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Thought for the Day

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Thought for the Day

In 1972, a physics experiment proved that two subatomic particles, once linked, would experience an instantaneous, simultaneous effect on each other, even if light-years apart. In 1990, further experiments demonstrated that this supernatural phenomena occurred also with three particles, which had originated from the same source before spatial separation. A recent book by scientist Amir Aczel, Ph.D., (Entanglement— the physics world’s word for this discovered feature) recounts the details of these, and related, experiments. He summarizes the significance of the experiments:


“Entangled entities (subatomic particles, such as photons) are linked together because they were produced by some process that bound them together in a special way….And such photons (or particles), produced in a way that links them together, remain intertwined forever.

“Once one is changed, its twin—wherever it may be in the universe—will change instantaneously…. Notions of ‘causality’…are shattered…But entanglement is even more dramatic, for it breaks down our notion that there is a meaning to spatial separation. Entanglement can be described as…two or more particles, taken as one system….

“Two particles that can be miles, or light-years, apart may behave in a concerted way: what happens to one of them happens to the other one instantaneously, regardless of the distance between them….Entangled

particles transcend space. The two (or three) entangled entities are really parts of one system, and that system is unaffected by physical distance between its components. The system acts as a single entity.”

Matthew Fox once noted: “The hydrogen atoms in your body were created 14 billion years ago.” Considering that quantum particles are constantly interacting, is it likely that any of them are not interlocked, over a period of 14 billion years? And what becomes of these particles once they no longer comprise your body? Hydrogen atoms are in the fluids of your body, and are interchangeable with the hydrogen atoms in all bodies. They are found in every water in the world, in every breath of air that anyone ever breathes. Are the particles of which you—and all others—are composed to be “taken as one system,” a system that “acts as a single entity”? Is your entanglement in this system one of short duration, perhaps a hundred years, or might it “remain intertwined forever”?

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