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s IVE Omnium Scientiarum & Linguarum ,
SEM 1N A R I uM: I D E S T, , ,
, Compendiofa Latinam & Anglicam, aliáfque linguas, & artium etiam fundamenta addifcendi ' methodus ; unà cum Januae Latinitatis ... Veftibulo. . •, ,' -
, Authore Cl. Viro J. A. C o M £ N 1 o. :>;t;&: : &**&*&$*$££:£:&£££*££;;;* •
The Gate of
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Ora Se gD-p Lor ofall Arts andTongues, contain ing a ia$ to learn the Latinand , nglifh Tongue.
Formerly tranflated by Tho.HoRN:afterwards muchcor re&edi&amendedbyJoH.Ro8oT HAM: now carefully reviewed,and
$$$$$ withall former Editions,
foreignandothcfs, anámuch enlargedboth in thc -
Latin and Englifh : Together with a Portall tn the J AN u A. The fixth Edition.
L o N D o N, Primtcd by7ames Young, andare fold by Tbomas slater, -
at the Swan in Duck-lane, 1 6 4 3. \
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Èɧgjognitum Scholis mm fatis fuiffè verum & genii Κ^2XV
num linguas tradendi modum ha£tenus, res ipfa loquitur. Confenefcebant plerij, qui fi dediderant
3| literis,circa vócabüla.Soli Latine ìngue decem & plares amni tribüebantur;imò tota ætas tardiffimo, %U\S%£| eóq; exili & opere pretiì non refumdente profe£tu. \%Ίτή
1®=2r=s] Qiieiiiidfinijamjidem viri magni, vivés, E rafmus, Sturmius, Frifchlinus, Dornavius,alii 5 quorum fatis lu culente de ea re proflant querele, non item radicitùs malum tollemtua
fcmedia. Ideo excellentiora ingenia Scaligerorum, Lipfiorum, &c. vulgari illâ infeliciter tritâ viâ reli£i;i, pe? devios quofdam, direífiores tamen tramites, ad linguarum &:fàientiarumfaffigiafeliciterenixi funt.
J^erùm enim verò paucis illi veffigia fua quâ féquendi effent, commun frárumt: nec cujufvis eft propriâ indagine infùeta tentare, aut (quod
aiunt) mare ßne aortice. Quo faítum, ut fchole atayias fws (quicquid feculi felicitatem & literarümlucem paétârint) majori ex parte retinu erimt haítenus. Difiinebatur nimirùm, imò diffendebatur juventus, preceptionibus Grammaticus infinitè prolixis perplexis, obfcuris, majo nem partem inutilibus, annis aliquot : hæc prima crux. Tum pereof. dema ammos effarciebatur vocabulis rerum fine rebus ; id eft, mec res, vocibus ul!à exprimewde (quo facilior, firmior, & evidcntiori cum uti
/itate impreffio fieret) monjîrabantur, nec vocum juníturæ, cuivis lin guae propriae, offendebantur: manifefto utrinque errore. Voces enim,
qaia rerum figna funt, hus ignoratis qüid fignificabunt? Noverit puer mi/ies mi/ema vocabula recitare, fi rebus applicare non movit,quem ap
paratus iffe ufùm habiturus eft ? E fòlis ctiam fèparatis vocabulis orá tiomem exargere poffe qui fperat, idem fperet arenam in manipulos colli gari poffè,aut è cæmentumiuyum erigi abfque calce. E vocabularius ig*-
far &- pázuomartis Lingue Latinè ßudium nimis eft impeditum. Sed 2ederiamimadverfis incómmodis putantur authores boni, magnorum gm ílio virorum im Scholas introduéii : Terentus, Plautus, Cicero , J'ir
'/iæ, Horatus, &c. tum quia cum linguæ cignitione, variarum ßmul
!', Romani fermonisrata! zza motjtia tzae ac;uiri, tum quia Acaftißima z. •_
P R Æ F A T I O. ritas ex antiquis illis fèriptoribus, tanquam ex vero funte, fecurißimè bauriri pofsit. At veròv fiitutum hoc, ut plaufibile, ita maximè incom
modum efi, Primò enim tot Authores, quot requiruntur, comparare, cujufvis fortuna num permittit.Deinde ad horù Authorum(plerumq; fù blimiora quàm pro pueritiæ captu, & à noftro ufu aliena tra£tantium) tam vaffa volumina juventutem adigere,eft cymbam,exiguo ludere cupi entem lacm, in Qceanum vaiium vel æternis jgítandam erroribus, vel abfòrbendam fluítibus, vel certè fine ullo fruéiu reddendam littoripro pellere.Ad hæc fi maximè quis omnes iffos perreptet, reperiet tamen fé finem fuum(fufficientem videlicet lingue cognitionem)non affèquutum, quia authores illi materias omnes non tra£t.irunt;& fitračtaffent omnes ,illorum temporum,noftras tamen nec nóffè nec tra&iare poterant : ut me ceffàriò tandem alu plures,antiqui & recentiores (rei nimirum Herba riæ,Metallice,Ruffice,Militaris,Ardhiteétonicae,&c. fèriptores,quos ih
fui Nomenclatúris præfatione recenfèt Frifchlinus) adjungendi, egendi, & relegendiforent:quibus certè cumulandis non fàcilè reperiretur finu. Denique, fi quis lingue difèendæ gratiâ tot tranfmittat annos,etquan
do ad realia veniet ? Quando fanioris Philofòphiae cognitione imbuet animum ? Quando in fàcrofan£tæ Theologie adita intrabit ? vel Medi corum arcanâ perquiret ? vel furifçonfultorum volumina evolvet ?
guaudo ad finem ftudiorum perveniet? &, quod mjus, quando tam amáè quefitae erilditumis praxim in Ecclefiae &Reipub.benum exercebit?
certè vel (propter vitae bujus brevitátem) nunquam, vel firò admo • dum,fentiétque vitam preparationibus vitae comfumptam effe. Omnium itaque votis qytamdum erat,Epitomen aliquam linguae totius ita conflrui,
ut omnes quotquot habet voces & phrafes,in unum reda£te corpus,brevi temporis fpatio,laboréque exiguo perceptae, facilem, iucundum, tutum, ,
ad reales Authores tranfitum pr«flcnt }'erè enim D.Ifaacus Hábrecht *. fçripfì(fedquod minusprudenter quidam adDitiionaria trahit)Quem admodum, inquit, multò facilius eflèt vifa dignofcere omnia ani malia, vifitando arcam Noe, continentem èx omni genere bina fele£ta, quàm peragrando totum terrarum orbem, donec cafu in aliquod animal quis incidiffet : eâdem prorfus rätione, mul tò faciliùs omnia vocabula addifcentur ex Epitome linguæ, in qua fundamenta omnium continentur, quàm audiendo, loquendo, legendo, donec cafu in tot vocabula quis incidat. Animadvertit id paucis ab hinc annis è fefuitis non mémo, qui uno fafce complexus linguam Latinam totam, vulgavit (fub titulo collegii Hybernici Sal mantice Hifpaniarum) Januam Linguarum Latiiìè & Hifpanicè s ubi fententiarum duodecim centuriis comprehenfa funt omnia üfitatiora Latine lingue vocabula,eáque modo diffìcata, ut mullum eorum (exce ptis particulis,fum,ex;im,&c.) fèmel pofitum recurrat, unumquodque
* tamen in debita conftru£iione,& phrafi dicorâ audiatur. Haec iuveutiqquamprimum Aiglis vifà fùit, approbata, commendata, g3- lo : -
- -
- -
P R AE F A T I o. &loquelâ Anglicanâ au£ta,atqueAnno 1615.typis vulgata fuit.Qgam ôienno poft D.Ifaacus Habrecht Argentijienfis,Germanus,Gallice lim gue adjeétione auxit;& ibidem quadrilinguem edidit:in Germaniámq; reverfus,Germanicam quoque adjunxit verfionem,mirè eam linguas do cendi & difèendi rationem commendans. Compendiofißimam enim, cer tifsimam, utilißimam,& numquam fatis laudatam appellat. Cujus rei
fùffragatóres reperit facilè multos.Nam & typis variis Germaniæ locis edita?fi,& diftratia avide,& in Scholas quafdam mominaelebres intro du£ta,& Anno 1619. 0êtilinguis luci expofita.
H& cum ad meas quoqueveniffèt manus,avidè & ingenti cum vo luptate femel &- iterum perlegi, impensè juventuti gratulans,quòd cer tiora indies imbecillitatis fubfidia Divino munere concedantur. Verùm
paulo poft, attentiùs eam cum fcopo fuo conferens, dubitare cœpi, num praeßaret quod promittit : tertiatáque accuratiore cum judicio leótione äeprehendi,jurè titulum turri non poffe. Quod verè & abfque invidia dici, inde palam fáciam, quòd januæ non prefiet ufum. J -
janua enim domùs, annm foris adventantes intromi&it ? Ita fanè. Het autem patrum Hybernorum famua tyronibus in Latinitatem aliun
de intràvendis aut parum,aut nihil confèrt.Triplici id evincitur ratio ne: Primò etenim, mmmulla p^ocum pars, quas quotidianus requiritu fus, híc defideratur : è contra infolentia multa , tjronum captum & u
fùm excedentia, depromuntur. Qgam ob caufàm reíiè nonnulli tudi cant,Jefuiticam hanc Januam nön tam ad inftituendos linguarum tyrones,quàm ad explorandos aliquoufq; progreflorum , impri misautcm Sciolorum, in Latina liagua profe&usadhiberi poffe.
Ifihác verò ratione non januæ,fèd Poffici,obtineat nomen. Alteriim de , ffdero,quòd cum fingule Voces non nififemel ponuntur,etiam polyfeme & homonyme (quarum Latina lingua bene multùm habet , ut & idio
mata cetera)nonnifi fèmel. §uomodo igitur ab hac linguarum fanua in Autborum leítionem mittetur (is enim fanuæ ßopus) Latinitatis tyro, qui tot vmcumalias atquealias fignificationes ignorabit? Et verò (quod tertiò, & quidem potiffimùm defidero) pofuiffèt fàltem unamquamque vocem in principali,id eft,primo,fimplici, nativ6que fu6 fignifi catu; reliqua inde fagax ingenium odoraretur fàciliùs Faëtum autem
idium efi. Pleræque voces tranflatè ufùrpantur, Metaphoricè , Metony micè,4ut Symedochicè: utpotécum fententiarum elegantiam plerubique captârit Autor.Tacebo multarumfèntentiarum infirmitatemAuæ neque tnoribus, neque confiruíiioni vllum praebent ufùm , imà fènfùm nullum • habent,utipfa verba quomodo interfè côvenerint,mirari queant.(Exem pligratiâ,36o. Artifici compedes impinguntur fie. 6, §. Vadem in er gaftula glam confètium comperi.733.occafus dóminii attigit limem,953.
Has diítionumielas poffhiimus néíit, &c.& fimiles.)
Sed quia Patres iffi tale hoc totius linguae compendiím primi tentá , rktt ; quod inventüm eff gratè agnofcimus; quoáerratum, condonami* -
A. 3
P R Æ F A T I O.
benignè. Et quiainventi; addere;ut & unius inventi occafioue invenire 4liud non aquè difficile; quidni aliquid Plus ultra moliamur ? Suafit id certè doóiiffîmù,& d£Scholis perquam meritus Vir D.Rhcnjus,ut £ quibus noßrorumfùrtè plus otii fuppetit, aliquid accuratius effingen di mom detrectarent laborem. Scdadmoviffè aliquem manum nondum
cgifat. Quo faótum,ut ego,& pofiremis licet minimus, experiri,&: quod ibi defiderabám, fuppletùmìre animum induxerim. Non ccrtè ullâ in genit aut eruditionis (cujus mihi umbram vix effe & ultro agnofo & deploro) fiduciâ, nec quid mimis otio abundarem,fed unico fuventutis
eommodapromovemdiàefiderio promotus. Quidautem hîc vel preiiite rim,vel preflare voluerim,fileiitio prætereujidum non eft ; fed ut Tyro mam informationi,ita Eruditorum cenfuye exponendum. i.Principio,qua mihi inter immotaspida fice leges hec eft,ut Intellcótus &Lingua pa rallele decurrant ßmper, & qiiantum quis rerum apprehendit,tantum eloqui confueßat,(nam qui intelligit quod exprimere mequit,à muta fta tua quiddiffert? dare áutem fine mente fonos , pfittacorum eft: ) ne ceffàriò faciendum putavi, ut rerum ipfâ univérítas per claffès certas, adpueritie captum,digereretur,e6que modo id quodfèrmone exprimem dipm eft, (Kei ipfe) imaginative parti primùm imprimeretur, Faétum itaque eff& efiati funt mihi centüm communißimi rerum tituli.z.Pr0 xima inde cura fuit, evolvendo lexica, ufitatiora feligere, & ad expri mendas res, quibus fignificandis vel primùm inventa, vc!poft adhibita fuerunt, itá digerere, ut nihilneceffàrium omitteretur, mihi! mifffuo lo go querendum 7elinqúeretur. Redaéta igitur funt circiter 8o9o. voca
bula imperiodos mille, quas primiùm breviores, & non miffunimembres, poff longio es & plurimembres formavi. <2uia verò Ciceromis teftimoniodidicimus, Multùm referre pueros à primis ftatimannis , ad proprietatem vocabulorum adfuefieri:
Propria autem vocabula fùnt (ut Aug. 1. z. de doétrina. c. 1 o.
inquit) cùm his ipfis rebus fignificándis adhibcntur» propter quas inventa funt :'anxiè prorfùì inid elaboratum eft , ut P*?Primo puerorum condeptu omnes voces proprio & nativo fignificati, extarent » exceptis paucis, quevelpropriùm àmififfe ufum deprehenduntur , vel propriaLatina,qüibus vernicula exprimerentur(ad hancenim, vefpeétus fuitperpetuus) deerant.
3. His pófitis metis,juxta& Hybernorum fecutus fanuam , non mififemelquàiiibet pojìorem,Homonymis exceptiguorum ffdiver fáfinificátio exjijìíîãîerfis löcis (in diverfâ nempe materia) omnimo repetenda fuerunt. De commexivisparticulis, (& , fèd , quia, omnis, &c.) nemó fpero litem movebit. . •
*. . • •
4. Synonyma & contraria plerumq; juxta invicem? pofui, atque ita
coordinivi, ât alterum alteriu$genuinüm recludatfenfum. E*%*% fjmonymorum,que eandem prorfùs rem fignificanty*£ vernaculè nuff unâ. voce rcdduntiir, alt* um parenthefi quadrate,& diverfìs literis
P R £ F AT I o.
• ,
fm ayfj: ut periodo 4o. Luciferum [Phofphorum.] p. 135. Helenium [Inula] p. 581. Sapone [Smegmate] &c. '. 5. Et ut Grammatica quoque fubfidium haberet, ita vocum comme- * -
immiffitui, ut non foliim ffntaéiica conftru&iiw, ficubi à vernaculâ fetidit,fid& Etjmologicum aliquod accidens (Genus, Declinatio, Conjugitio,&t) innueretur. Exempli gratiâ: E periodo 169. (Hale. cesfìlitas nobis afferunt) facile piter halecem g. f. effe meminevit. Eperiodo 4to, (quis iis vefcatur ?) Vefci mom Accufàtivo, fèd A
blativs jungi,obfèrvabit,&c. 6. Vernaculap, Latine ita aptavimus, utnonfòlùm utriufque omnia themata cum potioribus derivatis & com
poffiis, quidfieri potuit, nativo/enfu extarent ; fed & fùrgentes in Àétrojpoftmodum, veluti face adbibitâ,nltro queant intelligi. Seorfim antem vernatulum textüm primâ hac vice (quum monomiiibus,quorum judiciaexploratum nuncimus, ufui effe poffet) excudi curavimüs.
7. Indiculam vocum Latinarum, ut Patres Hyberni fecerunt,eti
am adjunximus ,idem faóturi ἐmpoflerumim vernaculis linguis. ut &grandioris s;træ, * majoris ufus, molimur , Lexicon Etymologia cum, quod appellatiouum omnium rationes reddat, tum origines ipfò
rum thematum (five ex Latinis , five è Græcis Hebræifque fontibus) detegendo, tum derivatorum feriem, novâ , fuccintiâ, fä;ili ratione, ób oculos pandendo. Addituri quoque phrafeologiam brevem &accuratâm: tratiatumitem de Homonymis, Paronymis & Synonymis, utilißimum: & demique Grammaticam ad compendiofàm facilitatem , celeyémque'
praxin, ex veris naturalis didaéiice legibus comcinnatam : adeoque di aa&fitae ipßus pro docrmtibus & difèentibus Synopfin. Que omnia uno comprehenfa volumine, tbefauriolum quendam primæ fábólafficæ erudi tuumis repraefèntare poffent. Habituri itaq; videmur Januam linguarumfólidis(rerum ipfarum) poffibus bene firmatam, volubilibus (Lexici) cardiaibus expeditè aper .
tilem, præfentanei (Grammatice) clave promptè referabilem ; tam diu inquam habituri, quamdiu non abexcellentioribus ingemiis confum matias a/iquid fubminiftratum fuerit. De quo ut mihil dubitcm, faciumt
mom tam Glaumii & Glaumianorum magnifica illa , Orbi mota promiffâ
(de quibus re ipsâ nihildum conftat} quàm fervidus ille multorum in erue/iis didaéticae fundamentis ardor & emulatio. Quinimo ipfè jam exquißtiora bis video : quia tamem in eis concinnandis totum prope
trjcmmizza ( quis facilè credat tantillam opellam tanti confitiffe?)
Ά eß , nec demoliendis funditùs & comfiruendis ab integre ti/m /àppetit, eâ quâ jamadornata funt facie , lici exponere placuit:
'mom aliâ fpe,certe ut aliquis uberiore ingenio & doftrini inftruéfus , £/ ab bis mo/?ris etiam accepto fimulo,plus aliquid audeat.Novum ita e itezum temtaiffè vadum, novam fregiffè glaciem fatis efio. /-7/2m autem eft Seminarii potiùs infignire nomine opellam hanr, a Rerum &- /ermonis par hîc cura ; illúdqueenixè quæfitum, ut &
fáz/jum rerum chaos, diftinétionis aliquam lucem in fapicntis tyr* A.
num. -*-=—
P R AE F A T I O. -
mum oculis mancif?atur , & Vocum Phrafiùmque infinite tongeriei, cer tae fubfternantur radices : eóque modo primi & fundamentales totius Ëruditionis, Merum & Pietatis formemtu, conceptus, Hic inquam fœ
pus fuit : quem attigiffe tantum abeft ut glorier, ut primus etiam defe Atus agnofcam & confitear. Venie autem apudaordatos fpem facit Ho
ratius,opere in magno(etiam parvosminutiarum pleno)fas effe obrepere fomnum, autumans. Et verò quid umquam fimul effloruit & matujuit? Juá de causâ Typographos rogatos &* mumitos volumus;ne, ffcuire cudeje libellum allubefcatjdautoribus inconfultis praefumat : futurum
enim fperamus,ut limatius reddatur propediem opufculum, adjun£fifq; illis quæ innuimus,nitidius prodeat., . _ Interim verò utinam aliquis eximiè doíius, Latinaeq; lingue potens, exorari qucat,ut hac eâdem vel fimili methodo,eafdem materia, plenius
pertra£iare, claßicorumq; authorum pbrafibus nomjam ampliùspropriè folùm,fed eleganter infùper & pervosè omnia eloqui, docere velit fita fieret ut amœnißimum univerfitatis rerum , puræq; Latinitatis Viri
aarium ; colleëiumq5pretiofifsimae Scholaffice eruditionis Thefàurum juventus ftudiofa haberet. Faxit Deus, ut omnes audeamus aliquid publici boni zelo ! -
Scribcbamm exilio, 4. Martii, Amo 1631. -
J. A. Comcnius.
**************** janue Latimitatis The Portall to the Gate
TEnite pueri. 0me ye childrem. Difcite Latinam linguam.
Learne uhe Latine tongue.
Pulchram & elegantem. Pro veftro captu.
Being neat and elegant. Comprehendye it. According to your capacity.
Et varias res. Sapientiæ fémina.
Beingthefeeds ufwifítome.
Deus vos juvabit.
Gad will help you.
And thofè divers things.
Præceptores amabunt.
ÀMaffers wil: love.
Alii laudabunt. '
gtbcrgivili prajfeyou. ?gurfilves/half rjoiae.
. .
Ifthe begimhing be hard. will be eafie. The middle emdplea/amt.
, ,
Ipfi gaudebitis.
-Si principium difficile. Medium erit facile. •
• -
Finis jucundus. C H A P. I.
C A P. I. .
De accidentibus rcrum. • , 1
Of the accidents of
Eus eft æternus.
Mundus temporarius.
Angelus immortalis.
$i gnduring
A^ angellis immorta//. ,
mortalis. Corpus vifibile.
$piritu$ jyifibilis.
The world * temporary.
Anima itidem.
but for a
AMam is mortal!.
The body is vifflle.
I Théjíííííííí;. Thefoule likewife.
£ælum eft fupremum.
Heavem is the higheff. The aire the midälemofi.
Aër medius. Terra infima. INubes eft remota.
The earth the loweß. A claudis * afar off. A miff mcere.
* Removed. , *
[Time isto; orfhort.
Area Iata vel angufta. '
4 court-yard is broadormirtov.
IDomus ampla vel ar&ta,
A houfe large orfrait. Mountaines are high.
Montes, funt alti.
*. s-
* •
INebula propinqua. ' I.ocus eft magnus aut parvus. 1 A pláce isgreatgr little.
Tempus longum aut breve.
The PortalItotheGate of Tongues,
*\ }^allies deep.
Valles profundæ.
Colles elevati. Cafa eft humilis. Turris excelfa.
Hi(lockey lified up. 4 cottage is low.
A tower high. A ffrre-tree tal!.
A river isfhallow or deep. 4 thread is flendcr (faal/)
Abies procera. '| Fluvius brevis aut profundus.
Filum eft tenue (fubtile.) Funis craffùs.
4 rope tbick. > A recd is hollow. ύοσd ìs folid.
A chimneyful, offnoak. 4 line iyftreigbt or crooked. An ou ff le rough or fmooth, A weight hcavie orligh:. A mumber evemor odde. A bowle à roumd.
Linea eft re&ta vel curva.
Superficies afpera vel lævis. Pondus grave aut leve. Numerus par vel impar. Globus eft rotundus.
A pillaris lomg ahd round. A tablefour-fquare. X bath the forme ofa croff*. A peacock is beautifull. Am ape il/frvoured. -
Lignum folidum. . Foramen eft vacuum (inane.) Caminus plenus fumi.
, Abolei viâ (empty.)
Columna teres.
Menfa quadrata. X habet formaum crucis. Pavo eft formofus. Simia deformis. - '
chalke is white. A boardis blacke. Vermilimm is red.
Arundo eft cava.
Creta eft alba.
Tabula nigra.
Cinnabaris rubra. -
Brimfione efapale yellow. -
Sulphur luteum.
Graffè is greem.
Gramen viride.
The firmament blew.
Firmamentum cæruleum;
Glaffè is perfpicuous. A plamk duskfh.
Aflèr opacijs.
Vitrum eft pellucidum.
fPater is troubledor cleare. Savours.
Aqua túrbida vel clara. Sapores. Mel eft dulce. Sicut & faccharum. Fel amarum. Acetum acidum.
Homey is fiveet. A* alfo fùgar. Gal! is bitter.
Vinegar tart. Salt brini/h.
Sal falfum. Pepperis/harp. Piper acre. Angnripe apple fòwre or umplo4 Immaturum pomum acerbum -
- \
*-. -
*tOr odorar.
vel aufterum. . Odores.
A “fmellis fiveet.
- Odor eft fuavis, '• ■
--_— :
ThePortaliotheGate of Tongues.' Fœtor teter.
Stiwke umfavoury.
Aliæ qualitates.
Other qualities. • I
Lutum eft húmidum. ' Pulvis ficcus. *
Clayis moiff.
Duß dry. .
Offà dura. -
Bomes are hard.
^ Caro mollis.
Glacies lubrica.
Ice ** brjtt/e.
Pruna eft calida & canderis.
4 live cole is warm amd glowing.
“or flip pery•
Carbofiigidus & ater. .
4 dead cole coldand black,
Nos incedimus veftiti.
h'ego clothad.
Indi nudi. llnicornis eft ferum animal.
The Imdians maked. An umicorme is a fierce* beafi. A £ow gentle (tame.)
Vacca manfuetum (cicgr.) ^ Leo fævum.
“or 1iving creaturc
4 lyom is cruel].
Ovis mite. Conviva eft hilaris. Locus amoenus. „
AJheep quiet.
A guefi is merry.
A place delicious,
Amicitia jücunda.
Nuncium lætum.
Goodncwes is joyfult. All thefe welcome & acccptable.
'Omnia illa grata & accepta.
' Locus `eft commodus vel in Place is « fit or umfit.
“ Conveni ent or im- `
Tempus opportunum vel im Timefèaf0ra6le or unfeafomable.
Inftrumentum aptum vel ine An ihfrument is fit or un£t. Perfona idonea vel inidonea. 4 perfoa agreeable orumagreeable. Res eft neceffaria vel fuperva A thimgis meceffary orfuperfluour. Canca.
Rei ufus utilis aut noxius.
The ufe of a thing ncc ffry ò* hurtfuff. 0ne thingis like or unlike to « a- «rii, -
Res rei fimilis aut diffimilis.
Sylya eft denfa vel rara. Agef foecundus aut fterilis. . IMotus eft celer aut tardus.
4woodis thick or tbim. A field fruitfùllor harrem. Motionis fwif orflow.
Curfor alacer aut piger. ^ 4 rumner chearfull or [luggifh. Operarius gnavus aut ignavus. 4yorkmam quick orjìoìihful. Securis eft acuta vel ftupida 4 hatchet isjharp or blgn;(dull.) . . . (hebes.) Cibus crudus vel coêus. .
Sermo jocofus vel ferius.
1 Meatis raw or « boiled.
4 ffeech merry or ferious. ,
Hiftoriâ certa aut dubia. '4 hiftory certaine or doubtfull. Teftimonium verü aut falfum. 4 teftimony is true or falfè. Compa B 2. *-
* Drefd.
The Portallto the Gateof Tongues. Comparatives.
`, _
* V.
| Primus eft doétus. Tbe'fäcond is more tearned, (or | Secundus doétior.
The firft is learnea. learneder.)
Thetbirale?nedf (or moft lcar- |Tertius doétiffimus. med.
£u. Comparifons.
A bull j$grtat. A camel/ bigger. Am elephant the biggeft.
A (paryow is fmall. A titmoufè fmallcr.
Trochìlus minimus.
A'e is g00d. ...,,„. ** Meath better.
Cervifia eft bona. Mulfum melius.
aiiii, Wine thebeft. . .
Vinum optimum. Lacerta eft mala. Vipera pejor.
v1per }p0r|e.
An affe the worff.
Ad ucat us of gold.
Ducatus eft aureus.
« ralitus. 4 ** dolar offflter.
Talerus argenteus.
Akettle ofcopper.
Ahenum cüpreum.
oftug;. A hammer ofirom.
Parus minor.
A wrentheleaft.
Anomala Comparatio. Taurus eft magnus. .| Camelus major. Elephas maximus. Pafîèr eft parvus.
* .
Cantharus ftanneus. . Malleus ferreus.
%#%,wood. all effione.
Scamnum ligneum. ' Murus lapideus.
C H A P. 2.
CA P. 2.
Ofthe a&ions and paffions of things.
De rerum aótionibus &• -
F%allcreatures tbe bonour of the creator | (^ Keatoris in honorem• dofhcir duty. i faciunt omnes creaturæ The a&ions of heavenly -
$$o, pra;f. Angels do* celebrate him …
Thè fùmfhines. • The moom isbright. The ftars dotwinckle.
fuum officium.
cæleftium aótiones. Angeli celebrant eum. Sol lucet.
Luna fplendet. | Stellæ micant.
The day begins in the morning. | Mane incipit dies. The might ät evening. Vefperi nóx. ' Elemento
-w *
ThePortalItotheGateor Tongues. Elementorum.
Ofthe Elements.
Elementa alunt nos.
The elements do nourfhus.
Ignis ardet. Flamma flagrat. Scintillaglifcit.
The fire burnetb.
The fame flafher. ' ' . 4 /parke gloweth. ` '
Tonitru tonat.
Ventus fiat. ' Pluvia pluit.
] The wind blowetb. The raimraineth.
Nix ningit.
Thefmow fwoweth.
Aqua in plana fuit.
The water runmeth om theplaine (ground.) It floweth out ofa veffel/. . It fountaine. bubbieth (o* leap;tb) aut ofa •,
Ex vafe manat. E fonte falit.
„E. puteo hauritur.
It is drawn out ofapit.
Plantarum. . Herba crefcit.
Am herbe imcreafeth. Folium viret. A leafe is greem. A fonrer flourfheth. Flos foret. Fru&us fhaturefcit. The fruit waxtth ripe. Phicb that thoumaiff crop. Quem ut carpas. Fle&te ramum. Bend the bough. Sive fint pyra, five pruna, five Whether they be pears, orplumbs, or cherries,«*c. cerafa,&c.' Nux continet nucleum. Rofa olet benè. . . llrtica urit.
. .Animalium. Lapis jacet. -
Arbor ftat.
A mutcomtaimeth a kermel/.
Animal fe movet.
4 living creature moveritfèfè.
Avis volat.
A bird fyetb.
Pifcis natat.
Afi/h fwimmeth.
Quadrupes graditur.
Afour-footed beaff goeth. Afèrpent creepeth,
Serpens ferpit. Vermis repit.
A taorme crawleth.
Cervus currit.
A hart rummetb,
Equus hinnit.
A horfe meigheth.
Eos mugit. Agnus balat.
An oxe loweth. • A lambe bleatetb.
IPörcus (fus) grunnit. llrfus murmurat.
Lupus ululat. ,
A rofefmellcih well, | A metile fingeth (burneth.) *Of living creatures. A ftone lieth along. A treeftandeth up.
A hog (fòw) grunteth. 4 A beare murmureth.
A wolfe bowleth. B 3
A dogg. ,
The Portallto the GateofTongues. A dogge barketh.
A ram butteth.
Canis latrat. Aries arietat. Bellua laniat. ^
v |
A wild beaf? teareth impecces. A hare flieth.
Lepus fugit.
A fùx èhangeth his haires.
Vulpes mutat pilos.
Catüs (felis) capit mures. Gallina ponitova.
A cat catcheth mice.
A hem layeth ggges. A goofè eatetb oatet. Woymes gnavfat thingt.
Anfer véfcitur avenâ.
Vermes rodunt pinguia.
Lice dobite the skim.
Pediculi mordent cutem.
. As aljo gnaty and fcas.
llt & pulices atque culices. Formica eft laboriofa. Aranea artificiofa.
Am am- is laboriou4.
Afpider artificiall. bees do prick with the fing. if hat everliveth islively.
Apes pungunt aculeo. Quicquid vivit viget. Homimus.
Nos agimus varia. Wee do diverf things. Corpore & animo. With body and mimd. Caput repletur cerebro. The beadis filled with the brain. Tegitur capillis. . Is covcred with the hairer. (Excepto vultu.) • (eft. (Except the coumtenance.) Nullü membrum fruftra datú No memberjsgivenim vaine. Nam oculis cernimus. For wefèe with our eyes. Per nafum excernimus. hepurge our filtb by the mofe. Frons habet rugas. The forehead hath wrinckles. Aures audiunt. The eares do bear. Nares olfaciunt.
, The noffrils dofmcll.
The tángue tafeth bow things Lingua guftat quomodo res fa favour. .
. .
Dentibus mandimus.
ve chew with tbe teeth.
Stomachus concoquit.
The ftomack concotietb. The bowels do caf out.
| Inteftina egerunt.
The liver makes bloud, amdfend Hepar conficit fanguinem, & ethit through theveiwes. The heartpamteth. The lungs do breathe. The lipsare about the mouth.
dimittit per venas.
.| Cor palpitat.
Pulmo refpirat.
A beard adorneth the chim. .
Labia funt circa os. Barba ornat mentum.
Women are beafdleff?.
Foeminæ funt imberbes.
Humeris bajulamus.
We carry omthefhoulders. Ve embrace with the ayr//s. ' ■■'e labonr »ith the hands.
Brachiis ample&imur. Manibus Iaboramus.
Theleft holdeth, theright perfor Siniftra tenet, dextra Peragi; opus. Palmâ meth a wo k.
ThePortalltotie Gateof Tongues. Palmâ palpamus.
We handle with the palme.
Pugno percutimus.
Wefmite with thefiff. • *
Volâ prehendimus.
hºe hold with the hollow of tbe
Digitis confringimus.
Weftraitem (any thing) witb the .
linguibus fcabimus & fcalpi We feratoh amd fcrape with the - -
Sub pe&ore venter eft.
The belly is under tbe breaff.
Infra axillas latera. Sub his coftae.
The fides under the armc-pitr. The ribs below theß. . Tergum habet fupernè fcapu The back hath tbeJhoulder blades las, infernè lumbos. above it,below it theloines. Natibus fedemus. Wefit of the buttockes. Pedibus ambulamus. We walk with tbefect. Mentis.
, Of the mind.
Μens cogitat femper aliquid. Etiam in fomniofomniat.' Intelle&tus intelligit.
Ratio ratiocinatur. IMemoria meminit.
Et fi quid oblita eft, recorda *tur. –
Voluntas vult bonum. Declinatmalum.
grav. thinketh of fòmething. Alfoit drea meth ia a dreame. The underftanding underftandi. The reafon reafùneth. The memory yemembreth. Audifit have forgottem any thing The mind
** remembreth it.
ctor ca!lath
The will deffres tbat w* isg00d. ÉÉ It/hunneth evill. . Biut is often deceived. -
Sed faepe fallitur.
Gaudet & triftatur.
It rejoycetb and is fad.
Securus curat nihil. Tutus timet nihil.
A careleffè mam regards mothing. A mamthat is fufè fears nothing, . one that is lufty labolaretb.
Vegetus laborat. Feffüs quiefcit.
| ome tbat is weary reftetb.
Vigilia enim fatigat.
For watchingwearieth. Sopor recreat. ` Sleq) rcfrefheth. Cùm feptem horas dormivifti phenthou haf [lept févem houres Andawakeft, ffir wp others. Et évigilas, excita alios, , Morbidorum. Ofthe difeafed. He that is fafting deßres mtat. Jejunus appetit efcas. Satur faftidit. Hethat is füllloatheth it. ,
Delicatus deligit. Sanus fi benevalet.
He that is dainty choofeth,
| one that is found is in good bealth. B4
A ficte
ThePortalltothe Gateof Tongues. Ægrotus ægrotat. Cui dolet is queritur.
A fitk mam is ßcke. . . Hè tbat is grieved complaine;.
fine dolore funt peri Difafes»ithout grifè are dan Morbi culofi. gerour.
Et plerumque lethales. Febris redit per vices. Apoplexia enecat citò. ' Ah apoplexy killeth fuddenly. A fcábcauféibamitch. (bloud. Scabies facit pruritu m.
Afiâfor the mofl part deadj• A feaver returneth by fits.
ulcus fcatet tabo. Recens vulnus fanatur.
A bile abounds with corrupt A new wound is bealed.
Quicquid putret, fordet. whatfocver is rotten, finketh. A ftrong mam can beare much. Robuftus poteft multum ferre. Hethat is tender (cam) fuffir Tener parum fufferre. ' little.
Cæcus non videt. He that is blimd feeth not. Surdus non audit. He thatis deafe hcareth not. Hethat is dumbe (?eakes mot. Mutus non loquitur. No mam wamteth the touching, Ta&u caret nemo, nifi para but he tha*is fick of a palfie. lyticus. A lame mam balieth. Claudus claudicat. somethingis wanting tothemai Mutilo deeft aliquid. med.
O£ workmen.
Agricola arat.
A husbandmam ploweth. He (jwctb in the (primg.
He moveth in thefùmmer.
In vere feminat. In æftate metit. In autumno vindemiat.
In autumne he gathcrcththe vin tage. In óinter hee thrfheth im the Hyeme triturat in horreo. barme. Hortulanus plantat hortum. A gardner plants a gardem. Molitor molit in mola fru-, Ajniler grindet% bread-corne in mentum. • the mil/. Abaker baker bread of flower in Piftor pinfit in furno panem è .
* a furnace.
A |htpheardfeedetb his flock. He cutteth hay im the medow. He maketb cheefes ofmilke. A butcherkillcthbraffs.
Paftor pafcit gregem.
4 huntfmam bumts wild beafis.
Venator venatur feras.
A fowler catcheth birds. A fifher fiJheth. A.cookeprepareth meat.. -
Auceps capit volucres.
Secat fœnum in prato. Format è la&e cafeos.
Lanio ma&tat pecudes. Pifcator pifcatur.
Coquus parat cibos. E1ixat
\ -
ThePortaliothe Gate of Tongues. Elixat in olla. Affàt in verubus. , Frigit in butyro.
He boileth it in a pot.
£ £ffeth it om ffits. He frieth ft im biuter.
Torret in craticula. Fercula condimus aromatibus.
He broilcth it om a grcdirom.
Potum condimus in cella. Ex uvis fit vinufh. …
Welay up drink im a cellar.
hcef afog our difhä (ofmeat) »vithffices.
hineis made ofgrapes. Cervifia promitur è dolio. Auriga jungit equos.
4le is drawn out ofa tum.
Et ungit rotas.'
4mdgreafeth the wheeles.
A carterjoynetb horfes.
Et proficifcitur fubitò,in coeno 4ndg0eth fuddem y, butflic{e,} autem hæret. im the mire.
Quum vehit onera curru aut When hce carrieth turdens in a trahã.
Nauta navigat navi. Nauclerus gubernat. Remiges remigant.
cart or drey.
4 marimerfaileth im aJhip. Apilotguidetb it. Rowe/s roy it.
• Per fluvios vadamus.
hee wade through rivers. Aut utimur fcaphis. (culos. 0r ufè boats. Aut ftruimus pontes &>ponti 0r make greator little bridges. Viator it per femitam. 4 travellergoeth through apath.
Et cavet he erret.
Andtakes hcedleff bc »ander.
Aut cadat in foveam.
Orfalliato a ditab.
Cedit retrò, ubi nequit per He goeth backward, where be , camfot proceed.
Mercator tra&at merces.
A merchant dealeth in wares,
Metuit damnú,quærit lucrum. Hefareth loff,hef ckcth gaim. Moneta geftatur in crumena. Money is carricdim apurfä.
Quoniam pecuniâ quae debe Bccatq? witb money wepytbo/? ' mus folvimus. (vili. things which we owâ. fnimus & vendimus carò aat he buy andf/! deere or cheap. are divcrfè : cvery onc ;x Nummi funt diverfi : quifque ÀMonies b's owm value. fuo valore. ,
Netrix net è lino. ^
Thefpimferffinneth out ofhemp.
Textor texit linteum, telam. Pannifex è lano pannos.
A weaverweaves linmem, a web.
Sartor menfurat veftes.
A taylor meafureth clothes.
Sutor fuit calceos ex corio.
AJhoomakerfòweihfhooes oflea
Pellio è pellibus pellicea,
A clothier (maketh) ciotbes of wo0l/.
íiner ( maketh) leatherme coats ofskins.
t' --
PortalitotheGateof Tongues. Reftio torquet reftim.
Aropertwineth a rope. , apotter maketh juggs.
Figulus fingit fidelias.
Ajoynergleivetfi hi dékt.
Scriniarius fua fcrinia glutinat
Afmith beateth.
Faber cudit.
A carpenter hewes with an axe, Lignarius afciat fecuri,& aedi ficat ædificium. amd buildeth a building. Helyeth the foundation, hef?t* Ponit fundamentum,erigit pa 1r1ctCS. . ~ teth up the wals, He covereth it with a roofe. Operit teάo. A weak (juilding) ù mot firme. Débile non eft firmum. Fulcitur fulcris It is under-propped with props That it fall mot.
llt nè ruat.
Verbs Imperfonals. Ifit liffeth you, it is lawfull.
p^erba Imperfonalia. Si tibi libet, licet. ,
1f it irk you of a labour, let it Si te piget laboris,pudeat te. afhame you. It is mcet that it irk you offin. Decet te pœnitere peccati. , Silence becomes a young mam. Adolefcentem decet filentium. 1fit irkeyou offitting, it is meet Si te feffionis tædet, oportet ' fpaciari. to wa'k abroad. C A P.
c H A P. 3.
Ofthc circumftancesofthings.
De rerum circumftamtiir. Adverbia.
Adverbs. Ho calleth me ? I.
Is it thou? whois there
uis vocat me? Ego. Q; es? quis eft igitur il * lic ? Paulus.
them à Paul.
Expe&emus donec veniat. Let us expe* tillhe come. well, God fave you, I thankyou. Befie,falve,ago gratias. ut vales ? fic, mediocriter. * How do you? indifferently. where haft thou bin? whencere ubi fuifti ? unde redis ? ex op pido. turmtff thou? out of the town. myhich way wenteft thou? through Quâ ivifti ? per porticum. the gallery. ' Quorfum vis ? domum. Whithey wilt tbou go ? home. And whither from thence ? mo Et quò inde ? nufquam.
whem haft thoubim in the garden? Quando in horto fuifti ? hodie, modò, nuper,du Yefterday,to day,erewhile,oflate, Heri, dum. lvfg ago. . . x.
ThePortalito the Gateof Tongues. Qgando me inyifes*mox, cras, h hgn wilt thouvifit me? àyamd perindie, aliquando.
fy, to morro», the day after, fùmetime.
Scífhe memoriâ le&ionem ?
Po/i thol, conthy leffm by bear?
$ic fatis,ego minimè,neutiquâ
Sofo, I do mot all.
Quæ cft caufa ? num es obli
hhatcaufè is tbere? »bat, bafi
tus? ferè.
tbouforgottem ?almoß.
Cur non repetis ?
Why dofi tbou mot repeat?
' Mihi nunc non vacat.
I am mot at leafüre mo».
' Quare ? miffùs fum in villam. hherefore ? I am fèm, into the village.
Profe&ò ? ibo unâ, nequa Truly ? I will goe together witb , quam. -
J0l4, 210.
' Quamobrem? repetemus in iti
hherefore ? we will repeat in our
Id præftat quàm garrire. .'
That is better than to praulc.
redibimúsne matu
Page avay,Jhall we returm prc fently ?/
ré ?
• .
Fortaflè, fed vix. Eho dub'tas? Peradventure, but f&arcely. ob ` doubtefi tbou ? ' Procul eft, properabimus. Ceu futores ? quid tum >
-| 12 is afr off, we will make hafle. 4* coblers ? what thew ?
Noftram ætatem decet agilitas Nimblemeffe becomes our age. Sic aiunt, imò fic eft. So theyfay, yca it is fo. -
Ne clama, atqui fumus foli.
C7) mot, but we are alone.
Quomodo ludemus?pila.quam How fhall we play ? at ball. ho» diu ?
Long? Alltbe day. alas it à foo much. . But they are holy-dayer. .
Totum diem. hui nimium eft. Atqui funt feriæ. - *
Prepofitions. ^ Pergamus rogo te. | Let u$ go on I imtreat tìce. Nunc tibi parvas voculas ex Now I will expound the fmali ponam.
}words to thee.
Ad nos trahimus, à nöbis tru | We draw to us, wee tbruff from dimus. '
Cùm nobis ducimus, ante nos We lead with us, we drive btfore uf, wefhatch behimd us. pellimus,ponè nos raptamus. Secundùm flumenfacile eftna It is eaffe to fwimme with the tare. /treame. Agaimfi it is impoßible. : Adverfus illud impoffibile. aa..„;., Apud altare Sacerdos habet The Prief at the altar bath his on him. Deacom ** in his powcr. penes feDiaconum. 3 # Touching -
ThePortalltotie Gare of Tongues.
Touchingonethat is rafh,obferve De temerario nota, quôd in tra ædes non mancat.
that bee ffay not withim the haufe. Let him climbe over the top.
Supra culmen fcandat.
Lct him. crcep within the thrt fhold. comfiffe before ui whatthou haß . doneprivatelyfrom ut. Becaufèit is opem. I have done contrayy to the cóm
Intra limen reptet.
Fatere coram nobis, quid fcci fti clam nobis.
Quia eft palam. Contra præceptum feci.
I have bcene unthankfull toward Erga praeceptorem ingratus fui.
the mafler. One fùr his wickedneffe, being arunnagate out ofthe bouß. Runningmigh the way, fiood om this fide thepo0'e. Afterward having gone beyond thepoole. ' He came into the wildermcffe. he went about the marifhes. He wandredamong the woods. Hefailed beyond ihefea, evento the utmefi Ilamds. Nigh the bounds ofthe world.
mo profugus. Juxta viam currcns, citra fta gnum con titit. , Deinde ultra ftagnum pro greffus.
Quídam ob fua fac'nora,è do
Venit in defertum.
Obibat circa paludes. Oberrabat inter nemora.
Navigabat trans mare, ufque ad extremas infulas.
Prope orbis terminos. Extra patriam vagans. Pro quo intercedunt.
Wandringout ofthe country. For whom they eztreat.
But for the example ofotbers bee Verum propter exemplum cae çammot be received. terorüm non poteft recipi. Alas ! how great mi[hap ! Hem ! quantum,infortunium ! He is bappyim comparjùm offucb Felix prae talibus. who keeps his confíieníe puré. Qui confcientiam puram cu ftodit. Numerals.
. Numeralia.
* Likewif. Know you how to number?* ve Scis numerare ? utique. ry well. Try them, how many things there Tenta igitur, quot funt res. -
There is ome volume of the Bible. unus eft codex Bibliorum. There are two Teftaments,tho old Duo funt Teftamenta, vetus and thenew.
& novum.
Three perfons of tbe holy Trini Tres perfonae fàn&ae Trinita tg (•
The Portal1to tie Gate of Tongues. gatuor Evangeliftae, quin s: Ę Ëàádies.
Foure Evangelifis, five fenfès,fix * Not ha;-
“ working daies. *
Septem pctitiones in Oratione * Sevem petitions in tbe Lords £*#* Dominica. Prayer. Ê. ία his Treati£e O&o dies funt feptimana. Eight dayes are a week. of the facra 1
Ter tria funt novem. Decem præcepta Dei. .
Thrice three are yime.
visa Apoftoli,dempto Ju dá. * '
Elevem Apoßles, fuda* being ex thuaa*
Duodecim fidei art'culi. Triginta dies funt menfis.
Twelve articles of thefaith.
Centum anni funt feculum.
4 humdred yeersare amage. Satanis the forger ofa ihoufand
Thirty dayes area moneth.
C A P. 4
C H A P. 4.
De rebus um fcholâ.
Ofthings in a fchoole.
Cholafticus frequentat fcholam.'
A ;;: frequentetbtb
Quò in art bus erudiatur. Tbat hee may be infiru£tedin the a*ts.
Initium eft à literis. (tur. begimming ùfrom letters. E fyllabis voces compohun The Words are compofedofjllables. E di&tionibus fermo. -
Afpeech of words.
Ex libro legimus tacitè. We read filently out ofa booke.
Aut recitamus clarè. Involvimus eum membranæ.
Or recite it aloud.
h*e *rap it up im parcbment.
Et ponimus in pulpito.
Andlay it imia déke. Imke is in the ink-fiorm, in which in quo tingmus calarhum. »e dip the qui//. Scribimus eo in charta, in u Weivrite with it in paper onej traque pagina.' therpage. Si Perperam, delemus. Ifbadly, »e blot it out. Et fignamus denuò re&è, ve1 Amdthtn mark it im the line, or in margine. in the margent. Do6tor docer. 4 teacher teacheth. Difcipulus difcit non omnia fi 4 ßholar learneth not abtoge mul, fed per partes. ther,but hy parts. Atramentú eft in atramentario,
- - -
Præceptor praecipit fàcienda. rhe Maffer commands things to be dome. (my. The Governorrületh the Acade £c£tor regc Academiam. -
memt of the
ILords Sup pe* dividss
Tca commandements ofGoa.
Sataaas eft mille fraudum ar tifex.
The Portal1to the Gateof Tongues. ,/ . •
The Schoo'-maffer obfrvctb & Pædagogus advertit, & urget. furtheretb.
The obfèrver warneth andfetteth Cuftos monet & confignat.
The Maffer inftru&is al', they at Magifter inftituit univerfos, temdfèverally. . ' He amemdethfaufts.
finguli attendunt. Ille emendat mendas. -
The diligent profiteth, the negli Diligens proficit , negligensi gemt is beatem.
vapulat. Etenim ferula eft praeftò. Non verberant baculo. -
Forthe ferula is at hamd. , ^
They beat not with aftaffè. But shaftifempitb rods.
Sed caedunt virgis.
Go mot out without leave.
Abfque venia nè exeas. '
Returne affer thy ffay.
Poft moram redeas.
Performthai wbicb tbou oughtf Quod agere debes, age. to do. 4 lide is made by rule, a circle Linea fit regulâ, circulus cir by compaffè. cino.
4 Grammariam ffcakith, a Logi Grammaticus loquitur, Dia ciam difputeth.
Aehoods. difteriictb truths ffom falfi
le&icus difputat. Vera à falfis difcernit.
4 Rhetoriciam fftaketh elegantly, Rhetor ornatè loquitur, Mu (a Muffciam fingeih. A Post maketb vêßs. 'A Painter maketh apiéturc.
A Hiftorian tel* things dome.
ficus cantat.
Poëta carmina fingit. Pi&or effigiem pingit. Hiftoricus res geftas narrat.
4 Philofpher ftgrcbes mature. JPhyficus naturam fcrutatur. A Phyficiam janitatetb it. Medicus eam imitatur. A Moraliß /h*veth mammers, Ethicus tradit mores, qui ftu mvhicb become a vertaous man. But ofthem a littlc lover. '
“diofum decorant.
Verùm de iis paulò infra.
C H A P. 5.
C A P. 5.
Of things at home.
De rcbus domi.
Nogk at the doors, ifthey pua fores,fi claufae fint. RÄ.Jhut.
hybem thg doore is opemcd,go out. Quum aperitur, tranfi 9ftium. And go in intd' the court,Ta key Et intra in atrium,clavis clau lcketh the lock, andumlocketb dit feram, iterúmque reclu ut agaime.
dit: -
Clavus. \-
ThePortalltotle Gate of T ongues.
Clay£s figitur , pavimentum 4 maileis faftemed, wee tread oj, calcamus. -
the flosre. ,
' Laquear nobis impcndet,fene The rogfe hangeth over us, the ftræ funt vitreâè. , * J spindowes are ofglaffe. * HyP9cauftum calefit, cameræ 4 hot-houfè is warmed, chambeys frigent. are c0ld. -
InIcS. ciftis & arcis abfcondimus hehide thing im cheffs and cof • , fèrr. ' • . In corbibus portamus. h%e<arry im baskets. t
Succus non fervatur in facco. Jáice is mot kopfim a bag. In naribus cubiculoftrati. funt leéti pulvi There are bedâ in a chámber co •
vered with fkather-beds. Cervical fubdimus cervici.
hely a pillo» under the meck.
Tcgetibus nos integimus, cu We egver ourf!ves with coverlet, barites fupini vel proni.
lying with the face upward or downward.
Matula eft pro urina, & fecef. A chamber-pot à fr urine, and fus pro alvo levanda. Excrementa foetent.
a privy fùr eafingthe bely. Excrements do fmellill.
Thure fuffimus.
Weperfume withfrankinfèmce. We wafh theface day y. Wefiveat im a bath. hºe cleamß us with mapkins.
Faciem lavamus quotidie. In balneo fudamüs.
Sudariis tergimus nos.
A barber cutteth the baire.
Tonfor tondet crines. Pe&tit comam pe&tine.
1 Hee k mbeth tfft háre with a combe.
Aagulae abfterguntur fpongiâ. Quifquiliæ verruntur fcopis. Spots are wipedout witbaffumge. Sweepings are fwept away with btfùmer.
Indufium & tunicam, thora ire put on and offonr fhirt amd cem, femoralia, & tibialia induimus & exuiinus.
cùãt, our doublet, breeches and neather-fiockes. ,
Quoties opus eft paIlium & to As of as is meedfull wceput 92 a gam amicimus.
cloak andgowne.
Pilei & cqllaria, chirothecæ, Caps amd baads, glaves, fanda!s fandalia funt honeftatis ergo. arefor creditsfa£e. -
Cingulo nos cingimus, ligulis Wegird our félves with a girdle, aftringimus. »ve tye yitb points. -
Mappâ fternimus menfam.
jufculum & pulmentum eft
Wee cover a table with a table ' cloth.
\d cochlear.
Afpoomis fòrpottage and pap. •
dulia alia fcinduntur cultro.
Opher meaty arc cht mith a kmife. DrjvC
The Portal1totheGate 9f Tongues. Prive away flies with a flap. Take away the covers.
| Mufcas abige mufcario.
Tolle patinas.
Infunde in poculum. Et propna hofpitibus. Light a candle,ßtit into the cam- | Accende candelam, inde can IPowre into the cup.
And drinkto the guefis.
Smuffëit with fhuffers, but notto | Emunge emunétorio,fed ut nc put it out. extinguas. AMan &- womam areyoke-fellows. Vir & múlier funt conjuges. A widower fùmetime marrieth a , Viduus ducit interdum virg /maid. A bridegroomebath a bride. -
Sponfus habct fponfam. .
After the marriage, a husband Pòft nupt'as,maritus maritam. (hatb) a wif. ; Achild-bed-womam hath brought Puerpera peperit puerum. forth a child.
The murfe kffeth him, and bugs Hunc ofculatur nutrix, fovét bim im hcr/ep. que in gremio. Thefom is an heire, the daugbter Fjlius eft hæres, filia accipit -
receiveth a dowry.
. Parents do bringup their iffùe. A ffep-fatber amd ffep-mother their ftep-childrem. cbildrem arefree,ßrvantsdofèrve Servants do ferv£,hou/hold atten dants do homfholdfèrvice. ÀMaid-fèrvants do wait. Amuncleandaunt(called patruus and amita in Latine)are tbefa thers brother &• fifter, avuncu lus & matertera, tbe mothers. Grandfathers have ** nephewes. * Or grand Å£. Kjnfmem kindred by marriage.
Parentes educunr fobolem.
Vitricus & noverca privignos. *. (unt. Liberi funt liberi, feryi fervi Miniftri miniftant, famuli fá -
, mulantur.
Ancillæ ancillantur.
Patruus & amita funt patris frater & foror, avunculus & matertera matris. Avi habent nepotes.
Cognati affines. _
C A P. De rchus in urbe &• re
.C H A P. 6.
_ Ofthings in the city and country. , ,
Aj? is foruified with wals.
Rbs munitur moeniis.
Nec non vallo & foßä.
,4; alfo with a trench and ditch.
Thegate hath folding doores.
Porta habet valvas.
Hence gothefireets.
Abhinc eunt platcae. Im
' •
' ThePortalito the Gate ofTongues. , In foro folcnt eft: cifternæ.
cifternosare vont to bee in the
market place. buildings arepublikeorprivate.
(Nam quod non uni propri (forwbatis motproper to one,is um eft, eft commune.
'. common.)
Cives & incolæ incolunt ci-*
citixens and imhabitants do peo
ple a city.
Ruftici habitant in pago.
baibgndmemdwelim tbe village.
` ' Vicini in eodem vicò.
heighbours imthe fame townę.
In curia congregatur Sena the Senate is gäthered in the tuS
Cúl praecedit, Senatores the confùlgoeth befre,the se fequuntur. judex(Prætor) judicat lites.
the 7udge (the Maior) judgetb controverfies. thepleader dccufeth tbeoffnder ' -
A&or accufat fontem crimi nis.
ofa crime.
Reus fe excufat.
Teftis jurat & teftatur.
'be accufedexcufeth himßlß. 4 ;?/weareth audívitmef et®.
Li&or ligat. -
theofficer bindeth him;
Et ducit in carcerem.
and carrieth bim to prißm.
Carnifex occidit & fufpendit. tbe executióer{illeth&hangetb Tabellarius fert literas (epi a carrier bearetb letters fìled ftolam) cerâ & figillo ob with wax amdfale, fignatas. -
Nuncius nunciat Oretenus.
ameffenger relatithfagetoface.,,„„,
Ternplum eft facer locus." } the temple is aἌ; , ot nouth. «Caupona profanus. ataverne aprofane(óne.) ' ? Ædituus pulfat campanas. the Sextom ringetb ihe bits. ^^ Populus coit in æde, exercet the people meeteth intbechurch, re!igionem.
In coetu canuntur Pfalmi &
doth°religious dutiet. . . grę. Pfalmes amd Hymnes arefüngim
the affembly. Hymni. Dei verbum prædicatur, Sa the word ofGodis preaebed.tbe cramenta adminiftrantur. Sacraments adminiftred. Preces peraguntur devotè. prayersare performcd devoutly. Fefta celebrantur feftivè.^
fedjisare ceiebratedfeffivaly.
Magiftratus eft neceffàrius. ult. Rex in regno regnet. :
magiftracyis neceffary. that the king may reigneim hj* kingdome.
Dominus domi dominetur.
tet alórdrufe at heme. C.
_ | -
• '
'The Portalltothe Gate oftongues. tet tbem wbicb rule be merciful. Qui impcrant,fint clementes. Qui parent,obfequentes. they which ofiey, obfèrvant. c Tham.
ambonef maftir is ápproved, a; Herus probus probatur, ficut fidus fubditiis. alß à faithfullfubjett. a Princeis lower, eanda Duke. Princeps eft minor atq; Dux. an Earleis greatar tbem aBaron. 'Comes, major quàm Baro. a noble-maj, aknight ennobled Nobilis, equesinfignibus do vith tiles ofbonour.
peaceis altogither tobeewijhed. Pax eft prorfus optanda. avarreis hurfüll.
Bellum eft perniciofum.
unleffé»hcm an enemy iste bee
NÉ quum
drivem away.
hoftis arcendus
Milites merent ftipendia,
$whenthèy fight axd SkirmiJh.
Quum præliantur & pugnant the trumpets found, ihe drum; Tubae clangunt , tyuipanæ beat. fonant.
theyJhpet arrowes out ofbower. they fight witbfivords. they defend tbemfetves with
Ex arcubus jaciunt fagittas, Gladiis dimicant. Armis fe defendunt.
they beat down towers witb Tormentis arces expugnant. cam?0715.
theyreiurmewith vi&ory. C H A p.
Revertuntur cum viétoria.
CA P. 7.
, Ofvertues. ouo*hou verttges, Jhunnethou vices wbicb the law fòrbibdeth. he that commits »ickedneffëis
Irtutes fe&tare.
Vita vitia quæ lex vetat. Patrans flagitia, eft fceleftus •
mißhievous (naught.) (ncquam.) » tbat thou maiß bewife,provide ut prudens fis, profpice fi nem.
for the emd.
behold the mcaner, autemd fr Afpice media, attende occa fioni. the occafiom. begim nothingrafhly, deliberate Occipe nil temerè, delibera diù, feftina lentè. long, haftem [lowly. belceve not a repórt, divwlgenot Rumori nè crede, arcanum •a/étret. nè vulga. .
do mot affìrmor deny that whisb Quod igncras nè affirma aut thouart ignorant of
ThePortal! totie Gateof Tongues. rather do tbow asfe. Eft9 tempcrans,quum efuris, |; temperate , wbem thou art. ede. Interroga potiùs. . . . . ;
Quum fitis, bibe. '
»benthouthirfieff, d*i**e.
Heliones vorant,&
glutons doe eate amd dria*e greedily.
Prandiuin & cœna tibi fùffì Clant.
Jentaculum & merehduin regard not a nè cura. ,
am& a
Jcjunare aliquando expedit. fùmetimeit ä expedient w fuff. * Sobrius non eft ebrius."
aßßer manis mót drunke.
Efto caflus,gere te pudicè. $echaff,carrythyfèlffhamefafy Eft^ modeftus, non procax ; 6e modeft,not babling; ínt, taciturnùs, non loquax. Vos juvenes, colite fenes.
, notprating.
iJe yeiinghen,reverence eld»em.
Μanifefta narra, fecreta fù telthingsmanifft,muttereattbe furra,occulta cela. fecret,cohceal tbingshiddem., Quum quis Ioquitur, tace. whem amy ome fpeaketh,holdthy^ f
Qgam tibi quid dicit;aufcul whem hefaithawy thixg totbee, ta
hearkem. .
Quum quidjubet,obtempera **bem hecömamdramy thing,obey Noli te ja&are. | doe mot boaff efthyffe. Nec fisarrogans aut fuperbus ' meither bearrogant arpraua. Bona fama eft ingens gloria. 4good rcportis great glory. Hanc amare eft fäs, fíérnere itis lawful? to kveit, umbrw fw#. nefas.
todeffif? it.
Omnibus efto coinis, nemini te gemiieioait,fattaringto mone blandus.
Adulator eft odiofùs.
a Matterer is oâfjus.
Licet interdum jocari , fed itis lawfulltojeffùmetimes,but urbanè. , civilj. Ridere etiam licet, fed non ; it is alfò la*fati to laugh, but cachinnari. -
' - mottv laugh umreafónably.
Vexamus joco,taxamus feriò wevtx injeft,vereba{e£rioupy Increpamus quiéfhodocunque we obeck dafteramyfafbiom. d Hi Frugális contentus eft páu a thrify mam is contcni »itba!;* -
fw thing*. •
Ayarus eft parcus, liberalis a eovetoa, jam is fpgrimg, a li beral! man bouatifull. largus. ' •. . Dives fatuus fidit Deo ia co a foolifh rich mam truffith Gdd. -
im pleMty.
C 2. \ •
he '
ThePortalltothe GateofTongues. Diffidit in inopia.
be difrußetb bim in want.
a juff miam defiretb nothing of Juftus appetit nihil alieni. . amotber mams. | Furari turpe eft.
it is diffhoneft tofteale,
tendthou tbat which any ome Quod quis pctit mutuò da. requireth. -
reforethat whichthouhaf bor Quod mutuò accepifti £edde. rowed.
performe that which thou haft Quod promififti præfta. ' . prbmifed.
»hemthóu wanteft,let it notirk Quum eges,nè pigeat pofcere tbee to aske. '
'\ '
wbemitis givem, be notafhamed Quum datur, nè pudeat fu '
tota*e." . .
' at
Sum impetrâfti,age grati -
»hentbou bafi obtained, give
• thanker.
pcndat furtum, aut pcn$** let athiefé*pay for his thtf, or Füí deat in patibulo.
íìtìfiöiiem. . let him hangon the gallowes. indeed he is worthy of puniJh Poenâ fanè dignus eft. .- me7jf. -
a giftis givem freeby, areward Donum gratis datur, præ fora good turne. vagesfor defert, a mä ofaweakfpirit is not ßräg be is puffedup in profperity. he trembleth im adverfity.
* mium pro officio. Merces pro merito. Pufillanimis non eft fortis.
In profperis effertur. . In adverfis trepidat.
bethou cheerfull at thy labours. Tu efto ad operas alacris.
Otia linque ignavis. * leave idlemeffè tothefluggi/h. ifthouwilt emdevour anything, Si quid vis conari,dcbes pri ùs contari. . thou oughtef fif to affay. andthem to fet upomthe thing. Et nunc rem aggredi. porto delay amy mere.
Nec ampliùs cun&ari.
fortune is unconftant,itbringeth Fortuna eft inconftans, ad miférable chamcer. ', fcrt miferos cafus. which apatientmamfùffers. | Quos patiens patitur. qlthough he mourm, weep,lament Etiamü gemat, flcat, ploret.
Kecp in thine anger,ffaream of Cohibe Tiram, delinquenti ' fender. . . .
Deprecanti ignofce. hathany one hurt thee ?forgive 'Læfit te quis ? condona e
pardom himthat intreatr. him thefàult.
* -
haft thou offendedany? appeafè Offehdifti tu aliquem ? paca ^ amd quiet him.
& placa illum,
' Injurias
The PortalitotheGateofTongues.* ' Injurias tplerare fàtius eß, it is betterto bear injuries, tba» •, quàm ulcifci.
torevenge them. T.
.- -, '
Malignus malcdicit, folidus a malicious mancurfëth,afoolifh * mlnatur.* -threatmeth.
Superioribus efto obediens. be obedient to thyfìperiours. ualibus officiofus. , | courteousto thy equalt. Inferioribus affabilis. ' gemtleto thy inferiours. Et eris omnibus amabilis. and thoufhaltbe amiableto all. -
Qüicunque humanus èft, ob »hofìever is courteous,fàluteth vios falutat.
, ,
Salutantes refalutat.
, them that bemeeteth.
hefaluteth againethofe phat fà bute hjm. he anfiveretb tbemtbat a*e. ' , -
Interrogantibus refpondet. hegiveth to them that reqüeß. Poftulantibus porrigit. Egenis opitulatur , mœftos he helpeththeneedy,he cömfor
Ignaros informat.
eth thefàd. . heimformethíhe ignorant.
Confilii indiges confulit.
headvifòth thofè that famd ix -
, folatur.
mecdofadvice. . envieth momam, hefavouretb Inyidet, nemini, favet omni beall. bus.
Verax ftudet veritati, men 4 true mamftudieth for truth, a , liarlieth.
dax mentitur.
Amicus diligit, inimicus odit. a friend lovetb, am ememy ha teth. Dolofus
decipit,fincerüs non
fallit. -
a crafiy mam deceivetb, a fin cere couxeneth mot.'
Sociusjuvat,fodalis colludit. a companiom helpeib, a partner playeth with one,
afellow accompamieth.
Comes comitatur. „
The Conclufion.
Multáne fuperfunt ? pauca 1)0 manythings remaim? fy 1 . puto.
- .
think. behold the laff title. -
' Ecce ultimus titulus.
Nam hocVeftibulum eft tan for this Portallis omely abegin tum exordium. • . ming. -
Quod n6 prolixüeffe c6venit vbich is not fit to be large.
Venimus ergo ad claufulam, peare come totheend, life pa* vita tranfit velut umbra.
feth as afhadow.
Quicquid natum eft moritur, »hat/oever is borme dieth, all omnia funt vana.
things are vaine.
δ peccator,mors tc dcvorabit o finier,death wil confùmve thee . ^
The PortalltotheGate ofTongues. ah'af*thouJHaltgointo the grave Tande* ibis in fepulchrum. 3. luce in tenebras. e#t inta darkneffè. , thoutherfarexwhoßeverthetiart Tui proinde quifquis es Formida infernum. feare hell. Jeffre heavem. Dcfidera coelum. fit mat, leftbouperifh. } Peccare noli, ne pereas. here we ftay, meithcr dowe adde. Hic fubfiftimùs, Éì more. '. ' magis. . .' readerre#cowenttd. Acquiefce le&or. thou fhält fimdthereffimorder, Beliqua reperies ordine. extringthe gate, pray uhus. Januam ingreffus,oraita. bave mercyom us. Miferere noftri. 0bleffèd Saviaur, 3 Benigne Salvator.
Jefi* chriß.
gravt us knowledge,
Da fcientiam.
grant us;::;:
Da pietatem.
grantus bleffedmeffè.
0 thow bleffèdfa? evermrorc.
'| Benediâe in fecula feculo rum.
T O T H E R E A D E R. ø%}He terme oflifeis [hort, the way ro artis Hipp. tang ; yetas ffw and dißrdgr may helpc to ζ /hortem that vitall thread, which nàture £%'(left to her felfe)would fpin ourto a far % 3 ther length : fo ignorance and fòlù do help to lengtje That way töart, which wifedome- and method might make far more compendious. Nomarwell then, if our progreffè be fo flow, when we tqile fo much to re
move of over-leap thofe, blocks, which we our felves
have laid in our owne path. No marvellifit be fo long £efore wee cam reach the pitb ofmatter, when fo much
time is mif-fpent in the barkofwords:yea when the onely ftudy of the Latin tongue (whofe higheft preferment is, to bè but the Mufes trünchman, and the common carrier between the Learned) draines up above a quarter ofa
competent age : andiffo large a fpace be wafted in the imitation ofa meer vcrbalift ; how many ages will be re quifite to the perfettion ofa realift ? * Some indeed there Scaliger, have bin of a more hervicall ftrain;who ftriving to gain *Lipf.Drufùs, cope thefe ambages by venturingon a new difcowery, &c. have happily made their voyage in halfe the time. Thé -
reafons, why we do magno conatu magnas agere nugax,ftil!
wilder our felyes in ourgwne mazes, and plodd on in rhe bcaten rodc with fo fmall fuccefie, may all be re duced to this one ; in that we take fuch pleafure difcere
dediftemda, to learn fuch things as fhquld be learned o therwife ; or fuch as are not worth the learning, but muft be unlearned again : much like the myffary ofcom
piememts, the . courting language, and other fooleries, which our gallants muft needs in any cafe karne to praî
άice when they are young and vain, and after learne to
laagh ar, ifever they grow grave and wife. r. To begin with our very (pelung and teachingto read, what checks and chidings (ifnot blowes and ftrokes) muft a clfild endure;to make him mif-pronounce? what accurate dili gence is ufed, to wean him from the true, ancient,genuime
found (which werefonef attainable) and cnure himto a C4
new, -
* -
* . i
To the Reader.
ncw, barbareus, gothifh pronunciation, which yet is far moré intricate and difficult ? for,not to fpeake of the con- ' fufion ofvorels, whofè quantjty (longor fhort) every cobler might better difcerne omge by the bare uttering óf … the word, then we can mow with all our rules ofprofödy ;
certaine 1t is that Tully,and thofe ages, wherein this lan guage flourifht in its prime and purity, never founded c -*•And.y 4 but as the greek * x, g as y, t and i as ti : and how rea
;££„ dily would a fcholar decline
Lego, leyis, leyit, leyimus, leyitis, legunt ? amicus, amuki, amico, &c ? totus, toti-us,
toü ?pati-or,pateris,pati, pati-endi ? ofletium, leäi-oymtmo, xm-minis ? Bur as we go to work, what a coile have wee now to begin Lego, but then lejit, lejimus, lejitis, yet
not lejumt but legunt ? firft amikus, next amif, thén amito; ami£ìm, then againe amifè ? what pains are we at to mif found the reft,tofius,pafior,pafiendi,leqiw(or letfho)nemmi-. nis,&c ? what dire&ion can here be given,without many exceptions, when we our felves fometime givc ti its own ._.„... found,even before at vowell? Such rubs indeed feem but *-4* im iftius, IjX?
££** trifesto thQfe that are oyer-paft thcm:but none,I think, would plead for the continuance of this corruption, but fome Jefuitical patron ofequivocatior:for a letter double * I Cor.r4.
tomed is like a man double-longued, a dcceiver: for * it it
-giyeth an uncertain noife, and hath not JiayoAìv τὸ 3%yf?, a diftinäßumd, who (but by a tedious circuit) can fpell out the meaning of it ? Hic eft ufùs literarum (faith &gintil. ) ut cuftodiant voces, & velut dipoffium
«* JAf leaß
' le thê
reddant legentibus : itaque idexprimere debent, quoddiäuri fìmus. Noris the cure of this error to be difpaired, if
words rogaine our univerfity-profeflörs,and fome of the cminent learn
speir.aieient ed would darè fò* begin. In vulgar tongues, the grofè 4*£*j* of the mixt multitude ihuf bearefiway: büt in the learmed ;* languages, which are exempted fiom popular ufe, the -are conf. Sa. learned, ifthey will, may command. Somc forrcinc na èd with • tions do at this day exačtly retain the right found ; and thera:au,cen
who knows not, that the Greek pronunciation was farre. ÂÃÄÈÉ? more and more generally corrupted ; which yet by the . f H.Steph. cndevours and courage of f fomie undaunted fpirits, is Ę; now, even in defpiteof the great * oppofers, gencrally füs, fcena,
§îäî* reformcd ? 2. After the difficulty ofreading,what greater & c.
* pul-back than the affe&ed perplexity of grammaticall pre
cepts? fince barbarifm and fuperftitiom gat the uppcr hand
(and ncver bcfore) fomc have taken a great pride, in patch -
… To the Reader.. X. parching ugthe very rules of art into the fafhion of a -
Aboblingverfè ; efteeming ita piece of morc curious cun ning to catch at mwmber and meafure, than to be exa& in perfpicuity and order. Now fure 'twas a merry world when the Friars ruled the- roaft, who ran mad upon this humour, and would never lin riming without all reafùm,
infomuch that religion it felfe was turned to a matter of rime. But the defcant ofmeeter hath often corrupted the .
ptain-fbmg oftruth : for as this dotage blunted the edge of devotiom, by ticklingthe eare and robbing the under
-ftanding 5 foit hindred the courfe oflearning, byftuffing the precepts ofarts (which for children, efpecially fuch as are unacquainted with the lawes ofverfifying, cannor :
be too plaimJhort, and order3) with much 6bfcurity and confufion, many tautologies, and fome groffè falfhoods.
Indeed when the intellcöiüall part hath fed upon a cleare and diftinét notion, a verfe is not unfit to fìrengthenthe . retemtive faculty, and may ferve fometimes totruffęup a
confufed heap of particulars into a portable pack : but * .
to difguife theprincipali rule under the yeil of Poetry,is ' to teach them to dante,who as yet cannot go ; and proves (as painting to glaffe) a means to darken the fenfe,and overcaftthe clearer light with a rieedleffe cloud : which either putteth both mafter and fchollar to a double toile
, (in devefting the verfè of his habit, and turningit ££ into profe,before it canbe conceived)or doth but quick- . £n the memory (in a prepofterous männer)to patter over fome words by rote, without underftanding ; and yet , cumbers it as much by entérlarding a multitude ofimper tinences,which (were it not to botchup a tattered yerfe) might well be fpared. 3. A third r mora to a fpeedy return, is the multitude ofthofe things, which'are croud ed perforce into a capacity, as yet üncapable, and too , ftraitto afford themali lodging : which being hardly able totake in a fraught of meef neceffaries, may foon bé overladen with the luggage of fuperfluities : for though a grcmmar muft be completè in its kind, and not defe
gal; Veálé
$ive in anyth'ng pertinent to that art;yet uncoutb words, fitter to be obferved thcn ufed, may well be ca£ afidé
intothe margent ; and * all things inferted into the text *«.,;. ftandnot there to be gotten by heart, but onely to doe P, fc. i, : fome fpecial! fervice üpon extraordinary occafion. Why Liliiesgram fhouldthofe word, thoferules orexccptioms,beal • orindecd . , • *
To the Reader. a perpetual! burthento a childes memory, whereof hee {hall fcarce have ufe twice in an age? and yet they breed not a greater inconvenience by their mumber, then by
their A. diforder ; when the teacher hath not fomuch di 'fcretion, as to cull out the- moft ufefull, and fo ro rank the reft, that what is learned firft may ferve as a ßepto
mount üp to that which followeth. Ifofthe optative,po tential,and fuhjunétive moods,a fchollar never hear but of one, what miffe fhall, he have ofthe reft,more then ofa moodjurative, affirmativr,negative,dubitative, &c ? what is *rhe Latins the keepimgofthe article (as we * mißcallit) in thc firft de
£;:.;:,:cliningofcarnificina a noune,? being but (as Pojius trufy tcarmes if) tui; atali, puerorum onely the pra&ice of the fe cond concord (asis alfo öur conjugating of the pret.perf. temfès &c. of verbs in pr) and therefore to bc referved to the proper place, and nöt fit to be taught tili they have made fome proceedings in Syntaxis : for even things uß fu! become combefor/ie, ifumfèafomable. The wit ofman * cannot divife a way to child in his pro- •
greffè, then thatpreface which wee findtocon f;:£g* ob/erved in„ mended finthe prefixcd our is ce
3Citò difcet & loquiLatinè & $ri- ordinary Grammar ; to wit, to begin bc£,quipromptè nomina declina- fir£ o£ %}1 „;;H declexffons and cowjuga esfcholarum çïçìüôå Å. tibnt ; to make it his main and onely nes & conjugatiohes præceptores task,to declime any kindofnotum or verb, j#£;Š opt.docen- till hebe moft expert in öoth. Next, 1 rationem exiltimant, ut pueri • • having runover the principall rudes of »mes regulas non intellc6tes memofitę fiîe fru&ù perçant, priùf. 6*6vrd and comfruëiiom, and feen in quam feautori explicando vel imi- what method they hang together , and £ando accomodciit,reacher, ßith Mulgaperceived the wfe of them in the exam £;£££* Præfat. ples, prefently to fall in hand with re & verba conjugare didicerit.Lu- I.
• -
fome Latin author ; andas variety o£
analyfingor parfngfhall give occafion,ofthe ufe ofother. rules, fo to turn to them by book, not plodding about ` them as the maim, but thus by degrees bringingihem in
upon the by. ' Which often application of the rule to
fundry examples (in canwaffing his authors Latin, and fome pra&ice cfh's own) will foon- fo fix hcidca ofit
in his fancy, that withinº a while his experience will bee A.
, his rule, and the quintefîènce o£his Grammar printed in his owne brain : for the toxgue doth but run riot, when
the wit keeps not pace with it ; and therefore as the ma fter fhould labour,in teaching the rules or conftruing o£
Tothe Reader.
o£any author, to make him pcrceive what he fpeaks, to give fome account of the/enfe and meanumg. as wellas the phrafe, and (as a capacity will bear) to fow in him the . feeds of ay commendable knowledge, and upon oc cafion of to imprint himtoo theoften notion the thing: fothe he word, can never too foqninnor beatofinto himithis generall maxime, that he learns mo more thembee
: hee eed
?j! -
, tam
lepto Ae,P?
underfiamds ; that the end of his pains is not words, but matter; that the fludy o£triviall languages,is but apræludi
no** - • umanâ prologue tothe ftudy of deeper arts: and howfo wha;* , , eyer jabberingby meer rote may be winkt at for a time it£ & in a mcer child, or where the apprehenfion is not over mtsit)
nimblc, yet to keep him longat that ftay,is not to make
af&hollar,but to teach a parrat;and under pretence of ad vancing him to the credit ofa Linguiff, degradc him in
deed from being a%ham ; enlarging the Iiberty of his tongue, but withall ftoppinghim ofthe ufe of his reafon.
ey ha*
figs* ofnum
5. But the heavieft cleg to retard a ftudents profici
ency,is the large circuit ofthat vaft and uncertain walke, which he muft perambulate, before he can attaine any reafortable acquaintance with the Latim tongue. Diéiio
his pro-
,d cOnr
Atogut , bcgm
maries indeed férve as ftore-houfes to pack up al1 parti
thenan alphabetical! order , to com tbcm by heart, were
an endleffe labour ; and by them alane to compofe a fpeech, were to make ropes of fand. A farther help hath been in pra&ice, finée the Haft reviving of good li terature, to wit, the reading of choice and elegant au thors, Butto getali fuch, is 9ver-chargeable ; to perufe,
cular words ; but being compiled in no other ftruéture
or verº,
, Ncst; .
rules$ feeni, ,,
all exa&ly, is very tedious, ifnot impoffible ; and with- . _ all a wafte offo much pretious time, that the gain (ifit
r, an
éxam: dwi
be little more then words) will fcarce be able to weigh
charges ; and though it be an excellent way topolith, yet
{ety o
not fufficient toperfeöi the yery ftile, nor able to furnifh
, about Ãem in
- us with words for every fubje&. If many reala novelties be now invented, which former ages knew not; why
, tu\e t%
may not mew words be minted, as the analogy of the
ên, a!
learned tongues give leave ofexpreffion? and fince the*
ica of* „.;11 b*
aime ofhum unity is to wait upon divinity, how can the ancient Latin fervc our turne to tbefuil, feeing the gloffè
ínte$* „., wha' 3. m*
ofit was loft, and the purity corruptcd, before everit was applied tò chriftianufe 5 unlefè any {hould affe&
the vein ofBembus, to call the holy Ghoß divine aure ••
To the Reader. particulum ; or ofthat -fpruce ciceroniam, whom Erafmus fancieth (for fcar of polluting his Tullianifme) to turnc
this divine fentence, chrift the Word and Sonne of tbe Fa ther, according to tbe Prophets, bcing made mam, yeslded bimfelfè to death, redeemed his church, and pacified the
syrath of God, tbat being jufiified by faiib, aiid delivered - from the tyrannie of Satàn, afïer death, wee might obtaine thc kingdome of beavem: Thus, in old pure heathen ifh Latin : 7avis opt. max. tnierpres ac filius,juxta vg
tum refponfa, hominiâ affumptâ figúrá, diis manibus fe de vovit, concionem five civitatem fìve rempublicam fuam af fèruit in libertatem , ac fulmen in capita noftra vibratum reftinxit ; ut perfiafiame ad innocentiam reparati, & à ß cophante dominatu manumißi, quum fata nos hunc evocá rint, in deorum immortaliam cohfirtia rerum fummâ potia m.ur. Will any man b: leeve, that Twly himfelfe, ifhec
were now to fpeake of fuch a fubjeét, would ever ufe fuch putid expreffions ? and not rather frame his ftile to fuch phrafes , as are now emfianchifed by moderne
ufe, and paflè for currant among the learned and moft able in their feverall profeffions : for the ftru&ure 9f a •fpeech may bee truely Ciccroiiian (id eft, mafcu lime , Jimcwy, fpritely, pure) notwithftanding the mix ture of fome words 5 which once were barbarous or not cxtant, but bred fincc upon emcrgent occafions, and by the ncccffity of after ages. The fuume of this
qifpute rifeth to this i[ue, that fince the common paf fage is fo t:dious and irkíome , bcfore a ftudent can bee matriculattd among the fmatterers in Luih, it is
therefore the readier and wifer way to faile by com paffe , rather thcn to roye at ramdom e:. to take a fhort cr and nearer cut by the helpe of fome abftrati, which may be epitome totius Latim ifmi, then to traverfe fo ma
ny volumes, for mo other purpofe but to learne Latim: bet ter to perufe the world ih a map, and mcafure the parts rofit by a fcalc, rather then by fea to croff. the line, and cncircle the globe by navigation, onely to know the compaffè ofthe earth, and the fituation offeveral! climates : better to view all creatures in Noahs arke, ' where they are fhur up by paircs, and confined to a narrow walke, then to gad from land to land, til1 a inan light on hcre one and there änother at a venture,
wter!) out of a defirc to fce them all. Thc bcft attcmpt. aS -
To the Reader. psyet extant, to make this proje&t £ifible, is this 7amua òf7. A. coníenius , yherein,. I. All primitive words, ;
togęther with the chicfcft and moft ufuall derivatives. ' and compounds, that make up the body of the latia , tongue, are fo applied, to their proper fubje&t, for . which hey were intended, that the maiter helpsto hold
in the word, and the word the matter 5. to which purpofe . contraries are fo linkt and fet acroflè in the fame fen- .
tence, that the one ferveth to cleere the naturall fenfe of theother. z. Great care is taken to ufe words in
their original! primary fignification (which beingwellun derftood, the other that*is borrowed and tropicall will, eafily beé difcerned) unleflè where the proper fenfe is
growne out of date, and the tranflated fenfè more ufii à11: fuch words I mcane, as are ofcommon ufè ; and that
I call the properf& fe,which eftber appeares by an evident etymologic(refolving the word into the firft naterials, as theylye callow and newly hatcht in the meft) or which is moft frequented by the common pra&tice ofthe Learn ed. But where the word isofrarer ufe, or the originall
`very queftionable,or the thingit felfe obfcure or ofmeam cr note, there to call for exaétneflè and propricty, or not to dare to apply to mattgrs ofour age fuch ancientterms
as come next to them, if they, hit not pat upon them, (and which, otherwife, muft ftandafide like empty casks without imploiment) or to make much adoe about eve
ry kitchin-terme, or workmans toole, or fomc * worfe * sem, &iii v fübjeét: this were indeed a Lypfi:n curiofiy, and a taske eifim hathbim fit for thofe that would joyne with Domitiam in his reti- j£f; ring room. 3. Theffnia* ofeach fèntenceis fo compo- £. fcd, that commonly it giycth fome inkling of the gender,?, ibi; ••.
declenfion,or conjugatiom the word is ofjor what cafeit go- meani cffe.gr
veraeib, 6r the fiè helpeto Grammár: to which enä I%j£* or foulne(fe, -
have often altercd the cafe, number orgehder ; which, might wetter
had it not been to further the aime of the author, might häe iien ra: have paflëdas formerly. 4. (Settingafide verbs fubfian- £4*?**** ' tives,conjunótions, and the like particles,which muft áome/***'. often to combine loofe words into fome fenfe) the fame
word ufually commeth but once : iftwice orthrice, ve- * ry feldome.] Yet where the Latin hath diverfe fignifica-. tions fo incoherent, that it is hard to defcryany depen dence of the one upon the other ; or hath one fçnfe be ing ufed finglr, andthcr joymed in a phrafe; or whcre the `Laum
To the Reader. ' Latin wants a proper word to point but fomething which our Englijb doth properly expreflè : in thefe or the like cafes, hee that is fêrupulous of repeating the fame word, fhall find his fupcrftition to runnehim per
*v.6.3.738.force on a worfe inconvenience ; to wit, either oftentimcs * 39o.&c.
to fpeak mow-fènfè (as the Jefuits * Janua did) or fomêtimes to omit that which is fit to be inferted. Much
it were to be wifhed, that Hee which could do fo much \
infhadowing out thé firft draught, would himfelfpoljb it with his own pencil: for although I have attempted fomething this way (as may appeare in pait in this edi tion) yet a little experience me, that none is fit
ter to finifh the feverall rooms, then he that firft contri
vcd the whole modell. Eafie it is to fpy out fome few de*
fe&ts; but how to fupply them without wronging the 44 thors intent, or tranfgreffing thofe rules to which he hath confined his courfe, is a task of more difficulty then at
firft it feems. Which made me more fparing in tamper ing with the text, (as being loath falcem immittere in àlie meffem, unleffe I knew the owners mind) and rather 4* nam bold with marginal! annotations ; fome whereoftend to JMarked £§ (b) f explaine what is obfcure, fome wanting. &c.
ro * make out what is
*JMarked thws,(*f)
The tranflation ftrives not to render the Latin adver bum (a task fitter to be left το the mafters care and the
fcholars induftry)but truly to expreffè the authors mean ing in fuch proper words and current phrafes, as an Em
6ut mo* al
lifb mam will own : and thereforc in fòme places I have
beenbold to change the Latin (although it was well be fore) onely to have it comply the better with good En glifh : and that, Firft, forthe benefit of frangeri ; that
Iook what help the originali affoords to the attainment of Latim, the fame may forreiners that defire to learne our
language, find in this tranflatiom ; to wit, all our moft ufuall anglicifms, and the main body of our tongue com- ' prifed within the finall bulk of this little treatife. 2. To
enure a young fcholar.betimes to a right proper Englifh ftrain ; whichis far more difficult, thêm to bömba/t ah af fe&ed ftile with exotick faring phrafes, or make it flyat
with boifterous fuftian language. It is meer. folly to be curious and expert infrrejt ctinning, and be a franger al home : andit fhquld be the care Töf every teacher, as wellto accuftomc a cliild betimss to the pra&ice ofg! -
To the Readcr. -
Englijh, as ofgood Latin ; our mother-tongue bcing likely (in the pra&tice) to be mof*ufofull, and beirigindeed as capable ofany fcholar-li&e impreffions,and as pliable - , to any kind of elegancies, as any whatfoeyer. 3. By this means to dire& a ftudent to the readier expreffion
of propcr Latin: for he that in conftruing an author go ethtowork onlyt verbatim, and frains his own tongue fsae Hermes
fo tojump-with the latia, that his very Eagljfh is büt a Agglo-iati Latinifme in Englifh words 5 when after he ineets with ° the fame fenfe in more pafïàble Englifh, and is to tuine it into Latin ; although hee knows the word that would J indeed ferve his turn, yet having neyer met with it in ' that Engiifh habit, but in a batder drfTe, he;is asfar to feek, he had neyer feenthar word befofe. Whercas -
he that óbferves ghg idioms pcculiar to two languages, takes the right coiifetobè exáétin the pröprietyöfäötb. Englifh termes, which found near the Latin,are ofpur-,&xeepefiicâ pofè put by, * ihat there might be room forother more 4f ar6* cemw
propér and home-bred : becaufe the Latim itfelfe, ifoncejjì Κnown, prompt a mannew withEnglifh fuch fpurious i3/^/?far, gljfh, as will (like foon a 7efùite) jetsina habit, Embu: diffrmt fomi their own • isfor fubftance Romifh. Words inclofedih two femjqua riginall, ' drats [] (whether in the originalior tranßation) are ff- T . , monima to the word precédent;and may be ufèd ridiffe- … rently in thefame fignification. : : … ..,; t ' . ; ; Thefe rudiments beingthusfaid, what advantage may . . ' hence rife to the furtherance ofyouth,and prevertiori of -
much need-leffè trouble, I Jeaye to the witheflè of thofe that have had experience, and the triall of fuch as will
put it in ure:not doubtingbutthe plot it felfe wi41 thrive, . being thusifar advanced, although the prefènt undcrta- ` {ers faile offull performance. 'Free it is for every man' to miflike what he pleafeth 5 provided that he himfelfe
cometh outwith foiie device, which with as great pro bability ofreafon may more' conduce to publike good.
Joh. Ro» or H AM.
. .
L INRESERATA. G u AR UM' !-- -- a
CA P. I. Introitus. •
a ct Alve Le&or amice.
a Salutatio
inprimocon- ? ' )Si rogas quid fit eruditum effe ; rcfponfum ha£e: nôfîè • reíümäifferentias,& pofîè unumjquodquc fuo , t .. " É íiíres in defignare vel infignire nomine.ter fé diffe
Nihil nè prætereà? Nil certè quidquam.
runt. .
Totius eruditionis & do&rinæ fundamenta
qui notnenclaturam naturæ, & artis perdidicit. Sed(atqui) id difficile forfan.
Eß, fi ihvitus feccris, aut præveniente & præconce
ptá'opinatione [imaginatioiiejteipfum terfueris. 7. 8
Tandem, fi quid afperitatis erit, initio erit. An non & Iiterarum cara&eres ac du&us puellis,
primâ fpe
*primo intuitu mirâ [monftrofà] portenta videntui* 9 Aft ubi paululum impenderint operæ,lufum & jocum eflè animadvertunt.
ro. Idem in omni re evenit, ut afpe&u exteriore opero appareat. rr faAt% aggrederis;nihil eft quod non cedat, ac fe fub dat vel mediocri ingenio.
1. Qui cupit, capit ómnia 5 stiam quae primâ aggref fione caprum fuperant. -
13 Age
,O F
• ' . .
° ,
L A N G Ul A G E S 'M
u N L O C KED. .
• ITT c H A P. I. The Entrance. a od fave you, friendly Reader.
. -
a Good morrow.
• '
G%% to bething agoodfabolar, takeamothis £.; %*£*£* £g foram infìverdemanáyhatit ; to know howis one differeth from at firft ?her, amdto be able to (note, or) marke out every thingby
its owme mame.
~ '
3 Is there nothingeffe ? Surglj [verily] nothingat all. Â Hebath laid the grounds [ground-Worke] όfallfeholafhip... . a»dlearming, who hatb through y learmed ° the maming of* Hoy£9;sal. 95
… ab. amb* iqu* fú0
himfelfe with a fore-ftal.cd (anticipated)conceit [imagina
give a rightname b
amd art.
nature angart.
5. Buttbat (it may b£)is abard [difficult] matter. É;. § 1t isfo, ifa mim /half doe it»itban iiiwil, orJhallftare by art. .^
7 }j;Ἄ iffae,ifhaply there be any ha;fuffr;it *vill be but
„nce- ' • 8 Do mot aljothe charajfers qmddraughts [or ftrokes] oflet- _ ..-_ . S.
9 Butafter they have beftowed a littlepaines,theyperceive it is afport andpaftime. *- 1 ojußfòit falleth [appearance.] out in every thing,thatitfhewetb in outwardview
g' jçuru
toilfime• -
• '
. . .
1 1 Bufifa mam dftipon it, thereis nothingthat yeeldeth not, 8£allin hand andfioopeth,evento an ordinary [indifferent] wit. • ^ with it•
fc fùb- `
iz. Heconceiveth [catcheth] all things,who deffreth to do it:
even thofè things which at the firft undertakimg go beyond
AC at
ters look Jhew like wonderfüll* ftramge tbe firf [blufh, looke ?] fights to littlc - childrem „, «Monftrous. • . . •
his reach or capacity. -
, 3 A£
.I * r 3 come
. • .
. ,
The gate of Languagesunlocked. f Putthteih
' 13 come om [goc too] them, whofùever thou art: 1 * bidthee bope, andforbid thee to defpaire [to be out ofhopc.]
good hope.
14 io s here,fee this fmallpooryork. 15 Yet hcre (i ffeakeit without boaffing) will 1/hew thee the
»hole world, amd all the Latim tongue [language,] as in amabridgmentor manual!. 16 Try h, Ipray, turmover and learne well thefefìme certaine
& Afy '
done this, thouJhalt find tby felfe, in very deed,
Ἀ to allftudies ofhumane learning. v
C H A P 2. Of the Worlds originall [or begimming.] ; and Creation.
G ofnothing. 0d by his umfpeakeable omnipotence crcated allthings
19 For in the bcgimming he fprcd and ftretcht out that huge vide/pace or room,where heavem amd earth havetheir bcing:
zo And fillcd it with a kind of darke and mißfhapen  Oα α^. •,
a Qualities or o- '
,/£, ofwhicho a$ the matter or ftuffe, befhapcd[formcd] bodily creatures, diffimgujhcd by formę, indºcloaibedwitb divcrs accidents * ; according ày be had conceived thepat
terneor platforme ofeveryíbingwitbinbimifif.
' ces addedto a . 22. And in every thing he planted its owne mature, that is, a
thing, bsfides the power tokcipe toits oipnemcafire[fizejkind,anáplace áp mccrbcing. , pointcd [allotted to itj C H A P. 3. Ofthe Elements. • Fifandformoft.
£ Mif#*£££
B* a bcfore all thimgs, be feparatgd [feyered, put Dafünder] this fame diförderediump Piniofoureffàâau kttids, accordingtothedegrees ofthic&neffè and thinneffè. ^ made Üright and böí,ama aggedit Fife or Light.
;:;:;3i- 24 Thetbimmtf and fineft part hé •
;;;* , 2 5 termed The otbfr bcingaffo thim, tranffarcnt and c warme, bee c Clcare, that Aíre. ''**'**"*°' z6 part,beingflowingamdcola, was [grounds] water ; to 37 The 4nderthird wbicb remaihcd thêthick fettlings rOW.
wit,Mud [flime]or Earth.
28 4ndthefe arefimple bodies,out ofwhich arif. up the bodies mixed [compounded] or made òfthcm, -
. •
29 For a
famua Linguarum referata. dth££ .
13 Agedum itaque quifquis es, fperare ego te jubeo, de
r 47 En, vide exiguum hoc opufculum. 1 5 Hîê tamen (quod fine jaótantia dico) univerfum mfun
] asit
\ ' dum exhibebo, totámque Latinam Iinguam, velut in
16 Tcnta quaefo, evolve & cdifce aliquot has pagellas. 17 Fa&o hoc, oculatum te ád omnia humanitatis fludia
fperare veto.
breviario feu enchiridio,oftehdam. ditd,
reipsâ comperies. _-*
ingl ;
C A P. 2. De ortu & creatione Mundi.
Di; ineffabili fua omnipotentia creavit omnia ex nihilo.
18 J;hing
* 9 Principiò enim expandit extendítquc vaftiffimum ,
at h?g!
fpatium ubi coelum & terra exiftunt.
Et complevit [rcplevit] id tenebricosâ quâdam & in
; fhit:
£T£ormi caligine.
21 Ex quâ, sanquam materiâ, figuravit [formavit] crea
tm:] sdyit
turas corporeas, diftinétas formis, & veftitas accidcn
tibus variis, prout cujufque ideam intra fe conceperat. 22 Implantavítque cuique Naturam fuam, id eft, vim obfervandi modum, genáfque fuum, & locum ôïgî
at å,4 age 4?”
C A P. 3. De Elementis. 23
Aï omnia verò, confufum ifiud Chaos, juxta \idenfitatis & raritatis gradus, in quatuor fpecies feparavit [diffiparavit, fegregávit.]
24 Tenuiffimam fubtiliffimámque partem fecit lucidam & calidam, & appellavit Ignem fèu Lucem. . . 25 Aliam iterum tenuem, pellucidam & tepidam, dixit Aëreiii.
z6 Tert'a port'o fluida & frigida, fuit Aqua : craflùiii , Limus , fcu
*7,$ quâ manfit fedimentum ' .
1 crra.
28 Atque hæc funt fimplicia corpora, ex quibus compo fira [mixta] exurgunt. -
D z.
29 Qmnia
£anua Linguarum referata.,
29 Omnia enim reliqua ex his conftant. 3o Quippe ex iis generantur, iis nutriuntur, in eadem
duï örrumpuntur, rcfolvuntur. C A P. 4. De Firmamento. • Firmamento, expan/o.
Stra funt fèu lampades in * æthere fufpcnfae, quæ indefinenter ab ortu in occafum infra 24. horas
circumcircà rotatæ, fuper mundi axem polis [vertici bus, cardinibus] immotis infixum volvuntur ; ut lumine
fuo tenebras illuminent, curfu autem temporum vices dimetiantur.
. sam, erantes. 3. At c planctae feptem, quifque in fuo * orbe, ctiam a Sphæra- • P*
Horizonz eft cir
contrario motu nituntur in adverfum, & ab occiduo * horizonte in ëoum contorqucntur.
culus, qut mundi partem confpicu
33 Inter quos infima eft Luna, quae, prout illuftrem fui
A»z diyimi* 46 i?2
menta pati videtur, retardationéque fuâ inenfes 34 Sol revolutione fuá per medium * zodiaci * annuâ,
eon/picua, in duo «quália hemifpha
f medietatem exhibet, incrementa [augmenta] & decrQ
definit annos : f diurnâ(dum oritur & occidit) dies.
jDimidium lunæ, præterquam
zae e
<lipfi,Jemper illu frátur &fo!e , &
plenoorbefulget:at ím novilunio opa cgm partem mobi*
obverfat;im p'emi
33 Ortum ejus praecedit aurora & diluculum, quum die fcit & lucefcit.
36 Occafum fequitur[excipit] crepufculum, quum vefpe rafcit & no&tefcit *.
37 Afcendens ad noftrum zenith facit ver ; rurfúmque L
illuftratamz inte.
defcendens,autumnum ; & utrobique æquatorem inter fecans facit æquino&ium per totum terrarum orbcm.
gram,alias mimo rem aut majorem iui partem per ví
/;;';:? unde apparet plena, no * Imus dat brumam, orditúrque hyemem : f Summus £f? gibbofa, bicor 38folftitium, inchoátque æftatem ; ubi Syrius [caniculae mus, dimidiata.
e Viæ eclipti •••
*£J* fit fpiratim & ohliquę. f Quam recen tiore}`telluyi (fr
ftella] ob proximum folarium radiorum fulgorem dif paret, ideòque donec ex iis emerferit, torrìm ac fer vidum æftuì, excitat.
zaffè verifimilius) tribuunt. * JAc (piff& ingruunt tenebr*. * Proximuspolo antar£tacò, ao bis (èmper occultô, yiz. im trópico brumalt [Capricorni.] f Proximus polo 4rético, nempe • fub tropico aflivoTCancri.]
s» Mercu
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. 29 Fer ofthefe, all therejt confift [are made.]
3o For out oftbem they are bredº, with themihey are maurifh- ;Êjggjreg, ed *, into them thêy are turnid, whem they arc corrupted í?" them they
[fpoiled, marred.]
• '
— -_-
CHAP. 4. Ofthe Firmament. , quæ
- -*-
31 QT'ars are, as it were, lamps humg up im the skie : which . Jbeingwhirled roundabout, without ceafing,from Eaft to Weft in the /pace offoure and twenty houres, are rouled over
· ··
the worlds äxle-tíet, which is fafíenedintò the two poles*, a Main hinges.
that ftir not : that with their light they may inlighten the ° darkneffè, and by runningtheir courfe they may meafure out b That £; the changes oftimes. £g**
32 But thefèvemplanets c, every one in bi; owne orbe, do a'/ω άingfiars. force their way contrary agâinfi the other, amdare burrièd -
from the Weftern horizon* to the Eafieyne. rem fji
decrę C íí
* A circle, which
Amongf which the Moom is tbelowfl ; which,as itJhew- clάetfi o**reaè etb us tbeone halffofitßlffhimimg.femeth to waz and wane et??ffthat Pa; [increafe and decreafe,] & byjts ffay cauféth the momcthy.
annuâ; dics,
34 The Sum, by bis yeeriy* couf? through the midjt ofthe xg- ÉÉ, ÉÉÉ diack, determineth theyeers; by his daily f c0u*f?(as it rifeth, pari which is out
uffl di:
amd fetteth or goeth downe) it boundeth the daies. . . 3ffigit; intotye 35 Before the- rjìng of it, góeth the morning amd dawning §¤;$ig;
eth light. f The Moon, un 36 Thetwilight fälloweth [cometh clofe after] thefum-f(t- lcffe itbee in,thς
[break ofday,jvhemit äwneth,waxeth day, and growi §. -
ting, whenit waxetb even [late] and groweth night *. jÉÉÉ; í #! 72íiti moiniingujiìììììejjijjoiefour bead,it γῆ;
, inter* yem.
agaim, it ma{eth barveff time [the fall of thc Ieafè ;] and lightned of the.
maketh theffring: and as it is defcending or going lower §íiíTúies én
om both fides as it cuti through the æquino&ial1 lifie, it §ii*j but as it makes day and night both of ajuf lemgtò alt the world over. É;?ii. ' 38 Being at the lompeft *, it caüfith the fhorteft day, and ht- íìíîãîëî ginnethygimtcr: beingat the highefi f,' it makes thelongeft the jiining part. day,and bcgins fummer ; when Tthe dóg-ßar is* gone oui of9;,y9£9£!e£ Jîght, by. reafon the brigbtmeffè of thejìn-beam?5 isfò mcere §.i £É it, amdtberefreuntitt it get§ cléare of tbem, itflifreth up úííí ÉÉ parching and fültry hot weather.
ôÉÉâ quarter,
^\ &c.* Which go £thwinding, aflope, or like a£rew.fwhich writers oflate time fit maybe with móre
„£,* jc0»
likeiifgod3ftrufhygiwetothe eartb. * And growesas datkas pitch. * When it comes neareftto the sotiííérne pole, (which is aîvaies kept gut of our fight) to wit,infhc yinter tropick, f Beinghcarcft the Northcrn polc,t6wit, under thè fùmmcr tropick, 3 Not tobe fccn. D3 39 Mercury -
Thegate of Languages unlocked.
e A 1Tercircle, 39 Mercury in his epicicle$ entircleth [goeth yoijad about] whof- centeris . *^ £be sum inleffè time thcn halfe ayrer : beautifull Venus in 4 juft in the cir3cumference of a
grcatcr Gircic.
jcer amd haife. Tbi ino-f 4°. bis Venus in the morning they cali the Morning-fiar ; in the evening tbe Eveming j;er. 4i Mars witb bis ficryrayes rums overhis courf [comcs round -
:••• •
to the famc point] well mtare in twoyears: bright fupi ter in twelve; cold Saturne in almoft thirty : andfrom thêfê • the dayes oftheweck derive their mames : Sunda) [Lords day j Monday, Tuglay, Pcdmefday, Thufday, Friday, * The moon, Saturday, 3, §§§§. 4* Tbe£clipßs of the great light, come to paffè by reafàm of. • _ r
t;e&ntfiefn and ° f me thirä* thing thatchops in between indoverfhadowes ,
[fiands in the light]
;$ $, 43Tbut Tirefixegifiarrjgagg£!£j&##*##/?!£; ÉÉÉÉÉ* they gliffer qnd twinkle not. all alike. The milky-circle ììáíôïíç $ú Ę 5y
tbrongétâ together a world ef little fmal! farres crouded
fouided] jcloß into one higpe : ßmt whgeffdo confti
£ÉÉÉÉ iure [malè]ibe 1 z.Signcs in the Zodiat£; wbicb art.4ries, T.
' £ibat neveralter
Taurus, Gemini, cancer, leo,Virge, Ijbra, scorpius,Sagit tarius, capricornus, Aquarius and Pifees.'
thcircourfe. '
C H A P. 5. O£. Fire.
«Give itleare. 44
AÉ £re rifetb out of any ffark. ifyou ** fùfferit [hinder it not.]
* whether turfe, 45 For* ivbatf rverkindleth or catcheth fire, that ff of
' brikesjfrijç. 'aligloweth [glimmereth,] nextit burneth, tfffnit blazetb ;* amy füanâ flametb iisof a light fire,] at lengtb (laj) being burntup, it is brought to£f? [cindars] andaJhes.
4« wood burning is called 4 fire-bragd; being quencbed [flaked, put óut]a dead-braad 5 a!itt! picce ofit, à a « Char-coal.
** dead coäte ; andfo longas it glowetb,4 liv£-coale.
4, smeake burningout bcöomes afame; ftickingtothechim mey{iocke, fìot ; going put at affe tunnel [chimney-topj. it fùllietb or taîeth the aire all about 5 the paffage and
Âï-jiebeinghoptup, i: fmotberetb, ftifieth, and ma&et thc bead acbe.
C H A P. 6.
\ -
O{ M
d ftrange Apparitions.
a Reakingfteam . . . . £ es¥s and Itrang 3/«wm out'%fmojß 48 a \ A Aterifh vapours are ;!acet. ' yard•
eontinually carried
49 Qf
famua Linguarum referata. tout]
39. Mercurius in epiciclo fuo folem circuit citiùs quam femianno, venufta Venus fefquianno.
Ius in 4
4o Hanc manè Luciferum [ Phoffhorum,] vefperi He
fperum [/'efferuginem] vocant. srouni
41 Mars ignito jubare periodum fiiam biennio fermè per currit [pervagatur],fplendidus Jupiter annis duodeçim,
hebdomadis nomenclationes [momenclatura,] fortiti :
ht fufi.
gelidus Saturnus penè triginta? Et ab his funt die$
Dies Solis [Dominicus vel Dominita] dies Lunæ, dies
rraffti/ ffai;*
... +.lJ*
rius & Pifces.
fif ij
C A P. 3. De Igne.
. . .
E#. ex quâvis fcintillâ, fi permittis, [aig ' prohibes,] oritur. -
45. Nam * quicquid ighem concipit, id primum glifcit, * ceffeffoßilis,fi-
dein ardet, tuíí fiagat & flammat, tandem (pofiieinâ) lisjitjiraj, £ riam-f-
}) hi$
crematum redigitur in favillas & cineres.
%tia 'it, A4
46 Lignum ardens appellatur torris; extin&um, titio ; Particula ejus, carbo 5 & quamdiu candet, pruía.
,, thjm ey-top]
fige a; j*mak!
47,Fuimus ardens* fit flamma ; camino adhaerens [imp. , Exardefèit in dea'] fuligo ; per c fumarium aërem circumquáque obfufcat §[fpiramentumj ineatu & exituegreflùs, öbftri, flammam. c Iefiumibalum, €to, fuffocat, & çaput tentat.
CA P. g. * '* 48
De Meteoris &• Phaenomenis movi;.
v TAPores aquofi perpetuò furfùm feruntur.
/ -
conglobatas agnfti
/.. :
. ces reddit,/wique
untur, fed inæqualiter corufcant & fcintillaníf:'qua- îTîgîa rum funt nonnullæ duodecim Signa Leo,Vir^ zodiaci, [33gis $iculus] quæ : Aries,conftituunt Taurus, Gemini, Cancér, infinitas minutif ímas ßella4 in u. g9, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricorfius, Aqua- £i: /;£;;
43 Stellæ fixæ cumgétavâ fphærã æqualiter progredi- obje£taobfçuraflu
jj-jiii; íáú 'd0 af
Martis, dics Mercurii, dies Jovis, dies Veneris, dies inter '£*£*£*£*/? ßlem &- ob^ Saturni. ^ , •• • . . tutum noßrum,•%.. 4* Eclipfes [obfirationes, deliquia, difeíius] luminarium ἀλίζ fiunt propter * interpofitionem [interventum] tertii,» & t* iutgigßtainter bumbrati -; falem &lumam va
49 Ex
famua Linguarum referata. •
49 Ex his denfatis fit nubes : aut, fi haec deorfùm labi
, , *
- _ 5o Inde pluit, ningit, grandinat, gelat. f3u*filt. §. 5 1 Pfccás mifiutuiis gùttulis * órforat ; pluvia deftillas • , lentè : làrgus imber densè devolvitur : nimbus impc \
tuosè ruit.
'5z Sin inter decidendum deftillandümque gelafcit, fit grando : fi incalefcit nimiùm, * uredo vel fübigo.
a vfiilge. &
ggs rigore ob 53 Pruina eft congelatus ros : ftiria, ftilla ° rigens : riguit•
drofomeli [mel rufcidum, melligo] à quibufdam créditur
faliva fyderum congelafcens.
, '
54 Nivium magna vis fegetem operit, nè à gelu vel * Nifí regelat,fi- glacie, quando glaciatur, algeat *.
** &lkia. ' 55 Aurâ fénis cùm fpirat, focillat nos, & gelata degelat: -
' ventus vehemens & impetuofus cùm flat, quatit 5 vio
lcntus ac procellofus profternit & proterit, quoquòfe /
g ggfia», 4 4. 56 8 Cardinales funt, Subfolanus [Eurus, Orientalù : J mundi plagis. ' Aufter [Notus, Mcridionalù:] Favonius [Zephyrus, Occi '..
dentalü:] Aquilo [Boreas,Septentrionalù.] Collaterales, Vulturnus, Africus [Libs,] Corus & Cæcias.
57 Circius & Turbo in gyrum fe mirificè circumagunt. hc,,„.„;„„,. Exhalationes fulphureæ incenfæ edunt fulgura [*fu!, , • • 58 * getra] & chafhmata. 59 Et tum caloris cum frigore pugna tonitrua ciet, cum *
' .
fiagore terribili, }√. 6o Emicans inde flamma fulmgn nuncupatur t. dem gerìuniu* 61 Quod,five fit urens, five difcutiens, five terr£brans, %fjgit]* ° momcfito fe dißipat;& quicquid eo icitur aut affatur, contorquet.
j Quòd telum ful-
p.15: * óculi.
62 Cum fulgurat, tonat, fulminat,
, s.it, „;„. • f Et parelius &
fidcratus pavefcat ? 63 P Cometa nunquam
quis non attonitus &
· · ·
fulfit, quin fterilitatem inureret
jtrafalene fcil. i- ` terris aut infe&ionem.
£t,£tΈ 64 Iris matutina (ut & halof) cœlum pluvium, nubilo Ἀ Ἀ. fum, turbidum aut dubium praefàgit ; vefpertina fere á xiii. ' ' " "* •
•. • •
nam tempeftatem aut fudum praehtinciat, . .. . . . ..
. *. * * * * * *
.*• •
- - - -
.. .
C A P. *.
49 Ofthefe beingtbickned, is made a cloud, or(ifthis fide | dowmward)a miß, haze of fog. 5o Therelponitrainetb.fhoweth, hailetb,frcexgth.
m labi
lcftillat ' sim;<-
5 r A mixlingrain bedeweth [drizleth] with very little finali
' dropr:Kaim [a gentle {hower] trickletb [fhowereth,dropeth] domom 6yärops foftly: a great fmoakimg/hower cometb tumbling downe clofe amdtbick : a forme rufheth downe fiercely [violently.]
afçit, fit
Thegate o£ Languages unlocked.
52 But ifit figexeth* in thefalingandruningdom,itbtgo- basi;i;i.s,. meth hail: ifit be over-heited;it turns to brand cor mildew ping down. [blafting.] c Brant, blight.
53Ahoarífime]frofitafroxendcw:amificle is a drop*fftffened: d whichis
rigens: creditur
the homey-dew is thought of fometo bea jelly from thefîars. grgyn hard with
gelu τὰ
54 »hem Greatjiore offaow àverith thefanding-ôn, lefit?hil, 5* it freexgth, withfreft or ice*. *Upleffe itthaw 55itwhen a mildui,gale gentlefroxen; coole aire cberijheth andáreatheth thaweth[athings wheipuffeth] a main, §¤: Ê.areinto
deglae tit ; s; uoquos
ftrong, fore,violent wind blowefb,iifhaketh : a tempeftu- T °" ous, boifterous, bluftring wind layeth all ftat and battereth , * downe, whitherfùeverit turmsitfelfe.
` ...
36 The* principáti winds aye,?béf Eaft-yvind, the$auth: Š ntali; j
zwind, ihe hfftff-wind, and Worth-wind : The collaterali £jjj.,
r//3» 0tf* •
fide winds are,the Southeaf,Southwtff and by weff, Nørth- ÉÉÉÉiy,WÉÉ . »eff and Northeaff. '
57 The whir/-wind and wheeling-yind frangely wheele a magum\ rá
-ict, cum
bout, (phirle them/elve* round into a circle.)
58 Erimfiomye exhalâtions [fet on fire,]put g Dey dampi, or fortbiightmingf, ftafhings,beingemkindled and wide gaping holes. íteams drivem out 5§ Amdtóem thêfight betweem beat and coldftirs up thunders ef* *arth by yith a dreadfüll crack [rumbling, crafhing.] I ihefum. e
6o The flameflàfhing[gfancingjouiihence is cälied lightmingf. f Whigh forcet; ^ 61 which, wheiberjibe tbe bijhing [fcorching,] lightnifig, %?£,££ -ebrans,
jìjìerigíáãïígííéêïýìeììiiníipier& $*'"* £; twinck.
ing] differfetb itfèlfe in a trice * [moment, inflant,] am whatfóeveris ftricken or blaffedtherewith, falleth downe. h
6, ubjiitflaffeth, jundreijaiiiigfiinetb;$ho wouldnot be*"***"°*. onitus &
frighted [gaftered] as ome affonifhed and planet-fricken.
6§ Äblaxingftar neve* Jhined, butit brandedthe earthwitu barremeffe [dearth] or infeétiom, ' ^ 64 A morhingrai*bow (aj alfo ai circle about the moonef) ; Burrow. •
' forefheweth * wet,rafny,cloudyyough [boifterous,ftormy] f Anda counter
aubil” áa fc*
grüncertaine changeable weathtr : an evening rain-bow £; ';£g.
tassent,fairwtathtr r tkariug up afcr **, H A P Ę É '* -
*-. -
· ·
.^ -
v '
Thegate of Languagesunlocked.
\, -
a Spring.
'fùuntaines: from whence flow betkr [currents b.]
C H A P. 7. Of Waters. ut ofhiddem fprings a gu/h forth bublimg [welling]
66 Qut ofabundanc& ofthefe, are fòed, or ftreames gathered
cNewer dricd up-
together; amdlafily, large rivers, running dowm c continu ally withim their bankes, untill they have emptied thcm [elves at their mouthes into the /?a : but iftheyrife above
[runover] thejr channtls, all the country adjoiningffands , im apuddlewith their over-flowings. 67 But ifimamyplace they bee put by their ftreame and want
their water-courfe, orbe held im, flopped, clo{ed, or dam'd tip yith fòme dam orflood-gatefatim their way ; then they fivelland fbrtad tbemfolvcs into fanding-pooles [ ponds, mears,]except thcy have fome vent[iflüe,out-let]by[luces.
68 Fems [bogs, marifhes] are rifimg ffring* or quits, that rum mot [have no water fhoot.] 69 Brook¥are rain waters runningdowme dfivifity: by which
d Amaim.
are cauffedlamd-floods anddeluges. '
7o Gall water, where it ftrcamcth, a freame ; where it is vbirled round, a whirl-poale ; ivbere it fvitletb up it fèlfe, a fivallow, guif or quag-mire ; wbere'it ù without abot tomc, a bottomleffepit.
71 If rme plumg£o* drowne any thing under it,it willfwim * ewhatskiIlethic.
o4t agaime : but * to what purpofe (1 pray) is it, that cleare
water be troublcd f [mudled »] fii#|£P 7» A bubble comes drop droppingin. and all. mud , 7 fétofà is faltjlikebiine, and voideth out froth or •
£Made thick,
*£ftoating omae.
74 Where it boundcth the tand, it hatb Baiey £ , Armes, Capes, amd metk; ofland. * #efficu.) i£fa* 75 ] fbe£»ave; ofit, by reafn of the inward motiom or tide,§3 ---í££;,B.,„, h flow ffx houres to thefhore [ftrand,] andebbe back again £bbingand fiow. ' t0 thef&me plate, with an hideous moifè androaring: efpc gCreeksor gulfs»(as the Per-
*• •
cialy witbim thêftraights i. 76ίβ/h:s In theareNortherm coäfwith the water§ maim faatixhigh-water yty [frozen.] The over-flowm [fu11
j$***, '•
fea,] and are baie againe at low water [thc ebbe.] C H A P. 3. Ofthe earth. . . .
a sunLiise, 77 *T*Hefftface [out;fiic] ofibe Earth is infìme places h1 1 and downe , moiff, or wet, plajhly, vell watered, graßit: in othcr places drj,parcht, roaky, cragged or rugged a.
b;il. ' ' ' '
C A P. 7. De Aquis. 65 Laticibus [f.aturientes] faliunt fontes, unde rivi &fcatentes rivuli manant. 66 Ex horum afHuentia colliguntur fluvii, & denique flumina, jugiter intra ripas füas decurrentia, donec pcr oßia [faucej fe exoneraverint in mare : quòd fi alveos fuperent[fupergrediantur]eluxione ftagnant agri circum
? td? i Κ j^g,
67 Aft ficubi profluvio & decurfu carent, vel oppofito
obice [cataraóto,fipto]a inhibentur, fiftuntur,obftruuntur , tument, & in ftagna fe diffundunt, nifi per &mif a caeremtw,
faria exitum habeant.
5 ]
them !
Idyff. 4) Or
famua Linguarum referata,
Š qu®
68 Paludes funt fcaturigines fine flaxu. -
69. Torrentes funt aquae pluviales rapidè defiuentes ;
à qtiibus fiunt exundationes & diluvia [imumdationes.] 7o. Aquam, ubi fluit, fluentum ; ubi gyratur, gurgitem & vorticem ; ubi feipfam abforbet, b voraginem [bara- & Syrus. thrum] ; ubi expers fundi eft,abyffüm dicito.
: jyii, :, i.
ríat Â
71 . Si quid ei mergis, emerget: fed claram turbari quid
fi£ , tb
(tandem) refert?
' ' •
72 Bulla fit à ftillante guttâ. 73 Mare flu&uans falfüm eft, inflar muriæ, & fpumam
eje&at. . 74 ubi tellurem c terminat , finus , d promontoria & e circumferibit. -
ìfììmos habet.TT* T*
, Arme, t,
d Liwgula*
75 undae ejus fex ab intraneo æftu horas fluunt ad litora »
££ jng: JI
refluúntque reciprocè, cum fonitu [fremitu] horribili, '
maximè intra freta. , -
76 In boreali plagâ Oceanus eft glacialis [hyberborcua.] Yic':%j, . • Aeftuaria in maris acceflù [fluxu] aquis abundant [in iter'] undantur :]in receffü [refluxu] nudantur.' bc.]
C A P. 8. De Terra.
_-^ *
fmtf£ j;;is /*
is ,
TÉ fùperficies alicubi uda feu uvida eft, uli-
1 ginofa, irrigua, herbida ; alicui arida, exucca, Pctrofa, confiagofa. , ,
78 Non
s. -
[;3amua Linguarum referata. ^78 Nonnullibi * planities campeftris longè latéque ex
tenditur;alibi montes,valles,ac convalles & petræ con
fpiciuntur:hîc tumuli keviter affurgunt;illic deprefsiora
loca, hiatus, antra [cavernae] & fjéluncæ fubfiâunt. b Fafiigium.. 79 Colles ac clivi* cacumen verfùs euntibus acclives * pefändentibu funt, dcclives retrò *. a fùpereili• per
dorfùm [latus] ad
Σύλnti. ' 83 Terræ-motus à fubterraneis flatibus : qui fi prorum pant foras, labes fiunt. 81 Glebam fi teris & frias, pulvis eft ; fi diluis & ma ceras, lutum. \
C A P. 9.
De Lapidibus.
82 T Apis comininutus arena cft, quæ fi crafsior, fabu lum & glarea vocatur.
83 Saxa humijacent, (fivc extent, five lateant) [delite feant;] cautes [fcopuli] eminent ; quorum multi inac cefsi.
84 *Scrupulus calceo illapfus, ni cximatur,urget.
* .xianuaria, vel 85 Cotc * acuimus d obtufa ; filice elicimus [elidimus ]
£'j£';;! btusditur. ebtwditur
ignem ; Lydio lapide probamus mctalla, an proba fint adulterina. 86anTophus arenofus & fcaber pcdibus mundandis fub fervit.
e Lapi pari
$alapü paruu,
87 Alabaftiites candidißimum * marmor, & porphyrites exciduntur,è latomiâ [lapicidimâ.]
'88 Magnes fe obvertit feptentrioni dire&è, à meridie planè averfus.
89 Gemmarum pretiofißima eft Carbunculus, fecunda ab illâ Adamas, tum Turcois, Rubinus, Saphirus, -
Smaragdus, Topazius, Jafpis, Hyacinthus, Onyx,Sar
s , donyx, &c. qui angulati micant.
* gwi referume
9o Haematites, Ale&orius, Bufonius, Lazulus, Pyrites, fequiores funt. -.
9r ' tlniones [margarite] in conchis reperiuntur. 92. Corallia funt arbufculæ marinæ ramufculi*.
jj* lapide- 93 Vitrum cryftalli fimilitudinem habet, non duritiem : fcsntem.
. fcinditur fmyrite, , ~ •
* *
. i- •
Thegate of Languages unlocked.
78 In fùme places am opem champiom ° [levell, plain] lietb B Dovae,
$que extrz com-
ftretched' out farre and wide : othgrwbere are [ten moumtains, and vallics,anddales,androcks [craggs:] Here fmal!
pr<£:i ,
hils rife gently up 3 tbere low-jimg groundi, gapimg holet, caves and dens fidk down.
79 Hilsand cliffès are up-hil, [fteep upwardj to themtbat
goe towardthe tep 3 bat dowh-biu [fteep downward ] to them that go back*. ^ . . . ! . Ttatgogowne -
;;st , 89,4;tatb jugei;procurcd by blafis under-ground : which $£";
ΊήύiíóÉÉÉìåíTú* 8 1 Ifyoubrufeamd crumble a clod, it will be duf ; ifyou tem- foot.
uis & m* _
per and mixe it with water, it will be dirt. -
c H A P. 9. Of Stones.
, ,
, 8. A stone groundfnalris fandor grit, whichifbe ofthe
jor,* -
it) [£j* Aìtti **
tbickeÃîgroßër]fort,is termedärifi-fandafidgravell. 83 The greaterjiones jealemg om the ground (whether. tbey,
• .
ftamdîut or lje bid :) but Tragged rocks ftick out on high ; many ofwhich cammot be come at. •; 84 Alitile pebble [ione being[lipt into the fhoe, troubleth • the :ginet, burt foot, ifit be mot takem out. *Älard*. -
85 tribaybet-fione * veewhetor fharpenblunt * thing: 5 aííí grind
robâ P.
a flint fire ; with aortouchjione figne jÉ is ^ ' with whethty theyweftrike be good [currant] counterfeit.wety metals, %$ 86 and rough férveth to make cleam ulle
landis £
orPw- .
87 Thealabafter, the whitef marble, andthe red marble are cut out ofthe quariy. · · · · ' . c fuft,ftreight.
88 Theload-fione turmcs it felfè diretily * upom the North, and g gofiy, äear. - bemds quite off from the South.
- -
í Sardoig* isa
tarda , 89 ofjipel, or precious fiones, the mef d preciou; is the £.;Š.ke s , obirus; carbuncle, tbefecondafierit the Adamant [diamond] Sa? Sa* the Turquois, the Ruby, thc Saphire, the Emeraud, the thea To- c9lqurs gled; inintermin-, the up )nyx» paxe, the fafpew, the 7acinth,' the Onyx, the * Sardonyx, ííí pattrcfcm: amd fùforib3 phich being carved with cárners, gliftcr. . ofljng the colour 9^ The blood-ßone, the cockfione, the toad-ftome, the Azure Ę* --
[Luzull] [tome, the Marchafite [Fire-ftone,] * are of a the colouf o£ Serda.,.in. a toads 9 I*saurfrfùrt. Pearlcs are fùumdimfhcll-fiJher. ;i;£ -
92 Coral; areiwig*t [branches] ofaftafhrub.
fWhich refemble
ę. ... - 93 Glaffè hath the li£eneffe, but not the hardmeffè ofcryftall: à flirii5 giovne
* it is cut with an Emeraud. .
C H A P hard as à ftone.
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. c H AP. 1o. OfMetals.
. i.
ut of Mines Metal; gregottem, [digg'd or grubb'd
out:] outofwhich (becauf? they do both mclt and
v ,
thenfiandand thickem) fundry things are new-caß.
*peeare;hema- 95 Gold i rgof perfúf; becgigit ípureft and*eightit! terials9fit arefo II[moft maffie,] e/pecialy the beß and fineß.
Š££' famanput itintoas ajot tbg furgi;£ evemoramhumdrcd*imes,it glcd togcther. 26lofeth notjò much offùbftance effence. *w, sagitinto 97butNext hereunto gometh filyer*; m htmjtisrefimtd or ficer; f plate, or unit hath droffè and refufe, which is burnt away. $r9gght in f* 98 tenIrom howfúever it bee the hardeft, yet ì it fetted [ca vedge. injwith ruß : beingfùme diverfe times purificd and bar
demedjit is calledfeele.
a Verd grea* 99 , aGfeene ruff fiicketb to [hangeth on] copper. of bel|-, b Molten. c Pewter,
metall Bell-founders caffs bells. 1oo Lattom is braffe coloured over with Ore : it canonely bee b caff. not wrought aff, not wrought with wit the hammer, becaufèit is fùbrittle [fpalt.] - _
* Akind offal• -
££ $. roi Tinc is fofter and
cheaper [lefîè worth]then amber or , blacke jet, andlcadthem fhig.
earth: . .
fwhichis gigh ro» guick-filver is one of the framgeff things in thewoyld ;
it áliquid [it rums about, may be poured out,] and yet
££$£ÉÍn- it is not moiff or wet. mineß or gluifh- io3 For, whether you poure it out upom fbmetbing, or dip
nef;it part wi! one no$ readiiy piece from ano-
[drench] fomething into it, or beffrinkle anything with ii, -
nothingwill be wet [moiftened.]
ÈÉ"?'ííT 1o4 Sali, ailum*, antimonie, cappera,falt-peter, brimfione, ' made ofredoker
7ewy-flime f, petrol, bole-armoniak, féalc-eartb, white
£mt; *39; b*
lead, red-lead, chalke, ruddle d,finoper, arfenike [orpin]
oker, are called* mineral! juices [digged out of Minas
diggedout of
or weines,] and are Drugfers ware.
C H A P. 11. OfTrees and Fruits.
· ·· ·
· · ·
Io ;
AÉ; moifiure by the tawes [threads, ftrings] oftheroots, thriveth, looketh frefh, brings
forib laves, flowers [bloßömes, fiourifheth, receiveth nourifhment.] a
a Fadeth, hangs Io6 Failimgofthat moiftur£ it flag; a,tainteth [Withereth,} theleay£$. I ' and by and by drieth away".
§.;£ei • ri*
107 It is calleda plant or ftem, as it difflaies it fèlfe imto
bough', armis, branches andl;ave;: · ·· -
1o8 Thef?
fanua Linguarum referata. 94 •
c A P. ro. De Metallis.
Mú fodinis eruuntur [effúdodiuntur : ] & quibus, quia & fiquefcunt, & fpiflàntur [confi
• ,
fluat] varia conflantur. ,
95 Aurum eft perfeétiffimum f, quia puriffimum & pon- f 0b ea fuifitißi derofiffimum, præfertim a obryzum. mam principiorsse comsmuae taeme*s. 96 Clibano fi vgl centies immittas,nè hilum quidem fub- i?j. -
1_ •
ftantiæ feu eflentiæ deperdit.
97 Huic proximè accedit argentum *, quum purum pu- * Fagum in vafa tum eft ; fed habet fcorias & recrementa, quæ ambu- & infe£tum [ruáe. runtur.
nohdü caelatum.]
98. Ferrum, ut ut duriffimum, ferrugine arroditur : de puratum & conduratum aliquoties chalybs dicitur.
99 b Cupro adhæret ærugo. Ex ære campano campanas b <fi®P** conflant fufores æramentarii.
' _
I oo Orichalcum cft cadmiâ tinôtum æs: fundi tantùm poteft [eft füßle, non duótile] ob friabilitatem.
1 orus & Ele&ro vel gagate ftannum,& hoc plumbum molli- *1 Intingam. . vilius eft. Terra quadam s. 1 oz Argento vivo [hydrargyro] nihil mirabilius: liqui- {ἐ; 4ut ßl/υ• ,
dum éft, nec tamen madidum [madet.]
f.£gpdtefia* e£
· ·· · · .. .. &• lentef?it,atque I o3 Nam five id fuper aliquid effundas, five ei. aliquid ? #, Aaud fpergas. nihi facilè dißiliet. -
. ,
i immergas, five afpergas, nihil madefci-
v. •
m Fit ex ochra mbuffa. ' \
Io4 Sal, allumen *, antimorjum [£ybium,] vitriolum? 3&#j at^p. - [chalcanthum,] nitrum, fulphur, bitumen f , naptha, um jui decequitur Bolus armenus,terra figillata, ceruflà, minium, creta, 4**!!! ;;;;;;; m rubrica,cinnabaris, auripigmentum,ochra, &c. fucci £. :£r minerales * dicuntur, füntque aramatariorum merces. £.
„ $.
I o5
* l'i, Hri*. fgh, {γέI ih, recc'
CA P. 1 1. DeArboribus & Fru£iibus.
PĘ fibris radicum humorem imbibens, alefcit I viget, frondet, florétque. .
. • -
... ' ' '
Io6 Eo deftituta,flaccefcit,marcefcit,arefcítque illico.\ . ,
adeº * o7 ;?
Stirps dicitur, quatcnus fe in ramos, ramufculos &
frondcs pandit : 1 c.8 His
, o$f*
. .
£anua Linguarum referata.
io8 His defeétis, trunci, caudicis & ftipitis nomen habet. , *£y; demitaii 199 Extrinfecùs cortex *, intùs [intrinfecùs] libri funt potiff. (qui, dum virent, glubi poffünt: ) medulla eft intima. 1 Io Arboribus folia delabuntur & recrefcunt ;
quam gummofis,quæ continuò [ufjue & ufquej vernant. üt buxus, aquifolia feu agrifolia, taxus, &c. -
f Arbor f«pius *** Pomus f [malus] malus medica [citria,] Pyrus, ce „.jí$$íu&us , rafus, prunus, ficus, olea, funt fativæ : Fraxinus, fa in um 5 locus eger `gus, alnus, ornus, fylveftres; ut & pinafter, pyrafter, ftus isetum: C*
óleáßer. &c.
jafùs in eer- fet• .
££££* 1 1 ut2. betula, Illae omnes fru$tiferæ : harum pleræque fteriles, populus alba, populus nigra. ` ` ■
113 Quædam umbriferæ funt, opacant, & umbracula præftant ; nominatim, tilia, platanus ulmus , & cæ
. •
teræ latifoliae, foliofæve [frondofe.]
*Dicitu* oleficar- 1 1 4 Salix * in fali&to dat vimina, quorum contextu cor pos,4*iaferem
, bes & crates contexuntur.
exeutit priwfquam
• ,
4:;:::;* 5 Ab;est procera eft, ut & picca, larix, cupreffüs, ce scrjma abiegna r Idrus. Eget; Ve- rr«; Palma fert da&ylos [earet?3] & quò prefsiùs de -
primitur ac curvatur, eò validiùs in füblime nititur : * JMorus novifii-^o ünde ut vi&toriæ infigne ufurpatur*. ' mû omnium germi ɤ; • mat frigore elapfo, \
£##: 117 ° Gemma hians extuberat & protrudit florem, flos fngitur. extruditur à fru&tu, (qui in fico grofülus :) qui ubi ;?;, „, , maturuit, carpitur, aut decutitur, aut per fe decidit f. faga* [minimè
• •
118 Quidam funt præcoces, alii ferotini, [ chordi, J alii |
perennes (ut baccæ juniperi :) eduntur autem vel fuc culenti & recentes (aliquandó cum termite devu{fi)
vel yieti, vel facidi ; qüippc ex oporothecâ [oporo phylacio] defümpti, ,
· ·
\ \
I 19 Cera
The gate ofLanguagesunlocked.
*o8 Thefèbeingcut off, it bcars the mame of the trunc£ c, 3 Mainbody,
ifunt ,
1o9. Thebardrimd [gurwgrdbarke'] is without : the peete , „„ch mayb
ftock and fump.
* ' bulk,block.
[inner barke].*itbin (which, while it is greem, mìybe Å'°'°*
peeled out) tbepithis immermoft.
1 1o Leaveifali offfom trees and grow agaiae, exteptfrom , gammyones, which are continúally grèem [frefh-ipring
ing,] as the 6o*tree, the yew-tree, the bolj-[hólmé]
tree, and thelike.
1 1 1 Thef apple-tree, oratge [limon, citron-] tree, pear-tree, fThe ,,-, ena
S. CC*
cherry-tree, damofin-[plum-]tree, fig-tree, olive-tree, aré gfteninu, the
dgarden-trees: thethe afh,wild b:ecb,alder [allerJ the wild affb, fuit inum, the are wilde ; as alfò pine, the wiláptare, the wilâ ;;:;:;*
a1ICI ;
^ . ,,
olive, &-c.
;1es, , riies,
them in erum.
, *** Thofè firftare allfruit-bearer;:the moff ofthefè forrefi- A cherry-tree trees âre barrem, as tbe birch, the wbite poplar,theaff. ^ 5£arthcherriss 1 1Ä, 3 some areJhaâyor fhadowing, it dirk,aíferve%$*£%$* bowres harbours; by mame,makí thelindem [lime,] the Ęgere
racula & c*
plane-tree, the elme, and the refi that are broad-lêávcd, 4 such as maybe *
or full of leaves.
fet or
1 14. The wi/ow* [withy,fallow,] in agroveofwillows [an * re;..,ii.; f}w. ofier ground]yeeldetb pliant twig*[ofiers,] by wreathingofgiperia, $iuè
xtu c0f*
»hich together, basket, panniers, and hujales are wojeji. ££££htis 1 1 larch, 5 Thethe firre-tree [lofty,] as alfò the pitch-tree, the $££j* cypreffè,is tal! the cedar. c icca peripc
1 16 Thepalmi tree bearetb dates, and the more clofeff it is preffeddown, bent or bowed, the more ftrongy it fraineib to arifè om high ; whence it is ufèd foratoken ofviéioyy.
