Shriram Sharma Acharya - In the Angelic Light of Rishi -- Thoughts Part 1

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In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1



Publisher: Shantikunj, Haridwar (U.P), India, 249411

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Nectar spring of spiritual eminence, saintly love and pure knowledge flow in the words of “Akhand Jyoti”. This monthly magazine was founded by Seer sage of this era Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, as a source of Eternal Light Divine for sublime transmutation of mankind. In his own words it is an expression of his inner voice, which inspires the readers with enlightening thoughts and spiritual strength. The Booklet in your hands is one in a series of twelve that brings you the English version of some selected excerpts from early issues of “Akhand Jyoti “. - Publisher



Preface…………………………………………………………………………………2 Swadhyaya is an Essential Daily Ritual…………………………………………….5 Rise! Have Courage…………………………………………………………………..5 Quest for Joy…………………………………………………………………………..6 First Give, Then Gain…………………………………………………………………7 Think High, Aim High….……………………………………………………………...7 Who Do You Worship – The Divine or the Devil?...............................................8 The Roots of Fulfillment……………………………………………………………...9 On The Karma-Yoga of Gita………………………………………………………..10 Renunciation of Karma is Self-Deception…………………………………………10 Awakening the Inner Strength………………………………………………………11 Who is Religious?..............................................................................................12 The Illusive Reality...………………………………………………………………...13 Transacting the Duties……………………………………………………………....13 Watch Your Attitude………………………………………………………………….14 In the Shrine of the Heart......……………………………………………………….15 Look Introvert for Peace..............................................................................…...16 Darkness to Light…………………………………………………………………….16 The Light of Truth…………………………………………………………………....17 Enrich Your Heart……………………………………………………………………18 The Significance of Satsanga………………………………………………………19 Thirst for What?.................................................................................................19 Soul: The Identity of Truth..........................................................................…...20 Where is the Lasting Joy?.................................................................................21 A Perfect Deal………………………………………………………………….…….22


Acquisition of knowledge……………………………………………………….…..23 Embrace Forgiveness………………………………………………………………23 Generous Like the Clouds………………………………………………...............24 When is a Prayer Granted………………………………………………………....25 Learn to Share………………………………………………………………...........26 Do Not Panic or Perplex……………………………………………………………27 You are the Architect of Your Destiny…………………………………………….28 Love is Supreme…………………………………………………………………….28 Literature for the New Era………………………………………………………….29 About the Author…………………………………………………………………….31


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

Swadhyaya is an Essential Daily Ritual Swadhyaya – the study of self in the light of the thoughts of elevated souls – is a principal means of ascent in human life. It augments knowledge, enlightens the mind and helps purifying the character and awakening the inner self. It is a kind of sadhana (devout endeavor) that ensures siddhi (supreme success). Swadhaya is necessary for preeminent progress and happiness in life. Adoption of this as an integral part of daily routine gradually sharpens the intellect, nurtures discerning thoughts and wisdom and illuminates the inner self. Therefore we must cultivate the habit of reading inspiring thoughts and works of great personalities and edifying scriptures and contemplate over what is read and also try disseminating it among others. -Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya

Rise! Have Courage Please Note! Adversities and obstructions are there for your own good. They occur to activate your strength and trigger its constructive use. Hidden beneath them is the spring of joy. Those who have never faced any hindrances or struggled against hardships would not know the real taste of happiness and success in life. Only those who have accepted these challenges with courage and stability and conquered over against struggles in their lives are worthy of being called achievers, distinguished heroes. It is only the lives of such great people that deserve to be dignified. So don’t loose heart. Awaken! Rise! And look at the Almighty – the Divine Light of your Life-Force. God has not sent you in human form without any purpose. He has endowed you with immense potentials; it’s your duty to make use of them. Sufferings and sorrows surface in our world only until we don’t sacrifices our narrow self-interests for greater aims in life. A sapling sprouts and a tree grows from only that seed which dissolves self-existence in the soil; flowers and fruits illustrate its accomplishments and expand its glory. So, Be Happy and face all testing moments with smile and courage. Have unflinching faith in the eternal truth that your soul is omnipotent. This is what corresponds to having faith in God. The force of this intrinsic faith would wane


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 out all your fears and weaknesses. Its impetus will awaken your inner strength by which you can eliminate all hindrances and win all battles of life. -Akhand Jyoti, Feb. 1940

Quest for Joy Man wanders all the time, throughout his life, in search of joy, blissful peace, but remains dismayed and astray…. Acquisition of hoards of wealth, worldly comforts, good health, delicious food, palatial house, vehicles, servants, gorgeous cloths, beauty, beloved family, faithful friends, supporters all around, powers, prestige, name and fame, security…., and what not he looks for? People who lack in any of these strive for their possession; those, who already have, try to possess more with new passions… This scenario is like that of the tale of the swan (flamingo), which is hunting for the pearl since Ages, but finds nothing but a drop of dew… Why? Because, it did not really search for the pearl; did not even turn his face in the direction of the grand Ocean “Mansarovar” where the pearl is hidden in the depths… It did not gather the courage and strength to fly so long… Short-sighted intellect and pleasure-hungry mind advised it – “what is the guarantee that you will find that unseen “Mansarovar”; and who knows whether there will really be any pearl and you would trace it” so it satisfied itself with the shining drops of dew; licked it and thought it has quenched the thirst…; it flew for sometime and the thirst recurred with greater intensity. The cycle continued… This is what happens with most of us who keep searching for ‘immortal’ joy in the mirage of perishable world, keep accumulating more of what gives only a momentary pleasure but keeps us away from the sight of real bliss… -Akhand Jyoti, March. 1940


