Valentin Weigel - Of the Life of Christ, 1648

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‫‪ :‬لی‬ ‫است‬

‫سر‬ ‫نے‬


Of the Life of Chriſt :: That is , OF TRVE


Which is the Rule ,Square, Levell , or Meaſuring -Line of the holy City of God , and of the Inhabitants thereof here

on Earth .

He that is not with me, is against me, and be that gathereth not with me, ſcatter eth abroad, Matth. 12.30 . Written in the German Language, by · Valentine Wigelus .

LONDON , Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be fold at the Signe of the Blacke ſpread Eagle at the weſt end of Pauls. Anno Domini, 1648 .





The Sunme of this Treatiſe.

BRZDK Ffo be, that many paſſe their time , and delight themſelves in reading the ſtory , life and death of

Emperours, Kings and Princes ; much more ought Believers to delight in reading and conſidering Į

the Life of Christ Jeſus their Maſter, who is an eternall Creatour of the , and of the new Crea World to come ture , which onely can poffefſe the Kingdom of Heaven ; for out of his Life ariſeth infinite treaſure and com fort, which at no timecan be taken from them : by the Life of Chriſt everyone may try himſelfe, whither hebe a Citizen and Inhabitant of the holy City ofGod, that is, whither he bea Member of the univerſal Church of Chriſt ; by it may be tried and known A 2

The Summe of this Treatiſe. known all Bookes, all Writings, all Preachings , all Sermons, all the Workes of all.Men , whither they draw according to the Line, whither theygather withclirist,or elfe ,whic ther they bé agiinft him and ſcatter. Alſo , by itmay bediſcovered and tried all Orders,' Factions, Sc& s , and Herelies, wherein they go attray. ?

Now , wheſoeveris a Chriſtian ,and

knowes Christ,he alſo knowes his Do étrine and Life, and he that receives his DoctrincandLife,healſo receives this Treatife for a teſtimony , but he that rejects it, beares witneſke upon his own necke, that he isno Chriſtian , that he hath not the Life of Chriſt and that he doth not belong unto his Kingdom For this Treatiſe is written

tobe a

witnefic'againſt the World, to lether know , that thedoth not belong to the holy City of God ,becauſe the devies Chriſt and his Life.


Many ,

The Summe of this Treatiſe.

Many, yea, all preach Chriſt, and believe in Chriſt , and for all that aa mongſt a thouſand ſcarce one is to be found that truly knowes Chriſt , or what Faith meaneth . They ateof opinion , thatChriſt is of the Bloud of Men of the Earth . and ſay publiquely , that he is notof Heaven , or that he is but halfe of Hea wen , and halfe of the - Manythinkethey know Chriſt; and have hisLife, if they do but with the Multitude believe in him with their Inouthes. O Such and the like Errours we lay beforemens eyes. We will divide this Treatiſe in

three parts. ! Firſt, we ſhall deſcribe the Life of Chriſt, which is his Doctrine and car riage, for he is the Life it ſelfe in his Perſon , as the Head, and then he is alſo the life of all his Members . Now where faith is, there muſt be alla A 3

The Sunime of thisTreatiſe. ulfo the Life of Chrift; but where his Life is not, there cannot be faith 3 for faith , Chriſt, and his lifelarealtoget ther ; they are notallone, and notſe parated at all. . causis van 2 Secondly'; you ſhall be informed , whence that

power or ability is to

be had by which we may be able towalkoin the faithi,thatissi in the Lifcof Chriftg ,for by othermensrela tions by lear-fay zone dari getit, nei thonout of the Letterji neither out of free will, orout of own - póven, vone ſhall ever be able to worke or getita muft beanotherway, by which Therò we come to theLifeofChriſt, and do walkeinity and this way is opened in this Treatiſe, and made plain of all is noftneceffary ;


forjit would

beno profit to me to know of a great Treaſure, if I could not come to it ; nor enjoy it.sive !2.5.2 : Now, there is in truth no greater treaſure either in Heaven or Earth , than

The Summè ofthis Treaties than Chriſtor his Life . Allojnothing ſweeter or more lovely in allthe world than to walkein Chriſt, that is, to go on in hisLifeciosoittelu -3 .

Thirdly , it ikall be declared by mas

ny Examples, bowali: Baokes , Wilt tings, Teachers, and Sermorsought to

beknown ; tried , land exactlylingalist whitherthey areof Chriſty with him , or against hima wdrither they glo


ther with him , Orlſoatter ;' for of ne ceflity ; a Book, Writingz Doctring, Sermon , edmult either proceed and be of Chriſt, and leade to Chriſt, or elſemuſt be againſt Chriſt, and leade from him . Faith or theLife of Chriſt is a Rule , Square, Levell or Line, by which all things may be meaſured , whither they pertein to theCity of God , or whither they paffe by, whither therebe now Writings, Bookes, Sermons, Words, or Workes; every Chriſtian may hold them to the Ruleor Square, andview , whither A 4 .

The Sunime of this Treatiſe. whither they agree or diſagree there with, whither they be withChriſt or againſt him , and what he findes ſtraight, let him keep it, but what he findes crooked and againſt Chriſt, let him leave and reject it , and in thisfa fhion may every one trie and prove himſelfe, whither he be Prince, Em peruur, Beggar, or Plough -man , Dou & our,Maſter of Arts, young ,old, and

know , what heis, that ſo hemay may not deceive himſelfe , nor ſuffer him Lelfe to bedeceived by others.

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ad PA RT 1 . Chap.1. That Chift who ishimſelfe Faith ,and Life, is not borne of the blcud of Adam , but froni above cuit of Heaven, Luke 1:35.und 1 Cor.15 :47 . Chap.2. That Chriſt comeswith water and Bloud , and that he isthe living Bread from [ feaver , and chac he is the Meat and Drinke it felfe, 195n 6.50351. Chap.z. That Chriſt keèpes thi, narure and proprie ty of him , of whom he is berne, Hebr.4.15. Chap.4. That Chriſt who is our Exaniple, Paterne and Life doch alienate himſelfe from his God -head, and doth hunible himſelfe, Phil.2.5,7. 3 Chap.s , Thar Chrif hath no propriety of will, but dorh walke in the higheſt obedience, Tobn s.30. *** Chap.6. That Chriſt hath no propriety in goods, but poffefſeth all things in God , as if he had them nor, Matth.8.20 Chap- 7. That the Life of Chrift is the peaceableft, lovelieſt, and ſweeteſt of all Lives, Mattb.11.30.03 ** Chap.8 . That Chriſt doch not quarrell nor go to Liw , for temporal goods, nor doth kill, or putany man to death , Matth.12.19.“ Chap9. Thit Chriſt doch not put ſinnersto death , a's Mofès did, jor doth not chaſe , or banifh Hereticks, but ſeekes thoſe thaç are loft; and converts them , and tries falfe Teachers, and ſhunnes them , lohn.8.11. Chap.10 . Thar Chrift doth not defend his Goſpel and Kingdom , by War and Battail, boc onely by Chapir Grace and Peace, John 18.36.

The Contents. Chap 11. Thar Chriſt doth nor revenge himſelfe ar all againſt his Adverſaries, neither with words, or workes, but prayes for them , Luke 23:34. Chap.12 . That Chriſt is Nandered,laughed to ſcorn , perſecuted , reproached for an Hereticke, for a Devil, and for a Seducer, doc. and is alſo crucified, lohn 10.20. Chap.13 . ThatChrift doth not eſteem thepraiſe, or reproach of men , and that he ſhunnes all worldly ho nour, lohn 5.41. Chap.14. Thàt Chriſt doch not forca nor con Arain any man to Faith or unbelief ; but proceeds with love towards all men , lohn 6.67. That Chriſt is, and remainesh Lord over his Church, and pues no Lieutenant over it, that ſhould rettrain men to Faith, 2 Cor.6.16,18 .

PART II . Chap.1. That Paul and all ſuch Chriſtians, are not from beneath , of Adam ; but new creatures from above, 2 Cor.5.17 . Chap.2 . That Paul and all Believers eat and drinke the Fleſh and Bloud of Chrilt really, and thrcugh Baptifme offer then ſelves to die with Chriſt, Ephef. 5.30. Clap.3. That Paul and all chriſtians keep the na ture and propriety of the new creature, inmortify ing of the old , i lohn 3.9: Chap.4. That Panl and all chriſtians arę minded even as their Lord and Head, and live without pro priety of will, 1 Peter 2.13,14,15 . j. « t. Chap.s. That Paul and all chriſtians do live with out propriety of goods in the world , 1 Tim.6.8,9.6 A & s 3. do 6. Chap 6"

The Contents.

Chap.6. That Paxl and all chriſtians have the peace of Christ within them , Col.3.15. Chap.7. Thar Paul and all chriſtians do not go to Law , nor ſtrive about temporal Goods, nor dothey Put any man to death, Col.3.13. Chap.8. That Paul and all chriſtians put no finner to death, nor baniſh Hereticks, 1 Tim.5.22. Chap.9. Thar Paul and all chriſtians do nor defend , the Goſpel by force , warres ; or battails, 2 cor.

10.394 . .That Pauland áll chriſtians are without re venge, and do not bearagain when they are beaten , 1 Pet.3.9. Chap .11. That Paul and all chriſtiansare perfecu ted, reviled ,called Hereticks, Devils, fa & ious perfons, yea, at laſt are or may be put to death, r Pet.4.14. Chap.12. That Paul and all chriſtians do not care for the praiſe ofmen , nor for their reproach ; honour, infamy, and ſhame, is all one to them , I cor.4.3 . Chap.13 . That Paul and all chriſtians do nor force any man co believe, i Pet.5.2 . Chap.14 . That Paul and all Chriſtians do not look upon any outward Ruler or Teacher, but keep onely Chriſt their Head , and of them none do dominier

over another, John 10.5. PART III . Chap.I. That many wayes are deviſed to attain to Faith or the Life of Chriſt, although the true way to Chriſt is not to be found in any outward thing what foever, col.2.22. Chap.2. That Faith or the Life of Chrift, nor to be gotten by the Baptiſme of Water, 1 Pet 3.21 . Chap.3 . That Faith is not gotten by the uſe of the Lords

The contents. Lords Supper,nor may the LifeofChrif be attained thereby . I cor.11.29,28,291 ." .. Chapi4 . That Faith or the Life of Chrift is not learned by hear -fay of men , i cor.3.7. teit Chap.s. That Faith cannot be read out of Bookes, for none can reade himſelfe's Believer, A * 8.30,31. Chap.6. ThatFaith or the Life of Chrilt dorh noc enter or is HOT wrought into us by any outward means but onely by the voice of the Father, of which the inward Word hath its off ſpring, Rom.19.8. Chap.7. That'the voice of the Father is not heard in us, nor the inward worke wrought unlefle the man be filent, and keep an inward reſt or Sabbach , Hebr. 411,12. ??? Chap.8. That ſomething muft be confidered by him that defireth to come in the Sabbath or reſt, to Faith or the Life of Chrift, pohn is 5,6.6 Pui. Chapig. Thár it doch not lie in the will or running of man , bar in God, fhewing of mercy, Rom 19.16 . 55 : Chap.10. If thou becomeft believing and illumi. nated , then God is the cause thereof, which onely doth -worke it, and thou shar fuff reftit : but if thou Temaineſt unbelieving and without Hlumination, then God is no caufe of it ,but onely thou thy felfe, fame's 1.14,17 . 24:00 Chap.11. What and where the church of God and the church of men is, i cor : 1.2.

Chap•12. That there aremany meafuriug Reedsin the churchofmen, deviſed and maintained by men . - but that the holy church Hath but one onely Square , Rule , which is the Life of Chriſt, I cof.2.10 . Chap :13. That by the ſtraight Line máy be known and tried that which is crooked ; and that the ſame *ſtraight Line muſt be within us, Phit.4.13 . FINI S.

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Which is the Rule, Square , Levell, or Meaſuring Line of the ult on Holy CITIE of.GOD , and of the 19. is Inhabitants thereof,here ON EARTH . Daca ao CD Tesl svincia Isufen möjoCHAR. bulb

Tbat christ who is himſelfe Faith , and and Life, isnor born of the bloud of A danı, but from above orst of Heaven, Liike 1: 35. &

1 Cor.15: 47 : noi sloded : 10

Ecaufe Chrift is all its felfe , whatſoever hee teaches and lives, and that his Doétrin and Vlife is the meaſuring BE Reed and Rule , by which all things may bee known and tryed B with .

ofthe Life of chifte Without errour ; it is therefore fit , that above all things we ſhould ſearch & know , wliente Chrth is come, for if we doe, hoe know the firft Principle, that is the begin ning; then can we not be without crrour in all other things, that concern Faith . Chrift is the Many are ofcpinion , that , Sonne of Jofeph,and notof God becauſe deem hihito'be a naturall man barn; out of theblond of Adim to wit, that his Divine natueit of Heavery, and his humane na ture of the eartly out of ourfleth and blond; This crrour they cover by their Commu nication of Idiomatum idionis, as they uſe to call it,and ſay thłt.Chrif is of Heaven , and isthe Son of God , in that ihe Divine na ture is conimnicated unto hamart nature ; fo they rent Chrik ,when they believe, that the Divine natire is ofHeaven , but hishu mane nature of nran, or of theearth , out of the bloud of Adarn . Bạt to be ſhort , Chrift God and Man ,the whole Perſon , is of Heaven ,his Bloudand Fleſh is of theholy Spirit conceived in the Virgin ; fo that in the Virgin h , alatli after med hunjane nature in fencibility belravia

Pas dinding , going , cating , drinking Ace

of the Life of Chriſt. ſleeping mortality as autocher man ;" that is, his Heavenly Fleſh, being out of the holy Spirit, is for our lakebecome mortalt and yer not corruptible, for it was of Heaven , and not cf David or Abraham , his Body dy ed for us on the Crofle, and yet remained alive, he dyed after his atſunied humane na ture, in putting offhis mortall ſencibility , & c. He remained alive after hir Fleſh and Bloud , AX. 2, 24.& 31, 32, which could not be laid hold on by death , nor could ſee corruption . If the Fleſh and Bloud of Chriſt were not of Heaven , but of the ſecd of Abraham , then mußt he of neceffity have ſeen Corruption , and could be of no profit to us, neither could he be the maker of the new creature ; but Cbrift God and man , thc whole perſon muſt be of Heaven ,that we by tranſlated into the Heavenly Fleth and Bloud, and the old may be caſt off from us. The fleſh aud blond of Adam remains deaths own, Chriſt hath not redeemed it,F0.1.13. buthe hath made a new Creature,which hath Heavenly fleſh and bloud,which is not born of earthy bloud , nor of the will of the fleſh , nor ofthe will of nian, but of God : the fleſh and bloud of Adám is quite to be B 2

Of Nie Life of clwiſt. , Soul muſt have another fleſh and bloud

from above bythe Holy Ghoft, asChrift hath himſelf, and in that man doth enter into Heaven for nothing entretta into Heaven , butthat which is froniHeaven ; Jo . 3 , 13. Now our Adimicall body is not of Heaven , but of the earth ; therefore it was needful, țliataneternall Tabernacle, a new Heavenly fleſh and blaud ſhould be made by Chrift, that to man night riſe in Chriſt, and with Spirit , Soul, and Body, should poſſeſſe the Kingdom of Heaven therefore muft Chrift as the Father of the eternall world and the Creator of the new Creature , be not out of the bloud of Adani, of the earth , but out of thie Holy Ghoſt froni Heaven .




, and Bloud, and That Chriff comes with Water thatheis the living Bread from Heaven , and that he is the "Meate and Drinkeit felft, fol. 6.50 , 51.


“ His is certain and true, and cannot be gain -laid, that Chriſt is that ſelf -fanie, which


oftheLife ofChrist

2 e f


whichbeteathes, and lives ;' le fáies :Iam Bread, I am Méate and Drinke and ſuch ako he is, and does feed all believers with that. Bread, which he is himſelfe ,and with that drinke,which he is himſelf, thatis , with But how could Christ hls Filth and Bloud feed 13 if hisAdh'wereone of Adam ,te could doe as nogood, it niuftbe therefore of Heaven a Heavenly fleſh and bloudi Chriſt comes 1200 ppith his own Bloud, andnot with the bloud of Calves;' Coates, on the Blond of Beijt's Heb. g. by his ipon Bloud be torred . Molescante with Circunicilion of brands, and with the bloud of Beaffs: but Chriſt came with water and bloud , not with water only, butwithiwater * bloud TuñReus theholy Sácrántents, Baptiſme and the Lord's

Supper, for ashigh a's ChriÁ is aboveMofes, the Heavenly above the Earthly, fo high and weighty ale Baptime and the Lords Supper W


ly hi

above the circuficifion and the Paleover ,yes after'a right Heavenly underſtanding, dothi Chrift with the Heavenly water waſh and cleanfe us froni originalſ and actuall finnes and feeds us with his Fleſh and Bloud , which likeselleks ofHeaven.d eini

If the Flelkand BlondofChrillwere out of B 3


of theBloud of Christ.

of Alam , then had be come with Salvis & Bloud , and had not Ited his own Bloud: for the earthy body of Alam coniprehends in it all Beaſts, and to Chrift had lhed the bloud of Beaſts, by which we could not have been cleanſed butnot to be doth pat the with the bloud ofGoates and Calves, cone but with his ownBloud ,which is of Hea yen . O what a great matter is this, that God kath thed his own bloud for us , loft Souls ! he hath redeenied the Soul only , and not the body of Adam : Therefore was the fleth ofAdam not needfull for thenewcreature, it mud be of Heaven , Now he bath not only given his Body forusonthe Croffe, but he gives us now allohis Body or Fleſh in the Bread , and his Bloud in the Wine, for a remembrance out of the hand of the Adminiftrator, and for our Salvation ou of the brand oftheHoly Ghoft , cogie : 29 For however the Sacraments be high and: Weighty ,yet is our Salvation not by abſor Inte neceſſity tyed to them, but ſtandsonly ån Faith , to the end , that none come fort. I lisala din ei cosi i Chriſt is the Food , therefore doch he take Brçad to giveus his own Body , helis a the

of the Blond of Christ .


the Drinké , and therefore doth he take Wine, and gives as therein his true Blood , in renienabrance of him ; he is the water , therefore doch he coniniand all that bea lieve, to be Baptiſed ; he is the Gardient, for out of his Flelh and Bloud the Soul obtains tlie Heavenly Garnients . : ! O Lord Jeſus Chrift helpethat werighta ly - eate thy Fleſh and rightly drinke thy Bloud , which thou haft fhedde for us , then Hall we begin to live and walkie in Thee , and be able to try all things.



