Alchemy and the alchemists, Volume I; giving the secret of the philosopher's stone, the elixir of youth, and the universal solvent. Also showing that the true alchemists did not seek to transmute base metals into gold, but sought the highest initiation or the development of the spiritual nature in man. "Know Thyself." The Author: “The question may be asked: Why is the present work a necessity when we have all the old work of the Alchemists and many works of the Mystics of the present day? To this I reply: Because there is not one student in a thousand who understands anything when reading the old Masters and the present work is a Key, and all those who read with the Spirit and not the Senses alone will understand and find the solution of the problem.” Contents: Preface; Introduction; Chapters I-III.
The book has 266 pages Pages in original color. Source: Internet Archive; Digitizing Sponsor Brigham Young University; Contributor: Harold B. Lee Library