A Story of Transformation The nation of Egypt plays a prominent role in biblical history and symbolism. Egypt will also become an example of transformation!
he modern nation of Egypt may be celebrating 100 years of independence, but its history goes far deeper into antiquity. In fact, Egypt is mentioned many times in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. As a software developer of Egyptian heritage, I am intrigued by how many times Egypt is mentioned compared to other nations. In the King James Version of the Bible: • “Egypt” is found 611 times (735 times if you include “Egyptian” and “Egyptians”). • “Egypt” is mentioned in 32 books of the Bible (including five books in the New Testament).
In contrast, “Babylon” is found 286 times; “Moab,” 168 times; and “Assyria,” 118 times. Of course, Israel is mentioned about four times as often as Egypt in 47 books (13 books of the New Testament). Still, Egypt gets a lot of press, considering that the Bible is primarily about Israel. The nation of Egypt plays various roles in the Bible and provides several important lessons for us.
Egypt enslaved Israel
Early on in the Bible, Egypt is seen in a negative light, and for good reason.
March/April 2022