Residential, Nursing & Care Summer 2018 Newsletter
INCREDIBLE EDIBLE NETWORK Who are they and what do they do?
CONSTIPATION ISSUES Information for healthcare professionals
GRANTS FROM CHARITABLE & OCCUPATIONAL TRUSTS For individuals and organisations
Charity number: 224742
Explore Our Key Features Incredible Edible Network organisation information.....................................................................................4 Product news................................................................................................................................................7 Encouraging residents to engage in daily activities......................................................................................8 World Arthritis Day 2018..............................................................................................................................11 Grants for individuals from charitable and occupational trusts....................................................................12 Continence Corner - Constipation...............................................................................................................14 How walking frames are really used by older adults...................................................................................17 Product demonstrations at the Disabled Living Centre in Manchester........................................................25
CQC Annual Report Published "2017/18 has been a good year for CQC as we have strengthened how we monitor, inspect and rate services. We have built on our robust baseline of quality across health and social care and started our next phase of targeted and tailored regulation. While we have seen solid and consistent performance across our work and we have improved in most areas when compared with 2016/17, we recognise that we have more to do in areas such as the timeliness of inspection reports. We are proud of what we have achieved as an organisation and we are working hard to grow, learn and improve." Sir David Behan, Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission
Please click here to view the report.
Incredible Edible Network Organisation Information
Incredible Edible is a network of community groups across the UK (and the world) who have a shared vision to create kind, confident and connected communities though the power of food. Volunteer-led groups use food growing in public places as a way to bring people together, to learn and to encourage the use of local food producers. You can find your local Incredible Edible group on the website, as well as access lots of information to support new groups setting up. Critchley House Critchley House, run by Age UK Salford, is a bright and welcoming social centre and tea garden where older people meet, join groups, learn new skills and enjoy the company of others to help combat and reduce social isolation. Since 2015, supported by Incredible Education, a group of older people attending Critchley House have developed an edible garden at Critchley Cafe and two sites in the community. Also in March 2015, Incredible Education has received funding from NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group and Salford City Council to support educational activities for older people and started working with Age UK Salford at Critchley House. At the start of a 20 week course, run by Ian at Incredible Education, no-one knew each other, but the group of around 12 older people wanted to 4
get involved in growing food. Everyone attending the group had their own reasons for coming and for many it was an ideal opportunity to meet new people, talk, keep active and learn some new skills – or share their existing gardening insights! One of the people involved in the group, 77 year old Arthur*, was bereaved a few years ago and needed to adjust to living his life without his wife. Arthur and his wife had enjoyed gardening together, so when he saw the opportunity to get involved in the gardening project he jumped at the chance to share the enjoyment of gardening with other people again. Commenting on his involvement with the group, Arthur said, “It all made such a difference to my life as it got me out of the house and I made many friends. Going to the cafe gives me something to look forward to.”
The Critchley House Centre Manager, has noticed a real change in the people attending the group, “At the end of the project I have witnessed individuals grow in confidence through learning a new skill and forming new friendship networks. Some members have gone on to join other groups together at the centre and arrange to meet outside of the usual weekly group gathering.”
to develop a five week course which local people with autism attended. The course included visiting the original Incredible Edible Dunstable site, planning out what to plant in the raised bed, clearing out the site and getting it ready for planting, getting the plants in and finally having an amazing launch.
*Not his real name. Incredible Edible - Dunstable Sahira from Incredible Edible Dunstable went along to give a talk about all things Incredible at Dunstable Gardening Club. After the talk one of the club members, approached Sahira to let her know about a raised bed which wasn’t been used in a local shopping centre. Through community networking and involving Autism Bedfordshire whose shop is next to the raised bed, an incredible new group started to grow! Sahira worked with staff from Autism Bedfordshire
The group who attended the course all really enjoyed the opportunity to get involved in something outside and which contributed to improving the appearance of their local community. Something the local people can now value and enjoy. More information can be found via the Incredible Edible Dunstable Facebook page. Or you can send an email to: Sarah Ward, Incredible Edible Network
Browse the Adapted Gardening Aids Range on Disabled Living's Online Shop
Some of your residents may have decreased function such as reduced hand grip, an inability to bend down, or painful arthritic knees... Have you thought about adapted Gardening Aids? Click here to view the gardening aids range. For more information please visit: or call: 0330 053 5930.