That Chriſt keeps the nature and propriety ofhim , ofwhom be is born ,Hebr. 4. 153

F Chrift'were out of Adam , of the Earth , TE then had he alſo in him the inclination , nature and propriety of the earth out of Adam , and would five after the faſhion thereof, to wit , in hatred , envy, wrath , frife , covetouſneffe , uſury, fornication , glutcony, drunkenneffe ; and although he did not live in them , yet for all that he hould have had an inclination thereto in himſelfe, and ſhould have been coruptible, but B 4


of theLife ofChriſt.

but he is of theFather true God, and of the Holy Ghoſt in the Virgin Conceived , true man from above out of Heaven , God and man :: 1. Lai 113091 The whole perſon is from above , and therefore alſo doth he keep the nature and propriety of his Father, How is the Father'? He is boumtifull, mgek , long -lafering,mercifud ),he maketh hisSonne to ſhine on the eyilland on the good, Mati 5. And ſends raioe on the juſt and on the unul,and gives daily bread to ' all men , and loves alſo his enemies , he waites with patience , and hath no delight in the periſhing of linners ; he would faine that all men hould behelped ,he forces and conſtraines no man, he layes itbefore every nian freely; and what he doth command, that will he workehimſelfe in nran , if ſo be ire doç but give him leave to workein hin . as Şo likewiſe is Chriſt conditioned in the ftate of his humiliation , he is patient, long fuffering,week , pcaccable , mercifull, and ofgreatbounty ,he loves his enemies whe prpies for thoſe thatperſecatehim , he doth, not revenge himſelfe ; he doth good unto all nen , and receives evill and diſgrace for it. 9 Bint

ofthe Lifeof Chriſt,


But thae you may confiderrhe natureof Chrift oud of Heaven ; and the nature of Adam , conipare together the Heavenly and the Earthly Adam ; the Fleſh and bloud of.. Chrif is not rebelling againf the Spirit, bit the fleſh and blood of Adam -doth al weies oppoſe the holy Spirit, [1922

The nature and pro-

The nature and

and propriety of Adam priety of Chriſt & all unbelievers. all believers.

1. To decline and 1. To decline and bend himſelf from all bend himſelfe from God to the creature . creatures unto God . lf 2. To hate himſe 2. To love himſelf to love his neighbour. more tben God and his neighbour. 3. To abborre and 3. To delight and have in abomination have pleaſure in bim all'liis actions and o- felfe, miffions. To looſe hin- 4 To ſeeke andmean, bimſelfe in all things. ſelf and all things. 5. To depend upon 5. To fal from him ſelf, to deny himſelf. I himſelfe and to cleave to bimſelfe. B5 6. To

of theLife of Chriftus 10 Tagbruket Ta bcarpatient 6. ly the Croffe & aftiei 4 Croft and uafflictan ) ons, and yet to deenie :1.from bim 19 and to

himſelfc unworthy of - it.

grumble atitaas ?

7. To alienate Not so alienate. himſelf fronı his ho- himſelf, but to approsis nour , power , skill, priate to bimſelfe bis & c. honor, skil , & c.

8. To be Gods own,.- 8. To deſire to be and notof his owne bisowne, and to live Selfe; to live after the after his own will. will of God. Not to revenge, 2. To revenge bir 2 but to overconię evill | ſelf, co to recompence evil for evil. with good . 10 Not to eſteem his 1o . To louc his own

own life , but to hate life, to defend and so it, and looſe it, Mattb . 10. 11. To love his ene.

deſire to keep it. 11.

To bare bis

mies, to forgive then , Enemy, not toforgive and to pray for them : bim ; to curfebim . Father forgive them . 12 Tö hunblchini


To exalt him

ſelf and tothink him- | felfe , and to ibinke felle unworthy before himſelf worthyer'rbeit gibers , others. Tö o 13 T

of the Life of Chrift;

13. To cake poverty and adverliey , ſweet

13. Not to fakepor verty and adver fity,

and lowre, nuuch and ſweet and forore, much little, & c. alike from and little st . alike. God . from God.


14 To have a diſpleaſure iſ himſelf ,and to hate all his actions, Rom . 155

pleats 14 . himſelfe best ofall,

is to desire to bere 15. To defire to be e come conformable to come conformablto Chrift, and to humble God , to be like unto himſelfe with Cbrift, God , to sit at the fide to the death of the tof God without any Croffe: bumility at all. 2015


ThatChrist whois our example patterne andlife dóth Alicnate bimſelfe from his God-bead , and Hotb bumble himſelfe, Pbilip ,2. 6.7.2

the Sonne ofman , yet nevertheleffe he is not born Out of the bloud ofAdam , he is the Sonpe of God, after both natures, God and man : As for his humane nature , that isa


ofthe Life of Chriſt.

is, his Fleſh and Bloud , he hath -it of no niortall mean , but of theholy Ghoſt . It is true, lie hath aſſumed humane na bchavipur, hope, ſendibili- 1 turein geſture , ty,& c. to theend,he mightbeabletogive fs el mſ or hi -.f us un usunto deathyrelle in his dis vine nature only after the Spirit, he could not have died , & yet the Divinc Body dyed . Many are of oppinion , that Chriſt hacli s humane only after hi his , humble it felfe ; and yet beſides, they fay , that Chrif hath aſſumed his body out of the ficth of Adam : But what humiliation be if le bal bumbled bimſelfe in the would fleth of Adam ,which before, is already hum bled, and low enough , and is Deaths own , and of the Earth , good for nothing, a rot ten ſtinking Carkás , and doth not enter It would beno hambling of Chrift at all, if their Doctrine, were inne,

Tay, Divine nature cannhun when they ot ble it ſelfe , & c. only his: humane nature hath hath humbled it felte, and yet that he he affumed his humjne natureout of the Haftung andbloudof Alam , itwould besno no huntzi n g oof Chrift ma all, 1 ſay, if Christ the blin man

of the Life of Chriſt.

13 .

man he had but out of Adams for the Divine Nature bad renained in Heaven , and the fleſh of Adam had been humbled in Chrift, which before was already belonging unto theEarth , and muſtreturneto afoes. Thoſe that teach ſuchDoctrinę,do renta the natures in Chriſt, and make aMonſter of him , as if he were halfe. of Heaven and halfe out of Adam , and yet doe ftill fing publiquely in their Hynis: Not of mans bloud,nor of Aefh , butianlyof theholy Spirit, isthe word of God become a man ,O. Although the Divine Nature cannot humble it felfe,whois above all; neverthe lelle there muſt be a diſtinguifhing betwixt> Diving Nature , and the PerſonsThe Dix vine Nature is indiviGbles cannot humble it felf, doth fill Heaven and Earth : But the i Perſon Chrift, God andmany bath hun blad hįmfelfeiafted both natives;I and yet is his Godthead.or DiwineNature in the Fair ther; and the Fathetinchim , sas. hveioften ſaies in theſtate of his hunniliation . This is indeed a great abaſing, and a

greathumility,that Chrift doth appear in the fleſh upon Earth ; takes upon him the fornie ofa ſervant , comes in the ſhape of finfull fleſh ; iscounted among the malefac tors,


of the Life of Chriſt .

tors,whereof the Apoftiefpeakes,Philip. 2 ! Let' tlies fame minde be in you, whichwas allo in Chriſt few mobobeingin theform ofGod ,thought it no robbery tobequallwith God : bur made bim ſelfe of no reputation , and tooke.spón bin the forme of afervant, and was made in obe likeneſſe ofman, And being found in Fabion as a man , berbimbled bimſelf becameobedient unto deáit, cven the and e, deaiboftbe Crope. - * . Owhat a great thing it is! That the Sonne ofGod with his Heavenly Fleſhand Bloud is buried in the Earth : but as for Corruption , his Fleſh hath not ſeen it, for he wasofthe Holy Ghoft , and not of the carthly feed . Secing Mary wasa daughter of Adam , tif Chrif had aſſumed his Fich of Mary, andnotof theHoly Spirit ; then had he received it out of Earthy feed , and niult havebeeri But not fo, Carin God and Man, thie ! wholeperfon is ofHeaven , and hathhimii bled himlelfe,andmade himſelfdow.odi 9:


of the Lif






AP .


of Chri




ze " . 31

That Chrifbath no proprietyofwill , but dah maliar in the higheſt obedience ,Joh. 5:30.

nerate, becauſe they are born of God : how much more Chriſtthe Naturalt Son of God , as

the firſtborn is without propriéty of his will, as he ſaith himſel 40. Pfalmi te in the himicife LoeI am come to doe iby will: that is , to per forme the true Sacrifice , and to walke in the higheſt Obedience, The chiefeſt good that Chrift dotti uoto

*** abs own will; therefore he comniandsalſo his ; & c.For in lyesthe matter , which thewill is of grea teft confequence . God and his Son Chriſt force no man , cither to go to Heaven, or to go to hell, to

the end, thatno saan might havo caule to complainę that he muſt beforced to be made good or bad :many would fain lay the blameuponGod, and ſay that God wil not

16 .

ofthe Life of Chriſt,

not convert them ; that God doth danine them : But that they are damned is their own fault, becauſe they do not reſign their willunto him , who demands it at their hands. Chriftdemands ofevery one Faith,that is,religration, that man fháil' religné liim felfe unto him , then will Chriſt himſelf do further in him ,whatis to be done. By free- will'none can convert himſelf, but by free-willbne, mayprejudice hini felfe, and finder his convertion ; fo it falls heavy upon the finner , that hewould not's And the cauſe of damnation oughtnot to as wickedand wickra alle falle be imputed to God this When through thefore-going Graceof God, thoù haft reſigned thy will; then doſt thou become a believer , the Holy Spirit dachh come to thee ; in hini ariſeth the Re

to thee, to thatthere is gorten a new body; therefore are Children fittelt for Regeneration , becauſe they doe not make uſe of their will ." Chrift had the freelt will of all, for hce was for his own ſelf, buthis Fathers,there

wasno propriety with him he was the motobedient,not only to theFather, but ' to

of the Life ofChrijl .


to allmen; for he that is withiout proprie ty of his will, is obedient to God , and is reſigned . 2 2 : He that will be obedient unto God, muſt be obédient to all Creatures for Gods fake; for the Creature is not his own, but Gods. Hence Cbriftdoes not reject the evill, he forgoes his Right, he ſufferspatiently. By this we lee, that if we wil be Chriſti ans, and yėt:will give battell to and fight with the Turke; then doe we relift God, wee doe réfiftithe evill, for the Turkeis not his own, but is the rod of God, whereby diſo bedient menare chaſtizéd , he is the ſervant ofGod ,as Nebukadnezer was over the Jewes. He that will be relighed and obedient to God, muſt alſo be obedient and fubject to all wicked nien ; but if he fhould defendand oppoſe himfelfe , then would he fall into propriety of the will go which Chriftonpi Head and Maſter never did nor taughtlindo

CHAP. V Incarnatori That Chriſt hath no propriety in goods , but pofefferb all things in God , as if be had thens · mot, Marth . 8. 20.ston Here there is no propriety ofiwill, W: there is no propriety ofgoods , for where


of the Life of Christ.

where the will is religned , there are all things religned . In Chriſt there was no propriety ofwill he did notwhat he would hinilelfe ;but as his Father would ; Farber if thou wilt deliver mefrom this boure , but not mine , but thy willbe dorie. But where there ſhall be no propriety of will , it nuk be ofthe new birthi from above .

Chriâ was himſelf Regeneration , or the new birth from above , whence it follow eth , that no propriety of will was found in Chrift, andfurther, out of this follow ech , that Chriſt had alſo no propriety of Goods, før he was not of the fleſh and bloudofAdam , which ſeekes for propriety in all things. Hewas of Heaven , and had nothing to doc with corporall earthy Goods ; Hence was, that onc' mult heare the anfwer of Chrift,wobarbmademe Judgebermixt tbee-and tby broiber , when he complained , Lord,my brother wil not deuide tbe Inberitance with me, & c. 1.Chriſt is fo mach without propriety of thegoods ofthe body , that he hath not, nor will have anything to doe with the body it felfe : He being only the eternall body and Heavenly goods , therefore there

oftheLife of Christ.


is no ftrifè amongſt Cbriſtians about ear thy goods, they poſſeffe all things in Ries fignation , i, aona There cameon to Chrift; and ſaid, Lord I will follow thee,wherefoever thou hoeft nihee , thought to findgoodswith him barcChriſt anſwered , the Fcxcskave boles;and tbe Birds of theAyre bave nefts,but sbe Sorine of man hathnot wberean to lay bis bead ; as if hee ſhould ſay; Thou ant mightily miltaken , if thou look eft for temporall goods atmy hands , nei ther am I comc for that purpoſe into the world. The Children of Alan, who are like Foxes and Birds, doe build Houles . Nafts, &But I am not af Adan , nor doe i bedle fooliſhly with the propriety of Houſes, Lands, Goods, & c. I am a Gucftand a fran ger in the world, and all my followers are likewiſe fo conditioned as I am , they poſ felfe all things , as if they poffeffed them not, they have all things , as if they had theninot... Vir Even asa gueſt or traveller only doth cate in theInne, and then gaeth his ways but fedoch not takefrom the Hoft along with hiảthe Table, Chamber ,Houle ,& c. when lie goeth on his way : Even fo was Chrift


oftheLife of Christ,

Chriít a Gueſt in theworld ; he did caran drinkė, as wedo , but had no propriety, and ſo we are all ftrangers,we havebrought nothing into this world, northall we take any thing ont of this world , we muſtleave bchinde as the Earth , tle World, and all that is in theWorld , therefore izoekingas our own of all that which is in the world , but what is in the inwardmangas theKing dome lafGod, that is oqr owire through Chritt, and that no man can take from a jina ! CHAP . VII.

TkaribeLife of Cbrift is the peaceableft y love lieft and faeetest af allLłoes. Mantl. 14:30 to magis divryhiloot 17Hat:Chriſt teacheth and lives VV that he is himfelfe ; he faith, My

peare I gide unto you ;Idoenot igivoitunto you is the nearlsdosbgiveaiadoin me bade you'Joy, and full content,inimeidae you find reſte furijourSouls He that is born ofGod of Heaven , isa'nei creature , he that is a new creature is no prore his own,but his who hath begotte and borrhim ; he thatis nou hislowmfelfest is delivered from himſelfes and bath nv propriety of will ; hath no propriécy of goods neither. And

of the Lifcof Chriſt .


And hee that hath no propriety ofwill and goods, hath relt, peace , and full con , tent.


he is peace Now Chrif gives peace, and himſelfe ? whence ic followeth , that the Life of Chriſt is the lovelieft of all , Lives, that ever was or can be. Chriſt.hach taught us the beſt way to Heaven, to will hislife for himſelfe ,for Chriſt is the Lifeiçſelf,andhe that walks in Faith, doth walke in the Life of Chrift ; which is lovelieſt and ſweeteſt ofal, in Hea ven and in Earth ; for there is nomoletta tiop, no loathſomnelle , no bug meere peace,ret, and full content that Although the outward man muft beare the Croſs,which yet is the eaſieſt and ſwee teft thing that can be in the world , for Chritt beares it in himſelfe Cone to mee, faith be, and fee, besp.eafiemy koke is phared home light myburtlen is, with medoe see finde reſt for your Souls : Why I pray, is the Life of Chriſt To ſweet and ealie ? Becauſe thereis no pro

총 priety in willor goods, for every man is the greateſt burthen , and moleftation to himlelfe, but hethat is unburthened fron hinilelfe, is happieſt ofall. The more propriety inmill orgoods,the nior


oftheLife of Chriſt.

more difqaietneffe, diſcontent, forrow of heart , and eternalt damnation : And the lelle propriety in will and goods, the greater reft, peace, comfort, and eternall falta ; 9901911 *). Lot tion. No man can have , or tait; the peace o Chriſt, or the life of Chrift; thar remaines in propriety ofwill and goods; therforefuch

a one hath the greateſt dilquttetnes, and the life of Chriſtismoft difficult and bitter to him . Di Sici O Lord Jeſus Chriſt deliver me from my felfe ; then am I free of all vexation , and find thy peace aboandantly ; and mait con feffe , that thy divine life is the beſt, nobleft 3 and deareft of all!



That- Cbrift Noth not guarrell nor goe to law


tempèrallgoouls, nordorb kill,or put any man to deatb . Math . 12. '19, 52 7 Here peace is, there is alto Chrift: where Chriftis,there is alſo his life; now the life and walking of Chriſt is, to


be quite without propriety of wil and goods to pofſeffe nothing as his own . Hee

Gfthe Life ofChriſt.


Heis the heavenly Alam , therefore is he a ſtranger here, but in Heaven above the creatures is his Country ,he cares not atall for earthly and temporall things, and if he had then , he would part" with then Withouit gain -ſayings for he that ſaith ; If any one will take thyCoate from thee, lethim bave thyCloake alſo; certainly he doth not quarrell or goe to law , hetakes Wronge and forgoeshis right Peaceable men doetiotquartöli; Chrift is peaceit felfe : Thoſe that have nothing of their owne, doe'not ſtrive about it; for Chrift had not whereupon to lay bis bead. He that faith , see hall not refift the evill

hot ſhould he drive

. Hethat bids 7;

give , and to lend, without looking forreturn how fhould he goe co law or Courts ? Now what Chrift commands and teach eth , and he himſelfe alſo lives, that doe al to all believersbyvertue of thenew birth ; they doe not goe to law for temporall goods, much leſſe doe they kill any. ong for teniporall goods;theywould bear wic neffe againſt themſelves, that they had ra that have petíthable goods, then Chrift atid the love of the Neighbout would ceale in fuch going to law , and the love of tem . por


of the Life of Chrift :

porall.goods would advance, and theun believerswould ſcandalize and ſay, if any thing were to be looked for from Chrift or from the heavenly goods, they would not,ſtrive, about iteniporall perilhable ciri -ui: goods. Therefore faith Paul,there isutterly a faul amongst jou, becauſe gee goe' tolapo onewith ano 2bet abouçtemporall But they that belongto Chrik doeno

ſo ,they letrather this: Goat and Cloak together to be taken from thehi, then that they wouldgoe tolawfor temporall geoc fake. HC 4TICK994 Pabid suit & HAP I Xavl hijoill Vio pole bana's Stokisool inode That Chriſt dato not put fingers to death, as Mol dida, mor, doth not chaley on barito Heretick sthole, that are left and converts the and tryckfalle teacherte and Aruns themije jürl gob 7

1191119 ,sot vel oja

is atrue ſaying and worthy of all ae 1 çeptation , thapJeſus Cbriftis caune into it! por ld "to save finners , he is come to cure tha whichis hurt or wounded , and to reyiv or tobring to life, that whichwas dead H

25 of the Life of Chriſt . Heis cometo ſeeke thatwhich was lot, and he is not ſent into the world to judge,condemn , or put to death any man , but that the world ſhould be ſaved by him . Alas ! how ſhould this niceke, bountiful Lord, the Phyſician of Souls, put to death any nian either for finnes, or for religions fake; he hath nothing at all to doe with the body of Alam ,hehath not aſſumed the fleſh and bloud of Adam , he is conie from Heaven , and not from the earth , he cares not for the outward worke of the body, he regardeth the inward finner , which is the true malefactor, and not the body of Adam . He is come not to aboliſh the Law , but to accomplith it ; Now the whole Law of God doth not ayme at the externall man , which he careth not for, nor hath he Rien deemed it, neither doth he damne nor fave it; the Law I ſay , will have the inward nian , and there Chriſt doch accompliſh the Law , heregardeth the heart , if the inward man be ſtated in Faith , then is the outward man well governed : finne is in the inward man , upon him hath Chriſt mercy. If he doth amend through his grace, and converts ; then doth he forgive finne , if C. not ;

of the Life of Christ. not ; then doth henot punilh corporally, but with eternall damnation . If Chrilt were borne of the felh and

bloud of Adam , and not of Heaven ; then would he have the nature and inclination of Adam : fo that he wouldhang thieves, be head adulterers, rack with thewheel mur therers, kill hereticks, and put corporally to' death all manner of anners. But not ſo , be is borne of God, of Heavenly Fleſh and Bloud, and keepes the nature , in clination and property of hisFather. Heſaith , as I live, I willnot tbe death of fin ners, but that they be converted and live; he alſo

ſayes in the ſanie mercifull nature ; Thou Jhalt not kill : Now the Fathers nieaning is, as he hath ſhewed in the time of Cain and Lamech, tbat no man ſhould be put to death, nei ther by right nor out of oralice, neither thepublika Jinner, nor the heretick: ſo that he alſo gave a Commandement in the time of Noah, that whoſoever ſhould putany man to death , bee would revenge tbat bloud bimſelf, doc. This nature and propriety keeps & exerci ſeth Chriſt the Son alío, for he will not put to death any ſinner , murtherers, adulte rers, & c. but Chriſt ſayes, be that is without finne, let bimfirſt caſt a ſtone at her: butthe accu fers

of the LifeofChrist . fers went all away ; for one finner or blinde man cannot or ought not to put to death for lead another, they are both alike: Hath any man condemned thee? No man , Lord ; then Laid Jeſus unto her, neitherdoeI condemn thee; for truly, hee which is dead, Chriſt doth make him alive, he converts hina; Adulte Jers, thieves , hereticks, murtherers , are they not dead Now Chrift will not that ſuch ſhould be put to death , he meanes corporally, but that they ſhould be converted, and live : likewiſe hçe tryes hereticks, but he doth not put them to death corporally , but bids us beware of them and ſhun thenı : heſaith , let the tares grow untill the harveſt ; Man is not conman bded to roote out tares, they may chance to miſtake, and take the wheate inſtead of the tares: only the Angels ſhall do that ſervice in the day of Judgement. But when it is faid , that the Lambe doth kill

noWoolf ; Chriſt doth not.put finners to death ; you muſt underſtand by the Magi ſtrate, to wit, that Chriſt dotli put no man to death , neither by the hands of Magi ftrates. The Jewes excuſe then ſelves in thismanner,we dare not put any man to death, but they did it by the hand of Pilat, and ro C 2

ofthe Life of Chriſt . 28 ſo became murtherers of the Sonne of God. Therefore doth this Antichriſtian ex cuſe avayle nothing ; wee dare not put any man to death but tinncrs , the Magiftrate ought to put to death , and to baạnillrhe reticks . Chrift alone remaines Magiſtrate of his Church , and puts no Lievtenant over it ; Man cannot ſweep the Church , nor piiniſh finners ynto death , for ſinge is not puniſh ed corporally, but muſt bepuniſhed byGod in the inward man with eternall damina tion, if it be not taken away by the Grace ofChrift. CHAP .