;« &
£ìs* mittuf;
, • .
The mulbery bloometh laf of alf, whem the coldis gone; and å omeofthe laf tbat Jhëds. her leavcs, and is therefore . £,
rem, § qu!
. faimedto be wifeft.
1 17 Theorgeping bu4* fped;tb frihisand tbe £Eiöiöweg.,. ex…, ßoag bloome f:[the bloffìme thruftbruffeth qiiiteoatoutby the fruit (which in a figge-treéis the grcene figge:) which
»henit is mello»ij öröpped, gathcred,or /hike* downe, ,
or ofitfèffe drops offf.
, „, rdi,] m vcl Ê
f A wind.falfis
1 18, §gme ge raih [fummet[hanging, fuit, haftings,] atheryeere late-iig fiig[viii xyard ; otbers long-laffing onTali the **&*p.] through,] as funiperberriei : Nìw?bey are eatem either
3 [*]*
< the applefollar h. !
juft njv yipe,plump andsfgh, (fometimeas theyarepul- gNewgathcrcd. doff with the branch ibit ìåëy grow on) or withered [crumpled,fhriveled] orrotten.fipí, as being taken out of
, devui,
1 19 A 6bcrry
• $
• (
h Fruit-loft*
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. 1 1 9 A cherry hangetb by famewhat a long ßalé, a bu/lace om fùmewhat aJhort ftele. -
1 zo Medlays are covered witb douae, and full ofgravell : Plumbs [prunes] (damaskprunes,aprecocks,peaches;wheat- . ;££££* plums, damßns, biillaces, [loes) have ftones in them*. . -
É£? jÉçj;<jat,(hale.
1 2 1 Hethat hatb a mimd to get out the kernell and eat it,
quffi pu- amvay the i busk, and muft break [cracke] the tu;fllmith his teeth or muf-cracker (unleffét have mought in it:) whether it be wa!'-nut,or filberd,or hax'-nut (wbicb the haxle-tree bcareth) or a water-nut, or an almond, or 4 - cheft-mut,
íí, is calledun- 1 » * £; fi$t?
Tbe cgrk-tree f am'i ffone oa* bear maff, the bak acorns * and galls [oak-apples ; ] the pine pinè muti inclofed in
iííí; §. ihe pinc-apple, which áré magè pleajant [fweetned, fea water, and will
no£be diptnor
foned] witb fügar ; the cornell-treee cornels ; thebay-tree, the maple and wildfèrvice-trce beareberrics. -
£££:.._._._ 123 -As well muf%-pearet as others, piffakes, fervices, carobi,
£;£* °?*
[carob-beanes] dares ; alf quince$,oranges, citrons,limoms.
* Whichbave
vardens,pom--gramats*,and cheft-nuts,bind the body[makc
one coftive: j Fig*, ftrawberrier, mulberries, rafpberrie*»
/idijiithem, -
myritherries twfiirtle-berries, blackberriés, î meloni, pompions, colloquintida, cucumbers, goosbarrics [fcaps, fea berries;] raifins ofthe fumne,£urrans,/o//?//[are opening.] 124 Fraikincenf, myrrhes mafticke, camphire, rofim, fJh glew, turpentine, pitch, (as well fiome-pitch as tar) ayethe juices and gums ofcertain trecs ; yea and amber too,as they report.
C H A P. I 5. Of Herbs. 125
A? hcrb growing out ofa ftalk or fem (bafil gent/e,
cucumbers pepens, melons, gourds, waz [grow up I * very/?eedily) bloometh [bloweth, fiowreth, Jamd dictb early 3 fave hoJleck andperwinkle, which* arelaffing. a Lafthe yeue 126 Therage[turnep,] themaveiv, parfhip, carret, skirwit, -
through. .
cabbage, ffimage, cùiewort, headëd cólewort, jagged cole wort, lettuce, hogy breador Maries feale, oragé artechoke,
parfiy,*ater-crefer, pu/lam, ferrell, anátbélike worts or ' pot-herbsgropina kitébim garden. riß withouthawnes,) up te a*blade,and [b SStraw/ta1. s 1*7 begrrhofe garesarefrwit* (whetherofthéearth beardea, thae Ë
whoßgrainor kernclithe hák* chiriß[kcepwarmes]? ` rice,
£amua Linguarum referata.
119 Cerafum ab oblongo • petiolo pendet, amaryllum • Pedkulo. breviufculo.
1 zo Mefpila funt lanuginofa [lammgine obduxta,] & cal
culofa, [lapidofa:] Pruna (damafcena, armcniaca [præicula. coqua] £tfica,c erina,hifpanica, nana, fylveftria) Pof- *££* , ficulata*.
latet pericarpium
1 21 Putamen amoveat, & Nuccm (fi caftâ non eft) den- [volvi, putämcn tibus aut nucifrangibülo [nucifiagâ] frangat [confin- interius] gat] oportet, qui nucleum enucleare & effe vult: five fit juglans, five pontica, five avellana, (quam fertco v.
ryfus) five amygdalum, five caftahea. r» . Síber 3 & 11ëxglandes,Quercusglandes ' & gallas; £?*i# *%£ti* -
Pinus ftrobilos', qui faccharo condiüntur. Cornus cor- ££££;
na ; Laurus, Acer, & Sorbus fylveftris baccasferunt. Ęâîfî. re£»
áere nofcit.
£;j. £ia. 123 Pyratam hqrdearia quàm c£tera, Piftachia, Sorba, Κ; £*-
makc rrj£',
Siliquae,Da&yli; item Cotonia [Cydonea,] Auiantia, Ci trea,Limonia,Volema, Punica* [Gramata} mala,& Ca * £tjibw infúne
ftanéae,ftipant[*ftringunt,oppilamt] Ficus, Fragâ, Mora 4<imi
[mora Mori,] mora Rubi Idaei, mora Myrti [Myrtilli,feu P^accimia,] melones,pepones, cucurbitae, cucumeres, uvæ fpinae [criffae,groffulariæ] pafle, Corinthiacae, laxant*. t-alvum molli 1 , 4 Thus,Myrrha,Maftiche,Camphora, Refina, Sarco- unt,4 /ici*. colla,Terebinthina, Pix,tam concreta [ariaa,]quàm li quida [fluida jfunt arborum certarum fucci & gummi ;
, fc*
25eth: asth/
quin & Succinum[elevirum, jncurium,gloffùm,}utferunt. C A P. I z. De Herbù,
gtnt£; Wu? Y
ά, 3 col*
yjrt; ot
Iz 5 -
Erba cauli vel fcapo [thyrfò] excrefcens (Ocy mum,Cucumeres, Pepones, Cucurbitæ,ocyfsimè
ęT& emoritur quotannis: præter Se
dum[Sempervivum]&Vincam pervincam,quæ perennant. 126 Rapum, napus, paftinaca lutea,carota, fifèr, rapha nus, fpinacia,braf$ica, brafsica capitata [crambe,] δraf fica apiana[fabellica,]la&uca,cyclaminus[cyclâminum,] atriplex, cinara [/colymus, petrofelinum [apium,] ne fturcium, portulaca, oxalis [acetofa,] & ejufmodi Ole ra enafcuntur in olitorio.
„deam? wne*)
• Feftucam, cujw
v 127 Fruges funt, quæ furgunt in culmum, [cala- íïíôï. $ mum*,] & fpicäs ( five àriftatas b five muticas ) iujfi:riatur. ferunt , • quarum : granum glumae fovent • ut bJMjiffâ munita*, ,' »
oryza, '
jamua Linguarum referata. -'
.• *
oryza, zca [ado**,] milium,panicum, frumentum Sa
c Ftr.
£acenicum, frumentum Indicüm, fagopyrum. **8. Lcgumina verò filiquae & vaivuli ihcludunt : ut in faba, pfo, eryo, cicefc, lupinis, viciâ, lente & pha -
{eolis videre eft.
* 29: Sed qui fit,ut in triticum fecale[ffliginem]& olyram, imò in æram & lolium, [xixania j Hördeum in ægy^ doBem [feftucam,] Avema in avenam fatuafì degeneíét* • 13o Farrago Pccoris caufâ fcritur. Avenae degluíitae ju ri inferviunt.
135 Bulbofa funt,Affium,Cepa,Porrus [PorrumjScilIa, [Squilla,] Colchium. 132. Aromata, funt, piper, gingiber, cedoaria [xadura e -vo/ehata, odù-
Hîcę Ἐi? *ÉÉ, Ę m, cuminum, rum, »
anifum, anethu cus, acorum coriand arum ,arum,c galanga [carvum,Jcnicus[cartamus,j finapi,
fœniculum, thymus.
* ,
133 Odoriferae,verbenae,& coronariæ (quibus corollas, ferta & fervias vient) funt, Amaracus [fampfuchum,m41
jorana,] amaranthus, bellis, garyophyllus, lavandula, * leucoium, confolida regalis, Plarmica, pæonia, rofa, * Ref. grata,e4!-
rofmarinus, tulipae, lilia, violae, ferpillum, primulâ veris, &c. *
:::;:;;;** 134
Gramini accenfentur alfine, anagallis, anferina,
biftorta, camaedrys, cufcuta, di£tamum, euphragia, fa gopus, lepidium, pilofella, perficaria, publicariâ [?/j/-
lium,] fenecio, fonchus [tarax.cum] alopccurus, mu
v fcus, carex, polygonum, betonica, trifolium , cytifus, plantago, millefolium, convolvulus, confolida, malva, 1appa, urtica, ebulus, prunella, artemifia, erica,rufcus,
anonis [ononis] ; & aquatiles, alga ac lens paluftris.
135 Medicinalcs hortenfes funt, abrotonum mas & fæ- ' mina, acanthus, horminium, nardus, veficaria [helica cabus,] aloë, aquilegia, cardui f varii, gentiana, hele nium[imula,] helleborus, hyflöpus, levifticum [hippo
felinum,] matricaria, menta, thymus, pulegium, Pyre , thrum, ruta, falvia, fatureia,intubum fativum,thymbra,
fœnicülum, fœnum graecum,rhabarbarum,caffia,femcn fan&um.
1 sanam& sorh, 136 Medicinales ' campeftres vel temperate funt, / ut adiantum , afparagus, glycyrrhiza : Vcl ubiles. calide , ut áöïnï, agrimonia , angelica, api um,
• The gate of Languages unlocked. *
s * Έ fpelt, millet, panick, Turky wheat, Indiam maixe, : 128 Èìt[hales, cods, and huls incloß pulß ; as we may feeim the beam,Peafe,the rcdpeafe,the cicb-prafe, lupines, the vetcb [fetch,]tbe lentili and the reJh beane [beanes of Rome.]
, 129But 40 paffè that wheat *groweth out ofkind c Degenerateth• intoryebow andeometbit rice, yedinto darmel/?barley imtopoor-oats ? oats turräÄÈÉÊ gy intoxvjlddoats?
... 4 Havery,ight.
. .
139 Bullimong [mixt provender] is fòwnefor cattel. Oats •*£ buskt [oatmeale grötes] ferve for gruel. 131 Garlick, 0nioni, leeks, the fea-aniom, wildfaffron*, are *Hermoda&yl. ' bolled [round-headed.]
132 Thefè are fpices: Pepper, gingcr, zedoary, cinnamom, autmeg, mace, cloves,faff, 0), fiveet-cane, coriander, amife, cumminfèed, muffard, galangall, wake-robim [cuckow
ra,] ^
Ę] caraway, ba/tard mocke faffrom,femell or, finkell,
133 Sweet-fmelling, frewingherby and garlamd-flowers (of. »hicb they wreath coronet*, chaplets, garlamds, pofiéí, nofegaies) are,majoram,ftowergentle, the daixy,the clrve gilliflower,lavande£;winter gilj-flower,vild cummim,fìccft
j »mu
dula, rofà,
imgwort,[fpike] pigny, the refé, ro/emary, tulips, ülier,
violets, wildè time, the primraf?, and the like.*
134: Tbefeare retkoned among graffè; chickwffd, pimpernell, [eg]ariinejfary, ' "*vild tánfy,fake-weed [adderwort,] Englifhtreacle,[Ger- $; mander,]doddor ginger, eye- £#* bright, haresfaot,[with-wind,]ditani*,garden wild creffès, moufèare,arf mart, fica vort, -brad, , , [Rea-bane,]groundfell,fòw-thiftle, fox-taile, moffe,(edge, • {notgraffe, betony, triföly, citifh, plantaim, yarrow, wiihi£j. [bindweed,] cumfy, mallow, clotbur, the mettle, . . . , walwort,falf-beal, mugwort, ling, [heath,heather,] £nee . * bolmef, cammocké; and tbtf? water-herbi, fea-weed amd £Butchersbroora.
[erina, ia, [a-
[jk ! s, mu
yús, imalya, ufcus, ,
& fz
i,bcl* Jiff* pyr*
135 Phyficall hgarden-herbtare, fìotbermvood be gndfbee, h goodtocure
bearefaot, clarie, (pikehard, alkakengic, aloes, columbime, difafcs. ' divers thifflesf, gentigni, emulacampana, hellebore [neeze- fThe teazle,{ow. wort,] hyfop, lovage, feverfue,mint, time, pemiroiall, wilde Ę. pellitory, rue, or herb-grace,fage»favery, garden-fùccory, i Felwort.
$winterfaverj.fennell,fenegreek, rubarb, cinnamom, wormi
[crura funt;
, vd
a, ap*
' ifi,
, 134 Phyficalifield-herbsare either temperate, at, maiden haire,fperage,lycorijh : or hot, aa, wormewood, agrimomy -
[livefwortjangelica,ling-wort,long-wort,farfly[fiaall: * E 3 * * * * age,] , , i.
•• •
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. age,] balme gentle-rint, mugyert, folfoor, burrage, bi* . gìffé, oxe-£y€bectt, oke of Jerufàlem, cammomill, ground Ëiiie, centorj, pil-wort [figwort,] calamint [wild pennyri
a!Ijcoloqüintida, ftabane, jellow cgrret*, divcis milke, wofs milkr, fumuories, wild faxe, hertbuumd, meliloie, mercury, gith, prpperwort, ragwor:, hilde margeram, hog
femmeli [fiilphur-wort,Jburnety keffme, prtefts pimtle, faxi
7}age,ßarbious,ßongwort, [finger-fearne,] water german áer|wild-running-bttonie, fole-[colts-] fooi,vervim, blew 6ottle, &c. Or cold, as, orage, fùrrell,Petty-forrcl, wood
forrell,fpinach,fùcco y, wild fuccory, gardem cmdive, hen 'bane, ffandrake, fowre forrell [ ditch-dock,] pcllitoryof the wall, pur/iane, andffimag£: Or inoift, à, the water ' lilj,&c." 6r dry, asperwinkle, wallwort, ferme, woad, cimiquefoilt, woolblade [ligwort.]
Therif ibat fallow ptrtaine to Surgery : hartwort, hounds tongue,ßá-hollie, arop-wort, bro6m, rapturewort,/hipherds fShepherds-purfe pujff, St.7obns wort, tamfey, tormcmtiil [fet-foile,] &c*. §goόdto ftanch 137 Açomiti, wolfbane, hemlock, are poifonous : but the head -
ΕΑ,„.,.,.. 'efpoppyftigg*ggndeä [hackt, gafht,] gruppetb fjbo; ,„Ëi ííííííígíô€.
pium, wbicb batb a pomper to * procure fletp, te dull and makefènfleffe [to benumme, take awayfeeling]. Qut
hound. f9lefoot,
ofhejbs putinto afiill [limbeck] ù drawne fortb a diftil
ted water,byforce offire put under ; the watcry fteame be ing carried upward to the head ofthe Stili, and fé running downe agaimthorow the/pout.
£;Ê. ûcafíinio afleep.
C H A P. 13. Of Shrubs. 1 38 *T*He elderne,tbe barbary tree, tberiberry bufh[bafiara .
curranttrce] the bu/h, the blackberry bufh, the rafp
berry-[hineberry-]bu%, ihe ivie with ivie-berries, privet, licoris, balfàme, migbtfhade, [avime, the beam trce, butchers
<5ìíîïçiha row3fthorns or
broome, thetamariske, tbemafiick tree, he holme-[holly-J tree, the pricffly 'paliurus, and the bramble-bu/h, goe ufide? the mame effbruhs and young /hooi*: Al/ό ύγοὐ, whins [furs,] the barbry-bu/h, the white-[haw-] tborme, bolºy
1 Befetanâ en-
- p.i,\ou. *3?.^*4 [capej] rufhes and bulku/hss, grow up in marfb knots.
• Downy tufts ortaflcls,
fenny-]grounds. s
14o Thcy make matsofthe" fmootb bulru/h, upom wbicb gyow cats-tailei *. .
141 Mu/hremes,
£amua Linguarum . um,apiaftrum [meliffi,] artemifia,referata. afârum, borrago, bu- ' gloflà, buphthalmus,beta, botrys, chamæmelum [chae momilla,] chamaepytis,centaurium,chclidonium minus, calamintha, colacynthis, conyza, daucus, efula, tithy malus, fuinaria, lnanaria, marrubium, melilotus,mer curialis, nigella, melanthium, orchis, orìganum, peucc
ganum, piùpinella, polypodium,fatyrium, faxifragia, fcabiofa, fcolopendffum,fcordiufn, ferpillum, tuffla go,Vcrbena, cyanus,&c. Vel frigide, ut atriplex, ace
öfä[oxal £] acetofella, panis cuculi [alleluia,]blitum, cicorium, chondrilla, intybus, [emdivia,fcariola,] hyo fciamus, mandragora, oxylapathum, parietaria, portu laca, & fpinacia: Vel hómiäe, ut nymphæa,&c. Vel fiacae,ut clematis [vinca, vinca pervihca,] ebulus,filix, l5
Ad . Ju: ,
fj. 64;
glaftum[£tà,|quinquefoliü [pentaphyllum,]verbafcum. Sequentes Chirurgicæ funt: ariftoloch'a, cynogloffum, eryngium, filipendula, genifta, herniaria, burfa " pa- Ζῆ, ftoris, hypericum, tanacetum, tormentilla, &c. £;£ 137 Aconitum, napellus, cicuta, venenatæ funt: fed pa ÉÉÉ capitülum vulneratum diftillat opium,quod vim abet foporandi & flupefaciendi [torporem inducendi".] ^Vis marcoticam Ex herbis clibano impofitis, vi ugnis fubjeéti, extrahitur [fenfùm obtun-' [eliquatur]aqua ftillaticia; vapore imjtillatorii capuellum $ii:}, iä; [furfumaéto,] & äääö per roftrum ° defluente. ocanaliculum. \
C A P.
f?'^f» re£S
13. De fruticibus.
SĘ; dumus rubus, rubus idæ
us, hedera cum corymbis, liguftrum, glycyrrhiza, balfamum, fabina, filiqua [ceratium,] rufcus [brußua,] b Spimarum /eria tamarix, lentifcus, agrifolium, paliurus ° fpinofus & obfitu, &• eircum cin£w. fentis, frutice ac virgultâ cluentf, • . * gemifta, gemiffa fgiwoß,*yae«wthas/?ina acuta [cynosbatori,]
139, 4 Arundines bus proveniunt.
fane,] junci, holofcheni in paluftri wwßwßlvefirάe d Calami,
x4o Ex fcirpoenodi(cui typhae innafcuntur) tegetescon fici ticiunt,
* E 4-
1 41 Boleti, -
£anua Linguarum referata.
141 Boleti,tubera, ruffuli, inter, fungos præftantiííimi : funt.
C A P. 14. De Animalibus, & primò de Avibus.
14. (^\uicquid vitâ, fenfu & motu praeditum eft, áni •
\_/ma! eft.
143 Alites namque volant, aquatilia [matalitia] natant, (illæ pennis, [alis,] hæc pinnis;) quadrupedia currunt, reptilia repunt.
144 Volucres funt bipedes (manucodiatam effe apodem, fed falfò, dicunt) & plumatæ & roftratæ (excepto ve-^
fpertilione, qui pilofus & dentatus.) . '. 145 Roftro grana figillatim colligentes,ingluviem refer ciunt : nulla mingit. «* JMlredo.
146 Procreationis causâ nidificant [nidoi fruunt :] Hal - cyon ** in ipfo pelago nidulatur.
agallinavéo •
I 47 In * aviario feclufae alites villaticæ pariunt ova*
* Subventanea
d Pr«fertim gat-
(quæ fubter teftá albumen & yitellum [lutem] occul tant [occulunt ]) iffque incubantes (nifi urina fint) pullos implumes & involucres excludunt (qui dum pi piunt, d pipiones dicuntur) & pullitiem fub alarum te
fingeei & columbtni.
gumento fovent. .
wom pullefcenf.
148 Rapaces funt, vultur, buteo, milvus, accipiter, ti f Silveffre, ab munciilus, falco, aefalo, halietus, nifus f : quæ ungui £*jfit*** ma*bus uncis turtures, aliáfque innocuas dilaniant. {uefiunt. \
149 No5tua no&u ( non fubluftri folùm, fed & illuni) tuetur [gerrit,] interdiu cæcutit: ut & áliæ no&urnae, bubo, afio, [fiops, aluco,] ulula, ftrix, caprimulgus, ny$ticorax. .
e Numidicæ, -<
$o Phafianij, pardali,tetraones [tarde, otidet,] e mclea É [ga iìjì,] capones fartiles, anferculi, gal inagines [r*icu'ejattagines, perdices, turdi, cotur
nices, in delitiis [* m4ttya] habentur. ' I 51 Olor [cygnus,] fülica, mergus [larus,] querque ', dula, onocrotalus [taurus,] gavia, pelecanus,utinatrix, & aliæ aquaticae, palmipcdes funt ; nulla pennipcs. 152 Sturni gregatim, fed abfque ordine ; grues valdè s congruè 5 ardeæ præpetes admodum excélsè volitant [fubvolant.] -
g congrtenter , -
'. *
I 53 v
canorae .
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. 141lentMMhroms,puf, and the' reddifhones are the moß extelamong toad-ftooles.
CHAP. 14. Ofliving creatures, and firft o£Birds. I 42
W#£ isendued with life,fenfe, and motiom, is a living creature.
143 Forfowles fie, water-creaturesfivim (thof. with vingt, ' £hefewith fims,)foure-foetad creatures rùm,vermin[creáp ing things] creep. ^
Ä Ę % ;?%; £};
##; ?
a*e (the 3y, butfal[ly, isfob-leffe,)they areajafeatheredamd beaíBat a, ?;j%j toothedor b. beakes, “s ÉÉÉ. 145 5Picking up kernels one byone vitb theirbil, tQotac
I 44 Flyiwg
tbey fuffetheir crop : mo Birdpiffetb.
146 They build neft; to breedii: the kings-fiffhsr mefleth {makes her neft] im the very Sea.
147. Ęgultty</but £p in 4 hem-houfe, ly egges (which unde, . cooptor mucd 4/ffllbide the whiteamdtheyolk) andffiig 0, them (uî îîî. !|?theyffeaddl£*) they hatch [difclofe] *gung cbicky, , ,„.„. will callow andumffedge, (which while theypeep [ghgep,yelp ] nô próôïé.
arecaledgpeepingchi**) amdthey broja their brójáÁÉ ÉÉÉT ^* the covcringoftheir wings.
d Pipio is
143, Thévulture*, juxxga, kite [glead, puttocke,] hauH, £££***, falcom,mtrlim, gofhauά/parrow-biuk f, àrëravenouí[birá åä..,.
' ofprey] whichtear to peeces the turil:-doves, and otber f Haggards are farmleffe birds, with thör (not trooked clawes talons. É bysis 149 Theowl feeuhbymight onely im a orcleare ftar-light Concre
night, áut alßin a darknight, whenthere is no modé fhine :) in the day time Jhe ís balfe6lind [dim-fighted a are alfò other night-birds, the fcritch-owle, the bínio;.
the howlet, the an acky fcfitch-ow'e, the goatmilter, ij; might crow [raven.]
159 Phefamts, Plogers, bifardi, tar{ier, crammed capons,
• *
g0• .
[ling[greenggefe,Jwojd-cocks, fìiites,or fhipes,moor-bens, . partridges,thri/he$, quailegare çoiìnted daimtyäfhís. 1 5 1 Thefivam, thefea-gulº, the tormerant, thefeale, tbe bif terme, the fe4-cob, the didopper, and atherwatar fowle,are ' ' whole-foted; mone is feather-foottd. * 52 Stares, [ftarlings] fi€yffocking together [by troops] but 4.
2et3. on a row : craie$ fy verjoräeriy togítber: Hérons g withoutovda. fùaringup, fiya vtry high pitch. -
153 The
ThegateofLanguagesunlocked. r5
3 The goldfinch, larke, nightingat,linntt,&hafftg, »itwali,
άνxtuór blackbirdgdjiaxfiah,areffnging[fhrilljbirds.
»Pigeons,cúlvers, **? ibewood col;eandflectdive grewild dlvesh. ig4 dove ;;;;;;;::-. houß,to each paire oftame ones is appointed out
4 lg£k{?. -
•cias „„o,.., 155 Thegl>myu/?', »mod pecker, gnat-fupper,huntiagyohin
* .* • •
£jrufi, andridtcale,fedwpon worm*,4; d6th affthe lap
• ,
perhaps: , ,3ving, Éereridiculous[tobe laught af] frtbe wen and the -
jºjuiTitmqufeto compare [match] themave; with the 0f rich.
1 wsk his owne 157 The thrufh [navis]i;fidto1 dung himfefe a mifchife, ¥Ííefsia fire * â.júbátbîbeduigeth,that ffroiiitthfortb t^ miffàld.n, srhencecomes bird-lime*. ;£* , ;3Tjjjijjeffigjj|##%#! bisrump,the -
jvag-taiiei: never wfay gfw4gg*; *}i;' taile, the peacock priìth himfefe infpreading ÁÉÍbisfundy-cpluredtail, [befpangled,] aad variejiyfferkled vith little£/£; i 55 Thetęfttcth prkethi? tiifi,ibetuck drowingo* his owne áunghil, upbishi;comb»thepiovir oracks nutswith his
,• • * * *' .
a., anagefiing(whichthey*ft *?»j;? rgobeak [bill.] goofe, organder,andg*[*g$* ich they * fat up wtt n cobs im 4 í5 jíií, aiüít óïàrakequacks, a be* cackles amiclucketb, aravencrekethy4* eagk fiileth, a forke shal
; •
íïí, åçuâow (althgwghfed*?£ the titling, or hedge fparrów,forbereyne) àáret*, ibe swle howleib, thegie :;;;:;: „, frait**pag, beffarrg* ships, wincetb, drawes it out 3î ÉΣί* , finali,thepullt clocketh. ìíîïïa* 161 Butt}£Pgrr£ [popinjay] mftb to framewords diffinit hanô] iy,rreatably, byff£b'e;. ,gí'Thephajae, gryffum,hafie* a* fiâiont. -
o'rhe carrione
chatters,The jackdaae kaugheth, the crow ° chats, the •-•
**, .. /* *., •
163 TJhes let in water at the mouth, amdlet it aut at tbt
f • •
c H A P. i 5. OfWater Creatures.
, gil. ,g,THÈfiatyones aretjve-%rcederi, thefi'othones fpawm.
§3;.ofáhoi tbe males [melters] havemilts or rowes ; the fimiles [fpawners] haveffwoneor fry. x66 Fjh-water.fijìesare, tbe furgeon, the boneleffe laae, tbe
gi, mipperyteii(wbicfipiprawyifyou takeholdefbet;) the -
--- -
£amua Linguarum referata. 153 Canorae funt,acanthis,alauda,acredula [lufcinia,phi.
lomela,] carduelis, fringilla, galbula,merula, linária. 1 54 Palumbus & livia funt columbae ferae.Singulis cicu rum Paribus deputatur loculamentum in colümbario,
[periferio, purifferatripjio.]
1 55 Merops*,upupa [pigas,]ficedula,rubetra, rubecula', b -Apiafor. . . rubecilla [pbènicurus,] vermibus vefcuntur ; ut & va- ££*i*hacwubel nellus fortafle.
r 56 Trochilus 8 & parvus parus ridiculè fe ftruthioni g?Regulw. * [ftruthiocamelo]compararent.
1 57 Turdus fibiipfi exitium cacare dicitur ; quia quod
,' confpurcat, hinc vifcum pullulat : unde vifcus T[vi. * glaucium [col . laíííÉ caudamjuxta curtam habet motat Coturnix 1 58. 4?3fe [quaiit] orrgpygiumh; indefefè ; Pavo fuam #£* fuam Motocilla verficolorem, ocellifque variè' pi&tam , difpandens, {***;
[Cum] id eft,aviarium gluten*.
tht -
° h Coccyga.
in fuo gallus cucuriens 'Caffita [galerita] , , ;3fterquilinio roiiro nucleos criftam cerrum, erigit ; pardalus
;} hi
rgo Ahfer [gaufaj & anferculus (quem in corte turun
, f*.
dis faginant) [opimant] gingrit ; afias tetrinnit ; gallina gragillat, glocitat & glu&it ; corvus crocitat,aqui ciconia crepitat [glotorat,] cuculus, (licet à 1a currucâ pro fuo enutritus) cuculat 5 no&tua cucubat,
¢¢* h«&
pica garfit, iugncdula [gráculus]fringulat,cornix * cor- icarnivma, & trinfat, paßcr fritinnit aut minurit, fęgre, nicatur,pihirundo* £ ) pullus “Veris sppetenti, it. ita **; äïí pfittacus articulatas voces conformare” -
[formire] fuefcit. 162. Phoenix,gryps, harpyiae, figmenta funt. '
i. 3
CAP. 13. De Aquatilibus. , r&3 T)Ifces lympham ore immiffàm per branchias emitut g* x&4 Squamofi funt vivipari,glabri qvipari. | … s. ße 165 'Equibus mares habcnt la&es, fœminæ ova.
wts }
- -
.:x&& Fluviatiles funt, furio [atipenfar ,] amia £xo<;
- ;;
argu- laris (sed erae, et:?
. . .• * . -
• • •
• -
' , jamua Limguarum referata. capit9,mullus, barbus;£rgtta [auratæ,] mugil, alburnus, leucifcus, gobius [fundulu,]muftela, apua. ' , , , ,
167 Pifcinales, cârpio [Jpriam,] lucius [lupus,] perca, tinca,oculata [melanura,] prefenus,eruthrifius.
168 Marini: falmo, muræna [fluta,] congrus, raja, o ftreaf, cfox, & varia monftra, ut phoca,&c.
16 Háíôçôáíå& cönäiäÝêáôïí tinis, paffas verò,ut
& fole toftos paffères, in fafciculis nobis afferunt. 17o Afellus [[alpa] arefa&tus, nifi probè contufus, efui non eft.
171 Delphinus pernicitate, balaena [cetus,] magnitudine omnibus anteit. a vAcetabali*,
17» Cancer & Cammarus [aftacus, locúffa,] cum a chelis
fuis prorfum antrorfum] & retrorfum gradiuntur. τ73 De muricis [conchylu,] oftro purpura f comparatur
[conficitur;]fColor verè purpureus,[jtvinum,Tyrius,Sar ramur,]cujus parandi modus intercidit,nobis incognitus. C A P. 16. Dejumentis.
· 174 Tumenta funt animalia domeftica atque cicuria, nos juvantia. 175 TGibbofus enim camelus vehiculi vicem Pragat rebus ponderofis aliò deportandis. • • _ -
176 Equus jubâ infignis, etfi ferox indole, domitur ta men, ut obtemperet feffori (dc quo infrà.) 177. Effroenis nihilominùs ferocit
[peffüm dat :] Admiffàrius equam initurus efferatur: Calcitro
calcitrando ferit, nifipoppyfmo demulceatur.
178 Cantheriusfa&ushinnire defißit, ac ferocire definit.
179 Dum pulluseft,ungulis ejus foleae non applicantur.
18o Pandus [repandu] s afellus ab agafonisfufte rudit. I8
i.Éurus cum palearipendulo boat & mugit : Agnus llat.- . '
182. Vervexblaάcranscß aries, cuifcrorumademptum;
- *
The gateofLarguagesunlocked. - . •• the codfifh , mullet, barbeli, the trout , pollard, bleake*, *cara fô; is. eel-peut, dace, or groundling. ófa p* 167frefhyater Pond-fifbesmullet, are£hegadgeos, carp,pike,Perch,tencb,ruffę bream,yecì. $3ufcitis lifh white. I 68 Sca-fifhes are, the fàlmoji, lampry, cógèr, thorn- bccke -
· ` [skate f]
oifter, laxr, and diverfè momffers : ai the fa- jMakerili,turbut. —
fprat, cuttlc.
169 Theybringu* fàltedand pickled herrings in herrimg ta reli, but dried* firft 5 as alfò plais b aried in thejum, in a Red herrings. bumdles. b Floandcrs, hal 17o Dried habcrdine [ftockfifh] is not fit uoeat, Anleffèit be libuts. -
»ell beatem amd bangd. 17
3g720II & •
£heli; 172.
- -
The dolphia gottb byom l all in fwifimffe, the whale in -
, …
gffcrab and creviffh, or lobfter,gofo ward andback
xvard with tbeir clawes. :atur.
,Saf. \U,
üt. ;^g
173 Purple-diefis gotten[made]ofthe purple-[hell-fiffhit rhe $vay to make right purple colouris loff, being io us üíkmjwne.
C H A P. 16. Ofworking cattell. orking cattell [labouringbeafis] are homebwd
amd tamel, viag creatures, which a help us. a * 175 Fo^ the bosbac{ed [bunch-backt] camell ferves in fead
Do us fervic&
ofa wagggm, 10 carry , eivy [weighty] things [burdens] te amotherplice. x76 The horf, bfaire to feeto with his mane,althougb fi:rre ; With his É - -
- -
ofdiffofitijn,yt i tam ed[broken] to obj his ridir, (con- Ę : cerningwkom, more bereafier.)
177 Forall that, bcing unbridled,he growsunruly and throws bim dowm. Aftallion leingabout to aovera mare,is ewraged;
a friker c firiketh by kicking d [yerking out his heelesj cwincer,kicker, ifbe be mot ftrcked, and ufed gently, With clippinganâ ing. $Wincing, purn fimacking the mouth. -
178 Being made a geldinghee givs over [leaveth] m:ighing, andceafeth te be uiruly [becomestame.] 179 As longas heis a fole, or colt, he i$ not fhod [horfc fhoesare not fet of hishoofes.] -
18o Thefhrinkinge [faddlc-backt] affè brayeth at the drivers • sor* cudgill.
181 Tbebull with his dangling daw-lap bellowctb and loweth : the lamb bleateth.
18» A blaringwether isa ram whofè codis taken fom £; -
· ·· ·
u *
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. f*de* bänt vexâ bebutttbt, with fishead, kim ba- rum a rtunsat.
gain£him [meets him.]
τ83 Caperis a buck got gflded: a kif afyet,though wan tom ana laßiviou, h th mo beard.
184 A hog, or fwine, * pallow th [tumbleth, weltereth] in his wallowing-place; be grumteth, but cheweth not the cud howfiever h? §6eclovem fùvted. (ifh: be nor gelded,he iâ calleda bore pig : a libb*dfòw is called a ffail : ) with a
g Divides the hoof.
joke, or clog, he is kptfopidoingnifihi f. h Pigahcrlitter. 185 The pigs the tcatseftbe fjv thaf hath h farrowtd: -
being w£nei, they arefalled/bottes [grecfe.] iCubs efe beare, 186 The dog, together with thei wbelp$or puppies,barketh* fx,wsife,&c. „. 4*4franger ; one drawing mcar be bieih, even'fcretly,
*Baistb*"** feiéfélyjnaíing nonoif€.] ' -
187 If yù agger bins begurn f, [grinnes, gnarreth,] with his thap, wi leguyning;if you fmitTim, béyelp th [whineth, moanethJ andhaughs [barkes] 188 Ifbi fäll [run, be taken] mad, hrrmms
1The stad-worm
andwbatfb ver béfalleth upm he t'artth it, and makes itaf ffaid efwater ; but being'worm edhegroweth gcnile. A bitch
under his tongue
being cut $*
ujeibtorum a-fale[goe proud.] C H A P. 17. Of Wilde Beafies.
. .
J8 9
Ilde beaf*, feedimg in pleafamt graves, 0r almng VV£Äff:£ Š;£ É themfelves]
10 their d:ns, and each lurketb [skulketh] imis own cwveri, kennell, or lurking-hole.
*ofwhofetooth 19o Thebrayiag Elphant *, the greateß beaf, that is Cof '§s made Ivory. »hich fme báve 5 recorded, hut falßy, that he bath legs
%äer,£'j* Stower. •
, ,
withoiìi any bending) draweth his föád c to him with hii *.
trunk 0^ langfuut. 19r The wifîaffè and the wnicorne inhabit the mof hidden ' dgayts,[wilderneffes]andthey haunt wilde[unfrequented] -
over-growne places. * '„ .
19z The
figit, ££ #j; £; (cales.
193 Tbe alces hide [skin] d cannot be pierced witb cwtting.
ÉÉÉÉÉÉa Ę [rough-hairedj beare graybleth andreareth: orflafh. fifhoniih [forìethj the wheljs fbee bring* fortb by /
•rakethnot Weldon.
lickingthemround about.
19s That which the libbard calcheth : not at threejumps,he lets italome, [giwssit ovef.] * 19e, The
£amma Linguarum referata. vexatus.occurfantem [occurrtniem] fibi arietat petui cus. w
183. Caper eft caftratus hircus : hoedo, quantumvis
tulanti & petulco, nondum eft aruncus.
184. Porcus in volutabro v9lutatur, grunnit, & non ru- .„.„.„, . , minat, bifulcus c : (non Eaîîs äicitur verres ; e Bifidâ ungula,
ut ut
cxfeéta fus, majalis:) numellâ cohibetur à maleficio. ith 1
185 Porcelli [fuculi] lumenfcrofae *fugunt : à la&e de- dssi partum e.
pulfi, nefrendes dicuntur. mixa. '186 Canis unà cum catulis* allatrat advenam ; appro- c Baubatur. pinquantem mordet [rodi;] vel clanculùm.
187 Si irrites, diftento [didufio] ri&u ringitur : fi per
cutias, quiritatur & baubatur.
leth, 101,
188 Rabie correptus difcurrit pafsim ; & in quod irruit,
1aniat, hydrophobúmque reddit : at excisâTyttâ man* fuefcit. Canicula folet catulire.
C A P.
17. p. F.rit. amoenis nemoribus, aut fecus fylvarum faltus r 89 paftae a feræ repetunt [recipiant, referunt fe a i] fua * P®ntet.
|` # [ffeie a 5] ac quæque in fuá latebrâ [latibulo] atct.
19o Elephas b [elphantua, barru] belluarum maxima, % 5]: dente.
1 arrieris, (quem crura fine flexü habere nonnulli, feâ ““ falfò, memóriæ produnt,) probofcide [promufidej pa bulum attrahit. -
191 Onager & monoceros [unicorniâ] abditiffimas de
ferta incolunt, &inhofpita tefqua frequentant. ; , '. «
19» Rhinocerosoffèis fquamis indutus eft. * _ A 193 Alcis tergus fecando eft impenetrabile, [iäugladii ' aem /ecatur.J _ . . . . . . . 194 Villofus urfus murmurât & uncat: catulcs [wr/ùlos, ,.
urfellos] quos progenuit, circumlambendo effingit.
*9*. Paráê Ipithêi] qüod ternofaltuaon prehcndit, ûitti£,
196 Tigris
£amua Linguarum referata. *
196 Tigris curfu valet, & ferocitate omnes exaequat,imò fupcrat. . 197 I.ynxmaculofa vifu pollet : hinc proverbium, Lyn- . Tx
ceis oculis videre. -
1 98 Cervum cornua non grayant, quamvis grandia & ramofa : agilis eft, & longiffimi ævi: rancet interdum,
imprimis ifiautumfio, cumî amore ardens, ccrvam avi*
dè cupit &infequitur.
199 Non abfimilis huic dama, fed minor: item caprea [dorcas,] cujus mafculus hinnulus eft.
23o Capricornus (ibex) & rupicapra præruptas rupes
f Es petra juxta fcanduntf... Σram'sariiimam zor Bubalus[bifùm] urus,fylveftres [feri] boves funt. •,
zoz. Leo armis hirtis & leæna formidolosè rugiunt.
xo3 Vulpes ineunte d vere glabrefcens fit depilis&alo
d Pr»o.
' pcciam patitur, gannit : vulpecula nunquam cicuratur.
2o4 Lepore nihil timidius: quidquid ftrepit, aures arri git,autf fe proripit & in pedes conjicit, atque ad du
freimprovif, a
meta confugit: dum capitur,vagit.
105 Cuniculusfodicando cuniculos, talpa grumos facit. -. .
ao6 Herinacio [echimo] & hifpidæ hyftriciaculei horren tes funt pro pilis. 2o7 Simiâ opérum noftrorum imitatrix cft,ut & cercopi -
* Amboftiua thecus *. T ' erigraílentiae zo8 Glire & mele nihil fomnolentius. -
ifjèi [molefti.]
239 Viverra, muftela, martes, martes fcythica, mufteIa.
alpina, &c.£i; conveniunt.
f £wrsw aquavi- **? 3ciürus,forexf, eficetus,mus araneus,&c, foramina ά. icavant, in quibus hybernant.
41 1 .Sed mus peauaria perreptans, & mufardis fe prs dens, cato Iflil àut mufcipùlae fubinde prasdta -
Y, *
c A s.
Thegateof Languages unlocked. 196 Thetiger is good at ruming [fwift o£foot] and fi a f EquaIeth, yea fierce, yea and fiercer them all.
.qut-goeth ali in
* 197 The fpotted, fpeckled, lymx is fharp-[ghted [good at ficrccncffc. quick-fight:] hemce the Proverbe, As quick-fightedas Lym vcetra,
198 Horms dbmot load;or over-burthenthehart, though main great ones, amdbranched into knags: be is nimble, and very {ongluved; fùmetimes he hath the rot, efpecially in Autumne
[harveft time,] whem, burning with luff, he greedij deffes and purfiles [huntsafter] the hinde. 199 The fallowàeere, buck or doe, is notumlike him, but lef^ ,
fer ; andalfò the roe, whofè male is the hinde, or roe-buck. zoo The wild goatand the Ibex dimb [clamber] up the craggy
f Andftony clif&
rocks f. .
zcr Thebuffali, the bugle Tetk], the owr,are wild axem. , Py thefea coaft. zo» The liòn with his gfhag-hair*d Jhoulders, andthe lioneffè gsnarrd. [fhee-lion] roare bideou[j. -
2o3 Thefúx, in the begiming ofthe fpring fheddinghis haire, groweth bald, or pild, andfallet% into the fox-evill[fhed
dingofhairc :] he balleth [yelpeth :] a foxes cub is mever
s af aüt
2o4 A hare à thefearfuleff thingtbat is ; whatfeverb noife h creaksh, ru. is made,Jhe pricks up hefeares, or effè fateth up befwre one ftleth. be aware, andawayfhe fiings, and betakes her fèlfè to her
beeles, and runs awayto the thickets : whem Jhe is caught [he fqueaketh.
3s í
265 By delving, orgrubbing, the ciimny, or rabbet, maketh burrowes ; the mole i, hillocks. . '* iWant, moula- ; z&& The kedge-bogor urchin; amdthe briftiy porcupime have wa*p. -
hoß :?
faringprickles in feadofhair.
z o7 The ape will de any thing as we do, as affothe momkey .. * Both beingnoi
[baboun] *.
2o8 There ì nothingimthe world more drowfe [fleepy] them fgm£ywiihafiigir the dormoufè and badger, [gray, brock].
„a* '
ftinking brcath.I,
2o9 The feret, weexle, matierm [poll-cat]»fable, amdermine
furres. . . {στι? »roâ egofidfr ïhe fquirrell, the rat, water-rat, the Jhrow or ranny
delve themfélves holes, wherein they make their abode in win ter.
[ís [e p.
z 1 r 8ut the mouß, creepigal! 4bout paitjes k [butteries], k aff., gence,
i. ■*
and difcovering[betraying] her felfe l)'ber doumgynow and ftgre-äöüß for
them becometh aprey to the cat and momf-frap. c}
viaulis. c H A P.
The gate of Languages unlocked. C H A P. 18. Ofcreatures livingas well on landas »ur: andofcreepingthings. »r, cYuchas live both on landandwater, are, the beaver, the
otter,the croakingfog, the tortois, the toada, the red
a Paddock.
toad,and the crocodile, which as he is chewing, Jtirretb the
upper-jay. ..
21 §^créepingthings, andfuchas cgit their skim [flough]£e, íhe hiffing-fiaket ,the wood-fiiake,the water fhakejhe blind [low-worme,the adder,the forching-fiake b , the poyfìn-fpit ter, the viper, the two-headed ferpent, the many-beaded fer
t withathreefanged tongue.
b δaufingthirft.
iï{√e *
i-iveth allupon -
„*; dragon killeth with his very breath, the cockatrice , &*C.
witb his look.
fire,the Camelion , 1fargum ; The lizzard, evet, thefwift, the falamander * , and ££*i* but walkon the theirfeet; -
£j:„a„,., zr6 ihe[leg. or dew-fhailes are fiails c without aJbell.
cH A P. 19. OfInfe&s [Smaltgeatures, divided almoii afùnderby partitions, and havin£ life in one part, when it is partedfrom theother.]
ar, TNρεῖs are, firfi ofall, diverswormes [grubs,] whère aLavftals,midding.
ofeath-wormsgnaw upm muck-bils a, camker-worms om.
plant,moths on garmtnts, timber-worms on wood, paper
motbs ambooks, whirl-worms bom vines, weevels [bowds]
ring. ,
om corn, mites om cheefes.
218 Nits, tice, crab-liáe, fleas, gnats,punies [wallice], humd
worms,a fé gut-worms, thefe plague [are noyfome to] ewooales. •*££*5 jea, andteeks c and horfì-leeches. ', »r, $u&wóms male filk : humming bees make honej-combs fix fqùre, (which honey the domes eat up) fending out a -
fiwâ;m, as it were a new plantatjm.
2:o ho mets and waffs have aJha per fiiag [fpear] them humble-bees. 2,2, I
£;pridem with agad-bee d, skip up and downe, amd
d Biecz. ' 7'u? ab0t4t.
f '
„,, Tbere ave many frts ofbeetles and locufis :ßme are good mea, [voeat.]^i There is alfo a daj-fies, that lives but a
• w.iìrn esse ..;'* caterfilersor chafers,andilactbestias£tem $paj*-
£££*«cm Iftsse
i. £-fies'yhigh raiß ìliiitisy*dh/|£fies, hwrtitd atg -
.--.-- -- *
• •-•--------
/ •
gamua Linguarum referata. c A P. is. De ampliiiu & Reptiuiu. Mphibia funt, caftor [fiber ] lutra, rana coa- • .
2. I 2,
xans, teftudo; bufo, rubeta, & crocodilus, qui
inter manducandum maxillam [mandibulam] fuperiorem movet.
z 1 3 Serpentia exuviáfque deponentia funt, fibilans fan-fTfifilcatinguâ, guis, coluber, hydra [natrix,] cæcilia, afpis, dipfas, [preiier,] ptyas, vipera, amphisbaena, excetra, &c. z 1 4 Dracoipfo halitu, bafilifcus obtutu necat. 215 Lacerta, feps, ftellio,falamandra *, fcorpio, pedi-' S*4*#£#* bent eam ví*ita bus ambulant. Ζ;;£rfe 2. 1 6 Eimaces funt cochleae tereftres abfque teftá. -
•, -
C A P. I 9. De Infe£iix.
z 17 TNfe&a funt primò, varii vermes: è quibus lum brici fimcta, erucæ plantas, tineae veftes, teredines [coffi] figna, blattae libros, convolvuli [volvóces] vites, gurguliones [curculiones] frumenta, galbae [ffromes] ca 'feos corrodunt.
2 1 8 Lendes, pediculi, inguinales, a pulices, culices, ci- aceuriformat. r nuices, acari, afcarides, nos, ipfos infeftant; quin & ri ciniachirudines [fanguifige.]
z 19 Bombyces fericum [matayam,] apes bombilantesb sBombium adamt•;.
hexagonosfavos mellis (quod fuci depafcunt) confici-
unt ; examen, ut novam coloniam emittentes. 22. O
gasse. & vefpae acutiori funt aculeo,quàm bom ' s
bylii. zz
3. Oeftro [tabamo,afilo] percitum pecus fubfilit, dMcur fitátque.
2zz.-Scarabaeorum & locuftarum genera complura. funt: quædam funt eduliat. fEft & ephemere.
223 Bruchi * & canthari, cantharides exulcerato- **£*£* fiae , cantharidcs rubcae, farabaei cornuti, [lucanic*,]*hryfosgnthari, a. -
T Fa
, )
famua Linguarum referata.
papiliones, hepiolií pyrauffæ,] cicindelae [lampyrides,]
d -Auricularia,
&&.volatiîes fùnt : fullo d, fcolopendra [centipes, mul
£:j::!della tipedae,] conifcus, porcellio [afellus,] tipula, melolon íí:,.„. tha, pite dula [noiii!$ f ] reptanr. ' Ä*"" .., éicadaè cuculifalivâ exiliens cantillat foris, gryl -
g Pyrquiia.
< lus3 domi. ` ,,; formica pufilla eft, fed a&uofa, femper feftucas 8c -
micas fert.
' , , « Aranea araneum fcutularum nexat, Erica coptabe fcens & exanimata dicitur aureliak 3 rediviva fit Pa
h Chryfalù.
C A P. zo. • De Homine. 2
alitissimul .* 227
PÉÉ animantium Homo,mundi epitome *, va giens nafcitur.
, ,8 Quiém genitrix aut obftetrix non cxponit proje&itiumJèd fùfciis b involutum [fafäatum] in cunas repo „ nit, ágitat [verfat] & conf3pit.
b Incunabuli.
zz9 Nütrix verò alma, ample£tens & amplexans alum + P,.ma-fim in numfuum,uberibus la§at t,fordidatum abftergit ; pu
fio ipfe laâet, donec abla&tetur.
os inferit. •
' , 3o Acunabulisyenitur ad ferperaftra ; ubi infans anni É ag; Ę. £E fibi É; & fari ac bal
* Et in pedes fir ..
miter in/p.ere,
É, Ê Š? ääïí,
butire * íncipit Lunfit] ; crepitaculis, pupis, ac crepun diis ludens
ploratum erumpet,] pacatur [ fedatur.]
,3i Impuberes cuîpubefcunt,fonoram vocem alterant, hirquitalliúntque ; pubefcentes autem puellæ fingulis merifibus femefmenftruo laborant,donec gravidae fiant.
43* Ephebi dicuntur adolefcentes: adulti [ubi adoleve ^.
' rint] juvenes.
,, »33 Virilis ætas vergit ad prove&am, fenilis rugas & ca •
* *
' nos adfert.
.. „. . . 234 Annofaj vetula tuffit & fit edentula ; fenecio de « ÂÃÄÈ,libiti.Tº crepitus, filicernium*. -' '
: •, -
* .' . {
*ita*» *
23* Ita '
Thegate of Languages unlocked: t.
, • butterfies, fire-fties apdcamdle-fties, &c. are fijimgwoyms: the ear-wig, the furry bea*-* orm *, the blindbcetlè, the fjv e forty-foot. s. [cheeflip], the water-fpiders canker-worm , g/ow-wóm, thefe creep, crawl or trailalon 224 The fgjáfhopperleapimg out ; the woodfear g, fingeth a- F Field.ericket. .-
broad: ihe cricket at home.
225 Theant [pifìmire, emmet] is a poor little thing,but fir ringh : Jhe à alwaies carrying little motes and crumbs. h Alwaies doing. 2 26 The fider weaveth [knitteth]acob-webinto long [quares. A catterpiller [canker, palmer-worm] as it wanxéth away and djeth, is called aurelia ; revivimg [recovering life ] •
agaim, itbecomes a butterf},
C H A P. zo. Of Man. *.
M, N, the chiefe of living creatures, the* abridge- a ' bfiraa,Brief.,
ment Ofthe world, is born crying. breviary, álittle 228 4 hom the Mother or Milwifè doib not caíí abroad to the world. *vide world, but wraps him in fiwadling-bands, andlaieth him im a cradle, rocketh, and luls him afleep. 239 Butthe Nurfè b that temds him, hugging, beclipping;and B Fofteringkind, embracing her foiier-child, fuckletbìiim with Ther`teats tender heäted.
[breafts, dugs], puts im his mouth. meat already chewed;
ifhe fùule himfèfè,Jhe makes him cleam ; the little one him fèlfè fucketh, untillhe be weamed.
239. £om thgcradle thy com£ to c kmee fplents, yhcnthe babe . a.jiia,.„,, [infant] ofayear or two old, learneth togo, and beginneth to ejìigT. ij£ fpeak, babble [prattle,jabber*,]playingwith toyes, orgugawes, wherewith, f at aj time rattles,babies, be /hreamethd £3*y. §.£! ftands all amdbreaks o;ut a cjimg, he is fiilledandquieted. • d Sersouthis
23 1 Lads mot grown upTunder fourteen] whem they egrow throat.
%ig, changeiheirfhrillùoice, andfpeak great[wax lüftfü11:] g Comsto about • biliaenchesgrotám to womiseiiäie, ììea mimeth have thei, *"**"* graufiuxes [monethly flowers] till thcyfhall be with
child. .
23: Striplings for fpringals, are called youlhs while they fyonkersábóur are growingup ; being at fullgrovth they areyoungmen. , §§eer old: paß
233 Mans eiiaiefivayetbfis göingdownwards]towards agde- a£hiid. clining age ; oidage bringiib ajinklesandgray,hoary haire*. g^n*£**®°* 234 4n agedold woman öougheth and becometh toOth-leffè : a
crooked-dro pingoldmanjâ dotard, that hath oncfoot in
.• . .
` the grave. F3
235 Thiis
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. 335 This infány ku/weth not its viyne fèlfe : child-hood is k royes, may- ' paffed ayaj, and fpent, in fports h 3 youth in vanities ; imanhood [mans eftate] in things painfult ; old age falleth £"
back to former things, growes childijh agaim, and doteth.
236 For oldmem (as the common fajing i*) are twice children. 237 A middle pitch [an indifferent ftaturejis ofthe beß ßxe, or fcantling.
iwouldfcarea 238 Für a gant i is a fcar?-cray [bug-beare ; j aflim [long Ę to looke on gangreljor a dwarfe [dandy-prat, pigmey] is a laughing tock.
; $a as are borne with their feet forward aye beld umma
* Asisalfo a by- Ttural!, umlucky, difmall births *. Man is maked, mot haury, or rugged. wood-
Fííwd gods kand wild-men are faniies andfare bigs
[bulbeggars, maukins.]
c H A P. ... ofthe Body, and firft ofthe outward Limbs. » -
241 *T*He fame ofour body is packt up ofbones with marrow, griffles [tendrels,]tendoms a, finewes, fle£h,mufiles*, a Cords. a threefoldskin b, and divers thin filmes orcoverings. * such a fiefhy par$a;wcu£f9* 242 The pats ofthe body hold [hahg] together byionds clofè \
f, $.° 'fafiepedaliaiìngin a mofi tomijpijrtim. Êëìíîïîäic 243 For [ilcbas are couples [twain, two ofa fort,]are placed om the fides one over againii the other ; fudb a are fingle ££uti isthe skn [but oneJ in the middle.
******** 24} In thefiature, orfhage,&fmens countenantes [vifages] -
it is wonderfull frange what difference there is.
245 Amarygw fore-head is like? hogy, one bunching out is -
· -
c Carefüli, taking
fikeam affes,a broad ome is a figme of a towardly difpofitiom, andofagood fìt, a wrinkled fore-head is a mark ofa mimd perplexed c , a fowning [lowring, skowling] one ofam
* argy man, a fmootb high forehcad Jheweth a man to bc bra xgn-faced, or cheerly [cheerfull.]]
246 The apple, or fight, of the eye, fttingom, or cleavimg to the white, is a lookingglaffe, receiving into it félfe the refem blandes ofthings fet befwe it.
247 This the eye-lids meißen by winking, ortwinkling, but the eye-brows and the haire om the eye-lids do femce it.
248 But the ge-to pers fivratd vut tears The whole fet,organg, a soke,£w. ' ' " ' ' * oftecth is fàffned [mortizcd] into fockets, that are digg'diätö 249 Be '' both the jawès. -
janua Linguarum referata.
„, i,
.35 Ita infantia feipfam ignorat, pueritia ludicris tranf- J • igitur, juyentiis [etas juvenilù] vanis, virilitas laborio
fis, fene&tusad irelabitur, repuerafcit ac delirat. 236 Senes enim (quod vulgò dicifolet) bis pueri: [gran
237 Meâiociis ftaiiira eft* optimè proportionata.
d Propertione 'commodißima.
238. Namgigasterriculo eft; Longurio vel nanus [pu
milio, pumilus, homuncio, homulus, Tbomunculus, pigmaeus] , deridiculo. fi • * 239 Agrippae * habentur partus monftrofi & inaufpicati ,v '
{ἐ£* tus.]
[levi.] [Nudus eft,non hirfutus. ` •
24o Fauni enim ac Satyri commenta funt ac terricula
{i -
menta [mormolyceia.]
cAP. 21. De corpore, & primùm de Membri. extermis.
; . -
z41 ^ Orporis noftri compages ex offibus cum medul lâ, cartilaginibus, tendinibus, nervis, carne, mu
fculisa, cute triplici, & membranis feu involucris variis a Ea earni, ;.',, coagmentata eft. -
qua utimur ut or
242. Membra cohærent ar&is & perpetuis nexibus, in £*£*/??, tamei pro arbitrio. proportione decentiffimâ. 243 Nam quæ bina funt, ex oppofito fibiad latera lo •
cantur ; quae fingula,per medium. 244. In vultuum lineamentis ftupenda eft varietas. -
245 Frons angufta fuilla eft, gibbofa afinina, lata bonae indolis & qualitatis, rugofa animi anxii, caperata ira cundi nota,erugata & exporre&a effrontem arguitvel hilarem. •. • •
246 Pupilla oculialbugini iniene& inhærens fpeculum eft, objeétarum rerum imagines [idola] in fe recipiens. 247 Hanc palpebræ ni&andohume&ant,fupercilia verò & cilia communiunt.
z48 Sed hirqui [canthi] lacrymas fudant.Tota dentiumfe ries infigitur in alyeolos in utráque maxillâ perfoßòs. , F 4 z49 Inter
janua Linguarum referata.
*£ju£!** 249 Inter tempora & nafum * (quem alii fimum, alii re fimum,»;:alii aduncumhabent) interje&ae funt genae five J 3 ÂÃÄÈ. , malæ 5 iifque fubfunt maxillae. -
extat p:er inprominemhomine,
25o Per nares, ut cloacam, demanat mucus ; quemvi
briffae detinent, nè exfudet, nifi muccinio [ffophiolo] mungatur.
f In
,5 1 Mentum f virile primùm lanugine, deinde barbâ; labrum fuperius myftace tegitur : quidamtamen imber
bcs funt, quidam barbatuli. * cavum illudin
;ÁÂÃÄÈ,, 2.52 Anterior pars colli jugulum* eft, pofterior cervix. fernom & clavi• eules, ubi porcum 25533 Thorax fororiantibus mammis [mammulis] (quarum q
eminent papillae,) turgidus, infernè ventrem habet, ad
latera. 253partes Coftae duodecim ab axillâ cœptæ, in hypochofidriâ -
- 253 Ininguine,fub pube [pcíiine]funt pudenda[verenda]
3 p.i.Ila evtrin., fecwi ohvallatic Fibula diöae h J4f?£. [%* baliftæ] cui in at
256 Infrailia & coxas [coxendices] femora [femina] funt; fub poplite fura 5 fub genibusf tibia & antitibiale. Il lius ossextremum in malleolumintcriorem protuberat, hujus in exteriorem. * . . "
, 5* A fuffragine planta pcd:s eft,talosh [malleolos], cal
i Fari… fuperio-
cem, calcaneum(quo calcamus)tharfum i, plantæ con vexüm [dorfum,] folum [imaii, plantam,] cúmque digitis
rem £alct ex a4- . verfè oppofitam» j
hallucem continens.
titur t ilia.
d ssspiulat;
, , 53 Tergum fupernè habet fcapulas d, poft lumbos,fub
… , , \ fequentur natcs,(effionis gratiâ clunibus circumvolutas. •
* e
*. .
:::::: f
259 Sp:na dorfi totius ftru&urae [fabricæ] fultura eft,ut ere&i ftare poffimus* conftituitur autem è triginta qua
tuor * vertebris contiguis, ut incurvari & inclihari queamus ; quod non fieret fi os continuum effet.
{ r.,i.,.paf. 261 Mafiusfin fe continet lacertofum [orofirjbrachium £omprêhendis totum arium' ab omoplita ad extremos digitw, . .•. *.
Thegate of Languages unlocked. . I.
Betweem tbe temples and the mofè * (which fome have flat, *The tip or buttem fome crgoked upward, others domjyardor hook*d)are pla- Whereofficksfar jaw-bones. fink É; them the[common under cheeks, ofthe ced Thurow the ballsthe É;.out1m *£cr thorow noftrils, 23o as and a kenmell orfewer] rumneib dowm the filth, or fhivell, which the n/é-hairesfay [withold] that itiffueth not out, but whenit is wipedwitb abandkercher, or blowne out. 249
25 1 4 mans chinf is coveredfirff withdoum [a kind ofmoffi- f It hatb adoke
ncffe,] then with a long and large beard, the upper lip»itb ö£$imple in th= 5 a doubfe #*i:.::;; :! ììì. yetfoneare bardleffe, fame have beardsbrgin-;„_ midft muftachoes ; yet
- - -
252 Thefùrmer part offhe meck isthe throat *, the hinder part *. That holow the nape.
? ; Ę.
233 The cheff, fruttingout with fivellingpaps, or full-grown %%$j
άζζ £; ÈÉ, É; ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ
bones , where fides om eitherpayt. .254 The twelve fibs, beginningat the arm-pits, emd at the hy- they ftickafwine
pocondria,the fide-parts of the belly under the five ba ftard-ribs. '
255 In thelesk, under the groim or [hare, are the privities or ° fecrets.
256 Bemeaththe flamks [hanch-bones] andthe hips [huckle
bones], are the thighs ; under tbe ham, is the"calfè of hich aref ich are tian: the legge ; under the kmeesf , the legge [ fhank] and the í' ed * or fortified skin.The emd of the Jhamk-bone bunchetb out to an ígíéêëìí, inner amcle 5 the emd of the brace, or fhin-Uone, to am ut- qrwhirkbonéon -* -
the outfide.
257 From the pafterm or hough is the fùot-bredth, comprizing mprixng e The cockallor -
the paiiern-bone e,the heel, the pitch ofthe beel (with which Š -
vefiamg, tramplé or treââ ori), thé infep f, ihe ridge or $j?*"*" *uPper fide of the foos, the föalg , thegeat toe, with the fiíüpfer part leffèy toes.
ofthe föot-wrift;
» 58 The back haththeJhoulder-blades alof, the. loines under- $V$ againft the neatb ; amdnext uhder, thebreech [feat, back-fide] bewrap- g*j;, Thù , mex* tbe _ • ..•
•. _
ped about with butiocks, to fit om.
foes, ù, the tread
259 The chine orback-bow His tbe prop of the whole frame 9rba! ofthe foot, or packe ; that we may be able to fland boult up-right : $$e of the Mowit us made up offoure amdthiriie * rack-bofies, join- £$. The largef? ing clofè ome to the other , that wee may bend, bow, and wÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉého. floop ; which could mot be'done, if the bone were all ofome 1y bone, fiippor -
eth &• beulffereth
26o The hamd f containeth umde* it , the bramwny arme vp thc rcft. > f In a larger ac ception it copprizethalithe joint fromthefhoulder.bladς tq ; fingerscnds. -
ά -
the elbowi [cubit *], the elt, the wriff, the hollow afthe
i*rhebowt efthe arme
hand : which beimg fpreadopem, is thepalm; beingbemt in, the
* Properly, the
fiit: that giveth a flapor box onthe eare 5 this firiketba buffat or cuffe. The back ofthe hand groweth mot fé hard or
eubtt is thc out.
fide of the lower half ofthe armc ; the ell, thc infide ofic.
brawny as the palm.
261 The fingers are fiveeach havingthreejoimts, and a, many knittirgs [couplings] together ofthem,&nuckles. 262 Wee thruit [leanhard] againfi athing with thethumb ; we point at with the fore-finger ; the middle-finger reacbetb
f Ear.finger: for itis in ftead'ofan
[ftands poking] outfartheft ; betweem which andthe little for Ieaft finger leth the ring-finger. z63 With the jailes we claw, fcratch [pick], teare, remdin
eces. -
.£ The left hand holdeth, the right hand worketh
all things
handfomely [fitly], umleffè a mans felfè be unhandfome, auk, or untoward.
2«5 He that cam ufè both hands alike, hatbgreat odds ofome ieft-handed. One ffx-finged hath his fingersby fixes om 4 band.
, -
CH A P. zz. Ofthe inward parts ofthe Body. 7El! faid : let us mow look inlo the bomvels or en
267 Food [ nourifhment] being minced [fhred] with the a fore-teeth, amd champed with the great teeth * or grinders
a Shearers.
* Whereofthe ».
(for the cheek-puffe isthe mill) is let domvm through ihe gullet
or 3. lalt are cal led teeth ofwi/<
or weazon tothe mouth ofthe [tomack (im four-fioted beafts
dome, as bcing
firf to the cud, themto the foufè b, next to the panch, andat length te the right maw, calledtbe Manifòld,) amd is girt in
bred longafter,a*
bout the age of
[crowded,thronged, and pentup] very clofè togetberaloft and below (the lover mouth ofthejtomack beingclofèd firait
up) ; where (all beingbrokem final!, andpaffingwell mingled and blanded)it is majht or boilegfoftby the fi;;i conco&iiom,
andwrought to a chyle, after thefafhionofa white creamy ap.
.£ wbem the chyle isthus difpatch'd, and thuríi dowm into the fmall * guts through the lower mouth of the ftomack
*The ftomack
gut;he £rypty,&
(which now us umtied and openedwider) ; the mefarai£
ihe circled:güt.
veims fuck and dram» it out,and having fèveredit from the
/' -
groffer offalsor refufe (which beingvvidcd outat the greatey •
v -
, fi, '
£anua Linguarum referata.
cubitum *, ulnam, carpum, [brachiale,] volam: quæ di- * Gibber brack;;
du&a,Palmaeft; contra£ta,Pugnus: iila alapam'impin- £;itur etiam eu. • git[ificutit,] hic colaphuí iiifringit. Do£fììììs *** [manus averfâ] non æquè occallefciíac palma. 26* Digiti funt quinque, finguli articulos tres, & toti demaftuumjufi§uras, condylos,habentes. 263 Pollice Preinimus, Indice mohftramius ; yerpus [me diu*] Prorainet 5 nter [interponitur] quem & minimumf (digitellum, ;:;:• f auricularem,</ amatorem) interjacet annularis. auri -
' 363mus. unguibusfcabimus, fcalpimus, laceramus, lancina
264 Siniftra[levâ] tenet, dextra operatur omnia aptè, nifi quis ipfe ineptus aut iners.
" ' `
' '
. * Sedigito fìme
265 Ambidexter prae fcaevâ [fcevola] multùm habct *. :;- digitâ .^
C A P. 266
De Membris internis.
E. Ja, jam vifccra infpiciamus.
267 Alimentum dentibus primoribus [incifùribus,gelaffnis]
aut caninisingifum, gQlaribúfque *£9immanfum(Bucca s.„„ 4ae „„„, lendinum eft) lam [æfùphagum] ad ftoma- * £grum ve -
enim molendinum eft)pergulam [æfphagum] ad ftoma- ,^jj A. chum (quadrupedibus primò ad rumen, tum ad oma- targenuini[fo.
fum, pòft ad pantices, demúmque ventriculum verum, ££j]
-_ -
echihüs diéuim) demittitur, & fupra fubférque com££££* ^ prefsè coar&taturf [coanguiiatur:] ubi omnibus contri- f'Pyloro ar&è
. tis atque exquifitè permiftis, à primâ conco&ione miti- interclufo.
• • gawrac fubigitur in chylum [in cremorís cujufdam fpe ciem.] A.
z68 Hunc ita confeäum, ac per Pylorum jam rela xatum in graciliora * inteftina depulfù venæ * Dareumjja meferaïcæ exugunt_ ac , prole&tant ; eumque numjleon, ab excrementis Tcraffioribus (quæ per craffióra • . . . f inteftina q.
^ ,
famua Linguarum referata. re£tum [longa.
f inteftina & anum [podicem]* foras egefta fiunt fterco ra, merdae,oleta) fecretum deferunt ad jecur (eâdemque
num,] quæ ommit
operâ fanguinem ad inteftinâ refundunt,) ubi denuò fit
-f Caecum, eolom, ' unum habent du*
&fttm, at mom aan. dem ctvitatem.
feparatio. -
269 Scrofùmmeat ad renes (â quibus quafi per incernicu
lum percolatur) indéque per ureteres a veficæ inftilla tur,& fit urinallotium]quae meiendo emittitur[redditur.] a Ior, ?in« canalicu- ,,s Pinguior pars ab hcpate rubedinem accipit, & fit : chymus & fanguis ; qui per venas diftribuitur, &inftar coačti roris unicuique parti agglutinatur & adhærefcit,
j Portam quaß JEάt.
donec ufquequaque afsimiletur [inipfàm ejus fubflantiam concedat [faceffat.] 27 1 Lien [fplem] interim attrahit & rurfus ejicit melan
choliam , fel [cyftis, folliculus felleus] bilem [flavam cho leram.]
272 Pituita [phlegma] per omnia diffuit. Glandulæ funt emun&oria per quæ humor redundans tranfpirat.
ffafio pericardi, 273 Cor in pêçíoré medio fitum f, primùm eâ vivens & tamquam capfula involvitur.
ultimùmmoriens; proinde caloris plenum.
274 Quo fine requie palpitat, & vitalem fpiritum pro > generat, quem per arterias micantes quaquàverfum quoquoverfùm, quoquoverfùs] communicat.
275 Refrigeratur cordis ardor ab adjacente pulmone, * Cu;us fùmmum extrém'am latrinx ,
refpirando per arteriam afperam *: quâ tantillum lae ' fä, raucedo fit & tufsis, ut & à clamóre immoderatof. ^
£££j3£i£* intér fpirandum, ,76 Hæc praecordia [exta] ab hypogaftriob [inferiore ven tre] disjunguntur diaphragmateT[fèpto tranfverfò § ì à
furfum erigi: [e 5
inter edendttm, quo ad renés* diffunditur glandulofùm Pancreas. Igngi ****** 277 Omentum verò la&tes obvolvit: Mefenterium inte
fiffwám fíve intro Σrum obturat,ne
quid cibi illtbatur
£tinis circumje&tum ea fuccingit atque, ut ligamentum, lumborum fpondylis aftringit.
in pttlmones.
t $i quis ad ra
άim ufque vociferatur [vocem intrndit] fit raucus [rauccfit, j b Aqualiculo. * sub A.
ventrici;lo & duodexeo,
i. ^ -
C A P. » 3. De accidentibus corporis.
... -
a Moae ^gy.tmwi. 2. 78
Iuxta exterioré afpe&íì quidã videntur corpulenti, Jobefi,quadrati;alii graciles,exilcs,macilcntia& ftri .
- -
gofi ;
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. • • * they cayit alo/gto the liver (and ? £; : £} ííí}i:
fguts and fundament c, turmeinto dung andffimki :ordure
f(:iiam; tothe guts) ; wbere again there is adivifùm made. ,
On gur. All which
269 Thejwhaiey part paffèth to the kidneies or reins (Of;»hich Ę É thorow-^ jt is fraimedas through a ferce) and from thence through the ÉÉ} Ä.;;;'*
erim:ti: . icæ imál;
eurin-tumnels is droppedimtothe bladder, amd turmes tourime boreor width. £ Sieg,cleft, árfe. 27o Thefatter part taketb a red colour from the liver, amdbe- â YÉ $j and ameth an humour amdbloud 5 whichis dealt out feveralffy & ÉÉ. :• through the vcins, andlike ajellteddew isglued and cleaveth flant, í toeverypart, umtillveyfubftance in every vefpeétOfit. it be made all ome with it, andpaffeth intothe
271 inthe meantime the mult or fpleen draweth melancholy [black coller] to it, and caffeth it 0ut again; thegal!
or piflèf, which is let 0ut by piffingor makingwater.
«j;, $i ur, & aíTé
drawethyellow coller.
272 Fleam rummeth about over all parts. Kernels are drainers,
:£:ir. fit ,
through which the overplus ofmoifture brcathes out infenfibty.
273partliving, The heartandthe placidialafthe midfandoftherefore the breafff, is the firii ££? ,, 'd uniim djimg, full ofheat,
i ;iitf*
27Â By meanes ofwhich it mever lins panting, or throbbing, ina cap.&£ ittr
amdbreeds the vitall fpirit, which it imparteth gall about g Egery way. -
thoyow the h beating pulfes. ' 275ῦingThe fiveltringbeatofthe heart is gooledby the lungs[lights] next toí by thoroy i? j,r
;;j;js. # :; f.
ipé; whichbeingneverfòlittle ote upper £j. cough, as alfò by exceffivehuft,there cryingoutf.happens tppe hoaifieffe f. Ę5 shc,
3££ ,
276byTbefe k iijperentialsare lowerwhich belly [Äßertongwj? ÉÉÉÉp. thé mdriffe (a partitionpartedafunderfiora ying over-thwart) :thefrom
tà the kidniés* i5 fpreadoiit the fiveet-bread,full of kernels. yhich as ye are
reathing,ftarteth na 277 But the kallimvefteth [enwrappeth] the flgnder ffguts. up:as wcare eat • ' The mefentery' or midriffe being caii roundabouttheguts, i£ÉÉÉÉ, am!” *1$.
truffeththem up, and a, a band jeth them to therack-bones oííhe throíé,
ofthe loines,
and ftops np the
cleft Gr in gate, 1eßany of the meat fhoulâ flip orglide into the. lungs [ge down! £be, wrong»3y]. + Asifoneftrainbis voice eventill fié be hoarfe. k Thę uppcr. part9fthe bejly riext -
theftomach. '* under the ftomackandthc next gut. 1 in 4 fwihfthc ncckingér,
c H AP. 23. of things ihat bealitheBody.
A£? the outward look
[conplexion, appearance] fome lookgroffè[fogge], plum?[fat], »aeel/ft? fome flendir,Jhrimpi/h, ltam fîager, lank f;
. 273 -
' '
--•-. -.*
. . ^
Thegate of Languages unlocked. lig; fine fair [wcl-favoured] , others il-favoured or
f specki geed, crook-back'd- •r
mif-fhapen f. 279 In regardofthe immer confiitutiom,mcn are healthy[lußXV»
in good plight], or fùkly and difeafed ; ftout and frong,
or weakly and temder. * 28o The cur!-headed are föon ready to grow bald : the red headed turme gray.
281 Such as have Jharp-coppià crowns, are very fubjeét ta a robefiemy, a fal! mad [frantick,Jamdare fhut up in a cage or bedlem 1*
tobee difiraâed. -
* OrtofhafHe, to
houfe. 282. It is better to be blindofome eye them ftark blimd; to be -
deafiffh or thick ofhearing, them quite deafè ; [low or un ready offfceth *, thenfiammering or ftutting ; liffingor
tongue-tied, thendupib. 283 One [quint-eycdlooketh avry : he that hath a rouling eye, glanceth [glyeth, gloteth, looks aflentor glancinglyj: he that hath but one eye,is one-eyed,blind om one fide. A blin
f one gogi.&j.a
kard [fand-blind] blinketh [is dim-fighted] in the dy time. The pur-blind difçerneth one} neer-handf.
hath eis ìig; 284 Böttle-mofèdare fuppofèd to fmell or fent well : Chuffes, 9* flaglingbroíá fuff-cheek*d, amágúbellied, to be gluttoms : joult-heads b, 3** blábber-lipp'd, loll-iard c, tit-mouih'd, andfuch as have m0 É, Ê ittle eies.
ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉɤ, . bollowpeffe by the throat-bones, are thought to be dumces, eies funk deepe
blockheads, doults.
££,£ocketi. . 285 Skimover gowing the maile, a wart, a wem, the Kings * ' evil, a bunchhuffig ££? the dißaß indodisfigure. the nofè called, Nöli ç Whofe eares me tangere, and anydup, fivellingkmob, hangfiagging 286 Soin like mammer domoles or blemifhes 5 as, a feckle, v
£fplent, lump, Hardfpavifi.
morphew,feufe, aring-wormor tetter, a fefferedchim,fivoln veines, leprie, andevery fpot.
287 Alfoifmegoe with the nec& fiffè andbending, or looking domwmward.
288 Some coumt baldmeffe agraceto them, others adißrace, or mif-becoming.
289 Halting [Iamenefîè] comes by wrenching or puttinga bone out ofjoint : otberwife meither the mqr ' the f}lay-fioted;nor the crook-legg'dor fhackle*hamm'djur
e Do ha!t, Iimp.
thefirolm-amk!'d, mor narrow-knee'd, flat-foted e£re lam*. * 9o. Galling, frettingor interfeering, is from rubbingoffthc skin. .
291 He is glt, [a gelding] yhofè fomesare takemfrom bim, •
c H AP.
£amua Linguarum referata.
gofi ; quidamformofi, alii deformes*.
s i-frwMW*
Secundùm habitudinem interiorem vegeti aut mor chalifîè, . 279 bofi, robufti aut teneri. f ut qmd ffis,
28o Crifpifacilè calvefcunt, rufi canefcunt.
, bald: fk #
281 Cilonesin phrenefin a proclives funt,& includuntur a 'Phrenitida.
vtrj fj*
Praeftat [fatiusef] lufcum effe aut lippum quàm cœcum, furdaftrum quàm furdum, haefitantem quàma * -Aut balbâ de balbum * [halbutientem.], blaefum quàm mutum. mare lequi.
a k iii;i f; im ■*
itting;|j* -
hath 1* !
283 Strabo diftortè, paetus obliquè contuetur : Cocles monoculus eft, lumine altero oibus [orbatus] : Lufcio
orgit? mjtjt 4
fus caligat interdiu: Myops non cernit nifi propè '. admotaf.
f £x ephthalmus Habet óculos pro minentes : Oeelt« 284 Nafüti [nafones] acriter odorari; Buccones & ven- lucinius] exiles . -
3 •
triculofi manducones 5 [ingluviofi;] capitones,labeones, ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ;. flaccie,bronci,& jugulis non cavis,bardi deffè patantur. £#. orbes. ■4femet.
c Quibw auricula propen
Ë z85 Reduvia, verruca, ftruma, fcrophulae, Polypus,gib-7dest. bus [gibber] & quodvis tüber deformant.
d Blitei, bruti.
286 Similiter & naevi: Lentigo, vitiligo, porrigo, impe tigo [lichem,] mentagra fmiíj macula.
¤É, lepraj& omnis •.
287 Item fiquis obftipus incedat, autcernuus. „ading** z88 Calvitium alii fibidccori reputant, alii dedecori. e7'J
289 Claudicatio à luxatione eft ; alioqui nec loripedes,
;„p or P° iimg
nec valgi, nec vari, ricc fcauri, néc panfae e,
compernes claudicant.
ÉÉÉ e Plauti, placi.
v ,
29o Intertrigo ab attritu eft.
C AP. -
· ·
£anua Linguarum referata. C A P. z 4. De Morbis. 292
V. Entriculus malè affe&us eft aegritudinum ori
Ę* minuta:] brady:
go t: inanis efurit ac fitit : oppletus [infârêtus] fingultit & ru&tat: faftidiofus efcam fàftidit & ingeftarii refpuit : crudus [cum eum prægravit quid indomitum &-
£££££$*$? tardior:]boulimis ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ
incìiium] naufeat. E cruditáte fiunt rüétus,, 11nguitus, fingultus & rugitus flatulenti.
- -
nã:]pica [mala cia.jCardialgia, cum cordü fcrobw-
lu* dolet.
Š, per tor. 293 Pallbr & tremor cachexiam, hoc eft, valetudinem debilem & languidam : marcor, torpor *, ac veternus [letharguô] enervatam arguunt.
294 Morborum, quibus confliétamur, alii dolorem, alii ftuporem, aki pruritum duntaxat, alii convulfioncsf inducunt*: fed recidivi cum vehementia plerumque -
££; focatio.]
-Alii aeuti, 4lii
295 Decumbentium ac febricitantium vires decrefcunt;
qui fi non brevi convalefcunt, fiunt valetudinarii, &, quod pejus, clinici.. 296 Hoc folatio eft, cui multum doluit, dedoluit.
acapiti, dolor.
*?% Cephalalgia a [cephalea] & hemicrania (potifsimùm
fi cranium [calvaria] folidum os fit) aut vertiginem, aut dclirium, aut furorem & maniam caufatur. 298 Odontalgia fit, cùm parvuli dcntiunt, aut pòft gin * Jaenborum efu givae putrefcunt *. dentes obftupe- ' 295. Lippitudo eft cæcitatis præparatio: nec creber au 1 innitus riumtinnitu bonum portendit.
fkunt : imperdum
;;;;;;;;;;;;. gere, v4cillant
a •
3oo Gravedo [rheuma] aut coryza eft catharrideftilla tio : afthma [peripmeiimonia,] feu refpirationis difficul tas facit anhelum.
b gaga,…, .„- 3or Ne columella ° laxior propendeat, néve angina [ßçuîgîçãï … manche] tonfillas inflammahs & angense frangulet fau 2'j ces, guttur gargariza. . . j,;;;;" "*** 3o2 Långuorés & animi deliquia [lipothymiae,(jncope,] a c£to (quod in acctabulis adfertur) reficiuntur. . . ' •
• •.
3o3 Licn
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked.
cHA p. 24. ofDifeafes.
iaims ' tus fifùí iit&ingi; dindymiim*
us, fingil;
I)iffemperedftomackisthe fourte[original! caufeJ . . Aoffickmeffes f : beingemptj,it ishungjandthirfj? fH*3iyght of beingftufftdorcramm'd fuII, it Å; yexeth, and ;;;;Ê$ : igkbeth;bcing qu£exy or fqucamifh, it Ioatheth meâ, and ííííííííí fpitsit out again beingthrußim, [meátis fiulfomae and go- on;inâtiabiébun cth againft the ftomack]': beingraw, or jfamythingoîér- £:.uiinagiali chargith [lyeth heavy ijit, unäigefta, it wämblö. of burfiing, $'$ when • $am neffè or undifgeftion come belbings, hickoppings [yelk- ÉÉÉÉ; paineae
' ing] andwindy rumbling.
vie deadmeffè, a dull nummeffe *, amd the a drowffe
fhew that the health is enfebléd or empaired.
a plefT, Itia ?
, vehemence
dę -
297 THead-ake and the megrim cauffeth eithergiddimeffe [dizzi,
, •*
áe pę
footjs aflesp. . .
295 Thefrength ofthemthatb keep their beds, and aye aguifh, b Lie fick a ked. zyafeth c [abateth]; andifthey recover not withina ábile, e Gygth lcf. they become craxie, and (which is worfe) bed-rid. and le(fc. 296 Thi*is acomfort, he which hathfelt mucb pain, is paf ftel
* As when tfie
procureakeorfmarty/ìme nummeffe[no feeling]%meam itch ingomelyfime cramps f,cricks, fhrinking oÉfinewes: but f As fits ofthe relapfes fùr the moft párt difpatch and kill mcn with thei; mothcr.
294 of dißaßs or maladies which weeintounter witb,ßme •^*****P*
i dolia,*
- the heart-fpoon;
393 Palemeffe [a bleak look] and quaking argue ficklineffe, ihat is, avakand languifhing, piningcjiftitütioj : ambea.
.. val:iir:
neff:,fwimpcringJgr dotage [raving]>or madneffe [rage]
da? tionis di ... f .
j4l £ve a£;
ángk j?, jú
1ntu', 303 f;
amdfüry : effecialö ifthe the a skull bîone entire bone. a Scalp,braii 293. Tbe tooth-ake happeneth whem little-ones breed teeth, or ;£*; when afterwards the gums wax ; ottem*. WÈ eating tfa
299 Bleeredieffe is a preparative to blindneffe, nor doth the £; :g; tinglingor fingingofthe ears, ifit be rifè or often, boad fometime they, any good.
. j,
• . .
chatter for cold »
3og a cold, or #*; [mur] is the droppingdowne ofa moif É É *heume : the tiffick or wheexing [when 6ne can[hardly gnìflè ` ' '
fetch their breath], makes omepu/fèy.
3oi Gagle the throat, leii the uvüla fall; or feaf? the fquih
3y over-bcatingorgripingthe almonds, e choke tbe daps or eriroaie, fr*& 53; hii
jawes. .
36.megar, Faintjig;, and' fiwoyning, arereäeved *•** which isqualms, brought in faucers. · · · · · · · · · by vi- £$: away.
• >J
- G
3o3 4 fuddew -
Thegate of Languages unlocked.,
gwhen food 3o3 4fuddemfamyriggs thé materifh laskandthe bloudy fliae, Égyes frgm,9ne ^ caufè la fieffe of the belly : coftivemeffe [a lift tögotò {; iii,; taken- (lool, íuí voiding nothing] procureth windy fivellijg, h, anunins , „, p. to nothing, and falling forth of the fündament of tuell.
3o4 Stopping of ones water, painfull voiding of urine, the ftranguiy [ventingit by drops], tbe paine in the kidnies,are the beginningofthe fione f.
f Someare cut
forthefione. Z
3o5 Griping'[frettings, wringings] trouble the fmall-wind. '
i Yellows.
inggut 3 the or collick troubleththegreat gut ; vojdingofblood, the emroids pilcs.
3o6 The pluriffegriefe at the heart, griping at the ftomack, and wcakmiffè in the loines are not f0 irífsime: the ijandis ä fom tbe over-fpreadingofthe bladler ofgall. 3o7 A fivelling rifeth [fwellcth up] and falleth againe. 4 rupture [burftenneflè] happenethiphen the rim ofthe belly is brokem or looxened, andfo the fmall wimdinggutfalleth into the cod.
3o8 He that hath takem venom, fivelleth and is bolm ; but treacle is good againft it, amdrefifts it.
3o9 Theggut ammoyeth the twiiis ofthe joints,or limbs,ty rea
fùm ofä]harp humour rumping betweefi : which in the bands, is properly called the band-gout 5 in the feet, (which are affâ
pefterd with cornes and kibes) the foot-gout ; in the hips, the hip-gout or Siatica.
31 o Aburningfeverhamteth a man alwaies alike, and cometh mot by fits withfùme deitaine fpace betwecn : fùmetimes it k Hath nowell day: the fit is
"*"•* cieanof.
relenteth [affwageth, is gentler], but it k5reaks mot quite off. A wandring, unfettlëd ague returms with ftfh fits, but
άeps to moft iime [no juftìourfe or bouij â tertiam comes again evey other day with extreame coldfhaking : buc the fits ere-while alter and fhift, and come fooner and fòomer, or ftay later. A diary is wfome daies continuance, and rums not. beyond that time. -
1 Skiweting.'' *
• ,
31 1 The quartan [third-day] ague, the dropfe, and confum ptiom ofthe lungs, are long-lafting, hujtfull anddeadj: `that. firft cometh agaimwith the mext killeth by »ater between the fiefhaiJhuddringcold, and the skin : this laftffends andæ
m sick of a con- s emdsthofe that are m wafting, with a lmgingpinimg-away. 31. They thathave the louxy di/a/e, are crawlingfull of lice or vermirie. Thofè that are fick of the epilepfie, want bu£ * . little ofthe fallingfgkmeffe, .
fùmption. ,
£amua Linguarum referata. 3o3 Lienteria, diarrhoea,& dyfenteria d faciunt alvi pro- équensa at.# fluvium
Tenafmus evanidas inflationes,& ani proci- jefio cum tor
dentiam [exitum longami.]
/íone. .^
3o4. Ifchuria, dyfuria, franguria •,nephritis,funt Primor- • vii. fiT.ia;. dium calculif. -
f gg eximitur
3o5Paffio Tormina [vermina,iseffluvium lumbricei] affligunt ileum, Colica *f* *femi colum,fanguin haeiiorrhoidas. ?3t0. 3o6 Pleuritis, cardialgia, cardiogmus & lumbago minùs cruciant : I&terus [anrigo f] cft ex fuffufionc veficulæ £ Morbum „g„, fcl1is.
3o7 Tumor tumefcit & defidit.Hernia [ramex, entervcele] * . fit cùm difrupto aut laxato pcritoaaeo volvulus in fcro
tum prolabitur. ,
3o3 Toxicum qui affumpfit, turgefcit: fed ei theriaca ' refiftit, & renititur.
; 3o9 Arthritis [morbus articularis] artuum jun&uras (ex interfluxu humoris acris) divexat : quae in manibus pc Chiragra, pedibus ( quos morticiniIfchias etiam coxendicibus affligunt)inPodagra,in & pernioncs ' culiariter
31o Caufus continuè infeftat, nec habet certa per inter- ., .
vallâ paroxyfmos: h remittit fe [mitefit] quandoque, H remim,et
noni intermittit. Febris errabunda eft interpolata, at i Habei diem;
fiatas periodos [vices] non obfervat: Tertiana alterno ##£$ £¤. dic repcdat cum vchcmenti rigoref. •
jj* {j*
{α} ¥. 4£j:!
vo interdum vari
ps,phthyfis,di uturni,fontici & letha3 11 Quartana,hydro *3 » s--; > -
lesfünt: illa cum hórrore recurrit, ifte aquâ intercute
ú „j-£* |#3»
vel cun£taaiur.
Ephemera iüae [diaria] t
£t, g?
periit,haec lentâ tabe paulatim tabidos confumit & É. , confummat.
3* ?jjjè
am; & agticipant,
3*; Pthiriafikaffe&i pediculis versans. Epilepfiâ la- k Mors,rus. borant:sâ morbo caduco [comitiali, herculeo, [acro] pa- ** rumycrabfunt. ' -r
G z.
I. -
31 3 Para
£amua Linguarum referata. m Virulentos am
3 Paralyfeös & apoplexiae [fiderationis} praecurforem jerhib nt effe fpafimüm, Scorbutum'[jaloturbe] fana
tur cochleariâ.
3 1 4 Peftis contagiofa [lues] bubones & malignos * car qidemici,quibus bunculos jaculans, palabunda graffatur, repentè ac 3ommuniá eft cau fubitò * inivalefcit, & contagione latiùs ferpcnte in fafperne ab aeris *vt olent morbi
gentes nationes vaftat.
inquinamentotra £tâ,
C A P. , ;. ■ De ulceribhs & Vulneribus.
Sí ulcus ubi abfceffitf, apoftema dicitur,
f JMdhibendo pu. 3 I 5 Ërefrczemzit,fup
& incifione aut caufticis aperitur: dum rumpitur,
puramttt,matu yam, tia & attra hentza.
pus, tabum & fanies purulenta ex eo profuit; è pure
a Ruptica.
glandula. Abfcefìm per cathartica a & expurgantia
àutém fubalbido cum carne convoluto & concreto fit deterfum
Sarcoticâ carne de integro replent.
316 Carcinoma [canter;] herpes, ftomacace, !ues yene ria, phagedaena; gangræna, lepra [elephantiaffs,ipfora*, fquamulæ & fùr*. 'vafiòli `morbiilib,fpuftulae, papulae ,hydroae, more %ret : achores. fcabiei pruriginem proritant, & conta&u inficiumt *, 1) Exanthemata. * Inde capitù
ideóque contagiofi funt.
e -aliis affricant.
feabiem. f Phlegmone, ery
jjela;, polypu3, fí zius,furunculw- '
317 Vulnis (cuiturunda imponitur) caefim fit aut pun ' άim ; plaga & fra&ura, pércuffione, collifii aut con tufione, cüjus fignum livor eft. :
Sphiglus [fidera -
tio] facit partem jam emortuam &
cadaverofam wì
318 Si recens negle&im habitum, exulcerat & recrude
cum in faniofum virus computruit, evadit infana $£; Hordeolii fcit, bilé; éftque ad vivum refecandum, aut medicamentis palpebræ margi
ae enafcitwr. d£2gæ caraenap'*• gridam ac luxtrt antem depafcum*.
cathæretiçis [depafeentibus d] exedendum, aut cauterio 319amputandum. Juum vomica coit, cruftâ obducitur 5 quum fane , * guam £pulotica $cit, prurict ; tandem tamencicatrix* fupereft, aut, fi carni {t/2/. malè curetur, fcirrhus indolens. *-
3.o Ambuftacaro ab aduftione velaquâ fervente affufi, f Qga cutisulam? íepiííirmida} vef*
emittit pufulasf: vibex orta eft à vcrbcre 5 callus ab
induratione*. · · • i ' * In digito 4 calcei preffù occallefcente, faecre{cie •lavus fgubcrculum callofum.] -
zant, & a germa
21cáte diòìllumt vel excoriant. -
e AP.
Thegateof Larguages unlocked
313plexy. Thee cramp, cram; memfay,j The άi ayys afrerumer ofthe
prztufye, iMwi.]ßur ,ligno$*$* iepcn* £ *
Ε;Ίζpue sup- Ę the groin. andJ; malignant yencmous pl rrain,Jhooting out botches" Ascóíôïí. -
fcijcnt ;
gwidergit makes bavock ofhuge ]*,great and, í; £j? rawn from
" .
geth ; it prevaileth fudd plague fores , rangeth and ging difeafès ufc the infèéiiom fpreadin den% [ upon a fudden] * r4r? doe, thathave natiofis.
C H A P. 25.
iii iftema em? £
3 15
rofiuit; £?' um urg;
& cxtii
' '
, fromithe
;gytonotae •
• ,
ores and Wounds A Eile or fore that is nat d
„£\:;;:;:; . T\am bead, i, calledani $£#;; 5 as itbreaks,Σ?£££; g pemedbylan- ÉÉ ?redf, when.
to fBylayingonrot
bloud rummetb o
filth,] as it i utgfit: Nop of tbe f, gore'andmìttery £"* nmedi »] as it is volled up amd gr »hitifh matter [ ca/?ef, made a core, when anim grown together vith í ager, ingthings, incarnatives is cleamfèdby cleam7. flefh, is
& eyigia p.
psg. iiijje forineffiofijemjiíbe French e£h. *?.£££* #**... É , the fmal! jáé#£££ „£"££; the, pimples, leprofie, Σ A fca!l°d-h infe&t iftir upanitchim whglks
„ gere ,hydio;%
féá by touching: ands,thetpeg,aflerthemammerofa £pouks]wbealsffir mea«!esf, pimple fiab %*$f %- , §£§; lead. therefore they are catchi û ?,gd ÉÉÉÉÉÁÉ
iétu inficiu! -
&ious. ' . :
3:7 ír? (whereinto
tm fit 1° ;fi aut ω olli
lack and blew.
infe-; Ê ÉÉ r,the filiula and burfiing ;?£j by [j! $.pi-; Ę a temt ;
jadit in 4
, amd ly abruife ; th £
a bome, by ηΆύes ; the mark whereofi -^
the part É back, bêing Ęfeftereth and Σ; *';eded [carelefly look'da£T •£:Ę; atter. it py nit is rotted i -uke•A it1any
I8 I rat
wg or
mt u put
tapbing : abl
fagreenwound, beim
• _..-A*fi*
319 irhem animpoffum d, erßaredoff. out with gorrafìves cor; f be paged offtothe lid. îtim of thc eye
„, aut (* %t .; quum*, »
[ with a/curfè : e (lofeth, it is dr yu; d Which eat t. • rfe : whem ut begi aivm over [over-laid] £hed ou tbere remaims a skar* gins to heal, it will itch ; , -laid]5 ead and ramk bardlump wi » or*ift be not r §}άλλj ■*%££* 32o F]£? £%£ 0}'palm. , ' · · · rightly cuyed, a fiomy 6efh §¤; · is skinned [break or fcalded witb' burning buymi ovcr, b mcdi reaks] aut.from with ycr, by proceeds blìfters f RIAor fcalding c Šun o•
Ἐft,*' upcrse,
„fì ; åì»*
bardaimg *.
' .
ripe] 5 abrawm [thick skin f which blifter
É elfe ki ] Ę $i; s doth q9;n sie •ne sxun r thcfbags pinchingt, cicanco£* A congrowethonths toe :omthe É
ß■,«t£# J*
c 1' • ' -
Thegateof Larguages unlocked. C H A P. 26. Ofthe outward Senfes. 2. I
^ a Tyall.
Ake trial!, and thoufhalt findby experiemce a, w%eM£ a thingbe hot or cold, by touchingit ; Wíéêr
yet or dry, by b lajingbold omit; hardor foft, bye cruJhing
b Griping. c Paetsing.
it ; fmooth orrough [flick or harfh] by dfeelungit ; heavy or light, b) liftingit up.
<d Handling.
32» h hat we effjnot out, we feekforit bygroping afterit. 3* 3 Amdthis isthe fiift fenfe,Touching[feeling].
3* 4 TheTaffe hath agif? to know one fafe [favour, fimack] ., T. from amother.
t Tafctb, favou- 335 Pouldf thouknow howany thingrelfheth e ? tafe [fay] tcth.
ofit with the tip ofthy tongue.
£Lu£ioti$tog* 316 For fugar is fiveetf, wömewoodisbitter,forel/or/öwre
*"*"*''°"'°' *" dock istât [hárp, eager], pepperkeem [fimart,biting], the wildgraye is fòwre,greem applet or crabs hajh 5 fomę things are utterj unfavoury [fiafhy,tafte of nothing.]
£; 3; [fnielling] difcerneth fmels, in what manner
amyihimg/melleth g.
* Savoureth•
gswouich ee Musk.
318 For musk (whicbis a cdrrupt bloud gathered about the navellofa cejivet-ca;)hbreatheth out a fulfomefiveet fent;
b Reekcth.
• rofted orfíoráhed fleff, a reek [ßeam] 5 things that die a lone and carriom, a mof noyfome flench ; clofe fimoaking
holes i, a poyfonous damp, andfrangbanefullbreathf. ζ. Ëj,. 3*9 Mufyk [mouldy], taimted, fàpy, rettemgreify things ÉÉÉÉÉåäïía T (füch4s bacam andgréajéis wont í be) dofiimk [cafta fil fhafts or
, ypagaine.
thy fmell.]
$.ΚΕ. * 33o ;ííí , (rank.]
By the Hearimgwe know'one foundfrom another : For 4 found [noiß] beingmade bythe clafhing of hard things to gether, andlatcb'd by the outward eare, is, conveyed over
ÈÉÉÉy,yiued. thorow crooked windingturningsto the m imbredaire, clofe 1mΣΕ" by the afíer-braim. DißingufhThatís borne 331 Theßare contraries, laughter and weeping; fioioding tra -
In clappingof hands of feet.
andwailingo, a jocundnoife adfighings, groanings or fob
bing, whiffringánd/houting[lqudcryinggut]
É ;us * 33* Atujie beain bai* [a ßund recoiling] andrefunding istalled am Eccho 5, whenthereisno noife, allis whiß and ret. , * whieh wet may
be mifi,ken, if ' 333 By the fight * we put a difference between calours(where v8i look ;„,Tfwftggana bla£are farthefi affunder, the
$£!:! Àegyiii;
reff are in a
%§3ÄÈ 334. Pitcbis cole-black, a Blackmore q is fiwart, a£? …
~ -
… £amua, Linguarum referata. ' ' C A P. z6. De Senfibus extermis. 321
CÅ; anprenfando; frigeat quid, tangendo ; humidum an durum an molle, comprimen
ficcum, do ; laeve an afperum, attre&tando ; grave an leve, tol , lendo; periculumfac,& comperies. -
3 ». Palpando quaerimus quod hon confpicamur.* 323 Atque ifte eft primus fenfus,Ta&us.
3 24 Guftus fapores dignofcendi facultatemhabet.
. *. • '
325 QgQmodo quid fàpiat fcire vis * gufta [deliba] ex tremâ linguâ. z6 Nam fàccarum dulce eft, abfynthium amarum, acetofa oxalífve acida, piper acre,labrufca acerba, imma -
tura [immitia] & fylveftria poma auftera, quædam pla nè infipida.
327 Olfa&tus [odoratu$] odores, qualiter quid oleat, in ternofcit [olfacit.]
28. Mofchus enim(qui cruor eft circa umbilicum zibe thi colleétus) fragrantiam exhalât: aflà vel adufta caro
nidorem: morticina & cadavera teterrimum fœtorem :
fpiracula mephitim, graviffimum ac peftiferum fpiri- . _, tumt.
f Gr4mdabalae
3*9 Mucida, fenta [fitu corrupta,] putida, putrida, ranci- £¤!
§gjiodi lärdum efiè fòlet & aivina)'fœtent Éí* ?Ørdent.] -
336 Auditü fonos difcernimus : Etenim fonus ex folido rum collifione editus, auriculis exceptus, per tortuofos
• ac flexuofos anfraétus tranfmittitur ad aërem congeni
tum, juxta cerebellum.
33! Contrarii funt, rifus & fletus; plaufiisn & planétus;
' jubilum, &
geiiüs, fùfpiria, fingultus ;
„ m„ fufurrus, & Ζῆ. -
vociferatio [exclamatio.] 7 332.
Έ repercußüs & refonans,eccho dicitur: nul- o reciprocus.
, lus, filentium.
333 Cokores(quorumalbus & niger extremi funt, reli* qui intermedii) vifu * difcriminamus fic: -
334 Pix eft atra, Æthiops fùfcus G4
ciijri poteft,niß [ furvus , } pafferoculum intenderú, pullus, -
*ggitamen alig
janua Linguarum referata.
pullus, ânfer aqulus, caftanea fpadicea [badiaj. 333 Inter caerulea, caryophyllon dic hyacinthinum,vio lam janthinam, fuggillationem lividam, cyanum cya neum °, fclinos oculos caefios [glaucos,] quaedam fubcae- '
• Cæruleu*.
336. Inter viridia, quercetum herbeum, pinetum prafi num,pontum hyalum [ventum, vitreum.] 337 Rubra funt, leo fulvus, minium puniceum, coccula ie vulgo die
coccinéum [purpureum F] fiamma rutila, fanguis rubi
cundus, nonnulla rubida, quaedam rava. 338 Lutea fùnt ,
aurum flavum, cadaver exangue luri
dum,later femico&us gilvus [helvia.]
339 Albi denique fpecies funt, Ruffiis, cinereus, palli dus, la&cus, canus, candidus, niveus, fcutulatus, vul
go noti: fed quaedam funt difcolora, verficolora, dc colora. 1
C AP. 27. De Senfibus intermis.
T fentire te fentias,interni fenfus dati funt tres;
in cerebro refidcntcs, (quod fternutando [fier mutatione] purgatur:) I
341 Nimirum fub fincipite fenfus communis, qui rei vif*, auditae, guftatae etiamifimulacrum apprehendit. 342 Hic à vaporibus in fomno obftruitur * : hinc infenfi bilitas.
343 Sub vertice habitat phantafia, quae difcrimina rerum dijudicat.
344 Hæc in perpete eft agitatione: hinc cogitationes, fo-f ^ogitabundus 6btutum eodem
' mnia, & multifariae imaginationesf.
445 Sub occipitiomemoria eft, quæ jamapprchcnfa & dijudicata in futurumufum recondit.
- -
s* Qs illa sua sese Ißjl (fis au£
* . -
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. brown [murry], a gpofe, is of a dark gray, a chefnut of* * cheftnut-brown, [a bright bay.] 335 Amongff blue things 5 call theºjilloflower a dark purple blue ' ; the violet of a violet colour [a deep fhiningblue], f Negreßtheesue the mark of a bruife, black and blue ; the herb blue-pottle of £É; £sse an aXure [sky-coloured, bright-blue] 5 cats eyes ofa gray ÉÉÉÉÉÉ. blue [wal1-eyed] ; fùme ofayatchet[Iightblue-blunketj. in the eye.
336 Among greem things, agrave ofoakes, qfagaffe-green ; a
gove of pines, pf a leek-greem 5 the féa, a fa-water-green (glaflè-greenj.
337 Thefe are redthings 5 a liom istawny [dun*]; vermiliom aweasle-esla* .T[red lead] ofadarki/h-red 3fcarlet-grainofacrimfóm [fcar- ed. let“, common purplg] ; a fame is fire-red*;bloud hloud- $$£m£lls . red;fùme things reddifh or ruddy,fìme ruffet. Glittering rcd. . . -
338 Thefethings areyellmv *:goldis a bright yellow;abloud.
:#i; theyolk
« Tleffe carcaffè ùìvam [a dead-yellow] ; ahhaje-burni brick, ******_. -
a whitifh-yellow y, or fallow. yNext toacara* 339 Lait ofall, the kinds of white are, a ** carnatiom [ßefh- άis sed. colour] afh-coloured, bleak [pale] milk-white, hoay [like * gray hairs] , bright , pure-[fhowy]-white, dapple-gray; -
colours commonly known; but fome tbjmgs are party-coloured z zofa meriy&
[pied, fpeckled], fome changimg colour, fìme ill-coloured mcdly, , {that have loft the colour.]
C H A P. 27. Ofthc inward Senfes. ' , -
TĘ a mam
may know that he perceiveth things , * JL three imwardfenfesare given us, fettled in the braine, (which is purged by ffieexing:) 34i That istolayeth fay, under thethe fore-part ofthe head, the commom femfe, which holdom refemblance ofthething feem, 34o
beardandtafiedto. h » This in fleep-timea.is ftopped [lopped up up by moiß ßeams : hemce a Nouf* ofifie , -
344différences This is bofthings. evermore fiirrig ; bente thoughts [mufings]
iß ß.
343 underthâgrajdwelleth thefano, whitbjudgth ofthe *
£i:in ••
' "äreums, and diverfekifids ofúnctitsf. ; £r; in a , 345. under thealreadyapprehenìedandjudgedjt iiov [hind;r part] i tigmtm foretb g ; qmdfuch öroi√ things asare upfr re£;!/ig 39: hie
hereafter [after ufè]. . . , s«u/?i**. Isaasue fis* (**:
- -
- - -
£j* P.
The gateof Languagesunlocked. cthem Peruf€•or look ' ago or latety imprimted) whoß[totaketh £; up againe to- re.; owcr. them, he is Å;t0 to mind.] {€¥0
%: $i;
347 jfthefè be blottcd out [defaced, blurred], wecaffit fèr • getfulneffe.
348 h herefòre we oftem call.to mind thofè things which we »ould conßantiy remember.
349 That whichi have forgottem [I think notof], let hime dReheafcit to ' that i* mumdfull ofit, dput me in mimdofit. a&s , 35o Overmuch waking [want offlcep] wearieth, becaufeit
άyeth the brain ; fleep refrefheth, becaufe it-moißeneth [watereth.]
351. Neither doth wamt offoodfo exceeding'yweakenas loff:
eN pprth. . . offleep. . And ρ. 35* - He that is [leepy yawneth amd ftreaketh ; he that /lum. -
ÉÉÉÉÉ*'ÉÉÀïíåíïíïìåíïíåÀïí, lingorjögging.
faf [foundly] afleep, forteth [fnorethf or routeth.] a*
\ *
CH A P. z8. Ofthe Minde.
333 *T*He Mind in the ßarch ofthings, advifeth with [ask eth advice of] the Reajùm, bícauféit hath a púrpofe to finde out the umderftandingofit.
454 Hethathath am excellent/harp wit * quick$ perceiveth ÉÉccag£3£ the [fpyeth out] athing: dullards *[groß-wittcdjare fòme
dulneffe oftheir . }%;flow.
*** 353 fiétìtf archetb into many things is painful, he that kmoweth themis skilfull ; hee that devifeth them [finds themout] is witty [cunning] ; he that hatb confirmed
[eftablifh'd] his knowledge by praftice and experience, is experienced[well feen, ofgréat infight] ; he that knoweth tg ufè his skill, as occafiom fèrves, is advifed [fage, di
fcreetj ; he that doth ufeit, is wjfe ; he which áöïfètb [mifapplyéth] it, is crafty amddeceitfull. 356 Omthe otbey fide, he which regaydeth nothing, is heavy fi* tia:gef- moulded ; be thatperceivethnothiag,is blockijhf. feth, Š; 357 The underftamdingofa thing, ifjt be true, is knowledge ; :;;:;::; • iffaffè, an error [oyerfight] ; if weak, it is opinion [con Ζìfìjis ünßt- „ ceit, a weening]; ifproceedingfromgheffing,it is fuffitionf
[a fùrmifè] ; ifivavering, iti5 doubting ; Tbeingîbiidred,
Ëj" * • itis amiftakimg ; ifnomeat alt, ignoramde and foliy. -
358 Ρhcm webelteve amothers report, that is beleefe .
[£]; }γbem
£anua Linguarum referata. five nuper impreffas)ad revidendum refumit,illc carum
reminifci dicitur.
347 Eae fi obliteratæ funt, oblivionemvocamus. 348. Quamobrem quorum conftanter meminifíe volumus, , eorum crebrò recordamur.
349 Quod oblitus fum, qui ejus memor eft, id mihi mc moret [commemoret.]
35o Vigilia niunia fatigat, quia cerebrum cxficcat: fopor recreat, quiairrigat.
351 Nec tam impensè inedja debilitat quàminfomnia. 35* Dormituriens ofcitat & pandiculatur : dormitans conquinifcit (id eft, capite mutat: ) altùm dormiens ftertitaut ronchiffàtf.
, Nee clamore vec
impulfu [c6cuffu]
fw£itaripoteft. · CAP. 28. De Mente. -
' ' •
MÈ difquifitione rerum rationem confulit, quia intelle&tum invenire animus ei cft.
354 Cuiegregium eft acumen, citò rem perfpicit : hebe * 0b inteHigewie
tes * tardiufculi funt.
tarditatem ac fw
sss Qgi multa inquirit, eft induftrius ; quinofcit, gna- pitiata* rus ; qui excogitat, folers 5 qui notitiam [cognitionem]
ufu & experientiâ firmavit, expertus ; qui peritiâ pro re nata uti novit, prudens ; qui utitur, fapiens 5 qui abutitur,aftutus & fraudulericus.
Contrâ, Ę nihil curat [cui nil curæ ef,] torpidus
eft : qui nihil perfpicit, ftupidusf.
f £gicwj*at,
357 Vera reiapprehenfio,fcientia eft ; falfa, etf9r$ dc- j5j?£.
'bilis, opinio {dogma ; ]'ex conjeâuris orta, fufpici95 äÉÉ. nutans, dubitatio ; impedita, hallucinatio 5 nulla, ig- §£Î°*T noratio & infcitia.
' 438 Cùm altcrius relationi crcdimus, fidcs -
'í -
£amua Linguarum referata. -
- -
icùm verifimilibus ration'bus cedimus, perfuafo ; cum. fufficienti demonftrationi,affenfus *.
:;;;:;£?;. 339. Quorum rationem ac caufàm non intelligimus, ea ohe, T
miramur: quæ pernofcere volupe eft, rimamur.
c A P. 29. De Voluntate & Affeäibus, V9;* eft,bona amgre & velle,mala odiffe & nolle.
361 Exaccidentieß, fi cui baec placent, illa difplicent:. tum enim apparentia eam decipit, ut cligat dcteriora, aut fpernat quorum ignara eft. 362 Ecce autem quäm fubje&a eft affe&ibus ! quàm -
identidem iis perturbatur !
* Eorum defierio 363 Abfunt boha * ea defiderat, optat, avet* 5 benè g minatur, anhelat, conatur & moIitur, quidquid potcft, $t&€¢i¢. fruftrationem nihilo fecius [muhilominus] veretur.
364 Hinc defideria,vota, fpes, ftudia, molimina, cona tus,follicitudo.
365 Antequam adipifcitar , cum tædio fert etiam paulae 1norae intercapedinem.
366 Adfunt ? geftit aviditate, laetatur, gaudet, exilitgau dio, oble&at fe fruendo iis, amitteré metuit: indc hila ritas, lætitia, voluptas, jun&ta tamcn metui. 367 Eripiuntur ? triftatur, dolet, queritur : hinc trifti tia, pœnitudo, querela, cordolium.
368 Magis verómala eam inquietant & diftrahunt. V. -
* .
369 Vefitura enim abominatur & averfatur ac declinat ; quae formidat tamen, unde tremit & angitur : Hinc a • < verfatio, timor & formido, tremor & anxietas.
37o Advenientia pavefcit,horret, trepidat ad ea, vel ftu pefcit [ßupet] & exanimátur: inde pavor, horror, trc ' pidatio. -
371 Quum obvenerunt, irafcitur inferenti ; moeret, de
plorat & lugctillata: hinc ira, moeftitia, lu&us. _ . -
372. Secus
gateof Languages
The unlocked. »hcn* ayceldto like) reafins, it is perfiwafion ; whento .a...….
"*. fjm ;
, -
Âïíïýíáffā*. Š 339 Th/e things, whereofwe underiiamd not the reaßnand £le£tafiamj %auß,imat ; fùhthingsas %$*£££££ ï,marru »e pry narrowly intoihm. it is apleafre£kam, p. Â fent, it £*
ß :
: C H A P. 29. Ofthe Willand Affe&ions.
ofthe m'il!;to loveandwifhto rood 33o TTi; the properij hate amdrefufè the evill. fh have goo
361 Ifthefe ill thitgypleafé amy ome, or, thofè good diffleaf? ' [difcontent], it is by accident [upon theby]3 fir tbem fíe
° ' .. ;:
, y.
appearanee [femblánce] decejjh it ; thá'it'choofiibe
vìffe,or formeth thofe things whereofitis ignorant. 36. - Buttoe, howfubjeäi it istothe affeétiom$ ! how everand
ammttis difordred [put out offrame] with them !
3«; Are gwáthings abfent ? it miffeth anddeffeththem,wifh
7 eth fòrthem, longeth after* them, * hopes the beft, fraim- * Pineth awayfos eth, emdevoureth, (turs about [béfturs it felfjmight and %p£££[lojgiag , * main ; yetfor all that itfèareth to bebope, difaypoimted. £#;,1t fet* 3«4From hence are longings, voves, earmeft deffres b, g§§äïí attemptings [ftirfingabout a thing], endeavours, taking of 5 A forwardear; thought or care. * ncfinsf. -
gss Before it obtaineth, it takethit verjimpatientj tohe put off [delayed] but a while.
- -
366 Are goodthings prefent ? it is jocund [frollick] with
, ' *
eaj meff covetíng, itrejoyceth, itisglad**, it fprungs [leaps] « Faia; , for joy,yt delightethit felfimemjojingthem,itus affaidtolofe -
them:hemce come mirthgladneß,pleafüre,yet
, ', , ' 1
3&7 Are they taken away? it is fad,itgrieveth, complaimeth ; . . . hemce fórrow,fùre-thinking c, complaimt, hearts-griefe. c Wilheth '•' * 3«8 ' But evil/things domore difquiet anddiftraít it. . . tbingundone. *
369 For, evill thijigs to come, ii abhorreth, mi/liketh', and dDiiiafeth, wiii
Jbummeth ; ,imd jet it feareth them, it fhaketh, andis per- have gothing t*
plexa; from bence ij loathing [regrét], faranddréad, *"**
zremb/img and penfivemeffe. * * * * , . ' . . . . . . ;, , • • * • 7o Evils comingon, it fèareth quaketh, quivereth; tiem*. • •!• 7 ' bletb [farrethj at them, oris afimfhcdanâ difinaied: from . . . . ' '* -
tbemce is feare, quaking e,ftartirg[fhivering.] . .
e Shuddering;
3 7 * ■bem theyärëcomeîbefalterij, itas anjwith himthat gaflinoffe. ^' erve/?zb theiii;itis firrowfuli, iibevailethand** maurnetb “Russi, fòrtbem being prwmred; Hctceanger, [admeffè, atg, 372. J££ . *
1 a
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. 372. Itis otherwife affetted in amother marisgoodor harme. 373 There, it frejbicetbum behalfe ofone that /peeds well, or
£$*j. "άρ enviiibadrepithathins jege,jtpitjib aa unhjg
Ę ;;
man, andis fortyfor his ca/?;or (fitbe creffe or froward)
it triumpheth [skips forjoy.]
gNotknowing. 374 Tbe ignorance 5 ofa good thing caufeth a /lighting [di£ regard] andfetting-light byit : any wrumg doneto it caufeth zéât : toomuch ofit cloyeth andbrings loathing [cloying].
375 fa mtinblufhfw things unfeemj, this is Jhamefaffîffe amdbafhfulaeffe : but it will be fome eafèto oncs griefe,if a mam confider, that al/things happe* to al/men. 376 For fince the fall, by reafinof our imbred corruptiom, mo
h Lame, wanting
| thing is entire [found]imus, all things (alas!)maimed, mangledh,torm.
fome limb•
C H A P. 3o. OfHandy-craft Trades in general?.
377 *T*Hus farre of things naturali and phyficali : Asfor* Hamdi-crafts, they purchafe [get] us * food and clothes: For every one is offìme trade [craft.profefsion.]
•• Touching- „
;gere, * 378 Now thereforéve mufivifitthe*»j£mgjips afcrafí ÍWork-houfes,
C H A P. 31. Ofdrefsing [trimming]of gardens. 379 iseither am orchard [apple-garden,] or 4 geemgardenfor pleafure, or* a parí,or* warrenf. aAbaftigard;n 38o It is fèncedeither witha mound [bank of carth caftup £.5ari* gardem, ° .„ a high heap], or a wall, (a [tome wall, brick-wallár
Èîofè keepe* mud-[watledjjval!) or with planks, gr a bedge plattedto § tfieyarrensi, gether ofpales, [pofts, ftakes] long poles [rafis,binders], £refisi, Park-. twigs ád otherjîant, limber hedging-fuffe [ Withs], aiì beautified with pleafàntfeatsor walkes,neatiy contrivedand
made ofplants.
with hi
* A. a Arche, •. 381 Thegardemer diggeth**vich his fpade, mattock, Jhovel
§£***" miííííííjîajÉÉÉà weedetbout weed withaweeding-hook, or puls them upb
b Grubbi*axe-
therootes. , \ ,
382 Thefîuiterer [planter, tree-dreffer] having fet a mur. „ fery withgraffftocks [planted his feed-plot with fers or
impè] and quiätßts (itisaneat andcomieiyfjhicvif i*; -
v. ■
* 1. -
janua Linguarum referata. 372 Secus [aliter] fehabct in alienis bonis aut malis. 373 Ibi fortunato gratulatur aut invidet : hîc infœlici
commiferefcit, ejus viccm dolct, aut (fi perverâ eft) . exultat. 77 * *
£ ,
374 Boni ignorantia negle&um & afpcrnationem, vio
• latio zelum adfert; fatietas fatiat & fàftidium af&i. 375 Pudor eft,& verecundia, fiquis obturpia erubef:it ; fed moeroris levamen erit, fi cógites omnià omnibus†cidere.
i; M.
- 376 Siquidem Poft lapfüm, ex innatâ [ingenitâ] nobis corruptelâ, nihil in nobis integrum: Omniay (eheu !) mutila, manca, lacera. ' ' ' '
Mechanicis invnere.
' C A P. 3o. De /
A&enus [hucufque] naturalia & phyfica: Qgod
377 | L
ad Artes mechanicas attinet, eae hobis vi&um &
amiétum acquirunt: Nam artem aliquem nemo non £a &titat.
378 Jam ergo Artificum quoque officinae vifendae nobis erunt.
C A P. 3 1. De hortorum culturâ.
Qrtus eft vel Pomarium, vel Viridarium, ve!
j •
1Vivarium aut roborariumf.
t £ujus cufos eß
* 382. §§pitur vel aggere •, vel macerie (lapideâ [cementí- £j; & tiâ] láteritiâ, vëîiure£& cratitiâ) vèl plancisjvelfere tta 13j; A. * * -; • •
• ,
• -*
[ßgimento] è palis [fudibus] longuriis, viminibus, aliíf- 5 £æ ar-'
' mi: $ic
. vc lcntis vitilibus plexâ,* tópiariifqué ornatâ,
boribus aut fru*. cibus aut herbis ad
% 381 Hortulanus[olitor] ligone,marrâ, rutro, [palâ] bi ?* fî fodit*,per pulyinos[areola,] femina fpargit, * V. f ffr, pfi tùs evelit.] e• . [ 5 Marrâ,βάrcuis. e rbas erraticas b runciná extirpat, vel eradicat [radici- **£** .
!!' 383. Arborator,feminario[plantario] taleis [clavolis] vel vi-
»ì , viradicibus confito, (çoncinnitas eft & clegántia, fi
' '
. .
£amua Linguarum referata. £n quincuncem digerantur) taleae furculos infert, ing tosfigat,fcalpro germina & luxuriantia virgulta jutat, ftoloiies amputar, arbufculas fiexiles ac fequaces in to* piariamfcenam concamerat. -
383 Oleum ex olivis exprimitii:
dein fepiùs dccapula
tur depletúrque; fubtü$amurca fidit,dejurgatumìlecy thisinditur,fracésque abjiciuntur.
384 Apiariüs feu mcllifo alvearia curat, ccrámque li 4uat.
C AP. 3z. De Agriculturâ. 385
Gricola eft, qui agrum eolit, proventúque an nonae fe fuftcntat.
386 Cui fundi & praedia condu&itia ad tempus praefini tum [præftitutum] certâ mercede locantur, manceps efì: cui villa creditur, villicus & colonus eft. Cólonus
partiarius fundi fru$tus cum domino partitur.
387 Arvumfuba&um & á cefpitis radicibus repurgatum; ut fit foecundius a, antc fementem ftercoratur 5 fime b Latificatu* la- vel margâ.
tamine.. • .
… •
388 Novale,& verwa&um, & requietus ager ex ceffatio
ne feratior eft reftibili : qui , quantumvis fertilis at que uberrimus, ex frequente culturâ fterilcfcit Ift ef fœtu4.]
389 Araturus jungit aratro boves, non funibus aut refti bus, fed jugo. -
39o tum agitans & c ftimulo incitans [concitans] fuba
è Extàmulant,
rat a, iterat, tertiat, feminat & occat per liras • 8c vcr
d Affringit.
-s Persas•
391 Inter lirandum verò alterâ tenet fiivam (nâ dclirct ,) alterâ rallam ; & cultcr I demtale } '
Thegate of Languiages unlocked. be d Orderedcheckerwife) graffeth or impeth the young [lips, dCaft into exa& graffsor fions intothefiock: he watereth tbegifis; he pru- fquares * rowes.
jieth offthe young /hoots, and the yank twigs 6rfprigs with. his e fruning-knife, and Jhreddeth offthe fückers'orwater- g£aringjaving.
fhobts f: be writhes lithe, fupple, andpliable fmali trees in- Š fprout to am arbour or bower, arcb-w/?. . . . out of the root.
383 Otle ik prcfld [ftrained, fqueezed] outofoljves ; after- . terward it is fhifted and powedout of ome veffell into amo ther : the oile-lees [moother] fettle below ; whem it is cleare it is put into vialls, andthe drcgt are thrown away.
384 The Bee-keeper α, homy-dreffér looketb to the hives;and h Beeftoeks. . , , nmelteth the wax. .^
C H A P. 3. OfHusbandry [tillage]. 385
Hî is a husbandinam tbat * tilleth the ground, and a Eatetha field. : maimtaimeth [fiuftaineth] himfeffè with the crop [in- • • •
, come ] ofhis yeerij corme. 86 He is a temant, to whom houfe amd gro/umds, amdhircd -
farms b are, fora certaim c rent,let out to fàrme fìra ßt time: * Mannor• . '
He to whomiafarm bou/ ts committedimityuß, is a bailyand ***"• awith farmer. But the balve, fhareth the increaffè of the groumd the mymer.V
387 Ara5le dgroundbcingbrought into goodtilth, and cleared d£mployed to '
from the* roots it may be more battle amdfruit- 3fȧ. 5:£;;e 1 f#;£* fcdofthe time flagsthat is manurtdmitbcompa]e[muck,dung] ,
o? 77747'!e.
388 Landnewlybrokem up, and landfomm but every otheryeer, lamd that hath liem fallow [refted], is more yeeldable by .
5ingftill, them that whichis in tiltbeveryytar ; whichthough it bee never fo bat full, rich and fuitfull, bysfem tllige grores qut ofhcart [paft bearing.] --,, • 389 He that isto plow, yoketh his oxemto the plough, mpt with
' cordsor yopes, but with a yoke.
39o. Then ärivingandputfint them om with agnad,he fplqw- £J£££££*; eth up the ground, hegoethaver with it again, he givetbit a
third earing[earth, ardor] : he foveth and harrowethby iijTivj. ' ' ridges and turnings atthelands cnd.
39* 3ut as hee siâyetb ut up into rigs, rith theone hand hee £%£"***'**. hdldith the plöugh-handle (forfarhe fhuldh rum befides ÉÉÉ thefurrow,) with thc other iheploughfiaffè : and the et; -
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. »jth the ploughfhare, faffcmed unto the plough.bcam, breaks iAere befinifhed. up the furramvs, untill his i daies-work [journcy] be dme. . 3****** 39» 4* croff-wter-furroyjs made ovirúvat åíè furlong, ge. to draim dìvaythe wetmeffè [moifture]. ' ' ` . 393 In a clayey[)il, the harrowJhould he fet witb. irom times : ina fandy moiild a woudem me will fuffice [ferve the turn.] * Jeopardy. 394 As fìom as ftamding-corn/hoots upto a blads,ut is in ** dam ger offcatb bj tempcft: but leftit rum wild [bc over-run] *.
»vith darncll amdcockle, or be choked witb tares, therenceds weeding. -
inipe est, fit 393,"** harvef kcomes om, the moveys mmw with a fithe, ¤ÉÉÉÉÉ
[thc reapers,orfhearers reap with a fickle,] andlay it orderly bygavels [handfuls.]
396 Afer that, they gatherit up into Jheaves ; which they bind' up with bands ; the fubble [halm] and glcanings re mainingbehindum the opcm field. II Inne it. 397 Them they " carry it into barnsby loads,or " fack itin m Heap itup in, ricks [flacks.] - fhocks. 398 The tbrtfheys thre/hand beate it vut with a flaile in the flore (omce theydidbatit out with a thrjhingcant) the firav ITie.
n Caft afide. -
amd huls aye left n.
399 Afiertbat, they winnmv [toff: it up and downe] fome pretty while with a fàn, that the chaffè maybe fèverºdand gwttem out.
4oo Iffiull there remaine any fiile [droßè], they fiftit througb
o Riddle.
a ° feve, that it maybe cleam drefi, and become bread-corme ; vhich is carried imto corm-chambers amd gayners,fiirr'd about
»ith afhovell,ef it grnvfùify;andbeing meafurcd,is firick'd evem witbafrike [ftrickle]. CH AP. 33.
4o, TN oldtime they didonely beat [pound] andbrayit with ' ' ' ■ pefles in a mortar ; hence bar!y-water, made ofbarly
huskcdandbeaten, was caltdptifai*.
ÉÉÉÉ 4o» Inaftertime È (iamped it with a rough rammer in a. b stamping-fill, ' bake-houfè b ; andgruéli and frumenty was made. £ÉÉÉ length [laftofalI] were cfundout ; fir#hand $i; * in 4o3milsAt[querns], after tbat mils horfè-mils, then water-mils, and vind-mils.
dGiißmsal. -
- -
-- '
4o4 Irbere the flower dbeing groundd final! with the mit fiones (the uppcrand thenether múffome)isffiad ad boulted . 4 . OA4£ ' -
£amma Linguarum referata, cum vomere;buri £burae} indito, profcindit fulcos, donec abfolvaturjugerum.
39. Porca ffit tranfverfim ad derivahdam uliginem.
Fêlficia,eoffiqu£, elix, fulcw âqu4
393 Occam [jrpices] in argillofo folo ferreis ftyfis confi- rius. xameflè oportet,in fabulofo [arenofò] lignea fàtis eft. 394 ubi fegetes fruticefcunt [fruticant], periculum eft nè tempeftas calamitatem inferat g; hê verò zizaiiiis-& & Importe*; • nigellaftro fylvefcat,aut ab aphacá fuffocetur,fafritio -
ne [rwmcatione] opus eft.
395 Cùm meffis adeß, meffores falce h metunt,manipu- h Falcula. latímque difponunt. -
396 'Colligunt poftmodum iri mtrgtes, quös colligant tomicibus, fuperante in campo fìipulâ ac fpicilegio.
397 Tum vehiöus inhorrea convehunt, vel acervos con gerunt.
398 Tritores in areâ flagello tritiirant & extundunt
(quondam tribulabant tribulâ :) linquuntur ftramina
& acera.
399 Exinde futja&ant aliquam fperiventi*rofemj ivlliquamdà,
ut feparetur fecernatúrque paka.
4oo Siquidfordium adhüc fupgreft, cribro certiunt,[cri-
* i*
brant] ut repurgetur & fiatfrumentum; quod grariariis & cuimeris infertur, rutello (iuè muccfcat) córruitur,
& dimenfum,radioaequatur.
*. 4o*
CA P. 33. De Moliturâ. Ntiquitùs tundebant folummodò &ihtarebant
piftillis in mortario ; hinc ptifana * di&a.
' .. .
tumdo& decortico.
* A *liara,
** 4o2 Deinde pinfèbant piloruido in piftrina ; fiebántque puktes-&a!ica.
^-.^-.:■-- --- -- ,
+ 4o3 tandem [noviffimè]excogitatæ furrmolae(trufàrilesa ;£%***]
primùm,poft afiräriaeAimajiariies5&veiitifagalata J££.-;ta,
•, 4o4Jlbi farina lapidibus molaribus(catillo& met3)intrita, H z **
£amua Linguarum referata. c Excernitur.
per faccum cilicinum incernitur s excutitúrque, furfù ribus extrà fparfis. _ 4o5 Sed qui nolit [molitor] emolumento inhiat. -
• C A P. 34. De Pamificio.
P'; in ma&râ [fubaéterio, maffam fpathâ ligneâ
depfit [fubigit,] quam in panes d cfformatam,& palá [infurnibulo] immiflam,furnus ve[teftus c excoquit.
dCollyr4w. eclibamw.
4o7 Panis fermentatus geminam habet cruftam, nedu!lam intus porofam & fpongiofam ; azymus compa&us f£andidw,fimila- [confpiffatius] eft. Similáceus f caret omni recremento: cibarius [fecundaritts] eft autopyrus ; bifco&us [nautu gumew. cus, butcellatu$] cft ad diuturnitatem. 4o8 Cupedinarius. [cruftularius] &x polline cupedias pa rat & fcitamcnta. Placentarum fpccies fijnt, fimilæ, fpi rae, cruftulae, lagana,artolagana, liba, fcriblitæ [ftreb -
litæ,] globuli;tortæ, ut & artocreata, artomela;arto gala&ta, turoplax [moretum] &c.
C AP. 33. De Pecuariâ & Laétario. * Et pæmunide,
pcdo vel flagro [futicâ] apparato *, O'# ovium agmen concreditur ; in quo ille peculium
eame aggregario•
. fuum peculiari chara$tere infignitum habet. Oviculae egregiae [eximiae ] fegregantur 5 gregariæ cum grege cóngregantur ; rejiculae rcjiciuntur. 41 b Lupus (voraciffima beftia) famelicus ululat, imps
titquc'non grcgcs folùm, fed & armentis infidiatur,quæ -
moloffi aut hybridæ à lupo cuftodiunt ; hos autem mil fus muricibus confixus tuetur. '
a Nomtae*.
41 * a Vagi paftores pafcua mutantes,mapalia five maga
iia fua çärro circumivehunt: concepto b (quod fepto äut d com intcrcluditur) non compefcunt,fe interfepimcnto – e•4&• communi, -pafcuo c gaudent. 41?. Mandrae funt tralatitiæ caulæ [ovilia]
b claufùra. -
• .
41 3 Bubulci è bubilibus [wvilius] , fubulciexharis [por
älibus,fùilibu/v?],buccinâ evocant. -
41 4 Illi
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. out thoyov an hairen<* boulter [ferce]; the bram beingfrew-*• ss& ed abroad without.
4o; But the miller that grindeth, gapeth after his toll [gain]
CHAP. 34. of makingBread. He Baker, im a a kneading tyough with a treem [lice, a Bin.
kneadeih the lump bor doigb [pafte] ; which, when b sarch. and fèt im with a peel, the ovem or it is mouldedintoloaves, bakingpam baketh.
4o7 Levemed bread bath adouble cruff, and the crum light and hoaved [puff'd] withim : umlevemed is faft [well-clofedto
gether] : manihct is without allbram : houJhuld-breadis of whole wheat b : bisket isfùr laftimglomg.
b As it comes
4o8 The Sugay-baker makês ready fiveetºmeats and dainties offrom the mill. the fimeft flower c. The kinds ofcaker are, [immels, rolls,wá- c Duß.
fers, fitters, pam-cakes, fpice-cakes, cracknels [buns],tarts, Dafypings, round-cakes d; as alfò fùfh-paflies, apple-pies, jiardó dLcnt-loaves• chceß-cakes,andthe like. ' . -
c H A P. 35. ofGrazing, ana ofa Dairy. .
iscur.dog. , w}ip*, provided 4o9 : A Shepheard dog Ä; :£* ** flockofafheep-hook oy â he witha betrufiedbeing
bis gullet [a ftock ofhis own] marked with a funde lymark [afeverallbrand]. The choice ews [head ofthe flock] aré * culi d out ; the ordinary [common fort] flock together with ;;;** fis- tha bKebbers.croncs. the flock ; the refufè b áre caft [cronedjout.
4io The wolf, amo? ravemus beat, beingburgy,howleth c, §í 4md ßttetb not oneijupom flocks offimali.r cättell, but alfò lies in wait toenträphcards ofgreater:wbom maftiff*|ban-
\ .
dogs], ormungrels proteét fromthe woif; but a collar befet d caltraps. vithJharpprickles d defend th them. -
4 1 1 Wandring ce Jhepheards fhif their paffures [feeding ec stragiing: grounds], amd carry about their hovels[fheds]* lodges tma ' carr e : they do mot pem their flock up tofeedtogether in a e curry. 4I
clofe,(that is ** enclojed with a fmce)bât they love a commom. * Hemm'din. È ;;;?a. are removeablefhcep-coates [pens that may c illttec1|.