Disabled Living Services Disabled Living is a charity which provides impartial information and advice about products, equipment (assistive technology) and services for disabled children, adults, older people, carers and the professionals who support them. We have a range of services which you can access via our helpline, through the website or at our Kidz to Adultz Exhibitions. Equipz The team comprise occupational therapists, trusted assessors, moving and handling specialists, physiotherapists, nurses, continence specialists who together with knowledgeable information co-ordinators offer practical solutions to what may seem like unmanageable problems. The staff, respond to enquiries throughout the UK, primarily via our helpline and website, with some people opting to make an appointment to visit the Disabled Living Centre based in Manchester for a free equipment assessment. Helpline: 0161 607 8200 Bladder and Bowel UK The team provide information and advice for children, young people and adults with Bladder and Bowel problems. We provide a confidential helpline managed by a team of specialist nurses and knowledgeable information staff. In addition, the website offers a wide range of downloadable free resources. Helpline: 0161 607 8219 Kidz to Adultz Exhibitions Disabled Living organise the largest FREE UK exhibitions totally dedicated to disabled children, young adults, their families, carers and the professionals who support them. With over 100 exhibitors at each event, offering a ’One Stop Shop’ for equipment products and services to enhance the quality of life. We deliver 5 events throughout the UK in: Farnborough, Bristol, Coventry, Manchester and Edinburgh. Training Disabled Living provides a comprehensive training programme for professionals and carers. Most of our courses are accredited by Open Awards and others provide CPD opportunities. Our training courses can be ‘tailor made’ to suit your organisations requirements and can be delivered throughout the UK for more detailed information on the courses we provide please visit the Disabled Living website. 6
Product News The team at Disabled Living want to draw your attention to new and innovative equipment which will support you to provide the best possible care for your residents. All of these companies can be found via our Supplier Directory. Back Opening Dress This pretty back-opening dress is another popular garment from our ‘Designed to Care’ collection. Suitable for assisted dressing it can be put on and taken in a few seconds as it easily slips up the arms from a seated or standing position. View more information here.
Maltron Head/Mouth Stick Keyboard MALTRON Single finger or Head/Mouth stick keyboards have a unique shape and keyboard layout. The shape matches natural head movement and the ergonomic key arrangement minimises finger or stick activity, raising speed and relieving frustration. View more information here. Power Assisted Baths Power assisted baths are baths with built in powered seats with lowering, raising and traverse action, operated by a hand control or lever. The structured seat and backrest can be lowered and raised outside the bath which can assist positional seating and level transfer situations. View more information here.
Opera® Eco Profiling Bed The Opera® Eco Profiling Bed is the foundation model in the Opera® range of profiling beds. The Eco represents a robust, practical and userfriendly bed at an affordable price. It's now under £500! View more information here.
Bariatric Shower Chair The Freeway T100 Bariatric Shower Chair carries up to 350kgs (55 stone) and is suitable for a variety of applications for bariatric clients. The chair has increased diameter tubing, special heavy duty castors, and heavy duty footrests View more information here.
ResQmat Padded Rescue Mat The ResQMat enables designated personnel to rapidly and safely evacuate people with mobility problems in an emergency. The built in padding and extra pillow under the head mean that the ResQmat is safe and comfortable for people when going down stairs. View more information here.
The OT Guru
Activity is defined as everything we 'do’ Encourage residents to engage in daily activities such as making own drinks/snacks, baking/cooking, laundry, cleaning their own room or helping around the kitchen or dining areas, feeding fish, watering plants or gardening activities. Bearing in mind that activity is defined as everything we ‘do’. This includes all daily living activities. Often care homes view activities, as fun or leisure based activity, employing an Activity Coordinator to meet the need. There is a potential risk of de-skilling resident’s daily living skills by 'doing it for them' rather than supporting and encouraging doing tasks for themselves. Activities can easily be adapted to meet all the needs of residents with varying degree of functional abilities. Reduced Mobility/Poor Standing Tolerance • Activities can be encouraged at a table while seated comfortable, in a good posture for activity. For example at breakfast time, provide items such a Where did they pot ofgrow tea, up? milk jugs, sugar, toast (unbuttered) with all condiments to encourage residents to partly engage in an activity, if unable to complete full activities. • Use of shower chair if easily fatigued, encourage 8
independence with self care tasks, using a height adjustable table with a wash bowl and toiletries to wash, shave, brush teeth. Long handled sponges if unable to bend and reach feet. • Use of perching stool for kitchen activities like baking. • Encourage exercises such as sit down bowling, armchair exercises (e.g. healthy, hips and hearts), a walk to the local park or shops. • Consider setting up a walking group, adjusting the distance to suit varying needs. Different times of the day may need to be considered if
The OT Guru
How well do you know your residents?
