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homas was six years old when he got to go on his first ever beach holiday. He was born with cerebral palsy and this affected his legs to the extent that he was unable to walk and had to be carried. Then came breakthrough surgery to release his tight muscles and free up the tendons. At last there was an opportunity to move independently with the use of a Kaye Walker and soon Thomas was mobile! But have you ever tried using a walker on a sandy beach? Or a wheelchair? Even pushing a buggy is impossible, you just sink in the sand! What Thomas needed was some new wheels that would make walking on the beach more achievable. Mum, Nicci, got in touch with Remap Oxfordshire to see if they could help. Before long one of their
volunteers came to visit Thomas along with a therapist from the Children’s Integrated Therapy Team based at Oxford Health Foundation Trust. Everyone wanted Thomas to be able to participate equally in the fun on the beach and it was quickly agreed that the Kaye Walker should be adapted for him. Remap volunteer David Atkins designed some new parts and was able to fit big clip-on wheels that don’t sink in the sand. Nicci picks up the story: “The holiday was a great success, a really joyous occasion! Not only did we all get away on our first ever family beach holiday, but we got to see Thomas really enjoy
himself on the beach, alongside his twin brother Dylan. Both boys star in the film we’ve shared online” You can watch Thomas jumping in the waves at https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=DsWps1rvdVo Remap is a UK charity that helps disabled people of all ages to live more independent lives by designing and making customised equipment free of charge. For examples of Remap work, visit the stories section of their website. To find out more, simply contact the national office or find your local group through the website.
Remap contact details: 01732 760209 data@remap.org.uk remap.org.uk facebook.com/Remap.org @RemapUK @RemapUK