ΕΑ, call out cattell out of the ox-ftalls f, the jg;;*,
Jwine-beards out ofthefies, by blowing [winding] aborne g; -
H 3
- - -
4i 4
The gateo: Languages urlocked.
ncratches, sck.414 Thoßgve meat iacribs [falls bJthefe in tiought;wige they alfo water them 5 they clenfe thcir ßables i with afho §££££* vel *, ad carry vut the duuigandgrdure in a barrow. * 415 A talfè and a fucking lamb fuck beeftlings out ofthe udder i. Ę; f££; but a dajry-maidmilkethout milk, latchingit in ezill or head of a mjlk-paule. á Ęg- the 416 Ἀ; is made of the creame of milk churmed; cheefe , 3cale i* T (cowcs,/heeps audgeats) ofcurdt [curdlcd milk,] which mangers- ` i
Pala is
are preffedi* 4 cheefefat : tbe whay is left behind, and the t rummet js that durmedmilkf. Wherewith mijke 417 A cow big with youngis called a cowwitb-calfe ; onc that -
íííííí iuto clots. •
. -•
, :
yet never wa* yiib-calfe is abulock or hcifer ; whem Jhce fhee isauttakili [forneaduwes flaughter.] ' are eithe* 418is paft Haybearing, cut downe of the (which ' drie, o, water'd [moißned] vith little brookes) with 4 ffthe
intefipaths, and mowcd over againe, is wnthcrcd,andraked up withara£e, and wth afark is carricd tagether into cock*
$H$*g*e*i , aùdhayfiacksk, . . . . £/*w*s*
. .
419 The lalewardcrop [eddi£h, rowings] fboots aut afcfh of ' graffe fprimging up the fecondtime. * , '
C H A P. 36.
Aj. in the [laughter-haufi flaughtereth (that is,
qt arefar.
cuts the threat, flaycth, and cutteth out) fat ■varc xwitb bis daggeror choppingknife(fir carrionylcame skrags, andftarvelingsf argnághtto cat;» hovuuldfcd on thcm ?)
iwthjhamiles* he fets aut tu fàle bcqflarib,vcal,mutton,pork.
?;*££*""&* 4* I Tjejuadrag-mátor uffingthe hides ° wth pudding-meat,
%fí. e. λά £££; haggeffes, chitterlings, liver ÉÉopcs. ' *
ings, bladdings [black-puddings] li*s, mundem at $ and ajo * breyis, long judding*, peflles , gaminoris and
* sops.
fliiches ofbacom.
j£$ ej dochmot clodtogether fo dofely as tallow [fuer},becaufè ut is more greafie 4. * Hoyned bca(ts -
£ Lard. i* fwiw*. 422. Fat.
$i$$iferęfer; É*iiic; melted.
mofi-wbat haúé more of this hará fat 3 claverfùafed that
viathra, more ofthe other.
c H A P. 37. Of Huncne. '
413 *T*Hahuitf anbeßts the thidetswitb tails [an heyj,
a ri|;£,toIet. ' * A hc *libetb : mildbeft inte diuics ad pię, g; z£acetè - •
. /
£amua Linguarum referata. 414 Illi in praefepi paftum praebcnt, hi in aqualiculoa, acate,alveo. , ubi & aquantur ; ftabula verò palá * expurgant, * £ala eft & ttg
& feretro fimum atque immunditiem exportant.
41 5 Vitulus & fubrtimus agnellus ex ubere coloßram Å“ inferi ubertim fugunt ; ancilla verò la&aria lac mulget, mul &râ [mulâtrali e] excipiens. : c Sino,fìnu, 41 6 E la&tis crcmorc [ flore] agitato eohfit butyrum ; è .
laéte coagulato (quod in formâ imprimitur) cafeus (vaccinus, ovillus & caprinus): ferumfupcrcft & oxy
galum [lac ferofumf] . . . . . „ £££*££ 417 Vacca prægnans forda [hordâ] dicitur ; nondum fœ- jú.
ta, buculã & juvenca ; cffœta maâationi eß.
tur ingumo*. •
418 Foenum è pratis (quae vel ficcanea, vel rigua,vel ir rigua funt) féculâ inftrigas defe&um, & ficilitum fic
cätur, rafío fcorraditur, furcâ in cumulos & fœnilia f*%* comportatur.
419 E renafcehte gramine cordum regerminat [repullu laßit,reflorefcit.]
C AP. 36. De Lationia. 4.o T An;o [lanius] altilia (vcfcula enim ftrigofa & fa©
ILme ene&ta non funt vefca [efculenta,] quis iis ve-
fcatur?) in lanteni clunabulo clunaculo] ma&at, (id
eft, jugulat, excoriat, diflecat ;) in macello venulu ex
ponit bovinam, agninam, vitulinam,gvinara*,fuillam. ayero«imam. 421 Fartor inteftina pulpá cffarciens, faraimina & luca nicas,falifcos, hillas, tomacula [botulos,] apexabones,
tuccta [ificia,] minutal ; itémque offas adipatas, pcni tas, pernas, petafoncs, fuccidias conficit.
4** Adeps, quia opimior b, non concrefcit æquè fpifsè b Hamilis,'iac febuim[finguedo.] Hoç cornigera ferè pinguefcunt, $**** 1llo bifcula nec cornutta.
CA P. 37. De Penaturi. • V 7 Enatör dumenta indagine cingit, feras in fcrobcs fovcáfque pellicit [allicit, illici;] aut H4
£ *
, i
, ca{\ttn\
janua Linguarum referata. canum fagacium odoratu pcr veftigia vcftigat & vena tur praedam.
£:** 424
Odoratores a enim indagant, vertagi & lcporarii b
perfequuntur & eveftigiò aflequuntur. Villofusaqua ticus fe demergit ; hifpaniolus [accipitrarius] cxufci tato perdicum agmine, latratu indicium facit: omncs
423 Cerva, ut in cafles & plagas varis tentasincidit, im plicatur, irretitur & interimitur: fi evafit, celerat fu gam. * Dewtibus ore 44t4ntibw,
4^3 Aper fpumans * frendet & fctas arrigit ; at vcnabulo tranfada&us interficitur. \
C AP. 38. De Pifatione.
447 T)Ifcator in lacu $ pifcinâ, reti & vcrriculo tragu in amne fagenâ & naflä , * pifcatur ; ha mota arundine pifcatorio & hamo (cuiefca inditur) ubivis expifcatur captos. • Sunt qui tridentc pifciculos
* Vel vimineâ
c A F. 39. De Aucupio. 428
ulceps aucupio exftru&o aviculas per i!!ices al T\ le&as & inefcatas,vel reticulis adobruit, vel ca
lamis vifcatìs (quos in amite feu perticá profìituit) im plicat, vel tendiculae,aut decipulae,aut laqueorum tran fcnnis illaqucat.
429 Quas vitâ donat, caveae incarcerat, five jun&im fivc feparatim. .
' -.
43o]Sjqua pedicâ impedita fefe expedit [extricat,Javolat, nifi fe iterum in tricas intricet.
C A P. 4o. De Coquinario. opfonia coëmit ; quae (tam recentia, 43 I /quàm pridiana & femcfa ) promus condus è promtuario, penario, vel carnario profert : Cq quus vel coqua in foco lcbctibus [cucumis,] ahenis &
--- --.-- - - E
Thegate of Languages unlocked.
traceth and game by the** foting3 {foorfteps, v. p,; ofthe track] with bwmteth the femt his of3Âá L Ps, ;£*
424 For boumds [ draught-hounds b ] draw [hunt by the b Bloud-hounds. toot], tumblers and greyhoumds rum after, amdin am inßant overtake ; AJhag water-fpanielducks under water ; a field fpamiel having ffrumg a covy, gives notice by quefimg : al! are huntingdogs. ' *
4:5 A hinde, asfhe falleth into wiles andgreat mets fretched * aut upom fhe fürks, intangled, amdkilled; if/he < e- ecets away. fapeth, feudsis away fiviftiyentrapped [for life]. ... T. *^ – 4. 6 Thefìamingbuar* gnafhethänd fets upbis briffles ; but • wiâ, hu a-
£; *um thorow with a bumting Ar. [boar-fpear] he is £!;i;s , 2.
C H A P. 38. OfFifhing. « Fifherman, with a fiet, draw-net or drag, fiJheth in ' . , .. ..,. Âni fifh-pomd ; with a Oj* -
»ecl *, im a river: am angler witb am angling rodamda hook * or wieke, ped., (that hatb a bait put om it) catcheth and angleth [fifhethj them out anywhere. There are fame that glaeve a fmali fiJhes a se,b. * with athree-timed fijhfpear [glave].
C H A P. 39. Of Fowling[birding.] 428 He Fowler having fet his fovlingimffruments, either 1 overwhelmetb the little birds with abird-net,bêirgin ticcdandinveagled by lures a, orentangleth [hampereth] a Calls,fcraps. them with lime-twigs, which he fets fùrthon apole r percb; vr futreth themim thc nooxes [mefhcs] of ab fprimge, a pit- b rrap,.
fäll, orgins [fhares].
•* ..
4* 9 Thofe whom he lets live, he impri{ìneth in atagepohether
#;#;0^ #. [each '; it £;
43o Ifam ybcingfettered with a fùt-fìare,&riddeth herfèlfe, .„,;
awayJhe fyeth, unleffe Jhe emffiare her feffim the gims
££ $£***
C H A P. 42. OfCookery.
b a Steward, man 431 "T*He cater [purveyora] buyetbin provifinb, whitb:j' -
(as well what's mew[fre£h come in,] ds yhat was ofííjviauals gue the day befüre, amd halfeaten) the c yeomam of the larder bread4nd drigę £riggs fùrth out of the flore-houfè, pantry or larder ; the Ęiî ÄÈ £ookomthe barthbuilcthit in caldroïs, pans, braffè-pots „a5ssa vagus r----------- -- ------•-•-. kettles *
' . .
1â. -^
Thegateof Languagesunlocked. s;ici; £t#s[skilletjf;raffetbitbeingffitted omffits[broches]; Ë, g: # on? £; tofeth Eparcheth] om a tefiing-iroi,
rye* mafryum g-pam.
1 up witha
43* Ifary thing befeethingbot amdboilcth, lef itfhould ßeth
àver, he lades [quaileth] it with a ladle* til/ it flake[coo1 again];ifitgathera féum,he fcummeth it offwith afiimmer.
ïyhichbei'g ,
ÉÉÉÉɧ. 433 Hę dareth outmeat gtba fefhfor* ; he ßrains with jack.
* P9**oon-
££££; :I;££sa. 3;££; $. £;
à fi*aimer damdcullander [fi11]. 434 Theóther implements * ófa kitchen are, a cole-rate., 4firefhovell,a fie-pam [chafer], a trivet, a grater, treas, bales, water-pitchers, platers [chargers], which wbem they
i: b by aye fim{èd,afin* is $igythe fire; 435 Lay hold om a veffell * by the handle [ear] ; but ifitbe -
33:Š Treja, thaujfandidulgehiihtjtij. έ" 436 Birds are pulfd fpluck'd], fijhes are fcaled, bowellcd (the gaibage and bone$ pull'doüt) andfplit in the back : (le hold any thin verets are hulk'd [have their guts pluckt out].)
great orfma
437 Beingroffedamdfyedthey are fönewhat more wbolefìme then fiddcmior* boiled in broth, umleffe bbey be pretiilywell féafimcd. '
g Hung beef. 433 Sal*-ffb, powdered. micat, hnng-meat g [ dried in die fhioake] or but parboiled,are hard ofdigeßiam.
C H A P. 41. Ofpreparingof Drinks.
43»*t*He vine-dfeffër fétteth youngvines, and traileth • 4
a Plafheth.
longthe leadingbranches fum boughto bough;he delves
' the vimeyäd withatw-tinedfrk,hebrays up[under-fetteth] bsprig*- -.-' • the krty ttmdrels b witb pröps cor fupporters ; a wbile after he proimctb, them hegathereththe vimtage; »henthe grape-ga
¢ Staics.
theringis dme, he lcaveth the gleantxgof the boughs fùrth. ω^.
4;preffèâis Théfà* pre[cth grapes fallofkermels ; out of wbicb being ërafhed[forcedj out â fiveefjuice3 which being
j, Hoo£tound Jhifiedout efthe kceffatifitgthe hgfheadf d,istalledmufis;
Ę $;; [new-made winé}; amdafterit lepowered out ofgne veffel ÃÄÈ ee Wört. . .
inte amother and refinede, it is termed wine ; a fit drimk te
theer up the fàd-hearted; effeciályifit & burit. .
$si fomkes, 44;
Ê. rigë
5; full aejetfoldit i;at the beft: ifbufoftbis jearjt is
iewÉt dreggifh : Excellent goodf, thungbit beßale, will iaflsgand god ywine mixed with water will fione change,
fìàxórtsföwerJanitátę, *
44* Ma*
famu4 Linguarum referata. cacabist elixat,verubus* infixa afiàt, craticulâ vcl ar- ££ clima vel tri £tj'tura toptaA torret,fartagine frigit. de1(uften 43 , Si quid fervet & bullit, nè ebulliat [exeifuet] & ef- $:J/w/íèn fervefcat,trullâ[/pathulô] confutat, donec dcfcrvefcat; Aggra*** -
íï, rudiculâ [tudiculâ] defjÉE.
433 Fufjinâ [creagrâ,creacentro] extrahit, fifcinâ & qua- ζῆδ lo [colo] colat.
ÉÉ; ab eáelotriphe,me
£••! 4μ*0434. Refidua culinae utenfilia funt, rutabulum *,truæ;alvei,ur ignitabulum, £*£,„„„. radula [hydriæ,] tripus, cei patinae, [ÉÉ quæ çïçóiiuiníçí É ignitp*9; luvies.
435 Vas ansâ prenfabis ; fed fi anceps eft, ambigas[du- bites], quâ arripias. . • 436 Avcs deplumantur : pifces defquamantur, excnte rantur, exofàntur, exdorfuantur: (lepufculi evifccran -
. tur. )
. .
437 Äfäti & frixi aliquantâ falubriores funt, quàm eli xi autjurulenti, nifi plufculüm condiantur.
*38 Salámenta, muriatas,infimata aut femico&a tan- **si, siue . tùm, aegrè con£oquuntur. .
C A P. 41. 439
De Potulentorum paraturâ.
Initor vites novellas plantat, traducibúfque pr®
IV pagat 5 vineambidente [paftino] paftinat ; pal mites pampinofos ridicis feu pedamentis ftatuminat: paulò pòft pampinat, tum vindemiat: vindemuã pera
&tâ,racemationcm pauperibus rclinquit. 44o Orca uvas premit acinofas: è quibus preffis torcular uvorcm exurget fuavem: qui è lacu in cadumf vel fe- f Circulis vieiw riam tranflatus, Muftum} & pofteaquam fuerit elu- £ircuy.ivr.
friatus & defixcatus, Vinum dicitur ; potus exhilarandis nifeftav. morfìis accommodus: maximè fi ignieliquatur.
'441 Annoiinum et optimum, hornum nonnihil fxculen tum; generofum licèt vetus, c confißct firmum ; lyia- c •£tatemfrgs phaturacitò accfcit&fugict. ' '^' .. . ---------44* Fa&itiâ •
£anua Linguarum referata.
44* Fa&itia funt, abfinthites, helenites, hyffopites, ab
rotonites, melites, apites, &c.
_ .
443 Defrutum eft fapa: exoletum vappa [veterafcens d vappefcet. appefeet.]
---3 Defîgîçât.
$£#* €ínebriani.'
444 Hoc tibi?non abundat, mulfum e [hydromeli] cogui
tur ; itémque cerevifia (& tenuis & valida [meraca fJ)
quám ex bifie [potemta, farre toffo,] & lupulo confcétam, in æramento cervifiarii coquunt. . .
- -
- - *
445obturatur Abditur[operculatur] in cellas frigidióres,& obturaculo[epijiemio] : interdùm transfunditur[elutra
· · · •t
tur d;] relitâ verò prómitur fiphone [tubulo,fiphunculo]
£j Σ aut epiftomio in zythophora, ut yinum in æriophora. Stillicidium, aut fiquid fortuitò effluite, excipitur exci
c Effúsdutúr.
•* Quò capacioribus in cupis conditur, cò fapidìor eft, quia non evaporat; praefertim cantheriis [bifelli\ al tioribus impofita.
447 Exinclinato dolio, fæces unâ excunt. .
. r.*.#…f.ii;. 333 Ex vinaceisf confit lora ccu po(ca [vinum/ecund* gulis &feofis pre-
lodenuo fubje£tis.
449 Infundibulaad lagenas pertinent. C A P. 42. De Aurigatione. a Hippocomum.
Quifo a in equili equum capiftro balligatum, aut
£fce11â (6 réfrastarius fit, pavidus, mordax aut
b Pòfiomide.
fternax) conftri&tum ftrigili purgat, gaufape infternit,
avenam vanno ventilat, ftramcn ei fubfternit. .,-,„;am. c Equifelle.
45 1Ę Eques mannuninftratum confcendit,$nfìit * ephippio in divaricatis, cruribus, ftapedibus , calca
dsuiiine. .
. riumencentride inftigat, popifmatc demulcet, concitat9 gradu admittit ; frœno vel lupato inhibet d ; habenâ
" , „ ••. .
. pro lubitu fle&it, vel in orbem equitat; paftotmidc cg
Ércet, tardum accelerat, è dcfeflò &laffato defcendit , fdefilit.]
4; v.
Antilena, poftikna, dorfualc & phalerae caeterae or natui ci funt. ,
• , . .
- -
453 Succufàtox
Thegate of Languages unlocked.
44. Made se »ines are woymewood- wine, elecampane-wine, , •-hyffope-wine, fouthermwood-wine, fider, jjj, =* ». :;:;;;*; . i 3 üime boyled to the third part is defrutum ; being grmtme jtale [fower,paft the beft] itjs dead[hath loft its yertue.] ' 444 ubere they have mot flore ofthis,* meathis brewed;andaf. fMade ofwater -
:!;; ££
beerofā [ale] (both fmall honey, a, is '| fò make hops, andand [trong g) which bcer-brewers and £5* byæ
445 Itus laid up clofè into cellars fomewhat coole, andftopped g íí.a up with a fopple [plug'd, or bung'd upwith a bungh ] £ gne drank fometimes itis rackedout ofone jí; to amother ; bciig fet h Plug.
abroacbit is drawn out by a * tap'or cock, into jugs [b$er- *siphonis die s] as wime is into wine-bottles.The droppings, oramything gip$ípgt;or fa£ elfè by chimceys latcht im a latch-pam[fomething fet un- Š der fpilt to catch]. Éft : epiftomium 446 Tbe more the barrell will hold that it is tumm'd upin, the
; » bette? rellifh it batb ; becaufe it [eamethi mot out : efpecially, 3 W9;*eth,
ifit be laud upom fialls k fomewhat high. _ . k Rafts,treffcis. 447 The dwegs amâ allgo out ofthe veffel [tun] beingtilted. 448 Of the`kernel-husks and ftalks of grapes moifimedand preffºdoveragain, is made piquet [wine ofthe fecond pref fing]. The like is made ofthe lees. * Itisany thing -
449 ïummels * belong to ftaggons. -
that fervs to pöur in,asamil-hopper
C H A P. 42. Ofdrivinga Cart. 45o .
Horfe-keeper [groomofthe ftable] with hiscurrj combe curiyeth his horfe [fteed] cleam, beingtjedin
the ftable with a balter, orbeld faff with abarhacle a(fbe , M,„i. be head-ftrong, skittifbb, givem to fiap or fartte c) ; hee co- 5 Éirg§3. vereth him withhim. acourfe cloth d ; be fammeth his oats with a dc Plunge, gratices fám, andlitters Horię-ciotb. 45 I The horfè-mam e mounts his magbeingfadilcd,fiftingaffride e Gets st om [(tradling] om the faddle, he reíis himfelfon the ftirrops : he íóÉbick: takes ' -
jurreth [jricks] him with the rowell of his fpurs, he qni- hor£. ^ ' ?hates h;iiiby fmiacking with his mouth, orgentle ffroakirg him witb bu$ band; he puts him om fa round pace [gallops £ carreer. on full fpecd] : he ftops [checks] him with abridle or hard bit[fnafíe]; he turms him at his pleafuye with a rain,prrides ima roumdring;he curbs him with barnacles,he quickems g him; gHaftens,putso^
ifhe begow-jaced&- lights offhim wbemhejsreffy audtired. 45 1 The pettrell, crüpper, fàddle-cloth,and other frapping*»4'e * furmitiire to grace him Uto fet him forth.] , _ * z'
• •
433 Atrotttr . .
The gate of Languagesunlocked. 453 A trotter jotteth h the rider, a gentle-paced goetb omam
iAjennetjetteth, ' eaffe pace,an ambleri ambleth, andftumbleth not. 434 The drivercoupletb ahorfe thatis led in handby h^m, to
k*o**bot'* , This faddled horfe ; k thof. that leadthe way he drjveth3e bre bim.
Great perfónages art carriedwith fx horfes in coaches * and daret*; the mcamer fort in a cart drawm with a teame of fùur, of twee or two draught-harfes ; and that im- a hized [hackny] yagom or wain ; in fìme places 4!0 ima carr. : 1'rum&rels, earas. 456 Loads are conveycdim waines 1, flcdr, cart* amd dreyes ; * Caroches.
mclo**covcrcd &ret.
fcke mem in afëdam m 5 nice [dainry, curious] perfìms una hofé-litter.
487 A charethath wheels made up ofamave, twelve (pokes, fix n£efíneared
fèlloes, andas martyftrakes : but the axletree; are lified up vith acrame, to begreafed n with wheel-greafe. 435 Te the ey end of the waim-beam o are put the raines (whether they be chaims, or fmali lines, or lether ffrops)which -
phorf.collers ; ' hang downfom the trai* p [harnefé] : but behimd there is £y£irg*ywhich 4 skatch q, to ßaythe wagon [charet] in fome fecp def&nt.
$****** 4;5Tjjjijyjìm it is drawne fmevhat lightbyin the cart-rut*, fèehimdyou.
… . . -
took back r,thatyou wheele not out ofthe track. 46o Pack-fiddles andpammels are feton amule, or amybrokem
vindedjade or pack-borfe ; thatpacks [burdens] may be car ruedthorow feep dowm falls, and untrac{t [unpaflable] ofno other kinde of p4ffage [thorow
Å; thatadmit (are.
Βur, caryeither on theirfhoulders, orom a fled, or in a rA'pairofmings, ' pheel-barrow, orona biere f, witha bearing-line hangngat 4&r
<;***** thcirnsd.
CHAP.43. OfSeafaring[the faitersor fa-mams art.J
' 46. SÉ [mariners], beingtoftch inférreim [outlan difh] commoditiesfrom beyond fea,take fhipping (un derthe conduétoftheMaffer)&failoverfea, crofsthcfeas.] a Mafer.
b Poop.
443 The apilot [fteers-man] fittimg in the hindeck b at the -Jlerm [rudder], being direétedby the compaffè and fea-cards,
-fieareth : others,yunningabout ovey the hatches, eafe [flack] Íeat, & the tack the[hrouds, orfet them right ; they hoife the fälsom thefàìì :-, and licat 34iis, orfirikefail,or ctruffę them up; fometime themain Ê; ftagom.d.the prmw464 hiji. out al|0 [ftcmI ôë „ . fort*deck}; mixem thetheir faile om tbemaft, femetime gHaleinthe
4 Im;
£amua Linguarum rcgrata.
5 3 Succuflator equitem quafiât, gradarius molIiter,tg!lutarius [a#urcò] tollatim incedit [fertur,] nec cefíitat.'
*;.£iga paiippus fellario jugit,a£ÉÉÉÉÉ e agit-
IMagnates fejugibus yehuntur, pilens;s & carpentis [£*£*£*JPle£ìgìdrigâ,trigi;5igá; idqúe}ή.
,5 5
meritoriâ aut cffed6[petorrito ;jaiicib;3i\i, cifio. 456 Onera plauftro, farraco, carro, traháque; aegre tantes arccrrâ ; delicati le&icâ tranfvehuntür [trajor. tantur].
457 Currus habct rotas, ex modiolo, radiis duodecim,a pfidibus fex, & totidem canthis contextas: fedaxes, Vlt. axungiâ ungantur, fucculâ fußolluntur. 458 Temonis extremitati admoventur de helcio depon
qentia fstinagh, (five catejae,fivefiiniculi, fiveiôáj poac autem fufflamen, ad fufflaminandulfiim praecipiti defcenfu currum.
459 Sgi cùm per orbitas leviùs trahatur, ne exorbites, refpice.
46o. Clitellæ ac doftiaria cuivis caballo fùfpirioß, aut clite£lario imponuntur: ut Per loca praecipitia & in via, tranfitum alium non ferentiâ, onera transferantur.
46* Bajulivel humeris, vel farraco, vel unirotâ, vel fe retro (aerumnâ à collo fufpcns3) bajulant.
CA P. 43. De Naviculariâ.
;£ 46»
AË exotica * apportaturi nautae (nau- , p, imparant,
archiaufpicit) nayem cohfcendurit,&faluù na-" j;' yiggpttmaretranfmittunt.]
3 463 Naugerus* folvit, & íí puppi ad clavum [guberna- a Gutensatæ. *
££*£ |%
tulum] fedens, nauticâ pixide îindice] & chaïsmari £isedoâus, gubernat: alii, pef£ros curfitantes, funes la;ant aut intendunt ; ad'äntennas bexpiicant, .vel$9ntrahunt, vel. fubftringunt ; jamvela in malo àrtemo , Expandwt.
Ä '£;jjh profa doloniifììjìÉÉÉÉÉ * 464?ra*
£amua Linguarum referata. „s;/,„1aria, 464 Tranquillo a æquore velificatio non procedit; nifi Ἀiiita. ' ' remige: per tranftra ad fcalmos confidentes, féque mu tuò celeufmate cohortati, per columbaria refiiigent: (fed celocem [liburnicam, lembum] flabra velocilsim
pellunt, quàm remi aut remulci triremem b:) qui, ubi òpus, contis c trudcndo, à brevibus d propellunt,& fco < Truda6u£• 1 íuble d Pulviuie. pulos tutò præterlegunt [fublegunt.] Eia hœfiimy«ge- 465 Name huc fi incidant,naufragio periclitantur, ni re B Navim lam-
rumja&uramfaciunt: idcircobolide profunditatem ex
quirunt [altitudincm explorant.] 466 Procellâ obortâ, vel rapido flamine, cui obniti nc queant ; navis mari permiflà fcrtur, ve! (fummiffis o * mnibus velis) fiu&uat & ja&tatur: At fi difruptis ar mamentis extremo laborantdifcrimine,nè abripiantur à decumanis flu&ibus, & in fyrtin vel vada aliqua il lidantur, anchoram (etiam facram) rudenti annexam
*rum „ava, h,
jaciunt * ; nec eam tollunt,doncc tempeftas defævi-rit.
anchorà ftare di et4*2£wr.
f Non advof.
467 Primò & fecundò navigans, fi navigandi infuetus (etiamfi vento fccundof) naufeam vix effugiet.
* oneraria,bellica, 468 Navis * à naupego fabricata, è navali in altum de ducitur: vacua, praefertim a$tuaria & corbita, ut fir
ÂÃÄ"* pefsùm mjùs innatet, a fáburrâ oneratur ; fed fi nimio plus, ibit.
a Jaburratur.
469 Fatifcit* mjltotics [identidem] ac dißilit, pérque hifcentes rimas fentina [nautea] illabitur, ac in carnam
confluit, unde antliâ exantlatur. Tabularum commif
furae cofiquaßátæ ftupeâ far&turâ ferruminantur. ffnejus tuuiam 47o Navigatione pera&â, a&utùm navigia in portumf pila.fuifus al;os . appellandafunt,& aridum fübducenda, ftationem ut exoneren arcef• tür fuo onere ; aut in certè in opportunam de •
471 In navigabili flumine naviculae, phafeli, fcaphæ,!in tres,acatiä,cymbæ funt in ufu,ut & rates & hippagincs. e Va&forÂ.
47. ubi deeft[defit]vadum,quò vadentur, pontone e tra jiciunt, dicitúrquc trajeétus: fed portor à ve&toribus nau!um pofcit. -
473 Alibi
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. a64 In a fiark calme é a fhip wids mo way, umlefle the rowers, eNowindsfit. fìttingom their feats [banks, thoughts] at the oa/-vings,and ring,a fhip b6
beariningone ahothey witham encouragnjhuut,dorowihough calind , the loop-holes f (but “blafs dfive oh ajinnate more fwiffy £$£p£*:_. thenoâ sorhaling*opes djagalj)andwhere needisthô dî *°**°* wiad it offfrom the fhelves, ly thrufiingwith poles, andfailclofè 1under the rocks in fafety.
465 Foriftheyfali in hither;theyarem langer ofgfhipwrack, gMißarrying. ìnleffe they ** caft their goods over-board : therefùre theyßunâ $ei;g&ft*¥a*. ;£sentis the depth with a founding line and lead. 466 fbena fiorm is rifem, or a fiddem guff [an eddy flaw], iP, aeidtheycamnot beare up againii it , they let the fhip drive, ' dnd fùfhee fpooms right before the wind 5 or hulêth [lies at hul1]yhcafhe beayino fail,and f rowlethjstofèdabotit]: -
But if the h tacklings burff im pecces, and they be in i ajje h cordage,rig
diffreffe 5 for feaj theyJhould violently5e ** carricdav y%itb gg._ the huge waves or furges, amd fflit upom a qui;i; fìmd, w ζ
fomefhoals ör flats, theyk caf ankor*, jea, even ibefheat- « 3$. ô ;i: amkor, made faff to a cable, amdthey weigh it nottifl the tem- kor. peff be over. : Then fhips are
A67 He thatfts tofèa the firf or fècomdtime,amdhathmot bcem ££ totidc át án ufèd to fail [fea-yoiages] although it be agoodfair ' windf, ? Äioom-gle. »billhardjeftape beingfeg-fick[wamblingofftomack.] I fNot crô£Ék 468 A Jhip* büilt bytheJhip-wright, is lanchedout oftheÅock ¥g;contiáry. into the deep fea : being empty [Walt], effeciallya galy and Êbur 1
» a man of. *.
a" merchantsJhip×thatit mgfäle morefipiffly[fwimmore ìÉÉÉii fteadily] it ín íaden with ballaf ; butiffhebe over-ladem vice àåìåíï" -
fhip with decks, toomuib, fhe will faunder [finkünderwater]. 469 0ft-timesit chappeth [riveth] and fpwingsa leak, andthe É decks,a filthfalleth inthrough the gapingchinks [rifts,crannies] and É , * run* together into the keele , amd fom themce is pumped out bark. ^,
»itha pump.Thefeams ofthe planks beingfhatteredare calked Tj££; with okum.
n Balläßcd.
47o Afer the voyage is emded[accomplifhed],the barks [vef fels] mufi ftraightway be lamdedim the haven °f, andhaled & yyharfe, key.
agound, tobe unladem of thew faight [lading] ; or elfe bee j í; whofe £; brought into fome convcnient road [harbour, 5ay}.. 3;;È £'j; %
471 in a navigabie riger, fmall *effels [pinnaces, cätches] ih£tôÉÉÉbí. bages [lighters], fhip-boats, wbirries; fiullers,boats aye ij lows: lafh'da gainft ir. ufè; as alfò floats [rafts] and fer*y-boats. 472. fhere there is nojhallowfùrdtvyade thorowp , they waft p Mcnfctfyower. •.
menover in a fcrty-boat, andit is calleda feyry : but the ferfy-man 4requircth his fare [fraugh£j ofthe goffingers. . % Pemandeth, -
A73 in
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked.
, piles, forced
473 In orbe? platesare made bridges, fione-bridges vitb arches, bridges ofbrick 07 oftimberr, 0^ draw-bridges, andalfò fmal! bridges. \
down decp into
ground with a
Éur. „TÌàver ' fiwimmeth thorow any deeps, andfofivimsout. der water.
C H A P. 44. Of Journies.
a Awaifaring
475 T £*? travelley ago fraight om, amdthe b mearef* y4y to the placebe jj gjingto, without goingthefartheii íSíiteft cut. • way about : ùt himc mot turmafide tab)-pathes. ;Ę no tu* 45« Let him notfùfàke the high way[broad roade à] for am d 'ïro* ftc. umcouth foot-pàth ; umleffe itbeea beatet; track [path], and $έe fomeguide cìrcompany ibat knowetbwell the waj. man.
„,THÉwhichis affìid ofly*ajesfand gough unlcatem [un
&ven] places, lithim fiotfiraggle out ofhis ya}. 478 A way that bath two orjouje turningsis deceitfull;where
• , '
fire,frfiar you go affraj [miffc ortake the Wong]*®, ju(t in the very partingandturaiug, aske [enquire] ofthofè that you meet, which wyyou mufigo; this waj, or that wg);
g Take the right-
whether you muft gtürme om the right hand, or the left. ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉin- 479 Windingwayes, that £0 fi in and out, andi croffè-waiesdo jìrig:
$£$.„„ no;fò muth mi/lead amam.
jg;$* „so ihatyou miy be able to travel without atrunch-mam [in: : ïjùítíat. terprcter] ,/eajm exaótú[bé expcrt,pcrfeét,or cunningin thelanguage [proper fpeech]0feachgountry. . 481 B034{* 7meât[réquifitelfùík ome that isto travell abroad; -
1. A pigrim.
*Âíáã and " ofhatjür high fhoes [(tartóp$] *fr the dirt, anda brjadjniiged ihe (ji; at ridingéoat ofletherurgfwoollem felt [fel attcns•
mHoienseo* Lcaning-ftock.
«ivooijfrthe toleam; fùr it is a mrain;andayalingfaff ftayfor the hand to reft orfickwherem on. 43. Hc hádneedalfòóïjùvifum about him for hisjourney, fr layings out, or elfè ofletters ofexchánge : .. 433* ría, anâofpatience too; for it happens fùmetime, amtm mu$i lical! might as well in the opem aire, as within dogres.
434 rhem youã five at any city, whereßeveryou ares ta&e good , , ' becdin whatcomparyyoube. by the high-way fide,]audciit-pu* i$;'£. 455fès Forrobbers[tfieeves dorob [fteale,]pirats Ę ¤É, offuch as g0 alleyi] make a li- byfea [bereavc them oftheir goods], ycathegueß is mut '--•
jïôïíôçeii- fàfè fìom bis hoff in bis very lodgingt. Igi$ $$ig.436 Packs [fardles, bundlcSjwhegii, item cariy their goods
$.£ ' fruffedupare,abjugtavalet,afibct 'g cloak-bag,a maile , §§jp.poke, •
[portmantle]a p0l£h,3purfè,à pocket;and lafilys a bag amd 4 '
kjiaj fack.
487 That
£amua Linguarum referata.
ά „,.,
... -T
[fivijiu'] late- d£ fuhlicù, quæ
473. Aliifiunt Pontes, lapidei arcubus
fitiiyelfubliciid, & penfiles [verfatiles;] itémqué pon- fifi/£aiy£
ram depamguntur•
474 thrinator quaevis profunda tranat & enatat.
;0 ;
* '*; ' .
CA P. 44. De Itineribus.
475 VTIator, quò tendit, re&tâ & compendio fine am
bagibus proficifcatur: ad diverticula nè diver tat [defleétat.]
476. Semitæ ignotæ causâ viam regiam* nè deferat, nifi a prae»iam, p. & itineris dux tritus fit coméfve peritus.
477 Avia [deviâ] & falebras [falebrofa loca] qui metuit, nufquam deviet.
478 Bivium feu quadrivium fallax eft : quapropter nè erres, in ipfo divortio & anfra&u obvios fcifcitate, quâ eundum ? hâc an illâc ? num dextrorfum an finiftror fum fle&endum ?
479 Tramites finuofi & compita non æquè feducunt.
48o Peregrinari pr poffis abfque interprete,idioma callc. •
481 Peregrè ituro ocreae competunt, aut perones * ob * Et galopoj;; cœnum 3 & petafus [galerus] ob folem; & penulac fcor- £: ligneæ ve!
tea,vel è lafiâ coa&äob pluvias : &baculus fufcipio,'££„„ quo nitatur ; adminiculo enim eft.
4£z Opus etiam eft ei viatico ad faciendas impenfas : vcl literis cambii [collybi :]
483 Sed $ patientiâ ; fiquidem tam fub dio pernoétare nonnunquam obtingit, quàm fub lare. -
434 Cùm in urbem aliquam appuleris,ubi ubi es, quicum fis attende.
485 Nam latrones [praecones,graffatores,] & crumenifecæ * praedantur [furantur] : Pyratae navigantes bonis fpo
Iiant 5 imò in ipfo hofpitio non hofpesab hofpite tutust. + oemorata,cau. po^ei»popin arti,
portant, funt, Sarci £bus fua convafata funt, vi486 Sarcinæ, quibus fibi portant, nvafata fibi vi £***********rem `tcttunt,& ex ali dulus, mantica, facciperium, pera, hiPP9pera, bulga, 'j'j„;;
^ -
rnarfupium, crumcna, loculus3 denique,finus & funda. ja commoda. -
I 2,
. £amua Linguarum referata. 487 ut expeditior fis, impcdimcntis nè tc aggrava : re morantur enimfeftinos.
488. Si maturandumeft, celeribus utiquám veredis prae ftat.Emenfus iter, regredered. 489 E longnquo reducem te falvum & fofpitem læta
d rad.,comi. * Red*p*t»* rib;
bundi tui excipient *. Sunt qui itinerarium confcribunt
& ephcmcridcs [diaria.]
C A P. 45. De Mercaturâ.
Ercatores bona aliunde allara, non abfque lu
cro (quis enim cum damno quaeftum faciat?) f JAnnon« fiiget.
alienant & divenduntt: fed potiùs in tabcrna refer
latores,& monopo!• per fuu mon9p0
ibus offi-
gni- * 491 In emporiis celebria exercemtur commercia: oppi datim nundinæ & mercatus inftituuntur. Minutiariime
gotiatores mercimonias â magnariis [folidariis] qui in folidum vendunt, coemptas, minutatim pluris diven
dunt,& particulatim diftrahunt.Monopoliaincolis con ' ducibilia nón funt.
492. Et propolæ, & inftitores, & tabernarii, & chirothe •
pararii*, & circumforanei [circuitores], carii,& « pararu~, utores], & :» & fcru -
yum intervehtu
tarii cum fuisfcrutis, & quivis nugivenduli negotiantur,
con- . congliatur tra£tus.
& ncgotiatores dici omnes voluntt. • j.
f Item arom ge
;ola, linteari, l4-
- -
'a iri,pinnarii,£- 493 Et quidni? ubique fanè merx [mercimonium] * ven le*g,®££ dibilis licet [venit, venalis proftat:] venditor nimio in ;£££; dicat, & quodaflè carum eft, folido forfitan aeftimat;
at ciiptor licetur [licitatur] minoris, donec contrahant.
* •/!£ *tltronet
(quod aiiumt)p*et• ^
494 Sed qui grandi pecuniâ,praefertim repraefentatâ [nu meratâ j mercatur, nè fe defraudet, nummorum (qui
aurei funt, vel argentei, vel a ærei) teneat valorem:
nummuli, teruncii, femoboli, oboli, grofli, floreni, fo ^
lidi imperialis, fkutati. Angli numerant per libras [au * os,] marcas, geniales, nobiles, coronatos, femicoro
natos, folidos,teftoncs [femifolidos],&c. -
495 Ta•
The gate of Languagesunlocked. w
487 That thou maief be the readierp [lighter], do mot cum- p *** fomen ber[over-loadofpefter]thy falfàithjieedleffe luggage : fór sumbrans** that hinders the ffeedy.
488 Ifamam bein hafte£t is better to ufè race-boyfes,thengpºf- qpoß.wagons. horfes. Beimg cometothyjournies end,goback [return.]
489 whem thou comeft backagain f fe and found from afar off, thy fiiemds will emtertaimtheejoyfully *. There are fòme that * Andwelcome
»rite ajournali - fèll [the ftory ofthcir travel1], and what be- thes welcomc. hgme : bid them every day. thcc -
c H A P. 43. OfMerchandize [trading] 496
S£goodsa* afebrought in fiom other places,merchants donot put them offtoothers, mor fell them out without
gain [profit, improvément] : (For who wouldtrade [traf-
£ck] to lofeby iff ?) but rather keep them in a warthoufè. ££; £; '£;
49 1 Thegreatef entercourfe oftrading[dealingvpfmoft note}άο{δί}; is mof quick in Marts [Staple-towns] : ££; ÀMarket; and engroffers, by
are képtimfèveral/ towns. Petty chapmem buyup commodiiies jj£*.!: ofthofè that fell by wholz-fale,and fell them offdearer ly**re- Ê
failejamdparceli them out. Monopoliesare prejudiciali tothe àïíïíT*' inhabitants.
** Peeca-meale.
492. Both buckfter* rand faëfors,and /hop-keepers,and glovers, ;£t›. forc^ audpedlays, andbrokers*, amd merchants of douts amd old ; É, that Jhoei, with ibeirtrafb fpcif, trumpery, lumber], and every dëìíîïîän
pedlingchapman will be trading, and would albe called tra- and mahand clap ders [bartcrers, dealers] f. $y£g; 493 And whynot ? Surely merchantable qwa/e everywhere r is É;%%jî: fetto fale * : thefèller [chapman] fcts the price at too high iiä druper$ooi
a rate, andholdeth f[prizeth] that at fhilliiig whicb perá- i;n-drìpers, glo venture istoodearofa hal£penny ; but the buyer [cuftömer] £j?4 cheapnetb, amdbiddeth leffe, untill at laf theybaygain. Ę. íí
494 But hethatbigeth [purchafeth] for agreat fùm ofmmy, fjiST° effetial!ytpaying down:thathe cooxem mot himfêlflet himknow qJfa£will feli offilver,orofbr the rate ofcoins (whichare of gold, affe) ofa ÉÉ $§! forth doitu,aftrthing ,hal£penny,p.ny ,groat,florenyi xdoller,ducorth to
kat* TheEnglifhtel/[pay]money bypounds[p:eces],marks, *£st offeredware angels,noble5,crowns,halfcrowns,fhillings,tefers,&c. £;; (as they a
fAsketh a fhillingfor that. . t For readymoney, prefent pay, u Mite. * In coynjg£r »menti, meafures, Weights, too'es, offices, mificali ihfijumen:£&c. either old words muft be applyed to moderneufe, although they anfwerndt exaély in each particular;or elfc ncw words mu(tbeminted,to make?n exa& diftin&ion. Butº the true àncient valucofthcic
and thc like in our coin, fęc in 4gricola, Thomafius, Holyoke, Brereyeod,&c. -
•, I 3
495 The
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. »
455 The Atheniam talent was worth [in value] threef ore A * 18y.lib.ofgurs.
thenian pounds * : their pound was 1 oo. drachmsf, orfour hundreâfèflerces : now a fefterce * was two Duch creuks
f Tiie Athenian dram, or Roman
[fiversjjut ofour countrymoney%twopence withinalittâ. 493 Theprice ofthings * ri£thor falleth : but nothing, they ßy, ofour pence (as
penny was allonc price with feven
cofleth any mam dearer [ftands a man in morejThentha?
, they ciil them)&
which is bought for intreaty.
a balfe. *The ci
pler ofitis H.S. $efertia, the plural! is thought to be put for a iooo. fefterces. Ten fefterces betokenetb juft fo many : but decem (ejierttum fíands for tenthoufand £fterces: decies feflertium is
ãïíëìíîundred houfand fefterces (7812.lib.) “Which the mint-mäîter mint eth[coyneth]. x Is enhanced,orgocth down. -
C H A P. 46. Ofmaking Clothes. •fteep*d. ILaid towater
Lax amdhemp are fòked [retteda] in a flanding ditch that rgps mot; amd beingdyed, are bruifed [bunched]
b Heckeld.
witb abraka, them they are hitcheld b : the duii c beingleft
c Refufè ftuffe.
there, the hurds here.
498 After that, the ffimiiers having put the tow [rock] oma dRock-fiaffe. cDrawout threds.
diffaffè d, do fpin ejt cithey with a fpinning wheel, or with a , vock and a fpindle [wharle.] \ 499 From the reel yarm is woumd up into bottomes [clues] ; »hereofis made a web.
£ Weft.
5oo The weaver with his Jhuttle weaving the f woofinto the
, £ rwiil.
' laida fùmming to whitem [bleach.]. 5o 1 g Double twifiedcloth will aska double thred [{elvedge]; cloth of three triffs, a treble thred. • '
yarpe, maketh hempcn cloth, and pure fine limnem, whichis
* 5oz The fame im amanmeris dome in we bbing ofwoollem cloth. * Thefeltrings & 5o3 Cottom o^ wooll* is kembed, carded, fpumamdwoven, amd greafie locksTbe ing thrown away, ** Homely,home fpum. .
} Stretcheth. The Shear-man '
i Cloth-worker ] fiurlethor drefIeth
the quils ofyaym become [ paflë into] cloth : mhich,ifit bee “fleighty and courfe,the füller [walkcr] thickneth[fulleth] it, hjtictb it om the tentery, whitens and gets out the/poi; [ftaines] with foyringearthf : the dter, dieth [ftaineth] it in afat [vat], mot with ai weak,fading, dead colour 5 but vith afull-deep, holding frefh [lively] hue, or ingrain.
`it,raifeth the nap, 3o4 The Taylor taketh meafure ofgarmcnts, cutteth with his fíears off the Hocks [fhe ar
[heares, fóveth thcm with a needle and thimble (but fò
v0ol]. 1Notwcll laid.
rips the feams, andyeaveth [ravellethout] the threds , and
Κ Difcernable•
feweth up'the [lits [rents] againe, amd fouldeth them up in pleits amdfùuldr. · · · · · · · ·
that the fitches bee mot k to bee feem ) fometimes, alfò hee
5o5 Hc
fanua Linguarum referata. 455 Talentum Atticum valuit fexaginta minas*: mina * 537.ff.de noftro. D. •;
çentenas drachmas [denarios f]feu quadringentos fefter- £,
' tios: feftertius autem* duos Germanicos crucigeros, κλήμΖζ. at femigroffumb ferè monetae noftratis**. j indicaturæ mo 496 Pretium rerum ingravefcit aut remittit;fed nihil cui- £.£;: quam carius aut majoris conftare aiunt, quàm quod };;;?, Ä. precibus emitur. * Ejus móra e;at v
– –
£. s.
(plurale) crediturfape ßgnificaffè 1 oooféflertios. Decem seftertii, totidem præcisè deff gmant;: At Decem $eßertium denotat decem milliaßßertiorum: Decics Seftertium vilet äecies 3entena mtllia fèferttorum. b Diobolum.” “. £gam mometarius fígnat [ferit procudit,percutit.] *
• si
C A P. 46. De veffiariis opificiis.
. 497 T Inum & cannabis macerantur in lacunâa refide 3 a Lamâ. exficcata frangibulo conteruntur [tunduntur] tum carminantur, remanente ibi flocco, hic ftupâ? • ' •, 498 Dehinc netrices, penfo ad colum applicato, fila tra •
hunt [nent] five girgillo, fivcfufo cum verticillo. 499 Ex alabro vel rhombonetum glomeratur in glomos, unde fit tela.
' 5oo Textor ftamini tramam [fubtegmen] radio fubtexens
linteum & carbafum conficit ; quod ut candefcat, in folatur.
5 of Bilex requirit duplex licium , trilex triplicatum [triplex]. 5o2. Idem propemodum in lanificio fit. 5o3 Goffypium [bambacium, xylum] vel lana * peétitur, Ę. 33po, ` carminatur, netur, texitur, & pani tranfeunt in pan- [lana accid.] -
• —
num : quem, fi lividenfis eft, fullo conftipat, clavis un' r cinatis diftendit, dealbat & terrâ cimoliá emaculatf: f Pannitonfor ex Tin&tor [infeétôr] in b cortinâ tingit [fufficit] non di- #.? £.
luto [remiffò] evaiido, lcnto c colóre 5 féá , faturo, pcr-' íú. fojìdet.
tinaci, vegeto, vel dibapho. -
•• •,
• b Lacw
5o4 Sartor [veftiarius] menfurat a, forfice fcindit, acu & âï.^
` digitali induihenta fuit (fed nè futuræ notabiles fint)
se- .
quandoque & difüit cómmiffuras, ac retexit fila, rurfümqueTfiffuras confuit, plicátque per finus & plicas ` ` Iftrias.]
• '
I 4
~ -
' . 5o5 Qui
, £anua Linguarum referata. gos Qui detrita aut depexa affiimentis fàrcit [refrcitj e vetTramcntarius: qui obfolcta interpolat, venúmque cxponit, mango cft.
5o6 Coriarius feu coriorum concinnator, coria lixivio c
laborat;è quibus futor calcearius]in futrinâ ad modolum, fubulá,fètà & filo picato calceamenta conficitJuppingit].
3o7 Pellio è pellibus pellicea, fed pilco cx lana pileos conftruit.
5o8 Alutárius alutas praebet. Sed omnes hi per defpc &um [ludibriumw] Cerdones audiunt.
C A P. 47. Veftituum genera. * sjmuk/, veßi. 399* VÉ ad obtegendam nuditatcm è Paradifos je&isadhibetur. data, flultè à' phrygionibus & adV faftum
!*s. , •,
acu pingitur, : • • ,
5 1 o Quoties eam induimus & exuimus autmutamus, to tics eft nobis moliac remorae.
' '
' '
5 1 1 Alii laxâ gaudent, alii ftriétâ ; habitu multiplici. Indui fericá ífèricam] adeo fubtili, ut pellüceat, immo deftiam ; nudare fe in publico, aut membrum obvelan
dum inhoneftiùs dcnudare, lenocinium quoddam fapit. $ t z Veftitus virilis eft; Thorax a manicatus, colobium
s £ipYoir.
* Panno fubdjti- * manicis defe&um, femoralia * [braciae, taligæ,] toga ta ££%££ laris, [abolla,]fagum, læna, chlamys, paluda
mentum f. ''
5 1 3 * Fœmineus: amiculum, ftola, fupparus, theriftrum;
calanticae [rigæ,] pepla, præcinétoria [cafule, ventraliaj
;:;:;::: •, seu risus. ?{^*i cefta,
- .
$ £;£j;
314. Communis: Indufium[interula;] fubucula, capitium, he 3?;£: ' Pileus (Gujusfummitas apex gf) tiara, tunicæ, chiro £? -thecae, tibialia, pcrifcelides d, calcei (foleas, obitragu %atir. fijejim • lum, & corrigias habentes) focci, crepidæ, fubere mol
f#3*gfulur in
lita fandalia, & utrivis pcdi quadrantcs cothurni. . Omnia, ubi attinet, fpfnulae [actculi,] uncinuli, fpin teres, fibulae, noduli [globuli,] anfulis, ocellis, orbicu
j£;';; 5 1 5 Ἀ foli; injuriam proregit , d Fa[y«
lis innodati €» cqnne£tunt. · · · ·· ·
^ruralc, c Infibulati, * • • • -•• • •
· .
_ .
- -
31« Cingulo
Thegateof Languages unlocked.
3o5 He that patcheth[inends up]old;worne, thredbare clothes " jwith* patches, is a botcher : Thee that makes cafi-clothes mea *Clouts: efold [triummcth uP, new turkizeth] and expofeth them to fálejsa broker. 563 The Tanner or lcather-dreffer;worketb hishides with ow«e, -
out ofwhich the ** Shoo-maker maketh Jhoes in hi;fhop by the ** cobler. f laff, am awle, briftle Shoo-makeys thred. Scantling ofthe The Skimmer makethofhats furrs offels 5o7 flaycd off]: but[Furrier] the haberdafher makes [pelts, skins {%£; l Pitched.
3o8 The Cuyrier m helps us with tewed lether : %ut áli thefe m Affordiis;
aretcrmed[countedjbut baß handicrafis-mem,nin contamjt. n*rwayoféorn. ς H A P. 47. The kinds ofwearingapparell. a meedle bythe,Afitofdolis, embroderers, qmd u/ed [aPplycd] to pride, feingit,
5o9* RAymentis but folijhly wrought with -
»as firfi to them that were cafiout of Paradife, to covergivem their at natdne!;, * himde •.
is acumber ** himderante oftcm a* »e a p.put.35:5£; *5 1 ito omItand put it off,andorfhif it [put to onus,as clean]. -
5 1 1 Some like it loofè [wide], others ftraight 3 imfundry ßrts and unreadj.
affifhionr. To wear [go in] filk, ßthim, thata mam máy fee through it, favoureth Offhamelefieffè : tò fìip omes felfino- b N,R«a. pem unciviliyhath [unfeemly]togobare bonamypart phat drcffe. £ Ayhorifh . . . oughtview, to beorclothed, afmack ofe difhoneßy.
5 I 2 Mansa?parellis: with ;fleeves, ájacket d withoutas...„,„, ; $.!.•.* a dublet ••^*-t :a: Jer• -
/leeves, britches *, a gowm reaching to the amkles, ariding Eli. zeat, acaffock[mandilion],arough gaberdine [frock], aJhort 4£ justi, Gumba ezoak,a robe ofeftate [a coat ofarms]f. Iining 5 r 3 . A womans robes age: a mamtle, a /oofè gowm, a e fmock, a „„; $. É,
£him vaile, kerchief [coifes,] hoods*.[hukes,] aprons,a haîr- and bu£Erêiçã Jace, a mel-work-cawl, a head-tyre often barê- T 5 1 4 Attire common to both:aJhirt f, a waffe-coat,anight-cep, Ê (unfhod). eOy raile. • t.
a cap, (yhofe very top is a tuf) a bonnet g, coats, goves, 53,3í clothes, ockems [hofè], garters,Jhoaes (having fòles, an upper-lea- mufficii άγ. Ζber, and /hoo-flatchets) focks, jlippers yotgans gyjî, f/,ooes, andbuskins that will fit either foot.[pantofies], cor%- aa £É cloth,
r '3 : Pins, buckles [hooks],liffs [taches],huttons and kngts, ἐ;?,„. Æreingk clafped unto loops, ejes [button-holes], rumdles, coolncffe: neth cool Airéíór tches], do bold al! rezeed requires. a bon a
[catches],do bola alfaftogther, where secdrea
graée, (famy (hae 'oweth the face, fhroudeth and ßeltereth it from fum-burning. f. of Smock. A
¤É·ant. • a tuikiih hat, b Tyings, lcatficr thongs. k άea,££. * ' . s 16 With . *
f£ened• _ -
* *
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. -1 girtfy a hof. 516 Vithagirdle 'mpegirdand ungird our ßlves, with *point;
£,ÉÉÉ;, ï
»etye or loefe knots * [truffę or untruffe.]
* ; 17 élakes, rug-gowny, and the like outármofi garments,
ΉCAßabeut us. ' wen putom uppermoff. 5 18. For garrijhment and bravery, thefe are put to theo
thcr; fcarfs, fillets (wherewith the tre||es [locks], and other things ge krit up)fibbands,borders *[hems;edgihgs], , welts, laces [gards], labels, fringes o. 519 Alforings, in the golets[heads]whereofjhine jewels [pre
* Skirts,
9 Jags, purls,
É;.aths. Hanging down
cious flgnes] P goldem diaims, neck-jewels, [ouches], ea
£t íéïapyof the
zingsf, bracelets for the ajms , fpangles , gulded boffes
?ik£5 5i3. É; Ę
[broaches] ftuds,&c. the works ofjewellers ; alfo napkins, neck-tlothes, handkerchers. ,5 xo Tattered [ragged] q patch'dcoats are for poorfolk. 521, Tbe murfe y [womans room] hath the womams attize
[dreffing] : matrons have tbeir waitingmaids. -
C H A P. 48. OfHand-labouringTrades.
Tthe firff, dens and caves, huts [cabbins], gretne bowers [boothes covered witha leaves], cottages
ac..., Boughs.
*aifedup ofgrecw tufe, [fods], and poorhovclsigere diyel
ling places : noy all places are peftered with buildedhoufes ; ,o,„.«£ „II re,- Jeas witb marvellous huge [bunreafonable] buildings. 323 Thefe im fome places are low; otherwbere lofiy,twoor three
ßories high or more ; andthofe, either the dwellers 0wne, or
- „ biredamd let tofèrm. .
< '
5 , 4 if ho would willingly live in aJiender, poor cottage ? 525 The maffer-builder, having firff dyanrj out the plot, builâ eth accordingtothat draught [modelor plat-forme] with . other * work-mem helpinghim, and doingtheir work with 4
* Faber a wright: - hatchet, and a hammer [mallet.] * *
anyyófíííííííííí 5 26 The Mafin, ofrough ftome(made fittingby the fome-hewer}
ííĘ or of brick andmortar, worketh up the walls ly levell and άζὰ,;., -plumb-line ; hee filleth up the fpaces betwcem the two fide; his forge orfhop. with fhards [fillingftones] : with his trowell hee d rough. d Plafiereth, par- caftethall overwith plaffernig ; to yit, with [laked lime (ni. vith um/lak'd) amdwith parjet[plafter.] 527 The Carpchter, having fét fif.a beame with irom hooks
. . [crampirons] into a clave-ftock;with his great axe* beweth . it out by his dhalked line (the pceces that are cut off, amdth: esplieters. , , :s chips fying away) he cuts offthe kngys [knobs] out ofthe fimbcr ; he boreth [thriIlethjit, amd makes ahole cleantho
v . . *-
' 7gy
famua £inguarum referata.
st6 Cingulo fnoscingimus & difcingimus, ligulis nodos rZona. [* adftrihgimus aut folvimus. . , ' ' * v4ftri£ta, vel, ; ς τ7 Palliâ, endromides, & hujufmodi extima,amicimus, laxit. T** • -
518 Emblemata & ornamcnta adjiciuntur: mitellæ, re dimicula (quibus cincinni & alia redimiuntur) tæniæ fimbriæ, limbi [inftitæ,] lemnifci, laciniae. -• ; 19 Item annuli in quorum umbonibus [paliâ] gemmae ni tent ; torques, monilia, inauresf, armillae, bra&teolae, f 4b agricula ô bullæ deauratae, claviculi,&c. gemmariorum opera: amfg[Iobo] ap
nec non linteola, ftrophia, fudaria g. pendenter, infláw } \ fta!gmii. 3 3o Pannofi centones inopum funt. g Mucctnit. 3 , r Gynecæüm habct mundum muliebrem, matronæ pe -
C A P. 48. De fabrilibus artificiis.
;». DRimitùs fpecus & cavernae, tabernæ & frondea ta , 1 bernacula, a caefpititia tuguriola & gurguftiola, a E vivo caffiteit erant habitaculã: nunc ædificiis, imò infäfiis fubftru- **&!** -
&ionibus omnia referta funt.
5, 3 Haec aliâs humilia funt, aliàs excelfa ; diftega, tri íega(trium aut plurium tabulatorum,) eáque `vel in- . ^ colentis propria, yel conduétitia & meritoria.
524 In casâ exili lubens quis degit ? .
3»5 Archite&us, defcripfâ prius totius fabricae ichnogra
phiâ [fiographiâ] fecündüm eam formam [hypotypoffm].
b ædificat; adjutantibus fabris, fecuri& fuas peragentibus. . . malleo operas b Extruit. 526 Fáber iìurarius [cementarius] è cæmento (à [latomo] co&tili & c intritâ, ad libellam & parato) vel latere muros fabricatur ; far&turâ im- cvMremato, •
... plet intérftitia; trullâ adhibitâ cruftat d operete&orio; al.,„,., teft4ees, putâ calce udâ (non vivâ) vel gypfo. * •
. 527 Lignariusfaber trabe ferreis anfis firmatâ, afciâada muffiim exafciat (e fegmentis&affulis 1os[callos]è materiá äbfcindit; tcrebrâavolantibus)toruauttercbclla, te- es.##i. " ' -..
. .*
.5Famua Linguarum referata.
£ebrat ac perforat ; trochleis elcvat ; intergerinos pa
rietes, cratitios & luto acerofo fillitos, coordinat ; cla
vis impa&is confolidat.
, ;^
… -
528 Ligna poft plenilunium fuccidantur, nè alburnum e Purainm, n* , £ cariem fcntiat, at cayipfùm.'' 529 Lignator arbores fternit & ftirpitùs extirpat, humi
ftratos truncat; ferrá pulpam [robur] ferrat (fcobe feu ferragine recidente 5) tudite cuneum adigit & h findit ; ftrucs coacervat, &ifarmentorumfafces componit f.
h Difcuneat.' i(remiorum. f •4*bu/ta cadua ob{èpit reßßa , ut remafcamtur,
. . .
53o Arcularius [f&riniarius, capfarius] afferes & tabulas fe&tilesk dolabrâ aut runcinâ edolat, fubfcudibus com
(; Dolabellâ.
mittit & coadunat [coaffat,] glutine. [collâ] conglutinat, ferrumineferruminat, vernice oblinit.
, -
, .
, 531 Ferrarius in uftrinâ follibus infufflat & emollit:mox forcipeferrum prehenfum fuper incude cudit, marculo (emicantibus flri&turis) explanat, in laminas diducit; ) pcrindc ac aurifaber aurum in bra&tcas attenuat.
'332 Serarius & poliolimá 1 limatè fimat (reliquiæ funt
m ramenta,) planulâ fcabritiem lævigãt, afpredines
mNitwem accerfat
æquat, & politut n niteat.
333 Eôdem pertinent fabri ærarii quiaes fundunt, ftan f gg„.£#£la , narii, automatarijf, fcandulariiitidem,vietgfes, torrú: tores*, vitriarii, & qui reftes torquent, reftiones. His
//omie verfariles %*j£g*. & compaergpiilej ôfiles.
accedunt arcuarii, clinopegi [ciilcitrarii,] carpentarii [plauftrarii,] cruftarii, lynchnopoei, materiarii, ferrarii, , -- •-.:
* £gi toreumata ' carbonarii, cultrarii,&c. £gypiiormant,tor- 534 Operarii[oper«]ac mercenarii mercede conducuntur, ut fubminiftrent, ve&ibus tollant, palangis volvant. , sione.
JÜedemptores totam ftru&uram in fc recipiunt.
535 Figulus ex argilâ oollas fiailes p, fidclias, opcrcu
£ É£ Ä,
la, cantharos,aliáque figlina fingit.
feapum, fpiram,e-
fißilum:"(capi- 536 Domus altè fundata, optimè materiata, affabrè ex
3** * ftru&a, aptâ fypmetriâ fabrefa&a, angulisbenè foli $ata, * cglumnifque ftabilita, perfiat diutiffimè inco
lumis & farta-teάa q.
7 ijri, injìit, ' « · ·
337 Aliàs
Thegate of Languages unlocked. row witb kis auge? [wimble]vrÉ heaveth it up with
pullies ; the pátitionwalthe buldeth up evem,beingfplen- & fiundlc* tedand daybedwith he maketh al1firong[ftedfaft andfure] witb clay-mortar mails drivem; in.
J -
5 .s Lcttimber<trees be cut dwm afierthefulìofthe mone, . that the fap h rot mot. h Prove nos 529 A woodmonger felleth dowm trees, and ßubsthem upby the wormrcaten,, roots : being laid flatom the ground, he loppeth offthe boughs from the body ; mvith a faw hefmweth the heart (tbefaw-duit falling off) ; with abeetle he driveth in a wedge, andriveth -
[fpljtsit] : he pileth up ffacks [piles] amd máketh upthe . brifh-yvopd[fi- M fticks,baven] intofagotsf. f He preferves: *
53o The ffoimer planeth planksand fawn boards with a little or £; $i; great plane ; he i skafeth and joyneth them clofè with culver- Š? 32:
tailes; he gluefb tbem together with glue 5 he foddereth with topt off,togrô
, fodde*, afiâ bifmedietb ällover withvani/h.
5 §1 thêsiackjmiih om his forge blowetb?with bellowes, and******* fofmeth irom : ly amd by [anon] he lajeth holdom it with a
paire oftomgs [pincers], and om the anvill[ftithee] fafhiom-
eth hit with his finiths hammer, the fparkles ffringingout 3 $yga, work:
he males it even, anddraweth if out ifito platés,üíe'as thè “ Gold-fmith thinneth out goldimtothim leaves.
53 z A Lock-finithamdam Armourer filetb fmoothly with4 file ,,._,.,. (that which is left is the filings i) he k fimootheth the rough- É; fleek,
neffe with a plane, he mgkcthit even, and** burnìfheth[fur- *}√° bifhetb]it, tu mákeitfhine [Iook bright]. 533 To the fame purpojè pertaine, Bräöey that capt braffel, $ep -
Pewterers, Clock-makerst , and [laters alfo ; Coopers, Tur- Ęt, ners *, Glaziers, and Ropers that twine ropes. fTo thefe are thing ú, added Boayers [Fletchers], upholfers, wheel- wrights,Pla- which É with ererscïôÉ' [Daubers], Cbamdlers,2 Woodmongers \$**%£££3 . §. , Sayyers, Col- É$-
534 I5y-laboufers andhirelings arehiredfr* w4gesto ferve §gę; Ë at hand, to lif with bars, toyoule with leavers m. They that Who wiíí a
Éa work by the geat, undertake the whole frame at a fet É:
. . ar 535 A Pottey ofpotters-clay maketh fione:pots, pitchers, lids ;:;::;:mbaf [covers], juggs, andother earthen veffels. '. . * Hire. 336 An hoife havingadeepground-work[foundation] beingve- ?£;£; •
'**yìeutimbred;ïorkmiiji-like buiit,häving eacb pā māde ofíí;ÄÈÉ X . adue fcantling and proportionable;well ftrengthened with coins quadrâíîtoffjfare
[corfieis],aiidßt fedfaff with pillars*,endureth a very long£$£"££;£,* time tbight amd temamtable [wind-tight and T ,
•;;;*& £gt;ÉÉÉÉÉ
- Thegate of Languagesunlocked. 337%uinotberwife itfalleth dowme [ggcthtoyrjck] [becoimes? ruinous heap] andrubbi]0. and run* ti _^ 338 Therefore bginning to totier andreel [ßwerve and Jean nunderfetsupto a fidé] it mij meeds be* fhored ap with fìme arch [but ficld, trefîè] oyotherjrops [fhores,ftaies]; ifitbefallento decay, Jhattejtdorreaâytöfäll, it müft be either repaired or pulled aoam : beingfallemal; eâdy,or thrown downto the bottome, tt *.
• .
muf be made up, and builtal! apew. ' „reneient. . 339 4yide [large] dwelling-houß omaketh a convenient j Siraitcr thcnis divelling} angrioiv [over-clofe p] one makes amincomvé íitting.
mient [unhanfome] feat.'
c HAP. 49. Of ahopfe,and the parts ofit. • ,
Bi; readytogo in at the fore-doorimto a houfè,fòrfar jougo outofthe way,ftand filinthe entry [porch,
portaí1], jromi ringel.andlookupomtheföre-front ; andthen knock at the ;„; Ifaj body loeketh out at, the [atteffe o; cafeugit, defire
• • •
thaithé doore maybe opemed : ifhe opemeth it, lif, £pjour
fot,lefyouffumble at the tbrefhold; duck dm hyoir bead ímóojj, lejiyou hit or difh it againii the lintell; the fide
}ofis [äööficheeks,jaumis] will beon eitber fide thee. ;£,' wbem thou art pjithe dior,fhut it, byffqrringit with the geat bar, or at lefithebolt, to keep out others from coming • ' *
34; That the hinges maynot grate, mor thedoor creak,[tur thcm
, •
££££; £ßai
but foftly.
£í. ,,,iootberimerrooms: öjftbefre-court [half] tbere littb aggi* entrat; áììáíÜãê. by the feppings ofplainflairs * or wind. íWííáre join- ingftajresf, there is a gijgjpto the üpper lofis.
&έΤ. ;,;*ibi rooffieing[heltijgtjfhjt offrain, liitb £g; baulks* bour à fpindle
[wal!-platcs, 1 incipalsl: the tiles, gutte*j£; g ter-tiles o% flates, principals]:
'£?..., Biad
om raflers ftráífámsj, bùfries and ffars 3. (wbofetenon;
are putimto mortisholes:) the thatcht top [ridge,coat] is cf
Éi, dormans
(?ra v 9y byick.
;;;:;!; £ì
546 Out-y/kês [additions to thcmainc building]- are, ííííííííí,. ' leantoes, pent-houfes ; alfo out-juttings, and eaves te caf.
offthe eaves-droppings 5 galleries, garrets, balconies [ tar
%£sj vcfiingiifionbuttreffès, anticks [fupporting images]
ά#}; pinnatisf, iiaiilemtnts *je mcnfion tumblimg dowme the top.
547 The
£anua Linguarum referata.
337 Aliàs ruit, & fiunt ruinæ parictinæ acrudera. ;38 Vacillantem itaque & devergentem [declinantem] pila r vel aliis fulcris fulciri : yitium facientem, quaffä , v4nterij, oi. fam, aut labantem [femirutam] vel refici vel dirui: col- f^mate, tibicine.
lapfam aut funditùs deftruétam inftaurari, reparari, & déintegro renovari neceffè eft. 539 Domicilium amplum commodamfacit habitationem: arétum & anguftius æquo, incommodam.' -
C A P. -
». a
De domo ejufque partibus. -
> • 1---------
54o TNtrgiturus : per anticam in ædes, nè aberres, in
b veftibulo fubfifte, & frontifpicium intuere: de- b Propjlaeo,pro
mum pulfa cornicem [cantharum, marculum ferreum.]
341 Siquis per tranfennam [clathros,cancellos] aut fene ftram apertilem profpeétat, aperiri roga: fi aperit, pe
dem, nè ad limen soffendas, attolle: caput, fiè ad fi- „,
•• . perliminare ftes erunt. 4allidas [impingas;] fubmitté uíiinquepo- íÉ;. •
542. ubi pertranfiveris oftium,occlude ; peffulum obden do, vel obicem faltem, ut aliis præcludas introitum. 543 Cardines nè ftrideant, aut fores crepent, lentè com move. *
544 Ex atrio in caetera conclavia patet aditus: per fcala rum * aut cochleæ fgradus, eft afcenfus ad fupsriotes * £g£fimt fixè aut geftatoriæ. contignationes. -
545 Te&tum ad dejiciendam pluyiam devexum, columi- f Cochlidgcgaf*. nibus incumbit* 5 tignis, cantheriis, & tigellis(quorum £*£££££ cardines extremi in columbaria inferuntur) tegulæ, im- &t}, capreoli [fi-
bulæ]u;imque in brices vel fcandula : Culmen ftramineumeft vel late- climantes rôvinci unt & diflimemv. { I1ttum. -
343 Additamenta fiint, appendices, compluyia : itémque
·· · ··
(ad projicienda ftillicidiâ) proje&uræ & fuggrundia : f Acroteria,pie Meniana & antibus [antisj innixæ pergulæ [podia] at- j$(£ É feu
íí; lantides [telamonesj coronidéfquéf.TIioricâ præcipi- extantes columwellæ -
tium prohibet.
aut im*g//mcul* X
547 Arca
74nu4 Linguarum referata;
547 Arca,five fit lata five angufta, impfuvium dicitur: pcr pofticum exitus [egreffiaj eft aliò. -
'548. Sera clave clauditur ac recluditur, id cft, obferatur & referatur.
a Vforarium.
CAP. 5o. De hypocaufio. Ypocaufium acalefit fornace : linteamina, quibus indormimus, uvida [fubuvida] thalpoleάro
55o Feneftrae vitreæ lumen tranfmittunt:ligneae funt can cellatæ aut clathratæ [quas clathri reticulati obfepiumt *.] * Hâ, obduftum operimentum tru- 551 Pavimentum fiftucâ pavitum, a&efèllatum eft, aut £#£ .. 'vermiculatum [fegmentatum : JTaquear[lacunar) tabu ***• latum aut forìàìm [arcuatim,fornicibus fuffenfum :] ubi arcus teftudinis in tholo conveniunt, & decuflàtimfe interfecant.
'552. Servandis rebus receptacula [ ctomditoria] fumt; ar
cæ, arculæ, [formia,] armaria,rifci,veftiaria, thecae,ca- ' pfæ, capfulæ, ciftellæ: tranfportandisverò, fportae, co phini viminei [caniiira], calathi, quali, quafilli,&c. •
C A P. 51. De Cænaculo.
a Le&o, qui olim
3mappâ infiratae lances & difci(fiye fint **MÉ orbcs five quadrae)fuperponuntur,ut & falinum,
erat& difcubito- ,
rius & cubicula- 554 Apponuntur è caniftro, panis collyræ, aut bucceæ, rIus, bucce!lae fcifle, tum fercula. f Vel ab architri. 555. Invitati convivae,àconvitatorej in coenaculum*[trí -
v *
climium] introducuntur.
* Sive canatis- 356 Et ubi fuper pelvim ex aquali, aut fuper malluvi
£#£***• um £ è t,gutüitio, fé layetuit, &a mantili [manutergo]s
5ÉÉum, pelluvtum.
terferun per fcamna vel difpofit fedilia cum pulvini (fuppofitis fcabellis) accumbunt.
557 In procin&u eft ftruétor, qui dapes appofitas praeli bat, delibat & diftribuit [difpertitur] aliis. cParopfä&
358. jufcula & pulmenta forbe è catino & gabatâ c,vel cochlearibus fume ; caetera edulia [cibariâ] cultro(quem
• Deciæ.
manubrio tene) difcerpe(portiunculam decerpe* & af fidenti præbe:) fin refrixerint, recalcfcant ignitabulo {authepsá,fùculo] fubdito.
559 eiviles ./
Thegate of Languages unlocked. $
47 The courtjgd, whetherit te froad or little, is calledthe - - - ^ fquare coart 5 Giere the rain fel!in andwas7î). There ;££.
äagu£gate [agoing-out] aiother way, thrìgìíïýíôïú, [back-gate.J. . . . 543 {ith 4£gy 4%k is made fif, andis opened; thatis,is •
' c HA P. 3o. ofanHo-houfe. $ 49
$g£[h3£houfejirwarmedwith • ; do- aKilne, Aj; bedJheets, which we jeinpwithafiriae à $ing. G.
553 943*dwindives [Windores] et in?he light eteaa jú • *£*/*£*oodem ones are litteffed or gued[£nccdi, with croffè-bars, lattefie-wife*j.
* A draw-win
35 1 4 ffoorispav£dwitb arammer, orlaidwith Guarefione, £, £;: or dbecker-wrought withfret-work : the immer-roofis planch. Ê all. erd witb board, Torbarahed: where the arches oftbe vault 5Emboned.
meet in theßutcheom, amdcut thorow one amother.' - 35* $iorehou/?s, to keep things in,are, cbefs[hutches],coffrs,
preffis,tyuiks, ward robejtafès, casêjjet,iïïç. £* : butfòr carrying thingtfrom ofie place á amother, arebaf.
kets, wicker panniers, hand-basket*, faskets, hampers, &c. , * • v**.
cHAP. yi. ofileDining-room. $ 53
a table with the table-cloth, VV7Hgit difhestheavefet uponisit,fpread amdtremchers(vhether ì
be roundor [quare) 45alfj afale-fellar.
? Acloth oth is is 1aid.
5 54 94gftbebrea4{asketb,loaves [/hiyes] ofbreadareft ,,,
. omfb* tables: or peeaes»** mörßlscut;andthemmeffes ofmeat, áí,mosthHi. 535 Tbegbeiis thatare biddemare brought[led]imäy thêfèaff makertintathedining-roome [parloùij*. fOrthe fewer,or 556 4ndwhem they have wa|heâover abafon out ofanewer, feafthainer, thae 4adhave wipedongtowell;they fit dommujonbenches or poíí:'ζ; f:e1'â fetigo der with cufhions,havijg fiot-fiooìsfet under dhém',$ waìnßøt. 357.3 hecarve is jegdy4thandjhotafietb firf,tates afmac& ofthe meat* fet before himanâcayveth them ì tò otbär,
558 Soopoffpottage [broth,] and water gruel outofa pottiw. . . gerso fatit *jth ffons :other viandíviάua!sjcut affum £*#ith aknifè (whichyowmuf baldbythehaf)"; curafa fàtalpat, and óffer it tohim that fit? next : bufifthejbe. £^/d/fttkm bebrattdagaim byputtinga chafing-difh'umdër. T " ' ' K T I T 35» Ma*: *. \
Thegate of Largiages unlocked. 359 Mannerly folk lick not their lips,nor lap [{]ap] withtheir d) but wipe tongue lollºd c out, (which isthe íí ofa g. •* • • • £g;;?,. them with amapkim: Ë] 36o Nor dathgeat geedij,ę fivallowdown »hole ** gobbets
andmorfels, but chewit fmalias they eat it ; anddraw fòrtha pitk-tooth.
ib:$;haves himfelfe like a clown•
witha fy-ftap,breedema '.oneffák 56i Fliesjftheybenotarivenayay $?;„.,it * of birds. gots [gentils]. •-
- -
56. Goläcn amdgilded beakers[bowls],cruxes[chalices],geat
• -, ,
cups[jugs]cbryftalglaffes,cans,tankards,andtwo-ear'd pots, afe brought fortbout ofthe cup-boardand glaff.-café;andbeing ,
rinfa &rübb'dw**apol-brufh are/et omihelivej-cupboard.
, . 563 (Agoblet is adrinking cupwitha broadwide mouib.) , , '.. 564 Thefithe drawer[butler] draweth out frongwine ;,but fplcntifùftr. , the cup-bearer[that filieth the cup]powrethit *at lage out ***•. . ofthe bottle,jug, or pitcher ; fils up the drinking-cupfull to *° ° the very brim, and reachcth it ; and fò they drink healths [hearty draughts] ometa another. 36; Hethat fèf$ out a rich coft} [fumptuous] feaft (which -
hath choicebanquets, not without venixgn, yea, anddiverfè 'coufes
£? : fuch am ome would faim feem tokeepa
boumtifult houfe [avery good table], mota poor mißräble one: Private fuppers at home 4re more moderate andffaring.
566 untoroffedmeat: are alß addedgfawces in fawcers, ab bage-lettices, radiJh, verjuice, fallets : alfo fruits kept in pickle, asolives, capers, cucumbers, beets, andat lafi fweet imieats, junkets, comfits[banquettingftuffe]amdprefèntsgi
vento caj*y away.
is, pleafant conférence [merry difcourfe] the truth 567is tbe Butchiefeji frwce. ,
568. Stout feeders[good trencher-nen] eat upal!,and do no • thing elfè but devour [never lin wurrowing] : betimes in the morning they break their faff, at noone they dine ; when ` the dayis farrefpent they take their beaver, late at night they fup , yea, bavingnewly dined [prefently after dinner] tbey 'bave a ftomacktofupper : but letthem thatleada fttipg {imd
« ABa.ine. . . oflife, andmj iiihindoores, “refain fiom breakfj. ana h beaver ; amdlet them motfi, the leaf pittance ofwine next
h Afternoons
their hearts.
569 Tobe oftem eating, amdfulfedthriæ a day, is hurtfel, un … leffeitbeffaring}. »* •• C H A P. , -
. ' .
- -.
, £amua Linguarum referata. ; 59 Civiles labia non exfèrtâ linguâ lingunt lambántve (quod eft inurbanid,) fed mapellâ detergunt : '.
d $ordidi, immo deßt,qui moribus
56o Neque tuburcinantur,aut bolos &frufta deglutiunt: £;*fed manfitando c comedunt,& dentifcalpium expediunt. £Â£jculatm -
561 Mufcae, ni mufcario [flabello] abigantur, egerunt ; eulas [tcrmites.] 562. Proferuntur [depromuntur] è repofitorio & hyalothe câ aurei & argentei deaurati crateres, cyathi, [calces,] fcyphi,vitra chryftallina,canthari, cululli & diótæ: e
chinóque defricata ac proluta, in abaco freponuntur. f«4rgyrotheca, 363 (Patera eft patulo & repando orificio poculum.) 564 Tùm cellariüs temetum depromit: pincerna verò af
fert in medium; ex obba vel hirneâ (cernea, utre) vel cantharo fusè infundit:cyathum ad fummum ufque mar
ginemg implet, & porrigit; propinántque alii aliisge- c0r0/24m, $5**^**^. niales hauftus. 565 Qui opiparum ornatconvivium (quod exquifitas ha
bet epulas, non abfque ferinâ, & quidemôiverfos mif fus :) is videri vellet lautiorib'vivére apparatu,non te- h $plendido. nui aut fordido: domicænia verò moderatiora & fru
galiora funt ; 563, Affàturis fuperadduntur in fcutellisiomphafium, embammata[inio**baphis, ace. tinátus,] la&ucae feffiles, raphanus, ace- tabülij, -
taria: item falgama, olivae, cappares, cucumeres, beta,
£u* bcllaria, tragemata, hypotrimmata & apo orcta.
Verùm enimverò feftiva colloquia [lepide confabula tiones] præcipuum funt condimentum. , ' ' . ;«8 Edaciores omnia exedunt ; nil nifi vorant : multo manejentant,meridie prandent, multo die nierendant, : multâ no&tc coenaht ; imô k confeftimâ prandio cœna- k}amjam pr4nf.
· turiunt:fed qui fedentariam & umbratilem vitamagunt, Aatecanio,{ilato• jentaculo &* merendâ abftineant: nec quid vini for billent jejuni. . ' . -
*«» Ter de die eftatc & faturari nocet, nifi parcè.
£4*u4 Linguarumreferata.
• .
, .
C A P. 32. De cubiculo.
dormitoriofponda & fulcra [fulmenta,clinopodia] I`cubile fuftinent ; fed deficiente le$to, ftorcafub- .
faeuurgnte ne- fternitur aut mattaf. àfiitate fra*** 571 Strato fuperinjicitur lodix & periftroma,& huic cer -
vical*: tegeribus & ftragulis nos integimus. Pulvi
„,.. 372 Pulvinar, plumeum eft : culcitra tomento far&ta f. *'fjîïíïíôï. £;?***** s73 Matula veficae levandæ, & feceffùs [latrina] vel fca phium alvo exonerandae, cubiculo neceßaria requifita funt.
Au.acimterium. 374 Grabatus acum conopcis Pro
meridianâ reclinatio
ne eft.
575 Qui fupinus cubat, incubo [ephialte] moleftatur: qui pronus dormit, anhelitu.
376 Siedormifti & evigilas, vigila, nè obdormias rur fum : expo*&túfque primâ luce, admodum diluculö alios fortiter inclama, donec expergcfeceris. », , -
377 Hyberno [hyemali, brumali] tempore aatelucana di f#f atraae
ligentia probatur f. -
CA P. 53.
\ 578
tan LÈÉ faciem faepiùs abluere, eft munditieifpurci
tùm : fuco fucare vel purpuriffò oblinere, tiei. Apage pulchritudinem fiêtitiam, ementitam, ad ventitiam, & lenocinio afcitam.
379 In thermis artus torpidi foventur calidâ vel tepidâ. Lavacra & balneae fordes ac eluvies eluunt;omnem pæ
dorem, fudorem & fqualorem abftergunt & defricant. 38o ubitamen honeftatisergô fubligacula [fubligaria] & caftulæ locum habent.
38r Sed veftimenta immunda [fòrdida] lavantur in labro à lotrice, & lixivio ac fapone [fmegmate] mundantur a s a Redduntur :;if; ,„„,. a9f9y$ip;ur fetaceo pc&ine, aut exterguntur fpon |#?* già : Collariaroborantiir amylo *. 382 Cili •
- ' -
'The gate of Languagesunlocked.
c H AP. 52. Ofthe Bed-chamber.
$7o IN the s lodging-chamber; the bediied. [bcd-fides] and , sleepiagroom beds-feet bearup their bedding [couch] ; but for}vant place ofiejo(c. ofa led, a mattreffè ormat is fprediender usf. f Orfor aneed
57i 0ver the undù-bcdis laida fheet and blanket, andvver it £ííí aboulffer * : we t wrap up [cover] our felves in coverlets *neck òp whichthe andbed-clothes. refteth or
' 372 A pillow is offèthers : a bed-tike is ßuffedwith flocks, or Εr. * withj&thers. Ire fit upomcufhiuns. 573 A chamber-potto 5 make water in, anda* boufè ofoffice b Eaf. the blad- '
orrequifitè côfè-foole, whereintoa lodgingcbamber. eafe the bel] [togo , neceffariesfor T _to. ftoole] are $£ Priyie. 37, £ £# [couch] with camjpies is to* rtft [lye downe] «Repo(.;.
575 He that lyeth ffrawling[on his back, with his face up ward],is troubled with the hag[night-mare:]6e that [leepeth groveling[on his face],with purfemeffè [fhortwindednef$.] 576 Iftbou haft flept emough, and awakef, watch, that thou falleft motfaff afieep again ; amd beingawake, call up otbers
aloudveryear£yat break [peepe] ofday,umtill thouhaff wa £enedthem. ake paimes before day-light, is allowed f Y 577 In winter time, to take paimes before day-light, is alloye
fwéiííícij ff.
ea, even be orethe time of
cock-crowing. v
C H A P. 33. O £Bathingandclenlineffè. 578
T? vafh the face fomewhat offem with clear [faire] vater is but demlineffe : tocolour it with counterfèit
colours orbedaubit with apaintingjs a lothfùme nafiimeffè. Fie , ci,..,.„„„;m;
npojfined,fùgedbeauty,thatis laidom, ándgotten [procu
red] by a baudykimdoftrimming.
tbat ** bemummed are fuppled .$.„;. 5 79 In hot-baths, with joints water, or are luke-warme. Stark
ihg]-plates and batbs wafh offjluttiffhneffe ìnd fiith, they
" . clenfeandfcouye ayvay all durtineffe,fiveat amdfòulneffè. ;j; 38o m'bere yetfùr decemcy [comlinefîè] fåke, breeches anda -
• - -
proms have their u/è.
,• • 581b .boule,and Butfoulgarmentsare wafhedby the landreffè in awafhing tf' . made cleam ywithl)e and fùpe, orarebrufhedwith b Bucking tub.. f;& a hair-trufh , orare viped cleen with a fpunge. Neck-bands * Smootliod *;
are fiffènedyitbffarcfj*. ú
' . . adcck fionc. 53a fe
*« -
Thegateof Languages urlocked. ;3v ire our félves ge rubbed with a hair-clolh,agravell and Amęngßone ' pupiice-ffon* f5 fmali veffsls are fubbed cleam with a wiffe
É Š jffira*,or thé'herb horfe:taile [haye-graffè] origith a b;iffly bru/h : fiveepimgs amdfcraps hrefiwept away with bee
' -
*; úbere there want pits [wels] nbvaies holdingwater(out ùms b.
áf which, being encompa|ed [ furrounded] with a brink íverge], a majimg draw with afivpe andafeoopor a buc
ket :) itis meet that conduitsbe made thorow pipes, and wa tey-cóuyfès, orthorow tremches tters]. 584 A Bärber witb his {notteth] the hairs of
„ ' ibe Head (in times paß, with little pingers £ they plugk'd £**"* ÉÉÉÉÉÉäjjìj;? Ê -
jiee; ofhgfheep, whom now adaits weJhea)orelfè befha
£eth itoffandmaketh it bare with the edge ofaraxQr.
38, (Thebáth-keeper, over andbefides that, ßrubbeth men.)
... 38« }ie bufh ofhjr(which the bigh Dutch gtajmg 5 the
£g* ovt* * 5vas •
poMiam; haie Jhag'd fore-tops) is keem'd with a combe. same womanifh mem cu?le or friz!e their lyc&s (for-ßoth)
jja curling-irom ; andbtingbald (fiefùrfhame !) fit per wigs to thör beads: who deferve indeed tp go in lingegts [eo íraíle alonga fweepingrobewith a long train after .
.mus, $ati,. ** And {ènfual!•
ähem] andtofirive with women for thefafhion,in alipoints. 587 0intmenti,pefìnes, pomanders, fweet-powders, efweet ' balis, andbeffinklings out offweet-glaffè-bottles, arefornice tender filyfèllows “, that mind nothing elfe but pleafures »bereûthbeingannointed, they fnell fiveet.
C H A P. 34. O£Marriage, andalliance by Marriage.
,33 M Ai Arriage is when husbandand wife dwell together as /
;89 A bafibclor [fingle man] intending to mary, looks him Âut amarriageable, handfimè,beautifult maidswitb a dmyrtes to woo ; awidowe; looks oút a widow. Ifone ofnoble birth joines in mayyiage with a womanof the common fort [of the $eomanry], hísthought bj an unequali matchto difparage
and difgrace his parentage [family»ftock]; e Dos is a dowry, 59o (Poition • andfeature fèmetimes ftir up fellow füiters to tbe -4
? £;;y9intute. •
' 'fimè wmam buîamenthathave nothingtotberportiom, for the mo? part :remain* unmarried;even wheathey grow a7?ciemt * [in ycers]) 59 1 H bere -
\ .
fanua Linguarum referata.
;32 Ciliciotopho ac pumiccf nofmet ipfifricamur: va- f ιμμg;$ul, fcula ftramento, ycl cquifeto, vel cchino fringuntur: &fijiulofo. quifquiliæ & analcéta, fcopis verruntur. 383 ubi puteijuges defiderantur [defint] (è quibus cre pidine circundatis, tollenone & hauftro vel fitulâ hau £ias:) aquaedu&us per tubos [fiphones, fiphunculos] & canales, aut per incilia fieri convenit.
584 Tonfor crines forpice tondet (olim volfellâ velle * bant, ut & bidentum vellera, quas hodiè tondcmus) velabradit& deglabrat novaculæ acie.
385 Balncator infuper fcarificat.
336 Coma [cefarie§] (quas Gcrmani* alunt, Polonica- h Promittunt, nu pronas) pe&ine pe&itur. Effeminati nonnulli cincin- triunt. nos calamiftro (fi diis placet) crifpant ; & calvi (proh pudor!) comam afcititiam c [futile capillamentum] ada- cladoptivam. ptant d. Digni fanè, qui cycladas cum fyrmate tra&im d-afci £unt. geftent,& muliebrem habitum per omnia aemulentur. 587 un&iones, fuffimenta [fuffitus] paftilli, diapafmata, odoramenta, afperfionéfque exampullis, funt mollium homuncionum & voluptuariorum 5 quibus delibuti fra- . grant.
C A P.54. -
588 .
De conjugio & Affinitate. eft, cùm maritus & marita, ut conju
C?'jugium cohabitant. ges,
589 Cœlebs matrimonium initurus, difpicit fibi quam ambiat [progigt] virginem nubilem, elegantem, formo fam atque dotatam 5 aut viduus viduam. Siquis nobilior cum plebeiâ matrimonium contrahit, conjugio difpari natales fuos dehoneftarc[dedecorare] putatur."
599 (Dos & forma nonnunquam rivales exciunt: at in dotatæ, etiam grandiorcs [grandevae] maximam partem manent innuptæ.)
* K4
39r Procus
#anua Linguarum referata. 391 Procuscum obtinet,ut ei defpondeatur, fit fponfus § \ & quae nubit ei, a fponfa : ille fuum pronubum[paranym. phum,proximetam] habet, hæc fuas pronubas,&annuium
a Nywph4.
' pronubum.
593. Poftquam, aufpicibus parentibus, fideconceptis ver » Matrimssia-
*mutuò datâ b confarreantur ; à nuptiis confummatis vir & uxor dicuntur (poftridiè c nuptiarum fiuntd repo- . tia.) • , -
pwlantur. < Pofterodie.
? Epulum nuptia £.
593 Qgi natam elocârunt, dicuntur focer & focrus ; qui eam in uxorem duxit, gener 5 quæ nupfit, nurus: reliqui
* aaaig,;„-
* agnari ex eo fc affiniumtitulo cohoncftant;Levir com
murpropinquáex `s, pellat glorem.
parte paurw, v.
594 Si connubium minùs altcri arrifit, integrum fuit ei * pridem nüptam repudiare 5 quae, divortio faâo, foras êxa&a, resfuas fibi habere jufà éft, & divertere? Ho diè nil nifi alterutrius obitus fejungit. uxorius non cft fui juris, fed uxori obnoxius, -
- -
C AP. 55. De Puerperio.
w l.
UIÈlisfexus,ita conjugalis copula thalamáfque pro caufâ eft. !-
$96 Vir, qui recens natum infantem de fuo alit ; an mu
. ,„;,„„„ &
liergravida, quae 8c tcnellum* embryoncm & fœtum
jjjj,im mj.
conformatum in utero d [matrice] geftat: uter horum
fji; . , , _
majqri pietate ac r£yerentiâ cglcndus eft ? uterque c fc
£j},5;j* cundum Dcum,quá fieri poteft,fummâ. frefferas.
££.., fem--597. * Puerpera, poftquam peperit, fex feptimanas [he tit tormina. bdomadas] latitare lege tenetür. ' *\ ' • J
393, Pater gigait : mater [genitrix], nifi abortit, parit,fi-
liófque & filias enititur; quandoque eodem pártu ge mello; (at abortusfnon evadit vitalis) . . .*
399m finu Ambo educant,refovent. fuaviunt, ofculantur,ampleétuntur, gremi6quc •
6oo Non eodem,quo illi, modo vitricus & noverca privi
' ^ -
gnos diligunt 3 quia ncuter genitor eft. .• '' ' ' -
'-' C.
::: g£
• , •
, -
Thegateof Languages unlocked. ,,1[made wbemfure] a /iite; [wooer] obtaineth one to be fbetretked fffp9u(èd, affi. tohim, he is made a bridegroom; andfhe which anced.
.* v
j; to be mayriedto him, a bride : hehath his bride-mem, and
fhe berbride-maidssandwedding-rig. ;;,the Afiertbat (gthtirparents beingtbe,byplighting chifdcersinmaíing $£gths authori. match) tbejbejified in wedlock, their trabº/ of. -
each toother ihafet firmeofwords : after the marriage is fi-
niJbed, theyare galledmamandwife ; the dy afierthe wed dig, isthe hbridallkept.
h Wedding-feaft,
59; Theythathave matcb'd outadaughterare calledafather-
jn-law amdmothey-in-law : he that hatb married her[taken
herto wife] istheir fom-in-law : fhe which is married, a .-
aaughter-in-law : thereupom thereffof the kin cal!* oox£ns I 33f*É,
ígēceone angtheryiththetitię 3f kijnen by mairi- É*ji*£#* fide.
age] : her husbandsbrother calletbher iffer-in-law.
394ofold ifthe match didmut fòfeefrbimi aell like [pleafè] the his qme party3 i %y brotheis [longgojk it was toputaray marri- §.É hus Ëd wife ; ajd being divorcedfrom each other, fhe wa* drivem ÉÉ; his out ofdoors, amdbiddem** to takewhat washers,andbegome: cheicé oíiibççy. at this day motbingparteth [puts themafunder] butthe de- 'Commandeę.
aufe of?ither ofihem. Afheacodęis not his owme maw, but ££$£*
rairbá[heldat abay] b) his wife. C H AP. 55. OfChild-birth,
s thefèx [the difference betweene a male and fe- aTheHe and the
malé]Jothe bondofwedlod andthemarriage-bedis **** fùiffue [offjring]fake. -
" 596Themanthat keepsthenew-bornbabeat his owm charge;orthe ' womam £geat with child;whichbeareth the fruit imherwomb b Big-bellied.
(both whem itis tender ändc unfhap'd, andafteritis/haped 5 A£hapclcfîè
Ëfafhioned]:) whether [whichij f tffefe defèrvetbtóbe re-* verenced witbkinder affeâiiom,andmore awful refpeti ? both arh,.li., f. ofthem with as muchas is poffible, next after God.
* When (hee tra•
597 A womm aingilá íed*, afierJheisbrought4bed[dcli- £#£#*
' vered] is boumdbythe lawto keep in clofèfix veeks, 598 The * fatherbegetteth : the * mother, ifJhe e mißarrieth :; efire and not, beareth/ometimes or bringeth forth, at anda birth is delivered offims and the dam ia bruitt. daughters, ofiains (utfanuntimeó £$£ bc birth proùes mot long-lived).
599 Báth of thembringup, buffé,kiffe,embrace and therifh[fo- Éïíï. fter] themim their lap and bófòme.
g Father-in-law
6oo Aegfepfather and (iep-piiber lovenstthjrffet;tbildig $,Έ,jj. 4fieribe fame mannertbat thofè ùther do,&:cauffehetthe(i: the £%£" > ôïÀÉ.**
Thegateof Languagesunlocked. C H A P. 56. OfKindred.
Hey which come ofthe fame houfe,4ndegg the fame
6o I -
name, are all of a (lock and tribe [houfe] : they that
arebftbe famie yace [linagè] andpedegreg£re calle$cop3gn: and kinffenbybliud $as a%b %e'; andfifters (efpecially * bothbyfatherandmother :for tobe halfebrethrem, onely by
,o;,.„„.…. bloud.
ïenïóthers fide, is not fé much efieemed) abgrandfather
b Granßre and
grandam• -—
«…TÄjo, great grandfather, agreat grandmother, agre£-
geat-grandfather, a great-great-grandmother, mygrandfa
íer;?reat grandjather, my grand-mghers gea{grandmo
* Fore-fathers,
aber : thatjhichis above that» we call amceftor**.
.§îÉÉ* «<; Thef. areofthecollateral1lige : an uncle andaunt (c my ges íâ€β *j,theríbrothę,my fathers fijier,(twäbrotberschildremgw mymothershºfer* my habers fiper:) coii«em germans €e
fjieyschildrem, brothers andfijierschildren.) a con-«f«;her. «53 In the ramk ofthemth4!in<£% d defend,are, the gram* downeward in hild(thenephew [grand[an] and neece) the great-grand therightline.
childöthe nephews fom, 4md the fieet* daughter) tbegtat
grat grand;iild, aiidfódqwmward withalithjrpoffert; gôTÉre arefime, who feeing they have ngiffé no £rifs, . „.. „.„„., Τό adoptfrangers :thereare fome agimg%egtber fide, that |
* '
mans childrcn
dipi$$itariâcafioff their own for difobedienæ and fub
thcir owne.
,„„. ' 6os uito £ fatherkffe dilgen (£44? ** lef afive afier jheir fathér, and bee under age) gardians gnd feoffies in trup âve appointed by will, fèr preferving the imheritasce faüenuntjihem bythe death of the inteftate (wheretn fucb g Are partakérs. alf, g have aJharè that are borm after the fathers deceafe :
ïtbafayds, mi£btgottemborchggling*). «o7 who, ifthey dea/tru[fily [honeftly], make inventories.
353 iatíe meâ time, the teiiator [ficthat makcs his yil!] * All hts e{tate
bath power todivide [hare out] his gpodsf, and tu difpofè
.£§&- and bequeatbtpwhom 3:** he thinksgood, a moity [half], ÄÈÉÊËàìy
athirdjart, a quarte; [fourth parf], a fixth part, a minth
Ë; artoftwelve, or three part§ offoure, &c. * Bit ifle ÊÉ Âeth feifed [having maâe no will], withu$,theeldeß ßn ÉÉÉÉÉ owner, •
fixgti onthelands äs foleheir[byright ofinheritancc] mor 3am hebe fuedto make partition of the eftate with otbers a; joint-heirs. ,
C H A P.
£amua Linguarum referata. CA P. 56. De cognatione.
gor (^\ui eâdem familiâ oriundi & cognomines funt,ii
gentifes ac contribules ; qui ejufdem & profàpiae, cognati & confanguinei dicuntur';progenici üífunt
. i-
fratres & fororcs ( praecipuè germani : nam uterinos
e£ non tanti habetur [«]timatur])avus & avia.
goz, Item proavus,proavia,abavus,abavia,atavus,atavia: quod fupra eft, majores vocamus. -
&o3 Collaterales funt, patruus & amita, avunculus &
matertera, patrueles, confobrini & amitini. 6o4 In defcendentiumferie funt, nepos & neptis, pronc pos & proneptis, abnepos, & â€eps, cum * omni po- a P./,„i,. • fteritate.
6o5 Sunt, qui cùm careant fobole ac hæredibus, extra neos adoptant: funt econtrà, qui fuos (ob inobedien tiam &'contumaciam)exhaeredant, abdicántque. & o6 Superftitibus pupillis[orphanis]minorennibus[nondum jufle étatis,] hæreditatis ab inteftato ad eos devolutae
conferyandae gratiâ (cujus & pofthumi funt participes, minimè veròbfpurii &c nothi [adulterini] aut fubdititii) b Incertopatre tutores [curatores]& fiduciarii teftamento dantur. -
*£. . . .
¢ lllegitimi : non
jufto matrimonio
e;o7 Qui, fi ex fide agant, repertoria [inventaria, regefta] Ἀλά faciunt.
6o8 Teftanti intereà facultas eft facultates f fuas parti- rum f £/£££4. habee ufum
endi, déque iis difpenfàndi & legandi, cuicunque fibi fruétum tantum, vifum fuerit, dimidium [femiffem,] trientem, quadran- ìTìfïariu* ; tem, fextantem,dodrantem, &c. * Quod fi inteftatus mea proprietatem.
obeát, apud no§ primogenitus [maxinus natu] prædia ******* paterna hæreditariojure occupat, nec poteft poftulari familiae ercifcundae. C A P.
janua Linguarum referata.
C AP. 57.
uomodo f pater & mater-familiâs,horúmque di
t Ejus victis *i* «o9
£; [di**
De oeconomiâ.
fpenfatores feu oeconomi, familiam [famulitium]
adminìftrare; famuli & famulae obedire debeant,Oeco
nomica praefcribit.
' gro Servüs eft qui hero fuofervit (nati autem ejus vernae funt ;) Mancipium, in quem vitae ac necis poteftas eft:
Libertus, qui vindi&á émancipatur, è fervitute a ma
a Liberali manus.
affertus isvindi- „ numifitus [vindicatus] & libertate donatus. Ingenuus nafcitur liber. cma^, -
61 1 Penfum facienti demenfum fuum dcbetur,diurnum, menftruum, annuum.
61. Liberos parentes liberaliter tra&tent ; protervos ac pctulantes caftigent, nec corculis fuis indulgeant plus jufto. C A P. 58. De wrbe.
Rbem muniunt moenia, aggeres, valla, & valli propugnaculáque.
& 1 4 Intervallum [interffitium] habet foffam: pomoerium intrò eft, quâ civibus,'& oppidanis ad moenia patet ac- '
• -- •
gi 5 Porta (quâ prodeambulant, ut rufticentur & liberi örem captent aërem) habet clauftra fua, valvas, repa gula, catara&as, & pontem ver{atilem. &rę Plateae & vici lapide fternuntur[funt lapide ßrati,litho ffrotas,] ut & forum cum * porticibus & hypæthris, nè -
a Aggere*
lutofaefint [cjyptæ] funtambulationes hypogæa. [ ámbulacra.] Cryptoporticus
&17. Angiporti ut plürimùm funt impervii, & tranfitu dc tuuntur.
618 Suburbiis oppidum ampliatur, turribus decoratur, potiffimum fi muratae fint & faftigiatae. b •Aequi;ftum- 6r9 Non cun&i privilegiati b funt incolae municipii ; fed indigenæ, & municipcs,aut civitate donati,
tuw pdvilejiis.
6» o Ex his quidamà cenfu, tributis & oneribus publicis , immunes, fibi privatim vivunt, -
621 Alienigenae,
' •
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. v
C H A P. 57. Ofhoufhold Government.
s•99 I I0u|holdgoverfugntßtttth dom, hwthegood mari fÊ faaer.a and good- wife [dame, houfwife] and É:; ££ds
; or boufé-keepers ought te order the houffhold; how mem fervants fsrveiabisioom.
andmaid-fèrvants oughtto obey.
&1o Heis a fervant, which ferveth his Maffer(but his children are abond-men borm): a [lave, over whom a inanhathpwer £Yilaiwsi_.
' ' oflf. anddeatb: a â maje-fémam is ometharijçïçy*J*"/*a* fom thraldome[bondage] being made free, andhath bis fraé dome befoved omhim. A right feemam is free-borne. <1 i To him that doth his fiint. [taske], his fet 5 allowance is beanmoas
due, daily, monethly,yeeriy[by thc day, &c.] '• 6 1 z Let parents handle [ufe] their cbildrem fairly, but chaffife them beingfawoy qndmalapert, andnot ccocker their darliags c Tender. ' [let thcm have their will,bear with them] overmuch.
• • -
, • •
C H A P. 58. O£ a Citie. 6I3 -
CÉa, rampiers of earth, rampiers ofwoods, pa- a Town-walls lixadoes [ftake-works] dofortifie and ftrengthen
a Citie.
& 14 The fpace betwixt the wall and palizado hatb a ditch
[trench]; the * precimât is withim, by which way the citizens , Void be> amdtownf^men bave a paffage opem tothe town-walls. Ëf & 1 5 The great gate (by which they walk abroadto go into the ditchand GGX •'
county and takethe ai)bathits Jhuts [fhattingbâ;s]fuld- houfes. img doors f,boulis, portcullies,and adraw-bridge.
f Witha- lea*es;
616 The broad waies and ßreetì are lajdwith cauffes [paved with ft9ne] (asisalfò the market-place, and the * clofe gal- *Places likeeiai.
teries,andopem galleries)tbat the walksbe not miery[durty]. ßer$pw;kin» ; Dark clofè-walks [** vaults] areplaces under groumd.
roof'dandfiip- •.
617 Lames [allies] mof communij are umpaffable, andbave no
6 18 A walledtowm is enla ged with fuburbs;it is decked with turrets ; effecial!yifthey be walledaboutandbefet with pina cles [parapets.]
f£njoy aot the -
fame libertiesa^ -
61 9 all the inhabitantsof[dwellersin] a corporatiam [bo- ;j rough]f are mot free ofit, but the natives d[börn there]and Tióne.ired. •, e(burgefesjor (ucbÉ are et franchized[made j}; i Denizens,bur- ,
&z o Qfthefe, fome beingfrce [priviledged f] from taxes and £;
- - publiée impofitions [charges], live privatiy *;;;:; ÉÉÉ? *
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. 6.1 Aliens boim, forener;, frangersandinmates[fojourners] aye topaytol [tax, cuftome.]
Magazen of
£„íá Ęìn. 62* The church, the arfemall [ armory] g,the commomtrea ¥Scafììåíï- fùj, andgarners, arethe ftrengthofa gity [ftate]*. 3 4gt;J*rc fànies 623 But cefierms, clocks, fèhools,ifthey be well keptim due oy
É Ε; *?
âer, are â proofè and tokem ofa fine govermment.
Ê Fr «»4 The prifon [jaile] is wont to be placed hbehimde the
Êcôïìnìve judgement hall [court ofaffize] 5 the commom draught-houfe 5he. pafiages arc . Íjakes] in fome by-corner [clofe place far out offight], £ Ę ¤hichtheja{ey-farmer [gold-finder] makes cleame. £íí, jî. 335 Inmesf, viótualling-boufes [ale-houfes], taverns, cooks ΚέΤ Ι Jhops are providedfor frangers. Offenders take [flee tò] fan frivescogetoit, ' £tüaryfùí refcue [fhelter] : hoffitals [almes-houfes] are
Egit : feth his way-
fr the poor; fjittle-houfes for the fickly.
* 656 A Palaceor Cathedrall, is a fately Church or houfè.
Höïíéêack- 6,7 Letfêa-marks and watch-towers i be in a higher place ; fide of.
butlet the watch-mem be watchfull.
É;í. 628 Neighbours (nigh-dwellers, that are ofthe fame frett) Jhouldbe helpfuli [owe mutual! fervices] wmeto amother.
lodgeth [baiterb, -
£ÉÉ?E. thenflitteth ££; i To deferyafar off: or abeacon, whence, ύτdiiigáre, noticeisgiven ofthc cncmicsapproacb.
C H A P. 59. Ofthe Church.
i. .
*,*•. .
. .
He fèxton [clark] ly chiming the bels Iringinga peal] in due meafüre, in thefieeple or belfree, calleth
the congregation together to dvvine fèrvice.
•***•• • • i«go ifbenthey are met, the quire offingers [quirifters] 'atthe *desk fing Pfalmes, hymnes, and fpirituali fùngs.
, • . •^
., • • • 2 .
.* ' .
g3r ThePreacherout ofthe pulpifcalleth upom the hof) &hoß:
• .:
, he expoundetb tbe originali text bf the Bible : he quoteth the scripture ofeitherTeftament(both out ofthe canonical! bookes ' and apocryphal!) : he exhortethtorepentanceaccording tothe
··· · · -
tenor ófthêtem Commandements : he comfortethbroken bearts
vitb tbe fatisfa£iion amdmerit [deferts] of Chrift : to wit,
. . * afier this wife preachingthe Goffel, andfeafoning bis bear ers aright in orthodóx religium.
* Anahs, aa; 632 Prajg£ bfiagegded, he biddeth ho}-daies*, and incomti 3 nentijdifniffeth [fends away] the affembly (which the more populous [fullerofpeople]átis,the more itis beloved). 633 Sometimes be catechifeib,chrifferetb[baptizeth]in thefàrat,
gwCs. -
theGodfathersheing prjent;adminijreth the Lords Supper£rbe * holy Communion.] '. 634. He
£amua Linguarum referata.
&• &igales,[tributum 1 - Alienigenæ, exteri, Peregrini & inquilinic funt vc- e-aeritis. folvunt,pendunt.] 'ßriptitä
¢zz Templum;armamentarium, aerarium,& granaria,civi-tatis robur funt*.
* Pegmata fiae? ignatafùae
•, _ _ • •
« s3 Atcifternae,horologia, fcholæ, benè ordinata, belli fûiçu . íegiminis funt documentum & indicium. multuaruo opere
6, 4*?one praet9rium, cuftodia poni folct: inrcccffibus £*£;?, foricæ, quas foricarius repurgat. i. …
• •
rintho meatus f,
1, o
adeo perplexi tortuofís maeam
625 Diverforiat,cauponae, oinopolia, popinae in adve- ££££* narum gratiam Parantur. Sontcs ad refugiunt, £.j á fiuJtu,rucabi ô m* tanquamad refugia. Xenodochia funtafyla pro Paupcribus: ' Nofocomia pro valetudinariis.'' £ 3 £gv. feducat. 6z6 Bafilica éft augufta ædes vel domus. £ finquitu qui «;27 Phari & fpeculae* in cditiore fint loco,vigiles autem #*#*jrt
* * vigiles [excubent.] 6z8 (qui funt ejufdcm viciniae) mutua fibi minifte-
*£ Tria [officijdcbcnt. -
** • ….
. .
-, * emj, },
* Vnde qui* fpecu !j?; vel urs^
i .
' … , ,
de,accen6 igni,indiciumfit adveniis'hofünt. , '
* •
c A P. 59. De Templo.
VE Dituus in campanili numerofo campanarum
pulfu coetumad facra convocat. ® 63o ubi conventum eft,canrorum chorus ad pluteum Pfal mos,hymnos & cantilenas fpirituales decántat [pfàllit]." £ 63 1 Concionator [ecclefiafies;werbi divini præco] èfuggeftu [pulpito] fpiritum San&um invocat: textum biblicum :
authenticuâ interpretatur: Scripturas utriufque te
ftamenti (ex libristum canonicis, tjumapocryphis) ci
tät: ad pœnitentiam [refipifantiamí] juxtà decem prae*
£t " ceptorum [decalogi ] tenorem hortatur: contrita corda 3
- fatisfa&ione meritóque Chrifti folatur: hoc fcilicet mo
f: ' ' do evangelium prædicans, & orthodoxâ religione au g* ' * ditores ritè imbücns. „ ^ • * . . … & 32. Pera&à precatione[oratione] fefta indicit*,& concior * Et vigilia. £* frequentior cô charior) dimittit ilicct }*' *7. nem(quæ [extemplò.] quò τ ο t •• : , y *,*:. , , ,* *
· ·
;* &33 Nonhunquam catechizat,inbaptifterio præfentibusfit: 3* fceptoribusę baptizat,facraîmcorhä[ffnaxim,euchariffi®] a sacrofmtt. s. miniftrat. 634 Ab -
» . -
£amua Linguarum referata. 634* Abfolvit pœnitentes,à facramento arcet impceniten tes, hypocritas confcientiae fuae committit.
f stativa, fòlem- 635 Encoenia [dedicationes] & anniverfariaef folemnitates
£e- ' debitâ feftivitate (bidüöytriduò, quatriduò,oétiduâ)cc lebrantar.
tunie rtrurunt.
… -
636 Ceremoniae non apud omnes eædem funt, nec ordi nandi & initiandi Miniftros mos idem : fed hæc difpa
ritasia adiaphoris [rebus mediis] innoxia eft.
CA P. 6o. .De
Arochus eft fuae parœciæ infpc&or,iIIiusautem
Antiftes vel chorepifcopus.. … : .
*. -
638 Præfules (Abbates, Præpofiti, Priores*) fraterculis 33. monachis aC É [cænobiis ;] Abba
$í. ! £!£ §£li facellis ; Diaco
tißæ monialibus
„;.„u„;„, , ni colleétis & eleemofynaeb praefunt. 639 Primitiæ & É ÉÉÉ [presbyteris] offe
runtur : Eremitæ & anachoritæ eremum aut folitigii
dem inhabitanr.
&4o Primates, Archiepifcopi & Epifcopi in conciliis feu fynodis fchifmata & fe&tas compónunt; haereticos blaf phemos cum affeclis ab ecclefiae unione excommunicant: do&rinae canonem conftabiliunt. C A P. 61.
De 7udæorum Etbnicorúmque fuperfiitione. 641 k
P££ [gentiles] fàcrificuli in delubris lucífvc
£i inciduis fuis donaria [anathemata] dedicârunt ; fa crificia obtulerunt ; præliaturia hoftias,bant vi&oriam ade ; thura li ptivi&timas fuper È [altaria] immola
• • •
a Praliwminituri,
babant & adolebant ; fercula, fimulacra & icunculas hierothecâ inclufas in thensâ circumgeftabant folenni* pompâ ; idolis fuis etiam hominum fupplicio litabant; luftralíque aquâ fefe luftrantes taliter piacula expi
b Supphcaxime,
are conabantür, &facra d opertanea obibant; fed fa
d Myfiaria.
cra cxecranda & infcris devovcnda: nam abomina tiofwit,
• ,,
... (
. _.
- ---
_ .
64* Pro
Thegate of Languages unlockeâ. *.
«34 He affùleth tbe penitent ; he drivetb ayy [keeps] the im penitentfrom the Sacrament ; he (eavetb bypocrites [diffem blers] to their owm confitemce.
635 Feafis ofdedication, qdyear}yf fòlemnities [feftiva[s] f Immoveible are kept with duefèftuval, joyfiiulmeffe, für two, three,foure, £#%# com� eight dayes fpace. •
££j£j y come twelve
•_ _ ,
636 Tceremonies [outward religious rites] are mot all one a- Tönëî. mongal!them ; morinto yet thefame maiinerofordainingminiffers, and È Orders. entring the a miniftry: butthis differente inthings
, ` indifféremt b isharmleffe [hath no harminit.]
a Congregation.
C H A P. 6o. Ofthe a Church. 637
T# Incumbent [Curat] is the overßey ofhis owme p4 rifh ; but the BiJhop or fuffragam bath the over-fight of
«38 Prelat, (as Abbots, Provofis, Priors) are over Friersand Monks hooded with cools, anda monafièries [cloifters, co- a Miniffers, vents] : Abbeffès [Prioreffès] are over Nuns : Chaplens 0 - ve* chappels : Deacoms over colleétioms andalms.
939mites Firfifruitsandtither are offered to wildermeffe, the Priefs or: HerÉN9;eb;;9f$e and AnkJrites dwell* [keep] in the fùme # and good lomefome place.
g4o Primats, Arch-Bijhop* and Bifhops in Councel/or Synods,
take up [accord ] b fchifms and%, : they excommumucate b Rents and divi -
blafphemous hcretiöksivith their followers from the unityoffion* the Church : they effabljhtherule ofDotirine.
c H A P. sr. Ofthe fuperftition ofthe 641
Jgwes and Heathen.
Hf:' Prieffs in their temples [fhrines]anda um- aNewer fellcd. cut groves, dedicated prefènts [divine oblations] ;
they offéredfacrifices,amdkill'dthem uponaltays ; fome being
to enter battell, fìme havinggottem the day , they offered famkincenfè andburnt incenfe: in folemne proceffùm they car
3 ied about in achariot their pageants, images andpuppits/hut up in a pyx: they appea/ed thcir idols even by the executiam [facrificing] of mem : and ballowed themfélves with hoj xater,om fuch a mammerthey endevouiedto purge b or cleamfe 5 GetaTo;edof, heimus crimes : they didtheir facred fervice clofe and pri- makcamcnds for.
vate ; but a devotionto be abhorredanâ accurfedto the pit of bell,fùrit was abominable, -
. ' 64* What:
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. «4* whatfùever was »ithout the temple, that they called um
hallowed [profane], 4$ beingnut fo facred, andnot hallowed. «43 The high-prieff with his miter om, enteredinto tbe fan£tua cygftry, oracle. ?ie c : tbe priefs made fweet perfumes with a cenfèr, ging dClattering. ling[tinklingd] with cymbals, fanfè-bells, bells andraitlë. * Witches. 644 Their foothfayers,diviners, forcereffes*,fibylls, and good £rhat pr£££n£ to finít witchesforc,infpirationofa didprophecie andforetell things come ; motbjin heal ; blcffe divine power, a; to beingravijh'dor in fiífis. a trance (as the Prophets of Ifiaeldid): but ajenraged,fan tick, fantaftick ; or by obferving the fjing andchirpingof birds, bypryinginto the emtrals of beafis, and drawingfuper fitious lots [cuts]: 64; Themce they were called footh-fayers, bowe! priers, wiz <ards,fortume-tellers, [lottereis, cafterso£l6ts]:ándthey ufèd thofe words, to plgy the wiçard and to föothfay, for, tuforetell [ghefîè fhrewdly at] thingsto come.
646 They had alfùgods that were patrons of countries [ofthe upper foit,] avdpettt gods, of leffer mote ; and oracles too, gMifcbicvous. falfe g fupiter,buterring[miftaking, fcdu
t:t:from cun9 | "OnCS.
É noble Worthies being deceafed, were camomixed, ad
rgifired [enrolled] amongtheir mew made gods. scut,cumacff. 648 The 7ews in the Synagogue doh circumcixe the fore-skin
(and are therefwe called, circumci<ed) ; they keep thefatur dayhoj-day (as beingtheir Sabbath), but cbrifiians tbefun day [Lords day] : befides the feaffs of Eafie; andPentecoft they delebrate feafis ofTabernacles.
C H AP. 61. Ofthe Court.
• A Guila.hai, **?
I; thea court,upom a££ourt-day, the & Senate keep their feffius, andhold confùltatioms about thegovernamce [po
b Hau-day, day
licie] ofthe common-wealth.
gfmectinglccf- 65o In the fame place is kept the regifier d [enrolment] oftbe £r.„. . citixgns names,and the common records. councell.
' dLá,namc-book.
651 The Conful [Maior} or Proconfùlpropoßtbwhat istobe advifedon ; the Senators [Aldermen] fpeak their minds
$iver their opinions]; the commoms affent: he comcludeth all.
65 . The Regifer enclofedwithim a grate, draweth up[engrof feth] the aéis : andfoevery one peiforms his owm office [di£ ' chargeth his duty].
633 Atten
£amua Linguarum referata. 64* Profanumappcllabant,ccu minus fàcrum & non con fecratum,
$# extra fanum effèt.
643 Pontifex infulatus facrarium [adytum] intrabat: fla imines thuribulo [acerrâ] fuffiebant ; cymbalis, tintin nabulis, nolis [ffjfris,] crotalífque tinnientes. &44 Vates eorum,divini, fagae,fibyllæ & piatrices vatici nabantur ac futura prædicebant ; non ex numinis affatu aut infpiratione, per raptum autecftafin, ut prophetæ : Ifraelis: fed lymphati, bacchabundi, fafiàtici; aut ex • aufpiciis, auguriis,arufpicinâ,forribúfque fuperftigiofis du&is : -
*4* Inde aufpices [augures] arufpices, arioli, fortilegi dí &i: Ariolari verò & augurari,pro divinare ufurpabant. &46 Habebant & deos patrios [tutelares, majorumgentium] & c afcriptitios [mimorumgentium 5] oracula item à Ve e Medio%ìmus,
joye profeéta, fed errónea.
· · ·
· ·· · ·
«47 Daemones[demortui heroës] indigetibus accenfebantur, in Divos relati.
' 648 Judæi in fynagogis præputia circumcidurit(ideóque nuncupantur apellaeyrecutiti, verpi:) fcriantur die Sa
turni,ütpote Sabbatho fuo: at Chriftiani die Domini co : Sccnopegia præter Pafcha & Pentecoften cele brant.
cAP. «...fecurii. 649
a. [§ curiâ,die comitiali[feffw] Senatu$ confeßu sfuos,
&de reipublicae politia curas agunt.
s5o Affervatur ibidem civium Matricula [album,]& tabu* lae publicæ. &31 Conful aut
Proconful deliberanda proponit, sena
di£ti,eo quod, tgresfententias dicunt; pcdarii* anaugnr,illc conclu *$;c in ali&aam ßnt*»• ■• •
' r… . .
tiam pedihwüre»*
452 Notarius cancellis feptus a&a confignat ; &ita qui£ que fuo munere fungitur.
' I. 2.
. •
65 3 Mini
£anua Linguarum referata. «;; Miniftratores illisfunt Apparitores, id eft, ftatores íviatores] accenfi, fcribae [aótuarii] & præcones.
' {p, oletarii & ca-
6; 4. Plebs in tribus [claffes] tributa, fuos habet tribunos, per quos plebifcita feruntur ad ratihabitionem fena tús-confultof.
pite cemßfumt im-
fí;££: 65 5 Habent & opifices curias feu collegia fua, ordinis iïojcijjiiir, ` causâ (ut novitius, qui quaeftum occipit,artificium pro feffus Curionibus detfpecimen) nec non flagitiofi fua conciliabula.]
c AP.63. Defudidi. ;
uobus de quâcunque contröverfiâ difceptanti 'bus, tertium intervenire neceffè eft, qui litem
diffar, aut, de quo altercantur, diribeat: afiàs Tcer * -.
` tamina & contcntiones in infinitum ibunt.
637 Aut igitur ipfi decidant [tranfigant,] aut honora
rium arbitrum [fèquefirum] fibi deligant, cujus arbi ` trio utrinque acquiefcere nexu fe obftringant ; aut fe
άentur forum & fecum experiantur jure. T
'O iii a
• _
_ _ .
• Atimm ufii- *3*. Qui* adyerfàrium in jus vocat, eiqu£ dicam,im tuit contra.
pingit [ßribit ;] eum apprehendit ac citat* eíque diem
* Citatione:quam
dicit ; arcefsit illum ad Prætorem (præterquàm nefafto
20fraterjjfconfulti vocar.#breve.
die) infimulat & accufat noxae.
L •
f Niff 659 Ad a&oris petitionem, accerfitur reusf: caufatuy(excufat.) * *.•:.-. *A c •Apologia. fatio,hujus c éxcufatio*? cognitoribus, ad -
illius accu Os $quos perti
$ÃÉâ,fi &
nct caufae cognitio, cognofcitür: quòd fi ngn profite
r piicatio,dufiica-
tur, fcd diffitetur , admittuntur teftes (& illi quidem jurati, fi authoritas per fe non fufficit) qui teftimonium dicunt [perhibcnt].
* * *
/ . .
66o Caufae
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. 653 Attendants that wait om them are, e apparitors ; thatis, *Sumners,beadles, purfèvants, ferjants, towm-clerks amd ciyers. .
654 The commortaliy. [commoners] beingramked into compa- fanyofiicereHus mies, have their tribunes f; by whom orders that are made by {tanás for theli.. the commoas are put up to be ratifiedg by the decree ofthe Š the Semate f.
.* e
.. g Approved,
655 Tradefinem alfò have their wards [guilds] oraompanies Ę. [corporations, fraternities] fùr orderfake (that a movice f The mesner
or youngbeginnerswhich fets up atrade, maygive a taffe, £$* ; hanfclortryall ofhis skillto themaffers ofthe Company): 7'ea, and lewd varlets have their rabbles [bafe conven- £íí, ';jÉ
ticles]. -
* •
thcir names one ly enrolleda
mong citizens) are not f:fed amongthe wealthieft companiesTmem j;j. eftatej].
CH A P. 63. OfJudgments [fùitsyrialls ofcaufes.]
7Hem two parties are at debate [variance] touching any controverfie[thingin queftion], a thirdmam muß needs come in [between] tò pa;? the fay[to take up
' 656
the matter in fuit], ortafet Iam endto [make a faire di vifiQn of] that about which they wrangle : otherwife ftrifès
amdäebates will become emdleffè. ' • , <37 Therefore either let them compound [fallto agreement]
petween tbemfelves,or chopfe them/elve; an a umpire[indif. ad,;, „„, „ ferentarbitrator] by confènt,andenter into fure bondto [tamdiro ÉÉ to his Order[award] omboth fides ; or bgo to fuit, and tyit b Followthe out bylaw one with another. pleading court. 658 He that fictb his adverfary, and commemceth a fuit [en v.
tereth an aétion] againff him : attacheth [arrefteth] him, ferveth proces om him, and* cites him to appeare, amdfum-* By afùmmons
monethhim befretle fud£, eggpt it beii the yacjiio*££££* [out ofTeriiie, or whentfic Cóurt fits not] ; he charges íŸ'***. him[puts in his billor declares againft him],accufeth him <oi√-1e. oftrefpaffè [dammage]. day. «55 At the requef ofihe plaimtiffe the defendantis fùmmom -
edf : the onesbill of complaint, and the others anfwer *
for [éxamined] £Y£!£££5* led ers himfelfis that are tojudicialybeárd have the hearimg of the caufèby :commiffonifhe doth É!?leads] -
not confèffe the a£iiom, and pleadito it [denieth irj ; wit- §§§ine there neffès arefufferedto come in,(andthofe,fuch asare ßøorn;ifisa replyandthcn
the credit'ofthe word be notgood emoigî,) who depóß [béar ******** * witnefe, give inevidcnce.] Y. 3 , 66o Let -
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. 66o Lettbe atturney»protforc, or coumfellor not failebis client ,
t spokes-man.
- (as beingone that hatb wbollygivem uphimfelfe untobis pro av(e collafon: * teäüm, and relies upom his fupportatiom), mor betray d his -*
feemgobe for
caufé, left hebe caf in his fùit : but fandfw bim, andplead
Ę clp the other ,
hiíáß yet in ifjr wá oftigft, legie goffa baiwling » -*;
ÉÉÉÉÉ. , yangler, and get the nawe of a petii fogger, not am able falle pfo&or. - lawyer. «« 1 1 et the fudge alfô very carefully avid prejudieese; nei e Iudging befoie ther let him befreffalled [prepoßeftJ»witb favour, mor tor he héarthe cauf*. rupted with brubes, foas to leaie thisway or that way (lef he -
* Depo£d. . . be*put by his office, orput out qf commiffion) : but iefhim * *
fimply decree according to the cicarneffè of the proof, and
** paffe fèntence for one, and givefrom [againft] amother :
* Adjudge, " ,
yet let him rather ufe moderation [clemencie],then execute the rigºrous feverityvfthe law. 66. jfothers that arein commiffìm [the reft ofthe Bench]
bc prefemt, it ts the part ofthe fudge [Prefident] tocolleti f their {evetalHvpice, [judginents:] but it is their part to
g Notguilty. ,
, givejudgmentfreeby[boldly],butjuff$,that theguiity maybe condemned [caft in judgmerit,] and the innocent g cleared
[difcharged]. Foritis no reafim [againft all right] that
Š É£$° * * Or.
qne uncoi&mincd* fhouldbe punifheâ, gr.tbat thegwilleffe Jhould pay [fimart, rue] for thefaults jfuthers. T* 663 Butit is tinfèemly, that decreesand orders, madeby agene
f In England.h£c
rali confent,Jhouldbe new-traverfèd, called in [fore-done] and dfannúlledf. -
[pu íiĘ 664. 4* fanas the failibearingofa caußis:prodiimed umleffethe party tremityTf ffyi*
blifhed], letit fpeedilybe put in executiom
temjjofiaw,may cumdemffedhbe reprieved, ormake his proteflation or appeale fcet9 ths Chat; to a higher court i [judgiirent feat] : infuch a café there may
fiìt, in adiurnientjfitto affarther day, ÉÉÉÉÉ" beafjingofthe or putttngit to indifferent per(msto end. ÉÉÉÉÉÉ,-
drffej iccording 665 But theytake affurante aff of him thatflowes the fuit, bimdhim inrecognizgnce, to make perfóna!appearande [tó ändforth-coming.] $%$*%*9ftq*; íííííí be *.
Ę inftan ;;;* 666
Sometime kthe matter is adjourned [put offJ,by reaf» siste, is commit- : ofprohibitims' [ftoppingthe proceedings] or by fècuriay ;£$? givem bypttting in bai! [pledge] : but what anjjme unde;*
a£faerfjfor another, ό άnters bondfor,* he, is• «buuma ÉÉÉ°"* toiaketb ** perfòrm.
time giwen him. i Barre.
k Fartbcr dayisgiven, 1 or purtingina tar.** Falfiit; ;•
c H A P.
£amua Linguarum referata. «go Caufae procurator, advocatus,feu patronus clientem
(utpote quife in clientelam ejus dicayit, ac patrocinig èju$ nititur) nè deftituat, nec prævaricetur (nè causâ cadat ;) fed defendat, & caufam agat: exaequo tamcn & bonó,nè rabula audiat & leguleius,non jurifperitus. 461 . Vitet &judex præjudicia maximoperè, nequefavo
re praeoccupatus,aut largitionibus corruptus,huc aut il-
lué propenáeat, nè dmägiftratu aut Seriatu moveatur: £*£££***** fed hudè fecundùm probätorumevidentiam decernat,& *"*** huice adjudicet, ab illo abjudicet: æquitatis attamen caedicat. majorem, quàm ftri&i & rigidijuris rationem habcat. - -
g6» Si adfeffores adfunt, Praefidis eft judicia colligere ; illorum, ferre liberè, fed juftè, ut fontes damnentur, &
infontes juftificentur: nam iniquumeft,utindemnatus * * Vel indi*acau
poenâ afficiatur,vel ut innocentes aliorüm culpas luant.* •
463 Decreta verò & edi&a omnium confenfu fáéta retra &tari,revocari, ac refcindi, indecens eftf. 'f
ta : Maglia qú
juris rigore [füiy
664 Caufæ decifio ut promulgata eft, ocyùs executio fi- '*'' jure] fe lafum lli apud at, nificondemnatus ámplietiir;aut protéftetur,& adfu- άanctlltriam, £; quæ -
__ -
perius tribunal provocet[appellet :] ibi juftitio, compe- vocatur,pefúgium rendinationi, aut ctiam fequeftrationi locus cft. ditur,& ex regula ^
æquitátis fuccur ritur [fübvenitur:} Cujus fcito qua re
663 Sed & fàtis accipiunt à litigatore, cúmque vadimo- £i#;£; int cuftodtat»r nio vadantur, ad fiftendum (e. ÅÅ £t -
-, '
666 Interdum dilatio adhibetur, propter interceffiones, :;;:;: s aut fvadum fidejuffiones: fed quoâ quis fpondet aut f$;$ef&um, fid* fatifdat, præftare tenetur.
1. *
janua Linguarum referata. C AP. 64. De maleficis & fuppliciis. uicunque de capitalibus cognofcunt, ii in prae varicatores gravitèr animadvertant, & peccata notoria vindicent, aut multam [multam] iis irrogent: nè impunitasin licentiam abeat.
668 ' utut noxios ipfae furiae laefae confcientiae angore difcrutiant [excarnificant ] lancinant & fodicant : ad improbos tamen territandos [perterrendos,] coërcendos
atque coinpefcendos, funt virgae, flagella , fcuricæ, a colum#4r, mer vi, colluftrigium.
taureae, fuftes, compedes, manicæ; a nume!læ, cippi,er
gaftula, carceres, tormenta, fidiculae [equuleus,] pati bula : ut per liétores, commentarienfes, tortores, car nifices, facinorofi [malefici] raptentur, vinciantur, con ftringantur, ligentur, cædantur, verberentur, torque antur, excrucientur, aut etiam morte afficiantur defpe • rati ac deplorati. -
669 Fures enim,depeculatores, eorúmque regeptatores, ac manticularii laqueo fufpenduntur; aut 'damnantur dupli , tripli, quadrupli,&c. Moechi ac bigami decol
lafitur, homicidae , ficarii & facrilegi crurifragio ple
&tuntur (qucndam b cruci affigebantur :) Parricidæ la b Furcæ, arbori infælici.
pidantur, vel culeo cum ferpentibus infuti aquis fub merfi fuffocantur: Anus veneficae, lamiae, ftriges, & incendiarii vivicomburio cremantur: Perduelles, [per
duellionis rei] \uadrigis in diverfùm a&is âifcipìiiiur, bonáque eorum confifcantur : Calumniatores maligni {malituofi,] & blafphemi elinguantur ; impudici cata midiantur ; proftibulis ftigmata cauterio inurun * Oaene crimen
tur *.
capitale, iafala ám majeft4iem »
67o Colapho feu alapâ caedi, ob quidvis contingit : tali trum jocofum eft.
•, •
Hujus aguntur ret,
e%a£tores,plagiarii 67 1 Pœnæ mitigatio fit relegatione, »monetæ adulterat;- vel capitis diminutione. ves, teffamemtarti,
ftlfarii, receptato
'res qui flomes re ceptant,&c. c'gi pr6cribitur,
vel profcriptione,
672. Exu!c [in cxilium miffus] in loco determinato exu
lat: extorris vagabatur, exlex, ex hominum communi one [communitate] exterminatus ; profugus nullibi confiftit. , • ·
felegatur. . -
c A P.
The gate of Languagesunlocked. c H AP. 64. Of Malefa&ors, andtheir punifhmcnts. 667
VVit£.fit upom matters of life,amd deatb, let
them ** ufè ftriít feverity againii tramgreffürs, “gricvoufly pu
andpuniJh a notorious jines, ur fet ab fine andpenalty om $. tbem ;leftefiapjgfot-fte [want ofpunifhmcnt]* turmto ; Éane wilfull ünrulineffe. c1amerat. g68 Howfoever, very gnawingremorfe [the fiends] tormemt- cgaußmento do
etb,piefcethaiiddaggethguiiy perfons with tbe ánguifh ofa *ba*th**'*• gallcdamféience: jet to over-aw, keep under, and cürbthe
5wicked, thereare rods, cart-whips,fcomiges d,bulls-pixxles, dyVands,fwit
cujls ftterse, maiales, pilorias [Ittle^eafj, fj**, jj; bride-wells [houfesofcorre&ion], prifùns, racky,Tirap. ;:;*sres, padoes,gallowfes [jibbets] : that fobyfèrjeamts,failors, tor menters,hang-mem [executioners],malefa&iors maybedraggd
away, boumd [fhackled], truffed upywhipped,beatem, wack- * ed, tortured 5 or,heingdefferate, andpaff hope [grâce,mend ing], maybe puttodcath. 669 TFortheeves, robbers, their receivers [harbourers] and pick-purfes arehanged up witharope, or comdemmedimtwice, tbrice,orfourtimes as much ; adulterersand thofè that have _
two vives are beheaded ; fmamflayers [murdérers], cut- %*£quellers af throats [hackers,bravesjandfàcrilegioüs perfona; roem *°* om the wheel (qnce they were & grucified) murderers ofpa- gN.iledtoa : venes arefioned, or, beingfewed up ina letheymfack witb fer- £toffe .