Name two of their particular hobbies.
mobility fluctuates or dependent on medication effects, fatigue levels. • Even toilet visits can be a good way to increase mobility – encourage residents with limited mobility to walk part way if unable to mobilise long distances, set up chairs to rest part way or walk behind with the wheelchair, rails along corridors to assist. • Any level of physical exercise can help reduce agitation, promote mental well-being and improve sleep pattern. Sensory Impairments If someone has visual impairment, adapt the activity e.g. large bingo card, large print playing cards/dominos, use of magnify glass, large print books or a trip to the local library for a range of talking books. Hearing impaired – ensure residents wear the
correct hearing aid, check batteries, re-position chairs to be closer to others, use picture cards, limit background noises using quiet rooms or switching TV off. Cognitive impairments Simplify activities, encourage self care skills; breaking down the activity into smaller components e.g. lay clothes out in a sequential order. Complete part of an activity if concentration is poor, e.g. icing the cakes, rather than the whole activity, that could prove too difficult. Maybe residents have limited communication; unable to express themselves, use pictorial cards, photos. Memory loss/disorientation - good signage to locate the toilet, dining room, and bedrooms. Personalise their own rooms to orientate residents. Angela Christian, Occupational Therapist 9
Remap Volunteers Design and Make Bespoke Equipment for Individuals
Remap is a charity that provides custom-made equipment for disabled people of all ages, free of charge. For over 50 years, Remap has helped thousands of disabled people to live more independently. It has a network of over 70 groups across England and Wales, so there is probably help near you. Eilian needs to use a three-wheeled rollator to get out and about. Having an amputation however, creates an extra challenge, as he can’t safely use the rollator with one hand. Remap volunteer Martin Rees modified the rollator for Eilian. First the brakes were modified so they could be operated from one hand. Then a cuptype receptacle was made to accept his residual limb. This was made from 3D printed plastic parts and a metal bracket that fits onto the rollator. The finished cup was lined with felt to make it comfy. Jan Costa, the Occupational Therapist who referred the case says: “I have had previous experience working with Remap and although I knew what I wanted, it was not commercially available. The Remap volunteer converted my concept and idea into a fully
functional design and produced the item. The provision of the adapted braking system and single handed propulsion enabled the patient to mobilise safely with a three wheeled walker and reduces the risk of falls. We occasionally have difficult issues like this, when one off items are the solution. Remap have helped on more than one occasion. My advice is that if you know what you want but cannot source it contact Remap. They can advise you and can also design solutions just for your patient. Give them a ring!� A very different request came from the Parochial Church Council of St. Peter's Church, Wootton Wawen - the oldest church in Warwickshire. The church has large inward-opening oak doors, which lead directly onto two large descending stone steps. But there is no handrail. The congregation includes many elderly people - could Remap supply some device or other to make it easier to negotiate the steps?
After the service the device is removed and stored inside the church. What can Remap do for you? Do you need a piece of equipment that you just can’t find on the market? Or perhaps you have an item that isn’t quite suitable and needs to be modified just for you? Everything supplied by Remap is free of charge and designed individually for each person. Give them a try! Some sort of handrail was the only feasible solution. But there was a big catch: no part of the church or doors could be modified in any way, and it was forbidden to drill holes into anything! Whatever was supplied had to be quick and easy to install and remove, and, above all, had to be really stable and secure, with no possibility of coming loose and causing an accident. Remap volunteer Gary made a handrail built into a collapsible A-frame. Before the start of each service, the doors are opened and the handrail fitted. The congregation then enters the church with more confidence because of the handrail.
