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The Absolute as Reality

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The Absolute as Reality

There are two manifestations of immediate interest to us here: Wyatt and Robert (hereinafter referred to as “you,” and “I” or “me”). Both are manifestations of the same Reality. We are manifestations of this Reality not only physically (one body there, one body here), but in terms of everything that physicality experiences as well. In other words, what we consider to be “our” (“yours” or “my”) mind is as much the manifestation, a “form” of the Formless, as is the body with which it is presumed to be associated. Therefore, the thoughts, emotions, reactions, reflections, etc., of this organism (“me”) and that organism (“you”) are nothing more than manifestations of the same, one Reality. This Reality expresses itself, is manifest (takes form), uniquely in each form it takes: snowflake, planet, body, etc. And, yet, not any single one of these forms ever remains unchanging. (Miracle?!) The perspective of this organism, while similar to your own in some ways, is in some ways different from yours. Reality’s reflection on Reality (or, on “itself”) is somewhat different, as a result of the experience of this organism, than is Reality’s reflection on Reality in “your” instance. Reality is simply doing what it does. Manifesting. And changing manifestation. All that is, is merely that: Reality manifest as change. How this changing Reality has manifested—our “experience”—affects our perspective. And our perspective affects our experience. Both are merely manifestations of the same, single Reality.


From the standpoint of Reality, obviously, both are okay. And the potential for change either way exists—such as the potential for this organism to affect that organism. Open completely to the discovery of what is animating the bodily forms, on both sides of your door. There can be only one Real-ity. I am not talking about striving for the union of anything; not anything has ever been disunited, from the beginning. When the notion of disunity has fallen aside, the quandaries expressed in your letters find their resolution. All of the things that are happening, are happening to “you.” What is the Reality that animates this form, referred to as you? What is it that activates all that is in relationship, in one way or another, to you? The same Reality? This in no way denies that what is happening is happening. Reality is manifesting, and Reality is changing. The question is: are you apart from the Reality that manifests and changes; or are you simply another aspect (manifestation) of that very Reality? Could that “perspective of how the thing is being viewed,” as you say in your letter, have any affect on the conflict you experience? The Reality that has no form of its own (by whatever name you wish to call it) is behind all that is—without a single exception. That is sitting here writing a letter to itself. To Reality, there are no “miles” between “us”; no “writer,” no “reader”; no thoughts that are “yours” or “mine.”

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