.. . .
pemts, are fimk under wäter anddrowmcd; oldbags, h firce- hPoyfoner*. zeffes,witches, and fuchas fet houfes omfire are burnedalive; [tubborm enemies [men guilty oftreafon] are torm in peeces ùfhorfes,diver/ly drivem, and tfieir goods confifeated; mali
cious, ffitefull |landerers [falfe accufers], and blafphemers have theirtongues cut out ; umchaft lewd livers are put to 0-
peni/hame 5 ffrumpetsare branded with aredhot-irom *. i penance, „, . g7o Foraything, ore may chamce tobe ftrickem with abox or a duck'gis a cuck; flapom the ear: a fillip is in jeft. f: #3 677 §omeeafnent[abatemeníífpunfhmentwas madethrough ; É. £: bamfhment [confining] , k profériptium, or disfranchifing aiïëåôïíïíïh [lofe offreedome]. '
that is lcffe then
. 67* A banijhedman liveth ina limited [appointed] place : a ££* trcafon, of banditto rangeth ['wandereth], beinglawleffe [outlaw- Ę
ed], and driven from the fellowfhip Qf[from haying to do ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉd with] men ; arumagate [fugitive] abides no where.
ched]Iburgiaieys, cut-purfes (peiferer;) men ftealers; clippers(coumterf.itorr)ofcoin, forgers Jfwi1$falfifi eps ófdccds, receivers thatharbour fèìóns,&c. k Outlawing. 1 Hatfino abiding. C H AP. a
Thegate of Languages anlccked. C H A P. 65. Ofthe State Royall. 673 TT concerns al/ that there fhuldbe powers, £ the more a Overlay. mighty oppreffe • [crufh]the weater: Bufwffemême cbuef ** Soveraign. “commander bears all the fivayjt is called aMmarchy(though the Emperors were wont to cbaofè them fellowsim office) : Ęono- 674 He, fhe reigneth according tpthe appointmemt boflawes,is a £#j, „.., King* ; ifafter his omm lu? (that what he liffeth becometh -
- -
the deHth of oiïè
lawfull)evem umder acrown amdfcepter[maceJbeis a tyramt.
£itigandth£ in- 673 His featis in the head-cityofthe Kingdome,wherebefittethf
£lmsjgfangi ' infaüed im amivorythroné,peimggogìußy [gallantly] atti
;;;* * . rédin fine filk,£ajlet,velvet, íiabofgîtă or ina?te of £TÉGeen . . ftate ali* embroidered; buthe, is guarded with atraop êf ftandingby.
courtiers, amdgreatftates :
3."* £57. «7« m hodie eitíer privie-coun£llers,or ; astbe Con the embroiderer, 'ÁÉ, the Ἀ [chiefOfficers Ruler o£thefea£]
the Treaffirer, fíe {eeper ofthe Great Seal, the sword-beare; the Carver, the Cup-bearer, the Majier of the boyfe, the Chamcellor (having his clarés), Secretary, chamberlains, Porters, Pofls [Foot men, lackies], Pages. 677 To fome other plate they féndaway Vice-royes, Deputies ' ' [Lievtenants],Archdukes, Peers, Treafürers,Sheriffes, Em -
csearchers. ..'• balfadhrs, [Lieägers], cuflomers c, £urveiors, vbieing dFurnilhedwiâ, authorifédâby thè Kjgs Patent [ €ommiffiofij, mamagí [difpatch] buffmeffè, andft fùrth his Proclamatioi;. * * rha* have dif- 678 Ijito the rooms ofthe predeceffòrs and deceafed*,otbers are %¥§£dth£9£, put[fet up];whoaretalledfucceffors[that comeafter them]. -
********** 67, Kingsäùris [Palacesjgiiiiônging; andtapefiry that 4re humg about, amdringagaim with mufick. .
68o fefers *, Noble-mens fools, tremcher-fiemds, fmel feafis, and promovters, are hang-bies [appurtenances] to « gaa.a,.„: : Courts: the ufè ofEumuchs$ is growmfouêùfdate{fà£hiön.]
* Buffons.
g Mercy.
681 Majefiy is liableto [in danger of] envy : but mildneff&s *ill be as goodas a fafè-guard. *. -
nrollano-e, *** *he Güaydkeepynit a Prince foveiìin fafitj; w datie £É'* revehues ofhis exibequtr,impofìs h, tribute grtreafurebaid ' ed up, fo much inrich him, as the love ofhis fubjeër. ' | 683 Therefùrelet tbem not be pilled [beggered, drawn dry] Ä. É; É. ivithenfòrctdcarriages,with fòrfëituresj fèffimemts amdtaxes: $. rather let them be fairly intreated, and won by doles and lar rently amongall ` geffes *. ;.. ' • …. houfe.
at a£rinccsco- 684 He muff fa yule the people, that they may have a mind to
**i*nia & arie******
£amu4 Linguarum referata. C A P. 65. De ßatu Regio. 673 -
effe, omnium interef, nè potentior im PĘ. becilliorem opprimat: fed cùm unus monarcha
rerum potitur, monarchia dicitur (quanquam Caefares: a Imperatores. collegas fibi lcgere foliti funt:) 674 Is, fi ex legum præfcripto regnat, Rex eft*: fi ex *Ji in interregno -
Iibidine (ut quod libet liceat) etiam fub coronã [diade- **•***•* mate] fceptröque, tyrannus. 675 Sedes ejus in metropoli eft, ubi inauguratus fedet 4ßi f in folio eburneo, * byflo [ffmdone,] holoferico, coccino, -
vefte attalicâ,vel trabeâ * acu íôå magnificè veflitus; !*. * Phyygia,ßgwew v
aulicorum verò & dynaftarum catervâ ftipatus:
warunt phrygiones
676 Qui vel funt Confiliariib,vel Præfe&i,ut Aulae ma- [$j}
gifter, vel Architriclinus, Thefaurarius, Cuftos magni Ęgari;
figilli, Enfifer, Dapifer c, Pocillatord, Magifter fta- ?jus,. '; buli, Cancellarius (fuos amanuenfes habens,) Secre- dv4;iculis.
tarius s, Cubicularii, Atrienfes [jamitores,] Celeres f #3; epiHoli*. £gre- rs [à pedibus.]
477 Aliorfum legant Proreges, Vicarios, Archiduces, " I.
Satrapas, Quaeftores , Vicecomites, Legatos, Publi canos g , Frumentarios: qui diplomate regio inftru- g Portiorer, &i resgerunt, & programmata publicant [promulgant,]
«78 In aiitecefforum, decefíorum, & defun&orumf lo- f £gjm*giftr3tu;
[fufficiuntur, cum fubftituuntur dicuntur. fucceflores 2.
%£***f¤¢ fùrrogantur] alii, qui funt,
679 Regiae [bafilicæ] auleis[perifiromatis]&tapetibus cir
cumtenfis piSturífque refulgent, & perfonant muficâ. g8o Gerrones [nugigeruli,] moriones, parafiti, epulones,
[gnathones] & fycophantae, aularum appendices funt: Eunuchorumufus defuevit [obfòlevit]. 63r Majeftas invidiae eft obnoxia, fed clementia erit vi ce præfidii [fatellitii loco.] 68, Non tam principem fatellites hrutantur,nec tam lo- h MiliterPrata.
\ cupletant fifci reditus, telonii portoria , ve&igalia *** [canon] aut repofitus thefaurus [gaxg,] quàm fubdito rum annor.
683 Angariis igitur, confifcationibus, cenfibus & exa&i- ;£#r onibus nè exhauriantur: congiariis potiùs & donati- É,Ἀ 1- , vis * demulceantur ac deliniantur.
fptú imprimci- ;
684 Imperandum fic populo, ut illi parere lubeat: obfe- ;* insaiigurari. , one, quia coa&a pcriculofafunt. ' ' ' -
.. -
C A P,
' #amua Linguarum referata. CA P.66. De Regno & Regione.
685 VREgnum eft,ubi funt liberi ftatus ftatutorum vin cuio inter fe colligati. 686 In arduis negotiis concientur regni comitia : fcilicet, , optimates, me- a Proceres, Marchiones, Comites, Barones, & ex eque 3ijia, et. ftri ordinc. Ruftici ac privati iis non interfunt : ruri * D,„i„ufasai, %£'"''': & fuis gagHygiftris * obfecundant, [mo quorum clie£tei & **$***fumt, morigerantur, obfèquuntur.] Nemo non legem -
íígííí pr£jia p.jiaentjp* clj-
rogat: rogatam ordincs regni (nifi Princeps ei inter cedat) ferunt: lata figitur,& inter publica àrchiva re fertur [interßritur,] nec refigitur aut abrogatur nifi ab iifdcm legiflatoribus.
;;;;;:;:::; ÉÉÉÉÉÉ£ â im,& fervitiä. .
637 In territorio fuo quifibet magiftratus fancire po teft, quod vult: fed velle non debet, nifi quod publicè • expediat. . * * * 688 Ditio [dominium] eft, ubi quis dominatur : diftri&us 6 Diœceff : ager, [b comitatusj ubi jurisdiétioncm habet: Provincia quam -'
vt ager ££0 acera-
s89 Gentes finitimae [conterminae] de confiniis & limiti- .
bus contendunt plerumque: fed fi limitent, & agris li «
mitaneis foedus [lapidibus determinent, ac paci ' ', ' fcantur, cft ;terminalibus] quod qui temerant & violant, per juri funt ac fœdifragi.
CA P. 67. De Pate & hello. 69o
P;i; flatus optatiffimus eft : fed aliquando, nifi vi armorum,retineri nequit.
691 Siquidcm turbâtores fa&ti6fi & clancularii,ad cory phaeorum inftigationê clandeftinas fa&tiones & confpi * Co/fe, 71;:far, , ,y.£patriotaa. ' '
rationes inter fuos ipforum a populares ac conciyes dif
- fèminant ; & cùm cónjurârufit, tumultus & feditiones - concitant : quae nifi maturè fedantur, civitas in partes
difsilit,&bella geruntur inteßina ac interneciva. 692.bello Hoftis externus adverfiis qucm defcnfivo opusexternè eft : irrumpit, : ,,.,, v
{, ^* <;*;*rio::e
3a* *
«93 Qgod per fecialem denunciatur b ; aut pcr caducea
* torem pax petitur, fiquis fe imparatum aut hoftili po tentiæ imparem arbitratur, ...;/ :.'
• • .
694. Im -
The ,
c H A P. 66. Ofa King and Country. ' ' is where there arefree fiates,linked[bound}
one to amother by bomd [rie] ofßatutes.
gate of Languages unlocked. -
686 In weightybuffmeffes Parliaments are called [fummoncd];
. I , to yit, the Nobles, Marqueffes, Earles, Barous [Lords], and ofthe Coumty-people and; private perfons are notrank at itof; Kmights theyare :buffedim the county andcountyvi/-
lages obeytheir owm * petty-Lords. Amymam may prefer [put * Land.ford., in] abill : being put in, the States ofthe realme makeit a fords ofthe de
laiv (unieffe the??ringìiunt letit paffè): beingeniiied, jjyj;í. itis jubljhedamdrecordedamong the Parliament $olis [pu- :;;:;:; Â blick records] : nor isit made void, reptaled or aboliffied wiljíöldfandę but by the Law-makers. 9r poffèfsions in -
687 Every Magifirate [Governour] in his owm landamid Ê,
countymayordiim [ena&jwhat be will : buthe ought to will íïíôïí, É nothing but what may be for the commongood. fervice,orhomage 688 A dominiom 0r feigniory [lordfhip] is where a mam bath aslatcr Wiers , çommand[ruletías Loidj: a Jhire or countiewhich c, wbere he íí b,Put in his baf» hath authority to goverm ; d province is that he bath É •
c OF Iudges cir.
• 639 Neer-borderingmatioms for the mofi part [irive [quarreli] ait. , about their borders [frontiers] andmarches: but iftheyfèt - out thebounds bymeers amd lamd-marks, andmake peace [en ter into covenant] ; itis a **and league ; which theythat break “Treaty. and tyanfgreffe, arefùrfworn, covenant-breakers.
C H A P. 65.
of Peace and Warre.
Peaceable eftateis moii to be wjhedfor ; but fome
AÉ it cannot be heldbut byforce ofarms.
«9r For trouble-towns[boute-feuz] feditious andclofe knaves,
T^at the infiigation oftheir leadert, fóv privie faäions âdcon fpiracies amongtheir owm country-mem and fellow fubje&is ; . Ând whem they have comffired [fworn tohold together], .
[? ;3
they furuprouts[riots]audahurj burlies ; whichjfthey be :£ommotions. moiiimeiyàppea/éâ, the state breaks apeecâs into fiding**, ** artakings •
andmortali [deadly] civil/xvars are made.
69» A forreimenemy $ breaketh in from without ; againff whom b Invadeth. s:
their is needofadefemfive war:
693 Which isdemoumced ly aberaldat arms; or peace is fùedfùr £
by am embaffador ofpeace,tfone deem himfelf umprovided, o'
* . »makfor [nos ablc to match]ibe omnies mr, ,
94 in
Thegateof Languages unlocked. e vnwailike,not 694 In vaimJhak he thatis eno mam at arms undertake to mak? martiall.
ap..„;.„£, 695 Ford warlike furniture requirethmany things; asfoul diers, (which are to be emrolled [embilled] preffid witb
preffè-money, andmuffered* in the muffering place) provifiam offùod,aid ofe confederates [allies],amdvery cofily charges.
e Thatare in
696 Therefùre their paymuf be raifedimtime, asalfò vi£tuals: andfome mu{tbe appoimtedto deliver or payout: leff they mu
time amdrife in am uproar.
$M$******** 697ments, Tbemcompamies thearmymift fbe levied, and[hundreds], mafballed into regi [bands], genturies emfignes,
troeps: amdover thefè muff befet Lievtemamts,Captaines,Ser.
jeamts, Captains efhwfè, colonels ; and lafij, overali a Lord Generall, to whom they gare fiwoym. 698, 3oung [frefh-water] h fòuldiers are mingled among the
É Š*ih•
old beatem fìuldiers: volumteers,amd[uchas ajebothfr borfé fervice amdfaor, traoptogether either with the foot-mem [in fanterie,]orborfè-men [cavalrie] : there are alfò prefènt
croffè-bow-mem, pianers, andmemthat fortifie : the fcullioms, drudges [droiles] aydpages aretakem infor druigery [any ,
, * ' 699 A mamfhall have harneffè enough, if bebe coveredwith a iBrigantine» icoat ofmail, afouldiers cloak, an helmet [fallet] or head Buff-coat. „peece, abreafi-plate,a bucklerurfhield [target] ; amd provi dedof [furniîhed with] weaponsto fight withall. curaf *armour. In eompleat ^ feers [Bard-horfe-men, menk of armes] have amourof proofe. 1 An Amada.
7oo ifa ! Fleet {Navie] be rigg'd, it will alfô aske grapples and hooks ; that fòim a ßa-fight, the fùuldiers that fèrve at
féamaythe more eafjboard a fhip, which they would vifle andmake aprixe of.
m Hangers. -
n Vnfheathed. o Pummell.
, 7oi A fwordis girdedom, orhangedom by a beltºn, that it may be drawn the more readily oxt of the fabbard[theath J and beimg drawm*, maybe rum upto the hilts°f. 7oz Letarders [bow-men] be emufedto draw their arrowes
í ££££; but {harp Š;
out ofthe quiver,to uncafe the bow and benditwith the ftrìng,
one fide.
fartber off.
í í give $t É;:si-
•* Butt,
andto beatoffthe affailants that preffe bardam,amdtofe: them -
qo3 Lct tbegumfers [musketeers] charge their muskets aeitì gumpowder* ; after let them give fire witb a iuatch,araddif charge
[let off] andplg uyum theenemy 3but levelagUajû
' ing]juf at the ** mark, tobit it. ' 7o4 Th'henthgygo upom any férvice,admarcia ga *avay gff, they -
famu4 14*guarum rejerata.
694 Imbellis ncquicquam bcllarc [belligerari] præfú ΠΩcto
«95 Apparatus enim bellicus multa depofcit : militem ' ' (qui confcribendus,auétoramento auétorandus, arman düs, & in diribitorio luftrandus *) commeatum, confoe- * Aywilufii, re. deratorum auxilia, dapfiléfque fumptus. ' cen{endus, £[i. . 696Iia Maturè ergò ftips cogenda ,nèficut & vi&ua b , & præftandi qui erogent, tumultucntur fc- b ^ibaria.
697 Tum congregandus & ordinandus exercitus, per le giones,cohortes,centurias,yexillationes, turmas: præfi çiendíque his Decuriones, Centuriones, Tergiduôtores [Optiones,] Magiftri equitum, Tribuni [Chiliarchæ,] o mnibus denique Imperator,cui facramentum dicunt. 698 Tirones intermifcentur veteranis , volones & di machæ peditatui vel cquitatui fe agglomerant : ad funt etiam cunicularii , baliftarii & munitores: li-
xæ c , caloncs & caculæ ob fervitia , adfcifcun- c Mediafiiwi, qui
;* £/ :?
tur. •
innave mefonäu
fg• m.
499 Armaturae fatis erit, fi te&us fis loricâ,fago, galeâ feu caffide » thorace , fcuto five clypeo [ancili , par má , peltâ, cetrâ : J inftru&us verò ab iis quibus di
(a) *
;e ,
miccs. Cataphraâorum arma funt d vulnerum im- a impauima};!;.
• munia.
7oo Si claßis navalis ornatur [infiituitur] ea etiam un
cos [harpagines] „hamáfve pofcet ; ut in naumachiâ e pibatæ [claffiarii] eò faciliùs infiliant navem, quam ex
: q ;*
pilent & expolient [depraedemtur.] .
. .,
+or Gladius accingitur, yel balteo appenditur, ut è va-
„a,* ' ginâ fringatur promtiùs, evagiaatúfque frecondatur £piphæ,„. |[iia', capulo tenust. f Macharamos at
, ££ „jí
Ia% ig*
7o2 Sagittarii è pharetrâ fagittas promere, arcum è co- £; amceps, fèd a$ ryto exutum nervo tendere, ingrucntéfque protelare ac parte jº* acuta. fubmoverc confuefcant. 7o3 Sclopetarii fclopeta nitrato [tormentario] pulvere o -
„-* nercnt* ; poß adhibitofonitgignario difplodan:& ef Ā£ fulminentjn hoiiem ; fed ad fcopum prorfus colliman- :f.£££i: Å tes» gteum configant. ' hementiorem, ! 7o4 Cum expcditione fufceptâ longiùs proficifcuntur ; ,4g* caftra 4
£anua Linguarumreferata. „ „ „. caftra fnctari, tent9ria paxillis figere, munitionibusfe 5. §;*„jú, conclamatis.
vallare, & excubiis (quas cxcubitores agunt) circum munire opus eft.
7o5 Emittendi fubinde in omncs partes (five armati, fi veinermcs) fpeculatores & exploratores, quorum in militiâ infignis ufus eft, ut & ÉÉ [ffmboli,] quâ fui
fe recognofcunt.
gc„, „utis. 7o6 Qgi$xcurfioncs pabulationis causâ p9pulabundig ?e.
faciunt,& agros depopulantur 5 caveant nè itineribus ob feßis, reditus fibiintercludatur. 7o7 Induciæ fi panguntur, obfides dantur. 7o8 Ad prælium eduétæ copiæ * inftruuntur, & vel in -
* y. defumma
veram decertem;
cuneum coguntur, vel in phalangem alis haut corni
Kdecernant)• h 5#:
busi munitam.
759 Vexillak ere&a in medio ferunt fignìferi ; quos an tefignani cum fpathis [romphæä ] præcedunt. Apud Romanos, haftati primam aciem duxerunt; fecundam
principes: poft frincipia, intervallo intermiffo, triarii (fpe&atae virtutis) inextremâ acie agmen novifsimum claudcbant [cogebant].
7 1 o Tympaniftæ & Tubicines Clafsicum canentes,tuba
rum ac lituorum ingeminato clangore atque tympano rum ftrepitu ad alacritatem commilitones incendunt.
1 p,„,„ „. 71 1 Velites ufitatè' pugnæ faciunt initium velitando • poft velitationem concurritur agmine toto, & acriter
pugnatur "pugna ftataria: hæc autem coitio{impreßio]
mfu/to pr«lio-
. &£äcccrrimia.
7 1 z Eminùs quidem funditores lapides fundis & cata pultis mittunt: alii tela baliftis, glandes bombardis, tormentis ac pyrobolis ; jacula & £picula [mißilia] a mentis ejaculantur n.
n Emittunt.
5, 5j? „„„, 71 ; Cominùs oautem confii&tantur, dum fariflàs 8c lan ὐtur, & çìáto &eas mucronatas [cuffidatas, præpilatas] haftáfque col ' pede (figi:)ra11dunt ; dum bipennibus p fuiiimio nifu vibratis tranf f.
£tΖ,„. {on$*.
}í, & enfès alii/at.
- -
verberant; caeftibus, clavis, aclidibus & calis protur ; bant ; framearum, pugionum ac verutorum mucrone
[cufpide] pungunt & confodiunt ; enfium,acinacum q, ficarum acie cædunt.
7 r 4 Fit ftrages cruenta, cadunt
hinc atque
hinc,ejulaiu & boatuh9rrcndo [trimcndo.] , - 71 5. Confli t.
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. they hadneed to encamp [pitch their campf], to fetup tbe fyWhichis not. ipitbfrtifica- Š. to entremab with ftakesp, tents [huts °] [ure en proclama watchingandwarding, roundwith tions,andguard themfe/ves onis madeto trwf$
upbag&baggage• »hich the fèntinels keep. , 7o5 Nowandthem fpies andf outs (whether armed or unaym. £Pavilions.TT.
ed) muf be fent out into all quarters : whereof there is fpe- Ę plns,pegs»
cial! ufè in warefare, as alfò ofthe watch-word, wherebythey plrkets. ofthe fame company know their owmemen.
for forrage, waffing They that make inroads [invafions] , 7o6[harrying]andfpoilingthe coumtiya* tbey go: let them ** take « Beware;
iv i--
heed, left the paffages being block dup, their return be cut off. 707 Ifatruce be ageed upom, pledges [hoftages] are given. 798 The fùrces being brought out to fight * are ranged in battel/ * ro tryit dit,to [put in array;]and are either put in battallum wedge-wife, patellíothsha;
* '-
J; caf into afjadron, fure-fjuare, fortified with íingîo; *ard ofabatel* C0}7}ets.
, 7o9 The Stamdard-bearer [Enfignes] carry q the colouys di- q Advance. flayed in the „midjt : whom fQme go next before to guard
i;; ir ;i-
them, with twù-handed fwords. Among the Roman?, the .
& my.
Pike-men led the vamtgard r : the ableft bodied fòuldiers, the rfore.Ront, an. , < * * main battel : behimdthema good diiiance, the fouteff-tryed fouldiers brought up the hindermo? reer-ward. 7 I o Drummers amd trumpeters ßumdingam alarm,hyredoubling
the Jhrill found oftrumpets and cornets[fhalmes] amdbeating
ofdrumsf,emkindle couragein their fèllow-[Ouldiers.
7 1 1 . commonly t the light-horfe-mem [light-harnifhed foul- t Ordinarily,
diers]give the onfèt [firft charge] by* skirmifhing: after *Bickering. fome light skyrmifh,theyencoumterTwith the groffe body of the army, amd fight jt outeagerly,4 hot fet battell:Amdthis u brunt u shock. [aflàult] is the fierceff.
- -
„, *
712 A loofoffthe ffingers tbjoig fiones gut offing* and darting
engines ; jihers fhoot off holts vºvith croffé-bowes ; bullets v Telum is any ' fungata andfire-balls [granadoes] ; ÄÈÉ. xvithgums, camons [artillery] anCC. they flingjavlims and darts with [frings [loops]. 713 Butthjy gapple bandtghand, while thy à/htgether wcometo hanii. fbarp-poimtedpikejjamcesandfpeafes ; wbile theythruftbem gripes[ftrokes],
à ??
í* ,** . '?
a* ac*
all thcir mightx;beat 3:íít thoroy withhalbards “brandifhedwith trunchgons;fiin 4ndftab[run* uraining
themdom with bat,clubs and
thorow] withthe pointofpartiXyms, dggersandº apiers ; cut
oy [la[hjith the edge offiwords,fimitarsy, and/hort fiwords. y Falchons.han
714 ibloudy /laughter [execiition]. i5i4de;, doyje£y£:;.„„„.
„; í*'
*), (. $
* fall pel/ miu jithis fide and on that, with an horriblefhri- í? £jg aid yeling. 71 5 wbile M. -
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked.
* Ambufcado. a Sct upon.
i 5 rhile the encowmterlafeth,umleffe aretreat be founded.frefh fupplies domingupon them outoftheir ambu/hz, da ge*them mawares, notim front,but in the famk or in tbe ree*, in fème place of difadvantage,they rout [dif-rank] and puttbem te
a Rc-affcmblc
flight; andgive them motimeto rally themfelves,and agather
b All
toähiadagin.but chafe[putfue] ád put themtotbefiword. ofagorc. 7 16 Thcybeingembrewed with bloodb,and fricken with fear, 'retire [give back]; amd fuch as have mofhelter to fee to, partiyyeeldthem félves, andare taken ; partly rum away, and vander, beimg f atteredal! abroad.Theythat yeeld aretakem tomercy [have quarter given them]. ` ' 717 A city rebelling [that ftands out], oratomyeror cafle (to vhichtbofe that are difçomfitedandput to flight have retired themfélves) is beleaguredandemviromcdom evey fide ; it is batteredwith great ordmance, and undermined with mines *vhich the piomers dig.
e Make good.
718 (Ifthe befeegedorgarifìm-fóuldiers;whiche defend the for treffè,fal/yout , theyare drivem backandfubdued, ly givimg aftrongercharge upomthem).
* Sacked.
719 A city won by affault before a voluntary fùrrender, is “ ramfasked [pillaged] ; fùmetime itis alfo raxed, deftrojed toam utter defirutiiom, laid levell to the ground,and over thrown : or elfe a garrifom is placed imit.
$ig; holds [fconces] ifaywere feixedombefore,are re
7*o c0ve?'ea.
72 1 The conquerorsladem with fpoils,pillage and booties, ha
vimgweardip amomument immemorjoftheir conquefifhouting fùrjoy, amdfingimg fùngs ofviétory, returm home im triumpb.
72z :irbere the ** valiam,fìy their proweffè or braveexploirs, are promotedtotitlesofdignity,being graced with badges of bonour : loiterers [truants],amdcaufers offiirs[uproars]are puniJhed* 5 fraglers andrumamvaies dfuffèrloffe Jf life or e * Being put out « Hardy.
flate ; traitors are drawm afunder with borfes ; renegadoes e
d Fugitives.
[revolters] are empalledTganched]; the wounded are beal ed; thofethatare takem prif&mersare ramfomed[redeemed]
e That turme
bypaying their ranfme, or/èt at libertyby wajofexchange. . f Pay. * Tfie unfervice
ab!e(enfèebltd)are licen(ed to
gone by a Jaw fuilpafport. g A\worthy rc ward,
723 Laffofallybem the wages off(as muthas every ome hatb earnedbyfèrvice)is paid, the fìuldierisdißhaged[cafhier ed} and difarmed ; * oldfóuldiers paii fervice are releafèd [fet freefromfervice]; thofetbat have diedfwrtheir native
country are bwmo/red withg due prajfe. . CH A P.
£amua Linguarum referata. ' 7 1 5 Confli&u [certamine] durante, fuccenturiati(nifi re ceptui canatur) ex infidiis fupervenicnt;s, non à fron te, fed à latere vel à tergo, in loco iniquiore inopi fugant; nec [invadunt,] difturbant, adoriuntur [redintegrandi nantes ] fufque recólligendi aciem reftituendi
It .
fpatium concedunt , fed infe&tantur & trucîdant. T
7 1 6 Illi cruore obliti [perfuß] & terrore perculfi re
trocedunt r 5 & qui receptum [perfugium] non habent, r Pedem refrunt,
** 8.
partim fe dedunt ac capiuntur, partim fugiunt & dif perfi palantur. Deditifii in fidem [deditionem] accipi untur.
717 Civitas rebellis, &arc caftrúmque quò fé clade af
fe&i & profligati receperunt, obfidetur, undique &ir cumvallatur , machinis bellicis oppugnatur, & cuni- ;
culis (quos cunicularii fùffodiunt) fübruitur.
a 71 8 (Obfefli & præfidiariiquicaftellum propugnant, fi erumpant, repelluntur, & impctuin eos majore fa&o debellantur.) ..
,: -
ï3 ,;9 Expugnata ante ultroneam deditionem urbs dirigi tur, aliqüando & aboletur, ad internecionem fexcidi tur, defòlatur [folo æquatur] & cvertitur : vel praefidtii;* ig*
um ei imponitur.
Ę ;,o Munimenta, fiqua antea fuerunt occupata, recupe ,
{*; „, r Vi&ores fpoliis, manubiis & fe&ionibusonufti, tro qui$ ' phaeo ere&o, ovantes & paeana canentes,cum triumpho effº*
domum redeunt.
a:* ,, . ubi ftrenui, ob hcroica facinora, infignibusconde sibi: 'corati nobilitántur : emanfores turbarúmque autores
àut fortunis ple&untur : defertores & transfugae yitâ a&is diftra- * huntur ; apoítatæ palo infiguntur : faucii fanantur $$aptivi lytro perfoluto redimüntur,aut permutatione libc
{j£ £.
% ;f
imultantur :* proditores equis in diyerfum -
- -
- *
diruti e/£ra re diruti»
fa*, 7, 3 Ad extremum ftipendiis (quantum quifque rheruit) iaj? texfolutis,miles exautoratur atqu£ exarmatgr: * eme- t Namwaw. £gî* riti rude donantur; qui pro patriâ occubuére» adoreâ * Debile, honefta ía**.
j* ! Cáí
•, *
M z.
C A P. 68,
janua Linguarum referata.
c AP. 68. De Schuli & infiitutione. * 724
uoniam literati ad omnia habiles effe, idiotæ
vice versâ parùm focietati humanae conferre de prehenduntur ; fcholis (ubi rudes ad humanitatem con
docefa&i erudiantur, & artes liberales addifcantur) opus eft.
725 Atqui hae non funt (ut fatui & blenni a opinantur) carnificinae t : fed ludus literarius, dummodò difciptí
Éjoia. .m
lus docilis callidum cordatúmque nancifcatur prae
: 7*6 Ille cnimfi difcitfponte, percontatur [querit ] avi *
dè, & aufcultat attentè ; hicfi docet lubenter, infor mat providè, & inculcat affiduè : uterque habeteximi um dele&tamentum.
727 (Qgod & re&ores, & ludimagiftrorum adjutorcs » Ma.vi,4;. pædagogi, attendant ob falaria*.) daftrum. 728 Adjungatur tamen inftitutioni difciplinâ (id eft,cen-_ fura & ferula) nè vel diffolutio vel defidia fcholafticis b Obrepat.
b furrepat. 729 Qui de admonitione nihil laborat,& monita non mo ratur [floccipemdit,] vapulet.
c Ham*iu.
73o Cathedra c docentiseft, fubfellia difcentium.
731 Calamo olifh fcripferunt : hodiè pennae caule(cujus a Japtatur,exacu- ' crena fcalpello temperatur d) fcribimus vel in chartâ itur,'accommoda- purâ (non maculatâ, nec bibulâ, neque emporeticâ)
£1 ß**** 27 raataror.
quæ fòliis, [pergamemâ;] fcapis, feú per ramas divéndituf; yel ifi fiembranâ ftylo[graphio] in pugillaribus [codicillisJut induci vel expungi poffit, invérföftylo.
» au.„;„, 73* Siformator gxemplar - tibi praeformat, t} £x ipfius veíïjú-
autographo exfcribe apographum: fiquid diótat, ca
íú, .,. _ ' . lamoexcipe f: ille verò mendas commonftrans emen
, fiquiâ vitiosè pofitum, ut quod dedocet dedi §.!******* • dabit fcas.
, 733 Memori* quod mandare yis, relege frequenter, non curfim, obiter, præpropcrè, & perfufi6toriè, fed febus intentus, ita quafi infculptum animo inhærébit. Gno
mas Biblicas edißcrc tyrúnculi palinarium putent. s. -
73 4 Rc
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. . *t.
* *
C H A P. 68. Of a School and inßru&ion.
, ' *,
Bj£ for allemploig,„i„. ments, £t* l%med the gthermegarefoundto fide, the fimplebefit [ünícarnedj'b to 5a GooA Litle$iié
fignd bumanè fòcietylittlejm fiead ;théreßíçíeíÉÉd}(fwthe,huj.), fchools,wheretheignorant beingcijii;ed [taught or enured
to civility], maybe inftruéted, andc überaliât, iirmi Tegentle-man.III. 7*5 3®t thefe are not (* ffly folsandßts d veam anafup- ££;ΚΕ # . • pofe) tormentingplaces f; bus a f hoj-play [a paftime of 3 äî"$ learning]: provided, thatam aptfibolla* git â skilful, [ex- f (wíicía. perienced] amddifcreet mafer. poot;idle,triffing 726. For ifthe one learm ofhis own 4 gord,enquire andas* que- cavill.) -
3 *ç
fiigiis eameffj, and hiar&m heedfuff: if tbg jj£}, militig!*, inftruit advifedj, allhis mually, bothtake exceeding geatamdbeat delight.thijg;intohim ā. eWith heart. 7*7 (Whichthinglet both head-Maffers,and ufhersyhat areaff. ftants to School-maffers, carefulj lowíto , fùr theirpay*.) •* rhatis given • 728 3 et letgoQdgovermance (thatis,corre&iim [due ôvërfight] forfchooiing. -
amdthe rod£)bejoined withimfiruäion : lef either debauehed- £ Palmcr.
meffè [bafefieffe 9fconditións]orflotb öeep upmfchoi√. 729 H£ that paffeth [careth] mot för amadmimiiiom, and wiu
not take warning, let him be beatem [whipt].
739 The chairbelongeth to the teacberjbe lóváfeat; [fourms, benches] to the learmers. d ad 731 Quce they wrote witha reed; mow-adaies we write wit}, a (wbofe neb or flit is made[fitted to the writers i. vitbapenknf)either incleam paper (not imbloiiing, finking pen. * * or Cap-paper) which is fòld by théJhcet, quire, ream ; o) j7
$ '*
íí ££££;
pafhmeni;yith 4writing-pin in table-book$,thaiit myfieaj celledand blottedout,bytürming the pinthé úrong cjadom wards. -
73* Iftbeteacher fets thee a copy *, do thou write a draught h *. Aletter-copy,
outofbis origináli copy [tháí which isofhis owìéìá- oijî Writing] : ifhe rebearfeth n amythimg to be writtem, morej, h ÉÉypr. • , jamjguifif;ifaiytjgbemifflavedi [diforíer&ij, fíboc«
he wil//hew [tel1] the fajlts amiâ memd them}} {§. wrong. mgiii unlearn or learn otherwife, that which bekróachimbi, küìïëïãth. otherwife.
I, 733. Th4t whichyozywouldget by heart, read it offen over,nos • hafte.upomtheby,0 toofaff, orfrfjhim bi,thorgh άi; 1Curforiiy.apace,¢β 'in tamefly bent ontbe mater;and foit»i! fiiikfíe; fiiia, •* it yereengravemimjour mirid.roung begiimerithiníita grät -
muttf to karm ßntentes ofthe Bible without booke.
TT " ' ' M 3 s.
* * 734 com
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. a With a low
734 com your leffn •verjn y9ut place,fpeaking meafììy [to §our fé1£]; but fgtothe Mafferandfebeafe aloud: exami
áatimfhoüldbe daiù, and at fet times or extraordinary. The cbiefíafer and under-teacber will every day take am account
[call yóu to a reckoning] of your proceedings in learming. For, tit to goforwardis togo back. 735 ifyou dejiretw profit [goe oni]. happi'y, whatfêever thou haffnewly gotten [conceived], tellit infantly to amotber.
„3gTForjibecometh tbee carefulgto imitate follow]bim tbat [bewethn tbeetbeway ; but to ßrive with tbyfèhool fellowes, $vhofhall learn fäßeß. 737 A B c boies are put upto a higher fourm,and them out of pettyfchooles into the grammarf bools (where by effyesthey aretíained •fwgreater exerci/es): they which from tbence aye admitted into gniverfities, are counted fefh-men [ pu niesj untill having as it wcre ferved out an apprentice
o Drifled.
* Notata jump.
fhip, they commcnte [af; made]. ύ άg;es * Batdelos, ÀMåíiers, Licentiats, Doäors, each marked out [graced]
nththeir own hoods [habits]. C H A P.69. Ofa Study. 738 2
A; placeto ftudy in, is a retired [withdrawing]
place a allalone ; inio which let the fludent go afide, frre grom the throng, ifhe bee tob mufè om [ftudy for] ay £himg5 andthere let him have his libray, desk and ink-horm,
b Indite.
with cottom,pemmer, and pemknife.
739 Let himnjt flujber[foilejor flurry his bookes,but ufe them Âlenlil) ; and let him have not agreat many, but** choice one*; , analet himrank [fort] them byrowes andJhelves.
%* Cbof&n.
,4o (Forto whatendi ageatjort ofyolujes anddividedi; B A. ••. c Efcape d Caft,refufe fhcet s.
g Nute:book,
toß manytomes , wbereofthe owner/halfcarce, or mot at al!, readowythe vejindexes[tables}or the lif oftheir hames?) 741 Lethim mot bluy them with blois : butto belp the memory ly fmali ßays b markedat the magent,nobodyis againf this; ' may rather it is behooffull [awife courfè]. 74. If you chante upom any thing, fuffer it not to vanifh amáy; but, that itjlipc hot from yoü, moteitdowne out of hand, not into d waffe papers,but in atable-book: [that may • be rafed, and writtenon againe], qnd thgnce into a daj book, or áe common-place-boök , and have ut alwaies abont jQu,er readyat hand.
, ' v
743 For
£amua Linguarum referata.
134 Repete le&ionem.voce fubmifsá [tacitè ;] redde &
recita & clarâ: examen fit quotidianum ftatúmque yel c •4lia. extraordinarium. Gymfiafiarcha vel hypodidafculus
[fubdoétor] tuorum in ftudiis progreffüum rationem quo
Šà te exiget [expofcet.] Nam,non progrcdi eft re rec11.
735 Si feliciter proficere vis, quicquid modò compre ', hendifti, ftatim alteri enarra.
736 Decet enim te, praemonftrantem ftudiosè imitari ; condifcipulos certatim æmulari.
^ 737 Abcedarii ad fuperiorem claflèm promoventur, de inde è trivialibus fcholis ad gymnafia (ubi per pro gymnafmata præludunt grandioribus exercitationi bus:) qui inde in Academias coaptantur, tirunculi _ _: habefituf, donec, tirocinio quafi përa&o, gradatim * * £a(Jiuatim,
creantur $accaläürei, Magif;i, liçentiati,Tbo&ores,*** finguli fuis epitogiis finfigniti.
f Epomidibus.
C A P. 69. IDe Mufeo. -
738 TDoneus Mufis locus folitarius eft feceffùs : in quem ftudiofus, fiquid commentetur , à turbâ re motus fecedat ; ubi bibliothecam, pulpitum, atramen varium (cum peniculo, calamario, cultellóque fcripto rio) habebit.
*39 Libellos nè coinquinataut deturpet,fedfmundè tra &et : quos non plurimos habebit, fèd fele&tos ; eófque per forulos a & cuneos digeret. . a Locul4mtnf4, 74o (Quorfum enim numcrofa & in tot tomos divifa vo- nido^ lumina, quorum ipfos indices vel catalogum vix aut nè vix quidem perleget pofleflor?) 74r Lituris né macület: Afterifcis [ftelluliô] ad margi nem notatis reminifcentiam nemo fublevare vetat: quin confultum eft.
· ·
74. Siquid incidit, evanefcere non patieris 5 fed, nê£x cidat íibi,annotabis protinus, non in r£je£taneas £h£ das, fedih palimpfeftum, itidéque in diarium vel ad verfària, qüae pefiss te,aut in promptu habc. M 4
' 743.Lu
janua Linguarumreferata.
743 £ucubranti ad lychnum, cereus præ febaceâ ca,delâ conducit : qüem ut accendas, ignarium adfit
cumfomite,chalybe,filice,& fulphurátię extinguas, extin&orium.
744ulpa. Tædæ fumant & fumigant, utpote oleofae pini 7$emunéìorium &idelbrum ° fit penfile, umbraculum viride, praeftò,quqemungéfungum, nè ellychni -
b Lychnuch jchnuchus,
um* obumbret : fcd illud,nè quid foräidctur, feponé.
c Myxum,
746 (Proditurus, è mufaeole in publicum, lucernam abf: que laternâ nèferas : facibus Ffaculô] hon fidendum. CA P. 72. De Grammaticâ. ' 747
omnia commatibus [virgulis] & puh&is diftingüit: vocalesduas in unam dipthongum combinat, fylIabas copulat, diétiones [vocabula]`declinat a & conjugat, phrafes conftruit fynta&icè, hon incongruè,fermìoriemi
a Infle?it. -
GÉÉÉ literas orthographicè (majufculis -Jfola Perigdorum capita & eimphatięa) pingit: ]
pomt, illatino, & ftribligine 2#: !;giiinè foloecifmo : Prongnciat, loqiiitur àbhorret. purè àç Latinè, &§
748 Ancillantur huic Librarii & Typographus : qui è foculamentis typos depromens coagmentat, praelo fub jicit, libros excudit,.& 3ibliopego[compafiìrij compin gendos tradit: quos Bibliopolâ ififjttabos umbilicis ar matos infujt & venundat [éxponit venum, vemales.]
CA P. 71. De Dialeéîicâ. 749
a -4*iomati, Propoßtionis, ^ •
Taleéticus [Logicus ] ratiocinans, quid de quo D; poßit, & quare,perveftigat ; ambigua efiu-
cleatè diftinguit, obfçura declarat, fimilia difïïs confert,* effati cujufvis certitudinem examinar. .
759 Dcfpinofo problemate aut quocunque themate dif
ferit,& hunquäm non argutatur; de qu£ftionibus dubiis £rgumenta fyllogifmis argutè
pro & contra difputat ;
• inne$tit ; methodo appofitä omnia digeriíT
· ·
* CAP. 72, =~- : •
. .
, \ --^
The gateof Languages unlocked. gis 743 For one that ftudieth by £amdle-light, a wax-taper is more = a - ifefull them a tallow camdle : to elight which, út there bea erind. ra tinderbox bardby, with tinder, feeljflimt and matches ; and * to put it out, an extinguifher. 3:744 Torches fmoakesamd cafa fmoakie finell; asbeing the heart -
- ofthe oilypime-tree. . . ia 745 Let the camdleftick be 4 hanging focket ; the curtaine
íú green, 4 pair offuffers bardat hand ; wherewith
is fuffè off theleftfuffè, itf ver-fhadow the wick ; but lay ÉHang inthe . •. themafide, ought kf be fouledwiththem. light. -
... 746 Beingtogo forth, out ofthy ftudy, abroad; carijnot a light A. without a lanthorm [skons]. Torches are mot to be trufted. C H A P. 7o. OfGrammar. 3 747 .
He Grammariam writetb letters, fpelling words a right (ohely thebegimmings offéntemces, and words of
weight wwh great letters:)he diffinguifheth all things by com ma's amd full points : he twineth,[twifteth] two vowels into one dipthong ; he fpelleth fyllables togatber: be joineth toge ther pbrafes in gooda 6mtax, motim falfè latine ; he uttereth a Cgncgrd and,
bu ffeeth* right};j;ff£aketh piirej,gnd iìgood latine : ííj, amd eannot enduré baldlatim, or ány hafh, barbìrous phrafe. j?£* 748 upom, himyaittbe Statiomers andthe Primter ; wbo draw- toné,&îg. ingforththe flamps out ofthe compofingboxes, coucheth them clofè im a row, putteth them under the preffe, primteth bookes, amd deliveretbthem totbe book-bimderto be boumd : which the book-feller fiitcheth up into covers fenced with boffes,and fets them to fale.
C H AP. 71. OfLogick. -
Logiciam, as be reafoncth, fearcheth outywbat maybe faid of any thing, and why : he difiinguifheth things doubtfult diffimtiiy, he explaimeth things obfcure, he compareth
things like with unlike, and examinetb athe certamtyofevery, Weigheth,try propofitiom[maxime].
7 5o He difcourfeth offome knotty [crabbed] quære,0r ofamy
fubjeét whatjoever, and ° is evermqre arguimg [defcanting]5 b Neverle,.e, : he difputetb ofdoubtfull queftion* for andagaimff ; he knit5up chatting.cavilling bis proofs witiyinfflgiffes, and oráriibalina £awv£-£#£*. niemt method, ordcriy. CHAP.
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. «C H A P. 72. OfRhetorick and Poetry. 75 1
A£jf féeketh up fit expreffioms[phrafes] fre ßquence f , praíiifetb his fiile, ßoärijhetb fingle
f But not like a
vords with tropes(by tranflatingtbem fromtheirproper figj termes,quaintly ficatum to amother meaning)garniffheth whole fémiemies[ciâu Sz overicariqufly with figures (by doubling words and fetting thema ima fes] affe&iag anykind of gaudy fiaring nother order artificially for the better fùumd.) and laߣy fers
iminter offtrangc
foòiies, to fiou . ri(h cwcr his
forth hisaétiom witb geßurer.
75» An elpqucnt Orator beingto make am oration from out the
fpcech. • * Covertly makes his way.
b Fallcth roundly to thc mattcr.
pleading=place, a windeth [ferveth] himfelfimby premixiag a preface(fìmetimes he begimineth b bluntj, without any fę going preamble): after that he layetb opem the café cleer y, in
Êxpreffe words; thêm he proves it y rejèns frongj; he áy. cth it byexamples [inftances]to the purpoffè andat large(a/. though heemlarge not, mor amplifietbover-tediouffy,nor<* go.'
ethafide from the purpofèimpertinentiy;)he**interlacetb witty fayings, but thimly [here and there] not toothick [al1on a
** Pricks in•
heap];be confutethanddjffroveth objeétioms throughly,or tur e Moft elaborate
meththem back onthe gainfìiers ; he endeth his fpeech with a conclufiom, c that is wrought up above all the reff, with allart
and cxa&.
and exaëineffè poffible : all this he doth, fometimes having
d By words.
mufèdon it before-hand, fometimesam a fuddem. 753 Proverbs and dold fyings, as alfò fimilies, give a fine
gloffe, and beautifie [adorfi] a fpeech : which, ifit expreffè the matter briefty, is called pithy [finnewy].
* ossa &found; 75 4.But am elegant Poet,turningprofé into meeter, maketb twue verfes* 5 tricks [pranks] up his rimes dfeatí); tumeth verfès
not falfè,fulty.
« Daintily, gayly. e wheú á fen , rence is picked
im due meafures;fèimeth fables, devifèth wedding-fongs;fune rall-fúngs, elegies, e amagrams,facrofiicks,g epigrams,ßnart,
juft outofuhcict
fingingimve£iives; andhowandthem puts the fùot [burden]
' tcrs of a name. F When the firlt
ofthefong after the reff.
pcttrrs ofdiverf* verfesmake ahame orfèrtcnce. g Containing fomefhortwittyfènfè.
C H A P. 73. OfArithmetick [numbering]. 755
He ßudy ofthemathematicks is as p.profitable,as futtle [ddep]. -
75 gAruhm etiáretkoneth[telleth]numbers;whichmay
be fum
''jup igeiìrììiefijífiíaiied,multiplied,divideáone ££'°**°**" fùmm. •• Dcfalked.
vithämother ; whethérit bedojie with cifers,pr b coumters om a
counting-table : but county-folk count by halßdoxens, half f&ores, doxens; fificems,flores, andthree fores. ' ' CH AP.' -
£amua Linguarum referata. c A P. 72. De Rhetoricâ & Pogg.
751 RHetor formulas dicendi conquiritf ad eloquen. RĂ ftylum exercet,verba tfopis (â nativo figni- f £; nem ut logo -
£; gufis £/£*4tâ] (verba geminando & áãêüíôïí- íú. ficatu ad alium fenfum transfcrendo,) fententia§ fi-
w, qu4fvis phalerataj flofcu
$marjficiosè & Å? bus colorat. tranfponcndo,) a&ioncm deniqu£gj- ti$ captam*. • 75* Fagundus 9:at9r. 6rationem pro roftris habiturus, cxordio præmiffo fe infinuat ( aliquando abruptè au fpicatur, pullg Proœmio prævio 5) pòft caufäm pro Ponit, dilucidè & difertè, tum corifirmat ratióíí, validè, illuftrat exemplis appofitè & Copiosè (tamctfi non dilatat nec amplificat jufto prolixiùs, nè digreditur abs re 5 ) apophtheguiata (fed fara, non con
fertim) interferit § 9bjéctiones refutat &'réííí a&è, vel in contradicentes retorquet; epilogo quàm accuratiffimo & apprimè elaborato Perorat, atquè hæc
omnia quâ Praemeditatè, quâ extempore.
753 Proverbia & adagia, ut & comparationes, exornant
luculenter qrationem : quæ fi ftri&tim remº enuncā. nervofa dicitur.
754 Sed Poëta difertus è prosâ [fòlutâ] ligatam faci ens, verfus legitimos * componit, rhythmós eleganter « Integror. si
cojnpat, carmina [gitür:] jodülatur, apóígí, ï;; epithalamia, epicedia, [epitaphiâ] elegias, anagrammata, acroftica, fatyrici, [fatyrìs j fingit, & verfumepigrammata, intercalarem cæteris fübinde fubjicit.
C A P. 73. De Arithmeticâ. 755
Athcmaticae difciplinae pariter fint utiles & MÉ
736 Arithmctica numeros * computat ; qui compendi- a;Numerat. osè addantur, fubtrahantur,multiplicentür,diyidantur, per fe invicem;five id fiat ciphris,five calculis [abaculij fuperabacum: fed ruricolæ per fenas, decufes, duodé nas» quindcnas, vicenas, & fexagenas fupputant. C A P. 74. .•
£anua Linguarum referata. C A P. 74. De Geometriâ. .
7 57
Gɤ: quafi ludibundus, figuras contempla tur, & menfurat diftantias, propè an procul ab
` .
fit [auffet] aliquid.
* Diameter, qua 758 Ad regulam lineas (putà reétas * & in longum por gibbum fphgjum re&as vel obliquas ; non curvas [differtas,] fpiráles, ;*, ***. culum aut enormes; )ad normam angulos ; circino verò cir1 (cujus medietastentrum, circuitus [ambitus]ap •vwe
pellatur circumferentia) ducit.'^
759 Conus turbinatus eft,& à fubjeétá peripheriâ æqua liter faftigiatus,inftar racemit: cylindrus a teres: græ
f P*raaei, à baf?
AáÀÁÂÃÄ- , cum Atriquetrum [triangulare gignum:]cubus quadra
tus: globus rotundus, externâ fuperficie convexus, in
b* £ft aquilaterus, at ob!iquam gulus•
ternâconcavus. -
.' 76o Circularis figura divinißima efi& capacifsima,omnia
a Volvulus�
• r- •
•• •
comple&ens, nihil habens offenfionis, nullam incifu ram**,nullum anfra&um, nec ftriam cmincntem, nec
** Crewa».
canaliculum lacunofum [excavatum.]
761quadranguli Omnis dimenfio fit per triangulum ; ipfius etiam five tetragoni. •
C A P. 75. De Ponderibus & Menfuris. 762
MÉ contimtiorum funt: granum, digitus, V1 pollex [uncia,] palmus,fpithama, ulria,päßùs,
• olim 1.pis,quia orgyia, decempeda, ftadium,* miliare, parafanga : his -
millepaffuìm fi£*£#,jf*
. ••
Tiquidorum: cúleus,famphora,[quadranta,]urna, congiüs,{extarius, hcmina, triental, cyathus. c f5 jß. 764 Aridorum: medimnus, trimodium, modius, femodi d 3j. us,quartale, maiiipulus, pugillus. * -*- . ` -2 -
, omniaiutiuntur. decempedatores [finitores, metatores,] aliíquéisênfores 763
b j5$.
- - - -
« •
§£ 3J: g3.
h *4onun* - ,
765 Pondera funt: Centenarius,a libra, [pondo,as,] b fe
libra, [femifsu$] quadrans, c fefquilibra, d uncia, e fe muncia: fdrachma pcndet trcs fcrupulos, g fcrupulus ·
[fcriptulus] *iginti Égrana,
, 766 Si
Thegate of Languages unlocked. CHAP. 74. 757
Of Geometry,or the art ofmeafaring.
AÉ ' beholdetb his féures as it were in «c„„,.„ fport, and meafureth [taketh] tkediffamce a, whether a£ìÈ
athingbenter [nigh] or far off. 758 Bythe rule he draweth limes (to wit, freight oh *, and * „rhe.,.,n.f;„. ftretchtout at length, or [lopiag [fide-long,] but not wrong whichbrocheth; [crooked], wimding [fcruing] or out Éfquare) : Bytbe É thorow thc afjuare, hée draweth ** corners : bya pair of compaffes, a Ęge* circle ; the very midt whereofis called tbemiddle-poimt ; the W§£“ roundringis calledthe compaffe [circumference]. . * Nooks. 739 A cóne from a roumdbottome groweth/harp, all alike, ap vard, like aclaffer ofgrapesf : a rouler [rouling-pin] is fAbrogh orfpcer wound and long : agreek A [delta] is three corner'd: adue is £9£ *££;
fure-{quare $agie [as aboule, bead, bal!] isrouad,pe- íí Ê 3* ingembowed[fwelling outward] om tfie outfide, andhollow fiât;35. Aio. omthe im-fide. .
zengor diamond
76o AgirgìlìfT°fla t roundjfigeis the hgavenliefofaltand$ tohold moft, comprixing all things , bavimgno ammojamce, £f? £££
no notcbjag,finip,gafh]ytowimdingbreachyio ridge fiicking jìiiìì. out, mo demt cfurrowed [chamfered, hollowed] in.
b Like a hoop.
761 Every meafure istaken by a triangle [three-cornerd fi- * Gut;crsdokc. gure], evem the meafure of a quadrangle itfelforfùur ar nerd figure. -
C H A P. 75. OfWeights and Meafures. TEafures [fizes] ofthings that aveofthe fame piece, are; agraim [barly-corn],a finger breadth,amincb,
a haud breadth, a fpam, am ell [yard], a pafe,a fadome, a
perch, a furlong, amile*, a Perfiam a mile : witúthefe, fir- *Eight furlong*'. veyors and other meafurers meete[affife] out all things.
once a ftsne,be
763let Meafures ofmoif athings cau£ cygy,d with mi!; [firkin], agalloi, pgtile,: faabutor [halfe â pint], ;J* pint, dpipe jili ofwine,arundthe tbitd part ofa pint,fòur fpoon-fuls. ÉÉÉ; furlongs. 764 0fdty things : an Athenian bufhel, three Roman pecks, f see 4o4. a peck, halfapeck, a quarter of dpeck, a great hahdfùlt [â A£afür: $%** full gripe],a fmallhamdfull. ÉÉÉÉ, 265"Weightsare ; ahumdred weight, a pound, halfe a pound, pints. a quarter ofa pound, a poundanda halfe, an ounce, halfe anounce 5 a dram wigheth three ßruples, a fcrupleweigh ę
tht saerere;
766 ~ If
The gate ofLanguages unlocked. 766 Ifany thingbe weighed by the weigheror Clark of tbemar ket inapaire ofßales [ballances],ponder [poize] the btong (whichgoethout ofthefcole-beam,andwith the leaff thingmore
b Needle. I , \
them weight fiirreth upamddowme through the handle)whether ccounter-poize.
it cbe evend weight, or which over-weighs which.
$$a $ing, geld- 767 Afiamderd is `a jair of weights which e wooll-workers 3;£, ,.„. , caryabout them, wiihout ballanesor fcoles 3 havingtiothing Ę****
but a book on theone fide, om theother a weight ; which being put meererto the center, weighethmore ; beingfetfartheroff,
it weigheth leffe.' 768 1fánythingbe put to, above the over-weight, allowance or remedy ; it is a vantage, a furplufage caft in over and •befides.
C H A P. 76. OfOpticks [eje-craft], and painting.
769 A N Optift fearcheth into raies [fun-beams] that are fòr fight, amdamy thing fet before the eye, that may befeem ; defirying, whyf0me thingsmaybefeen thorow, others
are duskijh [fhadowy] ; fìme cleer, others dim ; andacar
dingly he frametb fpeäacles andperffeétiveglaffes. 77o Them the painter, according to the pdtterm offome /iving thing, poftraietb[draweth out]the piéiure grofj; afterward he refembleth it to the life, and åitb bis péiìfiù limneth it vith differentpaintingcolours. 771 £heengraver, according to thefample [patterne, mould]
a I. is al(o the fjhiomeththeacounterfeit; andîvitâ a graver gravetband giat mad;with a
carveth b agraven-image, be painteth it cunningj [neatly]
ÉÉÉ#* and: it omits frame : ifit be amomfiroushige ome, dali Ęe. 73 siipiwsuwiaaestiti bafi fcc.], au vt a C0l0/$.
* Whicfi ask div
bycaftingafhadow ; clock-dials * by a hand pointing; bìuve
íi;Š. glaffes by the fumming out uffinal! duff.
thcmgo true-
C H A P. 77. Of Mufick.
773 A Mufciamfingetbfiveettumes andfongs [laies],: the a Aflourifh,prof-
chanter fets the tume,keeping fetpaufès andreffs, and
fer.or vglufitary,.
fometime warbletbor quavereth:afer the apreamble,íhe bar
Plaid beforeth**
pers waits,&c.play upom inftruments.
°"8*sin. — 774 A confórtisätünafikfjingofmaytogether;»boje keep a
$amu4 linguarum referata.
„ 766 Siquidà libripendefeu zygoftata in bilance pendi „ tur [libratur,] examen (quod i fcapo exit, & minimo i fugo. „ momento per trutinam [aginam] fefe agitat) penfita, , an kæquilibrium[equipondium] fit, an quid cui praepon^ k sacoma. ' '
, 767. Statera eft lanificum portatilis libra, fine lancibus, „` alterâ parte non nifi uncinumhabens, âlterâ pondus? à quod centro admotum, plus ; amotum, minus pon , derat. -
. 76$. $iquid praeter fuperpondium fuperadjicitur,eft man riffa [corollarium, acceßio.]
C A P. 76. De opticâ & Pi£turâ.
O'i. radios vifivos & vifibilia obje$ta fcruta
.\L/tur ; cur alia fint pellucida, alia opaca ; alia
perfpicua, alia obfgura, difcernens : & juxta id fpecil Ia ac perfpicilia efformans. -
M. -
77o Hinc pi&or, ad exemplar vivi,effigiem delineat [fimulachrum adumbrat,] dein ad vivumexprimit , penicil löque difcretis pigmcntis linit. -
771 Statuarius [plafes] fecundùm typum
effingit e&y-
pum ; cœlo a ftatuam cælat & fculpit, graphicè pingit, ,s.,„„, &
íê ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ êáTöêîòî* •ru fui,
dices. -
, **
- -
Solaria [féioterica] gnomone & umbræ proje&uin* * dicant quota fit hora 5 horologia * automata [machi- * £ga machinâ, malia, organica] indice : b clepfydra, pulvifculi defluxu. Ę* ôcîïïm.
C A P.77. De Muficâ.
melodias & cantica canit: praecentor v.
praecinit, per certos modulos ac diaftemata, & interdufh vocem 5 vibriftat [vibrat : ] poft præludia , acrißat. : citharœdus,lyricen,fpondiauli,&c.inftrumenta pulfant.
/ $ / -
774 Symphonia cft píurium conccnys, quorum confè nantiâ -
£anua Linguarum référata. !
b Di£repantia.
nantia Maximum [barmonia] grata eft [intervallorum ; diffonantia babfurda ab ßna.] fyftema amplexus][ dif
c JJ3 Jid. . . crepat c dis dia pasôn. <rgo óy. . 775 Örganum f tibiis & fiftulis conftat: Cithara, teftu t£££££*£• ' do, [chelys] lyra, fambuca, barbyton, pandura,clave -
cyinbalüm, d chordis: quâs intehdunt vel remittunt e
verticilla [epitomia]callabi. ,
e Verticuli, pax. 776 Fidicularum fides, ple§tro fidicines ple&unt.
* .
777 Tibia utricularis ab Afcaule infata difcrepanter fonat.Crembala pulfant pueri. C A P.66. De A$tronomiâ. 773
Stronomus fiderum meatus confiderat: aftrolo
gus eorundem efficaciam, influxum & effe &tum.
... '
779 E faftis [ephemeridibus] liquet, à Natalitiis {mativi ** £uafiintf. ' tate] Pafcha ** rccedere ut minimum,trimeftre 5 Pente riae comceptivæ.
^ - -
coftcn à Pafchate propè bimiftre ; inde Adventum, cir citer femeftre *.
* Bacchamalia
~excipit dies cine- 78o Illic funt, Januarius, Februarius, Martius f : Ifthic
j; £j* ' Aprilis & Május: Hic Junius, Julius, [Quintilis,] Au $££t; guftus, [Sextulis,] September, O&ober , November: aimnus aufficaDecember poftremus eft. -
*781 Quilibet eorum in Calendario Romano fuas Calen
das, Nonas & Idus habuit. 78* Intra triennium acceffio fuit menfis intercalaris,
. •* Eft & quin-
bolimi, id eft, decimae tertiæ lunationis : Luftrum “.
QuiFeb.29.(qui dum inter-
[quadriennium] biffêxtilem amnum * reducit.
~ ealat
4nnum civilem motui folis periodico exæquet ; & quod diebw 365. fupereft, nempe hora 5. & quaß 49. minuta, exorbett) annumjufto majorem facit. Computatio Greg6riama ftylo novonoftram rationem 7ulianam (ftylo veterij io. diebus antevértit.
C A P. 79. De Geographiâ. ' 783 -
Eographus in tabulâ Geographicâ Regionum GÉ quas ipfe non peragravit) fitum defcri
bit: quæ fint ih cofitinente , infùlis, peninfulis (ifth fuo tantüm continenti aniicxis ; ) quæ maritimae, -
Thegate of Languages unlocked. â
a! +
ingof[agreenier;in]tune is pleaffingtheirjarting[untune- ' abienefîè] us hafh andgrating to the ear. The highefi com- ._ paffe ofa fùng diffèreth ab double eightb. 5 Fifteenth. 775 A pairoforgánsfconfiffeth ofpipes and ftutes : agitterm, f Wind inftru Autes harp, dulcimer;violi,bandare;virginals confift effrings, £ÉÉɧ•
ahíhiíjçgwindigaiidom fftfäin higheroïíóéíííííí*. 776e fiddle-ffic& jcgpiayupon the frings offiues [rcbccks] witwa $int; £e 494 777moife. A Childremplay bg-pipe d blown by the bag-piper maketh adifferent i$í. upom fewes-[trumps]-baips. P.
C H A P. 78. Of Aftronomie.
A [tars N Ajironomer confidereth themotioms[pafages] ofthe a : An Afirologer b [Prognofticatorjtheirpow- a Conftellations ;i;slam? o£
erfull working, influence and effe£i.
-779 tt us evident by the Almanack, that ** Eafter comes afley
chrifimaffè at leaf, a quater of a year : whitfuntide after ÉÉ: r , well-ncere two momeths ; and Adventºfumday a- feafis. bout halfayeay afier*. * A(hwednefday .
782 in the fif fface are thefè moneths, januay, Februay, §.;: í; 24arch f : ij the me3t Aprilland May: in this laft;7une, ÉÉÉÉÉÉT. fuly, Auguß, September, oótober, November, the lajtis De- f7\t which the cember. IRomans began 781 Every ome of tbem, in the Romam Kakndar badtheir Ka- the yeer. lends [the firft dayj, Nones [our fifth or feventh day] . c Eight dayes af
amd Ides c.
78. uiihinthreeyears fface, there was thrufiintothe numberj ÉÉ¢. a leap mometh, that is, a thirteenth monetb : The fpace ofííè month. ** föüre yeares maketh the leapjear* to come againe. È Luflrum is alfo *
*courfe whichby prickingin the ao. of February (thereby to eck out the Giyili yiaft9the oftfié Sum returning to the fame p9int in the ecliptick, and to take up'the over plus abeve* 65. dayes, to Wit,5 houres,afidmuch about 45 minutes): hath now madc the
§eer biggeftheniêfîïòuldbe Thenewforein account göethbetofcourstendaies CHAP. 79. OfGeography [defcription ofthe Earth]. 783 Ageographe; in amap decipheretb[layethout]the/ituation *[lyingjofcountries (eventhofè which himfelfhatb not •travelledûv£);whatare in the firm-landjm ilandsjn penin- aGone thorow, . ,-fula*s(which áre juined tothemain-land but by fome nar* gw aeck oflandiyingbetweentwofeas) ; what lie by i*£*££; IN * $*bat
., *
* v ';
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. f worthe fcorch. &dzone and the two chill zones
maybe dweltin,
whatin the mid-land [heart ofthe country], andis wlwt coaft ; under what «gnet,climate * or paralleli c ; whicbw they tremd,howfw they reach in length, how wide they are imbredth ; what borderers the one orthe otber have;witb »hat mardes [frontiers, borders] they be fevered and
aswell asthetwo tempcrate b Somuch of the carths bal!, as
parted [disjoined ; ] and who are antipodes overagainft them [whofe feet tread juft againft theirs on the other
makes the long
fame Meridian, but diverfe parallels equally diftanx from the Æquator northward and fouthward] wbw
fide of the earth], who antæci [that dwell under the
eft day difer Falf am houre.
periæci [living under the fame parallel and Meridi
cA line cqually diltant in all
an] &c.
anotoit: hcreitis halfaclimate. fiomable points thcr anfwer
C H A P. 8o. OfHißory. \,
7 Hen* matters atchieved are reported [related], this is aßory:wbenthingsfeinedaretold;itis a tale.
a A&s donein. 784 dced.
785. Thofe letam Hiftoriam rehearfè : but torecordthefè in chro nicles, (et him couintit amortali offente b. ` b That my coß 786 Amdthat it may bee manifeß, that they are the very things him his head. themfelves , notfùrged devices fiíitdim ; let him fet dome in bis c commentaries all the matter togetherwitbthe circum c Notes, memo ftantes [when , where, how ,' &c.] : and let things rials, ofthe fame fiandingbte fèfèrted, that they agreeinthefame 'reckomingof time.The begiming of the worldis the commom
date [beginning oftime] from which all d chronologers m : at which begins the count oftime,andis drawm alomg fecko the reckoning of tborow allage*, being caf into humdreds ofyears, and tem;
dºrhat fùm up yccrs.
[halfe fcores], andfùir years. C H A P.81. O£Phyfick. 0^ the fìund [that bein good health],the beft pij
fit*i*a diet [good fare] É itisfafèf [without hy ing-p a Kiteh danger] audwithoui violence. ick, Š. 88 Do not drinkner eat,} ut whem thouartb provokedby bum food & moderate 7 ger and 1birf (which the c fpittle, tickling the roofoftbe b An hurgred 787
7noubat thefgitofmeat, will d intimate);fothouJhaltbe »el [healthfull]andlufiy. « Give inklingóf. 789 rberefore waitfafingÃidpayfiragoodfomack [tili thou
haft Iift to egr},
79o Tea,
£ama Ling*rwn referata. quaeinmeditullio,& quonam tra&u ; fub quâ zonâ f,t Natorfiua& £limate yel parallelojquorfùm vergant,quòufjuepcf*£££Ä* £; tineant [pertingant] longitudine, quâ pateant latitudi-2. Σ #gt;
-. ■
st ■
ne: quoshabeant hiaut illiaccolas, & quibusterminis
: ;*
[finibus] ab illis difpefcantur & diftermifientur ; & qui illis antipodes [qui adverfà iì ebvertunt veiiigia,] qui
antoeci,qui perioeci,&c.
CAP. 8o. De Hiflori4. -*
resgeftae narrantur, Hiftoria eft : cum fiQę &tae, Fabula.
785 Illas Hiftoricus recenfeat [ediffèrat:] has annalium
&: 1;
: ** a* p.
monumcntis inferre, capitak fibi ducat.
786 "Et ut pateat genuina eflè,non fuppofititia, rem fimul cum circumftantiis in commentaria regerat. Res autem a &quaevæ per fynchronifmos congruant. Mundus con- a contemporane& ditus eft cómmünis Chronologorum æra [ epocha 5] '.
unde chronologiae ratio exorditür, & peromniafecula deducitur , per annorum centuria*, àecades , olym piades, &c.
. a.
,, . '
~^ '
CAP. 81. De Medicinâ.
r87 r Anisoptima medicia, diaeta eft : quia fecurißi 787 „* [1%
S$ 3¤ άΒ *
,*& Na bibas vel edas, nifi fitive! fame ftimulatus(quod
¥ * faliva ad confpe&um cibi mota & palatum titillans in-.
nuc*) valcbis & vigebis, ,
• •••
' -
789 Quocircàappetitui [appetitwm] præftolarejejunus.
. . • . «J ;. .
4. '
N{ a •,
. -
79o Sed
£amua Linguarum referata. * 79o Sed & invaletudo, fi te inceßit, abftinentiâ & qui ete curatur: quod non advertunt, qui non nifi faturije junant,& nonnifi operationc fra&i quicfcunt.
, p„„„„;., 791. Fri$tiones, [ficationes] fomentationes, a venæ fe&ijangüini, miffì. | ones, cucurbitae, emplaftra, & omnia forinfecus impo fita (ut cerata, cataplafmata, malagmata) non demunt
b sopium,/ nt
- tormentum, fed mitigant, leniunt, dcmulccnt b.
c Glandis.
79» Remedia pargantia, evacuantia (cathartica, clyfte res, balani
;£; &*fudoriferâ, corroborantia ac
cardiaca, efficatiora funt, efficaciùs medentur aegro ; fivc fint potiones exorbendæ & apozemata, five â il d Eclegmata.
lin&tus delingendi, five pilulae [catapotia] devorandae,
five apophlegmatifini, &c.Ophthalmiae conducunt col f Errhina mari- * lyria f. ,
- -
íus haufiafgiant 793 Antidotis [alexipharmacis, alexiteriis] venena * pel- .
j; %.f* Tuntur ; amuletis,cárminibus aut incaatamentisfafcina, bulo. P efi. virgm mtkgfam Prefiji. etiam verbulo, velleti ÉÉÉ. <â vomitionem 794 Salfumeft in Medicos fcomma(utinam non yerum!) folis licere[licitum effé}acceptofoftro, impunè occide %,ov -
quadrat [comvenit] in Empericos, f*,e. Quod optimè quaara
*'£%'*'**'* .* {λάueljgiuntur.
plafiarios, fùffione$ circumforaneos.
795. Dc Panacea, univerfali illo & praefentaneo mcdica mento litigant,an detur, necnc ; quaedam autcm cuique parti atque çíáí propria quin fint, indubitatum eft: ut, cephalica,ophthalmica, thoracica, tam anacatharti ca quàmalia, cárdiaca, ftomachica,hepatica,fplenetica, nephritica, &c.
796 Gregalcs eorum funt Chirurgi, Myropolae, Herba rii, Pharmacopolae : hi pharmaca,unguenta, fyrupos [apo«emata,] ele&uaria, cclcgmata, pulveres , paftil los [trochifcos] præparantes, non in congericm confun dunt ac commifccnt ; fedin loculis, forülis, pyxidibus, f Miggar; f, ; myrotheciis feorfim quæque refervant f. Illi autem ut
#iÉ. -
Plurimum operam navant capillis rcfcindendis & abra Ά;'- dendis,vulneribus ac ulceribüs curandis. Anatomicica «daveris humani anatomiama faciunt, & fceleton eri
. .'
cA P. sa:
Thegateof Larguagesunlocked. t;
#9o. rea,evem 4 craxie diftemper, ifit feaxom iice, is curedby fòrbearingfùod, amdby reft : vhich thofe mem regajdnot, who faft mot but wbem their belly isfull, and take moreft butjwhcn they are ffent [quite wearicd] with pains-taking.
791. Rubbings[chafings],appjingthingsfor eafè,blood-ktting [opening a vein]cuppingglaffes,plajfers,and all things laid om [applyed] outwardy (as fère-cloths, fàlves, pultifés) do not take away extremity of paim [fmart] but allay, affivage and [lake it.
79» Puging andemptying medicines (as purger, glyffers, fùp
; :
poftöries)fuch as provoke makingwater, and procure fweat ing, beartning [(trengthening] vefloratives and cordials, do vork more £rongj, and beal a patient more powerfuly ; whe ther theybé potionsto drink and decoíiioms, or loches to lick, or pils tofiwallow down whole, ormedicimestokeep and chew
in tbe moutb, &c. Eje-fa/ves are good for fóremeffè ofeyesf. £Mcdici£sfuf ;
793 Poifins are withfood by coumter-poiföns *;bewitchings are ÉÉ£; Ê' drivem amygby e amulets, fpels or charms ; jea,by this one ÉÀïí,
fhivelling forfend : God blcffe us,&c.fpo- qut [Godotwitchcraft]. word, Praefifcini fleam. $i; prevent ken to
794 It is `a witty fout [fmart fcoffè] put upon Phyficiam: £§$. (would Godit were mot true), that they alone [onely] ha- Jî? ving takentheirfee, may murther fat-free : whichf us fitly
ttg* ous leedbes, quack(alvers, [druggifts], Ët.defenfive aoi
ung about thc
795They wrawgle ament[touchingjtbe wound-wort[all-hcal,] ÉÉ g. that univerfall and prefènt remedy, whether it betobe had
[there be any fuch thing] ormo; but that there are certaine medicines proper[peculiarjtoeverypartandeffèét,itis cer- „ . . tain : as, head-plaffers, eye-falves, remedies fòw thegriefe of the brea*, as welt
. . » -
£t# as others, fr the heart, the
ftomack, the liver, the fplene [milt], the reines,&c. 793£elongingtotheir company[ofthe fame ÉÉ; Surgeoms, É ftudy -
ointmejitjéllers,Herbariffsg, Apothecaries : thefepwhen thej §§. bave made fit theirdrugs, ointments b, ßrups, eieótuaries, íóÁÉÉÉüna lobochs [broths,] pouders, amdtrochiskt i , domotjumble amd cakes, butnow
Jhuffleal together, but referve every gne b) it felfim coffers, £;ÈÉ Jhelves, boxes, amd gallipotst : for the moff part theyimploy £;it. their paines in cuttingandJhavingaway haires, amdin curing &ioi√ vounds and ulcers. Anatomiffs cut up a mams dcadcarkas, g;dicnts,they di
andraiß upa pack [fct] ofmeer bones. N3
£; cit Ap.***•
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. C H A P. 8z.
Ofmorall Philofophy[orderingofmanners] in generalt. 797
Eftue amfifieubin 4 meam [due meafure]: vice is as
»ellumgoing too far [over-doing], awim a coming bAs mu<5theone fbert : fòrto exceed, oytofail [lack, comefhort} isb alike aLacking.
798 1fan offender fin [offend] umatpares through heedlefieffe or carelefieffé, it j3 a failing[an cover-fight]; ifwillingy, a c A flip• mifâeed yifwilifully[o£fet purpofe], £ isvvickedneffe 5 if a Fouitranfgref- maliciouf!y, a villany 5 ifeutragöwffy, ad beihous offence ; if fpitefully [ mifchievoufy, to vex anybody], a foward (ion. lewdueffe. *
799 Andhe that committeth fdothj fuc# things, is a deffeiate good mem an4 grace]: recowery, paft [paft wretche do .c,8£.,i„.„;. – vertuous and praife-worthy thingsfor ÄÄ; alwaies earme menthings diffolute badand contrary, om the but, ; approved tobe reje&ied. ' ' ' ' ' ; *
•• •
*• *
8oo He that is careleffè to de amiffe, is naught [ungracioas] : he that keeps bimfelffrom evili, is anhoneft fayed mam : hee that is in ali refpe&is undefiled, deteffeth and cannotabide,yea he defieth every uncleanthing.
* 8oi Ami! [naughty] cufiomes creeps in by little andlittle : ' which afteritis growm ftrong [hath gotthe upper hand], it is too late to withflandit ; btcaufè being thurowlyrootedit is bardly diftontinued, but veryfeldme rooted out. }^ery loth are we to difìfe, and with mucb adoe are we taken effffam
$ Broughtinure. thof old conditions tawhich we have been* wonted[enured, ° . , accuftomed]. * '
' c H AP. 83. of wifdome or difcretion.
s,,,„„„„A. 8o2 TT is the* propofwifdometo value everything according Ita the worth, meither te under-value mor over-value, left a tar, paeda. thingsthatare worth mought, and of no reckowing or weight,
7 Jhould bemuth fet by. 863 or everyou begim [attempt] any thing, it à worth the . . * tnvata,
' while diligently to confider, whether you oughte to doe it,
amdcam effeétit ; whetheritbe fóryourgoodor no: leffyoiç take paims b tomo purpofe, 8o4 There -, ,
£amua Linguarum referata. C AP. 8z.
De Ethicâ imgenere
& it, '
797 v 7Irtus in mcdiocritate confiftit: vitium eß cùm in exceffi, tùm in dcfe£tu: excedere enim vel deficere, tranfgredi utique eft.
798 Si peccator cat imprudens, ex incogitantiâ, aut per incuriam, dcli&um * eft : fi yoluntariè, facinus: a Lapfw.; -
fi ftudiô, nequitia : fi malitiosè, fcelus : fi enormiter, fiagitium: fiut aegrè faciat alicui,pcrvcrfitas.
799 Et talia quipatrat [defignat, perpetrat] cft pcrditus [4eploratè malus;]viri enim boni & virtute praediti lau dabilia & approbata femper exoptant 5 máli autem & ', vitiis dediti vice versâ fœmìper reprobanda.
8oo Qui perperam agere b fufque deque[nihil penè] ha- b Infuper. bet, nequarú eft : quiife à maio prohibet, probus : om nimodè impollutus deteßatur & abhorrcromnc impu rum, imò execratur.
gor Confuetudo vitiofà fùnfim irrepit, cui ferö obfifti
: tur, poftquaum inyaluit : quandoquidem radicata vix intermittitur, rariffimè verô extirpatur. A priftinis m9^
ribus, quibusafiievimus, aegerrimè ac mülto negotio avellimur & defuefcimus e. -
A P. 83. De« Prudentiâ.
E; dignitate unumquodque aeftigare, n£c Pluris T„nec íinoris quàm par eft , prudentiae ftatumca
eft: nè res [proletariæ, wjhiliJtiti;iflitii, ac nullius pen *.
fi, magnipendantur. so3 Antequam inçepte; [agulis quidpias,oper*É. s & po Sis 5 penficulare, utrum debca tium éft accuratèficc ne ? nè fruftrà jveffum,] labo utrum, c rc fit, •
N 4
se* Pro
e Dºf?iuefa:fi.
janua Linguarum referata. go, Profpice ergo finem, Provide media: & nè quid ob ítet autübi officiat,attcnde occafioni.
go; Nam incipientis, ftolidi & dementis eft, fine intenti one ferri: infani, ftulti, & vecordis, illicita appetere:
vefani, cerebrofi, phafitaftici, & furiofi[lymphatici] fuf cipcre impoffibilia, quorum compos effe nequit : impe riti &
ÉÉÉÉÉ vel ncgligerc opportu
so« ubi inter plura optio datur, deliberandum diu quod ftatuendum femcl : fupcrvacaaeis verò: fuperfedcn 'dum.
so7 Et quidquid inftituis, confulta exquifitè & expcn de, itáhe, an ita fatius fit: poft exfequerc cclcriter, fcd , cautè. ' 3o8 Circumfpe&us,licet de eventu confidat eümque prae videat, circumfpe&at tamen, nè fefe præcipitet ; ídque
ut culpam praefter, etfi non eventum. {809 Quia ufu venit, ut tardus velocem antevertat ; pc detentim igitur.)
81 o Quod abfcondi [cælarij debet, non palàm venditar: abftrudit, non obtrudit cüiquam. 811 Quod ei non certò conftat, affirmare [affërere] aut negare cavet ; nedum ut afièveret [confirmet] aut infi cietur[inficias eat.] -
(812. Nam crcdulus eft & temerarius ; atque ut creduli tas, ita diffidentia noxia eft : verùm longè magis per , tinacia.)
813 Ex hifternis craftina providet ; ex antea&orum ac * præte:itorum recordatione res futuras præcipit , re
rúmque cffe&tus ac confequentia : ideôque praefàgi--
ens quidpiam adverfi , prævenirc ccnfet melius, quia præveniri.
* *.
(81 4
prº- enim fàpientia eft, -
poft fa&um fa -
815 Et dum quifque fuarum rerum fatagit, ille fibi ne quaquam dccft. 816 Bi- , -
Thegate of Languages unlocked. 8o4 Therefore loek befire-bandasfaras the end, loyfir [pro vidc] the mcam*, and watch for a fit feafom, that noihing in the way,ov ** himder thee.
c* Let.
, 86; Forit is théfjhiomofam umwife,foliJb, * witleff* mam,to •senaleę,
be carried om without, amy aume [purpofé] : a figne ofome bare-brai'd, dotifhand fily, te longfùrthings unlàvfuit : of a crack'd braim, heady, phantafiicali and mag-man, to mnder take things impoffible, which he camot come by: ofome um
sólfultande unadvifed, to blunder [bc miftaken], ornat c Indikre&, - - to regardthe due feaföm. -
3o6 Whema mammay have his choice ofmany things, be muß be long in advifing what be muf omce determine dom: büt things a R.£,Le.
#3 [that may bc fpared] muß beforborne [left oíí, let paflè]. 8e7
Έ what%everyou takein hand. be well advifèdandfan.
carefully, whethczit be better fo orJo : after tbat, difpatcbit fpeedily, but warily.
863 A way mam, though hebe confident of the iffue, andfre fèethit,yet look* well about him, leff he overfhoot himfelfe : that fobe may undertaketo 4mfiper ay mifèârjiage, though he cannst warrant [affüre] the fucceffè.
8o9 (Becaufè it faketh aut fometime, that the flow out-fèrip peth [gets the ftart of] the fwift : therefore fèfè andfj ffTake time. [proceed leafurely].). — 81 o That which ought to be hid, hedoth mot vemt opemly : be y- *
eth it up clofe ; he doth not thruf [threap)it upum amy. 81 1 That which he isnot fure of, he is Jhie to affirme ordemy
[to fayit is fù, or to fay it is not] much leffè to maintaine [avouch] andftamdim it, orffifiyto demy orgainfy it.
813 (Forbe thatisfight ofbelif;is al/o* tafh : gud agouer- « rosiaa,. haßy gjving credit is hurtfull, f0 is mißtrufifulmeffe, but muchmore fiiffemeffe or opinionativemeffè g) rrobewedisdto 813 By yefierdaies accidents he fòrefeetb tomorrows ; amdby ones omn concei. -
femembrance offormer [foregoing] things that are paf and
gone, he forecaftetb in his mimdaffäres to come,and what will 'comiofthemand** fòllow upom them : and therefore wbem *Thefkquel,
his mindemigives him any roffè is at bamd, he thinks itbet- whatwilienfù* . terto preventthembe prevented [to bebefore-hand,then to be taken tardy]. 8i4 (Foritis awifèdomethatgeth the wrong wgy to worke, to be [to learn wit]after the thing done andp4ff. h Is notwanting . -
i*3) 315Jayes Andwbile every oneTöks buffyone]. töbis ommatiers,hee ££££££ sioutfrhimfiif [looksto ;* his owne 2
81 6 0me
, s
The gateofLanguagesunlocked. ome tbingamdpretend; iw of] another. 4meaneth Onethat 816[makes [ywiy fellow handlet& [ro£ fhew double-tamgued
feth] all things tgo craftiiy. 4 miftraffult [fufpiciousjmam udtrecherou* i. ££ cummumg,3" under pretence puts tricksu [couzeneth, tangue, thing* •fa they mal* É : ß that Éächea*tb. betdeffè pon}& fimoath
An old craftie 917is hollow-hearteda
iVntruffy. iVntruffy
ΚFaire, gentle
iheyJhpuli refùfé ; and,am the contrary, refufe what théy x* {hould chuf**.
* A fharker [ßiß.
„jάΎξζίif.diarksformoney, and fcrapes itupbyanytrick, fhift.fleightor Rtch. CH A P. 84. OfTemperance. * corruption covefetb [would £ainehave, luflerh after] very maythings: but &temperate mam a •ver rulethhis defires [lufls]. - '
a Keepsin due mcafure.
819 '
m eatingand drinking morethem :* is arefainingfro .
b Li&i;i;,M,p. 8»o ab liekerijb diinty-tgofb, that is alifr his throat (who lovetb [can relifh J nothingbut fiveet morféls)fedethaeice
fauce- . .
c Leckers. . . , l), picky outs dantj bits, amdfâopeth off fy fips : a greedy gut [eat-all, gutlinj amdg0rmamdixer, byravening[gob . d Eating faft. `, lingup] ÄîÉ [fwilling],glutteth [crammeth £; *
ove*go getbhumfelf, evem tili he digorgeamdbelchit up a gaime : a rieter fjtndeth that hehathingood cheer, amd wa
fiethali in revelling[company-keeping}: all ofthem belly … geds, amdvery flaves te the pamch. 821 Good fellows [fellow-druakards] andpot-companians mimd all belly-cheer, and p4mper themfélves, and gull is
[qua£ offj the ßragefi [pureft] liquor 3 but mote effite '' * coit : for everyoïegives hijhawe jor payeth his Phot. *** 8» , Thé ancientsdidtemperandalaj wine with water,and kept
eShot-free. -
averyplain fpayediet : but now, lookbowmay inticements togluttomy,fò maymifohief. £ wiiai.a,..,. 823 Torhe that is dunk, f [tiple3] hatbfiw his puniJhment -
{hotten• -
g Takes of£. ç
jwftting{an heavie head, ând an over-charged gorge] amiiuhehathflepeit oum : a £ommom diumkardía fugk-fpig
got, fwill-bow!] that is alwaies bibbing (whiie hucafoie læ bathfürbis whole pots) dmme dgout: offámdgulps g,drinks jeth wcn, befides,fùber [fbiveringJan palfy thefháking andtheytbâ diinknowime dye foundin their wits; drunkards are wit-leffe [fenf&-lcff}f*s. -
824 They
£amua Lingwarum referata. grs Bilinguis aliud vult, aliud prae fe fert: Vafer ver (utè nimîs verfat omnia : Sufpicax eft dolofus ac per fidus.
g Jpecie. •
3 Cùcumfçriptor
317 Veterator aftu & blandiloquentiæ prætextu g im- ßXrjç - poni: incautis, ut reprobanda praeoptent , & vice quavígne,techna, versâ *. : fallacia ascw -
c AP. 72. DeTemperantii. . 31 8
Epravatio noflra permulta concupifcit : fed tcmpcrans cupiditates moderatur.
819 Sobrictas eft continentia à fuperfiuâ alimoniâ. 8zo Gulofus catillo (cui nihil fapit præter pulpamenta) ligurit, delicatiores offulas delibat , & pitiflàndo forbet : Pamphagus & helluo vorando & potando ' fefe obfaturat & ingurgitat , ufque dum regurgi tet atque eru&tct : Lurco fua abligurit ac domef. fando dccoquit: omncs ventriculæ ac mera abdomi nis mancipia. -
8,1 Compotatores ac combibones genio indulgent, cu ticulam curant, & meracius hauriunt : at nön afya
boli ; fiquidem quifque vel dat fymbolum, vel fol vit. •
82» Veteres temperabant ac diluebant merum aquâ, &
vi&itabant fimpliciffimè : nunc quot gulæ illécebrae, tot pernicies. `
823. Ebrius enim noxam [pœnam] habet crapulam, do
nec eam cdormisfit: ebriofus*, ac bibulus (dum inte-, ,„„,„ gros fcyphos ebibit & exhaurit b) tremorem ac poda- í íúT ram fortitur.: adhaec fobrii & abftemii mcntc c va- c Menik fanitate,
fent, temulentiamcntiâ, ,
- - - - -
- -
824 Incbri
£amua Linguarum referata. d Salivam de » utunt•
8a4 Inebriati brutè bacchantur tanquàm furibundi 5 ritu bant, tuffiunt,fcreant, [exfcreant,jfpuunt,fputant, dfa livant,vomunt,mingunt, pcdunt, & (honor fit auribus) fe percacant.
c AP. 8y. De ceffitate [caftimoniâ] 825
Cἐ; eft, qui fe nefandâ libidine non contami inatfœdat: lafcivire enim bclluinum eft.
a. 1 ater eo, qui . 826 At non adulteria folùm,inceftusa, ftuprá, fcortatio
cogcutitus illegitimi;£ nes &bafiationes, !&gtunis vcnerea5fala [baffa,gfeula, fuavia,] cantilenae ob
#£ $Ἑ
ÄWadjrohibii• fe ¥us attigir.
fcoenae,à poëtaftris confarcinatae,imò cogitationes fpur cae,impudicitia funt. '* ' '
£%£*** fermnima.
f Salax, lubidino-
3,77Adülter extrarium polluit torum, fcortator fuum: quandoque moechus pellicem vel concubinam alit: Ganeo per lupanaria [ganea] graffàtur (ubi lue vene , re4 inuftus precium fert lafciviae : meretrices [pellaces] ' pudicitiam fùam proftituunt : lenones [balliones] alios
j„, mviierarus, , , inquinant f. Ama/ia, confu-
jj££„. 828 Vah praepudia ! fœdi & execrabiles omnes. bet [confuefcit]
· ·
i»5 cuivia vi°. 829 Infanit delirus amator, quifœminam deperit [perditè rum offért,veleti-
2mat ] -
am vim inf.rt.
83o -
C A P. 86. De Modeftia. Odcftus verccundè agit 5 procacitatem defi git.
831 Non fiiyoluseft;ut ut quadantenus blandus & co f mis ; non loquax, fcdtaciturnus 83» Nec tamen morofus aut torvus, fed gravis; feverus, non {ævus.
833 Nihilinmoderatè aut hyperbolicè laudat vel vitu rat : alienas laudes non elevat : neminem traducit
vel dcfamat:, Ad opprobrium neutiquam filet.
The gate of Languagesunlocked. 3,4 They that are drunkem ramp and play the madbedlemshi, £i;e unicaf;i-
Έλλὰifh-manner ; they reële, they augh, they hake,ffit,*bruit bafis. fpaul; théy flaver[driyei], ffue [parbysakj, they piffe; ihej „„,
Ât íbrékewifide baάardj and (firjverinâ) iberó í***• themfelves.
C H A P. 85. Of Chaftitie.
E is a chaffe,who defileth [ftaineth] not himfelfwith a Honefofbis
' 82 ;
JhamefuliTvillanoüs] laf : fr to play the wantonis body. to playthe beaf[to b: lafciviousis the part ofa beaft].
8, 6 Bit not oniiy adulteries [fpoufe-breach]jnteft *, whore- I WÉ; g
domes, firmicaiions, and uniâ fullb jingtigether ; but alß £jjj£*#. all luffull letchery [fiefh!y luft] kiffings, bawdy ballads §. botched [clouted] up by** pedling-poets, jea andumcleane 5©arnaliknow- . thoughts are a kinde oflewdneffè [difhonefty]. 5*3j;,,
827 An adultererc defiletb amothers bed, awhoremonger bis . *?£££;e. owne : a wedleck-break:r fometimes keepeth a queame [cuc- k€&uckoláô
queane] or lemmam d: a whore-hunter[fuffian,brotheller] ker.
baumteth the e fieres [rangethandrahpeth 6ver whorę £ ££ É¢s.
houfesjwbere, beingiraiïiih ihe fiib-por,hispid íãïí: [ferveáwellenough]fùr his wantmieffe: fámmow whores ÈÉÊ" fet theirothers.f own chafitj fòfàle to all comefi: bawds [panders] fà letcket,*en* corrupt cher or Έ,
8,and § gut upmfichfulfhameleff beafis ! they are al fiithy companieth £#* accurfed. . . ÉÉÉ -
829îy An amiorous dotingnoddy,tbat doteth on [fallethextremedówith 33;ar in lovewith] a %omaii, is mad [befides himfelfè]. ;o$*! bafe punk;yéa,he de Howtébor even
C H AP. 86. OfModeftie.
rawifhethany one•
AModeft mam dealetb Jhamefa£iiy {demurely} and. Jhunnetbfrvcineffe. 83 1 Heis not light-càrriaged “, howßever in fame fort curte- s: owergume. ous and gentle ; not talkative, but clofè and fili [keepes his fome.
owne counfell].
'832. Andyet not fiappifh [froward,tefty,crabbed] or grim a, asomr.jook*a. ' butgrave [ofa fober, fettled countenance] ; ferme, but mot cruel, dr curft.
833 He praifetb or diffraifeth nothingb umreafonabú, in am bout ofali mea êver-reaching fraim : hefleightetb motTanother mans praifès : füre• .
be/landeretìor defamthmo man ; but at areproach he holds wt kiw peace. .
··· · · · ·
. 334 *• Refides,
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. *Furthermore. 834 “ Befides, he forfiwears mot himfèlf. nor fivearetb deeply [takes great oathes,]nor lightlyfivear* atall: butifhe do, he obferves his oath invuolabj. 835 He fets not to croffè or thwart any mam, he worketh me -
cWittingly and , ' mam trouble, moris am offence to any : c to his íïë, and »ithhisgood will, he gfieveth nobody.
aspreading,ine- 836 That which he hathupom bear-ßy, which d commombruit vgy mansîouth , carriersjrelate [a fying report] or andby which mewes-momgers rif*. ; bebringetb, doih not by publijh abrotd, [talc or tel! it after tbem for certaine mewes,but firff ffis it out uarrowly. -
837andAintrudcth epyingmedler [bufie-body, jack-ftickler] [intermedleth, and is ftickling] croudsin where it
tineli e $tingling.
nothing concermes him , and under-hand fets his clofe ßout* to
, flandliffiningand wver-heare, and to pick [(crue] aut even ^ thofè things which are kept fècret fombim. Sucb kinde of fLiftners, £aves-droppers fandfiy fmeakcrs[night-walkers], get ridof [fet them packingj. 838 A pratle? is fulJofwords ; a prater bableth out any thing, g3o his tongues and prateth at a venture what/0-ere cometb4nd gnext : a blab cnd. [a long-tongue] bewrayetb [difclofeth] blabletbout fecrets: atrijlerisever playing the fole andmedaletb with
f, pa-;ter&ho,- balles : 4°/opbiferis captiuus[gayilling, fullofquifks]: L9gjck, L . ' a carperi[fpie-fàultjtauntethamd findethfultwithali things. {Afij-fiult. . 839 A wellºadvifèd mamfoffers is notare indeed butyerno k Gabler. filyk babler, as may : frffiechleffe, ihmuchtalkingtbere
is vanity [lightncffè]. … … 84o He graweth not to that beight of pride [furlineffèor s'-
haughtingflè],as totake that uponhimfelfwhich he bathmat;
nor doth he différedit 1[difparage] gr take from otbers their
,* , ,
due commendations he is notwere,tbat ambitiousm to be fuit in office,or riß tojreferment (au :tbeyonce made fér ány
office *at Rome) : he doihmot lavi/hly vaunt, bragorcrack éf
£ircôçôáôïí £arva/singfor of-
his feats, morboaff ofthem,or proudj perk upbinfeffè (as it is uffali [notunufual!] with pertnfiwatterer*) : hwtrather
fit;lers, addle
yeeldeth [abateth] of that ishis gwm right, humblgtb[aba
m Stood.
o Layesnotto
feth] and £j? ídemcaneth] himfelflotvú,amdgivesthe
, placeto any bady:
.N;i;;? 84*makes good âprajfes mam as•fthe thebefi;^grtakes ££*£Pauf., He* hinìfèlf longsngiafafterthe gotmm pfopleP placeof : fnor
great Stat
it ill.£hat othe
be prefert
ÉÉ É¤;:£*£££ ?,hie agoncs • ther avantingbraggadochiam,&gracker'ofhisgeat dwiggs;or 4 Ę;„" fi:tageduignjhat ple«/eihihhartryrii, apgeffigale orfai/dißaurfe, 84» Pka •
£amua Linguarum referata.
* 834 Adhaec,non pejerat, nec dejerat, nec jurat: fi ju- ,
si T* faverit autem, juramentum, [juffwandum] fan&è fèr vat.
* 33; Neminiadverfàtur aut faceffit moleßiam, aut fcan-
' áalo eft : neminem fciens volens contriftat.
w $3« Famâ [auditione] ab aliis acceptum (quod nempe * * crebrefcens rumor fert, aut rumigeruli referunt) nön *,
illicò vulgat, aut pro comperto rcnunciat percontatur
£ priùs fcrupulosè. in s37 Curiofùs ardelio ingerit fe & immifcet, ubi ejus ni •
hil intereft ; atque emifîàrios fubornat, qui fubau
f , fcultent, inaudiant, & ctiam quae eum cælantur , cli % ' ciant. Hujufmodi corycaeos & tenebriones amolire. Wi
s38 Locutuleius eft verbofus : garrulus quidvisblaterat, 7 & quicquid in buccam venerit, garrit 3 futilis arcana
£ , pródit & effutit: nugator ineptit perpetuò & nugas
a , ágit : fophifta captiofùs eft ; mömusomnia fuggillafac &
* 839 Confideratus non quidem elinguis eft, fed tamen . _ . A non infùlfus blaterob,^ quemadmodum nafutuli com- b /aniloquu. fi plures; in multiloquio enim eft vanitas.
' 84δ Non eô ufquc cinfolentiae procedit, ut fibiarroget « Jamega;,
quod non habet ; nec aliis fua detrahit aut derogat :
fion ambit fafées, neque ad honores afpirat (ut olim
r £
Romae * candidari;) non fua profusè jaâat, oftentat,.., biuioff. de aut crepat, nec in iisgloriatur, aut feinfolehter exto17,37,##,.
lit (quod fciolis folennc [nam infùlens, møvum] eft :) ftd laii.
potiùs defuo jure concedit, fe humilitat demiíéque
gerit,ac aemifì non fe pofthabet [poftponit.]
84* g Præconia vulginonaffe&at : fnecâ alios £ fuamatibus ul fibi g Popularem 3s- •
£quiparat nec anteponit ; neque y£§ 4!os fibi prae- ;,„'„ „.ja.
'* *
ferri [anteferri] aut praeponijnoleftè fert. Aretalo- £ • gusvel efí gloriofus Thrafo fuaeque virtutis oftenta- tSggercyni*
ior,vel quigrato agroaaate aut fiarratione audientcs £%:'£*#* ul fe plus fatis {Julcet. magnifice'Jemtir,
84* Fe- awfiiisfjufftnua. , •.
janua Linguarum referata. 84* Feftivi joci,lepores, & allufiones facetae urbanos de ccnt, non amarulenti {arcafmi : rufticitas opicam bar bariemredolet.
843 Obfcoenitas & fcurrilitas parafitica fummoperè dif cavenda. Immerentcm nè irridcas aut fubfannes.
844 Cavillatio virulcnta & fannae fannionibus relin quendae. 845 Renidere benè morati eft ; cachinnari aut effufiùs ridere incivile.
C A P. 87. De Autarkeiâ. 846
Varus & avidus per fas aut nefas rapis alter! A¤î; & ditefcere allaborat; Σύ άΚ
, fupernabenedi&io ditet.
847. £t cui ufuiin immenfum coäcervatæ (cumulatæ] di vitiae ? malè parta malè dilabuntur.
dccipiunt divites quidam, ut cum bonis (b mobilibus
b Ruiscafi*
e rei- fli.
848 Avaritia [habendi a cupudita, ] modum nefcit. Adcô
a •(vidita.
& e ftabilibus) &Iatifundiis afHuant, & ciftas otiosâ pccuniâ , fcrinia cimeliis, cameras fupelleétile & omne genus inftrumento confertas poffid:ant, egefta
* Gewiwde. fraudent.
tem timeant* ; vidclicet in copiâ inópiam, in abundan
tiâ (imòredundantiâ) pcnuriäm. 849 Tu, fi tibi opes affatim fuppetunt, egenis viciffim fuppedita : fin,etiam de modiêô imperti, fi non largi ter, faltem liberaliter.
858 Satius eft liberalem & munificum effe , quàm par cum.
85 1 Frugalis non eft quidem tenax nec fordidus ; at parcimoniæ navans operam; fuáque forte contentus,
aliis fuam felicitàtem, quippc quam minimè defiderat, ' haud invidet.
sy. Frugalias
quantum fit ve&igal, fi luxuriofis pervideret, luxu [lwxwriâ] patrimonium non prodi geret.
• • .
- : '
• -**
• • • •; ; Pau v
' ~.
gate Languagesunlocked.
The of 84* Pleafamt jeßs, conceits, and witty glances befiem mem ofci vility ; but motbittertat girds : clavifhmeffe fmelleth ftrong ly ofnaffy rudeneffe $ [favageneflè or chürlifhne(£]. ' qvncivility. ` 843 Baudineffe [ribaldry] andbafe parafiticali jeeringis by ali meames tobe ca/tfulj avvided. Doe not laugh morjeer at ome undefèrving. , .
844 Stinging[venemous]taumting andjeering/hould be lef* to „ `*. fefers' that make fp0rt. r'rhat profefte,or 843orTofimile, is the fafbiomuncivili of a well[unmannerlyJ. mamneredmam : to giggle É ;;;;aofvicc. laugh unreafonabl);is }; Ê.
C H A P. 87. Ofcontentedneff:. 846
AÉ geedy mam fiatchcth, andwringetb [gripeth, wreftcth] fom amother bya right or wöng,
amdtoileibto groy rich 5 whereas notwithftandinga bleffjg fom above maketh rich.
847 Andto what purpofe are riches unmeafirabíy heaped up ? goods ill gottem arc illfjent.
848 Covetoufheffe, the getting [fcraping] humour, hath mo ho vith it igit, [can*hatskillöf noTmeafürejTSome yich men have b Nevcrhave e fòlittle hgvingabundante of goods (moveables aud££; will not -
ummoveables) and largè poffèffions ; c having by them cheffs ¤·, of. fuffèd full ofd/pare money, coffers full ofjewels, and cham- dwíííííá, bers full ofhoufhold-ßuffè ande provifiom ofali fòrts ; yet they notimployéd.
are affaidofjoverij, ánd pinch their owmebelly ; ihat is io efurnitur• fay, fear fcarcityintlie midff of plenty, and want whem they have fore,yea fùperfluity [enough and tofpare]. -
849 Ifthou haft good flore of wealib, affùardfìmewhat back4 gain to thepoor : ifnotf, give part evem of a little, ifmot 4 great deal, at leaff freely [heartily]. -
85> It isbetter to bee fee-hearted and boumtifult, them meere [pinching].
8; 1° A thrifty guod husband is indeed noniggard[holdfaß] mor bafé mifèr [pinch-pennyj : yet doth his beft cndeavourta layfur fparingaeffè : andbrung content with his owne effate; he dotbnotgrudge pther men their bappineffe ; as havinghö . mi//e (find ngno lack] ofit. ; - - 85 . Tf the ruoijus [diffölüte J unthrift could thorowly per*
* ceive bow great a revenue good-husban drie is; be would fuit fquander [ layifh] oufhis f inhtritante inriot [un- £ lijing. thriftincfìè]. … .
853 For
Thcgatc of Languages unlocked. * Gain coping. 853 For lavi/hf}endingimpoverifheth : way ffending[** go ing the ncareft way to work] inricheth.
8,4 Therefore whatfêvergou rective and lay out [disburfè], greceits and ex-
fet it down into a bovk of 8 accounts [reckoning-book], or
fore ut down om a talj. Ones layings out [houldbe fòfà' fromgoingbeyondones yearly revenites [in-comes], that ra
ther they Jhouldnot be fó mucb.
C H A P. 88.
OfJuftice, firf in the matrer ofexchange. “Righteoufncfre. s; ; « -
J%i [upright-dealing] givetb to everyman his ayayme.
856 Therefòre be thatis agreed withanother, amdhath promi , fèd, a covenanted or paffed away any thing to hinolybay gaine (whether of his owne accord and of himfelfe, orbeing von to it byentreaty, upon whatfòever condituons [articlesj
a Bargained. b Fa!ter, or draw
and provifùes) : let him not dalù [trifie] morb ftimch : bit
hisneck out of
fandprecifè'y [ftri&ly] to his covenant and promifes, ju#
the collat.
as the agycementisbetwecn tbem.
857 He thathath entred into covenant with amother that cove minteth with him, by deliveriwg interchangeably each twother ** conveyances, ** imdentures, whereofone is the coumterpane ofthe otber ; er he thathathtakem earneft, 0r any thingiâ confideratim : fuch a one hathboundhimfelffure. -
, 8;8 That wbicbis committed to thytruf to keep,gjve it again: do notforfiveareit, mor c deny thou haftit ; donot fuppreffe
$$e k"°"* ' teet'it fiiddemjhor purioiîit. άm.i.yelim. 859 “chalengenot, mof enter upom [take poffeffign of] amj thingthatis amothers, without the owners knowledge, ormt
asking his leave ; unleffe he fhali let you have it [give you freeufe ofit]. f. As forexample 3go That whidh you have borrowed omelj toufè f, reftore the -
{√_ `very fame thing(not another); andtbat asfaras poffibj may
Ę;* beâithout imjìringor makingit worfe*. .<£ÌÉÉÉÉnd 86 i That which is lent you toffendf,you may fend back amother asyou had it, or fuch like ; but upon conditionit be asgood andas much worth. É Ê. 86, Ifanyone borjowethofyou ; asfar a* maybe with your gwn bur$i; Ę: conveniemce[not hurting your felf]>lendhim things toffend or ufe : yet demand a lill ofbis hand [fome fpecialtyj or pawn [pledge,gage], orfurety,orfùme other fècurity: leß $while yóu plêáfire Others,you dojour fefe 4 difpleafure. ^ 863 Becauf* »
- £anua Linguarum referata. 833 Pauperat enim difpcndium, compendium opulen tat.
834 Tu ergò quidquidaccipis, & expendis, in codicem accepti & expenfi refer, vel f taleólà anfiora. Impen- £ tfra. dia annuos reditus tantùm abeft ut exuperent, ut nè cx æquent quidem. -. . . . C AP. 88,
De fufiitiâ , primò commutativi. 855
Iu- fuum cuiquetribuit.
83« Ergò qui cum aliotranfegit, & quidquid ei promi fit [pollicitus eff] condixit, aut ad eum pa&ione tranf mifit (fiye ultrò ac fuâpte, five exoratus, & quibufcun que cónditionibus & exceptionibus:) nè nuigetur nec tergiverfetur, fed ftet pa&o & promiffis præcisè prout conventum efi.
857 Qulftipulantiadftipulatus eft fyngraphis parallelis
mutuò traditis, vel arrhabonem [anam;] aut fynallag ma accepit : óbligavit fe [nexumexuit.] ._•
' 838 Depofitum redde ; nè abjura nec abnega ; nè fup* primas nec intervertas.
839 Nii quod alterius eft, fine domini fcitu, eâque in 'cönfulto, vendica aut ufürpa [affere :] nifi ipfe ejus ti- ' w; *
bi copiam fecerit.
8«o Quod utendum accepiftif, idem reftitue, hoh ali- f Exempligratia, ud ; & quidem (quoad ejus fieri poteft) abfque detri *equûm,exofem,&c. $alvum praße, mento *. vel damnum re 861 Quod mutuò datum eftf, aliud licet remittas, eá foci.
tamen lege, ut æquipolleat [ fit paris •fimii , æqui- f.;:::;::*. t4m,&c. h;. y% '
s6z Siquis à te mutuatur, quod commodo tuo fiat,mutua; & ei commodat chirographumtamen,vel pignus,[arrha ámve cautionem póftüla: nè dum
bonem] vel
alüs commódes, tibi incommodcs,
, '
O a
863 Quia
£amua Linguaruma referata. w
863 Quia`ob mortalitatem, quin & fidei lubricitatem,
• \
opus eft tibi cautelâ : quae, figatis tabulis [infiru
a Syngraphâ.
mcmtis a j fummam caveat , ' b téque indemnem prae
b Tu« tndemni-
ftet *.
£jgmfilt., . 864 Porrò qui fupra fortem ufuras [fenus] exigit, non • P***,*** &reditor : ] peffimus au dom trario,locator m & efi,áfíifed c foenerator [damifia ifmis debi deglubi -.
tem & nequiiiiinus, qui anat9ciimis debitorem deglubit,
decorticat, ac devorat: quod nefarium. ' . -
e Mem^arius qui
*&******** 865 At nepos [aßtus, barathro] & comeßätor fibi ipfi eft iniquus ; qui rem familiarem commeflàtionibus pro
fundit [ diffipat, dilapidat] féque alieno ære obruit, ' & cò fe redigit, ut decoquere [ deco&iorem agere] & a Hafi.u}2.,«, , verfuram aut au&tionem facere [auóiionari dj coga fub co/on* vemde- . tur. , ff ad- 366 Projinge rationes puta, *. * debita : •• . [nomina] quanto \ *38._ Si mexu dt'?u« ocyùs diffolve, & créditori in affem fatisfacito: at e pocham five acceptilationem, quâ acceptum tibi refc f Tabula move rat, flagita f. *0^/z/za faéta a;,f q;;abant. 867 Furta, latrocinia, rapinæ, facrilegia, peculatus,pla -
, *
gium, aba&tus, aut injufta rei acquifitio, perinde in illo mandato, Nen fuiaberis, interdiéta funt.
868 Privari enim & orbari fuis nemo debet (fed poftli `miniò fua accipere, nifi jusfuum alteri remittit :) qui . iftud committit, repetundarum tenetur. ufucapio É
diutina rei poffeffig parùm patrocinatur pofíeífori ma
1æ fidei: qui è poffeffionibus, quibus jus [titulum ncn `
•• ' *
prætendat, evi&tione exturbandus eft. At quod habc tur pro derefiào, eft occupantis. -
C A P. 89. De Juiiiiia difiributiva.
PĘ & pœnarum æqua diftributio omnes
in officio continet. * ' · · `.` 87o Quamobrem qui laudabiliter agit, collaudationem, applaufum, .
commcndationcm, promotionem, hono ,
^ . raria,
, Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. 863 Becaufebyteafom of the unsertainty of mens lif, jeaand the fiipperimeffe [brittleneffe] of tbeir credit [wördand honeftie] 5 jou had meed of affurance ** by writing [ evi- « vader hand dences, deeds, bonds], to d warrant the fumme, andto fave an£al;
- d Giwefecurity you harmeleffe *. ? 864 Moreovir bee that exaäeth interefi [ufe, ufurie ]above *';,..,.,„., gi , ,
£he principali [ftock], is mofee-lender, butam ufurer **: vethiothedöhee: . [but] he js the worf and vileff, that fleaj, pills and eates ths, lc££ letteth
up his deiter withuß upm ijì : wbibis à villanous [un-?j£j£* confcionable] part.
865 But an hiemperate ffend thrif and company-keeper vrongeth his owne felfe ; ¥ho lafheth it om, anl makes há-
vock ofhis eßate by e bell}-cheere, and rummethbimßlfe deep ecompany-kcep
im debt, amdbrings himfelfto that paffè [cafe, ftay] that hce **$• is confirainedto breake [play the bankroutj, aidto borrow ofoné amd payanother, or to make opem port-fale of his goods.
866 Therefòre f make ftreight reckoning: [cleare,difcfiarge fCaft up a juft al1] ; * payth) debts as foom as may bee ; amdfatisfie hjm :;;;;;
trufieththee, that „? tä*ia to a farthing: but callackaoyledge for [demand]am acquittance wherein hemay or diftbarge, totbee goôás. y g So muchre-, ,
g the receitf.
867 Filchings [privie thefts], opem robberies, takingaway by
fùrce,ßealing ofthings confecratedyillingofamy commom ftock, £,£ÉÉ
ímamjtealingcattel-ffealing;or anindire&fpurchaffè ofiwrong- iiííííííííí. full comings by] 4 thing, are all ali(e fúrbiddemimthat com
mandement,Thoufhalt not fteale. 868 For no man ought tobe deprived and bereaved of his goods ; (but get bis owne againe by re-entry, recovering What was unjuftly got from him; umleffe hee releafeth [gives up, difclaiimeth] his rightamdintereff to amother :)
hîè that committetb this isguilty of!;. extortiom. Pnefeii- h Gettingmoney, ption ἀr holding poffèffium ofa tbing für a long time, ii, §ïýíôïé
iio fùffijentpijfj;r [that keeps;j;yrongj|- $j* 1yj:?homüß outjofthofè bè diffeafed [throwne
poffeffi- É'É; i Will not bearc
` ohs, whereto he cam lay mojuf cltim [challenge, title]. But ἀ.
a thingquite cafi off, is bis that firft fèaxgthonit.
869 -
• C H AP, 89. Of diftributive Juftice. Faire evem dealing out ofrewards andpuniJhments
AÉ all memimdue order.'
87o yberefòre hee that dealetb commendably, defervetb praife,ciicourag;met, commendatim, a sana,*; . - . --
. -. .. -, .
. ~
\ , •
40!e -
.. .
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. a Chafifement, ' „
able rewards : he that duth otberwi/e, deferveschiding,re buking, reproofe,dijprafe,dißraces, puniJhmentanda terre £tiom; Vuifoas the qualityofthe perfm us.
£ Againßhiswill, 371 He that hathdme anili deedumvillingíy *, orumwittingj [not knowingit] is worthy ofpity: ßlongc impute itto]it άνhéthcr hc will limeffe ; deal not rigorou/y [ufe not extremity] ; he which orno-.
3£ì. fo, does it omfet purpofe,für the mance,/halbepumifheddauhe well deferveth : he whicb upom amothers fettingon andputting
good caufe.
*Engouragement, fùrward*, is not altogether excufed[effoined,held blame . ÉÉ eoun* 1efìè]. and di leffemfrut. #£t›. 87, Encreafenot affiiíiion to the affitttd, butcryout 1f minifh it bygjving them reliefe, whem they 4nenterpri32,*prefuming[relying]onthy belp; amybegimeth , £££££* dónofee mo khimyior defeator difappoint se Make him a 873 He that fands in aeedof affifance, will it ijk bim ear neßiy, witb migb: amdmiaim,fo aik, to intreat, to pray, tobe foole. fáchfür Gods fake, amdto ma{e hümblerequefi ? 874 A proud [furly, ftately] unthawkfull begger gettetb no
'thingby begging: aì* umreâfînable cráveris ? cumberfìme :
Εi will not be befhaligo;itbout [haye a dcniali]. led [gbtained the things have ffcdand?revai ubcnjou Ę. A,a„. . 87*which amdto him thanks], thamk him (give youcravcd], -
the utmoft ofyour power requite acurtefie : iffùr fome good
reafam yoube faid may, be mot troublefìme, grumblent. g7« That which any one bgfioweth out of his bounty unrequef obftinately caft … ed, refufeit modeftj : butdo mot h ftiffè£y rejeéfit, left jou femto fit light bjit,or formit, and leff jùubee upbraided t of. iche&a, caßin [twitted*] with unthankfulmeffè and obftinacie. 977 The degrees ofthankfulmeffè are, to take imgood part [ac the tecth. cept of] apoor prefent, iniôåäge a goodturm, to* tel! & Giweit out. it äbroadyo proféffèones fèlf'beboldig [iiiuch boünd], and 1£ndqtted. torecompénte it [make amends]. 878 1tis the duty ofwealthymen,fobe free [frank,opcn-hand edjandto requite prefènts [togiye gift for gift]. 379 Prefémts are fènt togueffs thii havè beeneniertained;new -
n Kintnen,ali;.,. years gifis roones* neareßfiendi. g83 Hónour and *reverente men that are ° notable and famous Šibent, of ' for tbe werthineffe of thir parts [endowments] and/ìr faffingim choice [fpeciall Jgifts : deffife [ fetat noaght] gestnose. -
m Admire.
£0 mam.
88; Do goodto all mcn : hwtwobody: wifhgood fpeed to ali "' '' ' ,' iagneral. ^
c H AP. 9o.
£amua Linguarum referata.
raria, meretur : qui fecùs, expoftulationem, reprehen fionem, objurgationem, vituperium, probra, animad verfionem & caftigationem: fed prout perfoha eft.
871 Qui* nolens aut infcius maleficium admifit, com: a 'Velit,wolit. miferatione dignus eft ; fimplicitati tantifper imputa, rigidè nè age: quib datâ opcrâ & de indüftriâ, jure, b Deditâ, eomfulto, meritóque punietur : qui * álieno inftin&u & impulfu, * Aliquo horta non omninò excufatur.
872. Affli&ionem affli&is nè auge , fed fuppetias feren do minue, cùm implorant. Siquis opis tuæ fiduciâ fre tus cœptumexorditur, nè deludas nec expe&tationem fruftreris. ,
873 Adjumento qui eget, eum inftanter obnixéque pete re, rogare, obteftari, obfecrare, fupplicaret , námne f $umma gmbi tione sontendere.
[numquid] pigebit ? :
874 Superbus & ingratus mendicus nil emendicat: im portunus flagitator odiofus cft ; repulfamferet.
9, 5 Cum exorayeris & impetrayeris quae rogâfti, dgrá- d Gratur. tias age [habe,] & pro tuâ virili gratiam refcr: fi jüftâ •„
dc caîsâ negatur,nè obtunde,nè murmura. 876 Quod quis non rogatus ex munificentiâ largitur, modeftè recufa : fed pertinaciter nè refpuc, nè con temnere & afpernari videaris, tibíque ingratitudo ac
pervicacia exprobretur [objiciatur.] 377 Gratitudifiis gradus funt, munufculum boni [£qui] '' confulere ; benèficiumagnófcere, depraedicare (pro -
`fiteri fe debere [devizátum,obftri£fum])& penfare. g78 Munes effe & munera remunerari [retribuere] opu 1entorum eft.
g79 Acceptis diverforibus [hofpitibus] venia, neceffariis ftrenæ mittuntur.
38o Confpicuos& dotum præftantiâ praeclaros, donífq; fingularibus antecellentes, honora ac fufpice : nemi , nem defplce.
881 Profi, omnibus : obfisnemini: faufta precare uni verfis. -
O 4
c AP. 9o.
janua Linguarum referata. CA P. 9o. De Fortitudine. 882,
M. Agnanimus eft, qui fecunda & adverfa indif ferenter ferre poteft.
s83 Nihil enim vulgare aut facile fa&u admiratur ; ad » vAlacri animo,
repentina non conft rnatur ; jaétatorum & audaculo rum minas flocci pendit nec hujus facit: labores non detre&at: & quibus fe addixit, eos * alacriter fubit ftienuéque urget: ex anguftiis elu$tatur: at pericula
, incvitabilia, fimminent [impendent] vel inftant, intre pidus adit & animosè fuffert, neque effugia aut fubter • íugia difquirit ; fcd ultima expcritur : audaciam modò , & temeritatcmrefugiens.
884 Propterea quod cœpit, continuat ; quò ufque indu ' ftriä & affiduitate perfccerit : feffùs tamen & fàfTus, nè fuccumbat penitus, remittit.
& timidus, in profperis in tumefcit,in calamitofis fubfidit & animum defpondet *:
885 Pufillanimis ex adversò * Jatu: mortem , £bi co«/<i?it. .
inopinis percellitur ; inertiae & timiditati commentiti
asobtendit 1 praetexit] caufas: ad qucmvis ftrepitum effeminatè expallefcit, trepidus eft & querulus: iiiutire vel hifcere vix audet.
• •
886 Jnter fortem ergo $ignayum vel fegnem [pigrum, fòcordem,] quid intercft ? ille vocationis muniá folij? citè agit, hic negligenter & nugatoriè : ille fedulò, hic focorditer : ille enixè, hic remißè : ille accuratè, hic defun&oriè : ille quietè, hic protervè: ille ince^ ptum inaturat & exequitur, hic cun&tatur & omnia procraftinat : ille inceffanter, [fne intermißione ] in
Propofito dgcoro pergit porrò : hic h£ftat, defülto fiè tergiverfatur,& rcftitat: verbo, illc viget ubique, hic languet & torpetubique. -
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. c H AP. 9o. of valour. • •
E i.° couragicus, that cam weal and woe [pro ITlfperity andadverfitie] bothbeay alike. §* rit• *of abtaseffi 883 For bee wondereth at nothing that is ordinarie or eafe to bee done ; bee is mot a blank'd at fiddem accidents ; bee a Abafled,fight cares not a rifh for the threats of braggards and jolly da- cd.Quatht. ring fellowes, and weighes them not thus mucb ; hee doth motJhiftoff labours ; and thofe, which hee fets himfelfe a bout, hee undergoeth them * cheerfully, and followes them * via,,.,,..,. hard [earneftly] : hee fruggles out offtratts: but if uma- fuiicouiage.T°
882, *
voidable perils hang [ hover] vver his head, or preffe hard upon hee fettetb andevafiwms endureth them him, couragiouffy, and um duththem not undauntedly, feeke about for wr
farting-boles, but* rums allhaxxgrds : yet efihewing c fol. b Puts ali to* bardineffe amdrafhmeffe. venture, tryeth
8sTÎjçìïíïaiib that which behathbgum, untiu cíú vver venterous, that by pains-taking, amd ftting hard at it, he haib made am dariìg.
- emâ gfit : jet beiníìveajamdiiied heJlatketh [refteth],left heJhouldd utterly fimk. 885 theotber fide, a faint-hearted coward or craven looks
d Quite faile.
bigim profperity, but finketh [fainteth] ande quatleth * in £ 1s difcouraged. trauble : at things unexpetted he us daünted [appalled,ftri- '9* kilieth fiim ken with amazement] and pretends feined ëxcufes für bis '*"**
fearfùlneffè andacowardlimeffè: amy** rufflingwife chan-: « Bounce,thump. geth colouy like womam, and isatwhining and ready tohequake w
Be dares hardlymutter[imumble]or quetch [whimper, open his mouth].
886 What then is the différence betweene a fvafiant mam and ts oughty,ftrong, a dullard [coward jor ** laxie lubber ? he perfo meth the manl;. duties of his calling carefully, this mam carcle[ly, [retch- “Slack. lefly j ima toying mammer : the gne diligently, the other [lotífìly: theone äitb gall his ßreffe,the other faihtly [flack- grooth & naile 1y, coldly] : the one curiouffy [exa&ly], the other flubberingly : theone calmly,the otherfowardy: the ome beiiirsbim [íakes hafte] anábgoeth thorow-ffitcb wbere be begins,the h Accomplifheth. other lingereth [whiles away the time] and delaies [drives of£j alfthingsfom dayto day: the one goes om forward in a . femììy purpojè withouti reffit, the other * flaggers [is in a ÉÉÉÉÉÉ
inamiíering],dolgetb*[fiie§ back]offamâ jamdfops of- £íúí' ten:in aword,the one is lively goes luftily]about every tbing;
tbeotber droupetheverywhere,andis lither.lifleffe;griff; -
887 H}'itb
Thegate of Languages unlocked
s87 mritb fluggards [flowbacks] andidle lurdens itis alwaies. boliday: they are idle andgadabout,ev m upom working daiet.
888 A]iirringative mam is buffed [will öe doingjevenim his fjare time [whenheis at leafure].
cH A P. 91. OfPatience, [fuffrance, frieano]. 889
VVí availes it tobewaife a miferable eftate, ifithe notgranted tochange it fùr abetter ?
89o A patient miam figheth [gíóneô], fheddeth tearr, weep eth : but whinetb mot, bouletb not, wailethnot.
891 He fands not debâting and cómplaining fr every trifting caufe ; he datb nut repay wrongs by revengingthem, or die • ' age quit.orevem quittavae a [givehim asgood asheebfingsj: bwf ** puts -
wi;, $ig;$mdet
3 É:
them uppatiently ; rathey safflightingtheni, tben makingthe
. weif fiiem,
difcontented]andchafeth „'ÉÉÉÉhe 892 indeedhefrettuth [isfpitefullmam, 4ffi at umbe£emigg angy with butheis ons leaft ofthêm. ; he is
* Vengeance.
matenraged to“ revenge;nor doth hebitteríy #*#} a
gainf anyeme : he maj be diffleafèd [wroth], butis motb ef a cankredftomack [bears no deadly feud] tjwards amj. 893 To keep in wratb,te pardow and fürgive a fault;to ffareanes veyfaes ahdenemies ; thisis the partofamexcellent ßirit. ro breake outinta paffìm, tofforme,to* rage, tothreatem, te « robewood. b Spitefull.
curfe orbas,igthefifhiofiofine uniuff[ontrágious], that is ` e Inhis right ginde.
not c well im bis vits.
894 Forhe is not bimfelf[his own manjwb» i* infuthafume, andallim a chafe, thatbe cannot refrain himfèf.
895 A right-noble Spirit had rathe* be meek then fèl!, civil! amdkind theafavage, gentie them ferae, mild them rough or churli/h, eaffy appeafedthem vengeable [dogged]. _ _ 896. For cruely and gutragioufmeffe [favagenéfè],ifit beni affwaged,is brutiffh. -
C H A P. 92. Of Conflancic.
, 897 *t*o fandout ßeddity in am bonef purpof (courfè],i; ajjint ofconfiamcie : not toholdom, is the property of a shittfene£, a ficklemeffe.
898. Put bíaref* thou ? iti, metbingto be tonffant, apotberta be furdy (felfe-willed]. -
- -
899 The 99 I here
£ama Linguarum referata.
! I.
s87 Defiäibus & otiofis[pigritie, £gnititi, aedie deditij fèmper feriae funt: etiam profeftis diebus otiantur & vagantur.
888 Navus [gnavus] etiam in otio negotiofus eft. *C A P. 9r. De Patientia.• 889
ÆĘ conditionemquid prodeft deplora re, fi non datur in melius commutare.
89o Patiens gemit, lachrymatur, flet ; non autem plo rat, ejulat, lamentatur.
sg1 Leviculâ de causâ non expoftulat: injurias nonul cifccndo rependit aut a retaliat, fed aequanimitcr tole- a?arparinfr. rat, extenuans potiùsquàm exaggerans.
89» Indignatur quidemindignè fa&is, & malevolo fuc * cenfet ac ftomachatur : fed, non effervefcit in vindi
- &tam,nec vehementer invehitur in quenquam ; infenfus eft alicui, noninfeftus.
893 Iracundiam cohibere, ignofcere, & condonare [re mittere] culpam, parcere ipfis inimicis, excellentis ani mi eft : Exardefcere, fremere, furere, minari, male-
dicere , diras imprecari,impotentis b [[ui non ampotis.] b Mewe emori * [alienati]
894 Eft enim imposfui [non apud fe,] qui eô ufque ex candefcat &totus aeftuet, ut fe reprimere nequeat.
895 Generofus animus mavult mitis effè quàm atrox, hu manus quàm barbarus,manfuetus quàm ferus,benignus [clemensjquàm trux, placabilis quàm digus. 89& Nam fævitia [crudclitas] & immanitas, nifi mulcea rur,c bcftialis eft. c 'C AP. 92. De Conflantiâ. '
897 TN honefto inftituto immotè perfiftere, conftantiae eft : non perfeverare, levitatis.
9:3*, heus tu,aliud cft conftantem, aliud pervicaccm ,
¢11€. •, •
899 Siquis
3amua Linguarum referata. . 399 Siquis ergò (dumhoc fuadet, ab illo diffùadet, hor Ttatur vel dehortatur) meliora monuerit: nè fis Contu
max, nè praefra&tè repugna, nec obftinatè contradic, fed palinodiam cane, monitori obfequere & moreiì gere.
9oo Verùm fiquis te in bono labefa5tat , obfirma ani mum & obftina, ufque dum difcutias ac perrumpas moliri, f Multa demo grae-
obftacula. Façta enim infe&a , & rata irrita:reddcrc t dedecet. , -
• C A P. 93. De Amicitia & Humanitate. v,
• '
9or CVI converfationem tuam vis cffe. amabilem, eflo inferioribus humanus & affabilis, æqualibus of 'ficiofus, fuperioribus vencrabundè obediens , eófque * senioribus ap. reverenter cole *: ita demum veram ab iis, non fàl frgg, gpperica- „ faminibis gratiam,
9o» Hofpité humaniter hofpitio. excipe, admißös nè extrudas. tlndiqueque abfcedis , valedicere ; quem cunque convenis aut praeteris, apmanter , falutare né' dedignator. .Salutantem refaluta : Difcedentem abs te aliquoúfquc comitare ac deducito honori
* ,
ficè. ,
• •.
9o3 Inrerroganti refpönde placidè : ad minimum annu ito vel abnuito [remue.]
,o4 Nemini obloquaris, nec quemquam contumeliofiùs appella,neque ignominiofo nomine dehonefta. Lo qüentem nè interpella, nec ejus verba Præoccupa: ne
. . . . fcientitamen aliquid, fi tibi fuccurrit[fubit ;] függere: ' '*
Quite opperitur, nè cum morator [ei fis in mera.j
9c5 `Cuicüique gratificari potes ullâ re,-nè refrageris. ncc graveris, vel gratis [gratuitò]
, ^)
9o6 Siquis indiget cynfilio, téque dere aliquâ confulat, ' ei confule : fîconfolatione, confolare: fi fubfidio, fùb veni, auxiliare, opitulare: fi fuffragio, ei fuffragare ;
aegrotos vifita , Ä omnium benevolcntiam demerebc ris; & amorem tibi conciliabis. .
- -
9o7 Læfit
Thegate ofLanguages unlocked. £.
399 Therefore when 4) one * ifheth thee to doethis, orcoun- < fels tbee nut to doe that 5 exhortetb to, or dehortethfrom, if
bee [hall b advifè thee fùr the beiter: bee mot wilfull b pat theein
, [ ftübborne], withfamd not peremptorily, and gainfay not mindc of. obftinately : but recant, bee ruled by him that advifeth thee, 'andfollow his mimd. -
goo But ifanymam woulddifable [weaken] thee in that which is good 5 befiiffè and refolute,till you* fiatteramdbreak tho- * §££*££eces *. ' row all himderances: fùrit is cunfeemly to undoe that which ;y££ £.. :
, is dome already, or to make things approved[refolved] om, to boutmanythings,
f. proofè [to be ofno force]]t come tomo proof. -
throwthemdown. `as öufiiyto and
C H AP. 93. OfFriendfhip, and Curteße. * 9oI -
to bee loveiy, bee thou would ff have thy t0converfe I*curteousandfaire-fpoken thy underlings, fervice- !
* •
• able to thy fèllows,fùbmiffivelyobedient to thybelters, reve remcing them awfulj * * fo thou/halt gainfavourinde£d, and * Rife up to thy mota pick a thank onely.
elders.püt offtby
9o». Entertain frangers kindly,and beinglet im,thurff them mot $ig Ę; ;£•
out. whatfoeüerpìae thìud partefi fúm, difdai not tobid * °"'*"** , ** farewell [to take thy leave]: lovingly to falute whomfùever
thou fpeakeff with of paffèfè by. Ifany bid thee goodmorrow or goodeven,gíeet bim again : ifany be departingfrom thee,fùme part ofthe way* bear him company,aiidbring bim om the way • Aceompany , ; vefpeéiively [with due refpe&t].
9o3 To bim that asketh any queftiom, amfiver gentù, at leaf yeeld, or refufè by thy gefture [beckon to him,Tor make fomé figne ofrefufäll]. 9o4. Give momam fùul langwage ; domot mißcall or nick-mame anybody. Do nottrouble [interrupt] one that isfpeaking, nor
take the word 9ut ofbis mouth; yetifa manb annot tell fome- b Beignorantof, thing,prompt [informjhim,ifit come tothy mind: make not. himtarry too long, that tarrieth for thee. 9o5 yhomfúeveryou cam pleafure in anything, be not againii it 5 grudgemot [think not much] to do it, evem fùr mothing [frank and frec].
- _
• •
966 Ifany omeneedeth coufeu, and aketh thy advice abouta matter,advifehim : ifcomfùrt, cùm fùrt him : ifhe want thy furtheramce, aid, affif and füccour bim : ifthy voice, cgjve him thy voice [g6od word] : thus [halt thou wim £ Sapdfqr, him, -
thegood-wili, and getthis thelwv, ofali,
go; Hath *"*
----------- - - s -
Thegate of Languagesunlocked. 9o7 Hath any we hurt [wronged] thee ? wink at biwth* did amiffe, and thoufhalt fhime him : ifbee Tbee fórryfr [repents of] that be batbdme ; bee not toocoy ; but par
dum him, difpenfè with him : and prefènty thou Jhaft male a Afgelior poti- him beboldtmg andbinde bim to thee, asby aaftrong love , ìÉÈ€¢íôçh-
cth a manialore. 9o8 ifthere grov apy/ufficiam [ill conceit] againf thee, put
it by, amdexcufe tbyfèf: ifthouthy fifhafToffènded any, be not 4fhamed to fpeake to him, tò appeafe,to pacifie,tò &ropray ag-ina, eintreat pardam, and te bee reconciled, not für fjhiam om* er präybim hot ly,. fiom the teeth outward, butheartij, and in good
o9 firajwardneffe effrangeth [lofeth the love ofj tke enti. 9°.;fiends. Suffèrmot agrudge to fettle [wax leff it
turnintohatred [rancor, malice].
9 1&. To be afane minde [to agree in one] and to live ia 4 ci,a„,-,-f.1. ' fiendj,fellowly mammer, welìbecometh s comrades andb fè lewesin a hou/è.
h Paftner:-arfsi- 91 1 It is not poffible, but that theirJhouldbe différences,brea low-boardcrs. ches,jars, andfallings out betweem men: but coward mufbe - _ remevedand made up whole byfùrbearamæ oiie • mother 5 andthey thatare fallemagain out [at ods] muf* of bereconti o
led [atoned,fet at one] aadmade friendsagaine by media tors going to andfo, amd dealimg betweem party andpwty.
tHappy ficce£. 91 z Hath4/yone 'good ffeed ? look not " awiy upom bim, mA:£ii£*-£quit "favour him. Hath he any mißhance [mi(hap] ? take com £¥!iT ** paffomon him. It is the pártofa pitifili, mejiifull o manto Στά. P%! »
pitie poorwretches [havemercy on men inmifery] : but
•fa mercileffe, rutbleffe fpirileffè], hard-hearted mam, te tyiumph [infult] vver mem ihat are in trouble, to play up* them, or make fport with them. -
'* .