Remap has a network of over 70 groups across England and Wales, so there is probably help near you. For more information, visit the Remap website at or phone the national office on 01732 760209. For more information, visit the Remap website at or phone the national office on 01732 760209.
David Martin, Remap
World Arthritis Day Takes Place On Friday 12th October
Grants for Individuals from Charitable and Occupational Trusts There are a number of grant-making charities who support people and/or their dependents who have worked in specific occupations. At Disabled Living, our Equipz Team have access to a comprehensive database of these organisations. Grants may be available for the purchase of equipment or for other support for people who are living in residential care or who have care services visiting them.
Retail Trust
Eligibility Each grant application is assessed on its own merit and help offered will depend on individual circumstances. View the criteria here. Types of Grant - Disability items - Life-changing situations – health and capability - Home repairs, adaptions and improvements - Funeral expenses - Respite breaks.
Stroke Association
Eligibility Awards are available only at Universities, NHS Trusts, Statutory Social Care Organisations or other Research Institutions within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Types of Grant Our wide range of research awards offer a variety of opportunities for stroke researchers to gain funding. We support you at different levels of your career. Learn more here.
Blind Veterans UK
Eligibility Many of the beneficiaries we support are the carers of veterans. We can provide vital support and advice to make supporting a vision impaired veteran easier. Types of grant If you are a vision-impaired ex-Service man or woman, or care for someone who is, you can find out more by phoning 0800 389 7979 or emailing Learn more here.
Disabled Living Equipz Team 0161 607 8200 Email:
Grants for Individuals from Charitable and Occupational Trusts Bank Workers Charity
The Insurance Charities
Eligibility Use this handy grant checker to look at more than 3,500 grant providers and see if you’re eligible for a grant. It only takes a few minutes. Types of grant There are grants designed to help with everything from education to household essentials. And if you’re a carer, you might be able to get a grant for extra support, to help the person you care for live independently or even to provide respite holidays. Learn more here.
Eligibility - Dependent of a current or former insurance employee. - Insurance service in the UK or Irish insurance industries. - Restricted financial means in terms of income and capital. View the full criteria here. Types of grant Where income is insufficient to meet ordinary expenditure we can look at ways in which to help you make the most of your income and reduce expenditure, as well as apply for any welfare benefits to which you may be entitled. Learn more here.
The Benevolent (formally The Wine and Spirits Trades’ Benevolent Society) Eligibility The Benevolent helps anyone who works in any role in the UK drinks industry. Types of grant Ongoing and one-off emergency grants to alleviate financial hardship relating to illness, life changing disability, unemployment and family crisis. Grants for funeral expenses or business related bankruptcy and advice on accessing government support. Learn more here.
Disabled Living Equipz Team 0161 607 8200 Email:
Continence Corner - Constipation
SEPTEMBER 2017 Constipation is not an inevitable part of the ageing process, however it does present as a major risk factor. With an increasing ageing population, demand for treatment and care will continue to increase. Constipation is a common and prevalent problem that is seen and experienced among the general population. It is particularly common in younger children and older adults. Nurses and cares who come into contact with individuals to deliver care, may be the first person to actually identify they have a bowel problem. Going to the toilet is a private matter and people are often embarrassed to talk about their bowel symptoms. It is not uncommon for people to experience a number of symptoms that affect bowel function and therefore for many they may have self managed the problem for years, putting up with symptoms, such as difficulty evacuating faeces, pain, discomfort or faecal incontinence and have not sought help and advice. It is well documented that people assume support is not available to them. This is reflected through our helpline services at Bladder and Bowel UK, whereby we receive a high volume of calls each day, from the general public and carers who are calling for advice and
support in regard to bowel (and bladder) problems. It has also been reported that experiencing a bladder or bowel problem lacks the same ‘status’ as more recognised conditions, such as Diabetes and Cancer. The Frances Inquiry identified a number of significant concerns round continence care, which led to 'considerable suffering, distress and embarrassment’ to patients. It is important that health professionals and carers take bowel issues seriously, as constipation has a negative impact on social, economic and functional emotional aspects among individuals. Bowel care is an essential part of nursing care and if bowel care regimes and routines are disturbed or altered, this can have a profound effect on an individual’s health and general well being.
