Why am I here? What's the use of this life? You are born. Why? It is to realize God or Self, whatever you may call it. We have come here to make love to Him, to be bathed in His Love and to vibrate His Love through the actions that come our way. We have come for some days to play. Here is a female, here is a male. She has got all the senses and desires, everything. He has also got the same thing. Both are the same. That is for His Play. Male and female are only for the theater, the stage, His Leela (Divine Play). Body and life bestowed on you by God are to be fully tasted and enjoyed. This time of the body is temporary. We are actors and we are paid according to our performance. Play your part well in the Vraja Leela (God's Play of Love), shaking off desires and obsessions. Our duty is to watch His Leela (Play) as passive witnesses. Be always in a state