91 3 Hâve a care,above allthings, oftellimgtroth : thereisno ibing more horíible them ljing : a ljer, that devifetb what
lieto tell, is hatefull. 914 1famyfècret come totly knowledge,%laxg it møt abroad, and / . ' let not another get any inkling of it, although hee enquire »* eros into. [would ? found and fift theé] : whif, 1 ß), and peace; ?;£ : ffay mot a word : thyfècrecie [keeping cóuinfeli] will gen , q Eee animiconye- dammage mo mam ;chiefy, it will be á cúmhhéìdation to tbj -
an.cncc tO· ,
9i; Be mot fad[füllen, fowre-look'djamongthoßwbichar*
• •
. . -
. cheerful,noryet extremely meriy[jocund]...
916 binia fíeringjibirátofhiffiinj aiiâ ifiyma ofÉ ζΚΊς -
famua Linguarum referata.
a 9o7 Læfi£te quis ?.£onnive ad peccantem, & fufruna.
Ä' cum : fi pœnitet fecifè, nè fi$averfior, fédâ, veniam, gratiâia; &9ppidòíibideiìè, & tanquam phil è, fac tro efficaciobftrifiges. , •
i.t, 9o3
siquain tefubgrta fitfufpicio, amove, & pra tc :
fi offehdiftiipfe,alloqui [affari,]pacare, Placare, depre
£a£i;£ reconciliarinę pudeat?ion diéis ergä'&'®.
[verbo] tenus, fedc ex ánimo ac ferió.
c v4minitw,su
s 9 ^9 Protervia intimos alienat: fimultatem inveteraf:ere non fines, nè in odium tranfeat.
9ro Contubernales & convi&ores condecet unanimitas, I.
& amicum contubernium.
, 91 : Diffentiones, diffidia, difcordiæ, itæ, quin interce-.
dant,haud eft poffibile: fed concordia rédintegranda
eft tolerantiâ mutuâ ; & qui diffident, per ultr§cir3.
quc commcantes & intercedentes
andi,& in gratiam rcdigendi.
' 91 • Felicesfùcceffùs habet aliquis * nè limis fpe&a, &,
ve. Infortunium ? commiferäre. Mifericordis & cle mentis eft, miferoruminifereri : at inclementis, inhu
mani, truculenti, calamitofis infultare & illudere, e6f.
ve d ludificari.
d Ludibrio habent, ß
, 913 Veracitatiimprimis ftude: mendacio [vanitate j nil tetrius:exofus mendax tiatur, eft.[vamus] qui comminifcitur quod inen
914 Siquid tibi innotuit fecreti, nè divulga, nec refci fcat åte alius, tametfi contétur: s't, ihquam, tace, , e mufâ : taciturmitas tuo nemini incominodabit,'te ap- • Muffa, , primaè commeadabit,
¢ 915
Inter hilares tetiieus nè fis, nec tamen effusæ læ
,; sic insis, dias af, & fquis; grassi; ,
£aaua Linguarumreferata. dum lepidi admifces, falcs fint, noa cavilla ; allude, nè vellica: nè quem praefentium laceffas, abfentium calumniaris nec obtreétes. \
917 Nam jurgari, rixari & vitilitigare, agreftium eft & vitilitigatorüm : criminari ac deferre , quadruplato rum, füfurronum $ delatorum (qui vel amiciffimosin- ! ter fe committunt:) vexare S: exagitare, balatronum & fcurrarum: convitiari & coatumeliâ afficere nebi
lonum, maftigiarum, flagrionum [verberomum] furcif rorum,, ftigmaticorum.
CA P. 94. De candare. 9i 8 ^um quocunque verfaris & neceffitudo tibi in
itercedit, erga illum fis apertus, fine fraude do 16que : Amicum enim prodere,fraudáre & fallere,qua le decus ?
919 Fidelem tibi fociam afcifce, eique fidus efto : nil ei 4
furtim fubducas a [furripias :] ejus in fraudeum nihil
• occipe: nam perfidè qui agit, fibi perditionem machi natur.
9*2 Siquid taxandum aut culpandum eft, nè clam fiat,
fed coram, in qs ; idque parrhefiá, próut fentis, modô tempcftivè & fine amâruléntia.
9z 1 Ab amicitiâ nihil alieniusaffentatione. \
9** Cernis crimen ? nè diffimula : commonefacito , in " crepa, objurga ; etenim cur non cernere fimules ?
923 Si proximus deliquit, commone eurn errati , apertè £orripe,& corrige : delinquenti adulari & palpagi,vcr fipellium impoftorum eft.` -
924 Siquis util'a loquitur atque ad rem, affentire & con
* fenti: fi inutilia aut alicna áre, nè affçntare. ' i ' ,• -
· · · · · ··
925 Pä!-
& :
Thegate of Languages unlocked. courfe thou r comef out mith anypleafamt matter,let them be r Interminglef, ' yittyjefts fcoffingtaumts [aIIude], but dò mot [fquibs],not 'gird: do mot provoke [abufe: glance in illáttermes] ary £j*_. £$?»twitch,
oftbemthaiare prefènt ; do hot flander nor backbite ihyof*"* .
them that are abfemt. dt b : . 9 17 For to brawl, to fcold and* brabble about trifles, is the -
ííύ :££££*
fafhiwn of** ìnes [fwajns, country hobs]
, [jangling companions]: to aharge wuh a crime, to appeach
[infórme agaififi]is the guize ofpromootery, whifférers u u Picktbanks. [make-bates], infórmers [tell-tales](who fet evcnthe meereffriends together by the cars): to difquiet, torate or (hake up, ofpraters [bawlers] and bafe [foul mouth'd] feoffers: -
to railat [revile] apdw reproacbyffheakingknavesyaskals, w roaffront, vaflts, rak-bels, branded rogues. -
c H AP. 94. Offair-dealing, [plain-meaning.] - 9I8
L'* vith whomfàever thou converf.fi or haft iter ac quântance [alliance],be opem [plaifi-deal ng] robim
vithout craf, [guile] and deceit. For what a poor homouris it to betray, beguile and deceive a fiend ? -
1 9 Gaiihcía fiithful compamion, nnd be* faitbfulto him: “££*";„ „ . 9
a filch [pick,pilfer,nimi] noihingfiom bim by fealth [fnea- :::ita kingly] without his knowledge : attempt mathingto his pre- prĘ.' judice [harme] : fw he that dealeth ** treacheroußysplotteth * Éai;.
[pra&ifeth, worketh] deftruition tohimfelfe. . . 9zo Ifany thing deferveth to be taxcd or blamed, letit motbe done covertly [clofely, in a corner], but in his prefence,and to his face,and that with fpeaking friely, juff as you thiake ; fò it be feafonably, and without bittermeffe. . . . . ., . . . . 921. Nothingis móe b umbefeming [unmeet for] fitndjhip b Mif-becoming; •
them flattery.
• '.
912. Sceft thoü afault?do mottake mo notice ofit,but admonfh, , rebuke, chide : fòw »hyJhouldeft thou make as ifthou fayoff ât mot ?
• ,. .
. .
9* 3 Ifaneighbour hath fäiled, c telhim ofhis fape, take him c Advertife, wain, ip*plainly,and fet him aright again : It isthe partofturm-coat cóozgners íchcaters] to flatter [glofe] and fìoth upone that ' * . . 'doth amiffè. -
• •
-* :
924 Ifany ne fpeaketh things ufefull,and to the purpofejecldto ._ .. .
him,aiidagrę syiib himsEifunprofi able and å gothingto the â £;$.Ę;
purjofeâônot flater [fmóoth hifi up,fayas he fayes]. ÉÉ “ -
. .
923 Co,&#£
The gate of Languagesunlocked. 9*5 Cogging [foothing] and crafjfär Jhewes belongto eum. ' *eourtholy-
ming companioms : fmooth aomplcmenting* , curious curfies [congies], crouching crimges,amd fùch like frwmingefùateries
íiííim a,
belong to claiae-bací.anâ fickthanksi: do thjjtt tbing. fairly [open-heartedly,]unfeimedij and in good footh. 926 Blu/hnat, meither be Jhamefac'd to be known of tbe truth,
any thing to
as thou art privie toit : fw why wouldii thou bee fiwrme [broughtupon thy oath]?
9»7 Shew mot tbyfeiffamiliar with them,ofwbofè fair-dealing thou haftjet hadne tryali : otherwife,Tbybeing foo familiar, thoufhalt rum into contempt.
4 •
9» 8 Domot fawn upom frangers [perfons unknown], leff they
thinkthreto collogue[curry favour],0' ufewiles toenizapthem. C H A'P. 95. Of a Schollars courfe o£life. •
E thatis at leafire from employments, at folne time
[gotten byfhatches], lethim g0 to a merry compa num : yet a vifit mot him thatb amnot abide to look oatbee,
• .
;?; ;::,$.
Ę [ ;y mtddle mot with him. fìbi ofthe], 933 Countit modigrace to thee, ofwhat fort, cuntry w degre* * orans upfiart,
thy beloved eompaniom be, moble [nobly bred], or unmable [bafe, ofa mean birth *] 3fo thatheebe am e hone$t mam,
ncwly raifcd: the firft Öfthe honfe.
agr tothy difpofitiwm. ièm. foime 7oi not thy ßiß »pith memofam jmdΈ'
93 t Sbum bad compagy, and diffordered [ill governeâ] ac quaintamce, that is good fùr mought: fùr they taint [mar] and corrupt a mans conditioms.
93 » Good fcholars tale delight in walkingout, whetbertheybe to meditate [muze], or tale d tagether.
d Commune.
933 Whenthey have talem a fé* turns, or whemit igtedibus • ' ' [wearifome] tofetcha walkim the füm fhime, they ßt dowme in theJhade, orfhadow.
934Sureiy itûs agoodj amdprettythingfobe able to parley[con fer] with thoßthat are far affunder, ahd to certifie tbemof fwho Have a re- any thing, notby meffengers f, but byfendingthem a letter. . $tard!:fi£V£$° 935 TheÅcient$ wroteā woóìem c tables waxed over, (that it
ÉÉÉÉ^*highierafjirjrijiotedout)aminibtlemthejjèntet-, lad tidir or
ÉÄÈÉÊ of Ę c Boards.
ter-carriers : cleame whitepaper* is fitter fùr our ufe [ftands us better in ftead] : forink finketh thorow brown paper. -
* Nöt the paper rufl, that growes naturally in Egypt,whofeftalke they flivedinto very t\im fiakes άr íhccts(thatlöhgfince isgrown qutjff.): but thatwhichis made byart.6f iinmenrags laida foking, fhrédin piec€s,into little bitibcatqnfimali,or quafht*e.
936 mhtm
£amua Linguarum referata.
• \.
925 Palpum & offuciae fubdolorum funt: blandimenta§. -Auli fobfequiofae gefticulationes & venerabundæ, & hu- „, ulice ceremi -
jufcemodi adulatoria nugamenta , funt adulatorum [affèntatorum] & palpatorümf : tu candidè & fincerè &m f 3g44£**** omnia. loquumtur. -
9»6 Veritatem ingenuè fateri nè erubefcas, neque vere cundator, ut ejufdem confcius es : cur enim adjurari velis. '
927 Quorum tibi nóndum exploratus eft candor, famili
arem te non exhibebis: caeteróqui ex nimiâ familiari tate contemptum incurres. '
928 Ignotis blandiri noli, nè teílenocinari fibique infidi ari exiftiment.
CA P. 93. De converfatione erudita. . 929 ^ui ab occupationibus vacat, tempore a fuccifi. a Su%voi vo, vadat ad congerronem : eum tamen, cui in vifus es, nè invifas, miffüm facias.
93o Cujas fit dile&us fodalis, & nobilis an ignobilis *, 14***** **' * ad ignominiae nè ducas : dummodò fit frugi, 1 ... ingeniumtibituum congruat : Infamibusb nè teatque cön- * 3.33 male'4ii• Jungas. -
93 1 Pravorumconfortium & fodalitiadifiòluta ac nauci
devita : vitiant etím & depravant mores. 932. Do&i c deambulationibus c £ani literi&ex tandum eft five confabulandum.dele&tantur, five mcdi- cwlti, 933 Cum aliquot fpatia confecerint, vel cum in ap:ico fpatiaritaefüm eft, confideuur in ûrâ.
934 Nae pulchrum & fcitum eft, cum diffitis colloqui & quidvis fignificare poffè , nofi per nuntios f, fed per f &* ffore tewv, ad eos datas. , lata nanciant, s 935literas Antiqui in tabellis ceratis (ut deteri, cradi, aut de- :gidonan leri pofßt) exarabant, & cum iis tabellarios mittebant T* I
[legabant]: nobis comrhodiùs infervit papyrus* puta 5 * N., qtte : is nam a bibula tranfmittit [bibulam penetrat] atramentum. e/£gypto nafcitur, / cujus fraptum in }ratenùe; phijraguplagia 4ivelkbat;(iiia jampridem in defiietudineg abiit:)fed fa£fitit -
& limteolùm àfiftijfiifhllatim concifì ,
$. £gre 936. Epi
2, —
'• /
£anua Linguarum referata. 936 Epiftola complicata, nè legi queat, nifi ab eo cui dcftinatur, figillo obfignatur,Trefignanda (nifi inter cipiatur) illi ad quem infcriptio fpeétat. 937 Cognomen intus fubfcribitur. 938 Schedula non figillatur.
· · ·
C A P. 96. De Ludicris. 939
taneis (âifpares enim colluforcs non, bcnè fociantur) dcfatigatum te relaxa oble&tamentis.' 94o. Aliusalio ducitur ftudio. Sunt quos fpe&acula de feétant: at commotio vegetat, torporénique excutit.
/ /
941 Facetijs,di&t3riis, ac
*Vel retieulo in fphærifferio.lufftant -
E labafcant fragiles vires aut elanguefcant, N quandoqic cefla & à feriis abfifte ; & cum coæ2
d Qwtbus puell, & puella.
£jj,£#ae, trias[ternio]
Ę certare, ingenio
fum eft : pilâ datatim mifsâ *, fphaera & conis, glo vel aftragalifmo, bulis, cmpusâ, par impar,» myindâ, ** » r:;: -;-/ trocho [turbine,] fclopo, yel igne miffili, puerile d : Chartis luforiis, talis, téféris, aleâ,f fritiilo, alcato rium: latrunculis, nperofum.' -
quaternio, pemtas,
fena*,heptaj, emne 4*, c eca4 : al
94» ubi fiquis ad incitas cópellitur,a&umeft de eo:cedat.
i- 943 Lafcivi ac calamiftrati faltatores faltent & fubfultim <**, alii infelices. tripudient, féque choreis,faltationibus ac tripudiis exer ccant. Choragus [præfultô] chorum du&itat. £tas ltbeatur
944 Grallator [gralipes] grallis greffus fpatiofos diva ricat.
945 Petauriftæ ac funambuli, papæ ! quàm audaces & confidentes funt !
946 Curfores in ftadio à carcetibus ad metam curriculo feftinant, & primus brabéum [bravium] aufert! 947 Alii fignänt lineam, quam fimul ac attigerunt, fi confiflunt illico, fponfionem depofitam{faëtam ] evin g Pr«tercurrerit., cunt: qui g ultra procurrerit, aut citra eam fubftiterit, ludum perdit. b Trojae lufu; i m gnariopralto,
-943 In circo [hyppodromo] equitando; in catadromo h ha- ' iludio ; in i agóne luétafido & relu&ando, uter al terum fupplantarct [conficeret,] concertant. -
949 Gladi
Thegate of Languages unlocked. 936 When a letter is foulded up, that it may notbe read but by him to whom itis intended[fent] : it is féaled with a féale ; and, ifit benot intercepted[taken up by the way], it isto
be fbrokem up by him to whom the fuperfcjiptioj & belongeth. rv,t.,1.4. 937 Thefurmame is umder-written withim. 938 A fùroù [fhort note] us mot fealed.
g Isdire&ed.
C H A P. 96. OfSports and paftimes. 'Eß fùmetimes, and** give over earmeft bufineffes (f) *Ceafefrom. ftrengthfh/uldfunt [ 939 thy or wax feeble): and when thou art wearied, refefhthy fèlfe at fomea fports,together with thofe that are ofthe fame age : a Pleafùnt fùr plag-fèllowes thatare not matches are no fit companions. paftimcs. 94o Sume take delight in ome exercifè, fome in amother.*Thereare fome that take pleafüre in viewing of fights: but firringenli veneth [quickneth],andjhakes off heavimeffe[lifilefheff. to do any thing]. 941 To ßrive who [hallget the betterim meriy conceits, quips [frumps] andriddles, is a wittything: to playatfiool-ball * * or witharac. [hand-ball], at fale-bones, at bowls, at cfùx in the hole, at ketinatenfif even and od, at blimd-mam buff [blindhob],at cockall, or Σ; (bowling with a top or gyg, with a pot-gum or fjuib ; this is child/h . áëris om «.
#! Å
[boyes play dj:Toplay at cards,tabies, dice, or amygame $i€i3T . efházzãdi, with adice-box ora paire oftables, this istbe dSgaliasboyes trick ofagameffer : to play at cheffe, isto:lfùme. £* o4* hhcreifanyone be fét, he £ is out, lethim give gp. f £, deus,tray, 3 Let wantons andffpruce damters fisk, hop and caper,and £ater, finke,fi£, êxercifè themfélves in dancings [morrices], vaultings amd £V££h; $ig;ht:
ijiig;. Ties fore man oririg-leaderú, the dice... jú dlucky -
944^ Hethat ggeth on fcatches,b fiälketh out wide, ffrides with É:;* his ftilts or fcotches.
f me unlucky. ' '
945 a frange ! how bold amdventrous are tumblers, and they :£ytis that damcc Um a rope ! ;;;;;d, tricked 946 Runwers in a racerum with all fpeedfom the lifts [barrs] îîîîîî. to the goal, andthe firff carrieth away the pri«e.
h Strideth, ftrad
47 otbers mark out alime : and ts foom a* they toucbit, ifleth. fòrtbwith they ffamd ßili, they win the wager that is * laid « bet. [the ftakes ftaked down] : he that Jhall rum beyond, or i fiopbefore he come at it, lofttb tbe game. .. . . i Come fhcrt of ' -
348 intbebo fe-rage menfirive oney^amutheratriding[running ἐisfie. horfc-racés,courfingj:in the tilt-ju/dat* runningati;:itthe É£;onwrafiling-pláce,atwräffling&frug/imgwhether fui; fi;ike Insut. up the othcrs hecls. P 3 949 'Sword. -
The gate ofLanguages unlocked. vswam-buckers. 949 ' Sword-players, fencers [champions] combat in theartil lery-yard, the maffer offence beingtheiydiyttior.
95o when two " fight at/harpeyt isa finglecombat : where** by
m Bladeit.
, turmes, the one challengeth [bids defiance], lets fy [offers
to firike], andgiveththe blow : theotberávidetbjt,Tward
eth it off, and fèncetb it : but he * vamquiJhetb that hittetb [^riketh home] : he thatis fùiled, yeeldíbimfèlfvamquiJh ' ed [gives up the bucklers]. * whofè fingers 95 1 2 fugle** bythe Wimblemeffe ofbis aítiom dax'eth the eye £is alwjssfid- ' fight ofthefandcrs by: but they are [leights [tricksoflejer n Overeometh,
gets thcbcttcr.
Âïînej; not mirácles. Kiuifi;* pbyffognomers, figure.
ΆΊî.;IIkao, amans, minde by
cafiers [that calculatc nativities],fortum -tellers tgipfies, thar have skilf in palmeftrie], and otber rumagates ófthe fame flamp, that wander up andelowm the country , by their p cheâtingtiicks, gull fimple folk oftheir money. *
his logk.
p Gallctis.
3;. A fiage-pleger aíieth the perfomofanatherman, and plar, eth enterludes [ftage-plaies].
' -
g;; A comedy doth Iively.fct fortb am intangled[trouble \ ' ' fome] fateofa bufinefle, but with a joyfuljupfhot : a Tra gedyhath a fàd [forrowfull] endimg. -
,53 Thefiageis ig the opem view,the tyrirg-[with-drawing]^' room (όutuf »'ich they come fùrth omthe fiage toa&#)us val ed [over-hanged] withcurtains, providedof attire [furni
fWho chcs; up , ture] for the aëiors, and mot tobe feemofthe lookers ont, un
leff* ifiehangngbe drawnafide.
$f*£i;£ s;;"jjjejiibus fìiifihroveride], beingmakeds, «ofthe flage.T ' or difguifed with viXXard* om. \
C H A P. 97. Of Death and Buriall.
A Deady fhoring or fhortingis am accideht properíj be fallingmcw that are readyto die.They thatliea draw
ingom, áre givcm overfùr dead [as paft hopeoflife]. a Perifhing,dea , 957 Toyee • mortal mcn ! b What omè of a thoufandamiongyou
Ę. i, iia-
£i;j, that upum this moment here, dependetbewr 958 Fir as fomas thoufhalt have givem up theghof, the foule
fhali immcdiately[out ofhand] flit [rémove] to beavcm,pr • -.
to the torments ofbell.
959 A dcadcorfe being fet ferth with funerall rites (tbat is, cmbalmed, lapt up in a wimding/heet, put in a coffim, cladin mourning, amdluidom a biere) is carried out tòthe burying bythe bearers. ,• . . . . * * * 96o The /
. .
^ -
janua Linguarumreferata. 949.diuntur, Gladiator;& Pugil;;[athlete] in palaeflrâ congre dire&ore laniftâ. 95o Cùm duo digladiantur, duellum eft: ubi k alterna- £,Per vices,alter tim,alter provócat, i&umiintentat & infert; alter do- **** clinat, inhibet & propulfat : viacit autem qui infligit : vi&us ' dat manus.
1 Herbam porrigit,
931 Gefticulator * [agyrta, preffigiator] a&ionis volubi- * chi,.„„„„„, 1itate aciemfpe£tatoris praeftringit: fed praeftigiae funt, digiti argutanius. non miracula. Ciniflones, phyfiognomi [metopofiopi, j genethliaci,chiromantici, & ejufdem " monctae erro- ra Farina fufi nes ac circulatores,impofturis fuis popellum argento c- '*• mungunt.
9;, Mimus [hiftrioJ pcrfonam alterius effingit [expri mitj & fabulasagit.
953 Comoedia perplexum a&um repræfentat, fed cum jucundâ cataftrophe: Tragœdia triftcm exitum. 954 Theatrum in propatulo eft : Scena (unde a&uri prodibant in profcenium). fipariis velatur, choragio fcenico inftruéta ; nec fpc£tatoribus f confpicua, nifi aliù f, ggj a£torum äpplaudunt, didu&o pcripctafmate [cortimâ.] alios explodunt & -
955 Bacchanalia peragunt p larvati [larvâ fèu perfonâ ob- n fimìnati. voluti.]
C A P. 97. IQe Marte & Sepulturâ. 956
MÉÉ fpeciale fymptoma eft ftertor ,
[rboncu$] lethalis. De iis, qui animam agunt, conclamatum eft. .
957 O mortaks ! quotufquifque veftrüm reputat,ab hoc pun&oaeternitatém [onie ævum] pcndcrc? 958 Nam ut a exfpiraveris, confeftim [extemplò] anima a Effiavwi/ •ii. ad coelos vel tartara migrabit. -
#59 Funus finefiis ritibus adornatum (id eft, polJin&um
âmiculo ferali involutam, capulo conditum, lugubri
ter [vefie pullâ, lugubri,] indütum b fandapilæ [oculo, b Pullatum. . .
fiiiíííííííííííííionibús cffatui, -
P 4
96o Fi-
— — -
' £anua Linguarum referata. c Po!yandrium.
96o Fiunt [celebrantur] cxcquiae [inferiæ] e coemeterium vcrsùs pompâ funebri.
• -
961 Exanimum corpus [cadaver] fepelitur: nos huma * mus [humo mandamus : } prifci, exftruétà pyrâ, rogo d Libitimariâ,
uflulabant [concremabant] (inde fepulchra funt BüÁa di &a:)cinercs autem mortuorum defodiebant d buftuarii in urnâ.
e Hermæ.
96* Eriguntur e cippi & cenotaphia, eífque infcribuntur * epitaphia ; & epicedia cantantur lugubria. 933 Ingentilifmo, condu$tæ præficae plangebant,& lef ' fibus ac f naeniis elogia eorum enumerârunt,qu1 ad plu res [infér05] (ut ethnici loqui amant) abierunt. ' ' 964 Et nè manes oberrarent, inferias, jufta feu parenta 1ia feralibus epulis faciebant ; celebrantes diem cmor tualem æquè ac natalem. ' ' - -
C AP. 98. De Providentiâ Dei. 965
Ir. mors interventu fiio finit omnia.
966 Omnia enim temporália funt caduca, fluxa & tranfi toria ; exoriuntur & intereunt.
967 Etiamfi aliquid ccrtum ac ftabile videatur, progref fu tamcn temporis, vetuftate ipsâ non poffünt fionälte ri & decedere.
968 Viciffitudinibus fubitaneis fubjacent omnia, quapro ptcr felicem dicuntcum, qui tempori infervire nóvit. , 969 Atheus tamen eft, qui rcs noftras, tanquam concur fantcs ac fubfaltaiites atomos, temerè & fortuitò volu tari autumat ; fatali neceffitate fuccedunt omnia. 97^ Fors & fortuna nihil funt omnino.
971 Fortuitosequidem & improvifos cafus •effe concedo, $ed noftri refpe&u, non provideiitiae* quæ etiam minu tiffima nutu füo dirigit. 97z Nam & capillos nóflros numeratos effe tcftatur Sa!-
' vator, ut nè unicus quidem perire queat. • * .
973 Ea
Thegate ofLanguagesunlocked. 96o The funerallis kept, and the traiugeth alongtowardstbe cburchyard [burying-place]jantha]how[al1Íolemnitiesj befitting a funerall. II. 96 1 The dead corps [liyeleffe carcaffè] is buried : we interre it [put itint9 ground]: theyofold madegraves a bonfire,andtber im burnt it, (from thcnce buryinge it was that
places were calledburning places) : and the grave-mákeç buriedthe afhes ofthe dead in a pitcher.
96, Grave-ftones [toombs] and herfes are rea/'dup,amdepi taphs [infcriptions] writtem omthem ; and moufnful, dan- dDitties. tbems are fung. 963 In * beathemiffae, mourning womem being hired, kept a erhe time ofHea. jvailing, and with blubberings and mourningfúngs, weckoned thcnifhrcligion. upthe praifis of them that were gone tothe othey world (as -
the beathem ufè to fày).
3g4 Andleff their ghöff fhouldwalke prwander, being alim black, thej ufèd dirges or facrifices forthe dead, maäe tothe gods below,with feaffs attbehefè : keepingaf deaths-day as fThe dayonedy, jvcllas a birth-day. cthon.
cH A P. 98. of Gods Providence. 965
Hus deatb ly its mediatiom [interveening] maketh an emdofall things.
966 For all things a tempurallare feeting, umfieady, fading and ,-ri,„. „mi„; fitting: theyfprimg up, amdthey dye.
a time
967 1fpeyadventure fùmefew things feem füre andffedfafi,yet
- ihbtimc they cammot choofe butbe worme andfall away,y ve- b continuance , Yy age or oldneflè. oftime.
968 All thingr are fùbjeët tofuddem turns[changes]:wherefore mtm account him happy that knwws how to comply withtime.
g69 For alltbat, he is am Atheift [a mifcreant], who weeneth . that our affaires are tuffèd about at randome [at a venture], ' andband-over-head- (like moats ofthe Sum rummimg allofa
heap, andskipping up and down,) or, Allthings fòllow one upon amother by am c hmavoidable neceffity. ' e Infiible,un 97o Chamce, hap-hazzard, and luck are nothingat all. alterable. 97 t Thereare indeed,Igrant,cafuallandumexpeëted[unlook'd
for] chantes, but in régardofus, mot ofGods ** Providence, “Fore-fight. »hich Ordereibevem the fmalleff things at his beck.
For our Saviour witmeffeth, that even tbe hairs ofour htad d'É9l3; s 97*arednumlrtd; that nojìmìbas one ofthtmansmifiary, 3°*°' -
973 For “
The gate of Languagesunlocked. Aerage befàre umufuatlchanges, tbemego ge Arag reafom, yìderì. that Foramd 973fights Imjiiií •
£fore.vurnings. 974 Thereforethere arei* tking;, %#%#! f (figme* to gheff. by, that boadgood will) by whichbeingfre-waywed lettash; fore-armed.
973 But to catcha! about, at any thing*, for a figne efgwd luck orbad [tofay,My mind gives me, or mißgives me]: bleeding at the om, chriftians. If the L o, Rb nofe, afiâ thc iike away with ihus fùperffitionfmake know anythingtothee thw fhall vouchfafe torevealor το thcfe. Thalt metbm ignorant 9fit.
* As (neezing,
976 Bee thou godù [devoutj and pray ; hee willnot utttr} s forfake thee, who hath as well fore-knowm, fore féem and före^ordainedjwhat fhall become ofthee to-morrow, whatth.
g Abardon.
next day after t0-morromv, and fó afterwards ; as what ! xas done yeficrday, what the day before it, what t'otberdy, amd fomamyyears agoe.
977 Prevent mot thydeftiny[bringit notupon thee beforeit cometh],but waitforit,
C H A P. 99. Of Angels.
He eternal! divine power brought forth affé the invi
978 a Number.effe. •ς Gowern,
fible Angels, andthofe ainmumerable, being bù fér
vamts tó* rule ihings herebelJw.. 979 Notbecamfe he flood in needofhelp, but becaufe fbit ple4 fedhim.
98o Thefe hee had made and placed in the highef heavet : ^ • « Didbackmide, ' but fome of them revelted I* fell away] from hi* .
by pride, and werecondemned and thruf* dowmefromheavrm t0 hell.
981 They thataontinued [abodeftill]intheiruprightneffe;* re * flrengthened, that they couldfall no more.
983. Âillions,[thoufànds ofthoufands] fanding round about the throne oftbeir Maker, wofhip, reverence, adore, amde* toll [folemnly prajfe] him.
. 983 Beingfentöuf,they diffatch hiscommands[what is giyen thcm in charge] ; and having difchaged thcir embaffage, they returm.
è Keepccmpany. 984 At Gods bidding, thcybjoige them/elves incompayyiib -
• ' ' the gody, evem fVom their birth, as guardiams to fùrefend [drive off, chafèaway] mifhiefis, andto fhicld thcmfiom the affults ofSatam. ,
(985 Blit
£amua Linguarum referata. 973g
ÉÉÉ, infolias mutationes,oftenta & prodigia
afn -
974. Infunt ergo omina(boni vel mali figna)h rcbus: qui- h pramomitiones. bus præmoniti» fimus præmuniti.
975 Sed ufque quaque * præfagia captarc [omi)ariaut a- */:fternutamen όominari]ifiafùperftitio faceflât à Chriftianis.Si tibiDo- £#££ aut manifeftare dignabitur, non % horum jiiij.
• )
minus aliquid revelare te latebit.
976 Tu pius efto, & ora 3 non te derelinquet ille, qui
æquè præfcivit, prævidit ag Praedeftinavit, quid crás, pciendie [die peremdimo], & deinceps [poffha:,in poßerumj áete futurum fit,faétum ac quodeft. heri, Pridie, nudiu[tertiùs, & tot abhinc annis •
977 Fatum tuumnè anticipa,fedexpc&a.
C A P. 99. De Angelis.
978 & invifibiles Angelos, eófque innume , I ros, æternum Numen,ad regenda inferiora fibiad miniftros.
• ''
979 Non quod opis effet indigus, fed quia fic eft placi … tufn.
' ,8o Hofce condiderat & conftituerat in cælo fupremo * [empyræo :] fed quidam defciverunt [defecerunt] ab eo per fuperbiam,relegatíque ac deturbati funt coelitùs ad infernum [0rcum, erebum, avernum].
981 Qui in fuâ integritate pcrmanferunt, roboratifunt, nè ampliùs prolabi poffint. lium [myriades] adftantes, cum vcnerantur, colunt, ado-
382 Circa thronum Creatoris [conditari:] fui millia mil rant, celebrant.
98y. Amandati obeunt mandata, legationéque funéti re vcttuntur.
334 Affòciant fe,juflù Dei, piis, jam inde à nativitat£, tanquam cuftoáés, ut mala averrunccnt [avertant], & ab infultibus Satanae protegant. /
(98; Vc
£amua Linguarum referata. 985 Verùm enimverò quod de bono ac malo genio inqui unt, incertum eft.
986 Apparent nonnunquam, fed difparent rurfum, non fafcinando, fed reverâ.
387 Cacodæmones apparentes fpcéra [umbræ] & phan £tam, lemiircs {lirve :] famulantes, Lares & Penates
a ^excubiam,me- * tafmara vocantur ; tumultuantes per no&em a intempc dúm me&tem.
in Larario.
983 Magi & exorciftae cum dæmonibus colludentes, in cantamentis fuis & exorcifmis feipfos dementant, & ali os infatuant.
989 Sed vae Diabolo, & (nifi communioni renuncient)
çonfortibus ejus! ad Gchennam dstrudentur. 99 o Vindex enim fuae gloriæ erit Omnipotens,eámque ab impiorum violatione intaétam, intemeratam, facrofàn &tám vindicabit. Quamobrem quotquot ille fibi obftre
pentes & oppedentes deprehendct, ii impietatem fuam haudquaquam inultam aufercnt.
C A P. 1 oo. De claufùla. a vAmabo. -
991 ^ Edò a fodes [ffs] quid reftat ? eátenus enin sutradita (abfit arrogantia di§to) utcunque [quali tercunque, quomodocumque] fum confecutus.
992 Siccirie > [ain' ?] Euge ! Benè vertat tibi. Hemma $te fedulitate iftá ! Reftabit igitur ut per hanc Januam ingreflus, tum fcientiarum, tum Latinitatis palatia vividè luftrare properes ; & quæ hîc raptim & car
* Phi/ofphorum,
ptim afpexifti, ea uberiùs in * authoribus bonis fpccu
* Theologorum f:riptis.
993 Habes hîc fummatim & fuccinétè brevem comple + E, Philologia,' ' xionem [ffnopfiw] ccu rudimenta, quâ Philofophiæ f, & humtnieralquâ : nihil tantoperè (quod aut fciam) omif *£r4ta?';£ fum Theologiae reor ; nec quicquam lubens tranfilii præterii. -
594 Au&arii autem loco,admonco ut ad pictatem conver \ -
tas opmnia. -
995 Scito
The gate ofLanguages uniocked. (535 But that which thy fy concerning a goodor badgenius [Angel-guardian] the truth is, itis c umcertaim.) c A queßion, or
386 They appea/ ere-whiles, and janfb out of fighi, not by in- vety doubtfull. :^ chantingâëlufiom [cafiinga mift béfore mehSeyes], butim. ve1ytruth [dced]. V. . 987 Fiends [ill íè],»in they appeare imfight, are called
' fpirits,ghoffs amáphantafmes ; whem they make anoife [keep : `â fouf coil] dim the dead ofthe might,they are termcd effej, d Atmidnight, , fairies [hobgoblings] ; whcn thryd, fervice in private bou-
*Chimney-cornër fes, eho' fhold-god, in a private chajipel.with devils, ffporting bytheir ££* ofthe • 988 Magicians * and comjrers, = imchanimcnts and conjürings befit themfélves and bcfùole o- ÉTÉÉÉ. „εm,. tº
f Vfingcollufion
939 But woe to the divell, amdto bis partakeys (unleffe they femoumced his fellow/hip,and returm,convert,ameadthemfélves
amdfèrioufly repent) : theyfhall be thrufi down tohell-fire. 99o For the Almighty will be the revemger of his owm glory,
and will acquit and** maintainit untoiicht, ;ntaintedjnvio- ** Right,redrcffe. Lable, from being hurtor profancd by the uagody: wherefùre, ifhe Phall g furprixg aypratlingagainft him, or bafely oppo g rake atuna finghim,fuchfhall immo wife carry awaytheir ungracioufieffe Warcs. umrevcmged. C H A P. 1 oo. The Conclufion. 991
Ell me, 1 preethee, what remaiwes hebind? for the
things thus far delivered(6e itfpoken without boaffing) , 1 have in fome reafomable fòrt attained [gotten]. -
99* Saif thou fo ? Bravely dome! a Well may it thrive with a Goar.ndthee
a thee.Goom checrfully [with a courage] in this thy diligence good ofit. : [earneftneffè]. It now remaines, thaigoingim at this blittle b wicket.
gate [entry-door}thou hafiem luffily, to take a thorow fup … veyofthe Palaces both ofj. amd ofpure latin fpeech ; amd g* view thofè thingsmure flentifully im *goodauthors,wbich here , ,„,„,; ζί$;íí thou haff beheld by , andin amd clofelytruffed up a Piyines. 993 Here haß thou briefly -
É: :;:; É
fhort[briefe]comprifall,beingae it were the fi fi bare grounds £ Afaatch anda g as welt of Philofòphyf « Divinitie. 1fùppofe, that nothing É; thcfiudy o£ , is over-[ipt,/?far as1know ; nor have I willingly balked iatjîïää.
orwaved amy thing. vilTearning. 994 Now to caft in this fùr a vantage, I wouldwiJhthee to -
turne and apply everywhit togpdlineffe,
995 Foj'
| -
- .
- ,
Thegate of Languages unlocked.
995 Forknow, that ere longit will cometo paffe, that we muff give up am accountofall things ; to wit;whemtbemoß glorius Saviour ofthe worla Jhall come to raifè us up andjudge 1, »bere thingy hiddemandmanifef Jhiì allbelaid opem, d Favouringtheir 996 9 bleffed men, which then/hallhave bim d reconciled!tk, caufewel-gieafed fhall be fed withbread of beávem, and Angels food frevr ^20?'e.
si ourenae, s. 997 ChrifJefus ** thattaketh pity mus,grant, that,f&irgin vieur. . .c Acquitted,
our felúes aje unwortbyto redcbtofogreatbleffedneffe,ytt&. inghere juflifiedc by his fee mercy, we maygrow uptogth, in love or charity.
• .
998 Dothou humbiy cmfeffe [fhrieve thy felfe] to him, ad viw thyvowes, andby praying devoutly and «ealou/ùpicig the dojets [cabinets] of heatem, that evem now thoumgyri " bereckoned amongthe Saints ofheavem.
* The msmerof 999 The Lord bewithyou, and* farewell[adicu]. . . 1. fàluting at thc 133o Totbe Lord ofhofis,the mifi ho'),ever bleffedandumdividid parting. Trinity, be praife, boniurandglayfir and ever. Amcn |; [Sobe it].
fanua Linguarum referata. 995 Scito enim fore propcdiem, ut reddamus rationem
omnium ; nempe, quum venerit Salvator mundi glo riofiffimus ut füfcitet nos ac judicet: ubi occulta & ma f nifefta patefiehr.
i996 O beatos, qui tunc propitium habebunt ! ambrofiá & nc&are pafcentur in É _ . / 997 : Faxit miferator nofter Jefus Chriftus, ut hic gratw
i itâ ejus mifericordiâ juftificati, in charitate coalc
• . •
998 Tu ei confitere ac vota vove, devotéque ac fervidæ
precando penetralia cæli penetra,ut jam nunc cælitibus annuincICI1S. 999 Ave S. * vale.
* Formatapla- !
iooo J s A o v ae z = a , o r a , fan&iffimae, benedi- tandi in div® &tae ac individuæ Trinitati fit Iaus,honor & gloria in fk gula feculorum. Amen. '.\
… *
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INDEX V o C AB u L o R u M.
2%}He former Index, even in the Dutch copy, was very faulty . ( in the cyphers, and defe&tive in many words ; which put me to a needleflè trouble, in ftriwing toinfert in the text, fuchwords as I found not in the. Index (and there
fore thought them lacking) which afterward I met with in the book. This Index is very exa&t ; and may ferve as a Di&ionary to the learner, and a ready helpe tohim that would adde any further fupply to the bookeit felfe. Simples and words out of rule;are fet downe more at large ; others morebriefly. Participles, if regular, are referred to thefamie number with the verb. Irregular
compóunds have their fimplesadded in a Parenthefis. underftand by m. miafiuline, f. feminine, n. neuter, c. g. common gender, d. g. doubt fult gender, a. adje£tive, d. deponent, p. participle, c. f. cgret fupinis , pr. præterito, v. vide, look, (An adverb hath no mark atall fet after
it) ib. ibidem; that is, in the fame number withthe next afore-going. -
•— •—
Ab, pr. 3»
aba&tus, us, m.
72.89] abeo, ire.
647| abligurio, ire ,
679] aberro, as.
54o|abluo, (ab, lavo) êre.
867] abhinc.
- 578.
- 756| abhorreo, es, c. f. 747 [abnego, as. , 858 abacus, i, m.. , . 562 83olabaepos, ötis. . 6o4 abavia, æsf. • 6oz | abigo, (ab, ago) egi, a-|abnuo, ère, c. f. 9o3 -
abavus, i, m.
6oz.| ' &um, êre.
abax, acis, .. abbas,ätis, m. ^ abbatiffà, æ, f. abdico, as. * abditus,a,um. a. abdo, didi, itum,
756] abies,ëtis, f. I 15 | , êre. ' ; - 7I9 638] abiegnus,a,um. ib.|abolla, ae. .. .5 I2. ` 638 | abjicio, (ab, jacio)jeci,|abominatio , onis, f ' 6o5]
ja&tum, ère.
19i [abjudico, as. êre.[abjuro, as. 445 [abla&o, as.
56 1 |aboleo,evi & ui, itum,
383 , 64r 661] abominor, aris, d. 369 858| ,
229 |abortio, ire. ,
, 975 598
abdomen,ìnis, m. $$6 |ablatus,a,um, (p. aù-labortivus, a, um. ib. ab$cedarius,a,um. 732 | feror) , 291 labortus, us, m. ' , ib. -
737] ablego, v, leg•. -
abrado, êre, Q_
$$a, 4%&r a •
abradendus,a,um. 796 accelero;as.'
45 I achores,um. 316 acicula, æ»f. 515 accendo,ère. 627 •743 , abripio, (absrapio) êre, 326 , 466 accéfeojessui,fum. i34 acidus,a,um. 647 acies,ei, f.76.584.739 abrogo;as. 661.686 accenfus,i,m. 653 • 71 5.931 abrotonites,tæ.m, 442 abrotonum,i, m.'' I35 acceptilatio,onis,f.366 acinaces, is, m. 713 abruptè. . . 752 acceptus,a,um,p. 879 acinofus, a, um. . 44o , 854 acinus, i, m. 123.448 ab$,pr., 732.9o? ëris, m. 166 abfcedo,&re. 3i3.9o2 accerfo, ère. s32.659 acipenfer, 713 f. 3ro aclis, idis, m. abfceffüs, us, m. 315 |acceffio, onis,768.782. aconitum, i, m. 137 abfcindó;v.fcindo.627 -
. 8Io acceffus,us,m. 76.614 acorum, i, m.
21.361 acquiefco,&re. 637 abfefis,tis,a. ' 9 i6. accidens,tis,a. $.4. *<.. abfimilis,e,a.. . . 199 accido, êre, c. /. 375 acquiro (ad,quaero)ëre. ', . . 641
abfinthites,is,m. 443 abfinthiú,iym. I 36,3 26 accingo, êre.
abfifto, fiiti, c. f ère. •
, 939
* •
abfolvo(v. folvo.) 391, *
• ' 634
abfonus,a,um. . 774 abforbeo(v. fòrbeo.) 7o abfque,pr. , 1 52.2 16 abftemius,a,um. - 823 abftergo ó. tergo.) 229 abftinentia,ae.
abftineo (abs,teneo) es. -
accuratus, a,um. * 752.
a&um eft, imperf. 94z
568 accufatio, onis,f. 659 a&uofus, a, um. 225 accufo,as. 658 a&tus, us, m. 669.953
acedia, ae.f. abfum,eflè,n. 313.757 acer, ëris,n.
' 377
44o a&tor, ëris, m. 659 579 accumbo, ère. m. 556 a&tuarius, a, um. 468 8o3.886 653 79o accuratè.
aequifitio, onis, f. 868 1 53 accipio (ad, capio) epis acredula,ae,f. 284 eptum, êre. 27o.854 acriter. , 866 acroama, ätis, m. 841 accipiterstris,m. ' I48 acroterium, i, m. - 346 acclivis, e, a. 79 acroftichum, i, m. 754 accola, æ, m. 783 a&a»orum, pl. m. 652. accommodo, as, 731 a&io, onis, f. 652:658 accommQdus, a, um, 75 1. 951 7oI
887 a&utum.
abundantia,ae, 848 acer,acre. 326 abundé,as." 76.444 acerbus,a,um. abutor(v.utor.) 355 acerofus,a,um. -^ 327 abyflüs,i,f. 7o acerra,ae,f. 643 397 Ac,c. 369.59r acervus,i,m. academia,ae,f. 737 acefco, ère, c. p. 441 acanthis,idis,f. 153 acctabulum, i, m. 17* 3o2 763 acanthus,i,m. . 135 366 acarus,i,m. 2 18 acetariun, i, m. acatium,i,72. 47 I acetofa, ae. * 136.326
acccdo (ad,cedo)ëre,97 acetofella,ae,f. 333 acetum,i,n. '
aculeius, i, m.2o6.22o 326.71 I acumen, inis, n. 354 I 22
acumino, as.^
acuo, êre.
acupi&us,a,um, 675 acus, ëris, m.
acus us,f.
5o4. 5o9
acutus, a, um.z.zo.7o2 Ad. 75. 23o.386 adæquo, as." 753
adagium, i, m.-
I 36 adamas, antis, m. 89 3o2. adaptopas, 386 addico
A D H.
addico,xi,ëre.661.883 admiffio, es. addiétus, a, um, p. 866
A D!! 916
adulterinus, a, um. 8;
addifco (v. difco) êre. admitto, êre. 452.659 adulteriuin,i. m. 826 724 87r adultus, a, um, p. 231 r 52 adumbro, as. 77o additamentum, i, m. admodum. 546 admoneo, es. _ 994 addo, êre. 756 admonitio,onis,}73$ ademptus ',(p, adimo) admoveo, cs. 283.458 182, 767 .
adeo, îre.
adeps,ìpis,«. g. adhæc.
adhaerefco, haefi,
848 adobruo,&re. 428 883 adoleo, es, evi, ultum, 4** 64r 834 adolefcens;tis,eg. a3a ib. ère. adolefco,&re
aduncus, a, um. aduro, êre.
z49 328
aduftio, önis, f. 32o. advocatus, i|m. 666 adytum, i, m.
Ædes is, f.
aedes, iurm. pl. f.
aedificium, i. m.
aedifico, as. 525 629 adoptivus,a,um. 386 aedituus, i. m. adhaereo (v. bereo) 47 adopto, as. 6o5 æger»gra,um, 79z. 8o t 99 ador, öris, n. rz7 aegerimè. adhibeo (ad, habeo) ës, adorea, æ,f. ' 723 aegilops, öp's, m. 129 5o9.526.666 adorior, Iris. 71 5 aegrè. 438. aegrèfacere 27o
adhortor, aris, d. * 899 adorno, as.
959 ' • •. 798 as, 932. aegritudo, jnis,f. 29z 456 adiantum,ti, n. i36 adfeffor, öris, m. 662 aegroto, as. adiaphorus, a, um.636 333, 5. 98z.95r aegrotus,a,um. 9o6 c. /. 275 'adftipulor, áris. 857 aemulor, aris. 586.736
• 409 | adoro, -
:}:*&;es, adfum, es. 698.363 aeneus, a, um. advena, ae,m. 186.645 ænigma, ätis, ££?*; adjicio (ad, jaceo) eci, advenio, fre. æquævus, a, um. adigo
φ) egi. a
494 94r
7o 786 e&um, êre.y 18.768 adventitius, . 373 æqualiter. 43.759 adimo (ad, emo) ëre. adventus, us, h, 627 æqualis, e, a. 32.9o1 I8z •, 779 zquanimiter. 89 1 ' adipifcor, ëris, eptus. adverfaria, orum , m. zquator, öris, M. 37 -
365. 641
æquè. . 26o;422.479
adipatus, a, um. 42 1 adverfarius, i, m. 658 885 aditus,us,m. 544 ex adverfo. adjudico, as, 66 r adverfor, aris. 835 adjumentum, i, m. 873 adverfus, um, pr. 692 adjungo, ère, ' 728 adverfus,a,um. 32.467 79o adjuro, as, 92,6 adverto, êre, 923 adjuto, as.' 525 adulor, aris.
aequilibrium, i, m. 766 aequinoétium, i, m. 37
æquiparo, as.
' 841
aequipolleo,es, p.c.86! æquipondium, ijy.766 aequitas;átis,f.661.663
aequivalens, tis, a. 861
adjutor, öris, m. 727 adulator, oris, m. 925 aequo, as.532 7 19.490 adminiculum,i, m, 48r adulatorius,a,um. ib. aequor, öris, m. _ 464 adminifter, tri,m. 978 adulter, ëri. 837.912 zquus,a,um, 66o. 339 6r9.869 adminiftro, as. 6o9 adulterasor, öris, m. 669 aer, ëris,m. 2. 5. 47 admiror, aris, d. 883 -
Q. 1
\ .
•Ae S T
2! LB
aera, ae, f. 129.786;affirmo, as- , aeraíeníum,i,n. 444[afiiagis, m. aeramentarius, a um-99 affli&io,us, önis
811 ) agryppa, æ, m. | 240
%£|*$*** ***: 872.] Ahenum, i, m.
951 43I
Ζῆ?TTé]afligo,£rc.i.& aerarius, i, m. ;33|affluentia, æ f. 69] 66 Aioais;it, plaiunt% 99z. a:reus, a, um.
49Âlaffluo (jjì. ) 848] Ala, ae. f. 143.147.798
arugâ, ihis, f.
39|affrico, áre.
3t6Ialabaftrites, ae. m. 87 56|alabrum, i, m. 499 **? alacer, cris, cre, a. 833 13| alacriter. ib. 66. 389] alacritas, átis 71o
aerumna,ae,f . 431 affrigus, . afïïa,um.389] Agafo,ónis, m. arufcator, öris,m. 817|agedum;
ars, ris, m. ίοο.333. slager, gris ”. 865
• aefalo, onis,m.
' ' .'
688| alapa, æ, f. z6o. 67o
148 agger;&ris,m.38o. 613]alatus,a,um.
a:tas, ätis,f. ae(jnìum,?, m.
86 1 [aggero, êre.
aflimo, as, 493.8o2]agg!omero, asaeftimor, aris. aeftivus, a, um.
6o 1 |agglutino, as. 38laggrayo, as.
616 |alaudá, á, f.
I 53
398]albeo, es, c. p. n. il: 279[albugo,ínis, f. 246 487|albumi, ign.
afiìiarìni, i,n.
75 [aggredior,ëris, 3-893 albumen, înis, m. i47 aeftuo, as. 894|aggreffio, önis, f. Ijalburnum, i,^. æftus, us, m. 38.75]agilis, c, 4; 198] alburnus, i, m. ætas, äti$,f. 233.44r agina, ae,f. 766] albus,a,um. II*333 Ëàtis,fi* 557 [agitatio,önis,f. ^344|alce,is,f I93 ęternus,a,um. I 978]agito, as. 228. 323 alcedo, fnis,f. 146 æther, ëris, m. 3i ' ; ά • 766] alea, æ, f. 94r aethiops, öpis 334 [agmen, inisy. 4o9.7o9|aleator, öris, m. ib. aevumj, i, n.
198.957, '
. . . .,•
Affabílí,e, a. _ 9o3]agnatis, *yum. affabrè.
affari. affatim. affe&atè.
affeéto, as. '
s36|agnellus, i, m. 968]agninus, a, um. 849|agnofco, ère. ' 75 1 |agnus, i, m.
71 1 |aleatorius, a, um- ^'3?3 ale&orius, a, um. 90
415 [ales, $tis, c.g.
. *43
42o]alefco, ère, c. P.
> Io5
877 [alexipharmacum, i, m. I8I
841 [ago,egia&tum,ëre,454|alexiterius.
ÄÈåùò, a, um, p. 292] " 697. 633. 639-953;
alga, ae,f.
793 79z. I34
gía. 717| 989. animam, 956 algeo, es, fi, c.f . 54 affeâus, us, m. , 362 | vitam. 368[aliàs.^' ^ 523.536.656 -
Afféro, (ad, fero) 169[agon,9nis,*
948 lalibi
233 [agreftis , e, a. 559. |alica; æ,f.
78. 437 4oz
afficio (ad, facio) cci, 917 [alicubi. ' • 77. 455 eauíá, êre, 66.668[agricola, ae, M. '385 [alienigena, æ, a4. 621 723 agricultura, aegf. ib. lalieno, as. 49o. 893 -
afiigo;ére. . 3o9.669 agrifolia, ae,f. IIo 9o9 >affinis,is, c.g. . 593 agrifolium,ii,n. 138 alienus, a, um.372-651 affinitásjätis, f. 826!agrimonia, æ, f. - 136 , 871. 921 alimen
ALL A MA A MP alimentum, i, m. 267,altercor, aris. 636[ambulo,as, 215. önis, alimonia,z. f. 819 [alternatim. 95o| m. 223 aliò. 175.547]alternus, a, um. 31o|amburo, ère. 32o alioqui. 289 |altero, as. 23 I [amen. I. qOo aliorfum. aliquandiu. aliquando.
677[alteruter,tra,trum.594|amentia, ae,f. 399 |altilis, le. a. 42.o Iamentum, i,m. , 118 [altitudo, inis. 465 lames, itis, m. 399 laltüm. 352. [amicio,ire. 437 [altum, i, 2. ib, |amicitia,ae,f.
aliquis, qua, d* Io3}altus, a, um. 446.734|amiétus,us, m.
aliquantifper. aliquantò
823 ' 7Iz.
5 I7 92 I
798.9Iz [aluco, önis, m. aliquor,indec. 16. 933]alveare, is, m. aliter.
149 |amiculum, iy. 5 13 384|amicus,a,um.1.1 Io.917 98lalveolus, i»m. 248 |amicus, i, m. 918 9ox ialveus,i,m. 414. 434|amita, ae,f. 6o3 372. |alumen,inis, mi. ' 1 o4|amitinus, a. ` ib.
49o Ialumnus,i,m.
aliquoties. aliquoufque.
229 |amitto, êre.
I 16.366
25. 149 |aluta, ae,f. *533[amnis, is, m. 427 51 I |alutarius, i. . ib.|amo, as. 36o. 963 ~ alius,-alius, 564. 816]alvus, i, È , 3o3. 573|amoenus,a,um. 189 { 94o|Amabilis,le, 4. 9oi |amolior, iris. 837 allaboro, as. 846 famäbö. 991|amor, öris, m. 198.68z allatro, as. 186] amando,as. 983 9o6 allatus, a, um, p. 49o|amanter 9o*|amoveo, es, I 21. 767. alleluia. 136]amanuenfis,is,m. 676 9o8 -
allicio (ad, lacio) exi,|amaracus,i, m. 133[amphibium, i. _ 212 e$tum,ère. 423.428|amaranthus, i. m. ib.| amphisbæna, ae,f. 213 allido (ad, ledo) êre. |amarulentia, ae,f. 92o[amphora, æ. 763 47o. 541. lamarulcntus,a,um.84* [áple£tor>δris. 229. 599
alligo,as. allium, i, m.
45o. |amarus,a,um.
326[amplexor, aris.
131 [amarylium,i, m. 319] amplifico,as. . 752
alloquor;£ris,utus,9o8|amatör,öris. 829] amplio, as. 618. 664 allucinor, aris. 333 lamafiusi, m. 827] ampliùs. , 98r alludo, êre. 59v6]ambagesjum,f.pl.'475] ampulla, ae» f. 587 allufio, onis, f. 842 iE i. - 265] amputo, as. 3 18.382. almus, a, um. zz9|ambigo (am, ago) êre.] amuletum, i»M. 793 alnus, i,f. I II 435 lamurca, ae, f. 383 alo, ère. 586.596.827[ambio, ire. ' 589.84o|ad amuffim. . 518 aloe, es, f. 137|ambitio, önis. 873|amygdalum, is n. 1 2 : '
a!opecia, ae, f. . 233[ambitiofus,a,uma, 84o|amylum,i. n. , 385 alopecurus, ri, f. I 34|ambitus, us, m. ib. 758] An. 321.478.596 a1fine. ' 134 [ambo, ae. o. 599|anacatharticus. 795 altare, is, m.
64i lambrofia, ae.
altè. il
996 anachorita, æ.
473.536] ambulacrum,i,n. 616[anagrammas a$$*734 alter, erasum.358.33r [ambulatio, önis,f. ib.|anaclintcrium,*** 373 767 1 T ' . anagal Q. 3 -
.A N G
AN N A N T* ;. 353. anterior, us, a. anagallis,idis. f. 134|animus,i,m. antes, ium,pl.m.
analeάa, orumyi. 382] anifum. i. m
132 [antefignanus, i.
anas,atis, c. g. I 6o, um, 1, m. l ». 785 lanteverto, 8o9 anathema, atis. n. 641 lannales, iumyplam. 66[anthrax, äcis, m. 89
anatocifmus, i, m. 864|annexus, us, m.
3I4 540
anatomia,ae,ficus,iym, [annexus» a» um, ?. 23olantica, aesf.
ΣΕ; anticipo,,as.f.- 31o-977 anceps, ipitis, a. 796 435 [anniverfarius, asti. ä 85|antidótus,i. 793 -
466 lannona, ae, f.
ancile, is, m.
699 [annofus,a,um.
: antimonium, ii, m. Io4 £:; antipodes, um, m. 783
413 [annotinùs,a,um. ancillor, aris. d. 748 [annoto, as. ancilla, ae, f.
antilena, æ»f.
4o I
24ojannularis, e, a.
anethum, i,n.
1 32 annulus, i. m.
anfra&tus, us.33o.
££ £Â? 63I £; antiftes, ítis, c.g. 637 ••• • • •• $ annu$,».---J 1» M. s*g; ££*£ :;9
:angaria, ae. angelica, ae, f.
Σ, ij.
19|antiquo, as. $
8|antiquus,a,um. 935
s*?; #A
angina, æsf. : 3oi d um 791 Ianus, i, m. 268 angiportus,i,us,m. 6 17 fanggynuga, 1.435 lanus, us,f. 669 Anglia, æ-f. 43 anxietas,ätis, f 369
gena,- f.
££ÉÉ. sor? anfer, êris, m.
I 6o
ÁÉ a,um.
668 'anferculus,iy. 13c.i6o a Ê, ae, m. 648 166 i#; *; f. 3: jÉ Éi, Ä. 426 anguis, isg.g. 2 I 3 | an1uIa, íá § 2. m 5 íí É ui, rtum, ire. angulatus, a, um, 89 [antag9rifta, ae, *; perio» 3I $• 54t
' angor,ôris.m. anguilla, ae, f.
angulus, i, m. 758.536
Ęse,- 3; apertè.
anguftia,ae,f. 883 | ante, pr. anguftus, a, um. 245. | antea. bulo,
539. 547] anteambulos önis 153 itus, us,m. 575
923 45I
•* 33 apertilis, e»4. apertus, a, um.
;£; ÉÉ
anteaétus,3» um, 813]apex, É;E. λ. :: anhelus, a,um. 3oo antece$$e, 973 Ę $. f. 394 aniaula, ae, f. ' 234|antecello, ere, 383 aptac $ â um. 126 anima, ae, f. 956. 958 antccefjr;5ris, m;678]apianu § $ um. . 384 »
anteceffbrius,a,um 434 Ë ÉÉÉ.
I 36
£?££*",. 136
animadverfio, önis, flanteeo, ire.
87olantefero. 841]apium, i, n. ? Ἄδ animal, älis,n. 142.174|antelucanus,a, um;;;;££;g. 866 •
463 apocna, i. ? um.
animans, tis,m.fn. 227|antenna, æ, f.
se ÉÉÉÉ sesprograp ÉÉÉ $3i.
animitiíexânimo 9o3|anteponô, animosè. 883 fantequam.
u{11» 1.
A R G`
apologia, ae, f. apologus, i, m.
639 aptus, a, um. . . . 636.894 754 apud, pr. I44 apophlegmatifmussism. apus, ödis. 792 Aqua, ae, f. 26. 69.7o apophoretum, i. 566 aquaedu&us,us,m. 583 4I4 apoplexia, æ, f. 3I3 aqualiculus, i. 5 56 apoftata, æ,m. 722 aqualis, is, m. 43 apoftema, ätis, m. 315 aquarius apophthegma, m. 752 aquaricus, a, um. 424 apotheca, ae, f. 552. aquatilis, e»4. 143. 163 apozema, m.
• a•.
^ •
apparatus, us, m. 565 aquifolia, ae,f. 695 aquila, ae, f. apparentia, æ, 361 aquilegia, ae. appareo, es. 986.987 aquilo, önis. apparitor, öris,m. 853 aquilus. appar9» as. 409 aquor, aris. appello,as.46.6649o4 aquofus,a,um. - appello, puli,ëre. 484 Ara, æ, f. 74o aranea, ae, f. *-
araneum, i» m. 546 aratrum, i, m.
appendix, ícis, f. 68o
arcularius, i.
arcuo, as.
55 I
arcus, us» m$. 473.5 5 I 7oz,
I 52,
ardelio, m.
ardeo, es,arfi, f. c. 45. 46.198
ardor, öris, m. 275 arduus,a,um. . 686 area, æ»f. 393, 547
1 Io arefaceo, êre. arena, ae,f.
arenatum, i, m. .
I7o 8z,
526 ,
areola, ae,f., 381 arefco, ui, êre,fc. io6 48 aretalogus, i. , 84r 641 argentarius,a,um. 865 zz6 argenteus;a,fi. 494.562. ib. argentum, i,m. 97. vi
334 4I4
IOz .
657 argilla, æ, f. appendeo, es. 5I9 arbiter, tris m.. 535 appendo, êre. 463.7oI arbitrium, i, m.ib. 2.41 argillofus,a,um...393 693 argumentum,i, m. 753 appetentia, ae,f. 292 arbitror,aris. appetitus, us, m. ' 789 arbor, öris, f. I Io. 528 arguo, êre. 245.293 . ' 759 appeto, êre. 8o5.16o arborator,örisym. 382 argutè. ib.92 argutor, aris. , ib. applaudo, êre. 954 arbufcula,ae. 529 argyrotheca, ae. ; 36* applaufus, us, m. 870 arbuftum, i, m. $22. aridus, a,um. 77.470 applico, as, I79. 498 arca, ae, f. 764 838 appono, êre, 554 arcanus, a, um. apporto, as. 462 arceo, es, c. f. 456. 47o aries, ëtis, m. 43. 182. 3b. 634 arieto, as• - appofitus,a,íì. 557.75o I 27 456 arifta, ae.f. appofitè, 752 arcera, ae, f. apprehendo, êre. 341 arceffò, ivi, &re. 658 ariftolachia,ae, f. 136 .
345.658 archidux, ucis, m. 677 arithmetica, ae. . 756
apprehenfio, f. 357 archiepifcopus,i,m.64o arma,orum, m.69o.699 apprimè. 9I 4 archite&tus, i, m. 525 armamentarium,i. 6zz. appropinquo, as. 186 architriclin*,i.355.676 armamcnta, Orum» ?. 466 686 apricus, a, um 933 archivum. 267 armarium, i, m, , Aprilis, is, m. 78o ar&tè. 552, 38 armatura, ae, f. 699 apfis,idis,f. 457 arêticus,a,um. aptè 264 ar&tus, a, um.243. 539 armeniacus, a » um. I2o aptOy as,
argula, æ»f
731 *
. 552
armentum, i.%.
Q. 4
5 19
136|affervo, as,
»r8|aßevero, as.
8I I
2.O 2.
777[affideo, es, edi. . 558 37|aflìduitas, atis, f. 884 544|affigno, as. 2.2
armilla,ae,f. armiluftrium,i. armo,as.
A R T. . .
armus,i,m. 'aro;as.
527|affimilo, as. aroma,átis,n. 132 afcia,ae f. … ub. laffifto, &rc. aromatarius,ii,m. Io4 afcio;as. arómatopola,ae,m. 492 afcifce,êre./ 586.919|afio, as. ib. laffocio, as. arquatus,a,um, 396 afcititius;a,um. 578] affuefcò, êre. arra,ae farrhabo,önissf afcitus,a,um. _
675 43 I-437
984 8oI
afcriptitius,a,um. 621 |affüla,ae,f . • • 527 arrideo,es. 594 afellus,i, m. 178. 18ofaffuméntum, i,m. 3o5 223 'afumo, êre. 3o8 arrigo(adyeg)exi;£re, afilus,i,m. • ' 22. I affurgó, êre. 78. 9oI 2o4. 426 arripio,&re. 435 afinarius,a,um. 4o3'aftus, a, urh. • 328 -
arrodo,ére. - 98 afininus,a,um. arrogantia, ae, f. 84o 99 I afinus,i,m.
N •
343 aft.
9. 67
I 59 afthma, ätis, m.
afio,onis. • arrogo;as.
' ib. afotus,i,m. - 865, aftrologus,i;m. 773 ars,tisf. 4377.724 afparagus,giym. 136'aftrondimus, i, *» ib. artemifia,ae,f. T 136 afpeétus,us,m. Io. 278 aftrum, i, m. 31 artemon,önis. 463 afper,ëra,um. 275.331 afü,ï. 817
3ος afperitas,atis,f. , articularis,eja. ib. afpernatio onis,f. articulatus,a,um. 161 afpernoraris. articulus,i,m. . 261 afperfio,onis,f. artifex,icis,m. 378 afpicio,exi,8rc.
Io3'aftufco, önis, m. 433 . 7 aftutus, a,um. * 355 374 afylum, i, n. 615
876 [afymbolus,a,um. 8* 1 587] At. . 992 [atavia, æ, f.
1 I. 623 6oz.
artificiosè. 75 I afpiro;as. 84o| atavus, i, m. `artific`um,i. 65 5 idis,f. 213 | ater, tra, um. artocreas, atis,n. 4o8 afpredo;ínis,f. 3321 atheus,i,m. artogala,n.artomelum, affàtura,ae,f. '566] athletâ, æ, m. _ i, m. artolaganum, i. affecla,ae,m . 649. 676 | atlantis, Ędis, f.
969 949
546 affenfio,onis,fafiènfus,] atomus, i,c.g. . 969 431 us,im. I. 358 [atque 28.466.68*. ib.
arcus,uum, m. 3o9. 579 affèntatio,onis,f. 921 atqui. -
f39 affentior,iris,enfus. ib.] atramentum,i, n. 329 affèntorsaris. * ib. | '
atvina, ae,f.' arum,i;i. . arvum,i,t.
1 3*
ib. 939.
afèqjor,ëris;utus. 4*4|atrienfis, is, m. 676 affèt,&ris,m. s3o|atriplex, icis, m. 136
afféro, ui,rtum,êre.87 i }atriùm, i, m.^
, 544
1859 Iatrox, öcis, a.
72 s.
aflìntator,oris,m. 9:4 |atramentariú,i,n. 738
866 affertus,a,um. • 6i6|atagén, eris, f. 133 affer-\ * * 1 attamen -
47 r
• 661
au R
averfus, a, um. 88.26o aufculto,as,
attendo, ère. 483. 727
aufpex,icis. 392.644 9 84| aufpicium,i,n. 462.644 8o4 averto,is. attentè. 726 aufero,abfluli,ablatum aufpicor,aris. 752.781 946 aufter,tri,m. attenuo;as. 531 - 56 87z aufterus,a,um. attero,ëre. 56o.967 augeo,es,xi. . 326" 6.63.297 atticus;a,um. 495 augmentum,i,n. 33 aut. 3 I. 259.362, attinetjmp. 5 I 5 augur,üris. 645 autem. .644 authent'cus,a,um. 63&. attingo,ére. 826.977 augurium,i. 645 author,öris,c.g.72z.87r attollo,êre, 5o3•541 auguror,aris. attondeo,es. 5o3 auguftus, a , um. 626 „ 992 78o authoritas;atis, f. 659 attonitus,a,um. 6z 69I attraho,êre. 19o.271 ayia,ae,f. autographum,i,n. 73z I 47. I 57 automatarius,i. attre&to;as. 32I aviarium,1. 533 428 automatum,i. 431.77z attritus,a,um,p. 29o avicula,ae,f. Avaritia,ae,f. 848 aviditas, atis , f. 366 autumnus,i,m. 37.198 848 9o7
198. 726 avunculus,i,m. 846 avus,i,m. auétarium,iy. , 994 avidus,a,um.
142. 2,36 au&io,onis,f. 865 avis,is,f. au&ionor;aris. ib. avius,a,um. 477 68o au&toramentum, i, neu. aula,ae,f. 679 695 aulæum,i,m. auétoror;aris. ib. auletes,ae,m. 775 aucupium,i,n. 428 aulicus,a,um. 675. 925 43o. 527 aucupor;aris. 841 avolo,as. audacia,ae,f. aura,ae,f. 55 audaculus,a,um. ib. aurantium,i,n. 123
9o6 695.
audax,acis,a. audeo,es,fus.
auxilior,aris. auxilium,i.
Axilla,ae,f. 254 axioma,ätis,n. 749 axis,is.m. 3 1.457.758 axungia;æ. 457 azymus,1;m.
Acca,a»f. I 18.122 baccalaureus,i737
aurata,ae. I66 885 aurelia;æ. 226 bacchanalia, orum, m. , 955 84r aureus,a,um. 494. 56.
audio, îre.341.66o. 5o8 auricula,ae,f. 284. 33o bacchabundus, a, um. ... _ . _
363. 999 avernus,i,m. 98o
644 824 48I
5 I8
auditio,önis,f. 836 auricularis;e, a. z6z auditor,öris,m. 631 aurifaber, bri, m. 518 531 auditus,us,m. 33o avellana,ae,f. I2,I auriga,æ,m. 454 avello,&re, 8oI aurig9;inis,f. 3o6 avena,ae,f. I 19.45o auripigmentum, t1, m.
baculus,iym. badius,a,um. 334 bajulo,as. bajulus,i,m. 46r
balæna,ae,f. balænus,i,f.
auris,is,f. 2o4. 299 balatro,onis,m. aurifcalpium,i,n. 262 balbus,a,um.
averfatfo,ónis,f. 369 auroraae,f. averfor,aris. ib. aurum;1,m.
9 17' 2.82,
balbutio,Tre. 23o. 282.
' 95. 331
balifta,ae,f. 712, 237 '
B 1B
18 R A
18z. bafiftarius,ii,m. 698 bcncficium,i,n. 877 Bla&ero;as. 28* ballio,onis,m. 827 bcnevolentia,ae,f. 926 blaefus,a,um. balneum,ip.ncae,f. 579 bcnignus,a,uim. 895 blandiloquentia,ae. 817 I 38 blandimentum,i,n. 915 balncator,m. 585 bcrberis,is,f. balo,as, I81 beftia,ae,f. 4 I o blandior,iris. 9*8 831 balfamum,i,n. 138 bcftialis,le,4. 897 blandus,a,um. balteus,i,m. 7oI beta,ae,f. 136 blafphemus, a, um.640 795 669 bambacium,i;m. 5^3 bethicus bctonica,ae. I34 blatero;as. 838 baptizo, as. baptifter II 2, blatero,onis,m. um,i,n. I 22.633 betula, ae. f. 839 823 blatta,ae,f. 217 barathro,onis,m. . 865 Bibax, acis. a. 725 631 blennus,i. barathrum,i,n. 7^ biblia, orum.m. baiba,ae,f. z5 I biblicu5,a.um. 631.733 bliteus,a,um. 284 I 36 barbaries,ei,f. 84z bibliopegus, i.m. 748 blitum,i,n. barbarus,a,um. 895 bibliopola, ae. m. ib. Boatus,usyn. 56.714 I4I barbatulus,a,um. 251 bibliotheca, ae. f. 738 boletus,i,m. 465 barbiton,i,/. 775 bibo, êre. 788 bolis,ídis,f. 56o bardus,a,um. 284 bibulus, a, um. 58z. bolus,i,m. Io4 baro,ónis,m. 686 * 73 I.823.935 bolus,i,f. barrio,íre. I9C, bidens, tis. f. 984. m bombarda,ae,f. 712 barrus,i,m. ibid. 2I9 439 bombilo,as. ibid. 635 bombus,i,m. *bafella,ae,f. , 446 biduum,i. m. bafiatio,f. : 826 biennium, i. m. ' 41 bombylius,i,m. zzo 1 84 bombyx,ycis.m. 2I9 , baßlica,ae,f. 626.679 bifidus,a,um. bafififcüs,i,m. 2. I4 bigae, arum f. 455 bona,orum,n. 669.848 669 bonus, a,um. 2.45.299 ' tafis,is,f. 536.759.771 bigamus, i. 799.974.36o 766 ' bafium,ii,n. 826 bilanx, cis.f. 18I 5oI boo;as. batillum,i,m. 434 bilex, ícis. 8I6 borago,ginis,f. baubor;aris. 187 bilinguis,e, a. 136 27 I borealis,e,a. 56.76 Beatus,a,utn. . 997 bilis is.f. ibid. 778 *boreas,ae,fm. bellaria,orum,/. 566 bimeftris, e, a. bellicus,a,um, 468.695 bimulus,a, um. 23o bos,ovis,m. zof.389 717 bini, æ, a. 1 36 243 botrys,is,f. * 4* I 381 botulus,i. bcllo,as. 694 bipalium, i. m. 413 713 bovile,is,m. bclligeror,aris. ibid. bipennis, is.f. bellua,ae,f. I 9^ bipes, édis.a. . I 44 Brab&um,i;m. 946 , 236 bracca,ae,f. 5 Iz belluinus, a, um. 825 bis. 896 bifco&tus, a, um. 4o7 brachium, i , m. 262 946 , bcllum,i,n. 691.692 bifon, ontis.m. 2oI 53 I bellus,a,um. 6.3 bifëxtilis, e. 782. bra&tea,ae. bcnè. 363.536.623 biftorta, æ. f. 5 I9 I 34 bra&teola,ae. I 63 }• ncdiétio,onis,f. 846 bifulcus, a, um. 184 branchia,ae,f. I 26 b.acdº&us,a,um. Iooo bitumen, înis. m. 1 o4 brafsica,ae. bcncficiarius,a,um 686 bivium,i. m. 478 brève,is,yi. 698 -
Eu L 296
15 993
C A E,
Aballus,i,m. 46o calamintha,ae,f. 136 ucacabus,i,m. 431 calamiftratus, ta, tum.
bréviufcülus , a, um. cachinor,aris.
calamiftrum, i,n.ter.m.
cacodaemon , önis, m.
223 Caco,aS.
, 38 cacumen,inis,m.
calamitas» atis, f. 394 .
1 57
calamitofus,a,um. 885
calamus,i,m. 127. 139 .
cadaver, avëris, m. 338
428.73 r
I 38 796 824 cadaverofus,a,um. 3 16 IvDo brutus,a,um. z8A.824 cadmia,ae. Bubile,is,m. 4I3 cado,cecidi,cafum,ëre.
calantica,ae,f. calapodium,i,n.
um,i,n. calcar,arisym.
bubalus,i,m. bubulcus,i,m.
bufo,άpis. bufonius,a,um.
bugloflà,ae,f. bulbofus,a,um.
55z calathus,i,m. calcaneus, m. calcane 2. 57
caducus,a,um. 1 17.3 12 calceamentum,i,n. 5o6
bucca,ae,f. 267.838 554 buccea,ae,f. 553 buccella,ae,f. buccellatus,a,um. 4o7 buccina,ae,f. 4I3 bucco,önis. 284 buccula,ae,f. »30513 bucula,ae.
5 13
Caecias,ae,f. caecilia,ae.
cæcitas,atis, f. cæcus,aSum.
693 966 44o
45 I
84. 514
56 calcitros as, önis , m. 2.13 177 2 57 I99 calco,as. 28z. calculofus,a,um. Izo I 49 calculus,iym. 3o4.756 714 calefio,is 549
2. I 2,
caedo, cecîdi, caefum, calendarium,i,n.calen 668,67o.7 I 3 dae;arum f. êre. 781
136 caeduus,a,um.
539 caleo,es.
32 I.
131 cęlo;as.
97.771.8ro calidus,a,um. 24.579 cælum,i,m. . ibid. caliga,ae,f. 5 Iz.
486 cæmentum,i,m.
calix, ícis. m. 122. 56z.
3 17
bulla,ae,f. bullio,ire.
72.519 Caefar,äris,m. 432. caefim.
caligo;as. 283. ínis. f. • calleo,es, f. c.
bupthalmus,m;,m. 136 caefius,a,um. 335 callidus,a,uni. bura,ae,is,is,f. 39I caefpes,ítis,m. 45.322 callis,is,m.
buftum,i, m. buftuarius, caefpititius;a,um, ibid. callofus,a,um. 961 caefpito;as. 1ym. 453 callus,i,m.
3 zo ibid.
luteosonis,m. butyrum,im.
I48 caeftus,us,m.
4i6 caeteri, æ, a. I 13. 452 calor,óris,m. 59.27; IIo -
yneses, f.
• 444 cæteroqui
544 927
1 33
calvaria,ae,f. 297 calvefco,êre.c.p. 28o calvitium,i,n. , 288 calumnia, '
=t- *ca-cu- *,*
44-;=-= — z.f **-*-*i====i=s, i, s. 89
czz…,,*. caaera,ae,f.
17 1ca-z,z=.
§*=;======a. 663 *ss:-====A-,*. 945 ss=====o=azitis,s. 316
¢zám aej^s. czrrznz,.
+-ia-r x* r. =*=i=a=z —
a-yaraAf. 94. **#'a:ar,àcs,a. 44*.*çlara=s, a, an- *9* carp<£j£a-74. 134*a;<r3- *.
carz.,,*. 72. 334 a;-=z=z = czrakaula 1 =49 ap-£2,&=
=*=*algazf. 1**|-*===alis, e.
79*. 795
cara1t;, 4.
3$ **3!a;;iia---=-i ***{af;>£=sjas. 303
e-e ca?iiius i, -. -*<.97>[===3>,iaisas.
cance1atus2 am. *32 cajor<;iap<=?==-|======lisisf.
cance111, 2rum, m. 141 .
1=.=c4-:<i card=s,i„*. 135 <5= , capfirum,i,a. 45^ careo,es. <7.4c7.6o5 134 • £ancer, crì, m. 43. 17. capitz*, e. <<-. **> crex,icis, f. 528 31 <! -$ « caries ei,f. 469 canáela;,f. 74; ; capitatus,:;=. I : c carina,z.f. cand:abrumj;. 745 {captitm.i. 5 I4 cariofus,a,um. _ 5:8 • 456 „*%. 4« *«apto, Jais, *. I*< cariùs. candefco,ere. c~ *84 carmen, inis, n. 754
can4 datus,a,um. 34o [capit:i:um,i;*. 9* * {capitulum,i. candidus,a,um. 37. 339 {capoyJnis,*. Âdè.
candor,ôris,m. canefco,&re,p.c.
927 {cappares;pl. 282}caprea,ae,f.
cani,orum,m. canicula,ae,f. caninus,a,um.
233 [capreolus,i,m.
- *5* i3. 1 3 I 5o
carnifex,icis m. 668 carnificina,ae.* 725 545 carnivorus,a,um. 16o $66 J 99
38] capricornus. 1. 43. *co caro,carnis; f. 241.315
I 16 149 carota ae,f. 533 cani3,is, ag. 1 87. 423 jcaprimas,a,um. 416 carpentarius,i. 455 caniftrum , j, m. 552 |cafirona;æ. 58« carpentum,i,n. 167 334]ca;fa,ae,f. 352.273 carpio,önis, f 17.838 canna,ae,f. I 39 cap'ula,ae,f. 552. carpo;ére. 99* cannabis,is,f. 497 [captiofus,a,um, 838 carptim. carpus,iym. 26o
267 [capriniu!gus,i.
<Jo, cecini, 7ro.773] cantum,[captivusâ;um. , 75 7221 crc. capto , as., 615. canon,5nis,m.
64o I
canºaicus,a,um. 631 | captus,us,m.
carrus,i,m. - 41 1.456
975 carthamus,i,m.
I 2,
CAS carum,i,n.
“C A 1!
* 32. 493 132,
catulus,i,m. , 186.194 celfus,a,um.
8vo gella,ae.
catillus,i,m. 4o4 cellarius,i. catinus,iyw. 434.558 celo,as. 188 celox,ocis,f. caryophyllum,i,n. 132 catulio,ire. carus,a,um,
, cafa,ae,f.
524 catus,1,'m.
2. I 1
cafeus,i,m. 2. 17.416 cauda,ae,f. 1 58 caffes,ium,m. 42, 5 caudex,ícisym. \ 1o8 caffia,ae,f. I 35 cavea,ae,f. 429 caffis,idis,f. ^ 699 caveo,es,vi. 7o6.81 1 caffita,ae,f. I59 caverna,ae,f. 78. 522 caffus,a,um. I2 I cavillatio,önis,f. 844 caftamicâ , ae, f. 123 cavillum,i,n. 916 -
268 412.
caula,ae,f. cafligatio,önis,f. 87o caulis,is,m. 125.731 caftigo,as. 6I2 cavo;as. 2 IO caftimónia,a:. caftitas, caupo,önis,m. 485 atis,f. 82. 5 caupona,ae,f 625 7 18
837 464 523
cenotaphium,i. 96r cenfeo;es. 654.81 3 cenfura,ae. 728
cenfus,à,um,p. 654 centaurium,rii,m. 136 centenarius,a,um. 765 centcnlyæ,a.
centes. . .
centrum,i,n. 758. 767 centuria,ae,f. 697 centurio,önis,m. ibid.
caßorjorisAm. 2. I 2 caufa , ae , f. 13o. 595 cepa,ae,f. caftra, caßrorum, pl. m. 66o.664.752 cephalæa,ae,f. 7o4 88; cephalalgia,ae.
caftro;as. 183.184 caftrum,iy. 717 caftula,ae,f. 58o caftus,a,um. 8* 5 cafus,usam. 971 catadromus,i,m. 948 catalogus,i,m. 74o catamidio,as. 669 cataphra&us,a,um.699 cataplafma,n. 791 catapotium,i. 792. catapulta,ae,f. 712 catara&a,ae,f.615.tum, } , iym. 67 catarrhus,i,m. 3 Co
13r 297
cauforaris. caufus,i.
297.639 cephalicus. 37o cera,ae,f. cerafum,i,h. caufticus,a,um 315 . Caute. 8o7 cerafus,i,f.
cautela,aef. .
L 119
863 ceratium,ii,n.
I i ■ ■t
1 38
cauterium,i. 318.669 ceratus,a,um. 791. 935 6o cautes,is,f. - , . 83 ceraunius,a,um. cautio,önis,f. 86z cercopithécus,i. 2o7 cerdo,önis,m. 5o8 cautus,a,um. cavas,a,um. - 284.252. cerebellum,i. 33o. Cedò.
cedo,ceffi, ère. 11.338 cerebrum, bri, meu. 34o -
cedrus,i,f. celebris,e,a.
94z 1 I 5 ceremonja,ae. 491 cercus,a,um*
cataftrophc;es,f. 953 celebro, as. 635. 648 cerinus,i.
35o 636 743 I2o
catechifo,as. 633 96o cerno,cernère. 183-4oo carena,ae,f. 922. 676 438 celer,ëris,a. 8o7 cernuus,a,um. 2.87 caterva;æ f. 675 celeriter. cathæreticus, a, um; celero;as. 425 certamen, înis, meu.656 31 8 celes,itis,*m. * 7τ 5 488 736 cathzdra,ae,f • 73o celeufma,atis,*. 464 certatim. Cçí •
77 1 certè.3. certò. . 81 1 chorda, ae,f. ccrtitudo,inis, f. 749 chordus,a,um.118.419 943 certus,a,um. 124.386 chorea, ae,f. cerva, æ. ' 198.425 chorus, i, m. 63o. 943 cervical,ális;n. 571 chriftianus, a, um, 648 975 cervifia,ae,f. 444 cervix, icis , fèm. 252 Chriftus,i,m. 63 1 57 : Chronologia,ae. Chro ceruffà,ae. I 4o nologus, i, m. 786 -
ceffatio,onis, f. ceffo,as. cete.imd.cetus,i. • cetra52e.
1 98
267. 268
3 88 chymus, i, m.
circaitor,orisym. - 49. circuitus,usym. circularis,ea. circulator,öris.
758 76o
circulussi. 32. 43. 44o 758
circumago,ére. 57.431 circumcido,ére
27o circumcirca.
° . 31 383 171 Cibarius, a, um. 4o7 circumferentia,ae. 758 699 558.695 circumforaneus. 49z
chytropus,ödis, 341 circumdo,as.
31.642 cibus, i, m. Chalybs,ybis,m 98.743 cicada, ae,f. chamaedryssys,f. 1 34 cicatrix, icis, f. chamaemelum, i, m.t 36 cicer, ëris. n. chamaepytis, yos,fibid. cicindela, ae. chameleon, tis. I 2 1 5 ciconia, ae,f. Ccu.
chamomilla. chaos,n. •*
circumgefto. 3 19.' circumjaceo,es. I 28 circumjicio,ére. 2.24
233 circumlambo.
136 cicorium, ii, m.
641 66
277 194
circummunio,ire. 7o4
circumquaque. - - 47
73 cicur,curis, a. I 54. 174 circumfcribo. chara&ter,£ris,m.8.4o9 cicuro,as.. 2o3 circumfcriptor,m. 817 23
charitas,átis. * 997 cicuta, ae,f. charta,ae,f. 791.941 cieo, es. charus,a,um.
632. cifra, æ,
circumfpeéto, as,- cir cumfpe&us , a» um.
• 756
1 37
chafma,atis,n. 58 cilicinus, a, um. chelae,arum,f.- '* 17» cilicium, 1. chelidonium. 1 36 cilium, i. chelys,yos, f. 775 cilo, önis, m. chiliarcha,aeym. 697 cimelium, i. chiragra,ae,f. 3o9 cimex, ícis. chirographum,i. 86, cincinnus, a, um.
4o4 circumftantia, ae.
58z circumtendo.' 247 circumvallo,as.
518 cirnea,ae,f. * '
588 cirrus,i,m.
I5 9 455
95 1 -
848 circumvolvo,ère., 258 2. I 8 circus,i.m. 948
chirotheca,ae, f. 5 14 cinereus,a, um, 339; cifium,i,n. * 848 chirothecarius,ii,m.492 cingo, ère. 423.5 16 cifta,ae. 'ib. cifterna, ae. • ' 623 chirurgicus,a,um. 1 36 cingulum, i. ' chirurgus,i,m. 796 cinifio,onis. 658 95 1 citatio,onis.f. 39.354 chlamys,ydis,f. 5 1 2 cinis, ëris, m. 45.96 1 citô. cholcra,ae,f. 27 1 cinnamomum, m. ' I 32, cito;as. 631.658 chondrylla,ae,f. 1 36 cippus, i, m. 6o8.96z. citra,pr. 947 123 98z citreum,i. choragium,i. 954 circa, pr.
choragus,i. '
637 circiter, pr.
circinus, i, m.
' 758 civilis,e,4.
247.779 civis, is, c. g. -
5 59
61 4. 65 d civitas,
,cLA CO A , COG civitas, atis, f. 6.1.691 $inicussasuin. 294] coemeterium, i. 9«o 717 clinopegus,i,m. 533 Coena, 2e, 633 Clades,is,f. 717 c!inqpodium,i. 573 coenaculum,i,atio,onis. -
clàm.9zc. clam. , clamo, as.
919 -
clitellæ;arum,pl. 46o
c£ellarius,a,um. ibid. [cœnaturio, ire.
clamor, öris, maf. 275 clivus,i,m. 352. cloaca,ae,f.
79] coeno, as. ib. 259 [coenobium, i, m. coeao
clancularius,ii,m. 691 cluco,es,fc. .
biarcha, æ.
. 186 clunabulum,i,n. ' 43o coenum, i, m. 48I clandeßinus,a,um. 691 clunaculum,i,n. ibid. coëmo, ëro. ' 49I clango,ëre. I6o clunis,is,eg. 258]coeo, Ire. / 3I9 clangor,öris, m. 71o clyfter,ôris,m. 79»|coepi, fìi. 884 clarigatio, f. 693 clypeus,i,m.um,n. 699;coeptum, i, m. • 886 clarus,a,um. 73.734 incus,i,m. 132 ]coeptus, a, um- ' 254 claßiarius,a,um. 7oo Coacervo;as. 529.847]coërceâ.<s. 451.668 clafsicum,iy. 71 o coaétus, a, um. p. 27o'coetus,us,m. 244.629 clafsicus,a,um. 654 481.684] cogitabundus, a, um. clafsis,is,f. ib. 7oo. 735 coaduno;as. 53o 344 clathratus,a,um. 55o coætaneus,a,um. 939) cogitatio,anis.f. 344 -
clathrus, ma. rum. meu. coagmento,as.748. 241 ] . 54I coagulo,as. Io4.416 cogito, as.
clava,ae,f. 713 claudicatio, f. 289 claudico,as. ibid. claudo,öre. 548.7o9 clavicula,ae,f.252.lus,i. •
clavis,is,f. clavola;ae,f. clauftrum,i,n. claufula,ae,f. claufura,ae.
ib., cognatio, onis, éor
coagulum. i. coalefco,ui,ëre.
coar&to, as. coangufto, cognatus,a,um aS.
267 cognitor, öris, m. 659 53o. 544 cognitio,f. „ 355. 659 • , zrz cognomen, inis, m. 937
coccin£us, a, um. coc-, cognofco, ovi, tùí.
cus,i. 615 coccinunu,i,n. 991 4II
659. 667
675. cogo, coegi, ère. 416
cochlea,ae, f. 216. 544]
cochleare,is,n. clavus, i, ma. 32o. 465 cochlearia,ae. ' $ 27 cochlis,idis, f. clematis, f. 136 cocles,îtis,m. clemens,tis, 4. 9Iz co&tilis,e,a. clementia,ae,f. 682 codex,ícis,m. clepfydra,ae. 772. codicillgs;i. ' clibanus,i,m., 96.áòs cœlebs,ibis,c£. ' cliens,tis,c.g. 66o.686 coelites,umym. -
clientela, ae.
66o coelitüs.
696. 7o9. 865.
558 cohabito, as. 313 cohaereo, es.
544, cohibeo, es. 283 ;
526 cohonefto, as. .
893 593 ,
854; cohors, tis, f.
- 697 ,
731; cohortor, aris. 589' coinquino, as. 998, coiti6, onis,f.
a33 , 733
98o, coitus, us, m.
783 cœlum,i,n.19.64. li, o-' coleus, i, m.
4 31
cœlophthalmus,i. 383' colaphus,i,m. IWIMA,//}.-
588 242.
958 colica, ae.
7I 1
. 6o6
67s 29r 3o5
CO L colla;æ. collabi.
C 0.AM
386 commeo;as. . 5 39522nu; ,i,h. 775 $9'2£;$ti*a. 333.303] commercium,i,n.
731}commilto,ónis,m. 710
collapfus,a,um,p. 538}colorg;as.
771 | ceminifcorseris. 415 [comminuo,ëre. 213 |commiferatiosf. collatus,a,um,p. .713 [colum,i. 3o5.433 [commifceo,es. collaudátio,onis,f.87o[columba,ae,f. columba-|commiferefco,ère. 1 54|commifereor,Eris. 638] rium,i. colle5ta,ae.
581 |coloffus,i. collare,is,m. collateralis,e. 56.6o3'coloftra,ae,f. collatitius,â,um. 638'coluber,bri,m.
913 81.
871 796
colle&us,a,um,p. 328[columella, ae, 3oI. 546jcommiffura , ae » f. 469 5o4 673|columen, ìnis, m. 464 655 515.545 [committo.ëre. 53o.634 . . 7, 1.868.917 536 colliéiae,afüm,f. 39* [columna,ae,f. 95 498] commixtio,f. collido (con, ledo) fi,lcolus,if. 935 586 'comfmodiùs. 713 [coma;æ, f. êre.
collega,æ, m. collegium,i,n. _
colligo;as. 396.685 [combibo, ère. colligo (cm, lego) egi, [combino»as. äre. 66. 145. 396] comburo,öre. 662}comedo,ère.
82 I [commodo;as. I62. 86»
I 34
563] commodus, a, um. 237
collimo, as, or, aris,d.!cömcs, itis, c. gen. 476 7o3
686 'commonefacio,ére.9zz. 865 [commonftro;as. 73*. 923 ib.] commoneo,es.
393.'comefàtio, f.
* 79;comeflàtor, m. 33o}comeffor,aris. 668] cometa,ae,m.
72 5
63 [commotio,onis.
317' cominùs.
713] commoveo,es.
771 , còmisse,a.
8gr | communico,as.
collifio,f. colliftrigium,i.
collifus,a,um,p. colloco,as.
567, comitiajorum,n. . 686| communio, onis»f. 67.
989 colloquor,ëris. 934}comitialis , e. adj. 3i . 247 649| communio,ire. 988 colludo,&rc. 67» 9o* | communitas, f. collum,i,m. 252.461 |comitor,aris. 747]communis, ne, 4. 341 collufor;Öris,m. 939] comma,atis,n. 5 I4 colluo,ère. 434. collu-||commando,öre. 267] . ibid.] commeatus,us,m. 695 [commuto,as. 5 Io.889 vies,ei, f. 482] commemoro;as. 349]compa&ilisse,a. 533 collybus,i. 554] commendatio,f. 87o|compa&tor,öris. 748 collyra,ae. 914]compa&us,a,um,P.4o7 792] commendo;as. collyrium,i,n. 241 433 [commentarienfis » m.] compages,is, f. colo,as. 622 668] compagino;as. colo » êre. 385. 596]. 753 982 [commentariusym.um, i.]comparatio, f. 786] coinparo,as. 156.173 5 r* | m. colobium,i,n. -
co!>chynthis,idis,f. 136] commentitius,a,um 885 compafcuumbi. 268] commentor,aris. 738] compes,edis,f. colon;i, volon'a,ae.
219] commentum,i,n,
■ 4o] compello,as, [
4ri 668
co N .
Có M'
co N 948 , conditio,onis,f.85&.889
compello,puli,&re.94* ' 91 conditor,oris,m. 98z compendiò. 475 concha,ae,f. . . compendiosè.: 756 concido,ëre. . . 935 conditus, a,um,p. 786 686 959. compendium,i. 853 concieo,es. comperendinatio, fem. conciliabulum,i. 655 condo, didi , &rc.446 98o 664 conciliosas. 492. 91 1 concilium5i,n. 64o condocefacio,&re. 724 comperio, éri, ertum, .1rc. * 17.32 I concinnator,oris,n.5o6 condono;as. 894 compernis,is,e.g.. 289 concinnitas,f. 382. conducibilis,e. , 49I. eoncerto,as.
> compertum cft.
836 concinno;as.
conduco, érc. 136. 534
, 743.792: 63* compcfco, ui, ere. 41 I concio,onis f. `66o concionator,m. 631 condu&itius,a,um. 386 523 competo,ëre. • 481 concipio,epi,eptuin. 21 863 : . . - 45 condu&tor,m. compingo, egi, aétum. . . . 533. 748 concito,as39o.45 I.69r conduétus,a,um,p. 963 43 f compitum,1,n. 479 concivis,is,eg. 69 1 condus,i,m. 26r comple&or,ëris, 765 conclamo;as. 7o4.956 condylus,i. compleo,es. 2o conclave,is,n. 544 confabulati,onis,f.$67. complexio,onisyf. 993. concludo,ëre. 122.65 1 confabulor;aris. I 932 59z. complexus,us,m. 774 conco&io,f. '* 267 confarreo,as. complico;as. I 936 concoquo,ére. - 438 confe5tus, â, um»p. 268. 444. complures,a.. 222.839 concordia,ae,f. 9 11 4o9 confero,erre. 724. 749 , compluvium.i. . 546 concredo,ëre. 75 A compono,ère. 529 64o concremo,as. 961 confertiim. 124 confertus,a,um,p. 848 " -~ * - . 754 concrefco , êre. -
* .
418] .
42? confeftim.,
:: ; '
compos,ötis,4.8o5.893 concretus,a,um.
315 conficio (com.facio) cci,
827 e&um, èie. 1 4o. 2 19 compofitus,a,um. - 28 concubina,ae. 933. 949 , compotator,öris.m.82r concubitus,us, m. 5oo
comprehendo,&re. 735 compreßè..- , . . 267 concubius,a,um. comprimo,effi,&re. 3» 1 concupifco,&re. computatio,f. 782 concurro,&re. computo»as. 756 concurfo;as. computrefcoyui. 318 concuflùs,us,m. conatus,us,m. 364 condecet,imp. concamero,as. 38* condecöro,as. concavus,a,um. 759 condemno;as. concedo,&re. 17o. 84o condico,ére. 971 condimentumj. '
826 conficior.
987 confidens,tis,a. 945 8o8 818 confido,ere. 7o3 7 1 i configo,ere. . 689. 969 confinium,i. . 352. confio,eri. 41 6.448 752., 9 1o confirmo;as. 683 722. confifcatio f. 669 664 confifco,as. 856
confiteor, eris , feffus. 998 i
I 22-437 concentus,us. 774 condio,ire. conceptus » ta , tum. p. condifcipulus,i. 736
confixus,a,um» P. 393 4Io
conditaneus,a,um, 164 confli&tor,aris.294.713 , 8 confli&us,us. 71 5 conceptivus,a,um. 781 |,' * con .-
co N ' confligo, cre. conflo,as.
connivco, es.
, ^ 9o7
7 13 94.99
C O N.
confopie, ire. -
connubium, i. m. . 594 confors,tis, a. 989 | confluo, ere. , 469 conopeum, ei,m. . 574 confortium, i, m. 931 us, 788 confodio, ere. 713.437 conor, aris. 363. 641 confoederatus, a» uum. conquaffo, as. • 469 con£ exi, ère. 78
695 conformo,.as.
confragofus,a,um. 77
conquinifco, ère. 35? conquiro (àm, quaero) êre.
Ἐ; aris.
conipicuus, a, um. 3z 751 88o.954
confringo, egi, aétum. confanguiaeus, a, um. 6oI
confpiffo, as. 4o7 I 57 confugio, ere. 2o4 confanguinitas, f. 826 confpurco, as. confundo, ere. 796 confarcinator, m. 5c5 conftabilio,ire. 64o confufus, a, um. 23 confarcino, as. 826 conftans, tis, a. 898 398 confuto, as. 432. confcendo, êre. 451 conftanter. 462. conftantia, ae. congelafco, ere.conge 897 775. 81 x 634 conftat. lo, as. 53 confcientia, ae. 668 confternor, aris. 883 congenitus, a, um. 33o congeries, ei, f. 43.796 confcifco, êre. . 885 çonftipo, as. 43. 5o3 congero, ere. 397 confcius,a,um. . 926 conftituo, ère. 43. 259. 98o congerro, m. 929 confcribo, êre.489.695 642. confto,as,iti. 496 congarium,1, n. 723 confecro, as. congius, i, m. 683 confenfus, us, m. 663 conftratus,a,um. 468 conglobo, as. 43 confentio, fi, ire 924 conftri&tus, a, um, p. 45o , conglutino, as. 53o confeptum, i, m. 41 1 congredior,ôris. 949 confequens, tis, a. 813 confringo,&re. 668 congrege,as. 4o9. 697 confequor, ëris. 99r conftruo, êre, 5o7.747 6o6 conftupro, as, 827 congreffus, us, m. I confervo, as. congruenter I 52, confeffus, us. 649 confuefco, êre. 7o. congruo, êre. f. c. 697 confideo;es, edi, effüm. confuetudo, înis,f.8^1 464.933 conful, ülis, m. - 631 786. 93o congrus, i,m. 168 confideratus,a,um.839 confulo, &re. 333.877 I2 I
confidero, as.
conjugium, i, m. 588 confitus, a, um,p. 38z conjugo, as. 747 confobrinus, i,a;æ.6o3 9o6 conji;ngo, êre.366.93o confolatio,f. conjuratio, f. conjuro, confolida, ae, f. 1 33 as. . . 691 confòlido, as. ' 527 conjux, ügis, c.g. 588 confolor, aris.-
conne£to, &re.
5 15
confonantia, ae.
9o6 - . 87r
652 conje&ura, æ, f. 337 cpnfigno,as. conjicio (à jacio) eci, confiliarius, i. • 676 ère. 2o4. 355. 663 confilium, i, m.696.9o6 conifcus, i, m. 223 confifto, êre. 94. 441. 672.797.947 conjugalis, e, a. 595
confulto, as. 8o7 confultus,a,um. 654 -
confummo , as. 311 -
confumo, érc. confuo, ère.
, 311 5o4
conta&tus, us, m. 316
9o6 contagio,onis, f. 314 contagi 774
' CO N'
co R
contagiofus,a,um. 314 contubernalis , is , c£. copula,ae,f. -
contamino, as. contego, êre. 275 contueor,ôris. , contemno, ère. 876 contumacia,ae. . contemplor,aris. 757 contumax,äcis,a. contemporaneus,a,um, contumelia,ae,f. , , : contemptus, us. -
786 927
contendo, êre.689. 873
contentio, önis. f. contentus,a,um.
656 85 I
contubernium, i, m. copulo,as.
3I 6 825
9 1 o coqua.
392.747 ' 43 r .
283 coquinarius,a,um. 43 r.
6o5 coquo,xi,cre. * 444 431 899 coquus,i,m. 917 cor,cordis, m. 273. 63r 167 contumeliofus, a, um. coraciuus,i. 9o4 corallium,i. 9^
919. contundo,rìdi,ëre.933 coràm. contus,i,m. 464 corbis,is,m f. ' * 1 1 4.
corbita,ae.* * * * 468
contero, rivi, &re. 267 contufus,a,um,p. 17o cordatus,a,um. * * 725 -
convalefcd,ere. ' 295 cordolium,i. '-****&7 convallis,is,f. 77 coriandrum,i. ' 13* • * ' ' .' ' ' 691 convafatüs,a,um. 486 coriafius, a, um. cori um,i,n. •' '•*3o3° contexo, ère. ' ' 457 conveho,ére. 397. -
conterraneus, a, um.
contextus, us. «
II 4
convefiio,irc. 2o3.351 corium,i,n.us,i,m. ibid.
contignatio,f . 544 • . 583.794 contiguus,a,um. 259 conventum eft. * * 63o 856 centinehs, tis. a. 783 converfatio,f. 9o1 continentia, ae. ' ' 819 contineo,es,entumi,z6o converto,&rc. 989.994 •
corhicor,aris.** 16o» corniger»era,uni.*' 4i* corriix,icissf. 16o.54o. cornu;h. 198:7o8.
corìum,ni, n. cornus;f, '-^ 1 zz. •
* r
convexus, a, um. 257 cornutus,a,um. * * áz3°
contingit, imp. .' &7o. continuè.31 o.nuò.1 Io convi&or,öris. 91o corolla,ae,f. .'* 133 continuo;as.** 884 convitior,aris. 917 corollariun,i. ' 768 c.g. 335 corona,ae. 364. 674" continuus, a um. 239 conviva,ae, ib. coronarius,a,um. I 33 *. * * 76z convivator,m. 494 còntor,aris. 914 convivium,iym. 365 coronatus,i. _ conrorqueo,es. 32.6oz. convoco,as. 629 coronis,idis,f.'* 346 còntra. . 356.75o convolvulus,i. 217 corporeus,a,um. 32r' contra&tus, us. '492. a. convolvo, vi , utum. corpulentus;a,um. 278 ' uim. z6o 313 corpus,öris,n. 28. 24• 4t8:817 contradico, ère. 752 conus, i, m. 122. 739 corrado,öre. 5 i 4, 941 corrigia,ae. . 899 corrigo (com, reg) e*, contraho, ère. 463.493 convulfio,f. 294 êre. · 188.9*3 conyza,ae,f. 136 ' . _ . . 589 759
contrarius;a,u. 32.331 [coopto,as.
contribulis, e, a. 6oi contriftor, aris.' 835 contritus, a, um.p. 631 conterminus,a,um. 689
coordhno;as. cophïnus,i,m.
copia,ae,f. copiæ,arum.
controverfia, ae. 656 copiosè.
737 527
corripio,&re. 1889*3 corróboro,as. ' '"93.
.'* 217 _ 332 corrodo;ére. corrumpo;ére. 3a
7os corruptela,ae. <752.
corruo,&rc. JR 2.
61.4oo , cor- ' . .
•orruptus, a, um. 329
– T. 7 . • cors,tisf.
C 11 C
C R I.
coR 661
creditor , öris, m. 364 Ictumst; æ.f. ,
' *.
486, ' 385
328 crcdo , érc. 53. 358 cruor,oris,m. $I4 386 cruralis,e,4. 81 z. crurifragium,i. 669 cortina;a. . 5o3.954 'credulitas,f. ib. crus,uris,m. credulus,a,um. 190 corus,i,m. … 3I9.4o7, 58 'crcmbala;orum,n. 777 crufta,ae. corufcatio,f. 526 529 crufto,as. corufco;as. . . . . 43 cremum,i,m. I60.
Io9 .
45.669 cruftula, ae. larius, i.
ccrvus,i,m. - * 16o cremo,as. 837 'cremor,oris cofycaeus,i.
corylus,isf. : i, 12 ; [creta;ae,f.
crux, ucis,f.
408 . 669
18.737 crypta, ae,f cryptopor 6r6, . 514 ticus,us. coryphaeus,v. … 69 1. crepida, aesf. ;7o2. crepido,inis,f. $ . 583 cryftallinus,a,um. 56. corytus,i. .
corymbus,i,m. `: 138. creo,as.
c®sgötis,f., : : ... -85. crepito,as, ' 16o.298] cryftallus,ijf. _ ; 93, -coßus,iym. :. .3. t7 crepitacuIum,i. . 23o|Cübiculariùs;a, ü. 676
crepo,a5: … _ 543.84o|cubiculum,i.T,
cofta,ae,f. ]
• 354
. 314 crepundia, orum, meu.'cubile,is,n 239}cubitus,j£. - I23 ...„,., _,
cetoneum,1. - -
coturnix,icissf. 1 5o.158
373. 57o, z6o
crepufculum,i. .36'cubo;as,íi.
755 '*' 135 [cubus,ijm..., 1 6o, coxcndix, icis, f. 256. cr5ta,ae. . . . 1 o4! cucub6as. : : : .> : *- , • 3o9 cribrosas: I . 43o;cucullus, i. cucullatus, Crabrojönisym. 22O cribrum,i,n. * * Tib.f a,um. 638 2 56. crefco,&re.
coxa,ae,f. . .
.:. 126 cricctusj. , 297 crimcn»inis, m. .
crambe, csf. cranium,i,n. crapula,ae,f. cras.
T z1o
... 976
917 [cucumer,mêris, m. 123.
813 criminor;aris. _ ^
cuculus,i.cuculo;as.i 36,
. . 9zz.'
crinálisse,a. , ' 513
' crafius sa , um. 27. 8* crinis,isym. '' ' ' 584]cucurbita, ae,f.123. i*5 -* • …
craftinus,a,um. 8 1 3 crater,ëris,m. . 56* crates,is,f. I 14.414 cratenterium,i. 34 1 431 craticula,aecraticius,a,um.38o.527 creagra, grae. creacen 343 trum,i.
crifpo;as.' ' ' ' 583]cucurio,irc. crifpus, aum. 123.z8o|cudo,ére. crifta,ae,f. I , 159|cujas,ätis,a. 16o [cujufmodi. crocito,as.' z 1 z.]culcitra,ae. crocodilus,i. 132 [culeus,i. crocus,i,m. 643 |culex,icis,m. crotalum,ip, .
3o6|culina,ae. cru&io,as. I. creätio,ónis,f. cap. » crudelitas,f. . . 896] culmen,ínis,n.
creator;5ris,m. . 98» crudelis,e,4..' creatura,ae.
2 1
791. I 59
53 1 93o, 329 57z ,
669.76* 2, 18 434
545. r 27
cruditas, f. crudus,a,lculpa,ae,f.66z.8o8.893, um., .
. . 292.|culpo;as. , ' - 92o,
crebrefco,&re,f.c. 836 cruentus, a,um. 3o3]cultellus,i. . . 738. 7£4]cultcr;triym. 39r-353. crcbrò T , I. 348] cul* ..
G 11 P -
c rc
cultura;æ. - 379. 388 curvus,a,um. ' 758 'dapfilis,e,a. ' ' 695" cululfus,i,m. 562. cufcuta,ae,f. • • * 134 datâ operá. 871 cum,pr. 94I 43.59.75 cufpis, idis, f. cufpida datatih. '
cùm.… cum,tttm.
713 daucus,i,m.
' ' . 1 36 ' 458.6o8.656
797 4oo
cuftodia, ftodiae, f. 624 De. 663
23o 228
cutis,is,f. 2.41 debeo,es. 669.811,687; Cyathus, i, m. 562.564 ' 8o3.877 763 ἀebilis,e,a. 357.723. / '
, • ' • dealbo,as. " 5o3' cuminum,i. 4to deambulatio,f. ' I32, cuftodio,ire.' 932. cumulo,as. 847 cuftos,ödis,m.676. 984 deauratus, a, tim. 5 19. cumulus,i. 418 cuticula, culae, f. 32o · · · · 562" 82o debello,as. cunabula , orum, neu. • « * . . . 718
cunae,arum,f. cun&ti,ae,a. cun&tor , aris.
31o cyaneus,a,um.cyanum, debilito,as. • . 35r 886
i. . . .
cuneus, i. m. 529. 7o8 cyarius,i,f. 136 739 cyclaminus,f. cyclami I2l6 cuniculus. larius, i, m. num,niym. 2o3.717.698 cyclas,adis,f. 586 cupa,ae,f. 446 cydonium,i. ' 123 cupediae,arum,f. 4o8 cygnus,i,m. I 51
debitum,i. ' 8s& debitus,a,um. " 635 decalogus,i,m. * 63z. decanto,as.
decas,ädis,f. 786. 94r
decapulo;as. 383•445. cupedinarius,i. ib. cylindrus,i,m. 759 decedo,ére. 967 ' 63r cupiditas, ditatis f. 818 cymba,ae,f. 471 decem. 848 cymbalum,i,m. 78o 643 december,bris. cupio,ëre. 1z. 1 98 cynogloffum,i,n. 136 decempeda, ae. decem cupreffus,i,f. I 1 5 cynofura,ae,f. pedator,m. 762
cura,ae f.
356. 629 cyprinus,i.
curandus,a,um,p. 796 ' cyprum. ' curator,oris,m. 1 626 cyflis,is,f. curculio,m. 217 cythara,ae,f. ' D. curia,ae. 649.655
167 decens,tis,a. 99 27 I
65% !
decerno, ère. 661. 7o8 decerpo,ére. 558 decerto,as. 7o8 deceffor,oris,m. I 678
D^®-, &yli.116 decet , imperfònal. 617
I2, curiofus,a,um. 837 ' 736 curo, as, avi. 336. 384 dæmon, önis, m. 647 decido (de cado)ëre,fc.
52, 1 17
& curro,êre. , curruca,ae. currus,us,m.
I 43
damafccnus, na, num
decimae,arum,f * 639 damno,* as. 662. 669 decipio,epi,&re. 361 86o decipula,*. : . ' 428 damnum,i,m. ' 49o decifio,onis,f * 664 danifta,ae,m. ** 864 declarosas. . . 749 $apes,ium,f. ' ' 337 declino, as, 369. 538,
curfim. .v . . 733 curfor.oris.m. ' ' , 943
$ curfito;as. curfus;us.
*. 463
curtus,a,ufas ;
* curvo;as. -
, *. -'. ^
' 1 58 Ir6
decido (de cado) ere. \
1 2o
dapiferieri, : , *** 676];
; 4,
747 * decli
833 dele&o,as. 932. 940 79 defamo,as. deco3tor, oris, w. 865 defeâus,us,*. 797. us, deleo,es,evi. 935 5I: delibero,as. 651.8o6 867 ayum. 66Q delibo,as.315.557.8:o 669 defendo,ère. decollo-as. decolorus,a,um. 339 defenfivus,a,um. 69* delibutus,a,um. 587 268.91 7 delicatus , a , um.456 decoquo„is,xi, érc. 812 defero.
defervefco,&re. defcffus,a,um.
decoro, as, avi, atum. deficiens,tis,* 618 deficio,eci,&re. decortico,as.
I o8
43* 431 deliciae;arumf. 57o
663 defodio,ére.
1 5o
797 deligo,legi,ére.” 657 34 dclingo,&re. 79z
473. 386 defit. decorus,a,um. 479 33 defie5to,&re áecrementum,i. decrepitus,a,um. 234 defuo,&re. 69. 137 ecrefco,ère. z95 defiuxus,us, m. ' 77»
delineo,as. delineo,ire.
delinquo,ère. deliquium,i,n.
961 delirium,i,n.
683 923
3oz 297
178 deliro;as. 295 deformis,ea. * decumbo,&c. 235. 391 285 delirus,a,um. 829 accumanus, a, um. 466 deformo,as. 639 defraudo;as. 494-848 delitefco,ui,/.έre. 83 786 defricatus,a,um. 56z delphinus,i,m. decuria,ae. 171 579 delubrum,i,n. decurio,onisym. 697 defiico,as. 64r -
decurro, ère.
443 deludo,&re.
«decurfus,us,m. decus,ôris,n.
67 defiugio,&e. 918 defun&oriè.
83o demano,as. 886 demens.tis,a.
z 5o
55 1
678 demenfum,i,n. 55 dementia,ae,f.
1 17 9oo
938 Iz9 demento,as. degenero;as. 584 demergo,fi,&re. 4*4 deglabro,as. 389 deglubo,öre. 13o.864 demereor,Eris. dedecörn,as. ' 9o6 84o 288 deglutio,ire. dcdecus,oris,m. 56o demifsè. dedignoraris. . 9o. dego,êre,p.c. 524 demitto,ère. 267.8.4 498 demo,ere. dedicatio,onis f. 635 dehinc. 791 641 dehonefto,as. 589. 9o4 demolior,iris. dedico,as. 9oo dcdifco,&rc. 732 dehortor,aris. 899 demonftratiosf. 358 71 9 deje£tio,onis,f. deditio,f. 3^3 demortuus,a,um. 647 dedititius,a,um. . 716. dejero;as. 834 demulceo, es, fi. 177 dcditus,a,un- 799.887 dejicio,eci,ëre.123-177|. 451.683.79r dedo,êre. 716 . z67.34o 345 demùm. .
- 732; dein.
• 383. 77o denarius,i,m.
deinceps. 6o4.976 denique. deduco, ère. 468. 47o. dcindc. 241.4o2.737 denoto,as.
49 5
66.697 495
786. 9&z delabor,ëris., I.. rio dens,tis, m. 248.267 , 939. ' defatigo,as. n. 917 denfitas,atis,f.. - 23
dcfaecatus,a,um. ' A% dclc&amentum,i. *
* *••
*s*, densè.
, D EP denfo,as.
defuetudo, ìnis, f. il*
deridiculum,i. .
392. defultoriè.
935 886
denfus,a,um. dentale,is,n.
51 39I
dentatus£i;um. «denuncio;as.
i44 derogo,as. 84c defcendo (fcando) êre, 56o 37.452.6o4 693 defcenfus,us,m. 458
51 I
dentifca! pium,i.
1) ET°
defum,es. 472.582.815 defumo,ere. I I8 detergo,ere. 31 5.558 determino,as. 67.689
98o deterior,us.
137.268 defcribo,ére. 525.783 detero,trivi,ere. 49 defe&us,a,um, p. 1o8 deteftor,aris. 418 detineo,es,entum. depango,egi,ère. 473 466 detraho,ere. depafco,ëre. 229.318 defævio,ire. 476 detre&o;as. depeculator,oris,m.669 defero,ui,ëre. dependeo,es. 458 defertor,oris,m. - 722 detritus,a,um. I9I detrimentum,i. deperdo,êre. , 96 defertum,iym. 887 detrudo,ere. depereo,ire. 829 defes,ídis,a. «depexus,a,um. 5o5 defiderium,i. 364 deturbo,as. denuö. deorfum.
935 48oo
25o 84©
883 5o5
86o 989 989
depilis,e,a. .
2o3 defidero, as. 363. 583 deturpo,as. 739 · 85 I devello,ere. 1 18 depleo;es. 383 728 devexus,a,um. deploratè. 799 defidia,ae. 545 3o7 devincio,xi, fre9o7.877 deploro,as. 668, 889 defido,edi,ëre. 688 deplumosas. 436 defigno;as. 495.799 devinco,ere.
depono,ére. depopulor,aris.
' 2 I 3 defilio, ui, ultum, ire. devio,as.
deportandus,a,um. 175 depofco,ére. 695 depofitum,i. 858 depraedor,aris, 7oo depravatio,f. 8I8 depravo;as. 93 I deprecor,aris. 9o8
178. 254 devius,a,um. devolvo,ere.
defipio (fapio)ëre. 848 defolor,aris.
443 devolutus,a,um. I 78 devoro,as, 719 devotè.
5o8 devoveo,es,vi-
477 93 I
477 5I
^ 6o6 864 998 641
defperatus,a,um. 668 Deus , ei , m. 18. 646
I3 depraedico;as. 877 defpero,as. deprehendo,ëre. . 724 defpicio,xi,ëre. _ 88o dextra,ae,f. depreffus,a,um. 78 defpondeo, es, di. 591 dextrorfum. 885 Diabolus,i. deprimo,effi,&re. 1 16 -
984 264
478 989
, '
depromo,&re. 561.564 defpumo;as.
depfo,&re. 4o6 ά. depulfus,a,um, p. 183 Ideftillo,as. 268
' 436 52.
, 638
936 diadema,ätis,m. ,, 674
depuratus,a,um. 98 gefäçìá ôftatuo) êre. 617. 66o depurgatus,a,umi. 383 deputo,as. '' ' ' I 54 deftitutus,a,um. * * 166 derelinquo, êre, 868 deftruo,xi,ere. ' * 538 , 976
diarius,a,um. '31 1 dibaphus,a,um. 5o3
diæta,ae,f. ^'* • ' .' 787 diale&ica,ae, cus,i. 749 diapafimaym. _ ., 587
758 .
'diap.hragmayr. * dia 276 R4
1) I Ct ---
31 dignor,aris.
diruo;ére. . . 538.72*
* 893 dignofco,ére. 324 dirus,a,um. diarrhaea,f. • * 3o7 dignus,a,um. 586.871 difcalceatus,a,um. 5i. 843 75* difcaveo,es, diaftemap. 773 digredior,&ris. 999 difcedo,êre. 596.9o. dica,am,f. 658 digreffus,us. 656 dicax,acis,a. 91 6 dijudico;as. 343. 345 difcepto;as. dicis causâ. 9o8 dilabor,ëris. 847 difcerno,ëre. 33o.769 I 48 difcerpo (carpo) êre. dicio,onis,f. 688 dilanio,as. 865 dico,as, 73* dilapido;as. 666 dif ifcingo;ére. 558.669 5 16 dico,xi,&tum,ere.25.7o dilatio,f.
… io7. 236. 65 1. 659 dilato;as.
difciplina, æ, f. 728
75 .
577 diétamnum,i,n. 6oo di$terium,i,n. 75z di&io,f. I, 576 di&o;as. 732. diluculò. diétum,i.99r.di&ofum diluculum,i;*. 35 ... audiens. 663 diluo,&re. 81. 8zz. 5o3 distus,a,um. 267. 275 dilutus,a,um. 644. 651 diluvium,i. 69 dida&rum,i. 727 dimacha,ae. 698 didafcalus,i. . dimenfio,f. 761 diduco, eré. 531. didu dimetior,iris. 31. 4oo {tus, a, um, 187.z6o 5o4 dics, ci. c. g. 34. 3 1 o dimico;as. 699 . . 568.976 dimidius,a,um. 6o8 diem dicere. . . 658 dim'nuo;ére. . 29. diefcit. 35 diminutio f. 672 differentia;æ f. differo, dimitto,ére. 632. ' . rs,diftuli,dilatum. » dioecefis,is,f. 688
difcipulus,i. 726 difco , didici, fc. &re.
… . -
dile5tus,a,um,p. 134 diligentia,ae. 941 diligo exì,&re. 747 dilucidè.
dióta,ae,f. T . diplois,dis,f. diploma,ätis,n.
639 dipthongus,i£
91 1
difcrimino;as. difcrucio;as. difcuneo;as. difcurfito,as.
466 333 668 529 22 X
difcus,i,m. 553 difcutio,ere. 9oo difertè. I , 75 a difertus,a,um. 754 disjungo,ere.. 276 difpando,ere1 58 difpar , aris, 4. 589
. . 562.
.'5 3oo 812
difcrepo,as,avi. 777 difcretus;a,um. 77o difcrimcn, inis, m. 343
difficultas,f. diffidentia,ae.
difcrepantia,ae,f. 774
difficilis,e,a. ,
27. dirae,arum. 893 ... 89 diffundo,&re. 67.276 dire&è digero, &re. 382. 739 dire&or,m. • 949 digialei , , 75o diribeo,es. ' 656 1gitale,is,m. 5o 'diribitorium,iiym. 695 dirigo (rego) exi, êre.
_ . . . •* 939
636 difpareo;es. , 38. 986 difpendium,i,n. 853 difpenfator,m. . 6o9 digitus, i, ms. 257. 261 , 97r difpenfo,as. . . 6o8, . . . . 762, dirimo,emi,ëre.32.656 difpergo,ere. . . .716, digladior,aris.' 95c diripio (rapio) eptum, ire. &. or. d,
dignitas,f.,., , . 36» .' ere, • , i
,v '.• .• \
… 719
337.796 difpe
D Iy DoM 783 diftribuo,erc. 27o. 557 dodrans,antis,m. 6o8
difpicio,pexi;ere. 589 diftorqueo,es. difpliceo,cs.' difplado,ere. difpono,ere. , difpofitus,a,um. difputo,as. difquiro (quero) ,
758 dogma,ätis,n.
7o3 diftriétus,us,m.688. us, 395 7oI dolo;as. a,um, 556 difturbo;as. 715 dolon,onis. 75o
erc. dito,as.
ibid. 463
846 dolor,oris,m. 294. 297 . ub. dolco, dolcs. 296. 367
536. 896
883 diù.
253 divarico;as. 45 1. 944 dolium,i,n. difquifitio,f. 32o dolofus,a,um. «difrumpo,rupi, ere.3o7 divello,ere.
_ . T
' . • 466 divendo, ere. 49o. 731 dolus,i,m.
diffèco,as. diflèmino;as.
283 dolabella, ae.dolabra,ae.
361 diflortè.
* 447
816 918
domefticus,a,um. 174 69I diverfor,aris. 625. för, domicilium i. 539 ' 9II Æ 879 domicoenium,ii,n., 565 öris,m. e 625 diverforium,i.
diffeparo,as. . diffèro,ui,ere.
23 75o
diverfus,a,um. 565.669 dominium,i. 688 diffideo,es,edi. diffidi diverticulum,i. ' 475 dominor,aris. ibid. 9II diverto,ere. um,i,n. ib. 594 dominus,i,m. 386. 858 diffilio, ui, ultum, ire. dives,itis,a. . 848 975 Io4.469.69 I 749 diffimilis»C»4.
diffimulo,as. diffipo;as.
divexo,as. divido,ere. divino,as.
divinus,i, m.
3o9 756
diflolvo,ere. . diffolutio,f. diffolutus,a,um. diffònantia;æ. diffuadeo,es. diffüo;ere.
866 divifus,a,um, 74o 728 divitiae,f. pl. 847 ib. dium,m. 483 77 a divortium,i. 478. 594 899 diureticus,a,um. . 792. 5o4 diurnus, na, um, 34
523 diftegon,i,n. diftendo,ere. 187.so3 783 diftermino;as. 3oo diftillatio,f. 137 diftillo;as. diftinétus,a,um. - 21
domi. 224. domü. 721 641. 644. us,a, donarium,i. 683 631.76o donativum,i.
domo,as,ui. domus,i;vel us.
donator,oris.tarius,i,m. 863
38. 271.391
dono, donas. 419. 61o
6I I
723 88o
dorcas,ädis f.
diuturnus,a,um. 311 dormio,irc. 352.575. 914 dormito,as.
divulgo;as. divus;a,um.
dormitorium;i. 57o Do,das,dedi,datum. 38 dormiturio,ire. 45*. :35z 340.6o6.795 dorfiiale,is,n. 726, dorfum, i, m. 237.259 545 doceo,es. diftineo,es. 26o 725 diftinguo;ere. 747. 749 docilis,e,a. 737 des,dotis, f. 39o. 796 757 do&tor,oris,m. difto;as,iti. 88o 4. 64o diftraho,ere. 368. 491 do&rina,ae. £722, doôtus,a,um. 932. dof|uarium,i. . o47
άribitiof. •*
$. documéntumj. ' 623 '
1)1/ M
E F F. efficio, eci, e&um, etc. Drachma,ae. 49 5.763 cbuluy, 134. 136 <•' 34 ` ebur,öris,m. I9o draco,onis,m. 214 770 675 effigics,et,f. drofomëli,n. 57 eburneus,a,um. 362. effingo,ere. 771.93: … Dubitatio,f. 357 Ecce. o,aS. 938 64o dubito,as, 435 ecclefia;ae. 445 dubius,a,um. 64.75o ecclefiaftes,æ,//*. 631 effiuo,ere. 3o6 duco,cre. 7o9.758.93o &chinus,1, m. 2o6. 267 effluvium,i. 94 562.582. effodio,ere. 94o.uxorem. 593 du&tilis,e,a. Ioo echo,us. 332. effæminatus,a,um. 386 natè. 885 942 eclegma;átisy,79*.796 42 effœtus,a,um.- 417 388 du&us,us, m. 8. z67.a. eclipfis,is,f.
644 ccontrâ. 346 ecquis,qua»d.
duellum,i,n. dulcis,e,a.
326 e&ypus,i,m.
6o5 42o
effrons, tis,a.
663 effulmino,as.
effrænis,e,a. 177 effringo,egisaétum.39o
edico, ere. edi&tum.iy. effugium,i,n.
138 edifco,ere. ediffero,ere.
77 I
3o.1o9.179 Edax,acis,4. dumetum, is meut. 2o4 edentulus,a,um.
efformo,as. 4c6.764 effra&or,oris,m. 669
16.733 effundo,ete. 785 effusè. 627 effutio,ire.
duodecim. 41.43.437 duodenum,i. z68 duplex,ícis,a. 5cr duplicatio,f. 659 duplus,a,uul. 669 durabilis,e,a. I 17 durities,ei,f. 93
édo, didi, ere. 38. 219 Egenus,a,um.,
33o egeo,esyn.
êdo,di,ere. edoceo,es. edolo;as.
ílux,ucisse £.
dyfcnteria,ae. dyfuria;æ.
3o3 3o4
849 873
1 18 1 z1 egero,ere. . .68.361 463 53o
egeftas,atis,f. ego,mci.
848 13
823 egregius , a, um. 354 499 • 7o8
edulium,i,n. xzz. 426 Eja. 558 ejaculor,aris.
98.32 i edüco,is,ere.
4* I
eje&us,a,um. 5o9.&o, 73
effe&us,us,m. 778. 813 ejicio,eci, e&tum, ere,
65.94.313.95r effero, extuli, elatum. 939 ejulatus,us,m. lea propter. 973
714 89o effero,as, 177 ejulo,as. 126.511 Ebibo,ere. 823 effervefco,bui,ere. 432 ejufmodi. * , 892 Elabor,bi. ' 1 r6.166 cbriofus,a,um. * ' 8,3 ebrius,a,um. ib. efficacia,ae, 778 elaböro,as. * 5o6.752 99r
8, 1 efficaciter.
'79z elanguefco,ui»ere. 939 elecmofyna,ae. - 638 efficax;äcis,t, jb.9o7. «biliojie. ' ' ' 432 ele
. r
ele&rum,iy. 1o1.124 emeticus,a,um.
ele&tuarium,ii,n. 796 emico;as. clegans,eg. eleganter. elegantia,ae. elegia,ae,f. elementum,i,n. …
IE P I 79» enixè. 6o. 531 enodis»e,a.
886 I4o
emigro;as. 625 enormis, e,4.738. iter. eminens,tis,a. 76o; 798 382. eminco, cs, ui, /. c. 83 enfifer,a,um. 676 754 253 enfis,is,m. 713
589 754
7Iz enterocele.
23 eminùs.
elephantiafis,is,f. 316 emiflàrius, a, um. 67, enucleo, as. 121. atê. elephantus,i,m. 19o 837 749 elephäs,antis,m. ibid. emitto, ere. 163. 219'eaumero;as. 963 -
269; enuncio,as. 496] enutrio,ire.
elicio,ui,itum,ere. 837
elido (ad) ere.
eligo (lego) egi, ere. 36r
elinguis,e,a. elinguo;as.
eliquo;as. elixo,as. -elixus,a,um.
emno;ere. emollio,ire.
753 I6o
531] Eo,ire.79.478.651.636
' 344.533
tuus, a» ufu. 316. tu-|eous,a,um.
437 745
964] Ephebus,i. 23z. 137.44o emotus,a,um. 893|ephe&ticus,a,um. 356 431 emphaticus,a,um. 747] ephemerus, a, um- zzz
elychnium,iym. eloco,äs. elogium,i,n. eloquens,tis,4. eloquentia,ae,f.
iî;. 593
3; ephemeris, £dis, f. 486
431 [ephialtes,ae. 575 393[ephippium,iy. 45r 94i]epibates;æym. 7oo 98o epicedium,i,n. 754.96z
emporetica charta, 73r] ..
emporium,i,n. 752 emptor,oris,m. 751 empufa,ae.
883 empyreus,a,um.
emun&orium , i. 27»|epicyclus,i;m.
74*]epidemicus:ayum. 314 ib.95i]epidirmis,ìdissf. 32o 14|epidromus;i: 463 735 epiglottis,idis,f. 275
eluvies, ei. o, onis, f. emungo,ere. 66 En.
Emáculo,as. emancipo;as.
5o3 enato,as.
ehafcor,atus,ci. ' 316;epigramma, ätis. me*. ', 474] . 734
635 epilepfia;æ f.
72, encentris,idis, f. 566 enchiridiüm,ii,n. 518 enconium,i,n. 596 Ë;
451 epilggus,i,m.
eimanfor,öris,m. ' embamma,ätis,m. emblema,atis,/. embryo»onis,m.
15 'epifcopus,i,m.
73* 64o
841 epiftola;æ f. 936 136 epißogium,i,n. 445 emendico,as. 874 endromis,idis,f. 5i6 epiftylium,i. . 336 emaendo,as. 732. 989 [enervo,as. 293'epitaphium , epitaphii. 19.29.175] . . ' ' 754.963.
emenfus,a,um. p. 488 enim. ementior,iris. emergo,ere.
38.71 723
367.98;epithalamium,i. 73*
enitor, xus, iti. 185'epifûgium,i. 737 , * ** . zz7 ' 598;epitóme»és,f. | cpitoni -
E*R?M £
E g) !t.
775 erubefco, ui, &re. 375 eventusgs;m.
cjoche, es. a, ae, f. 358 ..
. 786.866 eruca;ae. 1 36.* 17.zz6] everto,ére. exuéto,as. * 8zo | eveftigiò. 737
. .
cpulae,arum,lum,i. 565 crudio,ire. . .. $
868 581 719
: 926] everro,ére.-
. . . 424
7» 4|euge.
. 99*
683 eruditus,a,um. . . z |evidentia,ae, .- ** 661
cpulo,onis,m. . epuloticus,a,um. ' Equa,ae.
equcfter,is,a. , equidem. equile,is,n.
R 19 crugatus,a,um. 145 | evigilo;as... I77 etumpo,érc. z3c.718] evinco,ére. 686 cruo,ërc., … 94. Io4{eula,ae,f . 971 45o
- 376 947.
.. 561
eruptio,onis,f. ' 975 | eunuchus,i,m.
equifetum,i. . .
eruthrinus,i. 582 ervum,i,n. .
167 fevifcero;as. ;' ' 436 128] evoco,as; . . 413
45o '£ryngium,ii,m.
136] evolvo;êre. ,
292.427jeuphonià;æ. 75 I equitatussusym. 698 ; Efca,ae,f. 134 cquito,as. 451.948 efculeiitus,a,um, 42o|euphragia,af. 569 | eurus,i,m. . . 56 equulcus,i. 668 cfito,as. I66] Ex. • 3o.66.361.644 equus,i.*. I76.45o cfox,ocis. Eradico,as, 38 ° cffèdum,i,a. 455}exa&è. 752. tus, a,um. erado,ére. 93 5 effentia,ae,f. 96] ' '. 594 ercifco,ére. 6o8 eft (licet.) ; 128 [exa&io,onis,f. 68; I 36} exacuo,&re. ' 731 serebus,iym. 98:5 efula,*,f. : ere&us,a,um. 2.59.7o9 efurio, ire. 292}exaequo, as., 196; 78z . eremitasæym. 639 efus,us,m. 17o.298] . . , , • . 854. eremus,i f. ib. Et. I»!exaeftuo;as, . - 432 , ergà. 9 1 8 etenim. . . 330. §•]ex fide,… ` ' ' 667 797, exaggero,as.. 891 . ergaftulum,i. 668 ethica,ae. . 963 'eajto;$. 917 ergô. 387. ergo. 38o ethnicus,a,um. . . . . 9o8 etiam. 4*3.664:674 examen,ínis,m.2.19.734 467 ||· , ` 766 erigo(rego)exi,êre.159 etiamfi. . 8o8 examino;as. 749 . ' . : 275.962. etfi. -
erica;*. .
• I34 'Evacuo,as.
792 exanimis, e. us,a,um.
eripio(rapio)ëre,eptuni evado, ère. 318, 425 1 367
.•.•.-…- • '
erithacus,i. .'
V 55
erogQsas. ,
598 exanimo,as. v* 6.366 evaginatus,a,um. 7or. exanthema,ätis. 316 -
cvanefco,uiâre. 742 exantlo;as. 469 •rrabundus,a,um. 3r evangelium,i,n. 631 exa£9;as. 935 erraticus,a,um. 381 934'exafcio;as. . 527 ' erratum,i,n. 923 evanidus,a,um. 3o3 exardefco, fi, ère. 47 446] : '• 893 errhinum,i. . . 793 evaporo,as. 633 exarmosas. 723 erro;as.32.478.o;onis, euchariftia,ae. -
, , 95r
646 evello,&re.
errorsorisym. 337.6i» evenio,ire. *
137, exaué9;o;as.