That Chriſt doth not defend his Goſpell and Kingcone, by W'arre and Battaile

but only by Grace and Peace , Joh. 18. 36. Lthough Chriſt ſayes , I am not come to A Sword , and to ſet at varience brethren againſt their lifters , Children againſt their Fatlir and Mo

of the Life of Chriſt .


Mother, & c: So that there ſhall be five in one bouſe divided, three againh two, and two againſt three, do: Although he is come to kindle a fire, and to niove warre, yet it is not hismean ing, that for his Do&rin and Kingdom he will make warre , or that he would ap prove of warre , and bloud -ſhedding, for Religions fake . The Gofpell of peace ſets the World at variance, and it is a happy variance, which feperates unbelievers from Chriſtians ; And though the world doe warre and kill, yet doth not Chrift fo , nor thoſe that are his í Theſe ſuffer all things with patience, and da notrefijt evil with violence, although the reſt leffe world doth begin warre, or uſeth the way of violence, yet Chriſt is a Lamb, and thoſe that are his are Sheep, theymake no warre : Ic was never heard , that a Lambe or a Sheepe offered battle to the woolves ; True it is, that they fight daily in a Spirituall war fare , and obtains victories upon victories, but after the outward nian , there is made no warr . Now there may three reaſons be given , why Chriſt or thoſe that are his, do make no corporall or externall warre, as Moſes in the old Teſtament did for a fealon . C3 The


of the Life ofChrist . The firft reaſon is the time ;

Theſecond, iswant of propriety; The third is Faith . If thou kneweſt theſe three, fundamen tally and throughly, then mußt thou con

feffe,that Chrift makes no warre , norciics battle. TheNight isgone, the Day is.comé , faith the Apoftle ; The Law isgiven by Moſes, Truth and Grace is comewith Chriſt , Now the Night and the Law is, nothing elſe but the Old Teſtanient, where theymake wärre againſt the Phililtin's and other Heathens , and . there were reaſons for it. i . But the Day and the Grace is the New Teſtament where Chriſt the Light is come, and hath aboliſhed the Night. * This is the joyfulltime, whereof the Pro phets did fore- tel, that they ſbould turn their Darlike Inſtruments into Sices, and their Swords into Plough -pears ; Tbe Woolfe alſo fhall dwe'l with the Lambe, and the Lyon fall lye downe with zhe Kidde, and the Calfe, and the young Lyon , and abe fatling together ; and a little Child falllead hemi allo he ( that is Chriit ) ſhall not con tend nor make a noyſe. Secondly, where there is no proprietý of will and earthy goods, there can be no war,

of the Life of christ.


warre : He is come to be a Gueſt in the world, and all Believers are but Guefts they let all be taken from thiem ; their con verſation and traffick is in Heaven, not on earth, much leſſe under the Old Teſtament, which is paſtwith the Night. The Faith is Chriſt hinifelfe , and cona

fifts not in the earthy body, nor in the written paper , but in the inward man . No nian can force any man to Faith , or drive him from it, Chrift would rather looſe his Life, then pare there - from . How is itthen , that ſome remaine fa , blinde, and thinke that the word of God , the Saving Faith, muſt be defended by wars and battailes: Faith needs no worldly pro tection, as nominal] Chriſtians thinke: who ſay, that theTurk muſt be oppoſed by warre, becaufe he will rob us of the Faith, and of the word of God : Alas ! certainly it is not for Faith , but temporall goods, t'hat ſuch bloudſhedding is brought to pas, and Countreys and Nations are aflaul ted . But if we were Believers, and ſtated into Chriſt , and the New Teſtament , then Would we follow Chriſt , arrd over - conie our enemies with meekneſſe, and patience , C4 and

ofthe Life of Chriſt. 32 and not with the Armes and weapons of this world .


That Chriſt doth not revenge himſelfe at all againſt his adverſaries , neither with words, or workes, but praies for them . Luke 23. 34 . 7 Hat Chriſt faith and teachet hi What that ſanie doth he alſo live , and what he lives, that he is hiniſelfe , for his Life and Doctrine is not againſt him, as he faies, Come to me, Learne ofme, for I am mecbe and lowly in heart; Alſo love yourenemies, Bleſse thoſe that curſe you , Pray for thoſe that afflia and perſecute you ,Doe not reſiſt the evill, & c . Such and other the like things hath he ſaid and lived , and he is it himſelfe ; He is without allrevenge, hee beats not avaine, when hee is abuſedg and doth not threaten wen bée ſuffers; bùt referres it to him, ibat judgens rightly, i Pet. 2. 7 ! If he were of the feed of Adam of the earth , it could not be , but he would ſhew Adams nature and propriety in himſelfe , ſo that

o the Life of Chriſt.


that he would grumble againſt his enemies, and recompence injuries with the like ; But he is conceived of the Holy Ghost, and keepes the Nature ofGod . So that he remains without all revenge, and walkes in patience like a Lambe a mongſt Woolves, is not ſent into the World to judge,damne,or make any one perij ,& but 10 ſeeke that which is lost : but I pray you, who are niore loſt, then thoſe that beare enmity againftthe Truth ? Now he is tbe Tratb it felfe , be loves all bis e nemies, and layes down his Lifefor them ; ... Hence it is manifeft, that none can be a Chriſtian , and revenge himſel'e of his ene mies, none can be believing, and affault his enemie with warre for teniporall goods fake ; for warre and battaile is thegrea

teſt revenge, thelife muſt agree with Faith, elſe is it no Faith : IfChriſt had revenged himſelfe upon his enemies , he had not been Chrift. At a timewhen he would travaile to fer rufalemn , he ſent hismeſſengersbefore him , which canie into a Village of the Samari tans, where they would have taken up lod , ging for him , but they would not receive -him : His Diſciples James and John ſeeing this, Said,

oftheLife of Chriſt . 34 ſaid , Lord if thou wilt, we will command tbat fire fall downe from Heaven's and conſume them , but Fefits turned himſelfe , rebuked them , and ſaid ; You know not whatfpirityee are of the Son ofman is notcome to deſtroy men , but to preſerve theni. And theywent to another Village ; The Lambe

only ſuffers amongſt the Woolves,and does notrevenge himſelfe, he offers no venge atice, no threatning can be found in Chrift against his eneinies.


That Chriſt is Nandered, laughed to ſcorn , perfecuted , reproached ,for an beretik ,

for a devill, and for a ſeducer ,& c.and is alfo Crucified . Joh. 10. 20 , TOman can hateChrift, perſecute him , or reproach him , for an Heretick , & c but he that is no Chriftian , and no nian cản calumniate Truth , but he nrust be a ly ar ; Now thewhole world dyeth in evill: that is;in imbeliefe and lyes , it cannot a bide Chrift the great Light ; theLambe is come amongſt the Woolves. But there are Three reaſons,why Chriſt is .


of the Life of Chrift,


is entreated by the world , in this man , ner . The firſt reaſon is thewill of the Father ; unto which Chrilt renaines ſubject in all things, and is.come not to deebis opone , but his Pathcts will , he ſhould,fuffer for the world , make an eternall reconciliation , and draw an exact ſample and pattern for allhis fol lowers; therefore was he deſpiſed, ſcorned , Dandered, reproached for anHeretick ,and of allmen deemed to be mad, who was cof allimoft obedient ; He thatwill obey God , mit obey all Creatures , and be ſubjectuu to all men ; In this obedience and patience , he fuffred himfelf to be abufed mocked ,ig nonidioufly en treated ,and to bee faftened

to the Croſſe , and counted amongſt malem , factors, as thegreatelt finner. Theſecond reafon , why.Chriftismock-.. edsMandered , abuſed ,Sc: is, thathis Doce trine and Life, fights against the old Crea ture, and cannot agree with the nature of Adam . Man is out ofEarth ; Chriſt is from

Heaven ; Adam loves hiniſelfe , Chriſt hates Whimſelfe ; Chrift requires theNew creature out ofHeaven ,which he bringsalong with him ,but Adamdelights in the old creature, Chrift brings which is out of the earth the 1


ofthe Life of Chriſt .

the mortification of the fleſh , but Adam wil not dyeto the fleſh , but live in it. There' now ariſeth warre and trouble,ſo that the world faith , that Chriſt is madde , hath a devill, teacheth againſt the Law of God, againft Mofes, & c.for God ( faith the world ) is fo good, that he hates nor kils no man , & c . Now comes Chriſt and teach meth, that a man muſt bate bimſelfe, deny bimſelfe, Loose bimſelfe , nor care for himſelfe , and dye. it Is it not evident, faith the world , that this is againſt God ,he muſt needs be madd , when he troubles men with ſuch abſurdi ties, and contradictory Tenents. Chrift brings a new . Conımandensent,

anexe man, that lives in the Commandements of God with deligbt, that obeyes out of Love. The world will ſticke to the old Com mandements, it will live after the old man , and will ſatisfie the Law of God with Workes, and merit Heaven from God. Chriſt doth conimunicate to . (lis his

Juſtice; but the world will ſtick to its own Juſtice, Chriſt will bring us into freedonie, that we may be delivered from our propri ety, but the world will ſtick to its owne propriety , and not take upon it this ſweete The yoke ofChriſt.

oftheLife of Chriſt, $


The third reaſon of that ignominious

entreating ofChrift ,& c:is, thae the world knowes neither the Father, nor the Sonne, and therefore in ſuch ignorance doth it hate them that loves it, and baniſh thoſe that would fetch and bring it to the right countrey, and reviles thoſe that would bring it into Gloric , and kills thoſe that would make it alive, In this blindnefſe the world goes on ,

that it thinkėth ,it doth ſome great ſervice to God , when it doth put to death fach a feducer, heretick , & c. If thou hadft asked ofall the Jews, they would have anſwered upon their oath , and faid , We doe nowrong tothis Chriſt, be deceives allthe people,ifhewere not a malefactor,we would not have delivered bim to death : as if they would fay ; we are none of thoſe, that would put to death godly,harmleſſe, inno ccent man, much leffe Chrift, This is a Malefactor, á Seducer of the people, "iberefore we doe a good worké, that we rid " the Gounirey ofevilla In ſuch fort is Chriſt reviled , crucified,and

put to death of man .



of the Life of Chriſt,


ThatChriſt doth not eſteem thepraife , or { reproacb if men ,andthat hefiminnes all

worldly honour,Joh. 141. Fa worldly man be reviled , and evill ſpoken of, then doth his heart riſe , and he is angry; but if you doc conimend and praiſe hin , then dath he rejoyce, and is glad of it ; Thecaaſe of it is, pride and felf - love, that men will be ſome thing , whereas theyare but duſt and alhes : But with Chriſ is not so , he never grieves nor isangry , if he be reviled and calumniated , neither doth he ever rejoyce if hebe compended,and praiſed, for he is the humbleft, and luns all worldly ho nour ; Glory and infanzy from the world, is all one to him . And how hould Chriftbe mooved , he is from Heaven, and remaines for ever : Map is but a bubble of water , duft, muſt fade way . True it is, thatChriſt is in the world , in the ſtate of his humiliation , but he doth not

of the Life of Chriſt.


not live to the world; but is dead to the world , and lives to God . A dead nian feels nothing ; he doth not move himſelfe; Ifhe bebeaten or hurt , he doch not care for it. Even ſo hạth Chrift amortified life, in reo gard of the world. Menmay praiſe him , or reprove him , it is all one to him , he doth not care for it; blame doth not grieve him, & praiſe doth not niake him glad. He hath that peace in him , which over

commes the world; &he ispeace himſelfe; though a thouſand ſtand againſthini, and ſay , that he is made a reducer, ahereticke, or that he hath a Devill; for all that his heart is not moved , nor his conſtancy is not changed ; for theinward teſtiniony in the Holy Ghoſt , is and remaines,with hini. • The World doth quite contrary ; It de fires to have a good name before men , and remaines in an evill confcience ; But Plus Conſcientiam quam Famam attende, that is, be more carefull to keepe a good conſcience, then a good report before men : the good name and good report, is earthly : men are fading away; bat a good conſcience re maincs for ever. The


oftheLife of Christ.

The world liath the nature of the devill' it looks for honor of men ,delighteth in ha ving the uppermoſt ſeat,and in being commen ded , this makes it glad ; but if praiſe and commendation be taken from it, then it grieves at it. For whatſoever we.paffe with delight, that doeweloſe with great repining : with the fanie that thou doch delightthy ſelfe, the ſame alſo be an Occaſion of grief to thee; but the peace ofChriſt cannot be fhaken ; it ' affords perpetuall confort , be it in praiſe or reproaches, in honour or ſhame, or in whatſoever condition .

Chriſt alwaies deſired to be hidden , to the end that he might not be praiſed before men : And when they would lay hold on him to make them their King, he made his eſcape upon a Mountain , to thun temporal honourbeforenien.

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of the Life of Chriſt.


That Christ doibnnt force nor conſtraine any man to Faith, or beliefe; but pro

ceeds with love towards allmen . John 6. 67.


F lent meane's to Faith or beliefe , then could he not be Chriſt ; It were no grace at all; he were no Mediator of the new Teſta ment;and faith ſhould ſtand under the Law , which is un -poflible. "He that will not heare it of theFather, and will not be drawne by hini, comes not to the Sonne ; the Sonne doth not force any one by violence, but leaves it to every ones liberty to believe or not to be lieve. If any one will receive faith or beliefe, then hath he in it eternall Salvation : If he will not believe, then hath he eternall DAMNATION ; and that is his owne

fault. The


of theLife of Chriſt .

The New Creature doth what ſhe ought, out of love . The old Creature hoth it by force, and againſt her will. We are nomore under Moes; but under Chrift :no more under the Law, but under grace :

no more under the old Creatiire, made

fat for good workes ; therefore no force nor violence proceeds from Chriſt towards his owne; nor , doth Chriſt conſiraine any worldly man to believe; he ſends forth his Apoſtles, to preach repentance and remmiſſion of finnes; He commands the word to be preached in his Name; but no warre to be made ; no al ſaults or battailes to be given , to the end that Cities and Countries may be driven to the obedience of faith , as ſome people do;thinking that ſubjects muſt be alifaulted by force, and conſtrained to belieye ,and to receive the Goſpel : But ſuch doings in the old Teſtament is aboliſhed . Faith ſtands not in the will of the fleſh , nor in the Body, but in the good will of the fpi. rit, which will not be forced at all. We are no more in ſuch a certain Coun

try, as the Jewes were in Canaan , which muſt exerciſe externall yįſible, corporall Church -rights and ceremonies; as waſbing, purifica


ofthe Life of Christ.

purifications &c. ter of moment, ofChriſt.


in which there is no mat in reſpect of the free grace

Thoſe that belong to God, are diſperſed throughout the whole World , therefore can no man be forced nor contrained to Faith . It would be like the doing of the old Teſtament; but not Chriftian - like. The Apostles were commanded to preach and tu tarry with thoſe tbat willingly ſhould receive the Gospel ; but thoſe that would not harken to it, from thoſe they muſt depart; and not forceany man by violence to faith . Chriſt is Grace 2 and deales in grace and love;and not at all by force of violence or law : Chrift hath before him the inward

man , and not the outward , as Moſes had; thercfore conſtraines hee no man :Itwould be againīt the Goſpel s he dealesin love,and all thoſe that follow him, deale in love and good will.



of theLife of Chriſt.


XV .

That Chriſt is, and remaineth Lord over and puts no Lieutenant bis Church

over it, thatſhould conſtraine men 10 Faith, 2.

Cor. 6. 1618 .

"HE City of God here upon carth , the T holy Church together with the Inha bitants thereof, is no certaine or determi nable Country or kingdonze, as the viſible Ifrael were for a ſeaſon in the Land of Ca Haan ;

but ſhee is in the whole World,


no certaine piace, antis the Aſſembly of the faith full or the Believers .

Over this Church puts Chriſt no Liev, tenant, nor Vicegerent, he remaines him ſelfe Lord over it ; the Lamb doth not Wolve it over the Sheepe ; neither doth Chriſ ordaine the worldly ſword over his Kingdome here one Earth ; and forceth no man to believe , neither by himſelfe, nor. by the hand of the Magiſtrate ; for

45. ofthe Life of Christ . for when he walked on Earth , and prea ched, he did not cleave to King Herod,or to the Roman Emperour, nor called he upon them for their power, that by any Edict, Law or comniandment they ſhould force their Subjects to faith or to receive the Goſpel. But lie preached, only he that would re ceive it, might doe it ; the Profit would be his own, he that would deſpiſe it,might do ſo , theloffe would fall heavieſt upon him felfe; ſo did likewiſe his Apoſtles, they did Rot call for aide from the Kings of the Earth, that they ſhould force their Subjects to theGoſpel ; for it would have comeall nothing ; but they preached according +to to the conimandment ofChriſt; Thoſe that would not receive it , they went out from then , and ſhaked the duſt fronı off their thooes . Hence we ſee , what falſe and wrongfull dealings their are now amongſt men where every PRINCIPALITY orMA GISTRATE thinkés , after a Jewish Mofaicall faſhion , to force their Subjects to theGOSPEL , ſeeing that faitli can abide no force, for a forced F AIT H is no FAITH Chriſt


of the Life of Chriſt.