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

First Give, Then Gain Great personalities always appeal and motivate people in their contact to give something for noble causes. They themselves sacrifice everything they had. This is what makes them great. Thorough pondering over this fact has taught me that there is no religious duty greater than giving or sacrificing (for others’ welfare), which we can do any time (provided we have the will and attitude). There is no better mode than renunciation (of selfish possessions and attachments) for elimination of evil tendencies and untoward accumulation in the mind. If you want to acquire precious knowledge, attain people’s respect, achieve something great, then first learn to give what best you can for the society, for altruistic service. Donate your talents, intellect, time, labor, wealth, whatever potentials or resources you have for the betterment of the world…; you will get manifold of that in return… Gautam Buddha had renounced the royal throne; Gandhi had left the brilliant career, wealth, comforts… As the world has witnessed, what they were rewarded in return was indeed immeasurable, immortal… It is worth recalling the beautiful verse of renowned poet Rabindranath Tagore here, which says – He spread his hands open and asked for something… I took out a tiny piece of grain from my bag and kept on His palm. At the end of the day, I found a golden piece of same size in my bag. I cried – why didn’t I empty my bag for Him, which would have transformed me, the poor man into a King of Wealth? -Akhand Jyoti, March. 1940

Think High, Aim High You may get clay toys with ease. But it’s not so easy to find gold. The tendencies of mind are often downwards and naturally drag it towards harmful actions and sins. However, it requires substantial efforts and zeal to carry out something worth, auspicious and beneficial. For example, the natural flow of water is from higher to lower levels, but the use of powerful pumps etc is required to take it upwards.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 Sensual passions, ignorance-driven ambitions, untoward thoughts are hidden enemies that delude the mind of giving ‘pleasure’ but enslave it in a vicious trap. Likewise the gravitational force of the earth, they also have some kind of power of attraction, which pulls more and more tendencies and thoughts of similar kind. But, the same is true of positive, sane thoughts, aspirations and determination as well; they also attract the likes and create more powerful field of attraction. Once we awaken the will and vigilance to think wisely and practice restraining the accumulated passions, we will begin to experience the transforming effects. Unchecked accumulation of negative thoughts and vices sooner or later leads to decline, anxiety, despair and sinful sufferings. We should therefore be careful and watch and control our thoughts from this very moment. -Akhand Jyoti,April 1940

Who Do You Worship – The Divine or the Devil? Man misidentifies himself as the physical body. Although he has herd something like ‘he has a soul that is different from the body’ but does not quite believe it or is not even able to imagine it. If most of us were not living under this illusion about unity of the self with the living body, this land (India) of great rishis would not have become home to vast spread corruption and confusion. It was this sacred land where Lord Krishna had preached Bhagvad Gita to Arjuna and reminded him that he is not the body. As we have totally forgotten this fact and never bother to know about our own “self”, how could we know the Omnipresent Self, the God? We are living in a state of utter ignorance and darkness. Whatever suits our deluded convictions or convinces our selfish intellect, that has become the definition of God for us. It is like considering a rope to be a snake because of lack of light. Indeed the rope resembles the shape of a snake and both would look alike if kept at a dark place. But, as we all know they are not the same. It is only our illusion because of which we might confuse one with the other. It is a pity that this is what we the ‘intelligent beings’ have done today by regarding the devil as the divine.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 Its time we awaken and ponder over our reality. We should attempt to realize that – the soul is sublime; it is not perceivable by the body or the materialistic means. -Akhand Jyoti, May 1940

The Roots of Fulfillment Most thinkers, philosophers of the world opine that self-evolution is a natural desire, and tendency of every living being. In fact this is what lies behind one’s quest for progress and joy… All efforts, all competitions and struggles for worldly possessions, sensual pleasures, ego-satisfaction emanate from this rootcause in the deepest depth, though we don’t realize it because of our extrovert attitude and illusions of letting the worldly substances and circumstances as the keys to a treasure of joy. One earns money with hard work and keeps saving it to get more and more. Why? Because, he ‘feels’ it like a source of joy. But the same fellow might spend his savings in gorgeous arrangements of his child’s marriage? Why? Because that might give him a ‘feeling’ of greater pleasure of making his child happy or gaining prestige in the society or what not…! A dacoit risks his life in bringing huge wealth in loot, but what does he do of it? He might just throw it in drinking liquor; because for him that might appear to be a greater source of pleasure than saving the money or using it some other ways. If the savings are consumed in religious alms or treatment of a disease, one does not feel as bad as one would, if the same amount was lost due to burglary. So what we see common in all these examples and perhaps in every action of our life is that one opts for what he or she feels or thinks as more satisfying, although this satisfaction or joy might be just circumstantial, illusory and short-lived. Deeper thinking would indicate that the root of this quest for joy or fulfillment lies beneath the sublime core of eternal quest of the self for ascent, for betterment, for unbounded evolution… Then we would then attempt for the absolute unalloyed bliss, ultimate fulfillment. -Akhand Jyoti, June 1940


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

On The Karma-Yoga of Gita Every human being, each one of us, is born in human form to play a specific role, transact some specific duty. This duty and one’s ability to fulfill it depends upon one’s intrinsic character since birth. Honest efforts to do the karmas towards these duties are what could be termed as the gist of Karma Yoga. It was essentially this duty that Arjun was reminded by Lord Krishna in the holy Bhagvad Gita. Lord Krishna made him aware of the majestic purpose for which Arjun was born on the earth. God has given us the freedom of karma and hence of creating our own future destiny; but we can’t escape transacting the destined duties. God lives within every living being and triggers the direction of one’s life as per the accumulated effects of one’s past karmas. The molecular or cellular components or the RBCs in our blood are bound to be at the assigned positions and be engaged in specific functions as per their biological nature. They are the parts of our body and hence should be governed by us. But we can’t change their natural properties in any case. Thus, they are independent too… This is how we are also independent in God’s creation. We have the freedom in choosing our (new) karma despite having to live as per certain destined circumstances, but the results of these would be according to our intentions, aim and nature of our karma as per the absolute law of the Supreme Creator. That is why God says – “Karmanyeva Adhikarste, Ma Phalesu Kadachan”. Those who understand and follow it are karma-yogis. Those who do not, and always expect desired outputs in return of their actions, are, on the contrary, often found complaining their destiny or the world and remain desperate and dismayed most of the time… -Akhand Jyoti, July 1940