38r) excandefco, ui , &re*. 894
ro] * .
EX.C*. EX H7;. EX P excarnifico, as. 668 execrabilis, e, a. 828 cxophthalmus, i. 283 cxcavo» as. -* 763; exccutio, f.
*, 664 cxopto, aS.
excedo, êre.. . . . 797, exëdo, êre. 3r8. 568 | exorbito, as. 459 excellens , tis.' 893 exemplar, äris,n. 732. | cxgrcifta, ae, cifimus, m.
excelsè. 152. fus,a,um.
, , ' 77 o 988 1. : excmplum,i,n.' v. 75* | exordium,i,n. 75».87» exceptio, onis,f. 856 cx. gr. 86o | exordior, iris. J y8& exceptorius,a,um. 73* exceptilis, c,a. 533 | exorior, iris. 966 *
tus, a, um. * . * I 44
excerno, êre. exceflüs, us, m. excetra, ae,f. excidium, i, m. .
excido,&tc, ait. -
447.766 j exorno, as.
excquiæ, arum, f. 96o] exore, as.*
856. 87*
exco, 1re.
.436 | exos, offis. 166. exofò;
exerceo (arceo) cs. 491 | as. • 7i9 '. … 751. 943 | exofus,a,um. 213
• 436 913
118 exercitatio, f.. • , 737 | exoticus,a , um. 463 719
exercitus,us. . . 697 | cxpallefco, ui, ère. 88;
excido, êre, f. c. m, 74» exertus, a, um, (ab ex expando, érc. 463. ex excio, ire. . . 39o £0561 e.) * 559 panfium, i, m. 7 3* excipio (capio) cpi,êre. cxhalatio, f. 58 expc&tatio,f. 872. to; ... 36. 4* $. 445. 489 exhalo, as... ., .32.8 977 as. .-… , 732. 9o* , . exhaeredo , as. 6o5 expedio,ire. 43o. 56o excipulum, i. ' 445 exhaurio,ire. 683.813 dit. 687, ditus , a; excito, as. . 38 exhibeo(habeo)es.15.33 um. . . . 87 exclamatio,f. ^ 331, ' • • • 927 expeditio, f. £; excludo,&re. . . 147 exhilaro, as. 44o expello, uli;ere.' 6ö
' exco&tus, a,um. ,. 96 exigo (ago) egi,aétum, expédo,di,&re.8o7.854 ' excogito,as. 355.403
' êre.
6o. 734. 864 expenfa,ae,f.
excommunico, as. 64o
... , 954 4o6. exiguus, a,um. I4 -
excoquo sêre. excorio, as. 32o. 4ao * excrementum, i. 268: excrcfca, êre. •,• 125 excrucio, as. 668 ' excubiae, f, excubitor,
m. : excubo , as.
7o4 627
expergefacio,&rc. .576
expergifcor, cj. • 576
exilis, e, a. 278. 324 experientia, ae. 335 exilium, i,n. *. rj 672 experior, iris. 657. 883 eximius, a, um- ~ 4o9 expers (pars) tis, a. 7o - ;^
.• • 716
expertus, a, um.
cximo (emo) emi , êre. expilo, as. 84<3o4 expio, as. ' . exinde. 399
35$ 7oo
expifcor, aris.
excudo, êre. excurro, ère. excurfio, f. excultus;a, um. excufario, Ä .
748 exinanio, ire. . - 823 explano» as. 53* exiftimo, as. 928 explico,as. . . . 463 7o6 exifto (fifio) êre. 19 explod6(plaudo) &re.
436. exoncro;as.66.47o.373
3 1o
exitium, i,n.
I 57
r ,. . . . 954
659 exitus, us, m. .. 47.3o3
explorator,oris/m. 7o5 ' excufo, as, ib. 871 : exploro as. 425.9*7 ' excutió (quatio) &re. exlex,&gis, c. g. 67. expolio,, ire, 5o3 Jc4.114. 4o4.94o exolefco,&re.', .443 expono, êre. 228. 4*o . & £
- -
245 [exfufcito,as. 414. 374
414] exta,orumy.
expoftulo;as 891. latio.fextemplô.
faber, bri, m. 5:6
958. 63*
f. 87o]extempore. exprimo, ere. 383. 77o]extendo,ere. 952.] extenuo,as.
276 517
75z ^. .
19.78 89I 581 67z 69z
fabrica, ae, f. 258. 5.; 5z6.62>
fabrico;as. fabula,ae,f.
348.5:6 784.9;.
cxpromo,ere. expugno;as.
876]extergo,ere. 748|extermino,as. 719|externè.
731 | externus,a,um.
414|exterior, us, a. Io. 256
807] exterus, a,um.
621 facies,ei,f.
faceffo, ere. 27o. 33;
84* 578 Io4. 28o
exquifitus,a,um.93.267]extimus,a,um. - 517 facilè. * 883 ^ , 365 |extinguo,xi, re.46.743. facilis,e,4. `exfanguis,e,a.'. . 338 fextollo,ere. 84o facinorofus,a,um. &&$ èxfcreo;as. , 846 facinus,ôris, meu. 7» 824|extorqueo,es. 798 exfcribo,ere. '73z| extorris,is,cg. 67z i .
execror,aris. 641.8oo) extra, pr. 642. extrâ. facio, feci, a&um, efe. exfecojas. 184 • •* exfequor,eris, 807. 886}extraho,ere.
cutio,f. 664. fequiæ.;extraneüs,a,um.
4o4 l! 433
633 fa£tiofus,a,um.
96o'extraordinarius;a, um.
fa&io,onisf. 4.883 â;
691 faéitius,a,um.441.93 ;
* 377" exGbilo;as. 954 734 fa&ito,as. exficco;as. * 35o. 497|extrarius,a,um. ` 837 faâus,a um,p. 17.373 exfilio, (/alio) ultum,'extremitas,atis. . 458 tum,i,^. 81 4.89* cre.
* , 204. 366, extremus, a, um. 256
exfolvo,ère., '., 723
*-*75•3*5.333 `- . 466
exforbeo,cs. 78z 793.
facultas;atisf. 3*4.668 tates,um,f. ' ** ib.
723 facundus,a,um. 75* 43o faeculcntus;a,um. 441 Io9 fæx,cis f. 447 mr 1 9o. fagus,ijf. 148 exfto , as, iti. 83. 243 'extubero;as. L 1 17 falco,önis,m. 394' . • * • *** 426; exturbo;as. 43*,868 facula,ae. exftirpo;as. ' 8cr exul,ulis. cg. 67» falifcus,a,um. • 421
exfpolio;as. . • _ 7oo,ad extremum. exffefto,v.expeâio. [extrico,as. : exfpiro;as. ::: 958 extrinfecùs. exftimulo,as. 39o, extrudo,ere.
exftruo;ere. 426 428 exulcero, as. 3rg.rato fallacia,ae,f. *** 525,
cxficcus,a,um. 77, exulo,as. · · exfudo,as.* «• 115.25ö exundatio,f.
exfugo,ere. cxfupero;as.. exfurgo,ere.
268, exurgeo,es.
um,f. 854'exuviae,ár : \ .* •,
3i3; falfùs,a,um. fama,ae,f.
* 478
alfum,ere · · 67» fallo,fefelIi,f } I8
exfulto as. …
zz3 fallax,äcis,a.
• • â; 144.196 '357.9oI
- -
* .^
famelicus,a,um. - 4ro fày£gyes,vi,utum. 91 , fames,is,f. I ,
788[favilla,æ. ^ .
12 f. 127. 36y. 66;
Prae me. 816. feror. -
familia, ae, f.6or. 6o8}faunus,i,m. , 609] favonius,i,m.
2 4o 56
fami!iaris,ea. familiaritas,f.
famula,*. lüs,li. 6o9] fautor;öís. famulitium,iij. ib.|favus,i,m. famulor,aris. fanaticus,a,um. fanum,i,n.%. far,rris,m.
farcimen,ínis;n. -
87 I
987; fax,acis,f. 644}faxo,is. 64* [Febricito;as. 444. Fcbruariis,i. 4^1 jfecialis,is,m. 4>4'felicitas,ätis.
2. I9 ferrarius,i. 33 I 746 Iferreus,a,um. 393. 527 ^997 ferrugo,inis,m. - 98 295
98.53 r
ferrumen,*nis,m. 33o 693 ferrumino, as. 439.53o
£rgo,fi,fartum,irc.s7z'fecundús,a,um. far&tura,a. , 469.326£!;IIis,n. farina,ae.
ferocio,ire. i 77. 178 927]favor,5£i$mi. 661.9o6 ferocitas,atis. I96 ib.] fauftus,a,iim. 881 ferox,öcis,a. , I76
38.387 fertilis,e,a. 27 I
85 1
£rV£9,buif.c.3zo.332 fervidê.998. düs,a,iîm.
, faris,re,ri.
23o feliciter.
i3o finisjum.
fartilis,e,a. ' fartor,öris. * fas,imd.m. . . .
1 5o' felis,is,f
847 felleus,a,um.
fa£ia;æ, * xx8. 5i4 femcn;inis,n. fafciatus,a,um,
728 <24
4*i felix,icis, a. 912.9«8. fervor,oris,m.
fafces,iumym. ' . , 84o feloniâ,£. fafciculus,iym. fafcino,as. fafcinum,i,m. fafcis,is,m.
38 335 ferula,ae. fcrunt.
.* . z. II
ferus, a, um. 1 34. zer
233 feffus,a,um.
- 228 femina,ae. 164. 829 feftino;as. 169 femineus,a,um. ' 5 13 feftinus,a,um.
946 487.
986 femorale,is,n.
793 femur;öris;n.
feftivus,a,um. 567. 842.
529 feneftra,ae. : 779 feodum,i. 292 fera, ae.
63 y
. , 55 o feftuca,ae.
63 z.
feftum,i,m. faftidio,ire. I89. 423 Fiber,bri,m. *2ftidiofus,a,um. . ib. feralis,e,a. 959. 964 fibra,ae. *aftidium,i,n. 374 ferax,âcis,a. • 388 fibula;ae. .
aftigiatus, a, um. 618 ferculum,i. 759 ferè.
' aftigium,i. aftus,a,um. ? aftus,us,m.
2 I 2, .
Ics 31 ;
554.341 ficedula,ae. .n . . 15; ... . 3o6 fi&titius,a,um.
578 .
79 feretrum, i. 414.46r fi&tus,a,um,p. . . 784 649.
509 feriae,arum f.
959 ficus,us,f. T 1 1 1. 1 17 . 887 fidejuffor,öris,m.juffio.
* atalis,ea.
969. ferina,ae. $65 önis,f. 666 4 atcor,eris, faffus. 926 ferio,ire,p.c. 177 fidelia;æ. 536 i^tigo,as. 35o ferior,aris. 648 fidelis,lega. . • • 9i 9 utifco,eresp.c. 469 fermè. 41 fidelitas,atis. - 686 tum,i,n. 977 fermentatus,a,um. 4o7 fidessei, f.338.392.863 tuu$,a,um.
129.725 fermentum,i.
esset, fcro, tuli, latum,rre.48 lfides;ium fpl. , fidiccn, . 376 .
• -
- - -
fidicen, m.
fidiculae. f.
ib. 668 flaccidus, a , üm. flac-| Focillo, as.
flaccefco,&re. p. c. 1o6 ] _ as-um. .
946 $5
284 | foculus, i. * ' 353 fiagellator. m. 59o [focus,i,m. 431 6o6 flagellum, i. 398. 668 | fodico, as. • 2o5.668 874 | fodina, ae. 94 919 flagitator, m. 866 | fodio, ère. 381 535 flagito, as. I 62, flagitiofus, a,um. 655 [fœdifragus,a,um. 689
fido, fus fum, êre. 746 fiducia, ae. 87z. arius » i.
fidus, a, um.
figlinus,a,um. figm:ntum, i.
«CuS» a » um.
flagir.um, i. m. figo, xi, xumère. 344 flagrio, m. 686. 7o4
798 | foedo, as. • 825 917 | foedus, ëris. m. * ib. 499 | fœdus, a, um. . 823 . 535 flagrum, i. m. 75 I.757 flamen, inis. m. 643. m. | fœmina, ae,f. ; 133 2. I 466 | fœnerator,m. 864
figulus , i. figura, æ.
figuro, as, fiiia, ae. filius, i. , 598
flamma, ae. 47.6o | foeniculum, i. I 32. 135 418 filipendula, ae,f.136 flammo, as. . . 45 | foenile, is, m. . filix, icis. f. ' 45. 136 flatulentus, a, um. 292 | foenum, i, m. 135. 418 filum, i. m. 498. 5o4 flatus, us. m. ' 8o. 475 [fœnus, öris ,m. T 864 fimbria, ae. ….* 518 |- flavus, a, um. 271.338 | foeteo, es. 329 fimctum , i• 217 [. fle£to, xi,xum,ëre.43 1 [fœtidüs,a,um. 3o7 \ 478 ffoetor, oris, m. 328 fimus, i.m. um,i,n. 387. < v > * ... ...' ' 414 fleo, es, vi.
findo, fidi, fiffüm , érc. fletus ,us. m. „ .
529 flexilis, e. a.
' .
89o [fœtus,us, m. 596.us, a, 331 j um. 4I7 38* [folium,i,n.11o.1 ré.13r
353. 754 flexuofus,a,um. 33o [follicuius, i. 271 448
fingo, ère. finio, ire.
flexus, us. m.
finis,is.m.f. 783. 8o4 fio, as.
' i%o | fomentatio,f.
55-] fomentum, i.
finitimus, a, um. . 689
floccipédo,&rc.7.9.883 , fomes, itis, m. 45. 7o3
finitor, oris.
Hoccus, i.
fio, fa&us, fieri. 42. 52 foces, um. · · ·
72. •231. 259 florenus, i.
firmamentum. i. . . 3 1 floreo, es. 23o. 468 :fios, öris. m. firmus, a um, … . ib. flofculus, i. firmiter.
497 1'
s. 448 fons, tis,m. 65. 633 ' . 494. foramen, înis, m. zio
Io5 ; foras. . 8o3.68.394 117.416 , forceps,ípis, f. 331
75r.; forda, ae,f. 417 firmo, as. . 355. 527 . fluétuo, as. 73. 466 ; forem, fore. fifcella, ae. . . ; 45o flu&us, us. m. 3… ib. }fores, ium, f. *.*. 543" 7ot forfex, ícis,f. 5o4 fifcina, ae. ' . . 433 fluentum, i. fifcus, i. , ..... 683 ; fluidus, a, um. I24 fori; orum, m. 463 fiffùra, ae. ` 275.5:4 fluito, as. Izz f forica,ae,f. 624 fiftuca, ae. - 473. 551 flumen,ínis. n. 66. 471 ; foricarius, ii, m. 6*4
fiftula,ae 77$.fiftulofus, fluo,xi, xum,ëre. 7o , forinfecus. a, um.
fixus, a,um. p. 43. 344 fluta,ae.f. Flabellum, i. m, flabrum · i, #.
fluvius. i.
fluxus,us, m, ss 7s.ί, [£. z, „-_ - 225 ' -
' 75 , foris. . . . . . 224 168. ' forma,ae,f. 21.416. 5** 66 , formator, m. 73*
FoR .
ind. 851.93o formido,'nis,f. do,das. frango,egi, a&umjêre. i 21. I 59, fugia frugipcrda,ae. II4. . . ... . ' 369 formidolosè. 2O 2 frater,tris,m. 6- I ' frugivorus,a,um. 16o forino;as. 21.161.23o fraterculus,i. 638, frumentarius,ria, rium. formofus,a,ii. 278 539 fraudo,as. 918, 677 formula;æ. - 75 1.999 fraudulentus,a,um 355 frumentum,i. 217.4oo . fornax,àcis,f ' ' 539[f aus,dis,f. ^ 918 919 fruor,ui. , 366. 619 fornicatus, a, um. for [fraxinetüm,i, h. fraxi- fruftillatim. 935 : nix,icis,m. 473 5 5 1 | nus,i,m. 1 1 r fußrä. 8o3. •*
527|fremo,ere. 384|frendeo,es.
893 fruftratio,/. .
5 [fr. quenter. 493 [frequento,as.
733 , frutex.jcis,m.
363 87z 56o
426 fruftror,aris. 97o[frequcns,tis. 388.632 fruftumiym.
forpex,icis. ,
forfitan. fortaflè. fortè.
34. 1 5 5 [frétum,i,n. 7|fretus,a,um. . 88o|friabilitas,f.
fortis,e, «. …
roi fruticefco,ère.p.c. 394 75 frutico;as.
... 394
872 Fuco,as-
1oo fucus,i,m.
576]fricato,on s,f. 79r fuga æ,.pl. 425 882 [fico,as,u,i&um. 582 fugax,âcis,a. 1 I7 445-969|friét:o,onis,m. 791 , fugio,gíítum,£re. 441
fortiter. '
fortitudo,f. fortuitò.
fortuitus,a,um ' 97i |frigeojes,xi, ^c. 321 frigidus, a, um z6.136 fug9;as;
, , 716 .
fortunatus,a,um. 372 |frigo,ëre,xum,
foruli,grua. 739 796|fr gus,öris,n. forgm,i,p;.c. 616 657|f ngiila,ae. -
61 4 |fringulo,as.
45.1o4|frioas. ' '
fofior,öris,m. T 381 [fritiIlus,i,m. 423 [fritinn oyire.
foveo, es, vi. 127. 1 47 [frivolus á,um. , … Fraces,ium,f.
445 fulcio,fi,tum, ire, ful-' ' '
— 722
43 1 . . crum,i,n.
59. 98 fulgeo,es,fi,^c. ' - 63 153 fulgetrum,i,n. $8 ' I 6o fulgor,oris,m. 38 81 fulgur,uris,m.
9 1 1 , fulguro;as. 16o'fu'ca *,f .
831 fu!go,'nis,f.
579|frixus a,um,p,
437 fullo,önis, p.323. *o3 ,
383 [frondeo,es.
vos, fulmcn, fulmînis, meut.
fracidu ,a,um. . 1 18 |frondeus,a,um. . 522 6Q fra£tura æ. 317 {frons,dis,f.io7.tis.245 lfulmentum;. 57o fraétus,a,um,f. 79o] , 71s' ful jn us,a,um. , «o frænum,i. T 45 1 ['rontaleisy. 313 fulmino;as. . 61. fragasorumy. 123| frontifpicium,i. 34o fultura, e. 239 fragilis,e,d. 939[fru$tifer,era,um. i 12 fulvus;a,um. . . 337 •
fumaria;æ f., 563, fumarium,i.
ς 9[fru$tus us,m. I 17,386
fragrantia,ae. . . 348] frugalor,us. •
, 851 [fum go,as.
136 47 .
frameâ æ, * . frangibulum,i.
713' rugalitás f. si . . 85 » fum6,a3. , • f-* • ib. 497 fruges,un,ß »|-;.
• • • • •-,
RuN funambulus.i.
galanga,ae,f. 132 | gemo,ui,öre. 893 galaxia,ae. 43|geha, æ. 249 galbaae,. 217 Igener,ëri,*. 593 galbula;ae, . . 153 Igenero,as. . 3o. 598 galea,ae. ' 699 Igeaerofus, a, um. 441 fanditùs. • 358 galerita,ae,f. 453-159 893 481 Igenethliacus,i. 951 fundo,as. 536 galerus,i,m. 433 Igenialis,eA. 564 fiundo,fudi, ufum, êre. galgulus,i. Ioc. 533 galla,ae,f. 1 zz || genitor, oris , m. 6oo fundulus,i. I66 gallicinium,i577 I T trix,tricis,f. 2.28.598 £6o I tus,a,um. 267 fundum,i, , 7o gallina,ae,f. £undus,i,m. 386 gallinaceus,a,um. 147|genifta,ae,f. 136.138 , funebris,e,a. 96o gallinago,inis. i I 5oIgenius,i,m.821.848:983 945
funçtus,a,um,p. 983 funda,ae,f. 486.71 z. fundamentum;i. 4 funditor,öris. 7Iz
fungor,&us,gi. 65 ? fungus,i,m. ' I4I, 745 funis,is;m f. , 389. 463 funis,ëris,n. 959 fur»üris,csg. 669 furca,ae,f. 418.668 furcifer,eri.
' 917
gallinarium,i. * 147|gens,tis,f. 689 gallo-pavus,i. . I 5oIgentilisse,a. 6o 1.641 gallus,i,m. 159| gentilifimus,i. 963 gangræna,æ. gr6|genu, n. ind. pt. genua ganco, onis, m. um,i, m. | 2£3 « -. . 827 Igenuinus,a,um. 267.786 gannio,ire. 2o3 Igenus, ëris, n. zz. zzz -
gargareon,onis,m. 391 |
*797. 848
furfur,úris,n. 31 6.4o4 gargarizo,as.' ib. | geographia, ae. phus, i; furiae,árum. ' 668 garrio,ire. 16o.838] phicus,a,um. 783 tb, [geometra, aeyn. 757 furiofus,a,um. 835 garrulus,a,um. • fitrnus,i,m. 4o6 gaudeo,es,gavifum. 366 [Germanus,i. 586 ' 41 1.5* f Hgermanus, a» um. 3zo furo,ére,p.c. 89; 366 6or furor,aris. 485.867 gaudium,i,n. i5* | germen,ínissm, 38* furor,öris,m. 297 gavia,ae,f.
furtum,i,m. furunculus,i.
gaza,ae,f 316 Gehenna,ae,f. 334 gelafco,ère»p.c.
furvus,a,um. .
— 45o|germino,as. I 16 &8z |gero,ffi, ftum, êre. 539 989 677.691.84o $2 Igerro,ónis. 689
267|gefta,orum. 784 fuf- nasae. 433 gelafinus,a,um. ' • yo|geftatorius,a,um. 344 fufcus,a,um, 334 gelat. £usè. $64 992 gelatus,a,um.4. ' 55|gefticulatio,f. 923 fufilis,e,a; , ioo.77r gelicidium,i. 54|gefticulator;öris.culore fufor,oris. fuftis,is,*
fufus,i,m. ' futilis,ey4.
98 gelidus,a,um. ι8ο.668 gelu;n,ind. 498 gemelli,orum. , 838 geminosas.
41 | aris.
' 951
54 [geftio,ire. ' 36& $98|gefto,as. . ' . $88.596
751 [geftus,usAm. .
26o futurus, a»um.345.644 geminus,a,um. 43.4o7[Gibber,ëris. G. 813.976 geinitus,us,m. 331 |gibbofus,a,um.173.x4* ' , z7s Abáta;æ f. 358 gemma?,f89.1173i9Ì -
£oI, gemmariusji. ' * ,
íb] gibbus.
' 285.7ys gigas,
G R E.
' . v
. -* .
gigas,antis,m. - 23£ gnavus,a,um. 997 1888 gratuitus,a,um. 9o5 gigno,genui,&re. 599 gnoma,ae f. _ ' 733) gratuitò. gilvus,a,um. ' 338' gnomon,öns,m., 773, gratulor,aris. 373.489 I66 gratus,a,um. 774.841 gingiva, e f. . .'39;? Gobius,i. 5o 3. gravedo,inis,f. ' 3oo girgillus,i,m. 49» goffipium;iyi. C!aber,bra,um. 16, Grabatus,i. 574. graveolentia,ae. 2o7
glabrefco,ui,ëre. zo, £racilisse;a. 268. 278 gravidusauię 1393 gracillo,as. . . 16* gravisse,a. . . 3* * gracu!us,i,m. ib! graviter. ' , . 667
glacialis,e,a. 76 glacics,ci,f. 54, glacior,aris. 'ib ; gladiator,m. 949 gladius,i,m. I93 7oy.
gtandukiae,f. 27. 315 ,
gradarius,a,um. . 453 gravo;as. . 198. 29* gradatim. 737. gavor,aris,d. - , 995 grcgalis;e, a. … 796 gradior, ëris, grcfliim. I 724 grcgarius,a,um. 4o3 ,
1 5z gtandulofus,a,um. 276 gradus, us, m. 23. 451, grcgatim. . . * * 544.877 gremium,i,n. ' 599 glans,disf. 122.712.79: glarea,æ. ... ' '• 8:. graecus,a,um. 335. 75 9 greflùs,gym. 944 gkaftum,fti;n. * § 6 gralla, æ. grallator, o¬ grex;egis, m., * 41o ' 9 44 groffularia,ae. :i 23 gbaucium,i. 157 ris. ib. glaucoma;atis;n. 299 grallipes. ' groflus,i,m.f. 1 17.494 g!aucus,a,um. 335 gramen,intsyn. I 34-419 grumus,i,m.. 2o5.416 . . gleba,ae,f. . 81 grammatica,ae,f. cussi grunnio,ire. , 1 84 , : . ; 747 grussuis,^g. I 52, gleffum,i,n. I 24|'' f)2. . 224 glis,iris,m. . .' 2o8 granarium;i. 4oo-622 gryllus,i,m. , I 23 gryps,yphism. . 162 glifco,&resp c. |45 granatum,i. gköbofus,a,um. 759 grandævus,a,um. , 59o Gubernaculum,i,n gu -
glóbulus, i, m. 4o8 515 grandebalae,f. . .
. .* '
'941 grandino,as'
.32.8 bernatorym. guberno, . ; 5o
as• ,
gl6bus,i,m. * §* 759 grandis, e, a. 198. 494 gula, esf. , 167.8 * z. … , • 59o gulofus,a,um. 8 >o\ glocito,as. . , ' " 166 1 24 5* gummi, n;ind. glomero, as. glomus,i. grando,ínis,f.. granum,ni»ii. '1*7. 145 gummofus,a,um. 1 Io -
, gloria,aef. 996. 16o5 gloriofiffimus,a,fì. 995
graphicè, .
. ' 771 gurgulio,onisym. 217
gloriófus,a,um. - 841 graphium,i;m. 731 gurguftium,i,n. 5zz. 325.34r glorior,aris. — 84o graffator,ôrisym-, 485 gufto;as. gl6s»oris. . ' 593 graflòr,aris, 3f4.827 guftu8,us,na. . 324, glubo,ëre, ' oij9 grates;pl.f.... ... 875 gutta,ae,f72.ulasae. 5 I gluma,ae,f. . . . . . I 27 gratia;æ: ibid. 9or.91 1 guttatiy. 3r glutenánisyi. 137.53o| gratiâ.238. 6o6. 625 guttur,iìris.y. 3or. glutio,ire. . ' 566] gratiam ineo. 9ot gutturnium,i, ' 556 glaro,önis,*. . . . i84i, facio. , , , 9o7 Gymnafiarcha, ae, m. -
g!ycyrrhiza, f.138.138, gratificor;aris. Gnarus,a,um. T 353 | gratis.,, „, .
734 .
gyrhnafium,i,^. . 737 -
égo gratitúdónis f. 377 gynecatum,iy. , 52r T 3 2, --
„ H A B. gypfus;i, gyratilis,e,a.
526] harpago,inis,f. 85]harpyia,ae.
1 6z
hexagônus,a,um. 219 78 7o[harufpex, icis. fpicina, Hiatus,us,ms. 75 | 644 hic, hæc, hoc. 97. Ior ae.
713 865
z56.3 II 7o9 hic,-ille. Abena,ae,f. 451 |haftatus,a,um. 1 5.78 habeo,es. 158.297 [haftiludium,i. . . 948 lhic. 9 1 I hierotheca,a:. 324.37.679 [haud. •64 habeor, eri. 1 5o. 6o1 [haurio,fi,tú,ire583.8.1 [hilaris,e,a. , 245. 915 ib. hilaritas,f. 654[hauftrum,i,n. 366 7*4fhauftus, us. 564. tus;a, hilla,ae,f. habilis,e,a. 42I 792 habitabiIis,e,a. 783] um. habitaculum,i,n. 52. [Hebdomäda;æ, - 597 539 {hebdomas,ädis. 4I habitatio,f. 354 279'hebes,ëtis,a. habitudo,f. I 38 ' habitus,a,um 4. 318}hedera,ae,f. 458 habitus,us,m. 51 1386lhelcium;i;n. 478, hellcborum,i. . 135 häc. 377 jhelicacàbus,vid.halica ha&enùs.
hxmorrhois,idis. 3o5 [helvus,a,um. '6o6}hem. '
hinnio.ire, … .
hinnulus,i. hio;as.
I 17
43o hippocomussi. hippodromus,i,m. 948 486 hippopera æ. 820 hircofus,a,um. 328 18; 338 hircus,i. 99z hirnea,ae,f. * $64 297 hirquitallio,ire. 231
183 | cabus. 9o|helluo,onis,m.
hædus,i,m. haematites,æ.
hilum,i,n. hinc.
- hæreditarius,ria, rium, [hemicrania,ae. 6o8 hemicyclus,i.
hirguus,i m.
- 248
6o5 hcmifphærium,i. — 32. hirfùtus,a,um. 239 2o2, 27o hirtus,a,um. 64o, hepar,àtis,n. * *8 795 hirud6,ínis,f. * haefito,as. 282.358.886. hepaticus.? 146 hepiolus,i. 223; hirundo,ínis,f. halcyon,onis. 16o 169 'herba,ae,f. 125, hifcojêre,p.c. 469.885 halec,£cis,fin. 148 herbarius;i. 796, hifpidus,a,um. haliaetus,i.. 296 336] hißoria,ae. halicacabus,iym. 135 herbeus,a,um. - 784 214'herbidus,a,um- ^* 77, hiftoricus,a,um. 785 halitus,us,m. 976; hiftrio,önis,m. . . 95*. hállucinatio f. ; 357 heri. haerea,£dis,c.g. hæreticus,i,
8o5 herinaceus,i. 2o6 Hodiè. 584-394 ' . 183 257 hermaphroditus,i. 239) hoedus,i. 139 3o7, holofchænus,i. 64'hernia;æ. 7oo hermaria,ae,f. 136, .Holofericus,a,um. 675 427 heroicus,a,um. 722; homicida,ae,c.g. . 669 227 647; homo,ínis,m. ib., heros, ois,m. 41 ; [herpe$,etis. . 316 homulus,i,m. ^ 238
allucinor,aris. hallux,ucis.
balo,onis,f. hama,ae. hamiota,xym. amus,i,m.
hara,ae,f. hariolor,aris. hariolus,'herüs,i,m. ,
645 [hefperus,i,m.
1 armoniasaesf.
· ·
774]hefíernus,a,um. - 813 homunculus,i,m. 238 -
homuncio;cionis, m. ib.
-f*-s ------
' £A N
honeftas, atis, f. 38o | humidus,a,um, 136.32 I hyftrix, ícis, f. 2o6 ; I. honeftus,a,um.723,897 humilio, as. . 84o honor,öris,m. , 824 humilis, e, a. Aceo, es. f. c.' . 83 523 84o. Iooo humo, as. 961 Jjacio,jeci,a&um,ère. -
honorarius,a,um. 657 humor,öris, m. ' Io5. 824 honorificè.
272. 3o9.
961. hu ja&tator,m. 883 83 jaéto, as. '. 466. 84o 465 . Hyacinthinus,a, umi. jaétura,ae.
88o honoro, as. 3 1.75. 772 hora,ae. 417 horda,ae, f. hordearius,a,um. 123 316 hordeolum,i. I 29 hordeum,i,n. Horizon,ontis,m. 32 horminium,ii,m. 135 44 I hornus,a,um. horologium,i. 623:772 horrendus,a,um. 714 horreo,es,/.c. ' . 37o 397 horreum,i,n.
horribilis, e, a.
335.hyacinthus,i.9o ja&tus,us,m.
*94I 3 I4 712.
hyalotheca, ae,f. ' 562 jaculor, aris.
336 jaculum,i,m. hyalus, a, um. 2, IO jam. hyberno;as. 266. 345. 568 hybernus,a,um. 577 jampridem. 935 jam 984 4Io inde. hybrida,ae,m. hydra,ae,f. z 13. hydria. janitor, m. 676 335 434 janthinus,a,um. hydraroyrum, i. 16* janua,ae,f. 992. 78o — ' 3 I6 januarius,i. hydroa, ae. .^ • 89 444 jafpis, idis, f. hydromel, m. '2oO 4o3 Ibex,ícis,m. hydromyla,ae. 373. 664 hydrophobus,a,um. 188 ibi.
horridus,a,um. horror,aris,m.31 I. 370 hydrops,öpis,m. 31 1 135 hyemalis,le. ° , ' 577 hortenfis,e, m. h^rtator , öris. 871 hyems, émis,f. 38 hortor aris. 631. 899 hymnus,i,m. 63o . 381 hyofciamus,ami,m. 136 hortulanus,i. 379 hypæthrumym. hortus,i,m. 616 833 hofpes,ítis,eg. 4o2.485 hyperbolicè. 879. 899 hyperboreus, i, m. 76 Hofpitium,i,n. 485.9o2. hypericum, ci, m. 136 ` 641 hyperthyrum,i,n. 541 hoftia, ae,f. 693 hypocauftum,i,n. 549 hoftilis,e,a. 69z. hypogæum,i. hoftis,is, c. g. 616 Huc. 465. huc illuc. hypochondria,orum,254 m. 356. 66 377 hypocrita, æ, m, hucufque. 636 hujufmodi. 837. 925 hypodidafcalus, i. 734 humanitas,f. 17. 724 hypogaftrium, i. • 276 9o2 hypothyrum,i. humaniter. ' . 541 humanus,a,um. 724 hypotypofis,is f. 5» 5 894 hyftericus,a, um, 2 94 hume&to;as. 247. 796 hyffopites,tæ,m. • 44* 461 hyffòpus, i, m.. humerus,i, m, 135 S 3 -
i&tus,us,m. 61. 193-95o 641
icuncula, ae, f.
Id. idcircô.
465 . 21 `' id:a,ae,f. idem, eadem, idem, Io , • 268. 448. 598. 636 362. 469 identidem. 3 1 6. 648> ideò.
idioma,ätis,n, idiota,æ;m.f.
48o 72 ,
iáölum,i,n. 246. 641 idoneus,a,um.
Jecur,öris,inorisym.268 . I €»oO Jehovah. 792 jejuno, as.
Ichnographia, ae. . 525 6I ico, êre. 346 icon, önis,f. 3o6 i&terus,i,m.
`jejunus, -
jejunus,a,umi. 263. 568 illuftris,e,a.
789 illuftro,as.
fG N
impenetrabilis,e. 193
69e 579 jentaculum,i. jcnto;as. illuvies,ci,f. 568 Imaginarius,a,um.948 impenfa,ae. 482. 35I 6,344 'impensè. Jcfus,u,m. 998 imaginatio,f. 246 imperator,m. 673. 697 Igitur. 683 imago;ínis,f. 494 546 imperialis,è, a. ignarus,a,um. ' 361 imaguncu!a,ae. ignavus,a,um. imbecillis,e,a. 673 imperitus,a.um. , 8o5 684 694 Impero,as. igniariu;,a,um.7o3.743 imbellis,e,a. 849 $ 1 'impertio,ire. ignis,is,m. 24.627 imber,bris,m.. . 25 I impervius, a, um. 536 ignitabulum„i. 558 imberbis;e,a. 61 6 Io5 . ignitus,a,um 4 1 imbibo;ére. ignobiles,esa. 93o imbrex,icis,m. 545 'mpetigo,*nis,f. 286 . I imbuo, ère. 41o 63 1 impeto,ë.e. ignoimiiia;æ. 875 ignºminiofus,a,um.9o4 imitatrix;jcis,f. 2o7 impctro,as. 51 736 impctuosè. ignorantia,ae. 374 imitor,aris. 771 impetuofijs,a,um.a. 35 ignoratio,f. ' 357] immanis,e,a. * 718 ignoro,as. 235 immanitas,atis,f. 896 impetus,us,m. ígnofco(in)vi,ëre.893 immaturus,a,um. 326 impingo,egi,a&tum,ëre ignotus,a,um. 476 928 immenfus,a,um. 847 26o. 465. 541. 658 21." lleum,on,i,n. 268. 5o5 immcrens,tis,a. ' 843 'implantc,as. ilex,ícis,f. I 2, 2, immergo,ëre, 1 o3 impleo,es,evi. 526. 564 ilia,orum,n.pl. 256.277 immineo,es.fc. 883 implico,as. ' 433-428 ilicet. 87 z. 632. immifceo,es. * 837 Firnploro;as. • i 47 illabor,bi. 84.275 immiffüs,a,um.1 63.4o6 implumis,e,4, 547 326 impluvium,i. illaqueo;as. 428 immitis,e,a. 96 impoenitens,tis,4. 634 illatinus,a,um. 747 immitto,&re. ille a,d.89.1 1 z.3 1 r 414 immodcratè. 833. im impollutus,a,um. 8co illecebra,ae. 822. | moderatus,a,um. 275 impono, ère. 3 17. 446 46o.817 illegitimus, a, um. 6o6 immodefta,ae. 3 1 I.tus,] . * 826 a,um. : 559 importo as. 394 46» 641 importunus,a,um. 874 illex,'cis,m. 428 immolosas. 894 3!libatus,a,um. 754 immorè.897. tiis,a,um. impns,ôtis,a. -
, il[ic. -
' , 78.78o
' 4, 2, ?
impoffibiIis,e,^. 8o5 immundities,ei,f 4 i 4 impoftor,oris, m. 923
illicitus,a,um 6o6 8o ; immunis e a. . 6-o 695 ingpoftura,ae.
95 I.
impotens,tis, a.
imprecor,aris• impreffio,f. imparärissa. 693.94r.
71 I
το5 947 immò.
iIlido (im,!edo)ëre.466 il!:no,ére.
ìllin5tus,us, * illuc. '
il!udo,&re. illumino as.
27 5 3o 5
I 29. 47 1.485 inpaègs;a um,9. 527
7; imparatus,a,inn. 66 :912. 3I
69., iinpreffus,a,um. 346
impedimentum,i. 487 imprimo,imprcffi, êre. 4I5 imped;o,ire. 357. 43o | impello,uliére. A 68 improbús,a,um. 668 -
549 impendeo,es. • . 883 jimprovifus,a,um. 97:ce -
• •
INc de improvifo.
I N c. 2o4
incîdo (cedo) &re. 267 indemnis, e, a. nitas,f
imprudens,tis,a. 798 inciduus,a,um. impuber,ëris,a. 23 1 incile,is,n.
impudicitia,£. 826 incipio,epi,eptum. impudicus,a,um. 669 incifio,f.“ –
' , 863 583 indemnatus,a,um. 66*
impulfus,us,m. 35*.871
23o indefinenter. 3I$ index,icis, m. 267 . . 76o indicatura,ae.
indicium, i, m. 524.623
667 1nclto,as.
impurus,a,um. imputo,as. imus,a,um.
8oo incivilis,e,a.
impulfor,5ris,m. 87r incifor,m.
87 1 inclamo,as. 38•252 inclemens,tis,4.
262. 463 74^.77z 493
493. 77z
9 1 2 indiétus,a,um,a.
Io.76.9 1. Io7 inclino;as.245.259.447 indifferenter. 83 includo, êre. Izz. 128 indigena,ae,cg.
inacceffus,a,um. inæqualiter. inanis,e,a. inaudio,ire.
43 I 292. incoétus,a,um.
632. 66z. 882.
, 619 9o6
292 indigites,um,m. • 647
837 ' 518 inauguratus, a, um.675 ratio,f. 683
iadignè. .89* indignor,aris. ib. indigus,a,um. 979 inditus,a,um,p. 391
[incogitantia,ae. 798 incolasæ;cg. 491. 619 incolo,ére. 191. 523 incolumis,ea. 536 inaufpicatusa;um. 24o incommodo,as.862.914 incalefco,ui,ëre. 52 incommodum, i, n. 485
individuus,a,um. Icoo indo,idi,ëre. 383. 427
dus,a,um. 539[indeles,is,f. 176.245 incantamentum, i. 988 incarcero,as. 429 incongruè. 747|indolens,tis,a. 3I9 incaffùm. 8o3 inconfideratus,a;í.865 indomitus,a,um. 292. incautu?,a,um. 817 inconfpicuus,a,um. 3z. indormio,ire. 549
incedo,&re. incendiarius,i. incendium,iym.
inconfultus,a,um. 859
669 1ncrementum,1. 44 increpo,as.
33 | indubitatus,a,um. 795
922. |induciae,arum,f. 7o7 incendo,&re. 71 o.fus;a. inculco;as. - 572. 726| induco, ère. 137. 294 um. 58 incubo;as. . 147.275 | 731 575 {indulgeo,es. 612 821 incepto,as. 8o3 incubus,i. 545 | indumentum,i,n. $o4 inceptum,i. 886 incumbo,ère. incerno,ëre. 4o4 incunabula,orum. 228 induo,ère J9» 3io. 5 1 1 incerniculum,i. 269 incuria,ae. . 798 induratio f. ' 32o incertus, ta, tum: 6o6 incurro,ère. 927 [indufium iy, 5 I4 985 incurvo,as. ' 259 'induftria;æ.884. de in 331 | duftria. 87r inceßánter. 886 incus,udis. inceffo,ivi,ëre. 79o incutio,fi£re. 36o|induftrius,a,um. 355 inceffus,us,m. 23o indago;as. 424 go,inis, inceftus,us,m. 826 423 [1nebrio;as. 4448:14 inchoosas. 38. inde., . $olinedia;æ. 35 I
incîdo (tada) &e. fc. indecen$tisa. ., 425.464.742
138 |
**; 177, $; £. v
' s 4
iniquus,a,um. 66. 713
ineptia,ae. ineptio , ire. ineptus,a,um.
731 [infe&o, &re. 838[infligo, êre. 264|infio, as.
777 gnitio,as.
inermis,e,a. iners,tis,a.
778 finitium,i.
264 |1nformis;e,a. 885] informo;as.
zo}injuria,ae. . 513.391 726 injuftus,a,um. 867
inertia,ae. in.fco,as. inevitabilis,e,4. inextricabilus, e,
95o|. ..
863 636 7. 71 I
428 [infortunium,i. ' 9r» |innafcor,eris. I4o 883 | infra. 176., 56 [innato, as. 468 622 [infringo , egi, a&tum, innätus,a,um. 376 infami,t,a. 939|. c c. 2,6d inngéto,&re. 753 infans;tis, c.g.*3o. 396 'infula, e. «43]innitor,ti. 257. 66z. 546 infant'a, ae. *3$ [infumo, as. 438|innocens,tis,a. infar&us,a,um.
infe&io, f. infe&or,öris m.
29* |infund6,ere.564.infun- [innocuus,a,um. 988} dibulum, i. 449|innodo, as.
^ «; infurnibulum, i. 5o3;ingemin^,as.
i48 51 ;
486jinnotcfco, ui, êre, f. c. 7 Io
infc&us,a,um, a. 97] ingeniofus,a,um. 941 jinnoxius,a, um. 636 9oo | ingenium j,^. 1 1. 93o|innumerus,a,um. 973 infelix, fcis, a. 373 [ingenitus,a,um. 376[innuo, êre. 788 -
infenfus,a um.
89* jingens,tis,a.
3 14 [innupta, ae.
inferi, orum , m. 64 1 [ingenuè. 916. us,a,um.finobedientia, ae. ' 963
6 iofinopia,ae.
693 848
inferiæ, arum, f. 96o'ingero,ére.42.292.877 [inopinams,tis,a.. 715 964 ingluvies, ei, f. 145 [inopinus,a,um* ' 885 inferior,us,a. 276. 9oi [ingluyiofjs,a,um. 284!inops»öpis,4. 253 ingratitudn,f. 876, in pofterum.
$ zo
infernus,a.um. 983, ingratus,a,um. 874] inprimis. 198. 913 infero,uli,illarum, 394 [ingrayefco, &re. 496, inquieto,as: 368 4oo. 783. 953, ingredior , effüm, di [inquilinus si. 62.1 . inferus,a,um. 978] • 99» inquinamentum,i. 314 infefto. as. 218 3 1 o {ingruo,&re.f c. 36.7oz, inquino, as. 8:7 infeftus, a, um. 2o7. [inguen,inis,n. 235 na- linquam, is, it. 914.985 89z | lis, e. » 18, inquiro (quero) êre. inficias,ire. 639" Inguigito;as. 82.o ! 3** -
inficio,eci, e&um,&re. inhabito,ás, avi, atum, jnfanab'lis,e. -
3 * 61 are.
635] infanio, ire.
* 819
inficior aris,d. 8t 1 , inhaereo,es. •46. 73? |infànus,a,um. 5** infigo, ere. 248. 431 'inhibeo,es. 67.45 1.936 [nfcitia,ae... '357.8o5 infimus,a,um. 33 inhio, as. infinitus;a,um. 43. 656 inhoneftë.
infit. infixus a, um, p.
inflatio,f. ' ' inflammo, as.
, z3o inhofpitus,a,um
• 4o5 [infcius,a,um. 5 1 1 jinfcr'bo,&re.
87 1 962.
i 9 1 [infcriptio,f ,
31 ,inhumanus,a,um. 9 1 2 [infculptijs, a, um- 733 33;ijjääÄ. »e3[infe&ör;aris.*' — 71 y. 3o1 inimicus, i, m; 893] infe&um,iym. : `2.17 in{enfibi -*-
1 NS
I N T*
I N T*
infenfibilitas,f. ' 342 1 inftratus,a,um,p. 45 1 intercus;útis,a. . * 311 infequor, eris.
' 198]
infero , evi , itum , ere.
inftruétus,a,um. 677
' 382. ui, erturh. 545
1nterdico, ere.
I 49
699. 954 interdum.
198. 3 1o
infervio,ire. 1 3o. 935 inftrumentum,i,n. 848
666 *6o8
863 intereà.
47. 246. 451. 572 ! inftruo , xi, &tum, cré. intereo, ire. * 966 infidiæ, arum. ' 7 1 5 699. 768 intereft. 673. 837. 886 infidior,aris., 41o.928; infuetus,a,um. T 467 int. rgerinus, a,um. 527 infigne, is,m. 1 16.7zz infufHo,as. 53 1 interficio, êre. 426 783 inteifiuxus, us, m. 3o9 infignio,ire, itum. 4o9 infula,ae. 839 interjaceo, es. ' 737 ' infulfus,a,um., • • .' 262, infignis,e,a. - 176. 7o5, infulto, as. * 91 , interjicio, &rc. 249 infilio (falio) ire. 7Jo infultus,us,m. 27r 984 interlm. infimulo, as. i. 658 infum,es. 974 interimo (emo) êre. 751 infuino,ere. infinuo, as. 4* 5 infipiens;tis,a. 8o5 infuo,ere. 669 interior,us. 12.c.356 infipidus,a,um. 326, infuper. 585 * 79 infifto,ere. 23o. 451 ' intabefco,is,ui,ere. 363 intermedius,a,um. 333 irafitus,a,um,p. I , 3o integer,gra, um. , 376 intermifceo es. 698 infolens, tis, a, ter, tia, 594. 754 intermiffio, f. 886 84o ' ' aa. de integro. 3 1 $. 538 intermitto. • 31o. 7o9 . infoltus,a,um. 973 intego, 8re. 8oI . 571
infolo, as.
5oo integritas,f. infomnia;ae,f. '*' 35 1 intelleétus,us.
981 internè.
internecio,f. 7I9 infons,tis,a. 662 intelligentia, æ 354 internecivus,a,um. 69r infpe5tor,oris m. 637 intelligo,exi,&um,ere internodium;i. , 127
internofco. •
327 .
infpiratio,f. * * * 644 intempeftus,a,um. 987 internus, a,um. 34o inftanter. . . 873 intendo,ere. 175. 333 759 inßar.imdecl.73.519.750 4σI , 463. 775 intero, ère. inftauro;as. 538 intentio,f. 8o5 interpe!lo, as. 9o4 infterno;ere. 45o 553 intento, as. 95o interpolo,as. 3 io. 5o5 inftigatio,onis, f. 69 ; intentus, a, um. . 733 'nterpono.s . 42. z6z. inftigo,as. 4 5 i inter,fr. 2. $ 1. 141 27 5 interpofitio,f. 42, -
inftilló, as. . . • 269 intercalo,as, laris, e a 'nterpres, &s £ g. 48o inftin&us,us. ' . 871 7« 4. 782 Interpreror,agis 63 1 518 |*ntercapedo *nis,f. 365 interregnum;i,rex cgis. inftita,ae, inftitor, bris, m. 49* intercedo,ére. 686.91 ; 674, 9r8|'nrerrogo , as. 9o3. inftituo,ere. 491.658 • • i • 666 [interfeco;as. 37. 551 … 79o. 8o7 interceffio,f. -
inftitutio,f. • ' '738 intercipio&re. 637| interfepimentum,i. 41 1. inftitutum,i.. 897 interclùdo,ere. 267|interfero,ui,&re. 686 infto, as. '• .'-- 383 '4I I. 7o6I 7 **. • -
» -
£}t p
I Ny
interftringo,&re- 3o 1
89. [Is,ea,id. 3o. 33. 66* 353 [ifatis, is, f. 136
interfum, es.
6o7[ifchuria, ae.
intertrigo, inis, f »9> invcterafco,ere. 909 [ificium, i. 756 [Ifrael, elis. intervallum,/. 614-7o9 invicem.
interftitium, i. $26.614 invehor,hi. 686
774. per intervalla. invideo, es, 373. 85 1 [ifte,a,d. 23. 311. 323 3 Io! invidia, ae, f.
681 [ifthic. ,
656 inyifibilis, e. a. 978|ifthmus,i,m. 74. 733 intervenie, ire. 466. 593 intcrventus, us, 42-49* invifo,erc. fc.fus,a,um] Ita. 919 itaque. ^ 13- &ο7 963] 4. 55 5 [item. - I99. 287. 444 interverto,&re. 858 invito, as. 6|iter, ineris. 476. 488 interula, ae. 514 invitus,a,um. 46o I . 7o6 iatcftatus,a,um. 6c6 invius,a,um.
inteftinum, i.m.
6o8! inundatio, f.
69|itero, as.
268] inundo, as-
invoco, as.
«31 |itidem.
277. 42I
intcftinus, a,um. 355 involucris, e. 4. …
69 1
intinétus,us, m. intimus,a,um.
• _-*_ _ _
1ntinga, êre. intra.
Io9 9o9
1o3 2I.66
25.430 - 538
147 |itinerarius,a,um. 489
involucrum,i,n. 241 [Juba,ae,f 748 Ijubar,áris. *t. involvo, ere. 228. 373 [jubeo, es, ffi.
involutus, a,um,p. 95%|jubiliim,i. * , inurbanus,a,um ' 359|jucundus,a,um. inurg;ere. 63.669. in-|Judaeus , i.
33i 933
827]judex, ícis,m.
428 661
intrepidus,a,um. 883 Joachimicus,i,m. 494|judiciùm, i. n.
intraneus;a, um-
intrico, as.
uftus, a, um.
43o. 622
676|judico, as. . . . 995
Io9 jocus , i. 9. 842 |jugeris,e. pl.jagera. v. 391 intrita, ae. 528. tus, a, !pfe,a,um. 6. 146. 761 || utmm4o4 Ira, ae,f. 383 371. 91 I jugis, e. a. 614 iracundia, ae. intrò. . 66 893|jugiter. 1*1 intro, as. 743 iracundus,a,um. ' 243 |juglans, disjf.
introduco, ère.
irafcgr;ciatum. - 37r|jugo, as. iris,ídis,f.
• 54o
I. 275 irrepo, ere.
intueor, eris.
introeo, ire.
542. irretio, ire.
irrideo, es.
intuitus,us, m.
* 54o 8
invaletudo, f.
79c irruo, êre.
64|jugulo, as- 2 32. 41• 8o I jugulüm,i, n. 252.284 425]jugum,i, m. 389. 765 843 |Julius, i. , 78o
irrigo,as, 35o|jumentum,i. JI74 fntumefco,ui,ere. 885 irriguus, a, um.77.418|jun£tim. 419 187 |jun&ura,ae. . 261.3o9 intùs. 1 o9. 4o7. 937 irrito, as. 136 irritus,a,um, jnrybus & um. 9oo|junétus,a,um. 366 139 7 1 5. irrogo, as •'. » 667|juncus,i,m. invado,ere. ' \ I yi [jungo, xi, &tum ,ère. invalefco,ui, ère. 314 irroro, as. 8oI irrumpo, êre. 69z 389 -
188[juniperus,i,f. _ 318 Junius,
I. A c
316 lampas, ãdis,f. 3τ labyrinthus, i. 622 lampyris, idis. 22; juramentum, i, m. 834 lac, laétis, n. 183. 413 lana,ae,f. 481. 3o3. 44o. 5o3 lancea,ae,f. 7f3 ' juratus,a, um. 659 laccus, i. 376 lancino, as- _ 263. 668 jurc. 87 1 lacer»era,um. jurgo, as. 5 I 2. langueo,es, f. c. I 886 9I7 1acerna,ae,f. 263 languidus,a,um. ' 239 juri£confultus,--pcri lacero,as. .1 I 5 languor,«orisym., 3oz, tus, i. ' - 648. 66o lacerta» ae. jurifdi&io,f. 688 lacertofus,a,um., 26o laniena,ae. 4?,o 916 lanifex, ícis. juro, as. 834 Iaceffo, êre. 767 5oz, jurulentus,a,um. 437 lachryma,ae,f. 1 1 5. 248 Ianificium, i. jusjurandum, i, m. 834 lachrymor, aris. 89o lanionia, ae, lanio áónis. m. 42.o 5 18 jus, uris,n. 13o. 594 lacinia, aesf. 78o labrufca, ae.
Junius, i.
Jupiter, Jovis.
657. 661. 868 la&tarius,a,um.4o9.415 lanio, as. 663 la&teo, es,laéto,as,avi. lanifta,a:,m. 2.29 lanius,iis m. 5 58
jus, fummum. jufculum, i,m.
juflus,us, m, 984. us,a, la&tes,ium.. 765. 277 . um. 594 laéteus,a,um. 41. 339 jufta,orum, m. 964 la&tuca , ae. Iz6.566 497 juftè. 662, lacuna, ae, f. juftifico;as. 662. 997 lacunar;aris,n. 55 I juftitia, ae,f. 85 5 lacunofus,a,um. 76o 427 juftitium,i,m. 664 lacus, us, m. 9o7 juflus,a,um. 6o6. 6 1 2. laedo, fi, &re.
875 læna;æ f.
949 42.o
lanugo, inis, lanugino fus,a,um. I 2o. 251 Ianx,cis,f. 553. 767 lapathum,i. 136 lapicida,ae,m. - 526 lapicidina, ae. , 87 lapidefco, êre. 9z. lapideus;a,um. 73. 473 lapido,as. 669
juvenis,is,e.g. .
laefus,a,um,p. 275.662 lapidofus,a,um. 1 zo 668 lapillus,i,m. 235 84 lætabundus,a, 489 lapis, idis, m. 81.616 um. 232.
juventus, ütis,f.
z36 lætamen , inis, m. laeti
fico, as. » 387 lappa, ae,f. I 34 366 lapfus,us,m. 376.798 juxta. ;3; 1 58. 278 1aetitia, ae. 1aetor,aris. , ib. laquear,arisjn. *, 3*τ Abafco,&re. p.c 939 1aetus,a,um. 915.934 lar, laris. 483 , labefa&o,as. 9oo lævis,e. a. 32 I lararium, is lares, ium, 937 1abo,as,p.c. 284.538 1ævigo,as. 532.581 M. labes, is, f. 88o laevus,a,um. 24o. 264 lardum, i, m. 329 labium, i,m. 559 laganum,i,m. 4o8; largior, iris. ... 876
Juvo, as, vi.
1abor, bi, apfum. - 49 lagena, ae,f ' . ' 449 labor, öris, m. 883 lagopus, udis,f. laboriofus,a, um. 235 lambo, êre, f. c. Maboro,as. .'
231. 466 lamentor, aris. 728.8o3 lama, ae.
labrum, i, m. 251. 564 lamia, ae,f. ' 581 lamina ,ae,f. -
largiter. 349. tiq» pnis. £
359 largus,a,um. 89o larix, icis,f. 497
larva, ae,f.
5τ I15
955. 987
669 Iarvatus, a, um. 531
larynx, ngis»^*; 275
L Ε N.
JL I 18
1afcivia, ae. lafcivio, ire.
3:7'le&ica, ae.
4361 leucifcus,fci,m. . 166
8:5 le£tio,onis,f
734!ieucoium,on,coii. 133
943 leótor, öris,m.
laflàtus, a, um.
431 lestus,i,m.
1affus,a,um. Iatè.
1atebra, ae.
1 ] leviculus,a,um.
554. 37o 1evidenfis,e.
884 lecythus,i, f. 78 legatio, f. 189. 314-legatus,i.
503 593 321
3831 levir, îri, m. 983 [levis,e, a. 677] levitas,atis, f.
lateo, es. 83.189.975 ; 1egio,önis,f.
697] leviter.
1ater,ëris,m. 338. 526 legiflator,5ris. lateritius,a,um. 38o, legitimè.
897 78. 459
686] levo,as.
Iex,Egis f.
473. 54*[legitimus,a,um. 754 746 [lego;as. 6o8. 677. 935] Libella, ae. 1atex,icisym. 65 [légogi,ôum,ëre. 673 [libellusjym.
597. 674 686. 861
1aterna, ae.
526 739
936| libenter.
891 '
1 1 3 | lcgumen, inis, m. • 118] liber,bri,m. 1o9. 217.
848] lembus, i, m. 99»|lemnifcus,i,m.
518] liber,era,um. 6Io. 615
latinus,a,um. 15. nè.]1cmures,umam pl. 987 747
lenio, ire.
55] liberaliter. 612. 849 8,7]liberè. 66z 526] lenocinium,i. 511. 578] liberi,orumym. 61* 424] lenocinor,aris. 928 [libero,as. 7zz 573] lens,dis,f. zr8{libertas,atisf. 6fo
783 Ieno,onis,m.
Iatrina,ae,f. latro,ónis,m.
485 [lens;tis,f.
867} lentè.
latus, ërisy. latus,a,um. Iavacrum,i. Javandula,ae. laudabilis,e.
685 85o
597 [lenis,e,a.
1atito,as. latitudo, f. Iatomus,i. latratus,us,m.
I 28. 134|libertus,i,m.
543 [libet,uit,Ere.
941 [lentefco,ére, p c. 164[libido,inis,f. ib. 83; 243] lentiginofus,a,um. 278 [libidinofus,a,um. 817 245. p.] lentigo,inis,f. 286] libitinarius,a,um. 234 547. 686} lentifcus,fci,f. 579 lentor,öris,m.
138 Io4[libo,as.
961 557. 641
133} lentus,a,um. 3* I. 5o3 [libra,ae,f. 43.494 765
753] leo,önis,m.
43. zo»!librarius, a, uw. 748
1audabiliter. x, 87o' lepidium, ii, m. 134!1ibripens, dis, m. 766 laudo,as. 833, lepidus,a,um. 567. 916, libs , is, m. 56 favo;as,vi. 556. 84. [libum,i,n. 4o8 Maurus,i,f. 1 zz {leporaiius,a,um. 428 [liburnicasae. 464 1aus, dis, f. 833. 1333" 1epra,ae,f. 286.3 1 6j licentia,ae. 767 Mautus,a,um. 365{1epus,öris,m. . 3o4[liceo,es,or;£ris. 493
!axo;as. 123. 3o7. 3«3f1ejufculus,i. - 436 licetjuií. 67479486, laxus,a,um. 3or. 5 1 i j1effüs,i,m. 963, licèt. 16o. 8o8 lazulus,i,m. :
31 i 11ichen;Enis,m. 293] lisium,i,n.
I.eaena, ae.
9o| lethalis,e,a. zcz | lethargus,i,m.
431 | levamcn, änis, m. 373}liétor,oris,m. «
286 : 5of
j? lem
… !icn;Enis,n.
LMC lolium, i, m. I29 3o3 liquet. . longanus,i. 268. 3o3 277 liquidus, a,um., 1oz longævus,a,um. 1 98
\ 271 liquefco, &re.
94 779
— lienteria,ae,f. ligamentum,i. 1ignarius,a,um. 527 124. 763 longè. 84. 31o. 7o4 384 : lignatorjm. . 81 z. 529 liquo,as. 596 longurius, i. 38o , ligneus,a,um. 393-466 liquor;5ris,m. _
1ignum,iy.46.217. 528 liro, as. . 1igo,as, 668.396.754 lis, litis,f
longurio J m.
39o 391
381 [itera, ae.
' - ligula,ae,f. '
316 literae,arum. 482. 932 loquax,acis,a. 8zo -
138 literarius,a,um.
1ima,ae,f. limatè- 532. literatura,a.
83 r
loquor,qui, utum. 9o4
72 ;
724 lora,ae,f.
326. 546
limaxsacis, f. limbus,i,m.
, zi6 lithanthrax,acis. , 43 ' 518 lithoftrotum,i. 616 Iimen,ínis, m. 54I litigator,m. . 665 limes, itis,m. 689 litigo, as. ' 795 limitaneus, asum, \ ib. lito, as. 641 limito, as. ib. li&tus,öris. m. 75 limo,as. 537. litura, ae. 741 7io limonium, m. . . . J 23 lituus, iym. 154 limpidus,a,um. * 578 livia, ae, f. limus,i,m. • 27 lividus,a,um., 33 $ 317 limus,a,um. . . . 912. livor, öris, m. 698 ' linaria,ae. y. 136. 153 lixa, æs m. linea,ae,£ . 758. 947 lixivium,i,n. 5o6.581 i. 4I9 244 Lobus,i,m. *, 863 lingo, ere,ß?. 359 locator, oris. lingua , æ,f. I 5. 325 loculamentum,i. 154
loripes, edis,a.
289 .
lorum, i, m. lotium, i, m.
Iubens, tis, a. 524.993 lubenter.
684 '
lubitu. .
45 I
lubricus,a,um. „ 163 lucanica,ae,f.
. , 4* I
lucanicus,ci,m. , .z3.
lucidus,a,um. ' . . 24 739. 748 lucifer,ëri,m. 4o 559 283 243. 386 lucinius, i. 1ingula, æ.... ;. 74 loco, as. , 167 lino,ivi&reyi,itum,ëre loculus,i, 436. 959. li, lucius,i,m. -
orum. „, ,. . . 796 lucrum,i,n.
, , , , , , , 77o
1inquo;iqui;äte. 398 locuples,&tis, 4. , ,
1inteamen, inis., f. 549 locupleto, as. 682. linteolum, i. , , : 319 locutuleius,i,m. 838 linter, tris. m. f. 471 locufta,ae-:-;, 173. zzz linteum,i,n. ,5oo locus,i;m, ** 46o.47r 58o. 681. 993 linum,i,n. , , 497 lipothymia,ae. 3oz, lodix,ícis,f. 571 lippitudo.f. 299 logicus,a,um. , 749
, 94*
- 371
lucubro,as. . . 743 . . luculenter.
753 .
lucus,i,m. 641 ludibrium,i. 3o8.9 iz. ludibundus,a,um. 757 ludicer,a,um. 235
.91 z. 1ippus,a,um. 232.79» logodaedalus,i. ' 731 ludificor,aris. .ludima ----
* *-
longinquus,a,um. 489 565 longitudo,fJ 783 8. 747 Iongus,a,um.`198.758
I , ligo,onis;m. ligurio, ire. liguftrum, i. lilium,i,m. ,
… /'
I. u P '
727 lychnuchus,i. . 745. magnipendo,&re. 86* lychnus,i,m. 743. magnitudo,f. — 171 Hudus,i,m. 725.947 lydius lapis. 85 magnus,a,ô$4.676.713 988 $ues,is,f. ττ6.314.827 hympha,ae. 163 magus,ij. n84 - £ugeo,es,xi. 371 lymphalicus,a,um. 8o5 majalis,is,m. ` Hugubris,eya.y6z.briter lymphatus;a,íí.441.644 majeftas,f. 669.681 I 97 major, us, a. 1 z6. 426 956 linceus,a,um. &6Y Humbago%f. ^ 124 3o6 lyncurium,i. I97 majores,um,m. 6o. lumbricus,i,m. 217 Iynx,cis,m.f. 780 lumbus,i,m. 258.277 lyra,ae,f. 775 Maius,i,m. lumen,inisyn. .31.283 lyricen,ínis,f. 773 majufculus,a,um. 743 249 luminare,is,n. 42. !ytrum,i,n. 722. mala,ae,f. ' 29* I88 malacia,ae. luna,ae,f. 33.41 lytta,ae. lunatio,f. 78z y-z. „ malagma,ätis;/i. . 791 292:847 fuo,öre. * 66; M ATAcellum,i. 4zo malè. * maceries,ei. 38o maledico,öre. lupanar;árisy. 817 | '81.497 maleficium,i. 184 871 Papatum,i,n. 45 I macero,as. 7oI malevolus,a,um.* 89* kupinus,i,m. , • I z8 machæra,ae.' Mupulus,iym. ' 444 jmachina, ae. -717.77*. malignè.798.nus,agm. fadimagifter,i. âudo,6;êre.
r68. 3uo
- 614.669
' 8zo imachinor;aris. - 919 malitiofus,a,um. * &69 533 falleolus,i. 256.z57 Iuridus,a,um. 338 machinula,ae. 525 Hufeinia,ae,f. 153 irmacilentus,a,um. 278 malleus,i,m. hifciofus,a,um. * z83 ma&tatio,f. •• . • 417 malluvium,i;n. 556 {3y5 Hufcus,a,um. * * * z8z. ina&te,i,voc. *99* malo,vis,ui. fuifito,as. 94t, ima£to,as. • ' ' - 4*o mälva,ae,£ *34 luißralis,ey4. '° '641 maέtra,ae. - «* 466 rmalum,i,n. -rzo.r2; fuißrum,iym. ' 189. 782. macula,ae,f.'' 268 malus;is/m. •. 463.799 II* iuftro,as. • • *64t.695 maculo.as. ••*. • 741 mâlus,i,f. . hurco,ónis,m.
maculofus,a,um. 197 miâlus,a,ü.36.o 368.97*
Huteum,i;i. ' I47 madefa&us,a,um. 935 mamma, æ. 253 luteus,a,um (à luto ), madeo,es, fa.madidus, mammula,ae,f.. 2 *3 < ' . * 38o. 535 a,um. . · · · Koz. manceps,jpis,c>g. 386 *o3 mancipium,i,n.6io.8»o luteus,a,um. \ '338 madefco,&re. . 376 lutofus,a,um, " *** 6i6 mæander,dri. *; ' 612 mancus,a,umi. lutum,iym. * 81. 526 magalia;orum,n. 411 mandatum,i,n. 867. 983 lutra,ae. ' • '-«''2*2 magis. * * 368 mandibulum;i. , .12. lutulcntus,a,um. ' 8r magifter;ti.* 676.737 mando;as. * 733.96r lux,ucis,f. 261 34878 magiftratus,us;681.687 mando;&fe. !uxatio,f. 2.89 magnafiimus. ' ' 88» mandra,ae,f. „ . 412 49I mandragora,ae,f.. 136 Juxurioas, 3r8.383 magnariusji. 1uxuria, ae.luxussus35i. magnates,umym. 455 manduco;as. »1*. o, ö - -
luxuriofus,a,um. 83, magnes;étis;n.
τγέnopowsi. •
333 magnificè
.; . . 284
ni, ftianco,
A4 A N. maneo;es,fi. 47.
AM AT° 589 marinus, a, um. manes , ium, h., 964 maritimus,a,um. mango, Öais, m. 5o5
mania,ae,f. * . 297 maritus,1;ta,ae. manica,ae,f. 312. cae, niarmor;örisy. arum. 668. catus, a, marra,ae. um. T.
$ I z.
marrubiuin,ii, ^.
manifefto,as. ' - 975 Mars, tis, m. manifeftus,a,um. 995 marfupium, i, m. 395 martes, is, f. manipulatim. manipulus,i. ' , 764 Martius, i.
'M E D
9*. Meatus,us, m. 47. 62* ' 778 zoo 783 mechanicus,a, vm. 377 588 medeor, ëri, p. c. 79x 87 mcdiaftinus,i. 431.698 38I medicamentum,i. 318 I 36 '
• •• •
787 medicina, ae. 486 medicinalis,e. a. 136 xo9 medicus,i,m. 794 78o medietas,atis,f. 33.758 4I
mas,aris,m. 135. 165 medinhnus, i.
mano, as.
6$ 36o
manfito,as. manfuefio, éri. '. maaafueßogere. manfuetus,a,um. manfus, a, uim. .
148 maftigia, æ, m. 188 maftyche;es, f. 895 mataxa,ae. 267 materia,ae. -
maffè,ae,f. 7 *
* 764
1 99 mediocris, c. a. II. 237 797 4o6 mediocritas,f. . • 917 medioxumus,a,um. 641 114 meditor, aris.' ' 93z 2I9' meditullium, i. 783 21. 527 medium, i, m. 231. 7o9
niatcfiafius, i. * 533
' * 8c4
rnanticularius, i. 669 materiatus,a,um. 536 in medium. 564 356 mater, tris, f. nantile,is;*.' . 598[medius,a,um.z6z. 273 ' 636 609] ' mahtiffà,ae,f. ι , 768 materfamilias. manuarius,a,um.86.403
manubiae,arum,f. 7z1 manubrium,i.
matertera,ae,f. 6*3|medulla;ae. rc9. 4o7 9o8 mathematicüs, a, urh. [medullitùs.
' ' ' 755 fmegiflanes, um,m. 686
65o[meio, minxi, ère. 269 144 mätricula,ae.' manumiffus,a,um. 6rb ímatrimonium, i. 589 [mel, llis, m. 53. 219 manus,us,f. z6o. 3o9 matrix, icis,f. 596 melancholia, ae. 27r > . manucodiata, ae.
61 o.manus dare 95^
matronia, ae, f.
521 [melanthium,ii,n. 136
57o[melagris, îdis, f. 15o 2c8 556 'mattea (rya,teum.) 15o[meles, is, f. ' 136 573 [melilotus, f. mapalia,orufi,n. 4ττ matula;ae, f. 691. 696 [melior, us,a. 889.899 maturè. 353 maturefbo,ui,ère. 114 meliffa. mappa,ae,f. ''* 559 136
manutergium,ii,n. 551 .*
matta, æ.
Ë; ÉÉ;*. ' Io6
marcor, öris; m. 293 marchio, önis,m. . 686
' r 17 | melites , ae.
313. 433] Ęlig; inis ,f. 886) mellifo.
53 384
773 maréulus,i. 531. 34o ' maturus,a,um. $$iά, :e. gnarc» isyi. 18.63.73 matutinus,a,um. T64, melolontha, ae. ' 22; * ' 466 maxilla, ae,f. 249, melon, onis, m. 123 -
387 maximè.
75. 44o, membrana;ae. 241.731
margarita, ae,f. I 91 maximoperè. '. 661] membrum,i,n. sargo,inûm, 316.364 maximus,a,um. I9o 589.6o8] memini, èram. 74i| -
24* 51r
memoria,z. 19o. 343 meridianus,a,um. 374]mina,ae. 753{m-ridicz, ei,*. 88. 568}m nzarum. 349[mcridionalis, c. 73* | meritò.
56|mineralis ea.
871 iminerval,alis,s. menda. z. mcnd.cium,i,n. ucn-|m-ritorius,a,um. - 455{ming» xi, eredax, acis,a. mendicus,i.
9 13
874jmeritum,i 546] merops,öpis/m. mens,tis fT 333.8> s|mcrula**, f.
133 |
mcnfa, ae.
5 331 mcrum,i,^.
I 53| minifter, tri. 8** [minifterium, i.
865 | merus,a,um-
8zo|min ftrator,m.
628 653 633
104-493 l miniftro, as.
mcnftruum,i,n.T 23 i |m:faraicae. .
5*3 [minimè. 1 17. 6o6. mi 63 v | . nimìm. 779 903
m nfis,is,m . 33. 231 | merx,cis,f.
268] minium i,n.
menftruus,a,um, 61 1 1 m.fenterium,i. . 277|minor, aris. menforjóris,m. 76>[m-fonauta,*ym. 698 [minor;us a.
136. 199
menjura, ae.
menfuro;as. 5o4.737|meffisjs,ffor, öris, m.lmmuo,&re.
6c6 87* 16Q
395 | mimurio,ire.
mcntha, ae. . mentigo,ínis.
13slmcta;æ, f. 4o4-346l minùs. ' 3o6.394.641 767 286[metallum, i. 85. 941
913] meteorum, 1.
48, minutal,alis,*.
23i|methodus, i, f. _ 75o minutim. 935. tatim, 491 meo;as. .. 269|metiorjs,mcnsi. 76*] mephitis, idis,f. 323[metopofcopus,i. 9; 1 'minutus;aym. 371
7o4' mirabilis.c,2.
444[metor, aris. 8z [metreta,ae,f.
763, miraculum, i. mercatura, ae,f. merca-[metropolis, is,f... 675. mirificè. 754, miror, aris. tor, m. 49o|metrum,i,m. mercatus,us,m. 491 |metuo, ère. /. c., . 366, mirus,a,um. ior, us.
mercenarius.a,um.mer-| . ces, édis,f. 386. 534|metus, us, m. mercimonia,ae. 49 1 jMica,ae,f.
951 57
359 8
477' mifceo,es,ui,miftum.**
366, mifer,ëra,um. zz 5. miferator,nw.
914 997
mercimoniumjiy. 333 'mica âs;üi fc. 89. 374' mifericordia,*. . ii. 494{microcofimus,i, ,
z37, mifericors, î.
938imj9rArs cótífsí. 136 [migro;as. mercurialis, f. mercurius, i. 39. 41 |miIes,itis, e.g. . 695, mifffle,is,n. 633. 711 ô 941 . 723 *268 |, : merda, ae,f. merenda,ae,do,as. 568 [militia;æ., .,, „ 7o5| mjffio,ónis,f. 723.791 •
mereor,ui,itus fum,ëri.[milium,ij. ' . 1 27| miffus,us.T$65. usi, a, 723. 87o]mille,ind. . „, , 98v | um. 67». 929.941 meretrix,icis, f. I, 827] milliare,is,m. ° . . 762 | mitella,2.^, .^ - 318
mergesjtis, m. mergo,fi;ére. mergusjym. .
396] millus,i,m. , ,.,; . 4io|mitefco,&re, p. c. 31c 71] milvus,i,m. , , 148|mitigatio,f.T 311 i67.791 .1 5*]mimusjym. ' ' 95>[mitigo;as. ma.tis,
Mo N
Mo L
mitra, ae..
89; monachus,i,
435. 71 2. 935 mixtura, ae. . 796 •
638 mortalitas,f. -
monas, adis,f. monafterium, i. monedula,ae,f.
863 4or
41, morticinus,a,um. 3:8 638 ' iuûrum,i,n. y6o mörus, i,f.
mixtus,a,um. Mobilis,e,a.
848 moneo,es,ui,itum. 899, mos,oris,'m.
rnonarcha, æ, m. chia, mortarum, 1. m. æ,f. 673 ' morticini. 3o9
niitto,fi,ßum,ëre. 195 .
moderatior, as.
83o monialis, is,f.
849 monile,is,m.
modiolus,i. modius,i, m.
monoceros,otis,m. 191
I 23 II6
316.559 636.931. morem ge
moneta,a,f. 493. 951] £g. monetarius,i. ib.' mofchus,i,m. 638 motaciffa;ae f. 519 möro;as. 729, iiiotus,us/m.
899 318 1 58 i#- .
32. 142 24I
728. 9zo tnonoculus, i. 283. moveo,es,vi,tam. 212. modulor,aris. 754 monogrammus, i. 278 543. 66r
modulus,i. ^ 5o6. 773 monopola,ae,m,lium, i.] Tox. 53 I 49o. 491, Muccinium,ii,n. z5o modus,i,m. 22.6o6.63i 848 mons,tis,m. 78. 79 j muccfco,&fe. 4oo . moechus,i. 827 monftro,as. 262 , mucidus,a,um. 329 moenia;um,n. 613. 614 monftrofus,a,um.8.24o{mucro, önis, m. mucro moeteo,es,p. c.
37 i monftrum,i,n.
moeror, öris. rmoeftitia,2.
375 37r
44o möratus,a,um.
. 713
mgnumentum,i. 783, mucofus,a,um. mörasz. 123.363. 994[raucu$jym.
845 j mugiljilisym.
morbilli,órum,m. 3i6 ; mugio,ire._
25o 166 T 8r
molaris,e,a. 267. 4o4 morbofus,a,u¤î. 379! mulceo,es,fi. 841. 396 molendinum, i. . 267 morbus,i,m. 294. 31* jnu!§a, æ,f. ' ' &67 moles,is,f. 5 io mordax;icis,a. 459) muléralejsy. 415 moleftè. 841. leftia, æ. mordeo;es,di,fum. I 86] mulgeo,es,fi;xi. ib. 835 mordicùs.
36o | muliebris,ea, 521. 586
moretum,i. 4o8] mulier,&ris, f. 596 moleftus,a,um. 2o7 moribundus,a,um. 956] mulierariusj. 827 i66 molimen, jnisy. 364 morigeror,aris,d. 686] mullus,i,m. molior, fris. 363 mörigerus,a,fi.663.686] mulfum,i,n. 444 molitor,m. 4o5 morio,onis,m. 68o|multifarius,a,um. 344 rmollio,ire. f 23. 5 1 4 mörior,ëris, iris, mori.] multiloquium,i. 835 mollis,e,a. 1or. 32 1 ' 373] multipcda,ae. 223 ,
maolo,êre. molofius,i,m. *omentum,i.
587 '453
mormolyceium,i. 239] multiplex,ícis, a. 511
morofus,a,um. 832 | multoties. . mors,tis,f. ' 668. 965 [multùm. -
möror,aris. 729. 9o4] multiplico,as,avi, 756
61.766 morfus,usym. 83 mortalis,eya.-
°°° r
469 . 296
83z | multus;a,tumj. 355-568 957 | mwlus, i, m. -
• 46o mundé,
Mtl N
739* mutilus, a,um.
£3fîjç. mundities,ei. * mundo;as;&us,a,um.86| muto,as.
IV A. **
581}mutuò. . 464.592,856] ium, m. 863 |natalitius,a,um. mundus, i, m. 15. 227| * 995. 5* 1 [mutuo, as , or, aris, d. [natatile,is,m. mungo,xi,êre.
munia,orum, m.
886] mutus,a,um.
municeps,ipis, c. £. 619 [mutuus,a,um. municipium, i. munificentia, ae. minificus,a,um. munimentum;i.
munio,ire. munis,e,a.
593 885 [nata;æ. 41 1 [natalis, e, a. 964. les,
ib. | Mygale, es,f. 896] Myinda, æ. 85» I myops,opis. 72o | myrias;ádis,f.
779 I43
258 862 [nates, um,f. 3I4 289 [natio,onis,f. 628|nativitas,f. 779. 984 751 2o9|nativus,a,um. 941 [nato, as.
I 43
283 [natrix,icisym,f.
982] natu.
22. 132. [natura,ae,f. 613. 7o8 | myriftica,ae. 377 878] myropóla, ae, m. theci- [naturalis,ea, 796] natus,a,um. p. 6o6.pro 764 | um,i,n.
munus,ôris,n. 652.878] myrrha,ae. 877 | myrtus,i,f. munufculum,i. 168] myftax,acis,f. murena,ae,f. murarius,a,um. , $z6 |myfterium,i.
173] 4Io
muria » ae. 73. atus, a, ll\ nænia, ae. 438 | hævus,i,m. um. 194] nam.
murmuro , as.
mus,uris, m.
re nata.
123| natus, i.
355 6Io
25 I [navalis, e, a. 468.7oo
641 [naüarchus,chi,m. 46. 931 , 745] nauci, gem. 463 ' [nauclerus,i,m. 934]naufragium, i,n. 465
286|navigabilis;æ. 45. Io3.238|navigatio,f.
ib. · 479
ib. 143| navigium,i,n. 526 || namque. 2o9.21 I | nancifcor, ci , na&um. |navigo,as. 7 462.467
725 |navis,is,f.
z 17
47z. mufa,ae. faeum,i. 738 |nanus,a,um. 12o. 238|naülümj;n. 7-o 173 íüìåíåæ. 746 [napellus, i. faeolum, i. Io4|nayo;as. .796.85r mufca, ae,f arium , i. | naptha;æ.
• mufcerda,ae,f. mufcipula,ae.
mufculus,i. muficus,a,um. ' - mufcus;i, m.
561.] napus,i,m.
I 26 Inaupégus,i,
2 II
21 I | narciffiis,i;m,
468 467 29z.
241 | naris,is,f.' ' 25o.a8; |nauta,á,m. 46. 468 469 84I | nautea,ae,f. 679 [narrati6,f.
784| nauticus,a,um. 4o7 773 | narro, as. 463 134] nafcor,ci,natum. 227| 388 61c. 935 |navus,a,um. mußò,íüffito, as. 9I4 284] Nè. 391. 394. 466. ne muftela,ae. 166.2o9 [nafo;enis,m.
* 44o|nafus,i,m.
973 | naffa,ae,
nafutulus,fi, m,
249] , quidem.
96. 97z
49 427] nebula,ae. 839 nebulo,onis,m. . 917 nCC.
N E 6; • *.
nec. 289. ncc ne. 795 nervus, i. , , „nec non. .519. 655
' *
241. 668 nitratus,a,um. nitrum,i,n.
7o2. 775
• •
" neccflarius,i.873. us,a, nefcio,ire.122.848.9o4 t.
incccffitas, atis,7. » • . . . . .,..
j. . neceffitüdo,f.
Ê, neduin.
242. 657
857. 866
8 II -
* nefandus,a,um. 825 Ni. nefarius,â,um. 864 niéto, as. nefaftus,a,um. 658 nidifico, as. . 846 i85 378 886 8o5
I 49 515
5 16 643
nidor, öris, m. . 328 nola,ae. nidulor, aris,nidus,i,m. nolens,tis,a. . I46. 739 nigella,ae,f. I3 6 '. » ;
nolo,lle. . , 36o. 87r
nomen, inis, m. z. Io8
negotior, aris, ator, m. nigrefco,ui,êre. negotiofus,a,um, 888 1iegorium,i, n.686. 8o1 ncmo , înis, c. g. 377 , , 833 nemo non. 686. 84o nempe. . . 99$
no£tu,abl.m, noétua,ae, aoçturnus, a, um.
84 -, '.' 247 nodulus,i. I46 nodus,i,m.
nego, as. . . 811. 875 niger,gra,uni. ·
339 45
· ·· ·
7o3 „1 Q 4 *.
netrix,icis, f. netùm, i. nix,nivissf. . . . I 43 72. `, •* 499 No, nas. 570 neuter,tra,um. 6oo nobilis,e,a. 589. 93o 833 nobilito, as. 72.2. 969 neutiquam. ^ 6Io noceo.es. 569 318 nex, ëcis,p. c. 3% 226.857 no$tcfcit... ” 2 I4 nexo,as.' -
996 ncxus,us,m.
* ncfas, ind. m. . *' nefrcns,dis,dg. negleétim. T negligens, tis, 4. negligo,exi, érc.
.'• . • • *•*
fi&eff;. ind. 358. 656
5. ' ficcg;as,ui.
. t ' '
333 nomenclatio,onis,f. 41 316 nomenclatura,ae. 4
nihil, n. ind. 3.11.io» nominatim. . -
nihilominùs. -
I I3
I. I6z.
77. 177 nonæ,arum,f. 36 3 nQndum. 363
I83 44I
nemus, öris,n. .
nihilum, i. 18.8oz. non nifi. ' nil , m. ind. 3. nil nifi. nonnullibi. .
neo,es,evi. 498. 5o3 nimbus,i,m.
78 .
nonnunquam. 483. 59o
633 468 nepos,nepotis, vm. 6o4 nimio plus. 34I norma,ae,f. 758 - • • • •• 865 nimiruin. 2 18. 376 8 I6 nos. nephritis , íd's. 3o4 nimis. 52. nofco,vi,ëre. 968. 355 ncphriticus. 795 nimiùm. . nepfis, is, f. 664 nimius,a,um. 359.927 nofocomium,i.. 625 5o nofterstra,um. 37. 241 nequaquam. 81 5 ningit, imp. , . ncquam. 8oo.-quiffi nifi. 44.17o. 177.283 noftras,atis, a. 495.648 245 569 nöta,ae,f. mus. 864 5o4 I 48 notabilis, e, a. neque. 289 nifus,i. m. 65z 7 1 3 notarius,i,m. nequeo,ire. 466. 69o nifus,us,m. 6o6 ncquis,a,d. 9I6 niteoses»f. c. 519. 532 nothus,i,m. 355 nequicquam.' 694 n'tor,oris, m. 532.66o notitia, æ.. 74 I nequitia,ae. 798 nitor,ti,fum,xum. 32. noto;as. ne* rvo fus,a,um, 753 667 I 16, 48r notorius,a,um, 2, nötus, < -
: }
IV 14 IO nötus,a,um.
339 rumerus,i,m.
notus, i, m.
novem, a.ind.
November, bris. 78o
riumeratus,a,um. 485 [obitus, usym. 394 novacula,ae,f. , 584 nummulus,i. 494] objùrgatio,f. 876 873|objurgo»as. ' 92: npvale, is, m. 388 numnmic. 52. [obleétamentum,i. 939 novellus,a,um. 439 nunc. noverca,ae,f.
64. 934[obleéto, as. || 366. 940 ib.| obligo, as. 857 6o|oblino.ëre. 53o. 578
6oo nuncupo;as.
I 16. 4o3 nundinæ, arum.
novus,a,um. 219. 84o nunquam.
93o. viffimus. . 7o9 nunquid.
758 347 ib.
873] oblitero,as.
655 nuper. nupta,ae. » 658. 812. nuptiae,arum.
nox, &is, f. * noxa,ae,f.
491 [obliquè. 34.283. quus,
63. 75o| - a,um.
368. 987
594} oblivifcor,vifci, litum. 592,
noxius,a,um. 668. 812. nutus,if.
593| oblongus, a, um. 119
Nubes,is,f. 49 nufquam./ 477 obloquor,i. 9o4 352.357 obnitQr,ti. 466 nubilis,e,a. 589] „nutOyáS. nubilofus,a,um. 64 nutrio, ire. . 3o386 obnixè. 873 nubo,pfi,ëre. 591. 393 nutrix, icis,f. I 229, obnoxius, a, um. 394
nucifraga,ae,f. I 2, I nutus,us, m. 97r] 68r 494 nucifrangibulum,i,n.ib. nux, ucis, f. 1 1 1. 12z'obolus,i,m. nucleus,i,m. 121. I59 Ny&icorax,acis,m.149 oborior;iri. 466 nudè. 66I nympha, ae. 251. 591, obrepo,êre. 728 nuditas,f. 5o9 nymphæa » ae,f. 136, obrigefco,ui,êre. *3. «.
nudo, as. nudus,a,um.
5II 239
481,863] obryfus,a,um.
*64 obfaturo;as.
95 8zo
nugæsarum,f .
838 obdo, didi,ere.
54z obfcoenitas,f.
nugamentum, 1.
9:5 obdormio,ire.
576. obfcoenus,a,um.
nugator,m. 838. nuga obduco, ère. 12o. 319 ;obfcuratio,f. torié.
$$o obfcurus,a,um-749.769
nugigerulus, a, um.68o obdurefco,ui,&re. 33'obfecr6,as. 873 6^9 obfecundo;as. 686 nugivendulus. 492. obedio,ire. nugor, aris. 856 obeo,ire. 6o8.641. 983. obfepio,iré. 529.331 nullibi. 672, oberro, as. 964 obfequiofus,a,um. 925 278 i obfequium,i,n. 684 nullus;a, um. I 45. 1 5 I obefus,a,um. ' / .
obex, ìcis,m.f. 67. $ 42. obfequor,i.
478 obfirmo,as.
`numella, ae. I 84. 668 obfufco,as. numen, $nisy. 644.978 obje&io,f. numeratus,a,um. p. 494 972.
752. obfes,idis,c g.
679.899 548 zz.3Io 7o7
obje&um,i,/* 769. tus,[obfeffiis, a,um, p. 7•& 2 » uIh.
629 obje5tus,us. 74o
objicio, is, ere.
- 246 4
4* |obfidco,es,edi, fkfium. 7r 7 876 •bfigno.
936] obvolutus,a,um. 955 odorator,m. 4:4 393 odoratus, us,m.odörus,
obfigno;as. obfifto;ére. „ „ ' -
«O F F.
89 1 | Occa,ae,f.
obfolco,es,evi. 682] occalIe£o;u,&re. £6ό a,um,odorifequus,a, 327. 423 um. 32o 8o4 odoriferus,a,um. 133 obfonator, m. dbfoni- occafio,f. obfoletus,a,um. _ 5o5
431 | occafus,us,m.
, obftaculum,i. .
9ooj occidentalis,e.
„' obftinatè. 99ftetri;;icisf.
228joccjdo 899] , êre.
' um,i,
(ob cado) di ,
'284 Oeconomica,ae.nomus, 6o9
485 oenopola,ae,m. 9oo] occido (ob caedo) di,&re. oenopolium,i. obßino;as. 62* 794 oefophagus,i,m. 342. : obftipo,as. 267 2,2, I I. obftipus,a,um. 287|occiduus,a,um. 32. deftrum,i,n, 8o4 | occipio,epi,eptum. 919 oefypum, i. n. '^ obfto,as,iti. 5o3 345 Offa,ae,f. 42 I obftragulum,i. 314 |occipitium,i. 542. offendo,&re. 541.9o8 um. 877 | occludo,êre. -
obftringo, ère.
657] occo,as.
offenfio,onis, f. ^ 76o
9o7[occulo,is,êre. 147 offero,obtuli. 639.64r 147 officina, ae.- , 378 obftruo,&re. 67.34z |occulto;as. obftupefco,ui,ére. 298 | occultus,a,um. 38. 995 officio (ob , facie) eci, '49o. 8o4 723 êre. 882. | occumbo, ère. . obfum,es. 176]occupatio,f. 929 officium,i,n. 6x8. 869 obtempero;as. 925 ' ' o9 | occupo , as. 639. 6o8 offuciae, arum. 1, obtego;ére. •,
* obtend6,8ra.
72o. 868 offula, ae.
8zo .
873 |occurro,ère,rfo;as. 182 offundo, &re. , 53o i II 76 Olea,ae,f. y 393 joceanus,i. … obtineo,es. 744. 283 oleofus,a,um. ' ebtingo, tigi , aétum. | ocella,ae. a68 483 | ocellatus, a, um. I 58 olEtum,i,n. * obteftor,aris.
*, obtre$o;as. f obtrudo,&re.
8Ioj ocrea,ae.
û obtundo, tudi , tufum.] ochra, æ. 875 | o&avus,a,um. :
, 513 olfacio,is. 481 olfa&us,us,m.
327 327
Io4 olim.
- 38r 43 olitor,öris,m. 126 365 olirorium,i. 445 | o&iduum,i, m. 3* obcuro;as. . . 275. ÄÄ¢| O&ober,bris,m. 78o oliva, ae,f. 383. 566 535 17 o!a,ae,f 85 j oculatus,a,um* obtufus,a,um. •
I5I olor, oris, h. . *' obtutus,usyn. 42. 214 | óculus, i, m. 197.245 olus, I 26 8ris, m. 333 344 „£ . I 25 olympias,ádis,f. 786 obvallosas. z 56 1 ocymum,i. ^ Iz9 5 i 1 | ocyùs, yffimè. ib. 66* olyra,ae,f. obvelo,as. 267 36o Omafum, i. 371 I Odi, éram. m. ínis, omen, 974 % obverto,&c. 88. 783 |odiofus , a , um. 874 2 77 9o9 omentum, i. 478 fodium,i,n. '* obvio, as. 298 ominor,aris. 363.975 42. Iodontalgia, æ. ., ebumbratio,f. 993 327 o mitto , êre. 313 Iodor,öris,m. ,* obumbfo;as. 8oo 277} odoramentum, i. 578 omnimodè. , obvolvo,ęte. Omn1 .,T 3
0 R 1,
opis,em,e,f. ordino, as. 623. 636 9o6 ' ' ' 697 I 29 opitulor, aris. olyra,£f. I 18 ordiorjri oporotheca,ae. 38 »fum. omnipotentia,ae,f. 19 omnipotens,tis, a. 99o oportet. imp. 121. 393 ordo, inis, m, 1 5 z.655 ' *'* ' 683 omnisse, a. Io. 1 z. 19 opperior,iri,pertü. 9o4 375. 586. 747 oppidanus,a,um. '614 organum,iy. 241, 77; omphacium,i, m. 566 oppidatim. . 491 -nicus, a,um. T ' 77z 7«z. I 9 I oppidò.9o7.dum,i. 618 orgyia,ae,f. ** Onager,gri. IC Jo orichalcum, i. 23 1 oppilo,as. . 468 orerarius,a,um 56 29z. es. orientalis,e,a. , oppleo 468. 7o3 onero;as. 563 orificium,i, m. 1 5 1 opportunitas , f. 8o5 onocrotalus,i. I 36 onus ëris. 456. 62o opportunus, a, um.47o origanum,in. omninô.
871. 97o
onuftus,a,um. . 7 , 1 oppofitus,a,um.67.243 origojnis,f.
onyx,ychis,m.& f. 9o ' II3 Opaco, as.
257 otior;£ris,iritum.
833 oriundus,ä,um.
. '.
oppugno, as. , 85 1. rae, arum. 534 optatus,a,um.
opera,ae. 9. 268. 525
5 18'
452. • ' 376.datâ operâ.871 opticus, i. a, ae. 769 I,' 565. 7oo orno;as. operae pretium. 8c3 optimâtes;um,m. 686 ornus ' ' 11t i,f. operarius,a,um. 534 optimè. ' '* 237.5 36 976 as. oro, 79o optimus,a,um. * 787 operatio,f. &;& 445 optio,önis,f.8o6.m.697 orphanus,i,m, operculo. ^ . -
363 orrhopygium §. 535 ! opto, as. operculum,i. 158 , 747 853 orthographicè. operimentum,i. 55o opulento,as. 32. c. 357 ortus,a,um. m. 878 opulentus,a,u ,ire. 54 operio,ui,pertû 35 * operior, iris, d. * * 9o4 opus,jndtcl. 394. 464 tus, us.' 117 . '482 oryza,ae,f. 264 operor,aris. operofi;s, a,um Io.94t opus, ëris,m. 2o7. 5 19 Os, offis, m. 24 r. 259 ' ' 14 δs,oris, n. 163. Inûs, * opertaneus,a,um. ' 641 opufculum, i. 9xo zoo. 564 849 • Ora;æ. opes;um,f. 3 1 z. 84z oraculum,iy. opicus,a,um. '753 ofcêdo,'nis. -
oporophylacium, ii, m. oratio, f. 632.752. 753 ophthalmia,ae. ophthalmicus.
opifex,ícis,m. opificium, i. opilio,onis,m. epifmo,as. opimus, a, um.
ofcito,as. "
$99 i 7 ; , ofculor,aris. 79 . orbatus,a,um. 283 ofculum, i, m. , 8:6 ' 19*. 795 orbiculus,i. ' 5 1 5 offeus,a,um. „655 orbis,is,m. 32.37.283 officulum,i,latus,a,um.
* *. II 8
I.. orbo,as.
4** orbus,a,um. & 'orca,ae,f. opinatio,f. 3 57 orchis,itis, m. opinio,o$is, f. opipîrus, a, um. • 565 orcus,i,m. . '
84r 84o
'oftentator,m. • t rofteiito, as.
'oftehtum,i,n. '°
459 orbita,ae, f. I 6o
1 zo
446 oftiiim,i,n. 1 36 oftrea,ae 98o Otior, aris.
66. 54z
. 168 887
otiofus, -
* $ otiofus,a,um. -
P A. N, ,
848]Palma, ae.
PA R .
z6o,paradifiis;i. .
887| palmarium, ii, m. 733|parallelus,a,um. 783
otis, idis, f. otium, 1, m. .
1 5o] palmes, itis, m. 439
888] palmipcs, ëdis,a. 151]paralyfis,is,f. , Oviparus,a,um. ' 164|palmus, i, , 76zl paranymphus,i. 7,3: ovile, is, m. 41 I | palor, aris, d. 716 |parapfis, fdis. f.
3 ; 591
: ' ovillus,a,um, ovis,is,f.
925 lpararius, i.
584] palpebra,ae.
721 Ipalpita, as.
274|parafelënë, es.
762, 64
… '
ovum, i,n. 147. I65 | palpo,as, 322. por,aris.|parafiticus, a, um. 843 Oxalis,idis, 126.136| d. 923|parafitis, i. 68o oxyacantha;a. ( 138] palpum,i,n. 925 |parcè. 569 oxygalum. , . . 416| paludauientuin, i. 5 1 z |parcimonia,ae. . 851 *
oxylapathum,thi,n. i36] palumbes & fi,êre. P. lumbus,, i.is, c. g. Ipa-||parco,peperai 54 893" -
PÉ; f.
7o6|palus, i, m. 38o. 721 Iparcus,a,um. 85o * pabulum,i, m. 19o|palus,udis, f. 68|pardalus,i, m. 1 5o. 159
pacatus,a,um. , 69o Ipaluftris, e, a. pacifcor,ci,pa&um.689] pamphagus, i. paco, as.
23o. 9o8|pampillum,i,n.
paétio, onis,f.&um,in.Ipampino,as. .
139|pardus,i,m. 82o[parelius, i.
455 Iparens, tis, c.g.
857|pampinofus,a,um. 439 | Parentalia;um,n. 721 | panacea,ae,f. 795 Ipareo, es. ' 727| panaces,is, 136]paries, ëtis, m. 579] pancreas, ätis, n. 27«|parietaria, æ, f.
964 684 527 136
283|pandiculor, aris. 352 |parietina, ae.
paganus,a,um, * pagella, æ.
641 | pando , êre,
paean,anis, m. pædagogus,i. paedor,öris, m.
Io7| pario, peperi , partum,
16|pandus,a,um. . 18o êre. 686 Ipango, pepigi, paétum.| parippus, i.
I 47.598 454
pala,ae,f. 4o6.414.519 | i |;j. 7o7| pariter. 755 palabundus,a,um. 3 14 4o6. 554] parius,a,um. 88 palám. . 816] pannofus, a, um. 52o| parma,ae,f. ' 699 palanga, ae. 334| pannus, i, m. 5o3] paro, as. 408. 625 palatium;i. 992 | panfa, ae. . 289|paróchus,i,m. paroecia, palatum,iym. 788] panther, ëris, m. 195|7 ae. ' . ' 637 palea,ae,f. 399 | pantices. z67| paroxyfmus,i. 3Io palear, aris, n. 181 | panus, i, m. 5o; | parrhefia,ae. 9zo
palimpfeftus , i.
palinodia,ae. palla, ae.
742] papae. 945] parricida, ae, c. g. 669 . 899 | papaver,ërisy. 137 | pars, tis, f. 24. 253.27o 51 3|papilio,onis,m.223-226] 586. 691.7o5. 795 -
pa 11ium, i, m. paIlidus,a,um. ba 11or, oris, m.
5 17[papilla, ae.
253 | partiarius, a, um. 386
339 | papula,ae- . [29]papyrus,i,f.
316] particeps, ípis, a. 6o6 975] particula, ae. 46
»aliurus, 1.
338|parÂris,^, 154.861.941 | partim. T 4
597 patro,as.
paruurio, ire.
P A !!
g£ftior;iris. 386. 6o8 patrius,a,um.
645 pediffequus,a,um. 52r 799
peditatus, us.
párpus, us, m. 185. 598 patrocinium,ii,m. 66o pedo»pepedi,ëre. 824 409 ipärtus,a, um.p. à parie. Patrocinor,aris. 868 pedum,ia. , 724 3I2.
parumper. . parus,i,m.
1 56
I 56
pafco , vi, aftum, êre. 189. 996
6zz. ` 66o pegma,átis,m. Patruelis, is, c.g. 603 pejero (jwo) as. 834 Patruus, i,m. - ib. pejor,us. 295 I46 Patulus,a,um. 563 pelagus, i, m. I 31 Paucus,a,um. 967 pelecanus,i, 817 Pavefco,vi,ëre,fc. 37o pellax,acis. 827, Pavidus,a,um. 45o pellex,\cis, f. Pavimentum,i. 55 I pelliceus,a,ii. ao9.507 Pavitus,a,um. ( 331 pellicio,exi,ëre. 423 Paulatim. 31 I pellio,onis,m. 507 ib. Paululum. • 9 pellis,is,f.
847 Patronus,i.
*s; parùm.
pafcuus,a,um. 411 paffër,ëris, m. 16o. 169
334 paulò pòft. paffim. I 38 Paalus,a,um. yafio,onis,f. 294. 3o5 pavo,önis,m. . paffìs,a,um. p. 1 zo. 1 23 pavor,oris,m.
pello, pepuli , Pulfum, êre.
511 * I 38 pelluceo,es. 37o Pellucidus, a, um. *5 I 69 Pauper,eris,a. 439. 625 769 paffiis,us, m. 762. paupero, as. 556 853 pelluvium,i. 693 pelta,ae,f. 699 paftillus,i. 586.796 Pax,acis,f. paftinacâ,2. 1 26 paxillus, i. 7o4. 775 pelvis, is, f; * ¥¥6. paftinator,m. 381 Peccator,oris. . 798 penarius,1i,m. 43* paftino,as. 439 peccatum,i,n. 667 penates;um,m. 987 paftinum,ni,n. 439 pecco, as. 798. 9o6 pendeo, es. 119. 763 -
paftornis, idis. f. ibid. peéto;xi,xui, xum, êre.
5o3.586 paftor,óris,m. 41 1 paftus,us,m. 414 pe&enjînis,m. 255. £t patefiq;eri. 995 patella,ae. 2.56 peétus,öris,m. pateo e*f d. 614.786 pecuarius,a,um, 45; 867 patera,ae,f. 563 peculatus, us.
paterfamilias,m. 6o9 paternus,a,um.
Pendulus, a, um. Penè..
74z 998
peculiaris, e, a. Peculi penetro,as.
umy 1.
848 peniculus,i,m.
patibulum,i. . . 668 Pecus,örisy. 13o. 221 peninfula,ae,f. patiens,tis,4,
pecus, îîdis,f.
parientia,&. 483 pedamentum , i. patina,ae,f. 454 pedarii,m. patior,tipaffum. 33 pedetentim. Patrimoniurh,i.
73• 783
penitüs.884. tus,a,um. 439 65 I 8o9 43 ©
penna, ae, f.
42. I I43
pennipes , édis, a. 1 5 t penficulo;as. 8o3 723 pedicularis,e,4 ped'cu penfilis,e,a. 473. 745 766 85 , lus, i. m. » 18. 3r , penfito, as. pcnfos « •• •
203. 742
.Patria, ae.
PE R 877
9* perna,ae,f.
41 I
8zz. penfùm, i, m. 498. 61 1 perficio,eci,ére. 884 pernicies,eif. * … 3oo,8oz. perfidè.919. dus,a,um. pernicitassf , 17r Pentaphyllum,i,n 136 816 Pernio,onis,m. 3o9 Pentccofte,es,f.648.779 perfiuo,&re. 44ojperno&to,as. 483 penuarium,i. £ I I Perfodio,êre. 248[pernofco,&re. 359 penula,ae,f. 52.7 'pero;önis,m. 48r 481 Perforo,as. penuaria,ae. 848 Perfugium, i, m. 663 peroro;as. 75z Peplum,iyi$ 13 ' 716 perpendiculum,i. 526 733 'perperàm. 8oo Pepo,ónis. 123.125 perfun&oriè. per»fr. . II7.2.43.272 pergamena,ae. 731 |perpcs,ëtis,a. 344 pera,ae,f. 486 Pergo,rexi,&re. 886 perpetro,as. 799 Pera&tus, a, um, p. 439 Pergula,ae,f. 546 perpetuò. 48,838 -
perhibco, es, zr 5. 313 perpetuus,a,um.
perago,ére,ib. $15.632 955
273 perfepto;as.
783 Pericarpium,i.
2I I
• 1 zo|perrumpo,&re. 465 [per fe. _
Periculofus,a,um. 684|perfequor,&ris.
Percello, culi, ulfum, Periculum, culi, m. 321 [perfevero,as. êre.
659 |perplexus,a,íí.622.933
9oa . I 17
414 897
Percipio,epi,ère. 356 perimo,emi,ëre. ' 31 i Iperficus,a,um.
Percitus,a »um.
531.867] perfifto,&rc.
percölo;as. 269 Periodus, di, f. 41. 31o|perfolvo;êre. 7zz. percontor,aris.7.6.836 747|perfona,ae,f. 87o. 935 783 ] , natus,a,um. ib. perculfus,a,um. 7i6 periæci. vercuffio,f. 317 peripheria,ae. 759| perfono,as. 679 »ercutio,ffi,äre. 187 Perifcelis,ídis. 514 Iperfpicilium,i. 769 »erdifco,&re. 4 Peripetafma,ätis,n.954|perfpicio, exi, ère. 354 »erditio,f. 919 Peripneumonia,ae,f.3oo]. 356 'erditè. 829. tus,a,um. perifteron,ei,m. I 1 54|perfpicuus,a,um. 769 799 perifterotrophiü,ii,n.ib.|perfto,as,iti. $ 36 erdix,icis,eg. 15o periftroma, n. 571.679] perftringo ère. . 95£ erdo,ídi,ëre. 947 periftylium,i. 616 |perfuafió,f. 358 erduelIio,onis,m. 669 peritia,ae. 35 $ | perterreo,es. 668 -
ib. Peritonaeum,i.
eregrè. 481" peritus,a,um. :regrin$r,2ris. 48o perjurus,a,um. :regrinus,a,um. 621 perlëgo,ère. :rendie.
976 permaneo,es•
' 3o7 |pertica,ae.
rendinus,a,um. 976 permiftus,a,um. - 267 rennis,e,a, ' | rennosas,
476 [pertinácia, ae. 812. aci 689] tèr. 876 74o|pertinax;âcis,4. 563 981 |pertineo,es,entum. 449
i18 permitto;ére. 44-466|pertingo,igi;a&tum.783 I 2.5 permultus,a,um. 818}pertranfeo,ire. 54* 972. permutatio,f. ' 7** [perturbo,as, 36 . pcr
· · · P ET pervägor;aris,d. , perverfitas,f.
41 philomela,ae,f. 798 philofophia,ae.
373 philofophus,i.
P IS 153 pinafter,tri,m.
'I I I
993 piacerna,ae,m. 992 pinetum,i. ' '
9o7 pingo,ëre,piétum. 5o9 philtrum,iy. , • 747.771 935 philyra,ae. • pervicax,acis,4, 898 phlebotomia,ae. 791 pinguedo, înis. pingue 85z phlegma,ätis,n. 27* 432 pervideo,es. fco,ére,p;c. z7o 136 phlegmone,es,f. 316 pinguis,e,a. pcrvinca,cae,f. I68 pes,èdis,m. 86. 2o4.215 phoca,ae. Pinna;ae. ... I 43346
phoenix,icis,f. 864 phofphorus,i.
z57.3o9.65 i
542. peffùlus,i. 468 peflùm. 177 pefümdo,as3z8 peftifera,um. 3 14 peftis,is,f. 42. I . petafosónis. 481 petafus,i. petaurifta,æym. 945 I 19 petiolus,i. 659 • petitio,onis,f peto,ivi,ëre. 693.873 petorritum,iym, 455 78. 2oo petra,ae,f. petrofelinum,i. 126 77 petrofus,a,um. petulans,tis,a. 183.612
pinfo, ui, iftum, êre.
Izv744 pinus,us,f. pipio,ire.oànis,m. 147
2.8 phrenefis,is,f. ib. piper,ëris,m. I 32.326 phrenitis,ídis,f. phrygius,a,um. o,onis, pirata;æ, m, 483. ticus,
377 pifcatio,f. tor, öris, m.
;£us. iaculum,i.
951 64I
I 15
torius,a,um.pifcina, aesf. pifcor,aris. cir 4z7' culus,i.
piféis,isym. 43.163.436
12; 4ot pi$tor,cris,m. , 77o iftillum,i,n. 4o6 679 iftor,öris. pi&tura,ae. 4o* * 1 58 piftrinum,iy. pi&tus,a,um. I 28 pietas;atis f. 596.994 pifum,i,n. 820 886 jitiflò,as. p:tulcus,a,um.18.183 piger,gra,um. 27z sucedanum,i,n. 136 piget,uitjitum,eft. 873 pituitasaesf. 5o3 pigmæus,i,m. p3xus,a,um. 976, 238 pius,a,um. 77o pix,icis,f. 316 pigmentum,i. Phagedæna, ae. 334 7o8 pignus;örisy.phalanx»gis,f. 895 862 Placabilis,e,4. 4o8 343 pigritiasæ$f. phantafia,ae. 887 placenta,æ. phantafma,tis,//. 987 pila,ae,f. 47o.538.94t. placeo, cs. 361. fi dis phantafticus,a,um 865 pilentum,i. 586 . 455 placet. 7o2. pileo,onis,m. r . pharetra,ae,f. 9o3 3o7 placidè. pharmacopoka, lae, m. pileus,i,m.um,i, n. 5o7 placitum eft, 979 796 ' ; 51 4 placo,as. 9o8 pharmacum,i,n.. ibid. pilofella,ae,f. I 34 plaga,ae. 317. pläga,æ. 627 pilofus,a,um. pharus,i. I441 56. 76. plagæ, arum. ' 471 pilula,a. phafelus,i,m.f. 425 * 79» I 28, pi lum,i. phafeolus,i m. 4o2. plagiarius,i. 669 1 5o pilus,i,m. phafianus,i., 867 .3o6.328 plagium,i. 993 5impinella,ae,f. 136 plagulasae. - 5 r 393* philologia,ae. -
plan -
Po L
planca,ae,f. planétus,usym.
38o Plus,uris,pl.res, a. 491 | ponderofus,a,um. 9s. 33 i | 596.612.963] pondo,n.ind. 765.
plancus,i, ' '
289] plufculùm.
437]pondus,eris,n. -
676] ponto, Önis,m.
| |i ,
336 951
625 -
• 78 jpodium,iy.
plantoyas. ' ' 439] Podagra,ae. 3o9 823|popellus,i. planus,a,um.
jj || j || i {!
planta;*;f: . Io5.237] Pocillatorym. 533] podex,ícis,m.
planè. ? | 326. 994] plufquam. ponè., 458.624. planeta;æ;m. 32 | pluteus,i,m. 63o]pono,pofüiëre. 4.624. plango;êre. 963 pluvia;£ fyr. 481, 545] Pons,tis,m. ticulus,culi, planities,eif. 78] pluvialis,e,a.69.vius,a,]' 473.615 plantago,f. 134]I um. 64 | pontifex,icis,m. 643; 382 Ipoculum,i.
f'Í, |j fi;,
Po R .
268] popina,ae,f. 546] poples,itis,m.
i'i, -
j| ;!
pfaftes;æ,m. . . 771 [pœna, ae, f. 662. 823 [poppyfmus,i. : - 177; platänüs,if. I 13 | | . . 869 |popularis,e,a. 691.84r 616 | pœnitens,tis.
}| „ !
jj ,
[pœnitentia;æ. 631.989 || tio, f. populor,aris, 456|Pœnitet;img. ' 9o7|i . . . j3 331] Poenitudo,f. 367]pöpulus,i,m. 684; 289 | 5cfis,is,fî 75 I |pópulus,i f. I I2, ' 453[poeta;zym, 754. taftcr»|popyfma,atisyi. 451' 634| 15i. 826 Iporca,ae,f. 39z. ibid. fiia*, 444 porcellio,m. 223 • »[céto,xi;xum,ère.669 polio,ire. Qyonis. 532]porcellus,i. 185, '77z776] Politias££ 649]Porcile,is,n. 433
plauftrüm,i,n. plaufus,us,m. »lautus,i. ' ' lebeius,a,um. »lebifcitum,i. »fcbs,ebis,f. ' .
776 lenilunium,lunii. 3or iollco es,p c. ^' 5*8jjollexjcis,m. •
4o8|porcus i,m.
j }
. .j i '; i
' ; ;
i i
, £ ;
; ', ;
197]porofus,a,utm. • , 497. . z6z [porphyrites,is,m. §7.
f;i 1, 1 ;
i; ! i;;
leuritis,ídis,f. I 3o6|polonus,i.
lica,ae, o, as, ui, ávi. [polymitarius,i.
|oratus,us. loro,as.
675 | portatilis 34.
;' i'
355[polypus, &dis, n $ 89o | 316]|ggTj;! porticus,ijs,f.,
6.£ 16
luma,ae.eus,a,um. 572] pomarium,i.
614 |portitoryofis.
luo, ère. lurimum.
■ i ;
5o4| polypodiutm,ii,n. 136 portendo;ére. 64.399,
fi '
586] portus,m,um,i,n. 131 . 31 |porta,ae,f. 615 .
38o [polus,i,m.
144 pomerium;iy.
iáí|pompa,* f. 641. 969|portiuncula,ae- 558 . . 5o|pofíum,i,n.326.mu§,1 1i1 || portorium,i,n. porto,as. . _ , .$. 486 , &#7.796 ; ' -
urimus,a,um,. 739 pondero;as.
767]portulaca,z. 116.136 portus,
i. ; '
lenus,a,um. 373 [pollicéor,eri. . . 856 Iporígo, nis,f . 36 . lerique, æque, 959]porrigo €t9: ' ' aqüé i iz [pol]in$tüs,a,um. [pollubrumii. 356| J (eg) e$t, 564.758 lcrumque. 294.689|polluo,&re,utum. 827] Porrò. , 864-886. '
i' ;
. £|;. ; -
íi [*;
i }j
ij i
Jlf ||
* , P R •AE
P O S.
• P R •/£
47o] praebeo, cs. 414. 3o8 praeguftator,m.
pofca;æ f. ..
pofköpöpofci,&;c.472 [Præcedo,ôte. 35.769
praejudicium,i. prae libogas.
676 *
661 557
' ' 7oo |praeceps,ipitis,a. 458 praelior,aris. lium, i,m.
64 I .7o8.7 1 1 pofitus,a,um,p. 732 | Przcentor,m. 773 773 poffèffio,f. . 868]praeceptor,óris,m. 725 præludium,i.
631 præludo,ére. * ib. 91 1 ] Præcinétorium,i. 5i3 Praemando;§re. 249 752. -poffideo(páti, fedeo)es, [præcinoui,&rc. 773 praemcditatë. edi. 686.848[praecipio, cpi , cptum, praemitto,ère. ib. 869 pofiùm, tes, ui. 2. IIo êre. . 81 3 praemium,iy. I, 48o.687.8o3 | przcipitium,i. 46o praemopeo, es. munio, ire. 974 poft. 258.4o3.752. [Præcipito,as. 8o8 pofteà. 117. Poftea-||praecipuè.6oI.us,a,um. praemonftro,as. 736 poßeßorjoris. ib.74ο[Præceptum,i,n. poßibilis,ea.
•_ w
252 |præcisè.
567 495. 856
um.ri,orüni. 6o4. 976|Praecludo,fîère. 54. pofthabeo;es. pofthac.
Praenuncio, as. cius, a, um, 64. I60 Præoccupo,as.661. 9o4 præopto,as. 817
653 præparatio,f.
976 [præconium,1.
841 Præparo,as,
pofthumus,a,um. 6o6[PræcgncePtus,a,um. 6 praepes,ëtis,a. pofticus,a,um. poftilena;æ.
poftis,is,m. poftliminio. poftmodùma. poftpono,&re.
• 547 [Praecöquus,a,um. 12o praepilo,as.
452]Praecordia,orum,v. 276 præpondero,as. 763 541 [præcox,öcis,a. I 18 præpono,ëre. 841 {868]praecurfor;5ris,m. 313 praepofitus,i,m. 638 396|Praeda,&,f. 211.323 praepofteras,a,um. 814 84o praedcftino;as, 976 præproperè. 733
præputium,i. poftquami. 44o8oI [Prædico,ëre. poftremò. 45. mus, a,|Praedico;as. 631.644 Præruptus,a,um. um.
299 796 I5z
1 16.78o|Praedium,i,n. 386.686 praes, dis,m.
648 xoo 862
poftridie. 592. Praeditus,a,um.142.799 praefagio,ire. 64.813 poftulosulas. 6o8. 64o|Praedo,ónis,m. 975 862 |praedor,aris. ' 485 ib. praefagium,i,n. ••
673 |praefe&us,i,m. potentia,ae. 693 |praefero;fuli. poseftas,f. -6 1 o.673 |praefica,ae,f. 'potior,iri. 673 [Praeficio;£ci,&re. potens,tis.
potiffifnum. 279.618]praefinio,irc. * potio,onis,f. 792 [praefifcini. potiùs. 49o.683 [praefocatio,f.
poto;as. 82o. tor» oris.]PraeformQ,as. Potus,us,m. IRrae,
823 [praefra&è. 449 [Prægnans,tis,4. 265.298|prrgravo,a s.
praefcio,ivi. 976 praefcribo,ere.609.Prfi, i.
841 963
praefidium,i,n. 681.7 1 9
417 praeftans,tis,p. 292. ntia,*, * .\ •
* .
praefens,tis,4. 63 3. 916 697 Praefentaneus,a,ii. 793 4 I4 386 præfepe,is,n. 793 praefertim. * 95 294 praefes,ídis,cg. \ 66z 79x praefidiarius,a,um. 718
I4 I
P R •AE PRI praefterserisym. 213 prelum,i,n. 448.748 praeftituo,ere. . 386 premo,fi;&re. z6z.44o praeftigiae,arum. ator, Prenfo,as. 321.435 95 I presbyter,ri,m , mg. . 639 745 prefsè. 116. fus,a,um. przftö.
praefto,as, iti. 175.448
- P RQ probrum,i,n. , 87e probus,a,um. 85.8oo. procacitas,f. 83o procax,acis,a.
procedo,ëre. 464.84o
44o.fus,us. * ^32o |procella,ae,f. 466.ofus»
666. 8o8. 86o. 863 pretiofus,a,um. 89. ti-| , a,um. 56 ftat.2.82.488 um,i. 496] procëres,umym. 686 praeftölor,aris. 789 pridianus,a,um. 431 | Proc£fus,a,um. 315 przftringo,ëre. 951 pridem. 594|procido(alo)ëre,fc.64 præful,ulis,eg. 638 pridie. 976|procinétus,us. 557 præfultor,m. 943 primas,atis,m. 64o|Procio;as. „ 589 28r praefum,es. 638 primitiae,arum. 639] Proclivis,e,4. præfum9;êre. 694 primitùs. 5zz|proconful,íílis,/w. 65 £ praetendo,&re. 868 primò zr7.267|procraftino;as. 886 praeter.praetenuis,e.935 primogenitus,a,ii. 6o8| procreatio,f. 146 praeterea. 3 primordium,iy. 3o4|procudo,ere. praetereo, ire. 9o2.993 primores,um,m. 267 | procùl. ítus,a,um.
495 757
primùm.25 1.3o3. us,a,lprocurator;».
um.8.2o3.273.946|Procurro,ére. 464 princeps, ìpis, c.g. 227|procus,i¤m.
947 59r
682.7o9|prodeambulo;as. 615
88 ; praetextus,us,m. * 817
principium, pii. ro. 93 |prodeo, dire. 746. 889
prætercurro. .
7o9. piò.
prætor,öris. 658:orius, prior,us,a. 233.638 [prodigium,i;i. 973 a,um.468.476. um,i. prifcüs,a,um. ' ' 96 1 |prodigo,egijérc. 832 8o1 |proditor,örisyn. 722 . 624 priftinüs;a,um. . _ prævaricatoryv. 667 privatus,a,um.686.tim.|prodo,îdi;érc. 19o.838 praevaricor,aris.
praevenio,ni,ire. 6.813 privignus,i. 6oo |prodromus,i. praevideo,es. 976.8o8 privilegium, i. giatus,|produco;ére.
918 676 978
praevius,a,um. 752. 732 619 [præmium,i,n. a,um. , prandeo,es, di. prandi privo,as. 868] profanus,a,um. 64*. um,i.fus,a,um. 568 priùs. 836. priufquam.lprofe&ò. 497 prafemus,i,m. 167 1 14 'profe&tus,a,um. 646 262.451.574 profero,rre. 431.56z. prafinus,a,um. 336 pro. pratum,1,n. - 418 proavia,ae f. 6oz, profeftus,a,um. . 887 pravus,a,um. 931 proayus,i,m. 6o»'proficio,&ci,&re. 73*
probatus,a,um.',,661 proficifcor, ci, fe&um.
precis,em,e£s;um. 496 probè.*
precium,i;m. ibid.827 problcma, blemätis, m. profiteor;$ti. 655.659 preco,onis,m. 63 I 75o|profligo,as. 717 precor,aris, 881.998 probo,as. 3I 5 83.577 |profluo;ére. prxhcndo,ëre, 195. 531 probofcis,ídis, 19o|profluvium,i. 67. 3o3 pre
profugus,a,um. profunditas.f. profundus,a,um. profusè. proh. progenero;as. ,
67: ' 465
promufcis,iáis f. 196 proß;*f.
pronepos,ötis, m. pro-|ProfàPia,*,f.
474|. neptis,is,f.'^
6o4] Profceniüm,i. 84o Pronubus,a,um. 591 profcindo, êre. 747 |Profcribo,ére. 586 pronúncio,as.
6oi 95 4
391 67z
Ę , £|£££££. *7*
6o 1 propago;as. I, 439] Profequor, éri
propaülüs,a,umi. 954 [Profpc&to, as.
prográfirma;átis;n. 677 propè. 283:757.779 [Profpergera,um. 383 995 [Profpicio,exi,ëre. 8o4 progredior»di. 43.734 propediem. 464] profternó,ére. . $$ progreflùs,us. 734. 967 propello,ére. progymnafma, átis, 72. propemodum. . . 5oz [proftituo (ftatuo.) 4:8 737
proftibulum i.
propendeo,es.284. 3or], propendeo, £; ,
prohibeo, es, 44. 546 -
992 | profto,as,iti.
prophetá,ae,m. . 644] profum, áes. 88; projeétura,ae.' 546 propino, as. . . 564[protego,ére. 513. 984 7oz Proje&tus,a,um. 77z propinquus,a,um. 186] Protclo;as.
• projeétitius,a,um. z 4
, 593 [protero;êre. s5 projicio,&re. 278. 546 proinde. 273.866 propitius,a,um. . 996 [protervia, ae. 999. vus prolabor,bi. 307.98r propola,aeym. *. 49 z || a,um,téryè.6iz.8 proleéto;as. z68 propon6,&re. 651. 75z |protefòr,aris. 664 proles,is,f. 595 proportio,f. ohatus, a, [Prothyrum,i. 45o 237.242. [protinus. 742. prolctarius,a, um. 654 um.
' •
' 749]protrudo, ere. . 117
£? protubero, as. 245. 256 prolicio,&re. 792. yropofitum,i,n. prolixè,752.xus,a,um. proprietas, f. tariüs, a,| proturbo,as. 713 • * . 25 I | um. 6o8] Prove&us,a,um. 233 roluo,ëie. 56z 523.795] Provenio, ire. I 39 Ε, 'es, f. c. z6z proprius,a,um propter. 4*] proventus,us. 335 -nens,tis. 249. 283 proptereà. . 834| proverbium, i. 197 promifcuè. 7 f4 [propudium i, _ 828; . .,; . 753 promiflim,i. promifüs,a,umii.
853 propugnaculum,i. 61 3|providcntia,ae- 971. de. z;r propugno;as. 7 18] 726 promitto,&re. 586.8;« propulfo;as. 95o|provideo;es. 8o4. 813 45o|provincia, e. _ 683 proino,pfi ere.445.7o. propylæum, i. Fromontoriuin,i. 74 prorâ,ae,f. I , 463 |provoco,as- 664-95o. promotio f. . 87o prorex, égis,m. 677|prout. 22. 856. 926 promoveo;es. 737 prorito, as. * . 316 |proxeneta, ae, m. 49* promptias. 7o1 proripio, ère , eptum 591.9 1 r. promptu,abl. 742. 2o4] proxime. 97 promptuarium,i. 4a 1 prorumpo, ère. ' 86|proximus,a,um.38.923 - 434] prudens,tissa. 355 promulgo,as. 664. 677 proruo,&re. • *
Proinus,i,m. -
431 ' .
prorfum. 172. sùs. 7o3|prudcntia,ae. ' ' 8o . Pruna,
P 7^ R
,: pruna;*f ,
46 Ipulegium,i.
I, Prunusj,f. … -prunum,i,n.
I 1 I fpulex,icis,m. Izo Pulicaria,ae,f. 316 [Pullatus,a,um.
I, prurigo,inis. 1 pruriojre.
319 |pullities,ei.
: Pruritus,us.
294 iPullulo,as. 63o [pullus,i,m.
I47 1 57
Pufillanimis,e,a. 885 Pufillus,a,um. 225
j pfecas;ádis,f. … pfittacus,i,m.
I47. 179 Pufio,Önis,m.
5 I jpulmentum,i. I6I [pulmo, onis.
3 I6
Pufula,ae. 32o 275 putâ. I 683. 758.861 3i6 Pulpa;ae. 241.421.529 Putamen,inis,n. 1 z 1
pfora,ae,f. Ę.
* * pfyllus,i. .
* ptifana,ae. * Pubes,is,f.
792. {pulpamentum,i. 82o I33|Pulpitum,i,n. 631. 738 3I2]Pulfo»as. 54o.773.777 3 II |puls,tis,f. 4Q2 4oi Ipulfus,us,m. 629 2.55 Ipulvillus,i. 464
* pubefcoäte,f.c. * publicanus,i.
231 | Pulvinar,áris, m. nus» i. 677 572.
É·, f. *
ib. [pullusa, um. 334. 959 Puftula,ae.
* Pfalmus,i,m.
Purulentus,a,um. 31 5 2 18 Purus, a, um. 95. 731 134 935-Purus-putus.97.
~ pthyfis,is,f.
81 7o3 772.
5 1 1. 746 Ipumex,icis,m.
- 582.
pudenda,orum,n. 255 lpumilio, onisyn. 582 Pudet, imp. pudicitia,ae.
9o8|Pumilus,i,m. 827|pun&tim.
Puto,as. 284- 382. 733
6zo. 63o.in publico. pulvifcgfus,i.
putidé 751. dus,a,umi.
* publicè. 687]pulvinus,i,m. publico;as. 677|pulvis,ëris,m. f. publicus,a,um. - 476
Puteo, es, f. c.
238 317
pudor,oris,m. 375.586|Punétum,i,n. 747. 957
putredo,inis,f. ' 528 putrefacio,ëre. 31 ; putrefco,ui,&re. 298 putridus,a,ii. 318. 329 Pylorus,i. 267. 268 Pyra,ae,f. 123. 961 pyramis,idis,f. • ' 759 pyrafter,i. III pyrallis,idis. 223 pyrauftasae. 223. 224 pyrites,æ;m. 9o. pyrobblus,i,m. 71 z.
pugl1a,ae.lus,i. 8.231 [Pungo» Pupugi , Pun pyrus,i,fum,i,m. 941 I
puer,ëri, m. puerilis,e,a. pueritia,ae.
pyxis,ìdisf. 463. 796
236.777 [puniceus,a,um. 941 |Punicum, i. '
I 23
235 [punio,ire.
87 I
246 6o6
quadantenùs. quadra, ae.
puerperium,i, M.
598 Pupilla,ae,f. 595 [pupillus,i.
pugi1·î1is>m. I,
quadragefima,ae. 779
337 uá. 478. 614.783
Pugillares,ium,m. 731 |pupus,i,m, 233 quadrangulus sa » um. 76r pugi11us,i. 764|purè. . ' 747 »ugio,önis>m. 7I3|Purgo,as,34o. 45o. 792 quadrans, tis,'m. 6o8 -
»ugna sæ-no,as.
iugrussi. uIcher,cra,um.
uf chritudo,f.
7 I1 26o | purpurasae.
9o8 173
76 $
quadranta!, alis,/.763 337 quadrantariasae. 827
guadiatusa;quadrien 278.759
* _*-
42u I .
quadricnnium, i. 78. [quemadmodum. 839 qwomodò. quadrigae, arum. 435] quco, ire. 669 [quercetum,i.
quadringenti,ae, a. 495 [quercus, us,f.
336 I2.2
quomodocunque. 99r quondam. - 398. 669 quoniam.
37f quadrivium,ii. m. 478f querela,ae. 367 quöque. quadro»as. 314. 794] queror,ri,eftum. ib.662 quoquoverfum , quo •quadrupes,&dis,a. 1431 querqucdula, ae. 1 5 1 quoverfus. 274 quadruplator, m. 917] querulus, a,um. - 885 quorfum. 74^.78; quadruplum, i. 689] quiae,d. 4. 12. 396 quot. 8zz. quotannis,
3**| qui. 1» 9- quia. 94. 35o 726;quicum.
quotidianus,a,um. dié.
quaefo, quaefùmus. 16jquicquid. 43. 61. 3o4
quaeftio,önis,f. 75o 363. 834 quotus,a,um. 77: quaeftor, öris, m. 677 quicumque. 45.75o.856 quoufque, 783. 884 uaeftus,us,m. 49o;quid. z. 6. 321 quum * 371. 784 -
918, quidam, aedam. 53. i 13 v45] . zz1. 795
327] quidem. 565. 659 qualitecunque. 991}quidni ? 493 qualus,iyn. 433, quies , Etis. f. quiefeö, quämtban. . 39. 23 o|| §re. 79o
Abies, ei, f. 188 rabula, ae, m. 660 racematio,f. 439
• 28:. 661. 895. ijomo.] quieté.
36. quilibet,x.&c.687.781
radicatus;a;um. 8o1 radius,ins. 4oo. 437
quamºbrem. 348. 87o quin. 63. 124-795.136 •quamdiu. 46, quincunx, cis, m. 38. radux, dix, icis, f. io5. £3 387 - quamvis. quando.
1 98 quinimo. 54 quinque.
74 I 26I
rado,fi, äre. radula, ae.
quandoque, 198. 5o3 quinquefolium,ii,n. 136 raja;æ f. •
593, quintilis,is,m.
ralla;æ f. .
8o1 quippe. 3o. 267. 8* 1 rama papyr.
584 434 τ68 391
53*. 73.573 quiritor, aris. 187 ramentum,1. 866 quis, ae, od.62.348.49o ramcx, ícis,m. 3o7 ioy quantumvis. 183. 388 quifham,aenam,d. 78. ramus,i,m. 9* quantus,a,um, 852. quifpiam. ... 128 ramufculus,i. rana,ae,f. z12 quapropter. 968. 478 quaquaverfum. . 274; T * 32. 795. 815 ranceo,es. 198. cidus;a,
íátis» quifî
quarc. $uartana, ae.
.749 quifquiliæ, f. 31 I quifquis.
58z 13. 5 5
rapa,ae,f. 1 16 148 quafi. 269.733.757 quivis, ae, d. 44. 885 rapax, âcis, 4. quaflo,as. 453. 538 quò. 1 16.468.473.475 raphanus,i. . 1 >6. 566 quatenus. * 1o7 quò-eö. 446. 6zz. rapidè. 69. dus» a, um. 466 quatio,is,êre. 1 38 quoad. 86o. quocirca. quatriduè. 63*] ?8o rapina, ae. 867
<juatuor, imd. •;. ***, quòd.
65 I
rapio,ui;aptum,ère.846 -
' R EG raptim99z.pto,as.668 precordor,aris. ' 348)refigo;ére. . . 686 raptum,i. 126. ptus, us.[recrementum,i. 97.407]rgflorcfco,ui,&re. 419 K E C.
' R E ID
644]recreo;as. rapum,iy.
° ' 35o|refluo,êre. '
i zo|refocillo, v. focillo.'
I 26 [recrefco,&re;
rarita$f 23. rarò. 8o 1 |recrudefco, crudefcui,] refluxus,üs,m. * . 76, rarus,a,um.
752. |
318] refoveo,es.
rali;llum,i.ftrum,i.438] re&à. 475. &è. 77* |refra&arius,a,um. 433 ratihabitio,f. 654|re&or, m. 727. &us,a,[refragor,aris. 662.9o; ratio,onis, f. 3 33. 358 | um, »68.758 [refrigerium,i. 5y 3. ero, 661. 734. 752.866 recuper6,as. . 72o| * as. . 275
= *
. ratiocinor;aris. ratis,is,f.
- *
995] recurro;êre., 31 1.635 [refugio,öre.gium,i 625 749[recufo (caufâ) as. 876 ' 471 |recutittjs,a,um. * 648 [refulgeo;es. . 9oo]reddo, dáidi, &re. 188]refundo,&re.
- 673 . z68"
*, raucedof cefco,iii;ere.] ΤΆς.;33, 581.734] refuto,as. ' 75: … , , raucus,a,um. 275 858]regalis e,c.g.^ 133 „ ravisis. ib. |redemptor,m. 334 [regelat, : 54 ' III: * Rebellis,e,a. ravus,a,um, 337|redeo,ire. _ . . 721 [regermino;as. * 419 7 I7 redigo,(re,ago) egi,ëre] regero,ërc. 786, rcge -
* recalefco,&rc.' 358] °%;33;3ii39; | ftum. '** °. c. *
* 6o7
recedo,&re. 779]redimiculum, i. dimio, [regia,ae,f. * 679 recens.596. cens, tis.34] ire. 5 18] regimen,ínisyi. 623 118.318.431.686]redimo, (re,emo) emi. [regina,ae,f. . - 875 -
recenfeo,es. 695.785
72. [regio,ónis,f. I ,
receptator,m. cpto, tas.[reditus, us, m. 489. 682] regno;as.
783 , .
35» |redintegro,as.71 5.9r 1 fregius,a,um. 476. 877 669 |
- ' ' 674 685
rcceptus,us. 715. 716|rcdivivus,a,um. ^ zz6]rego,xi,&tum,êre. 978
624[redoleo;es. 328. 84. |regrcdior,dj,ffùm. 488
recidivus;a,um. 294] reduco,&re. 283. 782 ' , '734 recido, (cado) êre, ca-||redundantia,ae. 7 848] regurgito,as. . , 8zo fum ,
`529 |redundo;as.
recipio; cepi, ère. 189] reduvia;æ. z46.534.7*7|redux,ucis,a.
272 fregula,gulae f. 358.66z. , 285 || ;
758 • 1 56
489] regulus;i. .
reciprocus,a,um,cè. 75 jrefello,&ré. 752 [rejeétaneus,a,um. 74» recito,as. ' 734] refercio (farcio ) ire. fjii;i; êre. rejicu reclinatio.f. 574] ' , 1 45]: Iussa,um. ' 409 reclino»as. 57i|r&fero, ferre. 189. 68«|relabor,bi. . • • • 235
recludo (glaudh.) 348|T836, 854. refero, ac-|relatio,onis,f. 358 tüs, recognofco,&rc. 765 | céptum.' 866. refert.]. a,um. * * 647 récoIligo,ère. • 71 ; 71|relaxo;as. 268.939 reconcilio>as. .
