2 minute read



Anyone else notice how a temporary two-week closure has turned into two-months with more questions than answers? Sneaking into the race shop we have continued to work at our “nonessential” jobs. Now the race trucks, buggies and bikes are all prepped & ready to rip. Even the pit support equipment has seen that much needed and often neglected maintenance. So, what do we work on next? Only thing that is left to work on is ourselves. Our relationship with Christ could use some TLC so take advantage of this remaining down time to start a Life Revolution. A life revolution is a transformed life, a changed life. Our desire as a follower of Christ is to reflect his glory and be transformed into his likeness. 2CORINTHIANS 3:17NIV And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit use the truth of God’s Word to affect our thoughts, our feelings and our actions and transform your worship, walk & witness. Let us start with our worship; to love God with all your heart is the true sign of worship. What do you love with all of your heart? I THESSALONIANS 5:16-18NIV Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. We are instructed to always be joyful by living our lives with a perspective of praise and worship. Praying continually doesn’t mean you are hiding in a prayer closet somewhere 24/7. To pray continually simply means that we are constantly in communication with our savior. To revolutionize your prayer life would be a conscious effort to make everything, every place a talking point with God. By being in constant communication you are also increasing your awareness of His presence. Finally, how can we always be thankful? We are in uncertain times right now which make this hard. Even during our uncertainty, we should have thanks in our hearts towards God in all things and in all times. Traditionally if we want to make a change in our life we apply rules and regulations that lead to a desired outcome. This is an out-side-in approach. My suggestion is to stop focusing your life transformation on a set of do’s and don’ts. Instead develop an inside-out approach. God’s desire is that we transform our worship by seeking Him with all our heart. By making Him the target of your life then everything else will fall in order and our worship will be transformed. This is revolutionary. When we have a revolution in our worship, every life moment is a testimony of our worship.


Words: Steve Hanson Photos: Bink Design & Jason Zindroski