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Glimpsing It

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No Program

Glimpsing It

“I’ve had glimpses of the Presence you write about, Robert. But I haven’t yet had the experience of being fully and lastingly in touch with that Reality.” Nonsense. Where could Reality, or Presence, be hiding from you? With your eyes wide open, look around you right now, wherever you are. What you are seeing is exactly what Buddha himself would be seeing. It’s the present reality! Not only what you are seeing, but what you are hearing, feeling, thinking, doing, or aware of—that’s Reality. What you are “glimpsing” right now is Reality. You are, whether you realize it or not, “experiencing” Reality. And for Reality to make itself even more boldly plain and obvious, the experiencer, the glimpser itself, is present as Reality. How much more “fully and lastingly” can you be in touch with Reality, than to recognize that even when you are not aware of it, you cannot ever even escape present Reality. What you are looking for, is everywhere you look—or don’t look! Either way, you are “experiencing” Reality.


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