Chrift hath not ſet Peter over his Church , much -lefſe the worldly Magiſtrates : And Peter, though he was an Apoſtle, did force no man to faith ; much - leſſe ought the worldly Magiſtrate. If the holy Church were a viſible Affem bly, as Iſrael in Canaan , then might a Ma giſtrate conſtrain a whole multitude to faith : But ſhe is an inviſible affembly , not determinated here or there : Likewiſe is faith no corruptible thing, which can be learned on theGallowes or Pillory; there fore can no Magiſtrate govern theChurch ; he is not ſet over it forChriſt will not go vern his Sbeep by Wolves;nor will he recom mend his Church to that which is worfe then himſelfe : he remaineth Lord , and will give his bonour to pone elſe. To bim be glory andpraiſe for ever , Amen .








jsze ai PART



That Paul and allchristians,are not from beneath, of Adam ;bnt new Chreatures, from above. 2. Cor. 5. 17. Itherto hath the life ofChriſt been diſcribed in his owne perſon , as he is the head ,and pttern of all Believers : Now will we alſo conſider the fanc life in al his Mem bers, for they are all ofhin , and remain in him ; and what they believe and ſpeake, chat Came they alſo live;for the life ofall Chri ftians

48. C

ofthe Life of Chriſt.

ſtians is , not againſt faith ; but faith and life is all one , as hitherto hath been fewec in Chrift fufficiently , v Now we take Paul, and other Chriſtians for example , in whom alſo, The meaſuring line or Square of the holy City ofGod and ber inba bitants ſhall be diſcovered ;for whatſoever is a gainſt the life of Chriſt , againſt themeaſuring rule, that ſanie alſo is againſt faith , and a gainft Chriſt himfelfe, which indeed wil not be found in Chriftians. For they live even that which they be lieve, and believe even that which the live.

Now Paul and all Chriſtians , although ac cording to their firſt birth , they be of Ada of the Earth, and are eartbly, mortall and con ruptible, yet for all that through faith is Chrift, they are new crcatures from Hea VCN . Hence Their converſation is no more upon earth but in the holy City of God , in the beavenly Feru Salem which is above; they are no niore of ai earthly , but beavenly mind, and they doe on! care for that which is above; the new crea tnré hath dominion in them , and theol is daily deſtroyed and mortified, they are ſpiritually minded ,in which they have life anc


of theLife of Christ.

and are not fleſhly minded , whereby all -men runneheadlong into death . All Chriſtianshave a twofold body, the one of Atlam of theearth , corruptible, and tobe contenined , and the other of the fleth and bloud of Chriſt, which is incorrupti ble, and happy : The old body tliey leave behinde them , in the new body they live, the old fall quite be put off from them, after the judge ment is held, the Heavenly they take along with them into Heaven , for nothing en treth into Heaven , unleſſe it be from Hea ven ; By reaſon of the new Fleſh and bloud of Chriſt, the Soul is, and is called the new man, the new creature , the inward man . And if the Soulthalt leave the new felh , and cleave to the old Adam , then would the be againe the old creature , the old nian, or outward man . 10 The being of Chriftians hath its begin

ning ofthe new aixth from above , from Heaven, even as the old birth hach its be ginning of Adam of the earth . : { The believing Soul of Paul and other Chviſtians, hath a two- fold fcih : one ear D LI " thy


Of the Life of Christ.

thy of Adam of the earth ; which muſt bee mortified ,untill itdoequite vanilh; the o ther Heavenly of Chriſt, through the Holy Ghoſt : and in this fleſh doe wecome to Heaven . This is the beginning of all Chriſtiani ty, to wit, the new birth of the Spirits out of whichall other thingsmuſt flow ;that fo the fleſh of Adam may be mortified and dye. sijui


101 2. CHAP, H. 1. oldis :17 vioni : White That Paul and all Believers eat and drink. the Fleſh and Blond of Chriſt really,and ed

through Baptiſme.offer themſelves


due with Chriſt . Eph .5:30.



TO man ought to be Baptized , unlelle he doe firſt believe; out of Faith and Nie the Spirit ariſeth theNew Birth zá hereupon every one ought to be Baptized into the fa tisfaction of Chriſt,when he believes, and is willing with Chriſt to deny himſelfe, to looſe himſelfe , to dye unto all woridy pleaſures ; The outward body is ſprinkled with

of theLife of Christ. 51 with water, but the inward is cleanſed by the heavenly water ; there is an earthly wa ter in Baptifmie ,becauſe ofthe earthy body; and yet alt püſt be underſtood Heavenly , the body of Adam gạts nothing to ſerve him for Salvation , for Chriſt hath not redeen ed it : but the Soul, which he hath cloathed with his own Fleſh and Bloud from Hea yen , and ſo ſhe hath a new body , and is a new creature . Now out of whatſoever one is borne ;

that fanie hath he alſo in him, and is fed by it, as the body of Adam is of the carth, and beares the earth within him , and is fed of the earth ; The new man is of Chriſt from Heaven , and beares the fleſh and blond of Chriſt within him, is alſo fed thereof. The mouth of Adam receives bread of the earth , and Wine oftheVine , and he gets nothing by it ; but the inward man receives the fleſh of Chriſt in the bread , and liis Bloud in theWine, for a remembrance. We being men cannot Baptize without water , but the Holy Ghoſt can Baptize without it ; but water is taken for the ear thy niansCake, It workes nothing to lead hini into that , which is from above , D 2 that

ofthe Lifeof Chriſt. that is is to the Heavenly Waters So we being nen cannot give the body and bloud for a remembrance , without bread and Wine": but the Holy Ghoſt loan feed us without Bread and Wine, with the

Fleſh and Bloud of Chriſtis therefore is Bread and Winetaken in the Lords Suppers, to ſignifie , that we Chriſtians are parely of earth , and therewith wee enter not into Heaven , neither can we eate the fleſh and bloud of Chriſt; again , that we are alfo of Heaven , and have an Heavenly body, wher with we doe eate Chrif really and bodily; In the Sacrament; the bread & wine works nothing , it aboliſheth no finne; Salvation and reniembrance ought not to be made all one. If the confecrated bread ſhould feed the Soul to eternall Life ,then muilt theſe errors

follow . Firſt, muſt the bleſſing be turned into po piſh Tranſub tantiation , ſo that the bread Thould not remaine more bread, but would be changed into the body of Chriſt andthe Wine would be Wine no more , but chan ged into the bloud. Secondly , out of the corruptible earthy bread

ofthe Life of Chriſt


bread and wine muſt grow an incorrupti ble body , or the ſupernaturall Heavenly muſtbehad by tlie naturall or earthy ; but as little as the fleſh and bloud of Chriſt is of Adaros fo little alfo is it pollible for the confecrated bread to feed the inward Hea yenlyman . Thirdly, the ordinance ofChriſtwould be quite altered and corrupted , he hath or dained it for a remembrance , the remem

brance would be made to worke Salvation , and all that ſhould have and uſe it , Ihould be ſaved , and all thoſe that have it not , or uſe it not, ſhould -be damned . Therefore we conclude , that the nety creature receives really and bodily , the fieh and bloud of Chriſt , for a remembrance , and that the Holy Ghoft feeds all believers re ally and bodily , with the fleſh and bloud of Ghriſt, to eternall Salvation , or life eter , nall.


54 of the Life ofChrist -14T ?**? ! : 7.713 ron robuskien 19 CHAP. III.

That Paul and all Chriſtians keepe thenam --- there and propriety ofthe new Creature; in mortifying 3 : 9.

of the old .

1 John

Ven as Chriſt che maker of the new creat E creature is from Heaven , and lives an Heavenly life; Even ſo all Believers' are of Chriſt, and live a chriſtian life,that is, they live ſuch a life; as Chriſt lived , they cleanſe themſelves , and endeavour to be pure 'as he is. es as In Chriſt there is no more but one nature,

to wit, theHeavenly , for his fleſh'is of the Holy Ghoſt in the Virgin, but in Believers there muſt be a twofold nature ; the one is Heavenly out ofChriſt,with the new fleſh and bloud , children of God ; the other is the nature of Adam , with the earthy flelh and bloud.

Theſe two are againſt one another , the Heavenly fleſh is wholly againſt the earthy, and

ofthe Life ofChrist.


and the earthy, againſt theHeavenly ; The Apoſtle calls it Fleſh and Spirit. 3600

Spirit is the inward man, becauſe he hath his Heavenly fleſh and bloud of the Holy. Spirit, and never doth fight againſt him, as in Chriſt you may fee.

Fleſ is the outward man , becauſe hee fights continually againſt the inwardman , which is ofHeaven ;hence is underſtood the ſaying of Chriſt , and Paul, Caro non prodeft quicquam, that is, the filefo profits,nothing but the Spirit-quickneth, that is , if Chriſt had in hin the fleſh of Adam of the earth, he could be of noprofit to us, hewould benortall, corruptible , and though weſhould eate it, itwould profit us nothing : but the Spirit quickneth , that is, we have thenew body of the fleſh and bloud of Chriſt, wherein is eternall life , which is borne of the Holy Spirit. ping He that walketh after the Spirit, that is, after the inward man , which hath an Hear venly fleſh and bloud, heſhall live ; But he that walkes after the fieſh, that is,after the old birtli, which is of Adam , or after the ſhall dye. old manhe , The pew body is of Chriſt,the old body is D 4


of the Life of Chriſt.

is of Alan ; If we live in the new body, then the old is ſuppréſt , if we walke after the old body, then thenew is ſuppreft. The niore wehave of the nature aud pro priety of the new body , the weaker and feebler growes the old, and the more wec have of the nature and propriety ofthe old body, the new groweth , weaker. His nature and inelination is to humble himſelfe, to become lowly,to hate himſelf, to looſe himſelfe, to deny hímfelf, to yield up his right, not to refift evill by violence, to overcome'evillwitb good, to forgive his enemies, not to revenge himſelfe againſt any man , to doe good to hisperfecutors, to be peaceable and meeke; to killnobody ,but to convert andquic ken that which was dead, not to go to Law , nor to watreabout temporall things , but to Leave the coate together with the cloake, & c . Contrary wiſe, the nature and inclina tion of theoutward man , is to exalt him felfe above otbers, to love himſelfe, to de fire to be his own , to yield nothing of his

right, to refift evil with force,to overcome evill with evill, not to forgive, but to be of an implacable heart , to revenge himſelfe againt his enemies ,to entreaté his perfecu tors

of the Life of Chriſt ,


tors evilly, to deſtroy that; which is hurt, to go to Law , to ſtrive , to make wärre 2- . bout mine and thine, to part with nothing afall either little or much . For fuch nature and inclination of Adam Believers doe fuppreffe and niortifie with in themſelves , by vertae of the new bitth . Ofthis reade the booke of the Tree of knowledge of good and evill, and the Géra man Theologie.


That Paul and all Chriſtians are minded even as their Lord and head , and live with out proprity of will.


Peter 2 .

13. 14.15.

N Chrift there is no rent, for he is whom ofHeaven . God and Man, and in him there is no fin .

Si But in Belevers their is a rent and fight, tintill corporalldeath ;for after the inward man they are of Heaven , and borne of the baly D 5


of the Life of Chriſt.

holy ſpirit, and ſo they havethe niind of Chriſt, they ſtand in humility, and live without propriety of Will But as they are ofthe Earth , born of the flelh , they are earthly minded , and deſire to live in propriety of will; But Believers live more after the inward man , then after the old outward man ; therefore ſaith the Apoſtle, cleave fast to bumility, for God refifts the proud, butgjves grace toijbehumbles for as much ithen as Cbrift hath ſuffered for us in the fleſhy areyour ſelves likewiſe with the ſame mind . 1. Peter 49 5 . Alſo doe nothing through ſtrife or vain glory, but in lovelines of mind let each eſteeme ; vihers · has onzite things, batedery man on the things of o thers allo; let the ſame mind be int you which wiss al fa in Chriſt Jeſus, wbo, being in the forme ofGod , thought it no robbery to be equall with Gods but vade himſelfe of no reputation, and tooke upon him the forme ofa fervant, and was made in the likenes of risan; ; and being found inz: fafhion as a mana bée bumbled himſelfz, and became obedient unio death, even the death of the Croſle. Phil. 2. 12.

Such and the like do the Apoſtles 1peake to their Auditors and as they fpeake, fo hey live alſo , and fo alfo live allbelieving Chriſta

ofthe Life of Chriſt. Chriſtians live and walker



The whole perſon God and Moan ; did humble himſelfe, when he was upon earth in the ſtate ofhis hunniliation, therefore was the whole perfon , God and nián exalt sed; foe likewiſe every Believer bumbleth himſelfe throughly in Spirit, foul and bo dy and in due time ſhal be throughly exalta ed with Chriſt. There is alſo no propriety ofwill in Be lievers, for he that is believing is delivered from himſelfe, and ſet at liberty, he is freed of the greateſt bond, namely,ofhimſelfe;and lives to God in Chrilt Jelus; he doth not whac he will himſelfe but what Chriſt wils.

Thoſe that the Sonne makes free; they are free in deed, John 8. CR But thoſe are free which are no niore Captives, or tyed , and therefore thoſe that themſelves, and given or are atinated from ver to Chrift, thoſe indeed are freed from the hardeſt captivity, to wir, from their own wils. Therefore doe they live ' in freedome, that is, in the will of God, and ſo nothing can do them any hurtz forChriſt hath ta , ken them away from thenig i and ſo death can


of the Life of Christ .

cannot lay hold on them , for Chriſt bath overcomedeath , therefore he that is belie Ving, is become his; in -whom hebelieves, and is no more his owne felfe, therefore doth he live withoucpropriety of will ,and own plealure after the old man , but he doch bruiſe his head , andlets him not goje forwards.




f That Paul and all Chriſtians do live with orut propriety ofgoodsin theworld .


Tim . 6.8,9, A &s 3.06 .

Here the will is left or reſigned , e Wher thereare alfo al things left together with it , fo that now there is no more any willin man , and njan bath nor worldly goods, but for his needy and pofſeffehand aſeth all things in God. There are heavenly and carthly goods, theheavenly are our owne; no marrcan take them froin us, they cannot forfa keus no not in deach it felf the carthly goods, for tempo

ofthe Life of Chriſt,


temporall life are not our own , they are but lent'unto us for our need . Like asin an Innė, there is meat ſet be fore the Gualty and bedding is allowedi to him ; even ſo all Chriſtians are in this t

World Gueſts y , their Country is above in Heaven .

The World makes propriery oftenspo rallgoods as houſesglands,money , cloachs & c.but chriſtians make no propriety there of, which you may perceive from thence, that if they have a houſe, Garden , money cloaths &c. they uſe it formeere neceflity, and to helpe their diftreſſed neighbout, but when the enenay conies and will takeit from thens, or when any man challengeth it by faite ofLaw , then doethey begin ino quarrell , nor warre about it ; they let it go , that they may but keepe the Kingdome of God , the reaſon is this, they did poffefſe it without propriety , and uſed it in the Lord ,and they have alwaieş acknowledged that they are no perminent goods,but muſt perilh with this World when deathcomes , ſo that they muſt goe from their worldly conveniences, they doe potgrieve to leave them behind for they have not poffeft them with any delight,nor have they made pro The priety of ſtrange goods.

of the Life of chrift . 62 3. The unbelievers and falfe Chriftians cals this doctrin of Chrilt, the doctrine of An ti- chriſt, and therefore they will not fol low Chrift; they make propriety of ſtrange goods, yea, they make them their Idoil, none, either great ones or of the mieaner ſort will part with any of them , but make law and war about teniporall goods, and in fo doing looſe temporall and eternall both together; ſo -ä Warring Prince or King *that goeth to waragainſt his enemy, about a Village, Caſtle Tor City and will ! not part with any thing, if he chanceth to be kill'd; then bath be lost temporall and eternall things both together,& hemay blanae hinilelfe. - All things oughtto be conimon ainongit Chriſtiansj even as the Sunnė, the aireand the water are common ; bar their are ſome. Believers that will not divide, therefore Chriſtians alſo may liave foniething, but. not like unbelievers , but as it is ſeemly for Chriſtians, which poffefſe all things,as if they did not poffefethem in 5 That is, they uſe allthings without pro

t priety, and are ready to return them to the Lord, whenfoever he doth aske for them, and therefore they doenotrejoycemuch , when they get earthly goods, for they are AOC

ofthe Life of Chriſt.


not their own ,nor can they carry away any things with them out out of this world , when they dye; and if they are taken from then , they doe not grieve much at it, becauſe the higheſt good , the Kingdorie ofGod whichz TS is their portion, doth remain with them . Out of all this is to be gathered , that a miong Chriſtians there is no ftrife nor war about that which is temporall, they part with it without gainlaying, ifſabe chat a .. ny lay claimto it. O Bar L'1100 Foxes baveholes ', andbirdshave nefts, biker Chriſt bath not whereón to lay his head , that is, Chriſt is of Heaven , therefore needs Me Ho propriety upon Earth or earthy things.ore 20 lidt ud ! All Believers are childrerrofGod,and w no more children of Adam , therefore have they no propriety of goods in this world , ras Beaſts have , they are no more Foxes or 1991 , isti :99720 Birds . gh * * And tlföti after the otiteataman they Need habitationis; meat, drink . 6. Yet doe they poßeffe all things, as if they had them not, and are ready to leave and forfaks al for Chrifts fake, and they would rather they forſake all-tenperalt geeds ,then forſake theword ofGod bles СНАР.



of the Life of Chrijft

* $ 3 Ydpi) 5117 isis CHAP.


That Paul and all Chriſtians have the peace of Chriſt within them . Col.

3 , 15 .



inconveniences fall upon the

that hemuſt ſuffer poverty, hunger , thirſt, revoiling,ignominous intreating, and lait ly death : But all that is theCrolle , which every Believer willingly beares , and fol loweth Chriſt his Lord ; and although out wardly he is oppreft, yet hath he inwardly peace, Joy, and reſt, for where faith is, there is alo Cbrift, and where Chritt is, there isalſo his life, and where Chriſt and his life is, there is alſo peace . As he faithy mypeace Igive unto Foly not as the world giveth give I unto you ; as if he ſhould The world bath a worldly peace , Гау

where they agree in evill together ,as one thecfe with another , one adulterer with another ,or where one doth believe but to plcafe himſelfe and others, and keeps an ex ter

of theL-ifeof Christ.


ternall peace to the end , that the fleſh may not be mortified But of ſuch a peace ſaith the Prophet, In this peace Ibavegrent anguiſh : Chriſtians out wardly are át variance with the world, but inwardly they have joy and peace with God through Chrift, even in the mid'li of death it ſelfe, which no nian can utter, it confifts more in feeling, then in words. Thoſe that are borne of God , and are children of God by faith, are not their ovn ; thoſe that are not their own are freed from themſelves, and haveno propriety of will nor of goods ; the leffe propriety of will and goods, the greater rek, peace, and full content. Contrariwiſe, the more propriety of will and goods, the greater un -quietneffe and the greater damnation . Chrift cals the cares of this life , ani cvar chargeing, burthen and ſurfeting of the foule, and it is fo and he cals riches Thornes, and they are ſo likewiſe; for he that is en cambred with the cares of this life, and of temporall goods, he cannot and is not fit to undertake any godly thing, the good ſeed will be choaked , Mammon lets him have no reſt, neither The day nor night.


of the Life of Christ .

