Includes the Aeth Drills, the Aeth Body and the Aeth World, the Divine Science of the Soul, the Highest Development of Soul Powers, and the Divine Mystery of Sex. From the Contents: Introductory; The Ages of Greatest Enlightenment; The Aeth World; The Mystery of the Aeth; The Aeth Force; General Ouline of the Aeth Training; Increasing the Life Forces; Specific Energies; The Sublime Love Nature; Cultivation of Will; Special Powers for Special Purposes. From page 12-13: “The AEth Force is the greatest force in the universe. It is the greatest, highest, and most sublime force that can be known to man. …. In the AEth instructions, man is taught how continually to draw in this Life Force. He is taught how to come into touch with the AEth Forces, and thus to gain health, strength, and the power to accomplish.” Pages in original color. Source: Internet Archive; Digitizing Sponsor and Contributor: Library of Congress. The Library of Congress is unaware of any copyright restrictions for this item.