Renunciation of Karma is Self-Deception Often people misinterpret the preaching of the holy Gita and Vedanta and regard the state of inaction as that of detachment and soul-realization. But this is mere delusion, idleness and escapism. Making the body inactive or renouncing the family and duties does not serve any purpose of spiritual ascent. What is important is the liberation of the mind from all ego, expectations and selfish


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 attachments. You should perform all your duties, do all your work at your level best but be detached from the end-results. Don’t expect the results of your actions to be as per your will or imagination. But don’t leave your actions (karmas) thinking that every thing will happen as per your destiny. You can’t live even for a single moment without any karma – be that physical or mental. You are born do transact your duties. This is what is implied in the following hymn: “Na Kaschitksanamapi Jatu Tisthtyakarma-Krat I Karyate Hyavasah Karma Sarvah Prakratijairgunaih II” The system of Nature is such that it triggers every being, every particle, to act as per its natural tendencies. We might prevent the actions of our body or the sense organs for sometime; but what about the flow of thoughts and the impulses of unconscious mind? Those who attempt such superficial renouncement and try to evade from duties, actions suffer more agility and turbulence of desires and intrinsic tendencies in the mind… They are fake and self-cheaters. -Akhand Jyoti, Aug 1940

Awakening the Inner Strength Human life is a turning point in the evolution of consciousness. One who loses this opportunity and does not attempt awakening his inner self, knowing his soul, is the biggest loser. He cannot attain peace – neither in this life, nor in the life beyond. Thus, if we are truly desirous of ascent, beatifying bliss and peace, we must begin to look inwards. Joy is not there in the outer world, not in any achievement or possession of power and enormous resources. It is the soul, which is the origin and ultimate goal of this intrinsic quest. Just think! Happiness is a virtue of consciousness, how could then the inanimate things of this world give us joy? It is after all the “individual self”, which aspires for unalloyed joy and enjoys it. Then how could it be so dependent upon others for this natural spirit of the Consciousness Force? How could the world, which is ever changing and perishable, be the source of fulfilling our eternal quest? On


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 the contrary, the sensual pleasures, the worldly joys, which delude us all the time, mostly consume our strength and weaken the life force of our sense organs and our mind. This fact should be remembered again and again that the quest, the feeling of blissfulness are there because of the soul and it is only the awakened force of the soul, the inner strength that can lead the evolution of the individual self to the highest realms of eternal beatitudeous bliss. -Akhand Jyoti, Oct. 1940

Who is Religious? Love, compassion, generosity, kindness, devotion, zeal, honesty, truthfulness, unflinching faith in divine values, etc – are the natural virtues of the soul. Their presence in a person is the sign of his/her spirituality. These alone are the source of spiritual elevation. These are also the perennial means of inner strength. Your endeavors for cultivating these qualities in your character must continue with greater intensity till your personality is fully imbibed with them. One who achieves this, he/she alone is truly spiritual and religious; he/she alone is worthy of meeting God – being beatified by thy grace. Devotion of God is not confined to a specific religious cult or rituals. It lies in the deepest core of the inner emotions. Those who chant God’s name need not be religious; truly religious are those who follow the divine disciplines, adopt divine values in their conduct. Guiding the path to unification of the soul with God – inculcation of divinity in the human-self, is the foundational purpose of religion. Blessed are those who grasp this noble truth of religion and devotion. Those who have reached this state of devotion would deserve attaining the eternal light of ultimate knowledge. They can realize God in their pure hearts and experience the absolute bliss forever… -Akhand Jyoti, Jan. 1941


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

The Illusive Reality One who knows that he knows not, but claims he knows – is a liar. One who knows little bit but thinks he knows – is ignorant. One who knows not and knows and accepts that he knows not – is sincere. One who knows partially and knows that he knows not – is a learner. But none can know it because it is impossible to know it. This is what, is the maya – the ‘grand illusion’ of our perception of the gigantic creation of God. One who knows that he knows and also knows that he does not – is wise. He does not say it despite knowing a lot. Because he knows a lot and therefore knows that nothing could be said or discussed about it. One who knows that it is undecipherable infinity and immerses and ‘illusion’ of self-identity into devotion of the Omniscient – is enlightened… His existence is unified with the devotion and love of god. He has realized the absolute void in the infinity (of maya – the illusive creation) and the infinity (of God) in the void (sublime). What doubts or queries he would have? Nothing! What he would know and about what? Nothing! He says nothing. What he would say and to whom? He knows God and knows that God alone knows his maya. -Akhand Jyoti, Jan. 1941

Transacting the Duties That which is unambiguously permitted by your conscience is righteous, worth doing. That which is prevented or is doubted by your inner self should not be done. This is how duties and the ‘faux pas’ could be defined in simplest terms for those whose hearts are pure and minds are enlightened enough to grasp the impulse of the inner self. One who is sincere in transacting his duties is worthy of God’s grace. He will never be helpless or sorry in any circumstance. He is a beloved disciple of God who bears the responsibilities selflessly as per thy will. Such morally refined, virtuous persons might be found lacking in wealth or in worldly (materialistic)


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 possessions, but this would be only in the gross terms. In reality, such devotees possess immense spiritual power. How could they have any worry or scarcity? Austerity of life is their choice… Indeed the greatest treasure of the world lies with such saintly people only. This limitless treasure never empties; rather, it expands more and more with spending… A vicious man always has a threat of being counter-attacked by the enemies; his own evils and negativity ruin all the peace and joy from his life. But the whole world is benevolent for a moral, duty-bond altruistic fellow. No one is his enemy; neither he has any attachment with anybody. Everything, everyone, is alike for him. His heart is full of love for everyone. A thought of morality and saintly virtues itself inspires a unique feeling of peace, hope and enlightenment in the inner self. God wants each one of us to experience it and follow it towards sublime evolution of our lives… -Akhand Jyoti, Feb. 1941