The foulmuſt not be busthened at all, muſt live without propriety and then it is Cbrifts own , and not its own . True Believers have unquietneſſe and an guiſh in the world , brit in Cbriftthey doe toffen joy peace and full This treaſurenone can take from them , no Thiefe can robbe ther of it, no fire can burne it yea death cannot ſeper ate it from then · All things of the world doe forſake " us, Father, Mother, Brother, Siſter and a threr goods cannot comfort usj onlý. Chrift with his peace will never forſakeus.

CHAP . VII. 1 That Paul and all Chriſtians

doe not goe

to Lan , nor ſtrive about temporall goods , utor doe they put any monto death , Col. 3. 13 .

Twould not be fitting for a Gueſt that comes into an Inne, where nothing is his own, that he ſhould apropriate to himſelfe any things and quarrell about it. All

of the Life of Chriſt.


Al Believers are ſtrangers & Guelts in this World, and have nothing of their owne, fo that they can truly fay, this is mine, or none can take it from me; they are ſtrangers here on Earth , their Country is above in , nor ſtrive about temporall things.278.3.4 The children of this world,which know not Chriſt, change that which is common into propriety, going to law about teni porall goods , yea , one kils another abotit theni, but: among Believers it is not fo ; they doe no quarrell or go to law . It would be a fault in then , if they ſhould be hèires of the eternall goods in Heåven, ånd would here ftrivetogether a bout temporall goods on Earth ; they are ready to yeild up their right, and will rad ther take wronge then doe wronge to others . Such enemies are all Chriſtians to ſuite and law , that they would rather part with their Cloake and Coate, then to goe to law with their neighbour ; for if they Thould doe ſo , then the love of God and ofthe Neighbour would be forgotten , and rhe love of the temporall goods prevaile.

would Chriſta


ofthe Life of Christ .

Chriftiansput not themſelves to ſuch trouble , as the children ofthe World does which quarrell and goc to Law , and when they haveſpent much time in it, yet at laft they muſt leave of. If they willbe ſaved , they muſt come to be reconciled, elſe they will looſe tem porall and ther.

eternall things - both


The Children of God I ſay, doe not ſo, they preſently in the beginning ſuffer tem pórall or earthly goods to be taken from them, and keepe the peace of Christ in : their heart; in chispeace none are killed by Believers. Yea, they would rather ſuffer themſelves

to be killed , then to part with the life of Chriſt.


of the Lifeof chrift



That Paul and all Christianspat no lin si ner to death , nor baniſis Hereticks. I Tim . 5, 22.

Nthe Old Teſtamenty under Mofes, the Hviſiblepeople of Iſrael, were to be kept pure and clean in the viewof the heathenis, and to the Glorie of theName of God , in which Name, not only the Jewes , butt lie heathens alfo fhould be ſaved together Therévill were at that time in the figure punifht corporally, to the end,that if ſoine would not be honeſt out of love and Faith,

yet by force ofthe Law and feare ofpunilli ment, they might not be a ſcandal to the people , or bring in a confuſion amon zſt them. Hence adulterers were ſtoned , thofethat had donemoreher, were killed, and, falſe 5 Prophets were froned to death , for the people in generall as to the whole multi tude were not ſealed with the holy ſpirit,

ſo that they could try theſpirits. Yea



of the Life of Chriſt.

Yea the ſpirit of the Father only was with them as a ſpirit of bondage, and be fides very few among them did live after this ſpirit. im But we in the New Teſtament under Chrift, belonging unto the holy Citie of God , have all the ſpirit of Adoption ( or Filiation comming forth froh the Father and the Sonne, we are fealed with the love of God,ſo that wecan and ought to try the fpirits:but not put to death, we are able to beware of falſe Prophets , and therefore ought notto baniſh thenr.: - For he that is a Christian , receives no harnie by them : He is a rock , and inbelievi

ers which doe not belong unto the holy Church of Chriſt , can feduce no Chrifti ans. Pin If hereticks oughtto be put to death ; then more then halfe of theworld must be put to death , for all the world is againft Chrift. Likewiſe, they put no ſinners to death , for the mercy of God in Chrift , availes with them , as I live I will not the death of a fina ner , but that be be converted and live. Who is a finner ? Anſw .. A thiefe, u nxircherer , an adul terer ,

ofthe Life ofChriſt.


terer , an uſerer , heretick , & c:, theſe are dead ;therefore ought they not to be kil led , but to be converted and quickned. Sinne is in the inward man , and the in

ward part is the nialefactor,not the body, which God will not have kild at all : God will either of grace forgive ſinne if a ſinner be converted , in time of his being in the body, or elſe he will puniſh it with eternal damnation ; Chrift will not that ' the tares thall be rooted out, leaſt thewheat ſhould be plucked up in ſtead of them , the Angels hall doe that not now , but at the day of the Lait judgement; Man bimſelfe is blind and a finner , how ſhould one blind nian lead an other ? how ſhould one finner kill another for finne ? will they not both fall into the darke pit ? 1 Chriftians ſeeke to helpe the loſt Sheeps they help to ctire that which was'wound -- ed , and helpe to quicken that which was dead: If they nould not do ſo , but ſhould kill finners and hereticks, ( which as yet is

impoſſible ) then the Lordwould ſay ; 0 than wicked ſervant; I forgave thee all thy debts, and all thy finnes,becaujë thou deſiredſt mee; ſpould not thou alſo being alive in body, bave bad compaſſion on thy fellow ſervant and brothers for whatſoever tbou

of theLife of Chriſt. 72 thou wilt , that men ſhould dae to thee , tbou sbalt even ſo doe to them ;as if thou hade fallenins to ſuch a finire, thou wouldit defire gir that men ſhould have mercy upon thee, uot kill thee, but convert and quicken thee ; like wiſe conſider, that thoa being a ſecretfins ner, as thy neighbour is a publiquefinner are in the like condemnation with . Chriſtianity ſtands in the inward mani, which through willing obedience in puri ty lives before God , and doth not ſtand in workes of the life, asJudaiſme did; befides, finne is Spirituall ,and none can paniſh it, but God. By Faith are Chrifians godly, and re maine righteous inwardly, not out of feai of puniſhment. But if anyone out of infirmity, ſhouk fall into finne corporally; then Chriſtian are at hand to lift him up out of his fall

but they doe not kill him . Paul ſaith , If thou baft admoniſhed a beretick once or twice, then ſhun him , he doth not fa kill hin : And the adulterer of Corinth, he gave to Sathan , who after he repentedywa to be received againe, but ſtruck not off hi head . S


So did

ofthe Diféof Chriſt 73 Chrift to the woman ; that was

taken in adultery, for he ſaid ,'He that is Without finne, let him first-eafta tone dt hier , and tbey. all goingapays Chrilt ſaid , goé andfinns no more . Hence it is to be concluded , that Chriſt jans muſt not kill , nor baniſh any man , whether he be a hereticky or a finner , but they must bchavekhemfelveseven as Chriſt their Lord hath dond , and accompliſh the conimandenient ofChriſt with love.. GemiTrigonul D Dís il som

se !

!!! : zlichschap. DOTM

( 2003 ) IX

los de wbout us

That Paul and all Chriſtiansdoe not dem fend the Goſpel byforee, warres , on

battails. 2 Cor. 10.3.4 .


nord Voilsiu 1 : 1 : 13 THough it be moſt affured, thiatChrifti ticks, yet ſomefalſe Chriſtians are found, which doe teach and ſay: It is true; Chri ftians themſelves put no man to death , but they may doe it by the hands and powerof the Magiftrate, and ſo they may punith evil E to

ofthe Life ofClivit 74 to the death , and defend the word of God by theſword ; & c. cobaning ilog But this is quite gontrary to the life af Chrift, to proceed with yiolence by that

hand ofthe Magiſtrate . Say gheyathe Magiksateispfi God ; and ought to punila the evil]Plia ja nens. Anm.arf the Magiftrase be afGod ,therr dathabe ,Rulans and sinupders lift n anda dothmatag againk Chaith door bio los If he be ofGod , be knowsthat Godris mercifull, and doth not kill finners , not banilh hereticks: but if he be more unmer .. cifull then Chrikyhis Lond and kills ; then the Lord will ſay to that Magiftrate: 0 thou micked ſervant, have I forgiven thee all thy debifa and thou dealeft umbronberty with rby Neighbour. and fębis bands and feet shall bebound, and becaſt into eternalldarkeneſſes.. Even ſo doth it go alſo with defending of theFaith : falſe Chriſtians will defend that by the Sword, by the hands of theMa giftrate; which for allthat they have not , and they wil defend the Life of Chriſt with warre; and yet in that ſame, they are, and act dire&lyagainſt the Life of Chrift , i and have it notat Buttrue Chriſtiansare Sheep ; and fol. low


ofthe Life ofChrift


Tow after Chriſt the Lanbe. whetherſoe pain1971 ver hegoet!ı: Chrit doeli hotwarte, lredoth not give batcaile : Even fo all his followers, they dd

not crave aid of the Magiftrate, they plane not their Doctrine, nor propagate it with the Sword ; for itwould be quite contrary


to the Goſpel of peace Paul wentintothe Cities with feare ant trembling ; to Preach theyet but yet with the power of the Spirit. Thoſe that would not receive it; free did not forcethem to it by warre : bat he that will go to war with the Sheep, thall quick lý be overcome. We are no more under Móſes ,of a certain multitude,that'we Should thinke, afterthe viſible maltitude to bethe Church of God ; nor ſhould we therefore go to Warre againſt enemies, or the Turk ,and beate him , ascft times happened , where they that would defend the Faith, againſt the Turke; had no true Faith. For where Faith is there is alſo the Life of Chrift; where the Life of Chrift is , there is no warre made with corporall wea pons: yet it often happenis, that two cona trary parties doe draw their weapons toges ther, and fightabout the Truth ,' and each of them háth his Field - Chaplaines with E 2 him

ist 76 of the Life of Chr . e ach ot hrift r ſ t m e e i e r h b ;b t p r eC , no ach hey aith r th s here pre t F , for whe Fai i ,t eo th r all s the ut empor ing ,much leſs mur abo t on th i t g h y u i t n abo Fai and Rel : aello ,the ca v y s h i s t g a e po pr ve on bot ſid ; for t us our finne ,as i e m nſ We forg the that ſinn aegnaeiſle us, for to kill y v m i e the ene , is no forg of ſinn , at y ur inj . Allo, none of either ſide can worthily receive the Lords Supper; and yet there is

Preaching practiſed , praying,Receivingof the Sacrament,and all is quite againſtChriſt; Thereupon they warre and figlit together, not in the name ofChriſt, but in the name of him that ſet theni together by the eares : Whether they doe goe both , is cafie to bee gueſſed ." The whole world will not be perſwaded, that ſuch fighting and warre is againſt the the New Teſtament,and againſt the Life of Chriſt; therefore what is not doneby baty țailes againſt Chriſt, that is done by the hand of theMagiſtrate, out of a godly zeał, as they ſay, and they baniſh and killHere ticks; thus they will by violence protect Faith ,

Ofthe Life of Chriſt.


Faith , which they have not - aç all, as the fruit ſhewes . Behold,what the pretended Evangelical! Faction have intended , and endeavoured theſemany yeares; theywould defend Faith with a powerfull hand, and if they could, they would have done it: One party againſt another; one baniſhes the other, kils the oó, ther, calumniats che other, and there is no end. O , if wecould altogether be humbled be ! fore God, and acknowledge our finne , and, our blindnefle one to another ! that we are

the quite gone aſtray from Faith , and from Life of Chriſt ; then might our miferiës be helped: but becauſe every one lives after his own heady falion , and rejects the Corner Stone; therefore aft comes to nothing , whatſoever is undertaken or proſecu , ted: How can tares roote out cares , there is no good inus truly ,unleffe we be of Chrift: but he that is of Chriſt, doth not baniſh he seticks, nor kill any ; for if a heretick bec baniilt out of one country, he goes into a nother, where Chriſtians are found as well as here ; for the Church of Chrift is not de termined in a certain country, amongſt the E 3 viſible

of the Life ofChrist. viſiblemaltitude, And beſides, it is to bee proved who is an heretick ,I fearehe isſuch a one himſelfe, thathelpeth to kill, perſe cute , and banilh others: but by this, every one muſt evidence and bewray himſelf, that he doth not belong to the Sheep -fold of Chriſt, becauſe he doth not deale like a Lambe, but like a Beare and a Woolfe. 1




That Paul and all chriſtians, are without revenge, and doe not beate again , when they arebeaten ,1 Pet. 3 : 9 .

ill and revenge, is not yet quite dead in believers; nevertheleſſe ,they as they are regenerate, doe daily remember the ſaying of Chrif,Maith 5. You shall not refast evill,but puercome evill pith gaed; whoſoever ſhall mite thee onthy right checke, turne to him the other alſo, that by rather then beat againe and revenge tby ſelfe, tbau ſhaltſufferthy ſelfę to befmitten againe. after the Lambe The Sheep follow whether ſoever he goeth ; Chriſt walkes in pati

Ofthe Date of Chrift.


patience,withoutallPrevenge , and prayes dori hisenemies: fo doe Believers allo ; what Cheth hhth done and taught, that ſame al fo dee thio fe that are his . .: Thepefore doth the Apoſtle Paul exhort albelievers to walkein the Life of Chriſt , Rom . 12. Recompence to no man evill for evill, Previve for things honeft'in the fight of all men, if it be ponible, as much as lyeth in you ;Live peace réverge notyour dibly with allmen ; Defarily plabeloved teain to wrafi , for it is written ; Vengeance ü mine, and Iwill repay, faith the Lord; therefore ifthine enemybunger feed bimi if he tbirſt give him drinke, forin ſo doing, thor built heape coales of fire,upon bis bead's hoiBenot th good with overcome

yPet. 2. I ſaid Chriſt bath left is an example , we ſhouldfollow bois Ateps, whodid not finne, what Meither wis guilefound inbis mouth,who woben bec 5 was reviled , reviled nçt againe,and when he ſufferody tbteatnediol, bur committed bimfelfe to him jat jaugethrighteddfly. True té is, when Chritt was ſtricken on the face before the high Prieſt , he ſaid , Why ſmirepfubotime? If Ihave poken évill, beare witneſſe of the evill, butif well, doloy,ſmiteſt thou he ſtruck not againe , and rather mee? but then he would ſtrike againe, he would have fuffe E 4

oftheLife of Chriſt. ſuffered himſelfe to beflrucken againcap So doch Paul ſay to the high Priest, that commanded them that tood by him to 80

Smite him on the mouth, God fall foite thee thou whited wall, for ſitteſt thou to judge me after the Law , and commandeſt me to be fmitten contrary to ibe Lan . To be ſhort, Chriſtians doe not take re venge on their enemies, they doe not re compence evil with evill, they commit ven geance to God; if therefore Sheep doe not take revenge ofWoolves , it is to be con cluded , that no warre ought to be made for war is the greateſt revenge. If theMagiſtrate be a Chriſtian , then doth he deale as little againg the Life of Chriſt, as his ſubjects doe, for to be with outrevenge, andInot to recompence evill with evill ,is as well ſaid to Rulers, as to 3 private Chriſtians. But whoſoever maketh warrey is no

chriſtian , buta Woolfe, and belongs not tas the Sheep fold , nor hath he any thing to expect of the Kingdome of God, nor may ? the warrs of the Old Teſtament of the tinico of darkneſſe ſerve his turne. For chriſtians deale not after a Mofaint call earthy falhion , but they walke in the

of the Life of Christ.


the life of Chrift;withoatall revenge,whe ther they be of the greateſt orthe meaneſt fort, whether they be Magiſtrates or Sub jects.


That Paul and all Chriſtians are perfe cuted , reviled, called Hereticks, Den vils, fa &tious perſons,jea at laſtare or may be put to death ; 1 Pet.4.14 .

E that will have a good report before I the world, and will not care rather for a good conſcience, must not thinke to be come achriſtian, for the very liberty of all chriftians, is mutuall Love, and the holy Croffe, that they muſt be perfecuted by the world , reviled , and landered to be Here .. ticks, Devils, factious one place to another, yea impriſoned or firſt, this is the will of quiteput to death : for


God; that all that will live godly in Chriſt Jeſus fballſuffer perſecution , all that will inberit and reigne with Chriſt in Heaven; muft firft on eartli Juffer, and dye with bim . ES Who


ofthe Life of Chriſt.

Who can be deified or pade conform able to God in the ſtate of Glory , that hath notbeen frit Chriſtified , or nade con formable to Chriſt in the ſtate ofthe Croſſe, for even hereunto were yea called( faith Peter ) be cauſe Chriſt alſo ſuffered for us, leaving us. an ex ample, that we ſhould follopo bis fteps, whodid not finne, 2 Pet. 2. Secondly, the reaſon of thisperſecuti one on and reproach of being Hereticks, is con tracy to the world ,becauſe the Life ofChriſt is quire contrary to it, and it is tiot tolé rablefor the darke world ,toſuffer fo great a Light; the world is as a darke pit ,which is full ofworms: Iftherfore any one doth lift hiinſeife fronithence to the Light, and be conga Chrikian , and wilhenceforth walk in theLight, and teſtitie thereof ; then luch a Light, leemes monſtruous, ſtrange to the earth wormes,they cannotabideit; , even 2sthe Sea dothcaltout the dead, for chriſti

ansare dead to theworld,theylive to God, they are a croſſe and trouble to theworld, which theworld will not abide, and there fore it doth baniſh and put to death chofe are chriſtians. that are ir Th dly, this perſecucion proceeds allo front Ud


ofthe Lifeof Christ.


from algoddi intenti thewoxld thinkes it döth a great pieceoffervice to God, when ist ikils hi ereticksand shoorn For Chriſts fake, is Chrift-baniſhed and perſecuted. Looke upon the pretended Evangelicall faction , doe they notperfecute their advera faries for Chriſts fake? They have no bad they think they doelenviceto God , intent when theyimpriſonand put to death here ticks and linners.


Seeing theyhave nopower of their own, they crave ayd of the Magiſtrate, through 2 him doe they accompliſh their deſigne, To - they will not doe it themſelves; but itmuſt be Piate thatmuft doe itsesp -

an Butby this they manifest themſelves that they are no Chritians, butwolves, forno - Sheep bánilheth or chaleth the woolfe, no Chriflan kils an kereticky they fhall put il you ont of their Synagogue, yea - the time fhall come that whoſoever kils you , will think that be dorb Godgoodſervices If they have calledthe Lord Devill ſurely they will not ſpare you ; therefore they muſt be reviled before the world and men . Om


09 Let us take care that faith be kept in a pure conſcience; evill reports doe not hurt Chriftiansa


of the Life of Chriſt.

