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earnings over $600,000, Marks has had an unprecedented season off the porch posing a slew of the who, what, where, when, and why questions. Of course, with an opportunity as exciting as sitting down with Brent Marks, Dirt Empire snagged some valuable downtime just before the dream season curtains were drawn.

Dirt Empire: You’ve had the season that most could only dream of, without following a series or chasing points. What does it mean to you to have a season like this, but also be able to show you can be this successful without following the WoO or All-Stars?


Brent Marks: Every driver and team dreams of seasons like we had this year. We’ve worked so hard to be successful and build this program into something that is extremely successful and I feel like we’ve accomplished that this season. The races we’ve won this year and the success we’ve had this year absolutely means the world to me. We have proven that a team can be successful without

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