5 zz | rclegatio f. ,
recondo,ère. 345 7oo|reficio, feci, cére. 3oz | relegatus,a,um. recordatio,f. 8 f 3 I, ' 558
relêgos *
. •I
R E M.
R £?
repetundae;arum. 868 refinus,a,um. 2o,315 refina,ae,f. 631 repleo,es. relino, evi, ère. 445 repo,pfi,tum;érc. 143 refipifcentia,*. relinquo,ère. 439.844 repono, ère. 228. 562. refipifcojs, êre. relëgo, ere.
reliquiæ, arum. 532. rcliquus,a,um. 29. 333 repofitorium,i. 593 repotia,orumym. reluétor,aris. 948 reprehenfio,f.
w) Iz4
' 63; 5i; 308
36» refolvo,ëre.
33* 59z refono;as,ui. 37i 87o refpc&us,us. , 43* refpicio,exi;ére 494.953 rcpraefento,as. remaneo,es. 497 remcdium,i,n. 79z reprimo,effi,ere. 894 300 275 817 refpiro;as. rcmcxjgis, m. rcmigo, reprobo,as. 2S. 464 rcprobandus,a,um. 799 refpondeo, es, di, 903 . reminifcentia,ae. 74i rcptilis,eya. 143.21 z. refponfum,i. -
rewinifcor.ci. p. c. 346 repto,as. remifsè. 886 {repudio,as.
645 29».816
. 333 remiflüs, a, ἀ. 31 o. 3o3 repugno;as. 899 reftibilis,ea. remitto,ére. 3 io. 496 repucrafco,êre.p.c. 235 reftio,onis. reftis,is,m. 775. 861. 868. 884
874 reftis,is,m.
remora, ae, f. repulfa,ae,f. remoror, aris, d. 487 repurgo,as.97. p go,as.9 387.4Ä reftito;as. 5 Io
reftituo,&re. 713,86,
remotus, ta, um. 1738
remulcus,i,m. 464 reputo;as. remuneror, aris. 878 rcquies,ei. remus, i, m. 464 requictus,a,um. ren, enis , m. 269. 276
957 274
refto,as,iti. refumo,&rc.
£04 •
requiro (quero.) 3o. retalio,as.
77z renafcor.ci. 419. 529 renideo, es. p. c. 845 requifitus,a,um. 573 renitor , ëris. 3o8 res, rei,f. z. Ic. 17.ere. 8o3. ad rem , â re. renovo;as. 538 renuncio;as. 836.989 I. 924. rem facere.485 abs re. 752. remha renuo,ere,fc. 903
retardatio,f. retardo,as. rete,is,m. retexo,&re.
' 33
447 304
reticulatus,a,um. 3°
fig ig
f; Ig
reticulú,i.4.8.31394 , retinacuîum,iy. 4* :;. repagulum,i. ' 635 refarcio,ire. 5o5.86o retineo,es,entum. 6° !lm 9o2 retorqueo;es. 1% m repandus,a,iï. 18o. 563 refaluto;as. 663 i| reparo,as. 538 refkindo,ére. , 663 retra&o,as. 8* repedo,as. 3 1 o refclndendus,a,ti p.793 retribuo;£re.
repcllo,puli;ére. 718 refcifco,&re. ' T 9r4
rependo;ére. -
318. 529 retrocedo,&re. 716
17* 548 retrorsùm. repentè. . 3 I4 refero,as. 975 repentinus,a,um. 883 refervo,as. , 49o. 796 revelo;as. 497 reveniô,ire. . 4* repercutio;ére. 332 refes,ídis,a. 986 34o reverâ. reperio;éri,ire. . 91 refídeo,es,edi. repcrtorium,i. 6o7' refiduus,a,um. 434 reverentia,a. 396 *** 50t t èr. 936|: repsto,ére. 189.734 refigno;as. • * • revcrtOy -
ff; í fì; fiv
tù fi,
IR IG* •. revertor,ti.
revincio,xi,ire. revoco,as.
revolutio,f. reus,a,um.
R 11 D 983 roboro,as.
rupes,is,f. 346 robur,örisyt. 529.6zz. ruricola,ae. 543 robuftus,a,um. 279 rursùm, fus. , 663
756 37. 27r 5o4 686
rogo,as.2.541 • 686.876 rus,ruris,//• 659.669 rogus,i,m. 669.96 i rufcus,i,m. . 674 &oma,ae. 84o. anus, a, rufùs,a,um. 34
781 Rhabarbarum,ri,n. 135 um• 33.27o rhcda,ae,f. 45 5 ros,orisym. rhctor, öris, m. rica,ae. rofa,ae,f. 133 73 1 rofcidus,a,um. 53 rheuma,ätis;n. 3oo rofmarinus,i. . 133 rhinoceros,ötis,m. 19z roftra, orum;.. 752. rhombus,i,m. 168. 499 roftratus,a,um. 144 759 roftrum,i,n. 145. 159
134.138 339
rufticè. 559. citas,fem. 84» rufticor,aris.
61 5
rufticula,ae,f. rufticus,a,um.
1 5o 686
. 135
rutabulum,i. 434 ruta caefa,orum,n. 848
437 rhomphæa;æ. fo9 rota,ae,f. rhoncus,i.ficiffo;as.352 rotatilis,e,a. 85. tus, a, rutilus,a,um.
É rotundus,a,um.
1 38
$ 13 rubellio, m. rubecula 218 I 55 187 ruber,bra,um337
ricinus,i. ri5tus,us,m.
845 rubeta,ae.
rideo,es,fi. ridica,ae.
S Abbathum,i,n.
fabellicus,a,um. 126 fabina,ae,f. fabulum,i,n.
138 82. '
fuburra,ae. ro,as. 468 439 rubetra,ae,f. I 5 ; faccarum,i,n. 121.316 ridiculus, a,um. lè.i56 rabicundus,a, um. bi facciperiüm,i. 486 rigeo,es,ßc.
rigidè.us;a,um.661.87 rubrica,ae.
2 r2
337 faccus,i,m. Io4
1 38 rigo,as. 382. rubus,i,m. rigor, öris, m. 32. 366» 1o ru&to;as. tus,us. 292 rudens,tis,mf. 466 432. riguus,a,um* 418 rudicula,z. rima,ae,f. 469 rudimentum,i. 993 97. 724 rimor,aris.' 359 rudisse,a. •
ringo,xi,&tum,ërc. 187 rudis,is,f. ripa,ae,f. rifcus,i,m. rifus,us,m.
, -
rudus,ërisy. rufus,a,um,
337 28o
rivulus,i. rivus,i,m.
rugio,ire. 65 rugitus,us. ib. rugofus,a,um,
facer,cra,üm. 633-642.
facerdos,or's,eg. 639 facoma.
facra,orum,n. 629.641 facramentum»enti. 634 697 643
3*3 facrarium,i.
532 331
rité.63 1.ritus,us. 939 ruga,ae,f. rivalis,is,e.g.
233 2o2. 292.
facrificium,i. ficulus, i. 64f
fàcrilegium,i. 864 facrilegus,a,um. 669 fæpè. fæpiùs.
rixa,ae: or;aris.
917 ruidus,a,um, -
faevitia,ae. 4oi fævus,a,um,
379 ruina,ae. ' .
§ 37
38; 896
, 644. agax,
423 fancio,xi,ire, 687.722
68 I 834 fatellitium,i. fagcna,ae,f. 427 fan&è. fagino, as. narium, rii. fan&iffimus,a,um rooo fatietas,tietätis. tio;as. 384 ..
63 I
393.699 fagitta, tae, tarius, i. 43, fandalium,i. 5 1 4 fatis. fat. , • 7o2.782 fandapila,ae. 959 fatifaccipio;&ré. 7 665 493. 586 fatisdo,as. ' 666 'fagum,i,n. 512.699 fanè. fal,alis,m. I. 1o4 falacitas,f. 826 falamandrasae. - 21 5 falarium,i. 727 falax,acis,a. 827 falebrae,arum,f. .
fanefco,&re,p.c. .319 fàtisfacio. 866. &tio, f. 63 I fanguis»inis,m. 136.268 -
fanguifuga,ae,f. _ 218 fativus,a,um. fanies,eif. 3 1 5.ofus,a, fatrapa,ae,m. upn.
318 faturjiira,um.
823 Saturnus,i, 4I falebrofus,a,um. 477 fanitas,f. ' 569 falés,ium,m. : 916 fanna,ae, nio,onis, m. faturo;as. 'falgama;orum,n. 566 844 fatyra,tyrae. 754. rus,i. 1 3 6.687 faliétum,i. I 1 4 fano,as. 239 787 fatyrium,ii,n. • • 136 falinum,i,n. 553 fànus,a,um. , , , , 443 faxifragia,ae,f. 136 'falio,ui,ltum,ire. 65 fapa,ae. . 83 446 faxum,i,n. falio,.vi,ire. 169.438 fapidus,a,um. -
355 Scabellum,i;t. ' 566 • faliva,ae. vo,as,53.788 fapiens,tis,a. , .. 824 fapientia,ae. 8 14 fcaber,bra,um. . . 86 3f6 falix,ícis,f. • I I 4 fàpio, ui,&re,/. c. 5 1 1 fcabies,ei. -*
. . 82o fcabiofa,ae,f. falfamentarius,i. 492 .falfamentum,i. 438 fapo,onis,m. . 581 fcabo,ére,f.c. 'falfugo,inis,f. ginofus, fapor,óris,m. . 324 fcabrities,ei.
io4 farcafimus,i.
a,um. `
falfus,a,um. 73.794 farcina,ae. faltatio,f. tor,m. 942 farcinator.
842. fcaevola,ae. 486 fcala,ae,f. 5o3 fcalmus,i.
265 544 264
542.849 farcio,fi,tum,ire. . ib. fcalpellum,i. 124 fcalpo,ére. ' 943 farcocolla,ae,f.
faltem. fafto,as.
farcoticus,a,um. faltus,us. 189.195.737 fàrculus,i. 'falvator,m. 972.995I farda,ae. falve.
faltuarius,i. •
, 379
falubris,e,a. falvia,ae. .falum,i,n.pl.c. falus,utis,f. fàlutatio,f.
73 i
26* 315 fcalprum,i, 389 38 1 fcamnum,i. ' ' ' 556 168 fcandalum,i.
fardofiyx,ychis,m.f. 9o fcando;êre.
83 5
. . zoo
7 1 3 fcandula,2.345.larius, , , 437 fàriffa,ae. i. - 533 335 farmentumvi. .' . 529
464 farracum,i. . 456.461 fcapha,ae. farrio,ire, ritio.f. 394 fcapula,ae. , I
47 t
431 fcapus, fcapi, maf. Izs
536. 544. 73 r fartor,óris,m. 5o4 76«; fa fvus, a, um. 489.869 fartus te$tus,a,um. 536 815 fcarabaeus,i, fambuca,a.775.cus,i,f fatago,egi,ëre. 2z. s. ' . I 33 fatanas;æ;m. 984 fcarifico,as, ' _ 58 s; faluto,as.
263 53z.
&ario »...….*.
S c I.
fcariola,ae,f. fcateo,es. fcaturigo,inis,f.
I 49
febaceus,a,um. , 743
68|fcoptulâ, e.
258 febum,i,n.
I I. 55 422.
65] [copulus,i. . 83.468 fecale,is,n.
• fcaurus,i,m.,
fceletoh,i,m. fcelus,ërisym.
fecna,ae icus,a,um. 382 |fcoria,ae. 356] [cortatio,f. - 674|fcortator m. 751 [fcorteus,a,um.
fcepticus,i. fceptrum,i,n. fchema;ätis,n.
fcheda, ae. 742.dula;æ.|fcortum,i.
fecedo;ére. .
1 36
feceflüs,us, m. 573.738 fecludo,fi,ëre.
I 47
2.15 feco,as,ui,&tum. . . 193 43 826
fecretarius,i. . ' 676 fecretus,a,um.z68.tutnj
827 i. 48r fe&a,*.
', 676.9 I4
827 fe$tilis,e,4.53o.&io, o ' 824 *72 1 nis,f. 653 fe&or,aris. 657 4o8 fecula,ae4I8
938|fcreo,as. -
527|fcriba,ae,m. 64o|fcriblita,ae.
fchidium,i, fchifma,ätis;n.
I 29
7o3 3 I3 97
954|fcorpio,m. fcenopegia,orum,n.648] (corpius,ii m.
623-724|fcribo, pfi, ptum, êre. feculum,i,n. 786. Ioco
fcholafticus,a,um. 728 ' 658.73 I fecum,abl. 657 53o fecundarius,a,um. 4o7 fciens,tis,a. 835.ntia,ae. [fcriniarius,i. 357.99»|fcrinium,i. 552.848 448 631 686[fcriptorius,a,um. 1738 fecundò.467.ndum.279 fcilicet. -
fcindo,di,flum, êre. 93 Ifcriptum,i,n.
5o4 |fcriptura,ae. -
fcintilla, ae.44.llo;as.43|fcróbiculus,i. fcio,ire.
325.993 Ifcrobs,obis,f.
fciographia;æ.” 323 Ifcropha, ae.
529 596
fecundus,a,um467,88z. 29z fëcuris,is,f. 525 42. 3 fècurus,a,um., , 787 I 85
189 87o
fciolus,a,um. fciotericum,i.
285 fcd. 84o] fcrophula;æ. 5.43. I 3o. 472. 772 | fcrotum,i,n. 182.3o7 fedentarius,a,um. 568
fcipio,önis,m. fcirpus,i,m. fcifcitor,aris. • fciffus,a,um;p. fcitamentum,i. •
481 | fcrupulosè. . . . 136 fedeo, es, di, ffum. 463 14o|fcrupulú,i.765. lus,i. 84 478] fcruta,orum,n. tarius,i. fedes,is,f. . ' 492 fedigitus,i. 554] _ * . 769 fedilc;is,^. 4o8] fcrutor,aris.'
675 ib. 265
* 556
fculpo, pfi,ôre.lptile,is 27 , fedimentum,i. fcitum,i. 663.tus, a,um.] 771 934 I _ m.^ feditio,f.691.ofus,a,um .•
ziol fcurra,ae,m.
843 fedo,as. fclopetum. tarius, rii,| fcurrilitas,f. * 23o.69r , 566 feduco;ére. ' 479.6: . fclopus,i. 7o3.941| fcutella;æ. fcobina,ae. 532 | fcutica,ae,f. 4o9.668 fedulitas f. 99. fcobs,obis,f. 539 | fcutulatus,a,ii.226.339 fedulus,a,um. lo. 886 fcolymus,i.
126] fcutum,i,n.
168] fcyphus,i,m. 562.823 feges,ëtis,f. 54.394 3 t 9 fegmentatus ayum. 55 1 794| fcyrrhus,i,m.
fcomma $tis;n. ,
699 fedum,i:
V 3.
1 25
tarius,i. 675. tum, i[£ntina £. 4691{erpens,tis,.g. 213.669 ' 517|fentio, fi, fum,ire. 34o|ferpetaftrâ,βl.m. 230 fegnis,e,a. 886], _.. 328.3979*g|£rpyllum;i133 fegnitics,eî,f. 887[fentis,is,m. 138|ferpo.pfi,ëre. 213.314 fegrego;as. 23.4o9|fentus,a,um. 339[ferra,*f. 529. rarius,i. £jugés;umym. 7 433[£orfum. 796 532 èjungo,ère. * 594 £paratim. 429 £rro,as. 529 felibra,ae,f. 735|feparatiof. z68[fertum,i,n. m 33 feligo (lego) -
egi, ère. I£Par9;as.
A51 'I fepimentum, i.fepes, is.[fervitium,i,n. 686.698 434 | . ffepio,pfi,ire. 38e|{ervitus,ütis,f. 61o
fellarius,i,m. femel.
z3r.8o6 | feplafiariiis,i.
femen,inis,n. 114.381 |[epono;êre. 745 [fervo,as. 5*2.552,834 {ementis,is,f. 387|feptem ind. 3z |fervus,i,m. 61o femeßris,e,a. 779|!eptember,bris,m. 78o|fefquiannus,i. 39 feméfus,â;um. 431 [fepteni,ae,a. 495 76; femiannus,i. 39[feptentrio,önisyn. 88|feffilis,e,a. 566 femico&tus,a,um. 438[£ptentrionalis;e,a. 56[feffio,onis,f. 258 feminarium,i. 381 [feptimana,ae. , ' 397|feffor,oris,m. • 176
39o|feptum,i. 67.276.41r'feftertius,i.
65 •, feta,ae.426. 5o6. taceus,
femiffis,is, m. 495.6o8] fepulchrum,i.
961 ] . a,um. 58r 956 ifeu. 38z feverus,a,um. 83*.
femodius,i. femper.
765] fepultura;æ. \ 476|fequax,acis,4. 764|{èquefter,tra,um. 799.887] fcqueftratio,f.
637}fex. ` 664|fexagena;æ.
fempiternus,a,um. 996jfequior,us. femuncia,ae.
9o [fexaginta. 763|fequor,qui,cutum. 36}{extans,tis,m.
651|fera, æ, f. 348. rarius,i.|fextarius,i.
fenatus,us,m. 649. 661
'fenatufconfultum,ti. n.] ferenus,a,um. 674] feria,ae.
' fenior,oris. fenfim
763 - 78o
532. [fextilis,is,m. . 64 [fexus,us. , 795 44o|Si• 2.1 I.8o.81
fenccio,onis,m 134.234 ferica,ae. cum, ci. 2i9| fibilo;as. feneétus,utis,f. 235 51 I | fic. . fenex,nis,a. feni,ae,a. fenilis,c,a. fenio,onis,m.
756 49$
213 . 3o7.979
236, feries,ei. 138. 248.6o4] fica,ae.713.arius,i. 669 265jferiò. 9o8.-us, a, um.] ficcaneus,a,um. 418 233 939.989 | ficco,as. ib.
941 ; fermo,onis m. … 747 [ficcine ? 99z. 9or! fermocinor,aris. 9i6 |ficcus,a,um. 1 36 331 8or fero,vi,fátum,ère. 1 3o|ficilitüs,a,um. 4r8
fenfus,fenfus. 14* 341 férô. 267.8oi |ficubi., … 67 747.75r ferofus,a,um. 169| ficut. T 696 fcntcntia,ae, 631.75 1 I. ferotinus,a,um. 1 18 | fideratio, f. 3 1 ;. 3 16 -
§ IM
ideratus,a,um. ido, fedi, êre.
idus, ëris, m.
383 finifter, tra, um. 53. 778 finiftrorsùm.
jgillo,as.Ium,i. -
936 863
84o finus,us.um,i. L 415 finuofus,a,um. . 479 folco,es,'tus fum. 188 . $4 fipariuni,i. 236. 329. 624. 673 fipho, onis. unculus, i. folers,tis,a. 355 445. 583 folicitè. 886. tudo , f. 583 fi phon,onis, 364 49I 23o folidarius,i. fiquando. 536 376.69r folido,as. fiquidem. fiquis;a, d. 361. 589 folidus,i,m. 494. us, a, - 38 firius,i,m. um. 297. 33o. 491 I 26 folitarius,a,um. fifer,&fis,m. 738 639 . fifto,ftiti, ère, f. c. 67 folitudo,f. -
495. 947
fignum,i,n. 17.4337o9 974
332. filentium,i. fileoses, f. c. rs. 833 filex,icis,m. 8y. 743 234 fi1icernium, i. I 29 filigo,inis,f. filiqua,ae. 123-1*8.138 fiftrum,i.
* 286
fimilitudo, f.
ßmplex, ìcis, a. fimpliciffimè. fimplicitas, f.
93 a8 8z z.
. 673 747 ' 63r
788 folftitium, i. 38 748 fölum,i,n. 275. 393 583
I49.4Io fitus,us,m. 329. 783 fölum. 273 folvo,vi,utum, êre.463 fitus,a,um. 621. 5 16, 82r five.
fmegma,ätis, m.
fimül. 786. ac. 947. fmyris. fimulacrum,i. 341. 77o Soboles,i, f.
fianulo, as. fimultas, f. .
643 292
4o7 fittybus,i,m. llnn. fimilis;e, a. 749. 975 fitula,ae. fimiliter.
. foloecifmus,i. folor, aris.
136.66 5 folium,i,n.
fimila,ae. 4o8. aceus, a, fitis, is, f.
92z. 9o9 249
finapi, ind. m.
focio, as.
fin. '
folarium,i,n.77z.ris, e,
9o9 folea,ae,f. fino,ivi,ëre. 179. 514 1Ö4 finus,us. 74.316.486 folemnitassf. • 635 , 5o4. 599 folennis, e, a.ibid. 641 676
ignifer,&ra,um. 7o5 jgnificátus, us. 751 fignifico, as. 495. 934
T 45
80 L
foccus,i,m. $58. 849 focer, ëri.
folus,a,um, ius.
381 93
5 14
593 724 939
folutus,a,um. 754.tilis, … e» 4.
I , 815 fornnium,i. 823
215 621.
fomnolentus,a,um.2o8, 34z. fomnus,i,m. 134 fonchus,chi,m. 75 fonitus,us. fono;as,ui. 717. 77*
777 919 341 focius,i,m. 675 focors,dis,adj.ditér.886 fonorus,a,um. 231 66z 68. 216.92 o focrus,us,f. fime. 593 fons, tis, a. 93 o fonticus, a,um. 294 88o fodalis,is, cg. fingularis,e,a. 3II 93r fínguli, æ, a. 154. 231 fodalitium,i,n.
finciput;itisy. findón,önis, f.
991 fonus,i,m. 143. 26r fodes. fangulto,jr:,ultum.29z. fol,olis, m. 34. 41. 169 fophifta, ae, m.
V 4
48 i
, §PA
791 fpe&rum,i. . .
. .
fopor,oris,m. foporo;as. '
S Τ A.
35o 137.
I 22,
[pelæum,i. .
987 'pongiofus,a,um. 401 627
fponfio,onis,f. 947 fponfor,öris,m. 666 fponfus,i,m. 59I fpontaneus,a,um. 241 fponte. 533•726 552. 189 fporta,ae,f. 73 78 fpuma,ae,f.
fpeculator, Jris. 735 foibco, es, ui, pfi. 558. [Peculatorius,a,um.468 , • •• 8zo fpcculorsaris. 627.992. 246 forbillo.as. . ,., 568 fpeculum,i,n. . 522. -{orbum, bi. 123. us,i»f. fpecus,us,mf. -
l I
: 329 fpelunca;æ.. fordesjium,f. 4oo. 579 fpcrno,fprevi,ëre. 361 fpumo,as.
fordco,es, fc.
fordidatus,a,um. 229 fpcro,as.
Κ »um. 138.7 5o
fordidus,a,um. 565. 559
, 581.85r
r , ^
forex,ícis,m. • , * io foror,öris f. , . , 6o 1 • fororio,as. .
. z 53
fors, ortis, f. 644. 851 • • -
fortilegus,i,m. fortior;iri. fortitus,a,um,p.
fpuo,ere. . 8:4 fpes,ei,f. 364 fpurcities,ei. 578 826 fphacelus,i. . • 316 fpurcus,a,um6e6 fphaera,ae. 3*.49.94 1 fpurius,a,um. fp aericus,a,um. 758 fputo;as. .' 824 fpharifterium,i. 941 Squa lor,oris. 579 fpici, e,f. I27 fqüama,ae. 192. mula,ae, 316 fpicilegium,i- .:. 396 fpiculum,i. 712 fquaiuofus,a,um. , 164 ι31 fpina;æ. .1 38 259 fquilla,ae,f.' 9I4 fpinacia,ae,f. Iz6. 136 S*t.
fofpes,5tis,a. • • 489 -{pinter,eris. . :. 5 1 5 ftabilis,e,a.
848 967
794 fpinula,ae. , • ib. Spadiceus,a,um. 334 fpira, ae. . 4o8 536 fpado,ónis,m. 291 fpiraculum,i. .32.8 »fi,&re, 38r fpiralis,e,a. 758. atim. fparfus,a,um. 4o4-683 34 tnentum,i. ;. 47 fpafmus,i. 3I3 fpiritualis»e,a. , … 63o fpatha,ae, . 4o6.709 fpiritus, us. 274. 328 I : 63 I fpathula, ae. - 432. }
ftabulum, i. fadium,i.
76». 946
ftagno;as.66. num,i. 67 ftalagmium,ii,n. 719 ftamen,inis,m. 56o ftannarius,i. ftannum,i,n.
553 πο1
flapes,&dis,m. 451 fpatior,aris. 933 !fp:r3,as. 71 1 35.275 ftatarius,a,um. 767 jpat'ofus,a,um. 944 fpiffo, as. 94. 416. ffè. ftatera, ae. 735 fpatium, i, m. 19. 715]'I 422.fus,a,um. 36 ftatim. ftatio,onis,f. 47o , 933 fpecialis,c;t. 956 plen,Eni;,m. • . • 762 271 ftativus,a,um. 635 633 fpecies,eif. 23-267.339 fplehdidus,a,um. - 41 flator,öris,m. 346.4o8.817 fpleneticus. 771 79 * ftatua,ae,arius,i. 8oz. 769 ''fpolio;as. fpecillum,i., … 485 ftatumen,ínis. 439 » 721 flatum*no,as, fpecim:n;inisy . . 655, fpolium,i. 8o6 37o ftatuo,&re. fpc&aculum,i. 93o, fpondo,ae. fpe&ator,öris.951. 954 fpondeo,esydi. 666 ftatura,a. 237 z7 7 ftatus,us,m.685.69o us, fpe&atus,a,um. 7a9 ; fpondylus,i. 581 fpe&o,as... a,um- ' 3 Io.734 fpongia ae. -
.^ --.
s TR
STI * £tatutum, i.
fìella,ae,f.43. Ilio,onis, ftomacace,f. //}.
z 15
43. 741
suB 285 382 ftruma, æ. I 46 316 ftruo,xi,êre. 795 ftruthio, m. ftruthioca melus. 1 56 z67
892 57o ftercus,öris,n. 268 ftorea, ae. 283 ftcrilefco,&re.p.c. 388 ftrabo,onis,m. fterilis,e,a. I I2 ftrages,is,f. 7I4 fterilitas,f. 63 ftragulus,a,um. , 571 fternax,acis,a, 45^ ftramen,ínis,n. 398
387 ftomachor,aris.
2 52 -
„fterno, ftravi,&re. 529 ftramentum,i. -
45o 57o
ftudeo,es. 62z. 91 3 fludio. 798. osè. 736 ftudiofus,a,um. 738 ftudium, i, m., 17.364 724. 94o 509
ftupa, ae, f. 497 ftupcfacio,&re. ' 137 ftupendus,a,um. 244 ftupeus,a,um. 468 ftupeo,es,/.c. 37o ftupiditas,f. 354 ftupidus,a,um. 356 ftupor,oris,m. 294 ftuprum,i,n. , 826
fternutamentum,i. 979 ftramineus,a,um. 545 ºfternutatio,onis,f. 34o ftranguria,ae,f. 364 3or fternuto,as. 343. 792 ftrangulo, as. fterquilinium, i. 1 59 ftratum,i,m. 571 fterto,ui,ëre, fc. 352. ftratus,a,um. 329.616 4o8 ftertor,oris,m. * 956 ftreblita,ae. ftibium,ii,m. Io4. ftrena,ae,f. 879 ftigma,ätis,m. 669 ftrenuè. 883. us,a,um. fturio,onis.
I 66
I 52
ftigmaticus,a,um. 917
ftilla, ae,f. 53 ftrepitus,us. 7ro. 885 ftylobates,a:,m. 35& 2o4 ftylus,i,m. ftillatorium,i. titius, a, ftrepo,ui,&re. 393.73r lum. . 137 ria,ae,f. 751. 78z 5c4. 76o ftillicidium,i. 3o4. 445 ftribligo,inis,f. 747 Suadeo,cs,fi. 899 . 753 fuafor,oris,m. 5 46 ftri&tim. 87r ftillojas. ' ' 43 ftri&tura„ae. * 531 fuapte. 856" 599 ftimulo;as. 588 ftri&tus,a,um. 5 rr. 661 fuavior,aris. 44o ftimulus,i,m. 39o ftrideo,cs,di,f. c. 198 fuavis,e.a. : 5 -ftipatus,a,um. 675 fuavium,ii, m. 826 fub. 27. 256. 34t ftipendium,i. 723 ftriga,ae. ftipesjîtisyn. I o8 ftrigilis,is. 45o fuba&erium,ii,n. 4o6 ftipo,as. I 23 ftringo,öre, i&um. 58, fubalbidus,a,um. 3 1 5 39o. 7o I fubaro,as. ftips,ipis,f. 696 ftipulâ,ae,f. ' 396 trigofus, a, um. 837 278 fubaufculto,as. ftipulor;aris. . 857 42o fubcærulus;a,um. 33 5 . 61 6 ftiria,ae,f. '53 ftrix, igis. I49. 669 fubdialis,e. -
. A. i^
I o7
I 22
5 §8
682 ftiva,ae,f. 391 ftrophiolum, i, m. 2 ;o 5 I 9 fubditit'us,a,um. 5 1 z. fto, ftas, fteti , ftatum. ftroph'um. i. 259. 856] ftruétor,ôris,m. 557' -
fiola ,2, $olidus,a,um,
51 3 | ftruétura,ae. 259. 534 fubdo, %di,&re.
•, ftrues,is,f.
fubdo&or, m.
1t 73 4
S14 A*
S14 C
S 11 8
343 925 fubfterno,&re. 43o.372( fudo, as. fubftringe , &rc. 463 fudoriferèra,um. 79,
fubduco,öre. 47o. 919
fubeo, ire. 883.9o4 fuber, ërisy, 1 ax. 514 „968 fubjaceo, es. 499 fubja&o, as. fubje&us,a,um. 137
fubftillo,as. fubftituo, êre.
678 fuefco,evi,ëre.
52. 2.
fudum,i,n. fuffarcino,as.
• 51,
fubfultim. 943. to,as. fuffercimen,ínis,n.511
fuffero, rre. fufficiens,tis,a. fubigo, egi , êre. 267 fubtcgmcn, änis, m. 36o fufficio,eci,ère. 361. 448 fubfum,es.
64 I6i
3f8 3o3
659.677 387. 4o6 fubtcf. 147. 251. 267 fubjicio(jacio.)748.754 fubterfugium, i. 883 fuffimentum,i. ' 587 …
21 I. 754
fubterraneus, a,um. 8o fuffio, ire. 5oo fuffitus, us. m.
fubitaneus,a,um. 968 fubtexo, êre. • fubitò.
fubtilis,e. 24. 31 1. 755 fufflamen , m. mino, as.
464 fubtraho,ere. 741 fubtùs. fublevo,as. fublica, ae. cius,a,um. fubuculasæ.
383 fuffio,onis. $ I4
41 3 38o fubulcus, i. I 16 fubvolo,as. 1 52 149 fuburbium, i. 61 8 669 fuccedo, ere. 54o. 969 fuffundo,ére.
fubmergo,fi,ëre. fubminiftro, as. 534 fuccenfeo, es. fubmiffus,a,um. 734 fuccenturio, as. fubmitto,ére. 466. 54i fucceffor, öris. fubmoneoses.
7oz fucceffus,us,m.
fuborno, as. fuborior, iri.
415 fuccidus,a,um.
fubruo,ëre. fubfanno,as. fubfcribo,ëre.
837 fuccidia,ae.
fubfcus sudis»f. 33o fuccinum,i,n. fubfellium,i,n. 73o fuccrefco,ere. fubfequenter.
2.58 86 fubfervio,is. 9o6 fubfidium,i,n. fubfido,edi,&re. 78. 1 zz. s 885
fuccula,ae. '
9o6 fuffragium,i. fuffragojinis,f. 231 fuffragor, aris. 966 fuffulcio, ire. 259.51v go7
fuffufio,onis, f. 3o6
71 ; fuggero,ffi,ëre. 904 678 fuggeftum, i. 631. 91 » fuggillatio,f. 333 421 fuggillo, as. -* 838
fuccído(caedo) ere.318 fuggrundium,i.
843 fuccingo, ere. 937
438 794
fufföco;as. 47. 394.369
fubvenio,ire. 663. go6 fuffodio, êre.
586 fubula,ae,f.
* fubluftris, e.
fubligaculum, i. fublimis,e,a.
643 587
503 fugo, êre. 1 85. 413 993 fui, fe. I I. 233 277 fuilejisy. 413 929 fuillus,a,um. 245. 410 I 14 fulcus,i,m. 391 32o fulphur, ürisy. 104 47 fulphuratus,a,um. 743
fucculentus,a,um. 1 18 58 eus,a,um. 884 fum,es, fui. z. z6. zf3 fuccumbo, ere. r85 fuccurro,ere. 663.9o4 fumen, înis,n. 7o8.863 fuccus,i,m. Io4. Iz 4 fumma,ae. fubfilio,ire,ultum. zzi fuccufàtor,m. 453 fummates,um, m*. 686 841 792. fubfifto,ére. 54o. 947 fuêtus, us. 993 fubfolanus,a,um. '5s fudarium, i. 5 19 fummatim. fiibftantia, ae. 96, »7c) fudes,is,f. , 38o fummitas, ars, f. 514 fu:m:mo -
S 11S
S 11 P
fummoperè. • 948 Sycophanta,ae. m. 68o 843 fupplanto,as. fummus,a,um. 38. Ixx. fupplicatio,f. fupplici fyllaba,ae,f. 644. 747 tum,1. ' 64I fyllogifmus,i,m. 75o 175. 396 873 fylva,ae,f. 189 fumo, pfi, &re. ' 558 füpplico,as. 556 fylvefco,ére. p.c. 394 fumptus,us,m. 695 fuppono,ere. fuo, ere. $o4 fuppofititius,a,um. 786 fylveftris,e,a. 1 11. 1 1z 858 I 48. 2oI. 326 • fupellex, e&iIis,f. 848 fupprimo,ere. 31 5 fyinbolum,i. 7o5. 821 fuper. Io3. 531 fuppuro,as. 756 fymparhia;æ. fuperaddo, ère. T 566 fupputo,as. fuperadjicio, ere. 768 fuperbia, ae, f. 98o fuperbio, ire. I 58 fuperbus,a,um. 874 fupercilium,i. 79. 274 fuperficies, ei. 77. 759 fuperfluus,a,um. 819 fupergredior,di. 66 fuperinjicio,ere. 571 fuperior,us,a. 212.25 I
fupra. 267. 6o2. fupremus,a,um. y8o fura, ae, f. 256 furculus, i, m. 38z furdafter,a, um. dus,a, um. ,
fympatriota,ae,m. 69r {ymphonia,ae,f. 774
'fymptôma,ätis,n. 956 ,
fynagoga;æ. 648 fynallagma,ätis,n. 857 3oI 282, fynanche,es. I 17 fynaxis, is,f. 633
furgo,rexi,er£. furrepo»pfi,ere. ' 728 fynchronifimus,i. 786 3oz furripio,ere,eptum.919 fyncope, es,f. furrogo,as. I. 678 fyngrapha,ae,um,i. ££
48.137.275 544. 9o I furfum. 1841 fynodus,dif. fuperliminare,n. 541 fus,fuis,eg. 258. 314 fufceptor,oris,m. 633 fupernè. fupernus, a, um. 846 fufcipio,epi,ere. . 7o4 fynthefis, is, f. 8o5 fyrma,ätis,n. fupero,as. 11.66.196
fuperpondium,i. fuperpono;ere.
; * -
352. 995 fyron, onis.
768 fufpendo,ere. 43 1.66o fyrtes,ium,f. 669 fyrrupus,i,m. 553
64o. 747* 5o9
586 217
fuperfedco,es,di. 806 fufpenfus,a,um. 31.461 774 fupcrftes,tis,a. 6o6 fufpicax,acis,a. - 816 356 i. 221 fuperftitio,f. 975. ofus, fufpicor,aris. a,utm. 644 fufpicio,exi»ere. 38o -l tabella, ae. larius,i.
£? -
ji *'
933 fupcrfum,es. 319. 4oo fufpicio,onis,f. 357.9o8 4I6 fufpiriofus,a,um. 46o taberna,ae,f. 49o.52?. ib. 33r tabernaculum, i. fupervacancus, a , um. fufpiriuin,i. 8oo tabernaritis, 1. -8o6 fufqne deque. 492 fupcrvenio,ire. 715 fuftento,as. 385. 431 tabes, is,f. bidus,a,um. 31 1 fupcrus,a,um. 9oI fuftineo,es,entum. 451 57o tabula,a. 65o. 53o.863 fupinus,a,um. 575 ' ' ' 866 457 fuppa&tus,a,um.p. 512. fuftollo,ere. fupparus, i. 513 fufurro, onis, m. 917 tabulatum,i. 323.551 -
'. ** 1
1 fuppeditó;as. ■*
fuppetiae;as. fuppeto,ere.
33 I tabum, i, m. 849 fufurrus,i. 87x. futororis,trina;ae. 5o6 tacité.
849 futura,ae.
taciturnus,a,um. ' 83 f
fuppingo,egi,&r£. 51. [fuus,a,um.16.4o9.85 5 taciturnitassf. . '
3 I$ 734
914 taceo,
T A N.
744 tentus, a, um (à tendo) 914, tcda,ae,f. 425 323]tcges,ëtis. f. 1 4o. 571 365|tego;*i,&tum;ére. 251 ' tenuis,e,a. 25.444-56;
[taceo, es. ta&us,us.
taedium, i.
545 tenus. 7oI. 9o8. 934 518] tegula,æ. 147 tepidus,a,um. 25. *79 933|tegamentum,i. 569 499 ter. 512] tela,ae,f. 546 terebclla,bra,ae,bro;as. 38»|telamones, m. 5*7 34.74] 495|tellus,uris. 68. terebinthum,i.thina,ae. 854|telonium,i.
tænia,ae. taefum eft.
talaris,c,4. talea,ae,f. talentum,i. talcola, æ.
6o. 7 1 z 1
talis;e,a. 799. iter. 641 Jtclum,i,n.
I I 5. I24
67o| temerarius,â;um. 81 z terebrans, p. 969 teredo,inis, f. zo5 I temerè.
talitrum j.
257. 941]temeritas,f.
883, teres,&tis,a. 689 tergidu&tor,m.
tam. 351. tam quam.] temero,as. -
6t 2I7
564. tergiverfor,aris. 856
124|temctum,i. .
886 458 tamarix,icis, f. 138] temo,önis. e. 556 15. 192|tcmpcrans,tis,a. , 8i8,tergo,fier tam diu. 258. 715 15.319.366]temperatus,a,um. I 36, tergum,i. tamcn. I93 914] tempero,as. 731. 822] tergus;öris, n. tametfi.
tanacetum, ti, m. 136] tempeftas;atis. 64. 394!termes,etis,m. 118.361 689 466] terminalis,e. tandem. 319. 4o3. 771 92o, termino ,as. 74. nus, i. tango,tetigi;a&um.321 | tempeftivè. 783 622 | tanquam. ' 273. 984] templum,i.
249 [tern'o»önis,m.941.nus,
275 | tempora,umym.
tantifper. '
'871 jtemporalis,eya. , 966]
a, um.
I95 8r
tantum. . ioo. 3Io 578jtempus,öris, m. 3r. 577 [tero,trivi,ëre. tantum abeft. tantus,a,um.
19.&3.5o3 62. 5. 968[terra,ae. 854 8o 6oi [temulentus,a,um. 823 [terræmotussus.
3o3 | terreo, es. 679|tenafmus,i. 134] tenax,äcis,a. Io4.851 [terreftris, e, a.
1 5o|tendicula,ae.
216 59
4.8) terribilis;e,a.
tarditas, f. diufculus,a,[tendo,tetêdi,tum, füm. [terriculum. lamentum, um.
475. 7oz |
238. 24o
tardus,a,um. 451. 8o9' tenebrae,arum. 31.5 5o [territo,as. tartarus,i,m. ra, orum. | tenebricofus,a,um. zo territorium,i.
958] tenebrio,önis,m. 837 {terror, oris, m.
596| tertianus,a,um - 31o 668, tenellus,a,um. taul'ca. taurus, i. 43. I 51. 181 teneo,es,entú. 246.264 [tertio, as. 39o. tius, a, taxo,as.
494. 358 or, ëris. | um. 597.666.868}teruncius,i.
9: o
taxus,i,f. Techna, ae, f.
817 |
te&um,i,m. '
54 5 ; tento;as.
6$ 9' tento*ium,i.
I Io
26. 656 • 494
279 |tefqua,orum,n.
631 |tefellatus,a,um.
$ 51
16. 47'teffera,ae,f. 7o4] . *-*
7o5. 854 94 I
te£la ,
T1 T
tefta, ae. 147. 216. ace Tiara, ae, f. 5 I4 us,a,um. ' * 526 tibia,ae, 256. 775 teftamentum,i,6o6.631 tibiale,is,m. 5 I4 tefticulus, i. 29I tibicen,inis,m. 7 Id teftimoniüm,i. '659 tigillum,tignú,i,m. 545 teftis,is, c.g. 659 tigris, idis,f. I96 reftor,aris. 6o6. 972 tilia , æ. ^ I I3 reftudo, înis , f. z Iz timeo,es, ^c. 848 .
551. 775 4o6
3or 5o3
332. 747
topazius, ii, m. 89 tophus,i. 86.58z topiarius,i.. 38o. 38z. torcular,arisy. 44o timiditas,f. 885.dus, a, toreuma, ätis, m. 533 , um._. 204 tormentarius,a,um.7o3 ,
reter,tra, um. 328. 913 timor,óris,m.
tormentilla,ae,f. 136
tetragonus,a,um. 761
I 69 I67
tina,ae. 1 5o tinca, ae.
712. 79 I
tetricus,a,um. ' 91 5 tin&or»öris,m. 5o3 tormina , um, m. 3o5 terrinnio,ire. I6o tinea, ae. 217 _ 597 texo,ui, tum, êre. 5 or tingo,êre. Ioo. 5o3 tornator,m. 533. no,as. torofus,a,um. 36o -----5o3 tinnio,ire. ' 6 textor,óris,m. 5oo tinnîtus,us,m. torpeos es » f. c. 294
textus,us,m. Thalamus,i,m. thalpole&rüm,i. tharfus,i,m. theatrum,i,n. theca, ae,f.
thema,ätis,n. thenfà, ae,f.
886 631 tintinnabulum,i. • 643 555 tipula sæ. 223 torpidus, a, um. 356 349 tiro,onis. unculus,i,m. torpor, öris. 137. 293 257
rociniú,i, m. 698.737
654 tithymalus,li, m. 136 torqueo,es, fi. 533. 668 55 2. titillo,as. 788 torquis,is,m. 3 18 7 5o
torrens,tis,m. '
titio,önis, m. 46 titivillitium,i. 8o2 theologia, ae. 993. gus, titubo,as. 824 1. . 992 titulus,i. 593. 868 theriaca, ae. 3o8 Toga,ae.atus,a,um. 5 1 z. theriftrum,i,n. 5 13 tolerantia;æ. 9I I
torreo,es,toftum. 431 torridus,a,um. 38. 783 torta,ae.
tolero, as.
torfio,önis,f. '^ 3o3 4o8
thefaurarius, ii, m. 676 tolleno,ónis,m. 583 tortuofus,a,um. rhefaurus,i. 682, tollo,fuftuli,fublatum. tholus, i, m. 55I 32 I. 466. 534 torulus, i. thorax,acis,m. 253 tollutarius, a, um, tim. torussi*.
5 II. 699
453 torvus,a,um.
thoracicus. 795 tomaculum, i. 42r thrafo, önis, m. 841 tomentum, i. 5o3. 572 threnus,i. , 963 tomex, icis. 396 thronus,i,m. 98z tomus, i, m.74o
33o 6zz. 527
827 83 z .
toftus,a,um,p. 169.444 tot,ap.pl.ind. 74o. 822. totidem. 261. 457. 495 toties. 5 Io
thuribulum,i, 643 tondeo,es,totondi. 584 totus,a, r ! thus, uris, n. 124. 641 tonitru,n. ind. us, us, m. toxicum,i,/t. 3o8 thymus, i. 35. 132 673 59 Trabea,ae,f. thyrfus,i,m.
roneas,ut, ,
trabs, abis,f. 62
.386 trcmcndus,a,um. 714 tritor,Öris,m.
tritüro, as. tritus,a,um,p. trado,idicic. 748.857 trepido,as.datio,f. 37o trivialis»e,a. 99I trepidus,a,um. ' 885 triumphus,i. 261. 34o trochilus,i. , tradux,ùcis a. 439 tres,tria,a.
369 612.739 tremo,ere,f. c. tra&us,us,m. 783 trcmor,öris. 293. 823
traduco,ere. tragema,ätis,p.
triangularis, e. . 759 trochifcus,i.
triangulus,a,um. 761 trochlea,ae,f.
tragaedia, ae. tragula,*:.
, 953
476 737 7z 1
r 56 796 5:7 94f
tribula,ae lo;as. 398 trophæum,i. tribulus,i. I 2, I tropicus,a,um. tropus,i,v. . tribunal,alis,yi 664 traho,xi,ere. 459. 498 trajeétus, us. jicio, ere. tribunus,i. 654. 697 trua, ae,f.
427 456
38 * 751 434 71 ;
654. 855 trucido,as.
tralatitius,a,um. 4 1 » tribus,us;n. 654. tribu truculentus,a,um. 9£> trama,ae,f. trames,itisym.
6z 1. 634
479 tricæ,arum.
triclinium,i. tranquillus,a,um. 3 1o triduum,i,n. trano,as.
464 triennium,i.
tranfadigo,egi,cre. 428 triens,tis,m. tranfenna, ae. 428.541 tranfeo,irc. 5o3.9o9 transfero. 46o. 751 transfiiga, ae, c. g. 72» transfundo,ere. 445 di. 797
triental,alisym. trifolium,i.
triga, ae. triginta,a.
tranflatus, a, um. 44o tranfmariaus,a,um.46» ` tranfmitto,eie. 33o -
462. 856. 935
tranfpiro;as. tranfpono;ere.
trulla, ae.
432. 326
635 trunco, as.
truncus,i,m. Io8 trufatilis,e,4. 4o3. 55o 766 763 trutina, æ. trutta,*»f.
781 6o8
J34 45 5 4I. 259
trux, ucis,4.
Tu, tui,te. 6. 13. 854
759 5or
tuba, ae,f
tubersêris, m. 285.rcu 3*o lum,i. trimeftris,e,a. 779 trimodium,i764 tubicen,inis,m. | 710 560 trinitas,f. Iooo tuburcinor, aris. tubus, i, 583. bulus,i. triplex,ícis,a. 2.41 445 triplicatus,a,um. 5o 1 421 triplum,i. 669 tucetum,i,m. 3:9 tripudium,i.osas. 943 tudes,itis,m. tudicula,ae. 43* tripus,ödis,m. 431 triquetrus,a,um. - 759 tueor, eri, tutum• i49 41o triremis, is, f. 464 tugurium, 5**. i. triftegum,i. 523 triftis,e,a. 953 tum ttjcn. 45. 89. 147
tranfigo, ere. 235. 657 trilix, icis. 993 tranfilio,ire. tranfitorius,a,um. 963 tranfitus,us,m. 6i7.46o
trigonus & um, m. & m.
758. 856
trudes,is,f:tfudo , fi,
tranfporto;as. 351,556 tranftra, orum,n. 464 99* 456 triftitia, ae , f. tor, aris. tuum,--tum. tranfveho,ere. tranfverbcro,as. 392 367 tumcoges.f.c. 67. cfco, 307 I 29 tranfverfim, 392. us,a, triticum, i. ib. 276 triton, önis, m. ultm. tumor,óris. 546 tumul *_ • _
T 1, R
tumultuarius, a, um.
' A^.
tumultus,us,m. tumulus,i.m. tunC.
turba, ae. *
Vaccinus,a,um. 31 o. 75 I 41 6 | vario;as. 78 vacerra, ae. 3 16 281 |varioli,orum. 996 vacillo;as. 298. 356] variè. 158
538] varius,a,um. • 21. 168 468[varix,ícis,m. 286
665 |varus,a,ufm.
722. 738 vado,di,ëre.
turbator. m.
40 I. 497
vaporarium,i. 349 929 [vaPPa;ae,pcfcò,ërc.443 417|vapulo;as. 729
vaccinium, i.
tundo, tutudi , tunfum. -
}^ E C
69 I
289. 666
929] vas,adis,m.
vadorsaris. 472. 66s|vas, vafis, n. 97. 43;
64 vadum,i,m.
ib. 466
turbinatus,a,um. 759
turbo, as.
vafer,fra, um.
* 7o4
989 |vafculum,i.
I9 turbo,inissm. 57. 941 vagina,ae. 7 o 1 |vaftus,a,um. 89 Vagio,ire.2o4.227.z3o|vatcs,is, c. g. turcois,m. 644 ib. turdus,i,m. 13o. 457 Vagorsaris. 672. 887|vaticinor, aris. turgeo;es,£,*.f gefco. vagus,a,um• 41 I |uber,eris, m, 229. 387 -
turgidus,a,um. turma, æ.
415.4. 388 828 3o8 vah. , 99* 15* |uberiùs. valdè. 697 valedico,ere. 9o* |ubertas, f. ubcrtim.415 375 'valeo,es. 196.495.788 [ubi. I9• 542,
turpis,ea. 618 turris,is,f. 823|ubique. 999lubivis. 148 vale. turtur,urisyw. turunda,ae.f. 317.1 6o valetudinarius, a, um. [ubi ubi. \
493• 886
ruffilago,ginis,f. 136 77.526 295. 615 ludus,a,um• raffio,ire.2.34.824. tuf valetudo, f. 8o5 292. IVecors, dis,4. fis, is, f. tutò.
tutela;ae, 47o. larisse. 646
vallis, is,f.
tutor,aris, 682. or,óris. vallo,as. 6o6 turus,a,um. tuus,a,um. '
289|ve&igal, alis, m. ' 68z.
464 validus,a,um. 444. dè.
621 116. 752. [ve&tigalis,e,a. 78]ve&tis,is,m. 534, 7o4|ve&tor,m. orius, a, um.
vallum, i, m. 1lus, i, m.
613| vegeto, as, 94o. tus, a,
961 valor,öris,m. 279. 5o3 um. 494] 615 [vehemens,tis,a. ' . 55 tympanifta, æ, m. num, valvæ, arum. 71o valvulus,i,m. 1» f?. . 3 Io. 7o3; , I 28] I4o vanellus,i. 892 , typha, æ. 155 |vehementer. typographus,i. 748 vaniloquus,a,um. vehementia,ae,f. 294 397 rypus,i,m. 748. 771 vanitas,f. _ 839. 913|vehes,is,f. 674 vannus, i,f. 399. 45»|vehiculüm,i. ' 175 . tyrannus,1. .' tyrocneftis,is,f. 434 vanus,a,um. 235.913|veho,xi,ëre. 45 5 tyrunculus,iym, 733 vapor,öris,m. 48.342|vejow}s, 646
; a.
yE N
}^E S
P^ E R
• 473. 6r $. 533 96: 1 -:18|ventricofus,a,um. 283 veles,itis, m. liter, aris. ventriculus, i. 267. 293 ver£color,a. 1 98.339 tatio, f. 71 I ventulus,i. 5i3 verfipellis,is, c. g. 923 vclificatio,f. 464 venturus, a, um. p. 369 verfo,as. z28. 431. 816
V. -
91 6 ventus,i,m. 918 85. 467 verfor,aris,d. vello,li,vulfi,&re. 584 venùm , adv. 42o. 748 verfura,ae. ' 39o. 865
ib. venundo, as.
velo» as. velociter.
• 464
verfus. , 39. 4f verfutè.
Venus,ëris,f. nuftus, a,
8o9 veryeris,m.
37. 16o vertagus,i,m. 913 vertebra, ae.
255 velum,i,n. . 463: 466; veracitas,f. velut. 15 ; verbafcum,ci;m. . I 36 vertens,tis. 635 vena, æ. 266, verbena,ae. . . . 133 vertex,icis,m. . 343 venabulum, i. 416 ; verber, éris,m. 3zo verticulüs.cillus,i. 498
venalis,ea. 493. 748; verbero,as.668.o,ónis, venæ fe&io»f.
vertigo,inis,f. .
838 verto, ti, fum, &re. $ ; venator,öris,m. 423 | verbofus,a,um. 792 | 99: venaticus,a,um. 424' verbulum,i. vendibilis,e,a. 493} verbum,i,n. 631-73 r veru. ind.verua,h. 4; f 388 886. 9o8 vervaétum,i. vendico,as. 859 | vendito,as. 8Io verccundé. 83o. dia, ae. vervecinus,a,um. 410 375 vervex,Ecis,m. 18: venditor,öris. '493 567. 9oo vendoj'di,ërc. 491 verecundor, aris. 926 verùm. venefica,ae. 488 verùm, enimverô. 985 669, veredus,i. venenatus,a,um. I 37 verenda,orumym. • 255 verus,a,um. 337. 794 -
363 verutum,1.
venco, ivi, ire, c. f. 42o vergo,êre,p c. 233.783 vefanus,a,um.
3o3 verifimilis,e,a. 358. li vefcor,ci, p. c. I 35.4:o 34 vefcus;culus,a,um. 4:o venerabundè.901. dus, ter. • . a, u!Τl. 92. 5 veritas, f. 926 vefica, ae. 269. co, as. 493. 3o5
venercus , a, um. 3 1 6 vermiculatus,a,um. 55 r 826, 827 vermina,umy. 3o5 yeneror, aris. 3,f2 982 vermino,as. vcnëtus,a,um. 336 vermis,is,m. 135. ar7 vcnia,ae,f. 9o7 verna, æ, c.g. 61o
vcnio,ni,neum,ire. 23o vernix,'cis. -
995 verno;as. 423 verò.
veficaria, ae,f.
; 3*
veficula, æ.
vefpa, æ, f.
vefper,ëris,m. 40 53o vefperafcit. 36 I Io vefpertilio;5his,m. 134
23. 138. 565 ivefpertinus,a,um. 64
venter,tris,m. 253. 276 verpus, i. - 262. 648 vefpörügo,inis, f. 4o 184 vefp'lle,ónis,m. 939 ventilabrum,i. 399 verres,is,m. ventilo,as.
4o3 verriculum,i.
582 vefter,tra,um. 425
957 5o£ $41
285 veftibulum,i,n. ventrale,is,n. $ 13 verruca,a:. ventricola, æ, c. g. 82o verfatilis, e , a. 4oi veftigium,i,n. 423. 78;
veftigo,as, .
• 4*3 vi$us,a,um,p.
veftimentum, i. 581 2, I veftio, ire. • • veftis, is, f. £ff. 5o9 veftitus, us, m; 5**
veftitus,a,um.p.21.197 35 5. 675
, veteranus,a, um. 698
veteramentarius,i. 5o5
veterafco,&re. ^ 443 veterator, m.
veternus, i, m.
vetosas,ui,. r 3.141.74r
vetulus, a, um. - 234 vetus,eris.a. • 441.52 5 -
}^ I R
55 violentus,a,um. 689 violo,as. vi&tus,us,m. 6I6 vicus,i,m. 213 vipcra,ae,f. 848 vir,iri,m. 592. 596:799 videlicet. video,es,di.i4. 128.r97 virago,inis,f. videor, ëris,d. 8. 278 yires,ium,f. 293. 939 1o9 565. 6o8 vireo,cs,/.c.m. 589 virga,ae,f. vidua,ae. 668 486 virgo,ínis. f. 43. 589 vidulus,i. 589 virgula,ae,f. viduus, i,m. 747 733 virgultum, i. 138. 38z. vieo,es,evi. 379 vietor»m. 533. tus,a,um yirldarium,i. I 18. 44o viridis,e,a. 336. 745 788. 88« virilis;e,a. vigeo,es. 233. 151 51 z . 627 vigil,ilis, a. 875 vigilia,ae. 35o.ae;arum pro virili. ' 233 632 virilitas,f. 576 virtus,utis,f. 709.797 . vigilo,as. 95o 377
967 vetuftas, f. ' vexillatio, f. ' ' «97 7o9 viginti, a. iud. . .41 vexillum,i, m. 799. 84r IoI virulentus;asum. 314 182. 917 vilis,e,a. 'vexo, as. 476 Via, 2ee • 844 villa,z. 386. llicus , i.
viaticum, i, m.
482. -
3 18
386 virus,i,m.
viator, oris,m.475.6 53 villofus,a,um. 194. 424 vis,vis. ' 22. 54. 136 568, 32o villum,i. vibex, icis, f. 137. 69o. vim infe 827 ro. 5o3 vibfiflae , arum. %5o villus,i, m. 773 vimen,ííis,n. 114. 38o. vifcatus;a,um. 428 vibriflo, as. -
ib. 713 vimineus,a,um. vibro, as. vicarius,a,um. 677 vinaceus,i.
552 vifcum,cus,i.
448 vifcus,ëris,a.
1 36 vifibilis,c.fivus,a,um,a. 769 814 vicecomes,itis,m. 677 vinco,vici,vi&um, êre. vifio,önis,f.
vice, em, f. 179. 3ro vinca,ae,f. 373. 681. 93o vincio, xi, ire.
9o6 45 wifito, as. 378 vinculum, j, m. 685 vifo,fi,ere,fc. 817 vindemiâ, ae.o,as. 439 vifus,us,m. 197. us, a, 341 um. I 2.8 vindex,ícis,a. vicia , ae. 99o vicinus,a,um. 618. nia, vindico, as. 6ro. 667 vita,ae. 142. 568 61 o 3*» f. 892. vita!is, e. a. vindi&a,ae. 274.
viceni, æ, a.
vice verfâ.
724• 799
viciffitudo, f.
84 9
vindiciae,arum. ib. 6ro. vitellus,iy*. 968 vinea,ae. 439 virìligo, inis,f.
147 286
ib. vitilis,e,a. 38o 641 vinitor, öris.. vi&tima, æ. 715.8.» vinum,i,n. vi&ito,as, 44o; vitilitigo,as ator»m.917 827. 93 1 72r viola,ae. . vi&tor, oris, m. 133. 335] vitio,as. 641 violatib,f. viôtoria,ae. 3*4 vitiosè. 732. fusa, umi.
vi&tualia, ium, m. 698
' '' -
753 8qt vitts,
{/ L T* •
p^O R . .
vitis, is, f. 217. 439 umbratilis, e, a. 368[volo;5nisym. vitium,i. 538.797.827 umbrifer,ëra,um. II 3|volens,tis;a.
91o|volubilitas, f.
693 834 381 958
vitreus,a,um. 336. 559 uncia,a.
765 | volucris,e,a.
vitricus , i» m. , 6oo
186. 447lvolfella,ae.
661 ulnâ.
'vito,as. vitrarius,i.
unanimitas, f. uncinatus,a,um.
798 vitrum,i»m. 93. 562 uncinulus,i. 5 I 5. nus,i»| voluntariè. vitta, ae,f. $ I3 767|voluntas;atisf. - 36o 194 |volvolus,i. 3o7. 739 vitulinus,a,um. 42o unco,as. vitulus,i. 4I5 unâio,ónis,f. 587|volvo;vi,lutum,érc. 31 vituperium, i, m. 87o uncus,1. 7oo. us,a,um. | 534 vitupero;as. 833 148 2.17 75 | volupe,n. imd. 359 vivarium, i,^. 379 undasæ;f. 65. 137. 469 |voluptarius,a,um. 587 §ίζ}. 2o8 unde. 366 vividè. dus,a,um. 992 undecim, a. ind. . 41 |voluptas,atis. 9oz |volutabrum, i. 184 vivicomburium,i. 669 undecunque. 717 | voluto,are, ibid. 969 viviparus,a,um. 164 undique. 457]vomersêrisym. ` 391 vivifadix,icis f. 382 ungo,xi,ëre. 319 vivo,xi,&um, êre. 273 unguentum,iy. 796]vomica, ae. 565.'*6zo unguis,is,m. 148. 263}vomitio,ónis,f. 79» 179]vorago, inis, f. 7o vivus,a,um. 318. 522. ungula, ae. 191 |vorax,acis,a. 4Io • 526. 77o unicornis,isy*. v mx. * 74o unicus,a,um. 992. [voro,as. 568. 8zo tllifcor,ci, ultum. 315 unio,onis,m.91. f. 645]vortéx,ícisym. 7o 46r | votum,i,n. • 364 89 I unirota, ae. -
ulcus, ëris, m.
79 ;| voveo,es,vi.
77 univerfus,a,um.13.88r]vox,öcis,f.
392. unquam.
ib. 998 161. 231
27; 1 35
2. 8o2| upupa,ae,f. ullus,a,um,ius. 9o5 utnus,ayum. ulmus;i,f., I 1 3 unufquifq;,aequesdque urbanus,a, umibid.] urbs,urbis f. ulna,ae.f. 26o. 762.
61 3
ulterior,timus. z67 Vocabulum,i. 273.723.883 vocalis,e,a.
434 5z.
747]urceus, i, m.
ibid.|uredo, înis,f. vocatio,ónis, f. 886] ureter, Eris.
ültrò. 856. citroq; 9 1 F vociferatio, f. 33 1| urgeo,es, f. c. 84.57o 88; ultroneus, a, um. 493 vociferor,aris. z 3o. 275 269. 3o4 719 voco,as. 4o.658.662]urina,ae. z6o|urinator»m. 474. trixf. ulula,ae. 149.l9;as.41o vola;æ. ..
513 volatilis,e,4. '
umbilícus,i. m.
3z3 volemum,i,
-. .
umbo,örüs, m. timbra;ae,
volito;as. 152. lo, as. urna,ae,f. -
;i9 772.933
. . I 23] urinum,ni, m.
763. 961
14r|uro.tiffitum,ère. volo,vis, ui. ' 121.348] urogallus, i.
umbraculum.i. I 13•745 -
61 1 5o.'
36o. 816|urpex,icis» m. _ . 393 urfellus,
" £t
urfellus,li, m.
!! X O }^11 L 194 furerinus,a,um. , 6oi vulturnus, i, m. ib. uterque,traque umque. vultis,us,m. '
*, urfus,iym. ¥. urtica,x.
134 | utervis, avis » umvis. uxor, öris, m.
'* : urus,i,m.
248. 396, 63r vulva,ae,f.
ib. -
■* ufitatè. 7II | utefus,i,m. 294. 396 £, - ufque. 110. 9oo. ufque | uti, adv. 926 Ἀ dum. 663 | ufilis,e,a. 753. 924
y« 244
596 44o
uxorárisf. 392.554 uxorius,a,um. —
Eniym,i,n. 879
* * ufquequaque. 27o.973 | utinam. i* ufölago,ifiis. yz | utiqué. ' uftrina,ae. *' uftulo;as.
xenodochium, i. « : 6zy a
531.] utor,ti,ufum. 355. 471 Xylum,i. 96r | ut plurimùm.
* . ufufruâuarius;i. 6o8] utpote, :* ' ufucapio;5nis, f. 868 | utricularis,e. &
ufus,us. 345• 353. 471 | utrùm.
794 797"
864 | utrinque.
645. 859 | utrobique.
. 617 xyftus, i. 661. 648
948 Z.
541• 545 37
Adura, ae,f. 13» z¢a,ae,f.
8o3 zebaoth.
47| uva,ae,f. 123. 44o zelotypus, a, um. ufusfru&us,us. 8o8] uvidus,a,um. 849 zelus,i» %. 8o9| vulgaris,eya. ult. 1o. 112. 118. ut] vulgo,as. ut. 184] vulgus,i,m.m. ufuvenit.
883 zenith. 836 zephyrus,i,m. 841
Zibethus, i.
127 Iooo
*3 74.
37 $6
utcunque. 991 | vulnero;as. 137 zingiber, ëris, m. 13z utendum do, accipio. | vulnus,êris.*. 317.699 zizania;æ.um, i. 394 -
364 | vulpes,is, f.
uter,tra,fisius. 569.948 vulturjîtis,m.
796 2o3
zodiacus,i,m. 34. 43 Zygoftata &es. 763
MuRET 1 vERsus. Mufàrum Alummo.
uim felix puer eft, cui virtus anteit annos ! Hunc omnés meritis certatim laudibus ornant,
EIyeáant cupidè, & feliäacumiiaprecantur. At':ontra, allôquid nemo dignétur inertes 5
spernuntìrcuìtis, ac vulgfäbula fiunt, ;;z oculis pater ipfè fùos fatis afficit equit. a^ B1eßèd child, whofe parts his age out-rum, whofe vertues ftile fiim man before hisftaturé !
. Eacheye beholds him as the rifingfun , each heart applauds him, as a pearle in natures Yea, yery ftrangers bleßë his hopefull breeding, * * afid bfeatheôut prayers tohis happy fpecding.
Eugwhenftefh-{pringingbuds prove canker-fretted, with taint ofwice, ór fuft offaPpy floth;.
Their nearéttfriends, that fectheir hopes defeated, to fpeakthemfaire, or daigne a look, are loth: But view fuch noifomeweeds with loathing fcora 5
yca, parcntswith ill-thriwing plants unborn.
er V3A*es
ää INDEX ANGLIcus. • i
IN B. ' tesThema repetendum eft, άπό non? ad voces fùbfèquen , vel à fronte vel à tergo , prout innuit linea áu&a ' (…). Vox parenthefi inclufa , thematis fenfùm ibidem explicat vel , ' diftinguit. P. f. tempus præteritum: p. p. participium praeteritum: a ver bum aétivum, m. neutrum. .. -
A BO T*0abandom.
ACC . 976, abroad.
224. 481.746|to accu(tome.
1 to abafe. . . 84o| alabroad. to abafh. ' . 883 |to be abfent, -
188lto atchieve.
363 | to acknowledge. . ' 877. 568] --the receut (fo much
to abate. a&. 84o. neu. [to abftain. abatement.
295 [an abßraä.
227] received.) .
. 866
671 [to abufè. 355-carnalú| acquaintamce. 918. 931
638] 827 —in terms.: 916]to acquit. 990. 937.3:
abbot. abettor.
94r] quitamce. 866 737|to accept £f. 877] toat (play.) 952.934. . . . 641 [an accident in fickneffè.[aóiiom. 892. 95*. to em- ' 871 [an ace.
an a, b. c. boy. to abhor.
to ahide, p. t. abode, a&.
ter am aéiiom.
8oo. neu. 669. 981 [to accomplijh. 47o. 886]afiive. able. 358. to be able. z.] to accord, aôt•. 64o Iam aétor.
z59. 934] ofhis own accord. £oaboljh. abomimable.
856|am adder. 641 [according as. 2I-to. 23
above. 6oz. from above.] • ' . . -
726] to be added.
846 accordingly.
848 ito make account. 957[adjoyning. about. 648. 742. 982. |to accurfe. 641. accurfed.j to adjourne. , all about. 274. 975 8a8|to adjudge. -
2r 3.-wort. I 34
cingi. '
734. 995 [adieu.
15. 227!to accuf?.
888. 954
278 525 |to addreffè himfelfe. ic
to aboumd , or have abun- |am account.
658] addle.
X. 3
999 66 666
I 47. 84© ' to
ADV tò admire.
to admit. 46o. -into.
ANG altbough.
16o. 176
te beangujh. 295 aid. 695. to aid. 906 altogetber.
7o3. 8o5 ahvayes. z*5. 887.799 88; aire. 23. in theopá-483 amaxed. 1o1. 124 ate (ache) 294* to maíe amber. 84o to ake. 47 to be ambitious. am aker. 391 to amble. am ambler. 433 am akorm. 1z* ambuJh. 71 ; alas. hci, heu. • 376 to make amemds. 877 989 to alay. 791. 821 667 amalder. . I II atmarcemerat. 4m alderman. 65 I amiffe. 8oo
to aum at. i(h te admonjh. admonition.
737 922. 729 8o1
mucb ador,
982. to advance.7o8.advance to adore.
87o 485
advamtage. adverfitj.
to advife (counfell) a. 899.9o6. with (take adyifement) 353
ale: 444. -houfe. 6%s among. 335. 633.998
797. 867. 88.
advifediy. a far off. affairs.
726 alkakengie. 627 left alive.
43 13$ 6o6
ancefiors. 6o*. amcient. 59o. 821. 935
ament. 795 813. 969 all. 12. 1 5. 29. -over. amd. z. tobe affe£ted. 372. 38 r. at all. 3. all one an angel. : 978. 985 136 affeótion.362. kind- 596 636. in all points , amgelica, te affiamce. refpeëfs. 586. 8o6 anger. 371. toanger. 187 39r and all. 447 to angle. angler. am aw ?0 afford. 5o8. 849 to bee afaid •f. 366 to alledge. 659 gle ,or anglingrod437 683 tobee angry. 371, 89*. 77, 848 allegeamce. affefh. 47: 3 1 5 am alley. ' 617 anguifb. 668
after. prae. 89.814.adj. 345
298. 333 ,
agtimff. 692. to bee s
795 to amgM4!e.
an aly. 693. 879. alli am anker. a/10e. 588. 918 amkle.
, 976 to allot.
• agam,
* *56
to annoy. 3o9. ammwwttt.
te allow. 377. allowance| (in weight) <768 ambinted.
9o5 tw allure.
423 afftOft.
760 $87 * 531
779" amother. 86o.-place.175 age. 133. (oldnefîè.) an almamack. 967. under6o6 alms. 638. -houfè 625 to anfwer. 9o3. am 4/age.
976 am almond.
I 2 1 4/} 4/1t.
I. anticipated. ta agree (affent.) 786 alimoff. 258. 3; am antick. 924. (bec fit for.) 93o. (bargain) 853 alome. 794. al738 amtimonie.
ta fàu to -
agrumonte. 4/?
along. agreemient. aloof. * 657 already. 7o7
1 36 alfò.
to aller. n.
3 4o
m 89 am amvill. 7 1 2.
345. 9oo
*. z 15 6
546 I04 531
ay. 44. 71. 9c7.-bdy. 84o:-whcre. 427
8. 149. 199 apace. 3 1 o. 4 , 4?e,
733. 307
APP apocryphall.
AT T 996. 4ßißawce. affii. 631 (am arm.io7.26o-hole or|to 796] - pit. 254-ofthe fea.74 | 873. afiiiiant. * 727
apotheca y. to make apparamce. 665 |to arraign. 512 [to arreft. appare!. to appeach. to appeale.
to appeare.
669 | to affbil.
917|to arrive. 664] arrow.
7oz. I.
134[to affivage,a. 791. 896
986. 987 [arfemart.
622 | n. _ .
Io.361 [arfenall.
33s 658] to affure. 484|affuramce. 863. to ta*3 Io
1 o4|to afioni/h. 6z. to bee 4 4.724.992 | fomifhed. ` , 372.
te 4ppea/e. . 641. 691 [arfenike. '
eafij appeafed. | 895 [art.
, 126 [togoe affray.
apple. '1 2o. 236. 326 [artechoke.
-tree. 1 11. -föller.i 18|article (covenant) 856] affide.' ' ,. . . 451 246] artillerj.71 z.~jard.949 |afùnder. 934. put afia ofthe eye. to apply. to appoint. appointment.
5o9. 791 |as. 124. -being. 1 18] der. zz. 154| 744. -well ag. 976|at. at all. 674| . as foonas, 664. 947 | atheif.
apprehemfiom. 4Ppremticejhip. .
, 97o
334I 958. a* it were. 3 1 |to atome.
9 II
219. 993. as far as|to attach.
*o approach. i 37. an ap-I may be. 86o. as far|te attain.
99 I
627 I . as. Io7. -fùr (con [to attempt. 8o3. 919. at
799. 9oo|- cerning. ) 377. a*| tempting.
733 [attemdamtr.
679 I
513. 58o I4J8-tree.
arable ground. to/etim aray. arbour.
12o|to be afhamed of.
apricock, •prom. apt to learn. Aquarius.
988] atter.
313. 3 18
1 r 1 |attire. 5 14. 521. atti
725 I4Jhes. 45. 96ra|h-colou-| red. 41 | red. 339. afhwednef-|to availe. 779 Iam auger, 387 | day.
724. 889 527
7o8|to aske. 478. 7oo. 772. Iam aunt. 382. I -a quefiiom. 726. 9o3 |toavoid.
66o. 843
am arch.473.338.4}ched. | -advice. 9o6. (crave.)|to avouch.
8i t I98 576
873 [autumne. 351. to arch. 382 9 1 * | to awake. - 64o Iasku. arch:bifhop. ib. Itobe afleep (num) 293|not awäre of. archduke. am archer. to argue. Aries.
2. O4
657 7o2] faft afleep. 35 v. 376|award. 75o|aflemt. 283. aflope. 34 |am full. 596-j. - 9or
43 |4m 4fp.
264 I r 2. [awk. • 912. Iam ampl. 5o6. 4wj• 283
aright. 631. to ariß. z8|a/quint. arms. 690. 694. arma-||am affe. 7oo|to affay. da.
18o. 24y |ayaywith. -
381, 527
I 6 lam 4xe.
to arme. 7o5. am army. Ito affâile. aTtilants. 7o, |am axle-tree. 31. 457 71 I. 984|azure. 333. -{lone. 9o 69. 71 1 | affault. B. • 63* 699] affembly. aymour ofproof. art$ory. 642. 4rmorer. [to affent. …
65 1
532] affiß, 614. to-
A* or haby.
; X4
23o « g6
a ba!)0om.
BAL a baboom. to babble. ababbler. a bable. , a5atcheler.
BAR a bandito.
23o. 838
B Au.
381 [bjhfulneffe.
839 4 bamdog. 838 banefull. 589. to bang.
, -
671 | abasket. 114. 55* 4Io| a bafon. 556 328]a bafiard. . 6o6 17o[bafiard-mock. I3?.
• τ tbe backs. 238. -bone. bamjhid.67r.bani/hment.] tobaii. * I - 67 t [a bat(bird.) 144•(club). 259.-fide. 258. 624 66. 38o] 713 on the back. . 375 a bank. 864|to bat. 398. batefuli. back. adv. 79. ~4gaimeto a banker. '
thefame place.'
75 a bankef.
$65 |
' '
to play: the bankrout. |abath.to bathe. . . 579 865 |abathing place. -. 379 17?
-fivord. 7o4. -gate.
547. -ward.
463 |to put in batalliom. 7o8 a barbarous phrafe. 747 |a battell. 641. 7o8. b0 a barber. 584] fet- . 7 rf
to back-bite. 916. -[lide 98o
329 799. 931
a banner.
a barberrie tree. 138] battle ( fruitfull.) 387 546 a baige ofhonor. 7*2. I bare. p. t. a bear. , … [battlemcmts. : 55. 7i7 a bag. 486. -pipe. 777 bare. 5i 1. -fùatea.-leg-|to batter. .
a bay.74.47o.-tree. 1 1* ged. 5 1 z. t0 make-5 1 1 abaud. • , , ~culour. •.. 334 to bee , to bay at. 186. to ba!dat a bargain. a bay. 594 to bargum.
baudy. 826. -trimming 492. 856 578. baudineffè. 843
, • . 493 bavem. tu put in baile. 666 a baige. ' 471 a baufiy.' 186. 187 to baugh. a bally ( fteward. ) t0 barke at. 386 to bark trees. bark ofa to bayle. 186.
187 2o3. a
a bait.4x7. t9 bait. a bai
. Io9
ting-place. 625 a bark (fhip.) 468. 47o tu btk?. a baker. 4o6 barley. 129. -water. 4OI 4 bake-houfe. . 4oz 397 btld. 2o3. 586. -latim. abarm. 747. t0 xpax-,
baldmeffè. a bal!. balcomy.
a ballad. a baklance.
686.— aver. 638. -4-
gainf. 741. God be vitb you.
45o. 45 1 abeacom.
999 627
a beadle.
a barmacle.
2.88 941 54 5
a barre (bolt.) 542. 615
(leaver.) 534.(court) a beak. 144. 14*. 1 59
abeam. 527. (ofa ba!lance.) 766. (of the 38. 769 barrem. 1 1 z. barremmeffè. fun.)
;;; 82 6
a barrettor.
tu balk. 391. (paffè by) a bilke (beam)
to bee. 19 81. 976. -at.
a bayrell.
664 169. 445
766. 767 a barrow. 468 a barterer.
ba{me. to h tm.
* -
a beam.
I 28
to bear. *1 z 1. 122. 596
4t4. 46r
882. -0ut. 868. -with
49* 136 bafe. 85 r. 93o. the bafe
612. -up. 439. 37o -up againft. 466.-one
89 3
company. 9oz. -wit
« band ( troop.) «37 bafemeffè of conditioms.
meffè. 659. -fiway.
(to tyc with.) vt 7, a|.
. 7*8
673. (brng forth.) 598
47o befùre.7zo.-that.
' 598.-off. .
' 2. 5 6
*£ to be beforehand.
813 bent fift. z6o tobeget, p.t. begat. 598 tobenum.137.bemummed. a begette?. 6oo • . . i 579 6o8 tobegge. a beggar. 874. to te beTueath. 683 to beray. z$ I. 127 begger. • . 824 25 I to begim, p. t. begam, p.p. tabereave. - beavdleffe. 483 868 r I 8. I 23 a beaf. 19o.824. beaftly. begum.38.2o3752.78o aberry. bearers ofacorps. -abear. * I%4 beàresfot. 135 a beard. z5 1. -budding.
to befêech. p. t. beßught.
873 tubeat, tem.pr.beat. a$t. a beginner.655.bcginning 84z (entrance) 19. 3o4 te beßem. 4or. 668. -off. 7o» I 38.428 —finall.935.-dowm. 7r3 747. -of the world. to beft. 829 -ihtv. 726. -out. 39S 786 befide himfelfe. 11Cu. 374|to beguile. 918 to befiege. 7 18. -
53o ad be beatem. 729. p. p.[tegehave. 559 to befmeare. 988 · beaten (worne.) '4j6|#9 fehtad. 669 tobefot. -badt.` .^ 332 |#hind. . . . 6,47o9 to befprinkle, io4. be beating a drum. 7io behoovtfüll. 74I fprimklings. 58y a beaver. »12.368]to behold, p.tp.p.beheid. beff. 95,237.441 * - - -
btcaufe.94.35o.7*4.979] 757.992. adv.
14 to beiiow (lay our.)«1o
abeck.97iio belken.363 [to fe beholding. 877 , (give.) tóbtàme. 91o. ` ( beé|to beleaguer. 7 17 to beflirre. * madc.) 47. 52. , 11 [tobelcb. 292.-up again. to bet. v 295. -of. 976. it betw-|. ... meth.
736 [belchimg.
abed. 372. 847. a?ftliive. garden.) 38r. (in fed,' belgef.
· · ·
8*o 292.
363.886 -
to betake. 189. -tobeels.
358; betimes. ib. to betoken.
. , 204 568
Σfide 57o. -tloitber,, a bell.. 99. 629. 643 betony wild-running. 136 z 1 1.9 1 3 bédding. 571. bedrid.] -fòunder. 99.-fy.6,3 tu betray. *.
, , 95 'to belloy.
I8t to betrotb.
578 bellows. 53r tobetruff. 4o9 to bedew. 3 r , a belly. 253. 276. -füg. better. 8 r 3. 889. it is tò play the bedkm. 824 | 79o. -god. 82o. ta 28z.488.8o7 83o.bet a bee. * £19 | munde bclly-dhear.865 te*'S. 9or a beech. rr 1 ' to belong 449. 936 betwcem. 249.16*. beefe. 4*o beloved. • 63*. 93o beauty. 578 to beautifie. • beere. 444 below. 353. 383. things 38o. 589. 753. beauti a beer. 46o. 959 : ' 978 ull. ' • 39 37 I.889 beeftings. Ar5 abeft. 7or to bewaile. to bedaub.
1 36 a bencb. 556 73o to beware. a beetle, (fying.) z %* to bend. p. t. bent.ac.116 a bewitching. zz3.(of wood.) 519 ' 7o2.n.259 to bewray. to &fall. 371, to beföolé. bcmding quite off. 88.2 beyond. I 9 o a be<jl. 988] bending. j · ·|
7o6 *79 3 82.8 947 4I 4 t0 [);b.
843[ im- 944--amare.334 * ilm*. 317.9%0 733|ablade'ofam herb. 127,tobliv,n.(bloome)*** 711 394|to ülow , p. t. blew. îp. t.bwip.p.5i4-[teklad:it. 95o| (breat5) 55. 431
tobib. abible. tobicker.
Ā? commahâ) 1314 bladder.
-tbew/?.25o.-a bwm.
594. -fr. 493: (in |*o blame. 9»c.-ieffe.871] 413. 775. p.pkbm. £î) ;;;. (fálute)la blaçt. 371] … 777 9oz. -defiawe. 959 [ie blank. 883[blue.33$ -
-ho}-daie*. 63* ftoblat. 18. [blubberiag. 963 abidding. 934{a blafpbemer. 669itoblumder. . 89; -big. 782.-gne a* búg.45.-alroad. 914[bluit. 83. bluntύ. 7$. 32. -bellied, or witbla blaxingfiar. 63| to blur. 347.74i
joung. 417. 396. fig- to bla#. 31. a-8o. 464|to fli£b. 373. 923. * *eII£ 171 itobleach. 3oo fif8 -
abiif of ones hand. 862. [bleak. . (ofa bird.) 145 [ablimiffb.
133.v.hatdhet.Iblearedheffe. ' abile. a billomw.
313 |tobleat.
293. 339[bluftri£.
3£ 299.974
z86lto baad.
299|4 boare. 426. -pig. 184. 181l -ffeaw.416.-borisg.61
47 ltobleed. p. t. bled. bleed-\bogffing.
te bind. 396. 837. 9o7| āg.
975 Va boat.
-the bó.123. -ljre-|te bland. 267)4 kj.z8.-ofa tret.1o8 «64|bleffed.996.1ooo-meffe.[bodiy. 1I
cogni«ance. a biw. birch. abird.
1 12. la bleßing.
428. 436 |blew-bottle.
997 |abodkim. < 846 [bogr. I 36}a boy.
313 68 941
üralime. 157. -ejed. blind. 282.-hob.341.-am [tolwile. a. 267.435. n. 45o| ome fide. 283| 432. boild in biwth. birth. 239. 598. 984[blindneffe. . 299[Bell. 9*-*. 437 —ameïçfèrè thetimi.Ito büní ablinkard. 233 [bole-armoniake. io4 598. £f tow birtb. [a blifter. 316. 32o. that|4 bel!. 434 bisket.
93o| maketh223|bolled. 131. bolne. 3o3 637.64o|toblock up. 7o6|a bond (written), 86; 407 Iablock. io8.-bead. 284| to enter into- 657
abitcb. ,
186.Í88 [blockiJh.
abit(peece)534. fhaffte.|to bloom. 116. i 25 [abond(totye) 242. 595 351 Iabloam or bloffome. 114 685 tobite. 186.-in. 914 * 1 17'bondage.bwdmam. 6ro bitter. 326. bittermeffe. [ablat. 74 1 [a bone. 245. 239. a 92o.-girds. 84, |to blot out. 731.935 | pack of meere hones. toblab. ablab. 838 [blood. 268.270.715 796 blablwr-lipped. . . 284 | -leffe.338.-beund.424] botry. I9* bladk. 89.333.-bird. 1 5 3 | corrupt- 3:8 letting of-[a bomfire. 961 -berries. 123. -amd
blue. 3 17. 333. ali[bloody.
' 79 1 [a bomet. 7 1 4 a bpngrate,
1314 $13
- £ book. {
aboek. 739. 748. -bind-j toboult. ahoulier.
BRA 4o4
er.-feller. 748.-9f a boult (fhot) 712. -of
braffè. Ioo. 533.abraffe ot
ę, si ini*&
accounts. 854. with
adoor. 542.61 ;,boults
abrafter. 533. brafen (of.
braffe ) 494. -faaed.
481 a bounte.
a boot. abootb.
to be boumd (paf. à bind) brave (noble.) „? de a booty. 721. tormake i. beholding. 877. (ti brave. 669. braverie. 52.2
485 5 18 cd) 597. 666, 668 748 bravely. 99z a board. 53o. 351. 935 9I7 toboard a Jhip. 7oo to boumd. 34. 74. tofet tobrawl. borders. borderimg. 689 boumds. - - 689 brawne. 32o. to grow 783. a border. . 518 to bow. a. 1 16. n, 239 brawny. . . . z6o 1 bore or bare, p. t. of abow. 7oz.-mam.-cafe. a breach. 8o. 76o. 91r * • beare. . ibid. bread. 4o6. 407. 5 $4. -
to bore (pierce) . 527
borm. p. p. a bear.
645 to breake , p. t. brake,
tobe borm. .227 a bowyer. 533 brokesac. I z r.-off. 3v toborrow(to fpend.)86r a bomwr. . I 13.382.5zx. ~offfr a time. 3Io. -um
862. ( to ufe ) 86o a box (blow) z6o. 67o
391. 692. -out. 23o
-ofoneto pay amother. of wood. 552. 748. 796 -up. (a letter.) 691, 865
599 to brabble.
aboffe. 519. -ofa book. a brace (to couple. ) 748
to boaß. 84o. boaffing.
545 5I9
a bracelet.
936. (a law.) 689 -thorow. 9oo.(tame.) 176. n. (burft. \ 8o
31 5 (into paffion) 893. -the faff. 567.(as
to brag. 84o. a braggard. bankrout.) 865.-out 883. bragadochiam. (in fcabs.) 3 .c.-wind 836 841 backward.824.-inpie abotcher. 5o5 to bray,n.18o.19o a.401 de S. • 69r both. 2o7. 5 14. 596. om. the braim.34o. 35o.-pam. breakofday. 35. 576. a 297 botb fides. 657 breakfaff. 568. a brea a bottle. 564. -mefed. a brake (to bruife) 497 ker of league. 689 99 I
- a botch. 314. to batch. -
ihe bottome. 7o. 759. à bottome of thred. 499
a bramble. \ bram.
ìvithout breaking off.
1 38
' 4o4
tobreatk. a5t. 55. 275
tothe bottome.338.bot a brancb.92.1o7.branch -out,h. 271.32.8 ea. I 98 bréch videbritch. tomleffè. 7o a bouget. 486 abrumd (live or dead)46 to breed, p. t. breed. 29 a bough. Io7. 529 (mark) 4o9.to brand 274. 361. bred mobíy 93o to be bought. 496 63.669. 827. branded
a boul. a boulimg aiïèy. bould.
94 I 945
aboulffer. 371. to- ìj3
917 bredth.
, , 783
to brandifh. 713 abref. 273. -plate. 699 , 214.328 tobrangle. 917. ab angler byoMb. 838
to brew, abrewer, 444 . hgwes.
B RI Brew43.
abrick. -wall. a bride-all.
421 661
49v.3o5 1 •ut, a.243.256. £ad:
abroock. 51$ I ba&'4338.5x6 to brood. 4 bread., 147| ac. 38o a brook.69.418. to brook.140unde.
17 3. t0 bunch. 497
891 Ia bung. 44$ 59* 840 a bride.-gyøøm. -maide. broom. 136. r 38. 4- 58»|« bungler. § 50.796] abunting. 155 59 1. -well, 668 brotb. abrothelier.brothelbeufe, labkr. H34 abridge. 473 827|toburdes. 46o abridle. 45 I 6oi |4burdem ofafng. 734 abriefe. 227. adje. 993 abrother. 6Ì9 753. 756.993 brought (p. p. à bring)|a fufgeffe. 3o2. 49o. -aut. 7o8 a burglarer. 669 597 |to burie Cberry). 961 bright. 24. 85, 339. to <abed. 3o3 Imake-53z.brightmeffe. brown. 334. (paper)|to burle. 933 | bu/iiet. 136 38 the brim. $64 to bruiß.. 91. 497. a|to burme, a. 961. ~a*4/. brimßone. Io4 bruifing. 317| 97. -alive. 669.-i* brime. 73 4 brunt: 71 1 I cenfè. 641. n. 45. ~aut
a briar.
tobring. 169. 235. 374 to bru/h, a bru/h. 836.-im. 462. -forth bru/h-wood. 194.-out.43 I. 56z.-om
a brute(faine.)
329[burnt. Io4. 3zo. ~wit. 836 440 •
-^ 824.834[a burningfeaver. 3io the way. 9oz. — forth bruti|b. 53z joung. 598.978.-leaves bubble. 72, tobubble. 63[to burnifb,
-flìvers, -bloffâmes. a buck.
19$ [burrage. 136 583] aburrow. 619. a burrow flay,865.-up(nourifh) abud le. 5 1 5. 4 buckler. 205 599. ~into houfe. 555 699 [burf a peeces. 466 117 [buiflenneffe. 3o7 -up together.* 7o9 a bud. 163. -to that paffè or a bucket,
the brimk.
, 583
a buffet. 26o. 4 bug, 238[to bu|?.
136[a bu/h, 138. -ofhaire. a brifle. 426. 5o6.brifly. bugloffe. b. zo6.582, to bmy, p. t. bought. 431 | . . . 586 the britch. 258. britches abujer. 14 bujhell. 764
49 3[bufie. 888. tobe buffe, er \ brittle. 1 oo. 939. -heffè tobuild. 146. 323.bkilt. looke buffly to. 686
5 1 z. 58o
broad. , to broach.
3 245. 547
: 4
815. 96o. a buff.-
168. a building. $ zz. abull 181. buls£i<le.
body. 837. bufineffe.
668., a ballace. 1 19
I 2.o abukim. a b(oqcb (fpit) 431.758 , (fpeare) - T • 7 § 9 a bullet. 7 1 z. the bulke. a bmftard-
5 I4 1 5o
a brock.
} o8
t» broil.
d bullock. 417. a bul
182. (to fhoot at.)
brokem. p.p. (a breaî )
ru£h. 139. a bulwarke.
316. d butt of wine.
but. 9. 1 r. 67. to butt.
3o7.63 I. -up.38 8.
-wind. d. . . 46o a bunch. 285. to bincí
420 -
CAL Butcher*-#rosm.
138 canckredftomach. 431.364 canonical.
butter. 416. -fy. 223
cartam s.
CAS 89* (meat) 557. a carver. 63 1 712. 647
a tafe ( matter.) 75*. (to keep a thing)55z.
676. 557
to canonize.
abutter». abwttock.
2 1I
a canopie.
a buttom.
5 4o 723 55z
a cap. 514.-£a/?. abuttreJe. _ 538.546 capacity.
by.934:-andby. ro6. £?? -
a casket.
adaptaih. captious.
a caffbck. 5 1 z. to caf, p. t. taff (hur!) 43 466.-out,fòrth. 4o9 697 271. 228. a fmoakie 838 fhell. 744. -yound a
4 cape. ro
a by-wg. 477. -words. capricornus. 753
(hap) a cafément. 273 te cafhiere.
74 943
4 cabbage.
I 26
a caffe
bout. 277. -off. 876
a cabbim.
playing cards. 941. te
546. 6o5. ~accounts
a cabbinet.
card. ,
866. - metall. 94. 99 acable. 466 care. 364. 1 care not for. Ioo. 533.-iw omes teeth te table. I6o 729. 883. carefully. 876 a cage. . 429 727.736.886. to bee caft avay. 465; tayeleffe. in a fuit. 66o.66z. 798 a caîe. 4o8 carele[j. 318.886 cafiim, over, amdbefides. calamiit. ' 136 agazkar.* 338,796 768. -oat. 5o9. -te a cafdrw. 431 to carou/?. xwideworld. 228. -4823 527 a caf.415. -•f the fig. a carpenter. »4y. 742. -off. 868 -clothes. 5o5 256.ßa168 a carper. 838. to carp. t• call. 185. 333. 347 916 acaf. 94r. ca[ling (vo 132. mit) 792. -forth. 77z. (name.) 7o.-wp.376 cayramygy. C0M471£. ' 756 -wpam 631. -together carrtts yellow. 136
&¥9. -•wt, fùrth. 41 3 to carry. 48. 17$. 225 a caßer oflots. * -to mind. 346.348 397. 461. 486. -back. acafle. , • calling (trade) 886 268.-amv4y. 466. 946 cafüall. v -0£f.
717 97r
• 352.
2. It -along. 268.-out. 414 4 £4f. 471.5 I 5; ;• cdlk. 469 -to and fro. 552.-a- a catch. callow. / 147 bout. 411. 641. -toge to catch.12.195.4x7.-at. cafm. 463. calme y. 886 ther. 4*8.-to burying. 975. -fire. 4$ caltraps. 4I o 959. (behave.) 84o catchingadj. 3 16 a camp. 7o4 caryed about ome. 767 catchpoles. 653 • cap. $6z. carriage enfùrced. 431 683 4 cate*. 935 cattell. . 1 3o. 174.32r 1 cam. 9o5. -mat. 69o a carrier. to cùmcell. 731.866 a carriere. . . 451 a caterpiller. 223.226 £4ßer. ` 328 cavalry. 43 a carrio*. 698 78.5 az a candle. 743-ffick.745 a cart.435.456.-rwt. 459 ia cave. 2o5 668 to be caught. a samjterworm.217.223 -vbip. (fole.) 3£% to carvé C grave) 771 tocavill. 838, 4 * poore
• C HA avill.
2:3 chamgable.
a caul.
a changling.
CH I 64| a dheek. 249. -puffed. 4o6
a chammell. cure.) 8o. 297. 371 a chamter.
aau/e. 292. 359. 712 to chap. n. 469. dhaps. \ 3o1 acauffe616 638 teaej?. 178. 939. with adhaplain. 493 out ceafing. 3 1 [a chapmam. 638. 987 to celebrate. 648 a sbappell. a charaéter. 643 136 dharcoal. 697 to charge
4 cem/er. aemt0/y. at
dheef. 567. -j.
cbeefe. 217. 416 a cherry. 1 1 1. ¥19.-tree.
to cherifb. 35. 137.399 theff-play.
a dbefi (coffer.) 332 848. (breft.) s33 -mut. 1 z I. Iz3. 334
46 to chew. z1z. 56e.-the cu/a. 184
( give in
charge ) 983. (a achicken. 147 chickweed.
gun.) 7o3. (to af fault. ) 715. 7 18 to dide. 9**•
to deffe v. feffe. acefferm.
(lay to ones charge)
ch. in graec.v. K.
dbøffe. 399 te hafe, orbeim a chafe.
4 cbarge barge
vem 917 1n ( 638.
236. 61 2. 777. tebæ
396. 6zo. 695
»ith-23 1great witi 596.-bood.235-birth.
892, 894 acbarger. athaim.458.-•fgold.319 a chair.
dhief. zz7 dhild. 8. 23o. dhildrem
charge) ;í. (coft)
adhafiwg. 791,-djh.43 § 55
chary. v.way.
395. to grow 4-23£
in child-bed. 597.dbi!-
charity. a charm.
793. 907
73 o a cbarret.
455. 457
t• bee chill. 54. cbill.
189 to challenge (claime.) a chafe. 859. (into field.) to chafe.71 5.-4way.984 to chiwe. 95o. achallemge. 868 dhaft. 825. chafitj. 827 a chimney. a thalice.
the chim. 1 1. 87o chime.
to chaffufè. 61 a. chaiiifé
783 619 47 331
159 memt. chalk. 1o4 469 a chamber.373. 848.-fel tochat.chatter. 16o. 298 achink. IO1 a chip. $*7 /ow. 676. -pot. 577 cheap. 16o. a chamberlaim. 676 to cheapem. 493 to chirp. chamfered. , 76o te chear up. 44o. 954 choice.adje&. 4o9. 8to 394 te champ. 267 to make goodcbeare. 826 at omes choice. choice.fub. 806 chearfull. 245. 915. om. achampiom. 949 tochoke. 3οπ•394 cheerly. . 992. chance. 97o. by chante. 883 te choofe mr make tìtè 445. to chamce. 67o chearfully.
of. p. t. chofe.361.&#7
tocheat, 817.4 cheating.
95 I
673. 817
a chandler. '
333 4 cheater.
choßn. p. p. 739. wt
a change. 31. 968. 373 to check.
451. 876
te change,*31, 889.-cul checker-worke. l0r. 885 -wife.
35 1 1
choofè but.
. 967
a choppingknife. 4*o. io
41. • 382. chop, a. 527. n. vid.
charge.) 866. toget[totloß up. a. 267. 4o7 a chuf. 284 cleer of. 381 n. * 318 a churcb. 6**.-jard. 96o cleeríy. 752|4 clue. 499 a church-robber. _ 669 to cleave (rive.) 3z a club. _ ' 713 a churl. 917. -i/h. 895 ftick.) 247. 27o a clufer. 759 -i/hmeffe. 842 acleft. 268. 275 14 coaft. 76.7 83: te churm. 4I6 clemlineffè. 578]4 coat. 121. 312. 5r* ofcryftal!. toclenfe. 315. 414. 641 I -ofmaile. 699 cimquefùile. 136 clememcy. 661 || 4 cob. 16o. cobiram. 43r * cinnamon. 135 a cliffe. 79. roola coblar. 5o6 roolacobweb. 226 a cipher. 495 to clime. -
a circle.
to clip(fheare.) embrace.[a coach. 45$ zz9|a cock. 159. (fpout. ) 675 a clipperefcoim. 669| 445. (ofhay.) 418 a cst,zgm. 614. 65o a clocke.623.772. (what [cotkal. 94 * a citterm. 775 is a clock.) 77»|to cocker. 61 z. civil. 84*. 895. - »var. -maker. 533. to-16o[cockleweed. 394 81. 416. Iacod (ofpuls.) 128.3o7 691. 4 tled. to civilixe. 724 to clodtogether. 422 I (ofthc body.) 18z a city. 484. 613. cheef - _-
clay. claiey,
to cloy.
ig4] -fjh.
338|a affin. . 393 a cloifle*. to claim,or layclaim.859 a cloke. 317. Jhort-51»[cogging. a claim. 868 a clake-bag. 486|c0y. toclamber.
67. 374|a cef*. 552. 796. 848
clofe (hid.) 641. 691 I4 cgife. .
959 925: 9o? 313
(narrow.) 539.-ánd|to keep a ooil. . . 987 te claf handi. 934.-uf. filt.831.-by 1 58.33o|to coin. 495. cvii. 494 49o [twle. 373.-place. 624[^inf. 336 a clapping. <-together. adv. 267|cold. adj. 26, 136. 3*o 33 I clarie. 13 5 clofély. 116. 186.9»o| fub. 53. 59. I 16. « a clark. 629. 676 a clofe. 41 1 1. cold. 3oo. tobee-338 clark ofthe market. 766 clofèt.
to clafh.713.clafhimg. 333 aslafp. todafp. to clatter. to clamv.
51 5 643
a clamw. 148.-backe.9.5
to cloatb.
cloth ofgold.
998] coldly. 88¢ 19* [a cole. 46. -rake. 434 675 ' -black. . 334
cloths. 377.-yorker.5o3 [celewort headcd-jagged clothier. to cletter.
416 [a colet.
136 519
. •.
cleame.731.935.t0make clovem-footed. 184.422 [collaterall. 132 | a collier. 86. 229. 4oo. 45o cloves.
' * 54^
579.581. 624. cleam a clout.5o5 to clowt. 826 [te collogue. 49 [acollop. -* ly• 738 a cloud. •
533 56o
a clown. 917. clowmifh}. [colloquintida. _ 123.136 769. -ffar-light. 149 559 | colour v. gulor. to cltere. 387. ( dif clowmiJhmeffè. 841] coltsfùt. j?
cleer. x*. 71. 381. 578
CON COM a tombe. 586. coc*e*- -keepiag,-keeper. 323 confidence. I 59 865.bad- 931.to-(lie) aosfinime. 747
xvitb. 827. to keepe totomfiftate.
tocommand. 594.-vver:
984 to confèumd.
- c //7//a.
668}a companiam. 919.93o.to toa*fwte.
*; 7** 9.5
867.983' acompaffe. 753. (muck) a tonjurer. conjuriag.
to commence.737.-a fuit.]
387. ( mariners.)
658 te commend.
4 te^gie.
.$7: 671 669
463 totamquer.
914 te take compaßiom. 912
a conqueror.
eommendably. 87o {tocompell. 683 toconfider. . , 8o3 a commißiom. 677. ome. tocomplaine. 367. 663 confideration given. 357
a conßrt. 774 to conftitute. 43 u• commitunto. 663] eomplementing. 92; confiitutiom. 279. 293 8&; ammodity. 49r ' a complexiom. 278 to conftrain. a eommom. 41 r.-yvealth. [te comply. 968 a confumption. ' . • 3ft 314 . . 649 | te compound. (agree.) Yontagious. 26o the tommon fùrt. 4o9.589 657 to comtaim. 981 -people. 841 'to comprife. 26o. 76o to comtinue. twmmonly. 339.71 1| to püt to compromife. in continuavce of time.
659' a cnmplaimt.
891 367
commomalty. commoners.
651.654 14 tomyade. acmmotiom. ' f0-€0m17/7//me.
continualfj. 48. 66. IIo
|69r[to cm over. 734 7*6 93: | to cmceuve. 12.22.735 omthe contray. 799.817 38o
995. -£y(gct)8o5. -to 968. wedded to owme
to contrive. controíler.
paffe. 4*. 72. 129. 995 -81 2. highly conceitedof.
to conveyover. 33o. 436
to come, p. t. came. 2;o 4 comceit.6.344. 357. ill
857 842. a camveyance. -fo mimd. 994-on. 16o 841. conceits. 673.837 convenient. 47o. $39. 37o. -after. 36. 779 £0 conce/rt. 176 985 -agaim.31o.-fhort.797 concerning. • • 730 86> -upom, 715.-fòrth.954 a conclufiom. 99 1, -of a convementie. - between. 656.-bac{e.
things to come.
83 369
fpeech. to condemne.
conditiom ( covenant.) cohverf?.
stomiwgim. 54z.-fhort. 856. (quality.) 8o1 797
93 I. -upom.
come!y. 24*. comelineffe. a comdu£f. * 58o a conduit. tomftr. $ 66 a confeífiom. to cmfort. , 63I to confer. comfrt. 26«.9ö6 conferente. -
toconverfe or be convtr. fant. 9 18
86I 462
to convert.
acook 431. -fhop. 643 cookery.
383 a cord.
'431 389
756 to coolea&t3275. n. 43$ 5 13 93£ cookweffe. 567
to fet a coppy.
*%pmpany (band) 397 to confèffè. 639.998 a coppis. ( travelfing. )^ 476 to be confidentof. ^ 337 copper.
43* 329 99.444
a coop.
CO R 4 c00p. « caoper. cordial].
C O Ü! I'6©
533 ** 856.857 \ , 792. t0 60 ver.54.25 I. 459.571
a cwvemant.856. to- 689
I2Q, 3 1 5 71o. £0uf4g*ou*.
882. -ly. 883. cor&e
1 iz.
cavered. 699. a' cover.
ta cjack of
craft. 918. acraf. 377 . crafy. 355. 817. a
535.of a booke. 748
a coverimg. '
4 @verlet.
I 47
57 1 4 £ragge.
78 , 77.1oo
a qurfe (race) 31. (of, a fovet. 189. £ovért). £ragged. meat) 565. t0 c0i/rfè. 9zo t0 cram 948 totovet. 599. 818.cave £rammed.
eauife.adj.45o.ofa coiir-; tous. 845. cvvetoufheffe tbe cramp.
294.3 1 3
fer fort.
848 4 crampij om.
• kings court. 679. (of to £o/gh.234.824 4£ough 4 £*4j/e. . law). 624. 649. 664. f , 275. a trafh. -jard.
544.347 a £yule.
424 4 cratch.
675 , a coul. 638.-fiaffe. 534 acaufim. 393.6o 1.6o3 ' a colt; I79 • courtier. -germam.
a cou<ener.
152.457 59 414
4 cr4vem. . . to crave.
^87 ;
6o4 ' 4 coulter. 39 t 4 £*4ve*'. . 874 494. 817 tourfell. 9o6. to- 899 to craul. 3.13.313. 8 17. 913 | acounfellor. . 66o.87 1 , craxie. 295. cra$ímeffe.
sorm.217.385.a com 3o5;to wunt. 756 (eftesme)
79o 2o4.543 288. 5o8.785.93o tp treak. 4 carm-chamber. Aoofcountemance. 4i6 3.44 gream. 756 to createyreatiom. a corner. 536. 758. car [acou#ter. 18 32o
vcd corner-wiß. 89 |a counterfeit. 77 1 4 living creature. ' 227 agrnet (fhalme) 7ro} counterfeitcd. 85. 442 cgdit. 659. 863. haffy 378, trediting.. - (in anâruny)'- ' 7o8] -colour. Iz. a coronation. I 683.697 |a counterfiter of coiae.] a creek. , 74. 4 corporation. 619. 65 ;
728.87o 4 £oumter-pavw 817. 93 I
,t0 corrupt.
-pofùm. .
coufe. •
376.818 t0£ounter-poi'g. n. 786 668 5o3. a dead corfe. a county. . 959
to to[?. tofily.
4 Couplung. ,
496 695
4 £0).y.
to make ceßive. '
a coward.
^ofiivcmeffe. »t9 coth. <a cottage.
3o3 cawardlineffe.
322. * 14
hclongingto a-
134 172. 4 I 4,
416. « £rick.'
294 `224
885. 886. 885
accab. 326. -fijh. 17. loufe.
creffès wild. a crevfh.
261. a crib. 4 I7
to creep. 143.2.23.-im 86r -upom.718. -abuut,* i 1 £reeping. z.iz.z 1 3
a cricket.
to cybut fòr. 87 .-out
,, (as a child.) 227 -quittamce. ' '
a crjer. 653. crying. 23o
3o3. 738 crabbed. 83*(hard)75o i 59 crimfim. . fo couch claf*. a. 748. n. 10 crack. .
' ^Uttera.
^ touch.
37 o.;7%
a crack. crack-bi/iind.
, 275
$9.7o3 a crimge.
8o5 to troke. v.
1 &o. 2. I .
A (}'07/e.
C R Ul.
fundry-coloured. . 158 4 cwßomer.677.(buyer) cruoked. 148. 248.758 [a culver. 1 54-tail. 536 493 to crop. I 17. acrop. 385 jto cumber. 487 !o cut. p. t. cut. 93. 193 (ofabird) I 45 i cumberfùme. - 874 3o4. 71 3. -offawg. $ Io totroffe. 835 la cumber. I o8. 527. 5 58. 706 2o5 796-downe.528-out croffe. adj. 373. 467. a a cummy. croffe. 669.813 [cummimg. adje. 355. 915 42. 86 -tongue. 669 -clotb. 513 -lime.758 fub. 817.cummingj.771 -up. 796-afunder;in -vay. 479 —bow.7Iz amy cumtry.687. 783. tbe pieces. 358. -thorny. -bow-mem.698. croffe cumtry.686.mymative 37. 551 -thethrott. 723. meffe. 9o9 420 925fa cumtjmam. cuntryfolke. cut. p. p. 554. -downe. crouchimg. to croud up.z67-in. 837| 756-people. 686. mj 4I8 t0 gropy. 159] 691.ofour cuntry. 495 a cut (lot) 644. aJhrt 4 CY0)3/. 16o|4cap. 364 -board.56z 475 et drome.
533 a trowm. 674. (of the -bearer. 564. * 676. a cutler. head) 343] {hot.823.agreat-562 4 cut-purfe.485.-throat. cruell.
795 [4£uppim;glaffe. 83z {cupples.
836] a curaffer.
ofthe fame crew.
a cypreffe.
II 5
0 dag. 668 a crum. 225. crum. 4o7;tocurb. 43 1.668 31 [curbedby. 594 4 dagger. 4ao.71 crump-footed. 289;to curd. a curd. 416 the day.34.41(vi crumpled. I 18,10 clare. 313. 319. 79o 64I -light. 35. 149 to crumble. .
-time. 283-far ffent
crufhing. 317-out. 44o, curiouff (exaétly) 886
568- before.43 1.…af ter. 976. the Jhorteß
4o7[to curle.
33. dawning" of . 3 ;
a crufe.
363 {curHxaded.
a crupped.
to crufh.
32o.673{too gurum;.
t'athcr- 976. eveiy a cub. 186.zo 3 [curling-irous. 586 daiff, 34. 61 1.734. a a cucko'd-maker. 827[a current. 65 day-boo&e. 742. two, a cuckow. 16o'curfamts. § • ' I 23 tbree,eight daies. 633 cuckow-pimtle. 1 3»!to curry. 45o -favour. daimty. 456 -bit. -tooth. a cucqueam. 827 9oI.928 8zo- dijhes. 1 5o.4o8 acucumber. ' I23.566 [a currier. 5o8 • daintily. 754 a cud. 267 fa curiy-comb. 45 o adai y. 4o9 -maid. 415 67 5 a cudgel/. 18o.668}to cuife.893.curf. 83z a daies-mam. 78 a tuffè. z6o[a curfe, 9 & 5 \ dale. to cull. 4o9[a curtain. 745.954 t0 dally. 856 -
a cullet.
ib. !curteot/$.
831.9o I a dame. 6o9. a damme.
433 [a curtefam. 827 (mothcr.) 598. ( to acolour. 333. 5o3. co$]a cufhum. 572. 576 ftop.) 47o. todam. ' khrs. 463. 7o9. to- ]a cufta/d. . 4o8 67 ioo.378]<uffome. 8oI (toll) 62 1 dammage. 658 a cullander.
• 68:
* -*-
* damo
• _*
DAN damoffh-tree.
DE P 'DEF to decay. 939. decajing.|4 delug.
58 328
a damp.
â damfm. a dandeprat.
I 2.o
to deceafè.
238 deceafed.
to damce. a dance. adam deceit.
83o 886 ^
78. 189. yzz. 35 3.478]a dem. 361.918|te denj.659. 81 1 •ffifly.
cer. 943. a damcing. deceitfull. 942. -om 4*0pe. 945
' ' 69 z.862.
957 |t0 demand. a- 647|todemeam. 678|demure. 9 i8|todemur.
to deceive.
811.858 58o| . . danger. 394. to bee in decemcie. ^ . 874 465. in damgertò.394 a deck. 463.468]ademiall. ' ' 68r to deck. 6I9 618]a denifòm. 684 to decipber. damgerous. 693 783[to demounce. . I 8 I a decoétion. dangling. 76o 79* [a dent. 549 a decree.654.663.t0-661 [twdepart. damk. 9oz. -
to damt.
to dare.daring.
dark. zo. to growto darkem.
36 113
'dwkmeffè. .
darmell. a dart.
957 a deed (writtcn.) 863[to depend. anilâ– 871. inveryç[to depofe (fwear) 659
7 Iz
17.986]to deprive. 693 [a deputy.
to deem.
468. 474|a death.
the deep. deeply. ' a fallow deer.
536|to derive. 199 |to deßamt.
73o 627.769
to dafh againff. 47o.y4r deer. adj. 493.adv.491]to defçry. a date (fruit) 123. (o£ 496|to deferve. writing.) 786. òut to deface. 347|4defert.
a daughter.
to defalk.
593. 398 to defame.
a daw. te dawb. a datwber.
to dcf?at. 527 to defend. 533 a deféndant. 35 to defie.
the dawning. to dax!e.
to defi!e. .
868 677
758|te defire.12.363 (pray) 833
54 f
87.|defire.818. earnef- 198 364.799
4 1 o.7r 8
659|4 de%.
8oo|to dejpair.
. ! . 825 [defferate.
* 799
638 to defloure. 4 deacom. 88o 827] to £ffife. dead. 678 -coale. A6. a degree. 23. 877. ly de-||deftiny. 977 -corps. 961 -[leepe. grees. 719 737]te defroy. . night. 987 to delayfram day to dy (deftru£tiom.9t9.utter-719 29 -wine, -beer. 443 836[det.866.torü deepiw-865 deadiy. T 3 1 1.691.953 4 dely. 8o3 365] to determine. z8z deaf. deafifh. to delight, or take delight [degtb6o6.6to.963-puni tb deale (doe) 607. 83o 932.34ol fbrd with- 663-daj.964 . 87o -out. 27o. -be delight. ... 864 366.7.614 detter. -
492.9I I
to deliverto. . 748.857 [the deviù.
a dealimgout.869. dealer. to be delivered of young. [devils:milk. -
988 989 136
397. 558jto devif?. 355.754.913 . débate.456,te debate. 891 to delve. 1os. zfo. 439[devotiom. 64t 568 38 1 |te devour. •!ehauchediseffe, 738 adelver, a* Ύ z.
D IN dew.
a dewlap.
adie. 759. , -box.
adiall. , .
. . 361 diffblve.
998 [to dif&ntemt.
* &voutj.
; D IV 799.85*
, 53|tobe difçontented. 89» a diftaffè. 181 |to difcontinue.a. 8or. diftance. di*. 941]to be difcouraged. 885 to diíiafte. 21 I diiiempered. 941]todifcover. 567 dißinäiy. • 772] adif&oufe.
adiamond. 89 (figure) [to dif&ourfe.
759]te diféredit.
• 84o
369 29* -
355.725 9o2. 294
diftraííe digreffe. to difufè. ditany.
51 1. 826
? £#.
133 ineffe.
a ditch. 413. fanding-| difêreet.
28r I66 8oi
497 [to diflain. 38 1 [to difèafe. 134 279 ditch-dock. , 136 todie. 123. 273. 72. 3. [alfeafed. 285 a ditty. 96*. 966. ready to- 936 |to disfigure. 474 that dyes alone. 328 [disfranchifing. , . 671 a diver. to dye colows, a djer.'hard ofdufgeffiom. .438 divers. 168. of diverfè 955 • 593 to difguife. 344 kinds. 82.o a divimer. a difference. 244. 343 ' 644 | (jarre) 91 1.to put difgrace. z88. 87o. 93o divine power. 644.97r 589 adivine. ^ · · 333. what is the- ■ to- , 99* • 993 593 divinity. ', ., 886|a diJh. £o dig. 248.38r] to diffmberit. . . 6o5 to make divifiom. 656 V.
a ditchør.
dilgentj. im. ,
8o3.886]di]honefiy.^ 769|to diflodge. .
dim-fighted. : 149.283 |to be diffnaid. adimple.
to dimin/k. todine. adinner. £
$e digingrgm. .
63 z 25 t |todifniffe. . , 6o5 87*]difùbedience. 362 568] to difùrder. ' ib.| diférdered. . 29.931 . 555 [to diffayage. a. 589.84o
a dbckföra fhip.
tododge. adag. dogged. a doke.
• . ' 663 [todifpatch.268.294.807 &# ^"toto difamull. , 983 a dolt. difappoint. 363.87. a dole.
186.424 895 76o
483 284
9o7 to doe. 799. 8o3. 834 te disburfe.diburfemenis[todiffay. . . . . ro7 (coinmit)871 (finifh) '_ 854|to diffleaf?. . . . 361 525.-amiffe. 9o7.9.3 : : ' 89, -good. 881. to have to to difèerg. : : 283. 327] dijleafed. 827 ' ' 86 . dowith. 5o4|to diffleafure. difernable. to diftrm.
723|to diffenfeyvith.
to diffhage (pay)866[diffjtiom 243. 176.93o to bee dome.”259, 9zo s (doe.)6$z.983. (ac-|to diffraife.833.diffaifè ( finifhcd. ) 391 814.9oo dome. 87o : quit) 66z. (a gin.)| • I * 7o3. (fromwar)723|to diffrove.
* a difèharge.*' * 866|to difquiet.^, 368.917 868 to difctaimwe. . . 868|to difféi/e.
tadiftlofe. . * dif* fit.
a doore. -cheek. vithin doores.
54*. 543 54 E.
147.838] to dißant. . . . . 7r ; out ofdoores, .. 594 zo8 • . 634 4dwmoi/?. 8. 717]4 diffìmbler. dìrmam.
ID R I 564
5 45 1 drawer.
plunge)669 71 fto drowne Ę( plung
to dote. 235. t0 dote om. dvay-bridge. . 473.615 829 to be drawm afunder, 722 dotard. doter.
234 4 dream.
• 829 dreg*.
doulifb. 8o5 a doiibt. 357. to fand im-
to dremch.
I o4
589.59o drink. 44o 4o6 to drink. p.t.drante. 364 827
ta drag. a dragnet. a dragon.
668 427 2. I4
a dray. to drain. adrainer.
a drake. . adraper.
794 796
a drum.
a drugg' Jht. w4re.
drunk. a drumkard. 823 to be druwk. 82. 4 to bedue.
61 ;
duhble. 4o7. to- 751
a dublet.
$ I z. .
(dive)424-down the head.
352. 541 2.29 137
39o. 45 4 -0m. 464 dulled. a dullard.
-out. 594-off(delay)
—amvay. 5 61. dulmeffe.
634. 984.-back, 718
354 z8z
$ 27 dum.
•-in. 272. 1 6o to drjvell.
824 dung. 21 r. 387 414-to
to be drivem ayay. 793 1 57. 286 -hill. 159 18o. 454 a dumgeom. 6 16
a draught (copy) 732 a driver. (fhape) 8. (drunk) to drizzle. 564. (patterne)-net
f£; iß Â£,
788. to drinkof. 8»; 4 dug. ' tu drive.p.t. d*ave.drove. to düll.
9 492,
737 a duck. 16o. to ducé
249.6o4 ta drill. domv, a diab.
383.447 a drudge.
to dreffè clotb. 5o3. doubtfull. 749. 75o•986 dreßing. 379. 521 doughty. • . 885 dty. 77. 136. 32I. 418. a dove. dove-hou/?. 154 ' 764 doum. 2. 5 I to dy. a. 33o. 497 n. Io6 downe. 1 zo.a dowme.78 downe-hill.79-ward,49 d*yed. 169. 17o a dowry.
5 r a dumce. 698 dart.
a droil. 4 drone.
2. I9
447. -bo fe.. 455. -bound. 424 (jakes) to droop.
886 · · 234
81.48r 61 6
579 '
drooping. duskifh. 769 todrop. 5 1. 72.-downe du/i. 81. fmall- 772. 586 52. -im. z 69.-off dutch. to dramv frtb, out. 137 I 1 7 duty. 433. 445, 56o. -to. 652.886 * 756 r9o. 27r -dry. 683 4 deop.53.72.4 finall-5 1 4 duxen. -
to draw.
624 459. 583
~out. 268. 525. 53r. 758.-77o. -neere. 186
-afide. 954.-over with drops. 319. <cuts. 644. -up the dropfie. in writing. 652. (a dropyört. yeapon) 7oo. (by droflè. fcnt.) '
. 5 I9 a dwarf.
dioppings. 3oo. 445. b) to dwell. 343. -togetber.
a drove. . .
311 I 36 97.4oo 4o9
a dweller.
323.6 1 9 . '
a dwelling. -boufe.
522. 539 '
' Y3
5 39 E,
EN G eitherofboth. 5 14. 554 an end. 8o4. the Me * Ach. 1 54. 189 -0458 (both)631. -or. 297 196 am emding. ther. 592-by it fèlfe. am eleétuarie. 953 E.
439 4m elegie.
eager(in taße) 326.(in fight) am eagle.
am ell.
amemdevour.851. t0-363 641
z6O to endite. 732.738 7 1 1 at elbow. 1 6o elders. 9or. eldef. 6o8 tobecome emdleffe. 656 elderm. I 38 endawmemt. 88o I4*. -ring-5 19 4m elf. 987. endued. f I3 toendure. a. 883. n. 336 . 127 am elm.
am eare. 204. 299 -pio ker. z6z.
to ear. 385. earumg- 39o
am ear-wig.
the eaf. eafler.
, ".
I Cajtmpt-
\;i an embalfadour.677. em baffage. 983
69*. 7o3 (
788 ---up. -2 1 9. 568 to embill.
864 -faff, 8:o. gree embowcd. dily. 559. fit ta - 17o to embrace. 2.zz. 42. 3. P. t. e4f. embroiderer.
p. p. caten. balfe aw eat4ill.
caves. - dropping. -dropper.
695 to engender. 55 1.759 an engim.
229. 599 England. 5o9.675 Eng{ijh.
837 to empar,
293 3o 77z
• 663 494 733.771
716 toengrave.
43 i eminent., 8x.o am e/7//#3t. 546 emerall.
private) 893
' 45 to emfeeble.
ta eat. I 18. I zo. 56o embers. .
59 lam enemy ( publike.)
— 88o to engroffè (all.) 490 . . 325 (a writing 95 tobe emhanced. 293
86o eaf?.375. to- 463. 573 empatrmg. etfing. • • 671 t0 cmpale. 72. 2. eafie. 883. (not loud) an emperuur. 677 88S 734. -pace. . . • 453 emploied. the ebbe. ebbing. t0 ebbe. employments. 344. 929 76 empty.29.468.to- 79z o$ edáy. 466 emroids. 686.687 an edg. 85. 584.71 3. to to ena&t. fet teeth on- 298.edging to emcamp. . 7o4 -
to emjoy. to emkindle. to emlarge.
63* 496
366 58.7 io 618.7$> 940
to emlivem.
enough.699-andtofit; to emquire.
478.726 914 177
to emtrage.
enraged. 644. to bee
793 .* 8 9* {18 emchanted. * 782. toemclofe, 682, 4 II.652. to enrich. I66 am emcoumter. 71 5. to toemrell. 647. 695. em rolment. 630 to-- 8o3 294.7 I I *.
t0eek. am eele.
an effèt. 795. artegge.
encouragement. 87o.871 emfignes difflayed. 7o9 487 (companies.) Aggjg oi;. . . , 871 emcumbrance. 697 an eje (fonat ei.) 246 encompaffed. 138:583 toenfhare. - 43o -lid, brow. 247 -falve emcreafe. 387. to-872.a. toemiiall. 675 I47
8Iz. 792. 79$. -- fight. taendammage. ' 9r4 to emfue. 95 1.--bright,134.cor toend. a. 3 ; 1. 469. 33* to emteg, 2, 639.m.-into. ncr of248 ) (a fpecch)7 52. n. 254 641.643 -
Ex C
ftercourfe of tradiig. jeternal!.
978 to exhort. 883 expence.
957 extortiom.
491 |anevafion. 854 29c|evem or equall. 869 experience. expert. ex nterfeering952. | (nor cdde.) 941 perienced. £ emte* lude. 355.725 837 | -veight. 766. -as. to explaia. 0 emtermeddle. 749 87* | to make- 4oo. 541. 4m exploit. m enterprafè. 7. . 63r 2 emfertaime. 489. 879 | 552. jea- ` ' 12.96 to expound. 753 . 632. to expreffè. 9o* [holy-dayeseve., 7y 1 *ntire.376. -fiend. 9o9|evening.fub.4o.adj. 64 am expreffìom. 822. [ever. 838-and amon.362 in expreffe words. 75*. emtufememt. 266] -more. 75o -laffimg to extoll. . £mtra/s. 98z. -
to emtrap.
4I o I
I. 544 | everj. 2. 1 o. 835 -ome. extream'y.
a/f e?mtra//ce.
to emtreat. 873 -pardon. 9o8-fairj. — 683 am emtreaty.
761. 8 §5-other dy. extremity ( rigour. ) 31o-wbft. 994-where 663. 871. (ofpaine) -
79 I
2 I5 am evet or eft. am emt* y. 5 4o-door.992 an evidence (written.) 373 enty. 681. to-* 683. togive im- 659
He face 378. -up
to emvirom.
»ard. 575 . to ones
717 it is evident.
toemure. 7o2. 724. 8o1 evill. 277 a/, 0)3»e. to enwrap.
ere-long. 995. — vhile.
36o. 363.8oo
4o9 a fa£tor. 556 tofade.
4/1 eYyer.
986 to exaft. 864. exaéfly. fading. an Erle.
576 to examine.
886 749
76z. a fadom. 5 29 4faggot. 723 t0 erit. am example. 752.86o tofaile. a. 66o. n. 797 797 ermeft. 939. in- 9o8 to exceed. 885. 923. a fülii g. 857 exceeding. (given) 726 793. failingof. Io6. 992. exceeding[y. ernejineffè. 35 I . tofain,yfëim. _ _ 354 ftin(defiroius) 726.873 excellent. erneßly. the erth.19.27 feal- io4 except ( unlcffe ) 67 fo faimt. 885.939 1 Io ftinting. 3oz. -quake.8o.ertben. 535 ' (faving) 885 t0 eßape. 4* $. 467.742. exceffive. z75 fiint-hearted. 883 am exchange. 482. 722 faintly. to ef&hew. 886 £fpecially. 75.95.198 85 5 faire. 278. 578. (e322. exchequer. to efpy. 682, quall.) 869. -tofe 59I an excu[e 885. to ex to efpoufè. to. 176-Jhewes. 9* 5 737 cufe. am effay. , 9o7 -wind. 467. -deal 96 executors. . am effente. 7I 4 ing. 927-fpokem. 9or 661 am eßate (oflife) 85 r to execute. 889. (goods) ' 6o8 execution. 641. ahexecu
to efleem.
f0 frange,
' I
' 9c9
1 ftire. exercifè.737.94o.t0-943 t fairy.
-tongued. 841. füirfy. 49 t
FA L fjtb. fitbfu!.
358 919
ffe. £:;.
1 1 o. 967. 98o.-back. z33.-to dicay.-quite dmvne. 61. 537. -in
-out (happen. ) 1 o ' 809. (affWage.) 3o7
to be fed.
a fout feeder. 568 farther off. 767 to feele. p.-t. f*tt. a. 3*1 frtbef afiènder. 3:3 n. (cndure.) 398 296 tò fàrt. ' 824 -paime. a ftrtbing. 494. 866 fieling. 323, n»- *94
to. 307.425. 465 ffhiom. 5 1 r. 586. for a -upon. 188.-to. 606
155. 189. 41o. paf.
tafal. p t.fll. L 496 a farfèt. 71 }. 981. - off,away.
F EN .
733. 9o7. t9 bce otat
a fend. 668. 987 it is the -of. a fèeld. 385. opem—396
865. to- 19. 53 r.771 feet.
86. x 1 5. 309
retiy to 538.-im hand fafhimed. | 59« toftin. 754. feined. 578 ' »itb. I I. - im love fäß. adj. 467. to ma£e 784. 885 5o7 moith. 8:9-out (to 463. 548. adv. 733 1 f?t! 895 b2e falfen oät.) 91 1 tofjttm imto. 3 1 248 * befell. : 529. fi)! 39 I tò fèll domvme. ' p. p. fä'lcm. £llcd, 6;I tbe ft' ofthe to f%. 796 457 |leafe. 37. fallng out., a fìt. 416. 443. 3o3 Alloes. I. 3 16 ' 91 r -fiikm ffe. T 3 f . .t fäther. 593 -i:i ?w. a féllom. 593. 6: 6- effe. 6o6 1 fellov (equall.) got fällov. 383 falfè latia:. 747 - ve fe fore. 6o. Gal-63 ; (in contempt.) 88; ·· · · 754 fat. fub. 4* z. adj. 270 -in office. 6: 3. drun fì//3'y. I 44. 19^ ^ 278 kard , òr goºd- 82r 42o -fouldier. 71o. fily a fault. 662. 733. 893 ßtted.
, 92*. to fàv0jr. 91 z. to wim 9o1
tò fàulter. 856. faulty.
75 , favffurah'e.
587. fèlloves ih a hou(è.
9 το
928 a félt. 928 a fem. fimiliá. . . ' 927 tofeare. 363. 389. 37o fenegweeke.
a family.
589 fäwning.
to favm upon.
fvgine, to famifh. 42o fe&e. 366. 369.37o716 fehell.
a fìn. 399. to 45o. 513 a fàme. three-fangd. , fancie.
456 213 240. 343
39 r. 54c
63 I 35 I3* I 39
165 fearfull. 2o4-meffè. 88; a female. a feaft 565. 965.-ofde tjfente. 247. 38o. 473
dication. 6r5.-ofta
—σff. * *
far. 738. 737. 9343f bernaclcs. 648. a fea a fénée. 4rr. amafter of. ter. 489 767.-and wide. 78. thus - 991. fo far fratly. fore, that. 854 feature. •
5 55 754
a feoffee in truft. . çôé fèrm.
45. 136
a fyd.l. 486 a fee, v. reward. -fr a ferret. 2^9 472-boat 471 fare (dict.) 787. to fare pbyfick. . , 794 a fèr*y. τψel!. '
902. 999 to waxe feeble.
a faye. .
939 to feiier. 318 tofèed. p. t, fed. a.-nice. to fetcb. 46z-wind. 275 ' I ,$ 5, 8zo. n. -upon fetdhcs. & fe
fi A.
* **
nia :**
a fetter. to fétter.
3* I 838
668, 4 find fault. 43o
FLI a flaw. flaxe.
55. 465 497
a finger.z6r-bredth. 762 a flea. 218.-bame 136
—››0}?. 134 bearingdeadlyfeud. 89* 9 r. 136 392, to flea v. ftay. afever. 31o, t6 fimi[h. 3 132. fleam, few. 967 finkell. 1 272. - . fiiell. 45 fire. 24. 44 -ball. 71 . a fletcher. 3 fitklemeffe. 897 -pam. 434-branâ, 46 fledge. : 147 to fét om- 38. to bee om to fy to. p. t. fed. 625 a fiddle.-ffick. 776 , 7 t6. $i to fiddle with fingers. 4- 45.fome. 9o s 95 I fiery. 584 4I a Meece. 1 1 5 fleerixg. **1 fie μpom. 578 -for a firre-tree. 9 16 7oo fhame. 586 fif.8. 231.-fwits. 639 a fleet. 965 fierte. 176. 7ττ. 893. to at the-7. 45.2*3.946 fleetimg.
2.: • e
- -
bee- 196. fierte!y. 5 I
„, ,
a fijh. 163. 436. tó- 427 ftfh.2.41.328 fr£.433
-glew. 124 26o tv fiy. p. t. flew. p. p. a fig. 123. -tree. I I I a ff. m 17 fit. 44o. 724 --match. flowii. 143. p. t. fed 294
a fijher. fifh-pond. 427
to fight. p. t. fught. 699
294. 3 Io. to- 5 i 4
-it out. 71 r.-at Jharp. 73 1.to make-5z6.796 -back. 95o|to be fit fr ufe. * 935 that can fye. a fight. 59]fitty. . 264• 738 flitkering.
a figure cafter.
136|a fit.
3 1o
a filberd.
1 1 1 |five.
r . A61,
4z£ ,
to filch. 919. filchtng. la flag (banner.) 461 to flimch. •
274 )
95 1 | -tbam is fittimg. 539, à fiy, 223.361 flap.$6*
886 223
867] (fedge.) 387 to fimg. p.t. flamg,flung 53» |to flag. io6 fagging. a. 7 12. n. -4w4y.2.c4.
a file.to file. 85. 743 f/mg*. 532. | . 284 : at fiint. 958. fit te fill. zo. 526. 564- up|a flagom. 449 toflit. n. 623.412. 966 • . ' 3 1 5 [a flaile. 898 ting 3o3 • a filtet. 5 18[a flake. 935; the filire. a filip. 67o|to flay (fley.) 42o. 864 a florke. 4o9. 41o. it a fím. 241 |a flame. 6o. to- 45. 47 floc**. ' . 1 5 z filtb. 469. 579. flthy.|the flam*. » 56. in-7i5 £htks ofwobl. 5o3.572. 828[a flap. 2.6o. 67o. a floore. 398. 55 1 a firt. 143|to fl^fh. 6o. 6. ftjhing. to flãte. r 23. fotes. 47* a fìnat! bearing. «64] T. . $6 floting.. 73 75 t fîme. , 24.95.623 fl|hy. 326, to flnorifh. ' a fime. _ 667 [a flasket. $ 52, a flood.68.lamd-69 * 67 zo j%e. `ibid Iflat. 249. to lay55 -
to find. p. t. found. , 17|flats. ' '
flower. 484 fine- 4o8
— Qut. z53: 355. 4o3|to flatier.
923. 924 92 I
a fower. 117. womans
—fauft vith. 838. ' by flattey,
to flor.
FR A FO R to fiow. p. p. ftowne. 65 p. p. -bidaem. 867 to forfwear. 834. 853. 75 fùrce. '69o. fërces. 7o8 to fortifie. 61 3. 703
a fiourijh. 773. to- rô
to fùrce out. a ford. 893 to fordoe.
a flute. ' a fluxe.
775 231
a foe.
. 19o to fore-arm.
9oo. a fortifier. 698 61. 44o afòrtificatigit. 704 472, forthwith. 947 , 663 a fòrtreffe. 718 ^ 974 a fortune-teller.645.951
a fog. zo. 45. foggie. tofòre-caff.
17. 813 fùrward. 278 a fore-doore. 54o -fin afofler-child. 239 ger. 262. -fiovt. 54o to fofter. 95^ 599 7o9-man. 942. -rum fùùl. 58 1 -mouthd. 917 713
tofòile. £o foim.
a fiiff. 468. fifiy. 4oo fòìffedin.
786 I79
a fole.
flefoat. folke.
136 920. 951
mer. 3 1 3 ~skim. 648 t0-fight. -faller. 490 te fould up. 492.-teeth. 267. -top.
229. 745
5o4• 936
a fùuld. 5o4. fùulding
58o. -thinking. 367} doores.
` T 974|te beefound (â find. 91)
tofèllomy.136 969-hard. to fore-fee.8o8. 813.976
183 -clofe after. 36 -omes winde. 899
-[low. -[lall. 6, 661 [to fùumder. -tell.644 -warne.974|a fùumtaine.
Jhew. 63. -know. [four. 23. 478. -fòsted.
640 426
976] , 143. 267. -fjuar*. 984] 739. --dayes fpate.
tofùrfend. to fùme. food. 177. 19o.267. want a forfet. 35 I
468 6$
667. 683
243 |a fowle. 143. a fwler. a fùol. 68o.72.5. folery. to fùrge. 531. fùrged. ! fowling. 428 •-,
925. fool-bardineffè. 883. folJh. 8o5. foo lijhly. 5o8
afùnt. , ,
^ 633
a fòrehead.
578. 786.
a fig.143;
2o3 I 34
669 fúxe-tai/e.
toforgt. 349. fargetful- a fay; neffe. ' '
347 afraight.
470. 47*
a fíat. 237. 5 14. - of to fjgive. 893 fraile. 939. a frail. 434 4 18. 43o a fame. 241. z 59, 62* bill. 79.-ofa fong, afûrô. 754-man. 698 (lac a forme. 73e. (o£fcho t0- 16 1. 769. t0 put ky.) 676 -leffe. 144 lars.) 737 out of36> 194 fank. 878-andfree.go; [foole. 556.-path.476 to forme. formed. ' . 2, 1 franckincenfe. • • 124 -fiep. 423. facting. ibid.|former. 281. 644 232. 813 frantitk. for, nam. 19* 29. præp. frmoft. 23 a fraught. 472. , 7o6 fee. 6zo. 684. (frank) 48r., -all that. 177 forrage. 363. 969. -4md a fùrren. 462.69z. afrre 878. 996. -mam. 61o 6z. 1 6 1 9 -borm. 6 1 o -bar , gainft.75ο Ρver. 996 f'er. . r89 ted. 85o coft. 82. r Iooo -nothing. 96; aforref?. to fùrbeare. 8o6. fr. to fùrfake. p. t. -faoke. for-594. to make- 6ro bearingfùod. I, 79o P. P. fakem. 476. 976 619 723. frce%. 66* ' 386 ! 849 ?fùbid. 13 p. t. forbad f0r£ìoth. & ficck*: | -
v* •
GAR F Ul R. 763 33'a gallom. • 286] full. 273.-moom. a freckle. 45 I afiemd. 489. 918. £ry] -fea. 76-ofmoon. 528 togallop. ,ERO
5o3 a galloiu.
m.ere- 917. fiendjhip.] te füll, à fùlùr. French pocks. a frewffe.