Chriftians, it isbut areport andjudgement of the day of man , which muſtfoon vanitby but a good conſcience before God remainsi estreia 15313 eth for ever.

1.11:43 ogsisi CHAP. XI Coritust

That Paul and all Chriſtians, doenot care

for the praiſe ofmen,nor for their re proach ; honour, infamy and ſhame, is all one to them , i Cor.4. 3.

Aul faith , with me it is a very ſmall things that I ſhould bejudged of mans judgements as if he ſhould ſay thusmuch ; Men are lyars; therefore they hate the truth , and althougla i they hate the truth , yet fhall they perilo with their lyes, but truth ſhall remain form cver . Although a thouſand men rife againſt - one Chriſtian , and ſay altogether that hee is an Heretick , Devill, & c . yet he is nota i grieved at it, for hisconſcience in the holy Ipirit beares himwitneſſe,that there is no thing laid to his charge before God,

oftheLife of Chrift. 85 If a Chriftian be comniended , he doth


Rot delight in it , he regards not fuch ſtink sing praile; And if he be reviled , he is not greatly moved at it; for no man reviles truth u , nleffe hebe a lyar,'no man calleth Chriſt a Devil, unleffe'hehimſelfe be of the Devil, and none baniſheth another, 'as an Heretick, unleffe he be an Heretick himſelf: To a worldly man it would be a great grief, if he ſhould be reviled, for his con ſcience doth convince him , that there is no wrong done unto him , for he is wicked naturally, and to a worldly man it would be a greatpleaſure and delight, ifhe ſhould be flattered , and commended , becauſe he kuves himſelfe. But a Chriſtian rejoyceth , if hebe igno'. mịniouſly entreated by the world , as Chrift faies : Bleſſed are you , when men ſhall hate you, when they ſhall ſeparate you from their company, andMallreproachyou, andcaſtyou outasevilido ers, for the Sonne ofman's ſake rejoice you in that day, and leape for joy ; for Behold your reward is great in Heaven : for in the like manner did their Fathers: unto the Prophets, that have been before you ,Matth : 5.andLuke 6. Alſo , thinked

the Apofle faies : " Beloved , concerning the Hot strange



of the Life of Chrift

fiery, tryal which into try guys,though Fone:Shienge thing barned unto you,ibuprejovce in al nasis as you are partakers of Chrifts fuffering so that wbiz hisgloryfallbe revealąd, joumaybegladialfo:with faqeeding great joy ;.ifreeskats reprosthed farne nameofCrif bath are restrarplats 4.5 lindo Angalthough Shriftians do e tiffstifach perſecution, yet doe they offendno matt ,

but behavethemſelves af becomes the ifenventof God, in great patience in apliction is in diftreffen by bongur and diſhonourt by prill gefert Jaredigrord ang report aspleceivers, andiyet tryggja ankrogg yet well knopen , & c : 2. Cor. 6. If the world hate it hatedmebefore that it hated You, you know that you faith Chriſty Ifyou wereof the-wonkida tulee world would love his own , & c. Rememberitbe vara thatI ſaid unto you ; the fervantisnot greater then bis Lord, & c. But all theſe thingswill tliey dea sunt to you for my names fake, &c. Now let every man take heed ; that he doe not thinkes that,this Scripturemakes only for hjxpart, and that his adverſaryis quite in the wrong; every heretick can al, leadge Scripture for himfelfe againſt ano ther, he may have Scripture, but not the life of Chriſt: Lookupoir thenowpretende ed. Evangelicallfaction , kiøw one party doth revile perfecute and maligne the o thera

of the Life of Chrift.


mather, pretending thènı to be hereticks, & c. and yet both are against Chrift; for he tirar pretends riallery of heretičks,is an heretick

himſelfe without queftion ; chiefly , ifhe do condenme, baniſh, pat to deaths bc . for Chriſt and thoſe that are his, doe not uſe ſuch courſes ;, cach party thinks that they are perfecuted for Chrifts fake, and for all that, both are againſt Chriſt ; even as two Harlots in one houle, each oflehem will be honeft, and yer bothiare naughta tot Even ſo is it with theſe fects; therefore when thou art proclaimed to be an here tick or wicked liver, and doelt luffer perfe cution , only take heed that thou art no kuch before God and that thyeonſcience in theholy Spirit doth bearwitnesof thy innocencies and if thon find thy felfefree ofſuch crines in the inward man , then daeft thou follow Chrifts, and bids no man to be baniſht , nor doeſt maligne anyman etthy felfes, although thou.doeft fuffer perle cution and flander,


By this are known your falſe Chriſtians, although they cry out againſt others, bran ding then u ith calumniating namas , they being ſuch themſelves; no party is to bee li: for they are againſt Chrilt; they ded withal have


of the Lifeof Chriſt.

have Chriſt in their niouth , but Anti-chrift in their heart : Bleſſed are thoſe eyes, which can ſee its for the peace af Chriſt remaines with them , in evill repori and good report, in honour, and dif bonour. 9 . 169 CHAP . XIII. d

That Paul and all Christians ,

doe not

force any manto believe, L. Peter, 5, 2. 503 , be a viſible Affenibly of a certain multi tude in a determinate Country , and do tie, Faith to the Sacraments ; thoſeuſe to forceb and conſtrain men to Faith asif Faith were fi the worke of men , and as if it could beeg. wrought by carnali perſwalions, and thed workes ofman . yog Now fuch forcing and conſtraining mengis are in their proceedings dire& ly againf the

Grace ofChriſt, againſt the manner of theiɔ New Teſtament ; where no man ought ofils ſhould be compelled,Spontanea niea.obedientia , that is, no obedience is pleaſing to me, un s4 lefſe i proceed from a most willing heart ,16 God

89 ofike Life of Christ . God willnothave ſuch afaith as is forced, as in the old Teſtament it was; but a free willing ſpirit. - He is a Chriſtian , and not the body of Adam , or the outward man , which may be tput to death , & c. but Believers know well that no nian can be conſtrained to believe by corporall power; TheFather muſt draw him that ſhall come to Chriſt.

If the Goſpel fhould be propagatedby the ſword , it would prove directly againſt Chrift, and come to nothing at all; Faith that is forced , is no Faith at all.; he that takes the ſword, muſt periſh by the ſword. Many profeffours of Religion haveplant ed a fience without a root , and they have done it by thepower of Princes and Magi ftrates, that is by the ſword ; it muſt be ſtill guarded by thepower of men ,to make it laſt but even as it began , fo fhall it end :by the power of man was that building raiſed by the ſamepower again ſhall it be demoliſhe. In that demoliſhing worſe may follow ; Chriſt bath not planted bis Goſpel by the ſword , there was no corporall compullion ; but the Goſpel preached by the Spirit : Whoſoever permits notthe holy Church to remaine an inviſible Aſſembly in the SPIRIT, and


of theLifeof Chriſtto

and by faith doth turn himſelferthereumo, but will ſet up a particular congregation , and proclanie others to be hereticks yea, baniih and put them to death for Religions fake; he is ealily known from whenceheis andwho hath ferit hin . Tunsong Thoſe of the new pretended Evangelical faction doe even nothing elles each party will be the right Judge, one nialigneth the other ,cals the otherby calumniating zames, yea, doubtleſs little leſſe then. fpirituali murther is amongſt them , and it is to be feared that it may come to bodily muuta ther. I Woolves may conlist with throfe that are of the like nature , but Lanıbs:fuffer mongết them ; Lambes: doc remaid iniebe Sheeps fold . :: And that the complotters of Hersticks, the incepefold is evident c.doe run out of falbinom bytheir deſigns For by their fruitsje them . o's ?? Voq

‫دربازدید‬ ‫و‬ OS DE CHAP

191 oftheLife of Chriſt.


That Paul and all Chriſtiansdoe nat looke upon any outward Ruleror Teacher ,but

keep only Chriſt their Head , and of them none doe dominier, over another, John 10.5 :

"Here are two Churches upon earth,the s power of men is gathered and defended : And the Church of God ,which is diſperſed and governed by the holySpirit thoſe that are in the Church ofmen, have many teá . chers and heads, and are rent and divided

: jinto many Sects. To fome onetheir chief Doctor and Ru ler is fuch a nian ,to ſome other ſuch a wan, and each party have their certain Inſtituti and 0115 , tenents, and denominations differ in ceremonies from others, and eve ry one of theſe divided Sects ſay , we are the truc Church , amongſt whon truth is to be found: no,faies the other ,only amongſtus So is Chriſt to be found .

Of the Life of Chriſt . 92 So that each Seet will be the Churchand

thinks to have hit it to a hayrę; But Belie. vers in the Church of Chriſt have not let up for their head or Doctor any man whats ſoever,butCbrift alone : Moreover Believers are not in one certaine country , but are af fembled in the ſpirit, although as to the bor dy they are ſcattered through the whole World, even as Wheat amongffchaffe :And although therebe many diftin & Sces, there may bemany pious hearts ( whilſt the har , veft is in the blade) amongſt them . To this Affembly of true Believers doe.I ſtick ;. in this boly Church doe I rejoyce to be in , and I may be in it , tliqugh Idwell a mongſt any of the diſtinguiſhed Sects, yea , though I dwell amongſt thoſe that have no profeflion at all ; I am nothing prejudiced though I dwell amongſt men , becauſe men are not my head or Teacher; ChriftJeſus īs, and remains my head and Teacher; he is ever ry where with me and in me, and I in hini . Thoſe in the Church of men , do excom municate andnaligneone another , because each Sex , thinkes it felfe to be the trup Church, But out of the Church ofGod, wherein I am by the grace of Chriſt, no man can thruſt me. Although

of the Life of Chriſt .


b! Although the Proteſtants ſhould chaſe me amongſt thePapifts, or Achieſts yet amongſt either of thoſe ſhould I be ſtill in the holy Church , and ſhould haveall heavenly guifts common with all Believers and al though Papifts ſhould banilh nie into Turky, yèt even there ſhould I bein theholy Cbürch. 3. Woe to him that is alone when be fals, for be Bath not another to belpe him up ; that is, Woe to them that are in the Churches ofmen , where the inward word Cbrift,is denied ; for ifthou art baniſhed , and theBookes and outward word taken away,then thou renaineſt alone none will helpe theeup , but thou wilt fall downe in the deep. If thou be a member of Cliriſt and theho ly Church , Then the inward word of God is within thee, which is thy true life,

and true

light, fu that thou wilt not be alone, though thou be chaſed fi'om one place to another, amongſtwhatpeople ſoever. The church ofmen , may be called thema ' .

Hy headed church , for there are many heads, Hach Sect háth her own head , mind and af fection : But the Charck ofGod hath but one head, to wit, Chriſt Jeſus ; She is Aſſembled one Spirit and will, and keepes the bond of charitie in the tuity of the SPIRIT; As


Of the Life of Christ.

as if I came amongſt the Turks and found a Chriftian ,then is he one& theſame with me : the Papifts, and find a Chriſtian there , then doth he agree in one with me,& remains in the ſame mind, life and ſpirit : If I comea Prot t ellants , and find a Chriſtiản mongf there, then are we all one,and dve not renc the bond of Chriſtian love about any, whimſical opinion. The Church ofmen hath need ofworld O DU of mens but in the Church of God there is no need

of lordly power or dominion ; Shee is go verned by the holySpirit . Chrift rentains the Lord and doth not fet either Pope or Lutber, or any other over his Church ; he needs no Lieytenant , he doth not ? appoint the worldly ſword over his Kingas done, ic hath no maſtery at all over the Church of Chriſt, which conſiſts in ſpirit and faith , ; nor is there in his Church any one Lord , Commander, or Maſter of ano ther Chrift hath not fet his Apoſtles over the Church ,thatthey ſhould exerciſe Lord -ſhip over Belicvers ;niuchleſs wil he ordain men or

efnezife of elimit.


or the Gentiles exerciſe au Thic® Kings of Hiority overthieni; and they thatexerciſe authority upon them , are called Benefa one & ors; but ye hali vor be sa Git ; I your Maſter, ſaith Chriſt : If there be great dealings with thie Magiſtrate, that he as in the old Teſtament,thould ſettle the Church and take a care of her, and that text be al ledged , Kingsfoall-be thy nurſing Fathers, & c. then is it'eafie to be known , that they doe not belong to the church ofCod ; but to the church ofmen , where corporall domi nion , force and puniſhmentisin uſe ,-where one is Lord and Maſter of the other; but in the Church of God there is no dominion nor contraint, there none liath command oyer another in matters of faith or Religia en , there the Matter is as the ſervant the Prince as the Plough -man ; All are one in ChriſtJeſus



oftheLife of christ .




2014. sikit pizicos : , 127

Part Third


That many waies are deviſed to attain to Faith, or the lifeof Chriſt, althoug thetrueway to Chriſt is notto be fonna in any outward thingwhat foever. Col. 2. 22,

Itherto hath been deſcribed the life of or true Faith with itsproperty.

which is happines and eternall life; Likewiſe it is a ſquare levell or line of the holy City of God, and the Inhabitants thereof here on Earth ; by which all Books, all writings, all Doctrins andSermons, yea ,all the actions of all men may be ruled , nieaſured and tryed, whether they be of God or againſt God. Now followeth, That we take moſt ſpeci all notice about the true way , by which wee


of theLife of Chriſt ,


may attain to ſaving Faith , and by faith may try allSects.

Thoſe in the church of mcn knowing not what Faith or Cbrift ncaneth , have deviſed many waies( as their lives, doctrin ,and books doe thew ) how Faith may beattained ; but they almoſt all ſay, only faitli in Chriſt Je ſus doth ſave and nothing elſe ; this Faith they thinķe to worke froni outward intothe inwad part, bymeanes ofthe hearing of the Word and Sacraments, Hepce ſomeamongſt them thinke to ob tainFaith, by the Baptiſme ofWater, ſome by the Lords ſupper, others will carry it into their inward part, from the outward hearing of theword ; becauſe Faith muſt come by hearing 11 others will take it out of the rea ding of Bookes ; thinking that the litterall knowledge ofChriſts Birth, Death ,Reſurre ection ,& ſaving Faith . Some believe only in the choiſeft ofBooks; and they let alone the Bible, as a book writ

ten obſcurely , which their pretended Doe Etors have better explained , by inſpiration * * of the holy Spirit, and thinke that it may be better learned out of the Glofie, then out of the Bible it felfe. Hence fome with great greedineffe fall up F on


of theLife of Chriſt .

on the writings of ſuch a man , otheirs of ſuch another man , every one ſticks to the Bookes ofhispretended beſt Divine and as it is in the Proverbe, Every Foole likestris open Club. " • Someare conceited that Faith is buit in puted into them by the outward hearing, and by theSacraments, & fo apply to them Telves theMerit ofChriſt; but there is no re newing within'ththi, neither doe they derire that Chriſt within thein -fhould betheiis fue ſtification,for ifhe ſhoald dwellwithin thein they are afraid they thould become Devils to the World ' ; ' or rather Chriſt , who hath tauglic Herbat bath not the Spirit of Chriſt ( and 1o conſequently is none of the world isnone Others doe rohighly eſteeme of the out


ward preached word, that they quite forget the inward conduct of Spirit and truth , and will not admit of it,leaſt they might become odiousand preciſe in the light of nominall * Profeſſours, ſuch as themſelves : But Chriſt faics, Hethat hath not beard and learned of the Father,doth not come unto me. Therefore they may not learn ofGod and becomie dcvils in the fight of the tord , they doe learn it of men , and ſo doe learn alwaies And never come to the knowledge of the truth ; for they

of the Life of chrift .

$ C



they reſift that which ſhould lead them to the right way, yea, to him that is the way bin felfe, and would himſelfe teach the way.




That Faith or the life of Chriſt, is not te } -

be gotten by the Baptifme of Water, i : D Pet. 3. 21. L'UE :

Ś h

Horarli Lthough Baptiſnie be a Sacrament or A dained or commanded by Chriſt him


felfe, he being the maker of the new Crea tuves ģęt for all that it doth not worke faith , - nor can anyobtain Faith , or the life ofCbrife

t d

11 +


by Baptiſme. Thoſe that are in the church of men , and

gidoe make fhift with outward things, thinke to obtain Faith by- Baptiſme ; for they ſay , that the water is fo powerfull by the word ofGod , that all that are baptized, are fanéti -fied and ſaved thereby ; that Baptiſme doth b.worke the forgivenes of fins delivereth from death and the devill,and brings eternall ſal ... vation . se Others amongſt then doe hold the con F2 trary


oftheLife of Christ .

trary, and fay no, to wit; That Faith can not be got by Baptiſme, but that Faith mult be pre- exiſtent, and that none ought to be Baptized butBelievers ; as Christ laith , He that believeth and is Baptized, & c. The Miniſter believe; and when alſo doth aske,Doeft thou the God -father faith yea, then doth hebap tiſe the childe.

By the ſpirit doth the childe believe in Chrift, and upon that Faith is the childe bap tized . And although they ſay, That Faith mut be there before hand, and not firſt got by Baptiſm ; nevertheleſſe they do straight -way fpeake againſt themſelves, when they con feffe, That Baptiſmedoth worke forgiveneſs of finne thatit wahcth away originall finne, and that it brings life and ſalvation. *** If Baptiſme doth ſo , then Faith is no thing, which muſt be there before hand and if Faith can do nothing without Baptiſme, then muſt Faithi and Baptiſme be together , and that we cannot be juſtified and ſaved , only by Faith , tiſme.

but by Faith and Bap

And ſo all unbaptized children muſt be damned, though they had Faith, and ſo our Salvation ſhould be tyed to this Sacrament, and

of the Life of Chriſt .


and conſequently, Chriſt had given a Law , and no ſigne of graceand mercy . But that true Faith is not wrought in us by the Baptiſme of water , daily experience it

beareth witneffe ; for many a thouſand are baptized , and yet are unbelieving worldly men , and live in damnable finnes.


And many a thoufand who are not bap-. tized are ſaved , becauſe they believe in Chrift.

Chrift hath commanded to baptize onely Believers; therefore he faith , He that believes and is baptized fall be ſaved; But be that doth not believe ſhallbe damned: He puts beliefe forft and laſt, as the principall part of our chriſtian Religion ; to make it knowi, that no out Ward thing doth ſavę, to theend, that the way to Heaven may remaine fhut up to him that is impenitent, though he cauſeth bini felfe to be baptized ;and that the way to Hea ven may ſtand open to theBeliever, though he could not procure himſelfe to be bap tized .

ces , F 3



of the Life of čhrist .



That Faith is not gotten by the uſe of the Lords Supper,sor may the lifeof Chriſt be attained thereby . I

Cor .

II .


28 , 29 . Sthe Lords Supper, o Baptiſme is like A wiſe a very great myſtery and Sacra ment;but not ordained for Dogs and ſinners, but for believing Chriftians;which together with their Neighbours receive the true body ofCbrift, and his true bloud For a remem brance. For the words of theInftitution or Ordi * nance ſheweth this it for a Remembrance ; but thoſe that are in the church ofmen , and tye their Salvation to the wal-church or Ordinances, overthrow thenièaning of Chriſt, they will controle wiſdome it felfe, ſaying that the Lords Slip per is ſuch a Sacrament as begets Faith aboliſheth ſinne , purchaſeth forgiveneile of linne , and brings eternall Salvation ; and that there is no other meanes to come to Faith but by the Sacraments, and that God

of the Life of Chriſt .