Watch Your Attitude To most of us the hardships, adversities and challenges of life seem to be intractable like gigantic mountains, dreadful like wild giants, and frightening like impenetrable darkness. But this is all subject to how we take them. In reality nothing is so hard or to tackle; it is mostly our delusion that regards it so and suffers the pains and fears. Just change your attitude and you will find hope, courage and enthusiasm in all circumstances. Don’t lose your morale that you failed in your repeated attempts. Don’t worry. There are many other avenues. Look at them. There is no dead-end to trying harder again with better preparation. Move ahead. You just have to try your level best in transacting your duties. Every sincere effort is a step towards the goal; if not today, tomorrow you will succeed. This is the law of Nature. There is always certain consequence, some result of every action. Don’t feel helpless. Don’t count upon other’s support. No one really would have the capacity to help you if you can’t help yourself. Never blame anyone for anything wrong or harmful happening to you. Because no one can rule over you and make you suffer. You alone are the friend and the enemy of yourself. The circumstances around you are in fact your own creation. They are neither


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 supportive nor obstructive in reality; this all depends upon your own attitude, how you accept and make use of them. Refine your attitude, your thinking and your aspirations and let virtuous instincts awaken in yourself. It is the accumulation of the inscriptions of positive thinking and good actions over several lives that awaken devotion in the human self. -Akhand Jyoti, March 1941

In the Shrine of the Heart Whenever you feel woeful, distressed or helpless in tragic circumstances or adversities around, whenever you feel demoralized by failures, whenever you see despair and darkness all around and are anxious about your future, whenever you are trapped in a dilemma and unable to think discreetly – don’t astray anymore in negativity. Remember, when a fox is surrounded by wild dogs and sees no rescue, it runs swiftly back in to its den and feels relaxed and safe. You should also throw away all thoughts and worries of your mind instantly and take shelter in the depths of your heart (the inner core of emotions, the inner self). Take a deep breath and just forget about everything; think as though nothing, not even your existence is there. As you would leave out these things at its doorsteps and enter deeper into the ‘shrine’ or your heart, you would that all the burden, all the worries and sufferings that were troubling you have evaporated. You have become light and floating like a thin piece of cotton. The calmness of your heart will sooth you like a moonlight shadow or a snow chamber to someone dying of heat in the sun of summer. The purity of inner self is an edifice of peace and spiritual light. It is the source of ultimate realization and is therefore likened with “Brahmloka”. God has graciously endowed us with this paradise to experience divine bliss. But we remain unaware of it and astray externally because of our ignorance. -Akhand Jyoti, March. 1941


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

Look Introvert for Peace If you are looking for introvert peace, you must follow the path to spirituality. For this you must turn your extrovert sight inwardly. A bewildered fellow deluded and tired of wandering in the hazy mist of external world, finds immense peace and light in the inner world. When we understand the illusory nature of the gamut of things and activities in the world around and get introvert, ponder over our inner self, only then we realize that we had lost our way all these days; our cravings, materialistic needs and passions were driving our life and we were running behind the mirage of happiness. But nor we know that nothing can ever satisfy the passions, no one can ever fulfill his ambitions. Attempting to do so is like pouring petrol in fire. Thus, instead of running behind the shadow to catch it, we must turn our back to it. Having a glimpse of the inner treasure detaches us from the perishable pennies for which we had been wasting all our potentials and time. Introvert search takes us near the God and shows the key to infinite joy and peace. Once we know our real self, grasp the reality of the world, and see the inner light, the nectar-spring of unprecedented peace erupts from within and extinguishes the flames of discontent, desperations and tensions forever. With the rise of the feeling of true fulfillment, there hardly remains any worldly need or desire; every thing in hand or gifted by Nature for survival suffices and every circumstance becomes a source of expanding you. -Akhand Jyoti, March. 1941

Darkness to Light Truth! Truth!! Truth!!! What a force and impact this word carries that even uttering this word seems to sooth the tongue, thought of it itself gives some light to the mind and feeling of it rejuvenates the heart. The transition from falsehood to truth is an ascent from filthy mire to pious skies, a transmutation from beastly instincts, devilish darkness to divine virtues and eternal light. Truth is absolute, eternal. God is Truth, the Soul is Truth, God’s creation of Nature is Truth; Truth is Omnipresent. It is the ultimate goal of life; truth is the


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 ceaseless perennial quest of the individual self, for which it takes birth, life after life, Age after Age… This life is bestowed upon us as yet another opportunity to realize the ultimate truth and savor the nectar of infinite bliss. It is pitiable that we remain ignorant of this fact that – what we think of the world around (and die hunting for the mirage of joy in it) is not true; it is nothing but the image of our own perception. Once you understand this fact, you will turn towards truth. You will become a follower of Truth; it will be your ideal; an integral part of your character. “Truth” will then show you the divine radiance of your inner self. If every word, every deed of yours is truthful, the world will truthfully honor you and you will inspire many others towards its noble path. The Vedic teaching reminds all of us to follows the path of truth – “Asato Ma Sadgamaya”, as this is the only source of auspicious welfare of all… -Akhand Jyoti, Jan. 1942

The Light of Truth I have seen wonderful things in this world and have experienced a log, but I have not yet found any thing, which is greater than “Truth”. So many sparkling lights are there in this world but the great savants regard only the Light of Truth as the true Light. If one follows the religion of truthfulness then he is truly religious; he does not need to adopt any other religion then… The physical body can be cleansed by water but the cleanliness and sanctity of mind is possible only by truthfulness. The heart, which is purified by truth, can rule over all hearts. A truthful person is revered in the scriptures as the greatest ascetic devotee, supreme charitable person. Siddhis (supernatural successes) will lie under his feet. What else could be bigger glory for a person other than being known as “truthful”… Speaking truth is not only the utterance of fact as it is, it should also be auspicious and should not hurt or insult anyone. It’s better to keep quite, rather than telling a truth that harms someone and does not help anybody’s welfare. Don’t tell a lie or anything, which is false, which is not acceptable to you from within or which is unwise or unnecessary. Remember that adoption of falsehood hurts your inner self and invites your soul’s anger and curse.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 Be truthful; don’t feel shy or scared in following the path of justice. Make sure that what you think as fair is truly so, then remain firm on it forever… -Akhand Jyoti, Jan. 1942

Enrich Your Heart Great personalities do not accumulate wealth, neither do they desire for it; because, they have a generous heart full of a treasure that is bigger than that of Kuber (the God of wealth). It is said that there is no place for the one who is poor (miser) at heart; if there is no compassion in one’s heart, he will have no abode (of peace) – neither in this world, nor in the sublime world beyond… A materialistically poor man may have many chances of getting wealthy but the one whose heart is merciless will remain a beggar who will get scorn from everywhere. Who can be a follower of truth and sainthood? Who is worthy of seeing God? The one, whose heart pulsates with generosity and love… Harsh, dry-hearted, cruel ones are infirm, they are impaired despite having healthy body, mind and resourceful life; they won’t be able to enjoy even the nectar kept in their closed vicinity. ‘O’ tyrants, just think before terrorizing others! What will happen the day when you will be in the place of your victims? Why be blinded by selfish passions, ego and follow apathy? You will have to bear the painful retribution life after life…Mother earth is a witness to this law of eternity; sooner or later the sinners have to face the dreadful punishments of the hell right here. Therefore, be gentle, sensitive, kind and helpful to others. Those who possess the light of compassion in their hearts will never wander in the dark. So open your eyes to look inside and illumine your heart with the glow of kindness. Be considerate and compassionate to every one around you. -Akhand Jyoti, Feb. 1942


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

The Significance of Satsang Satsanga means being in the company of good people, inspiring discourses and discussions. You should always try to be in the company of such people who protect you from evils and wrongs; who can induce hope even in the moments of despair and offer you encouraging support in adverse circumstances. It is easy to get the sycophants or selfish friends around, who would just be ‘friends’ when they need something from you: they need not be your well wishers, and might even pull you in the rut of addictions, ego and avarice; they won’t hesitate in stepping you on your back if it suits their vested interests. You may find it difficult to find wise men who would be your guides; who would be your critiques on your face to correct your flaws and advice you righteously; who would warn you of the dangers or risks well n time. People often prefer the company of elite; we should know that the best company is that of the enlightened personalities, the elevated souls. Having true friends, though few in numbers, is a sign of wisdom. Noble friendship is quite significant in the ascent of life in many respects. It is foolish to make enemies, but worse is to leave the friendship of good people. Pure intellect and faith in sincere efforts with assiduity are the two key elements essential for transmutation of personality. Adoption of virtues transforms the bad, debased ones into great personalities; on the contrary, vices could decline and debouch the great ones into mean, inferior, scornful levels. So your friends should be those who inspire the virtues and uproot the vices. You may also begin on your own by cultivating food qualities, like constructive use of time, alertness, sincerity and perseverance… Small steps in the prudent direction lead to brighter goals. -Akhand Jyoti, Apr. 1942

Thirst for What? Instead of giving content, the worldly desires – even if fulfilled, always lead to newer ones with greater thirst. It is said that a human life is just a sojourn in the endless journey of the individual self in its quest for completeness. However, if a


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 human being gets rid of all cravings then he can attain absolute evolution in this life itself. Trisna (thirst for fulfillment of desires, ambitions) is the root cause of all thralldoms, which entraps the individual self in the cycle of life and death. How a person enslaved by cravings would ever be liberated? Salvation means freedom from all worldly desires and expectations. Those having quest for realization of absolute knowledge, truth should best begin with a vigilant watch on their own aspirations and control them prudently. It is said that inner content is the biggest fulfillment. No amount of wealth could match it. One may be free and independent in worldly terms, but in reality, he, like most of us is the slave of his mind. The one whose mind is captured by trisna cannot be free for any moment. Even the most affluent man of the world is like a beggar because of his trisna: because he would always expect something from the world in terms of greater success, wealthier resources and what not. So if you want to rise and make proper use of your life, you will have to restrain your desires, selfish ambitions. Don’t escape from your duties, you must be constructive and must transact your duties sincerely; only you leave out the expectations or attachments with the results. Every action has a corresponding reaction here. The Law of appropriate consequences of your karma is absolute. So don’t be desperate for any result, don’t think that the world or the circumstance would conform to your expectations. Renounce your trisna and be a free being… -Akhand Jyoti, Mar. 1942

Soul: The Identity of Truth If we want to know the meaning, the purpose, the nature of our life, we must know our own self, our soul. Without that we keep wandering in the infinite trap of illusion and the immensity of worldly circumstances without even having the sight of our goal. If you want to see the light of wisdom, want to excel in the truest sense, you must first accept and ponder over the preeminence of your soul. If you want to live respectful life, learn to respect your soul. Spiritual evolution would begin and eventually lead to unification of your soul (individual self) with the Supreme Soul (God) only if you purify, enlighten your self up to virtuous levels. For that, you will have to recognize and experience the divinity hidden in your soul.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 Refinement and rise from inferior to superior, evil to nobility, is possible only if you realize that your soul, your inner self is originally a reflection of the divine. Respecting your inner self, your soul-reality does not mean that you become egotist or arrogant or have some superiority complex. In fact, that would be just a contrary act, a blunder of your ignorance. So be careful and understand that the respect of your own self means honor of your soul, your eternal impersonal self. You should attempt to see the light of divinity indwelling in it, see the presence of God in it and worship it by sublime illumination of your heart, mind and conduct. Remembering it every moment should remind you that you are breathing in the presence of God and should edify your aspirations, your thoughts, your deeds accordingly. -Akhand Jyoti, June 1942

Where is the Lasting Joy? We are all driven by the quest for joy. Behind all our plans, actions, expectations, lies this perennial thirst for joy. But because of our natural perception of the world and life at the gross material level, our domain of search remains confined to the sentient world and related extrovert experiences. We are not even aware that there could be an inner bliss or spiritual joy. The feeling of delight is within us. How could the external things, material experiences enhance or suppress it? They might just give a momentary excitation or satisfy our ego for sometime. The true means and sources of joy lie deep within our own selves. The Vedic philosophy logically describes this fact – it is the consciousness-element of mind, which feels the joy. So, without knowing this sublime element or deciphering its nature and conditioning it, one can’t hope for unalloyed bliss or lasting joy. Conquering the mind is indeed bigger than conquering the world. One who succeeds in it is the happiest, strongest person in this world. Hidden there is the subtle spring of infinite bliss in the core of our inner self. What we ever experience as joy is only a sprinkle of this immense source. The pleasure, if any, we find in the outer world is also a reflection of this inner impulse. As the Vedic Sciences (of Yoga etc) preach – in order to peep into this inner treasure, we will first have to purity and control our minds (both conscious and unconscious mind), stabilize and uproot its agility and extrovert tendencies. Such a mind can eventually have the realization of divinity, of the absolute truth,


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 the omnipresent, eternal Brahm. Attaining this state is a grand sadhana. The gamut of universal principles of religion is taught only for this purpose. The righteous path of morality, human religion alone can reach the realms of ever lasting joy. -Akhand Jyoti, Sept. 1942

A Perfect Deal Man is a mortal being and all his belongings are also perishable. Only one of his ‘possessions’ that lasts for Ages after he is gone is his glory. One who earns this preeminence is indeed most successful in the ‘business’ of life even if he has sacrificed or lost on the materialistic front. His trade is like, for example, that of getting a new stout building in return of selling off an unused heap of hay. Great ones are those who refine and excel their lives up to glorious heights, worth the dignity of human life. Dormant lives of others mushroom and end like that of any other creature who survives just to till the tummy and quench the sensual thirst. Those stuck in the peripheries of selfish possession and attachments are shortsighted, and remain careless of the future. Their lives, their activities, despite the physical dynamism and alacrity are no better than ‘movable corpse.’ A dormant life is no life… Fools gather more and more of wealth and resources so that their beloved ones would enjoy it all generations after generations… They spent all their time, talents and efforts in insane and at times unfair possession and its safety. Wouldn’t it be wiser of them if they had employed their resources prudently in the activities of progress and welfare? This would have brightened their own future as well along with supporting more and more people around and contributing in constructive reformation and development. Draining or throwing away the useful things and collecting the rubbish or hazardous ones – is a clear sign of insanity. Aren’t they mindless who invite enmity all the time, by using absurd, abusive, acrimonious tongue? Anybody, howsoever learned, skillful and smart he might be, is unwise if, instead of augmenting the virtuous qualities, he opts for vices and weaknesses. -Akhand Jyoti, Oct. /Nov. 1942


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

Acquisition of knowledge Sagacious (truly learned) people are like soothing fragrance of flowers. They carry an aura of serene joy with them wherever they go and spread it unconditionally. Their benevolence is for everyone; every place is home to them. Vidya (pure knowledge) is the real wealth. Everything else is negligible against it. This treasure is immortal. It remains with the individual self even in the later lives… The intelligence enlightened by vidya continues to evolve and gradually transmutes to the omniscient level; the individual self eventually sees the light of the soul and attains ultimate realization. The deeper you dig a well, the more water you would find in it. Similar is the case with acquisition of knowledge. The more you learn, the deeper you question and attempt to know… the greater will be your knowledge. What is the reality of the world? What are the sources of peace and happiness? Only those who have attained vidya would know the answers. Vidya alone can accomplish the eternal quest of the individual self. Then why are we so idle and indifferent towards earning this invaluable wealth? Age is never a bar in learning. No matter if you are old or even lying on death bed, so long as your mind is alive, your consciousness is present, you should have the will and zeal to acquire higher, greater knowledge, because this is a sublime treasure that you can carry along with your subtle and astral bodies in the lives after death… They are indeed pitiable, fortune-less, who escape from learning. Remember! Knowledge is the key to strength and success in the ascent of life. Even if you have to beg before a noble teacher to learn it, you should do it because acquisition of knowledge and inner enlightenment is your dignified duty (as a human being)… -Akhand Jyoti, Dec. 1942

Embrace Forgiveness Fire burns everything that comes into its contact. But the heat of anger of a person burns only himself. It you hit the earth by your hand; it’s only your hand that will suffer the pains. Your annoyance or irritation upon someone might disturb or hurt him, but it will certainly and firstly do more harm to you. Even if


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 you feel justified in taking revenge against someone’s misdeeds and even if you are mightier and capable of retaliating, you should better forgive. Because, your anger and arrogance would be worse (for you also) than whatever wrong one might have done (to you). As you might have experienced on several occasions, if one controls the wrath and maintains mental stability, most disputes or problems could be resolved peacefully and give you the content of mind, which you are dying for. So what if you take revenge against someone’s wrong against you? Every animal has this beastly instinct. Even a tiny ant can do that. Greater is the one who can forgive his enemies. Why don’t you learn, something form the earth? You dig it, plough it, but in return, it blesses you with crops, water, minerals and what not! Look at the piece of sugarcane! You cut it, press it, chew it, but it reacts by filling your mouth with sweet juice. Those who have harmed you or committed crime against you are coward, weak, ignorant, because only those having a dormant conscience can do so. Why should you belittle yourself by responding back at their level? It does not suit an intrepid warrior to use weapons against the blinds or the slept ones. Your act of revenge might sometimes, give temporary ‘satisfaction’ to your ego, but the joy induced by your act of forgiving would last for long… -Akhand Jyoti, Jan. 1943

Generous Like the Clouds Stingy fellows, who keep their resources only to themselves and remain apathetic to others’ sufferings, are in fact accounting sins for their future destiny. Those who have stocked heaps of wealth in their possession but never use it are mere ‘guards’ of money. Such fellows are burden on this earth that can do nothing for anyone. Even materialistically, they don’t enjoy anything; the thirst of gaining more, the worries and tensions of safeguarding the possession and the miserly attitude do not let them live in peace; they neither eat well nor can give anything to others. Despite having millions or billions of riches, they remain poor, beggars… Thirst for more and more of selfish possession does not even let one see what are the right or wrong means of piling the stocks of wealth. Prosperity earned by unfair means cannot let one prosper… One dies empty


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 handed and later one all that ‘dead property’ possessed by him does no good to even to those who grabs it afterwards… On the contrary, those who earn honestly and spend magnanimously and wisely in good, constructive and auspicious activities are always prospering. They are like clouds, which enshower generously; even if emptied today, the clouds are filled again and return back tomorrow with same dignity. Integrity, benevolence, caring and helping sociability – are virtues of greatness, which can make the entire world your own. No one can forget the warmth of meeting such amicable personalities. But, the selfish fellows, howsoever talented and affluent they might be, remain aloof and virtually isolated; their state is like that of milk kept in a dirty pot, which is thrown without use… -Akhand Jyoti, Feb. 1943

When is a Prayer Granted? Our prayers deserve to be heard by the Almighty only when we take care of making use of the potentials he has already bestowed upon us. Accumulation of negative tendencies of lethargy, dullness, escapism from duties, ignorance, etc makes one hazardous – for his own life – like a balloon full of concentrated acid, which is most likely to explode anytime or ruin due to the acidic burning. The rules in the system of God work like a vigilant gardener who uproots the useless and harmful wild growth and carefully nurses the saplings of the useful vegetation. If a field is not ploughed and is full of useless grass or shrubs etc, how can it yield a crop (even if the soil is fertile)? Who will praise a farmer, who lets his field be destroyed without bothering to clean it? The system of God certainly can’t allow its field of Nature to be left unguarded. The rules of the Omnipresent are such that the vices, the evils, the futile, get eliminated continuously so that the perfection and eternal beauty of HIS creation remains unperturbed. If you expect your calls to be heard, you will also have to constantly strive for self-refinement. The best way to get the response to your prayers is to awaken your selfconfidence and follow the path of duties. Then alone your inner self will awake. The opening to the path to the Light Divine lies deep within the realm of soul


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1 and enlightened inner self provides the only bridge to reach this sublime source. Those who don’t have faith in the dignity of their own souls, who keep ignoring the inner voice and hunt in the external world to quench their wishes are lost in the smog of passions and confusions and invite adversities for themselves. Those who scorn their own (inner) selves are also rebuked at God’s end and their prayers evaporate in the void… -Akhand Jyoti, March 1943

Learn to Share You are really fortunate if God has endowed you with vigor, brilliance, knowledge, power, prosperity and glory. Then your life must be progressive and joyful in the worldly sense. But this success or joy would be momentary and won’t be fulfilling, if you keep your resources and belongings closed to your chest and use them only for your selfish interests. Your joy, your satisfaction would expand exponentially if you learn to distribute them and share whatever you have with many others. Try to spend at least a fraction of your wealth, your resources for the needy. Your help will not only give them support to rise and progress, more importantly, it will bestow the spiritual benefits of being kind and altruistic. This will augment your happiness manifold. Those being helped by you will also be happy and thus the stock of joy in the world will also expand. Distributing and sharing with a sight of altruistic wisdom and a feel of compassion provide the golden key to unalloyed joy. God has been so kind to you; you should also be kind to others. God is defined as the eternal source of infinite bliss because HIS mercy pervades everywhere for all creatures, for everything; HIS divine powers are omnipresent; every impulse of joy is an expression of HIS beatitude. You should see the dignity of HIS divine creation in this world. God has also given you an opportunity to glorify your life by selflessly spreading HIS auspicious grace… -Akhand Jyoti, April 1943


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

Do Not Panic or Perplex Life is full of challenges and testing moments! Many a times the adverse circumstances are so intense that one just can’t bear them, he loses patience, gets anxious and panicked; cries on his destiny and helplessness… But this doesn’t solve the problem. The only source of definite support in such cases is – prudence and patience. Ups and downs, good and bad experiences are natural phases of human life. We must remember this fact and convince ourselves of the truth that wisdom and pure knowledge (gyana) are the only keys to conquer the agonies caused by the tides of adversities or tragedies. Firm faith in God’s grace and justice is a must in such testing moments of sufferings. We must understand that our knowledge is too limited to grasp the system of God. Whether we realize it at that time or not, the circumstances and experiences that appear so painful to us also occur in fact for our welfare only. Because of our half or illusory knowledge and narrow attitude, we cannot grasp the real cause or purpose behind the happenings in our life. We must accept it that major cause of our agonies and anxiety is our ignorance; we want everything to conform to our expectation, our favor. But the course of life has many dimensions, beyond our perception. Faith in absolute justice and mercy of the Omniscient God is all the more important in the moments of hardships and pains. This gives us instant courage and light and helps maintain our calm without which we can’t even think properly. All religious scriptures preach the importance of the feeling of content and peace in all circumstance. It is indeed the nectar source of annulling all worries and panics even in the difficult, tragic situations. Adoption of peace, patience and satisfaction does not mean that you should not transact your duties or progress in your life. Rather, it implies that you should complete all your tasks, all duties, with mental stability and calm and a sense of inner faith in all circumstances. -Akhand Jyoti, April 1943


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

You are the Architect of Your Destiny If you depend upon others or look for someone’s help in the moments of difficulty, you must be living under some illusion. Otherwise, you would identify the root-cause of the problems you are facing and analyze your own vices and flaws that might have been responsible for those troubles. By overcoming those drawbacks and weaknesses, you would be best equipped to resolve or get rid of most of your problems on your own. With the aspiration of being progressive and successful, you should also begin adopting virtuous tendencies and sharpening and enhancing your potentials. Your destiny is indeed written according to your intrinsic nature, inner qualities. Intense impressions of your tendencies, sentiments and thinking and conduct, account for shaping of your inner personality, which is attributed to be the architect of your future evolution. God’s system works according to – “you harvest what you have sown”. If good qualities, abilities are not cultivated by you, and the seeds of virtues are left in a virgin (dormant) state within your self, and instead, negative tendencies, follies, untoward habits are allowed to accumulate and grow, God’s rule will formulate your destiny as full of sufferings; you will not have a good fate or hopes in future unless and until you refine yourself and inculcate the potentials of elevation. So it is in fact in your own hand to design your destiny. If you awaken your self-confidence, set high ideals as your goal and sincerely endeavor to make yourself capable and deserving for that goal, God’s script will indeed destine you to have a bright and successful life accordingly. If you think wisely, know yourself and earnestly search for the illumined goal, you will certainly find the righteous path to achieve it at the right moment. -Akhand Jyoti, Sept. 1943

Love is Supreme Divine knowledge and selfless love enlighten every dimension of life, destroy all vices and worries; there remains no feeling of hatred, jealously, discrimination, or fear. And then, one is blessed by the divine sight to see the pure love, justice and equality indwelling everywhere.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

If you want to experience the divine joy, make your mind a source of wisdom, firm determination and noble thoughts; let your heart be an auspicious ocean of compassion. Control your tongue, purity and discipline it to speak truth. This will help your self- refinement and inner strengthening and eventually inspire the divine impulse of eternal love. If you have integrity of character, authenticity in what you talk and do, people will believe you. You will not have to attempt convincing them. The wise and sincere seekers will themselves reach you. If in addition, you are generous and have an altruistic attitude towards everyone, you will also naturally win people’s heart. The warmth, words and works of truth and love never go in the void. Their positive impact is an absolute certainty. There should be no doubt in your minds that pure love is omnipresent and supreme. It contains the power to accomplish the eternal quest of life. It facilitates uprooting the vices and allaying the agility, apprehensions and tensions of mind. Selfless love is a divine virtue, a preeminent source of auspicious peace and joy. -Akhand Jyoti, Oct. 1943

Literature for the New Era Good books are like living Gods. Gamut of such enlightening books are authored by sagacious visionary Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya focusing on the root-cause of the problems of today and providing feasible and viable solutions – reformatory, reconstructive as well as evolutionary – to help the world usher into the new era of peace, prudence and prosperity. Thousands of books, booklets and volumes of his literature (in Hindi) encompass wide-ranging topics including –       

Spirituality Devotion & Sadhana Religion & Culture The Super Science of Sound & Mantra Personal, Familial & Social Development Eradication of Evil Customs Uprooting Addictions


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1         

Deep Psychology Total Health Plant Medicine & Yogyopathy Education & True Knowledge Self Reliance Environment Ascent of Women Future of the World Evolution of Consciousness

These provide rare knowledge and guidance in a lucid style within the reach of everyone. Translations are available in English and several other languages.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

About the Author: Shriram Sharma Acharya: A seer-sage and a visionary of the New Golden Era.

His personality was a harmonious blend of a saint, spiritual scientist, yogi, philosopher, psychologist, writer, reformer, freedom fighter, researcher, eminent scholar and visionary. He pioneered the revival of spirituality and creative integration of the modern and ancient sciences and religion relevant in the challenging circumstances of the present times. In 1979, he founded the Brahmavarchas Research Institute, the research center in Haridwar (India) dedicated to the integration of the modern and ancient sciences in a practical way motivated by the noble goal of health and happiness for all. This center houses well equipped laboratories of Haemetology, Biochemistry, Neurophysiology, Cardiology, Phytochemistry, Psychometry, Yagyopathy etc.

At the age of 15, (Jan 18th, 1926) a great Himalayan yogi, Swami Sarveshvaranandji appeared before him in astral body from the flame of the Dipaka (lamp) and guided him throughout his entire life. The next 24 years of his life were devoted to 24 Mahapurashcharanas –each consisting of the rhythmic recitation (japa) of 2.4 million Gayatri Mantra with strictest of disciplines. In 1943, he married Bhagwati Devi, and ever since, the saintly couple dedicatedly pursued the noble mission of spiritual upliftment of humankind.

Realizing the potential of inspiring literature and its relevance in the present era of intellectual evolution, he had chosen writing as the principal mode towards uprooting the evil tendencies and blind faith from people’s minds and arousing the indwelling wisdom, strength and spiritual bliss. He wrote about 3000 enlightening books in Hindi on almost all topics concerning human life. He translated the entire Vedic Vangmaya (4 Vedas, 108 Upanishads, 18 Puranas etc.) in Hindi elucidating the tradition, style, universality and history of Vedic Literature. He also practiced higher-level Sadhana on the arduous heights of the Himalayas and established enliven contact with the Rishis of the Himalayas. During 1984-1986, he carried out the unique spiritual experiment of Sukshmikarana, meaning sublimation of vital force and physical, mental and spiritual energies. He authored a special set of 20 books highlighting the future of the world and conveying the message of the dawn of the New Era of Truth during the 21st Century. On 2nd June 1990, he voluntarily shed his physical sheath.


In the Angelic Light of Rishi – Thoughts Part 1

For more information: To find out more about Shriram Sharma Acharya and his spiritual establishment visit Dev Sanskriti Viswa Vidyalaya is a university envisioned by Shri Ram Sharma Acharya to meet the pressing need to impart global education on scientific spirituality and life style with new thought of ethical, moral and spiritual transformation. Visit for more information. English edition of Akhand Jyoti magazine is available online at


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