666 a game. 423. 947. too
921 [to fulfill. 3 16 ful/ome. 261 | to be in a fume.
292] gamefùm. 83 1. game 94£. 894] fter. 421 1 36, a gammom.
tofeexe. 5o. 52.54] fumitory. fefh.118. 3o3 •fupplies. [tbe fundament.
268]togamch. 715-maa. 737 -wa- |a funerall. 96o. -fong. [agander.
754] a gang.
I 6o *
££; a. 98. n. 892 fwrie. . afretting.29o. 3o5. fiet-|furre. a furrier.
297]togajje. n. 1 17-after a. 2o9| 335. a gaping. 38. 78
469 5o7[gaping. 551 xwork. • .. 436 33* garbage. tofy.43 I. fied. 437. a|to furbu/h. 73» [to gard. 675. -roumd. 43 I | a furlong. fjing, pam. 734 96. 549 165 [a furmace. fy (offifh.) 41 [tofurmifh.699. furniture.[a gard. 682. (ofcloths) Friday. ' . 318 452. 699. 848. 954 638 a frier. 391. 393. [agarden. 379. adj. 1 1 1 fighted. 82 to be- 883 |a furrow. I 36 76o|gardem emdive. 518 furrowed. a fringe. 4o8|to further. 724. fürthe-[a gardiam. €o6. 984 a fritter. 985 9o6 to fjxx!e. 586. fi«led.] ' ranae. 3oI 834|t0 gangle. , 943|furtbermore. 133 1 38 [a garland. 512 Ifurxe. afrock. 131 garlick. 2, 12, a frog. -
licking. fom. 485 -of. front of an army.
217. 5o4
31* [agarment.
to be folicke. 366. fo-] A Gabardin. a gabler. 499 | togad. 715 | agad-bee.
8, 9
33 I
887[a garmer.
4oo. 6zz.
zzr|to garnifh. 731. a gar $ r8 9r4| mifhing. 689. 783 [a gage. 862. to.. , 163]a garrifon.719-fouldier. afroff. 53. 54. hoar- 53 [togaggle.
73 lagay. 133. gaiiy. 754 frotb. 4o5. 49o|4 garter. frowa*d. 373. 832. fro-||gaim.
»rardly. fowning.
718 514
769 899 gaflered. 6z. gaßlineffè.
886] to gaiw-fy. 752. 8 i 1 [a gafh. : 45
foxem. (a freez.) 53.54 | a gale.
551 '
271. 3o6, a gate. 613. a little 76 [the gall. 99z. * 231 • ' fruit. 1 17. 127. -left. |agalamafy. 132.{to gather. 1 17. -toge 1 18.-ofthe womb. 596 Igalangall. tbat beareth-1 1 z -full. [gallant.
675 |
ther. 66. 328. -up.
387. 388 [a gallery.clofe, opem. 54«| 396. -to a bead. frumenty.
a fump. a figitive.
71 5
agalling. $7* [a gally.
a gavel.
464. 468] to ga<?.
{^. w
GIL togeld. 183. gelt. 4 gel ding.
178. z9i
* gemeral. - 697 agentil. 361 gemtle. 51. 831. 895 -paced. 453. to waxe -
44. -tbe place. 84o-4 gluttonj.
blow. z6o. 95O-Part. tog*a/.
849. (thanks ) 875 tognjk. -up(yeeld.)868.94* 4 gmt.
298. 426 z18
*17 95o.(the ghoft) 958 toga amp. (account)995 -ever. tog^. p. t.went. P.p.gen.
188. -manlike. 724
gently. 79. 9o3 gentlemint. 136 germander.* 134. water
G LI .
178. 195. 939. -it
287. 47$. 478. ¥ii
eut. 877 -4 vasae. 9o6
919. -«fide. 738. 73*
ful langnage.9o4 fem -in.346.99z.(wear.) tence fî , againf. 661 f 311. frward. 734
934. to bee- glad
-backe. 488. 734.-be jmd. 12. 172. 834 -wn , fìrward. 386 (profit.) 735. -* with. 884.-befre.973
. 34. -*r 4
-gifférgifi. 878. fr
i•get. p. t. g4*»got. 377
dead. 956. 'p. p. gì 34o. 5o9
72 5. 991.-again.868 it is the guifeof. -aut..6zz. -leve. 9o6. glad.
byheart. 733.-thebet
93-bottle. 387, 4 gain. 39o. -wound a get thee919 IT drinking- %*. -ca/?.] beut. 39 -too amd fw, to gheffè. 356. 645. a 362] 911-out. 786-to fit. ghifflng. 337. 974!ta glance. z83-4t. 916] 929-without. 874g* ter. 936-aw4y. n, 4*5? glaffe.
631. 364.387]
238;te glave.
4*7 to karm togae.
237'gìd. 33o. a glajier.la grad.
a gft (given.)
I3 23e 39o
533'agal. 946. ageat. i83
324 geaming (cQrn.) 941 | . (grapcs) agig. *: tvgiggle. 845 'glib. tegild. £19.gilded. 56. toglide.
439 togobble. 82o I 66, agoblet. , 563 475, God. 18. 596. -/£ad
163 to g!y. gi's effijh. a gild. 655 -hall. 649 to glimmcr.
283] good •f. 992. gody. 45 || 976, 984. g^dlineffè.
gilj. 662. 668. to bea- to glifter. ? 868 to glitter. tilt-leffe. 66z'agifter. a gin.
396 aggb. gobbet.
43. 89
679 a gping out. 547-alone. 79x.
4*8. 43o. 333 glory. . -
ginger.r31.garden- 134 gloriwus.
283 99o. 1οοο!goggle-eyed. 995 gì. 93. 33; +veigit.
to gird. 516.-to, -om yöi to £t agloffe. -at (fcoff.) 9r& aglove.
753 IT 766.-finith.53t.-fi314] der. 624. goldem. 494
316 a glover.
941 togov. 45. 46. 4 gliw- good. 245. 299. 36e
zz3] 923} grves. 638 glue. toglue. $ 36] to give. p. t. gave. 4. 4 io glut. 82o. a gluttòa.] tegrt in.
13« te glofe.
7o7. 71 5.855. **|
799. 9oo. (wine.) 441. (verfe.) 754 (happy.) 91 . -f* nought. 931. -turn. 877. as- 861. fae ὸes
GOR . ' - •mes- 8o3.-ßrt. 443 tobegondat.196.-agaifi.
G R Ul.
4 grate 55o. 651. a gra
g*gat. . .
T. 494
ter. 434.gratimg. 774 grifly. . ' '
308 to grave. gravem. a gra agrocer. 49z 77I the groim. ' 255 176. 838. 934 �€7'. 832. to grone. 89o. gwning. the good-man.-wife. 6o9 grave. goods. 49o. 6o8 a grave. 961 -fome. 962]. 33 1 9o6 gravell. 82. -ly. ixo. a a groome of the fiajfe. ^ good wil/. gome. . 1 I6 ' gravel-fione. 58» 45o 409; togrope. 322. , agoo/e. 16o. 334. greem grafiwg. 1 5o -berry. 1*3 greafe. 329. 422. 457; groffe. z68 -witted. T 82. «
125 togreafè.457.greafie. 422.
' 284'| -loc&s.
girbellied. gore.
$ o3
315. 318. 716, great.54. 19o.&76. -with
á gorge. over-charged.823; gurgow/íy. 675 |a gormamdixgr. 82o. thegofpel. 631 -
a gofling.
575 young,41 5.596.-ftates. groveling. 455. 841.-gramaifàther, ground fmalt. 8. 4o4 &c. 6o2. 6o4. fême the gound. 385. om- 83
what 747. t0
take by
x Ko. I 6o
334 578. 847 a great mamj. 739. -fort - :
agrove. 1 II. 189. 336
529. toput under-9«r
ground (land.) groundpine. ' '
719 x 33
I 34. togovem. 978. a gover 74o -deale. 849. -mat ground/èll, . 733 a growmd-worke. 4. the 120g*. 687 ter. governamce. 649.728 greeaj. 846 -gut. 84o fifgoundi. 993. fet lings. 27 govtrnment. 623 greem. 318. 522. (un 232 the gout. 3o9 ripe.) 1 17. 326. to be at fuligrowth. agowm. 512. 513 Io9. 1 1 o. 4- 33&. 745 togrow. p. t.grew. (be 185 a grace. 288. 452. to greef?. come.) 2o3.-up.i zy -
593. 7*2. 737 to greet.
' 382. agridiram. • -
9o^ 431
I39. 23I. 232.9o8 •om. 3 xo -but. 1*;
gray. 233: 334.339. t• grief. 375 -ofheart. 366] -leffe andleffè.z95-má grow-z8o.-houmd.4*4 togrieve. a. 835. n. 367 turally. 925 -againe. *graim. 123.762. in-5o3 griefè oftiebreaf. 793] 1 ro. 529. -together. 997.-out ofkind. 129 grammar. 748 grievou[j. . . 667 iagramada. 7r2 gim, -aut ofufe. 935. p. p. 83* gromm. • ' 231 a gand-father. -mother. togin. 187 %o*.great- great-great to grimd. p. t. ground, agrub. 217. to grub ìp. .grand-mothers great-{- • . ' 94. 2o5 ' . 465 grand-mother. 6o» grimders. • z67 to grudge. 9o5-at. 85* ' ., -cbild. 6o4 togripe.3oi. 321.-from. 'agrudge. * * * 9o9 to grant. 889. 971. 997
.. .
• • 846
gruell. 1 3o. 4o». 558
a grape. 44o-gathering. gripings.3o5.-at the fto £o grunt. ' 184 439 ' mack. * * *. 3o6 gugamvs. , x3o 4:24 a gueff. 485. 353. 878 agrapple. 7oo. to- 713 a grift. graffe. 134. -hopper. 224 a griflle. 2.41 a guide• . '-' " 476 82. guil•• ta grate.n. 298. 543 git. 9i8, · · ·
PH A L togull. gullery.
HAN 951 a ha!ver.
toguli in. 82t. a gull. tbe ham.
386 14 harbour.1 i 3. 47o. t4 669
725 a hammer. • 525. 531 | an harbourer. 669 a gulf. 7o. 74 a hamper. 552. to- 4* 8| hard. 98. 321. to be or a gullet. 267 a hamch. 2 y6] wax- 3 zo -at hand to gulp dowme. 823 a band. 45 I. z6c. 3o9| 745 -barted. 91 . gum. 1 24. ihe gummes. -breadth. 762. -ful/|hardy. 72. 298] 395. 764. the back ,fto hardem. 98. bardhmg. a gum. 71 z -powder. a) palm , holomy of- 26 310 gummer. 7o3] -kercher. 2 5o [hardweffe.93.bardj.467
187] -to hand ( te come to
8o 1. 883
65| bandy-gripes.) 71 3[a hare. 2o4-brain. 8o3 ,466] -overhead. 969. at-f -fot. . 134
aguft. 4 g//t.
745 fto harkem.
268. 82o
583. 76o[handy-craft. 377]a harlot. 827 H. to handle. 3» 1. (u/e.)}harm. 372. 919 -leffe. haberdaJher. 491 i 2 148.636
4 ? utt?7. -
5o7|the hamdle. 435 --of a[harmeffè.699.borß-458 a skolars habit. . . 737| ballance.
766] a barper.
to ha;*. • 137. hacker. (handfome. 264. 589.75o' a barrow. 393. to- 396 669,
32. i. 326. 774
455 omes owm hand-writing.] -meffe.
hackny. adj. am haft.
\ 5 58
732. [the hart. 63 t. 273. (of
a hag. 669. the hag. [to hang. p. t. bung. a.] a countrey)-?ftim . 575] 669-bj » om. 99. 7or | ber. 529. 744. àut of abageffe. 421] -about. 679. n.-up-| 388. mext tbe- 568 bay.-ffack. . . . 418] om. 431-by , at. 119| vithalmy- 729. bj haile. 5 .. it hailetb. 5o] -together. 242. 733 to hake. 824] -downe. Io6. 4 58|ahart (flag) 198 -
hai;. 193. zo6. (ofthe| 519.-vver bead. 883'to hartém.*^ 464.7j.
íî 584, 796 972. l
• bangimg 745.-om 46 £j£jj. — cloth. , 58z -lace.' -ofhill. 79' tbe harth. 513 ahang-hy.68o -mam.668, hartwort.
849. 908 431
144. hairem. 4o4 a hamger. 713. bangers. [barvef. 395. (time.) a hall. 676. 544" 7oI 37. 198
to hale. a halberd.
464.47o hangings. 713: hanfel.
hálf. 6o8 —4 jeer. 39. a to haunt. s yeere and half. 765 bap. 97o. ' -eatem. to halloy.
ha|n, . . • to halt. halting. 4 halter. -
679. 954|a hafp
' 65 5 [un haff. 733. haffy. 81» 191. 827] to häffen ör make ha?. n. haply. 7| 488. 886. 992a. 4*1
431 a hapharlet. 52o [haftings. … ii8 33. to happen. 275. 298. 37 5 99*. . 396. . T ' 48»|4 hat.481.5o7.toput off.
289 happy.
912. 968 assum. 735. ent, to hatch. 5I
545 |- -things. 175 jabewer. 3:6 463|4 bcdge. 38o -bog. zo6| to hiccop. . 292 hate. hatred. 9o9 to bate [to take beed. 434.7o6 Ibid, hiddem. 191.99$ 36o | mot heeded. 18|to hide. p. t. hid. 1 47, ' ... a hatttr. 492. 5o7[beedlefheffè. 798] . 8I o ę t0 have. 67.74.97 [heedfully. 726|a hide (skin) 193. 5o6 *
a navem.
257|.. (gut) ..
47o | the hee!.
„ to mage bavock. 865 344 [heifr. | a hey (net) ••
, , , a bawk.
* a ha». ,
423][4hideou$.75.hideou/y.zoz 417 hireling. 534
143] to grow to that height. [high. 38. 1 16.446, 627 138 84o | -prieß. 643. -treafùm.
a hawm.
I 27 | heil. 279] 669 -{hoes. 481 - va 84o|heinous. 641 (offence)| ter. ' 76 ba<3ard. 941.970 798]higher. 664. 737. high the Tbead. 341. 3 19 |am heir. 6o5 I ly. I 52.
* baivty.-n ff.
54 I.-ake. 297-peece bell. 9j8. 98o. (fire) 699. -long (down 989 faII.) 546. -[frang to bee beld. 69o -faff. 45o. tbe fjepart ' 45o 699 of- 341. the himder am helmet. part of- 345. headj. belp. 87». to help. 174 3o5. two-beaded. 525. 74 v -with. 5o8 2 13 p.p. holpem. hee. 595 health. 293. in good to beale. a. 722. 792. n.
to begim to-
ahealth. 564.to behealth f&ll. 788 4 beape. 43. all om a 752. to beape up. 397 abem. 5 18. to-- 41 1 31 9
4 hill. 79.- billock. 78 -
a hilt.
2o5 7or
a himd. 198. 199.425 to himder. 44. 357. 487 ( . 8o4
a himderamce, 5 Io.9oe the hinder. adj. »5 z. -moff. 7o9 the binge. 543 a bip. 256.309 to bire. 534. 963. hired. 386.455. 523 his. 3z. t0 biffe. 213 an hifiory writer. 78; •
to bear. 341 -judicially. 5oo 659. hearing. 33o. (of ahem, 16o, hende. i94 2. a caufe) 65 9 a bearer. 481. 631 hembame. .
hit. p. t. bat, hit. p.p. 3; tohittem. 7o3• -home, 95o
' 836 a herald.
693 a hive.
59. 273
848 here, 1 ; -and there. 76 to have mo ho. 32 --after. f. $ boaºy. 339 -hairs. 233 to beat. n. 52. a. -agaim a7herd. heat.
hoarfheffe. hoarfe. ,7; a herring.
heath. beatbemißm.
641 a herfe. 963 hether.
to beave.
/eatbemifb. ,
heavem,v.heven. frombeavie. 3 z. 1. heavimeffe. hevem!y. 94o. -paoulded, 356 tohew 0//t. -
169 hoaved. 962.
a hob. 917. holgoblin.
19. 958. 998 ahog. 184-/heap. 38 hogfenell. fheop. 384 98o 76o 527
I 36.
hogs-bread. a hegg-head.
I 26 44o
to hoife.
- HO N HO u roo6 £w hoi£. 463 am ho4/?. 7o7 a hole.* ro. tomake- 527 ambofiige. boíy. 631 — vater. 641 hot. 24. 136. 321. 579
HuR requeß.
' 87,
bumble beer. bumble. • '
-dayes. 887. Iooo
-wether. 38 -boufe. tohum (asa bee) 219
£ollow. 252. 759-hear
697 549 an bumdred. a hovel. 4II. 522. an humdred times. 96 tohvver over. 883 burgup (p. p. ab hang)
ted.816. kollowed.76o
ie holfy, holme-trce. 1 Io 138. fe4-.
1 36
the hough.
to houl. 16o. 4 1o. 89o to beam hungred.
, 3 1 -meat.
29* ' bome. 72 r -bred. 174 to hold. p. t. held. 264 hunger. 788. bung/y.410 619.at- 224. -ly. 5o3 391. 558. *at. 493 'to hunt. 4*3. -bj fùt. 198 honeft. 8oo. 897. 93o, in- 67. -blameleffe. 424. -after(ofbody) 825. hone 871. n.— om. 897 —omes hunting. adj. 424-ftaffè. 416 (ty 863. honeffj. 6o7 peace. 833. togther, honey. 2 19. 53 423 242. 515. 691 a bumtfmam. 1 14 7zo a burdle. combe. 219. —dreffer. a ftrong hold. 110:10ηe.
houlding (lafting.) 3o3
homour 918.to- 723.38o
-much. 446.766. p.
hurds. te huyle.
p. houldem faff. 851 hurlyburij.
homorable rewards. 87o ahdumd.
424 to hurry.
ahood. 5 13.737 hòoded. houndstongue.
I 36
497 6f
am bour. 31. 75.-glaffe.
691 32. 466
toburt. p. t. burt. 49o 569. 881. 9o7. p. p. hurt.
3 1 1. 8i z a hook. 427.7oo. 767 by a houfe. 536. 34o -leek. burtfull. hooke of crooke. 843 rz5. .-of. corrc£iium. a busband. 588 -mam. to hoord:
' 682.
I3 444;
• to hop. hwre-hound.
94 I.
6o1 busbandry. 385. good 85 .
* tef. 363. to put in. _ 13. out ofhops.
385. agood-
* *pe. 364. to hope the
-keeper. .
'. •
hou/hold. 6o9. -bread. a husk. * 4o7.-goverment.6o9 abufivifè. -gods. 987. -ftuffe. a hut.
522. 7o4
. 848 a hutch.
I,1 ■. ■ 27
aburne. 198. (trumpi) how. 32$. 6o9.-much, hyffbp-wine.I. .
T} jaiier.
413 * orgreat. 85*. —many
8zz.-fùever. 184 668
horrible. _ 714. §13 the huckle-bone. ' 256 £ the 7adnthfione. 89 492. ajack (turn-fpit) 431 a horfe. 176. 45o rare, abuckfter. 5 1> v 948.-litter.456-mam. a hue. 5o3 a j4:ket. 46o 431.698.-keeper.45o; huge. 229.314. 466.77i 4 jade. * -leach.
218' tv hull.
tegtoniorf-bac*. 45 1
436.466 a jag.
a hulk.
fe hor/^mcm. . " 398 huls.
ho/?. . an hoß,
5 18. 760
ajáíle. 624. ajailer.668
1 28. 398 a fakes. 624 —farmrr.
.. . $ 14 humame lea;ning. , 17 * * * 485 tohumile 846. humblyto james ofadoore.' -
624 54f t0
*-*_- ** a -—=—=-, -
INT T( M P IN D 33 o.376 t9imtangle. 425.428.6z? to jangle.a jangler. 917 in bred. · · % 24 a 1a*. 9 I I. farrimg. 774 incenfe. 76z intemperate. a javelim. 712 am inch. tbe jaumdice. 3o6 to inchamt. 986. imchamt t0 imtemdto. 988 to intercept. a jam».* 1 z. 248.thefaws mergt.
..3or. jaw-bone. idle.
953 865
936 936
149 toimclo/è.
interchangeably. * 537
887 income.
385.854 632.
interef* (ufury.) 864
right) to 1eer atjeering.843.844 incomtimently. 1e4y. . „ T 53.»7o tobe imconvenient., 914 to enterlace. * 799 to iutermingle. a temnet. . 453 incorrigible.
637 to interrupt.
am incumbent,
868 752.
394 5 I 2.
a jerkim. undeed. 586.839.89z an interveening. 857 imteftate. ajef?. 84*. ajefier. 68o am indcnture.
844- im jeft. . . 67o indifferent(mcan), 1.237 blackjet.ro I.to jet. 453 £o imdite am offèmder. 669 '867 a Jewel/. . 89.519.848 ándireét. 698 ajeweller. 519 ínfantry. a jewtrump. -harp. 777 to infirm9o4-agaimß917 -a 1iber. 91 6 4m informer. . . , ib. 275.544 a jipfie. , 591 am imgate. 796 if.2.4.6. ifnot. 84 a/? ignorant.361. 724.to be am inhabitant. . . 491
# #;
965 6o6
to intimate. tointice.
788 428 397
to inveigh againf.
to inveigle. to invef?.
inviolable, 99o. inviola bíy.
9o4.975 jmheritance,
, 6o6.85z jocund. 331. 915. tobe 366 ' 668 imk.93* -horm. ' 738 352. 914 iogging. 77 . to getam inkling.
to fingle.
ill.adj.8or.adv.847-fâ toenlightem.
3I 621
958 innumerable. 274 Atoinrich. 382 am inrode.
a jihbet.
joj. 366. to joya (wifh,
Godgive joy.) 373 joyfull.953-joyfully. 489 voured. 278 -govcrmed. ah inmate. . 883 93v.ofill mame. 93o an inme.615.- k3eper.485 jolly. immer. z 56. 279 -moft tojoine together.366.747 544 an imaginatiom. " 6 ' I o9. -room. 93o -with. 728 --in immediatiy.
to impart. • am imp. to imp. impertinenty. ' implements. t0 imploy.
importunate. impo{?.
853 7o6
company»984. a foime* 53e
ajjint. 261.309. 579 put
962 : , ting out of- 289. (ofa
m infèriptiom.
75: 434 796
an infide.
of great infight.
3 55 a 10intwe.
4n im[iance. _ 752.86o to jot. 453.a fút. '
ftraw) 127. to joint
' clofe.
, 53o.544 59o
animpoffume. 3 1 5.319 animfiant. 61. infantly. a joMymey. 488 — mam. ' 42.4.735 ' T6ro. a journall. 489 4* to impoveriffh. 853 ,
the inftep. inftigation. imprvvtmtnt. 49o.6o3 inftrutfiom.
, uimprigt. " f;*!
to imprifon.
, provifionfw-, 691 a joult-head. 718 it irketh.
2. 57
48z. 284 873 to be
KN O * * $$$ to be irkfome. . . 3o6 869. 893-umäe* 668 a knife. aknight. 686 ijon (vulgò yurm) 98 -clofe,838.-in dveme to knit. p. t. kgit. zz6 dj.393. red hot- 669 fure.-818. n.-in. 597 -up. 5 I 8.7 5o 6. ~long. 1 17. givem to it ir. 26I 858.a keeper. 676.858 a kmutting.
$4 76
a kcepimgcoumfell.
am ificle.
that keepeth counfel/.831 to knock. kem.
595.3o5. toi|ue. 35o a kennell. 189(fink)*5o 513 am utch, itching. to itch. a kerchief. 219.294-316 a kermell. 12I.113. 127
145. ( inthc flefh)
a judge, 658. 661. 662 to343.99$
z7z.z76. full of-44o
a judgmemt, 66: …hall. 4 kettle. 324-fèat, a1ug. 1utce.
664 a kibe. . , 535
54o I 17
a knot. 315. 5 r6. with out- 139.knottj. 75o to know.p.t.knew.z. 325 355.494. 968-through ly. 389 -one from a mother. 235.324. 33o fofar as I- 993. p. p. knowme. 339. to make 'knowme. 975. to bce
to kick. , , 177 akid. 183.a kidney. 269
I 38
285. 527
548 a knop.
amiffie (out-gging) 67 a key.
614 a knob.
of. 926. not to be-858 not knowing. 871
to kill. 213.194.311.425. knowledge. 3 § 5. 3 57* 859.to cometo- n.914 641 —himfèlf. 883. fit a fiimp. 195.737 t04 I7 to my- 835. without. junkets. • 566 his919 549 675. a kill, kiln. '. ivory. 19o. adj. z6I juft. adv. 88. 7o3. -as a kind. zz. 23. 339-of a knuck!e. fo
, , 9zo-fò.
2. O
$ 17
juffice.855-tojuffiffe.997 kind.895. kindj. _goz kaller. jtfis. futtimg.
9 48 , 546
a Kjng. 674. -ffher 1 46
a kingdome. 675.685 593 Kal or kell. ' 277 kim, kimdred. 5 a kay (haven) 47o to kimdle. igebbers. 4o9 a kinfmam.879.by (mar a keele. 469 —fat. 446 riage) 593 (blood) 6oi(by fathers fide) to keem. 5o3•586 keen.
Κgiji, to £iem.
63 1
4kjffiam. kriftmas.
975 779
Kronicles. L.
AÉ labour. 883. to 518 fal! ima labourer. alace.
. , ' . ' 593
534 * 5 18
to keepe. p. t. 49o. kept. to kiffe. 599. a kißing. * . 826 to lacke (come {hort) 552. 65o. 682 (main 434 797.to fimd lack of85 1 tain.) 827 - (day or a kitchim. 797 I 48 a lacking. feafi) 39. 635.' 648 a kite. 676 486. a lackie. 935. 964 (funeral! a knapfack. . 33 I 691.917 a lad. 96o -to zz-ayay,from a knave. 544 184. 634 -bed. 294 to` kmead. a kmeading a ladder. 4o6 to lade. 432.468. p.p. la -watch. 704- out. 541 trough. z 56 dem.7* 1.4 loading. 47o -good boufè. 565 ~in. a knee, -
a ladle. w
* ladle. 432. a lay. 773 to latch. 33o.41 5.445 vithout leave. to lay.4. -for. 8o4 -hold
a latchet.
om. 3 zf.341.4 3 5.53r late: I 18. of- lately. 346
a leaver. .
83 9 534 826
-opem. 73z -flat. 529 the latter.34.686-orop. a lecker. 85o -apfde. 745 -in order. 419 4 leech. 794. a leck. 13r 383. 448 395. -levell. 719. lattin. 15. pure- 992. im leey. -clofe. 81o. -to get. gρόα747 tabe leff. 398.397.844
84* (a wager.) 947
the left hand. % 64. οηζ
-out. 783(fpend)854 lattis. 541 -wife. lattifed 78,left-banded. '265 -upom. 431 >the cloth. ' 55o . I9o. 256 ' 5 5 z(egr) 147.laid om. to laugh. 843-umreafom feífure. 888. to be- 929 79 i 8o9 'ably. 845.to be- at, 156 lei/ure/y. .827 tayimgs out. 482.854 laughing or laughter-331 a lemmam. a lay-flall. 217 -ftock. \ 238 to lemd. p. t. lemt. 86r 'lambr8r.41 $ a lamb4zó to lavi/h. 862. a lemder. , 864 852 tame. 376. to be-, lame lavi/hfpending. 853 length. 783 -at length. \ , meffe. ' . 289 [a law. 597.661.674 ma . • 43. 4o3 43 - « lance. 713. to- ' 3 1 5 k*. t0 m ake- ' 686 Le0. -
to lamch.
4 lamd. 74 -alwaies in
886; taw (right) & 57.-leffe. leprie. 67z.it is lawfull.674 tolerme.16.724-726. 733
tilth. 388-marke.689 a lawyer.
-perfe£iiy. 4. 48o.?.
I 68 -tilled. 388. to- 47o a laxe. ' ' a lamdreffè. 581 !a«ie. 886 .a lane. 617 a lazuli ßone. 9o a /anguage. f5.489.993 'lead. roi. to lead. p. t. languifhing. 293 | led.7oo.943-a life.368 278 |a leader ofthe way, 454 a lanthorm. .546.746 69 I a lap. 599 [4 leaf ro7,1 1 o. 531
' therwife.73z-wit,814
to lap iap.959(lick) 539[leavie. 5 1 9 | a league. 43 r | to leak. ^
a lappet. 4 l.trdey.
4.734. civil- . 993 the lesk. z55
leffe. adj. 199.493.adv. 767. to leffem. ' 87,
4 leffjm. , 734 leff that. 884-any. 275
689 a let. to let (hinder) 5o9 44o.469 8o4 278]. to let
Iarge.25 I.at-largely. 534 [leam.
(fuffèr) ome bavè
859-paffè or alome.1 95
752. [to leam upom.481.545-to
' 724
a learmer. 73o. learming.
683 | ward.661 -afide. 538 in or out. r63.269. 9o2 9ut(to ferm) 523.863 • 183 | gaimff. ib. (for hire) 386-off(â to lafh it om. 865|a leam to. 546. a leaming 7o 4 lask. 333 | fock. - - 48r ú. 5o8. of-lethe ? laff. 216. 273-ofal. 63] toieap. 366, -yeer. 78, 481,669-dreffèr. 5o6 339. 403:733.at- 319 the leaft.z6z.at-542.779 a lette* (a,b,c.) 8 (epi a/argeffe.
a l.r&.. lafcivious.;
1 53.1 59| -down, 371 -hard a -•
493. to laft long. 44I 848.to make- of. 891 a laf. 5o6. laffing. 1 17 to leave. p. t. left. 439
118 407. to be-
1 25
ftle.) lettuce.
634.-off. 178. 8c 6 a levell.plain. /
934.936 12,4;
- 58 t0
LI T LQN' LIG liver. ' 268.27o the 58.63 to levellat. 7o3.by level/ lightning. I 36 275 liveyyvore. 5 16 lights. levem. levemed. 4o7 like.749 ~as.53 1 -as if. living(alive)77o-créa ture. 142. 164. fub. (food) 48.3.85z. 215 liud, 6y 3. 669. -meffe. to likea. 51 1.577. n. 594 a liXXard. 34.358 lo.14.362. a lob. 7 15 798.826 likely, 4o6.5 54 93 a lo *f. liable.681. to lib. 184 likemeffe. a levie.6zo. t0-
697 436
a leveret.
286. füch-975. imlike
3o9 a loacb. I 37 a loboch.
I95 a limb. 43 a limbeck.
alibbard. Libra.
38o a lock.548-fiaitb. 33* locks (hair) 5 18. 586 lick-fpit. 8zo talimm. 77o.to limp.289 a lode. 397. t0-198.487 6o 1 a lede-fione. 86 licoris,licorijh. 136. 138 4 limage. 625 a lid. 5 3 5 4 line (drawne) 947 to lvdg.n. 485. 57o tolie. 575. 383. -hid. (rule)758,by lime,sz7 4 lodging.
a library. 738 lime.526.limber. to lick. 194.559. 792. a toliwit.
—along.83-mext to.275
458 aloft.
a fmal!-
II 3. 523 I36 [lofiy. -in wait.41o. -downe. ligwort. ib. a log.Io8.logiciam. 749 574[lingwort. 258. 277 [ying ffill. 388-togtber. to linger. 886. lingering. ia lom. 9I9 3 I I loiall. 826. a womam yingim. -
a loiterer.
a /ink (pudding). 42 1
a ye, lying,to ye or tell a fiwe limmem. `
to lol.out. 359.loliig x34
• 541 to long. 363.8o5. longing όe, 4lier. 9 I3 a lintel/. . 364 l)e (ley,lee) 58r a liom. iiomffe. zoz.337 | 25 X. 559 long. 25 1 -lafiimg. r 18 liedger. lievtenawt. 677 a lip. 28z 31 1.-lived. 198.398 life. I 42.6 ro.to the-77o a liffer. 7ecovering- 216. mat aliit (catalogue) 65o| -tonga&d. 838. -age, fe*S è amd death. 74o.(te eat) 789.lifis. | fhce. 346. 594. 93$. fomewhat- 1 19. adv. 946 667 te lift.321.457. 534. 541 tolif. 674. to iffeâ 4 i 4 longtime. 536. 8o6 868 837 light (brightneffe) fub. lifime*. . . 46.179 z4. 31. 4z. 4- 746. to tabe lifleffè. 886. fòlonga *. 94 o the longer-lived. 1 98 fandim the -4*. 745. liflleffaeffè. .
light (not hcavie) adj. 321. 4ö7. lightly. 834
a litter (of young) 185 longwort, to litter.
' 45o lonefùme.
little.298. 547.849. ve to look. 283 -back. 459 big, 88* -hefire. 8o4
{nimble) 487-haimef *y~ 5 I.a pva^-.2.2.5.me fèd.71r -ofbeleef. 812 ve* f0-275.by little and 8oI ~ofcarriage. 831 little. * tolight off45 1. a lighter. talive. 273. 524. 62 o 47I
to lighten (eafe) - 465
-#pom, a live coale.
2, 1 5
it lightneth.6z, lightmeffè. lively.5o3.tobe- . 886 839
I 36
- 639
-about. 8o8.-imte. 266
-to one 815. to- 384 7*7-like.8-upon.340
-fefh. I . ^ . i8; a look.8.214. a lo ę -
a looking
a looking downe. 287. [lu3 198. 674. 818. 825, a mallet. 523.malt. 444 886 826 to be mammerimg. 246] -full. . 5 1 5.712' luffy. 279. to be-788.886 amam, zz 7. 596. (huf* band) 529. -ofwar. 298, lufily. 992. a lute. 4oofè. 5 1 1 . tobe-
a Zoop.
a i oofmeffe. „_to loofem. to {op.
* ** ,
468 -fervant. _ 6o9.
-queller.669 -fiealing
mad. 8o5. -*orm.
867. a mans. 251
a lord. 975. io6*. (ba-| 188. to be- 829.tw run,
-effate (manhood.)
686] orfal- 188. madmeffè. ron) 297 a lordjaip. 688. the Lord.
233.235 fmamacley.
633.648. Lordsday.41 made by art. 177. 44» tomamage. 935 mamchet. 485.49o| , . . - Voßê.
I 23.3o7.5 I6]
to lofè p. t. loff. 96.366;a magaxim. 947. -love. 9o9. -the 4 maggot.
622 a magiciam.
4 ///ar/e.
to be loft.
173.97. a maid. 589 fervant.6o9
a lot. 644. to
have féra mail.
4o7 512.
a mamdiliom.
136 176
4I4 a manger. 486 mangineffe. 3I6 376 many.
823 'maimed. oraesLoth. 8or. to lothe. 292 |maim.55 -fea.76 ibaitell. 783 369.374| 7o9-land. lothing. love.68z.997-tharm9o7|to maimtaine. 335 993 8II - to love. 41 1.6oo.8zo] (avouch) lovely.9or. lovingly. 9o»|to make. p. t. made. zr 9
8 18. f0-
to mangle.
a mamner.6oo. in a- 3o2 3 16 after the- s loud $76.7o3-crying.331 | 98o -up.z 59-new.9rr vel manmered. mammerly• 5 59.845 loy.78 734. -*ater. 76] -as though.92» -behold.
lower. 276. lowef. 38.] ing. 9o7 -a fole. 9»z lowly. 84o. to low. 181 | -good. 86o ( defend) lowing. a louß.
245] 717-a leg. 9o1 -amó
218.312 | ration.752 fhczy of 816
a mantle. a manuall.-
Is 387 783
t0 manure.
a map.
a l/£nge(figure), 739] -ometarry.go4-anoife. a maple. 1zz.to mare. 3o a lubber.
886] 987-a pem. 731. ready
luck.97o.lud&ie. _ 941] (prepare ) 4o8. (put marble, 86. a mare. 177 luggage. luk£-warm. t0 lull. . • lumber.
, alump. the lungs. j;, $$t #.
%. ** -{) i? \*
***, fi£|, -
to lurch. a lurdem. aluye.
*487. 31o] on) 5 1o. pâf. töbee 579] made 8o 29 -4g*a-
} duate,or officer.
492] a maker. I. zo.4o6|a make-bate.
737 amarchant.49o-oftrum 98z
pery. 492. marchan
diffè. 489. marchant
493 able. , _ 817 ' 275| . fhift. 919| malapert.612 -meffe 9o9 themarchafteflome. 29o
887}a malady.
428]the male.
vtplurk. 12o. 189. a lur-|a malefafior. 189] malice. kinghole. lujhious.
red marble. to march.
the marches. ' 689.783
165. 1 99 a margemt. 668 maies-feale.
74 I I 26
9o9 4 Ma7'/710}*.
, 798
a marifh. mafh. Z3
marf*. •
MAS * ' M E R' MIS a mark. 293. 317. (to mears. 67. meaxles. 316 a mile. fhoot at) 7o3. t0- 2.
amarket.491 -place.616
a mediator.
387 mediatiom. `
, 76z
29>.414.788 93. ,4 I4 929 nilk to- 41 $imi$y. a miller. 9I I amilliom. 965 a milfione.
43 4o5
4o4 271
- 795 the milt. to marry (a wife ) 589 a medicine. 593 (a husband) 391 a medlar. Izo. a medler. mincedwgat. 267.4z 1 593.married. 418 amind.2.45.353.733. in 594 837.a medow. a marriage.588.392-bed meek.895. a meer. 689 his right- 893. ofame 595 -able. 589 to meet ome. 18* (come 91 o.to have a mimd to matr*®®. 24I together) 53 1. 63o 684. Iam oftby- 924 a mafball.676. to- 697 meetimg. * 1.478 to put iw349 94.717 amajjh. I39 t0 be mect.481.itis-583 a mine. 754 tomimgle. a mart. 49 I meete)'. z67 to marvaile. 359 the megrim. 495 297 to mint. I 36 a mira cle. 95r marvellous huge. 522 melilote. 123 mire. miery. a mask 5 13 -ed. 955 a melom. 6 I6
a mafin. 326. maffie. 95 mtft. 1 zz. a maff. 464 a mafler. 61o (teacher) „ 7.3.734 -builler. 525 a ma[tiffe, 4Io a maflick-tree. 138 a match(marriage)589 594 (for fire) 7o3
I I7
to mélt. a. 384. n.
94 to mìffe. 363 -the way. to mend. 732. -up. 5o5 478.to havemiffè of851 menftruall. 23I to miffe-appb. . _ 353 mercu/?e. 1 36
mif-becomiwg. z88.9z 1 mercy. 681. to bave-91 z. mif-begottem. 6o6 merlim.
148 tomißcall.
merry 567-conceits. 941 to mifcarry.465. 97. (o£ 929 - child) 598. mifiarri 743. mo- 693. 939 -companiom. 554 age. , 8o8 to match. 136. -out. a meffe. 934 amifchamce. 9rz-cbiefe. 1 4o a meffenger. 593. a mat. , matter (filth) mattery. 4 meafure.22.76z.indue 1 57. 184.8zz.984
31 5 (ftuffe) z i.a 784
a mattock. , . it may be. *
a maxime. '
5 749
a maxe.
629. out of- 833. to|mifçhievou/iy. I,
take- 5o4-to meafure] amifcreant. 757 — out. 31 [a mifdeed.
4 *meafurer.
tomeete. ib. metall. 85 I • |middle. 34. 243 -point.lmißhap. mead. 444. meager. 278 758. adj. 273 midnight) mifhapem. 4o4
987 -riffè. 276. -wife.] tomif-(ead.
meam (poor) 455. in a
228 | to mif-like.
333. meaner fort. 654 might. 71 3-and maime.| to mißplace. a meam or meanes.797.by 363. 873 migbty, 673) a miß. . • .' 4o3'to miiiake. all- 843. im the meam a mill. ' 55.895 'a miftake. , time. 27 I.6o8 mild.,
to meam. 816. meaming. mildmeffe. , , . . . . 75 t mitdew.
* 798
76»|my mindmißivesme.8r3
68rj mifirufful!. 3°, to mifufe.
976 9Iz.
2o 278
479 369 73z 49 333. 646
357 ' 816
33$ * . 4 #tate,
M| *|**
a mite. to mix.
M Ul L -what.4z z. för tbemof a mu/hrom.
2.17 2.8.81
14 I
328 .
294.796 mi/sk. -tat.
a mifer. one ia mifèry.
85 1
t0 ///ea/2.
a moth.
a musketeer.
amother.zz8. bymothers muff. 121 -metds,
656 6oi muffard. fide. I 32. 383 to mufter. 695 • a moat in the fim. 969 m «herofoil. j** | " 873 to move. moveable goods. amufleringplace. 695 to mock. 525 3:***; a model/. 848 mufiy. 329. to mute. 561 ' 696 *] hi£ki moderate. 565. modera mould (ground). 393 to mutim, -
66I a mould.
:| 91.***.
] 61 Imj*, muif. 77. 1 36. 763. to mouldy. – – moiifem. 247.353. 418 a moumd. , us* ' '***,
tobe- *
Ior. Io3 to mount up.
a mountaim.
moifiare. Io5.27.392
a moity.
771 t0 mutter. 329 m/4tt0m.
38o to mufe. 738.932.a mu 37•45o
fing. 344-beforehand.
794 a muficiam. amountebamk. 773 zo5 a moufè.z 1 I -eare. 134 a musk-pca*. a mole (want.) 1 23 ':*t£, 286 amouth.*I63 (of a ri mit *, i . a mole (wen.) 45 I Nag. mih. *7. m0ultem (â melt) 771 ver) 66 (ofa vefell) 957 563 -ful. may rather. . 74r 564 tua?. ;!;* a 77/01/1erat. 4 I t0 mtmv. 395. -over. a mail. 527 (of finger) ,*ni* 7/30m244y. 49 I a monopoly. 89 againe. 417. a mover. $63. manstym'*#/ * I 68 39 5 naked. 2 39-neffè. 5o9 r/wm, * a momfier. 4 18 a name. zr. 41. 1o8.by 8 a hay-mow. wf*;fti ! momffrouswonders. 33 much. as much as is pu£ (namely) 1 13. of the the moon. . injìd, 638 fible. 596. not fò- as ftme- 6cr.to have the pri'*'** a momk. 66o amonth.77o.montbly 231 96. 972. to be as- as of.
t0 mourm. 37 r. mourmimg
. ,
81 2, toname.
' women 96; fìngs.96. amuck. 387 -hill. z 17 tonap. 35*. thein mourning.
25z mud. 27 -wall. 389. t the nape. *7 a mapkim. muddle. 5 I9 559 6» .63 . a muffler. 513 narrow. 145 -ly. 836 959.
more.767.981 -over.864
the more.
the morning. 35. • 568. mugwort. 4o a mulberry. adj.64-ffar. a mortce. '
8 1 3.976
1 36
I 16. 123 maffineffe.
578 .
a mule.
46o a nation.
3I 4 '
a mullet.
I66 a native. 955
` 61 9 .
the nave. 457. the nave? 554. 560 at m/umm£*'. a morféll. 3:8 mortall-way. 691. -of. a mungrell. 4I o 785 mummy. 494. 848. mum. naught (naughty) 8oo fence.' 461 mied. 485 8o1 (nothing) . 8oz. 4 η07tar. 5 26 a munkie. migOfter. 7oo 62.2 a mavne. -
a mortis. 543. tomo||è.'
248 to murder. I34 a murderer. 2 5 1 a murraib. 3 14.
m/$ineffe. m/? 11. -commomly, 617
a meat-heard. 413 neat-meß.328-538o.77r
37r mi/rrey. a meb. 334 the -necke. 252. 46 r. Z 4
* -
Cloth. v
- -
-cloth. 519 -ofland 74; the nipple.
253 2. I8!
6o4! a mit.
a meece.
N oT
to murrijh. 3o. surrijh. z67
mecd. 394. 464.693.724 no. adj. 145. 33o -man. a murfè. 229. the murferj 52. I. a murfery. 38» - leffe. 8o6. to- or [land 833 -body. 741. 845
in-873.9o6.979.für 4 *.
- 57o
necds. muß- 538. mare thcm-
noble. 895. 93o. nob4s.
132. -cracker.
686. tomod.
819 a moddy.
a mut. 1 59 fh.l/. 121-meg 464
N mare. `
834 am oatb. aneedle. 5o4-work. 5o9 noifom. 2o7.3.8: to be 2. I8 0ats.* 129. 45o. oate* neer. adj. (pinching.) 13o meal. 85o -fiend. 879.weer a moife.75.33o. to make zo4. 777 to obey. 176. 6o9. 636 eß way. 853. ad. 757 834 87 1 obfèrve. 767 -hand. 283. well fjr the nomce. -
tomeigh. a meighbour. neither. 6oo. a mephew.
a meft. to mefle.
628. 9*3 6o4
. 146 I 34
-fo. 388. mever. 2o3 mew. 219.43 I -ly.735. to
make- 5o5. 538-jears 879 gift. to biing neves. a newer , monger,
758 568 574 noth-eait. 56
nor. z89 north-we{f.
4 mct. 425. 427. 428 5 *3 -work. a metlle.
I 5 1.357
178 a nobk.
83 6
876 obftinacie. obflinately. 876.899 to obtain. 591 (by en
- 875 treaty.) ae vccafùm fèrves. 355 25 d od. 941. to be at- 9ix the noßrils. a65 not. 295. 979 -fò. 3o6 tohave ods of* 248 594.64 1. -withffand offalr. 835•998 ing. 846 -jet. 183. an offence. 798.9o8 177 tw offend. if. to ftrike. 9 95o 88o t0 notable. a mote. brief- 938 -book am office. 652.84o, houfè of573. an officer 676 732. ofnote. 491.885
to mote downe.
, _ 595
(from oncs mouth.) ofiem.adj. 299. 383.ad.
' . x. next under 258. (a{ter) , • I 3*. -0ut. Io4. tbat 18. nothing.3. . 596. adv. ' 97
, 578:733.
3o3 okefèrm. come to, 456. 587 9o4 to give notice of. 64. 424 o&e offerufalem. to nick-name.,
a niggard.
85 I
oker. Io4. 122.4/. alive.
nigh. 757. nigh-dwel to take mo notice of. 9** olâ. 655 omnipotence. 618 a movice. lers.
om. 531. om the fide. 947 them. z1 1.7o5-a daies on the other fide. 885
fight. 987. by- 149. late at- 568. it waxeth- 36
now. 259.266. 378-and
t0 l)e all- 483 -mare.
omce.8o&(in time paß)
398. 669. 731 one. 43 -eyél. z8z.cbief.
575-walker. anight-crow. . amightingale. to nim.
movhere. I49 the howl.
I 53 to mumber. 9 I9I - «IIe,
tumble. 198 -neffe. 9* 1 numis(/?. 584 a^um. to nip.
972. numhey 978
673-by one. 145-with amother.
393.194 ane otber. 391, 464. 628 '
();; **,***; :;* I ■
an omion.
to give tbe omßt.
ohj. adj. 794. adv. 149 ove; againe.448-andbe I3I
':] £*
the Onyx flome.
opem. 918.-im view. 5 1 1
i;:.* W :;| M Ww
954. t0 be laid- 995
-hauded. 878-baftedj. 92.5 I'
to opem. n. (lye open) 544. a. 123. 54i.-the
• I ■ ■ ■■!
■*-| ri . . moutb.
,-, [***
to oppofe. .
I 36
-flowing. 66. -gramwm am0xier. Ii4 places. 191 -much.35o] Pace. 4** 61 2. -plus.782 —féer. 637. -fight. 357.798 a packe. 259. 46o (due,)728-fpreading. -faddle.-hoife. 46o 576 396 --weight. 768 a pad. , -thwart. 278. 39. a page (leafe.) 16. (wai -reaching. 833. ting-) 698
. 99o 95o -flow. 76 -gorge. out vf-
si-jie , opinion. ,, jir ;
2of. 3
885 t00ver-ave.668-burdem. a pageant. 622.641 198-charge.29z -come. pay. 696. 723. 727. put
•-•|u*;, $i ** a
a/, 0*e.
fide.585-againff. 243 oxe-eye.
71 1
ov E
424-thrów.7i9.-fhoot a pail.
I 36
808. -value. ^ 892. piine. 791. -full, 33;
651 ,
or. 1 17, or effe.
j | rat, ' the oracle. Juaiit orage.
7zz •
8zo. -hang.934.-hedt. t0 pay. 494. 8» I. -out 697.-for.66z. 827 837. -lay. 319. -rule. 818. -[lip. 993.-take. paying dowm. '494 415
.|4 „ut,
319 an orghard. 379 -weem.841-weigh. 766 | 355. without.] uiae; to grdnin. 687. 976 -whelme. 428 pains. 9. 976. -taking. „ „, , order. 65 5. ( decree.) to be Qver.466-rum. 394 | . 577 -
, jjfr, û
654. 663. due- 869
-ruled. -
358 to paimt. 77 1. a painter. 578
to order. 382. 7 5 o. 97 I to have overfight of. 637 | painting. „;* ' 0rdinaj. I I. 4o9. 883 ought (any.)745. I ought. a paur. .
-|ufti ?
„,;;;;;' , -%. , • |";,;;ii, gregt ordnante. aí;
£j* £e.
II 1. 133
„■; ■ %£££; iv. ' the originall.
732. *o4
. 6rptm.
£? ■ 14
orthodx, «
an oflfich. I 56 am oath. 697. to bring t0
out of- z I. z8.-upom.82.8 a pallet. -ofhand. 742. 958 a palmer.
63r to be out.
38o 6o9. 687 a pale. 765 , pale. 339. -neffe. 393 717 o///^e. ' . . 414. 268 our countrey. adj. 658 a palace. *6z6.99*. 7I I
, 123.926
to palter. *
886 313
out-gate.47.547-landifh. the palfie.
82. r 462. -laved , -lawiwg. to pamper. 67 1.67» -let.67.-moff. a pam. 431. -cake. 4o8 s 17 -ragious.893.-neffe the panch. 267. 82o 827 89 5. -ly, 798. -fide. 77 a pander.
759. -ward. I o. 278 pangs.
1597 46o
Åur? ather. 25. 1 18. 3%ifè -worke. 546 4 pamnell. . I 96 to pant. a$:*(** 289. 537. 656. 87o to out-goe. ;}*. .-where. $ z 3 to owe.628.8o3.to owne. a pantofle. .
.„#£ iuberpari.*rsfen Äa* 49© an σωle.
££" : ;
848 a pamtry. I6o a pap. ,
z 1 1. 431 •
£tn wuc
, al-r 101, -
omes owme. 523.-mam.594 5 I9 (not-) 894 , 4o6 an oritr.3 86. 6o8. 74o
*** ì. 1 -
paper. 73 r. 935. blot
ting- finking- tap- 73;
affeít-quire- reame 6%. ib.
PA R parafiticall. parambur.
P E A. 667 843' (way.) 47. 6zz. 7o6 a penaly. 472. ajen (to write.) 731 8*7 a paffinger. , -
( coop) 412. 723 9. 725. 939 731. 738.-cafe» (Pen * 738 794 nar.) tn parch. 431. parched. 77 to hit patum. 38. a patch. 5o5. to- 52o a penny. * 494. 495 parching. adj. 77o penfill. 476 a 73 1 a patb. parchmemt. 686 9o7 patiemt. 89o. a patient. a pemfiomer. topardon. 79z penfivemeffe. 369 318, to pare. to parboile.
438- a pafport. 491 pafiime.
589 a patterh. zr. 77o. the pent up. i67.a penthoufe.
526 firf?-
a parifh. ' . a park,
637 a patent.
546 •
77 I
49o. 67I
I 3: 379. to pave. • 551. paved. pepper. 6 I 6 pepperwort. tocalla parliament. 686 136 773 peradventure. 493. 967 355 | apau/è. 4 parlar. 862, to perceive. 9. 34o. 354 ^ 161 a pawm. a pa*ret, par|j.pajfiep. 116. 136 peace. 689. (s't.) 9 14 356-thoramy}. ' 85* 418 69o a perth. a part. 14. 252.a fmall. peaceable. ' 1 2 o to perfòrme. 652. $ 58. -of tbe body z42. [a peach. 666 886 1 58 5 1 1.795. upper-89.me-[a pea codk. III. I 23 a perfume, 587. tomake ther- 89. third-fourth-|a pear. I 2.8 fxth-6o8.it is the- 662 Ipeafe. u, .«ni. i; 84 perhaps. 1 55. perit. 88; 912. parts , (gifts.) ß pebble. to perifh. 972. perifhing. 764 88o!a peck. * T I 957 795 te part. a. 23. 594. 783 peculiar. 84c tip. perk to . 434 -affay. 656. -afùnder [a ped. 6o I a pearle. 1o4|pedegree. 1n. 91. 519 a parting. 478. 527.999 [a pedler. pedling. 492 tobe perplext.369. imper
a partifùae. partly.
339 [a peece. 354. ali ofome plexity.
' 713] 239. 762. -cut. 527. a perry. . • 716] little- 46. in piece 935 topertaine.
a partner ( fervant. )| peece-meal. a partridge. 4 pace.
1 36
91o|apeel. 4o6. to pecl. Io9 to pierce. 668. a piercer. I 2, I 1 5o 6i 527. piercing. 87o. 95 . 762 |to peep. 147. peep ofday. a perfom.
to paffe. 5o3. -{y. 9o» -away. a. 235.856.p.p.[a peeple.
576 pert.
pafféd. to bee paff. 34? [apeer. 677. musk- 123 9o9 -and gone. 8* 3.-grace ,|pcevifhmeffè.
taperu/?. t0 • .
memding.' 668. 799 [a peg. • ' • ' 7o4. 775
84o '346
7. 3o9. 487. 52*.
to break) £3? 4oi. ( of porke.) 42I
, -bearing. 417.-hope of pelf. 492. a pellet. 16o -
> life. 956. pafsingwell. pellituryofthe wall. r 36 petty. 737. -chapman. 491. -god. 646.-fog 267 pel-mell. * 7 :4 ger. 66o. -forrell. 1 34 5 o7 pelt. a a Paffage (going) 778 pertcr. •
· ·
*■* pewter.
i9* [a pinnace. 987[apint.
Alia ii a phantaff.
468. 47r\a plafer.526.79r. head 763 79s'
:;|(a. phantaffical. 805]apioner. 698. 717 Iplate. 97. a thim plate. .…]; aphilofòpher. 99* [a pipe. 775. abag. 777] 531. to plat. 38o > | j phyfca!. 377] conduit- 445. 583 (ofla platfirme. 21. 325 f:*]***, a pbyffiiam. , ..793] . wine.) 763 a platter. 434 Ä tópick. 263. (pilfer.)|piquet. 443 |it is a fufficient plea- . -
' 919, -on. 82o. 837 [Pifces.
Lup. 145. -a thanę·[a pifnire. : elymºr:'*
9o£ piffe. z69. to- 145. z6$ |a pleading place.
a pick axe, 381 -tooth]T.
' 225 |to plead.
824]to pleaf?. 594• 841. 979
56o-thank.917.-pu£la piffake. 123|to fy anything- 925 a|yr. 669 [a pit. 533-ofhell. 641 |well pleafed. 996. plea gg|;;;* a pig. 4o8 (mag-), 16o|pitch, ■24. ftature. 237| fing. 841. -ant. 38o *; άτι; pied. • 339 te pith. .. 7o4. 771 I made plea/ant. . s zz. •
jA£*. .,| ;;£* a pigeon. ,>|!;ris
393]apither. 434. 335. 364|aagdge. 86. ,(furety.) 147. 134] .
666. 7o8
apit falt. 423. 428 [a pleit. 5o4 238 Ipith. 199. pithj. 753 [plintj. 848. fulj. 41 s
a pig.
E. 4 ££*/;
a pike. 7 1 3 -mam. 7o9 pitty. 87 I. to- 373. 9 I 2, 564. 99*. Jayfa*' to pile. 5 29. tapill. 683 | that hatb- 996-fult. [pleafunt (rherry.) 367 piles (cmrods.) 3o5 | -leffe. 9 1 z I 842.9 i6. 952. (dc Triptif* to pill. ... 864|a place. 22. §.z. 627] 1ightfome) 189 -pa-. 3
:* ,
IĘ a pill. 792. to pilfer.9 19 | 738. ifinany. J* F**, a pillar.
pillage. 72 1. to-
? pilling. $. „ 4 fjj. gr. * a pilov. #
67] fime. •
536 |to place. 243. 624. 98o]pleafure. 359. 366. 86z. 7 t9|plague. 314. to-218] 9o4. at his- 45 1. givem ; 867|plaj.725.-fèllow. 935| to- 587. to take- 94o 668]to play. 3o.94r.-ihel pliable. 382. pliant. 389:
57* | fol. 838 m (mod&)|to plight. 592. in good I 36| 91 2. -a part. 952 -the
, I 34 | wizard. 645, -tbe falfè] a plot. 525. t0$31. 584] proéior. 66o. (on än| a plove*.
919 I 59,
x* „ opincb ones belly. 848] inflrument.)773.776] a plough to- „ 389. 393 ι μα* a pinch'ng. 32o. 859. a 777| 7-beam , -Jháre, -tait. . 39 1 *** **. pinch-jenny. 851 [plaine. -dealing, 9Í8| ' apeji, * a pin. ;j 5 (of wood.)
7o4 (to write with) plainly. 73 i .(ofa dial!) 77z a plaintiff.
qxtii, :;?
4%*', -
• 445
g sitj. 13f. ú 7.663*
bird 659 a plug. 53o aplum.
1 , o-tree. 1 1 1 a plummet-line. 526 I 18. 278 , 3 1 1. adj. 293 a plank. 38o.469, plump. ' to plänge, a plumger. 456 fj££*.:.._j to plant. 22. 4- z 17. 238o 486 19 a pocket. a pinnadc.346.finnacled. a plantation. 53* a plane. t0
1%%£ to pine. 363. a ptning. planet-firicktm. 401.
to pluck: off. 584. (a
78 923
i '
_&r 8
to plafh. 439. plafhy. 77 a port. 734. a peding- .
f »
826. poetry.
POR 756
558 prefence. 878. im-of.9^
a pottinger.
a prefemt. 641. 879- 4 77 o po0/871 pon) 713 (to truflé) to pourtray. 633. 693 486 prefent. 516. to point at. z6z apouch. 1 x 4. 796 'prefènt (ready) T 795 747 pouder. 772. a full433 prefemt pag.494-5. 907 poifom. 793. poifonous. pouderedmeats. 817 848 a pretemce. 137. 328.4 poke. 486 prverty. 816. 885 654 a pound. 494 -weight. topretend. the poll. 491 pretay. 934-lywel. 437 2o9 765. to pound. a polcat. 314. 875 a pole. - 38o. 428. 464 to pour-out. 1 o4. 383 to prevail. 564 to prevemt. 813. 977 584 to pole.
apoint. 957 (ofa wea a pottle.
(authority.) 619 to py. 339. prying. 837 politie ( gorcrnancs ) power 673. (to do-) zz. 6o8 to pridëfòward. 451-im. 649
a pomamder. apumgranat.
a pompam. »
apound. to ponder,
532. -fully. . 2o4 752. -up. 792. zo6. 138 587 the pox.316. french-827 a prickle. I 23 pra£tice. 355. to- 919 pride. 5o9. 84o. 98o4* 1 58 (take-) ® 1 pray. 16. 71. to- 873 641. 643 67 998. -agaimff. 908 a prieft.
I 36 766 prayer. 632. pfiefis pimtle. 64o 67 praife. 723. 84*. 963 a primate. | a pobl. iooo.to- 98z-worthy. a principali beam. 34; poore. 439. 52o. 625 9t 2 -fbul. 799 864 (ftock.) . •I I 2 a poplar. , 754 to print. a printer. 748 to prank. 45o a price. 496. 534- toft 632. pranfing. populous. . -
a porch. a porcupine.
54o ' 2o6
to prate. prattle.
pork. aportal.
42 o 54o
9 17 573. priviy. topreach. a preacher. 63 1 privities.
a port-culis.
61 5 676
773 519
poft-fâle. '
a preciou£ftone. 486 a precinêf. 865 a predeceffbr.
a portum.
a p6Xte.
a portmanteau.
offèffioms.' É %; ispoßi le. 9 I I. 4*
.. 752
2. II
a foye^/.
547 a pofiern. a pot. 823 -tompamimm, , 82 r. -fpoom. 431 -gum. 94 r -hook?s. 431 -herb. I 2, 6 341. -herb.
prejudicial!, aprelate. to premife. prefçription.
puter dy.
53 5
614 678
25 5
a priXe. 946. t0 mak 7oo. to pri<e.
a prifom. a prifùmer.
624. 668 72*
696 to prefer.841.-abill.686 a procetding. 357. 734 84o tofèrve pröceffè. preferment. 638 a preface.
à poft (meffènger)676
'838. 99o.a prater. 838 privie. 691 .-to. 926. *
to proclaim. 664. 4 pr*-
677 clamatiom. 651 491 ' a proconfùll. 638 to procure. 8o. 294. prò 919
to preffè. 321. 416. 44o to profeffe. -out. 383 -bard upon. a profeßion. 7oz. 883 -4 [0uldier.
378 990
877 377
profit. 49o. -able. 7* t4-]
:||:* *** *-
856, a puppy. a promooter, - 68o. 917} purblind. ,
666, a puppet.
a promif?.to-
****** * . to prompt.
735] 87o. without- 667 to quaile. a. 432. n. 885
to- n. a prohibition.
*** ***
994;to purihgfe.
ready to quake.
a quaking. I 193. 37o*
283 a qualm. 377. 494
to quajell.
885 3zo
689 ,
.*I;i'ss. a prop. 439. 338. 8o2.ja purchafe. ^ 867 a quar*y. 85 ****** a proof. 358. 623. 75o] a purge. to- 357. 792 a quarter. 763. 6o8 795 g<*as; of. 193. of no- 9oo purgative. (coaft) 7o5. to give 98 quarter. 752 purified. I^:|;e ; to prove. 7I6 883. 935 ;i;j: proper, (maturall.) 75 1 |apul, 318. purple. 333 to quafh. 858 to quaver. . . 274. 773 14. „arr., te prophefe, • 644* to purlbim. 795 [a furpofe.363.8o5. 897 a queam. gs;i;o (peculiar.) 827 754i fomo- 8o 3. tothe- 924 a queem. 3j; pro/e. . 675 -;:;:;:• profperity. 882. 885 1 of. 798 87 1. to what queimt -ly. 75 r .
?roven£r. j,j I. 17. proverbe.
j ;£
13o] . * 7! to quemch. 486 a queriff^r. proud. 874. -ly. 84o;pirfj. 3oo. purffneffe. a querm. • . 197 a purfe.
j. ; , to provide,8o4. provided. | }°*/?. 4o9. 699. -ihat adv. [a purfivant. ' • 7 z $ ipurflame. (;: £f j**, providente. *£ provifiom.
_ ., 575.
;>j . . ,., proveJJe.
4o3 424
653 to queßionome fr. 848
' * 136 a quefiiom. 985. thing im 656 198. 715 .. 97r {to purfue. 43r. 695 ja purvetor. ; . 43 1 to quetch. 88 ; 856]to put. p. t.put.-it., 96 quicke.-fighted. 17. 197
'33 ($.2. proviß. ***#**** tóprwöohe. ** ^ 9 i6 | 317'om.390.(haften.) folajit* a provo[i. ''
t0 queft.
-famds. 466-fèt. 38z.
638]* 43 1. -ty. 67. 908-off ; . 387.-filver. Io*.-j, , 73z || (fell.) 49o. delay.666 i$* ' ' , ' 35%
;3'i**£?o prüne. 382. a- io| - funder. 593;-ám, off. to quicken. 45 1. 94o f*f {1}* to publi/h. T 664. 836 | 5io. -}mmiinde of. 839 to quiet. - - 23o 42t -fùrth. 58.-away. I 2 1 aquill. ;i Irrat; , at pudding. 73 I .• • 67 || -but (quench) 46.743 a quince. .; . fr** apuddle. I 23 3] jo^** &'pwff. 141. -of winde.] (ofoffice)661*tricé§ a quip. 941. to- 916 44pj* ' 464 -cbeckd. 284. tol upom.817.-to. 5 18. (to 'a quire. 63o §|.jj*. puff. 55. puffedup 4o7] fiight , to the fword full afquirks.
838 777] 715).-up (wrong)89r 'a quit. 68 21.}**; to pull.-off. 1 18. 584] -ander. 558. 748.-af robequit with. 89 1 §■ίζ, -dowm. s38.-up. 38r] ter. 754-to death. 668 'quite amd cleam. 885 16o] Jhame,fenance. 669-on 'a quiver. 7o2. t0- 37o Âvia* a pulet. ,[£a£ a pul%$*?*4puiit.631 | uppemoß. , 517 to quote. . ,* 631
jprtfi* *
'L?j/, piìlß, y 28. the piiffè.274 Q. £|A$£%; ;?v*a pultä.'
T „ti,
a pump te-
a punk, 827. a punr.737 |to quaffoff. 662. 667|a quaginire. ■,j?£ £? purifh. j£j* 4 panijhment, 823. 869[a quail.
'• o
p, 0fw.
2o5. to
rabbet. 82. 1 a rabble.
, 53o
a quadrangle. 761
I3o. 1 58
65 5 '
a rate (courfe.) 946
(ftock.) ^ - 66r , 4 rack.
RAN , , , , •
a yack. 668-boiie.
R EC . 1R E G nous. 148.41o.targvin. to redeem. , 8zo 827
277. to66 • a radijh. '^566 to ravifh. a raff. 47t. rafter. 446 7'a137. 7 .935 4 yaXQi'.
¢ rag.
a reed.
I39. 731
4 reek. to-
t0 reel. a reel.
323. 538.8.4
rage. 297. t0- 314. 893 a reach. Iz. tò reach. 564 ragwort. a raj.
I 36
toredreffe. • 66* 3»
-t0. 997 Ye-entry.
43. 769 to read. p. t. red. 936 4reer-ward. 7o9. 71; •0ver, 733• 74o to refine. 44o. refiwd.
to rail. 892. 917. a rail.
38o to reap, a reaper. rajment.
rain. 5 1.481.-water. 69
torefaim. n.
re4fom. 353. 358. 359 a refraining.-
5o9 to rear up.
721. 962
'-bww. rainy.64. it rai 752. ao- 66z. ' for to refrefh. . 35o. 939 . meth. 5o| good- 875. for thât'. the refuf?. (penac.) 9t
rains ofa bridle. toraife up. a raifim.
451 | 973.by-of.42.75.376 rz 3|to reave.
5o4 776
a rake. (to take up. )|a rebeck. '418.-hell.
917]a rebuke. 87o.to- 9zz.
& fam. 1 8a. a rammer. [to regant.
268. 4o9• 74*
.\ 749 to refufe. 36o. 817.876
5o3. 995] t0-
regard. 97 I. to- 356 79o
a regent.,
a regiment.
4oz. 55 1 |a rcceit. 796 a reg/fter. 3z8|to regeive. 246., 854. a 4 regratey.
65o. 63: ' 490
I , 669 vegct.
613] receiver.,
a rampire.
- 614
88« toreherß. 785. (to one i 3 18 [to reckm. 786 -among. writing.)* 73: 1
rank.382. a rank. 6o4|rechleffe. -j.. te rankle.
* 969], 334. 998. -up. 963 rejetted. 799 I 674 torange. n.314.827.67»|areckoning, ofng- 8o2. to reign. 269 * a.7o8] to call to- 734.t0 make the reins. túramfack. *. 719]. 866.-booke. 854 torejoice. 366. -f* amet gìod. 373 + a ranfùme. to- . 7zz]to redaim. i--. : … 148
at ramdom.
a rap, v. a blow.|to recoil., … , 33 ; a rejvinder. * ' 713|torecompence. , 877 rcfj. . .
39 ,
d rapier.
394 ' 917]toreconcile. . 9o8.91 1 a relapfè. 784. 836 719 [a record. 686. to- 19o to relate. rafh.to ra|h wp. 622 , , . . 785 to yeleafe (free.) 733 .
a rafcal/. tw rafè.
vafhneffe. a rat.
' ... 77;
»ro|to recover.
71o. 868
arate. 494. attoo high-|recovery. ' 493[red colour.
(yccld up.)
86 ;
t0 relent.'
to eleeve. 3o2. relief.,
to rate (rebuk*) 917|red.-djh.-(ead. 337 to vely.yeljingom.66o.87. rather. 66t, 1 bad- 895 | redäy. 487.-at hand 74$ to relifh. 325. 446. 8:o , to rave. raving.
297] -momey, 494. to flamd
a realm.
to yavell out. a.
to remaim (abide.) 319
a raeven. 149. 16o. rave-||reddily.
Io4. 7o1
684 ;
-behind. 396. 4oo ; '.
3! -
• -
, -
P EV °
IV -
it remaiweth.
É * *|* .
992 to rejiraim. 768
668. 894 ito rifle. to refemble. 89. 9z. 77o to rig.
torem mír. 346. 348 a refemblamce.
to refòlve. 8o3. tobe re-, 264. -£y. 319. 747 66z. -aganß. 9oo fòlved om. 668 remorf. 99o 1 89 a righter. to refórt. n. 958. remo to remove. 4I2. veable. 855 *332 rightcous.-neffè. torefound. 66r 49 I rigorous. to remd. p. t. remt. 263 by retai/.
'*|** **,|:f;!
*|i** • to remdeí. -like for like. a retaimer. *40 [i ■;
;t; [*** . to remounce.
arent. (torne.)
re-|*fi* . . (paid.) ;:£| .*
to renew.
-j]*T** ' to repay.
υ, [igi f . to repaire. to repeal.
bo repent.
,,|aig* i repentamce. 3|4; t to repime.
j|;ita ;; |i£ . .
.. [pi'* .] rtg riá 3|,ty
[& ia
7 16. 738 a yill. villet. 7z.z, tofounda retieit. 71 5 the rim. 841 4 returm. 7o6. to- 3 1 o a zime. 989 989. 488. 72. t. 983 a rimd.
a renegado.
891 to retire.
$| .
: [urgt
right. 846. 868. -hand.
remembrante.” §3
7oo ib.
3o4 t0 . 386 91 1
87 1 .
65 3o7 53. 754
to rimg.a. 629. n. -agaiit.
682. 85 . ret/e71t4e. 679 a reverge.892. to- 891 a a ring. 519.-(eader. 943.
revenger. 368 [to reverence. 596.
-worm.z86.aring/.54o . 434.56z . 880 to rim/?.
69r 686 ;to review. 346 riot. 852. 4 riot. 917 riotous. 85z.arioter.8zo 9o7. 989 to revile. 5o4 . 63 1 to revolt. 78o, a revolter. to rip. 7z*
ripe. 1 18. to wax- I I4 '
' 959 869 a rite. a reward. 75 i torive. a. 529. n. 469 a rhetoriciam. . gun.) _ . , 7o3 a rib. 254 p. p. rivem. I 19. to réport784.they- 1 24 7y. Io6 5 18 to rivel/. 57o. 574 a ribamd. , repofe. 843 ribald/y. 66. 427. 471 a river. 664 to reprwve. 127. 128 to wife. 34. 44. 127-up a reproacb. 833. to- 917 rice.
report. 358, 836. (6fa
4 requeß. ,[wj** 8 gal ' to require.
87o zich. 848. to grow- to 78. -up to. 901. p. t. 846 . rofe up. p.p. rifem 466 make-
8 47 4 roe.
397 to rob. 485. a robber. 485 a rick. 875.878 , [.ia* to requite. 867 669. robbery. 61 5 to rid.-out of. 43 o-way. a refcue. ,|j, 464.to getridof.837 a robe. 5 12. 5 13. -of „ „ 33? , fegtfff. |j 94 1 || urlùt. reffeét. vith due- 9oz a fiddle. 675 eftate. *-
íú% •:igeve'J...,
(;ì: ¥ithout refpit.
„Ä .
reß. 79o. tbe ref. 1 1 3
to ride. p. t. ridyode. p.t. arocke.78. 83. roo.464 riddem. 451. -at ' am chor.
a rider. 176. 453. a ri
(diftaffe)498.rockie. 77. to rock. 218 a rod. .
668. 728
48r a rode: 47o (path) 476 *"' to refi (to beat reft.) ding-coat. 169 „„;* 79?; (paufe.) 884 a ridge. 259. 39o. 76o a rooke. Â Â;* —mpom. 257. 45 v. (of houfe.) 545. to aroof. 545. am immer- 55 1 ft* .,. ??
•• ' . ' , to reffore.
layup in ridges. 391 -ofthe mouth.
6O rtfe.
299. 836
a r09//}.
788 19. 678 4 1 00t,
j# * \
899 fafe.485.
a root. io5. 387. to root. to be ruled by.
489.187; 1
out. 8o1.mpbythe-381 529
3oo 59• 292
3'u///e. .
a rumbling.
158 fafom.
a rope. 389. 533. 669 a rump. to rvpe. n.
. I 94. aoz.
a raarung.
to raff. 431. rofed. 328 — 437.566
a ro/?. 133. ro/in. 124 to rot. a. 3 15. n. waxe
464 I32,
torum.1 43-out. (leak.) fage. adj. 355 (herb) 1 35
449• —at. I8o. -a/way.
43 2o4. 7 16. -all ha<- Sagitarius. zards.883.-about.zz 1 to7g. 925. 963. (alcf 272. 463. -after. 424 fon.) 734. -as gther -downe.25o. -beyond. fay. 924. -it is ß»* 947 -into. 927. -th0 not. 8I I.-m4y. 875-tot -
a word. 91 4. that i rg. 319-ripe. 118. to, ruine 537.-witb fpeed 341. 1 f&y. 914. 986 rotten.
fafety. 682. iae-
1 98. 298
row. a. 426. 7 1 3. -t0
318 t0 rove. a rover. 468.485 rw/gh. 85. 32. 1. 477
-againff. 182-over.4 1 they, or men fay. 144 66. —with ffeed. 946 31 3. a* tbey fag. 493
(fell.) 895.-ftone.51.6 to-ca[f.526-neffe.532 round. 553 -rimg. 45 I
a beap.) 969. p. t. £am. i 753. a witJ-. . 75*
758-and long. 759 4
—together. 469. (allom 1 ajy. 325. an old fajing;
sz'to faile.462.-clof? under.
a rumnigate. 391. 67*! ~amv4y.
.- .
tbe faile. -yard.
a rumdle. 5 1 5 opem faile. 65. 763 [aim. 422, 35 » ;$arundlet. 343 faints ofbeavem. 998 7 1 5 ; a %'u4?/!e7'. 58o. 59; 739 arunning. 196-out77 • /*; a fallet. 699. fallets.y66 rupture-worth. I 36 464
*' bout. 31. t0- , 43 to roufe. a roiit. 69 1 s t0a row. 1 38. 152. * to row. a rower.
. 451 to7u/h down.
a romwell., . , rowings. ,
464 463 865
fallow. 338. v. willow.
1 39 to fally out...
a rufh. . .
337 fait. io5. adj. 73. -ff.
to rowl. a. 3 1. 534. n.
' 466. a rowley.'. 359 %uff. . . 98, 438.-fèllar. 553. -* to` rub. 582. a rubbing. torufile.35. 2o4. arufi-i té?.f65. faltifh. io4 835 a falve. 796 791. offthe skim. 293 9o2. 999 yubbi|h. ' 537 *uthleffe. S. 9 . z, to falute. •
I 35
a rudder.
the fame.so». 8o6.-ihat. 6*o 771 404 a fámple.
486 6oo.in -place.
, A ' Sachell.
\ a fack. to fack. ' 7 I 9 jifii$.blind., 83 fa* . 39 t0 *u£. 371. 662. fàcred. 642. dy. , a ruffiap. ', 817 fàcrilegious perfias. 669 fàp. * 28. fàppy. 33? 3) • a rig. 5 17. rugged. 77 facrifice-for dead. 964 £he Sardonyx ßøne. 866 ^to rule. ' 684. 978 fad. 44o. 9 1 5. 953. to to fatisfie. ruddy. 337. ruddle. 1 o4
chiefe Ruler of a feaft. | be
* . *
676 lfadaeff.€.
37 1
fìvage. 895.-neffe.
9 451. faddle arule. 64o. 663. (miâ lto faddle. I8o f0 fave.-harmleffe. 86 758, backt. fons.) ; [4|| 995.
favime. r 38 to ßould. 917 fècurity givem. &66. 8«z a faviour. , . 972. 995 atofcourge. fieure. 579. •ing. 3o3 l afedam. .. . 864 g 668] 456 favingor fáve. I25
; 'g:i ;; ; £5**
, **
324.511 a fcout.
a favour.
: ἐm. , & i: .
“. ■.i:*^
μ ι πά'
4 ; iì*
t, ir,vr « ;;;;:; , 13;*
: » sig*
7o5. 837 [ßdge. 817 |/editious.
a faufage. ' 42. I t6ßrape together. faufe. 566. 567. a faufér. fcraps. ' 566 to fcratch. ' fauffe. 61 2. -meffe. 83o afcreem. -
a faw. faw-duft.
539 a fcrip.
38. [taffe p;tfw. 128.9zz a63 | feeingtbat. 6o5 745 ßed. 1 14. 38 1 -time.387 486 | -plot. 38z. 938] to feck. p. t. fìlight. -fòr.
3o2. afcroll,f roul. faxifrage. i 36 to fruc.z52.-aut.837-im a fab. ' 316 to 9 I 4. fcruimg,34 758 a fabbard. ' . • 7o, to férub. ' 585 a fcaffòla. 62. 2, . t0f£ud. 42. 5 297 fcatded. ftalding. 3 zo the fcul!.
a fawcer.
4fcale. 192. to-
436 a fculler.
47 I
766. 767 a feullion. 698 297 toftum. togatber-a fium
the fcalp.
134 69 I
322. 883. -0ut.. 75r fèeled. 35 ; to feeme. . 8. 33. 967 feemely. 886
fecn ( p. p. 3. fee) 34* to be- 78. 5o4.954-tho
vov. 25.769.well feeme. im.
tofeeth.-over n.feethimg 286. 3 i 9 hot. 432. p. t, fód. 688 3 1 3 a fèignory.
, *á
to feixe upom. 6o8. 729
to ßam. d.
237. 536 feurf.
the ßurvy. a fcutchebm. 55t fcarce,or notat all. 74o the fa.66. 73. 146.adj.
a fcarfe.
337. 675 to ßare. &. a fcar-crow.
246 ftath. 394 to ftatter. 9oo. fcattereá al! abroad. , '716| a fèmetar. 713|
feoff$. 916. afcoffer. 833| -
a féoop.
79o. 868
fèa. 92. 168 -fick 467 feldome.adv.
-mam.-cards 462-mark to fel. 5o5. 731. p. t. 467 -coal.45-fight.7oo fould.-off. 49o. a feller. to fét to467 49 r. that will feli off vel!. 493 afea-cob. 15r a feal. 676. to- 936.938 felf. 17. 2 1. 33. 55 ~under feal- eartb. 1o4 it-, 1 17 -willed. 898 hand amd863 mot him894 •445 a /?am. 459. 5o4 afellar. 361 tofear. 318 tbefemblamite. a /?at. 238. 38o. 464 to fend. p. t. fent•.-out.
539. 675. 73o
2 1 9. 7o5.-ayay. 632
' toforcb. 6r. 328. fior.] to fafin (feaxd) 437 677.-back. 861.-a let ched. , , ,
783 | 631. feafoned.
a fore (26.) 495. 753 | afeafùm.
804. 8o5
• 934. 936
a fént. 3i3. fenfè-leffe.
, t0854] in fèafùm , *0r feafùmably. … 1 37.8o5.(enfuall. 587 '^ to form. 36 f. 876. in 9zo a fent.327. fcorm. '. • 5 1 c H fecresy. 914 328. Scorpio. 43 | afecret. 1 5 5. 838. 914 to fènt. 284. 413. wel; 423 * fcutfee. , * 667. 794| rokeep- 837.in fècret , fènted. tofcoul. 24 3 | fecretly. . I 86 a ßntente.733. ful/747 A a 7 a fénti • , •
S E R.
S H E -ternefre, $u
7o4 I. 1 1. 41o. 71 5. 883 4ßmtimell. 8zo -over. 697.-faf. 527 J. . 3 to fèparate. feparated. 23 936 te fiarcb.355. -into. 769 -light by. 876,-t0fale. tabeJhamefafi. -out.749. a fearching. - 42o. 493. 748. 827 tbe/hank. T T 256.344 -tgether by the ears. Jhje. 234.-les.396i. 353
917. (plant.). 38* 21. faaped.
a ferjeant. 653. 668.(of a band.) a fere-cloth. \ feriowßy.
596 526
. p. fet. 732: -ia Or a Jhard. 556. 246 the Jhare.
697 79 t
§57. -in the way. 67 4Jhare.8zr.to- 387.6o8 fetfoile. * ' ' ' 136 fharp. zzo.7or.-pointed.
a ferpent. 2. I3 a fers. 4O4 a fet time. 3Io. 386.334 »vell fèt. 278 to fèrve. 6o9. 987. ~at
713.-fighted. 197.-wit ted 355. (in taft.) 326
hand. 534. -Qut. 737 a fétting. -light by. 374 to Jhårpen. 85. [harpned. 759 • -for. I 13. -for ufe. … om.T(egging.) 871 469.338 13o. 175. -the turm. a ßt (plant) 332. 439 tofhatter. 243] to Jhave. 584. -away. .393 i (row. 796. p. p. Jhaveit. tabe ferved well emaugh tofttle.n.34o.(down.) far. 827 383. 446. (lait long)| affeaf. 396 a fervant. 6o9.61o.978 9o9| toffhear. p. t.fhore. p. p. -
32. n. 5o3.584. a; * fèrvice (fervis) -of fìvem. 661 [ rer. 395 , God. 619. 641. -in fèverity. var. 7o4. paf- 723 ta fèver. 23. 399. 783] a[hearmam. . • 5o3 7c 1 (ofmeat) 565. (ho to fé* orfow. 5o4.-up.] aTheath. -
nor.) 684. (help.) -
a féwer. a fextom.
628 9oI
to feffè or ceffe. 6 r4 aJhackle. féffèment. fèßions.
, 669 | to Jhed. p. t. fhed. 116 25o| -haire. zo3 -tears.89o 629] Jheds. 4 II
668[a/heep. 4o9- -cote. 41»
aJhade orJhadow. 933|/hepbirds purfe. i;6 to- 5 134hadowy:113 []heer. 97. Jheers. 534
683 649
769 [a/heet. 349. 57 1. (of
to fét., n. 34. a.-aright -
agaime. 923 -at one. 44haf. . 536] (paper.) 742. 935 ' 91 1. -at liberty. 72z. Jbaggy baird. 2o2. 424 aJbel. i47. zi6. —fjh. I 94 7z3 ~further vf. 7or fhagged. , 9I a. 4*3.-downe. aJbelf. 739. 796. (of -a fine om. 667. -at to 464 naught. 88o. -frth, 1 17-a pieces 9oo-up] and.) -
ont.4.8.677.(adorn) : (rcvile)-off. 946 fbelier.6.5.716. to- 313 lving. 545 ly) 953. in . . p. p.Jhalem. ' 4 fhep-bward. 409. 4 II 31o. 823 -cruok (hook.) 4o9 writing. 786. 864 afhaking. 75 1. 452.959.(live .917. n.369.p,t fheok,
-om. 179. (thebord) a Jhale. 353. -up. 1 59. 426
1 2 8 a Jheriffè. [hallow 472. a. fhalme. to Jhew. a., 15.
: 7 1o ( trade.) 655. -up 42o onc im(lead, ef. 678 the fhambles. ~Packing. 837 -upom. {hame, 586 t0 • 907.-les. *.
* .
33. 293
732. 9*7. -the way. 736. n.
i o.
a Jhew.
SHO afhew. , '
8 Iafhower. '
3 iI '
p. ,*' s;;
23o ttn.1* a figne of. ' . 64
81 1 |tofh'ame. . ,
to befhy of. • .
afhfeld. 699. td- 984 [tofhred. p. t. Jhred. 382 ßiß.
tòfhift(&hange)4t1.44o]jp. p. Jhred. ' 267, 935 fitfy. 7, 5.839'-*s.87r $ ro -off.883-out 383 [hrewd. v. illinaight. * flvef. _ 97. of * 494 afhift aJhifter. 8 17 |fhrieking. T 7 14 fimple. 28. (fiify.) 724 afhiling. ' ' * 493 |tQfhrieöé. ' ' ' 998 a fih. 667. tj- '* 798 the fhim. ' . * 356 |/jitt. 153. 231 fhce. 376. ffmder. 45
tofine. 5 1 9. p. t. [home. |/hjmpi/h.
63. Jhining. 33 [afhrine. _ J 641 afhip. 438-mafter. 46. Itàfhrink.p.tfhramk:h.io6 463-jvrac* 463-wright |fhiinking. T. 1 8o * 468 -boat.
to fing.j.t.fig. 234.636 · · ·
72 I. 773
;* gle.
63o 243
to Thrivet. 1o8.flrivelkd. to fihk.p.t ftmká. 1 »*.ii.
a fbirt (fhurt.)
31 4 f '. \ . r r8 468-down.78.884 885 824 ttofhrowd. , 5 I 3 -thoret». , '* :: 935 Jhittle -nes. 897 ||hove-fide. 779. 955 affhk. . . . . 5o. 434 : a fhive. '** ' . . . 354 Mafbrub. . t38 a finew.z4i.fiiewey.753 tofhite,
afhivering 311.376.833 |)runk. p. t. a.fhrink. a ffon or cjoi. ' I 382. afh) k (6? corrfe.) 397 ffhudding. ; rf.37o to ffp. . 568.6o1 ' 82o (encounter) | 71 I [to/huffle. . 796 a fp. tofhog. v. jot. jog. tofhiin. . 369. 83o (w.lord.)-reverehs.8,4 „iz4"
. 598 a Jhii. 84. 323. 5 14 [tofhitp.tJbut.342.p.p. a ffre. -maker. . ' 3o6 ] fhiit üp.64 f.-iip im.i £z a fifter 6oj -in law.393 rofhno. p. t. fhod. 179 fafhut. 6i 5 to fit.p.t, fat. p. p. ffttem.
jis :*
afhont. ` _ 138. 382 }aJhuttle. * 5oo 45 t. 673. -downe 556 tifhmpt.-off. 712. (caft a Sibyll. 933-ntxt by. 358-on off) 345-upto ablade. fick 456.-nes.292-j. 379 147. 246. 572. -ppon.
'af.4*. .…rdif*; „,. jf. ?
344-out affefh. 419 61 5-lines.z93.t0 J-294 (as a judge.) 667 395 fftting. 568-hard at.884, a[hop. 378. 5o6. 525 a firále. afhore. 538. to- 338.-o'f|a'fide. 343.133.541 a fitb (fdh.) 396. 418
ait.:;* kdt.
&* £*?
• ' ' 75 fide.-long758.om the one fitb. v. feing ihat. ' . thefèa. fh0rt. 993. -fivórd. 713 7 o 1. 767. om thä- 947 a fíe orfitudiiom. 783 4oo fòmewhat-, 1 1 9. -nes. (amd that) 6i4. om the g [/'v8• 328 575. -}. ' 993 other- 356.6o5.7.4.0m [4 ffvet-cat. 73. 437 fhnt-fee. , 8.1 every.jr7. dm both fides. fix 37 [a ff«*. 22. 237. to- 76z to fhoove. v., thruft.
(;;;) * ixi, 141. *i*
,£*}* -
Â¥* :ig.
a fhnovcl. 381.46o. 414 [fider. 441. ffdings. 691 [ßers, afhoulder. 2o2. 461-blade [a fiege. T || [sk. v. faepc. fc. '
258 [to fift.4oo.914-out.836 [4 skar. " ^ *
3 19
185 [tofth39o a figbing.331 [to $arf. , , .
gw* (%
afhotte (pig.)
466 fthe fight.333.788 Fofthc | a skep. v. basket,
vrifft. hey, 1.
afhont. 464.to 7:1, (en-] eje. 246. out of- ' 5 »|the sky. 31 -cultored335
... 9:7
#! -#
a fhóy.
côuraghg.) -
33 i | quick fighted. '
' i 7 [to skil
96o | fights.'
94c fi
iafigne tucky or unliiciy.H -
$ 848.it skilletb. '
7 r.
' Aa• •
--- --- -
skil. skilful. 35 5. 725 a skillet. •-.
sN A
S L Ul .
S LA skeemifh. v. ^uamj
fletp. 575.-again. 576 fmart.fub. 294.79 1.adj.
-Out. 823. Jleepy,
326. to fmart fòr. 66.
a fmatterer. 84o a skim.241.32o.(fiayed) a fleeve. * • ' , 51 . tofmell. a. 284. n. 327 817.95 I -fiveetly. 587 -flrong 507. (of a beaft ) a [leight. [y. 842. 524 ?93. thick- 32o.to cafi flendcr. -
the- 213. todae offthe [lie.816. 837. Ilitk 321 a finell. 327.-feaf. 68o , , , , . 32 o to fide. . p. t. [lid. p. p. , to caf- 329. fnelling, . 327 to skip.373-upanddowm. fliddcm. ' * - 49 845 * 22. I. 969 to /light. 374, 833. 891 to fmile. 5o3 to fmite. p. t. fmote. p.p. to skirmifh. skirmiffhing. flighty. » ' 7 II a [lim. 238. flime. 27 fmittem. 187. fmiting. y 3 17 a skirt. . . • 5 1 8 to [ling. p. t. flang. p. p. a skirwit.' I 2i6 , [lung. a flimger. a fling. afmith. 531 a skøns 746 . 7 1 *. a fmock. $ 13 744 (fortified.) ' ' 7zo a flip. 798. (fall.) 798 fmoke, 47. toa skool. 623. 724. 725 : (branch.) 38z. fmootb. 164. 321.-tan 816 737 -maffer. 727 —fel to flip. -amway. . . 1 66 , gued. low. 736 -fìom. 742. -into. 84 to fimooth. 381 -up. 924 275 ` · · a skoller.7» 5.728. guod 47 514 to fmother. * 2, 724. 932. -{hjp. 4 a [lipper. ' ' 166 a fnaffle. 45o. to- z8z a skrag. 42.o [lippeiy. 2. I6 4o6 a fhail. to skulk. 189 a flfe. [labby. v. di;;y. a flit. ( 5o4. 73 r afhake. 213-weed. 134 -
g£rn.) -
„^ /
[lack. 886. to , a. 463 t0 [live. 884 a floe.
I, 45o.83 .
to [lg. p. t. /lew. p. p. [loping-
428 758 to fhatch. 846. a fhatab
flaim. to [lander.
a fieaker. - 837. 917
[loth. 728 -fully.
833. 916 a [lovem. a flamderer. . 669 a flough.
I 2, O
886 and away. by fatcbes.
' te [lake. a. 45. 526.79r [lov. 451. 8o9. -back. ' n.
10 flap. to flaß.
432. 559
887. -worme.
a [late. a [lave.
to [laver. a flaughter.
417. 7 14 a [luce. .
to- -houfè.
tò flumber.
1 37
tofieexe. fneexing. 34o : 792. 975. -wort. 1 33 5 18
a fhip.
I 3o
to fhore orfhort. . 3s , 956 739 fnorting. 352. 67 579
a fled. 461. 456 4 fmacke. 324. 5 I I. 557 [leek. to-5.31.-fione.38r 4fmacking. , 177. 45 1 fleep. 35o. want of. 35 1 fmali. 14. 268. 97 I caf? into a-
919 23o. 792.
a flug. z i6-gard. 887 a fiipe orfhite.
824 to [lurry. 42o
2 1 3 fhevill.
fùmewhat354 to flubber. 793. [lubbe
3 17 545 6Io. 82o
a fmare. 43o. to-
I 36
fhow. 54. t0a fiiout. f,
to fmuff. aJmuffer.
f 9o 745
£££ tobe fhuffed up.
fo. 848. -frtb.
89.-ma 7y.
*y. 822. 976. ù it fò. foremeffè ofeyes. 79*. -of * 924.-for. 9o6. -witb. 316 992. -be it. - rooo fm0utb. 9o» -to, 9o8 --in the . mofe. . . . 282. » -that. 9zo. -great. tobefórry. 373. 9o7 997 forrel!. 126. fòwre a fpeakingfeej. 9»o I6 to fùar. 1 5 z. a fpeare. . . . 713 t0f6b.fùbbing. 33 I forrow. 369 -full. 953 fpecialty. * ' 862 'fùber. . ;813 afòrt. zzz. 848., after á fpeckfpeckled. * 278 • •
, a fòck.
83 r.'* 991. to- 739 fpeéïacles. ' '
focket. fod, foddem.
5 I4 248 437
53o a fìt.
786. of divers forts. fpetcb. -
'-5 1 1
72 3. 823
747. 733-leffe. ,-
fpeed, v. ha?. (fucceffe)
fòft. Iof. 3» 1. -j. 3 1 foveraigne. 67 9 1 z. on full- ' 45 r ' 543. (not too loud) a fùumd. 33o. (fhrill tofpecd. 875. that fpeeds … , 373 734- amd faire. 8o9 • 7 I c ' well. eo fùftem. 53 I fàu*d. 489. 86o. (not fpeedily. I , 5. 664 fùl. 4oo. fìil. 393 fick.) » 787 toffell. 747. affelt. 793 to fjourne.625. afjour. to foundthe deptb. 46; 9o7 ā€?. 62. I * * 2, i r 91 4. a foundingplum. 4 fpemce. to féke.
• 497. 935
the fole. fòlemnities.
256. 5 1 4 a fource.
— met.
464 to fpemd. 3 1 r. 82o. n.
847. a fpemd-thrift. 865. mvay fpemding. a fòldier. 853.p.p. fpemt,Uwea 88 ried.) * 79o youngor old-698 fiout the fòuth. tried7o9 fòutherm-wood-wine. 442 fperage. . I 36 foldiers cloak. 699 fòuth-eaft,fouth-weß and affie. 7o5 ~fau't. 838 fùme. 16. 53. I 18 - time by weß., 56 to fpy.-out. 334 445 I 18. 198. -thing. 1 o4 a fòw. 184. 185. 223 a fpigot. ' 13 5 1 3o. 691 fpikenard. -vhat. 437. fome, o to Jow. ther. 288. 5 1 I. 94o fòw.thifle. 1 34 tofpill.to be ffilt. 445 I 9 to (pim. p. t. /pum. 498 a fang.773.(ofvi&ory) a fpace. 96o
fòure. 326 -lookt. 9 I 5. to 695. 723. a m'tx-441-dock. 326
a fom.
72t a fpam. 398 fpalt.
fìone. 354. as fùone as may be.
te foop off.
558. 8zc.
jooth fayer. 644. 645. in good-
t0/0oth up.
925 9:23
4f0p. 421 f^pe. 58r a fòrcerer.fîcereffe. 344 669
fóre. 55 • 466. -eyed. 282 a. 315
a fpindle. 498.; 536
5 19
* *
a fpinfer.
498 I 36 ib.
a fpaniell. 4?4 fpinach. fpare. 848. time. 888 fpumage. tofpare. 893. that may a fpirit. 893. 895. am i!be fpared. 8o6 987. ofa brave- 88*. fparimgmeffe. 851. fpa fpite. -full. 89*. -ly. 7 98 rihg>565 fparingly. 569 43 t afpa* k. fparkle. 44. 53 1 a ffit. afparrow. ' I6o to ffit. p t.ffat and ffit. 82. 4. -0ut agaimr. fpawm. 165 , 2 q 2, to fpeak. p. t. ffake, and 6* 5 fùoke. 65 1. 747. 9^4 4.ffittle houß, Aa 3 - ffly. -
289 fjib; (fircd)
94* 1 fàme- .
5*7j (jcfts).
g69] a fianderky.
95 1
iofflt.p.tffilt. 466.529 the/yin<ie. . . , 39; |4faple-town.
£. a ffoke. fìoken .
3o ; a (p. . , p. 457à,tjjab. 4/qujrreu. 713.
3. 758 Ifarch. 58£ hfiabbing. 21o [a fa* fiar. 31. 778. a üttle *741 -
fpeak.) : … [991] , ,. ' J . 317 |£ fare. 283. 356 affokes-ham. . . 66o'4/table. 414. 45o fiâring. ` , ` zo6 . afpoiii. 558. -full, 763 aff* 327. 539 [fiarke. adv. 282. adj, fjjf. 235. 939.:in;757 41 effe, 48 579 -
iofjort (ormag ffot), aJig.
, 198 |to fart. 37o -up. 3g4
ji:.'jwith. T 983,4 ftage 934-plg-player. | 573 fi£ting.3jo-bole, 4 ffot. 486., totake ou#-|. ,_ ' _ .. 95* ;. 883 '333. joited, ' " 197'tofaj. a. 25o. 358. n.lto get the ftart of 8o3 affgut. • ; ' 137. 445], 33o. 625. fr. 789 givento ftartle. 45o £#, I . 573'4 %4.439. aftajings.33 | affartop. 481 iofpread.p. t. ffred. 67| *9ffuit. . ' 664 | t6fiarve.44o. farvetiwg. -
.io7.-oüt.19.278.-un-||t0[taiit, 5o3. 825. toget
déí.s7o-aljad. i 58, p.] 94t (tains. '
. . 533 | a/tate. 6zz. ftate. 673
pffred 553.-optii.v6o|4jr. ffair£ . 544 | | . .
38* 439 a ffake (pqft) 38o. 7o4l fateò.
a fprig., x,
646. 874
a fjrjig.
63. the ffring.] (Wager,) to- i 947 jaftatu mer. . . . • 74& '£ ) 37, 393. Ifale. 441. to waxe- 443 [tofieale, p. t. fole. flea growing) 5 59 [tp][talke. 944 | ling, 485.367
toffring,p.t.fprang.pp, |4 falge. 1 *9. 125. 448 |a fcd.i75.6o9.-infled, fírung."-agìne.T,i9|4|tall. 413. 414. 446 || • . • • • 2o6 $fortí,up.566.-out.531 |4 falliom. * 177 [a feam*. to- 48. 137 a fjring. ' ' ' ' 4$8[tb flammer. , , 38z. * * 318. 446
a ffiigalt.
a3*.381 [to]tampe. 402: om. 237 [ftdg:5.
7 38i|a fiamp;748 offam*-95 i |tedfaji.
' affpite. . to (prout. .
38r|tù fianch.
• 967
. 136 |4fteed.
j 37 [toftand. p. t. ftood. 239 |ffeel.
98. 1 19. 743
8» 4| 98 v. -ffill. 54o, 947 |te (ícep,
t6 fpue. '
5o;] 581 | a ffur. 431 a fpurket. 7o4| to fpurn. T, ' 177] a fquadron. 7e8| t0 fquamder. 85 , |
to be fpum. a ffumge.
468. 897
fquare. 553. lung- za6 || 83.446-out (petfift) | fhiP) Tout of 758.fjiarcd. 5 31| 897-out , agaiji 663 |a figncb. , £?fqueak; ' fqueamifh. £0 fqweex. r •, •
- '. 497
-|y. 675 -alaie. 230 [feepe. 79, -down-bil. -fr. 9o6 -in the way.| ' I ' • ' 458. 8o4-in (coft) 496-ti, | afeeple- * 649 (avouch.)81 1-iwftead. | to fieer, 463. a£ele. 1 19 724.935-to (yeeld.) | by fealth. , 9 19 658 ~aut (poking.) |a flem. Io7. 1 z5. (ofa 463
318 ' '. ao4|. I. * ' 717 | tò fep. a fep fteppingup. 293. Ifanding-torn. 54. 394 …; 333 •water. 67. 497. Ofla fep father -r; ; * e.? I .. .·· · · · · -£%/d , *
. ;
ι α*-
». ,:} 4iae, ::; 4#*w •i!
-thild, &c. . 6co [agood ftomack. •
ern. .
the ferm. affeward.
*i iuâ, : : : ik.;1*
789] 8.973 o-! 94* frange
832. | a fione. 82. 89. 712.762 | . ly. , - 57 463| -pot. 535. precious- 89] the ffrappado. , ' - 668
609 | 59. plum ixo.the fione.|ftraw. 1 27.398, of- 343 413 | 394. the fiones. 29 1 ja ftream. 66. 67. to- 7o affitch. 5o4. to fitcb wp.|to flone. 663. towar bard] affreamer. 463
a £iie.
•*, i: gftt, ; {0 Arx
9z (a ftreat. 616. 628 1 36 [to ftretch. 78.4* 5. 5o3
748 | a* $ione.
• tofiick. p. t. ftuck. a.252 |[lomewort.
jwr £
n. -to 47. 99. -faff.] a ffool. 556.togoeto- 3o3 ] -im length. 758. ftretcht.
.: uiri ;
-ball. ' 94 I . 19 ._ 76o | to ßoop. 1 1. 259. 541 [to fireim. 269. a fremer. a fiick. 481. finali- 539[tojtop. a. 67. 275. 34* ' . , . - 433
773. -out. 83. 249
”., :;;;;g;
to fiickle. a fiickler. | 443-up.47.n.886.947 [ßrength. n. u £**
837] a fopple.
295. 6z z. 981
376 || 552. to 'have'. 444 |t0 ftrew (frav.) 4o4
to fiiffen. 581. fifhed | 339. to- (lay up iii |iriíily. 856 ', 3|. ftore) 345 [fficken. 716. (p. p. à fiifheffe. . 812. [a fiwy. (booke.) 784| ftrike.) -witb amixe
; ja£:
to ffifle.
445 ] to [frengthen. 613. 79*.
fiiffe. to be- 53. 9oo-j.|fíré. 34. 848 -bou/?.43o
gahi. 3 1 j.* . 4 ■jra.#*
- 47] (loft.)
' 5 23 | ment. '
• 88;
fill. 831. ady. (as yet) [a fioyk. ' . · ` %o6|a fio;%. ;r. to-
, jj #
* 4 A'*,
to fiill. a fiill. fìilts. a fting.
wisi his lit
16o|aftride. to-
893 |rife.' '
23o| fiormy. I 37 | fiout. :
* 944
'* 656
64|to frike. p. t. firake or
• 279] firuck. 6 I. 26o. 67o.
944[to fradle. fradling. 451 | fail.463 bome, 95o-up *** *2 2 O
• T 944] hcels. 948 -fire. _ 85 A77|« firiker. 177. aftrike Or. 7, 2 | ßritkle. • , 4oo
: fa***
affink. to- 329. 493] to fraggle. a ftinking breath. 2o7| a fraggler.
jiij-% *
a fimt.
3r2.3i6.543 —up.69 1 | 475. adv.88-way.47o| 7o2. (ofa dart.), 7 1 2.
- 61 f. 848] to fraj. : 7;»|a fring (ofa fiddle. ) tofiir (ftur) a. 38. 59| firaight. 758. a.-om.268] 775. 776. (ofa bow)-
: itl
'^. -* h. 766] to fraim. ( endevour.) | ( of roots,) ' 165 affir. • 7z* || 1 1 6. 363 -higher. 775 [to ßrip. * •5 1 1 ftirring. , 343. 94o] the vice. 275. (preffe|a firipe. 33o that fir not. … I 31 | hard.) 84. 383. firai- |aftripling. 232.
iii. í* is fit),
ij ** ■
a ßoek(race) 589. (ofa] mirg. ' iree) ro8. (to graffe|firaigjt.
' ' ' ' 71 3|tofrive. p. t.ftjve. p p. 539. a. 75 | jirivem, 639-fr. 386 on) 382. (ofgoods ) ' . 833] -who fhalt, &c. 736 864 - dove. 154. fifh. [a firak*. 457] 941. (ftra'n) . 6: .
, i ;*
j iii,
i,n. 107,1;
75 [to froke. 177. a froke. 3oi || 8. 3 vo. frokig, 45 ;
17o Itbe flramd. 668] to frangle.
$ r 4|a firangey. , 186. 6o5 [frung. 55. 907. (beer.) ,
ff. 4##
the ftomack. no- to ye in-
62 I.
292] Éfrange, 1 oz, 244.-fight. [to frugg'e.948 £ut. 88;
Aa 4
a ifrumpit.
ST u
669 ;to fuffèr. 742. 9o9 -'offe]to furprife.
a ßrumpet.
of. 431. 6o9 tofuffice.
to ftrut out.
a fuard.
99o 719
393 |to furround,
tjfiue, v. ßeth. ihe fues. fugar. 122. 3*6. -háô] tofurvey.99z.afurveyor. 76*. 827
396 a fuit in law. 656 (clo- furvivimg. 5o9lfùfficious. -neffe. thes.) 91 5 Ito fufaim. 6o5 fullem.
fiubborne. 899. -
$ 19. 545. Julpbur-yot. ftuddy. 17. to be in a fùltry. browne- 344. a ftud to fum up.
a ftud.
6o5 816
136] [uttle.
38|fivadig&bandt. 756|a fwdfm.
3.33 38[fway.763. to746 fummer. dy. to fiuddy-for. 738. -by to fummon. 659. fum-|afivaljw. 160.(gulf)7o -
658[tofwallow. 56&.
653 | 4 fivarme. fiuffe. 21. to ßuffè. 145 4fummer. . 421. 572. fuffcd. 29* the fun. 34. 481. -fhine. Ifivart. -fet. t0fùm.
. 453.54r '
- Io8 54 I
2 18 334
933. -&urning. 5 1 3 [tofivarve.
to fiumble. q ftump, a ffurrop. furdy. furgeon
funday. fundiy.
... 36|a fyafh-buckler. . 5oo | a fìvath.
95 o 4i8
41 [to fweare. p. t. fivare, 94 | fivare.
tubce fung. (â fing)962 Ifiveat Io4. 579. procu I 936 | ring- 79*. to- . 248 718 fuperfcription. ta.fubdue. . fubjeét. 281. a fübjeéî. to fup. a fupper. 568. a|to fiveep. fiveepings. 581 682. (matter.) 73o fupper at home. 565 Ifiveet. 316. 44o.-meat*. to bee-
968 to fùpple.
579| 4o8. 566. -finel/img.
fubmiffively. . . 9o1 to fupport. 259. 4- 439] 133.</read.z76-bal, 683 `fùpportation. I 63o| 587. fiveetmed. 12* a fubfidie. . 8o8 to [appoß. fucceffe. 284. 7, 5|to fwell. 67. -fortb. I 17 79. I p.p. fivolm. aßwelling. 1 36 a fuppofitory. fuccory. 9o6 fure. 967. -ly. 3. 934. toI T … . . t9 fuccour., to fuck. 185. 239. 41 $. make- 5 27.(efpoufe)|/welfring. '
~tm. 1o3. -up. 268
391. I am-
' ' 3o7 275
811 Ifivift. 869. -neffe. 171
666. 862. | -ly. 69. 464. 4- 21 $ 79 3 |a furely. . 77 |to fiwill.7o. 8vo. a fiwill to fuckle. 2*9. a fucker. the fusface. . 323 , 823 I . boul. 38* a furfèt. 463 |to fìim., p. t, fivam or fucking. adj. 415. 58 . a furge. 823 a fùrgeon.796, pertaining] fivum. 146. 468 -0ut. a fuck fpigot. * 474 1 36 I. 71. -over. fuldaim. 883. 968. -£y. ' tofurgery. : -
" -
on a -
3 I 4. 752.
fufly. 874- -meffè, 84o|a firimmering.
to fue (go to fuit.) 6o8 a furmi«e. 357. ta- 356[a fiwine. 184. -hcard. 637. 66$. -fùr. 693 a fignam*. ' ' 937 I' ' … , . 413 . 88o|to fivirg. p. t, fivumg. v. -out,(ifiic.) 1 1 y 248 to furpaffe. ,
* .
4 fijpt. ;
*, •
- - , •
6o8. temantable. 536
tender(foft) 596 (nice)
to be fworne (p.p.fwear) 4 tamme?”.
279 -hearted. 229.91>
659.926 tamfey wild. a fivord 7o 1.7 13 -player a tap. , '
I 34 t0445 a tendiel/. 743 a temfement.
a fiwipe.
to tam.
95o ataper. 1 24 a temis-tourt, 64o tar. 7Io tares. 394. 4 target. 699 4 tem!Oft. 9o4. 590 a tent, ' to tarry.
a fynod.
TH I , , 47
M a table. 333 (in
a ta*'*'a3.
+si ... , tm',
to tant.
a taimter.
. ;T $. ;
to take. p. t. took. z7o taught. 724. p. p. teach.
317.7o4 25.8z. , 83 z
t0 terme.
329 tattered. 5o3 4 t4vCyme. -
29 v -again.346-the air
5c8 28z
87 ; ,
that.-isto fay.
6z ; a thatchedtop.
545 54
to thaw.n.
a taunt. 9 1 6. t0- . 838 a theef. 485. theft.thee , - 43 vcry. , Taurus. 867
6 τ 5 -account.734 -hold to teach. p.t. taught. 726 themfélves.988.989.them 732. 89
of. 166,435-inhand8o7 a -otherwife. teacher.
*. …
the difïèg;tingia 4 tea///.
*', *? Âύ '; 3 ζ.
part. 877-ill.-impati
73 o
there.373-fore.273 378
' 445
, 5o
Io8.143 41 4 , tntly. 365.84r-a purfe totear. p. t. tare;ortore. tbefe. 485-Jhip. 46* -to mer 148.188.263-im peetes thick. 27. 82 -ofheaimg.
g. 7 i6 bctd. 736 -up
669 28z ~amd cla/e. 5 I.75z. 248 -meffè...'.. … 4 tear, cr tcere. 23. , , 185. 229 to thicken., 49.94.5o3 the teat.
(by thc way), 933
?, *' I,
(chidc)923-oath.697 834-the place,orupper tediou/ty. , -
j}i'§.? -uponhim, teeth 121.248 -watering. tbe thigh.
£'. ; **),
:£ '. f*'"* /*#,
< 61 1 tewed lether. 466 a task. $57 tham. 5o4 to tafle.a. Io6.93 f a taffe. tafting. 324.65 5 totbank.
3e8-away, fiom. 182
539 941 545
731 tart. 326. to wax- 441 tefiy. 4o8 at tetter. 941 a tayt.
dex) 74o. -book. playingtables. tacklings. 4 tailor.
61z .439
11.*' . **** j*, iiy ,, -
, 75 2. a thicket.
294. 423
53 τ 84o- out. 84-p.p.takem 788.fom-outward 9o8 a thimble. out. 1 18. that may be to tell.p.t.told. 735.-a- tbin.23.25-neffe,z3<j, 62.s broad.877 (teach) 73* 752. t00-apeetes. 53 1 . 1 1 5 ' 736 (count) 494.756. a thing. 18. 246 341-343 tall. 644 a tale. 784-tarrier, bear 97z.tell me.991.I can -t0 com2. * ' 8 36 e?. , 9o4 to think.p. t.thought.928 not tell. , totalke. 932. talkative. a tell-tale. 917,to temper -good. 6o8 -much. 9o5 -
much talking. , atallow.4»». talon.' of.
839y | temperate. 1 48 a temple. 743
8 I third.
. 136.818 thirty.
259 I 4.49
642. this. 349 a thiffle.
the templet. 138 tem comimamdements. 631 at thong. the tam trisk. fj*. 1 § 4. 174 to . 1 7« a tenant. 386-forlife. thorm. 1;3
p. -
I 35
* $I 4 I 38
T H R.
T O R.
I 16.613 377 a tokem. tborough. 34. 25o. 478 thus.9o6-far. thwart. " toll.4o5.62r.68» -ftt, 392. 835 -fiutcb. 886. -j. 78 . 268[thyme i
• I 32
• 6zo
to tickle.
tob.341.816 (alfo) 646
1 3 the tide.
I 43.4 14
though.183. 198.as- 733 to be thought. 53.589 a thought. 344. 826 -takimg. ' 245.364 a tboufamd. 982. to threatem. 893. threats. tbreatnimgs. 883 thred. io5.498. 5oi.5o4
tidings. 934 a tonl. totie. 396. 45o. 5 16. a 4 tomb.
962 684 a tongue. r 5. 32. 5. 359 463.536 '-ofa ballance.766 +ied
tye., '
atike(worme)z 18 (of. a bed)
a tooth. 19o -ake. 498
to til! ( intice.) 423. to bretd- 298-Jome. 234 (groünd) 385 tillage | 326 --leffe. I44 -bare. 5o8 §38. broyght into tilth t06thed. - 387 the top. 79. 5 I 4, 4t0}three. 195. 34o-tormerd. --- 739.761 till adv.
_ ' 231.466 ping.
5:9 941
to tbrofh. atbrefher. 398 to tilt a veffell. I. 447 4 top or gig. a tbrefhold., T. ' 541 rumming a tilt. '
948 a tofiaxe. 527. 528 a torch. .
ibrifiy.-meffè. - - 85 1
to thrive. to throb.
time.31. 968. fioln- 929 to torment tormentor.668
Io5. 992.
· · · · 274
* * 136 for a - 386. 625. im tormentill. 982 (feafon)696(at laft) a place oftorture. 735 2. Iz. a throng.738.to- *- 43 : 967.in pait.;84 ifat a tortois. '668 tbe throat. 252. * 3o 1 |! ay- 239-j. ' 691 to torture. 466.816 tind:r.' ' * 743 to toffè. • z3o. £p. that 375lovesteft ££ • 431 8zo tines. * .-* * * 393 fo feff. . to` touch. 3 , I. 947. a the tb, ottle.x7$.fo- 3o 1 a tingling., 299 athrow.94 1 (pang)597 a timker, 533 touthing.316.323 tpwcb ', 643 irg. to throw. p. t.threw. 7 1 . to tinkle.* 377.656.795 -dowm. f77.9oo-ayy. the tip. ' . 249. 3:5 a touch ftone. 85 * Io4 383 -out. 868. p. p. totipple.8 io.tipled. 823 t0*gh.
a throne.
: ..
: "538 a tjänt. ' * fyo: I 57 totire. 451.tired.
10 be told, 784 (nam
884 || bred) : '
' 639 | to*.' to thruft.p t. thrüß:464 tithes. ' ' ' * -thoroiv. 7 i 3'-dowme. a title (right) 868- (of] tbward. * 268.98o.989-oiit.t 17 ' dignitie) . 72. [tovvdy. 93 2-upom. 8 Io -im. to.17.9z4-and fro. 356 [a tvwcll. ' . . 292.p.p. '
athiimb T • thumder. 59.te-
• 97*.
498 79 ' ' ' ' 245 $56
51 r|a tmm 618. atomwafha*.
' 559 · · · · · · • 262 a toad. a toe. . 62
z 1 2 | ' 61 4-clerk.
257. 3*o|a track, tr«te. 476. (of
1861 ;'cart) ' 459 886] a trade.377.635 t0-493 ` · · · 788 to toil846tjilfmero.941 49» tradefmam 433 |} a trader. . 655 ά) ibufyr be thirfiy.: 9*' toils, &. !
thurf ly. thuyß.
61 4I
a toy.z3o.toying. •
- .
fe tra -A
-. -I-
TRE totraffick. '
, a tray.
T R Ul. to tric& up. ,
- 434 to trickle.
T WI 7 § 4 a tumbrell. 5 I atum.
, 456 446
to trait.a. 386. n. 223 to trifle. 856. trißing. to fet tume. 773. tumable 891 finging. 774 atraim. 586. to- * 737 trais. • 458 a;fifler. 44% 8;8 a tummel!. -
a traitor.
- 669.722, a tngger. 431, totrim.
a tramell. to trample. 7 a trance. to tranflate. £ trap.
459 a turbant.
'' 5o5 turfe.
• • 1 ooo
644 a tripe.
2.67 943 434
75 ; trippings. 428
4 t*£V£t.
5f4 43. 322.
aturkie. i, 1 *e to turkis mew. 5o3 to turm a. 55. 994-bttke upon. 752. -tnto 3o-upo*
to triumph over. ' 91 . -toward. 33. 88. -0ver tra£b. 492. a troop. 697. to. 698 16- wrongend. 731. n. 1 52. to travellower. 784. (of. by troops. 478. 9o9 afide. 475. to 526 take a few turmes. 933 child) 597.a traveller a trowell. : 475 to trot. trottigg. . j 456 a turning. 33o. 478 913 a turme (eourfe } 968 to traverfe. 663 troth.-telling. 414 -£0at. 923. by tmrm', treacle. 3o8. Englifh- 134 a trough. to tread. 257 true. 357. -|y. 95o . 986 a treaty. 689 trubble. 835 -fome. 953 to turm(as a turner) 533 t?eatably. I 61 one im- 9 1 :.to 5o5.575 a turnep. 1 26 treble. $o1 I 24 875 (interrupt) 9o4 turpentine. ' '• 7 1 a turquoisflome, treafon. 669 (water) 89 *7o7 a turret. 546 trecherous.816 -ly. 9 1 9 a /?//^e. ' * 49» tusks. a tree.1 24-dreffer. 38» trumpey. 426 243 treem. 4o6 atrumpet, 413. a trum t¥afn. 7το twe!ve.z 54-montb. 636 to trcmble. 37o'' €tt€?. ' 71 3 a twig. ' ' 92. 38o.38» trembling. 369,37o a tyumcheom. • 36 480 twilight. a tremch.' 583 614 a trunch-mah. trappers.
a twin. 598 552 (ofa a tremcher. 553-mam. 568 a `trunk. `v *. tree) 193 to twine. ' •fiend. • 68O 747 treffès. … 5 r 8 to frufle up. 277. 463 totwinkle. ' 43.247 a tre/paffe.658. to- 797 | 486. 5 16. 668-bag twinkling ofam eye. 61 a treßle. 446 j andbaggage. 7 q4 dofè totwift. 747 309 a trevet. , : 43o | truffed ip. 993 a twiff. tresfire. 622.682.4 trea , truft. to876 386 t0 tyit.
fürer. . 677 trufiify. to tzy: x8.85. 637-it out truth.9.6.in7o8 a tub.
trial!.65 5. to make- 3 zr í Tuefdty.
6o7 to twitch.
4I -
74 9 -0f.
a ttft.
I 59. 5 I4 § I. 184
a trick. 817. 951 -of. to tumble.n. 359.94r 'a tumbler (dog) - 423
4 trice.
| (man)
384.916 .
986 tw0.656-eard 435-edgd 581 7o-. fould.144- tined.
Ain. in- 693. 8o3 valiamt. 722.886 a vally. 78
üN L
ll N A
882 vi&fuals.
vallor. avalt.
351.616 to vie. fponfionem au 717. -fit. 439. 533
tovalt. valting. •
to value.
8c2. f0 vveyy.
-ffamd. 359 -take. 334
gere. 992.
the van-gard. 7o9 view. 1 o. im33. tovani/h. 742.986 vile.864. village.686
a vamtage.
1 CCo
843 8o5
I 58 vinegar.
a varlet.
917 vimued. 4 I 5 a vinther. 42o violemt. 294 virginals.
an udder. veale.
' 954
to vejl.
302. to umdoe. 329 1 am undìne.
velvet. . . 675 vemom. 3o8. vcnemcus. 318.844 vcmgeance. 892 veni:<'m. 566 -
8 Io
to ventuve all. 883. at a 858 969
virgo. to vifit. avixxard.
a verge.
am ulcer.
vergutce. vermiliam. te7'/ηιη.
' 566
um,faepe v. in.
I43 -31 2.
915 191
unfrequented. ung^dly. 999 urgracious. 8oo. -neffe. 990
8o5 unknowm.
9z.8.173 8o5.8:6
umlearmed. 71 5.798 to unlearn.
umavoidable. 883. 969 892.
umchaffe. uncleam.
477 umlevemed.
umleffe. umlike.
121.147.17 )
I 99.749
971 239.94 t
845 umludky.
337 uncivill. -
verily. 3-teiy.adv. I 5 . umbefeeming. very.adj. 82o. the- 146 umbridled. -
775 43
924 955 796 unballowed. 657 uwhandfùme.
883.945 μ7}ayytye y. 583 umbeatem.
termttt* ofts
5 5 tumetem.
900 94:
485 umcquall.
5 1 3 vittels.v.viéiuals. 268 2tbe vifage.
a veil. a veim.
villam y.798.villanous864 undefèrving.
vemt. 67.
666.694.8o5 (fo/803 -to returne found. 860)
a vine. vinejard. vintage. undiféreet. 439 umdifgefted. 768.994 ,
' t0 vaht.
[to under-go. 883 •mihi,
. . 8oq.825. unmammerly.
864 unmarried.
I 36
897 unmeafurably.
unmeet fùr.
unmoveable goods. 848
a viall.
umdamtedly, 883 798 umdefiled. 8oo 2o7 hftder. 27. 249. 256 383 -ground 8o 616-handto
umpaffable. 46o.617 unprofitable. 9* 4 umprovided 693 uirtafónable. ( unjuft)
$ 58
μmcouth. 582. umcurable.
a veffell. 383. 435. 471 a little-
vetth.y.fet.h. t0 'v€.x.
a vice(jefter) 844 (en 231.238-flanding. 353 gin); 33-roy. 377 375-taking. 1 .-teacher -
874. (without mea-, fure) 512. umreafèn abj.
833 ##:t-
, `W A G Ul N T . temrequefed.873-folved. fupper. 212. 544. t0 get 356. -revenged.
the- hand.
WAL to wail.
8o I
vailing. 339 unruly. 178.893.to grow aprigbt. 2, 59 -meffe. 981 a waim. 435. 436-fcot. 555 • 177. -meffè. 667 -dcaling. 855 to umfeal. , , 936 to ri£ in an uproar.696 to wait' for. 789, 977 7z z -upon.. 633. 748. a amfeemlj. 375.683. it is 9oo the upfhot. 953 »aitingmaid. $ zr . umfetled. 3 1 o. 356 am wpffart. 93o mvayward.-meffe. 9o9 , unfhapen. 596 upward. . 48. 137.249 to wake. wakem, 576 to ur/heath. , 7ot 'brought in mre. 891 waking. · 35o 2O6 »akc-Robim. um/hod. / \ 5 I 2, am urchim. I 3z umskilfull. 8o5 u$.97 i .1//?.345.68o(u- a walk. 38o 616. to fetch 933 uv[laked. 5z6 fury) -upom ufè. 864 aumfpeakable. , 1 8 -full.924.to be in-47 1 towalk. 21 5.614 umfteddy. 966 an ufher. 932. '727 »affing. untainted. 99o to ufe.a. 1 16. 645. 35 5 a walker. 5o3 umtbankfulneffe. 876 661 (apply) 5o9.667 a wall. 38o. 526. 613.614 umthrifty.-meffe. 852. n.(bewont) 161. 188 -plate. . 545 -
to untie. iumtil. 66. untouched. umtoward. tumtraét.
268 umt0. 66o
not u/ed to. 998 ufury. ufurcr. 264 ufuall. 46o am ufùrper.
to umtruffe. untrußy. vmtumablmeffe. umufuall. umvieldy.J
5 16
t0 utte7',
4 wamd.
to the utmof of power. W.
871 ib.
O wade.
997 to waft. 97 to wag.
a voyage. . . 467.47o a wagtail. vo/umtary.
719 a wager.
a vomit.
79z. w4ges.
a vow. 37 1. to£^ a vomvell.
to upbraid.
868 mvallwort. 747 to wamble.
utterly. 316.884.976 774 utter. 256-moii. 183 886
' umvittimgly. unworthy.
£ tovouchfaf*.
84o vallowiJb.
* umvilling.
a v6tce.
963 xvalled.618 -mut. 128 • 486 466 a wallet. I84. 864 to wallomv.
a wagom.
328 136
wambling. 292.467 . 338 668
33 875 vame. waming. t0 wander. 672.716.964. 472 472,
-up anddmvm. 95 1 *vandring.31 o.41 1 fiar. 1
158 I 58 947
wamt (lack) 363. (po verty.) 848
2o5 : 534*723 4 Yvant. I75.455 to want.a. (need) 9o 6.n.
23 I.9o6 a w4y. 476 -about. 475
(be wanting)583.815 -but little.
tbis- that- wbich. 478
661.by the- 733.meereff vantom. 183. 943 -meffe.
475. tobeout of the
up-hill.79.to uphold. 538 478. 54o. . to take the
827.to ply the- 825 to wamze. to warble.
773 v. [ am upholder. , 159.8ox vrong- 478. that leads & am upholfter. 533 the- 479-with two tur to ward, watch and ward.
f upam.
mings. 478 faring-mam 475
7o4 4 ward
w HE
wE E
awd (tribe)65 5 (pri ' to weakem. {on) 663 (child) 6o6 `¤wea!.
351.9oo | 882
wemt.5 I ». w.g9.
18 y. 229 the weß. 3* 699.712 wet. 64. 3»*. t*be- 10* 38. 49o to wear. p. t. ware. 311 -meffe. 586 a wether (flieep) 18: 807 ] 967-longhair.
55z. tg %e4m.
a wardem.
1 23 a weapom.
ware.493 -bou£. wary. 8o8-j... 1va/m.z5.to-549 to keep
vether. fair- 64. -axk;
. t27.a warmingpam 549 veary. 884. 939.t0- 33o 546. toto *arm. 923 79o-fòme. 933 a wexand. *arming. 729 t074/£atve. p, t. wove. $33 a weezell. to warp. the$oco -together. 1 1 44*4- a wbale. typ?. $oo a wharfe. var.6jx.t4-(make war)
a web.
499 a whafle;
413 267.27;
109 171 470
to wed. v. marry. *d- vvhat.* -fòever. 43. 740 a ¥art. z85 ding. wedlock. to jaim -one of 957.to-end.746 ofwhat fúrt, cuntry, d*. to wafh. 556.578-off, 4-} in59*. 595 a warrem.rvarrawer. 379
vaj.; 7raw4h-boule.'a wedg. 519.7o8 581 ; Wednefday. 4£ £he wafhes. 76,a wed. to- weeding-hook a wa/p. zzo 381.394 vaß.adj. 74. '4*eek. 41.397 to w4ft.a.8zo.n. 29$ {4}veel. 447 vaffing. 7c6 ; weemem. 321 the waff.v.middle.-coat. {t6 weem. 725. weeming. -
»hay. 4 16. wbaiey. 269 4 wheal. νbeat.
316 1:2
awbeel. 457 (fpirinin 498 -wright. 533 to ybeel about. 57-butA$%
'a wheexing.
316 337 a whelk. T ; r 86. 194 awatchorward 7o4-t0-|to wep.890.»eepig33r a wbelp. -
. .
»er. 627 -word. 7o5 |a*eevill. 2.17 t*wbelm. v.cover. 3 x 9.371 -mam.6:7 -falf. ib. jto weigb.a.749.766.883 »hem. 6; towatd.576•fùr. 8o4 | -ancor. 466.11.765.767 νhemce. ' 766 vhere. 19. 7o. 7 4-a* *ater.26.7o.8r.adj. 143 4 weigher. tomake. z«9. 373.mxt weight. 765. 767: ofng 846-fQever. 48 ; -ef. vith- 44 1 -courfe 67 8o2. mo7e then-* 786 z49-fùre. 968.990
583 fpider. zz 3 Jboot veighty.685(words)747 »hether. -o*.* 6 r. Io4 38* -lillie. 136 -things. . . _ 175 to; pater.35o.4r4*4ter weil. 17o. 536-faid. z66
3&1 -*r no.8 5. 8o3-of
ed.77.4 is.waterifb.48 --advìféd.839 -favoured ratled. 38o , 278-nigh.4r-fäd.z66 a raarlye, 466 as welf.tz3.a? web ax ta wave (pafïè by) 593 . . . 483
»hether.475-£ever. {; uo w£t.a whetftome. 85 twhich. 1 z. 2r. 8& (whe
ther.) 356 a »elf. 383. tw twell. « »hy.749 -not. -
596 493
*ar. 384. waxed. 935 a we/f.5r8.tówette*. i 84 iwbile. fo9. affer- 439 to wax. 33 welth. 849.weltby. 878 i; witbin a-295 a pretty 285 little- 399.to-tbe time *a*.s79.193. 337 &; * a »em. -
^. f9*.
a yemb. 23 r -monger.
wHo to whimper. a whin, to whine.
W IN 885
1 38 187.89o
that makes his- 6o8. a
vhihimg. , 885 to will or be willing. 687 a whip.668.10- . 729 |willingy (gladly) 524 to yhijl.57.7o.about.31 726. with ames good a whirl-pool.7o-wind.57] xvill. 798.835. 993 a wbifperer. 9 17 vhetber ome will or no. 87 1 svhifpering. 33 t -
vhiji and ftill. 33 v. 914 vilfull.899-j.
66. 1o9.937-out. 1 5.7o
gtinff. the- 871. with Io9.4o4.642 (danger) aae ìll. 6 787.Godbe-jbu. 999
I t4 »bute.87.89.333.339-of villov. 587 egge.I47-ofthe eye. 246 a wimble. to whitem.n. 5oo to wimce. wimcing. 177 » bitfontide. 779 the wind. 55. 56. 467 who.4zo (which) 976 -pipe. 275. fide-winde. 56 ;-fò.346 -ßever. 13
a with.
a withy.
I34, '
to with-draw. 919 -hold.
259 -ffamd. 793.8or a with-drawing foome. 8.9
t0 wither. »vithered.
? I I8
a witneffè.659. te- 97.
mvel in his wits.8.3.89;
*it//. 353. 794. 941 -jtfis.9 16-ly. 75o ¥hole. , I5.248 to wind. p.t. wound. 499 vittingly. 835 »hom. 19o -up anddoym. 775 wife.355.741. to be-814 a whore.-momger-boufe a wimding w4y. 479.6zz. (mánner) 63 1 ' 827 -dome. 826 vinding. 738-in andout wifdome. 8oz.814 a whorijh deffing. 5 1 1 34-jpeet. 959 vo. 882. 989-full. : *
' .
I 99 a window.
55o Yv0ad.
a wick or week.
745 wine.822.mew-
44o the womb.
»icked. 668-meffè. 798 towiae.p.t.van.p.p.wom. a wicker-pannier.
a wicket.
1 36 596 589
t0 ¥00.
4 ¥00€?.
(b) affault)
4 Y£/0/marg.
vomans eßate. 23 I 9o7 womanlike. ' 88 ; 399 »omani/h. ' 586 »idemeffe. 268 towimnow. a widow. widowcr. 589 »inter.38.2 io.577-gi!- to be wint. 8or to wield. 7 13 liflolver. I33 vonted. 588.389 to wipe. 556. 559-£leam. ¥ood.ad.893.fub.46.217 * a wife. »ild. I 54 (-tree) 1 1 1 38 1 .the mofe. . z5o 4 wood.r89-monger.329 »ide.314.994. huge- 19
I43. 147.768
-from the matter... 924 to wink.247 -at.
-cummim. 133 -creffes. to wi/h.36o.365-to doe. -cock. 134 -pennirjall. 136 —flaxe. 1 36, -marge ram. ib. -fuccory. ib.
-beaß. 189. 4* 3. to yttft-
to be wildred.
ÉÉ Ę v0odem. ed.88 1. I would wi f: 994. to bewifhed »oodforrell. voof. t9.
I 36 5 oo
69o vooll. {c} -worker. 767 -blade. 136
awifp. 582.wifflj. 333
wit. 1,1 tobave littl- 848 a woolf.4ro -milk,1 36
t, a wildermeffè. 64o -leffe. ' a wile4a5to prafiice-918 t0 wit. zæu/y.
I 5o 393. 55o
8I6 a witch.
, »pi(/. 36o.a laß- 6o6. he
8o5 the world. 15.227 995.all. 27. 526 over- 37. ßrangeß in 669 Ioz.tbe other963
vith.59.6o8-a!.z68-im to be worm. 967.p.p wear -
wR I
W Ul R
vould God. 794. I would wrong.fub.374.846.89r fain have. 818 adj.(crooked)758 go
. Y,
I 26
, a Y370?t.
jarn. 499 ing-way to work.814. to 35 . turn-end.73 I.adv.732 to yawm. peatve. I*4 -full. 867 yea. 196-ánd. a wound. 317,t0-127.7z? 1 wrot;93$.v.write. * tojeeld. 1 1.358.71684c
tobee wovem. 5o9. p. p.
796 to be wroth.
woundp piwind.
II4 wrought.p.p.(work) 752. awunder.973 -fuli-8.to a yeer. 34. 976. ofthi -4t
to g0 to wrack. - 537 441 -ly.34. I25. 61 t to wrangle. 636.79 ; a wurd. 161. 7 5 1 (pro 635.854.well injcer* a wrangler. 66o 590 miß)863 by- ofmouth. 7t4 to wrap.-up.57.228.275 934.wurds in a fétform to yell. -about. z. 58 592. at orin~ ib. 886 jelling. to wrafile.948. wraßling. a wurk.519 poor-14-mam yellow. 338. the yellows. yrath. 893 52 y -like. 136 536 3oo -carrets. to wrcatb.133.wreathing. t0 wurk.p.t.wrought.264 to yelp. I 47. 187. 2o3 ττ4.a wreath. 5 18 5o6.835 jeomam. 589 -oflarder. ae Yyj'éfe. 156 a wurm. 1 55. 217. filk 431 976 to wreke v.revenge. 219. gut-z18.whurle jeßerday. a wremch. 2.89 timber-eartb- z.17-eatem. jet, as yet. 183. for al! 15.183. 997 to wreii from. * 846 528 -¥ood. 136.326 yet. -
»/yyv.crooked. towriggle out.
799.912. f0^zyta?'roy.
568 jew, 0* ewe-tree.
1 Io
*u//?. 295.36i.making
t0 yex.
8 6o
'a yoke.
389 vuVf. 864. t0 make the toyoke. 588 89 1 -fellow. to wring.p.t. wrung. 846 vurff. I 47 98z the yolk. , a wrtngmg. 3o5 to wurfhip. 44o jou, • r . I ©4 a wrinkle. 233 λ€γαρ χρμ?t. the wrift. 26o the wurtb. 8oz. -little. jong. 233 that batb had 4 17 to write.p.t.writ& a/rote 3o* -the wbile, 8o3 235 p.p writtem.732 under to bee wurtb. '495 -as youth. awright.
86I 937. awrit.658.a wri much. , ting. 99? »urthy. 871. , a- 647
towrith v. wreath. wreff.
. Z.
7 E alou[j. <ediack.
998 43
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