God doth not worke Salvation other waies then by the Sacrament . Some amongſt them hold the contrary , and ſay, That he that will uſe the holy Sa ft

crânients muſt firat have Faith , and he that hath not Faith Receives unworthily, to his own damnation . Seeing then tſjat faith muſt be preached, and 1191 gotten by the Sacrament, tbat is becauſe the Sacra ment cannot worke or bring faith, therefore it muſt dieeds follow ,that theſacrament cannot worke for giveneile of fin or Salvation. But if the Sacrament ſhould worke for 1 giveſle offinnelife and talvation than would faith benothing; or if faith does it, then dhe Jacraments do it not;or if botb faith and bursens together as fumewil )mutiav ,fait were on ficieni& c.Some among them lay a limite borong only faith doth juſtifie and lavebit that laci faith is ſealed by the Sacramenis , and that it is taken only for a remembrance, and not for Salvation f ; or if the Lords Supper ſhould workc forgivenelſ of fin , life and Salvation, then muſt it doe ſo with all men that doe but receive it , and then all muſt be ſaved which ſhould have it, and all damuned which 'fhould not have it . Or if it ! hould worke forgiveneſſe of finne, F4 lite


of theLife of Christ .

life and Salvation only in believers ; theu niust follow , that either Faith with the Sa craments doth ſave, and that Salvation is tyed to the Sacraments ; or elſe that Text niuſt be falſe ; Only Faith in Chriſt Jeſus deth jave; but it is evident by true experience of God and Truth , that the Sacraments doe not fave, that is, they doe not worke for giveneffe of ſinne; but that Faith and for giveneſſe offime ,niuſt be pre- exiſtent. And ſo the way to Heaven or the Life of Chriſt, remains cloſe fhut up to the wios ked and inpenitent, although they coeule the Sacraments every weeke , and the way, to Heaven remaines open to penitent and hungry hearts, which the Holy Ghoft hath made believing; therfore can none purchaſe Faith or the Life of Chriſt , by the Sacra ments.



ofthe Life ofChrift,

so il 9:07:30


CHAP . IIII, ON 3 mtrs

That Faith:ør the Life of Chriſt , is not As learned by bear-fay ofmen , I car.3. 7. Monous shioncinvisningsorg IT'He now ſtirring Sects, which looke for thieir Salvation in the Wall-Churches, and Ordinances , tying it to the outward hearing, ſay , thatno man can attaine to Faith ,without the outward Preaching Mi hiftery; that he that heares the Word of God is believing he that doth not hear it,, is unbelieving , becauſeFaith comes by heaa. .

ring, Rom. 10. But when they are asked, if ſo bee then , that Faith comes by hearing and chat none hath Faith without the Word of God bee outwardly heard by hini,

how then doe

Infants get ſaving Faith . Someanſwer, that Faith is infuſed into them by Baptiſme; but then if they ſhould

not be Baptized , they ſhould have no . Faith . Then mult the Infants òf Herzticks have no Faith , becauſe they are not Bapti.. zed ; FS

106 .

of the Life of Christ.

zed ; But when they are further asked, how that Chriſt commands only Believers to be Baptized ; and that none is Baptized ,before he bę asked , Docſt thou believe and that bee lváth anſwered, thereupon he isBaptized ." When they are asked about the Faith of Infanès, then they doe not know what anſwer to make, for their ſalvation ſtands upon the Sacraments and in the water Churches, where the Word ofGod is prea ched . And they are angry if it be ſaid , that God is no reſpecter of perſons, that he hath members of his Church amongſt all Hea thens, Nations,& Tongues, Rev.18.chough they ſhould be buit They are like unto the envious Jewes with their circumciſion, they will be the only pebple ofGod ;and the Holy Church; Bat they all here at that day, what Chriſt ſayes, Many ſball"come from tbe Eaft ard,Weft, and frali;fet dann with Abrahanı , Iſaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of Heaven , but the chi!

dren of tøje mini dtries ball be caſt out into utter Math : Sonie anaongic thiem ,have met with the Text of Paul, and ſay, that wée muſtheare but with an hungry empty heart , and that God himſelfe remaines our School-naſter ; for

of the Life of Chriſt


for theoutward hiearing is quite fititleffe withoirt the inward, aut although for an hundred years together , there ſhould bee stcard Preaching, and no place given to the inward word , then allwould be in vaini , 117. And ſo the Text of Paul is true, and fethat-is alſo his meaning , when he faies, z Faith comes by bearing, to wit, be that béares of borbe Farbergand gives placeto the witneffe of the father, he cannot chufe , bati hce mof with

delight and pleafare heare outward preach-. ring, and fo Faith.comes by bearings to wit, ra- . ther by the inward then the outward , but gathrey dare not ſpeake of the inward word or hearing, leaſt they ſhould be called En thuſiaſticall or given up to the Spirit, though Chriſt hath tanght , that the vocall preaching Miniſtery is quite fruitlee without the inward wbearing, and ibat the outward word is quite dead without the irgard.

Lorains IfFaith ſhould be learned by the out ward hearing of men , and not by the in ward, then Faith would bee the worke of man , and repentance would ſtand in the of power of man, a man might convert him si felfe when he pleaſeth ; ſo that wee ſhould es not looke to our Salvation with feare and trembling, but might liye a free, ſecure, li CS !


ofthe Life of Chriſt .

ceutious, careleſſe life, as all thoſe of the Wall -Church , and will-worſhip -Church doe, few excepted. Therefore to the end , that the way to Faith or to Heaven , remain cloſe ſhut up to impenitent and wicked men , though every weeke in the yeare they do heare three Ser nions, to their cnd. And to the end that the way to Hea ven bee opened to hungry penitent hearts, although with the Infantsthey could hear no Sermons; We conclude againe , that Faith is not gotten by the outward hear ing through men ,but thatthe inward word muſ principally doe the buſineſſe; without which the outward word isnothingbut la bour loft. For he that doth not hear of the Father , can beare no witneſſe. nor give affent unto the outward word ; for. Faith doth not comeby the outward hearing , but by the inward.


of theLife of Chriſt.



That Faith cannot be read out of Bookes, for none can reade himſelfe a Believer, Ads 8.30.31 .

Cod Bookes are not to bee rejected , no more is the outward verball Preach ing Miniſtery , for they teſtifie of the trea ſure that is within, and they are an aſſured witneſſe and memoriall of the inner word within us, which thoſe of the many headed Churchesof men do deny,even to this day, both by word and worke. But to thinke to reade Faith out of Bookes, and to reade himſelfea Believer, is altogether in vaine; for Faith and the Life


of Chriſt within us , is in the New Birtb, which truly cannot be read out of Bookes. But if it were ſo , that a man could reade hiniſelfe into believing, then learned men would have moſt advantage, & would prove the beſt Chriſtians ; but Infants and pure Plough -men , &c: would bee in the becauſe they cannot worſt condition

. reade. But


Of theLife ofChriſt.

But not ſo , none gets Faith by Bookes. The Learned njëri of theworld ,which have the Bible by heart , are for the moſt part, the greatett enemies of God , and ofhis Chrift, and doe hinder allgoodthings. **** Simple; poore,and humble men , are nigheſt of al to Faith and the Life of Chrift, and of all are moſt acceptable unto God : Even fo à Sièk nan viewing hinilelfe Do -in the Looking-glalle, doth perceive that he is Sickz or leech his Sickly countenance, yet cannotbe cured by the Looking - glaffe; But if he take Phyſick ; hee may recover his Even ſo is it with Books in which health though wemay reade and be convinced of ourwicked nature, and that weë ought to beNew Creatures in Chriſt ', yet are wee . not ſtraight ſuch , we are firſt earthy ,we are yet to be Heavenly;But neither is wrought into us by Bookes: Now if wee could'ttake the Phyfick , then might wce become new Creatures, that is, ifwecould eare the fleſh lof Chrit ,and drinke his Bloud, then ſhall We becomeNew .Creatures. ! Bookes doe make neither good nor bady no niore then the Looking -glaffe, for they are without us, that which makes us good, cannot be conveighed into us from with

of the Life of Chrift. IL withour, but must come forth from with in . s fileerli 95.10

e ! A njan may know much by Bookes :, yet have no Faith ; and with our reading Bookes, aman may bea Believing Chriſti an . Who is fitter for the Kingdome of God then Infants,that cannot reade? Although Bookes cannotworke Faith inus, yet for all that, Believer's love good Bookes , and eſteeme them , but they doe not tye their Salvation to them ,as nowa dayes fonie do with tbis Booke and the other Book.. 1. Likewiſe , although Sermons doe not conveigh Faith from without intous , yet Believers doe not deſpiſe good Sermons, but they doe not tye their Salvation to ? them ; for no outward thing whatſoever it be, doth fave a man. Yea God himſelfe, and Chriſt could not make me happie , unleſſe hee bee and dwell within me . Hence theway to Faith is cloſe ſhut up to wicked proudmengalthough they reade

Tithe Bible in many T cugues. And on the rary , the way to Faith and Chrift, ? cont ds open for all hungry and humble 2 ftan hearts, which cannot ſo much as i'cade one letter,

oftheLife of chariš7.

letter, as all your Infants which hear and learne only ofGod;for he that hath with in him the inward School-mafter, loofeth norhing of his Salvation , althought all Preachers' hould be dead ,and all Bookes nais burned . şi ox ' : 10 2+ it's ici tori AP CH og TORT CHAP. VT VE... ? ! !

That Fažtb or the Life of Chriſt ,doth not, enter or is not wrought into us by any. outward means, but only by the voices of the Father , of which the inward word hath its of-ſpring, Rom.10.8.

F Lward meanes , and not by the word from within, then it ſhould not faile : but thoſe in the Church of men, muſt bee the beſt Chriſtians, and become highly illumina ted , for they cauſe themſelves to be Bapti zed , they hear Sermons of their þired Prieſts, they confeſſe one to another, they uſe the LordsSupper, they read Bookes, & c. but what profit comes from thence, is evi dent to all. Nevera


of theLife of Chriſt.

Nevertheleſſe, they are ſo bewitched that they will not acknowledge their manifeſt errour, and ſay cxprefly, that it is phanta fticall and factious to learne of the Spirit, and thatGod teacheth no other waics but by meanes . That the outward is like a Pipe, by which God doth conveigh himſelfe into us ; and that God exerciſes his power by means of the Sacranients; that he hath tyed himſelfe to his word, and to the Sacraments, that there he will worke and ſhew his power, and not at all without ſuch outward meanes. It is moſt true, that God doth not deale

with men , but by meanes and doch not teach but by meanes; but not by outward meanes , which all wicked men can have heer, exer ciſe and uſe; but only by the inward meanes , which is his Word, and is within us. By tbis Word bab be created the World , this was his meanes, And by this Word dotb be alſo ſavè Believers; that is ,By bis Son Chrift;but tru ly not front without , but comming forth from within. For if Chriſt ſhould remaine without us, hewould be of no profit to us ; If he could come to us firſt by B.ptiſme and the Lords Supper, as ſome fay, then the Kingdome of God


ofthe Life of.chrift.

God muft not be within us,but must be from without conveighed into us. And fo al thoſe that are un-baptized muft have no Chrift ; and all Infants that camot receive the Lords Supper ,must have no Cireit; Alſo Faith muſt be nothing; which yet is the worke of God in nian . · Alſo all wicked men muſt have Chriſt with in them if they were but baptized , andreeci ved the Lords Supper.

But no outward thing workes believing, nor ſaveth; Baptiſmic doth not worke Faith; If thou wilt bebaptized , thou inuft firſt be lieve... The Lords Supper doth not worker Faith imus, if thou wilt receive it worthilys - then -muft thou firſt believe : The receiving of ab folution of thePrieſts or others, doth coir ferre nothing; confeſſion doth'not take away fin, all lyeth in Faith; : neither doth the out ward word préached worke faith into us“; faith proceeds only from theinward : To be fhort, No outward thing makes believers or ſaveth ; only the inward word ; The voice of the Fatleymuſt be heard from within , ſo that in all things the Sanctuary (which is faitb or Chriſt and his life, which is the trueſt and directe it way to the upper Jeruſalem ) remaineth cloſe crise ſhut up to dogs and Swines .


Ofthe Life of chrift. 115 Hence the Church of nien is caſhiered ,and

all thoſe that trast to the wal-church , with out repentance and forrow for their fin. So the way remaines open for Infants, for hungry and humble men , who offer them felves wholly for a ſacrifice, and reſt from all their workes,entring into theSabbath, which only is commanded to all men , and is alſo -need fall for all thoſe that deſire to attain to Faith , or to the life of Chrift. stile


That the voice of the Father is not heard

in us,

nor the inward worke wronght

unleſſe theman be filent, and keep an inward reſt or Sabbath.Hcb.4. II, 12. Salo Lugo T7HereGrace enters and workes, there muft natijre ſtand ſtill andı I reft

Chriſt begins to live, there the whole mian mmiti dye -yea; be quite dead : Of nothing God makes lomething ; whileft inan isigand Temaines.yét fone-thing,beit in theworkes of his body, or in the thought of bis ſpirit, God can and wil niake nothing of him . Tgulerns


ofthe Life of Christ.

Taulerus faith, Man muſt ceaſe to be what he is). before be come to be anotiser thing; that is,God re quireth nothing elſe to his worke, but a re figiied Inittunient ; which ſtandsftill, looks upon Cod, weight upon God and forgees himſelfe and all things . O God how bonntiful art thou? Who do'ſt not incompaſs our Juſtification or the new birth ,within a multitude of our own workes or doings,but in a meer ſuffering of thy felfe workein us. Behold all that are in the church of niêu, how they puzzle themſelves; fonie wil.comé , to Faith by outward hearing ; they hear eves ry day, they weary themſelves with hearing and reading : Some thinike to conje to it by merits oftheir own workes, by faſting and praying. Gr. Some by uſe of theSacraments. Henice lone amongſt thenievery halfe yearë, or every moneth , yea, every weeke go to re ceive the LordsSupper; butalt comes to no thing, it cannot worke faith into them , they remain ftill the fanie.

Some thinke to get Faith by confeffion of fin and abfolution , fome thinke themſelves Believers, if they be but baptized , and are of ſuch a company where there is preaching of Chriſt , where the Sacraments are admini ftred , Some

of theLife of Christ ,


Some take other exerciſes in hand, by which they thinke to come to Faith on the life of Cliriſt : aud truly thoſe in the churches ofmen ,and walled churches, have harder taske tomerit Hell, then Believers have to obtain Heaven Theſe will do allby workes;by their own power, butthe membersof the holy - church know , that in the whole Law , and alſo in the Goſpel, there is nothing elſe conmand ed , but Sabbath and reftige grat

Thou shalt Sancti fie the Sabbath ; Therefore doc they veſt fronialltheir deſigns or enter prizes, and give themſelves over to God, fay ing with David ; Alus my ſoul, bom unquiet art thou within me 3 Be filentand wait upon God, and he will helpe tbee by bis appearance in this Sabbath , were all things.cowie into ſilence, there the inward word workes true Faith . And the life of Chriſt which cannot be written or told unto it , confift only, in a Iweet føling and cafting of it.

es -6


118 of the Life of Chrif. i COX Xti C

" ! CHAP.

VIII. Ponek : srt3 s prisipalid

That ſomething muſt be conſidered by him that derreth to come in the Sab bath or reſt, to Faith, or the

Life of

Chrift , Joh . 1.5.5 , 6 , xüsusi wa 111220 zonsonici grodi od le IT is not to be gain - laid , sibat that there muſt ſomeconlideration beforegoing, before a man.may give himſelfe into the reſt or Sabbath , to learne ofGod,the Faith or Life of Chriſt. What I would learne or defire to learne --

ofGod,that I may firft well conſider, hear, -reade, ligh and groan for it,with niy heart, and thereupon be filent, and heare ofGod. As I would faine learne ſaving Faith or the Life of Chrift, which is the greateſt treaſure in Heaven and in-earth I would faine learn to know Chrift; now ſuch Hea venly things can I not learn of any man , and no outward thing can carry them into me . Divine or Godly things muſt be learned of God , Heavenly things muſt be heiti from


of theLife of Christ. 119 from Heaven ; therefore firſt to come to it , I know that ofmy ſelfe I cannot doe nor

thinke any thing that is good, unlelſe God by his foregoing Grace, doe prepare in me sida thewill, delires and thought So that I thinke : Loe, what a wretched miſerable thing is this Life, and how ſhort is it and how ſuddenly is niany one ſurpri rcd by ideath : weniuftall periſh, but Chi itt the way and Gate to JO SIT vel In him are hidden all the treafures of Wiſdome: By him doe I'conie to the Fach er into Heaven , if fo be that I believe in bim , and live in 'him , and doe follow shim 3.11 Now the Life of Faith is that very ſame,


which he hath preſcribed and commanded to all men , viz. to hate himſelfe, to deny himſelfe , to looſe hinifelfe, to walke in Ameckneffe , in patience, and peaceabkenelle, not to revenge himſelfe upon his enemies, to pray for his perſecutors , as in the pre ceding chapters is written at large . og Now thoſe Commandements of Chrift are not arbitrary , ſo that a man may do or leave them undone; bat they are neceflary , und inevitable Commandements. He

I 20

oftheLife of Chriſt.

He that remaines in the tranſgreſſion thereof,dies the eternall death . 1.D Now Ithrough the Grace of God , doe acknowledge, that of my felfe, I any not able to keep either the meaneſt or greateſta It is altogether inpofſible for me. i So I have before nie two things, the one is theLife of Chriſt or his Commande ments, which muſt needs be kept, and that in truth ,

The other is my inability, that I never can doe it : By my power or might, I can not believe in Chrift , or walke in his will . Into this ftraight gate muſt I creep , even as a Serpent betwixt two Rocky Stones, when ſhe parts with her old skin , and re newes her ſelfe; So niuft it be with me. The Commandements of Chriſt muſt be kept, and for all that they are and remaju for exar impoflible for me to keep, Icanno worke or give them unto my felfe, there fore.doe I deſpaire of my felfe , of all my night, pfall muy ability , and give myſelfi to God into the filent Sabbath , and wai for hini, as the eyes of the Servant lookes to .. Hands of his Maſter , and as the eyes of the Maid upon the bands of ber Miſtreſe : Even ſo mine exe Icok

ofthe Life of Chrift.


looke ipon thee, O Lord, how thou wilt come unto me with thy Grace. In this Sabbath , the man becomes more

and nibre alienated from hinſelle; and the property ofGod cannot be ſet downe in writing, or told , but only felt.


That-it dotb not lye in the will or running ofman ,but inGod, Shewing of mercy, Rom . 19.16 .