Continence Corner Constipation loss, abdominal pain, blood in stool, anemia, sudden change in bowel habit lasting, family history. It is always advised to seek medical advice.
Defining constipation can be difficult and subjective; studies have indicated that constipation is more common in women than men and older adults are five times more likely to experience constipation than younger people.
Typically constipation can be described as slow transit or difficult evacuation and the two can co-exist. People can also present with functional constipation, whereby there is no known underlying bowel problem or neurogenic constipation may be identified, in those individuals with an underlying neurological condition. Individuals may report symptoms such as difficulty evacuating, straining, pain and discomfort, feeling of not fully emptying their bowel, with hard or soft stools. Constipation can be described as individuals experiencing less than three bowel movements a week. Red Flag We do need to be aware of any red flag symptoms or not to diagnostically over shadow. Symptoms may include undiagnosed rectal bleeding that, may be caused by hemorrhoids / fissures, but should never be ignored. If stools are darker in colour this may come from the digestive system. Other red flag symptoms may include: unexplained weight
For some people, changes may occur that for example, reduce their ability to reach the toilet on time, independently mobilise, and communicate the need to go to the toilet, or have other conditions that may affect bowel function.
The occupational therapy professionals here at Disabled Living, are also able to offer free impartial advice on environmental and equipment adaptions and services to aid with toileting.
Constipation causes are multi factorial and can occur for a number of reasons. Symptoms can be influenced by a number of factors, such as physical, psychological, emotional and environmental. This may be due to alteration in stool consistency, i.e. slow colonic motility or evacuation difficulties (obstructive defecation). Constipation can happen to anyone at any time. Older people can be more at risk of developing constipation and factors including change in mobility, diet, the environment, medications, other medical conditions, are all examples of factors that may contribute to constipation. Left untreated, there is a potential risk that individuals may experience faecal impaction, overflow faecal incontinence and the impact these symptoms bring. So what do we need to know? It is important that healthcare professionals understand the treatment and management 15
Continence Corner Constipation options that are available to those individuals presenting with bowel problems. Having an indepth knowledge and understanding of lower bowel dysfunction which will include:
active management approach. Nurses need to be educated in the assessment, treatment and management of bowel care and taught from a holistic approach.
• Anatomy and physiology of the bowel and pelvic floor • Normal process of defecation and what can change • Identification of those patients at risk of developing bowel problems • What are the treatment and management options available • When to initiate referral for further specialist assessment and treatment e.g. GP, who may need to instigate further tests and investigations, bladder and bowel services for specialist advice on treatment and management or consideration for other specialist services.
Management choices for constipation are now wider, with multi treatment modalities also being available. There are tools, supporting documents and information to support health care professionals, these include:
In identifying who is at risk and what factors cause constipation, this will set the scene to direct and implement a plan of care adopting a pro
• Bowel assessment, including charts / diaries • Bowel treatment and management options • Bowel procedures to include DRE / DRF in line with National RCN guidelines • Training and education sources In the next Residential, Nursing & Care Home Newsletter, we will look at the Assessment, Treatment and Management of Constipation along with case study examples. Karen Irwin, Service Manager/Specialist Nurse
Use of Smart Walkers to Explore How Walking Frames Are Really Used by Older Adults
A research study undertaken by University of Salford
In older people, falls are a major and growing health problem. Forty percent of those age 65 and over that live at home have at least one fall every year. Looking at care home populations, the number of falls per year is even higher, with up to 50% of residents coming to fall each year. Resulting injuries include fractures and those often lead to hospitalization. “Walking” is the primary activity during which falls in older adults occur, in fact nearly half of falls in older adults living in the community, and 36% of falls in care home residents happen whilst walking. Walking aids, such as walking sticks and frames, are designed to offer support and reduce the likelihood of falling. Surprisingly, it has been shown that people who have a walking aid are more likely to fall than people who do not, and the reasons for this are not known.
developed a range of special walking frames fitted with sensors named “Smart Walkers”, which they use to study the movements of older adults using walking frames. The Smart Walkers have been fitted with motion and force sensors and are used in combination with pressure-sensing insoles in the user’s shoes. Using them allows the research team to monitor the movement patterns of the frame in relation to the user’s foot movements, and how the user transfers their body weight onto the frame.
