we
C 1·os~;
l:"<J. tl 1111 i$ 11 01 ncccssnry.
wo Nt;orn the
Poor fools. fo il ing to
I'Cilll>.(\ lh n I it is tll ily lh rQ LI!(h I h e CL'OSN 1111d tl •t sh:11i1C, o 11 ly th•·o uglo th e li!Jony , ll lfl l it Is
possib le to •·ctdizc ll1e heights. Then, one muNt f •·o•n choice tun' to misc i'Y nnd pa in when one CO IIl QS lO lhP Pnrli11g o f II1C \Vny$; one must ru11 l<e 11n in ond misc1·y his pddc ; one n1ns t unite
llilllsill f lo lhc
scll' upnn
Cross, m ust w ilfu lly sh•otch hino-
tl 11l l 1tdcle•·
r,,.. O!(CS, noll'or ycnl's-
why'/ Ucco usu 1.1 is 0 11 ly hy bcnrlng lhc bur.lcn or hLIIII:1ni ty, ou ly by C11tl ul'i ug lhc SMrows of <lod lc:ss n g~~ 111111 lho~c tn isc1·ic~.
lhosc so1·rows.
moy be cnash~d oul, rnny C•·IIS<l to lHl OI' down ull
l1umnu lty tha i
·l~ 1111,.1blc
You n1'0 sh·o roj!
lo slnnd (1/(ulnsl them .
l'vt' w l" 11 J) U I'JH)~()?
In order
'l'l•e PCtrlill{l of fil e W<1y.1
• tha t yOU 11111y JJen r thO 801'1'0\\'S of Ihe W(lfll(, iu Ol'(lc•· t h111 you 1110y bcnr lhc bu~dens which oppressed hulll liHi ly is unui.Jl c lt• bro ''· l'hot i:;~
the ono
IJ nvu you i ut clligcncc1 W l1c•·o did yiJll gel il'l ily r cnoon o.f yo ur inrlivtduol l'COSO II .
nt llicvc ru!'nt;J. bCCiliiSU 01' your il111iv icluul lfi'CO I ncHS, or wns il not the hcri ta~::u or 11nhu·c '/ \VIu\l hns n nJan ll•n l h e b na uo t •·cccivod 1 'J' hcro!orc, if yo u huvc nny lnlclligellcc, it is in ordct· lhul yrlu lituy U$() it Co.r ll•c il lmn innliOIJ
of tho less lll lelllgc nt. IJ nve yo n JlCnius'l II1WC ynu o•·t 'l II is lhnt yon m~y usc them lo ut11ir,t tho roco spil'it, to elevate lhost' uutni fcstotiuns or it who stn nd bdow you. Jlr<vc )'''" th e wi~· or rc lij:llon'/ Jli\vc you Ih., 6pll'ltunltvuc h ')
ll ns YO II I' Ufc hcr n IOucllt!d Wi ll i the livo COttl'l Then it is ln ontca: thut you cxC •'ci~e ll•osc pOWCI'S to ius pil•c lhc 1'000 witl1 th o f:li <IW of U1 c ccloslin l fi re anti 1hus lifl H up. You nnd I uml cvcty one else who has recei ved the sli gh tf'sl touch of the npo theosls hn ve rcco ivcd
The Two Ptr/111, or
II for no ot he r purpose thnn thnt we muy upothcosiv.c the hum :ln roco spil'i l. /l.wny with this Hu bile so tll dsu·y, thi.q o bsu nl, 1'1 d leu lous, idiollc
s l11tl' nbou t oolf-rcn li1.alion, ubo nt cvrry one ~N·Iclug hi ~
own l•nppine•sl 1\woy with this
non'l4)nsc oboul "Lift•, LiiH••·ty :tnd U•c Pu,.,ull of llntltllnc.o" l>l'ing the innlientlbh·
right! You nnd I ond ever-y one hnve just one l'lght 1/te rig/rt to 1crur und, if we exercise thnt, we slinll not ucccl to wo•·ry obout ll•csc lcsKN' rights. No ouo lms n l'lght to l1nppincss. 'fo sny UH•t we hove n l'lgh t to happiness is to soy thn t misery ia wrong.
H there were no
there would be uo hntltllnrss. II ere ognin we need to lcnrn the gr·cnt lcsson that nil these th ings urc uut manifcstntion• or the poirs or
opposites. 1\~join,
hove we t1 right to llbcr·ty? /1.11 tolk oboutlibt••·ty i~ ubsunl. Who Is f•·ec 'I T hnl rnon who hns emttncipolcd hi111sclf from every thing cl:.e wlll 1\ud he is a slnvc to th~ idea or liberty.