O ftraight is the way , and ſo narrowis the Gate to Faith , or to Chrift, or to Heaven ( for be that is in the Faith , he is in Chrift, and be that is in Chriſt, is a Citizen of that New Jeruſalem , which is above) ſo narrow I ſay is the Gate to the Life of Chriſt , that a man muſt not only forſake the world, al works, and himſelfe, but alſo muſt be empty and " void ofhisown will . 31

For it ſtandsnot in the power of him that wil letb or that runnerb ,but in God baving mercy;that

is, not by willing, working , or defiring, doe I come believing, or juſtified, not ofmy



oftheLife ofChrist .

free -will, not when I will, but when God wil: So that Faith is and remaineth a meer gift and worke'ofGod . Conſequently , al thoſe are debarr'd from theLife ofChriſt , which in the Church of or nake men will convert themfelves theniſelves believing, by the outward hear ing , and by the Sacraments , &c. It conſists only in the mercy ofGod ,that a man comes to be a believer; therefore wee ought to take heed to our Salvation with feare and trenibling :-And to obſerve exact ly the call, the drawing , and admoniſhing of the inward word , to the end , that we may turne to the Lord, and fit downe with David, and hear what he will fay orwortee within us . Ifit ſtood in our willand running, and not in the mercy of God ; then converſion would be a workeof the creature, and not a worke ofGod . Then Faith would bee a humane worke, and not the gift of the Holy Spirit : Solmen might convertthemſelves , and would not ticed of God in Heaven , but it is ſaid , Glori am meam alterinon dabo ; My Glory wilini give to none other . God hath kept itin his hand , and gives it

Ofthe.Lifoo Chriſt, f


it to whoni hepleaſeth. And here no man ought to thinke, as ifGod hath mercy but upon ſome men ,and that he hath a peculiar Booke ofthe Elect, of which only he háth mercy, and of none other. 9. No truly , God prevents allwith his gra cious mercy, and is more ready to worke in us, then we are ready to ſuffer him : He Aands and knocks at the doorer ' of the hearts of all men , and paſſeth none over .e But thoſe that will not ſtand ſtill, and will not -hcare his voice within themſelves , doe not become partakers of themercy of God ;thereforethe Scripture faithithatbe will mot bavemercy upon thèm ,for after the feeling the Scripture ſpeaketh ', how it goeth in man . It lyes not in our will, and God doth not convert us by ourwill, fo that he ſhould do pic when wewill, and deſire it. visu

As all thoſe in the Church of men pray , Lord fend us tby Light, thy Holy-Spirit ; yethee doth it not ſtraightway , for illumination -comes not with the will or working of Iman , but when God will, that is when man ſtands quite empty and void of his owne will and defire without his knowing, and G2 hati


of the Life of Chriſt.

hath quite and wholly given himſelfe over to God . And although God doth not convert us with our will, when we will ( elſe would converſion depend upon the Creature) yet doth he not doe it neither againſt our will, for he forces no man by violence to Hea ,ven . He that with a ſtiff - neck doth reſiſt,never becomes illuminated ; for God forces no man . Hence are thut out all thoſe that ſay, God chufeth ſome for Heaven , and converts them againſt their will or deſire. The nioft part of the World deſireth to be ſaved , and to be illuminated byGod: yea the danined in Hel willnothing elſe; butit Lies notin him that willéth, but in the mer cy ofGod : It ſtands not in thewil ofman , but in the will ofGod, and whileft the will of man deſireth and willeth , Man doth not partake of the Mercy of God ; the will muſt be quite reſigned and dead, much leſſe

ſtand in oppofition.


of theLife of Chriſt .



If thou becommeft Believing and illumin Inated; then God is the cauſe thereof, which only doth worke it , and thou that ſufferešt it : But if thou remain eſt unbelieving and without illumina tion; then God is no cauſe of it,buton . perly thou thy felfe , Jam . 1.14.17 .

GOD , maker of all creatures, thy Name bee for ever : Thou art Juſt in all thy workes, thou wouldst convert all men , iluminate

would ; and yet doth it and no teach t’sem , if ſo be they t in any mans willing or working, but only in lje thy Gracious ſhewing of mercie. He that by thy fore-going Grace, reſigns his will , and waits for thy mercie, becomes illuminated and believing : Thou alone doeſt worke, yet not without mans ſtand ing ſtill, giving over of himſelfe and ſuffer ing . But he that wil convert himſelfe, yea ra ther he that refifts thy Grace with thoſe G 3 that


of theLife of Christ.

that will take the Kingdome by violence , remaines unbelieving and without illumia nation . Ifman beconies believing, he gives no thing to thee, the profit is his own , for he gets eternall Salvation by it.

Ifman remaines in unbeliefe , he doth no hurt unto thee, the hurt is his owne , get ting eternall damnation by it,What can we give unto thce by our juſtice ? And what can we take froni thee by our inalice ? He that caſts a ftóne on high , nnuſt ſuffer it to fall back upon his own head . Every ſinner racks and pines hin felfen, thou rcniainelt Juſt in all thy workes; How dare then theſe diſputants of Predeſtinati ongand Free- will, &c. lay the fault upon thee, O good Lord God; ſaying, that thou haft not called then all , por Elected , nor fore - ſeen them all , and that thou wilt not convert then, & c. Now thofe in the Church ofmen , which by their own free-wil, and their own pow . er, through the word they have heard , will convert themſelves or make themſelves bet , lievers: doe fet down three cauſes, whereby man becomes illuminated and believing, or


of the Life ofGhriſt.


grwhereby God illuminates man, or make him believing The firſt cauſe is the word that is Preach ed : The other the holy Ghoft;which ther by comes iato the heart. The third the wil ofman , which alwaies

reafts, and ſo that God doth not convert al pien , butonly thoſe which he hath chofen , and that he forceth then againit their will; But thoſe which be barb not fore-ſeen , then be hardensg & c. 3. Others ſpeake a little better of the will, that it agreeth with the Word it hath heard , and doth not refift. Others ſpeake yet better, that the will doth worke nothing, but only ſuffers, If the Word heard ſhould worke conver fion , and not the inward Word ; then muſt all thoſe be converted , and become believ ing, which heare many Sernions , would Itand in thewill of man .

and it

Contrariwile, all Infants muſt remaine unbelievers,becauſe they could not heare; and likewiſe thoſe that have heard no Ser but Hions, muſtbe likewiſe unbelievers Faith comes by hearing namely, by the in ward hearing: for he thatis not taught of the Father, hears all Sernionsin vain . G4 Some


ofthe Life ofChriſt.

Sonie amongſt themſelves ſay, Fruſtra Lingua docentis laborat ab extra , nifi fit intus qui doceat ; The Word from the Pulpit doth nothing without the inward Word; there fore they adde, that the Holy Spirit mult worke it . - But when they deny the inward Wond in dur hearts and mouth , Rom . 10. Then doe they alſo deny the Holy Spirit 's unction which teacheth us all , Joh. 2 .


The willof man is the third cauſe of Converſion , and of Juſtification , which muſt work along with deſire to make him felfe believing, when he will : So then hee needs butgo to the Sermon , to the Con feffion , to the Sacraments, for the Abſola tion . And they adde the Sacraments, becauſe they perceive well , that this Faith which they deviſe for themſelves, is not ſufficient, and that they cannot be Juſtified and illu minated by that Faith, ſaying, that God is exerciſing his power in the Abfolution and Sacraments, that thereby much of Faith and of the Holy Spirit is gotten . Notwithſtanding that they ſay them felves, and niult confeffe, that al their hear ing

ofthe LifeofChriſt.


ing of Sermons, receiving of the Sacra ments, & c. workes nothing. * They would have been Chriſtians and believers long ago , ifoutwardmeans could have brought Chrift,andfaith to them , but they teftifie by their workes, that they want the principall and only thing,which is cal led Faith, or the Life of Chriſt . D If they had this, they would onderſtand how män muſt be converted, and that it is againſt Chrift, to make War, to baniſh Heo rericks, to put to death , &c. But they muſt manifeſt themſelves, whe.. ther they be converted by God , or by hu

nåne power, whether they are made be-.. Tieving by the inward Word, or by the out ward Sernions.


what and where the Church of God , and

the Church ofmen is, 1 Cor. 1. 2.

HE Church of God is an inviſible TH Affenibly ofall'Believers in the whole World, united in the unity of tbe Spirit , and by



ofthe Life of Chriſt .

the bond of Charity ,or of Peace : And this Church ftands grounded upon theimmovable Cor ner - ſtone, Chriſt Jefus, and is not determia nated in a certaine Country or place , but is in the whole World , becauſe that her Members are found amongſt all Nations, Tongues, People, and Sects. TheChurch is inviſible, cannot be poin ted at with the finger; but her Members are known by Love, by the Life of Chriſt, and not by the outward hearing ; nor by the Sacraments.

Chriſt ſaith, By,thisball almien kilow, that ye are my Diſciples , if je love one anotber: He faith ,notby the Sacraments, or by the out ward Worldiy peace , where they remaine unanimouſly in the falſe Doctrine , as all Sects will agree in Doctrine . But the Church of men is a viſible Aſſen bly of thoſe that liear preaching , receive the Sacrameuts, & c. are rent in many Sects, and To in thenany- headed -Church , where each company in a certaine place hath its own opinions, heads and Doctors, And each Congregation thinks it felfe only to be the Holy Church . This Church of men divided into many

Sects, tyes Salvation to the outward hear ing,


of the Life oj Chrift, 131 ing to the Sacraments ; and fairs, come he ther, here is the pine Word of God, here is Chriſt,herezihere are che Sacraments right VIDEO lo ly adminikred . But if any one amongſt theni, do mani

feit hinifelfe to be a Menber of the Holy Church ofChrist,they draightbanith him , or put him to death; for they ſay , they will abide do Hereticks, they will have their Church pure. Hence oneSect perfecutes another , and drives it outofits ſociety, and that which is ſo perfecuted , doth pe.fecuteanother in: like manner, and ſo they al generally look one upon another, as Caine looked uppn Abel. But by this they all manifeſt themſelves, not to be the Sheep of Chriſt, but Wolves , that remaine without: for as no Sheep kil leth the Woolf, ſo no Chriſtian killeth the Heretick. Halfe the World and more muſt bee bani fhed and killed , ifall thoſe that are in the wrong ſhould be baniſhed and killed ; but becauſe the Holy Church Affenabled in Faith and Love, is inviſible , and governed by no man, but by the holy Spirit,and is in no cer tain place to be pointed out with the fingər. thered

132 of the Lifeof Christ. therefore it muſt of neceſſity follow , That her menibers are found disperſed amongft all Nations ,'Heathens, Tongues, People, and Sects, as Wheat amongſt the chaffen Hence it followés, that the whole compa ny of any one Sect is not to be rejected ; for amongft every one of thens,God hath his own . people. Although all Seets of the Church of men ( which will be Chriftians after the outward man ) doe nor grant this, but thinke thoſe only to be Chriftians, that are baptized and partake of Sacranierits, c . As amongſt the Ifraelites, thoſe oncly to be Jewes that are circuniciſed in the fleſh . Now becauſe this is truth , and cannot be gain - faid; why doe then your Sects endea vonr to perfècuite one another , and aſſault one the other by war , for Religions fake ? How will they defend that faith which they have not theinſelves ? How will they defend the life of Chriſt which they know not of? Chriſtians doe not make warre about the Word ofGod as the church of men doé, they doe not brand the members of Chriſt with the name of heretickes,they put no man to death . All mifery comes hence, That the niany headed

133 of the Life af Chrift. headed - church of men is taken for the Church ofGod and that the outward word

cf man is placed inſteadof the inward Spi rit and life of Chriſt. And that they will not take care of the particular in the generall , but reject the whole without exception and by that means the Wheatwill be caft out together with the chaffe.If thou wouldeſt put to death & roote out from the Earth allthe whole diſtingull edSects, then muſt all the members of the boly church ofGod b2 killed, for (he is inviſible,& bath her members amongſtall Nations , and is not in any deterniinateplace, ſo that one could ſay : I alone an the church, and another ſaiy no , but I am thechurch ,c. But the Sbeeprare in the midſt of the wolves, and the Wheat is found in the midſtof theChaffe. 0, Let both be together , untill the barveſt; ceaſe from your unfeaſonable and blind zeal thinking that you will ſweepe the Church, wlien you your ſelves are not the Church ; you will cleanſe Faith and yet have no faith; you will teach Ju {tification , and yet know nothing of regeneration . Be yee aſſured, that Faith can neither be given to , or taken from the Sheepe of Chriſt

by Wolves. Lot remaines a believing man in Sodome, Joſepb in Ægypt, Daniel in Babylon.

134 :: 0

ofthe Edfe of Christ. bution



P. XllI q eius


That there are many meaſuring Reeds in 24 theChurch ofi.west, deviſed and maidia stained bymen ; But thatthe holy Churdl one onlysquare; Rule ,which hath brat 19 the life of Chriſt, 1 11

Ucha priviledge' have theInhabitants of the upper Jeruſalem of theholy Church , ſo that by the Spirit ; they can try all fpinis, by Faith all beliefes or,religioirs, and bythe word ofGod all Scots. * By the life of Chriſt allBooks, writings, Sermons, and all the workes of all men are tryed ; For the ſpirituall man ſearcheth all things, yet be bim elfe is ſearched of10 man. The faire Temple of Solomon had win dowes , which were large inwardly and ftreight or narrow outwardly : He that was in it could well enough looke out of it, but he that was without it, could not ſee into it, beapplyed to the holy This may very well Church of Christ,which hath ſuchWindopes, that

of the Life of Chrift.


that he which is in it ,can wel look out of it, but he thatis withoutit,as al thoſe ofthe Church) of men are ,cannot looke into it ; they cannot know nor ſeethe books writings,hereticks & c. for they want the touch -ſtone and true Faith becauſe the many- headed -church, have deviſed many meaſuring lines'; cach company goes after his head and confiitu

ASA , and judge them after their own opinions. Thatwhich is againſt them , isnot rece', ved ; but rejected as hereſie,hecauſe it is not according to the doctrine of their hcads and Teachers, and ſo they ſmell with other peo ples noſes, and ſeewith other peoples eyes, ſaying, becaufe their heads and Doctors have ſuch and ſuch opinions, therefore it muſt be fo , for that they thinke thatthey had the holy Ghoſt. Some in the churches of men , take for a Square or meaſuring line, the written Scrip tures according to their owne interpretati ons, or ſome other Books; & he that ſpeaks or writes againſt their opinion of Scriptur , as thcy underſtand it , or againſt their other mult be no member of the holy Books Church. Sonie make Univerſity -men their level,ſquaregmeafuring line or touch -ſtóne to judge When of Books, bereticks, & c.


of theLife of Chriſt.

When a Booke is to be printed ,then muft it firſt he viewed by the Doctor of an lini verſitý, to the end that no hereſiemay ariſe. Now it were well that thoſe were firft in the holy Church theniſelves , and had the meafuring line within thenn; to the end,that they might not take that which is right, to be an errour : But there are few Univerſities in all Europe" , where any true and divine knowledge may be found, and yet they muſt judge of thetruth > which is as much as if the Devill were ſet to be a Judge over Chrift , and that he ſhould give a fentence of him , although theDevill Have acknowledged bin 1o be the Son of God. But the mioft part of Univerſities and Unia verſity-men , are not yet cone ſo far as the Devill.

* The Pope regulates and tries the Sects by his books, and by the Fathers. Some make the letter of the Bible to be themeaſuringe Reed , bat they quench theSpirit, they uſe Scripture without the Holy Ghoſt , and thinke to try Sects & books thereby ,but it is a dead thing and come to nothing in the end All hereticks and factious Sects take their ground from Scripture; ſometake no Booke or writing of man for their meaſuring reed , but :

of the Life of Chriſt.


but only the holy Scripture uſed after the Spirit , as all thoſe that are in the true Church of God . But Scripture after the Spirit, is nothing elle but the divine fenſe and meaning of Chriſt Jeſus,which is not only in the Scrip tuure, but alſo in man , who walkes in the Life of Clurift. This Spirit is the inward word , to wit , The Spirit of Chriſt,from whence Faith comes, yea, which is Faith it felfe. This is the true meaſuring Reed , Square, and Leavell, of the holy City of God and the Inhabitants thereof, whereby all Sects, Factions, Herefies, Books, Sermons, Wri tings, and all the workes of men may be meaſured and tryed . Therefore although there are many mea ſuring lines ,deviſed by the churches of men, yet the inward teſtimony , viz. The Spirit of Chriſt in the holy Scripture, after the in ward word, that alone is and will continue to be beyond all things in the whole World,

the true nueaſuring line.



of the Life of Christ



Α Ρ . ΧΙΙΙ .

That by the ſtraight line may be knowne - and tryed that which iscrooked's and that the ſame ſtraight line muſt be within us. Phil . 4.13.

N is meaſuring Reed , and another he that nicafuréth , and neither is in the other'; but in Spirituall things, where the holy Citie and the Inhabitants thereof are to be mea ? fured , the meaſuring Reed mat be within him that meaſureth , and Touch - ſtone with in him that toucheth. That is , this Faith mult be within him , that will meaſure what is againft Faith , or

what doth agree with it . If any one will meaſure whether a Sec, Sernion, Bookes , Writing, & c. be again ! the Word of God , then muſt the Word of God be within him . If any onewil meaſure Doctors or books, whether they be with Chriſt or againſt hini, then muſt the life of Chriſt be within lim ; That and not only in his month .

oftheLife of Chriſt.


That is, Ifany one will ſee, then muſt he have eyes in his head; If any one will under ſtand , then nutt underſtanding be within him. So if any will try , know , and nicafure whethe Books, teachers, Sermons,or Sects, be with or againſt Chrift ; he muſt have the life of Chriſt within Kin ,he muſt be in Chriſt, and Chriſt in him , and not beſides him , ori imputed to him ficni without him . 14 Behold the falſe builders of the Temple, which reject the corner - Stone ; how they

have judged and doe judge the doctrine of Chrift, of that Chirit whicla niut be within us, and favés none from without this they cry out ftraight it is an errour ,it is crooked, whereas if they had faith , that is, the life of Cbriſt within them ,they would not meafure ſo , they would not proclaim truth to be a here fig : Alfo Chriit hath taught,That the outward doth not ſave it , but the inward word muſt doe its that is it, we unftbear of the Father. Thoſe in the church ofmen judge this to be crooke ed if the Word of God were within them , tbey would not give fuchfaljejudgement againſt Chriſt. And becakſe ſuch beads and Doctors of the church of meri, doth proclaime trurb to be berefie ;" their diſciples and members do follow tbeir ſteps, and call this decirine errnious and bereticall, &c. Chriſt



ofthe Life of Chriſt .

Chriftfaies, He that is not with me, is againſt me, and be that gatheretb not withme ſcatteretb : Who is not with Chrift ? And who ſcatters ?

Anſ. All thoſe in the Univerſities and Churches ofme , which doe uſe the lifeof Chriſt in their mouth ,and make themſelves a peculiar nucaluring Reed, or have the true nicaſuring linebesides them , and it with in them at all . For he which hath not Faith , or the Life ofChriſt within him , he is againſt Faith , he is aga inſt the Life of Chriſt. As all thoſe are alſo which brand evident Truth with the namic ofhereſie, &c. Who is with Chrift, and gathereth with him ; but he that lives, writes and deales in Chriſt ? Who is againſt Chriſt aud ſcattereth, but he that lives,teacheth , writeth , & c. againſt hini. Therefore all Bookes Authors Writings, Sermons, expoſitions and workes , which do not ſpring and iſſue from the life of Chriſt, and returne into it , are all againſt Chriſt, whatſoever they be ; although this ſeemes not only ſtrange,but altogetherfalſe to them . which doe not ſtudy in Chrift, but in the Books,words and workes of men and learn their Faith , not ofGod , butof man. 24 0062 FINI S.



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