Researchers at the University of Salford have 17
If used in combination with laboratory cameras, the Smart Walkers allow researchers calculate stability. The Smart Walkers have been part of a study funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust which started in 2017, and which explores how walking frames are used outside the clinic. While data collection is still ongoing, one insight that is very clearly emerging from the real-world data is that walking frames are not used according to clinical guidance. In the current sample of front wheeled walkers, an incorrect usage pattern – when the front wheels are lifted off the ground – is observed around 40% of the time when the older person is walking in a straight line, and more than 60% when turning. Guidance for pick-up frame use is not adhered to either. It is likely that this is because a home environment presents many challenges such as tight spaces to turn in, changes in flooring level, and changes in floor friction, such as when users move from a vinyl kitchen floor across a door threshold onto a carpeted area. As the wheels of front-wheeled walkers do not swivel, turning with both wheels on the ground is impossible where floor friction is high, for example on carpet. Interestingly, methods for turning with these devices are generally not discussed in guidance leaflets. In addition, it may also be that users are not aware of the general guidance, either because they never received any, or because they struggle to remember it. Following a focus group with clinicians highlighted that understanding is a frequent problem during training, and that training is often
done in environments that are not comparable to a home or care home. Also, feedback from users of walking frames showed that training is not consistent, with some reporting to have received instructions in a clinic, and others at mobility shops, some of which even had them try indoor walking frames on the street. Dr Sibylle Thies from the University’s Schools of Health Sciences says that despite the widespread use of walking frames there is very little published research on how effective they are and what factors might play a role in falls of users. Their effectiveness may depend on how appropriately they have been prescribed by medical staff, how the individual was trained in their use, and how and where they are being used in everyday life. She said: “Until now, there has been no method available to comprehensively assess walking aid use, and no studies have looked closely at usage patterns at the home or care home.” For the remaining part of the project, the team is now trying to investigate what usage patterns are safe and unsafe with regard to walking stability. This they will do through assessments of walking frame users in the University of Salford’s Activities of Daily Living flat, a facility designed to look like a real world flat with multiple rooms presenting a range of challenges such as different types of flooring, door frames, and furniture to get around. Longer-term the research aims to provide insights into real-world use of walking frames that will be useful to clinicians and users alike. Sibylle Thies, PhD
Please see figures on the next page which support this research study. 18
Figure 1. One example of a Smart Walker: shown is an instrumented front-wheeled walker.
Figure 2. Usage patterns in a home environment as obtained from Smart Walkers. Solid lines indicate when the walker’s feet and the user’s feet are on the ground (whilst gaps indicate a foot is airborne, i.e. stepping). Red bars indicate moments of incorrect use that are deemed unsafe. For the pick-up walker (left) it can be seen that on multiple occasions the user had one foot airborne, i.e. he/she was stepping, even though the walker was not fully grounded with its feet. For the front-wheeled walker it can be seen that the user is lifting its front wheels on multiple occasions.
Bring Your Residents Along to our Donkeys to Innovators Exhibition in Manchester
Bring your residents along to Redbank House for a cup of tea to learn about Disabled Living's heritage on: Monday 3rd September 2018, 10.00am until 3.00pm. 4 St Chads Street, Cheetham, M8 8QA. For further information please contact Redbank House on 0161 214 5959.
Keeping Active is Important for Everyone No Matter What Age
It is harmful to a persons physical and mental well being, when someone sits most of the day with little or no movement or stimulation. See below for what happens when we become inactive.
May lose appetite and have difficulties digesting food.
Decreased alertness, low mood, boredom, and difficulty concentrating.
Joint stiffness, muscle weakness, and increased falls.
Increase in urinary infections, leading to incontinence.
Blood pressure may increase and the heart weakens.
Decreased confidence, lose of skills, leads to confusion/ disorientation.
Breathing difficulties, chest infections are more likely.
Poor sleep patterns
Unhealthy hips and hearts.
The Benefits of Activity ‘Use it or Lose it!’
Increased alertness, mood lifts.
Tension reduces, easier to relax.
Muscle strength, fitness, mobility improved. Risk of falls reduced.