Tltc J'al'l;n[J Q{ /lie Wtl!J$
Liberty is to be l'ow1d only iu sc ~vicc. in ohcd icnoc ltl tl tc will of (;od, nowh cr·c c l ~c. Life nnd wl rnl i~ lifo? I s it 011 in dividual, ch•cumsc•·iiJcd lll'c. n li fe humnn ty t·ircumscribctl. Ol' Js il the ~··<·ut lwsn •ic spid t or me manifestin g h r rrll'l If ) I is l'hc ltrltct·, llrcn you co n uol be depri ved of it. You huvc liCe in I}I'O(lOrlion n~ yuu live ; fi J>nr·t fr·oru. this, whlll i~ l ife b nl Qn illusiou ? '\V hnl rlocs it nmount to? Wl roL ditTcrcnc<' docs it rnrLkc'l .J...ifc· ond clcnth m·o but iocidcnts in the great Kosm ic rH·occs~. but you come 10 tl•c Put·ting of ll oc Woys an d you mus t decide ono wny n•· ll •c otthc•·. nncJ if y011 ore ucluotcd by II lis lh co1·y lh t'l l n II is J'or I he pu•·posc of l"'<JCm'in g hrq>pl nc.'l-><, yon wi ll select your· ow11 woy ol' cnsc oo· inclln nl ion J'nlhcr tl 1on the 0 11 0 of sc l'\•ing loumllnily. Oh. nry t'd~lld8, loow clcc~ i tr1 11 is this sc:H·ch for indivi.d unl nclv•tnccuocnll W hnl is in dividurr l ndvnn ccmcnl, ouyhow ? Is not ll oul i ndividnul l ha m.ost odvo nccd who
i~ niJsolutoly •·cco ucilod lo ll •c r'l iv ill(l Lnw, the
ono w l1o stna 1cls sepnmt c nnd 0 1)111'1 l'r·o•n nil l ife c ~CCJ)t
ns il u w 11ifcsts li te OtW life, l ite one w lto
nsks 110 Lhi nf.( hut lhc pl'ivi lcgu of
~()l'v in s
AIJso lut c l~ nol lha l un., cX I)rcssi n(l th o true solfhood nto t·c ll ttll l :.tny one els~? 13ut , :1Jusl ltun tflll lty J1n ds it vea·y !liOlcnll to ICtll'll the •·cui s~c•·c t nf ex istence, the• •·<•ttl lcc·y to tl oc lllys lc •·y, lllld SO Ollt\ want~ wcnlth. \VJHtl dOCN it OtHOlllll lo ? Anu lh t' r wan ts plcosu t'(•, lt:t ppino$S, sonsa-
tiou .
I h qJlJ)IICSS is alwnys fi CCO tllp:111 iC cl by
lllisca·y ; j oy by su t·row:
plcasunl hy pni11 .
Anothct· wuuts iu lc llc·c luu l achicvc nt t111d wnn ls a bt·lti n with whiclt he cu n sp ccul nlc ubou t tlds t111d I hn I ; a nd \Vh nl has uvor hccn acJ d~tvud
by ll lis lntcllcc lnnl spcculatlou 'l No ll aiug. nbso'lut cly no ll •iug. Mnn $JIInR his ropes or Sll lltloutl wl tnt i.• th e rcsuJL ? Docs he lmow n11y '" o•·e
problems of ox istcncc thou. ho t.lid bcf1m· l• c bcgttn? W l1111 do they ta ll oaraotual toubont the
li te iu lolle£·tunl disco vol'ics? Not hing. becll u$Cl
'l'ltc f>M'Iin(l of lite W11ys
tlt<·y duul with the rco hrr of phcno menn, not wi lll the r•cu l ll li n~s of life tllltl ox istc ucc. And so h e goes o n. PClJ·I • np~ h11 W!lllls Jlowc r·s. W hn l docs h e wont Llrcm f(ll'? Whnt IH'Il they Lo be: used fur ? Is .iL fo•· Uoci t· ow u s11kc 'I He fnlls to rcoli•c thut the possession or power·s bdnss •·csponsllJilily; he foi ls to rctd h;c thut powers nl'C on ly to be cxcl'clscJ fell' the un i ve•·sal good. ft·cc fl'OIII nll RCll flshncs~. from aU so•II'-Rccl< ing. Tt1 c one 'l'C(IIi>.n 1io11 of h·unr for its own sulcc, li te (t[lproncl •iug to lit e Divi ne. or· uuwgin~:: on e's entity In li re Oivlnc Consciousucss is ~o 11 rc lh lng or wloich the jnlcll cctuol sccket· hns no co neP J1· Lion wltnlcvct·. My ft·icnds, who! does it nil omount to'/ Wl on l do all these powers •tn•out ll to? Tl •c•·c is b11t t) II C l·l ti nl!. of n11y itiiJ!OI'tnnel', n 1111 ll ,~l iR lite
mr •·E(i11g ol' )lie .sc·lf ill l,o•• llw ttO t!·S,elf ; lh (l CIJO ' into II1C HOII·CIJO. li ntS l t'OI18CCildiniJ the:: l itnHn • lions or out' en tity ond ren lidng tiro L Divine Co nsr·itousnoess w lri rh s l:t ntls obovc nil things.
'f'h" 'l'wo J>o.llls,
)~\'('l'yl hing d $C IS
illuso r·y, is Of no
hus losl i l;; v11lne. 'Wh:JI dut·s il sir:;ul fy !lull w e kn ow i'l t is o•· lhnl ? 'rJ ,ose ll linlc(s :ti'C nil ill n~ions.
Unl el<S OII C lcnows I ho SOli •·cc. I he hc·ginning, I he llJ'ill \\lonn d, which is Cod, fin e I< nows nolhi ng- on tl whal docs ll ull tl'nlm n•l lo 'l
No thinl-(. 1!. st udy ol' 11 suncr· knowledge is to b e so ur:;lll, no t f ol' <) ll l'' s self. hul ftw lh c rnco
Slliril in OI'UOI' lhtll wf' 11111y Jirt il Up ; for. CIS 0 mn Li t' I' of f tiCI, 111un know• II OIIIi nl:l unlll he lit.1s !corned hi s noncxislc ucc, u11l il l.1C hos l('tll'ncol llau <)IIC f.(rCOI fOI'CC, I he one /!1'\"U I Jo·ulh whic.h 11111lw s l'ur hl1111ilily. i\s long ns onu 1.:011sitk r·s hln'"''li' nnu •·l fo·om olh c·r.~. llJJIII'l fron • llw •·ucc s(li l'l l , he Ions no L lc .. nocd r.h" fl r·sl lesson lh c fi rst o·cnl k ssou,lh c id cnllly of yo •H~ell'. All lhCI\ is the <:XJ\I'CSo iun or life, ll lltf un til you h HI'<! ICtl i' IICd 11•{11, •·csl nssurcd. yo u hn vo tc·nru~:ll
noll •ing. II cue~. wr 1110y t•r•udud(' thn \ t l'lllh is 10 h e round only 1111·ougl• •·r·nun clnllon.
iJI IIJl)JJ'OU Cbing lho Purlin g
or ""'
'J'hc Partin{! of /he Ways
on.c ntust cJ ccid c wl t c lhc~ t1 c i$ ~oi ng to seek his OWU ath•OOCCIHCUl wil ltOUl r efCXCtt CC tO tl tc occds of htultuuily, wllbo ut rcfo:•·cncu to tho odvunc<:mcn t uf Lh;; l'l> <:e sph·it, or wh cU1cr he i~ 1Jt1ing lo s~clt the ndvunccmcu t of lltftlt'uce s pil'il wjthont l'Cfc,·cu~;e to his own n<l v(l n ecu1 cnt. Jl c cnonl•l eo•" tl ronlisc Lhc mttllc•· nny tongct· whe n he sees the rcttl h'ttlh. II Cl ntuSI L'cnoun cc humnn entity, 1.'\:II(,)UIICO his ScJfltO\Hl 1111d WOI' it fQI' the rn cc Stllri t·, ot· l'l~e l•c must ••e noun cCl evc•·ything JICI'I:Iini ng to Ihe ..nee Stl il'l, n il '"'"""' c udcnvor,
Oil cll'Orl: for lhC bcli CI'JI1 C11l O( lh C SJlidl, und, in lieu ll tc t·cof, seck Itis own individ Ltttl ltdvu •tccmcnt, witCH ho will get th(tl w llit·h 11\;1 NC<;Its. Utlfloubtctlly one ca n bl'ing himself to llbc•·ntio u by SClf-scclci ng, and wltcn he {lets JibCt'(lliou he will th en dlscov~,. IJ•c•l he has JJut one u1 ission in Hr<.>- anfl that i~ lo hclp- n net 110 ltus g iven U J~
ull opJ)OI'lunily to lt<:lp. tho o11ly thin g worlh
while. Thc•·cl'ol·c. al though on.- scoks n.nd nttuins NHnneipntiou thJ•uuslt his owu cfTflt•ls,
18 II$
'l'hc Two l'Mhs.
or nll C lld t'IIV(>I',
he wi ll
tluo l Jl
rlocs not stllisfy. for· II••· wr·y ,umciOHI r·onson Lhnt, Lll r·cn lizing this, loc discove rs thnt nil lois
c Hd~avors
wer e
The H•onwnt
you 1't:<1Ch lihc<·atiou yo u lose yoursoll'. u11d oil in lCI'(•s t ill lhis sel f i ~ los t. u11tl you luwc " l<os-
nlierd I:U IIsC iliu~ncs~ : in t1 wuy, n conscious ness
whic.l1 uni ti cA Y""r srlf wi ll • nit mnnlfl'stntions
or th e ouu sel f.
Yo11t· scll'-conscion>ncss is rJo
long~.> •· intli vlduul
bul univcrsul: you 1111\'C li1<: con,cJousuoss or the <J uc self. fll lrl yo u '"'" ,iusl
M do~ t>ly iutc o·cs tc d in il• c llllonift•sl ntlnus oF lltnl
self in oth cl' for·ms os yo u
.i n your· own
l>urticulror mnnil'cstn li on of II. bccousc ll ocy
.1usl 11s 1'11urh yo urse lf ,, ~ is your· lesser· non ui·
fcs lu tio11. '\Vhnt is lhc result ? Yon
t l1n l nil
yrm htwc rwco •upllshctl is of no p;u·t iculur· importnncc to lh o sci r bccuu s(l Lho.l self til lees n(> r~IO)'() iukrc•l in you tl o(UI lu nuybolly d sc, uucl you h(l vc tliH I sclf-cons~lousncs~; hen ce yon
sec II out yo u lHtvc uot oCIIicvcd u uy l hiug.
1'/tc f>trl'iiii{J of lire Ways
Thi'I•Cfoa·v, thf: pu ll • u f sclf'-l'unllznil<>n 1.• fo lly fo a· tl w si anp lo a·cnso 11 ll ant. wh('n )'011 have a·cn lizcd Clllnucitltl li on rot· you a•sc ll', yt•u 1111!11 hrtvc Uoc soortc intea·cst Jn ii Hl l'!tCC SL Jll'i l ll ant you wo uld huvc ltod ot tloc l'arti 11g or th e Wuys h :1<l you ch OSt·ll ··~••a a11 ci:Hion, Yo u ktvo hut! ltJ go t1ar·o11 gh nil this sccld "S rol' yolll· ow 11 •·c(llizntion lll Ol'U~I' lo !;Cl !lac OO IISCi01l~ 11 08S w hi<• la Oil() who cl•ooscs the pn l h or •·cn LIIJCi:ttlou gd~ nl th e Pu r tinl{ or the 'W nys. Thcn!fo•·c. the only Mill) Cotii'Sc ro r yo u is I() l'~llOUil<.:C tl al$ li lot• l'rt• llou, ~o htaclc Into bo~ttlngo::. untl wo a·lt l'o•· lho r ftCC spidl - tho ouly a·cn lly s nnc cOlii'Se, IJut vc•ry rcw '"'<' ab le to do it. Jl Is not p ossible 11i' ICt' ho ving ol talncd
1;\i (Hil iOil fOI' IIHHI)' i>CI'SOIIS to !lO b(tCk in to lhc life of ~crvicc. hut nil cll' o •·L I t> ~celc l'oo· ll:wpi-
" <:ss ls wnstcd. Tla ci'C is no s ucll llaing, lla u t iR to sny. opnrt r.a:ono misery . CO IIt'$c
An(( wl ant i~ tl ac
vf wlsdom't Sec k lhnt pcucr jn whlclo
b11t h ple ns u a•e oml puin , l a tq1J)i aws~ nnd , , ;~cry,
The 1'wo Poll11, or
joy uud sorrow. henvc u u ud h ell nrc n lllcs. T h e "'"" or w om nu who wu u l~ 10 f.IO 1o IIN1vcn h as my hr ua·1£c•ll, syaupfllhy. J n :ully 6YIII1Hilh it.o
wi lh people wl•o go to h CII\'l'" 111 tu·o tho u I du with people who !(O to hell. \Vhu1 is h N•ven 1 Ask ony pcnl<ln to tell yon; he wi ll iaworinbly de..crlbc
p loce o£ scn•uon~ VICO'Inrc. Why,
lh<" streets oa·e poved "ilh gold; nil is h ormony: everybody lives on mil k unci ho ney; flowCI'S evc •·yw hc •·c. W~: ll, we cu n
11dl k n n d h oney
i u Cl•ic ullo; go 1o Lho So ut lac l'll Bln le·~. o ut in the eouut ry, nncJ ll wm
cu u sco• ll owl'a·s- pl(•o ty
uaos1 ouywh crr.
1.<·1 lh cm
hl'avcn nny woy lhey plcn~e. l l is n lwoys in llac lerrns
l(rllliflcnliou; nnd
lhcy lt(IVC our physica l p loue th eir spia·its Rrc
goh•!C lo llako j u s t ns mu!'la d cBli!hl In sens uou s l•h·nHni'CH us lhcy do uow. Aud w hut, to the 11vr·r nuc pco·son. docs ll r•ll 111('1111'I !)jwcc nntl 1>locc whci'C lhcrc is :1 ve•·y wm·m clinw tu rand Ill~
llhllO'JilaCa'C j)el'lllCOINl wit h SllljJhur
'J'/11· f'(lri/ug of lhr \Voys
leal nd s1·d us. IJUI'cly. Do these follcs in te lli n g you u bo 11 t hell evl'l' •·c•••i nd yo u of lhu m e1nw·y
tl •c lllCU iliiCSS
you did ? No, IIOIIIing u•oulol
th c r~,
110l11int; ot' lhnl lci utl. Now, le t 111(1 \to ll yo u SO IIIClhiug.
c:w•· wc ul 10 hell wl•cn l.c died un less he hnd hcou lli CI'(· ul leus l leu Ill' flftccu yc:u·s whll<~ n livc. nnd nob<Hiy eve·,• wc111 to h eave n whc u
he dil'll 1111 I!!As lw h utl l•<·en living Lh e•'ll long
<·nouiJI• to get we ll ocquoi ntc d lwfoi'C he p~sscd out or Ids budy. 'It is n stn lc; th ul pcr:fccl Pco.oc of N il·vnun js rr higlrc•· hc:wen. .ll eavt~ n :•11d ll c ll ~~~~··li~ iu Ni •·vn 1111.
"vcrug~ fl CI'S""
to lu: nvr11 :i n o•·dcr· th ot he may hnvc ll1u society o f God , i11 W:lll lR
or·d•·•· th at ht m <iy sc<· b~ thnl I :1111 KOni ~ Whld tlo lnl o) f view lt is 111uch l'ur· (~ofl ll o!l.ll it is l" ~CC rt~ l h ct·
C.ud. Now, ll runy biHKCcl, bul fi'OIII my naua·e bksscd to wol'k I Jina . { Whlli!l IIIIICII
love Cotl tlw n to luwc Jlirn lovo 111 0.
Sou1 <; foll<s thi rt l< il is mu ch bfJttc·r l'o1· Coct to
'l'hc Two I'Mhs, ur
tovo lhCil t ll tUII roo· llt CIIt lo lov~ God, but fo·om nty point or view, it is ooot. 1 f tt lly believe it is tll ltCh m o t·c t1tcsscd to giv-e lhnn to o·cecive; 1l Is more lJicsscd to ~-:lvc to God thnn to have Gotl give lo you. ptul icul~tl'ly when you t'o,w lizc thol ull Ll tu t you nro giving OJ' ge lli "S is His ull tho tit11e, ~o you cannot c: vcn lti.II'C lltll so lrt C · or t1ullittg you r·;wtr on the bnck, spcnl<ing nho ut youo· go·c" L sncl'irtco, bcco nse il is Jl is nkcady. Thco·cl'oro, lei tts rcul iw ll oo 1· plct1sllt'C nnd pntn rtt•c mco·cty fiSIHJCIS or tl oe one go·cn l vibr1110ry J:ow, IHltl lul us. in l110 ligtot o r this, consccrnto nil nut· scnsutlons 10 Lite oue ~~~vice or gell ing ncarcx lo th e i\l)solulc. Tl oo conquest of l'hc J\lJsolulo i~ lito on ly thiooll wodh w ldlc in lif~. \V Itl•l docs it 1\ootouttl to Olh ct·wisll? .Lire is J'c))· the pu o·pnsc or llndinf( the Absolu te. ll ow cun we Jln d th e ;\ltso lulc? Hy doiug os tt cu l'ly os we cntt wlo a t the Absolute wou ld do under liltc ci rcu ms la nccs. T he con of the 1\hsolulc
o oo ly w h e n
7'hc Pctrlilt{J of th e Wtoys
thr nbso tul c li fe, not olhet·wisc. "l'hcn snc•·ill cc is ll•c lnw or li fe. Lellhc igno •·rt~tl sny whn tt hcy wi ll , no tll' t"SOn ever r·co li~~d nuy llri ng <.>xccpl llt~·o ugl • rcnunciul io11 of hint sclr. Our sorrows, Ollt' f)Oin s, Ollt' miseries 91'1.: but CX!JCri e llccs which lift 11 s highct·. Yo11 doubtless ha ve hcnrd llVOII l P CO)J IC cr·yi ng 0 vQI' "sp ill ••cif lH i tic ' ' W C IJ, if you would only t:cul.izc il , nil tl •e lcn r·s we ever Mltod tH't; uvc•· spi ll ed tnitk. Thr ro is r·cully noth ing 10 wo t•r·y nbou l, to IJe rnisc•·ul,le llh OHI. T he Jnw is good, i$ .i11sl; not nn ly just, b ul inlini lely lltCI"Ci flll. All lhtll COIIl CS to ll~ is fot• lhc IJU l'JlOSO l") t' lirlillg US loighcr, a11d yet lhCrC :u·t· mc11 who t\1'() w illing lu illtJlci•eh the jusllco of God. if :o llnnowio l ill vCslrn<·t~l goes wrong: if they invest " su m of money in some busl no~~. or whot ll oey consi der· j 11d ici(lus l"nsca lity, ~'~Pt·ct ing to bcol some ono e tso n11d lhus cur-ich th emselves. roncl ll•clr jud!:f111CIIllt:tppcll8 tO b\: II Jiltl(.: Wl'llllfl 01' SO IItCtlliug goes W I"O il l! wi th th e mnr·J<t'l OIIC wny oo· lliu olhr•·. '"'tl S(J
The Two
they g<·t be• at instrnd or hcolingtlt(' o thers. why. food IM n tyn1nt: he is ln 'IJOv<·•·ishingth<•m. S uch
follts Oltfllc t to be in 'llOvc••·lsltctl. T hcJ onn 11 who ul wny~
is ti Ctllo lcd hy
gr~ed ~l u ;u ltl
have to cu t
the g u iiC I' Ulliil Itt• JCU I'IIS st' IISC
enough to M'<' something hlgh<'r than greed. I luoH· snid on " numhr•· of m•t•n,ion• that the
moth<••· nt no time ho• bhowu 111 much lovt• ns s he did wloilc spnnking he•· children.
ln the
6H ii1t' wny. [ mn inln in lhnl uahu·t nC'vc r· is so
p o·odliju l of lcc c· bcnc11t~. of '' "" l<inll ntls~. t>f he~· Ct\l'l'
fo e· us us wl cc n s lao ""' us su O'c•··
only thmunh great tribulntion, tlu·u ngh
of ~oul. thn t we :u·c (' \ t•r IIIII IIt• fn•t•. \Vhot birth
nN· tnkr< plncc without h·u"1 il"l And the nrw birth Of the '>0111 mus t I)('
millionfold lllOI'C
painfu l, ntu ~t en tail n ncilllonfo lcl cuorr nnguisl1, llltll'(•
s ulfr•·ing. ll cnn " uy physkn l loh·th- n ud
J'l'liH'IIIh<·•·· sou I(Jvc hio·ll o tu I lois. Awuy wi •ll o lhiB obsunl nonsc' IISt· tha t nil is joy, nil i< JcoppillCSS, if WI' just I'(•Oiizc it! Qf
'/'Ire Parting of /Ire W ays
cout·sc. nil n•uy be th e lllCli HS of poucc. If we r colizc thnl plcusut·e nnd poi n IIJ'il or like vo luc ; if we lll ll int oin 11 11 nllitudc or :1bsolutc ,iullifl'~r c ncc to IJ •osc things. ll• cn. in<lcc d, shnll wr rind them th e 1n.c nns of fu ll. complete sn lisfncliou, when we osk for nolll'inf1, want nolldng IJul to be p<·•·•niltc<l to serve. Service is the keynote of oll existence. Tl•o whole uni vcrgo is huill upon th e concc(llion or scrviec. Stop t\ 11<1 consider u rnorncnt : Tl• c ca r:lh is the only inhobitcc.J IJfldy in th e Universe. Tid~ lnlk oJJOul ll• c inhuiJitcd wodds cm>trlt\lcs f•·o•l• lJc nllcmcn who do not !mow nnything nb0 11l 1111; 'IIOlnr·c or the kosmo~. Life is scpon1te~l ~lowly u)\On the Cf.rrth. The seve n ploncls fuiCI IJ th eir· puqJOSO in ex istence loy givingt<• the cn r lh cc•·ta in clements. l•y stimulating tho seve n pt'incip lcs of existence hcl'c, ~o th e sun nnd moo n ore f01· the pu q Josc of givi ng ctcctdco l ond nMgnctic flll'ccs to th e cn•·th; nnd the f11'Cil l twelve cons tollulions ex ist sol ely for the pu r:pvsc of i.h•·owing off, or !Jiving
Thr Two Pal/11, or
forth in c•manntion8 the clive•·M• forc ...s rc·J)rcbCn tr tl hy tl1 r Twl"!v(' :-ilgus of the Zc:Hiinc ; nnd ~o wt· ••liglal f.lO on; '"'" we fi nd thll 111111ion.~ or Nt tll'~ i 11
tl •c universe nrc few tht• sul r
of l' IHahling the co•·lla to fulfi ll lls funct ions. i\ud wh:ol i~ the fuuclion or lht: rorlh ? The 8lltiJIIH l or individua l hfr. And II() we find II
giviu11 ntl thr minrrfl t, nouri•hiug tlw v<·gctnbh•. th t• Wfl\ltublr tl tc oniru ul, rlt'. !~"'-"'')' thing is for the llll•'tlOSe or serv ing NOIIIt ll• luu else. W t•ll, II Ill 111 0~ 1 1)1' 11~ 111'C wi IIIIII( to ttl I na il thi~. '""I so w~ cnn•t: to th(' c·o ndm itH• tho! cvc t·y· tlliul! In the universe is few the sukv of mou, und SOUII' of us gel ~o high th:ot "r conclude n llthr callwr mrn :~ •·c ht"r<' for th r·>~t~kc of berving us, iudividun lly; but whnt nrc 11/1' for? 'Why why do yu 11 osk s uch o IJII<'Klioll M thut ? J tun 110t for '"'Yih ing; tlvc •·y tl ling iN fu•· 111r. If you lii'C nut ffll' unylhing. yo u nrc th r uaost nnimporlnut ense in cl> ist~n('t•. lr yo u do 11 0 1 exist
ror nuythiug. nnd if (·vcr·y thiuu
fo r you.
1'hr1 11fl t'il'ny of /Itt' ll'uy.v
you nril the n10Nt mbrnJb lc spccln •(·n tho t n jus t
God CVt'r mod<' th e llli•tukc or Jlenul lt ill l( tu ex ist.
·n,c br•luncr
mu~t be found, nnd \\ht•rr? unlw•·s~
As cvt••·ythinl! in the 8C l"\ i1.·~·
rxis ts ,.,,. ll •o (Ut'
SCt\1 iC.'t'
the univ!'rM·. A~ oil thin~:~• con~ph-t• to t>r<l\ icll'
OJI,po •·tun ity
ftll' 1111111
lliu1soif, ll 1n t
sri I' ruus l h0 <'~JH'c•sed In the s~n kc or the one
. pirit whid1
hntk or ('I'Crything,
In li •t• nnivrrso st• •·vcs tlw pu•·poso •>I' God . Mu n niOII(', ill hi> lii'I'OGUIIC(.', IJrC'<IIIIl'' tO di•pt'll'l' with thi~ snCI'\'tl obligutiu11 l iiHI. while tulong cvc•·ytldnl:i fo1· l1l n•sc lt', IIJIJli'Opl'iuting nil the bcndlls
rt.'fll•l'• tu mnl;r ""Y c·t'!ur11. ()f till lh t• li•Jitin l(, JOW dt~WII, tlil'ly, :liHJII1l• nnblt· fuolishnc,, in the world. till' wnr5t or th t• mnn wl1o
,.,,,.,.yt hin{l for him st·ll'.
Everything clst• t•,is h foil' s t·t·vitt .
Whot is th,· logicol nnturr or mnu 'l nenuncin tion . Those who loo k llpun l' t•nunciotlnn us
Tlte Two /Jtr/111,
30rnc thing unuo turol, something "ou t
or j o int,"
ns it we re, inco necivubl<'. d o not kn ow whnl th (·y roo·e tto lldn!( nbont. \Vhy,
luos hct·n
dtlVdO tl!'d fOI' tl1 c purJ)OSI' of 1'\' lllln Ci:ltiOn, l111d only lhll mnn wh o o·cuo unl't'!< hal< founrl himself.
'flo!• m on who re fuses to r~ n ouncc hos no t lcurnr d thi' les.-on: lw is in a childish btnte. Whe n people ore children they wnnt C\ CryUoiog. Mn nhooll und wo mnnhood urt• n ·ncloc d o nly when rt•nunc inllo n is d c fluitdy
us~nrnc d.
W<' I'Cn ti:r.c thntliro for· tl oc l'lltc ~tpio·it i8 th~ only
liro, und w<• s~t)nt·nt~ oru·st•tvr~ fr·om c verythi llf'l el•c nnd ,rc vo te our c n c r·f.(its flr·H t to God os tho bourct·, ami. second, lo th e 1\o~<~uic rucc s pirit 1111 Ur t• ru onifrstnt ion, then io•d~cd ond in truUl ho ve we rl'nch cd o ur m nj o rily, rllld nc,•cr uutit th en .
So, whnt doc s it matte r· whot we s uffe r ? snll'<••·lufl.• ltul lirt us high er·, nnd it is on th e cor·t>sc or ntu• d Nod selves ll10l
ll c nwn oiJCr, oil
we ribc: to hiJlhe r lhing8. Slorl('• n rc in the t>n lh:
Tltc Purling of I lie \V(Iys
whe n you com u lltul wny, ~ l umbling ovc•· lhe111, just sit down oo Lilc oeo·•·csl one nnd •·rst owhilc,
u11d then get 111> und uo o n. Tl •c•·u is uo olhc:~· ,vn:y. llumnni ly h 03 been h·yi ng to fi nd s:•h•nllon wilhu11l •·c•n 1111 C,l: il ion fo r· s ilt lhouSund yen~~. 1111d lllllny n mnn h:\s found dcunnn liou IJu\1 woy. t\Jld 1101 one IJas found sulvo lion nnd never wiJJ. 'fl1e l'CMon is obvious. 'l'lle lh·i ng you n ··~ 10
be s a ved fron1
yOUI'Sclf: l11nl is whnl to he suvod f•·om, :llid, O( C0 lt i.'$C, yuu
be SIII' Cd 1'1'0111 it wi iiH>u l t"CliOUil Cinf.! it. The WOl'SI, lh c HIOSI. r·c·~l-~ycol, c lovt•n . (oo l devil. CillHlOI
in Lh e wo .-ld is y om· own cl(o. nnd su you hnvc ijOl 10 f.ICI l'itl or it if y ou gel
WilY rrom the clov i·l . People nrc nf1·nid or lhc clcv.iJ wilh ou l l'Cfl llzlng il• rtl he h ns !1\wny~ been iu o cnnorortniJlc holtS<: wiU1in thoit• own ~outs. Don't (I
you l<no'v yo u hnvc o Tal co, wcll-fua·rd.shcd suite or •·oou1s, [)1'(' IH" 'cd '" ~tl oll'er<'d lo his Sn 1ou i c n111j"sty, wi lliln yo111· o w •t h enri onfl nl\l'lly.~ h ;we hurl'/ The n, if you wr111t to fl<' l. rid oJ' the
Pu/11s, or
c.J cvll, gel dtl Qol' yuua·sclf, w1d 111111 CtHl only bo done IJy spe nd i ng thnl ~f' l l' i n sca·vlc••. lliR !)alnnic Mojcsly ulwuy~ is unc()Hifcl l'ltlhlc· lii'Uull d unybody who is ll'Y illf'( to sc a·vc Cod uml huu1U11ity, und he ul wuys fi nd~ u n1ost cO ilf((' niul
cuvil'(lllll lCIIl Ju th o ncigl •i>O l'hOvd who
u [lc r~o u
look ing () Ill l'o1· the $l•l l', luldnj.t
N uml>l'l' (.Inc.
Cll ~l'
H vsl II M~ua·c· d y9 u wi ll lJc n hal~
fc ll vw wl'JI m<, l, a good f'c llow lo lhu devi l loug us you to:tcc cnn• ol' N uu li)Cr Onc•.
yo u J:ICI lO l o()ldug ill' ka• ll u:> l'ace $[l il'it. f!C:I to IC)oking l'oa· <>Jitloa·tuu iti~~ f11 1' sc:a·vicc, foa· n~ u o u n ci ng y t1Ut' se ll', yo u will soc l1n will unl be comfodnblc li iOI'C ouy Jon11<• r. 'rhorcfon·, w hen we com ~ Lo tho Pn'd i ug of II 10 \V (cys, WI' nro liSI tleci (lo WheI hu1' W CJ (li'C {!tJi lllj to choose tJiousua:c·• .5al isl'ncl io aJ, ~Clnsu tio n. 01· SC:.l'Y i CC;
tl lltl 'vho u
t•IHV•Sf' HC I'ViCc. l'f\ lllt:n llJcl•
sclf·t• O'n cc mcnl.
lis choosing "'"'"'"
h cfll'lfiCh C',
l ldM'I'Y Uiltf SQ1TQW
ror \:V111inuul t;On q w ni o n s ;
tllld w tacn yo 11
lcrt vc
chus~ u
lhl''"· w l•w• you
l tiiV~
'I'll!• l'orlluq f•{ 1/11· Woys
11 1('111, h•' h Oid! ,\'()11 wi ll litul IO Y""r iucxp licnblt· J<•y that pa in is plonstl lll , 111 iscry
i~ h ap pi lll'R~. LC II lhC
:uul sO r'I'Ow is Joy l'"l. Yn11 cun not diff(•r'CII('C ht•~tii i ~C you tlf'~ IIOW IH'iti iCI'
(IUC II ll i'
ll •c <•Ihe r, n nd tl >tll s lu t<· of tlc·•·rvc L II<'!ICI'
in wld!'h :dl
yo 11 11 )1 Ill tl 1C Absnhrl<· I I ti s hl!lur·-•wc.t•l
111'C lllCr'I(Nl , wllich lift s
in this J1t•ltl or
I he ques t
~cr·v [cc.
ror Li te A bS(ItlllU
slok of Cll ii~Cio ll s ucs&- Cod llhnsc ll'. T he JJI(Iasu ,·c nnd p11i11, hn)l(line~s. ami '" iscry, joy a nd SO t'J'Ow in n Jl<' l'rccl IJ tlcnd nrc Ihll feelings '>f il itJ Absolute
wlll JH' fo und. ror t1111l is
God. De• )•on suppos~ I It co n rc"lly ··njoy himsel f npnrl from sor·row wl1iil' CO III Cmpl:llin!j Jhc rolly ol' t h~ hunuur ft11l1ity. while wnt cllinl:( it give wuy to such ohsolutc s~lfi~lmcss? Arc
in111gi nc th at Cod cnn con !N np l:'llc th is wi iJoo nt son·ow? or co urs~; no l l Cod cann•>l b e hn t)J1Y wl1e11 all llw world j $ choos '' " J1pincs~ r111tl Jlndins '"i~cJ·y. nei lh~·· '' "" Y''" it' ytHI h nw• yntn' scnRiis. Ilene(>,
yo11 so si mp le us In
T he 1'tvo i>ftl/1.•, r cmc•Hhc•'. pnin is the life
l o ~l'itngc
or ever y on()
who llnds tho Al)so.l ul c, bccauSC ll:dn i n u CN'I11iu st• nsc
lhis blcntlinl( ol' tmin nnd
p l ~fiSIIrC-is
tlw cousc:iousncsN of the Ahso lut e. Yo u will lln d the Absol ute by IJcconoi ug 11bso lutc nnrl, lhct•c ror't\ you C~ pc r~it~ II CC 1)1 (! Sl11110 Slnt c. Of consciou sness lhallh <l Absolute tlocs.
Vvuys you musl c:hooso •·wu.. cintion bccn usc, so long 11s Ll10 sclf- lhe .il h1so•·y sci r (li'Ctl om i nates. so .lo" fl ns i l At ll1 c Ptu·l in l'( or th"
suhsisls, rcfoll znlion or ll ac Ahs(J iut c is impossihl\l. You c(I[I 110I beco me tl oc one self so tong fiS you lll'r 0 ,l)lol'l or i l·, So 10 11/lii S you II I'C IIICI·Cly
nu ospcct, su loug os th e i ll use)•·y sclr co nlinucs, tl 1<1 o 1H' ~t· t r
cuu not l•c ~cn li ~NI. lL i s ncccssnry to renounce this illuso t·y se lf.
So whn l flo wo co nd 1tdc? You wlll in the 1110$ l
pcrrccl wny nccompHsh you~ own olcvclop-
•n cut when yo u •·cnouncc
you rs~tr.
unulysis, ~()lf-•·cnliw t i~>n is llu•tJ ugh
)n tltc flnol ··~nuncifllio u.
Pumdox!eol us it 111ny seem, yo n tu·c ochicvi•1fl
The l'orlinf! of fil e Woys mo~t ·wltc n
you uivc up ull. \:VII e n you •·cno ullCil
cvc•·ylhiHIJ and nsl; fo•· not.hinl{ yo u arc gi.vill!l the 111 08t, b CCil nSC, rtS n mnlt c~ of. f 11Ct, WI: !ll'l
Only whut WC CXJU'<'S6. \Ve hllCOIHC tha t. lie nee, l."('ri0 11 11CC n il if you W\lltld I1:1 VC nll , Of co nr~c. do not r••nounc•· in onlc•· to gtt, because ll tr·n it will uo l be I'C111H1Cin tion. nu t the Luw of Compc11su tlon lR so COIIlll lclc tl •ol. it RlVCis to LIS in I)I'O[JOI'tiou OS we give. The Lu w or $(1cJ·ifl cc i~ the L nw of Life.
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