Memory and concentration increases.
Possibility for blood clot reduction, circulation improved.
Weight gain is less likely.
Appetite and digestion improves.
Improved sleep.
Social contact, self expression and sense of purpose & belonging are gained.
Reference: Living well through activity in Care Homes, the toolkit Royal College of Occupational Therapy 2013 – free resource
In the Dock: A Workshop for Healthcare Professionals
Your competency is under question Your record keeping is being scrutinised Healthcare professionals working in the care environment - this includes you! There are different scenarios which could end up with someone being summonsed as a witness. Whether it is a coroner's court or a civil negligence case this workshop will help you to understand what will be required and how to improve your practice so that a court appearance will be less intimidating. Using real life scenarios, expert witnesses and solicitors will lead you through the process and highlight areas you can improve and share good practice in. On this interactive day you will work on a project which culminates in you appearing in the dock in front of a Judge and Jury. Find out how to protect yourself in your reporting and recording at work, what your responsibilities are and how to be confident in your work and not be afraid of being taken to court. Please visit our website to book your place and for more information. If you require more information please email:
Date: Wednesday 13th February 2019 Venue: Manchester Price: Cost: ÂŁ35 + VAT (includes light lunch and refreshments)
Disabled Living Supplier Directory
The Directory provides information about companies and organisations that provide equipment, products and services to support disabled children, adults and older people. Access to the Supplier Directory is via the Disabled Living website.
This Edition We Welcome
Great Grandparents of Premature Babies New Congratulations Cards Launched Just for info Good Morning Britain's weather presenter, Laura Tobin has a daughter who was born three months early. GMB and Hallmark have teamed up with the premature baby charity, Bliss. Four different designs have been created and 20p from each sale will go to Bliss
It is such an exciting time when residents tell you they have just become great grandparents – celebrations all round! However, when their relative has had a premature baby sometimes they are not sure if to send a standard congratulations card, especially if the baby has been born really early. Now you can tell your residents about newly launched cards from the premature baby charity, Bliss..
Learn How to Go Igcognito on Your Computer, iPad and Phone Browsing the web in incognito mode enables you to keep your browsing history private from other users. When you go onto a site such as a hotel booking site, being in Igcognio mode removes your cookie data giving you the cheapest deals. Click here to learn more.
Product Demonstrations at the Disabled Living Centre in Manchester Everybody is welcome to attend our FREE Wednesday afternoon demonstration days 2.00pm - 3.00pm. Attending our product demonstrations will help you improve your equipment knowledge and boost your CPD. Places are limited. Please advise if you are interested in attending. 29th August - Carebase Carebase will demonstrating their new snug.
5th September - Ornamin Ornamin will demonstrate tableware for children and adults including plates, cups and bowls.
12th September - Clairmont Clairmont will demonstrate clocks, signage, and other specialist product, which support people with Down's Syndrome and dementia.
3rd October - Special Orthotics Services Special Orthotic Services will demonstrate the X Rover All Terrain Buggy/Stroller.
The Disabled Living Centre, Burrows House, 10 Priestley Road, Wardley Industrial Estate, Worsley, M28 2LY 25
Disabled Living Training Dates for Your Diary Moving and Handling, Trainers and Assessors Course Date: Wednesday 12th, 19th, 26th September and Thursday 4th & 11th October Venue: Disabled Living, Burrows House, 10 Priestley Road, Worsley M28 2LY Price: ÂŁ650 + VAT (includes light lunch and refreshments, Open Awards registration and extensive handouts). The trainers and assessors course will give you knowledge and confidence to perform your role as a manual handling trainer and assessor. More information and dates can be found here.
Emergency First Aid Price: ÂŁ95 +VAT This bespoke course will enable you to deliver effective emergency treatment before professional help arrives. This course is the 1 day Level 3 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work (RQF) and complies with HSE requirements. Accredited by Qualsafe. For more information please contact: or call: 0161 607 8200
Click here to view our Training Diary
Get in touch with us
For more information please visit:
Disabled Living Head Office - Disabled Living, Burrows House, 10 Priestley Road, Wardley Industrial Estate, Worsley, Manchester M28 2LY Tel: 0161 607 8200 Email: Website: